#im not even done with this chapter
Blood and Thorns Sneak Peek for chapter 8
When Maeve Tyrell removed her hood for all to see her in the courtyard, Robb Stark had gasped quietly. Before this day he already believed her to be beautiful but the portrait inside of the locket he carried around didn’t do her enough justice. 
Seeing the youngest rose of Highgarden’s beauty in person made Robb think back to the fairytales he’d read to Sansa when she was five. Although he’d been ten and not as interested in silly stories anymore, preferring to be outside training, he still read them to his sister because of how much she enjoyed them.
 Robb thought Maeve looked like the majestic fairies described in those stories. Her features were completely ethereal. She was also rather petite, which the portrait in the locket hadn’t clued Robb in. He found that he liked being taller than her though. 
Unknown to Robb from behind him Jon was also thinking about Maeve’s height, although his thoughts were more of concern. Already he couldn’t help but worry for the Tyrell girl. A small, delicate looking creature like her could get easily lost in a huge crowd. Robb would definitely need to keep a look out for his soon-to-be dainty wife.
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enden-agolor · 3 months
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thanks for giving recovery 600 kudos, that is actually crazy?? i will never understand how this fic became so successful but i'm seriously so honored, so here's some quick little doodles <:D
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buwheal · 1 month
OH!!!!! HAVE YOU CHECKED THE CYBER CAFÉ DUMPSTER by any chance? there HAS to be some leftover cake there!!!! i heard there was an event recently!!
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mochinomnoms · 8 days
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aspen can have my affection, but not my eel 🙂‍↔️
(apologies for the messy parts, you made him so cute and I just had to make this as soon as I got the chance🤍)
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oh my goooooooooooooooooood this is so good!!?!?!?! Talented so talented fr fr i love your art style its so pleasing to look at and you made Aspen look so cuuuute!!! I love my jelly squid boy and I'm so happy you kept his rectangular pupils! I wasn't sure that they'd translate over with how I drew him AND HIS LIL FRECKLACES AAAAAAA
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bmpmp3 · 8 months
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yor ass hurt.
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wackydoggs · 6 months
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season 2 of clone high might have killed joanfk and spat on its corpse but i still love this ship with all of my heart, even if the show does not LOL
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scrollonso · 29 days
First Kiss (Race 14)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (1.7k words, pure fluff) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {LANCE FIRST WIN 🤯 aka fluff before crazy angst}
last part - masterlist - next part
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Lance got to the paddock with Nico, Racing Point having booked a different hotel than Renault so the Canadian had to wait until later to see his boyfriend.
"It's so fucking hot, I don't understand why they want us both to do media today. I'm gonna melt" The younger of the two complained, practically dragging his feet on the pavement as they walked towards the cameras.
"You'll be fine, Bubu, just rush them" Nico laughed, wrapping an arm around Lance as they reached the bundle of reporters, quickly bombarded with questions about both this weekends race and their personal lives.
Lance had grown to not mind media days, most of the questions either being about developments to the car or his and Fernandos relationship.
He could talk about how wonderfully him and the Spaniard got on for hours, it was almost embarrassing how his body language changed the second the older man was mentioned.
As he was walking away from the crowd of media personell he was stopped by a familliar voice, bright smile taking over his face as soon as he spoke
"Lancito!" Fernando called, walking a little faster to catch up to the boy in pink, arm draping over his shoulder as they walked closer to their garages, side-by-side on the grid.
"Hi, Nando" The teenager beamed, hearing the clicking of the cameras behind them "Sleep good?"
"Not at all" Fernando groaned, unable to wipe the smile off his face even as he complained "Would've been better if you weren't so far" He quickly added, shooting Lance a cheeky grin
The Canadian hit his shoulder, shaking his head at the mans comment "Dirty, dirty, old man!"
"Old??" The Spaniard scoffed, pulling away from Lance as they reached their garages "I'm hurt, mi vida, so hurt"
"Well, you can take it out on me on the track" Lance rolled his eyes, the two exchanging soft smiles before disappearing into their pink and blue garages, ready to prepare for quali.
As Lance drove back into the pit lane he had no idea what place he was in, some cars still trying to get in the fastest laps possible as he pulled himself out of his seat.
"You were quick out there, Lance, let's hope it paid off" Brad commented, already by Lance's side to take his helmet and balaclava
"Thanks, I'm feeling pretty confident in both the car and the track." Lance hummed, nodding to himself as he glanced around, seeing Giancarlo pull into the pits with Fernando close behind "Not sure what changed but it's a big improvement."
Lance and Fernando leaned against the wall between the two garages as they finished figuring out lap times and setting up the starting grid. Fernando found out his place first, having qualified 3rd because Felipe Massa was given a 5 second penalty for track limits.
