#ideas by welsharcher
agent-troi · 3 months
Scully: If I died how much would you miss me?
Mulder: It’s cute you think death could get you out of this relationship.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 month
I first want to say, I love your fic lists and meta posts so much!
This is probably going to sound so silly. I have been a casual lurker in the x files fandom on Tumblr for a couple of years after i got into the show my last semester of college. I'm now realizing my hyperfixation isn't going away any time soon, and I want to start being more active here in this community. Maybe start posting some of the fic I've written just for fun. Everyone is so creative and talented; I'm a little overwhelmed and I'm not totally sure how to start? Any recommendations for how to start participating a bit more? Thank you 💗
An honor to be asked-- thank you! :DDD
For friendships and connections, I'd start engaging with posts in either tags or comments or-- most importantly-- asks. People want to be included in thoughts or conversations here (or just to chat); and that's how I became mutuals with a bunch of people.
I highly recommend @baronessblixen for any and all asks (and beautiful short fics)-- she loves new fans, and is highly receptive to conversations (she also encouraged me to move from anon to Tumblr user)-- and @deathsbestgirl for any and all meta-- she constantly engages with tags and comments (and we love to go back and forth with ideas, etc.) @x-files-scripts and @dunhamhairograpy post scripts from the original show; @scullysflannel, @myassbrokethefall, @iconicscullyoutfits, @perplexistan, @pennyserenade, and deathsbestgirl write incredible meta; @amplifyme, @aloysiavirgata, @suitablyaggrieved, @slippinmickeys, @cecilysass, @storybycorey, @settle-down-frohike, @leiascully, @writingwell, @sigritandtheelves, @jessahmewren, @dreamingofscully and @sixhours are long-time writers that are still active(ish) in the fandom; @mondfuchs, @opentheskies, @tennant-the-tigger post art; @mappingthexfiles, @trusttnno1, and @samanthamulder create edits or gifs; @carrie11 and @thatfragilecapricorn30 post nature photography; and @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure and @whovianderson keep up with David and Gillian respectively (btw, the actors' relationships are probably the most divided issue in this fandom-- I vote "not a big deal", personally.)
I can't recommend all the current writers I keep up with (wordspace), but I reblog them here or from my archives on the @x-files-fics second account I opened. I participated in an event last year with @welsharcher, @agent-troi, baronessblixen, and @numinousmysteries which can be found under the @eightnightsofmulder blog~. Authors I wish would come back to Tumblr are endless but @wtfmulder, @melforbes, @enigmaticdrblockhead, @onpaperfirst are on the list.
Like any fandom, there are divided lines between groups; but most people don't play those games and reblog from whomever they want (unless actively blocked.)
Resources: @today-in-fic collects all fics on Tumblr, and @ao3feed-msr collects the Ao3 ones. @lilydalexf is the original compiler (masterpost here.) I have resources for searching any and all fic here; and my fic compilations/meta posts/Personality Types-MBTI(ish) posts/xf fanvids/extra content are here.
Hope that helps!
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eightnightsofmulder · 5 months
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Remember that we kick off the Eight Nights of Mulder in a little over a week!
Need to throw around some ideas? Or just want to chat about the challenge? Feel free to reach out to @randomfoggytiger, @agent-troi, or @welsharcher!
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reylokisses · 1 year
🎬🍿Comfort Movie Tag! 🎬🍿
Thank you for tagging me, @safarigirlsp! I love games like these 🥰
Rules: tag 10 people and list 10 of your comfort movies
No pressure tags: @affidecrystal @pandoraspocksao3 @glamourouslife99 @welsharcher @carloswilliamcarlos @allgirlsareprincesses @reylo-of-light-blog @theladyship @novelsandnerdiness @urfavstargirl1
1. The Nun’s Story (1959)
My absolute favourite Audrey Hepburn movie 🥰 I wish I were like Gabrielle/Sister Luke. She’s so inspiring!
