#ikemen revolution edgar bright x reader
cloudcountry · 5 months
SUMMARY: edgar contemplates you.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: i cried three times while writing this idk!! also this got away from me hello 2k words??? SPOILERS FOR EDGARS ROUTE EVERYWHERE OK YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
TAGLIST: @vivislosingitagain obviously and @vioisgoinginsane meow!! @jade-s-nymph asked to be tagged too after learning i cried over this HE;PPL
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Edgar isn’t sure what to make of you. Even now, even though you’ve decided to stay in Cradle with him, throwing your things and your only way back home into the rabbit hole that took you here, he finds himself wondering why you did that. You want to stay with him, that part is obvious enough, and you’ve always been so earnest with what you think that he has no reason to doubt you. But even so, he holds onto the hope that you really do want to stay, that you want to love him and you’ll choose that every day for as long as you two shall live, and that this isn’t some dream that he’ll inevitably wake up from and be forced to go back to the way he once was.
There’s an ache in his chest when he thinks about how he tried to use you, how he only viewed you as a tool. You always tell him that doesn’t matter now, that he’s done more than enough to prove that he cares for you in ways that far surpass viewing you as a tool, but some nights your words aren’t enough and he wakes up in a cold sweat, visions of the Magic Tower and his long-imprisoned uncle flashing in his mind. He finds solace in you, your arms around his waist and your face pressed against his back, and on those nights you wake up with his forehead pressed against yours so he can see your face first thing in the morning. You always know why he’s facing your way, and you always ask if he wants to talk about it.
By morning, Edgar is usually okay. He’s gone through night terrors enough to be able to chase them off on his own. He doesn’t want to burden you with things that he did to hurt you, actions he took that led to your suffering. It would be horrible to complain when you were the victim in that situation, and he doesn’t want to be horrible to you.
But all it takes for him to break, to crack just a little, is you taking him into your arms, pressing sweet kisses to his forehead, letting him know that he can talk to you about anything, anytime, and that all he needs to do is call because you will always come, no matter what. And for the first time in a long, long while, Edgar feels like he could cry.
He doesn’t.
He doesn’t, but with every passing day he feels like he can be more honest with you. The sun rises above the horizon and dips below it, day after day, and you’re still here. You still bring him pastries you made and jellybeans you picked up from his favorite candy shop when you run errands. You still bring him a blanket when he falls asleep at his desk because he is working too hard, and you always pull up a chair right next to him so that when he wakes up, the first thing he will see is still your face. You still sing his praises when he spars, you still shine down on him with that beautiful smile when you run into his arms. You still place sticky notes on the wall above his desk, reminding him to take care of himself and that his favorite pastry is in the fridge if he needs any food while you’re away. Your notes form a mosaic of love and care and sweetness above the space that he used to slave away in. Now, because of you, instead of a desk full of paperwork signed by bloody hands, it feels like sitting on a fluffy cloud overlooking a flower-speckled meadow.
Edgar doesn’t know how he can even begin to repay you for what you’ve done for him. He knows without a doubt that he will love you every day, for as long as his soul will allow. Promising to love you with his heart isn’t enough, he thinks, because his heart could stop beating any day and a love that dies like a heart is no love at all.
You’re the most special person in his life, without a doubt. For far too long he thought his love wasn’t enough, that it wasn’t worthy, and yet you’ve tried (and are still trying) to convince him that it is. You cradle his hands to your chest and you say they’re warm, you kiss his scars when the memories hurt, and you allow his bloody hands to touch and hold you. You’ve allowed him so much, you’ve spoiled him rotten, and he couldn’t go on living without you
 He doesn’t know what pulled you into Cradle, but he prays to every star in the sky that whatever leads you here doesn’t change its mind. Whether it’s fate or just you (beautiful, radiant you), if you were to slip from his grasp, he doesn’t know what he would do.
And so, when you come back from running errands with a sleepy stumble in your step, when the sun dips beneath the sky, when your eyes and fluttering shut and you can’t stop yourself from yawning, Edgar catches you. His eyes are soft as he takes you in, your fingers curling around his bicep as you smile. Your head falls against his chest, and you allow yourself to slip into his embrace, your ear right against his heart. An explosion of emotions swell from within him, starting from the very pits of his stomach and blooming into a beautiful flower as they hit his heart. The happiness he feels, just holding you, knowing you trust him enough to let down your guard around him, fills him with the greatest joy he's ever known.
“Welcome home, dumpling.” he teases, voice soft and quiet as he brushes your hair away from your face, “Had a rough day?”
“Mhm.” you answer, nodding. Your hair scratches against his shirt, and his heart pitter patters in his chest, “Jonah ran me ragged.”
Edgar tsks, swooping you up into his arms. He’ll have to let Jonah know not to get too overzealous with his love, even though he knows all too well how easy it is.
It’s familiar, carrying you to bed and falling asleep at your side—in fact, Edgar knows it's never been easier. Waking up the next morning is just as easy, and even though he wishes he could stay there till the afternoon, he gets out of bed and gets ready before you can convince him to come back.
He’s out the door before you open your eyes.
The day passes like any other, with him running around headquarters and organizing paperwork, starting the occasional sparring match with Zero or one of his soldiers just so he doesn’t get bored. He makes sure to go into town and get the present he wanted to get for you, his heart set on giving it to you by the end of the day. He’s sure you’ll love it, and he’s certain this is what he wants.
He just hopes you will want it as well.
By the time he gets back to headquarters, it’s time for dinner. You’re waiting in the dining room for him, two dishes placed in front of you, and he delights in the way your smile glimmers when you see him. You perk up completely at the sight of him, and it's enough to fill him with butterflies.
You really are too sweet to him.
Dinner passes in the blink of an eye. He talks about his day and you talk about yours, observing your hand gestures and facial expressions like they’re the most interesting thing in all of Cradle. No, even more so—they’re the most interesting things in this world and the next and the next, because no matter how many worlds and universes there are, they wouldn’t hold a candle to the person who found him at his darkest and dragged him out with their own two hands, allowing him the mercy of clawing at their palms and grasping for their wrists and crushing their fingers when the darkness latches onto him and tried to yank him away from the light.
The walk back to his room is quiet. He can tell you’re sleepy, your hand wrapped around his wrist loosening and tightening every few seconds. It’s cute how you walk side by side but still insist on holding onto him. It makes him feel so loved, even when he opens his door and lets the two of you in and you have to let go.
“You seem excited about something, Edgar.” you comment, slipping your arms out of your shirt and changing into your pajamas.
He snickers to himself, shooting you an indifferent smile. You can read him so well, better than anyone else, and wow he really loves you.
“You’re right. I picked up a little gift for you while I was in town.” he says, coming closer to where you stand, tired from the day's events and in your pajamas but looking so, so lovely.
He cups your cheeks, and that hand slides away when he drops on one knee.
Your hands fly to your mouth, covering your gasp when he pulls out a small black box and presents it to you. Your eyes are already watering, and even though he wants to wipe your tears he knows those are the happiest tears he’s ever seen.
“When you first fell into Cradle, I couldn’t have imagined what you would end up becoming to me. You’re my everything. I love you more than anything, and you’ve given me more love than I ever could have hoped for. Marry me, and we can spend our days happy and in love for as long as we both should live.”
My precious Alice.
Your yes is so loud he’s certain you just woke up half of headquarters as you throw yourself into his arms, crying into his shoulder as he slips the ring on your finger. You clutch it to your chest like it's something precious, like it's something you can't bear to lose, and Edgar clutches you in much the same way.
His suspicions are confirmed when Jonah kicks down the door, looking frantically into the room to make sure you’re safe (and Edgar knows he only came for you, his now fiance, because he knows full well Edgar can defend himself.) Zero comes soon after, lured by the commotion Jonah makes after learning you two are engaged, and if Edgar didn’t know any better he’d say Zero is just as happy as he is.
Leave it to his student to always look out for him. It seems sometimes Zero becomes the teacher himself when it comes to Edgar’s happiness.
If there was any sleepiness in your eyes it's gone now, especially when Jonah orders everyone into the dining hall for a celebration. Tears gather in his eyes but he doesn’t let them fall, not even when you point them out and ask if Jonah is okay and he snaps that he’s fine, that he’s just tired and that the two of you screaming ruined his beauty sleep. Neither of you comment on his choked-up voice or his sniffling. You know that’s what's best.
The chefs are all too happy to bring out the alcohol (which lures Kyle from his office, who then offers you his sincere congratulations even though he’s very much out of it.) And before you know it, it’s like nighttime hasn’t fallen and most of Cradle isn’t asleep, because you’re with the man you love and all of his friends and everyone is smiling and laughing and it makes you tear up again.
You had no idea your happiness would make people so happy. You had no idea your shared happiness could make everyone this happy. You had no idea you two had so much influence on other people’s lives, even though it seems silly to comprehend it now when you’ve changed everyone’s lives in some way just by being here and loving one of their own.
You were part of a family now. A huge, dysfunctional, reckless, loyal family.
Edgar’s lips find your cheek and he kisses you like it’s the first time. You turn to him with watery eyes and he smiles at you, the crinkles around his eyes and in his brow making your heart pound.
“Thank you for saying yes.” he murmurs, “I love you so much.”
He kisses you, in front of everyone, and you cling to his collar like you want him to stay there forever.
Because you do, and you always will.
Because your love is felt with your whole soul, and if it died with your heart it’d be no love at all.
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aquagirl1978 · 8 months
Wicked Game - Edgar Bright x Reader (Ikemen Revolution)
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A/N: Part of Visions of Temptation 2023 hosted by @xxsycamore
Pairing: Edgar Bright x Reader
Prompt: Day 10 - cockwarming
Word Count: 745
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI; cockwarming; public sex; dirty talk; praise kink; sex against the wall; quickie; creampie; female-bodied reader ("good girl" is said)
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“I thought I told you to be quiet,” Edgar growled, his hot breath tickling your skin.
Wriggling on his lap, you tilted your head to meet his. “How do you expect me to stay quiet with your….oh, there’s too many people here,” you muttered through gritted teeth, your voice low, hoping no one nearby could hear you. Averting your gaze, you were unable to finish your sentence out loud – that Edgar’s cock was buried deep inside you.
“You look so beautiful when you make that face.” Edgar caressed your warm cheeks with his thumb; your eyes closed at his touch. Soft and gentle, you loved the feeling of Edgar’s fingers on your skin.
“Let’s play a game,” he whispered, his eyes alight with mischief. “First one to moan is the loser. Winner picks the prize.”
Without waiting for your acceptance of the terms of the game, Edgar wrapped his arm around your waist, his fingers splayed across your belly. “How deep inside do you think I am?” he whispered, his voice barely audible. His thumb traced a line just below your belly button. “Do you think I am this deep?”
You struggled to stay silent as he continued to tease you, his fingers coaxing the flames inside your core to burn brighter. Not ready to go down without fighting, you squeezed his cock within your walls, hoping he would show his frustration. 
“Nice try,” he whispered, his lips hovering above the soft slope of your shoulder. Clearly at an advantage, his tongue darted out, tasting your sweet skin before pressing his lips against you in a biting kiss. He tightened his grip around your waist, pulling your body closer to his, providing just enough friction to make you moan.
