#id give my life savings for a season 3
QTNA: Why was The Wilds cancelled??? How would the boys and girls have interacted in S3??? What would have happened to Nora & Seth when everyone found out what they did???
But most importantly: What are the ship names for TonixShelby and LeahxFatin????? And why did that woman think she was going to get away with that insanity?!?!
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golden28s · 7 months
Totally optional, fun Gallavich questions ☀️🌙
thanks for tagging me to the coolest person @callivich 💖
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? i havent read that many gallavich fanfics since i watched the show in like april BUT im loving Africa and ill probably read it once it's finished
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? s7 gifsets are really person to me but also maybe s10 and s11 because they reached the peak of softness
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? maybe that ian would tell mickey "i told you so" when they become parents and mickey turns out to be an absolute incredible dad that will play, sing, dance anything with his children.
What’s a fanart you love looking at? maybe @gallavichonly @heymrspatel and i accept recommendations btw id love to see more fanart
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? id probably write like a series of one shots based on taylor swift songs
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? i think that not judging characters, like always be aware of their circumstances and what made them do or say that and that might not justify them but it explains their thought process, it explains why and gives them some sort of humanity to their mistakes idk if this makes sense but yeah that, don't judge a character too soon, try to understand them.
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? the secret dating, we know they secretly dated and stuff but i feel like it's actually a really fun concept to play with despite their circumstances in the show, it gives you so many possibilities.
What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show? the early seasons have special place in my heart, so s4-5 and i think gallavich totally saved s7, i love that part of the season
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? i would've loved to see ian healing from the grooming and realizing it was grooming, it would've been nice for the character to heal old wounds and start fresh a new life with mickey in a new neighborhood ready to create new memories
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough? the just wondering if we're a couple or not scene, we definitely should discuss more the fact that mickey answered too quickly, he absolutely had been calling ian boyfriend in his head
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship? im gonna quote noel fisher and as he said: "Ian's been that kind of guiding angel for Mickey so he's going to have to turn into a pretty much kind of a protective angel for Ian"
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale? i think they're gonna learn to communicate even more, they were in really good path already. i think the writers didn't have much faith in them in that aspect but the conversation they have in s11 about going back or not to the new neighborhood made evident that they can communicate, they listen to each other and understand the reasons, each other's feelings. so yeah, i think they're gonna get even better at that and also they're not gonna wait that much to become parents. i think they eventually will find new jobs, ian will have his tomatoes and mickey will adore looking at him doing his thing every sunday morning. i really really think they finally found their peace, their home and are gonna be very very happy and disgustingly in love forever because they're also hopeless romantic and want that so bad.
im gonna tag a few people and as always feel free to do it or not <3 @lupeloto @mikhailoisbaby @mickeysgaymom @redwiccanrobin @lyricailove @energievie @depressedstressedlemonzest @juliakayyy
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suffarustuffaru · 8 months
Not meaning to throw any shade at Rem, but I hate how her character ended up being restricted to only loving Subaru. It became her personality and her reason to exist
Meanwhile my man Otto has layers and fun dynamics with everyone WHILE also being codependent and hopelessly in love to Subaru (in my point of view)
I hope that now Tappei will be able to balance Rem's character and give her another personality trait besides her love for Subaru
ok so if anyone else is seeing this, this is referring to a poll i made a few days ago pitting rem and otto against each other bc theyre both the resident codependent subaru devotees and they do parallel/contrast each other a bit 👍
but yeah anon… not to affect the poll results or anything wkdndnd but i agree a lot with you!! i have mixed feelings on rem bc i do love her a lot—im halfway through her and ram’s prequel novel and im enjoying it a lot, and also i liked her the moment i watched season 1 of the anime for the first time. shes an intriguing character with a well written backstory and her own set of flaws and traits. but i think the big thing is her and ottos relationships with subaru, while subaru is first place in both of their hearts and subaru comes first before anyone else at this point, rem and ottos flavors of Dependency are different?
like with rem, i think its the point that her whole being ends up revolving around subaru. not that otto isnt like that either, of course, but otto has Way More of a life outside of subaru. otto has a whole group of people from the emilia camp to marone and his family that he cares about other than subaru, and on top of that, ottos job in the emilia camp is to communicate with others both within and outside of his camp. then theres his dp, which is also dependent and ABOUT communication. when it comes to rem and otto, theres absolutely no competing on this, otto is the one with more of. a Life. not that rem doesnt have other people she cares about and other people she talks with and other people she likes (and also rem was unfortunately Gluttonyed), but the top two closest people in her life were always ram then subaru. otto got lucky with his loving family, bc rems Entire Life has molded her into being dependent on others. shes told by her family that the only reason shes alive is bc ram saved her. ram is the only person who loves her. she envies ram and then she feels so guilty after her village is destroyed and rams horn is gone (especially when rem is initially. kind of Glad that rams horn is gone). so rem places her worth on serving the people she loves—ram and subaru. rem has spent her WHOLE LIFE like this. remsuba as a relationship has its ups and downs but arc 3 rem is, while sweet and well meaning, shes not the healthiest. remsuba isnt the healthiest. and then arc 7-8 comes in and yeah while rems pov of subaru and the whole situation is Understandable from what little she knows, yeah its not the healthiest either (and also i dont forgive her for being mean about natsumi wkfndnd).
not that ottosuba is the Healthiest given they seem like theyre going to become. a bit Toxic in arc 8 if they keep being stubborn, but the big difference is in how otto and rem devote themselves. bc rems problem (in arc 3) is that she enables subaru a little too much. i mean sloth if exists for a reason, she ran away with subaru and RAM AND EVERYONE ELSE DIED. ottos problem is that hes 1. obsessed with opposing subaru and 2. not straightforward with his feelings the way arc 3 rem is. bc at least pre gluttony rem is gonna straightforwardly be like “id do anything for you” and “i love you” etc etc. like yeah ottos like “youre my friend!!” but hes also gonna complain nonstop about subaru to his face and say shit like “ill leave at the first sight of danger!!” RIGHT AFTER RISKING HIS LIFE FOR SUBARU. and also even then arc 8 rems siding with subaru on louis so shes enabling him in that respect too (even though arc 8 rem is different from arc 3 rem of course). ergo, rem is the one who wants to support subaru Unconditionally. even if its not what youd consider the right decision. otto tries to help subaru get what he wants, but if otto doesnt agree he starts getting aggressive. rem makes herself pliable and into a bit of a doormat for subaru, otto starts getting out the pitchforks and tries to control things bc he thinks his way his best for subaru in the end. that, and while subaru does go first in ottos heart, hes STILL loyal to the entire emilia camp as a whole (minus roswaal). thats why he wanted to leave vollachia, he wanted to save the ENTIRE emilia camp.
