#ik it's one of the two def not today
OMFG so yk or not tht i hvent really been using my mood/symptom tracker which is also where i track my cycles so ik when pmdd is averaged to start etc. well friday remember how i was suddenly irritable i was also so fucking horny n then this morning the brain screams n restlessness n i also realized oh ouch my boobs hurt n these coincidences are playing in my head but i'm like it can't be pmdd yet bc like idk i thought it was starting like the 14th n i kept thinking oh my period only ended last sun so i'm fine i hv another week forgetting tht if it ends at 7 days n 7 days hv past it's day 14 so it's pmdd again n like so i finally opened my tracker and it IS pmdd again and i just lmao ok like there is no doubt tht i hv pmdd i mean i think i stopped doubting a while ago but it's pretty certain now it's not just a all in my head thing bc i was literally not even aware it was starting i was preparing for later this month but all the symptoms are there n sigh yh i feel depressed already as it is but also it's just the constant repetitive realization that yh i do hv pmdd n there's nothing i can do abt tht n i'm not even as 'lucky' as other who only hv hell for like 7 days literally like clockwork once i ovulate which with my luck doesn't even always exactly occur on day 14 but b4 my mood changes n sigh i can't do this. every. single. month. for the rest of my life bye
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vaugarde · 2 years
not to sound like some guy who takes kids shows way too seriously but was anyone else really upset by those cartoon episodes that were like “omg actually everyone hates the protagonist bc theyre annoying and their lives would be better without them and thats the punchline” growing up. 
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dontexpectmuch · 7 days
i’m feening for some hurt/comfort so perhaps let’s start off with some, comforting flo after that devastating lost to atalanta :( & thus ending their unbeaten streak
love that ur doing this by the way, & will def be showing my gratitude through reblogs, comments, likes bc ik how hard writers work<3
“so ‘nh scheiß, ey.” florian walks inside the living room, throwing his bag against the couch as his frustration grew by the minute.
you quietly follow him inside, gently closing the door behind you as you take off your shoes.
the air around you feels heavy, each step as if your legs would break off if you don’t sit down somewhere, even though you were not the one running around a football field for almost two hours.
your heart beats fast against your chest, so loud that you can feel it in your ears. having to witness all of this so closely just does something to you. it tests you in a way that you have never seen before.
your concerns are interrupted by your boyfriends loud groan echoing from the bathroom. without thinking too much, your legs already move towards him, his pain stabbing your heart. it didn’t matter what you would say to him, deep down he would still blame himself and his performance today, even though he gave it his all.
your eyes meet through the bathroom mirror, his eyes bloodshot and glassy, even if he is desperately trying to hold back his angry tears. his gaze moves towards his hands that he placed on the edge of the sink, his veins prominent than ever as the ruh of all the emotions have yet to fade away.
the thickness of the situation stays put, and you feel helpless as you do not know how to approach all of this. it is as if this season made you forget about all those days where you spent hours to comfort him from all the loses from last season, all your tricks that you had to make the man of your life smile again.
“schatz…” your voice is soft as you approach him, eyes now focused on the back if his head, moving down his long neck to his broad shoulders and back. your hands gently touch his waist, rubbing it before circling his torso with your arms. your cheek is pressed against his muscular back and you sigh as you feel him exhale deeply.
“it was so unnecessary, like, i know that we could’ve done better than that..” he speaks up for the first time in a while, his voice raspy and rather shaky.
you feel his warm hand resting against your that is on his stomach, his grip on it firm. you press a small kiss against his shoulder blade, lifting one hand to massage the hair from behind.
“that’s what comes with the game, schatz. you knew it would happen.”
“but not during the final, fuck.” he shakes his head in disbelief, scoffing as he replays all the wrongs he did during the game.
your heart breaks a little more as you watch him blame himself for the loss, the feeling of helplessness taking place inside.
“you have one trophy left, though, no?” you try to remind him, watching him carefully as he turns around to face you.
florian leans against the bathroom counter, jaw clenched as his eyes stay focused on your hands holding his. he nods, a new kind of determination burning through his veins.
“yeah, we’ll show them that this won’t set us back.”
you feel him squeeze your hands two times, ‘thank you’ in your guys’ own way.
you warmly smile up at him, relieved that he somehow managed to deal with the loss in a mature and healthy way.
“you know, it’s okay to cry, yeah?” you remind him, chuckling as you see him roll his eyes.
“ja ja, i’ll cry if i need to and i’ll come to you if i ever need a hug.” he smiles back, thankful for your presence during this moment.
and florian knew that he met a one of a kind person with you, someone to lift his spirits and remind him if his hard work whenever he doubts himself.
you, his safe haven, his home and just his forever person.
i need sleep.