Brad ran up to Lance next, practically yanking the boy away from the man in front of him as he began speaking quickly
"What?" Lance furrowed his brows, unsure if Brad was saying what he heard him say
"POLE, P1." He confirmed "Your lap time in Q3 was 1.25.801, you're brilliant"
Lance smiled, pulling Brad into a tight hug once he realized he really had qualified on pole, it was insane, he out qualified Fernando for the first time ever and would be starting the Turkish Grand Prix from the front row, now all he had to do was pray for a podium finish as well.
As soon as Brad let go of him he was pulled away by Fernando, the Spaniard practically smothering the boy
"Joder!" The Spaniard started, hands cupping the Canadians face as he pulled back slightly to get a good look at him "Eres el mejor, mi vida"
Lance laughed, jaw hurting from how hard he'd been smiling, the Spaniards praise not helping
"Are you ready to look up to me on that top step?" Lance asked, unsure if he really believed that would be the outcome of the race
"Am so ready," Fernando smiled, praying nothing would go wrong in the next days race "Cannot wait, Lancito"
Lance was in a good mood as soon as he got the paddock the next day, being asked how he felt about starting the race on pole really made it feel real.
"How are you feeling today, Lance? Nervous to have Michael Schumacher and Fernando Alonso so close behind you?"
"I feel fine, if i can out qualify them it shouldn't be hard to beat them today" He said sinply, not sure if he believed his own words.
As he made his way to his garage he was greeted by Nico, who was starting 10th but still managed to be excited for his friend and teammate.
"Welcome, race winner" He beamed, dorky grin on his face as his hands fell on the younger boys shoulders
"Don't jinx me, you saukerl!" Lance laughed, pushing Nico slightly
"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, Lance?" The German gasped, covering Lance's lips with his hand, the two insanely close "Who taught you that word?"
The boy tried to respond, his words coming out mumbled in the Germans hand
"Oh, right" Nico laughed, moving his hand so he could undersfand Lance
"The Schumachers say it a lot"
"Well they're adults! You're just a säugling" Nico cooed, moving his hands to Lances cheeks to tease him
"Fuck off" He groaned, turning his face away. He knew whatever Nico said was making fun of him but he couldn't help but smile at the funny sounding word.
Nico and Lance stood to the side of the grid as their engineers swarmed the teammates cars, Lance back at p10 to talk with the man before the race started.
It was hot, the boys overheating in their pink race suits. Nico unscrewed the lid of his waterbottle, shoving it into the Canadians hand as he poured water on himself then Lance, the contrast in temperatures feeling heavenly.
Lance set down the lid, both of their hands combing through their hair at the same time. Lance's was darker and a little longer but the two had grown more popular because of their long hair, fans saying it made up for their poor performance that season.
He gripped the wheel, it was weird looking ahead and seeing no ones rear, he hoped to keep it that way but he couldn't help but miss recognizing people and waving at his acquaintances in the midfield as they awaited the start.
His heart almost stopped as the red lights ahead of him turned off, pushing hard right away.
He got away brilliantly, Brad radioing in to praise him for his start as soon as it'd happened. He was sure Fernando fighting Michael for 2nd and Giancarlos spin on turn 1 helped him a good amount.
"What Mclaren is in the wall?" Lance asked a lap later, Brad having told him earlier that there was now over a 1.8 second gap between him and Michael who was battling Fernando for 2nd.
"That's Kimi. He's all good but theres a yellow flag"
The next 11 laps went on fine, now under a green flag he'd lengthened the gap to 2.3, very pleased with himself and he could tell Brad was too.
His hopes were just getting higher until a safety car was called out, Vitantonio having spun and stopped in the middle of the track.
"Pit now, Lance. Safety car. Pit now."
"Coming" He responded, entering the pit lane with Michael and Fernando following behind him. "This is so scary I'm gonna piss myself, Brad."
"Not in the car, Lance."
He laughed, shaking his head as he pulled out, watching in his mirrors as Fernando made it out ahead of Michael, now in p2 right behind him.
The rest of the race was fairly comfortable, Michael took the lead from lap 40-43 but Lance got it back soon after which earned him some cheers from Brad.
"Insane work there, Lance. Fucking insane."
"I think I'm gonna fucking explode, Man" Lance said, voice high pitched as he tried his hardest to rebuild the gap he'd lost
He made up a 1.2 second gap as the last lap started, Fernando visibly fighting to keep 2nd and just barely making it as they crossed the line.
"AND LANCE STROLL WINS THE TURKISH GRAND PRIX AND IS NOW A FORMULA ONE RACE WINNER" The racea commentator roars, the crowd screaming as Lance's hands shook on his steering wheel, breathing heavily as he struggled to come to terms with this being real.
"LANCE STROLL YOU ARE A RACE WINNER" Brad screamed over the radio, all of the Racing Point staff audibly cheering which just further confirmed that he really just did it.
"YES. Thank you, thank you guys this means so much I owe you all the world."
Fernandos engineer radioed in, the Spaniard barely registering his words
"That's p2, Fernando, 1.2 behind Lance and 0.0 ahead of Michael. Terrific job."
"Lance? Lance won?" Fernando spoke loudly, the smile on his face audible even through the shitty audio quality
"Yes, p1 for the first time, you proud of your friend?"
