#im gonna go EAT. because i have no EATEN YET. GOOD BYE
[AraSawa: Masumi Arakawa/Jo Sawashiro]
‘Why does the office worker stay late at work? To dance with his boss, of course.”
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vigilvntes · 2 years
i saw the love language thing and i couldn’t stop giggling and swinging my legs so now i’m asking how would adrian be in a romantic relationship in general. i need someone else’s perspective on this cause all i have is him going absolutely feral when he sees u wearing any of his clothes 🥴
so i think being in a romantic relationship would take a LOT for him to get used to. i don't think he's really used to having any tangible relationships outside of what he and chris has. he realises slowly that it's not just adrian against the world anymore and that he has to think and care and worry about another person and it's kinda scary at first, to the point where he considers backing out of it, but when you kiss him for the first time he realises that it's all worth it. his recklessness worries you, and it's only when he realises just how much he cares about you and worries about you that he kinda understands where you're coming from (just the thought of you walking home alone in the dark makes his heart DROP)
he would kill for you. like, literally kill someone for you. the asshole who's been bothering you at work? no problem babe. the guy who harassed you at the bar? oh, he's done. the only reason he doesn't kill them is because you would feel low-key bad about it (and he can't have his baby feeling bad) and honestly they didn't do anything worthy of death just yet in your eyes, so he holds off.
i think he loves the idea of having someone to come home to after a long shift / a night of vigilante business. just the thought of you in his bed, waiting up for him so you can fall asleep together warms his heart whilst he shoots a guy in the face for stealing from an old lady.
im gonna do it im sorry but i do think he would love seeing you in his clothes, but not in a sexual way that sends him feral (although when he's feeling particularly frisky then . yeah) but more in a "oh i've been gone all day and now i'm at home and they're wearing my clothes and they look so cute and they've been tHINKING ABOUT ME ENOUGH TO WANT TO WEAR MY SHIRT WHILE THEY SLEEP IN MY BED". i just think he would think it's the sweetest thing ever, and it would probably make him blush and kick his legs and twirl his hair if it was long enough
it takes him a while to get used to affection too i think?? the first time you hug him he probably freezes up and has no idea what to do or say. you two have to put some work in and figure out what's good and what feels right. i've said before but your hand in his hair while he rests his head on your lap or your stomach is his idea of heaven. it would have him practically purring in your lap
i think he's the caretaking type. always asking if you've eaten, when you ate, if you want him to make you something to eat, if you need help with anything, if you need him to run any of your errands for you or put gas in your tank. idk i just love the idea that he loves having another person to take care of. it can become overbearing sometimes but all you have to do is gently let him know that you can do whatever you're doing alone.
he loves it when you praise him for literally anything. like any little compliment that comes from your lips has his screaming and blushing and crying inside. call him pretty or baby boy or my love or even just telling him that he's the best has him absolutely wrecked. he likes to know that he's enough for you, and that he's getting things right. + bonus points for praising him during sex
speaking of sex perhaps a controversial hot take but i don't actually think he would care that much about sex. i think he talks about it a lot, especially with chris, because he just kinda goes along with whatever chris says (i can imagine chris has said something about adrian getting "some fuckin sweet pussy" and adrian just laughs awkwardly and is like "........yeah sweet pussy" like he DEFINITELY just picks up words from chris and repeats them bYE). if you want to have sex? cool, he's down. if you want to dom him? cool, he's down. if you want him to dom you? cool, he's down. vigilante suit stays on during sex? that's hot as fuck and he's so down. but if you just want to cuddle up in his bed and watch some shitty netflix horror movies he's so down for that. he'll take literally anything you give him he just loves spending time with you and wants to do anything to make you feel good
i think he would love to plan dates for the two of you. he's definitely the type to sit on pinterest ALL DAY looking at date ideas and then he tries to recreate them and gets frustrated because they don't look as pretty as they do on the screen but you don't care because look at how much effort he's put into it :( i think he would avoid fancy restaurants because he'd feel out of place so you two often find yourselves at the movies (because let's be honest, he's a film bro) or in the middle of a random field with a picnic blanket laid out.
if the two of you ever did go out to say, a bar, or something then i think he'd be low-key protective. not overbearingly so, but he would have his hands around your waist, or his hand in yours just so everyone knows not to fuck with you because you're his. although you can't even begin to count the amount of times you've had to slap his hand out of the air before he can punch a guy in the face for making disgusting comments towards you while he was in the bathroom.
i've said it before and i'll say it again, adrian would love buying gifts for you. not in the love-bombing kind of way, just because he genuinely adores the look on your face when he hands you a bag full of random shit he's found at the store that remind him of you or that would make you laugh. like beaded bracelets, dancing and singing soda cans, little house plants to put in front of the window in your room (DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON IF YOU HAD HOUSE PLANTS BECAUSE I JUST KNOW HE WOULD TALK TO THEM EVERY SINGLE DAY. HE WOULD BE LIKE "THE PLANTS LOOK SAD TODAY HAVE YOU SPOKEN WITH THEM?" LIKE THE WHITE QUEEN IN TIM BURTON'S ALICE IN WONDERLAND BYE). he just loves to make you smile, and even though you've told him time and time again that he shouldn't buy you gifts everytime he leaves the house, he just can't help it because you look SO CUTE when you open your little presents and smile at him like he's just given you the entire world when really it's just a pair of socks with dicks all over them.
ok last but not least becasue i have to stop here before i get carried away but adrian is the king of dad jokes. he just loves to make fucking awful, cheesy dad jokes that make your toes curl and have you hitting his chest gently and begging him to stop. "draw the blinds please" "get me a pen and paper and i will" 😐 "im hungry" "nice to meet you hungry, im adrian" 😐 "say it back" "it back" 😐 anyway that is all
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naughtyskz · 4 years
I decided to post a kim hongjoong fanfic it's a smut lmao it sucks cuz i write it anyways hope u enjoy it.
⚠️disclaimer this contains 18+ content and sexual actions⚠️
Teachers pet |K.HJ. 😳💦
It was a normal morning in your boring school you were just walking through your school hallways and talking to your bestfriend Lisa yall were talking about basic thingz when Lisa asked you" y/n did you heard that there's gonna be a new teacher" she said you were confused because no one told you that "oh really and how long you knew that" you asked her she made weird face before thinking "erm I don't know probably 2 or 3 weeks why" you were shocked because nobody told you that "and why you didn't told me that 😒" you said "umm because I thought that you knew 😁😅" she said "and from who should I knew that" you said pissed off "well teachers said that on the website" she said "ugh lisa you know that I don't go on that website" you said rolling your eyes "YAH you promised me that you'll start to go on that website" she said angrily "ohh oops heh umm ye well I
kind of lied to u heh 😅" you knew it was a bad when Lisa gets mad so you started to run "ahhhhh someone help me she's gonna kill mee" you said as you
were running for your life when you bumped into something really hard, you fell on the ground on ur butt "ah! owww" you said "oh sorry" someone said, that voice was unfamiliar it was deep but at the same time it was soft but raspy, you fell in love with that voice, then you looked up and saw the most hottest man in the world, you've never seen someone THIS hot in your life "um hello are you okay? HEYYY" he was waving his hand in front of your face then you snap out of ur dIrTy thoughts "uh erm heh I'm fine 😅 what about you are u okay?" you said he looked in your eyes then smirked and said "yes I'm okay ??????" you didn't heard the last world "um okay the bye i gotta go bc my class is starting in few mins"you said "oh okay bye" he waived at me and disappeared in the school hallways.