but like you said anon—while the point is that rem ends up centering her whole life around subaru, i feel that tappei handles otto (who has SIMILAR PLOT BEATS) with far more nuance. like while otto will literally do anything else besides actually say “i love you” or “id do anything for you”, his arc is more straightforward and consistent than rems. again, rem got gluttonyed and a bunch of different stuff have happened with her so of course her arc has been more Dramatic in its changes, but with otto he grows and changes but at the same time he doesnt change At All. his arc 8 self is doing stuff hes been capable of this whole time, vollachia and subaru just bring out his more hidden traits. the narrative is just way more consistent with emphasizing that while otto thinks hes in the right, hes also Wrong in a lot of ways. his mindset rn is Not Healthy and i feel that the narrative shows that more with him than it does rem a lot. like the writing literally goes out of its way to shit on otto a bit for being a little messed up in the head, while you have to read more into rems plot and then some audiences just completely miss the point of her character. that and—yeah, rems reasons are all very understandable, but i feel that tappei romanticizes her a bit too much. all you have to do is look at sloth if bc sloth if seems a Bit too fluffy to me despite the absolute Dark Backdrop. like yeah. subaru rbds back to arc 3 at the end. but i feel like sloth if just sweeps a lot of the dark underbelly under the rug. ottosuba as a dynamic to me just feels more Equal than remsuba does, which is probably a bit strange HAH bc ottosuba as a dynamic is based on Conflict (especially when you remember ottosuba across the ifs too) and their power dynamics in arc 8 are likely going to get crazy at some point.
plus its like—the way the whole louis situation has been handled made me think that tappei wouldnt even bother examining the Problems with louis and subaru + rems relationships with louis, but luckily arc 8 has been getting into that more. so like i dont completely trust tappei with female characters (he has a habit of. fumbling the bag a bit with them sometimes, imo. he gets out such great complex main female characters then he starts messing up with their writing like halfway through). but like you anon, i hope that rem gets far more character development. the poor girl has spent her whole life basing her worth on others….
and well. again, i think the difference in how the writing treats otto vs rem is probably also bc ottos a boy and rems a girl. so of course otto consistently gets a bit more nuance, and of course certain parts of the audience just see rem and think “waifu who would do anything for you” rather than “this is a traumatized girl who means well but has poor boundaries and Codependency Issues”, and some people see otto and think “he doesnt love subaru that much lol” and sweep his own codependency and Issues under the rug. and then you look at the narrative and, like you said anon, otto is allowed to have fun dynamics with everyone while still being Fixated on subaru. rem hasnt had much of a chance in that category yet.
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shywhispersunknown · 3 months
Casual Sex, The New Thief of joy.
I've recently been super intrigued by the story of Samson and Delilah. I couldn't for the life of me understand what was it about Delilah that drove Samson so crazy. Why did he love her and what made him stay with her after she repeatedly hurt him? I tore through that story at least 3 times searching for anything that would give me the answer I was looking for but came up with nothing. The Bible doesn't provide much backstory to their relationship. It doesn't specify if they were married or not but it does highlight her lack of love and respect for him which ultimately lead to his demise.
Throughout their love affair there are several instances where Delilah unabashedly set out to destroy Samson. Now I wont get into the entire story , but Samson was a Nazarite and his power source was his hair. He was a chosen man by God and his mission was to defeat the Philistines. Delilah, unbeknownst to Samson was hired by the Philistines to discover his secret with the hopes of capturing him. My girl would openly ask Samson what was the secret to his strength, and then would turn around and set him up! She did this at least 3 times and the wild thing is, Samson kept coming back for more! She'd even gaslight him, accusing him of lying to her and not really loving her. Sprung off the na'mean, he eventually gave in and told her his secret. And the rest is history. As I reflect on my last few years of dating, there are aspects of this story I can totally relate to. Follow me.
In my experience casual sex has caused me more harm then good. As I'd told myself time and time again, "this is your single season, you don't need a boyfriend". As much as that may have been true, it still didn't negate the fact that I wanted something or someone in some sort of capacity. 2019 I met my Delilah (we'll call him Dillon). On my quest of healing and being liberated from a tumultuous relationship, I somehow found myself entangled with a particular gentleman. Ill save you the details of how we met but the attraction was instant, and much like Samson, I was totally smitten. He didn't woo me in a traditional sense, but there was just something about him that really drew me in. I was admittedly lonely and love starved and truthfully it just felt good to have some male energy in my life. I didn't let on about my lack of love, but I feel like he knew. Our 1st date told me everything I needed to know about him. We were at a bar having a great time, and in walked someone he knew. The 2 locked eyes and the associate was visibly uneasy. Dillon excused himself and directed the guy outside. A few minutes later he returned and smiled then said "now we drink all night for free" I fell in love right there...*facepalm. We spent months galavanting through the city, every encounter was so random. I found him exciting, intriguing and incredibly sexy. We had a crazy connection and I wanted more of him. He'd told me he loved me several times, and I echoed the same sentiment, but every time Id mentioned us getting together...there was a pause. He'd give me excuses on why we shouldn't be together...begrudgingly I accepted it and tried to move on. But somehow or another, he always managed to draw me back in. He was sweet to me...(or so I imagined)he'd do the simple things I loved. Flowers just because, a playlist expressing his "true" feelings sent in the middle of the night...and random pop ups whether I was home or not. Sigh...these miniscule acts sown in manipulation would get me every time. I tried to be strong and step away, but I was caught up and couldn't leave him alone. Id pray about this, because although physically I was having a blast, emotionally I was messed up. Id discovered through my superb stalking skills..(kidding!), that he was seeing someone. But not just anyone, an amateur porn chick. With my own eyes Id seen the two in the act on twitter...I was mortified, disgusted and heartbroken. Here I was in the interim begging God to heal my heart , but the 1st pair of muscles and a smile comes my way and I'm ready to break out on the Lord? Some good and faithful servant I was SMH. All those tears man, those sleepless nights...crying out to God to help me get over the pain of the past...and here I was willingly walking back into the same thing.
I never confronted him about what I saw. I just tried to move on with my life. Id go long stretches without talking to him, and he'd oblige and not press the issue if he reached out and I didn't respond. But like clockwork, he'd figure out a way to lure me back in. We'd have these passionate moments and completely and emotionally naked.. Id tell him how much Id missed him and wanted to be his. We'd be great for a week...maybe even a month, but nothing changed. He was still sleeping with her...and me. Somehow or another I mustered up the strength to step away from him once again. I deactivated my socials and was determined to live life off the grid..at least until I got over him. But how was that supposed to happen if I was stalking him from my finsta? The delusion of it all! But I digress lmao..there didn’t seem to be much happening with him anyway. Before I knew it 6 months had passed.... and although parts of me still longed for him I was on my way to forgetting his face. One faithful day in June he reached out. He said he missed me, needed to see me and begged me not to deny him. Our last encounter was different. Although excited to see him, something was off. He didn’t look the same to me anymore…but he was still very much himself. The rizz was on a thousand and I fell for it once again. Completely aware that I had been had, I worked super hard not to get in my fantasy bag. There would never be an "Us" and I needed to let it go. As I steadied myself to take one last peak at his page( because I was shutting my operation down)…I saw that he was very much engaged. Fantasy officially over.
