#idk what else to put in these tags ;-;
ikkansbaldspot · 5 months
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Coming back from the dead because I want so badly to find the diss pair side of tumblr pls come to me please please please I think my friends are tired of me blabbering about Diss pair all the time please PLEASE
Drawing Warabi’s hair is a bitch but I like him so it’s ok
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somerandomdudelmao · 3 months
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Let me show you one of my original concepts :>
Because. Why not haha👍
Characters refs Masterpost
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vantesa · 10 months
today the gender is
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bluebird-ascended · 3 months
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newttxt · 8 months
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happy wano wednesday to all who celebrate!!
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trasho-pando2011 · 6 months
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captiandirtnap · 5 months
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if anyone has any experience with anything or knows anything about something please let me know 🙏
happy new year, @copepods! This was for the @mcytblrholidayexchange! I hope you all enjoy it :3
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nousanti · 9 months
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plagueislost · 9 months
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so i got into doctor who recently
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tickletails · 3 months
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They got me
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lishenism · 1 year
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꒰   jing yuan x afab reader / wc: 1.4k   ꒱   :   warnings include talks of marriage but uhhh i think that’s about it. this is mostly just banter between jing yuan and reader. or flirting. this is just literally how they flirt. also not proofread and never will be <3 and maybe ooc jing yuan but who’s to say. do we really know what he’s like when he’s in love *thinking emoji*
note: uhhh i know i said i wouldn’t write anything on this blog but the jing yuan brain rot has taken over me i fear... psd by ninetitans on deviantart :3c
“I hear that there have been talks concerning your marital status.”
You do not lift your face up from the chessboard, instead keeping your gaze solely on the pieces before you with your brows knitted together in deep concentration. There was no room for making mistakes. You must be meticulous and calculated with your decisions. With your pride weighing heavy above your head, you could not afford to admit defeat to him once more.
You’ve already lost four times. A fifth would be a bruise to your ego.
“I was not aware that the General liked to engage himself in rumours during his spare time.”
“Well,” he starts with a hum, raising his hand to pet the bird that landed on his shoulder with a gentle finger. “Only if said rumours are a matter of interest to me.”
Your attention is not swayed anywhere else but at the board, your mind silently rummaging for all the possible outcomes to turn this game around in your favour. You haven’t made a single move for seven minutes, choosing to exercise your patience before decidedly moving your piece. Jing Yuan does not mind. It only gives him all the more time to be with you.
(Which, of course, was his intention from the very beginning. Expertly orchestrating the scene from behind the lines to keep you all to himself, but he wisely chooses to withhold this bit of information from you. In any case, you will figure it out eventually as you always do, the clever little finch that you are.)
“Which includes affairs concerning my betrothal, I assume.”
And finally — finally — your eyes move up to find for his own. He offers you a gentle smile, his lips etched upwards in a way that has all the men and women alike sighing dreamily. If they weren’t too busy being intimidated by him, then they occupied themselves by admiring him from afar.
“Go on, then,” He presses. “Won’t you relieve an old man of his curiosity?”
You send him a sceptical look. If you didn’t know him any better, you would have assumed that his questioning stemmed from genuine interest. Which might have fooled you all those centuries ago, but you’ve come to understand him. You’ve become quite adept at reading the many faces of Jing Yuan, subtle as they are. And you’re not quite sure which irks you more: the fact that you know him well, or the fact that you feel proud of it. Few people can discern the thoughts in his mind, and even fewer who manage to get it right. But not you; never you.
He’s looking at you with a glint in his golden eyes that wordlessly requests for you to indulge him, despite already knowing the answer. He simply wants to hear the words from you without having to voice it himself because Aeon forbid he ask like any other normal human being would. That’d be no fun.
You sigh in defeat, relenting. Only to save yourself from the headache, otherwise he would continuously pester you until he got an answer. He can be persistent when he wants to be. You wish he’d been more persistent in finishing his papers instead, which still remain unattended on his large wooden desk.
“There have been discussions in passing,” you say. “And constant reminders that marriage should be a priority for me, but I’ve yet to find someone who is competent enough to even be considered. I’m known to be very demanding, you see.”
“I would not expect anything less,” The small finch flies off from his shoulder with a delightful chirp, now putting his hand down on his knees. You are decisive, that he is certain of. Once you’ve made up your mind, it is final — which is an admirable trait to have, of course, though he’s not quite fully convinced if you know what you truly want.
“It is a poor shame that you have not found someone that has met your required expectations,” He continues, feigning sympathy at the countless people you’ve rejected as if he had cared to begin with. As if he didn’t turn down the numerous proposals that he received from affluent families either. You hide a scoff from under your breath. “Though I imagine it would be quite the feat if someone did catch your eye.”
He urges for you to continue; to spill yourself in front of him and be caught vulnerable under his watchful eye. You aren’t in the least bit surprised — it has been a game between the two of you, the untamed cat and the flitting bird. He lures you in, but you keep yourself close and fly away before he snares you with his sharp teeth.
Very well. You’ll entertain him just this once.
“I suppose there is someone,” you say. And to the untrained eye, one might not have noticed the slight change of Jing Yuan’s posture — but you are not like others. You know him, and almost immediately, you caught the slight movement of his shoulders that suggested that you’ve caught his full attention.
“Oh?” More probing. He won’t stop until he gets something from you. “Do tell.”
“Ah, but you must know, General, that he is hardly ideal,” You smooth out your silken robes, placing both hands nearly on your lap as he watches you from the other side of the table.
“He is an exception then,” Jing Yuan muses. “To your long list of demands, that is.”
“That is not to say that this man does not have his faults,” You counter back, and you swore you saw the slightest twitch of his smile lifting up. “He is far too leisurely for my own liking, for one. He neglects certain duties that he ought to be doing.”