Then someone suddenly touched your shoulder "AH" you screamed and turned around and then you saw lisa "yah! Why? Do you want me to have a heart attack" you said she giggled "ye i do 😃 anways who was that boy he's hawtttt" she said "ye i know right like bruh his so fucking hot" you replied then checked the time "oh fuck it's already 3:57PM *your class starts at 4PM*WE WILL BE
LATEEEEE" you said running to the
class, Lisa is really fast she was already at the door and went it, the bell rang and you were still running thru the one stoopid hallway you were mad and sad cuz you hate literally HATE the math teacher, you've finally reached the door and went in the class when you opened the door your eyes widen you saw the hot boy from earlier teaching the class you were shooketh you stood there in the doors when you heard a voice calling u "miss you're late" he said in firm tone which was really sexy and it kind of turned you on, you tried to act cool cuz you could feel The sweat on your face "yes and it was just a few mins" you looked at his tag "Mr.Kim?"said while looking at him right in the eyes making interesting eye contact then he smirked and said "de te nti on" *ᵈᵉᵗᵉⁿᵗⁱᵒⁿ* in really rude and sexy tone "WHAT WHY 😒" u replied "why u talked back so u deserve it" again the same toneeee you were already dripping you couldn't take the sexiness this man had "go and sit on your place miss" you heard him saying, you went and sit on your chair the class continued normally *time skip *it's the end of the
class everyone has already left, the only
one who was in the class was u and the Mr.Kim you were in ur place looking everywhere just to avoid the eye contact with Mr.Kim suddenly you heard a voice "sooooo why you were so rude to my in front of the class" Mr.Kim said firmly but teasingly, again it turned you on..... "I-I don't know..." you replied instantly he smirked and said "you know that bad girl deserves to be punished" you looked at him shooketh and made eye contact that made the atmosphere even more sexual than it was before"what do you mean by punished??" you said raising your eyebrow "oh kitten you know what I mean" he said while coming to your desk, you could clearly see the lust in his eyes they were so dark but so beautiful at the same time, he stopped walking when he reached your desk and he came closer with his face then whispered in your ear "kitten tell daddy what you want" he whispered in your face in extremely sexy and raspy voice, your face turned red as tomato but you pushed your shyness to the side and whispered back in his ear "ahhh~ daddy i want you inside of me" you said that in the most seductive tone as you could, he raised his eyebrow and whispered back
"awh is my kitty needy for her daddy"
again the sexy tone you were already dying coz of how horny you were the only thing you were carving was his touch "ah daddy pleaseeee i need you" you said getting up from your chair and coming even closer to him, when you were so close to each other that you could feel each others hot breath, he picked you up and made you sit on your desk and started to kiss your neck
You left out soft moans that turned him even more, your hands were in his hair and his hands were taking off your clothes while kissing your neck, after you were completely naked the only think that was left on you was your underwear, he looked at you up and down and bite his lip "damn kitten never thought you would wear this kind of sexy underwear" he said in your ear then bite your earlobe "a-ahh~ w-well i like this kind of type of underwear" you said while looking at this lips he saw that you were looking at his lips, he came really like REALLY close to your face and before he kissed you he took off his tie and wrap it around your eyes so that you wouldn't be able to see what his doing, he kissed you, that kiss was so lustful and rough you obviously kissed
him back and wrapped your arms
around his neck then you heard "ahh my kitten is so needy, what do you want your daddy to do" he said in raspy voice and sexy voice "ahh daddy please I want you to be inside of me" you said in whiny tone "hmmmm okay" he said in teasing tone, then he started to kiss your neck again and his kisses then traveled to your chest, he took off your bra and started to suck on your right boob while playing with the left boob, your mouth left out a soft whiny moan "a-ahhh~" you could feel on your skin that he smirked, then you felt him taking off your panties, the feeling of the cold air hitting your wet core....could feel he was starting at your wet pussy so you said "daddyyyyyy don't stare" he looked at you even tho u can't see "hmm I'm not staring I'm enjoying kitten" he siad after that you could feel a hot breath on your core "a-ahh daddy please don't tease me anymore" you said that in whiny tone, after that you felt him leaving soft kisses on your core and kitty licking, suddenly you felt him slide in his tongue you moaned out louder "A-ahhh dadddy" he started to suck and pumping his tongue inside of you like a crazy, and that drived u crazy, he eated you out like he
have never eaten before, you were close
"O-ohHh d-daddy im close" and he suddenly stopped and you gave him "😒" look "oh no kitten not yet" he said, then you heard that he was un buckling his belt and slide off his pants with his boxers then he came closer and started to rub your clit with his cock "ahhhh mr. Kim pleaseee" you moaned out "no it's daddy kitten " he said in firm voice and slammed into you really hard without even looking at the fact that your virgin, you screamed out because of the thickness and length he smirked and started trust slowly you were already moaning mess "ah a-ahhh d-daddy p-please f-fasterrr" you tried to say he smirked "as you whish kitten" and started started to trust into you like a crazy, he fucked you so fast and good "do you like that hmm you little slut" he said, you look at him and said "u-ugh ah hhh y-yes d-daddy your cock feels soo good around my thigh pussy hmm" you moaned out, he loved the way you were moaning his name and the expressions you were making, suddenly he wanted to switch positions so he untied the tie around your eyes and you've finally seen him and his dick..... It was HUGE amd he looked extremely hot with that messy hair tho the he ordered "get on ur
fours now!" shit u were even wetter, but u did as he ordered and got on your fours, then he slammed into you again and again u screamed but this time he started to trust into you really hard, when he was normally trusting into u it was already hitting ur g spot and that shit drived u crazy, now it was driving you super crazy you were letting out little screams cuz of the pleasure he was giving u but once again he he changed his pace and started to trust FAST and HARD.... At this point you were literally screaming and crying while he was enjoying the view, he pulled ur hair and started to kiss ur neck while pounding into u, he was fucking u so hard and fast that your desk was creaking, but soon or later his trusts got sloppy and you were really closer to ur orgasm "i-I'm c--Close d-D-daddyy" you couldn't even speak u barely said those three words u started to clenche around him "a-ahh kitten if u continue to clenching like that then I'll come in few seconds" he said in raspy voice and that pushed u over the edge "A-A-HHHHHHH DADDDYYYY I'M CUMMIG!!" you said screaming ur lungs out "a-ahHhh I'm cumMing hhhh" he said growling out, then he pulled out and said "kitten want this to happen
more often?" u were still catching ur breath "yes daddy" you said. THE END CUZ AIN'T TRYING TO MAKE THIS SERIES. ANWAYS HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT BYE.
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yuhyoongi · 5 years
1 - Morning
-hoseok pov-
i wake up to my phone ringing. i already knew who it was before i checked the caller ID. it's most likely my best friend. i pressed the answer button. "GOOD MORNING" a loud voice yells into the phone. "ow! Anjila i just woke up. hush" i say. i hear a squeak of a voice "i'm sorry" she apologizes. i sigh and shake my head. "it's alright. what do you need so early? it's 7:54 am Anji" i ask her. i hear her giggle "i was wondering if you wanted to.. uh.. go to the carnival with me today?" she invites me out with her. "i would love to, but i'm going with yoongi. it's our three year anniversary! remember? i'm going to propose to him today!!" i tell her quietly so yoongi doesn't hear me in the other room. "oh. okay. that's all i was wondering. have fun. bye" she quickly hangs up before i could apologize. i quickly send her a text:
“hey Anji, im sorry for not being able to go with you. i'll make it up to you somehow! i'll be pretty busy so i won't be easy to reach! have a good day todayyy”
i fall back asleep.
some time later, i feel a hand shaking me. "hey wake up! im about to start making breakfast!" i open my eyes. yoongi is smiling down at me. he plants a kiss on my forehead and walks out of the room. i rub my eyes, then proceed to get out of bed. i check the time: it's 8:59 am. i go in the bathroom to shower and wash my face. today is the big day. i'm going to propose to yoongi. i know he'll say yes, but what if he doesn't? that would be embarrassing. i love him, i cant lose him. we'll be able to have a future together, finally.. my mind wonders for a few more minutes until i hear a knock on the bathroom door. "hoseok-ah hurry up! breakfast is getting cold!!" yoongi yells through the door. i quickly begin to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. "okay, i'm coming!" i say and then turn the shower off. i grab my towel and dry myself before putting on my outfit for today. yoongi and i decided to match our outfits:
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(hoseok in purple, yoongi in black)
i brush my hair and teeth. i walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, where i find yoongi patiently waiting for me. "there you are!" he exclaims and rolls his eyes. i laugh and the notice he hasn't eaten. "why haven't you eaten anything?" i ask him. he looks at the two full plates of food. "i was waiting for you," he smiles at me. i shake my head and smile back. i walk over and sit next to him. he made pancakes, bacon, a sunny side up egg, hash browns, and orange juice. "thank you" i kiss him and begin to eat my food. it was very very good (obviously). he finishes a couple seconds before i do. i stop him from doing the dishes. "i'm doing them since you made breakfast," i tell him. he shakes his head, but i refuse to let him. he finally gives up and sits down. i quickly wash them, dry them, and put them away. i check the time. it's 10:13 am. "so what shall we do first?" i turn around and face yoongi. his eyes widen a little bit. "i haven't really thought about what we would do before the carnival honestly. it's still early. we can go shopping maybe? or see a movie? or we could sleep?" yoongi throws out ideas. i nod. "we can do all of those. we have time! firstly, we'll go shopping. then we can go see a movie. then we come back home, take a nap, wake up, fix ourselves up, and go to the carnival!" i smile at yoongi. he laughs and stands up. i watch him as he walks to grab his shoes. i follow and put mine on as well. i grab my phone and slip it into my pocket as we walk out of the door. "should i drive or should we uber?" i ask. yoongi tosses me the keys to the car. i laugh and shake my head.
2 - Out and About
-hoseok pov-
of course, i take him to his favorite stores. today i am determined to make yoongi the happiest he's been in years. i want today to be his day. to be our day. we get all sorts of new clothes. i take yoongi thrifting with me so i can find some new, cool prints. i secretly buy him a gift while we're at a store. i buy him a skateboard. i figured he'd like it. the design just spoke of him. i nearly pass out because i almost drop the ring box out of my pocket. i buy a new pair of shoes. they're sandals. i also get a new pair of sunglasses, as does yoongi. we put everything in the trunk of the car. then we drive to go see the movie. we haven't quite decided what we want to see yet until we get to the theater.
when we arrive, i park as close to the front as possible. we walk inside and look at the options. we decide on Avengers: Endgame. we walk into the theater, prepared to be devastated. the movie begins. i'm already crying at the very first scene. luckily, i brought tissues so i pat the tears away. i look at yoongi and he's holding the tears in for later. i decide to do the same. i cuddle up to him and continue to watch
*time skip through the movie*
the credits start rolling. i'm crying into yoongi's shoulder. he's crying too. we stand up and wipe the tears from our faces. as we begin to walk out of the building, we put on our sunglasses to hide our red eyes from the world. we return home and bring all of our bags from shopping inside and leave them in the living room. we walk into the room and plop onto the bed, exhausted from the crying. "i cant believe they did that" i being to tear up again. yoongi pulls me closer to him and comforts me. "it's okay. it's just a movie" he says to me and runs his fingers gently through my hair. i calm down and slowly drift off into sleep.
3 - Always and Forever
-hoseok pov-
i wake up to my phone aggressively vibrating and making a loud noise. it's my alarm. i go over to shut it off, but yoongi beat me to it. "we should get up and get ready to go" i say to him and sit up. he shakes his head and goes under the covers. i shake him. "come on!!" i exclaim. he groans, yawns, and turns the other way. i pull the covers off of him and pull him out of bed. "let's goooo!" i yell and push him into the bathroom, where i proceed to splash water onto his face. his eyes open immediately. i laugh at him, then start washing my face. he rolls his eyes and grabs his face wash. after washing our faces, we fix our hair, and grab a lint roller and fix up our outfits. i look at him in awe. i have never seen someone so beautiful in my life. he always amazes me everyday. not with just his looks. with his everything. his fun personality sways me. i fall for him harder every breath i take. i truly want to spend the rest of my life with him.. i smile. he looks at me. "are you staring at me?" he asks. my face gets hot. "uh- no" i say and look away. he laughs and shakes his head. "i'm gonna go grab.. something," he says and walks into the bedroom. THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING i scream in my mind. i look in the bedroom. yoongi is adjusting the waist of his pants. he pulls his shirt a bit much over one area. i shrug it off and go grab my new shoes.
as i'm tying my shoes, i feel eyes on me. i look to my left and yoongi is sitting on the couch looking at me. but once he notices me looking at him, he looks away. how is it that we've been together for three years, yet we still get embarrassed when caught admiring the other person? i ask myself, not coming up with an answer. "i'm ready to go" i tell him. he nods his head and shakes the keys. "i'll drive us there" he says. i open the door for him, and we left.
when we get in the car, we turn on the directions to the carnival. it's near the more sketchy places in the area. yoongi is on edge about it, but i'm excited. i checked the time. it's 6:30 pm. i wait until we get a red light, then i scream loud. yoongi nearly jumps out of his skin. i laughed and he playfully punched my arm. "don't do that!" he yelled. i laughed more. he began to chuckle. i smiled and looked out the window. we're close to the carnival. i suddenly get extremely anxious thinking about proposing to him tonight. fireworks go off at midnight every year during the carnival. that's when i planned proposing.
we pulled into the parking lot. i look at all the lights for the rides and games. it was beautiful. i was super excited for it all. tonight was going to be the best night of my life. i was determined to make tonight amazing for yoongi. i was the first one to get out of the car. i jump up and down as yoongi gets out and close the door. he locks the car doors and we walk in. i look around at all the tall rides and the tons of games. i look over to see yoongi's face. it's lit up with amazement and excitement. i pull him over to the first ride. it's the ferris wheel. we get on and look at the view. he thought the view was pretty, but i thought he was prettier.
we get off, and get on more intense rides like roller coasters. then we decide to get food and play arcade games. yoongi rushes over to the basketball game. he wins the biggest prize. a life size gorilla plushie. while he does that, i decide to try the shooting game next his game. i end up winning a small prize. we both go over to the balloon popping game. i end up popping the most and get a medium prize. i exchange the small and medium for a large prize. i get a large sloth plush.
after hours and hours of playing games and going on rides, it's 11:57. yoongi and i go for a walk a little away from the carnival where we can be alone. we countdown to the fireworks. well, he counts down to the fireworks. i countdown to when i propose to him. it's 11:59.
ten seconds.
nine seconds.
eight seconds
seven seconds
six seconds.
i get on one knee
four seconds.
three seconds.