Before I met Dillon, I was on the road to the new me. The Lord was piecing my heart back together. My passion for Him was reignited, and although I had some tough days the love was palpable and real. Dillon seemed to be a beautiful distraction, no doubt. But was the few trysts I had with him worth the pain, shame and embarrassment I felt then? Absolutely not! The condemnation, the depression THE ANXIETY! for obvious reasons, heck no! Samson lost his anointing fooling with Delilah, and I derailed my healing path messing around with Dillon. But God, who is completely faithful gave ya girl another chance.
*The spirit of Delilah is a seducing spirit whose mission is to stop believers from fulfilling their destiny by enticing its target and lulling them to sleep. Believers who fall subject to this spirit forget their true purpose, giving Satan an advantage over God's people.
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So I've read through your ml posts and you seem to dislike the sentimonster theory. Valid, obviously, but I don't know/remember the reason? So I'd like to hear it - if it's because it doesn't make sense, because you don't like the concept, or literally any reason at all. And if it's a reason like logic, what would it take for you to like the concept? Again, it's completely valid if you don't like it at all for no explainable reason, I'm just curious because I'm not opposed to the theory and also I like your writing and what I understand/know about you as a person so I'd like to know why you feel the way you do :D
So! My issues with the Sentimonster Plot have to do with the execution, not the ideas. The ideas I think could have been solid if given proper support!
Let's focus on the downsides first:
The plot holes! There's a lot. Off the top of my head:
Adrien, in the first three seasons, was directly disobeying Gabriel's orders. Him being rebellious was such a big character trait that his introduction in Origins was him disobeying Gabriel's orders! Compare that to Season 4/5, where he does not disobey, where he follows orders. While you could argue that 'oh Gabriel just didn't use the Amok before!', why didn't he when he's clearly comfortable doing so later?
How do Gabriel and Nathalie not know that Chat is a Sentimonster? Though it is later retconned into them only being able to sense the Amok, in 'Feast' Nathalie clearly senses the Sentimonster. (I have gone on a tangent of how she had to have sensed the Sentimonster, not the Amok, because if she sensed the Amok then her knowing that Feast is a Sentimonster is a large leap in logic)
Why didn't Gabriel use Adrien's Amok in either 'Gorizilla' or 'Chat Blanc'? Even if Adrien managed to circumvent those orders through loopholes, that could have been utilized!
Adrien has been hit with Cataclysm before. His reaction was what we see from Humans, not from Sentimonsters.
While Felix being a Sentimonster was mildly foreshadowed, Kagami being a Sentimonster came out of nowhere.
There are other things though!
For one thing, there's the fact that this came with saying that all Sentimonsters are Sapient Beings. Not only does this seem unlikely given how..... not Sapient most act, but it adds in horrifying implications as that jacks up the series' on-screen kill count.
It also wasn't set up well. Not even with the plotholes, but because there was no buildup. Sentimonsters weren't even introduced until the last few minutes of the Season 2 finale! And we didn't start getting hints to Adrien being a Sentimonster until /maybe/ the end of Season 3. I compare this often to other kids' shows with twists like Steven Universe or Gravity Falls, where the twists are foreshadowed as early as the first episode.
Given the fact that we currently don't have any way to truly free a Sentimonster from the Amok's control, I do not like the narrative there. Even if Adrien is given his Amok, there's always that possibility of someone else controlling him. It would be much more satisfying if he's freed from it, whether it be by Maribug saving him or by him going all Ella Enchanted and giving himself the order to not listen to orders. But even that latter one has been proven to not work. Not to mention that, even if he manages to hold on to the Amok, the Peacock User could just dispel him in a snap.
Another thing I have with it is a more biased note rather than a criticism of Canon, but I don't like how casually the Peacock can create Sapient Life. I personally feel that the act of creating Life, even accidentally, should be a difficult process that takes time and energy and even a little danger. This maaaaaay be because I came from FMA:B. So ya know. But I feel that the Peacock casually creating Sapient Beings is too OP, and it should be nerfed by either being unable to do that, or by the Sentimonsters having /potential/ to become real, but not by default.
Now! That said!
I do like the /theoretical/ idea of the Sentimonsters! While I criticized the version in ML, I do love the idea of Sapient Life coming from some non-Sapient source! Whether it be Cloning, AI programming, some sort of Homonculus, or even just going full Velveteen Rabbit, I love that. Bonus points for the 'how do I know I'm real/alive/have emotions/etc' angst! I also do like the idea of Adrien being controlled in some way, but I want him to be able to fully break free.
So ways to fix it:
Foreshadow this earlier. Firstly would be introducing the idea of Sentimonsters at some point very early on. Mention them and let us learn more, so that we could match it to Adrien's behavior. Speaking of! Have Adrien follow Gabriel's orders more! If you want him to still be rebellious, have him be sneaky! Use loopholes and wordplay to let him say '/technically/ I'm doing what I was told!'.
Have Gabriel utilize the Amok in times where he suspects Adrien of being Chat Noir. Adrien could still utilize loopholes here to get out of it! Like Gabriel orders him 'Tell the truth, are you Chat Noir?" and Adrien, using the logic of how he's not Chat Noir right now(aka: not Transformed) says 'nope!'.
Give a reason that Nathalie and Gabriel can't sense Chat being a Sentimonster through the Peacock. Either Canon's retcon of 'only sensing the Amok' or something like 'being Transformed muddles the signal'.
So on and so forth.
Fix it so that Adrien (and Felix and Kagami if you're keeping them all) is unique compared to the other Sentimonsters. Whether it be because he was designed to be Sapient, or because something else was added/done to make him Real, have that. This would free us from the fucked implications of Maribug's killcount.
And then give us the freedom! Again, I'd prefer something Ella Enchanted-esque. But if you have Ladybug's Cure do something or drag in the Eagle Miraculous, it's fine.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Hi! I have a request but it's not on your prompt list, if you can't do it that's fine! But I thought of something like Maggie and Reader never got along for some reason Maggie blames her, so when she goes back to Alexandria (Season 10?) there's a fight because Reader is with Negan so Maggie throws a lot of shit on Reader and something like that, you're the one who knows! I hope I wasn't rude or too specific. English is not my first language, sorry, have a great day!
Love this! Sorry this took so long to reply to. I hope you like it!
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She was never my biggest fan.
I can really never remember a time where Maggie and I weren't bickering and disagreeing with each other. You could equate it to sibling bickering- sure. But there was something deeply personal that Maggie has always felt towards me but my reactions are just that. Reactions to her lashing out.
Like right now.
"Maggie, I'm a grown women with autonomy and free will." I huff, leaning into the table as I look around at the council, their eyes directed at the table, not wanting to get involved. "I'm not sure why my love life is even a discussion right now- we have much bigger fish to fry." I scoff, hearing hums of agreement around the table.