Without a word, he shifted your body, removing his cock from your core so gracefully the partygoers were none the wiser. He took your hand, nudging you to stand up, and with a wicked grin, led you down the hallway.
“That was an evil, wicked game you played, Edgar,” you pouted, the party now a quiet buzz in the background.
He  covered your mouth with his, silencing you. “I won, my rules.” He pushed you roughly against the nearby wall; his free hand hiking up your skirt.
Pushing your panties to the side, he slid a finger inside you. He grinned at you as he withdrew his hand. Bringing his hand to his mouth, he licked your arousal clean off his fingers. "Looks like you're just as excited as I am."
You nodded your head, words escaping you as your knees went weak. In a flash, he freed his erection; the layers of your skirt lifted, Edgar spread your legs, preparing you for his cock.
He shoved his thick length inside you in one hard push, your cries muffled by his mouth. 
“I'll have to fuck you properly later,” he said as he began to thrust inside you, “but for now, it will have to be quick.”
Edgar was merciless as he railed you, impaling you on his cock over and over again. You knew you wouldn't last long at his brutal pace. 
“Good girl,” he praised, guiding your legs around his waist, allowing him to penetrate deeper. “You feel so good,” he groaned against your skin, his mouth nibbling on your neck. 
Your body was on fire and no one could save you but Edgar.
Your eyelids drifted closed as his hips pounded against yours; he was so rough, so raw, you relished how he was ravaging your body. Your lips parted, his name repeated over and over as the fires inside continued to consume your body.
“Fuck,” he moaned, his lips dangerously close to your mouth. “I’m so close.” He took your hand in his, pressing your arm against the wall as he began to tremble inside you, your body already wracked with pleasure.
“I hope you're ready for a big load,” he said as he came deep inside you. You bit your lip, suppressing your cries of passion as you came on his cock.
“That's my good girl,” he whispered, easing you off his softening cock. He withdrew something from his jacket pocket, your body too blissed out to notice or care what he held in his hand. 
That is, until he gently pushed a bullet shaped plug inside you.
“Don't want you making a mess at the party,” he teased as he took your hand, guiding you back to the party.
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Tagging: @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @alixennial @redheadkittys @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @kpop-and-otome @ikehoe @lordsisterxotome @lucyw260 @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @itsjudesfault @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu
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lordsisterxotome · 3 years
Manners of a Gentle Demon (Edgar Bright x Reader)
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Fandom: Ikemen Revolution
Pairing: Edgar Bright x Reader
Prompt: Gun play | Knife play & “Doing this feels dirty…” “Because it is.”
Warning: Smut! Minors DNI!!!🔞
Intended Audience: Female Audience
Word Count: 1,556
Ko-fi: Click here to support me on ko-fi!<3
Disclaimer: I do not own Ikemen Revolution or any of its characters. All of that goodness is the property of Cybird. I do, however, own the plot of this fanfic. Please do not repost this on any other website.
Author’s Note: If you would like to know what I was listening to as I wrote this, click here. In any case, enjoy day 26 of @xxsycamore’s Visions of Temptation event. Getting to the end here, yeah!
Tag list: @yesmarsx @nad-zeta @kisara-16 @cheese-ception @cailann @vespeshadowmoon @ravenarld @juminly @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @otomefoxystar @otome-scribbles @lucyw260 @milimontero @wonderwrench @kpop-and-otome @queengiuliettafirstlady @toxiicmoron @kiwibaekie​
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please fill out this form.
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       All was well in Red Territory. 
       Evening had long since descended over Cradle, the veil of night throwing glittering stars across the sky and blanketing all in darkness. The bridge leading up to the Red Army’s headquarters was empty at this hour, just as it should be, the quiet broken only by the chirp of crickets and the occasional set of footsteps from a passing sentry.
       Within the impressive white building, all slept safe and peaceful in their beds. All except two, that is.
       Your breath caught in your throat as the knife danced over the bare skin of your stomach, glinting dangerously in the moonlight. Edgar smirked above you, the gesture just as lethal as the knifepoint as green eyes narrowed to slits and the blade trailed lower, pressing just hard enough to leave an electrified trail in his wake, never enough to actually mar your skin. 
       A solitary pocket of sin filled the space of the room, the couple within given over to more passionate endeavors than sleeping. And honestly how could you ever resist? His sweet whispers in your ear of all the things he would do to you left you weak and breathless, what few hesitations you did have evaporating with each sensual caress. Your gentle demon could do anything to you, have his wicked way with you as much as he wanted, and you would enjoy every bit of it - of that you were sure. 
       Despite the twitch of your hands, aching to reach for the man above you, they remained firmly in place over your head, lest you incur the displeasure of your lover. Once before, you had disobeyed Edgar’s orders in bed, and he’d teased you with your climax mercilessly all night, leaving you a begging, trembling mess before he finally granted you relief. You didn’t wish to repeat your mistake tonight, sure you would go crazy long before he took pity on you if you did.
       “Edgar,” you whispered as the blade moved up again, circling a hardened nipple. The cool touch of the metal sent a pulse of want between your legs, heat pooling in the pit of your stomach as you tried and failed to close your thighs against the rush of arousal that seeped from your folds. 
       “Ah ah ah.” The touch of his hand smoothing over the joint where inner thigh met hip held you open to his gaze, smug facade masking the hunger and ravenous desire lying just beneath. His tongue darted out to lick across his bottom lip at the sight. “Such a pretty little pussy,” he mused, “And so wet for me too.”
       The hand on your hip moved slowly, his index finger ghosting over the swollen petals of your cunt. His smirk widened at the desperate whine you made and the toss of your head as you buried your face in a pillow. Despite your obvious need, your hands remained fixed in place above your head. Such a good girl for him. “Tell me the truth. Does this kind of play turn you on, my love?” 
       “Doing this...feels dirty…” you mewled. How could you admit that it was absolutely turning you on, supremely turning you on, without voicing some of your even dirtier thoughts? Dear god, had he turned you into a being of lust, eager to receive everything he had to give and whatever play that entailed. Maybe it should’ve felt strange but instead you felt powerful, in control and out of control at the same time. 
       His chuckle was that of the devil - far too seductive and far too pleased with himself. “Because it is.”
       It took a heartbeat for you to register the metal of the knife handle, warmed by the heat of his hand, against your folds, but by then it was already pushing past the tight ring of muscle circling your entrance, making you gasp and arch as the blunt end stretched you open without hesitation. 
       You tried to writhe away from the object pressing into you automatically but your lover quieted your struggles with a hand under your chin, pinning your gaze as he loomed over you. The smile he gave you was so delighted and loving it would have been difficult to believe that he currently had a knife shoved into your dripping pussy, gently working the hilt deeper. “I’m going to fuck you on this knife,” he murmured, too sweetly for the filth spilling forth from his lips. “And once you cum, I’m going to fuck you raw on my cock.”
       Lips parting around a wanton moan, you can only nod as your fingers claw into a pillow and your legs fall open even further. You want it all, everything he has to offer and more, as he slowly pulled the knife from your depths, drawing a new wave of slick out with it. The next time it goes in is easier, lubricated by your juices and your easing muscles.
       “Good girl,” Edgar moaned, the sound rough and strained. The sight of your core stretched lewdly around the circumference of the hilt made his cock ache painfully, demanding he toss the object away and fuck you right and full, but he resisted the urge. His chest heaved with the effort not to simply rut into you like an animal as he pushed the knife back in.
       Your back arched, toes curling, as he worked the knife in and out of you over and over again, making a mess of the sheets as your slick poured from your depths. Tears streamed down your cheeks, hair sticking to your damp forehead, as you begged for more, pleading with him to move it faster, deeper, harder. To simply take you already. 
       “Sweet god,” Edgar groaned, teeth digging into his lip. His hips moved gently against the bed, desperate for friction as the lewd image before him burned itself into his permanent memory. “Such a good girl. Such a good little pussy, stretched so wide you look like you're about to break.”
       “Edgar!” The hard scrape of the rounded hilt against your g-spot had your eyes rolling back in your head, your cry echoing off the walls. His pace stuttered for just a moment but it was enough for you to take matters into your own hands. Grasping the pillow above your head for stability, your hips rolled, beginning to fuck yourself on the knife hilt and leaving your boyfriend utterly dumbstruck. 
       Your breasts bounced with each wave of your body, mouth hanging open and brows knitted in concentration as you drove yourself clumsily towards completion. Edgar swore he nearly came all over your leg right then and there, he’d never seen anything so erotic and so beautiful.
       “Keep going!” you demanded, teeth gritting around a growl. You could feel your orgasm closing in, the heat in your stomach reaching a fever pitch, and if he dared to steal it away from you, you swore he was going to sleep in his office tonight. Fortunately for Edgar, he was all too happy to oblige, saliva filling his mouth as your entrance puckered and sucked at the hilt with each shove. 
       “God, cum for me. Cum for me and I’ll fill you up so good. I’ll make you feel so good,” he promised, lost in each sound and expression and move you made. You screamed in surprise when his thumb found your clit, pressing hard, fast circles into the swollen bud. 
       “Edgar, wait-ah!” You didn’t know what you were telling him to wait for as your climax rushed over you, eyes fluttering shut as your form shuddered and your mouth parted around a relieved cry. Your walls don’t quite know what to do with the unyielding object stuck inside of you, pussy trying to clamp down on something it can’t milk. As a result, your sweet release pours messily from you, dripping onto your boyfriend’s fingers, eager for a taste.
       You twitch, whining, when the knife is pulled from you, legs splayed bonelessly to the sides as you gasp and mewl. Something warm tickles your abused hole, puffy, velvety skin pressing softly against the tender flesh.
       You're still panting, limp in the aftermath of your orgasm when hands grasp your thighs without warning, pinning you wide. Eyes fly open just in time to watch your lover stuff his angry cock into your cunt, your yelp and the wet squelch of his length finding home echoing in your ears. After the rough sensation of the knife hilt, your sensitive walls mold welcomingly around the shape of him, already trying to suck him hungrily deeper despite the slight discomfort of having cum only moments before.
       Edgar nearly collapses at the sensation of your pussy swallowing and squeezing his neglected manhood, already trying to coax him into filling you to the brim with his cum. Pressing his face into your breasts, he took a few deep breaths to collect himself against the overwhelming pleasure. He promised he would make you cum on his cock and he planned to do so over and over until you couldn’t give him another orgasm, until the overstimulation was simply too much.
       His eyes are hazy, expression lust-drunk, when he looks up at you, a lovely shade of red covering his cheeks. When he smiles, it’s crooked and lazy. “Still hungry for more, darling?”
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writer-akihiko · 2 years
Henlo... my i ask a headcannon of ikerev boys and mc pregnant and how the boys deals her pregnancy mood swing? Thank you ❤
IkeRev Boys + Pregnant!MC
My first headcanons of IkeRev on this blog! These are generally shorter than I would've liked, but I hope you understand that there's a lot of characters!
If you are under 18, do not read. This work contains sexual themes. Please also consider blocking the [#slightly not family friendly] tag on my blog because I still will be posting that kind of content.