"min yoongi..."
one second
"would you make me the happiest man in the whole entire galaxy by marrying me?"
yoongi gasps. he begins to cry. "yes!" he yells. i stand up and hug him. "i love you so much hoseok. i'm so happy" he sobs into my chest. i hug him tighter. "i love you too" i whisper. i put the ring on his finger. i laugh and choke on my tears a bit. he looks at the ring. "it's perfect" he says and smiles at me. i smile back. his gaze suddenly darts to something behind me and his smile drops. he pulls me behind him. i look to see what he was looking at. there's someone pointing a gun at us. "stay there!" i hear the person yell. i go next to yoongi. "it's okay" i whisper to him. he nods his head. the person steps into the street lamp light. "Anjila? what are you doing?!" i yell. she starts sobbing. she looks me in my eyes. "why not me? i've been here for you your whole life! you haven't noticed me! i've been your best friend for all this time, i've wanted something more! hoseok i'm in love with you for god's sake! why can't you love me back!!" she screams at me. yoongi looks at the ground. "Anjila. i'm sorry. i just can't return those feelings. i'm sorry if i hurt you in any way" i apologized to her and my eyes started to tear. "you take my happiness, i take yours," she begins to move her finger on the trigger. she aims it at me, then at yoongi. "you don't deserve hoseok" she says, then pulls the trigger. it hits yoongi in the stomach. "NO ANJILA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? YOONGI NO. STAY WITH ME. PLEASE!" he falls to the ground. i rush to his side. i see metal poking out from his waistband. he brought his gun with him? i wonder and look. yeah, that's a gun. i think in my head. i grab it and put it in my sleeve. "Anjila, how could you?" i scream and sob onto yoongi's chest. "yoongi you're strong. you got this. everything will be okay. we will be okay" i say to him and force a laugh through my sobs. i stand up and turn to Anjila. "h-hoseok i-i'm sorry. but you have me now! we can finally be together! see!" she starts to walk towards me. i pull the gun on her and shoot. i hit her in her chest. she collapses. i run to her, crying. "i'm so sorry Anjila.." i mumble and walk to yoongi. "H-HOSEOK, N-NO" he yells while choking on blood. i hear a loud BANG and then there's a stinging sensation in my back. i fall to the ground. she shot me. i realize. i drag myself over to yoongi. i make it to him. the stinging sensation turned to burning. "y-yoongi i'm so sorry" i cry and look at him. he shakes his head and touched my face. "everything is okay" he says very calmly. he kisses me. "i love you so much yoongi" i say to him. he stares at my face. "i will love you forever. i'll see you in our next life. don't forget me, i love you Jung Hoseok. until we meet again.." yoongi says with a smile and rests his head on the ground. his chest stops moving. "n-no!" i yell, choking on my own blood. "I will love you for the rest of eternity Min Yoongi. always and forever. until next time..." i say and lay next to him, feeling my body go numb until everything goes dark.
so that’s the end of the story. i’m open to all feedback. it’s my first time really posting a story i’ve written. let me know if you enjoyed the story. if you didn’t, tell me why. xx
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multiplefandomfics · 5 years
Hey guys so this is our first fanfiction to be posted ever so be nice. We appreciate any feedback and hope you enjoy it. This is going to be a blog with smut so 18+ only.
Norman Reedus x Reader
Words: 2646
Warnings: smut, cuteness overload, fluff, claustrophobia, Norman Reedus & Jeffrey Dean Morgan (because they need a warning :D),
It was a sunny day in Berlin, Germany even though it was just April. A friend and I had planned this trip for over a year. We met at the hotel we were gonna stay in. we went all out on that vacation and rented a good one. The town was also nice and the people very helpful and courteous.
One morning we wanted to meet in the lobby because we were staying on different floors. I was a little late cause the evening had been long and I didn’t hear my alarm. I quickly got dressed while writing a message to my friend and storming out the door a second later. Fortunately I had packed my stuff the day before. I stormed the elevator and hit the button for the lobby. Completely out of breath and focused on my phone I didn’t even notice the doors opening at a different level and two men stepping in. “Nice shirt!” one of them commented suddenly with a deep voice. I looked at my The Walking Dead shirt then at the guys and almost passed out. In front of me stood grinning like idiots Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Norman Reedus. I was paralyzed and for a moment I was sure I was still asleep and dreaming. My next thought was (Y/F/N) would be so jealous when I stepped out of the elevator. “You got a name?” Norman asked. “(Y/N)” I stuttered. “Nice one. You from around here?”  I was just about to find my voice and reply that I wouldn’t be living in a hotel if I were citizen of Berlin as the elevator jerked violently and then stood still. “what in hell…?” Jeffrey Dean Morgan said more to himself.”It’s not moving. Why is it not fucking moving?” I panicked. “Keep calm sweetheart. You claustrophobic or something?” Norman asked worriedly. “Or something...” I replied. I was not afraid of tight spaces the two gorgeous man trapped here with me were the problem. “I’m gonna press the help button.” so I did. Suddenly a voice came through the speakers.
“Hallo, Sie haben die Notfallhotline erreicht, wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?“
(Hello you reached the help hot-line what is your emergency?)
„Ja hallo wir stecken hier im Aufzug im Mercury Hotel in Berlin. Er bewegt sich seit ein paar Minuten gar nicht mehr, die Türen gehen auch nicht auf und hat vorher ganz schön gerappelt.“
(yeah hi we are stuck in an elevator in the mercury hotel in Berlin. It hasn’t been moving in few minutes, the door won’t open either and it jerked hardly before it stood still.)
„Ja ich sehe es im System aber ich kann keine Ferndiagnose stellen oder es beheben. Ich werde einen Techniker schicken müssen aber das wird etwas dauern. Leider fehlen uns momentan helfende Hände.“ at least she sounded sorry.
(Yes I can see it in my system but I can’t perform remote diagnosis. I’ll have to send a mechanic but that is gonna take a while. Unfortunately we are short handed at the moment.)
„Alles klar. Wir lange wird es ungefähr dauern?“
(Alright. How long is it gonna take approximately?)
„Vermutlich ein paar Stunden.“
(Maybe a few hours.)
„Okay wir können ja eh nicht viel machen. Danke für Ihre Hilfe.“
(Okay we can’t to much anyways. Thanks for your help.)
„Natürlich. Ich wünsche Ihnen trotzdem einen schönen Tag.“
with those words she hung up.
(Of course have a nice day anyways.)
“What did she say?” Jeff asked.
“Seems like we’re stuck for the next few hours. She’s gonna send a mechanic but that’s gonna take a while.” I answered.
“I would have never guessed that you’re German. Your English is flawless. Sounds almost like a native.” Norman remarked which made me blush. I had always loved English.
