#idk I’m sure someone’s already had this theory
i-normally-dont · 7 months
You think Kinger can sometimes hear what people in the real world are saying?
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insightfulllama · 1 year
The first thing Ranboo clearly says is, “It wasn’t supposed to…be like this…” They are very disoriented and confused, verging on distress.
When the mask turns on, they panic and yell “no” several times, before standing and going, “Where am I?” and “This place sure looks weird!” in the NPC voice. I believe he knew something was wrong and was able to scream, but not anything more before they took full control. 
The NPC behavior isn't as obvious as it is in "Warehouse", but I definitely see it now that I'm looking for it. Pretty unsettling. 
Ranboo checks locations they had already looked at before the mask turned on. (The door, the bookshelf, the ashes, etc)
Ranboo can see us, but with the masks influence we appear as a “weird painting”. 
When he is flipping through the magazines and waiting for chat to decide where they go, he says, “These are just old pajamas.” I think that’s what they say, I have no idea what it means. 
When Ranboo first goes to look at the window, he bends out of frame and messes with something (I think the VHS’s) and says, “Those don’t seem too important.” Pretty interesting considering he later uses a VHS to communicate with the one trying to get him out. (Showfalls influence?)
He’s complained about his head hurting twice now, I think this may become a pattern
They find a set of teeth in the drawer
The red key is IN the red bat- mirroring how the key is in Slimecicle later? Did he have to dig into a dead animal to get it here as well and we just didn’t see it because of the mask? 
Ranboo’s spacial awareness seems impaired. He doesn’t know where Slime went because he can’t directly see him. This happens again later with Sneeg, Ranboo looking the entirely wrong way when Sneeg calls out. Both Slime and Sneeg call attention to this- “It’s a house, there’s door frames! How did you get inside if you do not know what a door is?” and “How do you not hear me?...How did you look over there, man?”
JUST realized the key colors match the “characters” we’ve been introduced to. (The Savior, The Taken, The Villain)  I don’t know if there’s further symbolism connected to where the keys are found and stuff but it’s pretty neat. 
When Slime does the pinkie swear promising that Ranboo can leave after he does the cooking challenge, they have their fingers crossed behind their back. 
Slimy Guts is one of the available ingredients, bit sus considering our new knowledge. Also chinese leftovers got 0% of the votes LOL
The random cutaways are kinda strange. Don’t know what to make of them. 
Ranboo uses a pretty big knife to open a little package of slime, is instructed to “beat up” the food and call it names, and later he offers to cut Slime off the floor when he gets stuck. I think there’s a good chance ranboo stabbed someone and made a meal with their guts. Or something in that vein. (Several times Ranboo points out that these aren’t REAL ingredients and he doesn’t know how someone could eat it. What’s happening is probably so horrifying that he can’t imagine it as something normal like chicken, so his brain is substituting with stuff that’s weird but TECHNICALLY not morally reprehensible.)
Fridge says “BEHIND YOU” on it
Gummy worm was in the freezer, body parts can be kept in freezers, idk
Someone really likes mayo, cause they stopped it when it was on the turntable and gave the camera a thumbs up
Slime tries the meal but he’s really reluctant and needs specific circumstances to do it. If the theory of the meal being human guts it true, the hesitation probably didn’t have anything to do with airplane noises…
What is in the backgrounds of these cutaways? It’s so blurry idk, I can’t tell. It’s sort of purply. 
The dish in the end turns to slime with all the possible ingredients mixed in, even the ones we didn’t pick. In universe it reinforces that our choices don’t really matter, from a meta perspective it’s probably so they only had to make one slime prop. 
The timing of the marshmallow string stretching as slime tries to feed ranboo is HYSTERICAL, golden comedic timing
The mask starts blinking when ranboo gets the tape message. 
The person on tape instructs Ranboo “not to resist”. I believe this is said in the second message as well. Perhaps they don’t want Ranboo drawing attention to themself
Like in the room they woke up in, Ranboo checks areas multiple times, seemingly with no memory of the first time he checks. He does the exact same “flashlight in the eyes” gag each time he picks it up. It really enforces that in this moment he is a puppet, not making his own choices. 
“What’s over here?” NPC!Ranboo back in full swing with this dialogue. 
Ranboo did the cooking game, Sneeg didn’t. Sneeg refused to kill? Maybe cause he didn’t have a mask? Hmmm idk
The baby skull on a background shelf has a MASSIVE forehead
Light starts flickering when slime appears
What does the fight between evil sneeg and ranboo mean? Maybe they were both trapped and had a fight?? What does it mean without the obscuring mask? 
Ranboo is able to get sneeg out of slimes influence, and sneeg says a few times afterward that he’s immune now. Ranboo can help people get out of Showfalls influence? (The gooey hat does bring Sneeg out of the influence later, extension of that Ranboo effect?)
When Sneeg looks to see if Slime is in the box, there is a “shhhh” sound effect
Sneeg says Frank is his eyes and ears- was Frank a whistleblower, feeding information about Showfall to the outside? Unsure
Goo chest- possibly full of human bits? Corpse in a trunk is a pretty common trope
Jello on the shelves of Slime’s room
Same picture that was on the fridge is in a frame on the table
Ranboo looks at the mirror the same way twice, reinforcing the NPC vibes
Another false choice- the story only progresses if you go to sleep. Talking to Sneeg only gets some more NPC dialogue. Most of sneeg’s other dialogue sounds genuine, so this is strange.
Sneeg seems unable to move or act while ranboo is asleep
Could the eight hours that passed be literal? If things are obstructed by the mask it very well could be
“You would have known had you been awake!” Before the reveal of the mask making things look different I thought the streams were going to be revealed to be a dream. Clearly it’s not entirely a dream, but this dialogue is still fun. 
SHARK PICKLE LOBSTER TIME!! What would this be in real life? An actual human experiment? Security dogs? Full on hallucination?
This is a pretty funny way to promote the merch honestly lol (referring to ranboo using his merch to trick the thing into cage)
Ranboo seems baffled by his idle fighting animation for a second. He says, “Why am I just standing here? What’s going…” and when the camera pulls back the mask is flickering. 
When Slime sends his ghouls to grab Ranboo I believe he tries to move out of the way. They kind of jerk a bit, like they're trying to move their feet, before saying, “Why can’t I just- get out of here? I just need to get out of here-” The mask is once again flickering during this
After the fight the mask starts flickering a LOT, plus the other lights in the cabin. Tv comes back on. 
The TV man is named Hetch? He says, “My name is-” I think he says Hetch? Unsure
Mans gets drugged up at the end, rip
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boydepartment · 9 months
jungwon is the type of guy…
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a/n- i see these on tiktok all the time but they’re super goofy, so i wanted to make it a lil romantic! 😋😋😋 anyways! i got food sickness today so if there’s any mistakes in grammar pls ignore i can fix it later. this is a wip test i just wanna see if this does okay :)
warnings- none just fluff :)
wc- dawg idk like 250??
other members part-
jungwon heeseung jay jake sunghoon sunoo ni-ki
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song- love theory by taeyong and wonstein
jungwon is the type of guy who….
🐈 notices you sitting alone in the canteen all the time, at the workplace you had trouble making any kind of connections until he randomly sits with you.
🐈 asks you everyday about your day, jungwon is genuinely interested and wants to make sure you’re feeling okay and comfortable.
🐈 listens to how you’re feeling, if you’re down he’d tries to figure out how to help you. for the most part he can’t, it’s just life. but he still listens, that itself is helping you enough.
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🐈 starts to get feelings for you when he notices how unique your laugh is. how your hair falls a certain way after you had to run into work in the rain. jungwon notices how he starts to take note of your favorite foods in the canteen, he knows he’s in trouble.
🐈 tries his hardest to distance himself from you in hopes his feelings will go away. spoiler alert, they don’t. the more time he is spending away from you just makes his feelings for you get worse.
🐈 accepts the fact he has feelings for you. of course he asked all his friends about it. they already saw it coming. jungwon had been ranting and raving about how amazing you are for weeks now.
