silver-embersss · 11 months
red eared slider leo this box turtle mikey that NO! Red eared slider mikey. Softshell turtle Leo. you agree. you hit reblog.
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deanthe · 4 months
art based social media that stops you from scrolling for at least 30 seconds so you're forced to actually take the time into looking at the art and seeing how much time and effort was put into it
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imeventz · 1 year
surprise your special person with an amazing dinner tasting for any occasion 😋
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izzyzalezbian · 26 days
Zukka How to Train Your Dragon AU, except it's just Durk getting loose, finding (and adopting) Sokka, and somehow playing a one man parent trap on our resident idiots
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vibrantgutz · 1 year
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xiaoswrld · 9 months
users w name "memel" pls?
qolliemel (qollie = dollie)
dearmemel / deqrmel
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muutagenic · 1 year
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* a gender related to being the embodiment of mogai !
* under the genderbodiment system
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glitchven · 7 months
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mmmmmmmmmfurry guyyyyyy
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msbhagirathi · 2 months
A Note On Some Things From Episode 2
1. Expressions :
I don't have words to describe the magic, that these two bunch of talents (Mr. BS & Mrs. SI), have casted on us through their soulful portrayal of Arnav and Khushi.
They have often bragged about being able to do the scenes easily without any visible discomfort because of their heartfelt friendship. But, let's also not forget the professionalism that they showed while performing the initial scenes. Because friendship between all the star cast came later on, as they kept shooting.
There were the initial scenes, for example the first scene of Arnav with his Di, on the stage or the dori scenes with Khushi, were the first, the very first of Barun's scene with Dalljeet and Sanaya. In an interview, it was mentioned that he was a very shy person at first. But, still he didn't let the awkwardness of not knowing them properly, affect his scenes with them. (I know that's the job of an actor but still it is indeed difficult to maintain it.) I am sure, the same must have happened with everyone else as well, and Kudos to the whole team for maintaining the work ethics. Such level of professionalism! Wow!
The scene, where, on hearing Di's voice, on the stage, Arnav turns back and smiles at his Di. That's so natural. Like, you can see that he is surprised to see her there, but also kind of 'I knew it!'.
Hehehe. Lol. I didn't do much mehnat in to this, this time. Hope you don't mind. :')
Yeah, so my point is just look at his (positively)delicious face look at the smooth change of expressions. The transition from being irritated to surprised to some more surprised to something akin to 'I knew, it would be you!'
And how did I forget to mention our beloved 'Dolly' here [ ;)] yeah, Anjali Di's inviting and warm smile, made us feel like "I wish I had an elder sister like her."
And the brilliance and brutality of Arnav, in the dori scene, with Khushi, being all scared, nervous and trying to convince the people around her that she is innocent. I don't know 'bout you but I definitely felt so desperate to go inside the screen and yell at those assholes (Arnav included.) to stop harassing her. And, I remember I was so so so so like so shocked so horrified, so much so that my heart started beating faster.
Am I evil enough to give you a snippet of this scene?
Absolutely, not.
Okay, coming to this scene. This is just one of the many scenes where Sanaya literally gave out her soul. The Infamous Dori Scene.
The horror, the panic, the trembling lips and the realization that her back is exposed and that she has to cover it. Although, Arnav wasn't looking at there but when she slapped away her hair (can't find any other term coz week inglis.) he definitely looked at her long, black, straight -kind of - beautiful hair (or rather hair extension. Lol. I am kidding, ok? Sanaya's hair is indeed beautiful.)
The turning back and taking a look at his face to gauge his reaction, the tears and the way she flees away, everything is just- *chef's kiss*
2. Arnav's 'Triggered' Moment
When I was watching this, I wondered what did actually happen here?
Do you ever have this moment when you feel you are SO angry that your body starts shaking with rage? You can feel your body getting all worked up, heat simmering up to your ears and you almost see red?
You are so angry that you are not even thinking anything, you just do whatever comes to your mind, without giving it a second thought. You speak without thinking, the extent to which your words might hurt someone. Although, it may last a few seconds but is powerful enough to engulf you wholly.
