#if you missed blocking those tags thats on you
crimalwx · 27 days
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canon can't stop me from making the Touden siblings have matching monster features
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thatfuckincat · 1 year
my friend you have dodged a BULLET by ignoring the dsmp lore. good lord i wish i were you. anyway if youre actually interested in minecraft storytelling that is also very accessible (unlike twitch streams) i recommend empires smp (a few hermitcraft folks are there!!) and the life series (grian made that one!! his pov is best to start with i think). cheers ✌️🌺💕
Glad to know it was a good decision to not explore mcyt outside of hermitcraft then! I got reccomended double life quite alot back when i was a regular, but unfortunately i wasnt very into minecraft by the time it happened anymore. I have also heard good things about empires, will have to check it out! cheers indeed ^v^
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(tones good, but thanks for clarifying anyway)
Yea i had no clue. I knew hermitcraft has some story goin on, but i never bothered to wonder how much. and when it comes to DSMP?
i just thought they had a collective gas leak or something LMAO
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walnutcookie · 25 days
fandom can be awful sometimes so heres a few reminders for my beloved mutuals:
- do whatever you want forever. if its not harming anyone or yourself you are amazing and you should continue doing it if it makes you happy
- ship wars/discourse suck ass. if its not a proship its fine, if someone has a different ship than you or interprets a ship differently you dont have to fight with them.
- your ocs are the best thing on this planet and you should share them
- your oc x canon is so wonderful and lovely and you should share it
- the ocs you created to be family members of other characters are awesome and you should share them
- your headcanons and interpretations of characters are awesome and you should share them
- hit that character with the beam. you know you want to. make them trans, make them gay, make them poc, make them disabled, make them fat, whatever makes you happy
- if someone is mean to you blow them up (hit the block button)
- be nice to others. support their art, their stories, their ocs and headcanons and ships, even if you arent very interested in them. stay curious!! ask about peoples ideas, because most of the time they want to share just as much as you do
- if other people have different interpretations or ideas, you dont have to agree or disagree with them. its okay to appreciate others opinions without telling them that theyre wrong
- if anyones ships/ideas/etc make you too uncomfortable, block them.
- if someone is too annoying to see in the tags, block them.
- if anyone is mean to you, block them. especially hate anons
- write whatever you want always. draw whatever you want always. draw those girls kissing draw that enby covered in blood write about that man going to see the dentist
- draw them as furries, as dragons, as humans, as objects, whatever your heart desires
- your selfship partner loves you always
- people arent always right about characters. sometimes theyre way far from canon, and its not really your place to correct them. if it makes you too uncomfortable block them.
- some people choose to not follow canon. do what you want forever, you are always right about your blorbo. you are not limited to canon or what the fandom depicts the character as
- dont be the one to send anon hate
- its okay to be a hater and a lover. you can hatepost on your blog just as much as you lovepost. just dont main tag it (thats mean) and dont add it onto other peoples posts who like what youre hating on (thats also mean)
- if someone is hating on something you like, its best not to engage with it.
feel free to add anything i missed :] i love u mutuals you should tell me everything about your ocs and ships and headcanons forever. pls
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normansnt · 11 months
Handsome (Sanjixmale!reader)
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Warnings: reader gets shot, nothing to specific though, mention of broken ribs.
*nightmare devil fruit*:
You can detect your opponents worst fears by touching them and can make illusions for them to see and live through it.
Bright red
That was every girls cheek the moment they laid eyes on your handsome face, muscular build and nice fashion sense which fitted your body perfectly.
You are handsome
Everyone pretty much agreed
Very stereotypically handsome and women notice that, and they swoon over you
And to top it all you have a very charming personality with a kind and attractive tone
You are what people might describe as every woman's (who is attracted to men that is) dream.
Even Nami and Robin admitted to how handsome you are, of course they didn't swoon Nami is a lesbian missing Vivi, and Robin was too mature for that.
You joined the strawhats in alabasta when you tagged along with Robin to join them since you worked under crocodile as well to archive your dream of making the world a better place, you wanted to catch the right time and stop his horrible plans but the strawhats showed up and did the job for you. You didn't know what to do after so you tagged along with Robin who you befriended at that time.
Since then wherever you went you went with them.
You loved the crew and made a very powerful asset as well with your natural fighting skills with your scythe and your nightmare devil fruit*.
Since you were part of the strawhats wherever you went it was with them and the ladies swooned over you.
Sanji hated that.
He hated that ladies payed attention to you instead of him, he hated that they got all red in the face and even more beautiful that way whenever they looked at you.
But he mostly hated that even he had to admit that he agrees with those ladies.
He agrees you are handsome.
He agrees your smile is the most calming thing he ever saw.
He agrees that your charming personality and kind voice makes his legs weak and his cheeks burn so red he thinks he and his heart might blow up.
Thats why sanji prefers not to be around you, you confuse him and make him feel...things he never felt, not just towards a guy towards anyone.
This however made you believe he hates you.
And you just couldn't understand why.
When ladies swooned over you, you never did anything.
You just continued to be kind not thinking much of it since you were obviously gay.
And screwed.
Because of course you had to fall in love with the most lady obsessed man on your crew who not to mention hates you (or so you think).
He was just so kind, and considerate. Of course his perviness could be reather annoying but even so he was still looking out for women and respecting them, which most man don't.
The same thing happened in Thriller park.
When Perona saw you after you guys were awakened by Usopp she got red in the face and whispered to herself "he is so handsome I almost feel bad for making him depressed" that pissed off sanji. Of course he thought Perona was cute, but she of course noticed you and you didn't even answer her.
The next straw was when he wanted to rescue Nami-san, you tagged along and Absalom looked at you and immediately thought you are a big threat his exact words were: "you, handsome, you came for my bride there is no way Im letting her see you"
He didn't know you were Nami's crew mate since you didn't have a wanted poster either.
That extremely annoying for Sanji since he wanted to be the knight in shining armor for Nami.
Yelled Sanji to get Absaloms attention.
However Absalom attacked you first paying him no mind. Now you wouldn't have a problem defeating him however when he got close so you could attack he disappeared and that caught you off guard.
You lifted you weapon just in time to block his punch and gave huge thanks to your reflexes. While this was happening Sanji had a perfect opportunity to get to Nami and he knew your strength, he knew you could handle yourself. But he wanted to beat Absalom. He wanted to beat the pervert peeking at Nami-san when she was bathing.
So he yelled
"Y/N" in a very pissed off tone.
You snapped your head in his direction thinking he got hurt or anything of that sort with the way he yelled, you were worried.
This however got your attention away from Absalom giving him an opening which he took immediately and shot right towards your heart.
The bullet hit you and you fell backwards with shock painted on your face.
Sanji stopped.
His breathing stoppen.
Everything was playing in slow motion as you fell towards the ground with a bullet in your chest.
This was his fault.
If he had not gotten your attention away from your opponent you would not have gotten hit.
Sanji was feeling empty.
Even he didn't know what happened with his feelings.
The only thing he knew was you were hurt and he did not. like. that.
The moment your body hit the ground Sanji attacked Absalom kicking him so hard he passed out.
And then kneeled down to your body.
"Y/N?Y/N! Can you hear me?" He started to panic he did not want to lose you. He looked at your chest and he saw that the bulled hit just under you heart very likely not damaging your heart just breaking a few ribs.
"Sanji" you coughed out "Nami, Nami is getting take--" you coughed up blood not being able to finish your sentence. Sanji looked behind him and you were right. While he was busy worrying about you Absalom took Nami and disappeared, literally.
That is the moment Sanji realized.
He let Nami out in the open alone because he wanted to get to you.
You, the guy who had such an amazingly kind personality every girl who he claimed to want swooned over.
You who always smiled at him even if he didn't smile back or act just a little bit rude.
You, who offered to help clean up after every meal the crew had and even though he told you no every time (rather harshly) you still at least collected the plates and put them on the counter next to where he was washing the dishes.
He loved you
That is what he realized in that moment.
That was the most confusing thing to him.
How did he love a man?
"Sanji-" your raspy voice broke him out of his trance and he got to his senses you guys had to move or else there would be trouble.
After defeating Moria the straw hats celebrated. Not just the new victory but the new crew mate as well.
Sanji was in the kitchen preparing more food for luffy everyone. And you just can't shake the thought of what happened.
Sanji ran to your aid instead of staying by Nami's side and protecting her. In a way he choose you over Nami.
No, there is no way that's too far fetched. You just couldn't figure it out.
So there was only one thing to do.
Ask him.
Now this was trickier then it sounded.
With you thinking he hates you, approaching him was not easy.
But you had to do it if you wanted to get an answer.
Which you really wanted to.
So you stood up from your place next to Usopp and with claiming you will go to get another drink you were off to the kitchen.
