#if i'm gonna be honest. I.
pebbledrat · 1 year
I’m back!!!!!
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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HAPPY 114‼️‼️ take these silly doodles i did
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aduckwithears · 3 months
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That was very kind of you.
Good Omens S2/Ep3
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feluka · 11 months
ah so it looks like nina are maggie are gonna be the parallel that’s so painfully obvious that it forces aziraphale and crowley to confront their own- MY GOD IT’S BEELZEBUB AND GABRIEL WITH A STEEL CHAIR
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ninjautistic · 7 months
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mirroredgiraffe · 14 days
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panel redraws to practice half tones and other art things but really it's an excuse to draw chilchuck
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Do you know this queer character?
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Dr. Eggman is Bisexual and uses he/him pronouns!
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drizztdohurtin · 3 months
NSFW Gale Headcanons
pairing: Gale x gn!Reader
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can y'all believe it's taken me this long to write content for everyone's favorite wife? i can't.
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before the orb is stabilized, the impressions on his chest glow a radiant purple as he gets more and more excited
even something as simple as kissing you would trigger the glow, and it'd get brighter with any more intimate
he'd eventually have to stop and fully pull away from you if it got worryingly bright, or if it started to hurt
but once it's stabilized, he's going to make up for all of the hours of intimacy he lost with you
that incredible body hair of his trails all the way down - and it's all maintained so well
Gale's so beautiful, it makes sense that his dick is also beautiful
seeing him naked for the first time in all his glory is earth-shattering
trailing your eyes (and hands) from his chest and down the soft hair covering him that further draws you down his center until you reach his cock, eagerly waiting, aching, for your touch
please take care of him, please give him every mortal experience you can - Gale has never had someone take care of him, he's very used to being the sole giver in a relationship
if you're a natural giver, it would take him a while to get used to being the receiver, laying back and allowing you to love him
the last time someone went down on him, he was so young that all he can remember is how rushed and not very satisfying it was
and of course, M*stra never put any time into acts that were solely for his pleasure
The first time you do it would be the first time he's ever had a partner/romantic interest do something from a place of love, only for his pleasure
make love to him with your mouth!!!
if you want him to cum in your mouth he'd be nervous about it at first, maybe his previous partners found the prospect of that to be gross
he's already in love with you, but after the first time you give him oral, he'd be utterly enraptured by you
honestly, I could write a whole separate post dedicated to just going down on him because it would be a religious experience
everything with Gale is making love
everything with Gale is intimate
even when the sex is hot, heavy, fast, and passionate, he's still making love to you
He wants to bond with you
Gale wants to go down on you so bad please let him go down on you
Once he tastes you for the first time, giving you oral becomes one of his most favorite things to do - your taste is irresistible to him
he also loves making eye contact with you from between your legs
(afab!reader) he would want to make you cum on his tongue at least once before he even thinks about entering you
Gale is extremely versatile, being able to take on many roles in the bedroom and he's incredible at all of them
while I do see him having some preferences, he will do anything
he can be dominant or submissive, he can be a top or a bottom, literally whatever you want or whatever feels right in the moment
if he submits to you one night, he very well could dom you the very next night if you allow it
however, he's a big fan of that area between dominant and submissive where neither of you are particularly one way or the other
maybe the sex is so hot and heavy that it's almost like you both are dominant and submissive at the same time
or maybe the sex is so slow and intimate that neither of you take on a role of any kind
in terms of the preferences I mentioned, they aren't hard opinions so think of it as 'if he got to choose, most nights he would choose this'
He'd prefer to top, and he'd prefer to be dominant
like I said earlier, he is just so used to giving - and, with you, all he wants to do is give and please
With you, he will always ensure your pleasure before his
but he loves the moments of being so wrapped up in you that both of you are equally drowning in ecstasy
Gale loves to be close to you during sex, and he loves to feel your hands on him - especially in his hair
run your fingers through his hair, hold onto a bunch of it in your fist, pull on it a little bit, play with it, tuck strands of it behind his ears - literally whatever you want
He needs to feel you pressed impossibly close against him as he grasps at large areas of skin on your body, or rubs delicate patterns into the skin of your hips and waist
Gale's a big fan of praise and words of affirmation, he'd tell you how much he loves you and how good you make him feel, he'd tell you how perfect you are and he never wants the moment to end
If you did the same for him, he wouldn't realize how much he wanted to hear it until it happened - he'd absolutely melt
he's not one to swear much during sex, but he's known to drop the occasional "by the Gods."