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🐈 asks you out in the least awkward way possible. i’m lying. but it’s a “cute” awkward where jungwon stumbles over his words and is a blushing mess. you accept his offer to coffee after work :)
🐈 as your relationship grows, makes sure you are both growing together. any projects you have, he is your number one supporter. he wants you to succeed more than anything.
🐈 when you fall asleep on him after a long day, he tries to get you to bed quietly. but he accidentally bumps your head in the doorframe and you wake up giggling. he apologizes profusely before starting to laugh with you.
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💛🐈 jungwon is the type of guy who never shuts up about how much he loves you. if someone is friends with them, trust me THEY KNOW.
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a-wine-dark-sea · 1 month
a rat grinders theory I’m sure someone else has already proposed:
what if kipperlily is giving the rest of the party devils nectar and making them forget all the fucked shit they’ve been doing? to me it seems like she’s the only one who has Had It Out for the bad kids since the beginning and the others are pretty (or at least more) chill when we meet them without her, e.g. oisin and ivy at the party. plus oisin’s effort to de-escalate the fight in the canteen is rotating in the back of my mind
idk just an idea
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whenwewereyoung97 · 7 months
Trigger warning: mention of suicide
Beware: Iron Flame Spoilers
I’m definitely on the Naolin turned venin to save Brennan train, but I don’t think he’s still alive. My theory is that he used the power to save Brennan, then either took his own life, or asked Tairn to do it, because he couldn’t live with the consequences.
The idea that Naolin is still alive doesn’t sit right with me, because Tairn isn’t the kind of character that would just give up on his rider like that. His bonds are too strong. And for him to then turn around and bond someone else? Idk it doesn’t fit.
I can’t tell if Xaden and Sgaeyl still have any type of bond left. “I don’t bother reaching for Sgaeyl. She’s been eerily silent since the battle ended” reads to me like he can still feel the bond, but hasn’t tried to communicate. He doesn’t appear worried about it. It could be denial, and he’s too scared he’d find that the bond is gone. But I didn’t get the impression the connection between them had been severed in Violet’s last chapter (She shifts her forelegs, revealing Xaden standing at the edge of the ravine, his back turned toward me. “Be careful of your words.”).
Jack and Baide still seem to have a bond during the events of IF, and we know he was well on his way to being venin when Vi brought the mountain down on him. I’m not sure why Jack would have been able to ride Baide if they weren’t still bonded. Dragons seem pretty fierce on that front. And Violet, or someone around her would have noticed if Jack wasn’t participating in flight maneuvers, right? Either way, Jack somehow got Baide to come to the Wardstone chamber. He could have actually spoken to her, but that feels off too.
The bond could be erased slowly over time, I suppose, or deteriorate as one goes deeper into being venin.
All this to say, I really can’t believe Tairn would have abandoned Naolin and bonded Violet if any part of their connection still remained. Even if they did lose their connection, could Tairn’s relationship with Naolin really have been that different from the one he has with Violet? Because there’s no way he’d give up on Violet, connection or not, unless she was already dead.
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tachimichishrine · 7 months
I swear no one does Higuchi justice like c’mon I’m BEGGING to be her cute wife that cooks for her whenever she comes from the Mafia. The chokehold she has on me is just *mwah* she’d be so sweet
also love your tachihara fanfiction it’s my dinner everyday <3
<never been crazy abt higuchi but writing for her just,,, it did smth ok- GAH HOW IS THERE NOT A SINGLE FIC OUT THERE FOR HER?? also you're so sweet ill be sure to feed u properly huheeheheh... thank you for your service to the tachi community btw, all the best w your writing n future fics ^w^ >
higuchi ichiyo x wife! reader
warnings: i attempt fluff again ; this is so short idk why, apologies my liege ; this is fiction bc there's no way i could cook smth and not poison my wife/ burn the house down in the process ,,, ; tw bath!! (/j it's all just fluff) ; l e s b i a n s ; love language is phys touch deal with it ; itty bitty cursing ; lowercase intended ; NOT proofread
you knew not to panic in such situations. waking up to disheveled sheets that had turned frigid, indicating that ichiyo had been gone too long. you allowed yourself to sleep in, given that you had the day off and decided you'd just lounge around, take a break and plan something nice for your lover in the meantime.
a stress-free period, but all you felt was anxiety when you dialed her number and got sent straight to voicemail repeatedly. this time, you decided you might as well actually leave a message when the line rang for too long.
"'chiyo, honey, call me back when you get this. just wanna make sure everything's okay, alright? I miss you already, love y-"
"who the hell is this?"
you'd been anticipating the automated voice so much that it barely registered that you didn't actually hear it this time, and a quick glance at the screen confirmed that you really were on call with someone on the other end of the line. the voice was raspy, definitely not hers, so you echoed back the question.
"um, who are you?" you challenged with a hand on your hip that they couldn't see.
except, instead of a response, you heard some distant voices on the other line, one rather hyper as it babbled something you interpreted as 'akutagawa-senpai!'. a few noises ensued along a brief chaos you couldn't see, and suddenly the phone was put back to someone's ear as they panted. you could recognize that heavy breathing anywhere.
"hey, hey, 'chiyo, what's going on?" you spoke softly, hoping she was alright and not trying to scare her.
she stuttered nervously. "sorry, I'm so sorry, I must've dropped my phone somewhere and akutagawa-senpai picked it up and-"
"woah, was that the akutagawa you're always talking about?" you couldn't believe it; after being with her for so long, you'd only ever heard stories about the people with whom she worked. you agreed that the kind of place where she operated was dangerous and it was better not to get yourself involved, so she kept you separated from everything she did. you appreciated the thought, but sometimes you felt a little frustrated that you couldn't meet the people in her life— you didn't even think they were aware ichiyo was married.
a tired sigh confirmed your theory. "look, [_____], I'll call you back when-"
"higuchi, who is that?"
akutagawa seemed to be speaking again, and quite frankly you didn't like his tone. if you were on speaker, you'd set him straight but for now you just listened to ichiyo ramble a response while not actually answering the question. he sounded tired of the bullshit and eventually the line was cut off harshly. something told you that you won't be able to call this number anymore.
music played on the speaker as you hummed, tray of baked goods getting pulled out of the oven by your gloved mitten. the smell filled out the rather small place you shared with both your wife and sister-in-law, but the latter was out for the week on some kind of trip and left you all alone. you'd gotten used to ichiyo's erratic lifestyle, sometimes disappearing during the day and barely making it home at night. she sounded exhausted when she did arrive, so you didn't mind taking care of the little things.
proud of yourself, you put the assorted goods in various plates and left them on the table, waiting for her to come home. you couldn't call her, obviously, since it appears her boss had pulverized the device out of rage. you'd be worried if not for the fact that, based on her stories, it seemed this was a regular occurrence and she didn't mind it. you'd feel jealous of the man if it weren't for the fact that she fawned over you much harder in all the days you'd known her. she knows what she wants and does everything to get it, you'll give her that. by nature, ichiyo was incredibly caring and it was difficult to hold that against her
something was in your hands as you lounged on the couch, passing the time: a book, your phone, anything to keep your mind occupied. the sun had set and you were getting impatient, as nighttime meant she was going to be out until the early hours and might even come home with a particular scent on her clothing that resembled blood and death. how a person so sweet, so feeling could get into this kind of business was beyond you, much less how she could last thing long. she once told you that the only reason she could keep her mind this long was coming home to your soft kisses and pampering.
a clicking of the front lock and the creaking that ensued signaled that you were about to do that once more, and you strolled over to the entrance with an excited smile.