Sanji was zoning out. Thinking about you. About how nice the button up shirt you were wearing looked on you and how it defined you muscles.
"Hey Sanji" you said stepping into the kitchen. He was still focusing on cutting meat and let out a "hmm" as greeting.
That did not help your already raging anxiety.
"I... great food tonight you did really great" this was quite awkward the way you said it however you did mean it. He said "mhmm" without giving you a glance and continuing what he is doing. Sanji did not mean any harm from this he just didn't want to look at you fearing a nose bleed.
"Anyway I was just wondering..." you were getting more anxious by the moment due to his cold demeanor. "Uhhhh" 'oh come on Y/N spit it out already he is already fed up with you' you thought to yourself.
"Can I ask you a question?" Finally better than nothing you are in it now there is no way out.
Sanji stoped what he was doing just for a split second.
"Sure" and he continued what he was doing
'Finally words' you thought to yourself your anxiety lowering just a little.
"Ok so... uhhh... its about what happened" pause "in Thriller park when we fought Absalom"
Sanji was confused. He already apologized for messing with your fight and for the broken ribs you suffered for it, he couldn't really look in your eyes from shame (you thought from hate), but he still did it. Not to mention you sounded nervous, why? At this point he put his knife down and looked at you (well kinda) leaning his back on the kitchen counter trying his hardest to prevent a nose bleed from your muscular forearms which showed because of your rolled up sleeves.
This of course just made you more nervous, you always thought he was handsome but when he looked right at you with his blue eyes you could faint.
"Well I was just wondering..." 'oh my god Y/N spit it out!' You literally yelled at yourself in your mind.
"Why did you come to my aid when you could have helped Nami?"
There it was, out in the open. Now he will either gat mad at you or you will get an actual advice, he already hates you whats the worst that could happen.
"Well..." he started slowly "I don't quite understand your confusion, I mean you were seriously wounded not to mention it was my foult--"
"No" you said cutting him off "I mean yeah it was kinda but it was my decision to look away and not pay attention so it was more my fault... but thats not what I mean." You corrected yourself quickly, then sighed.
"Look we all know how much you love Nami and for you to get to me instead of a lady who is Nami is just to weird--"
"Because..." started Sanji cutting you off "I..." he was screwed, he had no idea how to tell you why he did what he did without confessing his love to you which just got stronger by every passing day.
"I...don't actually know its just what I did it was in the past, it already happened so I do not see any need to discuss this any further" he said kind of hastily to rush the conversation along.
This hurt you. You knew he hated you but... well when does it not hurt when your crush just wants you out of his sight.
You turned around and were about to leave when
"Now, can you answer a question?" Asked Sanji in a calm tone. You were surprised to say the least. This was probably the longest conversation you guys ever had.
"I... uh sure" you were kind of happy he was not that fed up with you yet.
"Why do you never do anything about women swooning over you all the time?"
"What?" This caught you off guard, very much so, what did that have to do with anything?
"Don't play dumb you see how they cheeks get pink and how they look the other way giggling, why do you never act on that, with your looks and charm you could get any women in the world and I don't know how but you don't even do anythi--" laughing.
Your laughter cut Sanji off. It was a lovely laugh, he knew that he liked your laugh a lot. But why were you laughing?
"Sanji...what?" You asked flabbergasted, still chuckling a bit. He was just staring at you silently. That told you everything.
"Sanji... Im gay" you said with still an amused expression on your face.
Sanji suddenly understood everything. Your good sense of fashion, your kind nature you being very good friends with Nami and Robin.
"And as for how Im charming" you continued to answer him.
"Im not" you smiled lightly " I mean you saw how anxious I was when talking to you the guy I like I mean you do hate me but still, Im not charming, the only thing I do is treat women... well not like a pervert and not like they are only boobs, and a pretty face, but like they are actually a person, which they are however men fail to notice that" you continued smiling, blissfully unaware of what you said at the beginning of your statement.
Sanji wasn't unaware however. He stopped functioning the moment you said you liked him and then his eyes bulged out of his skulls when you said he hates you.
"Hold on..." he didn't even know where to start.
"You think I hate you?" He went with that first
"Well based on the fact that this is the longest conversation we ever had, yes." You said dumbfounded still not aware that you confessed to him.
"I..." he felt really bad. You thought he hated you when in reality he just had feelings for you that scared him. "No, I don't hate you, not at all in fact..." should he do it? Well you confessed first so that made it easier.
"I like you... a lot, actually I kinda... sorta...love...you" and he said it. He confessed, real love, to a man, you.
Thats when you realized what you said, that you said you liked him. That you just confessed to the man you have loved since you saw his adorable curly eyebrows and silky blond hair.
You turned tomato red, Sanji chuckled at this finding you adorable.
"Ehh... wait, you love me?" You were short circuiting, this was not happening, but...how?
"Well... thats what I just said" he said not so sure of himself anymore. You just said you liked him but he already confessed his love for you. Now it was his time to turn red or he was about to when you leaped into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"I love you to" you whispered in his ears.
Sanji hugged you back slowly, relishing in your sent.
When you two parted you looked in his eyes, ocean blue, you loved it.
"Uhh... before the urge to kiss you gets to strong I should probably tell you...uhh" stuttered Sanji
"This is my first...kiss...relationship?...or anything romantic with a guy--mmhhp" before he could finish you kissed him.
You kissed him.
Sanji was above every cloud there is. Your soft lips on his.
The way they moved against his, fitting together like puzzle pieces, it was addictive.
When you licked his lips to ask for entrance he gave it to you right away craving more of you. You sat him up on the kitchen counter while discovering his mouth with your tongue. There was not much of a fight for dominance since Sanji was dazed from kissing you. Since you needed air you slowly parted your lips from his and looked in his eyes.
You were both panting slightly, with red faces.
"So, how was that for first romantic experience with a man?" You smiled kindly again.
How could you kiss him like playboy and smile like a child with puppy eyes the next moment he'll never know. Thats just one more thing he loved about you.
Interesting how things turned out the handsome man he was so jealous of for all the attention he got from the ladies ended up his handsome boyfriend.
I actually didn't plan on my next fic being a Sanji fic but I got this great idea for him so I had too.
Also you guys didn't like my last Sanji fic😭
But thats ok I loved it a lot so😛
I love this man and to be hones I hate that cuz his perviness is annoying but I cant help it the heart wants what the heart wants kids remember that🫡
ANYWAY I don't know who or what my next fic is gonna be WE SHALL SEE WHEN THE CREATIVITY STRIKES ME🫠
Well I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies, gentlemen and others, good afternoon good evening and good night🧡🦖
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 25 days
I'm not a "ship" person whatsoever but I do scroll character tags on occasion and see quite a bit of Vox and Vel together as well as what seems to be a lot of what I'm assuming is female original character stuff. I've even seen some Charlie and Vox too. So it's out there, but unless you're scrolling through character tags I can see how it might be hard to find. Personally, I also block/filter a lot of the big "ship" tags so maybe that also makes it easier for me to stumble across this stuff that "slips" through since I don't know if those pairings have names.
I get your point though. I do think many are inclined to erase his bisexuality when it's convenient. Interestingly, they also erase Valentino's pansexuality too. The same with Husk as well, but I check his tag a lot less so who knows.
What disappoints me, and I know I'm about to come off as nit-picky right now lol, is the lack of research people put into their "sexuality" headcanons for the characters with reference to their different eras. When reading some of them, you'd think the idea of "gay rights" was a completely new and foreign topic that only emerged after the early 2000s. I get people want to go for the simplistic "repressed and doesn't know what being [insert identity here] is" for some of the older characters but that completely ignores a fascinating and rich tapestry of queer history that could create far more interesting (and still accurate) stories for the characters/their backgrounds. I would really encourage those who haven't already or are generally unfamiliar to dive into this history as it might inspire their character ideas while also educate them on the work, art, and activism our queer elders have contributed to the community we have today.
I think this may partially relate to character ages being under explored as well. While I've seen debate on what is canon/has been decanonized many of these characters, as far as we know, died in their late 30s and beyond. That's a lot of life to live and experience. While certainly many people throughout history (and even today) kept their sexuality hidden from the public due to culture, shame, and safety that doesn't mean there weren't many incredible private venues/spaces that could be utilized to explore those feelings/identities in secret.
I could go on and on about this but I've totally strayed from your original point (I'm sorry!) and I'm very tired haha. I just think there are multiple factors coming into play here with these character interpretations and, for me, the biggest missed opportunity is the lack of historical research. But end of the day people should have their fun! Just an observation.
Completely agree with this! I doubt my response will be as long since I just woke up but other characters doing certain things or not knowing about sexualities is interesting, it just seems like a lot of people think older people don’t want to explore any of that like it only just happened recently as you said. I like to joke about Angel being shocked about gay marriage and not knowing a bunch of current terms but thats about it. With him being in the mafia when he was alive makes it much more interesting as well, I’m pretty sure around his time the mafia was blackmailing men in gay bars but dont quote me on that I might be wrong.
