#i've let them all pile up again i'm so sorry ahhh
lynzishell · 26 days
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Transcript below the cut:
Asher: Is that everything? Atlas: Yeah, I think so.
Alexander: Lex, it’s good to see you. Lex: Hey pops, how are you? Alexander: I’m good, good. How are you? Lex: Oh, I’m fantastic. Where’s your son at? I need to— Aha, there he is!  
Lex: ASH!!! Asher: Holy shit, look at you!! Lex: Me? Look at you!! Asher: Ahh
Julian: Hey kid, I’m told we’re supposed to start heading outside. Phoenix: Okay, we’re just about ready. Thank you so much for doing this for us. Julian: Oh, I’m honored. I’m so happy for you two.  
Iris: Dawn? Just wanted to let you know, the guests have all arrived and are taking their seats outside. We’ll be ready to start soon. Dawn: Oh goodness. Okay, thank you. Megan: I better head down. Unless you want me to stay. Dawn: No, no, I’m good. Will you tell Atlas to wait for me? Megan: Of course.
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giggly-squiggily · 5 months
Lee Nurugai and Ler Shion Pleaseee (Hell's Paradise)
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AHHH YES! I haven't written for Ler!Shion yet, so this was a delight! I've gotcha covered, y'all! (Also I'm really sorry, but I'm gonna have to turn down the Tokoyami All Might request- it's nothing bad; I just don't really know how to write those two interacting if that makes sense- sorry!)
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps): @thatbigbisexual29 @cupcake-spice13 @rachi-roo @imjusthere07
“My, what do we have here? Gabimaru and Nurugai? What a sight for sore eyes.”
Gabimaru dropped his head low with a groan, suddenly very tired. Nurugai blinked, confused by her master’s words and cheeky smile. “I don’t get it.”
“Don’t you, now? I suppose we don’t see eye to eye on these things.” He puffed, proud. Nurugai looked even more lost as the small shinobi beside her let out another low, exhausted noise. “Not a fan of jokes, Gabimaru?”
“Jokes are fine when they’re funny.” He leaned into his fist as he watched the blind swordsman take a seat, hands quick to assist his student in cleaning their weapons. “Did you sell your soul to the comedy gods?”
“Perhaps. One shall never know.”
“Sure you didn’t get the short end of the deal?” Gabimaru asked. He instantly regretted it when Shion paused, thoughtful.
“I suppose you could say it was a…short sighted decision.” He grinned.
Gabimaru fell backwards with a loud groan. Nurugai laughed, though he was unsure whether it was directed at him or the joke. “Walked right into that one, didn’t you?”
“Forget this island, I’m gonna die from terrible joke poisoning.” That earned him a snicker from the older man, Nurugai grinning in her arm as she put away another sword. “Can’t you go five minutes without telling one?”
“I could, but where’s the fun in that?” He put away the final sword, finishing their small pile. “In life, we need humor. Else we’d be far too devastated to go on.”
Gabimaru didn’t have an argument for that. Tossing an arm across his eyes, he blocked out the sights of the world around him, suddenly very tired. Did he use too much Tao again? He could practically hear Sagiri lecturing him now.
“Before we all came together here, Tenza-” The girl paused, something sad cracking her voice at the mention of the man’s name. “Our comrade- he acted just like you. He was so over Master’s puns; one time he challenged him to a duel.”
“Really now?” Gabimaru peeked from his arm, brows furrowing. “Did he win?”
The child shook her head, something warm in her expression. “Nope. Master was far too skilled. I like to think he might have won if he had help…”
A pause. The two looked at each other and then at Shion, currently lost in thought.
“Do you think…?” He began.
“It’s worth a shot.” Nurugai nodded.
“Hm?” Shion, who had come back too, looked up in their direction, tilting his head curiously. “What is?”
“Master…if Gabimaru and I fought you and won...” Nurugai stood, stretching.
“You stop with the puns. Or at least, reel it in.” Gabimaru crouched to his feet, preparing to fight. “What do you say?”
“...” Shion was a picture of calm, considering their offer. In the distance, the rest of their party seemed to fall quiet as well, noting the sudden change in the air.
“It seems…” He began, folding his hands in his lap. “You two failed to see the outcome of your decision.”
“Huh-” Nurugai began. It was the only warning either of them got before Shion pounced, moving far faster than either expected.
Gabimaru was the best of the best from his village. Any other day, he’d be able to move, grab Nurugai and avoid the ambush. 
Today though, he had overused his tao, leaving his body exhausted and sluggish. He was quickly pinned to the ground by the blind swordsman. 
“Even as exhausted as you are, you still fight. I admire you for it.” Shion didn’t seem phased at all by Gabimaru’s weak attacks, mentally comparing them to a feisty kitten. Nurugai knew better, opting to escape instead, but Shion’s quick hand grabbed her by the shirt, pulling her down beside the ex-Shinobi. “And where are you going, Nurugai?”
“Wait! Wait, master- hang on!” She cried, suddenly panicked. Gabimaru had no idea where this was going, but judging by the small smirk on Shion’s lips, he was sure he wasn’t gonna like it. “Forgive us, please!”
“No can do. Not only did you turn on your master, but you sided with a criminal as well. That is truly unforgivable.” Shion’s playful tone softened the harshness of the words as he properly trapped them, shaking out his arms so his hands were free of his sleeves. “Any final words?”
Gabimaru didn’t have any. He simply raised his chin, gritting his teeth for what’s to come. He could handle it!
The second those fingers touched his ribs however, it was all over.
“Gah!” He gasped out, just barely fighting down the growing laughter in his throat. Beside him, Nurugai was a giggling mess in an instant, swatting at Shion’s hand as he clawed at her side. “No-nohohohoho! Nohohoohoh tihihihihickling!”
“Aehahahahahahaha! Mahahahhaster, pleahahahhahse!” Nurugai squealed, her voice shrill with mirth as she wriggled in place. “Wehehehe’re soohohohohoharry!”
“As I’ve said, your actions are far too unforgivable. You must face your punishment.” Shion tsked softly, as if he was wounded by his student’s “Betrayal”. His hand stuck to her side as his other pinched and kneaded up and down Gabimaru’s ribcage, earning a series of grunts and barks between fits of giggles. “As for you, Gabimaru- well, I won’t deny I’ve been a tad hurt. You find my jokes rather lacking.”
“Tehehehell behehehehehtteheheher johohohohohkes thehehehehn- GEHAHHAHA!” A howl ripped from his throat when Shion dropped his hand to his belly, pressing in with little warning. “COHOHOME OHOHOHON NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!”
“I wouldn’t be so quick to sass me- I’ve witnessed all of Sagiri’s antics and know just where to tickle you.” Shion was smiling- a proper one at that. Gabimaru didn’t know if he wanted to knock it off his face or hide away from it. “My, you truly are quite sensitive, aren’t you?”
Oh, he wanted to punch him. He wanted to sucker punch him in the nose so bad-
Beside him, Nurugai had taken refuge in his collar, burying her face against his shirt with white knuckled fists gathering the fabric. Her laughs were still loud- almost enough to pierce his eardrum, but Gabimaru didn’t complain. If anything, it reminded him of his wife. Her laugh was like that too when he tickled her neck- going from soft to shrill in seconds. The image made him smile.
Then Shion found that terrible spot along his lower belly and all fond memories faded in an instant as the ticklish took over once more. “AH! Nohohohoho, not thehehere, you sohohohn of a-”
“Mahahhahahahster, pleahhahahahahhahse!” Nurugai cried, eyes starting to mist over as she weakly pushed at Shion’s hand kneading her hip, squeaking like a mouse caught by a cat. Gabimaru, not wanting to blow out either hers or Shion’s eardrums, had covered his mouth with his arm to block out the noise. It worked- somewhat. “Pleahahhahahse foohohoohohrgiihhiihihive uhuuhuhus!”
“Hm…” Shion considered, pausing briefly as the pair beneath him gasped for air. “Well…I suppose I could forgive you..”
They waited, breathless and giggly. Shion nodded his head slowly at both of them, drawing out the anticipation.
“.....Very well.” The weight pinning them down was released. Nurugai cheered weakly with a laugh, remaining where she was as Gabimaru covered his face with his arms. He didn’t need a mirror to know his face was bright red. He thanked whomever was watching over him that the rest of their vanguard party wasn’t there to witness it. “I suppose I can turn a blind eye for now.”
“Pfft-” Maybe the tickling broke his humor, or perhaps he felt a bit bad for hurting Shion’s feelings, but Gabimaru couldn’t fight off the snort that escaped. Before him, Shion seemed surprised.
“Don’t-” He began when Shion fluffed with pride, only to laugh again as he sat up, gently shoving the blind swordsman. “Whatever. You got me once. Just once.”