Lancelot Kingsley
Lancelot is informed that you would be facing a change of mood while you carry his child. In all honesty, he's unsure about what to expect
He's over the moon that you were with child. The entire night his work was abandoned, spending the hours to hug you close, his hand running over the lower half of your stomach
He hates it when you get pregnancy pains. Mainly for the reason that he can't take the pain away from you…
When mood changes hit, he keeps his mouth shut. For as much as he wants to say that you shouldn't overreact, he values cuddling you in bed
Expect a dinner with your favourite foods after your fits of moods, as his way to make it up to you. He'll dress up, wearing the uniform you favoured the most, as a feast for your eyes only
Jonah Clemence
If you go into fits of emotions, your husband Jonah will also get emotional. Honestly, with the way that he's reacting, people might believe that he's the one pregnant with the child
You tried to keep it hidden, but the one time that Jonah triggered your mood swings was when he tsked at one of the names of your child, unsure about it
He was thrown in a panic at your sudden crying, asking you to tell him what was wrong and resorting to handing you your favourite items just so you could cease crying
The mood swings aren't the biggest thing that stress him out during your pregnancy. In all honesty, he's worried about getting you around, and wants to prevent any accidents of falling
He's making you stay in his family estate where you're well taken care of in your late stages of pregnancy. He's promised to return every night to you, even if you're not awake, as he presses a kiss to your forehead of your sleeping self
Edgar Bright
He's surprised by the pregnancy at first, but he's quick to add up the pieces about your strange behaviour. He even knows that you're pregnant before you do
It's certainly unplanned, but he's not one to get panicked about it. He's joyous, smiling around the office which shocks the other officers, believing he's pulling something sinister behind their backs
He's very good at handling your mood swings, accommodating to them. When you're angry, he'll listen to you. When you're in tears, he'll wipe them away and say that you're alright
He's gotten used to predicting the kinds of moods that could come about with you. He even has teas to calm you down if you need it
The thing he hasn't gotten used to is your aches. His massages are helpful, but he frowns every time they return. In his childish moments, he scolds your body for hurting you such as 'YN's body… stop hurting my beloved alright?'
Kyle Ash
He may be a doctor, but he's not always a sharp one with how much he'd drink in one night. It just so happened to coincide with the moment you decided to tell him you were pregnant
Well, it's not like he remembers with the hangover. Kyle soon asks you to help him recall what happened, and initially it wasn't a big issue…
Until later in your pregnancy, you kept reminding him of the incident. Really, it's not you, nor does he blame you, as he soothes you while you're upset
The one thing that shocks everyone about your pregnancy is that Kyle Ash swore off alcohol the morning after you told him you were pregnant. Of course, this included Zero locking up the bottles in your house at the office instead
He's a man of sheer will when it came to you, so he kept his word. What he didn't stay off though, was having you in his bed. They do say that having some sensual time eases your aches, as the doctor allows it…
This sweet ace is so gentle with you when he hears the news. You told him during a tea party of the Red Army, and the officers saw him shed happy tears, gently hugging you as he thanks you
Zero began to doubt his strength, not wanting to crush you and the baby at all, so he starts to stay away from you, even hesitating to hold your hand in those days
He's not entirely aware of the emotional changes that could come with pregnancy, so it definitely stumps him when he can't figure out why you're crying
You try to explain it to him through your tears, but it's too late as Zero is already running out the door to demand the bakery for your favourite pastry that he forgot to buy this morning
He's confused about it, but he's able to help you calm down when you need to. You in turn help him be comfortable with touching you, him touching your rounding stomach bringing an intense blush to his cheeks
Ray Blackwell
He's over the moon that you're pregnant, but soon he grows anxious that he doesn't know much about what might happen to you besides your obvious physical changes
He was surprised that it was given an okay by the doctor to be sensual during your pregnancy. Not that he's complaining, but he still makes sure to surround you by pillows to support you
Ray mostly thought that your change of mood was because he did something wrong. He feels even worse when you apologise for it, since you can't help it
It's a learning curve to help you, but he'll study every book about it if it means he can be a better husband to you
He loves putting his head against your stomach and kissing it, then kissing you. He's loving both his child and his beloved wife, and he gets to rest with both of them
Sirius Oswald
With witnessing his mother through the pregnancies of his younger siblings, he's more prepared than you thought he was
Sirius is one who asks you if you need anything first, and whether you're fine with him leaving for work. Sometimes, he stays with you a little longer if you need him to
Well, in all physical aspects, Sirius has it well covered. On the emotional side… he's not lacking, he just needs time to understand your moods
He too feels that it is his fault, often seeking advice from his family on how to support you. There was a time with a mood swing that you hated to see him, where the man couldn't help but worry himself at work
At the end of the day, all the stress melts away when he sees you sleeping peacefully in your shared bed, hugging one of his coats close to your chest
Seth Hyde
He's absolutely delighted by the thought of you with his child. He's much more careful with his work, because he had you and his child to go back to
Your moods fall to being extremely worried to absolutely apathetic about him. He knows you can't control it, so he plays along, being affectionate or heartbroken when the scene calls for it
Seth is very strict about you walking around however. He doesn't want anybody to purposefully trip you over, or anyone on horseback to bump you so no matter what your mood is, you will hold his arm when outside
Seth however, is willing to fight anyone on the streets that comments about your growing stomach. He believes that you're carrying twins, already telling you every night what he thinks they might look like
Moods became less frequent, considering that Seth plays the scenario out hilariously that it causes you to snap whatever emotion you carried before
Luka Clemence
He almost dropped the pot of soup when you told him. If it weren't for Sirius, their dinner would be gone… Well, looks like there was another reason to celebrate!
He mostly wanted to spend time with you, to which everyone excused him for the time being. Your sweet Luka is holding your hand every step of the way…
Well, except for those moments when you decide that you're upset with him, to which he doesn't bother you. You're quick to snap out of it when you hear Luka's voice out the door, asking to be let in
He absolutely doesn't let Jonah visit, yet Jonah always finds a way. He actually prayed that Jonah finds you in a bad mood
Often times, Luka would make sure that you're always wearing something comfortable with comfortable food around you, as he holds your hand in the time he spends with you
Fenrir Godspeed
He twirls you around the room upon hearing the news. He's overwhelmed, going up to everyone he sees, telling them that he's going to be a father!
Actually, he's a nervous wreck about parenting a child. He's worried, but he often pushed it back to concentrate on your needs
He's unsure at first on how to tackle your sudden moods, but being around Fenrir lifts your spirits even though he's fidgeting around
Fenrir learns the changes that happen to your body, and he's noting them down, asking you about any aches that you feel. He's there to massage them away, to the best of his abilities
He makes sure that his work and you are separate. No firearms around you, and when you visit him, he's helping with training or paperwork as to not stress you out
Blanc Lapin
He could tell that something was off, but he didn't expect a pregnancy! It's the first time he's ever speechless, his usual cool demeanour falling as he grasped to your hands tighter
He definitely asks Kyle about it, doing some reading on himself. Before going to bed, he also reads to you what he learns from the books and asks for your feedback on how he's caring for you. He's a busy man, but he tries
He often finds himself staring away at you, particularly at your growing stomach. It's still shocking to him that his child is in there somewhere…
One thing that he never misses out on is eating or dining with you. With him, you tend to vent out your frustrations to him. He often faces your mood swings head on, even so, you're not harsh on him
You fear he overworks himself that he has no time for himself, but your worries are washed away when you find him reading a paper about the names he shortlisted for your child
Oliver Knight
In his taller form, he couldn't help but pick you up in his arms and twirl you around. Of course he wants to raise a family with you! The only issue that he pushed back was…
It was a little odd to walk around with you in the mornings with you pregnant. It made HIM look like your child
The amount of times he had to hold back from punching the people who'd ask him if he's excited for a sibling… He often says nothing, because any skeptics would stress you out
He asks Kyle to accompany you most of the time, and he does get jealous…. It quickly fades when Kyle faces your ever changing moods
Often Oliver is the one who'll make your mood swings vanish, but with how busy he is, he's often worried that he won't be there for you. He makes time, always returning at night to you though
Loki Genetta
He doesn't process what you said at first. Then, your Loki faints from the news, the Black Army having to put him in bed as you wait for him to awake
He's asking you if it's true, and when you nod, he pulls you into a tight hug. He's overwhelmed, incredibly emotional as he cries into your chest with nothing but love and thankfulness to you
He tries to play off that he's nervous, but his thoughts run wild at every possibility that could go wrong. You have to sit down with him and talk him through it
He often tails behind you quietly, but he goes into a frenzy when he sees you cry your heart out all of a sudden… That was your first mood swing
It was a surprise to Blanc to find you and Loki sobbing to each other on the floor of his living room when he got back
Harr Silver
Your Harr was frozen the moment you told him. Nothing you told him got him to snap out of it… and just when you were having a peaceful meal together
Harr is unconfident that he could do this on his own, so he's quick to ask Sirius or Lancelot for help. It's to their shock of course, but they welcome him
You settle near the Central Quarter, with easier access to care. You do appreciate what he does, but your emotional changes cause you to be annoyed with your husband
It's not good for his heart really, as you refuse to hold to his hand. But Kyle said that this could happen, so if you disliked him, this man would put on a disguise to escort you to the doctor's
Harr's adorable way of supporting you makes you quickly jump into his embrace full of love, as Harr holds you gently, his next fear being that he might squish you…
Mousse Atlas
It's difficult to catch your sleepy husband with full attention, so you just so happen to put some caffeine in his breakfast just so he'd listen
YN, if he was still sleepy, he'd react the same as news that you were with child kept replaying over and over again in his mind
It was the first time anyone'd see him so motivated to finish work. Even so, he didn't go out drinking. Instead, he goes home straight to you, to get the nap he was dreaming of, with his arms cradling you and the child close to him
Mousse is learning, but it surprises everyone else that he'd sometimes ask random questions about pregnancy and fatherhood
Mousse surprisingly isn't the target of your mood swings. He'd watch you in amusement as you scold the inanimate object for being in your way, as he simply agrees with your statements
Dalim 'Dum' Tweedle
He thinks you're joking at first, but then you throw a pillow at him. Then he believes it, now comforting you and kissing your forehead with promises of getting through it together
He's your victim of your moods, often getting things thrown at him such as your towel, or your pillow as you pout at him at something he didn't do
He only teases you back, that boyish smile of his getting you back every time, as you pull the sheets closer to your chest
Of course he's going to bed you to help you with your pregnancy cramps! If it helps, he's willing to try anything!
At the end of the day, he sits on the edge of the bed, his fingers ghosting over your skin with his eyes filled with adoration at your sleeping, growing form…
Dean Tweedle
Dean is on his knees when he hears the news. He has his head to your lap, letting you play with his hair as he takes the moment in…
After that, it becomes incredibly hectic. He tries to reschedule everything so he'd be home by the evening, but sometimes you take it upon yourself to go to the academy or library
His students are in awe at how their stoic professor turns to an absolute mess, worrying about every inch and hair on your body, asking you if you struggled, whether someone bothered you-
Most are aware, but those who aren't… They often give you a hard time, causing you to go into a fit as the newly appointed guards won't allow you to see your husband!
Dean is equally upset, so your continuous mood is justifiable in his opinion. As he watches you, he's simply glad that he's not the target of your rage…
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sunsethw4 · 2 years
“who are you?” riddle says while looking suspiciously at the new face
“how dare you not know my name, i’m jonah clemence the proud queen of hearts” answered matter-of-factly the white haired boy
“NO, I AM THE QUEEN OF HEARTS” shouted riddle with his face bright as a strawberry
at this point the two queen of hearts were ready to explode and clash with each other
while yuu and alice where in the corner sipping tea as if this was normal occurrence for them
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Fandom: Ikemen Revolution 
Character: Edgar Bright 
Note: I sure do hope that I remember this piece of mischief correctly, because wow it has been a while since I opened that app. 
