#idk if these guys have a shipname
mydarlingdearestdead · 11 months
Just read the sweetest fic of Cath and Jest and like he's alive.
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stiffyck · 8 months
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I'm posting it before I can back out
No one will ever see me again goodbye I'm going to chuck myself off a cliff now
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dizzybizz · 2 months
al lsasints steret 🥺
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i lvoe alll saints stereettttrahghghhhh
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technicalthinker · 1 year
Oh there's a new support hero called Lifeweaver thats neat
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Okay so nobody asked but THIS is the scene I was talking about in the tags of that post the other day. It makes a lot more sense with context but every time I read this I have to pause for a few moments
What’s funnier is THIS panel the chapter before where the task force is discussing who Mello is most likely to contact (and come to agree that it’s most likely Mogi)
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And Matsuda instantly assumes it will be for romantic reasons??? Or at least it seems like it???? I don’t know what else this could be implying
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thelextheluthor · 1 year
Watched transatlantic and honestly petition to let Cory Michael Smith kiss more men
(Please renew Gotham please please please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEPLEASEPLE-)
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so, it's official..
this doomed ship became The Cursed One
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the-kk-crow · 2 years
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Back ALL THE WAY IN FEBRUARY 2022 I was like "hey guysss I want to do one of those "Give me four ships to make fanart of" memes! Send me ur ships!" and I got TWELVE DIFFERENT PEOPLE with TWELVE DIFFERENT SHIPS.
So I decided. I'd just do. All of them?
Terrible idea, like 10 months later, I've finally finished it. Why did I do that. Anyways enjoy your rarepairs and not-so-rarepairs.
If people want these individually posted then tell me and I will!
Errorink - Error is big loner angry hates being touched and Ink is energetic touchy feely. I feel like for any art that is supposed to describe ink/error relationship you have to have Ink: :D and Error: D:< and so I had him hug him lol.
Cream - they are just cute soft fluffy. Cross carries Dream as a way to show that he "supports" them, lol
MareNight - Black Apple Blues is adorable and you should all read it
DreamNight - I tagged it dreammare because it's the common tag but I decided I would be wrong to not give it a more accurate name lol. Idk much here I just know that Dream is the more :yellow_heart: one in the relationship so it's funny. Also coup timeline for variety in outfits and that is when they are more comfortable. Why is Night scandalized? idk lol
DrInk - Funny shipname. This ship was most popular in the star-sanses era in early fandom where energetic baby Dream was at its most dominant so the ship was always very energetic, and though my dream is SAD I thought I should still represent that with the movement of the picture!
Crightmare - blame @wyrm-in-the-apple
Desporlue - I just think Two Scary Murder Lookin Guys being all interested in the totally normal kinda cute well adjusted fellow is really funny
NightKiller - This shipname is funny. Back in 2019 I always saw it as Killer constantly following nm around and nm was annoyed about it but TOLERATED IT
Criller - fucking castle fic. This ship used to be a rarepair once you know. But yeah the dynamic everyone does for this one is always "Killer is annoying bastard and Cross wants him to go away and then they bang I guess" and I have barely seen any variation on that lol
Despor - my pet now! Man that was hard to draw
Bleam - It's like DrInk/Cream where Blue is the more dominant caretaker but also it's energetic
Bloss - they were both royal guards once that's cool
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stiffyck · 4 months
Okay so since etho and scar are the first people to have the mail system integrated and working...
Have we considered them sending love letters???? It starts as just silly jokes and jokingly flirting and it turns to them actually really liking sending each other mail and letters and they start looking forward to their daily mail from the other.
Them getting closer by sending each other mail
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mark-the-snark · 1 year
like we should all learn from the miraculous fandom, their shipnames are UNDERSTANDABLE and PRACTICAL.
We have: leosagi, katanashipping, leoichi, leochi, sliderbunny, yuinardo LIKE DAMN.
My suggestion: every version of the ship gets its own ship name.
2012 leo x yuichi - yuinardo. Easy
Rise!Miyamoto usagi x Rise! Leo - sliderbunny. We shouldn't use leosagi guys we had this intervention already and it's not working.
And lastly my favorite: Rise! Leo x Yuichi - leoichi or leochi. We don't need two, idk why we have two but one of them needs to go pronto.
Did I make this post only because i'm tired of tagging? Yes. Am i right and i should say it? Also yes.