Nurugai giggled as she sat up, eyes dancing as she looked at Shion. “Round two!” She cried, leaping upon him before either man could react. Gabimaru took his chance to back away as student and master duked it out, the girl surprisingly coming out on top from the looks of things.
“Had fun?” A hand touched his shoulder, making him jump. Just like that, he could feel his Tao begin to return. “Master Shion can be rather devious with his tactics. Best not to get on his mischief side in times like this.”
“Speaking from experience?” Gabimaru raised a brow as Sagiri took a seat beside him, grinning when she pinched his shoulder. “You don’t have to worry about it, you find all his jokes funny.”
“Not all. I simply humor him.”
“Uh huh. You know what he told me? He said he’d turn a blind eye to us.”
Sagiri sputtered a laugh, barely fighting it back as Gabimaru hummed. “Humoring him my ass.”
“One more word out of you and I’m tickling you to tears.”
“Sorry mom.”
He managed to get away before she could grab him, giggling like a child as he bolted. It didn’t take long before Sagiri had him pinned and tickled once more.
Worth it.
Thanks for reading!
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sftheoryblog · 9 months
I've been wanting to write for awhile because I have alot of ideas, its just getting it into words is hard. Anyways
Jax (he,him) blonde short hair and blue eyes, medium build with muscles
Leo (they,them) pale skin, brown shaggy hair, green eyes, smaller build
Warning ⚠️ contagion, mess
Jax is awoken to a sound he is all too familiar with. The sound of a rather messy sneeze coming from beside him. His boyfriend of 2 years Leo is sitting up with a tissue pressed against their face. "Ahhh ACHHOOOOOuish" followed by a nose blow in a tissue they throw into a pile they are forming on the floor next to the bed. Jax is still groggy from just waking up and rolls over to face Leo. Jax reaches over to rub their back. Leo is now aware that their sneeze has woken up their partner. "I'mb s-sorry baby, I didbn't *sniffle*want to wake you. It just came out of nowhere," Leo says as their nose begins to twitch again. "Hey, what did i say about apologizing over silly things like sneezing?" Jax smiles and puts his arm around Leo and pulls them close to him. Leo is now trapped in Jax's embrace. " Ah, heeyyy N-not fair ah ah," Leo's voice hitches. "What, I just love you so much, I'm never letting you go," Jax says, holding Leo and watching their head tilt back as their about to sneeze all over him. "Ahhh, hhh, ACHOOOOO ACHHHHOOOOO ACHHHHHOOOOOACHOOOOO achhhuuuuish" Leo pitches forward into Jax's chest snnezes several times into jax tshirt There's snot dripping from leo's nose onto Jax's shirt. "Wow, bless you baby...okay lets get you cleaned up." Jax grabs a tissue and wipes off leo's snotty nose. Then, he wipes off his shirt. "Imb sorry, i made such a mess *sniffles thickly*, im disgusting." tears form in leos' eyes, and they back off of Jax. "Your not disgusting, its natrual part of life, and your beautiful always plus i dont care if you threw up on me i will always love you"Jax wipes away a tear rolling down Leos cheek. "okay well if you ever do that to me, im breaking up with you." Leo smiles, and Jax acts affended but laughs. "Im kidding partly, i love you too." Leo kisses Jax, and they kiss for a few moments before Leo breaks it with a cough. "Are you sick or something?" Jax feels Leos forhead. "No no its just allergies. Nothing to worry about" Leo removes Jaxs hand and tries to get out of bed but jax grabs their hand to pull them back down "Thats not going to work this time because your burning up" Leo looks shocked but then drops the act and crawls under the covers because their head was killing them. "Can you grab the Tylenol and ah ACHOOOOO *leo sneezes into a tissue* and a glass of water for me?" leo asks Jax with puppy dog eyes."Bless you," Jax smirks, ee's just happy he was right for once. When he comes back with the medicine and water. Leo has the tv on and is watching their comfort show. "Now i really know you dont feel well." Jax hands leo the glass of water and then 3 pills. "I need to eat with my morning pill." Leo shallows the pills and sets the water down on the nightstand. "Tada!" Jax pulls out a pop tart, and leo smiles, grabs it, and opens it. Jax walks around to get into bed next to leo. "This is not what you should be eating." Jax pulls off a piece and eats it. Leo looks at him and pouts. Jax pouts back at leo, which makes them smile. Jax puts his hand on Leo face and rubs their cheek, Leo leans into Jaxs hand. "Baby, I know you dont like to talk about sickness but if i list some cold symptoms can you nod your head yes or no" Leo tenses up a little but nods yes, so Jax begins. "Okay thank you it will be quick i promise, sore throat *leo nods*, head ache *leo nods*, chills *leo shrugs*, okay *jax giggles* and we already know your a sneezy mess" Which reminds Leo that their nose is dripping and grabs a tissue to blow thier nose. Jax gets up and walks to the bathroom to grab the therometer to check Leos temperature. When he gets back, the boy is having a coughing fit. Jax puts the therometer on his nightstand and crawls into bed, begins to rub their back. "It will be okay baby, make sure to take some breaths." Jax is concerned for Leo. As Leo stopped coughing, they turned and threw themselves into Jax, who fell back. Jax held leo for a bit until leo fell asleep. They need rest.
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humanimalgam · 7 years
@ people who put nice things in the tags on my headcanons and art: I would actually die 4 u
#it just. makes me so happy??#like people like this thing that i created#that i put time and effort into creating because i enjoyed it so much#and now other people are enjoying it as well?? wtf?????#it really makes me want to create more things! i can be so shy about sharing things especially writing stuff like hcs#but to see other people enjoying it...! what an exhilerating feeling 💙#ahhh things have been kind of rough lately but it's the little joys like this that help keep me looking ahead ❤#i've always loved writing... i want to do more of it again#i think i'd even like to write fic... i'm over being embarassed about it#i want to enjoy the things that make me happy and if they can make other people happy too... then that's the best outcome i can hope for!#anyway i'm gonna sleep now but i had to gush for a bit#i need to think about these happy things sometimes ❤ and writing them down makes them feel more real#it's all the little things i'm looking forward too...#all these little joys pile up into something so wonderful... i have to stop thinking about them now though or i'll start crying#not sad tears!! happy ones! but they still won't help me sleep lol#i'm just so glad to have these sorts of things in my life... even on bad days i can go to bed looking forward to each new tomorrow#sorry i'm such a crybaby but i'm even thankful for that. i'm glad i can still feel things this deeply and intensely#it's overwhelming but... i wouldn't trade it for anything#thanks for all your support ❤ it really means a lot. real life can be overwhelming at times#and this blog is kind of my escape from all that. writing. drawing. daydreaming. playing ap... they all let me destress#it's the little joys that keep me looking ahead ❤ i hope that tomorrow will be a better day for all of us#anyway. i've rambled long enough. i hope you are doing well and going to bed looking forward to a new tomorrow each night 💙#bee babbles
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sugar-sweets-fanfic · 3 years
Zemo x Wife!Reader
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Word count - 1,694
Warning! - (NO MINORS ALLOWED) 18+ content, some daddy kink, dom!fem, no protection, rough sex, light hand job, praises
Author's note - Sorry I didn't proof read so if there is any typos I apologize!
Prompt - You have been married to Zemo before he was locked up. His butler informed you he was out of prison. So you find out where he is and come knocking on his window. Wanting to spend your minimal time importantly. 🤣
Knock Knock Knock
Zemo had just got out of the shower. Tying his robe as he heard the peculiar noise. Wondering over to his window and quickly noticed you peeking through. His eyes widen and his lips curl to a smile. Swiftly, he unlocked the window and pulled it open.
"My darling..!" You happily cry out. Jumping into his arms. Hugging him tightly, never wanting to let go. It hurt to not see him for years. You miss him, especially his wonderful scent.
Zemo chuckled, "shhh, you must be quiet, my love." His hands slide up your back. His lips connect to the top of your head. Giving you a nice squeeze before letting go of you. Pulling back to take you all in. He hadn't seen you in years. Though all the memories of you flooded back. You looked angelic to him.
Your cheeks fill with pink pigment. Looking away shyly, you brush some hair behind your ear. "What? Do I look different? Is it bad?" You ask in an insecure manner. Hoping to not displease him. Suddenly you are pushed to look back at him. Catching his random outburst of chuckles.
"You look stunning, sweetheart." Zemo uttered out. Soon shutting the window and closing the curtains. He strolls over to the door and locks it. "I've been very lonesome. I'm afraid I may not be free much longer, my kitten."
