#idk a lot about actually witchy stuff
emeraldbabygirl · 1 day
Hi :) it’s been awhile since I’ve actually had conversations with my mutuals here and I feel bad about it as always but I just wanted to post and say hi and that I think about my oldest mutuals often and hope y’all are still alive and well no matter where you are on your life journey. I know well all busy with jobs and finding what we want to do in life and that’s okay but I just wanted to say that I miss you all and miss all our cute talks and I appreciate you guys coming into my life when you did and meeting you all and sometimes I see you liked a post and I see your username in my notifications and it makes me smile. I miss you guys and I’m sorry I never reached out :( I’ve become bad at keeping connected to people but I want you all to know that I appreciate you all being in my life and I hope sometime we can have our fun conversations again. I hope what I said makes sense, it always sounds better in my head. I just hope y’all are well and if you ever come back to tumblr sometime you can say hi or leave a message even if it’s small, I enjoy the surprises and idk hi :) I miss my mutuals you guys were my first friends when I started building my blog up and I just really appreciate all the kind words and everything you’ve done for me and I wanted to say something even if I couldn’t message you individually. Sometimes it’s easier for me to make a post like this. I still think about you all and wonder how things are and I remember your usernames and pfps and it brings back memories, even if we didn’t talk a lot, maybe I mentioned you in some tag games or I popped in to say hi.
I wanna make something for you all as a thank you for just being a part of my experience here on tumblr even if we don’t talk anymore I want to do something to show my appreciation so I recently fiddled around and made some lil collage/edits and I want to make some for you guys if you’ll let me. Just tell me some things you like, like an actor or singer or animal and some colors and anything and I wanna put something together as a thank you for talking to me when I was still a young blog? Does that make sense? Cause I didn’t have a lot of followers just a couple mutuals and some of you became really close friends and I appreciate you for that.
Of course now I wanna make something for everyone but I’ll just tags the people I’ve known on here the longest and if you want me to make you something please let me know or you don’t have to. I like making things for people and stuff. Ok tagging @excindrela @yovibeispretty @seoulmates98 @ithinkilikeit-reactions @yuta-the-mountain-man @cherryeoo @uwunnie @thirdxporsche @dmbjwhxre ..I think I’ll just tag everyone that I’ve felt something special with, people that I’ve had come into my blog and played games with and stuff like that cause I really think about all of you and wish you all the best :) @wh0sthe5pecial0ne @wheezing-pterodactyl @bandluvr97 @chrismequick @despairvb @impeachybabie @atinystaypixie @princessjazzyjazz @juicylivy @boxyg28 @lowavocado4701 @witchy-weve-monbebe @ateezaligned @henlex @rai-scutum @khathastrophe @kidinthemoonlight @pleasemeosaur @moonlight--cafe @the-moon-baby @axelwolf8109 @dreamlesswonder86 @axishonor @7zenisss @straysugzhpe @halalhyungwon @elenilote @ninamarie1994 @gungumeloh @jaejoongs-nipple-piercing @dungbeatposse @hyugaruma @awritersstuff @star2fishmeg @starstruckforyou @belphies--pillow @sleepystrawberrybunny @khami-143 @simpforchuchu @thistaleisabloodyone
Even if we don’t talk a lot or anymore I see some of your posts on my dash and I’m like ‘I rember you omg’ and I get a little happy. Ok enough yapping I just wanted to say some stuff and I hope all of you are doing well and if not I’m sorry :( I hope things get better for you! Have a good day or night or evening wherever you are <3
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dawnslight-aegis · 11 months
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glamour progression! some canonical Looks that Kaede has had over the years, lore and reasonings and whatnot under the cut~
early ARR: just some basic, comfortable traveling clothes. she didn't have a ton of money here, and her fighting style was offensively-focused, rather than defensive. she didn't even use a shield yet.
mid ARR: finally scrounged up some basic armor, but she still prefers the flexibility and mobility afforded by leather over chain or plate.
end of ARR: for the Praetorium assault, she joins as an officer of the Immortal Flames, and wears their uniform. even though it's heavy and bulky and uncomfortable.
post ARR: newly dubbed the Warrior of Light, she still favors Immortal Flame colors, but make it stylish. also helps Gerolt reforge Curtana and the Holy Shield.
early HW: after the Bloody Banquet, but before being admitted to Ishgard, she comes across the corpse of a dark knight dumped outside the city gates and takes up his sword. it's no longer safe to wear anything that associates her with the Flames, so she reverts back to her more gladiator-like style, but with light plate
mid HW: can't very well be walking around Ishgard as a heretic, so it's back to paladin for a while. she finds a full set of really nice (and warm) armor and weapons in The Aery and uses them for a bit, but swaps the sword/shield for a greatsword again in the aftermath of the Vault
end of HW: Sid gave her some armor. please imagine Zephirin's face under where her sword is planted in the ground.
post HW: had a new set of armor made to match the style of the set she found in the Aery, carries the Fortemps shield in Haurchefant's honor
early SB: when Tataru Taru makes you an outfit, you damn well wear it. also this is her RDM training arc, Marz is the main character doing WAR stuff here, Kaede is just here to vibe and help out
mid SB: Kaede doesn't care for Doman fashion in Eorzea, she has a hard enough time convincing people she's not foreign. but when in Othard, do as the Othardians do. oh this is also where she got her horn and tail decor! turns out when you go somewhere with lots of au ra, you can find cute auri accessories. who knew.
end of SB: we liberating Ala Mhigo in full red mage regalia my friends
post SB: it's just a cute witchy look, Kaede didn't do the Mhach raids so idk how she even got this one. I just like it. she spent most of the SB patches in Ishgard so maybe she bought it from Leofard or something. for REALLY late post-SB (aka Ghimlyt Dark) please see "early ShB"
early ShB: puts her rapier away when her friends start dropping and she has to go to actual legit war. opts for some heavier actual plate mail, but you can't fight evil if you ain't cute. also she got that top from the bowels of Orbonne Monastery, and it's reminiscent of her childhood hero, Agrias Oaks, so it's important to her
mid ShB: Kaede has Feelings about Voeburt and how it's basically Ishgard but with au ra, ask her about them some time. anyway she tries to PLD for a while on the First but it starts exacerbating her light poisoning, so it's back to dark knight time
end of ShB: yikes, girl. yikes. anyway Voeburtite+Crystarium gear is a nice cross-section of the places in the First that really spoke to her
post ShB: neo-Ishgardian top, Halonic gauntlets, I think it's safe to say she is homesick, someone let her go home and see her man already
early EW: Sharlayan is...not Kaede's favorite place. she went there straight from Ishgard so she's just wearing some of her normal civilian clothes tbh. if you see her out and about in Ishgard this is probably the kind of thing she's wearing
mid EW: Garlemald is fucking cold and depressing, even when you have a nice heavy coat. while she's here she gets her arm broken and her shoulder dislocated, so she has to do red mage stuff until it heals. I didn't include it here but it's the heirloom casting top+ravel keeper gloves+virtu duelist boots.
