#i'm putting this on my art blog bc why not lmao
sardonicdoll · 9 months
able-bodied artists (or artists who don't have the relevant disabilities even if they are physically disabled in some way) really need to start checking themselves because i have seen more than enough ableist garbage on my TL recently. i don't get any traction on twitter though so i'm posting this here instead.
1. i'm not giving my thoughts on "AI art" because i do not have the patience and energy but bringing up physically disabled artists with limb differences, motor impairments, etc. (the ones that able-bodied people put on a pedestal because inspiration porn, anyway) as a gotcha is just as bad as the "AI art" bros you're arguing with who aren't disabled themselves (or disabled in these ways) but also tokenize these forms of disability. we're not ammunition in online discourse, i bet 10-1 that you people never uplift and empower and give a platform to disabled artists w/ limb differences/motor impairments/etc. in your online art spaces otherwise, and any logic that amounts to "this disabled person can do [x] so you're just not trying hard enough/what's your excuse?" is always always ALWAYS ableist no matter how you try to spin it, sorry.
if you don't have these conditions and consider yourself an ally to us then you do not have any business speaking with any kind of authority in conversations involving limb differences, motor impairments, etc. and art-making, or bringing artists with these conditions up when people are talking art-making and accessibility. full-stop. speaking from experience, being an artist with coordination and motor skill impairments when i'm surrounded by artists who aren't hindered by those things (even if physically disabled) really takes a mental toll on you and being all "oh this guy learned to draw with his teeth, so" does not help that whatsoever.
2. speaking as a horror artist/author - critically examine what you consider monstrous or horrific and the overlap between that and visible physical disability. not only have i had the above nonsense shoved in my face but then semi-popular art account posted a few photos (from online assumedly) that they called "monster eyes" when one of those images was leukocoria and another looked something like tonic pupil and/or coloboma (the pupil looked atypically large and out of place.) structrual eye conditions that cause visible differences aren't "monstrous." one of the images had crystals growing out of the eye, which, yeah! do more with that. but consider that images of "freaky" eyes you find on the internet are in fact eye conditions that real people have and what you're doing is associating how their bodies look with "monstrosity."
people have talked about this quite a bit with limb differences, bodily proportions, gait differences, motor impairments, etc. but i've never seen it talked about nearly as much with eye conditions. stop associating aspects of visible bodily differences with horror and monstrosity. even if it's unintentional that's purely due to your ignorance of the wealth of conditions that cause disability. exploration of disability and bodily difference within the context of horror and monstrosity can and honestly should be explored but that should be left to to those of us who actually understand what that is like rather than those who only have an outside perspective.
generally i'm very tired of able-bodied artists and then any physically disabled ones who lack respect for those of different experience to their situation.
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19burstraat · 7 months
ketterdam dashboard simulator
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who up boeking they canal
10,345 notes
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drydens follow
I can't believe some of you log on here and thirstpost about barrel vagrants. it makes me so sick. these men are the very pits of society and have never honoured ghezen a day in their lives. there are so many other young men who make their living in a reverent way. have some dignity.
#ghezen #inghezenssight #ghezenhonouring #churchofghezen #handofghezen
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lionsroar12 follow
omg HOW is kaz brekker winning this he's SO problematic he's not even good for the economy he killed members of his own gang and kidnapped councilman van eck's son
cranky coz your gang fell apart aren't you
17,860 notes
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oskervoexchange follow
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guys is this a mandela effect or what bc I SWEAR this painting used to be in the university district art museum, I literally saw it this week??? but I went today and it was GONE?????? there wasn't even a plaque?? guys pls I'm so confused why is everyone acting like this is normal for ketterdam? do priceless antiques just VANISH? am I being gaslit?
450 notes
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guys I'm so sorry I've been MIA :( I found out that my landlord was using my rent on the staves rather than fixing my black mould problem so I pushed him out the window and told the stadwatch he must have fallen and died because he wasn't honouring ghezen and got away with it. anyway I think maybe the black mould explains the dirtyhands/sturmhond fic I was writing sorry :( but I WILL finish my fairy queen of istamere meta post once I've moved into my new lodging
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dregsconfessions follow
SUBMISSION: sometimes I lie awake thinking about the time I fell down an entire flight of stairs at the slat when kaz was at the bottom, and he just stared at me (still lying on the floor), and then asked if I'd changed the beer kegs at the silver six yet. GIRL NO?!?!?!
#submission #dregs #dirtyhands #admin comment: laughed so loud my upstairs neighbour threatened to shoot me
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dregsconfessions follow
ADMIN NOTE: if the razorgulls don't fucking stop sending anon hate to this blog we'll tell dirtyhands n he'll send you your own IP address back
#see what happens you hack job seagulls
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it's us, the real kerch tourism board, here to tell you what we're putting in the new summer season pamphlet. we got 1) three pages all about kaz brekker that end up being more of an advertisement than a deterrent 2) list of slipperiest spots in the barrel where you will fall over and get a concussion when ur drunk 3) top 10 ways to get your wallet stolen by a child in broad daylight 4) paintings of the komedie brute 5) advert for sten's stockpot 6) map of public toilets
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kerchtourismboardreal follow
we are not affiliated with any degenerate impersonator accounts who claim to be us. we are the only real kerch tourism account.
