lowpursuit · 1 year
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A couple GIFs from Yoga Hosers
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acapulcopress · 7 months
Inició construcción del CBTIS 177 en Tecpan de Galeana
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CHILPANCINGO * Septiembre 20, 2023. ) Gobierno de Guerrero 
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El director general del Instituto Guerrerense de la Infraestructura Física Educativa (IGIFE), Benjamín Guinto Nava, y el secretario de Educación en Guerrero, Marcial Rodríguez Saldaña, pusieron en marcha los trabajos de construcción de un edificio en el Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios Núm. 177, que tendrá una inversión de 13 millones de pesos. La obra educativa beneficiará a más de 350 alumnos, y constará de un edificio normativo de dos niveles que contará con área administrativa, aulas didácticas, servicios sanitarios para hombres y mujeres. Guinto Nava informó que sólo en el municipio de Técpan de Galeana, el IGIFE, en estos dos primeros años de gobierno se realizan obras en 18 escuelas con una inversión de más 35
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millones de pesos, beneficiando a más de 3 mil alumnos de los diferentes niveles educativos. En este evento estuvieron presentes el director del plantel, Calixto Rayo Sánchez, docentes y padres de familia. ] Síguenos en Facebook.com/acapulcopress ] Síguenos en Facebook.com/angelblanco.press Read the full article
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7upofficial · 2 years
watched the epileptic whorehouse clapback moment saul did to hank and someone commented "moment when brock turned into mike"
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ozymoron · 5 months
just remmebered i igifed jerome getting sbtabbed and dying once. idk why i di dthat
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newtishfiction · 5 months
A Life Series/Empires/Hermitcraft Crossover AU Plot Bunny
Gods that title is a mouthful. Anyways. This thing started *checks notes* around Oct of 2022. Rediscovering an animatic by @iamfluffle did not help my plot bunnies. So I'm just gonna info dump before I drown in paper notes and half finished drafts.
This post got longer than I intended. All details are hidden below the read more line. I have also tweaked some stuff for the life series event since the introduction of Secret Life.
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GIF by doyougifwhat-igif
On both sides the rift had closed after the end of the crossover. People checked in from time to time hoping it would open one day so another visit would be possible. Weeks goes by in silence...
One day Grian hears whispering from hermits's side of the rift. He didn’t like what the voices had to say.
Grian does what he can to keep people from discovering the rift being opened again. Destroys the cave entrance. Avoids his intended base in the floating rocks. Lies to his fellow hermits. Anything to keep people away. But the voices do not stop.
The voices grow in number and get louder to a point that Grian starts looking rough from lack of sleep. Everyone is concerned for him and not wanting to break so he continues keeping quiet about what's happening to him. So the source of the voices decides to play dirty.
The voices go quiet to Grian's relief and worry. The silence lasts long enough for him to believe its over. And when he lets his guard down the source strikes in the dead of night. A figure leaves the rift and wanders about the server whispering into the ears of some hermits.
Those hermits "wake" and unhindered by hostile mobs they head for the cave and enter the rift.
The peace of the empires comes to an end when the rift reopened. Everyone was happy and were ready to jump at the chance to revisit the hermits. But the fae were acting strange. Doing all they could to keep the rulers from the rift.
Choosing to heed the fae's warnings the rulers send messages or objects through the rift to see if everything is alright on the other side. For a long time they get no answers, mainly because Grian is avoiding rift and keeping people from it. One day they do start getting replies. Lies sent by the person.
Although still cautious because of the fae's agitation, a small group decide to go through the rift.
Reunion of Sorts
Everyone that went through the rift wake in a open field. While happy to see each other again there is confusion all around.
Having nothing on hand everyone breaks up into teams of two. Some teams go gathering for resources. Another group start up farms for food. Some build shelters.
The remaining teams go exploring. Looking for any landmarks that can tell them which server they're on. Except they don't find any of those. Instead the group eventually come across a world border.
They head back and relay this news to the others. And that is when a Watcher appears.
The Life Series Event
When someone is taken out of the game they return to their respective servers. Should they try going back through the rift they merely end up on Hermitcraft/Empires.
Those who haven’t gone through yet will end up on the Life server and are now considered active participants in the game.
For the sake of simplicity this event uses the Secret Life twist. Everyone has a max of thirty hearts that do not regenerate and must do secret tasks.