You give him a worrisome look. That's definitely what you didn't want to hear. Instantly, you grab a hold of one of his hands. Bringing it up to your lips. Giving a tender Peck to the back of his hand. Soon holding it up to your cheek. Caressing his hand against the side of your face. "Don't say that. We will think of something to do. I promise, I won't let them separate us again." Your tone had a subtle shaky-ness to it.
Zemo sighed softly at your affections. They felt so warm and just reminded him of better times. "No, you mustn't stress over the inevitable. I know these moments will end with me behind bars again. It's too good to be true." He explains in a gentle tone. More gentle than he usually ever sounds. Which makes what he says all too real.
You feel his thumb rub your cheek. Closing your eyes in a relaxed fashion. "Then let me make these moments unforgettable, my world." You, in a way, beg. Wanting desperately to make it all last while. At least he would have these hours to think about. So he wouldn't just have so much pain to think about in a cold prison.
Zemo shifted his hand over. His thumb, catching your bottom lip. Swiping it across your plump lip. "Give me your body tonight..and make it last me a lifetime." He smiled softly. Demanding such a thing in a very soft way. Which wasn't normal for Zemo. He usually is so aggressive and forceful. Though it was a very nice change.
Not even giving a vocal answer. You begin to kiss against his thumb. Taking it in with your tongue. Giving light sucks against half of his digit. Your eyes focus on one another. His thumb pushed deeper into your mouth. Letting out a heavy hum of desire. Sucking harder as you felt his gaze grow more and more hunger for intimacy. Slowly, pulling his thumb from your mouth. He drug his down your bottom lip to your chin.
"Please, my love. I want you to have a night you won't forget. Lemme be in charge." You asked in a delicate tone. Taking his hand that just was touching you. Stroking the back of it with your thumb. His eyes flutter as he gives you a stare. A stare he hasn't given you in a long time. Not since the first you met. A lustful, longing gaze. All he mustered was a nod as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
"Okay, you can be in charge. Give me a night I can fantasize about in my cell." He smirked.
You giggle as you gently pull away from him. Reaching forwards to the tie on his robe. Opening it up to see his body. Making you melt on the inside. Geez, you really needed to compose yourself. Before you could do anything else. Zemo pulled it off completely. As he leaned in to get some sweet affections. But you stop him and gesture for him to lay down on the bed. Even though you did want to take him right there badly.
"Don't let this power get to your head."
"I just want you to relax baby. So I can strip down for you and hump your brains out." You wink.
"Oooh.. Say no more." Zemo chripped. As he fluffed some pillows. Getting on the bed, laying on his back. His head propped up by the piled pillows. As he stares over at you. His gaze still remains very heated.
You felt a touch shy, due to the attention you had. Turning your back to him as you slowly pull off your top. Swaying your hips playfully as you tossed the shirt to the side. Looking over your shoulder at him. As he chuckled softly and smiled at you. Before long you slid off your bottoms. Stepping out of them and kicking them away.
Soon enough Zemo was starting to touch himself. His hand stroked his full shaft. As he watched you eagerly, unable to hide his excitement for you. Which gave you more confidence and aroused. You walk over to his side. Removing your panties next to him. Before you gently pull his hand away.
"No more, baby.. I don't want you to have too much fun without me."
"Then ride m—"
"Beg.. Or I won't let you be inside me."
"Ugh..you little tease." He sighed in annoyance. Having a playful smirk worn on his face. "Please.. Fuck me til I'm dry and can't cum anymore." He begged like you wanted.
"Heh, fine. I'll do it Zemo, just for you daddy." You get on top of him and straddle him. Spitting into the palm of your hand. Soon stroking it all on his cock. Giving him a few heavy strokes. Hearing him softly hum in pleasure. Once he felt hard enough you let go. Seeing it stand up nicely, pulsing with needs. Needs to be buried deep inside your core. Which got you throbbing and a bit damp.
"Baby, help me keep my balance."
"Of course.. Here. You can hold my hands or lean over and put your hands on my chest." He said in a hushed tone.
You gave a nod as you reached to take his hands. Holding them firmly as you begin to shift your hips just right. You felt his tip up against your entrance. Biting your bottom lip as you keep eye contact with him. Slowly you sink down until you're filled. Your mouth agape as your grip tightens.
"Nnn.. So tight.." Zemo groaned in his gruff tone.
Soon you'd be hearing more of his groans. As you begin to carefully bounce on his erection. Letting soft steady moans leave your lips. Steadily you began to rock up and down. "Ahhh… fuck baby. You have such a fat cock." You whimper. Soon hearing a chuckle of amusement from your lover. You look at him with Redden cheeks.
"You're so cute when you say such perverted things." He teased you. Still letting some groans slip. Especially when you fell quicker against his hard on.
"Oh h-..mm.. H-Hush."
You really start to get into the groove of things. Bouncing and rolling your hips at a faster pace. Earning you repeated praises and moans from your lover. As this pattern of bounces grew boring to you. You wanted to spice things up. Letting go of his hands. Which made him give you a curious look. You lean over and hold onto his shoulders.
I'm seconds you begin to hump him hard. Making the bed creak loudly. Zemo gasped, his hands clinging to your hips. "Nnn! Fuck!" He growled in a heated fashion. Under his breath he began to chant praises to you. Which made you fuck him harder. Focusing on using kegels at the right moments.
"Ahhh nnn.. Baby please." Zemo uttered in a whine. As he didn't expect such naughty things from you.
"Please what? Tell me Zemo. Want me to fuck you harder? You poor horny thing." You murmur in a toying baby voice. Some sharp grunts mixed within your words.
All he can conjure is a quick nod as he stares deep into your eyes. Biting his bottom lip hard. His body tensing up here and there. While you make your skins slap violently together. Your moans grow louder and louder together. At this point Zemo didn't care if they were heard. He was only focused on you.
"You're going to make me cum.. Mmm."
"Fill me please daddy. I wanna be stuffed.!" You cry out, unable to hold back anymore. The walls of your core clamp against his girth. Coating his shaft in your juices.
Zemo gasps deeply as he yanks your hips down. Holding you firmly down against his pelvis. To be deep inside of you, filling you up. Your eyes widen as you feel his warm cream shoot up in your cervix. "Ahhh! Oh Z-Zemo.. Baby!" You cry deeply.
He forcefully holds you down for a few moments. As his orgasm soon comes to an end. His grip loosens and he lets go of you. His hands rub your outer thighs gently. Both of you pant in sinc. Bodies glisten with passionate sweat. You don't want to move, loving the feel of his softening member stuffed in you. Laying against him, you give him weak kisses.
"Mmm, I love you my sweet kitten." Zemo said between kisses.
"I love you too.." You mumbled back in a tired tone.
Zemo rubs your back gently and as he hushes you. "Get some rest. You did good. I'll definitely remember this forever." He chuckled lightly. Letting you rest against his chest as you two enjoyed every second of this.
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mimisempai · 3 years
Let the magic of my love take care of you
Summary :
Five times where Loki takes care of Mobius with the help of magic and once where he doesn't need it.
2311 words - Rating G
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"Hey here!" Loki said softly as he entered Mobius' office.
"I've come to give you my report on the mission with the new recruits." continued Loki as he came to sit across from Mobius.
"I'm listening."
If anyone entered the office at this moment, there would be no indication that the two men were a couple.
But if one stayed, he would see the way their fingers brushed against each other as Loki gave Mobius the file he held in his hands, the way Mobius moved his chair closer so their knees touched, or the closer than necessary distance between their heads when Loki pointed out a detail on the papers spread out before them.
All these small gestures were evidence of their relationship, but only visible to those who knew them.
Once he finished his report, Loki stood up. His gaze fell on Josta's open can on a corner of Mobius' desk.
"How long ago did you open it?"Loki asked him.
"This morning," Mobius answered before shrugging his shoulders.
Loki took the can in his hand, which gradually turned blue, the color of his Jotun skin.
He kept it for a few seconds and then put it back under Mobius' curious look. On the can you could see the droplets of steam caused by the drink, which was now cold.
He leaned towards Mobius and said softly, "I know you prefer to drink it cold..."
Then as he got up he winked at him before turning and heading for the door.
He turned around one last time, and said, "See you later." Before closing the door behind him under the amazed look of Mobius.
"Papers, papers, always papers! I can't take paperwork anymore!" Mobius threw his pen towards the door, but he didn't hear the sound it should have made as it smashed against it. He looked up to see Loki had just entered his office and caught the pen in mid-air.
"Are you tired of me already that you want to eliminate me?" asked Loki with a teasing smile on his face.
"Aaah Loki... shit, lunch! The cafeteria! I forgot about it! I'm sor-"
"Hey, hey, it's okay Mobius, Casey told me you probably wouldn't show up, seeing as how the last time he saw you the files were piling up on your desk." replied Loki as he walked over to him.