"welcome home, 'chiyo, how wa-" you caught yourself off when you saw a splatter of crimson along her cheek. your lips tugged downwards into a frown as a reflex, and you sighed gently once you saw her expression. she seemed so conflicted, not about whatever crime she'd done but about making you worry so quickly. "hey, hey, it's okay, c'mere."
with that, you pulled her into your embrace and set a kiss on her hair. it still smelled like that shampoo you'd bought her, a subtle vanilla and chamomile that reminded you of her. her entire body slumped into your strong arms, and she let you drag her across the house, shedding her shoes, meticulously pulling the elastic out of her hair to let her messy bun fall into a bob, then helping her out of her unbuttoned jacket. you pulled her body into yours as you laid down on the couch again, but this time with her head shoved into your chest, which was one of her favourite things to do.
"wanna talk about it?" you asked, dumbly, one of your regular antics. of course she wanted to talk about it; she did an awful job keeping things to herself anyways.
so, you listened carefully while she recounted stories with fake names to keep you protected and vague details in certain places, specific in others. she didn't seem hungry, so you just skipped the food for now and dragged her to your bedroom. you were about to throw her pajamas and get her to change so you could just lay down in bed for the evening, but the burgundy was darkening on patches on her arm and you couldn't help but stare at it.
"—so akutawaga-senpai showed up and I felt a little stupid but he-" you interrupted her by grabbing her shoulders and giving her a little shake.
"honey, can we clean off... that..." you danced around the topic, but she knew exactly what you meant when your eyes kept darting to certain areas of her skin. she nodded and you gave her a quick kiss on her forehead. "I'll run the bath and we can scrub it off. keep going, I'm listening."
she continued speaking as you did exactly that and eventually both of you were stripped and laying down in the tub. she was sitting in between your legs, with her back resting on your chest and head leaning back to rest on your shoulder. you traced her body, rubbing into certain patches until her skin was back to its beautiful glow. the warmth of both her and the water was too comforting, and you stayed longer than needed, your fingertips turning raisin-like in protest. despite this, you leaned down to kiss her up and down her neck while you gently massaged her flesh from her thighs to her hips, her stomach to her breasts. if she wasn't so tired that she eventually ran out of steam and stopped talking just to revel in your embrace, you might've handled her a little differently. yet, at this moment the only desire you had was to pamper her.
"ichiyo..." you breathed out slowly, lips grazing her ear while you kissed her again and spread out your fingers over her stomach. "mmmmn... 'missed you... i love you s'much..."
god, you would break her if you kept this up. so long together that you finally managed to put a ring on it yet she still fangirled over you like you were her high school crush. even as you pulled yourselves out of the sanctuary of steam and warmth in order to actually eat, she blushed every time you left a quick peck on her cheek or rubbed noses while chuckling softly.
she fell asleep in your arms, with her leg on top of you pulling you close like her very own plushie. it was hard not to smile at her once she began snoring and murmuring something about akutagawa during her slumber.
hand in hand, you snuggled up in big jackets in the middle of the night to fend off the frigid breeze. holding onto your fingers wasn't enough, and ichiyo was fully clinging onto your bicep as you walked with her in the empty streets of yokohoma.
"this s-sounded so m-much more fun when w-we were inside... warm... by the f-fireplace.." her teeth chattered and she pulled herself closer into you.
"you were the one who suggested getting something from the café," you retorted with a chuckle, opposite hand brought up to tuck her hair behind her ear that was starting to turn pink from the cold. you rubbed your thumb along her cheek which was going through something similar, then sighed with a cloud of hot breath. "alright, honey we'll head in. i think there's another one on this street, we can just stay there and warm up before we go back, mkay?"
she would feel a bit ashamed about being so demanding if you hadn't pulled her in tighter and looked at her so lovingly. she had such an impossible time never believing she was capable enough at the mafia, and that discomfort disappeared as soon as you whispered sweet nothings into her ear and made her feel like everything was alright.
you turned your bodies together, door jingling as you stepped inside and the air blowing down from the heater hitting you. you realized that she was right, it was too damn cold outside, as soon as you felt the contrast of the inside. you turned towards your lover with a quick look to see if her body was as relieved as yours, but she was staring at something intensely on the horizon, like she'd seen a ghost.
you followed her gaze, and it fell on a man with tuffs of white in his hair standing next to a woman, slightly shorter but with noticeably long stands of black veiling the sides of her face.
"do you know them?" you whispered, and she jumped a little. part of her wanted to drag you outside, but she couldn't lie to you or keep things no matter how much her common sense told her to.
"that's... they're..." she was struggling to say something, anything, but you noticed she was letting herself get flustered. in these kinds of situations, you liked to interrupt her with a kiss to bring her back to earth from her constantly overreacting mind.
she pulled away before your lips could touch.
she'd never done that before.
you knew better, that this was probably a question of her not wanting the pda right now or maybe it had something to do with the duo standing over there waiting for their drinks, but it hurt nonetheless when you saw her squint her eyes shut and shake her head.
"that's akutagawa," she whispered as an explanation, and you felt simultaneously irritated and relieved, the former due to the fact that it confirmed that she hadn't told her boss that she was in a relationship, much less married. you understood why but it didn't sting any less.
"who's the girl?" you followed up, trying not to think about it too deeply. "is that.. uh... gin?"
she nodded meekly, and it was impossible to stay mad for long when she was so cute. you slid your hand around her waist, turning her around so that her back was to the pair and they wouldn't recognize her while she spoke to you. your voice dropped so low she could barely hear it. "should we get out of here so they don't see us? I'm not that cold, I can wait outside if it makes you more comfortable, honey."
how could she ask you to do something like that when your words were so caring, so honest? she took a deep breath and shook her head once more. in one impossibly fast motion you found yourself on the other end of the shop, standing in front of the man.
"akutagawa-senpai!" ichiyo exclaimed just a bit too loudly for this time of the day and the serenity of the empty café. she bowed her head down, speaking incredibly quickly. "I don't mean to interrupt your evening but it's come to my attention that you don't know that I'm married and this is my wife her name is [_____] and she's wonderful and-"
"'chiyo, he won't be able to understand what you're saying," you laughed softly, cutting her off as you placed your hand on her back reassuringly before addressing her boss with a respectful nod. "it's nice to finally meet you, akutagawa-san. I've heard a lot about you."
he barely bothered to acknowledge you, but the slight twitch in the spot that should've housed his eyebrows signaled that he was shocked. your smile grew wider when you looked to his sister who was sporting the same look. you pulled ichiyo against you from her hip as if to prove that she was indeed yours, and spoke slowly to explain snippets of the current situation. gin listened carefully without a word while the man tried his very best to seem completely uninterested.
as much as you wanted to learn everything there was to know about ichiyo's other side, eventually his drink was ready and he barely excused himself as he walked out. you watched him do so, and gin nodded to you and said something about how nice it was to make your acquaintance in a meek voice before quickly following him out. you waved, and noticed akutagawa watching you do so warmly before burying his face in his coat and scampering off.
"well," you giggled, turning back towards ichiyo, "that wasn't so bad. she's cute and he's an ass, but I trust your judgement in people."
you could practically see stars in her eyes; she rambled to you the entire walk home - during which she didn't complain about the cold a single time and was nearly bouncing off the sidewalk - about how much he clearly loved you based on his expression (apparently the fact that he didn't try to kill you on the spot was a sure sign of his support). she was so excited she even suggested bringing you with her to the port mafia tomorrow, but you stopped her and told her to slow down for just one second. you loved that she was so passionate about her emotions, but you wanted to talk and think this through before you did anything.
for tonight, though, you let her radiate with happiness as she jumped on top of you, making the mattress creak while she climbed up to sit on your lap and curl her fingers around the fabric of your shirt. your hands on her hips, she sat down with her knees bent on either side of you like a frog and leaned so you were chest-to-chest. she tickled your skin to draw out soft giggles while she peppered you with kisses, littering you with her best efforts to repay just a fraction of what you did for her. you rubbed her thighs in long, loving motions and brought her up so she was sitting on your hips instead. you wanted her closer, and she was happy to oblige as she kissed your lips.
"[_____]," she said, smiling into you, "I'm so lucky..."
you cut her off with a press upwards and a firm grip. "shhh, don't say anything. I love you, you love me and that's all we need."
she murmured your name that night in her sleep instead of akutagawa's.
