#idrk whats going on
homuncvlus · 9 months
I think you got shadowbanned you're still following me but I tumblr doesn't show you in the list
Oh I was wondering why I can't message anyone
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I think I really need someone to touch me. Not in a sexual way or anything, just in the way where I really badly need a hug or just for someone to touch me in a way that feels intentional and like.. loving, in any sense of the word. Not like they have to or like we’re trying to accomplish something. And not like it’s an accident or an afterthought. I want someone to hug me or hold my neck or hold my hand or put their hand on my leg or put their arm around my waist or just something that’s not accidental or in passing
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mooncode-blahh · 1 year
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im not late am i
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lotus-pear · 1 month
Idk how to explain it but your chuuya and sabh0’s chuuya are on the opp ends of a spectrum and their both so gorgeous
??????? who😭😭
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knific · 4 months
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idk what these designs are for i was going for a swap au concept but i dont rly know anymore lmfoa
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radmista · 3 months
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Fascinating how misgendering is akin to and on the same level as real life physical violence to you guys. But calling someone an abelist slur is a-okay.
Also interesting you resort to calling me a "d*ke" despite me not being a lesbian. Almost like "t*rf = lesbian" to you and you also hate lesbians.
Also note how none of these things are arguments. You can't argue against the facts laid out, and so you resort to immature homophobic and ableist insults to what? Try and offend me?
Wasn't your community just pissing and moaning that unfair blog deletion was some egregious horrific phobic offense. Y'alll don't seem to pressed about abusing the system to get people you don't like banned/deleted.
The only pathetic one I see here is you. Tumblr is a side thing for me, I have things I do in the real world that progress my future. What are you doing with your time and life?
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thecatspasta · 7 months
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Guys. Guys if you join the server (jane and oscher femalevolent server) you can vote on whether not I draw arthur lesters tits at any given time
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coderzxd · 26 days
Don't know how to answer people when they ask you a question? Get quiet or stressed because you kind of don't want to answer but you also can't explain why, lest you start to answer? Getting called secretive because you Just Don't Respond??
Might I introduce you... To The Cards!!!!
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megumi-fm · 30 days
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sea-jello · 7 months
I realize this is late but uhh, trick or treat :P
i don’t know how to draw humanoid turtles sorry cradle have morro and floyd over a picture of me and my cat instead
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sacharowan · 10 days
vampire au
one is an f1 driver, the other one is a vampire. the vampire is delighted by the increased neck size because there's more to bite
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vrains-rewrite · 4 months
Me after watching 13/120 episodes of a show: hm, I think this entire thing needs a rehaul!
and 2 out of 3 are watching the dub? Really? There's no consistency to be found by "nostalgia" alone at this rate considering that.
I want to hope you are trolling people on purpose and this is a social experiment of some kind. Please be trolling
Hi, I am actually currently going through a rewatch of it and taking notes episode by episode. I have advised the other two to watch/rewatch the show for this, though quite frankly, they have their own specific areas of expertise, and don’t really want too much involvement outside of that.
Void is only here to help me write aspects of the worldbuilding that relate to technology, and to help me use the right terminology, because she is studying computer science at college (and. there’s many hackers in the show). Utopia is only here to help me write duels, because she plays yugioh competitively at our local cards store and frankly is the best duellist I’ve ever met. We had intended to explain this today actually in the intros (I was just waiting to speak to Utopia’s about hers before posting it).
I am in control of the majority of the plot and character depiction and arcs, but I want to credit my friends because I could not do this without them. I understand I’ll struggle to do the lore aspects mostly by myself, which is why I said I’d be open to other writers joining, with the permission of my friends.
I am an english & psychology major. Yugioh has been my special interest for much of my life, and, although I’ve used a different name and different blog because I don’t want my prior works to be associated with this, I’ve written fanfiction for this fandom before, with little to no complaints. I am not trolling.
I find it fascinating that you assumed this project to be some sort of social experiment, before the first chapter is even released, before you’ve read any of it. I can only assure you, this is me and my friends having some fun, it may become more than that, but as of right now its just a plan. I’d say ‘don’t like dont read’ but there isn’t even a fic to read yet, you’ve sent anonymous hate over the mere concept of a fic you don’t think you’d like.
- Teal
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k-atsukibakugou · 17 days
girl why the fuck is my sister taking her baby to get back adjustments
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frayedcircus · 7 months
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she eats trash<3
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My new years celebratory art with Qi Ring and Guzi going on a dumb little adventure together <3
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traulisms · 2 months
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leo + jay sketch
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