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kerchtourismboard-real follow
grafcanal smells like piss and you should bite everyone you see wearing the mister crimson costume
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stensstockpot follow
it's all 'fuck sten's stockpot' and 'I got food poisoning from the special at sten's stockpot' until you realise you don't have the money for cilla's fry, and then you come CRAWLING back to the loving arms of sten's stockpot and our special. you fucking traitors. you'll be back! you'll all be back
canaljumpings follow
what's in the special sten's stockpot
stensstockpot follow
it's a surprise ;)
bertskerch follow
nah I thought this was the real stens lmao
stensstockpot follow
bert smit you still have 45 kruge to pay on your tab and if you don't cough up we'll send our debtors to break your legs
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exchangingbabey follow
my grisha girlfriend who still wears a kefta and says things like 'nikolai lantsov is a bastard': ugh they're still debating whether or not the council of tides should be able to control kerch shipping, I hate inter-country politics
me: I think I hauve the queen's lady
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(insp) (insp)
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moons-of-dewclan · 5 months
OFC with Warriors being a series that's aimed towards teens n' tweens, I'm sure many of the readers here are minors, so I'm very much trying to keep this blog a Family Friendly (aside from the whole blood and murder part of warriors lmao) place. Hence why it's separate from my main art account ahoueou.
HOWEVER, I'M AN ADULT, A GROWN BUFFOON. And so I ask that minors please don't private message me! BUT IF YOU HAVE MESSAGED ME AND YOU'RE A MINOR PLLLLLS DON'T FEEL BAD OR CALLED OUT PLSPLS i'm not shaking my fist at you at all
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i just forgot i didn't put my age on this blog and i want to be sure everyone knows i'm a geriatric going forward. I forgot to put my age bc i'm so old i can't remember things (jk honestly i'm not used to having this many followers and i thought all my followers would be from dA where my age is much more in your face) FEEL FREE TO COMMENT THO, and asks are fine!! And i'm more than happy to boost any clangen comics from younger artists too, and answer any questions/give any tips!
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matchadobo · 1 year
reposting my works WITHOUT CREDIT including edits, colorings/art, and writings are strictly prohibited. full masterlist and rules for requests under the cut.
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rules for requests
no yandere tropes or anything violent/abusive
no race specific nor gender specific (in this case, i only write for gn and afab) nor appearance specific nor age specific or generally something-specific SJASDDJSAJ
i can only write for afab readers identifying as she/her as of the moment
no oc
minors should proceed with their own discretion when visiting my blog and giving requests (i am not enabling minors but i also have no control of their content consumption, this is only a warning and a reminder)
not a native english speaker but i am fluent in this language, just don't expect top tier grammar lmao
i mostly write for kidd, but i'm willing to try and write for these characters. these are the only characters i will accept for requests: (these may subject to change)
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fantasy tropes are welcomed! i especially love writing for these, you can check my past hcs for reference (although i don't write for hybrids/minks/fishman/furries, it's uncomfortable for me)
smut and/or suggestive themes are also welcomed, but please don't expect much i'm just starting to get the hang of it T^T
i only write from upto 3 characters for each request, you can put more than 3 people in your requests but i will only choose upto 3
i'm a very selective author so don't expect for your request/s to be accepted and made, i only pick ones i like and can give justice to
i only write for one piece as of the moment. i'm caught up with the anime, not so much in the manga
please be patient with me bc i either complete requests very fast (bc i'm probably on vacation that time) or very slow (bc i'm a student :c). i only do this in my free time and if we have regular school days, there is no free time!!
be respectful and don't spam requests
requests are: open
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sasaki to miyano
kaeya, diluc, and zhongli
dr. vegapunk/york
izou of ringo
why so serious?
the king of the underworld
raitei no yoroi
hibari and kujaku
BEELZEBUB; Hurry... Quickly... Please... Kill me. As brutally... and... as hideously as you can.
QIFREY; o, rushing waves... bring to me the one i seek
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hcs and scenarios
all my writing are catered to fem readers unless mentioned otherwise
KIDD; it all started with a drink
ACE; guitar
KIDD; make me pretty, aye?
KIDD; bet
KIDD; 9 things i hate about you
KIDD; how does eustass kidd propose?
KIDD; kidd as a father
KIDD; coming home to you
KIDD; eustass kidd as a college student
KIDD; 3 times he almost said i love you and 1 time he actually did
SHANKS; bathing with the emperor on a hot summer day🔞
KIDD; beauty & the beast
KIDD; dates with college kidd
BENN; billiards séx🔞
KIDD; the captain has an allergy!