Anyway for Husk and Valentino pan erasure I see that a bunch too. Not exactly erasure but just… ignoring it? Moreso erasure on Valentino’s end because Ive seen people get mad at people for shipping Valentino with a woman and was like “hes gay dont do that” no he isnt. Also dont ship Valentino with anyone for the love of god. But like people are super used to just making up headcanons that they dont bother to look up actual canon stuff. I know Hazbin isn’t the best but if you want canonically LGBTQ+ characters use what you have and add on later. Or headcanon a background character, thats what I did with Molly.
People are very focused on modern day queerness and forget that this stuffs been happening for decades and it’s a bit sad. Also I seem to have strayed from my own question as well?? Anyway ty for mentioning this! Its very interesting 🩷
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matthewkniesys · 11 months
where do we go now? - jamie drysdale
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a/n: so firstly thank you @huggybearhughesy for your help!! this is based on the lyrics of gracie abrams song "where do we go now?". the lyrics are in bold. this isn't my favourite thing but i'm trying to push through a writers block so hopefully you guys like it :)
pairing: jamie drysdale x fem!reader
good riddance fic series
warnings: swearing and angst and i think thats it but lmk if you find anything else
You and Jamie go way back. Way, way back to when you were both in your moms stomachs. Your parents and Jamie’s parents were like those friend groups you see on TV. You know, the ones where both couples meet at college and then become an inseparable friend group and then move to the same city together and then raise their kids together.
And from the day you were born (3 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days after Jamie as he always reminds you), the two of you were inseparable. If you were at the pool Jamie was probably too. If Jamie was playing tag at recess you probably were too.  If Jamie had a hockey tournament chances were you were going to be there, at every game. And then as you grew older, if you were at a party Jamie was probably too. People knew that if they were looking for one of the two of you, all they had to do is ask the other one. That was the kind of bond you shared with your best friend.
Until the string that ties you two together started fraying. And then the string snapped all together.
24th Street
Where you held me, grabbed my arm
What a mental fire alarm
'Cause a lot of that felt wrong
After high school, you moved to Anaheim with Jamie. You didn’t think anything of it. At that point in your life all you knew was that you and Jamie weren’t going to break up. You would follow wherever he goes. It’s funny how you can be so sure of something and then all of a sudden you just aren’t anymore. It starts to feel wrong.
You two bought a small apartment on 24th street and for the first year it felt perfect. It was small and cozy and all you two really needed but at some point during the second year everything changed. 
You can’t exactly pinpoint the moment you started realizing this wasn’t it for you. That Jamie wasn’t gonna work out. That this wasn’t your forever. It probably wasn’t even one singular moment. It was lots of little ones all together that came crashing down. 
What you can pinpoint is the moment you realized you had to go. That you would suffocate if you stayed in this relationship any longer.
You came home after a horrible day at University and Jamie was there waiting. Like always. He was perfect like that. He never did anything wrong and he could always pick up on the queues that you weren’t having a great day. That used to feel like everything you needed but not anymore. Now it just felt predictable and boring. It felt like there was no passion left. No fire burning between the both of you.
“Hi babe. Bad day?” Jamie asks, after you let out a long sigh dumping all your stuff on the ground.
You make a little noise of acknowledgement, not even having the energy to talk to Jamie and that’s the part where it starts creeping up on you. The fact you don’t even want to talk to the person who supposedly means the most to you. The person who should be the love of your life.
The moment it slams into you though is when he comes up to you and wraps you in his arms. It should be comforting after all these years but in reality it feels like you’re drowning. It triggers something in your brain. You’re overwhelmed with the need to escape. Since when did being in Jamie’s arms, the arms of your boyfriend but more than anything your best friend start to feel so wrong?
Like I miss you
But when I kissed you back, I lied
You don't know how hard I tried
Had to fake the longest time
 After that day you tried so hard to stay. You ignored that little voice telling you to get out and run as fast as you can. But you could only take so much. You had love for Jamie still. That much was true but you missed it when you felt so utterly consumed by him. When you constantly wanted to be around him. You missed that part of your relationship with him.
Every hug, every kiss, every word felt wrong. Felt fake. 
You always hugged him and kissed him back. You tried to salvage what was there with the two of you. You pretended to yourself that you thought you could fix it, that maybe if you faked long enough it would become real  but you always knew you couldn’t. You were lying to yourself. There had never been an ending that ended with Jamie. It wasn’t in the cards with you.
Where do we go now?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go now?
One January night you were laying in bed, unable to fall asleep. Next to you your boyfriend was sleeping soundly, completely unaware that anything was wrong. You toss and turn and avoid thinking about the fact that you shouldn’t be here and that Jamie deserves to know that you don’t love him like that anymore. He deserves the world, you just won’t be the one to give it to him.
Slowly you feel Jamie stirring on the other side of the bed. He gets up and looks over at you, groggily.
He yawns and says, “Hey babe, what are you doing up?”
You look into your boyfriend's pretty eyes and in that moment you know you can’t do it anymore. There isn’t anywhere for you two to go. What you have or had is over now and you need to end it.
Tears well in your eyes and you take a deep breath, knowing that in the next moment you were going to break the heart of the boy you used to love most.
“Jamie… I can’t do this anymore. It isn’t fair to you because you did nothing wrong but to stay wouldn’t be fair to me either. I have to leave. This doesn’t feel right anymore. There isn’t anywhere for this relationship to go that wouldn’t end in heartache. I love you, Jamie and I will forever but I have to do what is right for me.”
Jamie doesn’t say anything at first, just lets the tears fall. After a moment he says, “I could feel you pulling away but I wanted to ignore it but I guess I can’t anymore. I don’t wanna let you go. And I know that’s not fair but I love you. There won’t be anyone but you.”
“Yes there will be, Jamie. There will be someone because we weren't meant for each other. There is nowhere for us to go.”
I know I changed overnight
So I can't blame you for fightin'
And I'd be losin' my mind
If you lived in your writin’
The days that follow are hard. You have to keep living in the apartment until you find other living conditions and Jamie is convinced he can find a way to make work. He just can’t see that the best of your relationship was behind and that’s where you had to leave it. Nothing good would come from trying to salvage this.
“Why are you just giving up on us?” Jamie says one day out of the blue while you two eat summer in silence.
“I am giving up because after spending so long trying to stay, I have to give up for the both of us. And I know to you it seems like I just flipped a switch and overnight decided this wasn’t good anymore but I’ve been thinking about us for a while.” You pause, “Honestly, Jamie I’m surprised you're not the one frustrated with me because lately I've been so caught up in my school work I barely even have time to spend with you. Isn’t that driving you crazy?”
“No, it’s not because I just need your presence. That’s enough for me. And I understand why you’re so busy. It’s not like you’re purposely avoiding me.”
“The last few months though, I have been avoiding you.”
'Cause now I'm half of myself here without you
You're the best in my life and I lost you
And we had no control when it fell through
It was one-sided, hate how I hurt you
The next month is a blur. Between finding your own place and being busier than ever with school, you don’t have tons of time to think about Jamie but when you do there’s a sinking feeling in your gut. 
You don’t regret ending it but you miss the friendship, the special bond that had been between you two since you were kids. You haven’t been apart from him for this long ever and it feels like a part of you is missing. 
Jamie has always been the best in your life. The amazing boy that every girl wishes was theirs but he had always been fully yours. Until now when you set him free.
You wish you hadn’t had to hurt him. He didn’t deserve it but you didn’t deserve to be trapped either. He had no control over the situation. He couldn’t have prevented what happened. It was one sided and it sucks but it's the truth.
If I could, I'd have changed every feelin'
Reservations were up to the ceilin'
Guess the space was the thing that I needed
But I miss you
“Hey y/n. Uh it’s Jamie. Sorry to bother you by calling. I just need to know one thing. And then I can move on. I can pretend I don’t feel like I’m drowning. Did you wish it could’ve been different? If you could've, would you have changed your feelings?”
 After a shaky breath from Jamie, silence fills the air. You’ve listened to this voice message he sent you at least twenty times at this point. You have memorized it but can’t stop replaying it.
The simple answer is yes. Yes, you would’ve done anything in your power to still love Jamie but it doesn’t matter because you couldn’t. It isn’t how the world works.
You tell exactly that to Jamie over the phone the next day  and he says nothing. He listens and then hangs up, leaving you to hope he’ll be okay.
Being apart from him has shown you, you made the right decision but that doesn’t make it hurt less. You still miss him. He was, after all, your best friend since the beginning and you no longer have each other. That’s…a lot to take in.
Where do we go now?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go now?
In the last month Jamie has asked himself over and over and over again what he could’ve done to make you stay. He comes up empty every time because he did everything right. Just wasn’t enough he guesses.