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2. Sleeping Beauty (1959)
A childhood favourite that I never get tired of! I can’t believe that it’s been 64 years since it was released, and this is still the only movie Disney has made where the female characters get more dialogue than the male ones
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3. 65 (2023)
I love how this is a sci-fi movie where there are more female characters than male, and that Koa gets to rescue Mills and work together with him to save them both at the climax. Mills is the perfect GirlDad and his interactions with Koa are my favourite part of the movie 🥰
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4. The Force Awakens (2015)
The movie that changed my life for the better in so many ways! I have no idea who I’d be if I hadn’t seen it. Even though I know how it all ended, I never lose the feeling of wonder and excitement I first felt when I saw it.
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5. The Last Jedi
Likewise, even though the following movie blasts it all to smithereens, The Last Jedi gives me hope for the future of the characters and always cheers me up
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6. Mulan (1998)
Mulan has been an inspiration to me my entire life 🥰 Her movie always makes me feel like I can do anything
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7. The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2018)
I have no idea why this is a comfort movie of mine, since the ending is pretty depressing and the treatment of the female characters is outrageous 🤨 Toby’s character journey and bond with Javier is so sweet though 🥰 At least Toby got to rescue Angelica in the end, although poor Jacqui and Melissa are stuck with the Boss and Alexei 😖
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8. Godspell (1973)
I stopped going to church about ten years ago, but you can prise that film from my cold, dead hands
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9. White Noise (2022)
The family scenes are so sweet and the ending is really uplifting 🥰
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I can’t go up to ten for this game, sadly! 😔
I have loads of films that I love, but when I’m stressed I can’t concentrate on watching films. I hope you enjoy the game!
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cathrynemoon · 3 years
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“I look coolly into the blue eyes of the person who is now my greatest opponent, the person who would keep me alive at his own expense. And I promise myself I will defeat his plan.” — Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Idea from @welsharcher! 🧡🌹
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So late for this one, but it’s finally done! A request from @welsharcher - Kylo and Rey in matching costumes. I played a bit on this concept and went with a dark Rey/light Ben idea.
Hope you like it!! 💕
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agent-troi · 15 days
Mulder, texting Scully: I have a question for you
Scully: Yes I’d cry if you died
Scully: Yes I’d still love you if you was a worm
Scully: Yes I still love you
Scully: No I don’t want to break up
Mulder: Thank you
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agent-troi · 4 months
Scully: So, it’s just eight verses of you demanding figgy pudding with increasing hostility?
Mulder: That’s right.
Reyes: And it’s called We Wish You A Merry Christmas?
Mulder: Yes.
Doggett: But it’s not really about Christmas, is it? It’s mostly about figgy—
Mulder: —figgy pudding, yeah.
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randomfoggytiger · 8 months
The X-Files 30th Anniversary
Day 7: 30th Anniversary Extravaganza
Today, I'm thanking The X-Files community for bringing me across a wonderful show-- its amazing cast and writers and fans-- and inspiring me to get back on my own creative hobbyhorse.
My Thanks
Being a part of a collective who want to celebrate this show and others' creative endeavors with heartfelt good wishes has been exciting, fun... and humbling.
My special thanks to the many people who welcomed me with open arms and contribute to this space, even if it's "simply" (but it's never just anything, is it?) answering asks or reblogging or even liking a random post that passed from one blog to another.
There are too many to list, so I'll just chat about my most remembered moments:
@baronessblixen, for being so kind and encouraging that you drew me out of the anon shadows; for liking what I create; for giving me a logical mind to bounce my ideas off of in asks; and for inadvertently teaching me the joy of appreciating animal videos (and convincing me, along with Vavie, to watch Return to Me.)
@dd-is-my-guiltypleasure, for our cherished Duchovny talks; for your heart and your amazingly detailed dedication; for your artbook that I prize dearly; and for your warmth and good humor.
@suitablyaggrieved, for your spectacular and refreshing meta takes; for persevering in your creative works and this fandom; and for sharing the progress pics of your beautiful X-Files themed sweater.
@welsharcher, for being my mini Kermit-loving pool noodle~ (I love brightening your day as much as your messages brighten mine); for your gifs and posts that make my heart soar; and for our shared, priceless sense of humor.
@agent-troi, for being a solidly intelligent third party to the Pre-S1 Mulder Singleton Club; for your hilarious hashtags and great insights; and for your amazing fic output.