“Somebody got an idea what to do?” Jeff sounded already bored and we had only been stuck for 5 minutes. “I think I got everything we need in my purse.” I said hesitantly, opened it and pulled water bottles, snacks and a card game out of it. “Oh but I should call my friend first. She’s waiting in the lobby for me. One second.” I took my phone out of my pocket and hit dial on the video chat. I wanted to scare the living daylights out of her. I swear I was a good friend. After two rings she took the call. “Hey (Y/N) where are you?” “I’m sorry (Y/F/N) I’m stuck in one of the hotel elevators and the lady at the hot-line said it could take a few hours till a mechanic is gonna fix the problem and get us out of here. But I have some great company here. You wanna see?” I was so giddy I couldn’t even wait for a response. I just turned around and took the guys with me into view. “What the…?!” (Y/F/N) almost fell over. “You alright sweetheart?” Jeff asked worriedly as she almost hyperventilated and I laughed my ass off.  It was almost the same reaction I had had when I saw them first. “Why in hell are you guys even in Germany?” she finally spat out. “We are filming Ride here. We’re touring Europe at the moment.” Norman let on. “What a damn coincidence. I am not complaining. (Y/F/N) It seems we are not getting out of here anytime soon. Could you inform the people at the reception if they haven’t already? Then you should maybe go to a cafe or busy yourself otherwise. I won’t be able to stay on the phone the whole time my battery is gonna die then.” I explained to her. “Okay sure thing. Talk to ya later when you get out of that steel trap. Bye sis.” she replied. “Yeah bye. Love ya.” with that I hung up. “So she’s your sister?” Jeff asked. “Soul sister.” I replied happily. “We’d do anything for each other.” We sat down on the floor and I took hold of the UNO cards. “UNO? Seriously?” Norman laughed. “Yeah UNO. I like the game and I can’t play poker.” I admitted a little embarrassed. So there I was sitting on the floor of a stuck elevator with Norman Reedus and Jeffrey Dean Morgan playing UNO and eating snacks. “So you’re here for vacation?” The conversation stayed casual. “Yep we’ve been here for a week now.” We talked like we’ve known each other forever. It started to feel normal after a while. We made photos and laughed while eating and joking. I had no idea how much time had passed by when the double doors f the lift finally opened and revealed hotel staff, (Y/F/N) and a team of mechanics and tech support people. It seemed almost comical the way I was sitting on the ground with two grown ass men playing cards. “Oh hi, thanks for getting us out but couldn’t it have waited a few minutes longer I had a winning hand?” I sighed. “Betcha didn’t!” Norman challenged me. “Oh the bet is on Reedus!” I replied. (Y/F/N) only stared at me as if she couldn’t believe that we had gotten so close in only three hours. In the end I really had the win on my side and he had to surrender. I gathered all my things and we stretched our limbs outside. Felt good to finally walk again on more than six square meters. “So guys that is (Y/F/N) you met her briefly on the phone.” “Yeah hey nice to meet you” she was blushing like hell and that amused me a lot. “So it is too late to film now. You guys wanna hang out and show us parts of the town you have discovered yet? Maybe grab a bite somewhere?” Norman suggested. “Ehm yeah definitely!” I took the opportunity to be with them a little while longer. “Great our bikes are in the garage.” Jeff interjected. We made our way to the garage underneath the hotel. “You wanna ride with me?” Norman asked me shyly. It was adorable. “Sure thing but only if you let me drive for a while as well.” “You drive motorcycles?” he looked stunned but somehow also in awe. “Yes I have a bike at home. Been driving two wheels since I was 15. always loved the feeling of freedom that comes with it. And around my hometown there are alot of cool biker routes.” I raved. “Maybe we can drive a tour together sometime.” he offered. “That would be amazing. I’d love that a lot.” this time it was my turn to be stunned. He gave me his spare helmet as did Jeff to (Y/F/N) and sat up front on the Triumph. I put my foot on the footrest and swung my leg over the seat like I had dozens of times in my life before. I wasn’t sure where to put my hands so I just laid them on my thighs but he noticed and grabbed them to put them around his muscular middle. I wasn’t gonna object. He was a good looking and nice guy. We drove kinda aimlessly through town and when it turned late I heard through the com in my helmet that was connected to the rest of the group: “Hey guys I’m hungry. Let’s find a place to eat.” Jeff’s voice sounded strained. Well I remembered we had only eaten the few snacks at lunch time and in that moment my stomach rumbled too. “Good idea you know a good pizza place or so?” Norman asked and I felt him talk earlier than I heard him. That was kinda sexy. “Yes actually there is a restaurant just drive left there then the next right and you can park in front of Alfredo’s. We found it last Wednesday.” (Y/F/N) sounded through the speaker. Said, done. Five minutes later we stepped of the bikes and into the pizza place. It was rather small and not too crowded also no one seemed to recognize the guys which was a relive. “Thanks for taking us with you today.” (Y/F/N) said with a dopey smile on her face. I knew that she’d always had a crush on JDM. The whole day had been one big coincidence but the odds were in our favor. Sometimes fate seemed to be on our side. “order whatever you want. It’s my treat tonight.” Jeff gave us his signature smile again which made me melt. “Cheers everyone! To new friendships!” Jeff toasted. “Slainté!” I tasted back. We sat in that restaurant till about 10.30 pm that evening. We had so much fun. Even (Y/F/N) loosened up eventually. “By the way guys, if you wanna come to my hometown to go for a ride some when here’s my number. You can call anytime you want.” I winked at them but didn’t expect a number back. Then I got surprised by Norman. “Want mine too? Gimme your phone.” I willingly handed him my phone opening the display lock in the process. What I totally forgot about was my crazy background screen with a photo of him and Jeff. I smiled a little embarrassed but he seemed to think it was cute. Quickly he typed his number in and handed it back to me. I had to really restrain myself from completely fangirling right then. After eating we drove back to the hotel and grabbed a few drinks at the hotel bar. It was quiet at the hotel probably because it was out of season so we had the bar mostly to ourselves. After a few beers and shots the guys found out that I could really hold my liquor. (Y/F/N) was the one who ended it at around 2 am. I was still only slightly buzzed. “Let’s get to bed you guys gotta film tomorrow. Maybe we can watch?” she asked carefully. “Watch? You guys are gonna be part of the episode.” Norman assured us. Together we went to the elevators but took a different one that time. (Y/F/N) was the first to reach her floor. “Good night everyone see ya later.” she slurred and walked away. Jeff was next: “Night darling.” “Night Jeff” with those words the doors closed behind him. The second the doors touched Norman turned toward me and pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked but positively… if that is possible. “You want this?” he asked me breathless. “Oh god yes!” I exclaimed. We arrived at his floor and with a ding the doors opened. Because of the late hour no one was in the hallway as he pulled me further towards his room. He fumbled with the key-card and after some teasingly long seconds the door to his bedroom finally clicked open. We were still kissing like teenagers. He shoved the door shut with his foot and pushed my jacket from my shoulders. I helped him out of his clothes as fast as he undid mine and soon enough we were naked and I was writhing under his touch. I needed him so bad I was already dripping and he hadn’t even touched me yet. “Please Norman. Take me. I need it.” I whispered in is ear and he shuddered at my dirty words. “on the bed hands and knees.” he commanded. He was in charge and I knew and loved that so I did what he demanded and kneeled on the bed my soaking wet pussy on display for him. I heard him groan and shuffle behind me before I felt the bed dip. I was getting so much wetter in anticipation. Without warning he plunged two fingers in my pussy and they directly hit my g-spot. He was a master and when he buried his tongue into my folds I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. It was impossible to describe. He drew little figure eights on my clit that send electrical shock-waves through me. I was coming undone seconds later. He pulled his fingers out of me and before I could object his cock pushed in to the hilt. He was bigger than anyone I ever had before so the pleasure was combined with a bit of pain as well but I liked that. It was so amazing. I could feel every stroke of his dick so deep inside me he almost pushed through my cervix. “Norman deeper please.” and “oh god yes right there.” was all I could come up with. My brain was like mashed potatoes. I just felt him and nothing more. He grunted and his strokes became erratic “come with me baby.” he panted and that was all the encouragement I needed and I squirted all over the bed sheets. I had never done this before. Completely spent we laid on the bed next to each other breathing heavily. So fucked out. It was pure bliss. “Thanks for that.” I panted out. “For what? I really wanted you since I stepped into the elevator this morning.” he admitted. After some more silent minutes I asked “Norman? What is this between us?” “I honestly don’t know. Let’s just enjoy what we have here for a while. See where in brings us. I definitely want this to continue.” I was so happy about that statement that I just cuddled up to his chest for an answer.
The next morning we sat together at breakfast. Well when Norman and I came downstairs hand in hand we saw Jeff and (Y/F/N) sitting there next to each other looking completely in love. I made a mental note to ask her later what had happened between them. When she saw our intertwined fingers she smiled at us knowingly. I knew I had to tell her everything when we had time. This was the best vacation of my life by far and I was happy to have been stuck in an elevator for the first time ever.
Part 2 is gonna hit later
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Hey who wants to hear the miserable story about how I had to deal with loneliness this year? Feel free to scroll on I just need to write it down to, I suppose close the chapter on the story? Read if your curious, or maybe also need guidance, or just want to learn some tips on how to help someone dealing with it. This will be poorly structured it’s just... getting it off my chest I guess.
People talk sometimes about university students often struggling with loneliness, and often going overlooked because they’re not seen as ‘vulnerable’ as other populations. I mean, look! They’re in a city! They go out every night and piss off the locals! They can’t be lonely!
It started back in 2018 (yup, that far back), when my friends decided that it would be better for my mental health if I didn’t live with them. No lie, that was the actual fucking reason. I was heartbroken; I’ve missed out on a lot of typical “growing up! Yay!” Type things because of my mental health, trauma and bullying and the fact that “living with friends” was gonna be added to the list was fucking heart breaking. But I dealt with it, because I had no where else to turn. No one else to move in with. I cried for like 2 hours solid after they so sweetly told me they didn’t want to live with me because I have *anxiety*. Not even one of the quote unquote “””scary””” mental illnesses (which would have been a MAJOR dick move), just plain old anxiety attacks and hiding from people to calm down. I proceeded to have break downs every Wednesday for 3 months while searching for somewhere to live, bc it was always a stabbing reminder that I was so unwanted.
(They planned to move in with 2 other people so it’s not even like they were only searching for a flat to fit *just* them)
I study 300 miles away from home, literally the exact opposite part of the country. Despite not having many friends growing up I was never lonely because I had a great family who would always chase it away. Maybe I was lonely a bit at school, but I could always come home and my parents chased it away. It was recurrent, but not constant.
I got a place for the new academic year. Studio flat, great location, tiny and over priced to Hell but I was in a safe area which was great because *no one was looking out for me anymore*. I didn’t have flat mates to check I was alive everyday, no one to chat to when I got home. If I got sick, I was completely on my own. My next door neighbour is lovely, don’t get me wrong, but she’s a working professional, and I’m a second year student. Everyone else in studio flats are mature students, masters, phD students or working people. And me. I have so little in common with these people it’s tough to start a conversation with them.
My birthday is early in the academic year, so we didn’t celebrate it until about a month after. Half of my friends didn’t even bother, no card, no presents. Okay, fine, I’m not materialistic, but acknowledgement would have been nice I suppose. This is the only time they came around my flat, and they are the cake I baked to celebrate.
But they inexplicably started to just stop interacting with me. There were 5 of us, they’d pair up in lectures and only talk between themselves between lectures and left me sat quietly trying to speak to someone, ANYONE, because hello? I haven’t got FLATMATES. I talk to NO ONE outside of this “friendship” group. They don’t seem to care much, they just keep telling me how wonderful it must be to live in a studio.
They invited me round to celebrate another friend’s birthday at their shared flat. He gets presents from everyone, including the two that left me out. Their flat looks lived in, there’s board games out while I don’t have room for any of them in mine. They’ve got bean bags everywhere it looks so damn nice. “But your kitchen is bigger than ours!” Eve tried to tell me (an absolute LIE), but they don’t roll out of bed and immediately land in the kitchen. They don’t have to chose between watching tv, eating or living the flat any time they want to dry clothes bc there’s no room. I want to cry throughout the visit, I storm off once were done. I don’t know why. I know now.
Loneliness feels like a weight on your chest. It’s a double edged sword where both edges only cut you. You desperately seek interaction but it also upsets you. I wanted to hang out at their flat because I hadn’t hung out with them in nearly a month at this point, but when I got there I realised they hung out together every. Single. Night. While I cried alone in my room. It made everything so much worse. And they laughed it off.
They stopped posting in the group chat, they talked to me even less. Never invited me out, but there’s no way I could prove *they* went out so it was pointless complaining about it. I was meant to go to a concert with one of them, I reminded her about tickets an entire month before, offered to buy hers. She cancelled 5 hours beforehand. I went alone.
It was a Toyah concert. I fought back sobs in the opening song “Good morning universe”, because it repeatedly asks “how are you today?”. I was awful. I finally had it figured out. I was lonely, isolated, and I didn’t know what to do.
Before anyone gets too sad, the story only continues for 2 weeks past this concert.
1st November, they joke about how Blake, friend number 4, practically lives at their flat, and I get angry. Why does HE get to live there? Blake has flatmates, Blake’s not alone! I should be practically living there because there’s NOTHING in my flat but silence. The internet is on the fritz and I’ve yet to figure out the tv, I don’t even have background noise except the kettle! I storm off, vow to never interact with them again.
I go out for drinks with my neighbour for her birthday. She buys me a pint of coke bc I don’t drink. I hate coke, but I drink it all and chat with her friends. It was a great night.