He doesn’t know where to go anymore because before it was always to you. You were his light in the dark. He used to follow that brightness but now that light has run out of power and he’s left to stumble through the darkness alone.
He will be okay, he just has to figure where to go now. Which way it is to escape the black and reemerge in the light.
good riddance fic series
thanks for reading🫶requests are always open for fics, blurbs, ig edits and just thoughts!!
taglist: @woodruff-edwards @nicohischierz @makarhughes @cobrakaisb @huggy-hischier94 @boldysswld@cole-mcward48@kashee-h@kjohnson-91 @jackhues @corneliaskates @imma-mirrorball @hvghes @emptyflowerpots @h0e4fictionalme-n @ivy-34 @jayisamirrorball @diary-of-jj @nicojackl0v3r
join my taglist
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cherry-bomb-ships · 2 years
F/ovember FAQ
I wanted to write out this little post of any general questions about this event. Please give it a read if you're interested in participating! 🧡
What is F/ovember?
F/ovember is an f/o takeover event spanning for the entire month of November, from the 1st to the 30th, where self shippers are encouraged to give their f/os control of their blog for the month.
What's an f/o takeover?
An f/o takeover is a one-person event that used to be pretty popular in the self-ship community, where bloggers give their f/o(s) control of their blog (a.k.a. you essentially get to roleplay as your f/o) and invite their followers to ask their f/o(s) questions, typically about their self ship.
I've never done an f/o takeover before! What are the rules?
That's the beauty of this event; the simplicity! The basic guideline is that your f/o is the one answering questions, but the rest is up to you! That being said, there are two rules that I encourage everyone to follow:
One, if someone sends you an ask, send one back to them if they're participating as well! It's good ask karma and you might make a new friend out of it too!
Two, please do not write your f/o saying mean or hurtful things about you. If it's a lighthearted jab or part of your lore, then thats a slight exception, but they would never say anything genuinely hateful about you, I promise 💝
Do I have to keep up the takeover for the entire month to participate?
Not at all! You're encouraged to have the takeover on your blog for the whole month, of course, but you can do it as long as a week, a weekend, or even just a single day. You can even do it for a week, drop the event, and then pick it back up later in the month if you'd like to!
What if I want to do the takeover with only a few/one of my f/os, or do the takeover with only a certain type of f/o (platonic, familial, etc)?
Then do it!! You're allowed to use as few or as many f/os as you want, and any type of f/o you want! You can even switch which f/o or what type is answering questions from day to day (i.e. having a day/week for all platonic f/os).
Who is running/moderating this event? Who is allowed to join? How can I sign up?
I came up with the event idea on my own (my name's Ruby if you don't know me, hi :3), so I suppose that technically makes me its sole moderator, but that is only in the most loose of terms. This is being held on each person's individual blog, so there is no type of sign-up process required! However, that also means there's not much I can do against someone joining other than blocking them and advising others to do the same.
That being said, I would appreciate if anyone who matches my DNI section of my Carrd, especially pr*shippers and c*mshippers, does not interact with this event or use the tags for it either. This is event is not for you.
I am a pr*shipper and I'm gonna interact and do the event anyway! You can't stop people from just using a tag!
Okay. Have fun on the blocklist, freak :)
No one is sending me any asks! I feel left out :(
I'm really sorry to hear that. While there's no solid way to guarantee asks in your inbox, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances. You can try making a promo post for your takeover, and be sure to tag all your posts related to it with "f/ovember", as well as other tags like "f/o takeover", "fovember", and "self ship community" so people who frequent those tags can see it. You can also try sending asks out to other self shippers who are doing a takeover, as they're likely to send one back. In addition to that, I'll be trying to send an ask to everyone participating, so if I missed you then please do not be afraid to send me a quick message about it!
Are you participating with an f/o takeover as well?
Yes, I am! I'll be trying to run my takeover for the entire month with all of my f/os available to answer questions!
I have a question that wasn't answered here, or need some more clarification on something!
No problem, friend! My inbox is always open for any inquiries you may have about this event or takeovers in general!
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cosmossystem · 27 days
Hey, I'm sorry for suddenly dumping this onto your askbox, but I just feel the need to be heard
I honestly don't care about being anti and proship at all
But... Everytime I see a post from someone who proudly calling themselves anti... It's always so scarily violent
All those posts saying "kill yourself", "deserves to die", all of that stuff
If you don't like a person or stuff they make... Just block them, mute the tags they use, forget they ever exist
Literally easier to do that than harassing the said person or making others uncomfortable with your violence tendencies
This is why some people that have "I'm an anti" or "Proship dni" have become such a redflag to me, even tho most of the time people who uses them are genuinely just good people who misunderstood what proship is
I wish this whole discourse never existed, I miss everything before 2020...
^^ this
and we feel the exact same way
like we dont have any hard stances on shipcourse because both sides have misinfo and both are wrong about some things-- like, we are firmly anti-lolisho and thats one of the things that is usually seen as "proship", but we do have "problematic" ships and we believe in SALS and are anti-censorship. so much misinfo flies between the two because no one cares about being right, they care about looking right, much like every other fake-activist (which are unfortunately common these days.)
the only reason we even care to begin with is because antis have been so violent to us about it. if you arent with them, youre against them, and if youre against them, youre a target.
it seems like theres a lot of antis in neurodivergent & plural spaces, too, which is just crazy to me, so it feels like we have to specify every time "yes, we're the proship in your DNI, just block us please."
i do wanna say that while 2020 made things worse, ive been in shipcourse + fandom spaces since 2016 and it was pretty bad back then too. like in 2016 i had an anti-ship & anti-ddlg blog and there were DOZENS of other antis in the tags -- yall remember "character-against-bad-ships" blogs? yeah. we ran several of those and had hundreds of mutuals running them as well. (im getting flashbacks to "sonic-for-real-justice". eugh.)
we Fully Converted To Proshipism (/j) in about 2018-19, so i saw how bad it was getting right before covid and honestly its never fully recovered. fandom hasnt really been peaceful since... maybe before 2016? i dont know, i wasnt there. flaming and ship wars have always been around but i honestly cant think of when all this "pro v anti" stuff started. seems like it was a slow buildup and now its just fucking everywhere.
i know this wasnt the point of your ask, but im gonna go on a tangent here because i like to yap:
i think the current state of shipcourse is caused, in part, by the fact that younger generations are getting into fandom. except, i think every time someone points this out, they get it wrong and pin it on some bullshit like "younger fans are mistaking fandom for activism/politics!" that argument sucks because that doesnt afford any empathy to the teenagers and young adults who grew up in this awful fucking political climate (including myself.) fandom IS politics to young people, because they have been aware of the state of the world since the time they could read and dont know a world that isnt inherently political in every way.
and then that brings up the misconception that fandom isnt / should never be political, which isnt true and is literally just denial of what is already happening. every form of media and consumption is inherently political. proshippers tend to be wrong about that, plug their ears and lalala until it goes away while ignoring the very political parts of fandom-- like the misogyny, racism, ableism, aphobia... etc.
and so we get stuck in the same song and dance because everyone is wrong and parrots the same disinfo. fandom is very black and white like that. its either everything is ok, or none of it is, with no room for nuance. like for instance: you can enjoy shipping the canonically-aroace character with someone and that doesnt make you a bad person, but dont pretend that doesnt have any real world implications. and so on.
anyway. thank you for the ask, anon. sorry this got really long and passionate. im very opinionated.
- red
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sunnynoki · 3 months
We don’t talk a lot - We haven’t talked in probably about a year or so now, since I left the fandom space we met in. I’ve changed usernames since then - I went by Wheat on discord. Sorry I’ve been so distant. I never knew how to talk to you since it’s been a while.
Even still, I want to tell you that you were important to me, and still are. I wish we could talk more. I want to talk about your new interests. What are you into these days? I’ve been getting into some older games these days, but I’ve been missing pokemon a bit. I want to get back into it. Do you still draw Sky? I never asked you about them with as much detail as I wanted to. I was always worried about being too intrusive, but I regret that now. Your OCs are really imaginative. I know you’re into tensura now, right? Season 3 is coming out soon. I’m excited for that.