end of EW: a return to the iconic look after getting her shield arm fixed by Haurchefant in the Aitiascope. also all her friends died. it's a bad time. Tataru made her some boots though.
post EW: holy shit baby girl finally learned how to heal, it only took almost dying to make her stubborn tank main ass learn. she changed her hair because she's On Vacation rn. also she's engaged! idk where the yorha top came from, I don't consider the nier raids canon lmao. her staff has a chunk of the mothercrystal on it though
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Lots and lots of thoughts and theories on Hades 2 so far. My Greek geek is overflowing and I have no where else to hyperfixate so here you go. Apologies in advanced and I’m so excited! (and will def be disappointed by the theories that don’t come true but that’s just the life)
First off, I definitely think Melinoë came after Zagreus reunited their parents and the sequel is set eons after. Time and the development process works different for gods so it could def be plausible. I’ve seen people saying she’s the older sis or that she’s been a secret the whole time, and while those are fun to think about, I don’t think there’s any way that’s gonna be the case here.
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People call her Mel the same way they called Zagreus Zag.
Zag was STOKED to be a big bro and Mel loves him (even though she groans when he bear hugs her).
Persephone and Hades being relationship goals and they better keep them being lovey to each other and their kids. I’ll be so disappointed if they try to make it “edgy” by giving her a bad upbringing or having her been abandoned. Give me all the healthy relationship representations!
And of course, an updated portrait! Maybe as like a locket or picture frame in her bedroom at Hecate’s since we won’t be in the actual house.
I just really really want to see Mel loving her family. I hope she’s awkward and kind, but kick-ass and ready to kill for those she loves.
One of Hecate’s main stories is how she witnessed Persephone be stolen and helped Demeter search for her. I like to think that with the revised “kidnapping” story that the game does, this will also be revised to reflect Hecate and Pers being buds. Maybe she thought Pers got stolen and then helped her out when she realized her friend had fallen in love. Maybe she even helped construct Persephone’s home on Earth so she was hidden from everyone?
There is this blurb in the description referencing her affiliation with the Underworld, so hopefully that’s what they’re going to talk about.
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Either way, Aunt Hecate.
It does look like in the trailer Mel calls her (or someone, I assume it’s Hecate) “Headmistress”, so I guess she’s maybe at a boarding school for witches? Idk how I feel about that, but again as long as she was raised with her awesome parents and bro, that’s all I care about for her backstory lol.
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I mean, it could just be that Hecate is training her, similar to how Zag calls him “Master” Achilles because he was his teacher. But the “head” mistress part heavily implies that there’s going to be more mistress teachers, so that’s why I’m banking on a boarding school.
Also hope they reference Mel’s nightmare affiliations as well instead of just leaning in on the witchcraft stuff. It feels very heavy on the witchy stuff so far and the only thing that’s really referencing that part of her is the arm and leg (I’m guessing). I just hope they make this a big part of her personal journey since she is the “bringer of nightmares and madness”.
Would love to see her constantly fighting with this aspect of herself. Have her be sweet and kind and just wants to do good in the world and everything she touches turning into madness. I wanna see her fight to figure out how to flip this “curse” of hers around.
With that, it’d be neat to see like the Oneiroi and Morpheus, or other dream/nightmare related characters.
A dream realm would be sick!
I feel like it’s going to be similar in story mode to Zag’s where we’re just dropped into Mel’s story after it’s already started. Either the issue with Chronos and Hades happened after she started her school with Hecate, or she’s at the school as a result of.
If they don’t do this^, I’ll be surprised but not disappointed. I just can’t see them putting us through a backstory/training storyline. I feel like one of the cooler parts of Hades is the fact that you just drop in and slowly start to figure out what’s going on.
Aunt Nyx. Or at least some reference to everything she’s done for the fam.
GAIA (she could be like the Chaos equivalent)
Give me Mel descending into the Earth, into Gaia’s realm for some treacherous boons. It would be cool to show her having a real conflict with how she feels about her involvement in both using Chronos to kill his father Uranus, and then “helping” Rhea and Zeus kill Chronos. But now helping Mel because she’s her great-great-granddaughter (or triple great, depending on how they handle that incest bucket) and also knowing her son is cray.
Moons used in the same vain as Nyx’s Darkness, or something that is a call to Hecate’s three moon symbolism. I see that a lot of her design already has some references to moons paired with the sickle so that’s already pretty cool.
Same with like herbs/potions or stuff to collect for spells or levels up. It looks like there’s going to be a “magick” element to restore.
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Hecate’s black dogs. Give me all the floofers.
And of course Cerberus being on guard as she gets to the gates of Styx. And I’d be down with him being a cuddle monster just like with Zag. (this will also depend on the storyline of the underworld and house and how Cerbs has been effected by Chronos, but a girl can dream of her giant three headed Clifford making a reappearance)
I do see the giant frog (her familiar, maybe?) and Mel giving it cuddles in the trailer. From the looks of it, that seems like her bedroom, so that’ll be interesting.
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And since I consider this a direct-ish sequel, the Olympus family members will all be backing her up (which the game description does imply it as well). Maybe we’ll see some repeats for boons, but I kind of hope we get some new people and just some references to the OGs or special guest appearances.
That being said, give me Grandma Demeter again BUT transformed into a spring or summer version to show her transformation of having her daughter back and newfound family. Give her a new look and badass boons that rep that. Don’t go lazy on me supergiant.
Since we’re getting Apollo from the OG lineup, let’s see Hestia and Hera too with some badass boons. Give me fire and peacock emblems.
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Hephaestus as the Daedalus equivalent. He’s too busy to meet in person but he gives you some kick-ass weapon upgrades.
Zagreus running Hades and not being happy about it. (again, depending on the story sitch. I just love the idea of grumpy responsible Zag lol)
Or Persephone, since she is the Queen after all.
And if that’s the case, then Zag could help Mel in some way. Idk if I’d want him to be a boon exactly, because there’s others that I’d want to see before him.
Either way, I definitely don’t think Zag will still be trying to escape out while this is happening. That’s another one that’s funny to think about and make memes of, but I’ll be very disappointed if that’s actually the case. I want to see the whole Hades fam in an uproar and fighting like hell to save Hades and the Underworld.
Or if Persephone isn’t running Hades (or maybe even if she is, whatever, again just depending on the story) it’d be cool to have her be a boon giver to her daughter. Her keepsake was sick and I’d love to see how powerful her boons are!
I hope we still get new and alt weapons with references to all kinds of fighters and witches, and maybe some ancient titans. It’s already exciting to see the sickle used for ref to Chronos.