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elfiaa · 1 year
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Omg!! I haven’t posted in a while huh?? Anyways, this post will be an art dump (filler) while I recover from a writers block 🫶
A bunch of art will be W.I.P’s, art I’ve made for friends, doodles, etc
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A character sheet of my I sort for Our Life: Always and Forever by GB Patch Games (MY REAL ONES SINCE DAY ONE ILY 😫🫶🫶)
Their visual novels are so well written, and you can definitely tell how well their games are made, so definitely check the, out!! In this drawing, my insert is a child, as there is only a demo of their new game released.
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Cutieliscous yummy nerd boy blushing his brains out 😍‼️‼️ (Idia Shroud)
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A drawing of Jack howl that I started months earlier that I’ve just recently finished(goals 🔥🔥)
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She’s a Genshin insert i made, I’m not sure what to do with her now that I don’t play the game much🙁 I named her Mari (ik, so original...!) and I designed her character to be about light and life. Her character corresponds with the next character, who im going to Name Ezra for the sake of not confusing anyone.
She’s a hydro polearm user, and is usually found in Sumeru and Liyue. She frequents any gardens or botanical areas found by Ezra, and is usually baking or doing other domestic things for her friends. Def the type to make her fighting really graceful tbh..She’s the more friendly one of the two, and is seen more frequently in public compared to the other.
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Another genshin oc (😭😭). I made it that he was a sort of god or spirit of death. As l said before, his name is Ezra. I wanted him and Mari to appear as polar opposites, but actually be really close. Almost sort of a yin yang type of thing. He's more of a shut in, and can be found looking after the plants & wildlife for Mari while she is gone.
I Imagined he would be an electro swords user, but I never actually got into his character as much as I'd like to. As said before, Mari likes to bake) & is found baking for her friend frequently. His favorite dish of hers is the flan, and in return for making him food, he looks out for the animals & special plants she is especially fond of. He's never seen by the public, as some have said that seeing his true appearance drive even the purest souls mad (so edgy!!! & emo 😍!!)
He’s also naked in like all of the drawings I have of him since I never came up with a costume design for him or anything
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My twisted prefect and Ruggie bc I’m in love with that furry and that furry only!!! (Tbh during this time was when my art was at its peak, but this one just wasn’t it..😣)
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Mari + Lisa because she’s always been my favorite librarian lady 😘😘
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I was being artsy don’t hold this against me
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They’re real idc what you have to say…
This one’s for sure crappy so, I’m sorry for that :((
Anyways if you sat through and read silly comment after comment of this post then I’m glad, I’m happy when people enjoy my content, so likes comments and reposts are appreciated ^^❤️
With that, I hope you’ve had a good day today, and I hope you have one tomorrow, and the days following that!! Look out for a new post coming soon 👀👀
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agustdiv1ne · 10 months
hey ashlee it's ada here :(( unfortunately i am just as confused at what happened as you are. i woke up today to sign in on my usual email, and what was confusing was the fact that it took me to the normal tumblr page. so i do what i first think of, and i x-ed out of the incognito window and opened a new one to log in!!! which didn't work either, but my wattpad worked with the same email... and when i open discord to two people telling me they can't see my blog, then i start freaking out. i made this account just to see if i could look up my old account. nope!! and so now im in tears because there were 1k words of berry sorbet i didn't have saved, im not sure if i had ANY of see if i can help~? saved, and that's just my drafts. i only had my original thoughts on my phone because that's where i wrote them. most of my long fics i have, but then there's also the fact that i had fucking 1,060 followers and i worked so fucking hard for this, ashlee. i've cried so fucking much, the anxiety about my writing either after i've published it or during my writing, all my fucking dms are gone, and i really had no idea who to reach out first to with all this. i have no idea what i could've done. the only possible things i can think of is a. i was posting too much yesterday???? not a thing. OR b. one person was liking almost every single one of my posts so much? like is spam liking something that gets your account removed???? and it's in the worst way too, it's not even deactivated so people can see my shit, like i don't even think any of my posts at all are still visible. i can TRY looking up my tags to see but i really don't think they would be.
im really, really mad about this. like i don't even know what to fucking do at this point.
omg ada :( i'm so sorry that this has happened to you, and i completely understand your frustration bc i know how hard you've worked to build your blog
ik that this isn't the first time tumblr has suspended an account out of the blue, so i would first contact tumblr support and see if they can help. however, they're pretty inconsistent with their responses, so i did a little digging and found this reddit post of an actual tumblr staff that has outlined some other ways of getting in contact with tumblr via other sites. this user has even helped reinstate other ppl's accounts (the last time they did it was 2 days ago, so thankfully they're still active) — i'd def try here, too
i truly hope that you're able to access your blog again :(( if you need anything please don't hesitate to dm me ♡
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what do you like doing in your free time?
why is your name clenched buttocks (I wanna know the reason, pls its so funny lol)
what are things you're good at? (own it babe) (and i don't mean 'babe' in a weird way - just gotta clear that lol)
do you have a best friend?
do you write OG stories and/or fanfics?
one thing you hate about yourself
one thing you love about yourself
do you want a pet? if so, what pet and why
(pls at this rate, its sounding like an interview, so sorry 😂 i'm just...i have a lot of time in my hands and i decided to do this for no particular reason)
fave type of music?
what made you like bsd? and did you always like it? (cause for me, i didnt like it too much at first but it grew on me the second time around)
have you read the bsd light novels and what's your fave light novel if yes?
any pet peeves?
what's your 'ideal' partner (do you have a type like Kunikida or are you fine with anything as long as you're having fun)
Would you rather be single and rich or taken and with a normal salary?
are you happy with where you work/study?
what's your dream career?
what's the app you use the most?
would you rather draw or write?