KIDD; the captain's madam🔞
KIDD; the pirate's princess🔞
KIDD; kidd being sweet
KIDD; reconcilation
KIDD; n/sfw alphabet🔞
IZOU; haircare with izou
KONIG; someone to come home to🔞
KIDD; overnight
KIDD; how does he apologize after a petty fight
KIDD; giving him flowers
KIDD; toxic ex
KIDD; doing the shaving for him
KIDD; biker kidd au
KIDD; babysitter🔞
SHANKS; safeword🔞
KIDD; fvck me like you love me🔞
KIDD; calm to his storm
ACE; the way you look tonight
KIDD & KILLER; gifts
KIDD; christmas headcanons
KIDD & KILLER; north blue s/o
KIDD; soft and loving kidd
KIDD; tending to his wounds
KIDD; it's the captain's birthday🔞
KIDD; birthday present🔞
KIDD; runaway princess
KIDD; overheard🔞
KIDD; avenging you
intro w/ chapter list
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KIDD; make way for the king
KÖNIG; der Panzer
RWRB; tahanan
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eustass kidd
nico robin
weeb sh!t
113 notes · View notes
3point14a · 2 months
OK SO SOME PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED IN OUR PUPPET AND ILL TRY TO EXPLAIN MYSELF OVER HERE because 1) I dont think it's a good explanation really :,3 (still working on it) and 2) since we are still working on it (magic system killing us) I don't think i should put it on my art blog or whatever given it may change ToT not how they (the twins) are per se but the explanation of why the hell they r even like that
so yeah! a lot of text under the cut! i don't guarantee any of it makes sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so first of all: Choco you were so right about most of those guesses you did holy shit.
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It's both. Pup is trans and identical to Mai and they r both afab, demi-boy he/they, Mai is demigirl she/they, silly as hell. And for the horrible part?? Uh buckle in because this is a lot of us just trying to make ourselves understandable at all
Ok so. Ok so. What the hell are shadows. 
Fhs (Mainly Zero) tells us that shadows are a manifestation of people's negative emotions, the worst sides of them. We really really don't like this, shadows being "things a person is suppressing" 1) because we just don't really like it as a trope?? Like, the demons will get you in the normal people way, you will explode in the normal people way, we don't need magic to make you explain what's wrong with you it will show eventually. (we also think  it takes away some responsibility to the characters, if they act out, bc of their shadow instead of that just being a human quality.) 
And 2)  because Fred being grouped in there just feels bad, we know he's the "exception" and that's why he's special but we don't like it irregardless, it takes away from his personhood to be in that shadow category if theyre going to overall be categorized as smth that “is” someone else's, and therefore we just have to come up with a new magic system!!! easy peasy right?!?!?! (no)
In canon, we really just do not know what's up with mai and pup (puppet) (pup is shorter and they match with 3 letters lmao). Like, Pup just gets into the shadow world??? for no reason??? And they don't even look like a shadow at all? Why is bro still the same, what were they doing there, how did he get there? are they a shadow or not or a secret third thing?? what is going on, someone help. We also thought it'd be fun to make them opposites to fred and freddy. So if those guys are 2 people in 1 body, then Mai and pup are 1 person in 2 bodies (not really) ((kinda?))
Like,,,,what in the world is up with jitter doll?? if you read the lyrics none of it really? makes any sense? it has a bunch of machine imagery and language that doesn't really serve any purpose? Lyrics go on and on about the singer (pup) being sort of a machine, cables and malfunctions and unable to love, and he's also weirdly chill about it ??? Like hes over there saying "I feel like I'm going to blow up and they'll get rid of my body. They'll kill my foul heart" and smiling??? Like incredibly chill about it?? So we smashed our heads trying to give the twins something cool and also make ANY HEADS OR TAILS out of jitter doll.
So.  Machine stuff. Shadows. Something something. Here's what we have right now and what will maybe probably change: Shadows are sort of souls leftovers.
Souls (for now) Have limits? They hold feelings and thoughts and stuff, but when something is too much to handle or when you forget something inconsequential or when you cry or laugh or yell and get rid of excess emotion, that doesn't just disappear. It kinda groups together and becomes a weird invisible thing laying motionless in a corner.
"How do you end up with a shadow?" You are,,,, fundamentally empty. The shadows just by innersia look for some sort of host or vessel or whatever. If your soul has enough space (you don't really feel much or do much or whatever, fundamentally empty) Then they get in there, which doesn't really happen often?? Because most people aren't just empty lmao, sorry Freddy.
Once there the body does some fuckery unconsciously and realizes there are 2 people in here and separates both souls and whatever, like i said, work in progress magic systems are hard and they are killing us. But yeah it doesn't happen often,,, but there is another way shadows start existing,,,,,,,,,,,, and it's by the love put into a craft.
So when you do art, you put "your soul into it" right? Well, when you put passion into a project and pour your everything into it, and when that thing is still somewhat broken, they can take over it! So let's say, haunted painting? Yeah that's a shadow, that painting was made with love and care and yet it remained unfinished because the painter died. But here is where our entire thing will get weirder to explain: Video Games.