In that same vain, seeing other myth or famous story references with the weapons the same way we saw before, with like Arthur’s sword, Lucifer’s gun, Gilgamesh guns, Beowulf shield.
Also how they brought in Nemesis using her sword aspect, I hope they bring in a couple of the other Greek characters that were named in the aspects using their weapons. Like Eris, Talos, and Chiron.
It’d be cool if they incorporated Selene in there too since she’s the Moon goddess and Hecate is all about them moons. (I just have a soft spot for Selene)
Selene could also be likened to a Chaos equivalent where Mel ascends to the moon or something. I still love the Gaia idea but this could be neat too.
Or seeing some more non-dark/night gods and seeing some like super cute bubbly bright ones that are like crazy deadly. Like imagine Iris, goddess of the rainbow, giving you crazy destructive boons to kill your enemies!
Also give me some more famous witches and enchantresses who help Mel out, or maybe who she has to fight, like Circe, Medea, Calypso.
It does look like in one of the screen shots there’s some odd looking creatures in the (what I’m guessing is) witch boarding school. So maybe it is related to Circe?
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I hope Nemesis is used in a similar way as Meg (or even Thanatos kinda), where like maybe they’re fighting but over time they end up growing on them. Gotta love enemies to lover!
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Same with Moros. And please have him bitch (but also idolize) about his more popular big bro Thanatos lol.
Speaking of Moros, in the trailer it looks like theres a super long scroll next to him and he says “there’s an opportunity for you”. So I wonder if he’s going to be like a Charon equivalent where you buy things from him or something like that.
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It would also be cool to have some friendly Titans as side characters as she makes her way down, like maybe Prometheus or Atlas.
Some more heroes like Atalanta (give me a female heroine I beg you), Jason, Perseus, Bellerophon.
There does look like there’s a handsome unnamed character in the lineup that wasn’t in the trailer, and he’s exuding loads of hero pompousness lol so that’s my guess. Just not sure which he’ll be, prob Jason or Perseus if I were a betting gal. He looks too posh to be Hercules.
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Or some hero-adjacent people like Hippolyta (Amazon Queen), Helena (of Troy), Cassandra (cursed prophet), Medusa, or Pandora who are pissed with what happened to them or want revenge. Idk, might be far fetched for this but you love to see it lol. (also didn’t intend for all those examples to be girls, but it’s funny how that ends up, ain’t it?)
Other mythical creatures that might be more earth related like cyclops, giants, Pegasus, chimera, sirens, griffins, etc.
I’ll be interested to see how they incorporate the time aspect with Chronos. I wonder if it’ll be like a time loop and that’s how they emulate the “dying” aspect from the first game. I hope there’s some time related items.
Please for the love of the gods, make dick jokes about Chronos castrating his father and the variation in myth of how Zeus then did it to Chronos. Like, I get it if it’s too cringe to outright talk about, but if they don’t make SOME reference to either, I’m calling cowards.
An equivalent to the fishing feature, maybe planting seeds or something dream related. Just give something cute and fun again.
Also having some crazy ideas of even another sequel. Especially if this one ends up being on Earth or focusing on the middle plane and getting to the underworld, how awesome would it be for one day having like another sequel where you actually get to fight through Olympus. Like maybe a backstory for Hades would be cool, of how they rose to power and he made it all the way to Mount Olympus just to draw the short stick and get sent back down.
Ok I’m done for today. Carry on with your lives and I’m sorry again for this long post showing up on your feed.
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forgottengodfrey · 9 months
OOC | Godfrey & Edmund
nephew!!! godfrey honestly can't wait for the day that edmund is emperor!! he's got a lot of ideas about how the empire can be run more smoothly and like???? god, he's so weird idek how to explain sdafjklsdjf ok so i feel like godfrey is a really weiRD mix of characteristics like???? he's cutthroat and ruthless but he's also innovative and altruistic, like he legit wants to make the world a better place!!!!! but mostly bc he thinks its a black terrible place and he thinks it'll take a monster to carve a paradise out of the muck basically????? and he aint afraid to make the world a lot worse on his way to the top to do that?????? lskjflasjdkfjf
anyway uncle godfrey out here literally willing to lie cheat steal and kill to get edmund on the throne!!!! and then he's gonna do everything it takes to realize his vision of a better future like????? he's so weird idek let's blame the witch grandma bc its always good to blame the witch </3
i feel like godfrey and amira and tristan had a really tough time growing up, saw some really bad stuff, and godfrey is convinced that he needs to cleanse this world and, thanks to edmund, he can! thanks, bud! and i think he's like 'they can hate me, but my children will have a better future ahead than i ever did etc' but!!! i don't think he is ~just team edmund bc edmund's his nephew (tho that's not nothing to him!), i think he genuinely believes in edmund and thinks he's brilliant and capable and is the ideal princeling to help him achieve his ends!! and godfrey can be his pet monster, cleansing this world for him w fire and sword!!
but all that being said, i ALSO think that godfrey legit loves his nephew v much and is super proud of him and protective of him and always has his back in his own particular distant and scheming way!!
im also toying w the notion that, given his witchy grandma, he may know about the guardians BUT, if so, i lowkey think he might actually be in favor of the apocalypse like -- i think he might actually lowkey be egging on roderick about his monotheistic religion intentionally to bring that on bc that would be a v effective cleansing reset for this wicked world and after that anyone left can help clean up whatever's left over alkjsfkjlsdfjksf BUT he wants to get safeguards in place first -- like, godfrey aint letting his family members get swallowed by the apocalypse so i feel like he's building various stuff into his new keep but!!! anyway!!! idk!!!! it depends a lil on what the mythos about the apocalypse is like if there's no chance for humanity if that happens then he's def against it hahaha -- also, alternately, he might not believe in any of that stuff at all and might just think their grandma was a crazy old hag and there are no gods whatsoever, even monstrous ones etc idk aljskdfkjdsfjk
but yeah basically the cojent points here are that he's messed up af and wants to make the world a better place...by lowkey destroying it -- like, he does terrible things and legit believes he's doing it for the greater good, he wants his nephew to rule, and finally in his own bizarre way he loves his fam v much and would do anything for them but its complicated bc he's hella messed up asdljfkdskjfkljsf so yeah yet another super mentally healthy family member for edmund over here lkajsdfljksdjfjsdkfl
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anonthatwantsyoursoul · 4 months
I'm just gonna continue it whatever
Coraline: I almost fell down a well yesterday mom.
(I forgot her name let's just call her mom) Mom: Uh huh.
Coraline: I would've died.
Mom: that's nice.
Coraline: well, can I go out? I think it's perfect weather for gardening.
Mom: no, Coraline, rain makes mud, mud makes a mess.