*** (P.S just pick the ones you want to answer) **
i think im going to look like a weirdo asking so much questions but whatever. at least we dont know each other HAHA i hope you have a good day. <3 and also i love your analyses. just keep posting what you like. i find some of your posts funny lol
good day.
(# you asked and i delivered) (# just me looking for an excuse to use this line) (# cause you said you wanted more questions in your other post TT) (# also ik this isn't a real tag but i wanna be ✨creative) (# fan behavior? idk anymore lmao) okay bye mwa <3
i have no free time. I either overwork myself or sleep. however, assuming that i've got a sliver of time to do something, I swap from one obsession to the next <3 rn it's going for insanely long bike rides and turn down every road I feel like until I'm lost,, and going to the gym like an absolute maniac bc i want my arms to be the size of a regular adult's legs
my username is what i desire in life. it is was I strive to be worthy of. it is beauty and life itself, it is the culmination of the universe's most wonderous accomplishments all squished into two raging enormous, gargantuan muscular earth shattering sea trembling ass cheeks 😩😩 (BUT in all seriousness I chose this bc I felt like having tecchousthiccthighs wasn't quite as pleasant??? eheheh buttocks is a funny word)
MY TALENT IS SAYING ANYTHING THAT CROSSES MY MIND TO STRANGERS i've been on this spree lately where I just straight up call anyone pretty when I run into them and HOLY MOLY PPL ARE SO CUTE ABT IT this is your sign to compliment someone today ✨✨ but nah baby i'm good at everything it's a curse ngl (U CAN CALL ME WTV HUN IT'S OK KJKDJFKJS UR SO ADORABLE WHAT)
no best friend bc i can't do commitment and bully friends that get too close to me 😍😍 BUT i'm gonna tag @bellyjellyfish for being my one and only and somehow not hating me thru my unironic "uwu" phase <33
I wrote a 700 page story when I was 12 and it remains unfinished bc I kept rambling and there was no plot 🕴️I love writing but abandon a whole lot of works bc I dream up the rest of the plot and go "oh well why write it now i've been there done that" I DO WRITE FANFICS 👁️👁️ I have a wp account where i wrote a bunch of awful stories and it still stands to this day! (no i will not disclose it don't even try me grr)
I hate how sexy I am 😭😭😭😩😩😩🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
I love how sexy I am 😳😳😳😳🥶🥶🥶🥶😜😜😜😜
I WANT A TARANTULA I WANT A TARANTULA I WAS A CHILEAN RED KNEE TARANTULA AND I WANT ONE SO BADLY OMFG I've always liked spiders but the ppl I live with would absolutely kick me out if I got one??? once i live on my own i'm def buying two cages so that whenever I have guests, I just put out the empty cage, hide the real one, and be like "oh no what happened to billy my tarantula, he escaped again :(" just to wreak havoc
fav type of music is classical bc i'm edgy and not like other girls 🤩🤩🤩 something about la campanella just hit so hard when I was like 10 that I have taken it and ran, but I do listen to rnb a lot, never in just one language tho bc sometimes english sucks my d
I liked bsd as soon as I saw ranpo's silhouette in the first episode, I was like "him. I want him 🏃‍♀️" but it was solidified in my head as soon as I saw natsume bc 1) he's hot AF IT'S NOT FAIR I WANT HIM 2) I had been reading his irl works and fell in love, so I started exploring other bsd authors and it introduced me to gogol (i'm so in love with his writing style it's not ok) soooo yeah :)) I started reading bc someone (you know who you are) liked chuuya and I haven't looked back since, tbh it's one of my favs just bc of the characters and their depth
I've read all the light novels I could get my hands on, and I have to say stormbringer FOR THE ONLY, SOLE REASON THAT I AM IN ABSOLUTE LOVE WITH ADAM
pet peeve hmmmm idk??? i'm chill with everything except pickles I hate those mfs, but if I had to chose smth it would be when someone shoves a ship down my throat (it's me i'm bitches go stan satosugu rn)
no ideal partner! I'm aro fyi, but also I feel like I'd be chill with just abt anything?? if u match my energy, we can be partners in chaos and i'll feel understood, and if you don't, I get to learn abt a different kind of lifestyle and get to have someone sane to hold me down (or to corrupt), so either way it's a win. I find culture to be incredibly attractive, speak a language I don't or tell me about a tradition of yours with a wholesome smile and I'd move mountains for you 💖💖 teach me abt something that you're emotionally invested in and an expert, and I'm literally yours <3
haha i don't ever wanna be in a relationship so i'll take being rich,, but honestly it ain't about the money, i'd want to have a normal salary and be taken, but it just ain't my vibe ?? dunno how to explain erm-
app i use most is my local library app bc i'm constantly trying to renew my books that are incredibly close to being overdue 🫡 but nahh i don't use my phone that often it still irks me i'm actually a 60 year old gilf who hates technology and complains abt kids these days
I CAN'T DRAW BUT I ALSO CAN'T WRITE YOU'VE GOT ME AT A DEADLOCK BRO??? if it's which I would rather be GOOD at, i'd say drawing bc imagine thinking abt something and just printing it out on paper??? yall fr got some magical talent omg