Passion project video games, and that good old trope of "The game becomes self aware" but forrealsies. Sometimes you take your silly game with you and it gets possesed?? It's somewhat normal in their society by now. Not fully normal? Like, they still get treated weirdly because "why is that video game character alive" or questioning if they are even alive, dehumanizing stuff and somewhat feared! The inherent human terror of "the creation betraying it's creator" and the "machine uprising" that already gets said in our world, is a lot worse when the machine ACTUALLY becomes sentient. But it tends to follow a certain pattern.
For no rhyme or reason, SOME copies of some games have characters gain conscience, the government in fear of the aforementioned "machine uprising" makes them a body that's as human as possible to keep them from lashing out (whatever that means), they pass off as humans. There are 2 exceptions to this, Pup (the one you care about) and Red (oc)((who invited her))
This isn’t about Red so I’ll refrain from explaining them beyond “didn’t take over a character but over a bunch of glitches”. Pup Didn't take over a game at all! 
Mai and pup are based on the puppet from fnaf right? There's another puppet in fnaf called "security puppet" which we were like "haha their mom" and it snowballed. To have that puppet that was in charge of looking after children, associating the fnaf puppets with tears (tear marks), and the immediate neuron activation of the hit song "its been too long" I was like "she's super protective of her child" and the reason for that protectiveness was insanely warranted.
To put simply, marinette (mai's legal name) ((the og child)) was just sick. Always, forever, just incredibly sick and frail and it hurts to look at because damn that little girl should be jumping on trees and not just in pain at the hospital. Her mom cried over her a lot. All that was on that girl's soul was mostly pain, sorrow, sadness, all of that stuff.
One day! her body had enough!!! and wanted to literally die! It didn't! however, to save "her" her soul sort of split into two and got rid of what was always overflowing (negativity), the puppet has this entire thing of “giving gifts and giving life”, a second chance to live and a gift to be able to not be sick anymore. And so, parts of shadows and parts of her actual soul mixed and mixed and left her just fundamentally wrong. And the phone that she had to call her mom in case of emergencies (or if she felt bad at all) was pretty bare bones and somewhat broken (old), and it only really served as a way to call, it had no games or apps or anything except for some photos of Marinette. Jumpscare, the photo is now alive. 
Anyways Pup gets a body, and first of all that just creeps the hell out of their mom, obviously. New thing just starts existing and looks identical to your child, talks like her but without any real emotion behind it? Her husband left her over keeping Pup because they never really agreed to have TWO children and it was enough with ONE thing that just went in and out of the hospital and burnt money. And yet her child was healthy again after it, and they looked identical, and it’s hard to hold a grudge against someone who has the face of the person you love the most, and it’s also hard to look them in the eyes.
Pup's mom loves him, for sure, she was definitely relieved when he came out as trans and was way more visibly unlike Mai. She couldn't just leave a child that looked just like hers to fend for their luck in another place. It's complicated, with good reason, that woman is stronger than I could ever be.
Pup and Mai both ended up messed up, because that was never meant to happen and because souls and shadows aren’t meant to mix and they lost stuff on the way of splitting (sort of spilled out?) So they both lack a lot of stuff, and also are insanely dependent on each other to function (one in the same).
Mai is overbearing, just by nature, she can’t feel sadness and she can’t feel most of anything that isn’t happiness, she’s impulsive and easily distracted, she can’t read people feeling bad and she can’t give any other insight than “just get over with it and focus on the good ^^” (inspired by her advice in al reves) because she can’t really do anything aside from that. Every bad thing they have felt either registers as somewhat inconsequential or doesn’t really feel like actual sadness, it’s just an excess of energy that makes them angsty and hyper and stuff. Mai also cannot taste stuff, and also does not feel temperature at all, pup does that for her. Both of them are unable to really feel fear, awesome for them (it’s not).
Pup is sort of nothing, they are not empty but sort of insanely muffled, he feels strongly for nothing and doesn’t have any passions or any desires or any anything, he also cannot feel pain, Mai feels it for him. Calling back to Jitter doll, his chill nature to absolutely deranged stuff and the machine language and fred “having something he could never have” is explained that way. He doesn’t fear stuff, he isn’t angry at stuff, he cannot love people, or not in the way that most or any people describe love at all. He doesn’t understand feelings and he doesn’t understand people and he doesn’t understand himself. And he searches for some sort of answer to what they hell they are. Because both of them are aware they were the same person, both of them are aware that they aren’t anymore, and both of them are aware they don’t really function how people should. 
You might have seen that we draw them with eyepatches (or have started to do that) ((new lore called for new designs lmao)), and that is the greatest indicator of them being connected in a weird way. Marinette had a birthmark on her eye, Mai (as the original body) has it on her covered eye and Pup has it mirrored because haha the photo was mirrored. The eye with the birthmark is actually the eye of the other twin, and when they don’t have it covered they just share thoughts, which obviously gives them both a massive headache, which is why they cover it. "wasn't pup unable to feel pain?" fun fact! headaches are not really actual pain (for the most part), they are pressure and tenderness in the scalp and stuff like that! So they are not free from headaches lmao
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Pup wants to feel fulfilled, like an actual whole person, and he has no clue how to achieve that in the slightest. But because they perceive what happened to them as supernatural (how else do you describe that) they both went into ghosts and stuff like that. 