Now tell me what you guys think cuz i think i'm very smart for this 😤 and i'm also very lazy so feel free to repost and steal this idea cuz i rlly don't wanna tag most of these every time i post these guys
Also Ooo look whats under this read more button some leoichi fanart maybe u should click this if u read this whole post as a lil prize
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now spread my wisdom.
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pierced-princess · 4 months
Asking the owner of the blog: who do you ship in class of 09?
Jeckole mainly! I also ship Aricole(do they have a shipname? Idk) and also Nicole’s mom with Principal Lynn
Wish we had more guy ships, any of you lmk what kind are out there
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stuckwiththesnakeboi · 8 months
Okay, here's my thing:
It's fine if you want to call the ship aziracrow.
However, if your reasoning is that 'Ineffable husbands' is gendered, I'd like you to remember that nonbinary people are allowed to use "gendered" terms. Hell, two girls can refer to themselves as husbands if they want to.
Aziraphale and Crowley are fictional characters. Neither of them have canonically stated that they're uncomfortable with the word 'husband' being used in reference to themselves.
(Of course, this could be because Crowley.exe would stop working if anyone referred to him as Aziraphale's husband, but that's another matter entirely.)
It's just... guys, the shipname ineffable husbands isn't transphobic? Idk if it's just a very vocal but small portion of the fandom holding this opinion, but it's... an odd hill to die on.
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
I’ve seen some Wenclay shippers call their ship Gothbee and I think that’s so damn cute so here’s to my RWBY roots when it comes to theme based shipnames:
Wenclair: I’ve seen some people complain we could’ve had Sinday, or Wenid, but guys… ✨Woewolf✨
Yokovina: I do ship them lots but uhhhh maybe? Background Baddies??? We dunno much about Divina and Yoko and I’m so, so sorry fer this lame suggestion please comment a better one fer me
Bianko: Another great ship, and now I’m just throwing random suggestions- Fangqueen?
Biankovina: I think they’d be a cute throuple and maybe Bloodsong? We got vamps and sirens AND it sounds badass
Enko? Yonid?: I ship them as bros like I do Freezerburn but I saw someone call em Wolfbat and I think that’s cute
Wyl*r: I hate this ship immensely but Hyde & Seek would be a hella funny theme shipname you have to admit
W*vier: Also hate this ship immensely and uh. Idk. You know there’s art hoes? Well call this one Artwoes
Tyler x Xavier,, Tylope? Is that it???: I’ve seen this one gaining popularity after Hunter joked about it and I think that’s enough to ship it, call em Wednesday’s Rejects- KIDDING KIDDING idk Hydeart
Ajax x Xavier, idk Ajaxavier???: I’ve seen this one a few times and you know what? Artstoner because all of my braincells went into cool sapphic shipnames
Ajax x Tyler, Tyjax?: Also seen this a few times in fics, so maybe Hydestone? Idk man I rlly dont
Enid x Ajax, Enjax?: Don’t ship them personally, theyre more chaos homies together in my eyes, but call em Rattlewolf like a rattlesnake you know?
Ajax x Eugene, Genejax?: I saw this once or twice on ao3 and honestly sure why not? Honeysnake might do the trick
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queenkokoo · 1 year
hiii, i wanted to try to request luke hummings x reader?? faceclaim madison beer if possible! idc about the story line i know you’ll write something amazing! thank you so much 🤍
Part 1
Had to have a bit of drama but I hope you like it!
(Decided to make this a series instead of just one part)
Part 2 out now!
Fc: Madison Beer
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liked by y/fan9,y/nfan12 and 19,837 others
PopCulture Y/n L/n and boyfriend Zack Bia were spotted fighting last night in LA.
Link in bio for more.
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Y/nfan1 idk what to say..
Y/nfan4 omg I hope she’s ok 😭
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liked by y/nfan9,y/nfan1 and 26,757 others
Y/nL/nUpdates Y/n at Nobu in Malibu yesterday!
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Y/nfan2 omg she looks amazing
Y/nfan9 she literally disappeared for over two years and comes back like nothing happened 😭
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liked by y/nfan7,y/nfan2 and 1,937,837 others
Y/nL/n Missed u❤️‍🩹
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Y/nCloset omg the queen is back
Y/nfan3 ahhh
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liked by y/nupdates, and 2,936,836 others
Y/nL/n Feels like I never left
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Y/nfan2 holy shit guys she’s in the studio
Y/nUpdates new music?
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Liked by lukehemmings and 2,836,836 others
Y/nL/n Boyshit out now!
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Y/nfan3 so excited
5sosfan not to alarm anyone but the guy in the tank top is Luke Hemmings…
Lukefan Collab?