WHAT IF WE DO KNOW EACH OTHER THO??? WHAT IF WE'RE ACTUALLY NEIGHBORS??? CHILDHOOD FRIENDS??? YOU NEVER KNOW AND YOU PROBABLY NEVER WILL MUAHAHAHAHA i'm gonna stop now but ty for all your questions and have a wonderful day, darling <33
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i’m looking forward to having some more free time at some point 😭 hopefully i’ll have more time to do sewing and stuff i haven’t gotten to in ages 🤞 & i’m really gonna try and continue my mandatory happiness mindset!!! (<- read abt it in laura jane grace’s book it’s like. maybe everything sucks but u can often choose to look at things in a positive light it’s really really helped me!! like. i can go into things w a positive mindset instead of a miserable one and control that at least yk?)
i’m currently out of town & it’s around the 30s. not bad wish it was snowing but i’ll take what i can get, i can wear my $10 80s windbreaker which i’m happy about!! and if i could be anywhere i’d want to be somewhere with snow but honestly? i’m quite content where i am i love doing big family christmas together.
and. i will be honest as much as i try to seek out new stuff to read/watch/listen to. i love rewatching &c. it’s rly nice and comfortable yk? i’m restarting how to train your dragon actually which is. so lovely <3 and i just did my semiannual big hero 6 watch which was delightful
uno reverse!!!! hope ur doing wonderfully :)
!!!!! fingers crossed for more free time! i've been doin a lot of sewing recently and i forgot how NICE it is so im rlly manifesting you get some more time w ur arts too! and YES thats a good thing to bring w you! i love ljg thats a rlly good philosophy. i should read her book huh
oh thats so fun! not bad weather and ALWAYS a bonus to be wearing a nice windbreaker. im glad ur havin fun doing family + xmas stuff! its one of my fave holidays for like exactly that reason
also okay SO fair of you. i feel like im rlly the same except im not even consistent w my rewatches lol. i SHOULD watch httyd again though. i never watched the third one but ik a lot of my friends rlly liked it
also i AM doing wonderfully thank you!!! for the uno reverse:
im lookin forward to getting cracking on a real job search again in the new year (not gonna start too far out from my current contract ending) and also my boyfriend is gonna come up here again at the end of january so thats like. SUPER exciting. and i think im gonna try and bring forward just like. idk i guess just trying to work on my communication and stuff ive def been working on that lately and i want to keep doing so!
it is currently cold as balls here (-11) and sunny today but its been snowing the last few days so we got like. two feet of snow. which i DO LIKE. i love snow even if its a little functionally irritating. idk where i would be if i could be anywhere rn. itd be nice to see my halifax friends again but itd also be nice to be [where my boyfriend lives] so. yknow. hard choice
and i think it kinda varies actually! im def better at reconsuming whatever media kind but i think i reread books a LOT less often and i try to do the same w movies. but i hardly EVER listen to new music and shows r id say a 50/50? i started derry girls today tho its fantastic
hope you're doing well too matt!!!
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cicadangel · 1 year
updates on my swim crushes bc ik youve all been on the edge of ur seat:
crush number one: ok this is the male manipulator good music taste liked me last year long hair sweet guy with the enstars edit ex bf that I've talked abt before and if ur up to date on jihae lore you might remember. ok so yeah he has a gf and i don't flirt with him. like im morally against it, even tho his gf is a genuinely shitty person (basically forced them to date, pressures him into doing stuff, bodyshames him and stuff-- this sounds bias but it's true I've heard it from his friends). like he has a gf i respect that. but i do still like him and he cheered for me a bunch at this meet and we always cheer for each other and yeah he said i raced rly well (i won all my races yes yes yes) and he's so sweet and he'd make such a good bf ik. but he has a gf so i am staying away.
crush number two: ok this is the guy i talked abt last week he's a grade below me. we talked so much today and we joked around and teased each other but we also both genuinely complimented one another and i was teasing him about how he doesn't cheer for anyone and he goes "i cheer for you." and i almost died. i want him so bad. we talk so much and have lots of conversations and his smile WAUGH it's the best literally. he's also 6'2. and he has my fav body type on guys he's like muscular and strong but not like steroid abs and he's so pretty. he's smart too like a good student. but i like only know his swim life we're good friends at swim but idk anything abt him at school since he goes to a different high school and if he has a gf i will literally go insane so he better not. i don't think he does tho he's one of those guys that like takes nudging to get to know. he seems down to earth and genuinely a good person idk. i cant tell if he likes me back but there is def so much tension idk.