@mondfuchs/@annablume, for swapping XF fic recs in my early Tumblr days; and for making my year by drawing my little boopy-tongued tiger in Mulder's arms to celebrate our collective birthday (post here. Still makes me sappy thinking about it~.)
@amplifyme, for returning to Tumblr and giving me a chance to meet you; for sharing your excellent BATB series (in general and Nan Dibble in particular); and for sharing your thoughts as you slowly peel back the psyche of Vincent and the worlds Above and Below.
@demon-fetal-harvest, for being one of the first to die over my Scully Les Miserables amv (it's one of my favorites I love to rewatch; and I think of you every time I do); and for your hilarious reblogs and even more hilarious tags.
@xxsksxxx and @two-microscopes for being the first to reblog and like during a rough time. I'll cherish that moment forever~.
@medicaldoctordana, for being cool and creative and driven; and for hating the mainstream MBTI system as much as I do (and for your philosophy recs-- will get around to them someday.)
@ibringyouasong89, for being my fellow warrior in the trenches. We're new of acquaintance, but I think this will be a beauuuuuuuuuutiful friendship~. ;))))
@writingwell, @enigmaticdrblockhead, and @perpetually-weirdening, @spidey-is-tired, @cyb3rpeach, @scullys-scalpel, @frogsmulder, @teenie-xf, @dreamingofscully, @freckleslikestars, @cecilysass, @slippinmickeys, @gabby-msr, @thatfragilecapricorn30, @television-overload, @pianogirlxf @mollybecameanengineer, and @settle-down-frohike for being mutually supportive and welcoming. The world is both large and small; and I'm glad my path was able to intersect with yours.
And thank you to the silent-but-always-theres who take the time to drop in and give my posts the time of day~: @samucabd, @sonictacocat, @kiivitaja, @freckleslikestars, @nimlurks, @redteekal, @mindibindi, @marinas5099, @chavisory, @sizzlingempathspybat, @enigmaticxbee, @inflappible, @metamayou, @invidiosa, @txcb1013, @dytttt, @borogirl, @agentbluefox, @agentwhalesong, and ALL OF YOU. I can't tag anymore because Tumblr is tapping me out; but I include you-- yes, you-- in this as well.
My Projects
While The X-Files turned 30, my fandom experience turned (a little over) a year old! Wow, time does fly when you're... speed typing out multiple essays worth of fic rec lists, meta analyses, and personality typing posts (or even wrangling a video editor, compressor, and uncooperative Tumblr site to upload an amv.)
My full list of accomplishments can be found here; but these are a few highlights that were standouts to me personally:
My First Fic
randomfoggytiger’s Son of Egypt (Prince of Egypt twist on television-overload's what if: Samantha adopted and raised William.)
Fic Rec Lists
Meet the Mulders
Creepy and Cozy Cabins  
Time Travel, Time Loops, and Just Wrong Timing 
Car Wrekt 
S9 Mulder Stays or Returns While the Mytharc Barrels On
Fics That Deserve More Comments (Part I) 
Poll Results Fic: 1st Place- Scully Injured but In-Charge
Poll Results Fic: 2nd Place- Cleaning Out the Vineyard House
Poll Results Fic: 3rd Place-- Tithonus Mother Hen Mulder
The Field Where I Fix-It Fic-ed
Analysis Posts
Arcadia Analysis: Scully Was Enjoying Herself Immensely 
Never Again: An Intensive Essay (and its paired twin: Never Again and Fear)
One Son: An Intense, One-Shot Analysis of “You’re Making This Personal”  
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part VI): Talitha Cumi and Tena's Lies
S5 Is a Pretty Dark Time for Mulder
The Scully Family In-Depth (Part VII): Mulder, Maggie, Melissa, and the Snake
Mulder Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn? 
Scully Trauma Responses: Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn?