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the-au-collector · 4 months
Epic: The Musical and Linked Universe
So I’m sure someone else noticed this already but Epic: The Musical gives off Linked Universe vibes. So I’m honor of the Circe Saga releasing next week, I thought I’d put in my 2 cents about what songs I associate with each Link (+some non-canon LU Links). There’s a bit of another LU-Links-reunite AU building up in my head but there’s no real direction yet so have this brain vomit instead:
- The Horse and The Infant - Warriors. So this goes into my headcanon that Warriors is the hero of 10,000 years ago. No I have no foundation for that theory. It just IS. Anyways he’s fighting the Yiga with an army of Gerudo and Hylians. He has to kill the Yiga leader’s son, who’s the new incarnation of Ganondorf. The kid is an infant. I don’t think I need to explain more but yeah.
- Just A Man - Hyrule. This song is the ultimate Hyrule song for me. It explains his character in my Relinked AU too. It’s just… it’s Hyrule’s song. As for the story based off of Epic: The Musical itself, I think he’s running from some sort of war in his Hyrule (either a civil war or a war with Calatia). The details aren’t that clear yet, other than he kills someone and feels bad about it.
- Full Speed Ahead - Wind. Need I say more?
- Warrior of the Mind - our first non-canon Link: First! I Imagine First and Hylia kicking ass together during this song
- Polyphemus - Okay, we’re getting into true AU territory with this one, but this is Twilight’s song. He’s trying to piece together the Mirror of Twilight again and accidentally angers a Hinox or other large monster. With him is Dusk, Rusl (or maybe Colin), and Dusk is stabbed at the end. That’s all I’ve got for this one.
- Survive - Time. And this one has a Story. Ganondorf attacks Time’s castle town with an army of Gerudo and monsters. Time and the Sages fight him off but at the last second he breaks free and slaughters everyone, including Time. However, just as the song ends (the point where Polyphemus falls asleep), Zelda rewinds time and sacrifices herself to seal Ganondorf into the Mirror of Twilight. This is the moment the Downfall Timeline is created too.
- Remember Me - Our second non-canon Link, Shadow! He, Four, Dot, and others are fighting this monster. The Four Sword shatters, Shadow takes charge but in the end wants to do the noble thing. Oh and he gives his name as “Link” and not Shadow (or Shade, as Four’s beginning to call him in my headcanon)
- My Goodbye - Legend and Fable have a falling out. Legend’s sick of feeling used because he’s the hero, so he decides he’s had enough.
- Storm - Our third non-canon Link, Age! Basically a Tears of the Kingdom scenario except Age and his Zelda (Fauna) never went down below the castle. He never loses his arm and Fauna never goes to the past, but they have to evacuate Hyrule to the sky with the help of the Light Dragon who clears the way.
- Luck Runs Out - Sky and Groose. Idk what went down in Sky’s Hyrule but they’re having a disagreement about how Sky’s handling it.
- Keep Your Friends Close - Our last non-canon Link, Spirit! This one also has some story behind it to make the song fit. Idk why, but he and his Zelda (Phantom) have gone to speak to their Wind God, Zephos (the same from Wind Waker) who gives them a challenge. They fail and Spirit gets separated from the group. I imagine it might have something to do with Ganondorf who’s still stuck under the receding Great Sea.
- Ruthlessness - This absolute bop goes to Four. It’s also a follow-up to Remember Me, so that means the monster Shadow refused to kill is Special. Related in some way to Fierce Deity special. So the story here is after the encounter with the monster, Four, Shadow, and others (I’m debating giving Vaati a redemption arc?) decide to try to get help from the god Fierce Deity. Except Deity is pissed because he thinks Four is a weakling when it was actually Shadow who took the blame for what happened to the monster. Fierce slaughters all of Four and Shadow’s men, Four seals himself into the Four Sword to distract/hurt Fierce, and Shadow escapes but feels really guilty.
That’s all I’ve got for now. I’ll add the Circe Saga when it comes out.
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balbigalum · 2 years
Hi!! Could you write something about Aemond and reader in a modern setting? where they're both in college or something, like a reader pretty nervous that Aemond is sitting next to her or watching her idk something cute and tense please
okay let me know if you vibe with this setting (i’m not sure modern aus are my thing, the blurb is under the readmore)
aemond is still modern day royalty, more like the danish royal family rather than the british royal family (the danish have a lot more lose norms for the royal family they’re basically aristocrats unlike the british that can’t do anything tbh
still he is like 10th in the line of succession so he gets to have a life outside of the spotlight
he goes to university
probably majoring in philosophy or maybe law
he still wears his hair long and he has an eyepatch (a lot more modern and a lot less pirate-ish) 
he doesn’t have many friends outside of his siblings and nephews and tries to keep to himself
you share two classes with him and the targaryens are always a hot topic on everybody’s mouth
After a well needed vacation with your family you had returned to university, you were in your 3rd year already, following in your father’s footsteps to maybe one day take after him in the family business. Oldtown was bubbling alive with the school year starting, the streets filled with young students, some faces you knew, some others you didn’t. You had gotten yourself a small apartment on top of a flowershop some blocks away from the main building of the university, you had a spare room yet you didn’t have a roommate. You had to admit you were sort of a shy person, your mother’s anxiety had bleed onto you during your childhood and still carried some of her habits, something you were working on, you had a fair amount of friends, but you couldn’t help to feel like an outsider sometimes.
The first class was on “Ethics of Myrish Theory”, the room was almost all the way full when you came in, and there was an incessant wave of whispering and chatting coming from all angles. You wondered what was that about. Some of your classmates were keeping an eye out for the door, had something happened with the professor? You didn’t recall the name of the person that was supposed to teach the subject, maybe it was some Myrish eminence you forgot about. A small bubble of anxiety started rising from your stomach to your throat, you tried to push it down, it was the first day, it was okay to not know whatever current gossip going on. You found a spot and tried to calm yourself down, you could handle school. 
By the time the professor arrived the class had simmered down, he was getting ready to introduce himself when the doors opened one last time. You felt how the entire class turned around to look but you kept your head on the board, you personally didn’t enjoy being stared at when you arrived late, so you made a conscious effort to not look. You could swear you heard a small gasp from someone in the class, but you paid no mind to it. 
Someone started moving the chair next to you and the little bubble of anxiety you had tried so hard to keep down was making its way back again. “Excuse me.” The person mumbled while taking the seat. You understood why people had been whispering and gossiping, there was a Targaryen signed up for this class. “No problem.” You replied and he didn’t bother saying anything else, you started thinking maybe your voice wasn’t loud enough and he hadn’t even heard you in the first place. You shook your head a little, trying to keep that kind of thoughts away.
The lecture carried on as usual, you rarely sat next to people, always trying to find some empty spot you could occupy with all of your papers and books, so you couldn’t help to get a glimpse of the man next to you. His hair was long and a pearly shade of silver and he was dressed in all black. A small curiosity perked up in you about which of all of the Targaryen children was sitting next to you, if you recalled properly the family was numerous, especially after the king had remarried. You found yourself unable to list the names of all the family members, you could recite the names of the important members of the dinasty like Aegon The Conqueror or Visenya but your interest in history outweighed your interest in the current tabloids. 
You were too lost in your own mind when you noticed that he was speaking to you. "--Is that?" He was staring at you, he had asked you a question. You noticed how he wore a black patch over one of his eyes, you weren't sure where to look. The bubble was ready to burst. "Huh-" You started muttering and he cut you.
"I asked you what book is that?" He looked at the professor again. "He said we're using a short book this semester, I haven't had time to pick up the schedule and material." 
"Oh-" You replied. "Yeah, um… That's 'Cults and Tribes in R'hllor's Essos'" You picked up the book from your own bag to show it to him, but he was still looking at the professor, you awkwardly put the book on the table for him to see it. 
"Thanks," He said. "I think I have that." 