That weekend I bake pumpkin cake and bread for knitting society, and calm down. I overreacted a bit surely. One more chance, that’s all I’ll give them. The cake and bread doesn’t all get eaten at the society so I bring some for them on the Monday.
Tuesday night is bonfire night. I sit in my flat wishing I could go out and see them rather than just hear them, but I don’t know where to go. I have no one to go with.
Wednesday im sat in lectures beside them, and a friend not in the group but still a friend comes over to chat. One of them excitedly tells her about how they went to a display last night “look at these photos I got of (friend in group)!” I ask if they went out last night, the phone is quickly put away, they ignore me. I ask again. The friend outside of the group is confused and leaves before the lecture starts. I spend 3 hours with loneliness ripping out my lungs, because how could they? They could’ve dropped me a message to say they were going and I could meet up, but they didn’t even do that? Why?
After the lectures finished I corner one of them. The first of my friends at university. The first person on my course I befriended. “Did you go out last night?” “Yes” “without me?” Another runs up “it was last minute it wasn’t planned!” Laughs it off. So I rush off. I don’t say good bye. That was it.
I went home and cried. Told my parents what happened. Cried down the phone to them. “It’s time to cut ties with them”. I know it is. It’s still hard.
So yeah. Miserable story. But any sad story should have a happy ending, right?
The next day I told someone what had happened. She immediately called it bullshit and invited me to join her friends. They’re really nice. I like them.
I left the old group chat. No explanation, just “I’m hanging out with X now. Laters” and I left. I wrote my frustrations and explanation in a shitty poem, called it shitty in the poem itself, but also said they didn’t deserve better. They didn’t deserve even that, so I didn’t send it. I think it was a very sexy decision of mine.
But most importantly, through the hardest points, most of my weekly socialisation every week came from the two societies im part of: my society (knitting) and the nerd society. 4 1/2 hours a week of socialising isn’t enough, surprisingly. But it got me through.
But more importantly are the people I met there. I don’t want to tell them what happened, I fear they’ll be upset that they didn’t help more, but they helped so damn much. So much more than could ever be expected from anyone. That final Wednesday, when I’d cried my heart out, 2 people texted me out of the blue and lifted my spirits so much I laughed that evening where I’d cried in the day. Stupid texts too. “Baby rabbits and kittens, cos you’re a vet right?” And “I only just got this message, I would have LOVED some pumpkin cake 🙁”. Poor lads probably weren’t expecting the wild conversations we had afterwards but friendships blossomed from it. Sorry new friend, hope you like the cheese scone recipe you definitely did NOT see coming that day.
The society meets on a Thursday, but it was to be a video watching thing more than a social thing. Loneliness was still tearing me up inside, I wanted to talk to someone damnit! But I went because I needed cheering up. I laughed so hard, I sang theme songs with others, and we all went to the pub afterwards. I’d never been before, I planned to leave at half 10 so I could shower and go to sleep in reasonable time for a 9am lab. I got chatting to the cake boy at 22:25. By the time we left the bar and he’d had his fill of chocolate rolls at my flat (I offered, he was hungry and Sainsbury’s was closed) and I was in bed, it was 00:40. Oops.
But I wasn’t lonely anymore.
Whats there to learn? I suppose don’t take advantage of your friends. If someone is living alone, check on them OFTEN. Make sure you don’t just pair up for conversations in lectures. Invite people round more.
And don’t under estimate the power of a text message. The lack of one ruined one friendship, one daft one about pumpkin cake built another.
(And I baked cookies for my new friends and we ate them in front of the old friends. Get rekt).
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jonughhtabobo-blog · 5 years
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While walking in a dark and hollow hallway alone, I hear different sounds rumbling inside my ears. I hear squeaking rats, hustling raspy echoes, and off-beat foot steps trembles behind me and suddenly, there's something whispering through my ears and it made me confuse for a bit. It refrained again and again. It says, Come with me. . . Come with me. . . Come with me. . . My sweat starts to pour throughout my body. Im shaking, It swallows me within my aghast core and it made me think that maybe, maybe there's someone bugging around me and i couldn't find anywhere else to escape for.
Kriinggggg!! Kringggg!!
Ken! Ken! Wake up! It's already 7:00am! Do you have any plan to go to school or what? Get up and fix yourself as fast as you can. Hurry!!!
Uhhh, yes myma. I really thought that I was existing in that situation. Okay Kennedy, calm down, it's just a dream, nothing to worry. *sighs* Thank God that I'm still alive. Maybe I should get up now and fix myself so that I can go to that school inhabited with noxious personalities, again.
And here we go again, the witchy bitch approaching. Oh hello kranky kennedy, sweetie cupcake, apple pie! how are you? Debura said. Did you eat well your breakfast? Hmm, i guess yes! because both the food and your plate you've eaten! ahaha! i pity you darling. haha kidding! okay girls let's go. Bye bye sweetie! see you around. Ahaha. freak! Debura said together with her foolish and insecure friends. Such a amazing way to start my day again huh. *sighs* Bullies there, bullies here, bullies everywhere! I'm tired dealing with such persons. But i have no choice, i need to go to school. Tsk, sometimes i'm looking forward that what if, what if I... Hmm, never mind. Just get through it Kennedy. You can survive! Just keep fighting!
Before anything else, I'm Kennedy Jinx Clinton. I'm the only child, and my parents are no longer exist because of a plane crash happened about 8 year's ago. Only my grandma and grandpa who raised me till i grow up. I'm only 10 years old since the day of the accident happened. To be honest, I'm not yet recovered to that incident even if it took a lot of years to moved on. It's almost 10 years but it's still fresh and new for me. A long time, days, months, and years is not enough to forget easily about what happened to them. Maybe it should take a decade of downcasts, and a century full of sorrows and anguish to run-in. I've been so dumb, and selfish. I have no any idea how to save them that day cause all day long I'm just laying down my bed and just cry until the sunrise come up. I'm so tired of my life. I feel so useless, piece of trash, selfish and dumb. I'm just a nobody human being who lives with deep agony with this cruel world.
Teacher speaks. Okay class, turn the page to 112. Answer the following questions and pass it as you finished. Understand?
Yes ma'am. Class replied. Okay good. I'll leave just for a minute. Don't make some noise class.
Hey dude! Look at ken, she's so weird right? Jeff said. Yes she is bro. The way she acts, the way she dressed, and everything that she is. She's so weirdo!! Haha. Hmm, i have a bright idea. Gip, give me some crumpled paper. Oh wait! Also a tiny rock. Hurry! "Uhm, okay. Here." Gip said. "Thanks! So there you are. I'll put some rock for a great impact and a little message, "FREAKY WITCHY WEIRDO". The both of them laugh's." Okay gip, throw it!
"Ouch!" Kennedy said. "What's this? Free-aky witch-yy w-e-ird-o?" Kennedy get embarrassed. "Who did this?!! Who did this?!!!" Ken shouted at the class but her classmates just laughing at her. "Anyone? Who did this?!" The whole class still laughing at her. Ken leaves the room in shame and crying. "Vengeance is mine evil wicked people!" Ken said. Kennedy ran off to home and after she arrives, she locked up herself in bedroom. "This place is where I can find happiness. Full of serenity, silence, and just beautiful to stay at. Am I right? *Yes you are ken* something whisper's. Well now, all we have to do is to get enjoy with our game! Hahahaha. Are you all excited?" Kennedy talked to herself. She's about 2 weeks absent and now, her grandma and grandpa gets worried about Kennedy's situation because she's been imprisoned herself more than 3 weeks and not even eaten yet. "Ken? Can you come outside? Please? I can help you my darling. Myma and Pypa loves you so much. Please our pretty darling, come out now. We missed you so much." Myma said.
Kennedy isn't responds.
"Kennedy please, come outside. Are you trying to kill yourself?!"
Kennedy throw something in the door and myma got shocked because of its loud impact. "Ken! What's wrong with you?! Are you insane? Why did you do this things? Did you know that im hurting seeing you like that? We're just concerned to you our darling so please, come outside." Myma said.
Nooo!!!!! *Ken banged the door* I don't want to come outside!!! I'm happy being alone. I'm happy being like this so please, get out! I want to be alone. I'm tired living my life like this. I'm tired treated like a underdog. Tired being hurted and tired being in pain. I'm tired!! Very tired!! But ken, you must stay positive. We're just waiting for you to reach out. We want you to be open to us. We can talk everything that bothers you darling. Please?
The surrounding covered with echoes delicates with tears. The glimpse of sorrows gives deep scars inside my utmost interior of sadcasm. Where should I be headed on? How could I escape when demons already invading my mind.
How could I?
How should I?
Everything is not working good.
Everything starts to fall apart.
Everything will gonna ended tragically soon.
I wanted to shout help but,
Demons keeps in touch inside my core.
It's full of acquired adore.
I cutted my head off and blood seems to flow all over my body and throughout my room.
Sorry, but i just want to end everything inside me and I can't help but to reach my desires to end this all sufferings.
#SHORTSTORY. #CreativeWriting.