Coraline: but I want stuff growing when my friends come to visit! Isn't that why we moved here?
Mom: yeah, something like that, but then we had the accident.
Coraline: it wasn't my fault you hit that truck!
Mom: I never said it was.
Coraline: I can't believe this, you and dad get paid to write about plants, and you hate dirt.
(ok idk what comes right after that but I remember this part) mom: well you still have unpacking to do, LOTS of unpacking.
Coraline: That sounds excitingggg.
Mom: oh, some kid left this on the front porch for you.
Wybie but not actually: Hey, Jonsie, look what I found in grandma's trunk, look familiar? -Wybie
Coraline: ugh, huh that's weird, a little me?
Mom: what's his name?
Coraline: Wybie, and I'm way too old for dolls.
Coraline: Hey dad, how's the writing going?
Coraline: Dad.
(I also forgot his name) Dad: Hello Coraline, and Coraline.. doll?
Coraline: do you know where the gardening tools are?
Dad: it's pouring out there, isn't it?
Coraline: it's just raining..
Dad: what'd the boss say?
Dad: Well then you won't need the tools.
(10 seconds of annoying him later)
Dad: Ughhh, this house, is, a hundred and fifty years old.
Coraline: so?
Dad: so explore it! Count all the doors and windows and write that down, list everything that's blue, just.. LET ME WORK.
Dad: no, no no no (repeatedly idk how many times) AHHHH
Timeskip again
Coraline: 1 boring blue boy, in a painfully boring painting, four, incredibly, boring windows, and no more door.
Coraline: Alright little me, where are you hiding?
Coraline: Hey mom! Where does this door go?
Coraline: I think it's locked, PLEASEEEEEE
Mom: Will you stop pestering me if I do this for you?
Mom: fine!
Coraline: bricks? I don't get it!
Mom: They must of closed this off when they diveded (help how do I spell it) up the house.
Coraline: Really? And why's the door the small?
Mom: we made a deal, zip it!
Coraline: You didn't lock it!
Dad: oh my twitchy witchy girl, I think you are so nice, I give you bowls of porridge and I give you bowls of ice cream!
Coraline: why don't you ever cook mom?
Mom: we've been through this before, your dad cooks, I clean, and you stay out of the way.
Mom: I swear, we'll go food shopping as soon as we finish the catalog.
Mom: try some of the chard (?), you need a vegetable.
Coraline: it looks more like slime to me.
Dad: it's slime or bedtime fusspot (??? What), now what's it gonna be?
Coraline: you think they're trying to poison me?
Coraline: don't forget about me guys.
Ok yeah idk if I should actually do the entirety but it'd be fun, but I'll stop here (for now)
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sunshinesdaydream · 10 months
Congrats on your milestone! 🥳🥳 That's an amazing step to hit! And hopefully, you get to continue to have even more fun on here in the future! 🥳🥰
I'm not very good at asks, and I tend to ramble. So I will try my very best to keep this short and sweet!
For nickname let's go "Nimue" since it's what i like to put my name as in games!
I tend to be shy with people at first, I tend to get really insecure 😅 but once I'm comfortable, that's it. I'm loud and weird and (i hope) fun. I'm very protective of those I care for and will go to their defense right away! But I'd much rather just be cuddled up with my favourite ppl at home and being chill.
I have long brown hair that goes to my knees and I like to dye the underneath (i think its called a peekaboo dye?). It's not my actual body but, I use a wheelchair when I go out (its a distance thing my legs still work).
I have a very eclectic style, a lot of its nerdy (games/anime) and fantasy (think renfaire ngl) but I also really like the metaphysical/"witchy" as well. It's a lot of long dresses, flowy skirts or shorts, and a chunk is handmade clothes.
I like to read, write, draw/paint, sew, work with tarot cards (is there tarot in star wars? idk), watch movies, video games and I always have music playing (and i may be loudly singing along)!
I've never been on a date...but I think somewhere we could have fun and chat like a fair or park would be a nice place to have a date.
Extras....hmmm, well, I get pretty embaressed about my chair so I tend to be a homebody so nobody sees me in it...but i do still go out. Kinda stay in the car though lol and since i don't have much family anymore, I'm gonna make my own, but I used to have a big close knit fam! (idk if that's helpful or not feel free to ignore this section entirely)
Thanks for reading this through and double thanks if you decide to use it! If not, than just thanks for reading, it was a bit of a challenge to write...but it was fun 🥰
Enjoy this event of yours and I hope your lovely matchmaking duo enjoy their task!!
Thank You! Okay before I let Isa take over I HAVE to go off for a minute. Metaphysical/Witchy stuff?? This is why I went back to your blog and found the astrology thing. Also I don't know about tarot in Star Wars, but I've been messing around with translating it to using sabacc kind of like using playing cards. Maybe a force themed oracle deck? And I kriffing LOVE Ren Faires!
Isa: Hello Nimue, I have just the teddy bear of a guy for you! He likes cuddles at home as much as he likes going out places. He can be very encouraging, so he will both be your cheerleader in all of your creative pursuits, and support for when you push your comfort zone.
He's outgoing enough to help you bridge that shyness gap, and it would take a lot for you to be louder than him! He tends to make friends wherever he goes, but also has close family. He loves animals and kids, he can be a big kid himself. But he is also gentle, thoughtful, and dependable.
Greatheart: Cyare?
Isa: Yes, dear?
Greatheart: I think you should leave some for Nimue to find out for herself.
Isa: You're right, dear. So, Nimue, I'm sending you on a date with Wrecker to a Fantasy Faire.
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Hope you have a lovely time!
Isa Mio & Greatheart
Sunshine's 10th Anniversary Celebration -Still offering Matches!
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foxgloveinspace · 1 year
wow those are really interesting! The smell one almost reminds me of synesthesia, or a olfactory hallucination. For the first one, like a signal in the brain getting tied to a different signal. a floral smell for them sounds so sweet. they feel comforting to me like floral.
the vessel figure is wild. the fact that you saw a hooded figure with his mouth exposed. I know there's kinda archetypal figures people tend to see in various brain things, like dreams, or drug trips, or I'd expect its the same with migraine auras. A general cloaked figure sounds universal enough, but one with a mouth exposed is so specific.
it's SO interesting that you mention ADHD though because almost every single Sleep Token fan I've talked to is neurodivergent or could plausibly be. Specifically autism or ADHD. Could just be that we all hyperfixate, and that makes us superfans of things we love. But idk it feels special, like we're drawn to it. I have ADHD myself.
another commonality is sleep problems, odly enough. and finding Sleep Token calming and helping one sleep.
For my opinion on witchy stuff, I'm not an expert or anything I know little bits. Like how their logo is a combination of Germanic runes that invoke certain things. There was an old since deleted post by then about it, so it's basically confirmed. Or I heard that the runes corresponding to the Sundowning songs could theoretically be invoked every time the song is played.
also the music just feels magical??