"That doesn't stop me from being sorry."
Loki shook his head, "It's not like we'll never get another chance, and honestly what worries me the most is not that you didn't come, but the fact that you're missing out on a meal again."
Mobius protested, "It's okay I-"
Loki stopped him with a hand, "But as a devoted companion, I thought of you and... tada...!"
Loki twirled his hand and amidst the green swirls appeared... a bowl of salad, which he placed on Mobius' desk after making room.
Mobius couldn't help but laugh as he recognized the bowl of salad.
"What are you doing?"
"...your salad is Asgard in this scenario."
"No, it's not Asgard, that's my lunch."
"It's a metaphor. Just hang in there."
" I want that salad."
"I understood that this dish was your preference."
Mobius replied, raising an eyebrow, "Last time, that didn't stop you from adding salt, pepper and whatever else to it to prove your theory. With a metaphor that by the way was at least as bad as the dagger one..."
"Hey, I was right anyway, well about the salad not the dagger..."
Mobius gave him a knowing smile. He had seen the conversation between Loki and Sylvie.
"Love is a dagger." Loki made appear a dagger before continuing, "It's a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It's beautiful. Until it makes you bleed. But ultimately, when you reach for it…"
Loki offers the hilt to Sylvie. She reaches to take it, but the dagger disappears.
"It isn't real."
"It's real."
"It is, yes," Loki replied, then kissed him tenderly before walking away. As he closed the door, however, he threw out in a serious tone, "Don't forget to eat your salad."
Mobius smiled at his words, who would have thought his lover had a mother-hen side?
"A planet where it rains all the time! Guys... remind me to put this on the checklists of things to verify before teleporting to a planet: 'Check the weather.'"
Mobius had just passed the time-door, soaked like a drowned rat. They had been on a mission to search for someone on an unknown planet where apparently there was only one sort of weather :  rain.
He hated it, his suit was sticking to his skin and he was starting to feel the wetness and cold penetrate his bones. He could not hold back a shiver.
Suddenly he saw a green light enveloping him from head to toe.
Little by little the feeling of cold and dampness disappeared and was replaced by a feeling of warmth and comfort. He was now dry.
He looked up to see Loki coming towards him, as a last green swirl faded from his hands.
Loki stopped in front of him, "I have a feeling that this mission was a pain in the ass, right?"
Mobius replied, "You know my love of rain."
Then he stopped, waved his hand to show himself, and added, "Thanks for that."
Mobius was always pleasantly surprised by Loki's little attention, but even more so by the fact that it showed how well he knew and cared about Mobius.
Unfortunately they were in one of the most crowded hallways of the TVA so Mobius couldn't show his appreciation as he would have if they were in the privacy of their apartment. However, he couldn't help but touch Loki and put his hand on his arm, squeezing lightly and said again in a gentle tone, "Thank you, really."
Loki replied with the same smile by simply nodding and placing his hand on Mobius’ hand, he said gently, "My pleasure, for you, always."
Mobius was staring at the papers in his hands, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He was about to do something, to write something, but he couldn't remember.
"Mobius? Since when do you bring home work."
Loki's voice as he entered their living room pulled Mobius from his thoughts. He blinked his eyes. "I have to finish this, and I'd rather finish it here." He mumbled, his voice hoarser than usual.
Loki said to him in a slightly annoyed tone, "Did you hear your raspy voice? Did you see your face? You better get some rest."
"I absolutely must finish this."
"Really? When you seem to be having trouble even keeping your eyes open?", Loki insisted.
"I'm fine," Mobius replied.
Exasperation was now evident in Loki's voice, "Only you believe it. Even your colleagues have noticed!"
"I'm fine!"
"Mobius," Loki sighed.
"I'm fine," Mobius repeated. "Just let me fin-..."
A coughing fit interrupted him. He coughed so hard it felt like his lungs were being torn apart.
"That's enough," Loki said in a voice that had no return.
Loki took his file out of his hands, grabbed Mobius' hands, made him stand up and pulled him behind him.
"Hey! Loki!"
Loki ignored him and pulled him towards their room.
"Loki!" Mobius coughed violently again. He felt exhausted all of a sudden and feeling himself spinning, he clung to Loki's hand.
"Mobius, you're burning up!" exclaimed Loki in a panicked tone.
Mobius shivered, as if to confirm what Loki had just noticed. "Are you cold?"
"Yes, and warm."
Loki carefully sat him down on their bed. "The important thing is to get your love fever down, okay?"
He helped him put on his pajamas with gentle touches and carefully laid him down under the blanket.
Mobius' eyes were still open and he suddenly saw Loki in his Jotun form.
"Loki? Did you just transform or am I having a gorgeous hallucination."
Loki chuckled affectionately, "Oh love, only you would call me a gorgeous hallucination when I have this form. But no, it's real. Do you trust me?"
"Even with a raging fever, yes and even unconditionally."
Loki smiled again, and went to join him. He laid behind Mobius, and wrapped his arms around him, without putting too much strength into it, and put one of his cool hands on his forehead.
Mobius breathed a sigh of relief, "Ahhh that feels good. Thank you my love." then he felt himself being swept away by exhaustion, only aware of the cool sensation around him
He woke up a few hours later, much better than before. Loki was still wrapped around him. He turned around and noticed that Loki had returned to his normal appearance.
"You've joined the living world?" asked Loki with a smile.
"Thanks to you," Mobius replied in a still hoarse voice, running a finger over Loki's face before continuing, " No longer blue?"
Loki was surprised at Mobius' almost disappointed expression. He was still a little unsettled by the fact that Mobius loved his Jotun appearance as much as his current one.
"The fever has dropped enough."
Mobius moved a little closer and pressed a tender kiss to his lips.
"Thank you for having taken care of me, Sweetheart."
Loki put a kiss on his nose before replying, "I assure you that the pleasure was all mine love."
Mobius dreamed of Ravonna, of her face at the moment she said, "Prune him" without hesitation and he disappeared.
That's when he woke up as he often does, sweating and gasping for breath. He ran his hands over his body, just to make sure he was there and alive. His chest ached under the rapid beating of his heart.
Mobius, still in his nightmare, struggled at first against Loki's comforting hands and warm voice, unable to calm his breathing that threatened to cause panic. He made a move to escape, but Loki's fingers caught his wrist before he could go anywhere.
Once Mobius let go, Loki brought their heads together, cradling him, their noses almost touching until Mobius' breathing slowly returned to normal
Mobius kept repeating, "I don't want to disappear, I want to live." and Loki would nod and whisper words of comfort and reassurance in return.
After a few minutes, Loki asked softly, "Mobius, do you want me to erase these images from your mind? I wouldn't erase the memory, only the residue of your nightmare."
Mobius tightened his arms around Loki and nodded, "Yes... please..."
He put his fingers on Mobius' temple and closed his eyes, concentrating on the images he was sending into Mobius' mind, images of beaches, jet skis, sun and warmth.
Then Loki squeezed him and Mobius buried his head further into Loki's chest and, in a hushed tone, he heard Loki suggest that he concentrate on the slow, loud sound of his heartbeat.
Mobius let himself be lulled by the soft beat as Loki's hands now caressed his hair. He vaguely heard Loki's voice whisper something, "It only beats for you."
Before he could respond, sleep claimed him, and this time filled with dreams of warmth and love
"Oh Mobius, you're bleeding," Loki said, taking a deep breath as the wizard entered the living room. It was late at night, Mobius had been on a mission that had lasted much longer than expected.
Loki approached him, "Let me see."
Mobius turned away and protested, "No, I'm going to put on a little bandage in the bathroom and I'll be fine.."
Loki replied, "Don't be stupid, let me take care of you before you spill your blood all over the apartment."
"What a drama queen!"
Mobius, obediently sat down on the couch. With calm and sure hands, Loki carefully turned Mobius' arms from side to side and was relieved to find only a superficial cut. A moment later, he returned with compresses, disinfectant and a bandage.
Sitting down next to Mobius, he took the arm in one hand and began to clean the cut with the disinfectant.
Mobius hummed at the relief the treatment brought him, after enduring the rubbing of his shirt all day. He closed his eyes under the pleasant sensation.
"My poor love," Loki said in a low voice, "does it hurt?"
"I've had worse," Mobius replied. He heard Loki soak another compress, then felt it on his arm again, Loki methodically cleaning the cut again.
"I know that, but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to talk about your pain."
A moment later, Mobius felt Loki's fingers on his face, his thumb gently caressing his cheek. His lover's face was so close that he could feel his breath on his lips.
As his fingers left his face, Mobius opened his eyes again.
He watched as Loki grabbed the bandage and began to wrap it around his arm. When he finished, Loki set everything aside on the coffee table and pulled Mobius with him to the couch.