he uses loving names for you, things like "my love" and "darling"
but if he knew that hearing him say your name does things to you, he'd use that to his advantage
To him, witnessing your orgasm is like witnessing the universe form - he's in awe
he's thrust even deeper in love when he remembers it was him that did brought you to your orgasm
he might do one of two things: lean away and watch you, fully entranced, especially if you're likely to give him eye contact
or, lean in even closer to you, kissing the side of your face or your neck in encouragement, holding you tight against him as each wave of your orgasms pulses through you
either way, he'd moan with you
(amab!reader) if he was bottoming for you, he'd more likely do the second one due to the way it feels when you cum inside of him - he probably wouldn't be able to keep his eyes open with how good it felt
Your orgasm would bring him so much pleasure, often sending him into his own shortly after
At the beginning of your relationship, his instinct would be to pull out before he came, though he'd find the act of cumming inside of you to be incredibly intimate and he'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't want to do it
every time he orgasms he buries his face in your neck, his movements slowing significantly
He moans so beautifully and rocks his hips in tandem with each shot of his load that releases from him
as he comes down from his climax, his thighs might tremble and his breath will hitch as he lets out higher pitch, almost pleading moans
if he's inside of you, he'd like to stay that way for a minute or two as his vision returns to him, checking on you, asking you how you feel, kissing your lips and cheeks
After sex, he'd love to get cleaned up with you and return back to bed, holding you close until you fall asleep (if it's nighttime)
if it's daytime, he'd still love to hold you afterward, opting to talk to you or read to you instead
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numbuh424 · 3 months
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Wammy Boys and sleepwear 😴🛌
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also I changed Near's to this because I liked it better for him and thought him having the pillow was cute
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rinto190 · 7 months
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i like to think they're playing animal crossing and cassie is explaining how much real time it takes to unlock everything
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unhelpfulfemme · 8 months
Another thing I liked is how Laurent's trauma is handled, because usually when a character has a Secretly Traumatic Backstory there's some kind of annoyingly maudlin scene about it. Either they get into some kind of big conflict with the love interest and are forced to explain themselves so they don't get judged or dumped, or the love interest intrudes on a vulnerable moment and sees them being abused or somehow handling the consequences of that abuse, or they are explained the circumstances by a benevolent third party, and this changes their view of the abused character because now they're god's poorest meow meow and I just fucking hate it every time.
Like, this is why I stopped reading this type of story: because the amount of crowding and backing into a corner and privacy violation that happens to abused characters in order to coax them into opening up about it and reassure them that they're okay is so annoying. I feel like I've been psychologyposting on main too much lately, so I might explain later why I feel this way or I might not but in any case I hate it.
I love that this book is the literal opposite of that, that Damen not only doesn't crowd Laurent and insist that he open up, but that Damen ensuring space and privacy and time to calm down for Laurent when he's overwhelmed is repeatedly portrayed as an act of friendship and caring and love (that Laurent later reciprocates, because they both lose their heads when something pushes their buttons and understand this about each other).
I also love how Damen doesn't fall in love with Laurent because Laurent is sad and fucked up, or because he's so brave to have put up with the abuse, or because Damen too is sad like Laurent (I'm physically restraining myself from going off on a rant about how shared trauma is hardly ever a good foundation for a relationship): no, he falls in love with Laurent because he's whip-smart, and a good leader, and funny, and tender once he opens up, and a lateral thinker, and a man of integrity who keeps his promises and pays back his debts (and because he's pretty and blonde and good at sporty shit that Damen likes). Some of these things may have been shaped by the awful shit that happened to Laurent, as they were also probably shaped by his station or his education or his body type or any other circumstance of his life, but it's refreshing to have a character who went through awful shit but who also has other things going on for him that make him loveable instead of being completely defined by his trauma. And even when Damen finds out, the way he thinks about Laurent literally doesn't change at all - the things he likes about Laurent are still seen in the same light as always, Laurent's personality as a whole is still the same, even his attitude towards what Laurent did to him when they first met doesn't change much (as we see in the short story epilogue). And even this last bit is really cool because Laurent is never stripped of his agency or made out into some sort of helpless victim currently, both of which would probably mortify him with how much he's trying to establish that he's not at any opportunity.
And I also like how it's not necessary for Laurent to tell Damen about it in order for them to be close, nor does Damen push him into it. And everyone else seems to agree that it's Laurent's story to tell when and how he wants it told, except for the villain of the piece, who reveals it in the most awful way possible. This is particularly important because Damen spends three books grabbing everyone in Laurent's life by the shoulders and shaking them and going, "Why do you care about this guy??? Have you noticed that he's kind of an ashole?? Why are you loyal to him?? Why???" and no one ever says anything, because they're protective of Laurent and don't want to take away his agency or privacy because it's his fucking story to tell. Even after Damen finds out, we don't see him mention it and he probably lets Laurent open up or not on his own terms, as he does with everything else that doesn't directly concern him. Even though we've seen through Laurent's dialogue time and time again that he's probably conceptualizing it in some fucked up ways in his own head and needs yet to realize that he's not some kind of twisted pervert for what happened to him, crowding him about it before he's ready won't accomplish much.
And the story itself backs all this by never being maudlin about it even though it's obvious what happened pretty early on (I figured it out really early, I remember suspecting it almost immediately and being dead sure of it by the Ancel scene in the garden); it kind of elipses around it, gives hints and parallels to other characters in similar circumstances, has Laurent say incoherent shit that makes sense in context, has other characters hint at it, but with Laurent being one of the central characters it's cool that the story gives him that respect and doesn't wallow in the tragedy of it all.
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navree · 4 months
"that you could be so cruel" ok correct me if i'm wrong but does penelope featherington not run a gossip rag that exist solely to publish unsubstantiated rumors about women she doesn't like for various reasons that have profoundly negative repercussions on those women (didn't the publication of marina's pregnancy lead to marina almost dying in her quest to terminate said pregnancy??????) and has in fact used that same rag to put not just colin's entire family but also specifically colin's sister, her best friend, through a significant amount of grief and strife that came as a direct result of that rag?
but colin's the cruel one? because she happened to eavesdrop on a conversation where he said he doesn't wanna date her? that's cruelty but all the other stuff isn't?
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guardian-angle22 · 10 months
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Red, White, and Royal Blue (2023)
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lesbian-rook · 8 months
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my favorite new pair of tumblr sillywomen <3
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peachesfrompluto · 1 month
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Think twice before messing with this mercenary! 🗡️❤️‍🔥
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tapeworrmart · 10 months
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Grab the bull by the horns 🐂🌵
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