"You do?" Surprise overtook you before you could realize. "I mean… I had a really hard time finding it, my dad had to get it shipped from Essos." You lowered your voice towards the end of the sentence, you felt as if you shouldn't have spoken at all, you didn't know what it was but you always managed to make yourself feel out of place. 
"Yeah I know, I got it, tho." He commented, a small but confident smile painted his face. And as quick as it came it was gone.
You tried to keep your eyes on the professor and your notes for the rest of the class, making an effort of not paying attention to your surroundings, you wanted to enjoy your classes. Finally, the lecture came to an end and you started picking up your stuff, you could see from the corner of your eye the Targaryen Prince doing the same. 
"Here," he said, pushing the small red book in your direction. "Don't forget your book." You nodded. "See you around." He said, he didn't wait for a reply, he was gone. 
Later that week you found out his name was Aemond Tagaryen, son of King Viserys by his second wife. You had commented to a friend over coffee about your first day of school and your silver-headed classmate, with a short description she was quick to figure out you were talking about Aemond. She told you about sharing classes with Helaena Targaryen last year, and how weird people acted when they were around. Your friend made a point by rolling her eyes, she found unmature how some people would try to get the royal's attention. "It speaks poorly of their character," She said. "It's lame, leave them alone." You could agree with her, it had to be awkward to be followed around like that. 
You saw Aemond again on friday, you shared another class, this time neither of you sat close together, and for the most part you forgot he was there. Next monday he sat by your side again, and you both fell into some sort of routine. On mondays you two would sit together, most of the time in silence, you could feel some people from your class staring at you from time to time, on fridays, on the other hand he would pretend you didn't exist. 
You didn't understand why he was doing what he was doing but you tried to focus on your school work, socializing was scary enough on its own, you didn't wanna overthink every small thing you did. Anxiety had made your life hard for many years, especially during your teenhood, you had found a way to get it under control these past years.
It was one of those mondays when the professor announced the first essay to be made by the class, when he announced it had to be done in pairs your gut knotted. You heard Aemond hum.
"We could meet up at the library, what time does it work for you?" He asked, he didn't even ask if you two were partners, he simply assumed it. You nodded your head. 
"Wednesday? Around 4pm?" You asked.
"Sure." For once you paid attention to the lilac shade of his eye. 
The library was giant and older than any other building in Oldtown, maybe any other building in Westeros, you always found yourself admiring its structure, you could spend hours wandering around the library and you were sure you wouldn't be able to learn about every single corner and room it had. It was simply amazing. 
You were able to spot Aemond in one of the big tables, away from the main flow of the library, again he was wearing all black but you had to admit his choice of leather jacket suited him perfectly. You sat across from him and you two began working, the essay was long and tedious already on its own, the fact that you had to write it in pairs just made it more difficult. You learned he was fluent in valyrian, which came in handy with so many valyrian terms used in Myrish literature, you had your own small knowledge of the language but with so many dialects and countries you found yourself lost when it came to it. 
After some time you realized you could feel Aemond’s eye burning over you, he was staring at you, and he wasn’t making any effort in concealing it. You felt heat rise up your neck, you were trying to ignore his eye on you but now that you had noticed it you couldn’t shake the feeling away. You realized how hard you were pressing the tip of your pen against the paper, you wanted to go outside and breathe some fresh air but you felt unable to get up from your seat.
When you finally dared to meet his gaze he had a soft smirk on his lips.
“You don’t speak much, do you?” He asked you, his voice was always smooth and calculated, you envied that of him.
“I do speak… I just never know if you wanna talk.” You explained. His brows furrowed together in question.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, we work together on mondays but you never even look in my direction on fridays,” You explained, again bubbles of anxiety were filling you from the inside out. “You don’t even come to say hi.” It was true, you shared smalls conversation on mondays but when friday came it was like you became invisible, you had gone over all of the possibilities, maybe he had a girlfriend that took that same class with him and he had to pretend to not know any other girl, maybe he was just an asshole using you for your notes.
“What?” He said. “You’re on ‘Western Philosophy’?” It was your time now to be confused, he was making you feel like a fool.
“Yes, I sit by the window every friday, you have walked past me many times.” He looked down and his pale complexion betrayed him by getting a light shade of pink. Was he blushing?
“Oh–” He said. “I… That’s my bad side.” He explained. “The window is on my blind-spot, I never saw you there.” 
You wanted the earth to shatter under you and to fall into any of the seven hells, Aemond Targaryen was blind in one eye which meant he walked around campus with a blind spot, he was probably insecure about it too given how he was avoiding your eyes now… You felt stupid, you had never considered the fact. You let your face fall onto your hands. 
“I’m so sorry,” You started. “Aemond, I didn’t mean to-” 
“No, it’s okay,” He said. “I– I just can’t believe I never bothered looking around.”
“No, it’s my fault,” You interrupted him. “I should have gone over and said hi to you, I just didn’t wanna bother you… I know some people on campus try to get your and your siblings' attention…” He shook his head.
“Don’t worry about it… Let’s just leave it at that, okay?” He asked.
“Are you sure?” It was a silly mistake but you did feel bad about the whole deal, about bringing up his eye and accusing him of being rude, you felt a strong sense of guilt.
“Yes, please, don’t worry about it… At least now I know I can sit by your side on fridays.” He shrugged. “Finally I get to complain with someone about that class.” You relaxed and sat back on your chair comfortably, he shot you a toothless smile and you found yourself thinking of his lips. After a beat of silence he added.
“So… My siblings, you know my siblings?” 
“Wha– Yeah, of course.” You said, of course you did, your friend had mentioned them. She had mentioned every single one of the living members of the royal family, you were unsure of how many names she had said.
“Really? What are their names?” He asked without looking up from his paper, he was teasing you.
“Um… You know…” You made a vague motion with your hand. “Elena… and Luke?” He let out a cackle, which you didn’t know he was capable of doing, and quickly covered his mouth. “There was a Luke,” You protested. “I’m sure there was a Luke.” 
“Luke is my nephew, not my brother.” He said. You rolled your eyes. “It’s the same thing.” You said elongating the last word, he was staring at you, again, but this time you didn’t feel as anxious.
(part 2)
(I have not re-read this and I'd probably do so in the morning and hopefully catch any little mistake and that kind of stuff :p yeah whatever lol)
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Before I begin, I wanna say that I already sent an ask that was an unfinished version of this. I had to painstakingly go into Google Docs and copy/paste all my writing/theorizing on here because for some reason when I write a slightly long ask my tumblr just has a meltdown. I meant to delete that first ask and send this one instead, but I couldn’t see anything because of said meltdown and accidentally sent it. Hope you see this finished version instead! Would be really embarrassing if you didn’t…
So yeah. Everything after this is copy-pasted and then continued from the unfinished version. Thanks for your patience!
Yes yes, I’m back! I disappeared again for a while but I have returned once more to offer my theories and thoughts! And oh boy do I have thoughts…
Okay so first off I wanna disregard what I said last time about Sonic asking for Shadow to come inside earlier because uhh… Idk what I was thinking. Wow. Hot take from me lol. Guess I was losing the hype from rereading the page a buncha times in a row or something, because I don’t know what I was implying with that. So uh yeah sorry about that I guess.
Anywhizzle with that thankfully out of the way, I can continue on to the meat of these new pages! Sonic himself.