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thotvengers · 6 years
<p>Bruce walks into the the living room. It is 2012. Nat keeps looking at him as if he had 5 corndogs taped onto him. Thor eat poptart. "HOUSA GOIN GUYS" Thor stands, poptart crumbs fall from his beard. "hello friend I am doing well" Bruce stares at Thors poptart crumbs and spit all over his beard. Its fucking hot. "Well thats good" Banner looked very nice today thought Thor. "Come join us banner" "Whet" "Join us for breakfast" Thor bends over the table as he says it "What" "Food" says Thor. He’s getting worried "Why is tony trying to cut open clints stomach with a butter knife" "And why is steve shirtless" loki appears out of nowhere "whats up asshats i live in the avengers tower now also nobody move because of the election coming up please i don't want you to go" "He’s what" Thor turns around and kills tony "What the fuck is going on here on this day" loki eats popcorn from the sidelines tony dies. " straight rights ! " Bruce freezes. He said a bad word. Bruce is having a breakdown. He is crying. loki legally has to kill bruce now Thor makes out with banner And protects him lokis takes out a knife Thor takes it loki takes out popcorn "What the heck is going on" attempts to kill bruce with popcorn "Wh" "AAAAAAAA" "Loki stop I know it’s a knife" "you know exactly what's going on. you said a bad word and now your time of judgement has come." "What the fuck Loki" "oh, you know," "Please take me now." steve perked up. " no swearing on my christian minecraft server " Tony is revived. "Hey anyone else think loki is.... kinda hot" "No" says Thor Clint turns off his hearing aid. loki bends over seductively "like what u see" steve sweats " i'm catholic sir " "yeah? and i'm a god" "I thought u were going to kill banner and I" Tony licks him lips hungrily. "zoo wee mama" Nat is doing her morning yoga routine dont mind her. loki sighs and turns to thor "look i had a change of plans i'm on a tight-" he winks at tony "schedule" Nick Fury from the back "im tired of these motherfuckin avengers in this motherfuckin tower" steve suplexes nick. :) clint barton is making out with phil coulson for whatever reason Bruce is still crying. steve jealously suplexes clint too Thor laughs loki is breakdancing in the middle of the tower, very aggressively Loki took Bruces shirt to bully him. Bruce is shirtless. His tiddies are out. Tony is revived once again to argue with Steve then they make out Bruce is crying. steve is crying he suplexes tony loki laughs at everyone who is crying Clint is crying out of confusion steve tries to suplex loki while he cries harder "im a virgin" steve says running out steve fails steve dies loki laughs rip captain America, steve had mehtalosmaisniadjhjsa loki films it and puts it on youtube and he is entitled to compensation he didnt even get to apply for aarp :( bruce says " anyone want to suck my tiddies " Bruce hanging from the edge of the tower. Bitch gonna fall. loki raises his hand Thor and Clint say yes "Help me" "Ok" Says Thor "do u want me to suck ur tiddies while ur dangling or nah" "No dont suck my tiddies" Thor helps him up "Thank you hero" bruce dabs "bitch u just asked if i wanted to do so" "You want a sex (:" natasha offers to suck his tiddies "No" natasha is :/ loki physically puts more grease in his hair From where from his ass his ass Steves dick is out. Schlap loki hears a car pull up outside. "whos that" tony says. "our new " loki replies. i walk up the stairs confusedly. this is the story of how i was sold to loki only on wattpad loki is eyeballing that dick DKCNDKNCKDNVB Schlap Schlap y/n shivered. where was i ? whow ere the avengers ? why were their dicks out loki laughs and brings y/n inside the tower Loki cast a spell and made everyone in the tower naked. no its valid No y/n cries " who are you, ugly bitch " loki slaps y/n on the ass "how dare u speak to ur daddy like that" loki looks down at your big ol' bobbies and licks his lips "they didnt tell me you'd be so attractive, quim". y/n blushes angrily "Why are we all naked" Thor covers his ears while Clint covers his eyes cus he cant cover his ears cus he cant hear y/n tries to run but bumps into tony " please help me i don't want to fuck loki " There is several schlaps of dicks in the room and the several flops from nats tits. loki chases y/n with a rubber dildo while laughing loki makes y/n scrub his balls y/n cries " rubber gives me hives " Clint shoots Loki again y/n is sobbing more loki makes u listen to ball scrubbing asmr before u go to sleep suddenly ant man busts in even tho he wasnt an addition to the mcu yet: "1-800-ARE-YOU-SCHLAPPIN?" y/n pretends to sleep so loki will leave Thor kills Loki "Somebody fuck me Im ready to not be a virgin anymore" ant man gets tiny and climbs in steves ass loki like the dramatic gay bitch he is fakes his own death y/n is feeling so much pain because ............................................................................... she was actually in love with loki " i will miss u, ugly bitch " thanos bursts thru the tower doors "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU MOTHERFUCKERS" y/n smiles " please fuck me " Thor tosses lokis body out avengers tower loki comes back to life only to have his ribcage shattered by thanos instantly t hanos sees a very cute girl and gets shy and trys to hide his erection when he sees y/n bobbies Bruce already naked turns into hulk. "HULK WILL FUCK THANOS" y/n is bright red because she knows that prple daddy is staring at her b - b - b - boob Thor likes what He sees loki comes back once again from the dead to witness this t hanos has never bottomed before.... bottom for who Jesus No KXNCKDMFKV Wait Hulk takes Thanos and tries to fuck him. It doesnt work. dick too big loki makes thanos' asshole bigger so it can fit hulks dick Thanos punches Hulk and he turned back to Bruce. Thanos throws Bruce out the window. He is falling. "i guess that cute girl will just have to peg me now ;)" t hanos says Thor catches him y /n blushu blushued t hanos approaches y/n with his dick out " i - i've never done this before .................................................................... " y / n stuttered Steve gets in the way. "i'll be gentle" t hanos says "Y/n dont do this. Its a trap." t hanos shatters steves ribcage " why would you sya that !!! t hanos loves me !!! " Steve takes the risk and sacrifices himself for everyone. "Not In my Christian household" says Steve y / n cries and punches steve "don't listen to him he's lying" says t hanos He starts to suck Thanos Slurp Slrurrp Slrurirlrl0 Slruerlrle0 Sluuuuurp Shcluerp Shcjeleeu Shcleuepe t hanos blushes and moans y / n blushed again " i don't mind a threesome " Shxlueuuueerps Shxleueep Slurrrp Slcheullrlrulp Schlururup Shxlrurrrrruuup Shcluruueuuuuuurp Slurp Lick lick slruuuururp Slururjrrlrlr "jesus calm down i already blew my load 38 times now" I’m dying Blows rasberry Sluuurrp Sluuururirurp steve a thirsty bitch "hehe that tickles"   "no" says t hanos as he rp fucks  Steve blows into thanos'dick hole like a kazoo. Thanos dies.  steve will make sure everyone in this house dies a virgin but him  " NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Y/N SCREAMED  t hanos dies Yeet " U DIDN'R EVEN GET TO PEG ME "  Bruce is naked.  this is how avengers 2 will go  loki revives t hanos  avengers 4... oop  "Hey you guys want to all gang bang me"  Thor fucks bruce  " yes "  "yes" says t hanos  the avengers have an orgy except nat bc shes a lesbian" i've never eaten ass b4 " says y/n  Nat is doing her yoga routine  "its fun. let me show u" t hanos says to y/n  "Im open for alliances"  y / n blushes and touiches t hano's ass  Clints Backup finally arrives t hanos spreads his cheeks hanos's bootyhole quivers  Somebody is calling on the avengers phone.  y / n extends the wet pink muscle in her mouth nervously  Riiiiiing Rinnnnnng  t hanos is already milking his own tiddies  Clint leaves with Natasha with rats bites t  Riiiiiiiiiiiing  t hano's in the ass  Natasha bangs darcy Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing "someone get the fucking phone i'm in the middle of something here"  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing  " ah not there "  Clint gets it  "Hi! Its peter, is mr stark there?" Oh no whispers Clint  "thats a child. i HATE children!" t hanos gets up and goes to kill peter  Clint turns off his hearing aid again  " i ate his ass dead " y / n  "Im at the phone mr thanos sir"  "hello child. i hate u."  peter says "mr. thanos i don't feel too good" and evaporates "good."  too late hes in the shadow realm  " bye lol "  AM He rescues peter and leaves  Thor arrive. Naked. Hes very sexah. "now where were we" t hanos says and spread his cheeks again, open for business  AM MEANWHILE IN THE SHADOW REALM everyone is dicks out Sam and bucky fucking the the dust realm. Ant man is dancing with his dick out. Drax and star lord are experimenting.  with their assholes  Lokis in bondage lowoki camera zooms in on bucky's face "at first i thought the dust world was hell but i love it here. thanks t hanos!" "it's free real estate" t hanos says  bucky sighs " i love ur bald ass head sammy "  "Then suck it fuckass" says sam  "Suck my head hoe"  Thanos arrives to the realm. "If you guys want to live then suck my toes" They all scatter like rats to his toes. Theyre all sucking them like cow utters PRESENT</p>
the end
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by anon: The Wonwoo fic and Taeyang fic are so freaking cute and they are so well written too omg! Please write more fics for the both of them as they're my favourites (: Wolf!au? Thank you ((((:
Requested by anon: Wolf!au for wonwoo or woozi! Thank you and I love your works!!
so i got the same au request i hope both of these suited your taste! LIKE I SAID I HAVE OVERWHELMING FEELS FOR WONWOO SO THIS IS PROBABLY LIKE THE LONGEST HEADCANON I’VE EVER WRITTEN THIS IS SUPER LONG OMG BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOY EVERYONE!!!! BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE WONWOO IMAGINES :)))) if you weren’t satisfied please send me another request!
I was lying in bed and was just like “hm you know wonwoo really resembles a wolf????”
I love jeon wonwoo anyways
You lived near a very dense forest with your grandpa
Since it was a small town, there could only be so many things that could happen before word travels
Ofc nothing ever happens in your small town the most eventful thing was when the local market ran out of your favorite potato chips like honEST TO GOD
But as of late there’s been more signs of wildlife in the forest and everyone is lowkey freaking out like what is this we haven’t even had livestock in 80+ years????
Thanks to the dense forest there’s been showing a steadily increase in deer population yay!!!! But also what!!!!
With deer ofc comes…………
Packs and packs of them
You’re worried for your life what if a wolf is gonna attack you one day since you’re right next to their habitat!!!!!
Your grandpa is just like lmao y/n chill i was a hunter back in the days we’ll be fine
It was a chillier day than usual in the winter and temperatures were dramatically dropping
You were tired of being cooped up in the small little house so you were just roaming around in front of your porch and playing with the fluffy snow
You smol child were too busy cutely hopping around to notice a wolf lurking behind the trees oH SNAP
It wasn’t until it got a little closer that you felt a strange presence and you know that eery feeling in the horror movies where it’s like …..i feel like someone is there…..
You immediately stopped and cautiously looked around you
You would have missed it if you weren’t so keen about your surroundings bc the wolf so easily blended in with the forest and snow
yOU WERE GONNA SCREAM BUT dude they can probably smell fear that’s not your best choice here
your heart leapt in your throat so you couldn’t have screamed even if you wanted to (you did)
Gdi your grandpa was out running errands and he left like half an hour ago so you’re kinda screwed!!!
The wolf looked so,,, ethereal and majestic with its mix of black, gray, and white fur and it was still pretty young
It looked more like a wild husky so beautiful i love dogs
But you obviously didn’t have time to soak in their beauty you were about to get eaten for pete’s sake
You were very very very slowly backing away from it your door was only a few steps away
buT IT KEPT INCHING TOWARDS YOU LIKE PLS LEAVE ME ALONE ALL YOU WANTED WAS TO MAKE A SNOWMAN (it doesn’t have to be a snowman im sorry that joke is old)
You decided that maybe since this winter was harsher than normal it was hard finding food
So once your back hit the wall yOU SLAMMED & LOCKED THAT SHIT
You rummaged through your fridge to see if you could find absolutely anything for the wolf to leave you tf alone
“Aha!” you grabbed a piece of red meat and cut up a fourth of it into smaller chunks
You were pretty damn smart like we’re talking about how a pre teen be doing all of this
You brought your cutting board to your window and sure enough the wolf was still outside your house yiKES
You cautiously opened your window and you could see the little ears perking up
You threw the pieces as far as it could reach the wolf in the hopes of him leaving once he’s gathered his meal
At first the wolf jumped back in surprise like ??? what’s this human doing?????