"So proud." He muttered before turning off his radio, in awe at the news and now more ready than ever to park his car and greet the race winner.
As soon as Fernandos car stopped he exited his car faster than he ever had, running to the Canadian and pulling him into a hug.
"Lance, fuck, te quiero mucho mi vida." Fernando said breathlessly, hands on either side of the boys helmet as he pulled away to look at him, so insanely proud of his lover.
"Told you I was gonna beat you." Lance laughed, eyes practically closed with how wide he was smiling.
Michael came over, helmet and balaclava already off as he patted the rookie on his back "Great work, Stroll."
"Thank you!" The boy nodded, moving away from Fernando to look at Michael as they spoke. Crazy. THE Michael Schumacher was congratulating HIM.
Lance stood on the top step of the podium, Canadian anthem coming to an end before he was absolutely waterboarded with champagne from either side, covering his face as he was soaked.
It felt amazing. The top step. The sun. The cheers from the crowd. The Spaniard beside him. It couldn't have been a more perfect race.
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thetopichot · 3 months
idk if I’ve ever mentioned this before, but could you imagine Al’s reaction to Boo mentioning one day that he’s their first relationship? First date, first kiss, first… you know.
I dunno, I just feel like that would hold some significance to him.
Oooooooo Juicy 😋
I feel like you guys were living together or maybe actually recently moved in together. You guys were unpacking stuff which lead to you guys procrastinating for HOURS talking about old memories. When you guys were best friends, you both decided to keep a memory binder & just fill it with random stuff that meant so much.
You'll pulled it out of a dusty box labeled "Memories". You didn't have a better name for it than just the word itself. You pulled it out the box & opened the memory binder. You flipped through a couple pages, reminiscing the good ol' days wishing you could experience it again.
"Hey, Al?" You shouted to catch Alphonse's attention.
"Wassup, boo?" You heard his voice faintly as steps came towards you. He looks at the binder your holding in your hands. He raises a brow. "Is there something wrong?"
"Oh nono. I was just looking through old pictures again. I called you over because I was wondering if you wanna see them." You asked.
"Sure, boo. I don't mind procrastinatin' for a bit."
So for a bit, you guys both chill recalling memories from the past. Alphonse's strange pictures which was pictures of his big ass forehead or just pictures of you cooking at your house. Dates, dances, & all of that lovey-dovey stuff but you stop to look at a picture of you & Alphonse just kissing. It looked like a shot from a indie movie.
The more you looked at the picture, the more you thought deeply about it.
"Hey, Al?" You turned to look at him. "Wanna hear a fact about me?"
He cocked his head. "Sure? What you're a serial killer or sum'?" He joked.
"No!" You punched his arm playfully. "I was going to tell that this was my first relationship with someone." Alphonse's smile soon became nervous.
"Haha.. wait you're not kidding-"
& then Alphonse went on a long rant.
"I'm just saying you could've done SO much better, bae-"
"But, I love you?? I'm happy that you're the first person I'm with??"
"bUt YoU dOn'T uNdErStAnD-"
"Why can't you accept that I love you???"
Alphonse would refuse the fact that outta everyone that you could've fell in love with first. It would be him outta of all people. He feels special but at the same time, he just sobbing.
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charmanderxerneas · 1 month
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Art for Chapters 2 and 3 of my fnaf dungeon meshi fanfiction
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steelycunt · 5 months
i would DIE for a snippet xx
hii okay i had a little search to try and find some snippetable bits from chapter one n. tucked them under the cut mwah : ^ )
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thisisnotkitty · 7 months
there's nothing quite like a ship that i've known about for less than 24 hours with two characters who have never interacted and one of the characters being a side character with 5 lines that gets me writing 1.3k in an hour!
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writeouswriter · 1 year
Reading a fic that's so well written I wish I could close my eyes and just let the descriptions and atmosphere wash over me, but the dilemma with closing my eyes is, well, I then would not be able to continue reading this fic, now would I.
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thickenmyblood · 4 months
hi maca :) do u already know when you can post chapter 20? im so sad about hiuh ending but also so excited for some happiness :( also, will it really only be 20 chapters or will you add one or two more? in any case, thanks so much for all the time and effort you put into this! I loved every second I spent reading this fic <3
hello!!! well, i was supposed to post ch20 on feb 1st . . . but that obviously did not happen. this month is the month though!!!! I'll try to make it happen before march.
about the chapter: yes, it's the last chapter ever. there will be no more. ever. honestly, I don't think you'll want another chapter after this considering the rough draft I'm working with is 250 PAGES
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blood-choke · 27 days
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r0l0-gh0st · 27 days
My friends (who don’t know about portal) saw me drawing this and told me I should post it
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itstimeforstarwars · 24 days
The cool part about having little siblings is that at any point you can just make them come see whatever you're working on and be like "behold that I have done shit give me glorious applause and accolades for the hard work I have done" and they'll be like "cool. good job. can I go back to my minecraft now."
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