Mulder and Dreams
Milagro In-Depth (Part II): Loneliness Is a Choice and Lamps Go Dark
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas In-Depth: Full Analysis
Scully Is the Conduit Conductor and Mulder Is the Dancer
How Scully Taught Mulder to Hug
Mulder and Dreams
CSM Inflicted Insanity On the Syndicate
Fire and False Romance, Ice and Love
All IVF Roads Lead Away from The Unnatural and to Millennium 
Jungian Personality Typing Posts
{{Extraction: Proving Mulder Is an INTP, Not an INFJ/INFP}} 
SCULLY, The Enigmatic ISTJ
XF Fanvids/AMVs
Les Miserables AMV: Scully's Solo
The Muppets AMV: Drivin’ Right Along
Fiddler on the Roof AMV: Mulder and Samantha
Bonus Content (Fandom Adjacent)--
React: "Return to Me" from the POV of Someone Averse to RomComs
Personality Typing: Return to Me
And cheers to all~!
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randomfoggytiger · 4 months
Decorate the foggytiger tree-- what an adorable idea~.
Thank you for the tag, @wexleresque!
I want to decorate your trees-- @baronessblixen, @welsharcher, @agent-troi, @amplifyme, @suitablyaggrieved, @xxsksxxx, @two-microscopes, @hamster-on-fire, @aloysiavirgata, @cecilysass, @slippinmickeys, @virtie333, @enigmaticdrblockhead, @annablume, @perpetually-weirdening, @my-spookybunnies, @ibringyouasong89, @spidey-is-tired, @frogsmulder, @tossingmyglossymane, @tofuttim, @scullys-scalpel, @danascullysjournal, @teenie-xf, @dreamingofscully, @thatfragilecapricorn30, @writingwell, @nachosncheezies, @television-overload, @numinousmysteries, @ragnarockz, @pianogirlxf, @carrie11, @peachlavalamp, @unremarkablehouse, @invidiosa, @neednottoneed, @samucabd, @perpetually-weirdening, @basementskylight, @spookywayfarer, @msrafterdark, @merfilly, @scapegrace74-blog, @storybycorey, @kiivitaja, @sonictacocat, @herdingcats12, @demon-fetal-harvest, and anyone else who sees this and thinks, man, I wanted to be tagged-- HAH, you're tagged now! >:DDDD
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randomfoggytiger · 9 months
Starting a fic rec chain for my friend that wants to get into writing! What are some quintessential x-files fic that showcase the talent of our massive writing community?
A loooooooooooot, a lot, a lot.
I know it's a biiiiiiiiiiit of a cop-out, but my fic lists here have a lot of "the bests" under each list category; so, if your friend wants to see the same main idea done in different ways... there's that?
If you want, tell me something your friend is interested in, and I'll make a list packed with fics that fit the bill! :DDDD
Ummmmmmmm how about I stick to the different style and talent of various authors to "show them off" for your friend?
*pulls up sleeves to more successfully wrangle Google Docs*
@baronessblixen, @welsharcher, @o6666666, @ghostbustermelanieking, @lokisgame, @mldrgrl, @tinglingworld, @sigritandtheelves, and @kateyes224 write THE BEST short but complex fluff imaginable. The shorter the better for me, because it leaves a lot of room for me to fill-in with my imagination. (And don't forget yourself~, heheheh.)
Edit: Needed to add @settle-down-frohike and @cyb3rpeach to this list~!
@enigmaticdrblockhead rips my heart out and sews it back in with her gut-wrenching short fics on humanity's cruelties. I always cite her fic Ascension as the one that makes me cry every time.
@suitablyaggrieved does great at short fic, too. Her bent is less about fluff and more about dread and horror~.
In a similar vein is @dreamingofscully, whose works are longer but have that teeter-totter between weighted rumination and blissful happiness; and @wtfmulder, who is one of the best writers for "male voice" (making three differently brooding male character sound distinctly different from one another) and does the best Mulder crack headcanons and memes.
astronaught writes like David Duchovny for me (which is a high compliment)-- ex. "He needed to get out of L.A. He needed to stay in L.A. There was a comforting nausea to the unreality here. Funhouse, Pleasure Island, Lotus-Eater nausea. The subtle horror of a museum of plastic toys. Violently happy faces fading from a material that wasn’t meant to age. //Everything was a bit grotesque in L.A. and so was everything out of L.A. Who said that Hollywood lied?"
Jo_B writes a complicated, heartwarming Mulder who is relieved Scully's effortlessly sees his humanity and good intentions.
defnotmeyo writes both the best crack (heartwarming and fun and realistic) and angst short fic. She's gone from Tumblr; but some of her fics can still be found.