They sat in silence for a while, one against the other with Mobius' injured arm around Loki's shoulders after Loki made sure it didn't hurt.
"Do you know what my mother used to do when I got hurt as a child?" he asked Mobius, and without waiting for an answer continued, "she would kiss on my wound and tell me it would help the healing."
Mobius could hear the tender, wistful tone as he did every time Loki spoke of his mother.
"My wound is well treated now, but I wouldn't mind a kiss." replied Mobius with a teasing tone.
"You know I would do anything to make you feel better, my love." With that Loki turned to him, "Let me kiss it better." Then he leaned over Mobius and kissed him gently.
And not surprisingly, Mobius felt much better.
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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randomsevans · 4 years
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Chapter one
Chris Evan's x reader
A/N this story will have a mixture of 3rd person and 1st person (form all point of view ) . My gonna try my best but my English isn't the best
3rd person
You know when you have that feeling . The feeling of suffocation. The feeling of you at a stand still as the future you had planned and wanted is suddenly ripped away from you and your left with a shattered heart and minds along with no Hope's. Nothing .
That's what y/n felt . Still feels . See it never goes away. It just dulls down
You see when you go about your life form one stage of the next you never know what's gonna happen . What you gonna do . Who you are to meet . How that person will effect your life .
You never know the most important parts of your life as there happing . Only after .
It's the down side of being human we never understand the importance of somthing until it's too late
Theres a quote that also stickes out to me . A very important one at that. by a person or should I say character .
" life is a pile of good things and bad . The good doesnt always soften the bad vise versa . The bad things dont nessracily spoil the good things and make them unimportant "
If you know you . And we can be friends....
If not ...
I'm gonna tell you anyway....
The 11th doctor .
You know it's silly how much a show you watch as a child and still do today can bring you some much comfort . Not only to you but your children to come . See people undermine tv shows . But there are important to many people . There hold so much meaning and love . People use tv as an escape . Or brings back memories. See doctor who holds a very important factor in my life just for a tv show but we ain't here to talk about that just now . But bare that in mind it is very important .
(Quick side note 12 the best. Fight me !)
Anyways .....
Back to the story ...
Wait where was I..
Oh yes the quote .
This quote ..
This quote ..
No sorry its gonna your gonna have to give me a minute.
Fuck it . I'll just let her explain .
"Come on you can do it " Scott tried to sooth but that ain't FUCKIN WORKING
"I CANT ! SCOTT " I screamed. Squeaking his hand tight .
"Come on you have to . Let me meet my niece "
the feeling. The pain was overwhelming. The screaming wasnt helping at all I feel sick and.... no I can describe it . How the fuck do you describe child labour .
"Miss y/l/n " the midwife inbetween my legs began "she coming. Miss one more push I promise that's it "
I quickly snapped to look up at scott with his annoying ass smile nodding his head .
One more push.
One more push until my life start a new
I nodded and turned my head back to the nurse as tears stung my eyes
One more push and I'll meet my daughter.
One more push until my life starts .
I cant help but smile as tears roll down my cheeks
Here I was in a hospital in London back home after 3 years of living in boston with my ex good for nothing fiance.
At 2 in morning holding his brother hand bring our - NO MY - daughter into the world .
See that man , that cheating man , the man I love more then anything still -WHY ILL NEVER KNOW -
See no matter how much bad hes put me though how he ruined our future together for his pregnant assistant. How he ...
"Ahhh..." I began to push
He will never spoil this for me . He will neve take this future from me . Not if I. Or his brother . Or his mother have anything to do with it
Ha that reminds me of do....
3rd person
See told ya it would come in handy .
Y/n pushed long and hard until the pain rippled through her . Making Scott hiss in pain swearing as he felt as if his finger had snapped of .
Y/n cries of pain echoes through out the room until she was beatin by a strong pair of new lung .
Y/n fell back on her pillow with a wide smile as her baby was wrapped up and cleaned . She glanced at scott who was now crying god know if from the pain in his hand or just witnessing the strongest women he knew apart from his mother bring his niece into the world .
"Ummm miss "
1st person
I quickly turned my head to the nurse who looked down to her arms with a pool of blanket that had
"My baby ...." I whispered
The nurse only nodded and extended her armes to me
I quickly stay up and put my armes in the way I was told and held my dolls as a little girl . I could feel everyone eyes on me in room but I didnt care as the blanket came near to my arms my eyes fell upon a red faced button nosed tiny ... tiny thing .
As she was placed in my armes . I cant stop the tears nor the smile . A loud sob escaped my lips as I was stunned .
Here she was .
In my arms
My baby
My sweet baby girl
"Hello there " I giggled softly causing Scott to giggle as he bent down to .
"Hi little one " he spoke all above a whisper
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath
"Scott ?"
"Hmmm" his eyes were to forced on the little one in my arms
"Is this real ? " I asked slowly
There was a pause. My heart began to race thinking it's all a dream
"Y/n ! "
Oh no it's a dream my baby isn't here yet is she ?
I snapped my eyes open to see Scott eye level with me .
"Of course it " he said softly.
More tears . More tears . God all I've done for 9months is cry .
But for onces in a long . Long. Long time these were happy
I noded my head with blurry eyes as I looked down in my arms
"Its real " I final say
"So .." said scott
"So ... " then me
I placed a kiss gently on the forehead of the baby in my arms . Lifting her up slowly while bending my neck
"Welcome to the real world .... "I began whisper as a secret only to be shared with her once and never again
"Welcome to the world Clara Evans"
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vanillachaldea · 3 years
is what vanilla hears next. the light seems to have softened, and she’d like to check if that crunch was any of her bones--though it was kinda muffled, so maybe not?--so she peels her eyelids back. 
the first thing she sees is billy, again. a concerned expression paints his features. he’s also, um, very close. “we’re good now, i think. can you stand yet?” his breath comes out in white puffs that wash over vanilla’s face. cold.
she nods. she realizes with a start that she’s still clinging to him, so when billy kneels to let her down she extracts herself as gracefully as she can and brushes her skirt down. 
“thank you."
“don’t mention it.”
she touches her face. she doesn’t think about how warm it is and instead turns her attention to her drastically changed surroundings.
our two protagonists now find themselves in a cave encased in ice. a generous pile of snow in the corner broke their fall, but the rest of the space is taken up by dangerous and beautiful ice formations, glittering and catching some mysterious sort of light from the unseen ceiling above. past a particularly precarious-looking cluster of stalactites is a path leading into the darkness. motes of light flit about in the empty space, and the faint sound of laughter is heard as vanilla gets close--but only for a moment, before the motes fly away.
“what were those?”
“fairies. they aren’t too fond o’ me, even before i went and got turned into a toy, but…” billy tilts his head skyward. “i figured they might like you, since you’re a flesh and blood mage. guess i was wrong.”
“i’m not a very good or powerful mage,” vanilla mumbles, suddenly feeling pretty terrible.
“oh--crap, sorry. didn’t mean any harm by it. not that we’ve known each other long, but you’re--fine in my book.”
vanilla nods, breathes out a sigh, and tries to relax. "you know this place, though, don’t you? beloved by fairies or no." 
"pretty much, although i was really hopin' you wouldn't have to come along--no offense, just that i’m usually alone ‘round these parts.”
"ulp." vanilla shrinks. "i probably would've gotten them if I'd just… um, been able to use magic better, or maybe if i'd taken a moment to think…”
"well hey, don't get down on me again now!" billy pats her on the back. "that ain’t how i meant it--i can’t exactly protect you on a busted arm and when i’m made of wood. and you were ten times their size, so you wouldn'tve needed to do anything fancy anyway."
after a thoughtful moment, vanilla stands up. "well, thank you for that. either way, i sure did get menaced by a couple of rats today, huh? "
"haha!” his laughter echoes throughout the cavern. “you 'n me both." 
"okay." she nods, deciding to simply accept her new position in the food chain. "no use worrying now. where to next?" 
"glad you asked! it ain't often i have a backup plan for things like these after all. we're gonna pay a visit to my friend the sugarplum fairy."
"oh, you're joking to cheer me up! haha, thanks, but i'm good now." 
"no jokes." billy raises up his empty palms in a show of honesty. "she's real." 
"oh, shit, i'm sorry." vanilla says, feeling a little chastised. "uh, so, why visit her?" 
"y'see, i've actually been cursed m'self. i ain’t usually a nutcracker." 
"oh… the rat king?" 
"got it in one. i was hopin' to lay low til' the dang thing wore off." billy walks towards the spikes, and signals for vanilla to follow him through as they continue. “guess i didn’t notice they were following me ‘til they turned up here." 