I want to get to know you again. I don’t know what happened with whatever you left behind, and I don’t know if this is a weird message to send, but you’re important to me and I want to let you know that you are. I wouldn’t be who I am if you weren’t there in the beginning. Thank you for being you.
i dont know how to talk either. every sentence i say either feels fake or self centered, selfish. and dont worry about being distant; it happens, especially when interests change. i dont blame you.
youre important to me too. i wish we could talk more. im not into much right now. i just feel empty. i gave up su/bmas, after everything. it was too much, not knowing who i could trust not to fucking ship them, or think its ok in any circumstance. yet sometimes i still crawl back to the tag, despite blocking it a while ago. i dont touch anything though, just look. it doesnt bring me joy anymore. i think im finally letting it go. i dont know how i feel about po/kemon yet. its kinda just. there. maybe im just feeling particularly apathetic right now.
i don't really draw anything right now. i dont know if i can go back. it was my only hobby, yet my therapist said that it wasnt enough, even when i was at my lowest. well, at the time. ive set a new low score at this point. i dont want to draw. i don't know what id draw. i dont think i can. my computer is kinda a no mans land at this point. i don't really touch it anymore. im glad you liked sky though. i never understood why she garnered so much attention. i could never write a good enough character for her. she was a mary sue in that way, with no real character flaws, let alone the... everything else. either way, like i said, im glad you liked her regardless. it means a lot. the attention i got because of her made me really happy.
like i said, im not really into anything right now, but i guess tensura would be regarded as an "interest." im... looking forward to season 3. i read one of the light novels thats going to be adapted a month or two back though, so i guess its gonna be a moment before i get to "new" content.
i dont know if theres anyone to get to know anymore. i was already in a depressive episode before this disaster, now i dont know if theres any going back, if theres any way to recover. it isnt a weird message to send, and its appreciated that you care for me but. im not sure if i can trust anyone again. im not sure if i can even trust myself. even in the aftermath, the people i thought i could trust either no longer talk to me or still interact with those who hurt me. i guess its selfish to ask them to cut off those friends too. but ive always been selfish. self centered. egotistical.
regardless, im glad i had some positive impact despite my mess of a personality. thank you for your words
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sea-of-dust · 3 months
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Yukari giving chocolate for GN! Reader!
What if I just told u this was a request and tuumblr loves posting my drafts and posting unfinished works. Annon I'm sorry 😔
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She made them! I be it you'd be able to smell it in the dorm which is why the s.e.e.s memmbers kept you from comming home. "You shouldn't come back yet" "and why's that" Minato emails back with little to no time in between "I wanna go grocery shopping with you" "oh" he bought her 3 hours.
Three hours used to the fullest with Mitsuru next to her with silicon trays. "What if the chocolate melts them and they eat plastic?" "Try not to worry so much about it" as she pours it you and Minato are almost two blocks away from the dorm. "We're two blocks away" "on it!" You notice him see a reply to an email but he quickly hides his phone in his pocket "Minato you've been on your phone alot what's buggin' you?" "Nothing"
you shrug noticing the sound of loud thundering footsteps closing in on you, trying to see who was causing the noise only to be met with a poster. "Y/n~" Jinpei appears from behind the poster grinning cheerfully yet you can sense blatant mischief in his expression. "There's a new gadget in town for two, you should help me buy it" "what is that even for?" "Oh I don't know" he walks back, his face facing you dramatically "two tickets to see the new movie that came out a few days ago" you flash back to Yukari raving about how much she wanted to see it, your face gets deathly serious. "Where's the theater?" "THATS THE SPIRIT"
Yukari, while she was grateful they could help did get a bit worried when you didn't come back until sunset with Jinpei and your emo tag along. "We're alive!" Jinpei bursts open the door with you two following behind. "Where the heck did you guys go to stay out so late" Yukari pounts seeing her you nearly fall into her arms. "I missed you" you look up at her with unfocused eyes, holding her to stay steady. Glaring at the both of them, she helps you to the couch near the entrance. "Yukari" you hand her the tickets with unstable hands. "I got the tickets to a movie you wanted to see" you smile brightly contrasting how beat up you sound. "The line was huge" Jinpei interupts "I think we almost drowned" "for a few tickets?" "There was a sale" you mumble out. She wraps her hand around your arm pulling you closer to her, using this as their cue the room emptines to just the two of you.
"Where ya going" as she gets up she turns to you "I have something for you" as if she woke you up with those words you sit patiently watching her come back with a plate. "You made chocolates?" A bit stunned she looked away "I guess the smell gave it away" she lays it next to you and her "They're all for you" "no" "huh?" "Lets share them, it would be unfair if you didn't get to atleast try them ya know" a bit more flustered she takes a bite with you. Biting into them you stretch yours out slowly the caramel stretching out. "You know me so well" you remark after finishing the first one. "Yum.." You muttered that under your breath but she still heard it. "I got you to say yum" she smiles proudly. "Really?" You look down again picking it up "they are really good guess it slipped out"
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
putting out a canon call is somehow the most annoyingly vulnerable thing i can do, but thats only entirely because i have to confront the fact that, even though bro abused me horribly in essentially every sense of the word and developed such crazy wack fears and disorders in me that carried over into this life, i still sort of miss him? i mean the thought of him alone can send me spiraling like a kid on one of those spiny things on the playground, mouth coated in sticky blue rocket-pop juice, three seconds from flying off it (instead of the handle, but only this once) and bouncing their head off the ground like the fleshiest basketball you’ve ever seen, and when i see or know a bro so much as exists within my proximity it causes irreversible brain and poison damage, but… the dumb thing is, is i know its a condition of being traumatized for the victim to “miss” their abuser, yet despite being fully consciously aware of that i’m still all “man i’m so weird for hate-missing my abusive brother dad and no one understands”. nah, plenty of people understand. you’re just traumatized me-man. which is cool and good and everyone would understand, but i can’t just put “you can interact if you’re bro strider under the condition you know i’ll never talk to you and actually cry silly style about the fact you exist or only talk to you to yell at you and then block you” because that’s both stupid (don’t put your triggers on the internet for everyone to see, kids) and kind of a dick thing for me to do? i also know i don’t actually want to talk to him. it’s just the disorders again. like that one line in sonic fandub. i’m back in the fucking disorder again. it’s such a stupid shit ass situation. that i put myself in for no reason. you’d think in my extended period of existence so graciously delivered to me by whatever cruel gods are out there in the world i’d have worked through this cacophony of a cringe comp my brain is but. well life sucks and fucks. soo la voo or whatever? #relatable (don’t actually tag that, i’m being hip with the kids) 😎 — dave strider (fictive) (#⚙️💡)
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sleepy-achilles · 4 months
I'm a Jealous, Jealous Lover.
Taker didn't understand jealousy until he turned human.
He didn't understand jealousy until the american badass and the boy toy became a tag team.
He didn't understand jealousy until he realised everyone wanted a taste of the heartbreak kid.
Taker leans back in his shitty canteen chair, eyes locked onto Shawn who's doing a perfect job of rambling, eating his lunch and drinking. "Oh! That's a point, I forgot how busy the lockeroms can be" Shawn states. Taker locks back in. "What do you mean by that?" Taker asks. "Everytime I goto shower I end up with the center one. Its just so damn busy" Shawn huffs. Taker tilts his head. "Have you tried showering when it's not busy?" Taker asks. "Thats the thing, I check the shower and it's empty, I get undressed and walk in and everyone is in there." Shawn admits. That's when the first spike of jealousy hits Taker. "Is that so?" Taker asks glancing at the other men. "Yeah, oh well, what can ya do about it?" Shawn shrugs before finishing his soda.
"Something I'm sure." Taker mutters. "What was that Takes?" Shawn asks. Taker looks back at him. "Nothing, just finish up" Taker dismisses. "Oh okay" Shawn nods continuing his food.
Taker was not a jealous man.
But right now, he could and can kill batista.
Dave leans real close to shawn, whispering something to make the blonde laugh.
It gets under takers skin and he can't help but ignore the lust demon complaining to him about whatever.
"Uh taker?" Goldust asks as Taker suddenly crushes the water bottle in his hand. Lucky for them it's empty. That's when he spots what has him upset. "Oh, someone's flirting with the showstopper." Goldust hums.
Goldust gasps as Taker throws the waterbottle. He can't help but giggle as it hits dave in the head. Dave pulls away from shawn and looks at them. "Was that you?" Dave demands. "Nah man, it came from over there" Taker lies nodding towards the others. "Those fuckers. Excuse me shawn" dave lurks off. "You dog" goldust gasps at him. "Dont regret a thing." Taker mutters as he watches Shawn shrug and turn back to his locker.
What the hell is Taker doing?
Taker hated fan meets. Too many fans who think they have the right to make sexual jokes and grope them.
So he's glad when it's over. "Finally. Wanna grab some pizza?" Taker asks Shawn as he helps the blonde stand. "Dont see why not" Shawn smiles. "Um excuse me?" A small voice asks. They both turn to see a young man. Taker swears he signed something for the guy earlier. "Yes?" Shawn smiles. "I was wondering if we could have a photo, I missed the chance earlier." He asks. "Of course" Shawn nods taking the camera. He turns to his life and tag partner. "Do you mind?" Holding the camera out. "Never." Taker forces out.