Warnings: Steam. Walking in on someone. Suggestive tones, but nothing that goes beyond. 
Word count: -1K 
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Maybe you were a little fresh behind the ears. Or perhaps you had expected the Red Army to be so tightly structured that even their showertimes were set and decided upon by the clock. In any case, it wasn't a schedule you seemed aware of as you came face to face to the ample chest of a certain Jack.
"My, how bold," Edgar had smiled that trademark grin of his, unbothered by the skin he was flashing to the world. The heat of his bath was still steaming off his skin, the cool air leaving a trail of goosebumps alongside a path of muscles that you only had the privilege to ogle at now. It earned a suck of your breath as you fought the rising temperatures of your cheeks while trying to tear your sight away to something less distracting.
"You shouldn't walk out of the bathroom naked," you had tried instead, half proud that the words came out coherent. Yet, the chuckle that followed made you feel like you stuttered, your heart skipping several beats as green eyes swept down to meet your gaze directly, challenging you to stare right into him as he peered into you.
"But my clothes will be damp again before I finish." Always ready with an answer Edgar challenged you to say more, the very smile on his face giving away how much he enjoyed watching you struggle.
"Is it the first time you have seen a chest?" he boldly questions, and by the way the corner of his lips twitches you just know that he knows but wants to hear it from you nonetheless.
But you can't say it. Not out loud. Not when the man is still dressed in nothing more than a single towel.
"It is indecent," you determine to yourself, and this time you successfully manage to focus your eyes on the wall behind him, though you fail to keep them there as they sneakily wander over from the floor, up his exposed legs towards his covered thighs and waist…
A satisfied hum escapes the Jack as he leans in, the heat of his skin radiating to you, but his breath hotter against your ear.
"I think you are the indecent one," he whispers, but it isn't a reprimand. It is pride as his bare hands slip around your wrists, tugging at you to follow him as he pulls you into the fog of the bath he had left mere moments ago.
"I think you need a better look before you are done," Edgar tells you as the door to the bathroom falls shut with a click, the sound of the lock following along with a widening smile of mischief.
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nightkarmaqueen · 3 years
London Brigde is Falling Down - Edgar Bright
----- London Brigde is Falling Down || Edgar Bright x Reader (MC/You) - Song Fiction
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Summary : Once you're tied to destiny, you can't just let it go. But you promised him to always be by his side, in his joys and sorrows, in his good and evil, and in the peace and destruction he creates. This lullaby from the Land of Reason will always be heard as you help him through his cruel destiny.
WC : 1184 Words.
Warning : Blood, execution process, violence, kinda horror or pshyco (?), grammar errors, and others.
A/N : I already have this hc in my mind since I remember it and I want to turn this into a fic. Also, you can support me in my wattpad account here.
    A Bright would always embrace their wife and children with both hands bathed in blood. Despite being released from the punishment, Bright's curse continues to haunt Edgar, the Jack of Hearts.
    After the trial that defined his life, Edgar remained as King of Hearts' left-hand man and did all the dirty work of the army. He felt he was used to this job. He also felt he was the only person suitable to do all of the dirty work.
    Like most members of the Bright family, Edgar will hug you with his cold, bloodied hands. Even though you are the love of his life, not a partner by a forced choice, Edgar still can't escape his nightmare.
    Slowly but surely, the nightmare begins to corrupt your heart. Without you knowing it, you have become part of the nightmare. Between Edgar's hands, the terrible things he does have become your daily consumption.
    “Since this past year, he had already killed five people in a row. The daughter of 9 of Hearts, The twins son of 3 of Hearts, and 5 of Hearts himself, even the last one is one of the Black Army soldiers. The King of Spades wanted me to take responsibility for the death of his soldier, so he left the decision on the punishment to me.”
    Lancelot's voice sounded serious and cold. His azure eyes glowed in the dim light of the room.
    In front of him, the Jack of Hearts smiled sweetly as if the news was not the terrible one. "What about the 5 of Hearts’ position, my king?"
    “His eldest son is ready to take his father's position. I think he's good enough to lead an unit.”
    “Ah, just like what I expected from a soldier of Zero’s unit, I see.” his chuckles fade away with the silence of the night.
    “You know what to do with this inhuman man, Edgar.”
    Once again, Edgar chuckled. An evil smiled painted across his lips. “Life will always be paid for by life, I suppose?”
    “People don't need to know about this death penalty. Report everything to me as soon as you’re done. You may go!”
    “As your command, my king. Please, excuse me.”
London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady. London Bridge is falling down.
    In the dark side of the Cradle at night, you walked alone, humming to the familiar lullaby from the Land of Reason. Your eyes stared blankly ahead as if there is no light and life in them.
    Your feet continued to walk like a doll controlled by a rotary lock, walking past the Red Bridge. All the citizens of Red Territory will immediately close their doors and windows as soon as they hear you sing that beautiful but horror melody. They'd know right away what was going on and will say the Jack is doing his job.
London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady.
    You turned your body down a narrow alley and stopped in front of a building with an old wooden door. You can smell the fishy scent of blood and you were sure it's not some kind of animal blood, but human blood.
    Knock! Knock! "Who dares to interfere me in the middle of the night like this?!” you could hear the sound of some things falling from inside. “Who is it?”
    You deliberately let the occupants of the house open the door first. And when he opened the door, you looked at him blankly yet still sharp like a doll. “I’m the Jack of Hearts’ woman. Is this the murderer house we search?” you asked politely with a thin smile painted on your face.
    “W-what do you mean?!” you immediately saw his gaze turned into panic and fear. He took out a Magic Crystal from his pocket. Your sweet smile daded away. You stared at the red energy emitting from the Magic Crystal quietly before you raised your hand at the energy. “Disappear,” you whispered along with the activation of your ability to repel magic. You keep neutralizing the power until the Magic Crystal runs out.
    The sound of a soft music box seems to play in your mind. You walked up to the killer slowly. The man immediately backed away in fear.
London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. My fair lady. London Bridge is falling down.
    You stopped as soon as you found someone in the shadows behind the murderer. You immediately recognized who it was from his jade-colored eyes that gleamed in the darkness.
    He snaked his palm to the murderer’s throat. “From what I have seen, smelled, and heard, you are found guilty for your serial murder charges. But if I may add, you're also found guilty for trying to harm the Jack of Hearts’ woman and I myself will administer the punishment to you with the permission of the King of Hearts.”
    “J-Jack of Hearts!” the murdered cried. “H-how could you enter this building?!”
    You heard Edgar’s painfully sweet chuckles. “You know me, I suppose. But if you want to know the answer, Alice helped me trick you. While you were attacking her with magic, I entered this building. I didn’t know you were that easy to trick.” Edgar wide smiles painted on his lips as he fixed his gaze to you. “Thank you, Alice!”
    “Y-you jerk!” the murderer shout.
    “Ah, ah! That’s not a good words for your last words,” said Edgar as he pointed his saber to the back of the murderer’s heart. Once again, Edgar looked at you who was now staring at the murderer with no feelings. “Alice, you may close your eyes and ears if you desire.”
    You shifted your gaze to Edgar and smiled sweetly. “That’s okay. I will do that if it’s too much for me.”
    “If you say so,” Edgar started to push his saber deep and SPLASH!!!
    You reflexively closed your eyes, unable to see the execution process. Before you could hear the cries of pain, Edgar stabbed his saber straight through the killer's heart.
    Edgar pulled his sword as the now dead murderer fell to the floor with a sickening thud. He walked up to you and dropped his saber. He also took off his gloves which were already covered in blood. Dark crimson of blood was painted on the floors, walls, and even on Edgar's white uniform.
    “I'm deeply apologize to have to involve you in this cruel execution. You’re body is shaking, Alice. I know it’s terrifying and I’m sorry.” Edgar whispered softly as he embrace you with his blood-bathed arms.
    You immediately drowned your face on his chest, seeking for comforts. “That’s okay, I’m starting to get use to this,” you mumbled. He stroked your hair gently, tranfering his warmth and comforts.
    “Hm, I will order my men to clean up this mess so we could immediately go back to the headquarter. How about that?” Edgar tried to look at your face.
    You nodded as you tightened your arms around his waist, never once wanting to let him go. “Okay, now let us go.”
    You look at the dead body in front of you from the corner of your eyes for the last time. You sang the last verse of the lullaby, lulling the murderer to his eternal slumber as a single tear slid down to your cheek.
London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady.
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See you at the next work! Stay safe and I love you!
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moos-cow · 4 years
’Tis The Season For SMUT
Like what I’ve posted before, I’ll be participating in @voltage-vixen​‘s  ’Tis The Season For SMUT Challenge!
So, without further ado, my first post for the challenge:
Day 1 Prompt: Kiss me under the mistletoe
Pairing: Lancelot Kingsley / Reader Fandom: Ikemen Revolution Genre: Fluff-SMUT Word Count: 2021 Warning: Graphic
“Zero! Over here!” you yell from across the street, waving a hand overhead to the wandering Ace of Hearts. Once your eyes met, he immediately walks over to you with a couple of bags in hand.
You had volunteered to head in the decorating of the Red Army Headquarters for Christmas-- a job usually taken by Jonah due to his ‘high standards of style’ as he’d call it. But like all the other officers, the closing holidays made him busier than usual; events with the nobles happening one after the other, and meetings with the Black Army for their joint Christmas event for the citizens topped his already packed-to-the-minute daily work.
Now that December has finally kicked in, you don’t hold back in your decor shopping escapades; you’d been waiting for this day to come since Halloween anyway. So, you go from shop to shop with Zero, buying all the decorations and trinkets on your list that you'll need to dress up the Headquarters. 
“What’s this?” Zero questioned the new bag you have in hand. It was a small, light-looking, brown bag that was sealed neatly with Christmas designed tape-- a standout from the colourful paper bags you carried.
“It’s a secret!” Excitement beaming from you as you began skipping back towards headquarters, looking forward to a certain Christmas tradition you'd surprise Lancelot with. “Come on, Zero!”
As huge as the headquarters is, with the help of some of the soldiers and maids, it took you over two weeks to completely decorate the manor from top to bottom, and inside out. It was a winter wonderland.
“One last piece,” you spoke to yourself, clutching the little brown bag you had when you went out with Zero. Where you’d choose to hang this little decor had to be special, not only to you but also to Lancelot, so you walk around the building to scan for viable locations. “Where, oh where can I hang you…”
“Y/N,” Edgar’s chipper voice called out to you just as he left Lancelot’s office with Jonah, wondering why you were walking aimlessly around the halls with a small bag in hand. “Anything the matter?”
“Edgar! Jonah!” You spun in surprise as the two sauntered towards you, Jonah’s eyes were immediately drawn to the bag in your hands, probably thinking that Edgar has given you a part of his stash of contraband sweets.
“I’m just looking for a nice place to hang these…”
Jonah arches a brow questioningly, and Edgar’s smile unwavering, as if asking you what the contents of the bag were. Your words slip out to answer the unspoken question, “... decors.”