@melforbes is another fic author that made me ALMOST sob (but definitely cry) with her seaglass blue fic (Ao3)-- that and, again, Ascension as mentioned above.
Lapsed_Scholar wrote the best collection of Requiem variations (Mulder doesn't leave due to various snags in his departure, all involving Scully in some way.) But all of her work is FANTASTIC (as are these other authors, too!) I always pair up anything Lapsed wrote with --
Anything Apostrophic (i.e. @mappingthexfiles), @seek-its-opposite, @wtfmulder, @sigritandtheelves, and @onpaperfirst touches is always gold. They write IWTB/S11 so well; and as a "stop after S8 the canonical ending" fan, they make me love anything beyond it-- and those aren't not even including their other fics. I always think of Apostrophic's "miniseries" fics Agua Mala-Arcadia-Alpha... stupendous work.
Can't forget the multi-chapter, shot-in-the-veins of 90s grounded...ness that is @cecilysass, @aloysiavirgata, @amplifyme, and @slippinmickeys (though she also loves to dabble in AUs that are wildly entertaining.) You FEEL like you're in the X-Files era reading their work.
For Torture!Mulder (yep, it's a thing) there's Vickie Moseley (Gossamer, Ao3) and Donna-- I prefer Donna's work, but sometimes Vickie NAILS it.
For Gossamer/older fics I reread obsessively (and they're famfic, ngl):
Suki Tawdry's The Way Things Are (Mulder and Scully have a one-night stand aligning w/ Gillian's pregnancy. I skip Chapter 12-- personal preference-- but the BANTER and sarcasm on Scully is top-tier. And Mulder's journey as a slowly morphing family man is... chef's kiss. Not to mention Skinner, Maggie, Melissa, even a well-intentioned but annoying Bill, etc.) and LuvTheBeez's Snow (S5? Mulder and Scully are married and expecting a giant baby... and become hostages in a stick up. The in-control thought processes, banter, and intelligent planning on both their parts while keeping it completely lighthearted is also the best) AND Jamie Greco's Breathing (on the way to Scully's Lamaze class, dialogue only, AMAZING characterization of Mulder and Scully. All of Jamie Greco's other fics do the same-- Scarlet has Mulder high on a hallucinogen and seeing Scully as an angel.)
I'm plowing through RocketMan's works on Gossamer-- WOW are some amazing. Chef's kiss. Not finished yet (taking my time-- just reached second page), but I'll probably make a separate author shoutout when I'm done~.
I haven't even BEGUN to touch the fill-in or fix-it fics that span the series (or at least one season of it) that are incredibly impressive-- like @darwin-xf, @scenes-in-between, and touchstonea's Odyssean epics-- but I've got to cut this list short because... honestly, my list would be endless; and I have not even BEGUN to list them all. If I haven't listed anyone, it's not for lack of trying or because of any attempt at snubbing. I, a mere mortal, can only do so much. XDDD
Thank you for the ask~! Again, if your friend likes a specific category, let me know and I'll drum up a fic list! :DDDDD
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randomfoggytiger · 17 days
Find the Word (Love Themed) tag
Thanks for the tag, @television-overload. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiinteresting!
The rules are simple, find the given words in your writing (WIP, Published, a college essay - it doesn't matter) or something close enough (I think conjugating verbs and finding synonyms are both fair game) share an excerpt, and tag some friends and some new words to play too.
Words for me to find:
Embrace, Feelings, Heart, Kiss, Gaze
Words for you to find:
Heart, Laugh, Gaze, Tickle, Tease
I don't have any WIPs started (because half-finished projects haunt my waking nightmares); but I'll come up with some sentences for ideas I've tucked away for maybe-later:
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Her name was Avalon. She was a lurid twenty-seven and he a naive eighteen when they met at the McCaw's dinner party, wide smiles wrapped in a clashing fog of eau de toilette. He felt closer to her memory every time he stuck the descriptor "star-crossed lover" onto the unmarked forehead of another pulpy heroine in another failed manuscript.
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Marriage is waiting at your doorstep.
Rolling his fortune back and forth between her fingers, Phoebe teased, "You know what they say, Love, about putting too much stock in these things."