Every person seems to have a different interpretation of the lore and the overarching story, if there is any. Many of them seem to be about love or romance in some way.
My pet headcannon/theory is that Vessel is looking for his soulmate who he knew in a past life. and the runes and any magic is for that purpose.
(First Ask)!!!!!!! Yes!!
Ok I agree with like a lot of your points in this ask, just to say that off the bat, but it’s me so I’m gonna get into it lmao:
So the thing is, I Do Actually have synesthesia, But I Do Not Have Smell/Sound, I have texture/Taste!! So that’s the weird thing about it! It is actually pretty comforting?? I’m trying to figure out what scent it actually, cause it’s just really nice. It might be a perfume that I’ve smelled in the past and started associating it with them (in which cause I think it might be floral marshmallow which is a dupe for some high end perfume). But like I said if it’s ends up being forget-me-nots (which I don’t think so) I’m gonna freak out. But they have a very light scent and I can’t find them anywhere😵‍💫
That’s the weird thing about all of it tho, is that it very well could be all of the things that I have already (migraines, adhd, synesthesia) but it’s like it’s different symptoms that I’ve Never had before??
Like the hooded figure wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but I never see figures!! I only see green and purple flashing splotches, even in my Worst Migraine I’ve Ever had, where I completely Lost My Vision, I only say neon purple and green. So too see, specifically, Hooded Man With Mouth, while listening to The Summoning?? Weird.
And yeah, I have adhd, and honestly?? Yeah. I think it is all of us nero-spicy gals and bois finding a band that itches the static in our brains, lol. They really combine a lot of nerodivergent peoples favorite genres, metal, dark techno/house, lo-fi, piano, rap and sometimes even something that sounds jazzy. It’s legit like they took every music thing I love and shoved it into one, of course my/all of our adhd brains is gonna eat that shit up lmao. It feels really special tho.
Also, yeah I have hella sleeping issues, but I have yet to let myself listen to them while going to sleep (mostly cause I know once I start I won’t be able to go back) BUT!! I have never been a person who can meditate, and I was able to while listening to them!! So that’s a thing lol.
I’m not a big expert on ruins either, but I know most witchcraft is putting your intentions in something. So if he put heavy intentions into the ruins when he first drew them, then yeah it’s doing something. I did vaguely know something about the main logo/ruin, but not much. (I actually don’t know What it’s supposed to invoke?? Just thinking about Sleep/Sleep Token?? Lol) but I think it’s Really Cool that they use real runes sometimes, cause even if they aren’t for magic purposes, just aesthetics, they are still using an old language for something new and I always like stuff like that lmao.
And I love your little headcanon at the end that’s so sweet.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Hi! Since I saw that requests are open I was thinking of requesting pls matchup! :)
As for the fandom if it's not a problem for the jjba fandom! :) as for my pronouns I go by She/her, as for the gender I am a woman and preferred Terms wise I don't have any, as long as they attain to she/her! :) (Idk really what was meant for preferred terms, but I do hope that was it! :) so sorry if it wasn't!) And I am bisexual, and I would like the match up to be romantic pls :) oh and if you want to do a little scenario I would love that! About anything you would like! :)
Personality wise, I am shy at first, but after spending enough time with a person I'm really talkative (sometimes I do have an hard time stopping talking and joking, I'm also really ironic) I'm also really emotional, I cry really easily, but I also consider myself really caring, I would literally do anything for the person I love, and I like to spoil my loved ones a lot, also with gifts, and I'm also a tad bit the jealous type (not overly jealous though)
As for my interests I love practicing witchcraft and I also love astrology, I consider myself a cosmic witch! I especially love reading tarot, then I also love manga and anime and videogames, and I have the biggest passion for horror movies or any type of horror media, so movies, games and all that good stuff! :) I would consider myself Style wise as goth, especially romantic goth:)
I like to listen to Goth music most of all and then I also love classic rock, so music like the Beatles, the Doors, Fleetwood mac ecc.. :) my love language is words of affirmation most of all!
And idk if it's helpful as a last thing but I have short black curly hair and green eyes! And I am on average on how tall I am! :)
Thank you so much, and I hope it wasn't too long omg! :) and I absolutely love your writing!
hi there!!! thank you so much for sending in a matchup I absolutely love doing these for you guys!! also, thank you so much for the kind note at the end, it really means a lot! I have the perfect character for you so without further ado...
the character I chose for you is...
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you know he be lovin those goth girls lmaooo
he is a more reserved guy, but when he's around you and you become open, he does the same
doesnt care that you talk a lot he actually loves it when you talk
laughs at all of your jokes, like to the point where his gut hurts lmao
he thinks it's very good that you're willing to be so emotional and if you need anything while you're crying, he is always there for hugs or a soft conversation
he blushes every time you do something nice for him he thinks you are super kind and sweet and will return the kind things you do for him
he will try not to make you jealous because honestly, you're the only person he'll ever look at like how he looks at you <3
he literally thinks it is SO COOL that you're into witchy stuff
will 100% introduce you to Avdol who will teach you more and help you do readings and such
he will watch anime with you and just spend time at your house reading manga
you have someone who will now officially kick your ass in video games so get prepared for some competition
loves your hair and will play with it while telling you how much he loves you
will literally tell you every morning how much you mean to him so you start your day off nice all the time lol
he literally thinks you are gorgeous and will remind you how much he loves you, which obviously makes you fall head over heels <333
matchup rules --- pinned post
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cecilianotthesaint · 7 months
Overly Long Look At This Blog
Who Am I
Cecilia/Lia, tbh I don’t care much what you call me except for variations of CC (please don’t)
Prefer they/them pronouns but any are okay
Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, Virgo Rising
Not a new to witchcraft, just new to talking about it on the internet (long time lurker tho)
Not Wiccan
Tbh I don’t really have a name for what I am so I use some different ones kinda randomly
I literally live in a cabin in (actually next to) the woods and I take my position as weird witchy woods person very seriously
I live in the Missouri Ozarks (in the foothills) and I like to connect my craft to that
Also some limited pantheon/deity stuff, mostly Roman and Germanic/Norse, but more as like…a face for greater things than an actual 1:1 experience
Unfortunately culturally Christian, and while my craft mostly avoids that unless it’s folk stuff or research stuff, I can’t deny that it probably influences/biases me in some areas so…yeah (I grew up Methodist and also have very mixed feelings about the denomination specifically, but this isn’t the time to get into that)
I also don’t like saying what “type” of witch I am per se, but I do like to categorize the different types of magic/work that I do and I think that makes things easier for tags
Some variation of an animist
I’m an adult and I have a tendency to be pretty blunt about what’s going on in my life and that might sometimes include adult stuff (not in like a porn way, just in a very open way) and also curse a lot so uh yeah idk just if occasional batshit posts about sexuality/substances/taxes/whatever are going to bother you then you might skip along idk
Weird self development bs while I try and become a more functional human being
What Is This Blog
Primarily a place to have ideas and inspiration written out as well as progress of stuff I’m working on
Maybe eventually mini tarot reading because I’m working on building that up but idk yet
Probably some writing stuff, though it’ll be largely related to nonfiction/magical writing
Probably a lot of aesthetic reblogs
Probably a lot of reblogs in general tbh
Probably gardening/plant stuff
Maybe some recipes/spells that I’m working on just to have them concentrated in one spot
Lots of divination in general tbh
Some astrology stuff/magical timing stuff
Folklore/Fairytales/Cryptids/etc (these aren’t all the same I just have too many bullet points already)
Elemental stuff
Probably some fiber arts
Weird personal beliefs about different things (will be tagged appropriately)
Probably some queer shit idk
Maybe some occasional art, we’ll see
As a general rule I don’t think DNI’s work super well and will probably just block people I don’t like but I’ll just cover the bases of racists/homophobes/sexists/transphobes/you get the gist
Other than that just don’t interact if you’re from northern missouri and we’ll be all good (/j)
That’s a giant wall of text but that’s about it. Always down for messages and asks and what have you
Mostly here to make some friends right now ig
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tailsrevane · 1 year
[book review] northern lights by philip pullman (1995)
i first read this in college around when the ill-fated movie adaptation was coming out. i had seen the trailers and was thirsty for more fantasy type stuff, which it turns out was literally the entire cynical motivation for making the movie because they totally lotr-ed it up. the book is actually much more a response to narnia (which itself received the lotr-ification treatment in its film adaptations), but has a much different aesthetic/genre that the movie largely ignores, but we’re not here to talk about the movie rn i’m just setting the context of my first reading.