"He killed my husband. He killed our friends." Maggie says simply, jaw gritting and her eyes tear with frustrated tears. "You've chosen to literally get in bed with the enemy."
"It's been nearly a decade Maggie. He's been in prison, he's been reintroduced to society- talk to Gabe, Gabe please back me up." I beg, looking to the man as he sighs, his eyes closing briefly before he looks to Maggie.
"You are in no position to judge her. These are scary times, we've all been through a lot. We all deserve happiness in any way we can get it." He replies simply but not completely answering the question, Maggie groaning as her head tilts back. "He's been reintroduced to society, he's proven himself an asset and he's been a saving grace in Y/n's life." Maggie's jaw clenches as she folds her arms over her chest, realizing that our friends would end up taking my side if she made this any bigger of a deal."You need to cut them some slack or you need to leave." Her cheeks redden with fury and her chair squeaks as she stands abruptly, giving me a dirty glare before making her way towards the door.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi
@crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw
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gerbits · 1 year
Tagged by @irrewilderer for this lil questionnaire, thank youuu!! tagging with zero pressure @plasma-janes, @tipsy-clouds, @biffybobs, @whyeverr, @saartje77, @justkeeponsimming, @simgerale, @wildmelon, @introvertedfox
1. what’s your favorite sim death? death by cowplant 🐮
2. alpha cc or maxis match? maxis match
3. do you cheat when your sims gain weight? no, but I do 'cheat' to try to make them look a bit more proportional in CAS
4. do you use bb.moveobjects? do....do people not use this cheat
5. favorite mod? there are a few I can't play without but I think my favorite has to be lilmisssam's pregnancy overhaul (pregnant sim bellies are atrocious & still, years later, idk who approved it or why they haven't adjusted it???)
6. first DLC you got? unleashed! 🐾
7. do you pronounce ‘live mode’ like ‘alive’ or ‘living’? living
8. who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? probably pigeon :3
9. have you made a simself? yes but I don't play her, I would feel a bit weird having a simself save. I mostly use her for profile photos on the gallery or twitter (or rather, when I actually used twitter). See most recent version below!
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10. what sim traits did you give yourself? Geek, Squeamish, and Hates Children (though I promise I am not mean to children and I don't hate them, but it's a well known fact I am certainly not a kid person)
11. what is your favorite maxis hair color? I don't really have one, I just...pick whichever hair color I think suits a sim.
12. favorite maxis hair? idk off the top of my head, but when I play cc free I feel like I tend to gravitate towards the eco lifestyle hairs the most. or the claw clip hair from laundry day
13. favorite life stage? probably YA since it's the only life stage EA gives any thought to
14. are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? cas enthusiast (but I guess gameplay if it's between that and 🤢 building)
15. are you a custom content creator? once upon a time I was known to recolor a shirt or slap a decal on them but it's been a while and I don't see myself going back to it
16. do you have any simblr friends/sim squad? yes and I am forever apologetic that I am Bad™ at replying to messages or holding a conversation in discord (ily you all truly 💜)
17. what’s your favorite game? ts2, nothing will beat the charm & quirky gameplay
18. do you have any sims merch? nope
19. do you have a youtube for the sims? I don't have a youtube for anything
20. how has your ‘sim style’ changed throughout your years of playing? it's gotten a lot less cartoony. gone are the days of gigantic eyeballs squished super close together
21. what’s your origin ID? gerbits
22. who’s your favorite custom content creator? anyone who doesn't use paywalls or early access. you have my heart.
23. how long have you had simblr? this will qualify me for an elder's discount but it's been about 12 years 🫣 (and LET ME TELL YOU it used to be a lot more fun before everybody became so obsessed with making money and gaining followers...now I am sad thinking about it)
24. how do you edit your pictures? photoshop
25. what DLC is your favorite so far? tbh most of the dlcs are meh but the ones I cannot play without are seasons, parenthood, and get together. Honorable mentions are cottage living bc bunnies and cats & dogs bc it's better than having no pets at all
26. what DLC you want next? realistically a hobby dlc, unrealistically give me a legit post apocalyptic dlc and I can die happy
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katatty · 1 year
Sims Tag
I was tagged by @charmandersims​! I might have been tagged earlier by other people too but can’t remember for the life of me. Thank you, tho!
What’s your favourite sims death? I’ve always thought death by flies is fun, although I don’t think I’ve ever had it happen in normal gameplay!
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis match, I guess. Although I guess I do use “alpha” hairs, alpha doesn’t really mean anything with TS2...
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nope, I don’t think my Sims really do gain weight all that often, it’s hard to over-feed them in vanilla gameplay! Unless they’re doing a lot of gardening and eating the sparkly foods. I usually welcome weight gain since it’s rare to have “fat” sims :D
Do you use move objects? Yes, decorating without it is a pain in the ass lol!
Favorite mod? At the moment I’d have to say Story Progression for how much it changes the game! But my real favourite is probably the Sim Blender. So simple but useful :D
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I think I got Nightlife and University together with the base game when I first played? I like University the most :D
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE. I think of live mode as being like TV, like “we’re live!” That said I don’t think I even say “live mode” all that often, I always refer to it as having the game paused/unpaused 
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Ever???????? Gosh, maybe Duncan Huckleberry or Emmie Aisling? Neither of them are even that interesting facially, I just find them both really fun to write. In terms of face, maybe Lin Mori from Nekojima?
Have you made a simself? Yes, a few years ago! I remember doing quite a ute photoshoot with her, though I haven’t ever played with one in years
What sim traits do you give yourself? Excitable, cat-lover, slob, lucky, loves the outdoors
Which is your favorite EA hair color? I dunno, brown I guess?
Favorite EA hair? I like the one Nina and Bella use, especially all the dyed variants you can get in the mirror! I also really like the one that’s like half up and quite messy (that Lin Mori & Grace Linguine wear), apparently it’s called updo?
Favorite life stage? Young adults! I just love getting all that extra time with them. College is sooooo fun to me
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Haha, I would say I am a builder but ultimately I am in it for the gameplay! Every build I make is with actually playing it in mind, and even if my building stuff “does better” on here I'm more invested in my gameplay and devote a lot more time to it :D
Are you a CC creator? I guess! Builds are kind of a type of CC, and I share those fairly regularly
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I don’t know, haha. I have a few simblr friends! But not really a “squad”. I find the idea a bit offputting lol
What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) 2, of course!
Do you have any sims merch? Nah
Do you have a YouTube for sims? No, but I have considered it. Maybe when I get a new computer so I can actually do screen recording without my PC crapping out lol
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I don’t know if it’s really changed that much, haha, I’m a creature of habbit! My gameplay style is quite different between each save/hood, but my visual style hasn’t really changed since 2015, haha!
What’s your Origin ID? I don’t have Origin, lol!
Who’s your favorite CC creator? Ooooof, whenever I get asked this I opt not to pick one, haha!