After a few minutes of inspecting the meat the wolf cautiously approached the makeshift meal and started to gobble all of it in seconds flat
You’re just like,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that could have been me oh my god,,,,,,,,,,
After it finished eating it looks back up to you and even from afar you can see gratitude and hints of,,,, sorrow??? in its eyes
It turns back to the forest and disappears as fast as it came
All your little body can do is slump against the door clutching your beating heart like i WAS GONNA DIE TODAY
You thought that would be the last time you were gonna encounter a wolf but there wouldn’t be a plot then lmao
You managed to prevent any more wolf encounters as you grew up and by the time you hit 20 you have been successful
But all good things must come to an end
You decided to go to a college nearby to still help take care of your aging gramps but the school isn’t all half bad it’s pretty decent so good for you reader!!
It was now winter break aka the longest school holiday your college granted you with so you decided to return home and spend some Quality Time with your grandpa
Your grandpa’s health has been declining more apparently than ever
One time you had to rush him to the hospital because he fell unconscious and you were trying so hard not to tear up and be strong the whole time
You stayed overnight at the hospital despite the nurse insisting you return home but you just camped outside the hospital room and slept there
You woke up to a random blanket on you and you figured it was just a nurse who knew better than to convince you
Your grandpa quickly recovered in a matter of days go gramps
When he was finally discharged and you were approaching the front desk about the bill they were like “oh it’s already been paid for”
“What that’s strange I didn’t even get the bill yet”
“Someone walked in last night and said they’ll take care of it for you miss”
You thank her and walk away in confusion like,,,, ofc you’re grateful that you didn’t have to pay but who on earth would do that?????
One day you wanna explore the forest because i mean you lived next to it for basically almost your entire life and you don’t even know what it looks like!
Ofc your grandpa is like do you wanna get killed child um
“Pls gramps I lived my whole life being terrified of that forest and now that I’m older I kinda want to see what it looks like,,,, I’ll stay close enough to have the house in my view!”
“sigh,,,, well you’re an adult now I trust that you can make decisions for yourself so,,,, fine”
So off you go to your death exploring
You’re amazed by how enchanting the forest looks like from within, nothing like what you see from your house
The snow only adds more of a magical sense
There’s a small pond and some bushes where you guess is the deer’s habitat but they probably left to find a warmer spot
You push yourself to discover more about the forest so you inch just a litttttle farther
You see a bridge and think ????? did someone live here or something why is there a bridge?????
And being the curious cat you are you crossed it only to see aNOTHER HOUSE LIKE UM WHO THE
you hear some muffled talking and you’re just likE OH CRAP I GOTTA SCRAM so you hide behind a fairly big trunk just in time before some faces are in your view
You see a group of men around the same age as you and at first they seem to be normal but what’s normal about living in the middle of the woods????
You carefully eye each of them, and you mentally do a headcount of 13
One of them immediately catches your eye and you can’t help but feel a sense of familiarity
He’s wearing a gray turtleneck and black skinny jeans with a gray winter coAT SLJDKFLJDSFLJFDSLJFDLJDFSJDSF I LOVE WONWOO THE MODEL
He seems to be aware of you and he’s like @ the group
“Guys… do you sense someone here?”
And the guys are like eh wonwoo you’re probably being a little paranoid
“Wonwoo it’s been years just let it GO!!!” (what’s up with all of these frozen puns this is unintentional i sTG!!!!) “the last time you said this it was just a rabbit!”
And you’re like ???? what do they mean by that buT I GOTTA JET
You wait for them to enter the house and wonwoo is the last one
He scans the area one more time and does a little head shake before heading inside
you can’t help but feel a tug in your heart because he just looked so disheartened and dejected
And he sWEARS he could have smelled your scent but maybe it was his brain tricking him like it did all these years :(((
Who hURT MY EMO SON wait you did indirectly lmao
You get tf out of there like “i aint trying to die again bye yall”
You’re scrambling to get out of there and when you reach the house your gramps is like so how did it go
Gramps: but??? it’s ,,,, break,,,,,,
You contemplate about what just happened back there
You: i shouldn’t go back i got lucky and didn’t get eaten alive
Also you: but i need to find out more ok it’s settled I will return
Soon enough you found yourself visiting the same place every day and now wonwoo is rEALLY on edge
“wonwoo…….. We acknowledge your senses are the better ones out of us but…… you need to let her go”
You’re like omg what??? Her??? Who’s her?????
“You know I can’t do that…… she fed me -- hey wait a minute, is that someone over there?”
You’re like oH WELL FUCK MY LIFE
They whirl around to where his finger is pointing and they’re like hmm wait he’s right it looks like someone’s shadow
And you’re scared to literally freaking death bc you are not trying to get yourself killed but i mean you kinda had to see it coming tho
So you do what a reasonable person would
But you just keep running and you eventually get lost in the forest and you’re like oh my god pLS NOT NOW
You’re desperately trying to reroute but you’re pretty sure you passed by that same stump six times
You try to calm down like ok look it’s still probably around noon and the sun is still out you still have time
That is until you hear a crunch of a leaf
And you’re like oH MY GOD NOW WHAT
You turn around to see you’re surrounded by dark black wolves
This is it this is where you die
And you’re trying to find an escape but you’re practically cornered
“Please….. Go find something else to devour……. I swear I am not tasty at all…………… I’m all bones you wouldn’t want that right aHAHA………...”
One of them inches closer to you and you can guess it’s probably the alpha male since it seems to be the biggest
And you’re like welp i lived a good life IM S ORRY GRAMPS YOU WERE RIGHT
You’re in the middle of having a mental breakdown when the alpha suddenly bares his teeth and you know it’s gonna go down
Just as it’s about to leap on you, you see another blurry figure slAMMING INTO THE ALPHA
A full on wolf battle is going on right in front of you
Not only did that wolf come but his entire pack did so it’s pack vs pack
And some black wolves are still trying to get @ you ;))) to devour you ;)))
I gotta go
But obv the other pack is like dON’T TOUCH HER and you’re super confused bc 
Well there’s obviously more than one thing to be confused about but your main concern is why am I not getting eaten??????
You can’t help but notice the one who rammed his body in your attacker has very,,,, familiar looking fur,,,,,,
And you’re like oMG NO,,,, NO IT CAN’T BE HOW
Since the wolf brawl has temporarily taken the focus off of you, you’re like ok this is my chance 2 escape
You don’t get too far like probably 15 feet when you’re feeling really lightheaded and nauseous
You stumble upon a tree and try to steady yourself but the events took a huge toll on you and so you collapse
Right before you do you feel someone’s arms holding your waist up and some yelling
“I… finally…. found you….” you hear someone whisper in your ear before you really blackout
By the time you regain consciousness the sun is about to set
You’re stirring around in a foreign bed and you’re like wait,,,, hold on,,,,,
Your eyes slowly adjust to the dim light and the strange room
You’re fully awake now and start panicking like where am i???? Am i gonna die?????
You see someone’s head on the edge of the bed and you’re like WHO THE
“oH GOODNESS” your little outburst woke him up
He groggily yawns and rubs his eyes “oh great you’re awake!!!!!11!!11”
You just stare at him in 34384682 emotions welling inside of you like pls do not hurt me i just want 2 go hOmE!!!
He starts to introduce himself as Wonwoo but who cARES YOU JUST WANNA GO HOME
“Ok Wonwoo i have no idea who you are or where I am but I need to leave before I’m actually gonna get killed by my grandpa I appreciate you letting me stay here for the time being but I gotta go now thanks i guess??? bye”
And you’re trying to keep your cool and escape as fast as you can but he’s right on your heels
He is nOT gonna let you leave so easily after spending the past decade thinking about you
You reach the outside of the house and you realize,,,, hey it’s the house i saw earlier,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
He eventually reaches you and pulls you around by the arm and you almost gasp when you see the intense look he has in his eyes
“I,,, can’t let you leave just yet”
“Please i’m sorry for snooping earlier!!! Please let m eg o I swear to keep my distance!!!!”
You: what
Him: what
“What…. did you say?”
“Don’t you remember me? You fed me”
And you’re like ?????????? ?? ???????  what is this guy on
“Uh… Wonwoo, was it? I think you have the wrong person; I don’t know what you’re--”
And it hits you
That day you thought you were gonna die
You look at him completely baffled like how is that even possible???? That was,,,, a wolf
Your breath is hitching you’re gonna faint again that means he was the same one who saved you from being eaten
“I know it’s hard to believe but that was me!!!!! Food was extremely difficult to find at that time and when I saw you…. Well, i was hoping you would be willing to spare me something”
My heart poor little wonu was gonna starve to death if it weren’t for you
“But…. but how….”
“Ah…. well that’s a story for later but the important thing is I was eternally grateful to you and I was determined to find you again,,,, I wanted to return the favor for saving me. Who do you think paid off your grandpa’s medical bills? I hope that blanket was warm enough for you”
Turns out he’s been watching you from afar as his human form as your little guardian angel (or stalker…. tbh) im crying
“You were thankful just for some pieces of meat I gave out?”
“It wasn’t just some meat. You saved me from dying! I hadn’t had any food in my system for a week. I’ve helped your grandpa plenty of times at the market before. I also purchased those textbooks you needed for that math class”
“Wait but my friend gave those to me?”
“Yeah well that’s what I told her to say to you LOL”
gdi your friend was probably geeking out about how good looking he was
And you’re just trying to process this but it’s overwhelming to say the least
“You… you did all of that for me???”
And he’s like ofc!!! :DDD you deserve everything and more!!!!
“What about that pack from earlier?”
“That’s our rival pack,,,,, I’m so sorry you had to get caught up in our rivalry but good thing I got there in time. I told the others to help protect you”
And you start tearing up because of how gracious and humble and caring he is and he’s like oh nononono and starts to freak out and hugs you
You’re gonna bAWL why is this guy so nice to you he’s even rubbing circles on your back to help calm you down
“I’m not asking much of you…. but can we try getting to properly know each other? You were the only single person to not judge me in my wolf form,,,,, everyone else would throw sticks and stones :(((“ (words do indeed hurt you tho) “and i’m also grateful that you were able to accept me even as a creature that you feared”
you take a moment to breathe and eventually accept bc even tho this is all so sudden and foreign you can just tell he has a heart of gold and doesn’t wanna hurt you
Ofc your gramps throws a fit when you get home and he’s like wHY IS THIS GUY WITH YOU
After a long long talk things are settled and your gramps is like ok fine you can date her or whatever but one wrong move and your head is gonna be hanged here
“I’m just saying i got my eye on you boy”
You spend the rest of your break getting to really know Wonwoo and try to overlook his,,, alter ego thing,,,, as best as you can
You’re outside making snowmen and snow angels and just being so carefree about everything
You somehow end up in a snowball fight with wonwoo and he’s like ur going down!!11!!