“Troublesome, to be sure.”
“Most certainly,” you sighed. “He speaks in riddles which only drives me mad. He’s hardly ever upfront about what goes on in his mind, and—”
One of his eyebrows raise, his body leaning slightly forward, “And?”
“—And he just lost a game of chess.”
He remains silent for a moment that lasts only by a split second — blinking once, twice, and then thrice before lowering his head down to inspect the board before him. He skims the pieces laid out in front of him with half amusement and half confusion, and it takes him quite some time to register that he did, in fact, lose. 
Your smile is bright and proud, with your satisfaction and pride seeping off of you. It is awfully contagious and he can’t help but return a smile of his own, eyes closed in silent acknowledgement at your recent win. He offers you a word of congratulation, which you soak in with delight and bliss because if there is one thing that brightens up your day, it is his seal of approval. It isn’t everyday that the great general of Luofu loses, after all.
You’ll have to commemorate this day into your memory. He’ll never hear the end of it.
“I think it’s best that I get going now,” You lift yourself up on your two feet, smoothing out the wrinkles that formed on your clothing. “Politicians to entertain, dinners to host… You understand how busy it can get.”
“You’ve given me a most invigorating game,” He stands up not long after you, offering his arm to steady yourself as you quickly fix your appearance before excusing yourself to a long day of festivities. “I must thank you for indulging me.”
“It wouldn’t sit right with me if I left an old man such as yourself all by his lonesome,” You reason, but he knows you just as well as you know him. He can easily spot a lie on your lips when he hears one.
You make your way towards the door, with him following beside you to escort you out. Back then, you would have insisted that it was unnecessary — you were perfectly capable of seeing yourself out on your own, to which he replied with: ‘Of course. But I’d like to stay close to you before I send you on your way, if you’ll allow me.’ You stopped insisting him after that. 
Your hand is only a few centimetres away from reaching the door knob before putting yourself into a brusque halt, body twisting to look at him. “Oh, and General?”
Something warm is placed on the centre of his palm, his bright eyes gazing down to inspect it before his eyes settle on the familiar material laid on his hand. A chess piece. His chess piece, to be exact. But you spare him no time for a response — you flash him a teasing smile, just as bright as the one you spared him on your win — and leave the room without saying another word, the door closing behind you with a click.
Jing Yuan chuckles, tucking the chess piece in his robes.
Clever little finch, indeed.
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trans-wojak · 10 months
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havntology · 7 months
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this came to me in a puff of smoke while writing a securitywaiter fic and i just had to make it…
i’m honestly not even sorry
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0vergrowngraveyard · 5 days
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random doodles i did while not doing the thing i need to work on
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benrybenrybenry-chr · 6 months
fuck it Sherlock & Co fanart go listen to the silly podcast
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I ammm... not very proud of the Watson, some day I will fix him, but not today. not today.
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b. bee. mug. 🐝
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Trainer Bakugou who you're a little terrified of the first day you're paired with him. when asking for a trainer at the gym, you had expected the friendly redhead who always looked so sweet and encouraging and cut as hell. you weren't expecting his grumpy looking blond counterpart, who was all glares and shouts for his clients to keep pushing themselves.
you were hesitant at first, before you quickly realized that it was all a ruse, for the most part. he pushed those who needed that extra encouragement, but was more lenient to people like you who simply wanted a professionals guidance. so, after a few weeks, you liked him for the most part, and his looks damn sure made it easier to cozy up to the big guy.
the only issue you've been having with Bakugou though are the...coregasms, as you've seen them been named on social media, that you keep experiencing. the first time, you weren't sure what it was, why your stomach and pelvis kept tightening up. you couldn't have...climaxed, or anything. you hadn't even been touched!
but, as the weeks go by, and the workouts get more strenuous, they've become harder and harder to subside and ignore, and so had Bakugou's commands to keep going when you suddenly stopped. you can only lie and say its cramps so many times before he realizes that something is up.
you're midway through a good morning, when that familiar feeling starts tightening in the pit of your gut. you clench your eyes shut, shaking your head a little, as if you could ward off the impending feeling. bakugou notices though, frowning at your almost pained expression in the mirror, walking up behind you to stop you as you pull yourself back up. his hands are on your waist, and as you come up, you feel his bulge glide over the curve of your ass, and something in you snaps.
you gasp, buckling over, one hand on your knee as the other reaches back for bakugou's hand to keep you up as your thighs shake. you can feel yourself spasming, clenching and unclenching around nothing, secretly wishing you had something that could fill you up, something that you felt throb against you as bakugou leaned over your form.
"Another coregasm, huh?" he asks you lowly, his lips brushing your ear as you bite your bottom lip to hold back your moan. your eyes buck open though, when his words sink in, head tipping back to look at him in the mirror, only to find his gaze already on you.
"You knew every time?" you ask quietly, panting now that its finally starting to pass over you. but bakugou doesn't let you up from this position, especially since the area you're in seems to be desolate for now.
"It's hard to ignore how pretty you look when you cum, sweetheart." Bakugou seals his words with a firm press to your ass, his cock rubbing the seam, and you can practically feel the heat and veins of it through your thin bottoms. you groan under your breath, getting lost in the feeling of him grinding against you, when he suddenly speaks again.
"You still feel it?" he asks, voice low as he looks at you through his lashes. you nod, biting at your bottom lip as you meet the steady rock of his hips, watching how he smiles before slotting his lips against your ear.
"Want me to help make it go away?" and he does, in the employee locker room after hours. he makes it go away, and rebuild, and go away again and again until you're hoarse and your legs are weaker than they typically are on leg day. bakugou helps the ache go away, but not for that sweet redheaded coworker of his, whose fists have fucked his cock the entire time of watching bakugou rail you over the locker room bench again and again.
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