How long have you had a simblr? Since 2014, apparently! So nearly 10 years, yikes!
How do you edit your pictures? I usually don’t edit them at all, but when I do I use an old photoshop action by @sterina-sims
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? hahahahahaha
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? I dunno, I think all of them add some value! But I do really love seasons, it adds so much beauty to the game and I love the gardening mecchanics! :D
I feel like I’m pretty late to the party on this one and I’ve seen everyone do it already... feel free to consider yourself tagged if you want to!
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therichantsim · 1 year
Come get to know me y'all! Thank you @cinamun for the tag.
1. What’s your favorite sims death? I cheated it but I had Peeping Tom die death by rabbit and Death by flies. I think the death by flies was hands down my favorite.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? BOTH! I consider my style Maxis Mix but I haven't added any alpha cc to my game in a very long time.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Not in my gameplay saves but in my legacy save I usually don't play long enough for them to gain weight.
4. Do you use move objects? Absolutely I do try to remember to playtest though but sometimes I do forget.
5. Favorite mod? Wicked Whims, TOOL, and MCCC. Sorry, I couldn't pick just one.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? My first EP was City Living, GP Dine Out and I think my first SP was Laundry.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? I say it both ways.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Isaiah Blackburn. Although technically he was Obie Tremblay when I downloaded him from @budgie2budgie. After playing offline for a day or two I gave him a makeover. He has had several tweaks over time. I'm very satisfied with where he is now though.
9. Have you made a simself? Yes, and she is living her best simulated life.
10. What sim traits did you give yourself? foodie, creative, romantic, and neat.
11. What is your favorite EA hair color? Black and the cooler red. I wish the black was blacker though. It's still a bit ashy looking.
12. Favorite EA hair? All of the dread locs. Loc'd life forever!
13. Favorite life stage? Toddlers they are so stinkin' cute!
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I am a builder at heart but I do enjoy gameplay for like two hours then I get bored. I am a storyteller and builder.
15. Are you a CC creator? I've done a handful of recolors and I have my own wall art cc.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I have mutuals and some of those mutuals have my contact info so I guess that makes them my friends too.
17. What’s your favorite game? The Sims 4 is the only game I have time to play.
18. Do you have any Sims merch? Nope.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Yes, but I haven't updated in a long while.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I don't think it's changed much except that I've gotten better.
21. What’s your Origin ID? TheRichAntSim
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? All of the ones that do it for FREE and for the love of the game.
23. How long have you had a simblr? 2018 but I have had a Tumblr forever.
24. How do you edit your pictures? Gshade, Photoshop, and Photoscape X Pro.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? City Living, Seasons, and Cottage Living. Growing Together is so far so good.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I don't care to be honest I wish they would focus on fixing broken packs and improving others like they did Spa Day.
Tag: @trumpets0ng @glammoose @bobnewbie @ladybugsimblr @storiesbyjes2g @shesthespinstersimmer @sheplayswithlifee @shysimblr @eslanes @ellemant @haziewhims @hazelminesims
And anyone else who wants to play. Feel free to ignore if you want.
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birdietrait · 1 year
Sims Tag
tysm for tagging me @avornalino <33 answers under the cut 🕺
1. What’s your favourite sims death? probably old age? i hate when my sims die lol
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? i like both! but i'd pick alpha if i had to choose <3
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? never lol...that's weird
4. Do you use move objects? yes!
5. Favorite mod? literally any and every mod by lumpinou tbh! and the childbirth mod by pandasama!
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? get to work!
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? LIVing!!
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? probably jj <33 my bby girl
9. Have you made a simself? yes! right here lol <3
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? i swear i have a different answer every time lol...but rn i'd say music lover, geek and goofball!
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? the true black !
12. Favorite EA hair? i don't really use any ea hair, but i do love the bantu knots they added!
13. Favorite life stage? i actually really like the child life stage!
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? i decorate more than i build, so i'd say gameplay lol <3
15. Are you a CC creator? i have made one recolor of a poster that doesn't look very good, but in the future i would like to try to make more!
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? i interact with people but i'm SHY and bad at talking <33
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) sims 3 will always have my heart, but the only one i ever play is sims 4 !
18. Do you have any sims merch? i have a little plumbob sticker i got from etsy and i put it on one of my journals! but that's it lol
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? it's linked in my pinned post but there's nothing on it yet <3
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? i started off using no cc, then full alpha, then full mm and now maxis-mix.
21. What’s your Origin ID? it's a secret 🤭
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? SO MANY! pralinesims, clumsyalienn, obscurus-sims, sims3melancholic...i could go on and on lol
23. How long have you had a simblr? 4 months!
24. How do you edit your pictures? literally the most basic editing in the world...i just mess with contrast, saturation, brightness, etc etc in photopea and then i'm done. gshade saves me a lot of time <3
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? something with a lot of apartments! and bands! and new traits!
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? seasons or growing together <3
tagging whoever wants to do this!! 🕺<3
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seriouslychloe · 1 year
spoilers ahead for outer banks season 3!!
lets talk season 3! so i personally really like the season! (besides big john, but we will get to that later) i loved the vibes it gave off! and we got jiara AND cleope!!! so lets start with what i loved, i really like the barbados scenes, which are like the first 2 episodes. i loved the rafe and kie scenes (im NOT a riara shipper but you do you boo) im really glad they stuck to them hating each other. also im glad that kie actually looked scared and acted scared bc she is kidnapped by a man who is threatening killing her if she doesn’t give him a diary???!!!? + she also kidnapped with her like sworn enemy who is also a killer and isnt aware of his next move. i also loved the island scenes and wish we got more :(. i loved episode 5! the train sequence was really interesting and i was laughing so hard when cleope tried to convince the police guy (so good at explaining ik ik) they were in love (but we all know they already were) and the motorcycle scenes were my favorite! the scene after jj crashed his motorcycle was also a great one! + im so glad sarah got a hug with jj rooting for cambank sibling. the “dont ever do that again” 😩✋✋😭 . i loved episode 7 too! the topper and kie interactions 💀 also the fight with jiara was AMAZING!!!! kie looked so defeated when he said it wasn’t gonna work 😭. i loved the music after the fight too (kinda random lol). for the things i wished were different…to start, big john. tbh i liked im better dead. he had WAY TO MUCH screen time! i just wanted clarification that he showered at some point this season his beard was giving me ickk. another thing, i wanted more angsty, emotional scenes. these kids have been through SO MUCH!! they showed a little bit of jj’s mental health but it was like 1/4. im glad they showed more of sarah’s as well! but i really wanted to see more of kiaras emotional side (i am kinda biased) but like she has almost drowned in the MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN holding her best friends dead weight in her arms for a LONG TIME after he got hit on the head most likely suffering from a concussion, she has almost drowned in a sewer, she has betrayed her parents trust but then again its as much their fault that it is hers, she lost 2 of her best friends only to find out they were alive again like a few months later, she has been shot at multiple times, she was kinda guilt tripped into a relationship with pope (no offense to pope, again it was both their faults), she has been abducted twice first by saving someones life then being strangled to go to this killers house, second by being strangled the same way with her parents sitting there watching her to be sent to this wilderness camp that was gonna put her on medication, also rafe said that he was gonna find her and get revenge on her-, she was rejected by the person she lovesss 😍😍 and kept on trying (but thats gotta hurt), she also was called a kook by her best friend, she knew he didn’t mean it but, she has always had trouble fitting in and wanted to be a pogue and rafe also called her “at least half kook” so thats also gotta hurt, and like so much more so I WANTED A BREAKDOWN SCENE >:( (preferably with jj comforting her ) reverse hot-tub scene anyone?? but i also wanted more scenes with all the pogues. this season felt like a constant high and i think there needed to be a break where everyone can just BE HAPPY!!! also like the 4 original pogues scenes pleasee :)! i HATED the stopper cheating scenes (their ship names stopper for a reason-) i just want jarah b to be happy and together for at least one season-, thats all i’m asking. i think overall we needed more pogues being there for each other and comforting each others. also i didn’t like the time jump-, although i’m glad the pogues got a win, i don’t want them to be separated next season. i have run out of space now and have been writing this for 45 minutes but what are your thoughts? id love to know! :)
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kashmiresims · 10 months
26 Sims questions
I forgot if I was tagged or I just saw this and decided I was in the mood to answer questions so copied it and poked it in my drafts for some reason. Now it's being published. 1.What’s your favourite sims death?