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pinkspiraling · 2 years
okay here’s what happened today essentially i got asked out and i have a date tomorrow (haven’t been on a date in 4 years ah) so anyways story/ details under the cut!
it’s this guy who is a customer where i work. i’d mentioned before to my coworker that i thought he was cute and seemed very nice. she told his mom (sounds wack but in context it was chill) and she told him. ig he remembered me from the literal two times i rang him up haha. so he came into work today, brought me chocolate and asked me to get coffee. it was actually sort of awkward and he was really nervous but i find that endearing and it puts me at ease actually. like if he was super confident i’d just be intimidated haha so we are getting coffee tomorrow morning and i know nothing about him at all except that he might be 29??? and i’m about to turn 21 so yeah idk it doesn’t make me uncomfortable but i’m worried he’ll be uncomfortable cause i don’t think he knows i’m that young. he didn’t ask so that’s on him. to me it seems like an appropriate age gap tho def a gap nonetheless. he’s super dorky hehe and v sweet i think. OH uhm right afterwards i started freaking out bc i wasn’t expecting it at all and my adrenaline got too high or something cause i had a panic attack where i was crying and wanting to cancel and had to call my mom which is embarrassing. luckily no one else saw that but now i feel way more chill and actually really excited cause im just interested in meeting him and seeing if we’re compatible but if we’re not i’ll be ok, i don’t have any expectations really. i have lots of nervous energy tho which is annoying to me cause it makes me think that i am really nervous even tho im not! just my stomach is nervous not my brain :/ oh well im gonna smoke and read my fanfic all night to relax and distract myself from overthinking. i’ve had a big fear and lots of self doubt and insecurity when it comes to dating so ik it sounds lame but it’s lowkey a big deal to me anyways wish me luck and if you have pep talk words for my confidence that is much appreciated <333
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apples-stables · 2 years
a wild oc question appeared :3 with kit being trained by mrs holdsworth, did she ever have to deal with mrs holdsworth cooking weird things, like that ecological caulking she apparently also eats on bread? whats their relationship like in general?
Ahh!!! Juni ty for the ask <333 i've been actually thinking about like, how they get along and stuff today so this was the perfect push to write about it more
Honestly Kit and Mrs. Holdsworth get along real well. Kit was unsure at first how to like… behave around her? Cause she hadn’t met or heard of her prior to her mom basically approaching her around age 16 and being like "i can't teach you anything else with magic but i feel you still need more guidance. I have someone in mind but they're in Jorvik and you'd probably go stay with them for at least the summer." But once the two sat down and talked, they fell into a good grove pretty fast. The relationship definitely became very mentor/mentee. My brain says vague Obi and Anakin like, friends and also teacher and student ya know? Kit can be a lil snarky and sassy around Mrs. Holdsworth, but they both know it's all good natured. Kit helps out around the house too. 
I feel like Mrs. Holdsworth borders between saying normal, grandma type stuff and like, saying the most insane things like magical or wisdom wise and it gives ya whiplash sometimes.
There have been some weird concoctions around the house before, some edible, some not. I think Mrs. Holdsworth's house has plants (alive and drying alike) and knickknacks and crystals and shit eclectically everywhere. She makes a lot of things herself and believes like, being the one to nurture the plant you need for your recipes can help add a lot of magic to it. (Ik we do a lot of fetch quests for her, but her house is only so big she cant grow everything lolol). Kit is very open minded in every sense, but def in regards to food she is too. She isnt a picky eater and will always give things a try, so despite the questionable looks of some of Mrs. Holdsworth's cooking, she honestly liked most of them? Her favorite is the flax and chamomile pancakes. 
(This ask inspired me to write about their first meeting too which i might share at some point lol)
Ty again for the ask 🥺😊💖🐴
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Yoooooo I'm back again 🤘
Oh yesss i havent watched she's the man tho but there are still so many and the proposal is art LITERAL ART!
No , u cn never disappoint me istg , even if i read one of your worst works (which ik don't exist) id think of it as a masterpiece
Ohmygooodd no wayyyyyyyyy 😭😭😭 who doesn't wanna settle in Canada honestly it's such a beautiful country but half my family is already there 😩 ud def know it , being a Punjabi it's kind of like a trait lol. But I'd def. Want to visit!