Jonah frowned as he held out his hand, asking you to hand the bag over. You promptly hide it behind your back; but as you shift it around you, Edgar snatches it from your grip. His grin reaches from ear to ear as he and Jonah take a peek into the bag.
“Edgar!” You reach out to take the bag back, but he holds it just a little farther back and higher away from you. He may be the shortest among the officers, but he is still a good couple of inches taller than you.
“Now, now, Y/N. Why don’t you leave the hanging of this to us, hm? Besides, you’ve done a wonderful job decorating headquarters. My, you’re even better than Jonah here!” Edgar teases and chuckles at his own statement.
“Hey!” Jonah scowls at the younger man, then pouts as he turns to you, trying to get his composure back. “Anyway, Y/N, mistletoes are poisonous. It’s better to have Edgar poisoned rather than you.”
“You hurt my feelings, Queen.” Edgar banters back, waving a hand as he turns to walk away with the bag. Jonah soon follows in suit, excusing himself from you to head to his troops’ training session.
Another week has passed, and the red and white manor now basked in the scarlet rays of the Christmas Eve setting sun. Up until now, there was no sign of the mistletoe Edgar took from you that time. After searching high and low, you finally shrug in defeat, resigning yourself to the idea that the little ornament would never see the light of Christmas that year.
A little mistletoe won’t ruin my Christmas! You commit yourself to that simple idea as you walk back to your room to get dressed for the evening’s party. A red and gold embellished off shoulder cocktail dress laid on your bed, with a small note and a single white rose. Your heart raced at the simple gesture-- Lancelot always knew how to make you smile.
You added a scarf to your ensemble and headed out for the common area. The delicious scents and joyful sounds filled the halls of the Red Army Headquarters. Soldiers and officers alike greeted you with smiles and laughter-- long gone was the Red Army you knew when you first arrived in Cradle.
“You look beautiful.” Lancelot greeted you the moment you arrived in the common room. 
“Who do I have to thank for then?” You wrap an arm around his waist and pull him close into a hug of sorts, chuckling into his chest. “Thank you, Lancelot.”
“Well, isn’t it Mr. and Mrs. Claus!” Kyle, clearly tipsy already, raises his voice as he saunters closer to you and Lancelot with a Christmas hat in hand. He swiftly decks it on Lancelot’s head and looks at it as if it were his prized masterpiece. “Perfect.”
To your surprise, Lancelot doesn’t dare move, nor remove the said hat; prompting you to turn to him with a slightly confused look on your face.
“The idiots made me into Santa this year,” Lancelot answered with the straightest face imaginable. You lightly cough to try to hold back your laughter; alas, your shoulders shook, giving you away to the man beside you. He was just too adorable. 
“I’m sorry, it does fit you.” you laugh and fan your face with your hand, fighting back the tears of joy threatening to fall from your eyes. “You’ll make a great Santa, Lancelot.”
A smile graced his features as the events of the night started. Overflowing food and drinks were served, music and chatter filled the air, and gifts were exchanged. You scan the room, burning the scene before you into memory-- Kyle, already on his umpteenth bottle of beer, started challenging soldiers to an arm-wrestling challenge, while Edgar and Zero stood by to watch and further insight until the whole thing goes down in flames; Jonah was receiving gifts from the soldier members of ‘Jonah's Heart Defenders’ at the other end with a fresh plate of mille-feuille before him; and, Lancelot… You strained your eyes to look for him in the busy crowd, and finally, find him alone by the Christmas tree, tinkering with one of the hung ornaments.
You saunter to him, bringing two flutes of champagne for each of you. He turns to you just as you arrive. With a clink of your flutes, you greet each other just as the grandfather clock struck 12 in the main hall.
“Merry Christmas, Lancelot.” 
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.” 
Lancelot cupped your cheek in his hand and gently pulled you close to meet your lips with his-- a soft and delicate kiss that started to heat up with every passing second.
“Ahem- King Lancelot,” Jonah interjected, prompting you to cut your quick make-out session with Lancelot. The Queen’s brows furrowed and his eyes looked away, yet his cheeks contradicted his expression as he blushed a light shade of pink, “Your speech.”
Lancelot gave Jonah a curt nod before facing back to you. You smile at him and lightly squeeze his hand, “Go get ‘em, Santa.”
His hand never left yours for the duration of the party-- through the officer’s speeches, to the farewell greetings. He only let you go as you both stopped in front of your bedroom door, twirling you in the hall and straight into his arms. 
Hands to the small of your back, Lancelot pulls you in closer for another kiss. 
“Mm- What was that for?” you look up to him, only now noticing that his eyes were red, and not their usual blue. "Hey!" 
He chuckles and points a finger up towards a floating mistletoe over your heads, the mistletoe you've been looking for the past week. 
"Oh- Why is that with you?!" Your cheeks warm up from the thought of Edgar handing the little bag to his King. 
Drat. Edgar.
You wanted to surprise Lancelot by kissing him under the mistletoe, but now, the complete opposite seemed to happen. 
"I’ve always wanted to try that." Lancelot suddenly confesses, eyes locked onto the floating mistletoe above. 
"You know you have to ask first, right?" you chuckle at his innocence.
"I suppose." he straightens up and holds you closer, tilting your head up with a finger to meet his gaze. He starts again, "Y/N, may I kiss you under this mistletoe?"
"Of course." 
You meet his lips in a fervent kiss, and when you break, Lancelot's lips travel down, leaving a wet trail to your neck as he rids the scarf off your skin. His warm hands make their way down to the curve of your sides, eliciting a sigh from you as you call his name.
"Mistletoe kisses don't always have to be on the lips, you know." He says between nips, breath blowing against your heated skin; sending shivers straight down to your core.
"Mhmm," you hum at the feeling of his fingers brushing the underside of your clothed breast, and you lightly tug at the front of his uniform before reaching up to run a hand through his blonde locks.  
Lancelot bites down and sucks onto your flesh as he pushes you flush against the door. A soft moan escapes your lips at the sudden mix of pain and pleasure;  "Lance-" 
"Yes?" he drags his sultry reply as slowly as his hand travels down to the front of your skirt, raking the clothing up until his fingers could skim across your skin. 
"We're in the hall." You shudder in his hold as the heat between your legs started to grow more intolerable, throbbing at the need for more.
"So?" he teases, bringing his lips up to your ear to nibble on your lobe while his hand continuously skims across your inner thighs, purposefully missing your clothed womanhood.
Words won't get to him, so you reply in kind-- hand skimming over his uniform before resting over the growing tent of his pants. He growls and slightly bucks his hips against your hand at the faint touch, chasing the friction his body longs for. 
He catches your grin in a hungry kiss, swallowing your moans as he presses his fingers against your clothed sex, coaxing agonizingly slow circles against the little bundle of nerves. You tremble in his grasp, panting heavily from every shock sent throughout your body.
"Lancelot," you whine, instinctively grinding against his hand. He doesn't stop, nor does he speed up. His clear blue eyes lock into yours for a moment, heavy and full of lust. 
He strains his ears to hear the approaching sound of company-- muffled footsteps and faint chatter coming from the west wing. Your eyes widen once the sound reaches your ears. 
Lancelot quickly wraps an arm around your waist and opens the door behind you, causing you to both stumble gracelessly onto the carpets of your room with a thud.
You find yourself laying on top of Lancelot, with his arm still wrapped around your waist protectively. Both of you were still caught in a daze from the last minute's incident. 
You break into a smile, then burst into a laugh; prompting the man beneath you to laugh as well. 
"So?" you spoke, trying your best to impersonate Lancelot's earlier reply despite your intense laughter.
Tears rolled freely down your cheeks from the laughter, and Lancelot wiped them with the pads of his thumbs before pulling you into another kiss.
A Merry Christmas indeed. 
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toloveawarlord · 3 years
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You can find my masterlist in my bio!
25 Days of Christmas Day 9
Pairing: Edgar x MC
Prompt: “How long have you been out here?”
Tagging: @plumpblueberry​ @christmaswarlock​ @sakura-1819​ @starry-starry-night24​ @kissmetwicekissmedeadly​ @thewitchofbooks​ @ikemensengokufangirl​ @stardust-dreamer13​ @gay-noodle-clan​ @nad-zeta​ @canaria-blackwell​ @hamster-damn​ @boundtothejacks​
A/N: Not my original plan for this story but I fell in love this idea!
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  Snow danced in the chilled wind, drifting down to join the blanket covering the yard. The warm shop disappeared, and she found herself shivering before a large home, strangely familiar. Alice rubbed her hands together, casting a quizzical glance around her surroundings. The mountains cascading across the horizon told her this was Red Territory, not Central Quarter where she’d previously been.
“Hey, miss! That magic you used lit up the whole yard!” A boy no older than six bounded up to her, his boots and jacket coated in a fresh layer of snow. The cold nipping at his red tinted cheeks and nose. Despite how frigid he looked; a wide grin broke out on his features.
Alice studied his familiar features. Chestnut brown locks. Jade irises reflecting mischievous intent. The moonlight shimmering on the white snow only illuminated the boy in a magical glow. “Did I scare you?”
“Of course not! I don’t scare easy!” The grin fell into a defiant pout as he folded his arms across his chest with a huff.
“Edgar! There you are! How long have you been out here? You’ll catch a cold!” A woman clad in a winter shawl over her pajamas and house slippers called from the door. Her gaze fell on the unknown woman. “Oh, hello there.”
“Hello- I-”
Edgar slipped his small hand into hers, tugging her toward the warm home. “This lady is lost, mother,” He announced, intent on bringing her inside with him. “As the future Jack of Hearts, I hereby decree that--” His head swiveled up to look at her, realization on those small features. “Sorry, I don’t know you’re name, miss.”
“Oh, it’s Alice.”
His head nodded as he cleared his throat and straightened his back. “I hereby decree that Alice will be given sanctuary in our home until morning.” He spoke with authority but peeked at his mother for permission. “We can’t leave her in the cold and no carriages are running at this hour.”
His mother laughed softly with a gentle smile. “Yes, I think that’s a wonderfully kind idea.” She brushed her hand lovingly through his hair and turned her attention to the woman. “You are more than welcome to stay here. I’m sure you’re terribly cold having wandered this far out into the country of Red Territory. I’m Lillian Bright, and this is my troublesome son, Edgar.”
The boy in question gave a breathy hey but didn’t deny it.
“Thank you, I’m terribly sorry of the inconvenience.” Alice might have chosen to brave the cold, but knowing that she wasn’t in her own timeline, she decided against it.
Besides, she was quite intrigued by this little Edgar. He was just as she imagined he’d be at this age; full of adventure, innocent, and simply so adorable she wanted to pinch his cheeks and tell him how cute he was.
But she refrained, as hard as it was.
“You should be in bed. It’s well past your bedtime,” Lillian said.
“It’s Christmas Eve, and Father promised he’d be home.” His head dropped; disappointment laced in his tone. He’d gone outside to wait, hoping to catch him riding in the distance on his horse. But hours had passed.
Lillian tugged his jacket off before relenting. “Alright. Go warm up by the fire. I’ll make us some hot chocolate.”
“I’ll help you. It’s the least I can do for your hospitality,” Alice offered.
Edgar tugged on her sleeve until she bent down to hear what he whispered into her ear. “Sneak extra marshmallows into mine!” He snickered softly, like he’d told her about an evil plot. With his request done, the energetic boy took off toward the roaring fire in the living room.