I don't have a favorite type but I guess my favorites death of one of my sims was in an alternate timeline when Adriana Cosgrove just had a baby, was exhausted, starving and tried to make some toaster pastries and caught the kitchen on fire and I wasn't quite sure if she died from burning or starvation. That save borked so I had to back up three months before when she was alive and she avoided that fate and is now an elder, and went on to have a third child.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
A healthy mix. I tend to lean more toward Alpha in Skin, Eyes, and Hairs. Clothes I can do either, furniture I tend to go for either as well.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No, I make them use the gym. I downloaded those gyms for a reason. I'm going to use them damn it!
4. Do you use move objects?
5. Favorite mod?
The Sim Blender is quantifiably my favorite for how much I use it.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
Nightlife! I skipped Uni and bought NL for my sister (and also for me)
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
aLIVE mode.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Fuck, 16 years later I probably have at least a top five that switches around every month. Let's say Amelia Calhoun (formerly Wellington) I have a ton of pictures of her sprinkled throughout this blog over the years. She's obsessed with the ocean.
9. Have you made a simself?
Of course, when I first started out playing. Who hasn't?
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
None. I don't play with Traits.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Brown, I guess. EAxis hair colors I really don't like or use but if I have to it would be the brown as it doesn't stick out as much.
12. Favorite EA hair?
The shaggy male hair that was the epitome of 'cool' and 'hot' in 2005
13. Favorite life stage?
Teen probably. Mostly for that's when their characters start really emerging for me as a player. Functionally, I think an adult is my favorite age stage.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I'm a player/sotryteller first and foremost but I get into building kicks.
15. Are you a CC creator?
I've made it before. Will probably make some again.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I'm friendly with a lot of simmers on simblr, and interact with them in other sims areas on the internet like Discord, the FB group, or Twitch and Twitter.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Sims 2 unequivocally. There is only room for 2 in my life.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Yes. It's all I do on my youtube.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
It's gotten a lot more...detailed? I tend to like plan and play out scenarios
21. What’s your Origin ID?
I don't have Origin.
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
There are so many and so many are extra super talented I feel like I would slight someone if I stated only one.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
Since 2012.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
On befunky.com or Photoshop.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Sims 2 shall have none. My next hope for a modding breakthrough is choosing seasonal casual clothing so that the game will show a sim on the lot in their seasonally appropriate casual wear. Good for places with different climates because who wants to see someone in long sleeves who lives in a temperate subhood, in the summery desert?
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
Seasons, probably.
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at the near-end of some of the worst few years of my life so far, it is time to reflect on a few things i have learned. maybe they will help someone else too.
1. stand up for yourself 2. annoy the hell out of insurance companies and retain your anger and spite to defeat them with maximum prejudice 3. give yourself permission to be angry 4. give yourself permission to eat 5. every body is a good body. be nourished. 6. if you are worried about someone in your life, talk to them. you never know how long you have with them 7. we could all do with a lot more compassion 8. some people don’t care about something unless it directly affects them 9. it is not a flaw to be soft or sensitive 10. don’t drink too much water at once or you’ll puke 11. internalized mental health stigma should not preclude you from getting the help you need 12. raisins suck and it’s ok to hate them, you never have to eat another one again 13. you are allowed to take time off work to mourn a loss 14. don’t ask for layers in your hair if your intent is to donate it later 15. sometimes people will be awful to you, and that is not your problem to fix 16. you don’t have to come out, ever, if you don’t want to. no one should make you feel lesser for that. 17. you are not alone or forgotten 18. sometimes you won’t notice you have trauma until you are no longer experiencing it daily 19. check your hotel beds for bedbugs 20. being a friend does not mean being their therapist 21. sometimes the good stories are the sad ones 22. tell people when they’ve hurt you 23. it’s ok to be wrong. that is how you improve 24. renew your passport and your ids before they expire 25. decorate for holidays especially if you spend them alone 26. save receipts when you pay your rent in case you need to fight an eviction threat 27. buy tires before snowy season 28. sometimes friendships end and it doesn’t have to be anyone’s fault 29. it’s ok to not be able to create right now. take your time, your future work will wait for you 30. you’re the only you, and all you have to do is be alive for the time you’re given
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
Tumblr media
Since I've been re-vamping my blog a bit, adding some fun stuff, I thought that a new self-promotion post was also in order. So here you go, an improved masterlist of all my works published on Ao3 and all other content I make here on Tumblr (Updated: Dec, 2022).
I'd appreciate your reblogs and comments if you enjoy any of my works 😊🤩🥰 Give the creator some love 💕💕 But if you like none of those options, you could buy me a ko-fi ☕ instead!
(IDs in alt text)
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The Bad Batch Appreciation Week 2021 Masterlist (gifsets)
Rescue in Ryloth (complete, 670 words)
Teen | tw violence| one-shot | fix-it
The rescue of the Syndullas in Ryloth goes differently than it was planned
Rough Awakening (WIP, 9365 words of ?) ~~ Playlist
Teen | tw violence | 4 of ? Chapters | emotional hurt/comfort, whump, angst.
The Batch finally rips Crosshair away from the Empire’s clutches, but things don’t go so smoothly once he’s de-chipped.
On An Adventure (complete, 713 words) [SW X-tober Extravaganza ~ Day 2]
General | no warning | one-shot | Fluff
On a rare stormless night, 99 and Omega go for a little adventure.