He raises the camera and watches as the mans hand moves down towards shawns waist, his hand blocked by shawns. He lowers the camera. "Your hand on his waist-" "you want his hand on my waist?" Shawn suddenly asks, moving his hand and placing the mans hand on his waist. "Take the photo" Shawn smiles as takers jaw tightens. He swallows his pride and takes the photo before practically shoving the camera into the fans hand and dragging Shawn away.
"Whats wrong takes? You jealous?" Shawn asks with a giggle as Taker suddenly stops. "Jealous?" Taker asks looking at shawn. "I mean he was handsome, no?" Shawn asks with a innocent smile. "Its okay to be jealous" "don't be ridiculous. I don't get jealous" Taker huffs turning away and walking away. "Handsome, my ass" Taker scoffs. "Average at best" he adds. Shawn can't help but smile brightly. "Annoyed your delaying my pizza!" He barks. "Of course." Shawn hums jogging after the bigger man.
Takers finally reached his limit.
Yeah, he's jealous and he does not give a shit.
"You look real good today shawn" Randy smirks resting a hand on shawns waist. "Aw thanks Rand" Shawn smiles patting Randy's chest. "Oh god." Goldust huffs watching as Taker storms over. He shoves randy back before turning to shawn, lifting him over his shoulder, planting a hand firmly on shawns ass and walking them out. "Sorry randy!" Shawn chuckles. "The hell!" Randy yelps. "Its called he's taken. Sorry yall!" Taker yells as he kicks the door open.
Shawn sucks in his cheeks as he watches sable run a hand down takers chest on live TV. That bitch.
"Shawn stop before you get worked up" goldust sighs. "Im not." Shawn growls as the pair walk in. "Great show tonight takes." Sable smiles. Goldust gives up as shawn drags taker into a very passionate kiss. Shawn turns to sable. "I ever hear you call him Takes or see you touch him like that again I will scalp you" shawn growls. Taker just chuckles and wraps an arm around shawns waist. "Down boy." He whispers, pulling shawn against him. "See ya later sable" Taker smiles before leading shawn out
Sable smirks and turns to Scott. "Not a jealous bone in his body my ass" she holds her hand out. "Fucker" Scott growls handing over 50. "Told ya, takers more jealous but shawn has his moments" Kevin smirks as scott hands him 50 too.
--------------------------------------------------------------------John x Randy (ceton? Ortena? Rohn? Jandy?)
John knew he was screwed when he got jealous of his own brother.
His own brother.
He watches as randy leans in close and whispers to Leon, a hand rested against Leon's bare collar bones.
Leon rolls his eyes and turns his head, their noses brushing as he mutters something back. Randy clearly says something bad because Leon shoves him away, slaps him, glares at him before walking out.
Randy chuckles and glances at John, winking before walking the opposite way.
John frowns as the divas flirt with randy and he flirts back. How dare he.
"Whats wrong Johnny boy?" Hunter asks. "Nothing" John forces out from gritted teeth. Hunter looks to see him watching randy. Hunter chuckles. "A real lady killer him, ain't he?" Hunter asks.
Thats John's final straw. He's up out of his chair and moving towards randy.
Randy spots him and smirks but doesn't move. John grabs Randy's shoulder. "Ah John" Trish smiles. "Sorry, Randy needs to come with me." John states, he doesn't wait for their response as he tugs Randy away. Randy just chuckles and waves bye.
"Asshole." John hisses.
John was really testing his patience. Randy scowls as AJ runs a hand down John's chest. It's worse enough they just kissed, is she really going to push it with the cameras off.
Not if he had anything to do with it. He pushes off the wall and storms over. He pulls John away from her and before either can speak, pulls him into a kiss. John's eyes widen before he kisses back. Randy pulls away and looks at her. "You tell everyone he's mine, to back off or else" he growls before dragging John away.
John giggles and tilts his head back. "Oh I don't get jealous Johnny. Anyone stupid enough to waste me doesn't understand true talent and goodlooks" John mocks. "Shut it brat." Randy growls pushing John forward so he can wrap a firm arm around the firm waist. "You get jealous just like me." John teases. "So what?" Randy huffs. "Its cute" John smiles. Randy rolls his eyes. "Didnt I tell you to shut it?" John can't help but laugh and Randy gives a small smile.
The chosen one sits and sulks. Leon won't even look his way but cody Rhodes has his attention? What's cody got that he doesn't? Black hair? Drew can easily get black hair.
"You good?" Sheamus asks. "Yeah" drew mutters. Sheamus looks to see Leon leaning against the wall, watching cody as cody talks lowly to him. "Ah, Leon's got himself some new prey" sheamus hums. Drew looks at the older man. "What?" "Once in a blue moon, Leon gets bored and strays from romancing the divas and starts to play and tease some of the men. Trust me, he lives up to the heartbreaker family legacy. Even randy ortons fell for it. Twice" sheamus huffs. Drews eyes widen as he looks back at Leon. "Although, he doesn't have that same lust in his eyes. So who knows, maybe he does have a thing for the dreams boy." Sheamus shrugs.
That pit of jealousy comes back in full swing.
Leon yawns and stretches. "Whats all the fuss?" Leon asks looking at alexa. "Drew Mcintyre is back and he looks so damn good" she smiles. "Im sure he does" Leon mocks. "Oh yeah, take a look" she smirks. Leon looks and his eyes widen slightly, one of his eyebrows raising. "Well I'd be damned" Leon mutters taking in the pure muscle that is now drew Mcintyre. "Hes sure different ain't he" alexa smirks. He frowns at her. "Dont be weird" he scolds. "Dont be weird" she mocks. "Dont be jealous, it's an ugly look on you darling" she smirks. "Jealous! Ha, Leon Michaels does not get jealous, I'm beauty, I'm hot and don't have time to waste on being jealous. Besides, anyone wants to try cheat on me or take what's mine would be stupid. There's only one of me" Leon rants.
"God you are such your father's son" she huffs looking at him. Leon just crosses his arms and tries to ignore that feeling in his chest as Zelina touches drews arm. What does he care?
"Cmon." He mutters walking away, not bothering to wait to see if alexa follows. She does.
Drew could tell Leon was in a good mood, just from the fact he was walking around the arena shirtless.
Normally a shirtless Leon meant a happy drew. But not right now.
He could practically burn a hole into the side of Sashas head as she stands infront of Leon. Leon is looking away at his script, rambling about her moveset and how she could improve them. That's when he sees it.
Her hand raises and is a inch away from touching Leon's sharp abs when drew, without thinking slaps her hand away, getting both stars attention.
"He doesn't like being touched." Drew quickly states. "Why do you think he wears a vest in the ring?" He adds. Leon tilts his head slightly as he lowers his script. Drew ignores how Leon's eyes burn into him and keeps his eyes on Sasha. She raises an eyebrow at him. "Thanks Leon. I'll see you later." She hums before walking off.
Drew can't fight the way his face heats up. "Jealous much?" Leon hums quietly against his ear. "No. Just respecting your boundaries." Drew mutters keeping his eyes forward. Leon chuckles against his ear before moving to stand infront of Drew, he grabs drews wrist. "You should be jealous." He whispers. Drew stares at him. "I was going to let her do it. Just to see your reaction. Just so I could tease you, play with you, but this is so much better" Leon whispers placing drews hand against his abs. Drews eyes widen and snap down to where his hand meets Leon's surprisingly smooth skin. His body type is sharp, hard, lean, so the fact his skin is smooth is shocking to him.
Leon taps drews chin causing him to look back up. "Real shame you couldn't wait." He hums before pulling away and walking off. Drews hand stays hovering in the air.
He didn't know whether he should thank or curse Shawn Michaels for making something so beautiful and sinful.
Drew shoulda known roman would of been his breaking point. All three have history. Of course roman would be able to break him.
He just didn't expect it to happen on live TV. Drew normally has better self control than this.
He stands back as roman continues his rant to Leon. His purpose is to protect Leon from the other bloodline members, not roman. He's examining the twins when he spots it. Roman squaring up to Leon. A too relaxed Leon. What shocks him is roman raising his hand to caress Leon's cheek. "Shame ill have to ruin this pretty face" roman mutters, his fingers brushing the soft skin.
Drew jerks forward, grabbing Romans wrist and twisting it back, pushing himself in between the two men. Leon's eyes widen in shock as he stumbles back. "You keep your hands off what's mine" drew growls to the other man. Roman raises an eyebrow. "Is that right?" Roman asks after lowering his mic. Drew tightens his hold. "You touch him like that again, I'll break every bone in your fucking body"
And boy wasn't Leon turned on by that alone.
What can he say, he's a spawn of the two horniest people in the business.