"what'd you do to him to begin with, anyway?" vanilla asks as she bunches her skirt up in her hands, preparing to walk through the spikes. "man, I should've worn something more… convenient, today. 
"well." billy plants his hand against the side of a stalagmite for balance as he steps around another. "needed some food, and his highness' royal pantry was right around the corner." 
"ahhh." vanilla takes a moment to reflect. "i'm sorry you got caught." 
"the getting turned into a nutcracker part is new, but at least i got away 'fore he could use me to crack any walnuts or whatever." 
"pffft.” vanilla stifles a giggle. “do you think the sugarplum fairy can turn me back to my regular size, too?”
“well… if she feels like it. she can be a little picky ‘bout things like this, but i’m sure we can make it work.”
the spikes taper off, but the passage is still dark and narrow. it is only by the light at the end of the tunnel that vanilla can see in front of her, and as they step past the mouth of the cave, she is temporarily blinded.
the girl blinks the sun out of her eyes and finds the set completely transformed yet again. snow generously blankets itself everywhere that can hold it; everything from the ground to the tops of the pine trees to the mountains in the distance glitter that same shade of powdered-sugar white as it catches the sunlight shining in rays through the clouds. our curious heroine brushes the snow away from a couple of pine needles and realizes they aren’t pine needles at all; they’re sticks of hardened gum, colored in muted shades of purple, teal, green, and blue. 
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Mrs. Shelby
Four - Above Everyone
read three here
read two here
read one here
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"I was looking through this whole house for you." I grab his face and lean into it, my lips fall right on top of his.
He kisses me softly, and I'm quick to send back the love. I've missed him, I hold the plate in my hand and watch as the candle burns between us. I found him in his office, looking occupied in something. He was writing something down when I opened the door to his study. Tommy was quick to put it away, but I shrugged it off and did as I usually did on his birthday.
Making my way towards him, I did a dance. One that he admired before I found a spot right on top of his lap.
"For a bit, I thought you'd forgotten about me." He says.
"Never." I wink.
Tommy breaks into a smile, filled with joy. "Aren't you going to sing me happy birthday?" He asks, leaning back into his seat.
He sits there admiring me, a smug look on that face of his. There is a slice of cake between us. Vanilla, with vanilla frosting, a hint of lemon zest. Captain's orders. The candle sat in the cake burns.
I snake my free hand around his neck, I take a deep breath before beginning my song dedicated to my one and only. "Happy birthday to you," I begin, looking into those beautiful eyes. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Tommy, happy birthday to you."
He grins, looking back at me before shutting his eyes and blowing out the candle. He takes the plate of cake and puts it down, I wrap my arms around his shoulders now, leaning in.
"What'd you wish for, love?"
"Ahhh," He looked up, trying to hide that smile of his. "Nothin'." Tommy shakes his head.
"Tell me!" I laugh. He's so muscular now, it's dangerously hot. And he's aging quite well too. I lick my lips, Tommy's got his hands on my body, squeezing and caressing me.
"Why would I wish for anythin', Misty? I've got everything I need right here." He studies me before blushing. I put my hands on his face and smile at him. He's got everything he needs right here.
He tips me over and slowly leans in. "Now, time for dessert!" He growls, and I let out a laugh, getting lost in all of him.
...present day
"I can't fucking do this." My head drops in my hands. I drag out a breath, smoke oozing from my lips.
"Look," my one and only friend - even though that is a questionable word to describe Marcus, looks at me.
With his bald head and green eyes, Marcus is an older man who was a friend of Tommy's since I can remember. Marcus sits on the other side of the massive table, there is a pile of papers on my side, I had filled all of them out. Finishing signing my life away. I sit at Tommy's desk, it's weird to be at the head of it.
I run my fingers over his pen and I miss him. It was this chair that we were sitting in during his birthday. I lick my lips, wishing to feel his against mine again.
"Mrs. Shelby, are you listening?" Marcus says out of nowhere.
"Huh?" I ask. Raising my head.
"Tommy's appointed you leader for a reason." He starts, impatiently tapping his foot. "You'll do great."
I scoff, rolling my eyes. "Marcus, try saying that again, but this time try to sound less like you're lying."
"I'm sorry." He shakes his head. "You need to be able to do this. People are relying on you now."
I get up to stand and march over to the liquor. I pull out a glass and then remember Marcus and pour us some whiskey. "I don't know why he chose me."
"Tommy Shelby is a smart man-"
"Was." I fill my glass to the brim.
"Sorry?" He begs my pardon.
Walking towards him, I place his glass of whiskey before him. "Tommy Shelby was a smart man." I raise my glass up to my lips and take a long drink.
"Oh Misty,"
Flopping down on his throne-like chair, I sigh. Looking around his office, I shutter. "I feel like he's still here. With me. Did you get like that when you lost Amelia?"
"I feel like she's never left me to this day." Marcus replies. "I hear her, I sense her."
I fall flat. My heart breaking from inside out, I stare at Marcus, remembering the day of his wife Amelia's funeral. His welfare, his wife, his home gone. I lift my glass again and take a long  drag of the whiskey. It wastes of Tommy's lips, and to quench that taste for him, I go again. Dropping my shoulders as I begin to weep.
"What the fuck am I going to do without him, Marcus?"
"My dear." He gets up and walks towards me. With that, I feel Marcus's hands come down on my back, his other hand grabs the glass of whiskey in mine and puts it away. "Tommy, I assure you, is in a better place. And though he's left you, he's left you with an empire-"
I shake my head, tears rolling down my cheeks. "I never cared about the businesses or the money."
"He trusted you with the company and the money, Misty." Marcus replies. "He didn't trust his kin, but his wife. You need to take ownership of that position with dignity."
I pull back and wipe my eyes. "Oh God." He's right. Mrs. Shelby, now leader and owner of the Peaky Blinders and the Shelby Company Limited. Shelby! Petrified, I look up immediately into his eyes. "Do I still get to keep his name?!"
That worry on Marcus's face leaves and he smiles and nods, relieving me of any pain. "Of course, Mrs. Shelby."
"Oh." I look down at the ring on my finger. It relaxes me. The green emerald in the middle beams back at me. I drag the back of my hand over my wet face and sulk. "Jesus, I'm sorry Marcus. You don't have to stay here with me. I'll be fine."
"I know you will, Misty." He smiles and pulls away. "I always told Tommy he married the best person for him. You really knew how to pull the man away from his work and allow him the chance to live his life."
"I hope so." I nod, wanting to change the subject before my eyes watered again. I push my hands on the table and stand. Marcus puts on his coat. It's time to say goodbye, "I ought to get upstairs. We went to the morgue today and I feel like I've still got the shakes."
"Did you get to see him?"
I shake my head. "No, whoever killed Tommy made him physical alterations to his face. The forensic team suggested we don't see him."
"Christ." Marcus goes flat, his features fall. "Well before I go, I've got a box of things Tommy's left for you."
"What box?"
"It's in my vehicle, I've got to get it but you go on, I'll leave it for one of the housekeepers to fetch up to you."
We stand at the foyer, and I give him a hug. I think the last time I gave Marcus a hug was after the funeral. He holds me as close as I held him that day.
The old man embraces me near to his heart and gives me a peck on the cheek. "You're strong, Misty, don't forget that."
My smile trembles and I blink a tear. "Thank you."
Mary holds open the door for the lawyer to leave. "Oh!" He stops in between my house and the outside, "Might I suggest a dog?"
I look at Mary who looks at me. "Why do I need a dog?" I ask in a tired laugh.
"I got one when 'Lia passed. Keeps the house warm. They sense things in humans that is incredible. And they're good at protecting people. A good distraction too, keeps you occupied."
"I'll think about it." I tell him, knowing I have an answer in mind and it's a no. I begin to walk backwards. Waving, I finish with "Thank you, Marcus. For everything."
"Anytime, dear." He heads down the porch steps, disappearing in the foggy day.
"A dog." I look at Mary, walking towards the large spiral staircase. "Do you reckon I should I get a dog?"
"I think before getting a dog, you eat lunch. You're disintegrating before my eyes, Mrs. Shelby."
"I don't want a dog or lunch. I want my husband back." I mope up the stairs, clutching onto the staircase for my dear life. "I'll eat when I wake, I promise-"
"But Mrs. Shelby-"
"Please Mary, I'd appreciate some peace and quiet?"
"Alright, Mrs. Shelby." She sounds weary.
I crave a sleep so hungrily, that the moment my head hits the pillow, I fall into a deep, much needed slumber.