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(the above picture shows y/n and hwa being all mushy gushy and then there is the rest of ATEEZ)
Today I'm in my bollywood phase , the songs gv me butterflies and peace 😔✨
(plus there was this ep in wanteez where joongs was waking up the members and hwa and yunho (i think) were in this mini van sleeping and boi did I thought hwa's morning voice (well u cn say since he was asleep) is deep asf that I thought he was yunho 😖)
hi hello!!
Oh yesss i havent watched she's the man tho but there are still so many and the proposal is art LITERAL ART!
it really is!!! but SHES THE MAN IS SO CUTE U HAVE TO WATCH & life as we know it + it takes two with the oslen twins!!
No , u cn never disappoint me istg , even if i read one of your worst works (which ik don't exist) id think of it as a masterpiece
no fr this yunho fic about to be my disappointment era, baekhvuns flop era iNCOMINGGG !!!
Ohmygooodd no wayyyyyyyyy 😭😭😭 who doesn't wanna settle in Canada honestly it's such a beautiful country but half my family is already there 😩 ud def know it , being a Punjabi it's kind of like a trait lol. But I'd def. Want to visit!
LMFAOOOO I FEEL LIKE EVERYONES HERE SOMEHOW 😭😭😭 aussie, england and canada is where every one of migrate too 😭🤚🏼 but u should def visit! montreal esp bc the party life there is >>>>>>>>>
(the above picture shows y/n and hwa being all mushy gushy and then there is the rest of ATEEZ)
BFMWHDKS I AGREE 100% bold of u to assume the rest of ateez didn’t gave a thing for y/n but gave up bc hwa got her 🤚🏼 just saying 🤚🏼 implemented in their universe <3
yoooo no matter how many songs i listen too,, bollywood songs esp slowed and reverb always win omg,, but o re piya by mr rahat fateh ali khan oN MY KNEES,,, STOP IT STOP IT FBWNBDE I HAVE A WJOLE LIST OF ATEEZ X BOLLYWOOD AND MY FIRST PRIORITY IS VEER ZAARA X HWA <3 BUT GET U MAN WHO GETS REINCARNATED AND STILL COMES TO FIND U!!!! ONLY PARK SEONGHWA AND MR SRK !!!!!
(plus there was this ep in wanteez where joongs was waking up the members and hwa and yunho (i think) were in this mini van sleeping and boi did I thought hwa's morning voice (well u cn say since he was asleep) is deep asf that I thought he was yunho 😖)
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junjiie · 9 months
ASSHSSHS YOU LIKE JAEWON! YAYY ٩(^ᗜ^ )و your special (ily bestie westie) i'm just gonna give you a bunch of random jaewon lore fact thingies because your his no.1 fan (real!!)
um number one!!! jaewon was like a super controversial figure during produce x 101 because this man literally says ANYTHING and he cursed like every two seconds (me) and he was SUCH a controversial figure that most korean netizens hated him and started a petition to get him kicked off the show 😭 his controversy was mostly the reason he didn't win 2nd place and was instead booted down to sixth
number two!!! jaewon dated one of his former x1 members and when they broke up the two of them.. well— they kind of got into an ugly argument 🤗! idk if you know anything about x1 but i wont give any hints because i wanna keep that a mystery!! oh and hanbin is pretty jealous because now the two of them are mending their relationship haha drama!!
number three!!! jaewon's parents like- suck ass, i'm not even joking, like they're so horrible that he ran away not once, not twice, but FIVE TIMES just to get away from them cause they really are that bad 😭 (these people should've not had kids), he successfully ran away for good in 2017 when he joined cube entertainment and he hasn't talked to them at all ever since then, they still leave a longlasting mental affect on him because of their emotional abuse though (sorry but trauma!)
number four!!! jaewon and hanbin are a thing…? or are they…? trust me atp they have absolutely no idea what they are 😭 literally EVERYONE knows they like each other but they kinda just let shit happen..? do they like each other? 100%. but they just kinda sit by and just.. go with the flow. will they ever confess? eh.
and lastly, number five!!! a much cuter one that isnt as confusing, jaewon was nicknamed "sleeping koala" because he often clings onto people when he sleeps, like whenever he falls asleep he'll reach out at the first person literally unconsciously and just cling onto them while he sleeps. (he was a stuffed animal kid can you tell?)