Drew realises what he's done as the fans start chanting his name. Of course, they can't hear what he's said. Atleast he hopes the ones at ring side can't. Drew let's Romans wrist go and watches as the man jerks back, cradling his wrist. He turns to Leon. "I think we're done here-" he pauses at the flush building on Leon's neck. His eyes shoot up to see Leon's eyes have darkened. Leon drops his mic. "Yeah" he nods. Drew takes Leon's wrist in his hand, much more gentler than he did with roman, even tho Leon would and could handle it better than him or roman could, and leads Leon out of there, ignoring the chants of their names.
Rhea wasn't a jealous person. No. But when you had to watch the love of your life by swooned and loved by a man only for him to break her heart? You get something dark and green growing in you.
Rhea stands back and watches as cassie smiles and shakes hands with fans. "Your so pretty" "wow your more beautiful in person!" "Oh wow.." "Your like a godess!"
It's all they've heard. Cassie is polite, smiles, thanks them, brushes it off.
The photos have been fine. Rhea takes them for cassie, cassie takes them for her. All the normal stuff.
Until its not.
Rhea eyes land on the man as he places a hand on her waist. She bites her tongue and takes the photo.
The man let's go and rhea takes cassies hand. "We must be going now." She states. "Huh?" Cassie tilts her head. Rhea doesn't expand on her statement, just drags cassie out. "Where do these idiots get off on it" rhea mutters. Cassie watches her lover confused. "Flirtin and touching you as if your there's." She growls. "Oh...Oh!" Cassie smiles and stops. Rhea head snaps towards her. "Why have you stopped?" "Your jealous." Cassie states. "What? No, why would you ask that?" Rhea asks. "I didnt. It's a statement. A fact. You are jealous." Cassie answers. "Why would I be jealous? Don't be ridiculous. I'm just protecting my girlfriends boundaries." Rhea snaps.
Cassie chuckles and moves forward, kissing rhea softly. "You don't have to be jealous Baby. I'm yours" cassie murmurs. Rheas arm tightens around cassies waist. "Damn right" she mutters. Cassie giggles. "Your not like this normally." Cassie hums. "Because no one in work is stupid enough to flirt with The Michaels brothers baby sister and the undertakers child." Rhea scoffs. "True." Cassie nods. Her brothers basically made it impossible for her to get a relationship. Hell her dad's and uncles were no help either. Austin just happened to be either too stupid or too confident to care.
"If anything, I should be jealous. Mami and her baby boy dom" cassie points out. "Oh please, he's not my type" Rhea scoffs. Cassie smiles. "I know. It makes me feel all funny knowing everyone's beloved Mami belongs to me" cassie smirks. "And I'm the jealous one?" Rhea smirks. "Oh not jealous baby, possessive" cassie winks before kissing Rhea again.
Rhea and cassies phones buzz. "Oh yeah, we do really have to get going. Your brothers are waiting for us" Rhea admits. "Shit." "Yeah, shit" both girls giggle.
Fuckin love the Michaels and their partners.
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moonjxsung · 2 months
i completely missed that you responded to my ask omg oops sorry 😭😭😭 anyways ummm tw for suicide mentions, cheating, a minor getting involved with adults (no explicit details), asian fetishization, manipulation (please know that this is quite a lot)
so i dated this girl in 2018 who was about a year younger than me, i was around 13-14 during the time so she was 12-13 or so (also since we were so young she might be better now, i have no idea. i could've done things better too and should've left, but we were both kids too, so. yeah)
first of all she'd be possessive over her biases, so a lot of the time i had to hold back around her if i liked the same idol she did, and for quite a while i really disliked nct because of her (but im fully over it now)
she used to go on omegle all the time and she purposefully tagged it with "asian, korean, nsfw, dom" etcetc and she'd do this on call right in front of me, flirting with strangers AND she'd lie about her age ALLLLLL the time.. so often she'd claim to be 16-18 to people who were 18+
me and our other 2 friends told her Not to do that but i dont think we ourselves even fully grasped the situation. to this day im not sure how far any of her conversations or friendships went with people who she lied to :/ i only know about one guy who realized/found out(?) that she wasnt in fact the age she said she was and i think he just cut it off and she was talking about it to me
(a side note about the omegle thing, i decided to try it once on call and also flirted with a stranger Which was wrong ofc, but also she immediately started crying and left call whereas this was a daily thing she did towards me......)
she lied about having jungkooks skype so she could switch back and forth between calls with her friends it was so ?????? 😭😭😭😭😭 we did not believe her but she was so adamant on it LMFAOOOOOOOOO
tw for suicide here
a LOT of times she'd suddenly hate me (idr her reasonings. i think it was her thinking i wasnt there for her or i didnt want to date her anymore) and she'd block me out of nowhere or she'd often "threaten suicide" i say that but technically thats not even what she did. she straight up told me how she was gonna attempt or told me she was in the middle of attempting, and multiple times i got on calls trying to calm her down and get her help. very awesome experience for a teen to go through:) i have no clue if any of it was even real either, so there's that
but yeah it was just very on and off and when i finally fully cut her off she Blamed me and got mad that i was cutting her off for my own mental health and wellbeing, she called me selfish for "cutting her off because she was suicidal" Which was not exactly the case.. i wouldnt cut someone off for just that, there were more layers to it
anyways i havent seen her in years. hope she's improved at least a bit now that she's older - puppy anon
Omg WHATTT is it with people who find pleasure in openly flirting right in front of you with people online????…?/??/? My last situationship did that shit all the time as a “joke” but got mad if I called anyone (even an idol????) remotely attractive like!?? What are you gaining? Out of doing that?????? That’s really terrible that she lied about her age too oh my god those people could’ve gotten in SERIOUS trouble just because she wanted to be silly online wtaf……..
THE JUNGKOOK SKYPE THIS IS CRAZYYYYYZUSKKSSKLZKS HELP MEEEEE 😭😭 why do people think they’re convincing anyone by lying about the most out of pocket shit LMAOOOO
The suicide thing is absolutely abhorrent behavior oh my god…. I don’t know WHAT it is with friends or relationships who threaten suicide and then either block you or disappear for hours on end and they don’t understand the fucking TOLL that takes on somebody. Like they really think it’s okay to make you go about your day after having to practically talk somebody out of suicide. And then it turns out that wasn’t even the case :/ as an adult I realize how ODD it is that people do that shit at all, and to CHILDREN. I had a friend who did the same to me when I was in the 1D fandom and she was 20, I was only 13. I remember sending her Harry styles memes that were like “you’re worth it” and “you matter” like oh my god please go see a therapist I am a CHILD BRO 😭😭😭😭
I’m glad you finally cut her off and prioritized yourself and I hope you don’t cross paths with anyone like her again :( people like that will try to make you feel bad for cutting them off because they’re just mad about the fact that somebody was smart enough to see through their manipulative schemes and pull out of being involved. You deserve so much better and I also hope that she’s improved but I hope nobody has to go through that shit at the hands of her scheming ass 🙄 BYEEEEEE
ily pookie thank you for sharing this with me it’s not easy to talk about things like this but you’re doing amazing and you deserve the very best !! I love u and I hope u know that every time I think of you I think of that silly alien meme. SCHOOLK😈‼️‼️🫶
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fizzbot · 3 months
a HELLUVA blog (haha get it)
helloooo!!! my name is cloudy, i use she/they pronouns, im 19, and this is my hellaverse centric blog!!! bc i refuse to subject my followers to it on my main and general fandom blog.
i am heavily critical of BOTH of the hellaverse series'. i absolutely despise the creator and everything that shes done. any defense of her/general negative anons towards me or this blog will be deleted without being engaged with. honestly all of my enjoyment of them is from a place of nostalgia/the fact that i am having a TON of fun rewriting the whole show and redesigning all the characters with my boyf!!! thats not what this blog is about tho, i just wanted a place to store some content :P check under the cut for my #'s, so you can block/navigate accordingly!!!!! also i put links to my other blogs down there
#hh - hazbin hotel posts
#hb - helluva boss posts
#critical - any criticism/critical analysis towards either of the shows. this is kinda vague, so it can be anything from discussions about viv**ziepop, to critiques on the writing/shipping, etc
#redesigns - other peoples redesigns!!!
#rewrites - other peoples rewrites!!!
#my art - my art!!
#my writing - my writing!!
#answers - responses to asks!!!
#ask games - ask games im open to!!!
#yarnsnake - anything pertaining to me and my partners redesigns/rewrites!! (yarnsnake, as in, like,,,,,the opposite of spindlehorse. lol)
#insp - things that inspire me personally. generally, sometimes itll be things i wish to alter in me n my partners rewrites, to really good character design ideas, or just good concepts, honestly whatever!!!
#fave - my favorite posts!!
#rocketstags - posts specifically for my boyf @rocketfire001 to look at!!!! mwamwmemwemmwe <33333 (thats a kiss for him)
i plan on tagging posts with the name of the character(s) that appear in them, so if theres someone you specifically dont wanna see (ex: valentino) you can just block their name!!* the same is true with ships (ex: stolitz) so you can block those too ^^ specific triggers MIGHT get a tag, (ex: rape, suicide, etc) but im more prone to missing those. let me know if you want something tagged and ill fix it!!