You’re hiding behind a tree and peek out to find him but when all of a sudden someone ambushes you from behind
“I GOT YOU” he screams in your ear while you’re laughing and trying to wiggle out of his arms
You guys stumble and fall with him on top of you oHMYGOHDGHLGDS
Your laughter dies down a little and all you can think about is how close your faces are
He softly smiles at you and leans down to give you your firST KISS IM SCREAMING
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Entry 1: When you feel no one loved you, don’t feel bad. Just go back to the start their always a person who love you.             - Prof Daren Gonzalez.
Mixed emotion. Unleash personality and some emotions starting to show. I don't know what to feel in this subject because little by little I started getting to know myself even more and its scary at the same time exciting. So I think my journey in this subject will be a roller coaster. So here’s my reflection about this week lesson. (enjoy reading:)
Im 17 years old my height and all my physical appearance looks like a 14 year old girl and I am close enough  to reach the legal age and yet here i am looking like a grade 7 student. Everyone  sees me as a child, immature, cannot decide on my own, a dependent child and a childish one. Every time when I started talking, started doing things that not feminine does not have gentleness when there have a adult person on my side the words I always heard  was “ magmature ka naman na” thats the exact word I always heard, sometimes i just ignore it because it is so annoying. I'm trying to act one, Im trying my best to be the mature person they what me to be but i can’t  maybe I am mature a little bit. Yes all of us will mature or change but I think maybe it is not my time. We people undergo different stages in our life that changes how we look, think and how we cope up in some situation. After the lesson i learned that we must let the time decide, let the time do the twist in your life. Take it easy, take it slow everything has a time.A best time.
Insecurities slowly eaten me and continue eating me and the bad thing here is I let that insecurities eat me. and maybe thats the reason why I am feeling that i am not belong , feeling that i don't loved by anyone.I always thinking that maybe I am not really belong on this earth and no one loved me, I end up crying and just praying that someday that emptiness what I am feeling will be ease because honestly I'm slowly giving up. I always feel unwanted i don't know what is the problem or it is just me overthinking. As the lesson goes by and sir Darren asked some question that really got me thinking the whole day even at night before i sleep, he asked if anyone in the room felt unwanted, not be loved and don't belong. I want to raise my hand that time and say that I am one of those person who always felt  that but when he speak again and said “When you feel no one loved you, don’t feel bad. Just go back to the start their always a person who love you” and that was the words got me off guard, realization hit me, yes he has a point their always a persons who love you n matter what who you are, no matter what you does. there always a persons who can run when you think that life played you, you just need to appreciate and when you start to give importance to that you will gonna feel that you are not alone in the whole time. when the world turns back don't worry you have a loving family and of course God that you can count anytime.
These are the things that i want to improve in myself:
*Overthinking is bad. Don't overthink much. *Improve how I am socializing *Improve my tempered *Improve how I gonna control my emotions *Learn to appreciate even it is not big deal
Work plan:      I know it is hard to the take action on how will improve myself but i think the least thing i can do now is to just go with the flow. Acceptance is the key, not everyone will like me so i just need to accept it and don't feel bad about it. and i think thats my only plan how to improve myself the next steps are still unknown I will let time give my chance to know what is the next step.
“Agreement to myself”
I am not good in committing. I always end up in nothing. but for now i will believe in myself, to believed that if you want what are you doing the result will be amazing. I'm not god at  words so i just gonna take an action to develop myself .i don't wanna change a lot i just want to discover the other side of my personalty because honestly I know deep inside there have a things needed to be unleash for me to be a better person. So here’s the thing i think i want change and to be learned in my personal development.
Things I want to change:
*i want to change my attitude that sometimes I am a self-centered person, I know its bad. *sometimes i can  be a attention seeker i don't know why. so i want to erase it in my system *don't be too much attach to a person because eventually not all people will stay on your side *don't ever feel alone and loved because i know that there have many people loves me.
Things I want to learn:
*i want to learn how I will understand people more. *i want to learn on how i will control my emotions because sometimes let my *emotions controls me and when i let it the result was always bad. *i want to know more things:)
I think this is the end for now. Until next time. Bye. :)
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goddess-complex · 7 years
8/29: first day back, long ass personal journal entry
my first day back at school has been amazing. i procrasstinated packing (of course:P) so i was up all night stuffing suitcases and at some point, i put on a channel called METV cause it was playing an episode of alfred hitchcocks show and ended up losing the remote and spent several hours in a sleep deprived, early AM twilight zone of packing while weird old sitcoms kept playing?? like the facts of life, and this weird show about a teacher and the donna reed show and one show about a train?? a family who runs a hotel near a train? then at like 5 am i love lucy came on, by that point, i was practically delirious. but i went shopping with my mom and got shoes and wine and hair stuff and then came home, my brother made eggs and my sister made sausage and we just ate breakfast and i said bye to everyone and left with my dad. i was feeling a liiiittle sentimental and eating my leftover frozen cookie dough custard in the car but then i knocked out while we were in NYC and woke up in CT. getting to hartford and getting back to campus was actually so nice. 
unloading the first bags, i saw the CUTEST, TINIEST LITTLE CORGI PUPPY!!!! SHE WAS SO SMALL!! the guy walking her was a fuking angel or smthn idk and i was so happy to just pet her!! two of my roommates (the two im closest friends with sarah and matt) were home when i got there and we said hi and my dad helped me unpack. then my dad took me to walgreens to pick up some stuff (i realized i forgot my toothbrush and showercap while we were ten minutes away from home) and he gave me some money and left. its always a little sad, initially, being left without all of ur family?? like you know? even if they bug you, like, you spend so much time with them thats its a little disconcerting to suddenly be 2.5 hours away in another state without any of them. and im very attached to familiarity (taurus rising, cap moon!!!) so being at home where i spent 16 years of my life is very natural and comforting to me, idk. im trying to get over it a little, bc its limiting to me, i wish i felt as comfortable in new places as i do at home, anywayyy
i really love the apartment. we only have two folding chairs for living room furniture lol but we’re going shopping soon. the kitchen is full of food and appliances already cause everyone else moved in before me. theres two full bathrooms, the upstairs on has a tub! we have SO MUCH fucking closet space its amazing. im rooming with sarah and the room has 3 decent sized windows, plus one full floor to ceiling one near my bed! its cozy and it lets in a lot of light. we’re close to the campus market and subway and not at all far from the academic buildings, its like, perfect. i half-assed unpacked a little, my other roommates, ryan and chris came back and everything was just really chill.
 so then, sarah and matt were talking about smoking and our friend liam came through because he happened to see sarah through the window. so the 4 of us grinded up liams weed and made tea and just chilled listening music. theres this big ass bag of mini chocolates that i have eaten like 7 giant handfuls of. i hit up my bud guy, and went over to get a dub (a hugeee dub) and got lost trying to find his apt lol. i stopped to say hi to my drama club friends and find out THEY ALL LIVE 2 APARTMENTS DOWN FROM ME!! its literally 3 apartments in a row thats all my friends!!! i live so close to my favorite people on campus its so cool. 
but i got back and matt had gone to bed cause they have an early class. so me sarah and liam smoked in our room. then liam left, and sarah went to bed but my OTHER friend kaia came through! she dropped out to go to a community college but she lives near the school so shes on campus a lot. and ryan and chris were up, so i poured everyone huuuge glasses of the wine i brought and ryan gave me some mac and cheese and we just hung out. i was really obviously high but like it was ok?? theres so much freedom in the village (the dorms where i live) i love it, its amazing. so kaia brought her dog lilli and it was so fun. we ended up going outside to smoke a cig and drink boujie wine spritzers i made with like, 7up and white wine (which were surprisingly good?) and ran into some of my drama friends, (different) chris and katey. so 4 of us just sat outside and chatted then MORE people came by, a DIFFERENT liam who kaia’s good friends with and his gf jackie who i know from a club we have together. and this kid andrew from rugby. so liam invited us over to his to smoke (again!!) and we went and he had flavored papers and we just chilled with his roommates and smoked in his room. so im SLUMPED at this point, remember i only slept for like 2 hrs in the car, so i go back to mine with kaia and we hang out for a bit. she has work at 6am (shes like, the captain of a row team or smthn?? but she gets paid? idek) so its like 12 or 1 and shes gonna sleep for a bit over in our living room until she has to leave. so i went to bed. it was SUCH  good first day, i just KNOW its gonna set the tone for the year!
so today is the first official day of classes and i still have to finish/ (start) registering..... i dont have a schedule yet....i figure ill do it today and start tomorrow, which is only one day late, so its not that bad right?? lol. i mean i KNOW its bad, but the consequences aren’t dire, i just have to find classes that are still open, which i registered late last time and it wasnt so hard to find open classes. thats my dirty secret of the moment lol, i have NO CLASS. so today i woke up early a little weed hungover (foggy brained ugh) and its such cool, gray weather. its almost 10 am.
i had a cup of coffee and my adderall and when im done writing this, im gonna shower and wash my hair. then i have to go around to different spots on campus to ask if they’re hiring. hopefully ill get a couple job applications. then/or before that, i have to go to housing and get my apartment keys (they were closed yesterday) then i figure ill probably come back home, hit up some of my friends i havent seen yet, and do some more unpacking/ laundry. 
around 4, im gonna take my stuff and go to starbucks for lunch and register for classes. then ill probably do some quick food shopping at the campus store. i have 1000 dining dollars for the semester so thats about $250 food budget per month, which is cool. i also have 100 dining hall swipes, but im probably gonna save those for eating with people. i feel like all the bad things about last year are gone. like, living in an apartment is so much better than a dorm. i just like living with people i actually like, know and can talk to. vs my roommate last year who got really fucking weird like 3 weeks in and we dead just stopped talking at all to each other whateverrr though, its a new year! 
after shopping im probably gonna come back, finish unpacking/ decorating/laundry and find out dates and times for club meetings and auditions cause i missed the club fair.  kaia’s coming over later bc i left my ipad in her bag, so we’ll probably do something or at least smoke. i have a really fat dub lmaoo. kaia knows so many people she just always has something going on. its gonna be a good day and a good year im optimistic, but realistic!! im gonna MAKE it a good year
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