i was in the middle of reading it when the catholic church & others started calling for boycotts, and that was back during my misguided religious phase so at that point i was like “well, fuck.” but i was already in the middle of the book and i was really enjoying it so i kinda shrugged it off & decided that i enjoyed it but i didn't like that the church was the bad guys, and it was ok to enjoy something i disagreed with.
obviously now the anti-church stuff is a feature for me rather than a bug, so i was interested to see how i would feel about the book now with that in mind. and uh yeah, i do love that aspect of the book, very much so, yes. but it’s also so far in the background that a reader could be forgiven for it not being one of their biggest takeaways if they’re not paying close attention? like, by the end of the book it’s pretty fucking obvious that that was the entire point, but that turn happens in literally a line of dialogue at the end of the book (which i fucking love), but it’s not difficult to see in retrospect why even at my most brainwashed (not the fun/kinky kind, the boring religious kind) i was able to shrug it off and enjoy this as a silly little adventure yarn. which btw makes it pretty fucking hilarious that the church was so fragile about it, but whatevs!
but yeah, even though i don’t think it’s actually going to change anyone’s mind, that last interaction between lyra & pantalaimon that i alluded to earlier was everything to me this time. when pan says, “if they [the church] think dust is bad, it must be good!” and i forgot that that point was made that explicit in this book. it’s possible to miss its import if you’re just caught up in the breezy adventure the rest of the book has been, but it just absolutely turns the world upside down. i fucking love it.
also, another thing that hit me on a completely different level this time was this passage:
his hands, still clasping her head, tensed suddenly and drew her toward him in a passionate kiss. lyra thought it seemed more like cruelty than love, and looked at their dæmons, to see a strange sight: the snow leopard tense, crouching with her claws just pressing in the golden monkey’s flesh, and the monkey relaxed, blissful, swooning on the snow.
“strange sight”? idk man, sounds pretty normal to me.
other things i loved included serafina talking about feeling the starlight & moonlight on her skin. even though it wasn’t particularly foregrounded, all the witchy stuff was wonderful. i also loved iorek byrnison. as if having a magical little animal spirit that was part of yourself & you could talk to & cuddle wasn’t enough, lyra also gets a fucking armored bear king protecting her! what a lucky girl!!
and of course lyra herself was a wonderful protagonist. she’s just so fucking good. strong desire to protecc.
in the category of things i didn’t so much love was all the casual, careless racism. like, don’t get me wrong, this isn’t as bad of an offender as the aforementioned lewis or tolkien books, or a lot of its more direct influences like say the works of jules verne, but it still is rather frustrating all the same.
kinda par for the course for stuffy british adventure stories tbh, but again it’s not like outlandishly racist or anything, just… there’s an undercurrent throughout that i wouldn’t feel right not mentioning.
i also think it’s worth noting that while these books are marketed as y.a., they’re probably, uh, a bit heavy for the average kid? like, some genuinely traumatizing stuff happens!! but also idk kids are a lot more resilient than people give them credit for, i know this wouldn’t have phased me if i had read it when i was 12, just feels worth mentioning that it gets pretty dang dark.
so yeah, if you can shrug off the fairly commonplace racism of someone who seems like he’s trying his best but is too british not to be casually racist, this is a pretty great read. i find it very easy to get sucked in. lyra is such a great protagonist who you genuinely want to be safe, and the writing style hits that really nice sweet spot where it has a lot of inherent personality that leaps off the page, but it’s also still extremely approachable, which is just the perfect recipe to make something compulsively readable.