They both walk around and try and find ghosts and ask them stuff, they ask people stuff about local legends and local hauntings to try and get some lead on what they are and how (or even if) they can fix themselves. Pup reads a lot more than Mai and is a bit more obsessive with understanding what is up with them. Because while Mai is also messed up, she at least is still regarded as the child they both were, their mom looks at her in the eyes. Hence my little drawing of him with a bunch of books and torn apart pages. In the stories they’ve seen ghost take over lives (took over marinette’s face), they are uncaring (like pup), and a daughter WAS lost, neither of them are Marinette anymore. 
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Pup, by feeling all muddled and devoid of most feelings at all, is still attached to the idea that they could become one again, while Mai, who is unable to be anything but positive, is certain they are different people now and forever. Pup is also attached to not seeing himself as alive (?), as a program (what ppl like him r called) and being technically artificial he thinks of himself as a robot, as something lacking that human spark, hence the entire robot thing in jitter doll, they use that as a way to sort of cope with how wrong they are because otherwise it really just sets in that they are simply unfixable. A robot or a ghost or an android or some spirit, whatever you want, except an actual alive person. 
Also calling back to them both just sort of appearing in Fred and Freddy’s mind in the show and all the weird meddling they do with them both. Like how pup is implied to remember meeting fred in the shadow realm thing cause he says “haha this feels familiar” when freddy asks for their name, or like mai saying “it's easier to notice someone's absence when they are always beside you ^^” and stuff like that. They have some dream insanity at camp.
Camp to us us is the end of the world and an insanely important event, due to close proximity all the people related to shadows sort of start sharing dreams, which is nice for no one, and which definitely sparks those two to be insanely invasive in hopes of discovering something new in their mad chase for any answer at all, Rip Freddy and Fred I’m sorry they are like that (inspired by them being voted as enemies in the series, at least according to the subtitles, i think she says friendemies but that also works irregardless) 
They are just not really good friends to most people, and even worse to Fred and Freddy. They sort of see Fred like a thing, like something they can get answers out of and something they can learn from, they dehumanize him a tad and it’s not done with actual bad intention, they aren’t trying to be bad people or anything, but then again they are just fundamentally wrong, and the absolute worst at feelings. Pup in general already dehumanizes himself so what’s the damage of doing it to someone else?? 
They also make Freddy feel unwanted, they treat him as a gateway to see Fred, and that messes with Freddy because everyone always asks for Fred, like, people like Fred more than him, and he’s just the means to get that. 
HGHGHGHGHG ANyways if anyone got here thank you so much, sorry this is so long and if it answers nothing, like we said, magic system is killing us. However I love them both too much to not draw them even without a set magic system so i couldnt hold back from drawing them </3
Last thing: Did you guys know mai and pup's songs respectively start at the same time in their episodes???????? That's so creepy why would they do that??? t2e7 6:56, then t2e8 6:56. What.
But yeah to anyone or everyone who was curious thank you so so so so much for showing interest :D And I'm very sorry if our answer is not that sufficient lmao, <3 <3 <3
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conjectureand-gloom · 4 months
for the fandom asks ✨ 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 16, 23, 24
(a lot, i know, but i'm a naturally curious person as everyone can see. if you don't feel like answering all of them, just pick the ones you like!!!)
omg no i loooove having loads!!!
gonna put this under a cut because this is so long omg i’m sorry-
4- say something nice about a ship you don’t ship
oooh okay. this is kinda difficult lmao bc i ship literally nearly everything in the hamilton fandom. i ship some a bit more, but i am a huuuuuge multishipper lmao
i think i’m gonna go with jamilmads. okay i loooove their dynamic though, like friends to lovers is soooo cute and sweet and just so like. it’s absolutely adorable. aND LIKE. THOMAS TAKING CARE OF MADISON WHEN HES SICK. LIKE???????
5- something you see in fics a lot and love
omg. okay. firstly in more historical fics, i loooove the aides interactions. like their dynamic is just so special to me.
and something else i’ve noticed a bit is that in lams fics, john uses petnames a lot more than alexander does. i don’t know why, i’ve just noticed it. but i love it so much. i kinda like to picture that alexander just has so many words, but when it comes to having a petname for john he just can’t think of anything to describe him. i don’t know, that’s just what i think. also the ‘my dear boy’ nickname???? obsessed. actually my favourite thing in the whole world.
7- your favourite tropes to read/write/draw
my favourite trope is found family. i looooove reading and writing found family and washingdad and the hamilsquad and just agdkqhdkajds. especially if there’s been some angst and hurt/comfort shoved in there that led to the found family?? i love it so so much
10- a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
you expect me to pick JUST ONE??????????
ahahaha. no.