Tomorrow Is a Good Day for Someone Else to Die (complete, 1152 words) [SW X-tober Extravaganza ~ Day 3]
Teen | tw referenced violence | one-shot | whump, bullying, minor injuries, blood
The life of Crosshair and Tech in Kamino as cadets has never been easy.
Seeing Red (complete, 1097 words) [SW X-tober Extravaganza ~ Day 6]
Teen | tw canon typical violence | One-shot | whump, serious injuries, blood, pre canon
The Bad Batch goes on their first mission to the battlefront. Things take a sudden turn south.
We Don't Leave Our Own Behind (complete, 1469 words) [SW X-tober Extravaganza ~ Day 8, 9 & 11]
Teen | tw at your discretion | one-shot | whump, dehydration, abandonment, season 1 finale fix-it
Hunter respects Crosshair's choice not to join the batch again, even if it's a karking ass-stupid decision. And yet, love, loyalty, and a tad of guilt —okay, okay… a lot of guilt— don't let him make the same mistake he did before, abandoning his brother.
Or the one where the batch goes back for Crosshair after leaving him stranded on the landing platform in Kamino.
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Claiming the Soldier (complete, 919 words) [SW X-tober Extravaganza ~ Day 4]
Explicit [MINORS DO NOT INTERACT] | Tw sexual content | one-shot | smut, BDSM, femdom, male sub, x reader
You and Wrecker hit a life-changing milestone in your relationship.
More to come
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On An Adventure (complete, 713 words) [SW X-tober Extravaganza ~ Day 2]
General | no warning | one-shot | Fluff
On a rare stormless night, 99 and Omega go for a little adventure.
3 Long Days (complete, 1573 words) [SW X-tober Extravaganza ~ Days 10 & 15]
Teen | no warnings | one-shot | whump, anaphylaxis, delirium
When Ahsoka falls ill, Anakin doesn't leave her side.
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You're Still There, I know (complete, 2101 words) [SW X-tober Extravaganza ~ Day 25] ~~ Playlist
Teen | tw at your discretion | one-shot | whump, angst, post order 66, mind control, canon divergence
Riyo feels like she lost the man she loves. If only Fox would talk to her and explain why.
How to Save a Life (wip, 4027 words of ?) [Whumptober 2022 - Days 2,3, 16 & 31 + Bad Things Happen Bingo "Mind Control"]
Teen | tw at your discretion | 2 of 3 chapters | whump, angst, post order 66, mind control, post order 66, canon divergence, canon-typical violence, hurt/comfort, sequel to You're still there, I know.
No matter how much he screams internally or how many times Fox tries to kill Palpatine, or how many times he blames himself for not realizing the enemy was under his nose all this time, nothing changes. His body remains out of his control, only moving when Palpatine finally dismissed him from the office. He walks out like the automaton he has become, his mindless body following the orders of the Sith Lord.
Riyo will die at his hand, and there’s nothing Fox can do to stop it.
Something In the Dark (complete, 2569 words) [Foxiyo Week 2022 - Day 1 + Whumptober 2022 - Day 10 (Alt prompt)]
Teen | no warning | one-shot | Implied Torture, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, mutual pining
Senator Riyo Chuchi and Commander Fox have an unexpected encounter in the darkness.
High Above the Ground (complete, 1513 words) [Foxiyo week 2022 - Day 3]
Mature | tw mild sexual content | one-shot | smut, fluff, domesticity, no order 66, slice of life
Fox's very good, even if a little frustrating, start of a day.
More to come
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Kadala (complete, 1197 words)
General | no warnings | one-shot | hurt/comfort, fluff
Mando returns to the Razor Crest after finishing a job and gets help from the little guy.
Drifting (complete, 359 words)
General | no warning | one-shot | angst
Din has seen death up close more times he can count and escaped it just as many. This time, he might not.
Sandawuni Va Umtidagir (WIP, 1524 words of ?)
Teen | tw violence | 2 of ? Chapters | canon-compliant, missing scenes, headcanons
The life of Din Djarin, beroya of the Mandalorian covert in Nevarro, turns upside down the moment he accepts the commission from the client. The quarry he’s after is like any other he has hunted before. He doesn’t expect to form a bond for a lifetime, nor the things he’s willing to do to protect the foundling.
Ramaanla (1k words) [Whumptober 2022 - Days 4, 17 (alt prompt) & 19 + Bad Things Happen Bingo "Hiding an Injury"]
General | TW mention of blood | one-shot | Whump, knees buckling, stabbing, hiding an injury, Mand’alor the reluctant
The duty of the Mand'alor is to look out for all Mandalorians. Sometimes, however, Din Djarin forgets to take care of one in specific: himself.
Magical Exhaustion (gifset) [Whumptober 2022 - Day 27]
Note to Self: Don't Get Kidnapped (gifset) [Whumptober 2022 - Day 30]
More to come
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Help, I'm Alive (WIP, 2101 words of ?) [SW X-tober Extravaganza ~ Day 14 & 31]
Teen | tw at your discretion | 1 of 2 chapters | whump, trapped beneath debris, serious injuries, disaster zone
Ezra had imagined many times that he’d die in the heat of a battle against the Empire; he’s had several close calls already. But in his wildest dreams, he never foresaw that his death would come when a temple fell on top of him.
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Road to Lira San [Series] (wip, 12,577 words of ?)
PARTS: One ~ Two ~ Three
Teen | warning; violence | 3 of ? works | angst, fluff, canon-compliant, whuump
Agent Kallus never imagined that the day he gets stranded on the Genosian moon, Bahryn, with the rebel Captain Garazeb Orrelios is the day he starts a journey to redemption. The path is not easy, full of risks, but it might be worth it when happiness such as Alexsandr has never known is waiting for him at the end.
An Explosive Situation (complete, 1897 words) [SW X-tober Extravaganza ~ Day 1]
Teen | tw canon-typical violence | one-shot | whump, hurt Alexsandr Kallus
After a solo mission to the planet Dela goes south, Kallus finds himself in a tight spot. The Spectres go to his rescue, but the actual saving turns out more complicated than expected.
Deconstructed Reality  (wip, 2.946 of ?) [Kalluzeb Minibang 2022] ~~ playlist
Teen | tw referenced torture and genocide, mind control, PTSD | 2 of 4 chapters | canon divergence, Bahryn with a different ending
What if Alexsandr Kallus has been a rebel all along, even if he doesn’t remember?
Running Out of Air (Complete, 1442 words) [Whumptober 2022 - Day 5 + Bad Things Happen Bingo "Clawing at Own Throat"]
Teen | TW Violence | One-shot | Whump, strangulation, force choking, implied beheading, implied massacre, nightmares
Kallus faces his worst nightmare yet.