Bro needs himself a snickers-
I’m kidding, (No I’m not) but with jokes aside, this page just gave us something huge! Not only can Sonic transform in the daytime now with limited shade, but he can also transform if he feels just the slightest bit of negativity/anger, and he also doesn’t even turn into a Werehog anymore! He’s gone full Gaia mode now! He honestly looks like a coyote mixed with a wolf if you squint. Pretty cool! But this honestly just opens up so many more doors for so many more questions! What does this mean for Dark Gaia? Will it affect Chip? Can Sonic turn back into his hedgehog self? If so, is it based on a time limit, his emotions, or can he turn back whenever he wants to? Does he even know that he’s transformed yet? Does he know it’s him? AAAAAUUUUGHHGHHH SO MANY QUESTIONSSSSSSS!!!!! 😫
I do also wanna say that Sonic is so definitely right. I don’t really remember what Shadow said, but I do know it wasn’t this. Instead of Sonic ignoring his problems, now it’s Shadow, and that’s the exact opposite of what this whole entire comic has been about. Throughout this series, Shadow has always been the more level-headed of the three, (Sonic Chip and Shadow) and he was always the one to help Sonic get through the night when he transformed into the Werehog. I think he even wanted to spill the beans to someone once or twice, but refrained because he just couldn’t do that to Sonic. Pretty sure I’m remembering things wrong on that front though so. But you get the idea. Shadow ignoring his behavior and ignoring Sonic after everything they went through together… It isn’t like him. Yes, he’s a loner. Yes, he’s pretty edgy. Yes, he’s an idiot. But he isn’t stupid. He isn’t ignorant. Shadow is not like this.
Now Shadow trying to explain away his anger and behavior towards Sonic and his distance by saying “Oh, well, I just got really pissed and I lost control.” But then Sonic hits him with the Uno Reverse and transforms into his new Gaia form right in front of his face, snarling at him and getting all angry in front of the ebony hedgehog, hardly saying anything but a few clipped words. Sonic sees the hypocrisy in Shadow’s words and is not about to let him live it down. He sees the guilt, sees the negativity, and knows.
Which is why, when he turns into probably the scariest version of himself so far for the first time ever, he doesn’t scream or howl in pain or act irrational about it. Sonic, despite everything that’s been going on, remains in control of himself and his actions. He stares down at Shadow and says “And…?” As if he’s making a point. Like he’s calling someone out for their crimes or whatever. And he is. To Sonic, Shadow’s ignorance is like a slight on himself, a quick jab at Sonic’s character. And after everything they’ve been through and after what just happened in the cave, the blue blur ain’t gonna take such an insult very well. But again, despite his anger and despite himself and despite his brand new transformation, Sonic doesn’t really lash out at Shadow, instead showing him that “Losing control” is not a good excuse. Shadow may have lost control of his body, but to Sonic, that’s just an everynight thing now. He doesn’t care about that, doesn’t care about what Shadow looked like or how he felt, and instead cared about his actions.
I’ve been going on and on for a long while now with my “Sonic still is going to hide his emotions and feels like crap and still feels bad about himself” mantra, but this scene in particular is making me reconsider that. I feel like before all this happened, Sonic wouldn’t do what he just did now. I don’t think he would be so blunt/careless. I mean he isn’t being careless, there just isn’t really a better way to explain it. Beforehand, Sonic would’ve believed such an excuse and would’ve been like “Oh yeah I guess that makes sense.” But now he seems a lot more controlled, a lot more in his element. He seems more like himself. 
Despite everything, it’s still him.
So maybe Sonic is learning. Maybe Sonic is growing. Maybe he’s finally understanding that he’s still himself and that he doesn’t have to hide. Or maybe I’m being too hopeful and sleep-deprived to really get the true message. I don’t know. 🤷‍♀️ 
All in all, this took me half an hour to get through due to technical difficulties and because I had to put my sleep-deprived brain to work for this one so I am gonna leave it here and brush my teeth. Thank you so much for reading this hunk of junk, means a lot to me! Have a great day/night!
(I’m also so excited for the next page lol)
by chaos, despite everything, it’s still him.
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fuckyeahisawthat · 10 months
This may be wishful thinking...but earlier in The Episode, we get Crowley explicitly comparing Heaven to a beehive, with himself as the hornet, safely escorted inside its well-guarded borders. Aziraphale refuses Metatron's offer several times, outright...until the Metatron bring Crowley into it, and only then does he agree. Crowley's existence on the line is clearly a game-changer. During the end credits, as the lift is going up, we see Aziraphale's carefully neutral expression shift into a smile. I wonder if he knew Crowley would refuse, which is why he doesn't seem as devastated as we'd expect, and his goal was just to get into Heaven, in an accepted, established position.
Is it too much to hope that Aziraphale may have something more on the mind, once he gets to Heaven, than being a god little worker bee?
So, personally I don’t buy any of the several emerging red-string theories (there was something in the coffee; they body-swapped at some point; there are others floating around) about there being some trick or surprise reveal to the ending scenes. I hope there isn’t. They are super emotional scenes, the writing and acting in them is brilliant, and I think they’re strongest just…as they are. I think splitting them up—painful as it is—leaves us with a fantastic setup for season 3.
Of course the promise of keeping Crowley safe is the thing that would bring Aziraphale back to Heaven. Maybe the only thing. He’s been afraid for Crowley’s safety from the beginning. And here he’s being offered a chance to make Heaven better (a thing he still thinks is possible) and be together with Crowley? Of course that’s what gets him.
Aziraphale absolutely does not understand why Crowley would not want to be an angel again. (In my opinion this is something they will have to talk about in S3 because it’s been a stumbling block in their relationship again and again.) He does not expect Crowley to refuse, and it feels like a rejection to him, because from his POV this is the best chance they’ll ever get at being safe and together.
(Personally I think the Metatron did know that Crowley would never go back to Heaven and this was an intentional plan to split them up. They are too powerful together. Heaven and Hell already tried to kill them and it didn’t work. They tried ignoring them and they still fucked shit up. So the next plan was to drive a wedge between them, co-opt one and isolate the other, and it worked. For now.)
I think Aziraphale is devastated in the ending scenes, but he’s got to put on a game face around the Metatron, as he usually does around other angels. Who wouldn’t be happy to be going back to Heaven?
I am not sure what to make of his weird smile at the end. It’s certainly not a happy smile. The clenched jaw and weirdly tight mouth look to me like someone who’s desperately trying to keep a smile on their face while they’re starting to cry, but idk.
Aziraphale will absolutely fuck shit up in Heaven, but I think it’s gonna take him a little while to get there. I don’t think he has a plan yet; he hasn’t had time to process any of this. But I could be wrong!
(The bees thing is a quote from the book, in a different context. I’m not sure if there’s more to it than that.)
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mariejordans · 7 months
homelander didnt wanna kill marie tho and thats made pretty clear.
she was unconscious for x amount of hours or days and woke up in a vought facility. what makes u think he wouldnt have just torn her apart limb by limb with his bare hands in that whole time she was out?
marie can be cut with a simple switch blade. his strength would be more than enough to make up for heat resistance.
shes one of five confirmed people to survive his laser so thats not really as big a deal as some are making it.
but there is someone people keep forgetting that is probably the real reason shes being kept alive.
homelander is working with neuman. but neuman is probably hyper aware that her and marie arent stronger than him and she is probably keeping some things from him too.
what do u think the supe virus to control them that neuman took was for?
okay aside from the fact that it was already confirmed by the writers in an interview that homelander was shooting to kill and marie survived (seen below), i think it was very clear in that moment that homelander wanted to kill marie when he lasered her. from the language and manner of speaking he used when he was addressing marie, to him being very visibly angry, especially after he saw cate’s popped off arm, it seemed as if he had perceived marie as the threat that he was called to take down.
and even without the writers saying it, andre literally said she “took that blast like a fucking champ, anyone else would be in the ground.” to me, that’s confirmation enough that marie survived homelander’s full blast on her own, not bc he toned it down.
(here’s the part of the interview)
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and okay, after marie survived the blast that was meant to kill her, i can see then homelander wanting to spare her, if only so that he could control her. that kind of power is as useful as it is dangerous, so idk that he would immediately jump to tearing her limb by limb. but even that is just a theory bc we literally don’t know ANYTHING about what happened immediately following the laser. we don’t know how or who, specifically, is responsible for marie and co. ending up in a vought prison, or if it even is vought’s doing (mind prison theory is still possible imo.)
we don’t even know for sure if the reason marie survived the blast was even because of enhanced strength/endurance. there’s literally SO much of her power left to explore that we don’t know about yet. and it was being hinted at constantly throughout this season that marie is far more powerful than meets the eye, so i don’t think it’s fair to say for sure that marie is weaker than homelander. also, being 1 of 5 confirmed supes to survive his blast out of thousands of supes is still pretty impressive to me.
as for the stuff about neuman, i agree to an extent, it was one of my first theories after watching the finale that she was gonna be involved somehow, but i don’t necessarily believe it’s the reason they are all still alive (unless neuman is the one who has them currently). i def think she’ll play a huge part in what happens to the four, and even with her working with homelander, i’m sure she definitely has her own agenda.