@jittyjames bestie i don’t even know how to begin this. jami you were the first person i really ever interacted with in this fandom. your fics just bring me so much happiness and interacting with everyone in the comment section of your fics just made me feel so much more comfortable and accepted and helped me build that courage to join tumblr and beginning writing and all of that. your support especially, both with writing and fandom, and with personal experiences have impacted me and helped me so so much. i genuinely cannot thank you enough, and i really hope you know how much you mean to me
@starduckys you are just. you are so so incredible, you’re so talented and so sweet and funny and just sooo amazing. i don’t think i can even explain just how important you are to me. you’re so supportive, and you have made this fandom so so special to me. i also absolutely love your blog, in case you couldn’t tell by my often stalking through your blog and liking/reblogging everything <333
@kwilooo i think you were the first friend i made in this fandom, back before i was posting, i think. seeing your updates, and seeing your replies on my comments (way back on wattpad omg!????) made me so so happy, and i still find it absolutely insane that you then found me here on tumblr!! like? that’s insane. anyway you are a huuuuge part of my fandom experience. seeing your writing made me feel so confident and comfortable and it was really important to me
@unicornsaures we’ve only started interacting recently, but i love your blog so much, and you seem so so nice and amazing and you make this fandom so amazing and special to me
unfortunately almost all of my older hamilton mutuals don’t really talk with me much anymore, but anyone i ever interacted with in this fandom, i hope you all know how special you are to me, and how much much you have all impacted my fandom experience and how much more incredible you’ve made it all. and if anyone wants to chat with me, please just message me! you’re all so sweet and i would love to make more friends, whether in the hamilton fandom or not <333
11- if you’re a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
okay i have a few.
this is biased given its personal AND super recent, but “i haven’t slept in a week”. i was scared to post that but im actually really proud of that writing lmao, despite how terrified i was to post it
then there’s “for all the love i’ve found in you, i’ll be forever grateful baby”. i hated it at the time but i’ve grown to be really proud of it, and that poem i wrote. also because i wrote that for akeyla and it’s actually really sweet
and also “baby it’s cold outside”. that fic is my child like i’m so proud of that fic
and then also “like crying out in empty rooms, with no one there except the moon”, “like mother, like daughter” (agggtm), “but this situation’s helpless” (this was my favourite fic id ever written for soooo long), “fools who run their mouths off wind up dead”, and “steal into my affections”
16- a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
omg okay so musical canon, i think people should focus on some of the ways that burr especially says some lines. like the sound of his voice, the way his delivers his lines. like i made that soit the other day about how he says “i get a drink” in the world was wide enough. i feel like we really need to appreciate more the way he delivers his lines. i don’t know how to describe it, but he just sounded like. flat. you can tell by his voice he was just like. “holy shit. i have just killed hamilton.” and he regretted it. i don’t know how to explain it. but we really need to appreciate this more
in historical canon, i feel like we need to focus more on the schuylkill incident. i swear that’s the funniest story ever. and also the aides friendships and family dynamic?? and also lafayette and washington’s friendship and kinda like. father-son relationship. it’s just. as much as i absolutely adooooore washington and alexander’s relationship, in historical canon he was definitely closer with lafayette than alexander.
23- the fandom you’re curious about because of a mutual
ooh. okay. this is kinda difficult.
1776 (musical) because of literally sooo many of my mutuals lmao. i’ve been wanting to get into it for aaaages and i know it’s kinda like. amrev. i just haven’t got into it yet
okay i know i have more, i think there are some that @felizusnavidad and @anixknowsnothin are in that i’m curious about but i cannot remember them lmao
24- how has fandom positively impacted your life?
okay. how do i even begin with this.
fandom has been a huuuge part of my life since i was 6, with harry potter. i remember when i was in year 5 (10-11 years old-ish), we had to write a creative story, and i fully wrote a marauders era fanfiction. because that’s how i got into creativity, it was through fanfiction. i remember my year 5 teacher giving me a whole lecture about how i can’t write something that already exists, and i was really upset about it, and i spent ages refusing to write fanfiction, and only write original works, and i just couldn’t get anything written. fandom and fanfiction is a huge part of my life, and it’s a huge outlet of stress for me.
i would use fanfiction to make sense of my feelings for years, even when i was younger, and i’d get a bit of disconnect from strong emotions by giving them to characters, and i’d feel just that little bit better. and also reading fanfictions, where a character is feeling and going through similar things always make me feels a little bit less alone, i could read or watch the canon material and see my comfort character, and i’d remember that in a certain fanfiction where the character may have been going through something similar to me, and i’d be like, “well if this character, who is so strong, can get through it, i can get through this. i can do it.” and it would give me that comfort. seeing my comfort characters feeling the same way always makes me feel a bit better about everything
thank you so so much for this!!!! i loved answering these <333333
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what do you think would their types be? like, what would they look in an s/o, what the wouldn't like, etc? be honest as possible bc i have this thing were i fall in love with a character then i go "wait they wouldn't like _____ and i'm so _____ oh wow even a fictional person wouldn't like me" destroy my feelings lmao
well, first of all i hope you find peace with yourself.
when you find peace with yourself honestly, this kind of situation rarely happen.
obviously we all feel bad once in a while and i understand + hear what you're saying right here.