The Tables Are Turned (3.1k words) [Whumptober 2022 - Day 25]
Mature | TW Implied sexual content | one-shot | mention of BDSM, whumpers are the good guys and the bad guys are the whumpees, role reversal, psychological torture, interrogation
Captain Rhamis of the Imperial Army takes the night off to indulge in his vices. Little does he know that his evening will go very differently than he expects. Instead of satiating his base urges, he falls into a trap, where former ISB Agent Alexsandr Kallus and Rebel Garazeb Orrelios force information out of him.
More to come
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Orys Kinall: Post || Web page || Ao3
Lieutenant Onix: Post || Web page || Ao3
Sergeant Dropper: Post || Web page || Ao3
Corporal Clawbird: Post || Web Page || Ao3
Private Nock: Post || Web Page || Ao3
Private Ares: Post || Web page || Ao3
Nassa Luvira: Post || Web page || Ao3
Katkris Pex: Post || Web page || Ao3
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. Browser link
. App-friendly link
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kimchokejin · 2 years
music tag games 🎶
is it cheating to put them all in one post when everyone’s doing it?
thank you to everyone who tagged me i had a full day’s worth of music recs to listen to and bts songs to revisit happy hondadays to ME!
game #1: using your spotify top 100 playlist, shuffle 10 songs and tag 10 people.
thank you @cordiallyfuturedwight @wistfulocean and @seoksao​ for the tag! 💕
i will give the number they were on my list as well
99. Jackie Onassis by Sammy Rae & The Friends
51. Wild Roses by Jack Van Cleaf
73. Stick Season by Noah Kahan
92. New Shapes (feat. Christine and the Queens and Carolin Polachek) by Charli XCX
80. First Thing to Go by Hayley Williams
70. Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) - Full Length Edition by BTS
88. religion (u can lay your hands on me) by Shura
63. No Blueberries by DPR IAN, DPR LIVE, CL
89. Lights by BTS
8. Vibez by ZAYN
game #2 (sponsored by kim taehyung): 💛 choose an artist you like and use the name of their songs to answer this as close to the truth as possible!
tagged by @cordiallyfuturedwight @jiminsproof @blueside-hobi @wistfulocean @seoksao​ thank you you guys are so creative these were so fun to read!
name of the artist: Halsey (it was working too well i had to go for it)
what is your gender: I am not a woman, I’m a god (“i’m god” - kim taehyung)
describe yourself: Ashley (you don’t need to be entertained. i’m entertaining myself)
how do you feel: Alone (but in a good way, an “i needed this” way 😌)
if you could go anywhere, where would it be: Roman Holiday
describe your best friend: Darling 🥰
your favourite time of day: 3am
if your life was a tv show, what would it be called: Still Learning
what is life to you: Hurricane, Heaven in Hiding
relationship status: Bad at Love 😬
what do you fear: Strangers (”i’m a little shy” - kim taehyung), Devil in Me (”i’m a bad boy” - kim taehyung)
game #3: share your top 5 current songs
tagged by @clutterbugs thank you emma!!! i feel like i get to use the free space in scrabble
1. Kiss in My Heart by Junk Fujiyama
i discovered this song a while back on a city pop playlist i think? and it’s been stuck in my head recently (even before indigo!) so i’ve been playing it. it’s just a fun happy song, it sounds like the artist is smiling as he’s singing it
another super fun song and i didn’t think it was possible but i am gayer because of it. i have so many feelings about this i will have to hold myself back but i am v i b r a t i n g something’s about to break
3. girl like me by Blessing
this song is acoustic but i think also r&b influenced? i like how the lyrics are somewhat specific but the insecurity is she’s talking about is still super relatable to a lot of people and the singer’s voice is kind of unique
4. complex (demo) by Katie Gregson-MacLeod
this song is just kinda heartbreaking tbh at the end of the day it’s your typical woman trying to “save” a man who's too far gone to spare her a second thought story but the vocals really carry the emotion across in a way i don’t hear all the time so i think it’s worth a listen if you...want to feel sad
5. Ketchum, ID by Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, Lucy Dacus
i have been in a folksy mood lately and i think a few julien baker/phoebe bridgers/lucy daucus songs came up in my listening and that reminded me about this album. this is my favorite song from it. i think the line “i am never anywhere anywhere i go, when i’m home i’m never there long enough to know” is just really hitting for me rn? i also can’t get over how this is the last song on the album they ended the whole album with
BONUS GAME! i wasn’t tagged in this but i wanted to share this while i’m here in case anyone was interested in doing this for themselves. if you have spotify this bot will judge you for your music taste. it’s like the anti-spotify wrapped. this is what they had to say about mine:
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i will tag @joon-rkive, @cheekyquokka, @mutedstring​, @jinsquishes​, @senor-hoberto​ and anyone who tagged me in one game but hasn’t been tagged in one of the others (does that make sense?). no pressure just if any of the games interest you 💕 feel free to ignore me!!!
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occultpuppy · 1 year
sims tag
Thank you to @cantseemtohide for the tag! I enjoy filling these out :>
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Currently Maxis Mix, I lean on MM bases with alpha details, same with build buy
1. What’s your favourite sims death? Honestly, it's the Enraged/Heart Attack death. Dying from being SO ANGRY is pretty fun to me, though I don't play with emotional deaths(I was quickly reminded why when I had them in ;))
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? No but if I discover funky presets, there will be some adjustments made
4. Do you use move objects? When am I not?
5. Favorite mod? All of em lol Some off-cuff answers would be control any sim, shorter terms fkr university and food mods!
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? It was either Get to Work or Outdoor Retreat
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or Living? I personally think/say live like living.
9. Have you made a simself? Yes I have, I've done a legacy with her before but it was personal.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Latisha Godwin. I honestly miss her and am sad she couldn't be saved. ;;
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Usually creative, dog lover and either romantic/brave
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? No favorites here.
12. Favorite EA hair? I'm weirdly a fan of the ombre mullet though I don't use it that often.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I love CAS, gameplay and buildmode but I admit, buildmode probably holds the most hours for me. I love building and furnishing!
13. Favorite life stage? Young adult-so many things to do!
15. Are you a CC creator? Not yet!
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? No personal clique but I'm grateful to anyone that likes/reblogs bc I honestly just like to make my stories and have a place to put them so I can read them back later lol
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)  I love them all individually though I'll admit, Sims 3 is my LEAST favorite. Really hate the aesthetics/build mode of that game
18. Do you have any sims merch? Some stickers
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?  I would say super cartoony/more occults to now we've more realistic/unique sims that seem more approachable like characters you'd meet in life.
21. What’s your Origin ID? Occultpuppy
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?  @twistedmexi for sure
23. How long have you had a simblr? Since last year :>
24. How do you edit your pictures? I have specific retouch/editing actions for each legacy and then throw them onto border frame template set from @aliennooboo /@aliennooboo-old
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I just want more varied worlds!
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? Expansion: Seasons is top pick for me.
Game Pack: Tie between Dine Out and Werewolves.
Stuff Pack: Tiny Living or Laundry Day.
I'll tag @simatomica @woohooasbats and @moonhze
As always feel free to ignore if you already did this/prefer not to 😊
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