Yes he is getting his own section. This is mainly because of Martyn's one bit of watcher lore about Grian. The voice says: "He was never meant to be there. He was only ever meant to watch." So here's an optional detail to this crossover au.
Grian is unable to enter the rift. He only winds up on Empires when he tries going through. An outside force is keeping him from following the others. A punishment created by the Watcher doing this. A further cruel twist of the knife is that when Grian sleeps he can see what's happening to the others and can’t do anything to help those in the game.
Grian fills in everyone who hasn’t gone through the rifts. Filling them in on what’s happening in the mockery event of his smp creation.
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isvicreninsesi · 1 year
SYKP’den Basel’de Yeşil Sol Parti ile dayanışma etkinliği
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BASEL- Basel’de açık alanda düzenlenen etkinlikte konuşan HDP Onursal Başkanı Ertuğrul Kürkçü, “Her şeye karşı hazırlıklı olmalıyız. İktidara kim gelirse gelsin bizim hak mücadelemiz devam edecek. Mücadeleyi daha ileri götürmek zorundayız” dedi. Türkiye ve Bakurê Kurdistan’da yapılacak Cumhurbaşkanlığı ve Milletvekili seçimlerine saatler kala Sosyalist Yeniden Kuruluş Partisi (SYKP) İsviçre Temsilciliği, Yeşil Sol Parti ile dayanışma etkinliği gerçekleştirdi. İsviçre’nin Basel kantonundaki Keserne alanında yapılan etkinliğe HDP Onursal Başkanı Ertuğrul Kürkçü, AKPM Başkan Yardımcısı ve Basel Grün BastA İsviçre Federal Milletvekili Sibel Arslan, SP İsviçre Federal Parlementeri Mustafa Atıcı, Basel Kanton Başkanı Bülent Pekerman, Basel Kanton Milletvekili Edibe Gölgeli, Mahir Kabakçı, HDP eski milletvekili Musa Farisoğuları, FEDA Eşbaşkanı Demir Çelik, CDK-S Divan Üyesi Emrullah Bingöl, Basel Kürt Toplum Merkezi, Basel, Weil am Rhein ve St. Louis Alevi Kültür merkezleri yöneticileri, FEDA İsviçre Temsilciliği, Avrupa Süryani Meclisi, İGİF, ATİK temsilcileri ile BastA ve PDA gibi siyasi parti temsilcileri katıldı. YENİ BİR DÖNEM AÇILACAK Yoğun yağmur nedeniyle planlanan etkinlik gecikmeli başladı. Basel Kanton Başkanı Bülent Pekerman, yoğun yağmura rağmen alana gelenleri selamlayarak başladığı konuşmasında, 14 Mayıs’ta Türkiye’nin yeni bir döneme gireceğine vurgu yaparak herkesi sandığa gitmeye çağırdı. Pekerman “Bizler burada oylarımızı kullandık. Ama daha işimiz bitmedi. Türkiye’deki akrabalarımızı dostlarımızı arayıp yarın sandığa gidip oy kullanmasını sağlayalım. İnanıyorum ki bu seçim yeni bir dönem açılacak ve bunu da kutlayacağız” dedi. KÜRKÇÜ: KİM KAZANIRSA KAZANSIN MÜCADELEMİZ SÜRECEK Ertuğrul Kürkçü ise, Türkiye’de uzun süreden beri elitlik ve özgürlük mücadelesinin sürdüğünü ifade ederek “Yoldaşlar, bizim mücadelemiz kesintisiz sürüyor. İktidara kim gelirse gelsin bizim hak mücadelemiz devam edecek. İstediğimiz sonucu alsak da almasak da asla mücadeleden vazgeçmeyeceğiz. Bizler bu aşamada bu mücadeleyi daha ileri götürmek zorundayız. Her şeye karşı hazırlıklı olmalıyız” dedi. Ardından etkinliğe katılan kurum temsilcileri sahneye davet edildi. Kurum temsilcileri adına AKPM Başkan Yardımcısı Sibel Arslan, SP milletvekili Mustafa Atıcı ve Basel Kanton Milletvekili Edibe Gölgeli söz alarak Yeşil Sol Parti ile dayanışma içinde olduklarını ifade etti. 14 Mayıs seçimlerinin özgürlüğe yol açacağını vurgulan temsilciler, herkesi Yeşil Sol Parti’ye oy vermeye çağırdı. Yağmurlu havaya rağmen sanatçılar Akın Oğul, Deniz Elitaş ve Julio Cesar Barbosa’nın ezgileri eşliğinde etkinliğe katılanlar bol bol halay çektiler. Read the full article