In my writings i try to be inclusive whilst not giving too much information about the reader.
not in my house i'm telling you all.
i hope whoever is reading my stuff gets the comfort, love, attention they deserve. i started this blog because i couldn't find what i wanted.
i bring it now, and i don't want my few readers to feel bad about themselves for whatever reason.
sending everyone hearts because you deserve it.
i used to think the same because of my nationality, completely destructive. so i kinda understand where you're coming from with your ask.
real life or fictional, if someone doesn't understand or like you, don't blame yourself, it's their own problem. being someone's problem has nothing to do with how you are or look.
lets start :)
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uk brothers II headcannons II what they would/wouldn't look in for a s/o
someone embittered
he would struggle quite a lot with that,
would try to help if he ever ends up with someone like this
you cannot change people but you can learn from them
he wants comfort in someone
he would tend to go towards people who share and treasure their loved ones
dylan reflects a lot what he recieves probably why that last point is important
he wants the best for his s/o so he deserves the best s/o too
condescending people
no-no for him
he is the kind to fold himself so he is flexible to situations
people who mistake that "folding" from him tend to be condescending
he likes a lot people who are smart,
not smart like good grades- he doesn't care about that tbh
he wants someone he can have long talks with, debates and learn things
teach him something about your favorite subject and you won
malignant narcissist, mixed with grandiosity
really big struggle for arthur, malignant narcissists are helpless to him
you cannot change them and that's the worse
he would lean towards someone decisive, someone who knows what they want
by this, i mean personality wise. if you don't know how to dress today it doesn't matter.
be clear about your tastes, what you want in life.
and if not, it's absolutely fine, you'll grow this kind of confidence with him
insolent people
respect yourself and others with him
passing remarks as insults will get you nowhere (i am not lying)
but, he tends to like people with witty comebacks, high verbal ability or skills
why ? he likes to discuss or joke with his s/o
while still being respectful, insolent people are different
high verbal abilities such as witty comebacks means you can listen to people correctly and also pay attention to your feelings
brings the best characteristics of someone in his opinion
men and women who show themselves as "pick me" people
any symbolic elimination act doesn't go well with him
shutting down, putting down someone for attention is violence
he leans towards people who are attentionate.
by this i mean, someone who will cherish their loved ones, each at a time
someone who makes time for their loved ones separately and makes them feel unique
someone who sees relationships and friendships as a meticulous works of art
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scary-monsters · 11 months
i don't think i'm burnt out on art?? because i know what that feels like, i had severe burnout from like 2019 to early 2022 and i genuinely thought i'd never make art again bc i assumed i lost all my skill
it sucks bc i watch my artist friends create things more often than me (especially the last couple months) and wonder why i'm not capable of doing it, why i can't manage to find the energy to make things even though i so desperately want to? i have all these ideas and so much WANT to follow through with them but it feels like there's not enough energy in my body or mind to do any of it. all these diego's in my head want to come out!!!!!
i know i say it all the time but i'm so exhausted, this heat is making it worse, doing anything at all on my days off feels like a challenge and my obligations are piling up so even when i want to sit down and draw i feel guilty abt it? also there's been so many other things going on in my head, everything feels like a huge task these days, even mundane "easy" things
maybe i'm still in a depressive phase? i get a rush of joy every time i manage to finish something but that fades pretty quickly. maybe it all comes down to me being overworked and fatigued and the general state of the world right now taking a toll on Everybody. the bipolar and chronic fatigue just make it worse in my case, but i know everybody is struggling right now.
anyway SORRY for the fucking diary entry LMAO that wasn't really my intention, i swear. tl;dr i'm sorry i don't have anything new for y'all (except a nsfw fic i just finished but i don't put my nsfw stuff on this blog, if you're an adult then you know where to find it) and i say it all the time but: hopefully i'll feel better and more able to draw that british scalie soon
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domorebemore · 6 months
literally like that's why i kind of try to be a little off-putting when i date people and say weird shit right off the bat because i want to see how much they're willing to put up with at first. but then that backfires because then they get to project a manic pixie dreamgirl thing onto me like wow this girl is sooooo weird that's so funny and epic. and then they get to talk to me and it's just like. wow this bitch is annoyingly obsessed with a lot of weird shit isn't she.........................
also a lot of it is because until recently, even though i've always been very in-tune with my emotions (i'm extremely emotional always have been i'm a triple water sign babey), i felt like it was cringe and embarrassing to show it to others. so like i always had to do some sort of Bit around it. which is why i've fully embraced my dps love now because i used to be like wow it's embarrassing how much i love this movie. because it's so earnest and unironic and i usually would call that corny. so i have to do a bit about liking it instead. and pretend it's just because i was horny or whatever.