Y/nfan06 She doesn’t do collabs
Shipname it’s on repeat!
Lukefan4 omg the music video is so good
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liked by Lukehemmings and 8,836,847 others
Y/nL/n February 26th
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Y/nfan23 so excited
LukeHemmings ❤️
Y/updates ahhh
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kolektsiakomah · 9 months
FIONNA N CAKE RANT spoilers ensue
can i just say how wonderful this was . im dying im dead im flying out the window . enemies and lovers bubbline ¿¿¿ sign me the fuck up . marcy was so beautiful in vampireworld . every 1 of her outfits was magnificent and . i just love her ¿¿¿ evil bisexual goth w a pretty laugh what more could you EVER want . shes literally a princess im all for it . also i agree w cake the vampire king is kinda hot . BONNIE THOUGH ⁉️⁉️ W A BADASS HAIRCUT and huntress wizard and martin oh my god . MARTIN WHY DID THEY HAVE TO KILL MARTIN OFF god fucking damnit 😭😭😭 this wlw mlm different universes parallels had me at the edge of my seat the falling scene and gumlee running away ............. amazing . god i love it . gumlee have known each other for 3 days if im not mistaken and yea maybe the development was a little fast but holy shit im not complaining ¡ who am i to forbid them from kissing in the elevator after running away from marshalls evil mom
fionna and cake tho ¿ the way their friendship persists even thru all these horrors theyve witnessed makes me warm inside. they are so besties forever and truly no amount of fionna messing up and cake getting arrogant will ever change that ♡♡♡ i was so worried for fionna this time tho =<:((( this poor girl. all her dreams abt adventures and heroism are being crushed before her very eyes. when she ran out of the lab crying my stomach turned she was so relatable for that. i really hope she gains some confidence in herself fionna deserves the world <333 THE PETRIGROF JUICE OH MY LORD. THEY MET AT A NERDY CONFERENCE AND SHE AGREED TO GO ON AN EXPEDITION W/ SIMON AND SHE DIDNT EVEN KNOW HIM. SHE DROPPED EVERYTHING JUST TO HANG OJT W/ THIS MAN. THE LETTER. THE I WANT YOU TO BE BY MY SIDE. THE FIREFLIES. THE SONG. THE NOSTALGIA THE WAY SIMONS FACE LIGHTS UP WHEM SHES TALKING ABT BETTY. imma die
orbo being voiced by dave mccormack is the best thing ever id recognize that voice ANYWHERE 😭😭 also this was a delight seeing scarab again hes so silly. ive seen ship art of them and prismo on tiktok and their shipname is prohibited wish <333 idk bout you guys but im so on it prismo x scarab for the win ¡¡¡ also when orbo was talking abt 'THE boss' who did he mean. god ¿ like The God who made the whole place ¿ anyway i really want to see them. we probably wont get this chance tho but still
was so good to see bmo <333 this lil puter will always live in my heart. thank you for your sacrifice little 1 ♡ i get so sad thinking abt how they were living all alone in this desolate place w/ only jerry to talk to. and we dont even know if jerry ever spoke to him ¡ goddamit i hope every version of bmo goes someplace sunny and calm
lich was so fucking creepy ¿¿¿ jesus fuck i felt genuine fear when he spoke. 'cease.' WHOSE FUCKING SCARY DOG IS THAT. goddamn hes just as scary as he was before.....ALSP BETTY. BETTY BETTY GROF MOMENT. AT THE VERY END. she wished to keep simon safe. AND ITS WORKING. WHAT THE FUUUUCK IM SO HYPED THIS WAS SUCH A RIDE
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Here is my official apology for always ranting to you about every thought in my head
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Opposite au ships :)!
Also I didn’t do Aaron/jaune/lila bc Aaron doesn’t have a design yet and i think Juane got a redesign ? Idk but I made this to make up for it!
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Patty brings bob to the others like “have you guys met my pathetic boyfriend” and john goes “hi pathetic boyfriend!”
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I just. sdkjgndskjgnkdsjgn everything about this is SO GOOD
The Hatz just holding hands bc they're little dweebs and don't know what else to do. John's autism eyes, now romantic flavor (I love how Jack is holding him too kjdnfkj). Frank pining over a rich bitch. The Kevin and Frank one being like that one Pelo doodle I absolutely LOVE that. And Patty just, taking Bob as her boyfriend because hey why not it'd be fun (and Bob being confused the whole time)
I love all the little shipnames too!! Especially Byakuya, that one is SO clever!
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