*SOME characters names might be shortened/changed completely. for example, my tag for ""vaggie"" is #vega. i might also have longer names, like ""valentino"" shortened to #val, or ""fizzarolli"" shortened to #fizz. one more notable one is the ship ""chaggie"" is now tagged #fallenstar. keep this in mind when blocking tags!!!
honestly this blog is MOSTLY just for me so its arranged how i personally want it lol <3 but if you wanna see me in other places, heres where to find me!!!
@cloudyssskies - my main!
@cloudysarts - my art blog!
@cloudyscollections - my fandom blog! i put basically every fandom related thing that DOESNT pertain to the hellaverse on here
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figureone · 1 year
Yk i used to really disagree with your theory about the mindflayer, mostly because it's a trope i really dislike, but now I'm seeing all those completely insane theories/analysis about henry never having murdered anyone, Henry having clones and I'm like ????? Suddenly the mindflayer influencing Henry is a great idea in comparation, at least it makes some damn sense, i mean, people can theorize whatever they like, i know it's supposed to be fun, but acting like it's 100% canon and everyone else is stupid for not noticing it is annoying, they used to mock Henry apologists and now Henry is a saint and he has an evil brother/clone or whatever that is the actual murderer, they now claim to love Henry but for some reason ignore everything Jamie has ever said about his character unless they can twist it to fit their narrative
Anyway, i really like how you talk about Henry, and how you write him in your rp blog, do you have a degree in psychology or something? Because you write really well
Its been a ride hasn't. I mean they explicitly made posts mocking and dragging me personally for my posts only to turn around and start saying some of the exact stuff I said that they mocked me for, ONLY instead of actually being logical and normal about why they think xyz they started coming out with these absolutely batshit insane and outlandish theories of why Henrys cool actually while simultaneously maintaining this horrific shit about how hes a pedo and rapist. Like I dont get it?? What?? I mean, I think I blocked everyone in the tags (save for my followers LOL) about the time they started saying Henry's actual crime is rape and it was VIRGINA (Who is also a pedophile and a rapist, and Henry's rapist specifically -shudders-) who ACTUALLY committed all the murders and also something about "Peter Ballard" being Henry's gay lover or whatever, I don't know, I refused to read most of the posts and after blocking I haven't seen any for ages. Like I def missed the clone stuff and surely A LOT of other out of touch shit, lucky me. But EXACTLY! You're right. This is meant to be fun and I like(d) reading different peoples takes and thoughts, even if I don't or didn't necessarily agree. HELL I love making crazy AUs and playing with concepts that aren't even canon and just having silly fun like that but like. They had the audacity to be mocking me and other Henry fans for being Henry fans, then turning around and coming out with all that and then suddenly calling themselves Henry fans. What in the fuck? Never seen a lack of self awareness quite like it before. The self-absorbed, holier than thou tone and way they imposed this on "stupid Henry Creel apologists" like me only to get to where they are now with the shit they post is just ??? They're really like "I can excuse pedophilia and rape, but I draw the line at murder in self defense." Also I love how that watchman anon was a whole thing, bc ofc they had be going on about how Dr Manhattan was in his 30s and having some relationship with a 16 yr old or some crap and that this is relevant to Henry which is literally not and then Jamie came out and confirmed thats all bullshit like I hate to say I told em so but. Then I've seen folks making posts about shipping Henry/Vecna and Will and at first I thought they were joking / mocking but now I'm sure they're serious. I even had like an ACTUAL blog for shipping Will/Vecna follow me the other day (which I promptly blocked like that was low key traumatic for sec there, like the edits made me feel unwell give how UNDERAGE Will clearly is and looks as a young boy / teen vs Henry/Jamie's pics who def looks like a grown ass fucking man in his 30s ... Ugh.)
And this all isn't actually surprising to me bc a lot of assholes I've encountered in fandoms like this usually have all these secret "taboo" turn-ons (like pedophilia and non-con) and have secret accounts on sites like ao3 and twitter and flist and whatever to produce content surrounding that sort of stuff while acting like the head purity police in public on tumblr. Which is why I think some folks come out here talking so much nonsense surrounding those things, like its secret psychological fetish mining because suddenly people are agreeing like "oh yeah this character could be / is a pedo / a rapist / haha vecna has a crush on will / vecna raped will / this is all so obvious!!" etc, like its all just... So far out of touch with the source so canons def not where its coming from or why they're obsessed with those takes and that kind of stuff, and when ppl rb it and spread it, it validates them in a sort of roundabout or even direct way. And given the first ever post like that I saw from that group about Henry/Vecna as gay (and a rapist/pedo) was spoken about in a weirdly self indulgent, hurt/comfort, wump/wumpee, fanficcy type of way including Mike having to like, win Will with his pure gay love vs Vecna's evil gay lust. Took me back to 2009, I thought they were gonna sign off with some shit like "YAOIZ FOREVER!!! SO SMEXY!!! xDDDD :3 owo" Really makes you wonder. ANYWAY, big ol ramble aside, THANK YOU! Maybe I can turn you into a mindflayer theory truther 😉 sjfkhfjkd. Also thanks so much about the writing, thats been the highlight of my day ;_; TBH I don't have any professional skill at all. I taught myself to read and write (I mean that literally as the autistic kid everyone not subtly gave up on.) so I'm kinda blown away by that as a compliment. 😭 I think it maybe just comes down to the fact that I have personal experience with child abuse / abuse / mental illness / trauma / neurodivergence and also a big love of the horror genre and those things are mostly where I write from so they probably work well for Henry/Vecna's POV, but IDK. Tysm. ❤️❤️
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defountaine · 9 months
Tumblr media
independent + private roleplay blog for FURINA DE FONTAINE, of mhy's GENSHIN IMPACT as judged by SINCLAIR ( 21 ). crossover + oc friendly. low activity due to college ( junior yr ) + old laptop.
rules under cut.
not spoiler or leak free
i tag triggers as “ trigger // “ 
for the main verse ( gi ), i'm almost entirely caught up on the main story.
hc heavy.
i use she/he/they for furina. she looks like both a woman and a twink and it's giving me gender envy, okay. genderfluid furina is so real to me.
generally novella because i love writing a lot!!
scarce activity bc my laptop is fucked up ( most of the keys are stiff lol ) + full time college student. i am literally doing a research proposal this semester.
aforementioned keyboard thing may lead to typos
i tag a lot of my ooc posts ( since a majority of the time they’re useless ) as “ irrelevant // ” as to not clog up peoples dash 
sometimes tumblr doesn’t send my asks so if you’ve liked for an inbox call and you don’t receive it, thats why 
mutuals can ask for discord<3 i encourage it actually since im active there more often but im very anxious and tend not to initiate conversation unless i feel like we’re very close 
if i ever bother you lmk<3 i’ve been told i can get a little spammy at times and i’ll admit i do get easily excited so if i need to tone it down just let me know!
if i’m following you i’ve read your rules !! i’ll assume you’ve done the same if you decide to follow back!
i only have access to the beta editor, sadly. i can try and pull some bullshit but i don't know if it'll work. my apologies.
those who are of age and have characters of age can smut with me. that said, furina is probably not gonna be very easy to fuck. trauma and all that. unless we have pre-established stuff. that's always fun. that said, don't follow just to fuck him, please. gore is also welcomed.
i love shipping, so lets do it! platonic, romantic, rivals, familial etc.. love ‘em all! planned or entirely natural, either is fine! if you wanna ship with me just ask! i have no preferences, not really, and i can say the same about furina. both she and i are down to clown with just about anyone. it doesn't even have to be healthy! ( to the tune of tmnt ) codependent toxic yuri/yaoi !
full time college student with very limited time to do rp nowadays. i really enjoy writing and all but being rushed to reply makes me lose motivation. however, if i do miss a starter/don’t reply to a thread for a while you can tell me about that!
despite me saying this, all in all i probably follow almost everyone back as long as they have a rules + abt page i can find! i don’t follow personals but if you’re a hub or your rp blog is a sideblog, lmk so i can follow you there!  if you have a rules + abt page and i don’t follow back LET ME KNOW. sometimes tumblr doesn’t give me notifications and i don’t pay attention to follower count for the most part. i’m really not picky and im not trying to be mean or ignore you ! 
any sort of hate will not be tolerated. if i see you picking on anyone or you pick on me , i will block you. that’s not the way i roll.
this is pretty standard , but please don’t control my muse or anything of the sort. 
 i am not a meme archive blog , so if you do rt them please consider sending them!!
just please turn them into separate text posts, please!!
y'know. no racism, homophobia, transphobia or pedophilia, incest, and all that gross stuff. instant block. literally just be normal.
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