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hi tumblr you get to hear my insane sgdlr ramblings theories whatever about mr vein which mifht be wrong but I DOTN CARE
ok sooooo first i connected the dots with cheng xiaoshi and vein bc they had the same shadow that dropped from the top left in the anniversary pv’s. most people reacted with “you didn’t connect shit”, but i’m telling you, i connected the dots.
what caught my eye on the shadow thing is that vein’s shadow didn’f have the same circular borders as liu xiao and xia fei who were obviously meant to be the same style. so they deliberately kept it at just the top left (to cover him up also). and did i mention cheng xiaoshi looks like he is trapped behind glass in the anniversary artwork? no i didn’t. i personally think all of the anniversary artworks are supposed to represent a special part of each character (qiao ling stepping out. you know).
i have not fully analysed vein’s outfit design because frankly i’m not sure what else to search up but. i’ll talk about the parts i did find
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so. first of all the pattern on his shoulders looks like blood. isn’t rhat fun!
second of all the little knots around his design, i’m pretty sure are ‘round brocade knots’ which represent “balance, completeness, good fortune”. i haven’t made exact ties between that and vein myself yet but it’s worth noting it.
i didn’t find out anything else about his design. the necklace is cut off just perfectly to not be able to see what it is (like liu xiao’s)
anyway. i’m just gonna jump to my theory. i think he is connected to either cheng xiaoshi or the disappearance of his parents!!!! wow. it might sound unlikely i am aware but this is what theories are for.
the biggest reason i came up with this is because we don’t need a new villain. we don’t need to be introduced to someone new when we already have liu xiao. but you know what liu xiao wouldn’t do? GET HIS HANDS DIRTY. at least, most likely, he strikes me as the type to work behind the scenes.
so what other reason would there be to introduce vein? “you could make the same argument for xia fei” well yeah but xia fei is a pushing force in how cheng xiaoshi and lu guang discovered their powers (probably. idk)
okkkk back to vein and cheng xiaoshi’s parents actually. why i think it’s likely they’re either missing because of vein or, if they’re dead, their bodies got disposed of for some reason? it’s because if they were caught in the earthquake THEIR BODIES WOULD BE FOUND BY NOW. at least that’s what makes sense to me lore wise. and i don’t think they would just ghost their child for like 12 years. and because from narrative storytellijg it would make sense if vein was the one that did something. (let me redirect you to pattern that looks like blood on his shoulders)
of course this could all be a red herring but the last time i said something was a red herring it turned out to be true. so i choose to stick to it this time!
the other possibility (or actually, both possibilities could ring true) is that vein was the one who shot cxs. who else would? (feel free to debate lol) i don’t think xia fei would have interest in that after the whole overseas trip business, liu xiao wouldn’t want to do it himself (he’d make someone else do it) and li tianchen is an option but we don’t know if he will be the one to do it in the end. so
i don’t have a good way to end this weird theory bit. if i think of something else i will add it. it has been plaguing at my mind. thank you tumblr user for reading my weird theory rambling and feel free to debate me. if i tjink of anything else myself i will edit and add it
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lmk-aus-galore · 11 months
Season 4 Specials spoilers
I find it incredibly odd that Nezha doesn’t question MK’s presence at all? Like
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Nezha to Tang: Monk, the scroll, have you repaired it?
He obviously knows something about the original pilgrims since he recognizes Tang as Tang Sanzang. He knows Mei is Ao Lie’s descendant because of the Samadhi Fire so there’s that, but then, there’s one random boy with the powers of the monkey king and he just glosses over him?
Like he probably thinks that the pilgrims and Mei coming together is a coincidence or some great plan the Heavens have for them, but MK is just one random dude that Wukong picked as his successor.
Nezha doesn’t question why, Why does Wukong have a successor? Why does this random mortal have Wukong’s Powers? Why did Wukong choose a random delivery boy as a successor? Surely not because it fits the because the pilgrims and Ao Lie’s descendant came together?
And Nezha KNOWS Wukong, as much as the two have some sort of rivalry, Nezha shows that he still very much cares and knows Wukong on a deeper level than just ‘Sun Wukong, bringer of chaos! The guy who reached to far into the sun’
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Nezha: I’ve known Sun Wukong a long time, he’s not the loner he pretends to be. He seems important to you, so I can only assume you’re equally as important to him.
The fact that he knows Wukong to a certain degree means he knows that there’s literally no reason for Wukong to even give someone his powers. Sure Wukong is careless but he knows better than to give his powers to someone random. Especially someone who doesn’t seem to be any special than being a delivery boy.
So here’s a small theory I have, that maybe Nezha knows what MK is?
I mean he knows the Pilgrims obviously and Wukong already explained Mei, so maybe he knows what MK is?
And I’m basing it off of @imminent-danger-came’s Eldritch MK theory, but what if Wukong wasn’t the only one called to subdue MK?
What if Nezha was also there to help, or at the very least also had some kind of connection with dropping MK off to Pigsy.
Since Nezha obviously recognizes Tang as a monk, he could have had a hand on dropping MK off at Pigsy’s since he’s aware of the Pilgrims’ identity.
what ifs in that situation:
If Wukong didn’t know about MK, then probably Nezha was the one who dropped MK off at Pigsy’s and Wukong just felt a surge around MK that gave him a sense of familiarity. Idk why Nezha would be at MK’s birthplace alone, but he could’ve known where to drop of MK so that he doesn’t cause trouble like Wukong, and who better than the Pilgrims that allowed Wukong to change his ways?
If Wukong knew about MK’s existence then Nezha would have had a hand on where to drop him off, Wukong believes the Pilgrims are dead, but I really doubt that he’d spend centuries looking for their reincarnates. Nezha who somehow knows Tang as Sanzang, would have had a hand and suggested to drop MK off to the Pilgrims’ next lives.
Anyways that’s just a small mini theory I have, since I don’t really see Nezha questioning MK’s existence and questioning Wukong about MK.
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mamimiou · 3 months
hi this is re: roier but too long for a reply !
ive been out of qsmp for awhile and don't pay attention anymore but i wanna just like . place this quietly into the conversation lmfao... when i was watching and seeing things fans posted, i noticed roier is routinely feminized (a combo of misogyny/homophobia + racism) he's placed as "the woman" in the spiderbit relationship constantly in fan art etc. roier as a person irl isn't particularly feminine, but bc he's expressive and openly queer and not white, he's placed as Less Than and under more scrutiny constantly . there's a lot of complex things happening but the usamerican portion of the qsmp world does a lot of heavy lifting in misconstruing roier's character (too flirty, bad parent, too cruel, too harsh, slutty, the wife, whatever else he's gotten that i haven't seen) . so. if he's the woman of the relationship, and Women Belong To Their Husbands, well. they couldn't possibly see roier with anyone else, and it's his fault if others make advances. it's very strange to witness
I feel like I have just received a new point of view right now, and it has blown my mind away to the point where I need this plastered over Twitter (which won’t happen since it is HELL out there).
I have never thought of it this way because I never saw him like that but you are so right now that I put more thought into it ;-;. They really do see him as the woman of the relationship, and I’m pretty sure that it’s something subconscious for all of them (but not all).
Thank you so much for this, really. To me, this makes the most sense for this possessive behavior. Idk if you have read the comments in my last post but someone tweeted out this when talking about why they can’t see roier with someone else “SAME HERE but I have a theory! You know how you ship the character you relate to with the caracter you're attracted to? We probably relate to Cellbit so we ship him with everyone we like, and we're jealous of "our" partner being with others.... just a theory!” And to me that was already something, but this, this is something that I can totally see behind the reason for it all.