Alice accompanied his mother to the large kitchen. The arch above the sink gave a perfect view into the other room. She watched the six-year-old stick his hands out toward the flames only to wrench them back a few moments later and blow on them.
“Do you have kids, Alice?” Lillian asked, setting a pot of milk onto the stove top.
“Oh, no. Not yet anyways. I’m not sure E-” She stopped herself short of mentioning his name. “I’d like to, one day. I’m quite sure my boyfriend would be a wonderful father.” Her heart thumped in her chest as she thought about the two of them having a little one. Perhaps they’d have a boy who looked just like Edgar when he was young.
Lillian laughed, setting to work cutting up a bar of chocolate to melt into the warmed milk. “You must have a devoted lover, then.” A flicker of recognition flashed across her features. “His father, Cecil, he’s a good man. Busy, with his duties as the Jack of Hearts, but he loves that boy fiercely.”
“I can see that he’s loved so well.” An ache splintered across her chest. One day, he’ll lose those who cared so deeply for him.
Steam rose from the mugs as they were filled with the beverage. As requested, Alice slipped three extra marshmallows into the smaller mug. Edgar settled on the couch in between his mother and Alice, a wicked grin on his lips as he beamed at Alice.
She gave a wink and sipped on her drink. “Are you excited for Christmas, Edgar?”
“Yes! I hope I get a lot of candy and sweets. My favorite is-”
Jade eyes widened as if she’d read his mind as his head bobbed a confirmation. “How’d you know? Did you use magic?” He passed his mug to his mother before wiggling across the cushion to get closer to Alice. “I saw you use magic when you arrived.”
How would she explain that? It wasn’t like she could tell him that she was from the future, that she knew because he’d told her. Instead, Alice placed a finger over her lips and said, “It’s a secret.”
“Aww,” Edgar whined, flopping down onto his stomach, resting his head on his stacked arms. “That’s cheating. I can order you as the Jack!” He threw the title around as it fit him.
Just as mischievous as he was in the future. “You’re about twenty years too early for that.” Alice reached out her free hand and pinched at his side, causing the boy to flail around in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.
“He-hey! Stop t-that! It tickles!” He fought to no avail, only getting a reprieve when she pulled her hand away. He panted, taking deep breaths. “You’re a lot of fun. More fun than any of the maids here.” He sat up, tucking his legs in to sit criss-cross.
“I’ll bet you like to tease them, huh?”
Edgar turned his nose up, utterly denying his devious nature. A little prank here and there didn’t harm anyone. He shushed her as she snickered at him. “Mother fell asleep. She’s been getting tired a lot lately,” he said.
He tugged the blanket off the back of the couch and gently covered her with it, placing a kiss on her cheek. “I hope father makes it home. She’d really be happy, then.”
“He has a lot of work, being the Jack of Hearts, but I’m sure he’s doing everything he can to be here for the two of you.” She knew just how much was demanded of the Jack, especially since it wasn’t until Lancelot became King that the Bright line was free of their dark obligation.
“I wished on every star in the sky.”
The jingling of keys went unheard by the boy, but Alice turned her head toward the front hall. As she rubbed circles on his back, magic pulled at her body. The spell wearing off, telling her it was time to leave. “Hey, Edgar. You’ll get your wish. I promise. Wait right here, okay?”
“You think so?” The light returned to those jade irises. Hope laced in his features. His greatest wish for the year evident.
She rose from the couch, taking all three mugs to return them to the kitchen. The front door creaked open, making young Edgar jump up. His smile one that she would never forget. Alice clasped her hands together, finding the brightest star in the sky from the window.
I wish for his happiness. Both past and future.
“Father! You came! Just like she said you would!”
“She? Who are you talking about?”
As the magic took her back to her own time, she barely heard his reply.
The Christmas angel, Alice.
The lights of the shop returned to her vision. The crystal now a rock in her hands. Alice squeezed it tightly, a memento of her glimpse into his past. Two strong arms slid around her waist.
“There you are. I searched the whole shop, but you were gone for a while. Did you sneak out on me?” Edgar teased, resting his chin on her shoulder. They’d gone shopping together, but somehow, she’d managed to slip away. How strange.
“Yes, something like that.”
Alice laughed to herself. He may deny it, but that childish innocence had begun to return to him. She pocketed the rock and twisted in his arms to face him. “I went to wish on a few stars.”
He searched her for the truth, a sly smirk on his lips. “And what, pray tell, did you wish for?” Gloved fingers caressed her cheek as he waited patiently for the answer.
“Your happiness, for the rest of our lives.” She adored the surprise on his features. His cheeks the faintest of pink as he struggled to respond. Alice rose up on her tiptoes and placed a tender kiss on his lips.
She vowed to protect his happiness always.
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cheese-ception · 4 years
I interrupt my hiatus to serve you some NSFW Edgar reader-insert. It’s a cause noble enough to rouse me from my slumber ♡ Lacrimae means tears in Latin. Yes, I made him cry. No, I am not sorry. tested on the lovely @masamune-archive​ warnings: NSFW word count: 1235
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Edgar's gentle touch ghosted over your shoulders, his quivering digits slightly cold against your skin. Heat pooled between your thighs, anticipation rushing through your nerves, each of his gentle caresses sending a jolt though you as you watched his repression dissipate, amused by the slight hum of appreciation he emitted upon taking in the sight of you, still coming to terms with the fact you agreed to his proposal. His mind was running wild, years of self-doubt and denial crushed by his maddening hunger for you. For once he wished he truly was a demon, the desire to possess you flaring deep within him – and he chose not to push it away, not this time. Your words struck a previously untouched chord, flooding his imagination with all the sinful things he wanted to indulge you in, the promise of them lasting filling his chest with so much hope he had to pause just to catch his breath and look at you again, satisfying his need for a proof that it wasn't all just a dream. A sweet smile graced his lips as the affirmation hit him and he purred your name, warm and reverent, almost like a prayer, the five simple letters a blessing to his shattered mind.
You were really there, beautiful and pure and to his endless wonder truly his.
Not trusting his voice, he used his mouth to kiss you instead, relishing in a kind of worship that words could never rival and you shivered underneath him, the fervour of his ministrations pushing all of your thoughts aside, leaving your mind blank, a vast canvas, waiting to be filled with his heated confessions of love.
Your hands travelled across the expanse of his chest, feeling his quickened heartbeat underneath, nails scraping down the smooth pectorals and defined lines of his torso, his muscles contracting upon being teased. He let out a soft moan, his voice achingly tender as another shudder coursed through his body.
He welcomed all your strokes and touches, his previously gentle kisses turning possessive. He nipped at your neck cautiously, seeking your approval before sinking his teeth into it, the fierceness of the bite coaxing a ragged moan from you in response. Shocked by the intensity with which he claimed your flustered flesh, you let one of your hands drop, brushing against his length, straining hard against he surface of his garments.
He hissed sharply, biting into you again, hitting the same tender spot his teeth grazed before, grinding his aching member against the palm of your hand in a desperate chase after your warmth and any friction he could gain access to.
Unashamed, you gripped at him through the fabric of his trousers, causing him to growl against your neck, the sound almost foreign compared to his usual restrained softness, the fine hairs on your forearms rising from excitement.
He whined at the loss of pressure when you stopped to free him of his constraints, littering the floor with his clothes.
“Such a sweet tease you are, my angel“, he cooed, eyes darkened with lust as he dove down to kiss you again.
“I'm afraid I won't be able to hold back if you keep on doing this to me though.“ Grabbing a hold of his wrist, you led it between your legs, dipping his fingers into your wetness. His eyes went wide and he paused, swallowing hard, casting his gaze away from yours. “Then don't,” you murmured, snapping him out of his daze and he looked at you again, searching for any signs of disapproval or regret in your words, finding nothing but his own reflection in your eyes, eager and loving, just as you were.
You bucked against his hand and he took the hint, obeying your wordless request for more of his touch. Long fingers stroked over your slit, coated in your slick arousal and you gasped for air, wrapping your legs around his hips to nudge him closer.
He refused to move for a while, relishing in teasing you, the pad of his thumb drawing over your clit gently yet with the obvious focus on giving you as much stimulation as possible, his other hand reaching for his cock to align himself with your entrance.
He paused, uncertainty taking a hold of him once more, hesitant if either of you were truly ready to cross that line, unsure if he truly was worthy of your love.
He seemed almost fragile in his internal battle of restraint and desire, full of need for you yet shying away the moment he could actually have what he wanted, his duality a reflection of the deep sorrow underneath.
You pulled him closer still, nuzzling into him softly, determined not to let it end there.
“I want you...“ you whispered, the love in your voice mixed with an undeniable urgency.
He reached for your hand, pinning it down against the mattress, conviction leading his actions once more and he pushed into you, gasping softly as you took him in, until he was fully sheathed within you, allowing you to adjust to his girth before taking a tentative thrust. You moaned, goading him on, straining against his grip while he held you down, your hips moving up to take him in deeper. The was no going back and he finally let go, his need for you filling his soul and heart alike.
Lacing his fingers with yours, he keened, drawing your hand to his chest, pressing your palm just above his racing heart. His skin was damp with sweat, strained moans escaping his throat while he trusted into your heat, the muscles of his shoulders tensing. Edgar's movements were powerful and frenzied, his voice breaking as he called your name amidst the chase of the ambrosial high, relentless and unbound, his passion for you driving his every move. You whined and your back arched as he hit your sweet spot over and over again, your own pulse roaring in your ears whilst lost yourself in the moment of your shared desire.
Cold drops slid down your forearm, hand still fast against his ribcage and you gazed up upon him, stunned by the view he offered you. Strands of mussed hair clung to his face, framing his delicate features. A hint of crimson dusted over his cheeks, in a stark contrast to his porcelain complexion, and you searched his half-lidded eyes before they closed, glittering streams of tears wetting his flushed skin upon their descent.   You wanted to wipe them away, lifting your fingers from his chest briefly, but he grasped after them, pulling them back into their place, his own ones shaking. Eyes still shut, he sighed, suddenly upping the intensity of the thrusts, his fragile beauty holding you spellbound, his grip on your hand tightening upon feeling your walls spasm, ecstasy stealing your focus away from his dewy face. “Alice I...“ he groaned, snapping his hips against you, letting go of your hand at last, and he quickly pulled out of you, spilling himself onto your chest and stomach, his soft moans filling the air, choked and hoarse, leaving him breathless, unable to finish the sentence. You stroked his trembling arm, your gaze meeting his as your gently drew his wrist towards your mouth, placing a gentle kiss at its inner side. “I love you too, Ed,“ you hummed, a gentle smile touching your lips. ________ Masterlist
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cloudcountry · 7 months
SUMMARY: you call some of the ikerev suitors a pet name for the first time.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: FIRST PIECE FOR IKEREV LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO um is zero's the longest?!??!?! how did that happen?!?!?!??!?!
also im . only including teh routes ive done so far AHJSDGJASH
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a soft “can you pass the salt, angel?” makes zero pause. his eyes are wide and his lips part, surprised at the sudden pet name. you’re gazing so lovingly at him, brows furrowed and pretty lips pulled up into a gentle grin. you’re so pretty. zero feels his hands shake as he clutches the tablecloth, his mind running haywire as he tries to process what you said. you’d wanted something, right? zero sucks in a breath when every else you said finally makes sense. salt, you want the salt. he feels heat rising to his cheeks as he grabs it, passing it to you. “uh, yeah.” he fumbles, your voice in his ears repeating the pet name over and over. angel, angel, angel.