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betchasnatcher · 1 year
tell about the fashion of the characters. i mean. what style of clothes does badge, snatcher and cc ( or other ) also what aesthetics would you associate w them. ( for example. cc likes cottagecore vanilla, snatcher emo punk, etc. )
Aaaaaaaaa hi you asked this on may 5 . i waited to be granted a vision to forward to you but brain machine function appears to have been compromised. So you get my true words coming from my actual self this time . content warning for: i am allergic to using -core stuff and have become increasingly more embarrassed of naming unrelated words to create a feeling through associations buildup so this is , not very well put together. you live in my world. also 70% of this is snatcher
i used to be crazy in head over warm cute winter clothing snatcher, like scarves hats (especially those covering ears but not necessarily ushankas) sweaters..... as a way to, deal with the cold vanessa continuously inflicts onto the forest, and him. not to mention hes somewhat overexposed to it through having to directly contain it. i commonly see people associate him with fire warmth summer etc whatever but to be honest i dont find portraying her and vanessa as inherent opposites compelling. i suppose snatcher embracing his inner warmth is a sweet narrative to enact but personally i gravitated more towards accommodation for that cold / hurt and valuing his own comfort. but thats his clothing style
aesthetic wise, i know theyre the "creepy smiling person thing" living in the "scary forest" but i do not, and have never, cared about halloween, so i actually sort of forget its the aesthetic the game assigns them. generally i suppose any creepy thing could suit them, like creepy cute stuff. subconites are very creepy cute . dolls dresses witchy stuff etcccccc i dont actually know . skull with bow . so while i cannot really do justice to the aesthetic in my portrayal , i acknowledge it at last . i am actually a little ashamed in being sincerely unable to view or acknowledge it for so long . whatever. my own personal thoughts are those of his stupid idiot male living space tree. shouldve put a carpet on a wall at least. its so empty . i gueeeeessss its cuuuteeee how its warmly lit and has its own music but um shrugs i dont feel about it . its still funny and pathetic to me . sorry about the amount of hating in this reply idk what to talk about and i feel bad about letting asks sit in my inbox. uuuuhhhhhhhh
cellar cold wet horrible compromised gnawed on brick walls snow snowflake isolated rotting stupid gay . is something i portray a lot. but its honestly kind of painful to reduce my art containing it to a purely aesthetic enjoyment or intent. because as i have developed and changed i think its fair to say it evolved into more of a tool to portray feelings too serious to me to even mislabel, even momentarily. probably less even feelings and more very specific places in my soul that by definition refuse to be contained to aesthetic association of sensation or whatnot. texture temperature color. the way i perceive the thing changes but it remains. "some things dont feel like anything else" or whatever. so i cant really talk in depth about what defines the aesthetic of that part of his life, or the aesthetic of any thing really. i used to be super confused about what people on the internet mean by 'aesthetic of something' and then i briefly grasped it and now its lost again
hat kid. i super like her spaceship i think its very cute . people associate her w space and cartoon star and crescent and clocks (of course) i have not personally considered that but i enjoy the vision :)
i associate mu with seaside stuff, shells and whatnot. comfy loose clothing. shes probably a 'day' kind of person
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pixie-broom · 2 years
Hello gamers today I am going to continue to scream into the void about my oc’s whom I know nobody cares about nor asked for but it’s my blog and I get to choose the hyperfixations so say hello to Zenith
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Wow I didn’t realize how much I improved until I looked at these side to side they’re all from this summer lmfao and I just realized I didn’t watermark a single one of them but I have like negative 50 followers so it’s ok
Pronouns: She/Her, is fine with They/Them as well
Story/Universe: Shroudwell Bower (Original Story)
Aesthetic: Witchcore, also a lot of starry stuff idk what that’s called
Gender: Demigirl
Age: Early 20’s
Race: Moon elf/half elf mix
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Dating Ester Qivnor
Height: 5’3
Build: Somewhat plump, curvy, pear shaped body
Alignment: Chaotic good
Distinguishing features: Short ears by elf standards, starry freckles, purple hair (she dyes it lol, it’s naturally black with some silver strands thanks to her moon elf heritage)
Favorite Color: Purple Purple Purple Purple it’s all she wears (black is acceptable too)
Favorite flower: Purple Roses
Favorite Tea: Black but with lots of sweetener and cream to the point where it’s only like 1% tea
Favorite Animal: Black cats lol, classic witchy answer
Personality: Very rebellious, stubborn and determined. She was seen as a “problem child” from a young age and decided to fill that role out of spite. In secret, she’s actually quite studious, and wishes to learn magic, despite being forced into the role of a mercenary by her higher ups. To meet this goal of hers, Zenith often sneaks out into the Shroudwell Forest in order to study the magic around it. It’s during one of these outings that she meets Ester and they go on an adventure to overthrow the government together lol #couplegoals
Strengths: Strength of will, determination, eventually magic
Flaws: Not good at combat until she learns magic, insecure about being “untalented” or “not good enough” and a healthy dose of abandonment issues she combats by lashing out or becoming distant
I may add more later but it’s like almost 1 in the morning I need to fix my fucked up sleep schedule good night
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spikeymarshmallows · 1 year
Some streams of Thot about my brain and I'm tired and sad and not depressed but I've been a bit UGH for a few days now and just... Wanna whine
This year im gonna attempt to celebrate my birthday. Nothing big. Just anything at all. The last however many years have been either me hiding it, or like... Yeah.
This year. I have ordered cake from my favourite florist and I've asked my housemate and GF and bestie and besties GF if she wants to come... I'm sure it'll be fine. It has no reason not to be fine.
As my mental health has (overall) been improving, I find myself longing to get back some of my favourite things. I miss doing my witchy stuff. I weirdly miss exercising. The thing is. I can't seem to get myself to do the thing. Like, heck, just doing 5 Pushups on the wall. Idk what to do about it. (in b4 suggestions about going with friends, I absolutely cannot and do not work out with friends. My best friend literally lives 800m away, goes to the gym most days, has invited me multiple times. Brain says NO in fiery letters about this and any workouts with friends in general).
I miss doing my tarot shit. I wanna finish my tarot book....
I wanna try writing again but my brain is so tired. I should try to do those Tumblr ficlets.
I'm just very tired. I know I say that a lot. I'm not always tired anymore. It's good.
The therapist asked today when I have down days, do I worry this is the beginning of another spiral? I said I don't. In many ways I don't. But I also do.
I keep remembering like. In the months leading up to hospital, the actual hospital visit. The thing that sorta kept breaking me each time was this horrible feeling saying "I don't think we get to get better this time". But I did.
Hmm. Maybe I should paint that.
Anyway. I'm just weary and anxious about uni and just don't have enough brain function to live the life I want even a third of.
I shoild try to tarot again each morning tho. That was nice.
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ahhh I gotcha absolutely! but hey, we gotta do with what we were handled with! I honestly think that maybe buying a more comfortable chair + all those cute aesthetic tools that I see around would help... but 1) I don't have all that space, 2) I don't have all that money.
and thank you! I... tried once yoga in school, but I am not.. flexible at all, but I'll definitely check her out as I desperately need something to calm myself! also I live fairly near the beach so I get to swim in it often, but I haven't been in a pool... wait no I went in one on holidays last year... but you couldn't swim freely ugh.
oh yeah, I absolutely love hearing more about Vaella (and also Aeron, I love the whole confidence but also disaster combo) and her husband (and I hope you'll find a name soon, as that seems a mouthful!). I love sunshine x grumpy couples and in general polar opposites!
and oh gods, I gotcha about the whole comfort/aesthetic, but I also feel like what stops me is that I don't have an house/apartment of my own... as I not only share my room at uni but also it isn't my own. but I have to admit that once I have an apartment of my own, I'll feel more entitled to buy all the cute stuff I see on Pinterest and Zara Home and Maison Du Monde (I entered, once, to help a friend with christmas gifts and I just wanted to buy everything).
also I feel like aemond wouldn't do it even knowingly! he'd be like buying double of stuff because .... 'you might stay over' and he'd be like freeing stuff or like moving stuff around and having a free cardboard and he is like 'oh maybe when they come over'. he'd be very enamored and thoughtless and I might cry!
thank you again! and awkward aemond was a whole lot fun to write! I just love them awkward!
ahhh I am definitely checking more of him, as I love listening to scores while doing mindless stuff on computer!
in the meanwhile, thank you for suggesting him and have a lovely day!