And what happens when you calm down? You almost feel as if your body has gone limp, after all that rage. Your hands and legs feel weak and wobbly. Your stomach feels like someone churned it, with one hard smack. You come back to yourself. You return back to where you were, before you'd got triggered like that. And how often does this happen to you? Very rare. Depends on the situation as well.
But, guess what, this type of anger comes to Arnav, as naturally as breathing. Sad. But, true. I am not justifying what he did to Khushi, here, I am just giving an insight as to how he feels every time someone, more or less accidently, reminds him of his trauma.
This is, exactly what happens, with Arnav, each time, he is 'triggered'.
And that is why he needs serious therapy. Mental and emotional healing. Being with the right person still might not guarantee one's healing. A trauma, as deep as his, needs serious treatment.
He doesn't like to go back to his past. It makes him feel weak and vulnerable. Although it's very natural to feel so. But, he CANNOT--WILL NOT let himself, be in that type of a situation ever again, where he does not have the upper hand.
And, hence, whenever someone or Khushi (mostly Khushi, I think.) unknowingly triggers him, he has the worst reaction to it. He gets so livid, where he feels the need to 'punish' that person. He feels the need to make that person realize what a grave mistake they have committed, albeit unintentionally.
So, maybe when he sees her tear-stricken face, he jolts out of that state and thinks out of all the kind of reactions that he knew, he hadn't expected it to be this.
And so, he is -kind of- shocked, that maybe, this girl is not, whom he had thought her to be.
Therefore, he let's it pass, to be what it was, a mistake.
3. Marriage, Dowry and The Society
In today's world, getting married is just another grand event and not something directly related to one's 'honor'. ( I feel like I am writing an essay for some school's essay writing competition. Lol.)
But, back then, this was not the case. A broken marriage or even getting divorced used to be look down upon, like some kind of disgrace or 'curse' for that family and their 'honor'. And accepting dowry was just as normal as accepting gifts from someone (anyone).
The sheer audacity of the boy's family for asking it after imposing most of the financial burden on the girl's family. As if, they are doing some kind of favor to them by getting their SON married to their daughter. You see what I did there?
That's the thing. The inequality. It SO gets on my nerves, every time I think about the inequality, the patriarchy. The superiority complex & the inferiority complex. The misogyny. The chauvinism. UGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Ok so, that is it, then. I will add if I find something else. Bye, then. Have a great day/night ahead. God bless you.
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voidzphere · 1 month
hey just a reminder that my art requestz are alwayz open :D
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scrunkalicious · 2 months
Buh Marly and Viktor who during their time at the Academy who everyone thought they were just THE best friend duo ever until caught holding handz in public,,,,,
They're just those two ppl that alwayz quip back and fourth and seem so goofy.......... Silly friend dynamic by day crayzee romantic loverz by night
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scourge-sympathiser · 4 months
first ask i get i will make the next sunday scourge based on
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sugarkillsall · 6 months
Im getting more holiday brained as we near the critical festive days so I havent been putting much time into job hunting rn but it kinda gets to me how little i know what to do with my day.
I wish i was more motivated to pursue creative endeavours on my own without having it feel like such a slog >< I tend to gravitate towards the easier dopamine of video games which is fine and all but bahhhh theres that part of me that wants other outlets... im still struggling getting over this wall ive built up around creative pursuits, i need to let myself just enjoy the process instead of being so fixated on doing things wrong or "wasting time"
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izzyzalezbian · 1 year
Saw the Mario Movie...
Did I like it? Yes
Was it disappointed by the lack of scenes with Bowser and Luigi? Yes
Do I still have fuel to write my Beauty and the Beast Bowuigi AU? YES
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dunnkop · 2 months
You ever just think up a random character and suddenly gacha life is your best friend and suddenly you have pages upon pages of notes for said character and suddenly they've been placed in a fanfic and brain is doing brain things?
Me too
I'm not prepared for what I'm doing
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nightlist · 1 year
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and with a zpeedpaint! yippee
(habitz purple veinz idea i got from @/ antlergrave who makez RLLY good emh art)
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