um…… yeah! i'll probably make a longer thing abt jaewon facts because theres actually SO MUCH MORE i have to explain when it comes to jaewon because hes a mess (and is currently having a sexuality crisis) so there'll def be a longer post about jaewon 😭
ik you didnt ask for this but anyway ily bestie westie have a great day <333 (i have school tmrw save me)
I AM HIS #1 UR SO RIGHT.. and omg thank u for these HELLO??! eating them all up in three bites and patting my tummy and shit
one - SOOOO REAL OF HIM TBH!!!! an idgaf warrior since the start!!! he went to uni and graduated with honours as a dpmo major!!!! no media training in sight!!!! LOVE THAT 4 HIM!!!! i support all jaewon rights AND wrongs
two - omg drama hii i love that.. ur right ik jack shit ab x1 BYR . let me look them up and make a guess at who it is though........... hyeongjun ? ! ? Am i right
three - EWW BEATS THEM UP AND SETS THEM ON FIRE AND KILLS THEM??! at least he got away though good for him omg . Pats him on the head ☹️
four - Aww gay opeple ❤️ Locks them in a room 4 ever. jaebin 5th generation it couple-not-couple
five - UEE😭🥺💧Eu💧💧E E😭😭E EUE🥺😭UUUE HOLDING HIM RIGHT NWO.......... i will cling onto HIM!!! and then he will call security and they will drag me away kicking and screaming and crying
I WILL LISTEN TO EVERY WORD U EXPLAIN AB HIM I SWEAR HE IS SO . got me wanting to share silly facts now too 😢😢 but def more algorhythm than slow motion......... they are a MESS! and its great
THANK U AGAIN 4 THESE I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM SM <3 i went back to school today!!! i hope it doesnt go too bad for u tmr :( gl bsf
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zwei-rhunen · 11 months
 context: i am not a tank
i am barely a PUG tbh lmao
So i woke up today and chose violence tanking :)
first we run like two trials that i felt were pretty straightforward, to gimme a taste of dat tank cuisine, and both went well
> i was OT and both MTs were great and like. OT didnt have much other responsibilities outside of being emergency tank tbf, but still, i get confident, and i’m ready for a lil more chaos
me: how complicated is tanking nidhogg? 
@lord-kefka-palazzo​ the healer: not that complicated. just keep adds separate, faced away, etc
the game plan for Nidhogg: i’m gonna off-tank! and then maybe the next fight i will consider being main tank. no promises, tho
> totally not me, entertaining myself with trying to get the perfect lil’ jumpy twirl and not paying attention to the rest of the party that’s already running into battle bc ppl already finished their cutscenes
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/goes a lil too hard
/goes so hard, in fact, that i do my rotation. my fingers hit the two buttons to /stance, and i dont notice bc I’ve been treating it as part of my tank rotation, and not like, its own separate rotation
(i’m getting the feeling that its more of an opener, since it seems that tank stance is situational)
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/ ???? i have stance on???
/oh fuck, i have stance on
/hurriedly looks for stance buttons b/c i suddenly have no idea where they are b/c its not the beginning of the fight and my brain has already filed that information away into its proper cabinet b/c i dont need to recall it anymore b/c battle already started and i have the monke neural pathway of smth like
“DEF tanking():
IF fight begins THEN tank stance; IF fight in progress THEN take boss, go north, dont die, win fight ELSE panic and pray; ” seared into my skull bc dungeon-brain
the next bit took like 20 seconds to play out even though it seems hella longer, ik:
“wjhu-why is my stance button over here”
/turns stance off
/still MT’ing
>its off, right??
>squints at button in confusion. it’s blue. idk what the color means. i think it means tank off (no it meant i had it “on”, and pushing it again would turn it off.) i flip it a few times, like the way your annoying sibling does when they flicker the light switch in your bedroom.
>??????? why is it on a cooldown??? stance has cooldowns??????
> mouse-over, look at description- oh wait i’m pressing the wrong set of button combos lmao
> take stance off
/still have aggro
/looks at party list
/MT has also toggled stance off, since i’ve done the animal-kingdom strut that means “i want to tank” (i actually do not, silently hoping to please take him back :’) )
/ MT is being very chill and a team player and letting me have at it
/boss begins targeting other people
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/flips stance back on
exhibit A: me, panicking :)
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Exhibit B: trying to assume my MT role and also trying to signal that “THIS WAS NOT MY INTENTION and also uhhhh MT is NOT taking it BACK, WHAT DO I DO” -
except i dont have time to type all that
so instead, i put everything into one heartfelt line and hope it gets the same message across:
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> and at the same time, hydaelyn appears before my mind’s eye with a very important message for me - she says,
 “congrats, you are the Main Tank now :) “
>okokok FUCK it, i’m MT now, lets go nidhogg
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> ....
>it was not fine (the stars aligned and a chain of other unfortunate events also happened lool)
>we get to the dragon phase! but end up wiping and try again
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> i am determined to not stance this time. i will not touch stance. we are going to run in and DPS and let the other tank be MT and i will SIT HERE, happily doing DPS and tanking during adds.
> lol so THAT lasted like 10 seconds.