The amount of times that I had to read people blaming him for people flirting with him, just even receiving compliments really, but had to witness those same people laugh and make jokes about slime ACTIVELY going after cellbit, is insane.
I totally agree with you btw. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. As someone who watches him constantly I can agree with you, his character is actively feminine. It just stinks having your favorite character being seen like this, it makes me so upset sometimes I just want him to be FREE lol. I don’t think that people stop drawing him in this small, feminine way, until like purgatory maybe? Because well, he’s a strong character.
Everyone knows how flirty he is, but it was expected to go away as soon as he got married. And he never means harm :/ it’s just the way he is. It is very strange to watch people get possessive over him, and I feel like this will ultimately lead to the ship ending. Heartbreaking. If people actually knew his character, they’d know he hates betrayal so it makes no sense for them to get tilted over ships.
Sometimes you just want to have honest conversations about the characters, and Twitter isn’t the place because then they accuse you of hating the CCs which isn’t the case ☹️.
But wow, this explanation could actually be the reason behind it. Thank you for this, it like opened my third eye or something. I need this plastered on a build board for all to see.
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peachysunrize · 1 day
What's your opinion on Alys Rivers' character? I know we don't have much information about her in F&B and what we do have sometimes sound contradictory, but all the love she's been getting from TG even before she appeared on screen is weird to me. People can have their headcanons and theories ofc, but why already elevate a character we don't even know much about. And I'm not talking only about Alysmond shippers, even though they are the loudest in this. Personally, I always had a feeling that Alys played her own game and msnipulated (maybe even bewitched, Gayle Rankin spoke about her as a woman with powers) Aemond by leading him to his demise. This might be an unpopular opinion in green fandom, but it's how I feel and felt while reading the book. Idk, there was always something icky about her, the line about dragon's bastard licking at her womb or something like that, then the whole age difference and the way she met Aemond (he basically massacres everyone she knew but spares her - why?), then she somehow has the power to make a man's head explode but can't predict what will happen at the God's Eye. Also, the way the fandom oversexualize her with the annoying "hot witchy big breasted milf" is off putting (and we are all aware of how GRRM loves to describe bosoms of his female characters, but if I recall correctly, the only description of Alys he gave is her long dark hair and how she looks much younger than she actually is, so where all this bs came from??). Idk, I always had this feeling that she made Aemond sure of his victory and purposefully misled him for her own gain. I might be wrong ofc because I have no idea how are they going to adapt this character in HotD. However, judging solely by the book, I fail to see any reason for her popularity before introducing her show version.
Sorry for the rant, but I would like to hear your take on this.
Hello my beloved nonnie! Thank you for this very interesting ask!!! I’m gonna put my answer under the cut<3
I agree with most of the things you say!!! I had a problem with Alys since I gained more information about her.
There’s just so many things wrong with her… I don’t know I mean I don’t get the hype about her. Maybe because I haven’t seen her or when I read the chapters about her and Aemond… she just felt so off to me.
I think one of the main reasons this fandom really hypes her up is because of Aemond and how we’ll get more screen time of him. And well I hope that HoTD really gives us something to rely on because judging by the books we don’t have much.
Personally, I don’t like Gayle as Alys. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against her, I just don’t think she resembles Alys at all. She looks too sweet and she doesn’t seem intimidating enough for me compared to the magnificent cast we have. (Ewan being hella intimidating and scary when he wants with his facial expressions, Olivia and her eyes that are a whole actresses by themselves, etc). And moreover, about Alys’ appearance, we actually do know that she’s a wet nurse, so judging by that she needs to be curvy (due to lactation and stuff), so I guess that big breasted comes from here.
I also find so many things wrong with Alysmond’s encounters, so so so many. 1. How the fuck did Aemond spare her? Why did he spare her?? They had just met and suddenly the man who we know is a bloodthirsty murderer gets a soft spot for her? I get the his blood was up but come on, it’s not Aemond at all. It’s more like something Daemon or Aegon would do.
2. The bigger issue to me is that how Alys enjoyed it. She’s middle aged fucking a 19 years old. I think everyone gets where I’m going with this…
3. NONNIE YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!!!!! I always thought about how she couldn’t predict Aemond’s downfall in God’s Eye. LIKE BRO IS SO PUSSY DRUNK GOING AROUND SAYING MY ALY MY ALYS but his witch can’t even tell him how he’s about to die?? But she can blow up someone’s head because they didn’t pledge their loyalty to her unborn child. If she is this strong witch that everyone knows about, why didn’t she save her lover???
Yes, disliking Alys in this fandom is very unpopular, but I’m with you in this. I think we could have gotten someone better in description and appearance for Alys (personally would have loved to see Eva Green or even Rebecce Freguson as Alys) but we just have to wait and see what the writers have in store for us<3
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potential-fate · 1 year
I sorta loathe the ts2 fat morph....
which has apparently become a project of it's own.
so I mentioned this vaguely somewhere, but thought I should make a generalize post about it. Mainly cause it'll probably affect any cc I make in the future so... there's that.
Anyway.... because I've spent the last few months sorta adding fat morphs to some of my really old clothing, I quickly realized that I didn't have to deal with EA's "fat" morph. There is literally nothing stopping me from just... making it look better/how I want it to.
Anyways, long story short, I'm picky. There are a decent amount of nice bodyshapes out there, and while I like them, I don't like having multiples of the same outfit (it's the same reason I ended up going with Sunshine hair.) I like sticking to the game's original setup, which in the case of fit states, is unfortunately limited.
I also spend most of my time posing and doing story posts, so I'm not a fan of the much larger bodyshapes, even though I love them in theory.... because they clip a ton, and make more work for me later. So I wanted something that I liked 🤔 but also didn't fuck with the in-game animations too much.
Also, I just sorta like the pear-shaped chunky body type (it's not at all cause it resembles mine lmao nope.... not at all.)
anyways, idk if anyone is even still reading this, but uh... yeah.
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I guess this is me, introducing the "sorta chunky, sorta pear-shaped, 'still not really a fat morph' in my opinion because game limitations" bodyshape/fatmorph? (Or, in short cause filename size 'pfate pearshape'.)
At least as an idea. idk if anyone is at all interested in this. but if they are, I can share whatever people want about it/resources for it? idk it's not like I have WSOs cause I honestly don't know how to use them let alone make them. I tend to just make my morphs by hand.
But on a technical note, I think I have most of the Digi Marvine feet naked meshes defaults changed to this, and some other stuff too. mainly Club Crimson stuff, because frankly, I'm still using the files I had from 2012 so none of them had morphs at all (though I'm sure someone somewhere HAS added morphs to them.)
[[ TL;DR is this: I felt like I needed to make a post about it, cause some of the stuff I'm gonna be sharing coming up has fat-morphs based on this. things like defaults that either didn't have morphs so I added them, or they had morphs but I edited them anyways because I was defaulting them with specific sims in mind (like Jorah, Alex or Ginevra) and I wanted a post that I could link back to for reference on those posts. ]]
in any case, if I make a default and change the morphs from ones that already exist, and you WANT the defaults with the original morphs, that's very easy to switch out and I will gladly do it if you ask lol. otherwise I'll probably edit things as I see fit since uhm. well I make cc 99.9% for myself 😂😅
Other age turnarounds under the cut, cause this is too long already.
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EU Bodies (Left: Maxis Standard/thin, right: Pfate-Pearmorphs)
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TU Bodies (Left: Maxis Standard/Thin, right: Pfate-Pearmorphs)
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CU Body (Left: Maxis Standard/Thin, right: Pfate-Pearmorphs)
CU body changed the least from the original fat-morph, then the elder femme frame, I would say? cause the elder frame already had a sort of pear shape (that sorta inspired the other femme ages.) the others are varying degrees of change, with AM being the strongest change by far.
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