“you’re so mean to me, jellybean.” you stick your tongue out at edgar, his usual serene smile plastered on his face. “oh? alice, if i didn’t know any better i’d say you just called me something new.” he grins wider, leaning closer to you as your face flames up. you’re just about to tell him that he’s imagining things and that the cheesy pet name did not just pass through your lips, but the words get caught in your throat when he presses his lips against yours.
“you’re working too hard, darling.” you muse, placing a gentle hand on kyle’s back. he’s completely zoned into his work, shut off from the rest of the world. of course he didn’t hear you. you’ve always found yourself expressing your concerns to yourself before making sure he has a nice bowl of soup to eat when he’s finally done for the day. you turn to make your way to the kitchen, but the loud slam of a book closing makes you whip around. “wait, what did you call me?” kyle asks, eyes now glued to your form. if you didn’t know any better, you’d think his cheeks were pink.
“welcome home, apricot!” you beam the second harr walks through the door. his heart jumps into his throat when you wrap your arms around him, face buried in his chest. his hands float around your back before he presses them to your clothes, hugging you softly. he averts his eyes from you as his cheeks burn up, your little nickname having much more of an effect than you’d thought. it’s so sweet that you pay attention to what he likes. he loves you so much.
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Oh, okay then~ can I ask for an ikerev hc (seth, jonah, edgar, kyle, luka) with the MC/SO who have quite the strength, having death grip and deadly kick & punch if she chose to fight physically and can carry some weight ? Like, she's not big on using weapons but she used to be an MMA champion back in her days in the land of reason and bc of that she's very strong, being an athlete and all. Thank you for doing my request~ ^^ (bonus; what if she's cute & small? lmao they would be so shook)
Oh my gosh yesssss I hope I do them justice 😔✊
Tw cursing
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Seth Hyde
Oohhh my lord power couple at its finest
And the fact that you're cute and small? Seth is WHIPPED
He really does enable you too much
About to take some names and kick some ass? He's already holding your earrings and filming
"babe hold my purse" "kick their ass, dear! (✿ ♡‿♡)"
I hope no one messes with the two of you at the same time because they're not getting out of there alive, or close to it
I can see you both training together and the rest of the Black Army is baffled every. single. time. no matter how many times they see you guys
Also the fact that you both are the only ones who can beat Sirius in an arm wrestling match? Iconic
You both scare the shit out of everyone
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Jonah Clemence
Poor man is going to get a heart attack when he sees you deck someone
He lovingly scolds you for not letting him know about your background and potentially getting yourself hurt
He loves that you can take care of yourself, considering literally everything that's happened, but he simply can't stand the thought of losing you
Absolutely pick him up
He loves it when you come up behind him and pick him up bridal style
He gets that adorable pouty blush and will tell you to put him down (don't)
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Edgar Bright
My mans LIVES for this
He's simping so hard oh my gosh
Would totally ask you for tips... Y'know... Just in case...
Honestly would not hesitate to take you out on a mission or whatever because 1) you can handle yourself and 2) you would be a very valuable asset
No one expects his tiny s/o to kick so much ass
People are also scared of you two
Shady Edgar and his badass s/o? Ooooohhh boy
One time Zero walked in on you two talking about tactics and walked right back out
Lad didn't want any part of that scary shit
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Kyle Ash
Once he finds out he IMMEDIATELY gives you an hour long lecture on what medical issues can stem from being an MMA champ
Will give you a med eval on the spot
Once he calms down he takes you out for drinks because, why not?
"Ugh, I need a drink..." "I need a brewery"
He is so worried, constantly like please help him
He knows you would have no trouble taking care of yourself but.... He's a doctor and he doesn't want you to end up hurt or worse
You bet your ass if someone hurts you he's gonna pull the "I'm a healer but... *Cocks gun*
Of course the chances of that happening are like.... 0.0000.......
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Luka Clemence
Fluster 1000
CONSTANTLY blushing around you
He knows what you're capable of and it's really attractive and he will take that to his GRAVE
Reverse kabedon him please
He offers to teach you how to use his sword but he understands that you're much better off with your fists instead
Did I mention that you should reverse kabedon him?
Cooking in the kitchen is a dream because who needs a nut cracker when you have your hands?
Will be to shy to ask you for fighting tips at first but eventually he'll get there
Like his brother, you should 100% pick him up
Pouty Blush 2: The Electric Boogaloo
The other boys will tease him so much about it but he secretly loves it
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lordsisterxotome · 3 years
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𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓓𝓝𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪𝓷𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓼𝓯𝔀 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓴𝓼 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽!
Key - (f) fluff, (a) angst, (c) crack, (s) smut
𝓡𝓪𝔂 𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓵 ❃ ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾ ※ ✤ ✥ ❖ ❃ ❀
→ Kiss Me (f)
       ↳ song fic | plotless romance
→ No Hands (f)
       ↳ prompt: “It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.” | suggestive material
Jonah, Ray, and Fenrir with a sad S/O
𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼 𝓞𝓼𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓭 ❃ ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾ ※ ✤ ✥ ❖ ❃ ❀ ✿
→ Can I Kiss You? (f)
       ↳ plotless fluff / wholesome content
𝓢𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓗𝔂𝓭𝓮 ❃ ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾ ※ ✤ ✥ ❖ ❃ ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾
→ Man (s)🔞
part 1, part 2
       ↳ Seth proves just how much of a man he is to his MC | alternatively: Seth being himself
𝓕𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓲𝓻 𝓖𝓸𝓭𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓮𝓭 ❃ ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾ ※ ✤ ✥ ❖ ❃ ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾ ※ ✤ ✥ ❖
Jonah, Ray, and Fenrir with a sad S/O
𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓱 𝓒𝓵𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮 ❃ ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾ ※ ✤ ✥ ❖ ❃
Jonah, Ray, and Fenrir with a sad S/O
𝓔𝓭𝓰𝓪𝓻 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 ❃ ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾ ※ ✤ ✥ ❖ ❃ ❀ ✿
→ Forgive and Forget (a)(f)(s)🔞
       ↳ haunted by the sins of his past, you do your best to assuage your lover’s guilt | spoilers for Edgar’s route
𝓩𝓮𝓻𝓸 ❃ ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾ ※ ✤ ✥ ❖ ❃ ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾ ※ ✤ ✥ ❖
→ In Defense of You (f)
       ↳ prompt: “I don’t care what anyone thinks.” | mentions of insecurities
𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓵𝓿𝓮𝓻 ❃ ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾ ※ ✤ ✥ ❖ ❃ ❀ ✿ ❁
→ Not Close Enough (s)(f)🔞
       ↳ prompt: masquerade, costumes, candlelight | Harr and his MC sneak away to enjoy each other’s company | p w/o p
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
[NSFT] Let Her Command Us - Red Army X Reader
Another accompanying IkeRev piece! It's the Red Army's turn in @xxsycamore's Kinktober event, with special surprises for their Alice. @delicateikemenmemes and @nafeary get your menn-
If you are under 18, do not read. This work contains sex and other sexual themes. Please also consider blocking the [#not family friendly] tag on my blog because I still will be posting that kind of content.
Prompt: Face sitting + Deepthroating; "Oh you think I wouldn't? Watch me."
It was uncommon for them to share. You were the main focus of the Red Army, but it wasn't as if their work was focused on you. You were meant to be shared with the five of them, with the mercy of the King of Hearts.
They loved you equally, even if they tried to outdo one another. There were rules in place when it came to you, since they were such territorial men. They were so different, yet similar in the way they touched you…
You didn't have long to ponder on the nuances, not with the five men half dressed at the edge of your bed. You were in nothing but your nightgown, on your knees as their eyes raked over the sheer material of your dress. If they concentrated hard enough, they could just see your pebbled nipples from their intense stares.
The first one to move was the King, as he deserved. He kept your body imprisoned in the position they adored, particularly your thighs on the King's lap with his arms around your waist, in control of your hips as the slight image of your slick was revealed.
Lancelot was deliberately grinding his hips against your ass, as his hands ran up your thighs, unravelling your dress. The cream, lace panties that were Jonah's favourite were drenched, the darker stain causing the others to groan in such a way.
"Already drenched Alice? How impatient… Makes me wonder if you touched yourself, thinking about us," The King whispered the dirty thought into your ear, as his hands wandered to your breasts, pulling the cloth that covered it down, your mounds bouncing as he did so.
"Allow your humble subordinates to discipline her first, Lancelot," Edgar bowed, along with Jonah. Lancelot huffed, moving you off his lap for your cute ass to land on the soft sheets. Jonah and Edgar finally crawled onto the bed, preying on you as if you were their personal hunt.
Edgar's deft fingers found their way to the hem of your underwear, tugging the drenched cloth with your slick away, raising your thighs to your ankles at his shoulders before fisting the panties, quietly stuffing them away in his pocket.
Jonah meanwhile pressed his back onto the bed, his eyes raking over your nearly naked body. Once the panties were removed by the skillful Edgar, Jonah made a 'come hither' gesture with his fingers as an invitation to sit on his face.
Due to your embarrassment, you balanced yourself, supporting your hands on the bed but Jonah tsked, already criticising at you. His arms brought your hips down to his upper half, as he strictly chastised you. "Sit on me like I'm your fucking throne YN."
Having no way to overrule the Queen, you did as you were told, pressing all your weight on to Jonah as you heard his sinful moan, from feeling your thighs crushing him and the scent of your sweet pussy.
His fingers parted your hot folds for a moment as he mouth hungrily latched onto your clit, his tongue pressing into your core, dragging the lick along your folds before brutally attacking the nub. His actions sent delicious shivers of pleasure up your spine, as you threw your head back, yelling Jonah's full name.
Before you could scream for Jonah once more, Edgar's jealousy took over, forcing your lips onto his, all yells for Jonah muffled with his own tongue. Compared to Jonah's fast, heatful kisses to your lower half, Edgar was passionate and desperate, the sounds of his belt unbuckling in harmony with the sounds of you getting eaten out by Jonah.
Edgar broke the kiss, leaving a trail of saliva between you and him. For as much as he wanted to pin you against the wall and kiss the shit out of you, he had other ideas for your mouth.
He lined his crotch, yet to be unleashed to your mouth. You knew what you had to do. Your fingers continued to unzip the fly of his slacks, the boxer already clinging tightly to Edgar's cock. You allowed your hands to drag down Edgar's abs and V-line, teasing him just before your hands wringed his cock out of his pants.
The heated skin of Edgar's hips enticed you, as your hands ran over his twitching erection. Your hands groped the base of his shaft, erupting a groan out of Edgar that you've never heard before. You gave an experimental lick to the head of Edgar's cock, before swallowing the head, your tongue wrapping around the bulbous tip.
Jonah wasn't about to be outdone by Edgar making you swallowing his cock. His tongue continued to lick up your slick, as the tip of his tongue penetrated your core. It was easy to make you scream, as you were still taking half of Edgar's cock down your throat. The vibrations sent waves of ecstasy along Edgar's shaft, the room filled with the moans of you three.