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notimundo · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://notimundo.com.mx/guerrero/gobierno-de-guerrero-da-seguimiento-al-sistema-de-recursos-federales-transferidos-srft/
Gobierno de Guerrero da seguimiento al Sistema de Recursos Federales Transferidos (SRFT)
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Gobierno de Guerrero da seguimiento al Sistema de Recursos Federales Transferidos (SRFT)
Chilpancingo, Gro, 26 de diciembre del 2022.- En el marco del cierre del año, y con el objetivo de realizar un informe general del avance del Fondo de Infraestructura Social Estatal (FISE); el Fondo de Aportaciones para el Fortalecimiento de las Entidades Federativas (FAFEF); el secretario general de Gobierno, Ludwig Marcial Reynoso Núñez encabezó una reunión de trabajo junto al secretario de Planeación y Desarrollo Regional, René Vargas Pineda, para concluir con el ejercicio fiscal 2022.
El encargado de la política interna estatal, manifestó ante los asistentes que es una prioridad de esta administración que encabeza la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado Pineda, el cumplir con los lineamientos de transparencia y rendición de cuentas con el pueblo de Guerrero.
Vargas Pineda, reconoció el trabajo de cada titular presente y los alentó a seguir trabajando en la ruta coordinada a cargo de la mandataria estatal para que el ejercicio fiscal del 2023 consiga más y mejores apoyos en beneficio de las y los guerrerenses.
En este encuentro participaron, la secretaria de Desarrollo y Bienestar Social, Maria del Carmen Cabrera Lagunas; la Secretaria de Salud, Aidé Ibárez Castro; la secretaria de Obras Públicas y Ordenamiento Territorial, Irene Jiménez Montiel; la directora de Administración de la CAPASEG, Margalit Bailón Miranda; el Director General del IGIFE, Héctor Oyorzábal Hernández; el Director General del CICAEG, Martín Vega González y enlaces de esas dependencias.
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ttyeoll · 2 years
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‘ㅅ’  nayeon icons !  ♡   ㅤ ‹ credits are optional  ‹ like and/or reblog if you save
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iguessitsfashion · 3 years
You see that supposed y2k revival on social media these days? Yeah, that's nothing. Adding tiny bags and tinted sunglasses doesn't cut it. If you want to do y2k, you have to commit.
Blumarine said they're bringing the 2000's BACK. In true y2k fashion, Blumarine's Nicola Brognano brought back their identity in just 49 looks. What I thought was lost in 2004 forever, hit me like a truck. Blumarine threw everything from that era into a pot - faded sunglasses, fringe, rhinestone belts, halter, neon, bomber jackets, fur trimmed jackets, leather pants, low-rise jeans (the list could go on and on) - mixed it all and spit it up on the runway. Each look was unique however, the monochrome theme, the explosion of butterflies and the staple accessories brought that clean cohesion every fashion show needs.
Click the link to read more on I GUESS IT'S FASHION.