He relaxed, tried to hide his feelings behind his glass. "I did think you were rather too old to be a blushing bride, Phoebe."
"Darling," she sneered, feeding the mangled cylindrical slip into her candleflame, "everyone's too old to be a blushing bride."
Heart + Gaze
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She knew he was waiting just off-stage, the intensity of his gaze following her as one, two, three of the shortest dancing hearts guided her through turns, twirls, and lifts.
"It's a magic penny," Chrissy explained patiently. "You give it a kiss first before you flip it. That way, you'll always win at coin tosses."
"Isn't that cheating?" the FBI lady asked, gently lowering herself to the mat.
"It's supposed to do that."
The FBI man chuckled from the corner.
Tagging: @baronessblixen, @suitablyaggrieved, @welsharcher, @agent-troi, @aloysiavirgata, @virtie333, @two-microscopes, @danascullysjournal, @dreamingofscully, @leiascully, @nachosncheeze, @pennyserenade, @skelavender, @storybycorey, @cecilysass,@neednottoneed, @diplomaticprincess, @settle-down-frohike, @invidiosa, and anyone else I may have forgotten. Have at!
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randomfoggytiger · 20 days
Twenty questions for fanfic writers
Thank you for the tags, @baronessblixen, @xxsksxxx, and @slippinmickeys~!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
50 (ooh.)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
47, 807
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The X-Files; and The Beauty and the Beast (1987), once.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
"Mr. Mulder, I Know Something About You"
"No More Paranormal than a Change of Wardrobe"
"The Next Chance"
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yeppity yep!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Discounting the fics that partially resolve their angst in a second part, I've got to go with "I'm Tired", "What Must a Mother Go Through?", "Latkes", or "Did You Really Have to Bring That Thing?"
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
At least 3/4s of 'em. Today's example will be "Time Passing in Moments” (still has a hold on my fuzzy feelings.)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet-- I've seen it done to others, however.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Smut's not for me~
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
While opposed to crossovers on principle, I've written three-- ironic, I know, namely: my first ever fic Son of Egypt (Prince of Egypt lite), The Hospital Where You Slept (While You Were Sleeping lite), and "I Know You. It’s What I Do." (for @amplifyme, who introduced me to The Beauty and the Beast 1987 and went above and beyond to pass on resources and interest. Incredibly grateful.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! Don't expect them to get stolen, either, unless they're multichapter pieces.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! Not opposed, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I don't see it happening anytime soon, either, because my irl schedule is all over the place.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
MSR-- objectively, as well as personally.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have an idea blooming about reworking S8 in some way or form-- but there are already so many fics that tackle it from nearly every angle; so, I'll just reread those instead. (That, and I have to finish my S8 meta series; so....)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Pfffft... voice, I believe.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Characterization-- there's a reason I haven't created my own characters when writing, drawing, etc. ;)))
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Not opposed; but I'd have to learn another language first.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars. Must have been in kindergarten or first grade.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Proud of 'em all-- especially the reception to "Son of Egypt"-- but Bill Scully's POV ("Mr. Mulder, I Know Something About You" series) was such an unexpected... everything. That, and the discussion between Mulder and Scully in "My Religious Convictions Are Hardly the Issue Here" were wound around a POVs I wanted to tackle.
Tagging (if you want~): @welsharcher, @agent-troi, @numinousmysteries, @skelavender, @virtie333, @suitablyaggrieved, @nachosncheeze, @living-in-unreality, @aloysiavirgata, @cecilysass, @leiascully, @pennyserenade, @invidiosa, @settle-down-frohike, @piecesofscully, @thescullyphile, @p34chi, @incidental-ao3, @cock-holliday, @ragnarockz, @frogsmulder, @bakedbakermom, @cutelilcurtain, @dreamingofscully, @freckleslikestars, @amplifyme, @scullys-scalpel, @ghostbustermelanieking, @o6666666, @sigritandtheelves, @contrivedcoincidences6, @two-microscopes, @sixhours, @jessahmewren, @enigmaticdrblockhead, @wexleresque, @danascullysjournal, @seek-its-opposite, @frostbitepandaaaaa, @oohnotvery, @atths--twice, @thatfragilecapricorn30, @storybycorey, and anyone else!