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
You should do a spicy boom!sonamy prompt ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ok for real tho, would you write some cute, fluff, slightly angst boom! Sonamy prompt? I need some feels! Btw you're awesome I love all of your work. Is the only thing I've been reading for the last week and I'm obsess
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Haha, just kidding! I would love to do some fluff~ I’m still not quite sure on the definition of ‘spicy’? But I think it means ‘steamy’ right? Well, I think you were kidding, right? Cause you said, ‘but for real’ so I’ll go with fluff, cute, and some mild angst. Boom is hard cause it’s not very easy to place these two in a moment of vulnerability besides-….
…..Oh my gosh.
(Also thank you so much!!! XD I know it’s a deep pool of prompts to swim through since 2 or 3 years of writing these suckers but I thank you for liking them so much~
Sonic walked with a wide swing in his step, looking around before directly to Amy, and seeing what she was doing on the ground.
“Uh… Ames? Not that I’m trying to be a bother to your… ‘experimentation’ thing or whatnot, but…” he shook his hands in the air, looking a little bored before leaning over to see what she was doing, fiddling with what looked like puzzle pieces placed in a slider.
“Sorry, Sonic. I know I called you over here for your speedy abilities, but I honestly can’t seem to figure out this… stupid… errkk!!!” she tried to slide one more square piece over, tugging and struggling before getting it’s rusty self in place.
“Ha!” Amy was forced back by her own power, but the titles in the small square glowed suddenly, and Sonic’s mouth formed an ‘o’ as he leaned back.
“I did it!” Amy jumped back forward, holding her hands up triumphantly. “Okay, now I need you to- AHHH!!”
The two were suddenly pulled into the small, miniature vortex and spiraled into it, becoming small and only pint-sized selves.
“Oh no!” Amy looked herself over, “The effects of those ancient geared tablets must have triggered some form of…. of an ancient shrink ray!” she gripped her head, looking worried. “I must have misread it!” she suddenly ran over to a large book, hitting it open and then looking down at the page as Sonic raced up to look at her.
“It’s no use… it’s all the way on page 380…” she looked at all the pages, seeing how hard it was to flip each individual one separately.
Sonic jumped up, gesturing to himself and for her to move as she smiled and got by his side.
She laughed as she jumped while he ran over the pages, having them flip quickly under his speedy shoes before she was finally able to see the right page.
“Oh! Stop, stop, stop!” she motioned her hand out before dropping to her knees, using her hand to read over the now large printed words.
“Shoot!” she hit her hand to the paper, “I thought it said sight array, not shrink ray!”
“How could you mess those up?” Sonic had his arms folded, before parting them with a shrug and leaning his head back, “They don’t even sound the same!” He then looked back at her with the expression that he was somehow smarter at getting this than her.
As he shook his head in complete haughtiness, she just stared at him as if he had no idea what the difference was in hieroglyphics and modern language.
“Some things can mean a number of things, Sonic.” she rolled her eyes, and continued to read. “Now… let’s figure out how to fix this…”
“Pfft, boring!” Sonic jumped down from the book, taking off a ways.
“W-wait! You can’t just go! It’s dangerous!” Amy stood up, looking upset and worried before he about faced, hearing her words, and coming back.
“Did I hear dangerous?” he gave her a funny look, “Amy, I’m magnetically pulled to dangerous!”
“I really hope you weren’t just winging words there.” Amy insulted, as he did in fact looked offended.
“What’s your problem?! You act like I can’t understand anything!” Sonic put a hand to his hip and then gestured up to her, “Like, what? You’re some sort of ‘high scholar’ above of me?” he turned around, folding his arms and looking behind himself, pouting in a grumpy way.
“Well… yes.” Amy nonchalantly answered, even looking up a moment to bounce her shoulders as if that was ‘matter-of-factly’ a true statement, and then looked back at him with drooped eyelids. “And you’re point is?”
“Augh! I don’t need this!” Sonic threw his hands up in the air, fed up with her attitude as he was about to take off again.
“Sorry comes after the brooding, Amy. You know this.” he stayed bent down in his running pose, arms up and ready to swing out like a running man and his toe tipped up to start the first step.
“No, not that! I mean, how am I gonna get around if you take off like that?” she jogged to the corner of the book, and looked down over at him.
“Sonic… we can’t just abandon each other!”
He slid his mouth to the side of his muzzle, narrowing his eyes and drooping his eyelids as if he wasn’t really disagreeing on that comment… but he could just go if he wanted too..
Her voice turned more desperate.
He looked down, his frown slowly stretching out and untensing.
He shook his head and ruffled his hands in his quills, getting up and waltzing back to her. “Ahhh.. fine! FINE! But you have to say you’re sorry!” He stuck a finger up at her, still looking upset.
“Fine.” Amy nodded, liking that deal as she sat pretty up top, tilting her head slightly side to side to rustle her own quills into a neater place from looking down. “I’m sorry for referencing that most men are blind idiots who state their opinions as fact.” she smiled down to Sonic.
She acted so innocent…
He hated it.
He glared and puffed up his own chest, “Oh yeah? Well, I’m sorry for referring to all women as pompous and stubborn!” he folded his arms, turning away. “Acting so high and mighty… but then needing someone to cuddle with in the dark~” he suddenly mocked her by throwing his arms around himself, then placing his hands together and to the side of his face, as if doting or acting ‘feminine’ as he pretended to sleep and close his eyes.
His eyes shot back open when he heard a battlecry and looked up, jumping a bit in shock and parting his legs, racing away as Amy came down with a hammer.
The dust piled up and he coughed while fanning it away.
She breathed loudly, looking ticked.
“Yes. Thank you. Adios!” he nodded, saluted her with a flick of his two, put together fingers goodbye, and was about to race off.
“WHHHYYY…?” he groaned, swinging his arms down and back around himself in a huge, over-exaggerated whine.
He looked to her with arched eyes, as if so done with fighting her already.
“I thought that’s what you want!”
“We need to get that-!” She pointed to the tablet’s holder. “To Tails!” she threw her pointed finger down, looking ready to chew his head off.
“Hmph. And why should I help you?” he folded his arms, sticking his tongue at her before turning his head away. “All you ever do is unappreciated me.”
“Excuse me?” she raised an eyebrow, confused by his wording.
“You never listen to me!” he suddenly over-acted, flinging the back of his hand’s wrist up to his forehead, leaning himself back. “I’m all alone in this big empty world, and all I ever wanted was for you to notice me! Ah!” he suddenly dropped to his knees, laying with an arm supporting him up, looking helpless, and clearly seeming to reference a previous conversation he must have had with Amy Rose…
“I’m just a woman! With feelings too!” he kept mocking, and as he did so, Amy’s face shifted from anger to hurt, as if he was making fun of her feelings when she had spoken those words long ago.
“But of course! You wouldn’t understand!” he hit his hand down in a fists, “Because, what? What!?” he suddenly threw his hands up to his face, shaking his head back before glaring at her, turning back to his old self.
“Because men don’t understand love!?”
He bounced himself up and walked over to her, looking much more serious as she stepped back, a little afraid that he wasn’t just acting anymore…
“I came here to help you! Not be told I’m stupid!” he thrust a finger at her, and she tripped over the side of the book’s cover, hitting the stacked papers to break her fall.
“..A-Ames?” he suddenly pulled away, worried.
She looked down, sniffing as she rubbed her nose and got up.
“Is that what you think of my feelings?” She walked past him, before looking up as she did so, “That their a drama to be acted out?” she looked deeply hurt, and turned away as she squinted her eyes shut, before running off to get the tablet, pushing it as it started to jut-forward.
“…H-hey now… hold on! I’m the one that’s suppose to be offended and hurt here!” he stomped his foot down. “Don’t suddenly make this about you!”
She kept struggling to push it, but little by little, she got it going.
“Just don’t come, Sonic! I get it! You’re better off alone…” she looked away from him as she passed, before his face drooped and he watched in sorrow as she pushed the square puzzle passed him.
He outstretched an arm, “Amy..?”
He had taken it a bit too far, and looked away, scanning the ground as if he could find answers there.
“Ah, man…” he rubbed his head again, before he moved down to his neck, looking regretful.
“Amy… Ah, Ames. Don’t push it yourself!” he gave in to his better nature, rushing up and helping her push, causing the square to go must faster.
“I said I didn’t need your help anymore!” Amy felt the ease on her shoulders while she pushed, but it didn’t change the fact of how she was feeling toward his little act back there…
“Look, okay, I have feee… feeel… feelllllingggsss toooo…” he contorted his face and mouth as if saying that was difficult, before shaking his head and sighing as if relieved he got it out.
“Ah, there. Now we’re doing what you love to do. Talking about the inner-crisis of our teenage lives!” he kid, still shoving the darn thing forward.
“At this rate, we’ll get to Tails’s soon enough!” he then stated, as Amy looked back at his expression…
She smiled.
At least he tried.
The two finally made it, with a sandy and dirt trail behind them, to Tails.