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but its okay we passed the second time wahoo
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thank you, kind PUG, but i definitely did not deserve that LMFAOOOOO
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oh hey, i forgot about these nine other buttons, what do they do-
-flashback to when it was me, the other tank, and the healer remaining for a good, 30 looooong seconds-
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and also sitting next to it:
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Finisher move:
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/checks journal
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(listen PLD was so boringggg i dragged myself to 50, stopped and haven’t looked back LMFAO (don’t kill me tho i’ll get to them!! at some point ) )
Bonus: The Limitless Blue (Hard)
me trying to be good and dodging splash AOEs
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and then i remember wait a MINUTE i’m A
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!!!! SO CAN I? CAN I???? I CAN
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THEM RIGHT?? probably???? idk probably yeah
/chills out and stops spinning things b/c im not dodging the splashing AOEs anymore
-proceeds to get my ass thrown into the air, b/c twisters believe in humbling everyone equally-
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ohskinnyy · 1 year
hey y’all ik no one is gonna read this but I need to do something to keep me accountable
Current weight: 140
I was 130 a month ago but I have been binging recently :(
I also recently started binging and purging but I want to get out of that cycle
Goal weight: 120 by February (which is def doable)
I want to be the skinniest out of the group for spring break but I also don’t want to lose most of my curves which is going to be difficult
Today I ate 1,500 calories but I purged :(
My daily goals:
Drink 64oz water (two hydroflasks)
Walk 7k steps
Exercise 30 mins (even just yoga)
Sleep 8hrs
Will update daily!!
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diablamuneca · 1 year
may 27
happy gemini bday to me. so y’all know im a capricorn but i was born on the 27th so each month i celebrate on the 27th and each birthday im a different sign. so my real bday is dec 27 but like i would call feb 27 my aquarius bday. so today may 27 is my gemini bday. today i went to the city and had korean wings, chatted w my aunt and went to the weed store. i was so sad earlier. i still have the same phone, one sephora told me no and the other sephora never called me back. but i have an interview w urban on wednesday. but lemme rewind. ive been waking up earlier and watched some tv. i traded and made like 1.5k i  cant wait to start frfr. i ate pizza and zepolis then my fat ass ubered to the train and met my aunt for Korean wings. she got soy garlic and i wanted to order half spicy and half soy garlic but they were making it complicated so I just got nashville hot and I regretted it. it wasn’t spicy and the soy garlic was better but ig ik better for next time. anyway afterwards we went to sephora, she bought lipstick and i bought a laniege grapefruit lip balm. then we walked and chatted for a bit. i was gonna smoke in the park but it rained but instead i copped a pen from the smoke shop and vibed out. i listened to music and walked around. i took the subway and bought a pink dior blush from sephora.(yes i went to two sephoras but the last one i went to said they’re hiring so wish we luck guys!) this summer is about $$$$$. i figured if im working in the city i could also bartend there too and make bread and like trade and do depop on the side, maybe take tik tok and ig seriously and capitalize off my interests. i walked home and stopped to get fried oreos. bathed and hit my pen more. i wanted to do my makeup but i was too tired. i am now trying to find a new tv show bc like idk tv seems to be getting bad and nothing has been sticking w me. i was thinking of watching quien a matar sara? lol bc i needa practice my spanish. but omg my aunt is taking me on a trip and i get to decide if i wanna go to italy or spain w her. imma def watch videos and vlogs.
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pop-punklouis · 1 year
Hi love 🥰
Hope you're having a lovely day!
It's certainly a very rewarding job, I think it's just the anxieties of being in a new environment and having to adapt etc. But thanks!
I adoreeee earth signs even if I'm biased as hell; If instantly click with someone ik they've got to have some major earth in them. Half my friends are also Virgos!
I truly think it's an earth sign thing to mourn change and the loss that comes with it, it automatically means a shifting stability. I'm so melodramatic about change it's ridiculous.
Aw it's sweet that you get your love language from your dad. Starting to think I got mine from my mum. Mines deffo words of affirmation, like huge. And quality time coming second.
Ah no big plans no, I'm working today and I've tomorrow off which I'm hoping I'll get to use entirely to finish up a good portion of my fic so I can make it within the deadline 😩 been too tired after work to write a single thing. What about your plans?
Today's question is: do you have any pets? If you don't, would you like to have any?
Sending you love and hugs
oooo i get that (re: job). i’m the same way in new environments until i get comfortable but hopefully that’ll be sooner rather than later for you <3
okay yeah def an earth sign thing which djdkdkd who is surprised? no one lmao when someone starts talking about change a baby begins crying and that baby is me ! 👐🏼
awe acts of service is sweet 🤍 it’s so fascinating to me how we absorb so much of who we are from what we observe of our parents growing up. i have such a ridiculous fear of needles (injections/blood drawn) that i’ve passed out on several occasions due to it. my body just shuts down automatically lmao and my dad is the same way so i’m sure i saw him behave that way around needles when i was young and just reflected it to this miserable point 💋 but it’s so interesting to me!
ooooo fic 👁 tell me more 👁
tomorrow is our last day in the UK before going back home on sunday, so i think we’re just going to chill tomorrow since we’ve been doing so much this past week. but it’s been wonderful 🥺
i do have pets!! i have four cats and they’re my little babes. Elvis (17), Jagger (5), Dorian (7), and Keanu (2). The first two are inside and the last two are outside. in our next message i’ll include photos 😺
do you have any pets? x
sending all my warmth back!!! hope you have a great friday 😙
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