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hbedebiyatsanat · 3 years
Bugün bir çok Mülteci, Göçmen kuruluşu ve yerli kurumlar bir araya gelerek Özgür ve Onurlu bir Yaşam talebini haykırdı. İsviçre’nin başkenti Bern’de “Hak verilmez, alınır” şiarıyla alanlara inen Mülteciler devletin göçmen politikalarına karşı yürüdü. Ülkelerini çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı terk etmek zorunda kalan göçmenler başta can güvenlikleri, sağlık, barınma ve ekonomik şartlarının düzeltilmesi ve daha iyi koşullarda yaşamaları gerektiğini haykırdı. Yaklaşık 2000 kişinin katildiği etkinliğe isviçrenin bir çok kentinden katılım sağlandı Schützenmattstrasse`de toplanan gruplar eylemle ilgili bilgilendirme ve açıklamalar yaptıktan sonra Parlemento`ya doğru yürüyüşe geçti. Yürüyüş boyunca sloganlar atıldı kısa bilgilendirmeler yapıldı. Yürüyüş Parlemento önünde sloganlar ve konuşmalarla sonlandırıldı... Hülya Yalçın - İGİF (İsviçre Göçmen İşçiler Federasyonu) Fazıl Ahmet Tamer - İHDD İsviçre (İnsan Hakları Dayanışma Derneği İsviçre) Özgür Türk - Pangea Kolektif
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soobinies · 3 years
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Hueningkai :: TALK X TODAY ON AIR : Visual Special
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no-chill-magoo · 4 years
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So, I'm trying to make a decent logo for my brand... Somebody throw me some ideas. #contentcreator #hitmeupforyourads #iMeme #iGif https://www.instagram.com/p/B65wgILhwz6SlZJ82_L89UPAfKAnfkIRasxcFU0/?igshid=1m3ykipgnbv46
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acapulcopress · 1 year
Inauguró Gobernadora Laboratorio de Infraestructura Física Educativa
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CHILPANCINGO * 23 de noviembre de 2022. ) Gobierno de Guerrero
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La gobernadora Evelyn Salgado Pineda, inauguró el Laboratorio de Servicios Técnicos del Instituto Guerrerense de Infraestructura Física Educativa (IGIFE), equipado para el control de calidad del concreto y materiales que se utilizan en el proceso de construcción o rehabilitación de escuelas a fin de garantizar la durabilidad de las obras, para generar espacios dignos y seguros en beneficio de la comunidad estudiantil en Guerrero. "Con la activación del Laboratorio de Servicios Técnicos estoy segura que vamos a fortalecer el control de calidad que es tan importante para la infraestructura educativa en nuestro estado, nuestros niños y nuestros jóvenes merecen obras de lo mejor y con el mejor material, no podemos escatimar en el material porque son temas de vida o muerte,
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hemos visto que por una mala obra producto de la corrupción se han perdido vidas y eso no lo queremos en Guerrero", puntualizó Evelyn Salgado. En su mensaje ante el personal del IGIFE, la mandataria estatal recalcó que no es un gasto, sino una inversión para que los estudiantes cuenten con aulas y escuelas dignas, de primer nivel y hechas con el mejor material; además, también entregó dos vehículos nuevos con una inversión total superior al millón de pesos de recursos propios generados por los ahorros y el manejo transparente de los recursos de esta institución. En el evento, la gobernadora destacó que, a un año de esta administración estatal de transformación, Guerrero escaló del séptimo al segundo lugar en el grado de cumplimento de terminación de obras, calificado y avalado por el Instituto Nacional de Infraestructura
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Física Educativa (Inifed). "Hoy construimos infraestructura física educativa que atiende rezagos, que cumple las demandas históricas por más escuelas, por más aulas, lo estamos haciendo con la absoluta convicción y con todo el corazón de que la educación es la mejor inversión que podemos hacer como gobierno", afirmó la gobernadora. Por su parte, el titular del IGIFE, Martín Vega González, destacó que cuando se recibió la administración, el Instituto de Infraestructura Educativa en Guerrero se encontraba en séptimo lugar en el grado de complimiento de terminación de obras y actualmente se ubica en segundo lugar nacional en la calificación que otorga el Inifeda un año de la actual administración estatal. Vega González, destacó que, con la puesta en marcha del Laboratorio de Servicios Técnicos equipado y la entrega de las dos unidades vehiculares para la supervisión de obras fortalece las áreas de trabajo del instituto para que la educación se imparta en mejores espacios dignos y seguros con una inversión de ingresos propios de casi un millón 150 mil pesos.
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El funcionario estatal expuso que, por su clasificación normativa como estructuras del grupo A, la seguridad de las edificaciones escolares se catalogan como esencialmente importantes, sin embargo el 75 por ciento de la infraestructura educativa evaluada requiere de rehabilitación a temprana edad de su vida útil, evidenciando una patología de concreto vulnerable al deterioro, por lo que, con este laboratorio de verificarán los materiales de construcción de las escuelas, en vías de certificar el organismo bajo la norma internacional ISO 9000.
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Read the full article
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eleanorcaldit · 7 years
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deukaeloveclub · 4 years
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Stages of Grief in R.o.S.E. BLUE
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heyvioletgifs · 7 years
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