With Edgar down your throat and Jonah latched to your pussy, it was quick for you to reach your high. A wave of bliss washed over your as you rode your high and Jonah's face, the muscles of your throat convulsing against Edgar's shaft, his seed shooting straight down your throat.
A sigh of pleasure left Edgar's lips as he removed his cock from your throat with a satisfying pop. He carried you by the waist, allowing Jonah to slip out from underneath you. To everyone's surprise, the youngest of them all, Zero, was prepared to have you with Zero tugging on your waist away from his teacher, almost growling when Edgar wouldn't let go.
"Edgar, remove yourself from her. She will pleasure me now."
Lancelot's husky, deep voice commanded his soldier, who immediately did so upon the order. Lancelot's cock was straining against his pants, almost bursting to get out, but he wanted you to undo him.
He settled to the headboard of the bed, his finger curling at you once more. As the obedient girl you were, your body moved to Lancelot, as if attracted to him. His large palm cupped your face, his thumb brushing over those bruised lips from taking Edgar earlier.
"Those lips of yours can still pleasure your King's cock right?"
With a shy nod, you got on your knees, your hands on his pants. Edgar scoffed at Zero, who didn't make a single move when you bent down and had your ass in the air. He was clearly distracted, and it was a chance for Edgar to tease him.
"If you won't smother yourself in her, I might take you up on that, Zero."
Zero scowled at his teacher, huffing. "Oh you think I wouldn't? Watch me."
Zero palmed the flesh of your ass that was up in air, pressing his crotch against you. You stopped your kissing of Lancelot's cock, the shivers up your spine overtaking again. Zero's arms caged you, as his soft ruts against your hips urged you to take on Lancelot's cock.
With the harsh stare of Lancelot, Zero retracted himself, settling to bury his nose in your pussy instead. Zero's fingers tickled your clit, while his tongue wandered to your folds. Zero was sloppier than Jonah's precise, perfect tongue but something about his messy eating made you gush with slick.
It almost hurts taking Lancelot down your throat. He was girthy, and the fact that Edgar made your throat sore didn't help. Lancelot stroked your jaw, as if to ease you. His cock weighed heavy on your tongue, as you licked the underside of his shaft. Your mouth was well slobbered by Lancelot's abundant pre-cum, but you were too cock drunk to care.
"That's it, YN… I know you can take me. Suck me good, YN…"
Zero flattened his tongue in between your folds, spreading you as far as he could with the muscle of his tongue. His cheeks and face were drenched, a scent he wished he could wear as his cologne. He flicked the nub, kissing it. His teeth occasionally grazed against your clit, your screams pleasuring Lancelot's shaft.
You were barely taking half of Lancelot, and yet you felt as if Zero was about to bring you to multiple highs. It had only been minutes with Lancelot and Zero, but Zero's thick tongue in in your folds made you quiver, your body spasming as you came undone, your nectar gushing onto Zero's tongue. He greedily licked you up, not wasting a single drop of you.
"So delicious YN… I could eat you forever if I could…"
Kyle at this point was an impatient man. He too wanted to taste you, but Zero was in his way. The doctor slapped Zero's shoulders, but the soldier didn't stop licking you. You were taking a short break from sucking Lancelot's shaft. Kyle's eyes were almost pleading to you, to let him have a chance in eating you up with the greedy Zero.
"Zero… it's Kyle's turn," You tapped Zero's head, and the Ace's face was an absolute mess. It made you blush the way Zero wiped off the slick on his face, only to shove those fingers back in mouth.
Kyle huffed, leaning over your body, his messy red hair tickling your stomach as he kissed it, his teeth grazing over your skin, hesitant if he wanted to leave a mark. There was a limited time window to do so, as Lancelot was getting impatient.
"Put that ass on me, YN."
You followed Kyle's instructions, Kyle's tongue sweeping up the parts that Zero never touched. The position allowed you to lean over, to try once again to pleasure the King's cock.
You kissed Lancelot's tip, your lips surrounding his tip as you sucked on the tip of his rod, moaning from Kyle's kitten licks to your pussy. The enticing vibrations had Lancelot palm your head, pushing you further down his cock as his shaft slid further within your mouth, finally hitting the back of your throat.
Lustful groans were let out by both men, as you bobbed your head up and down on Lancelot's cock, and grinding your hips onto Kyle's face. You didn't last long under Kyle's curling tongue, overstimulated from Zero's actions. The tip of his tongue barely poked your core, but it sent you shivers, clear liquid gushing from you more than ever before.
It shocked the doctor that you squirted on him, but he wasn't done with you just yet, even if it meant getting drowned by you. He pushed past your orgasm, shoving his long tongue into your core as he inhaled your scent.
The continuous licking on the underside of Lancelot's shaft made the King go wild. There was no signs of him coming to his high, but he locked his cock deep in your throat, as he concentrated on keeping himself together, his balls heavy and ready to cum. "Fuck… YN… The things you do to your King…"
His thrusting didn't slow as you felt the thick shot of his cum in your throat. He chased his high, his high intensifying as he felt the head of his cock pass that band of muscle in your throat. With his cock forming your throat, you crudely swallowed, snaking out his half-hard cock from your lips, kissing the lower half of Lancelot's abs.
Tired, you slumped to the sheets as Kyle at the last parts of you up. The doctor removed himself from you, massaging your tired hips. Lancelot settled near you, cuddling your head to his chest as Jonah came and sandwiched you from the other side. Edgar and his oh so loyal student had a thigh to each of them, kissing the flesh from your knees to your hips as Kyle settled in between your legs. You'd be sore tomorrow but the five of them would ease you back up again for you to command how they should continue this nightly endeavour.
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carnelianns · 4 years
Hey~ I was wondering if you can make an ikerev hc bout a fem mc who loves to do parkour (and she's good at it)? (If you dont want to do for all the suitors then I hope you can do jonah, edgar, and kyle) thanks in advance ☆ btw, I love your writings, and I hope you stay safe !
Jonah Clemence
Jonah is unaware of what exactly parkour is, and he, unfortunately, had to find out the hard way.
Said hard way was when he found you on top of the Red Army Quarters in the middle of the night, scaling the tall building in a way that only makes him pause for a good few seconds, jaw dropped and eyes widened to the size of saucers, before proceeding to scream his lungs out.
“Get down right now, you foolish girl!” He yells, bright eyes following your form. You can only laugh as you make a slightly wide jump, only doing wonders to his already wildly beating heart.
When you finally do get down with a breathless smile on your face, Jonah is less than amused. He’s dragging you all the way back inside, uttering long strings of flowery expletives just for you. How sweet.
“You absolute fool. Ridiculous troll. Intolerable woman. You — troublesome chimpanzee!”
“I haven’t heard that one before. Getting creative, Jonah?” You tease, only causing the ever-worried Queen to hiss at you. “Though I do wonder when you’re gonna stop swearing at me.”
You’re suddenly pulled into his room and pushed into the bed, your eyes widening when Jonah decides to get on top of the soft mattress and… pull you into his arms, back flat against his chest in an attempt to hide his flushing cheeks.
“... What are you doing?”
“I’m keeping your reckless self safe,” he scoffs, as if it were completely obvious. “There’s nowhere safer than in my arms, after all.”
After he finds out, Jonah is still awfully skeptical of your parkour habits, though he trusts in you to take care of yourself whilst doing so. 
More often than not, however, he’s sporting a slight pout whenever you announce you’re going out for a run, though the Queen of Hearts is only helpless against you.
Edgar Bright
Edgar has his fair share of dangerous hobbies and hidden secrets, so when he does find out you do parkour and what it is exactly, he’s giving you his usual smile that doesn’t give much away.
Inside, however, he’s extremely curious and, dare he admit it, slightly worried.
Said worries are immediately washed away when he sees you in action, jumping almost effortlessly from building to building and swinging dangerously off of a few ledges. He’s awed at your talent.
Edgar would be the most accepting of your habit, quickly warming up to it, and sometimes even asking you to teach him some tricks in case he needs to use it for his, ah, missions.
“So lets say you’re on the top of a building, and the nearest building is around 9 floors down, and you’re unable to leave because you’re being chased, and you’re also unable to fight them because your hands are too slippery due to the bl—”
“Haha.. What an awfully specific scenario you have there,” you laugh nervously, staring at the man who only meets your worried gaze with his angelic smile.
He’s actually serious and would appreciate your suggestions, so Q&As with Edgar usually end up with a tutorial lesson as well. Unsurprisingly, the Ace is quite good at parkour.
If you end up teaching him for long enough, you’ll be running around town and scaling buildings with the Jack of Hearts in no time — his breathless smile when you two land a jump is worth the trouble.
Kyle Ash
If you think about it — which you have — then telling the Cradle’s most famed doctor, and resident worrywart for anyone but himself, about your love for the sport that causes you a good share of breaks and bruises isn’t exactly a good idea.
Which is why you didn’t tell him, or anyone, for that matter; the Red Army is filled with many worried souls, despite their admittedly cold facades.
All secrets, however, are revealed in the end. Yours just so happened to come out after a particularly bad fall, only leading you to the one and only infirmary.
“So you’re telling me… you like jumping and rolling around — usually high places — without equipment… for fun?” Kyle asks, not bothering to hide the dissatisfaction in his tone as he wraps up your foot.
You wince, more at the scowl of his face than the slight pressure of the gauze. Rubbing your head sheepishly, you try smiling up at him to lighten his mood, “Yeah — ow! What was that or?!”
Rubbing the sore spot on your forehead that came from Kyle’s finger flick, your face scrunches up, staring at the frowning doctor.
“That was for having a life-endangering hobby,” he scoffs, though he can’t help how his fingers push your own away, rubbing gently at the spot on your forehead. “But I guess I can’t do anything if you really love it…”
He’s awfully understanding of your love for the sport, so much so to the point wherein you almost feel bad. 
If his schedule allows it, he’d accompany you whenever you wish to parkour, just to make sure you don’t hurt yourself, and just to be there in case you do.
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ikemensweetheart · 3 years
hellowe! could i ask for christmas wish for edgar? the boy needs some love🥺❤️ thank you and have a nice day!🥰
Here you go, hun! I hope you like it.
Taglist: @stardust-dreamer13 @hamster-damn @canaria-blackwell @nad-zeta @tickotaku
"Oh, (Y/n)~" You jumped at a sudden voice whispering in your ear. "Ah! Edgar!" Your shoulders go lax. "You scared the crap out of me." You sighed.
"Sorry, my dear, but your just so cute when you jump like that." Edgar murmured as he lovingly wrapped his arms around your waist. "Do you need something?" You asked.
"I have a question for you." He replied..
You gave the Jack of Hearts a dubious look from over your shoulder. "And what is that?" You inquired.
"Do you have a Christmas wish?"
You stared at him. "If I did, I couldn't tell you. Otherwise the wish would come true." You told him.
"Oh, come now. Not even a little hint." He nuzzled into your neck.
"Eep! Edgar, that tickles!" You squealed. You tried to wiggle out of Edgar's grip, but he held firm. He then started tickling your sides.
"No! hahaha! Stop! Edgar! Hahaha! Please!"
"Not until you tell me your Christmas Wish." Edgar told you.
"No!" You managed to break away from Edgar and went dashing out of the room.
Edgar just chuckled to himself before giving chase.
Thanks for reading. Happy Holidays Everyone!
Stay Safe
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