Ohhhh please, I would kill for a proper chair and even a proper desk because when I work/study from home I'm either all curved around my laptop on the couch or hunching over on the kitchen table because my chairs are so uncomfy! if only we had the means, bestie! which also ties into the whole, 'sharing a house' predicament! You can only do so much to make the place exactly like you want it to be and it's really frustrating. But at least is something to look forward to in the future! and hopefully we'll get to indulge in all the Zara Home and Masion Du Monde goodness (although I haven't heard of the latter, but I absolutely trust your word on it being amazing!)
Ohhh even if you're not that flexible (I'm not either) she makes it super easy to not go above your limit and is actually super kind and encouraging when she instructs! Also, 'confidence but disaster combo' lfdkgjslkjg yes that's exactly it! idk why I wanted to make him clueless in the love department but it just fit lmao! Actually I just found a faceclaim for his witchy wife and I'm so excited, but I still need to NAME these people. And Elaena's hubby's face is missing, so I'm going through it)
Stoooooop all those thoughts about Aemond slowly making space for you ajdljglkfjglkjslfkgjlkj it's too cute I'm gonna melt from all the fluff! he so would. He starts moving things bit by bit, and every time the spaces get wider/broader, until, before either of you know it, there's already all this space on his dresser and empty cabinets and a brand new set of towels and a bathrobe that he specifically bought for you.
Awkward Aemond reigns supreme and I'm so here for what you've got in store for that story!! Have the loveliest of days and a good start of the week, darling! x
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druidicdemon · 2 years
Aight so I did the remaking of a tumblr about a year ago but now I am really gonna start trying to use it. Can't edit my actual blog until I get a pc again so that's fun but here's a little bit about me!
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1: I do art sometimes lol, this picture here is of my online persona. Right now my art is on pause due to not having a working computer, unless I get motivation to try traditional again.
2: I have many pets! And you will probably see many pictures of them! They are a dog, 3 cats, and 3 rats uwu
3: I am a gay transmasculine demiboy, most likely also asexual?? Idk the urge to get dicked down and being repulsed by the thought fluctuates a LOT lmao.
4: Not really about me but I think I'm gonna make sideblogs for things. Like make a grimoire on one, a recipe blog on another...those might be the only 2 I keep more or less separate from my main blog. Just so I can have different custom styles for them without having to scroll through miles of code to add more to each one, yknow? Unless I find another way to do it idk we shall see when I get a computer to try it on again lol
5: Uhh...I am a part of many fandoms. Some I still have to admittedly catch up on (i.e. Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock. Also Homestuck I guess cause I haven't read Homestuck2 in a while lmao). Right now though I am rewatching the first season of The Owl House cause I saw Disney+has the second season. Then I will be watching the new stuff for Inside Job and The Cuphead Show.
6: I play videogames! Mostly on my ps4 rn cause I, again, don't haveba working computer. But I play some GTAV Online, Overwatch 2, and wanna get back to playing Cyberpunk 2077. When I have my computer I also play Wizard101 since I am now an adult with money and can go to the areas I couldn't as a kid without money. I have too many games I haven't finished yet cause my interests can change constantly, but maybe someday I will finish them who knows? Not me!
7: I want to make this to 10 points so...music? I like music. I have yet to find a song I absolutely HATE but back to interests changing a lot it's the same for music. I have to be in a particular mood for certain songs which is just...amazing when I'm in control of the music in social situations.
8: I'm into the paranormal, divination, and other witchy things. I haven't started participating in witchcraft as much as I would've liked to but...that is going to change now that I'm in a place I feel comfortable and safe in.
9: Sometimes I'm funny 🤷‍♂️
10: I made it to 10! I really can't think of anything else to add so...I just want to say my blog is a safespace for everyone and anyone. I'll try my best to tag things with potential triggers but if I miss any just let me know and I will fix it asap!
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bisluthq · 21 days
I disagree lol, I guess I see it very differently idk. I've been a die hard fan of this woman since 2009 and she's SUCH a theater kid, she literally started out in children's theater when she was 8 (shout-out to Marjorie who enrolled her) and she did so many musicals (played Sandy in Grease, Maria in The Sound Of Music etc) and if you look at the Speak Now tour it's SO theatrical and dramatic and OTT. I think she loves theatrics and recently also visual representations of her songs and she's at a point where she has a the freedom to lean into that as much as she wants.
Also, like that anon said, this woman has never let a single thing go in her life (I personally relate to that a lot lol I'm not vengeful like she is but I carry the pain of ugly shit that happens to me forever). This girl wrote about the asshole man 10 years older than her that was her first mayor heartbreak just recently for example (Maroon, The Manuscript). There's a reason why ppl were like "omg she still has pent up feelings for Jake" after the ATW SNL performance, it's both because she's that good of a performer and bc she just doesn't let things go. She's still pissed as hell about the masters fiasco and lets out all that rage every night during mtr, you'd think she wants Scott Brochetta to apologize to her publicly and restore their professional relationship. Same with Kim K.
Imo she wants absolutely nothing to do with any of this ppl and does not care at all for/about them, but she does care about the feelings her experiences with them caused her and she will continue to forever bc she is a person who feels everything extremely intensely and has giant emotions (I also relate to that). It's part of what makes her such a good writer and performer imo but maybe I'm naive and giving more credit to her artistry than there actually is lol
I do 100% agree that there are parallels with the 1975 on-stage antics but I think you guys are exaggerating a bit lol the white flag in the back during TSMWEL is imo a reference to The Great War (the lyric video for that song is a white flag) and the dying slowly from gunshots is very You're Losing Me and many other instances are imo her being self- referential (the high school bleachers imagery nod to the YBWM mv, the witchy stuff in WAOLOM feels like a nod to LWYMMD and willow and the whole BDILH part could straight up be pulled out of the Speak Now tour).
So I tbh think she hates Matty's guts and wants to never have anything to do with him, but she's not quite done being hurt and angry at what he did. Hell, she isn't even done being angry and hurt at what Jake did lol. She just...is like that lol. She can perform the hell out of a sad song and convey those very harrowing emotions while being very happy herself and vice versa.
Surprisingly enough Travis seems to understand that very well, he can properly digest that Taylor Swift TM, the personas she plays up on stage, and the woman he loves all exist in the same person. And he seems to love all of these parts at once which simply never happened in her previous rs, she's had ppl love certain parts of her a lot but be unable to deal with her multitudes idk
fair enough!
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