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randomfoggytiger · 8 months
9 people you want to get to know better
Eyyyyyyyyy, thanks so much @frogsmulder~!
Currently reading: Does fic count? because I'm rereading @mldrgrl's Hank Moody and Stella Gibson series (having watched neither show and also being staunchly against shipping characters from different shows aaaand not being a smut reader) because it's good, really good. (It's the one good thing that came from a very brief Twitter check-in.)
Last song: Nooooooooooooooo idea~! XDDD
Currently watching: Beauty and the Beast 1987-- great stuff with talent dripping from its pores (producers from X-Files, George R. R. Martin, and Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton.) Enjoying myself~!
Current fic: I need to finish @writingwell's RocketMan Gossamer collection; but my brain is pooped today and only up for mindless rereads. I WILL get back to it soon, though! >:DDDD
Next on my watchlist: I want to watch DD's series about an indie movie maker having to battle studios to get his project out... buuuuuuuuuuuuuut that's hard to get my hands on where I live. SO, since I'm not too much of a movie/tv gal, it's on the way back burner. (What Happens Later was going to be a great birthday present to moi, but it got moved to November. It probably still counts, though.)
Current obsession: X-Files always, amen; but also BATB (any and everything.)
Tagging peeps I've chatted with all too briefly to see what else I can learn about them~: @dreamingofscully, @enigmaticdrblockhead, @scullys-scalpel, @peachlavalamp, @spidey-is-tired, @scullyeffect, @writingwell, @xxsksxxx, @ibringyouasong89, @annablume, @cyb3rpeach, @teenie-xf, @adrianne68, @imnotyogi, @seek-its-opposite
(Bonus round, because why not? @baronessblixen, @welsharcher, @agent-troi, @suitablyaggrieved, @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure, @perpetually-weirdening, @amplifyme, @cecilysass, @jessahmewren, @neednottoneed, @freckleslikestars, @unremarkablehouse, @wtfmulder, @slippinmickeys, @mollybecameanengineer, @sonictacocat, @my-spookybunnies~)
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randomfoggytiger · 4 months
For the year end fic asks: 7, 17, 27
Okay, I did intentional go with the sevens, but maybe it's good luck!
Thanks for dropping in! :DDD
7. Hold on, I'll be right back! ... The longest completed fic was "Son of Egypt", my first ever one. (And that makes me smile~.) If this answer includes fics with chapters, then it has to be the Mulder and Scully Vampire AU (chapters one and two); but that feels a little like cheating.
17. I don't think I have any fics to continue next year! They're deliciously self-contained.
27. Favorite fanfic author? Pffft, how do I fit hundreds of names here? I've been making my way through @writingwell's works; I participated in an Eight Nights of Mulder event with @welsharcher, @agent-troi, @baronessblixen, and @numinousmysteries; @amplifyme got me into BATB fanfic; @aloysiavirgata returned to Tumblr (or was that last year?); @xxsksxxx started writing; @television-overload's Field of Dreams inspired fic got me to watch the movie (and whose separate idea inspired my first ever fanfic); @slippinmickeys and @cecilysass have been churning out great multi-chapters, @suitablyaggrieved hasn't been active but has great pieces as well, @leiascully participated in Fictober; touchstoneaf's S9 AU series is still being updated (and it's wonderful); and and and.
Seriously, any mutuals who wrote x-files 2023 fics: feel free to plug them below-- I'm always up for a reread~.
Thanks for these questions! They were so fun~. :))))
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randomfoggytiger · 11 months
Copy-pasting an anon that my ask box ate up (again?)
@welsharcher: I wanted to send this in as an ask but for some reason it kept saying I was attaching a link when I wasn't? O.o "If you are taking requests on metas, can you do one on How The Ghosts Stole Christmas? Such a good episode but so.much.there. 😂"
OOOOOH, that's sounds like a great idea!!!! :DDDD Thanks for suggesting it~!
I'll add it to the cue~ (currently busting my brains out over a two-parter for Alpha; but I'm in a highly productive and speedy mood, so it shouldn't be too much to analyze TGTSC sometime soon... right?)
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