Changing them back, just before he did so, Amy and Sonic stood in the box that Tails had closed the door on.
She bounced her feet, looking up and waiting expectantly for the beam to change them back to normal.
Sonic looked away, as if nervous, before scratching the tip of his head, and turning back to her, putting his hands together.
“Umm… A-about what I said…”
“Forgiven. Now brace yourself.” she happily squinted her eyes.
He looked back up to her, almost sorrowfully, before chuckling lightly and leaning closer to her.
“No.. about not treating your feelings fairly.”
“It’s in the past! Afterall, you’re a ‘solo-rider’ I get that.” she continued to let it all go, but Sonic just frowned more, trying to be real with her.
“…Ames, I wasn’t lying when I said I liked danger.”
The computer started rotating a countdown.
“Yeah? So?” Amy kept her eyes closed, still acting cheery like she didn’t care what he said.
He looked more gently to her, his eyes showing more in them then what he was saying.
If only her eyes were open to see.
“I mean…” He leaned closer, as tenderly as he could, he leaned his head behind her shoulder.
“I’m not afraid of the most terrifyingly, dangerous adventure any hedgehog could ever go on…”
The computer started counting down from 3…2….1…
“What’s that?”
“Loving a stubborn woman.”
Her eyes shot open, turning to look at him as he moved his head, acting as though he hadn’t done or said anything.
The two zapped back to normal sizes, as the door was flung open in a light of blue.
Tails raced up before watching Sonic spin out the window, and then went to open the swinging close door for Amy, but she just knocked it clear off it’s hinges with her hammer, chasing after him with large smiles on her face.
And if there could be, hearts piling out around her from thin air.
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taesthetes · 6 years
Travel-anon-hi! Good luck with your midterms and projects! Know you'll do great on them :D You'll get to be a weekend potato again soon, and better, a summer (baked) potato! Oo, road trips aren't a thing I've done with my friends actually (or on my own), but maybe I should try it since you said it's fun~ True, it's a little worrying on safety if you're going alone (+ rooming fees are scary as 1 person). I tend to keep to messaging people back home when I go alone, just so they know I'm ok (1/?)
(2/?) Korean fried chicken is so good there, and the prices are so cheap! I had a giant table-sized platter at a place in Hongdae before, and it was less than $7 aslviaijds it fed 3 people in one go. Cafe culture game is strongest out of all the Asian countries I’ve been to though! A lot of them are cute/indie/niche, which is really cool compared to all the franchised ones we have, yeah :/ I stray towards chai lattes and sesame drinks a lot at cafes c: or hot ciders! I try a lot of things tho!
(3/?) asjkla don’t get me started on sweets, haha. I plow through those like nobody’s business! You mentioned you don’t like coffee and sweets, but would you try anything else besides the matcha? It was a dream! A very furry dream. I’m not joking, I came outta there covered in fur all over (rip my black clothes), but I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Those dogs were so cute 💖 There’s a lot of dog and cat cafes in Japan too! Would you stop by one while you’re in Japan? I saw some in Harajuku~
(4/?) Euh, I normally wouldn’t mind sharing my galleries, but my artist handle is the same as my username on tumblr, haha. I’m a little intimidated since it’ll take me off anon status, sorry ^^; If I could include photos in asks, I’d just drop one here for you tho. Humidity is why I normally travel during fall/winter, haha! Humidity won’t kick my butt then, and leggings & sweater wear retains it’s place as my go to fashion too! Lowkey amused that we have that in common too~
(5/?) Wow! You visited a lot!! The Palace of Versailles was my favourite out of the ones you listed! Which one’s yours? All of it’s sooo pretty! Switzerland is super scenic and green, from what I remember - very different from most of the other European cities. Oo, Vietnam sounds so nice! I’m looking forward to hearing about your travels there! Haha, that sounds like my friends and I in Japan once. We kept getting plushies from a crane game, and trolled our bystanders into thinking it was easy!
(6/?) I always come back with a pile of plushies and snacks (little anything else); usually sneak the food through customs too ;u;~ Japanese snack-wise, I actually like kitkat, haha! They have so many different flavours there!! I prefer eating street food moreso there, there’s a lot of variety, but dango has my heart and soul. So sad I don’t have it here. Are there any foods you’re looking forward to from Japan that you’ve heard about and want to try :D? Festivals have a lot to offer!
(7/7) Yup! Japan Rail Pass is where I got it! You can pick it up in the airport, and return it using the mailbox there too c: Aw, would you go back to Japan sometime after this trip? A week isn’t really long, but you can definitely make the most of it with everything you’ll see and photo! Have lots of fun there 💖! Gonna try a new manufacturer~ I got spoiled on twt for the movie, cuz people didn’t tag cry D: you can still do those while studying too tho ;D good luck! Wow these are getting long
hello, m’love! and thank you!! i finished my econ project today and took my marketing midterm, so fingers crossed, everything goes well :D omg i can’t wait to be a weekend potato again and yess, only one more month to go before it’s summer :’) ahhh yes, they’re quite fun! it’s nice to blast music and sing along as you eat yummy snacks and drive to the beach. i hope you get to go on a road trip sometime! the fees are pretty daunting, and omg yes that’s a good idea to keep texting people. my roommate and i do that all the time whenever either of us are out late and we have to walk back to our dorm.
oh my gosh, $7 only?? why can’t food be this cheap and good here ): i have to definitely go to korea for all the food and cute cafes. ahhh omg they sound so lovely, like i would most definitely visit as many as possible. oooh, i’ve had a chai latte, but i’ve never had a sesame drink before! what is it like? and omg like apple cider? apple cider is always nice. i’d try all the drinks if possible ahah
honestly, i’ll try everything when i’m in a different country, like i had so much gelato in italy and crepes and macarons in paris. i really like red bean buns, too, so i want to try those fish pastries filled with red bean in korea? i don’t remember what they’re called, but to be honest, asian street food and asian pastries all looks so good i can’t help but try it all. oh my gosh, i feel like i’ll be the same way if i go to a dog cafe because all i wear is black and dark colored clothes too, but dogs are always worth it :’) and omg yes!!! i’ll have to visit at least one dog cafe in japan and i also want to try one of those japanese jiggly cheesecakes!! everything in japan is so aesthetically pleasing.
oooh okay, no worries!! but askdjlfasdf feeling intimidated– i hope i’m not being scary to you D: please let me know if you ever feel uncomfortable with our conversations! nevertheless, i’m 100% sure you’re a super talented artist 💓 i wish i could travel in the fall and winter, but sadly, university gets in the way and i can’t miss class. and omg leggings and sweaters are the best fashion!! it’s versatile like a potato, and it’s always comfy. i practically wear my leggings everyday of the week.
the palace of versailles was breath taking with the intricate designs and everything, but i’d have to say the art museums hold a special place in my heart. i could spend all day wandering through the museums and reading up on every art piece. i saw quite a few art students scattered around with their big pads of drawing paper and drawing some of the paintings, and wow, i wish i had the chance to do that, like imagine living so close to these museums that you can visit everyday and draw something new.
oooh, i think switzerland was also named the place with the happiest people, too? and me, too!! i’m so excited for vietnam, oh my goodness. ahhh omg teach me your ways with the crane machine :o i hope that i’ll be able to get one plushie from it without blowing all my money. hmmm, maybe i’ll just come to japan with an empty suitcase and fill it up with all the plushies and snacks there. omg yes, i’ve heard of all the variety of kitkat flavors they have there! i actually just got a bag of green tea kit kats from my friend, and i don’t even enjoy sweets too much, but they’re heavenly.
oooh yes, i’m looking forward to all the street food. i had dango before here, but it probably isn’t as good as the ones made in japan ashkdflas ahhh i want to try everything tbh! but i saw there was this restaurant where you can actually go fishing for your fish and then they’ll make sashimi out of it for you, and that sounds amazing. and i really want to have takoyaki and okonomiyaki and udon and ramen and soba and gosh, just everything. i really, really want to visit japan one day during its cherry blossom season with all the festivities. were you able to visit japan when it was cherry blossom season? :D
oh wow, that service is really handy and convenient! i’ll make sure to preorder one for sure. i do want to go back to japan again!! i want to explore more of its beautiful cities and experience the festivals. hopefully, i’ll be rich enough to do that in the future :’) but yes to tons of picture taking, and thank you!! 💞💞 i hope the new manufacturer works out! fingers crossed!! and oh noooo D: gosh that really sucks– i hope you still have a good time watching it with your friends though ): ahaha well yes, i can, but i probably shouldn’t if i want to effectively study, and thank you!! ahhh and thank you for taking the time to send me such lovely messages! you really make my day with them 💘 and how was your day? 
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