idk none of this makes any fucking sense i'm literally just like trauma dumping on my own blog (i'm jk this isn't trauma lmao) but anyway ............ i just always had to turn all of my emotions into a Bit because i've turned my entire life into a performance art piece essentially by putting myself out there online for my whole life. like everything i do is so performative bc i feel like i have to put on a show for others. and if i feel a genuine earnest emotion i have to immediately turn it into a joke and put it online for others to see bc i can't stand to be alone with it for a single second LOL......... BUT NOW I'M TRYING TO NOT DO THAT!!!!!!!!!! LIKE THAT'S PART OF THIS ENTIRE NUMANDA MOMENT IS I'M LIKE TRYING TO BE A GENUINE EARNEST HUMAN BEING BUT IT'S HARD BC IT IS EMBARRASSING TO BE A HUMAN
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mokutone · 2 years
I'm drawing Kakashi for the first time (as much as I love them, I rarely ever draw naruto characters so this is a little fun and new for me) and I'm struggling a little bc I'm trying to draw him relaxed, reclining with pakkun (in the way I recline with my cat) and I'm realizing there's something so personal abt drawing him in such a vulnerable pose ig. Like? I'm very tired too rn so maybe I'm being extra emotional and rambly but there are so few scenes of kakashi in canon where he's not wearing the jounin vest, where he's alone and relaxed and out of uniform. And I didn't realize it until I was trying to think back to other similar scenes and there really weren't any. and I'm kind of mesmerized by how you draw him because you capture that so so well, your art is gorgeous but it's also so real and expressive in a way that shows a lot of practice and a lot of love. Idk i think I've said this before and I'm sorry if it's annoying that I'm saying it again (I'll just shut up after this lol) but I went to an art school and I had massive burnout and only really started drawing again in the past 6 months and you were one of my inspirations 2 start drawing again and I'm still not as good as I'd like to be but I draw so much more now and having an actual passion for art has led to a huge improvement, so thank you and thank u for bearing with me and my sleep-deprived rambles. I think my original point got sidetracked. I forgot why i started writing this ask.
dkgjhsdgkjdshg no i think you're 100% right abt the kakashi relaxed thing, even when we see him "relaxed" he doesn't ever really Look relaxed. like
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here he is chilling out in the hot springs. this man does not look relaxed but he DOES look exhausted and maybe a little like he's gotten lost. somebody help this confused man find the exit.
anyway art + motivation talk beneath the cut
djhsdkjghsdkjhg thank u for all the compliments abt my art, i do work really hard in order to draw expressive characters, and spend a lot of time paying attention to how the small details in posture and expression change how the character comes across, and im glad it pays off!
also yeah no, similarly, once i left art school (when the pandemic hit) i did have a good 6 months where i did not pick up the pencil even once, and like, usually i feel rlly bad or guilty when i'm not drawing, but my burnout was real bad and i was straight up angry abt everything dgkjhsdgkjh so i just...didn't draw for like 6 months. i didn't even feel bad about it bc i was too busy being angry
and i had a bad relationship with art at the time and eventually realized i kind of had to like? make a different relationship with art—like, try to stop seeing art as something which gave me fundamental worth as a human being, or part of who i am? you know? that's a LOT of pressure to put on just...something that i do. if i took that kind of approach to literally any other task in my life, i'd never do it. imagine thinking that the way and style with which you descend the stairs gives you your worth as a person and if you don't do it exactly right then it means you're worthless as a person? buddy i'd just find a way to go down and out through the window LMAO
i think this is the thing which gives a lot of people burnout, it's exhausting to be constantly working on something and ALSO believe that if you fuck it up even a little, it's because you are the fuckup, and a fundamental failure of a person. god thats so much pressure.
anyway so i decided to make a naruto art blog because i don't even like naruto That Much but my best friend had been trying to get me into it for years (ty kate ilu kate), and so any art that i made would be purely for fun, wouldn't have anything to do with my self worth, and might make kate laugh too, and that's why this blog exists! and taking the pressure off of creating art like that has been enormously helpful to my mental health and my ability to create, also i take breaks alllllll the time, i'm like...way healthier about my art thanks to that, and also just...a nicer person, i think? anyway i'm very glad that i inspired you to get back into art but i'm far more glad that you've found a passion for it, cultivating that passion and joy is so important
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#a lot of the way i approach art is bc i worked with kids for a while and like. u can kinda tell when a kid is at the breaking point w/ art#where they're like ''if one more thing goes wrong i am going to Lose It''#+ at that point as a ''teacher'' u have to pick between giving them critique on their artwork to improve OR letting it go + saying their#art is good and they're doing really well#and i always pick the second one—LIKE. once the kid is no longer feeling soooo frustrated abt their art that they're at a breakin point?#THEN we can talk critique. and even then i will still tell them what they're doing well#until theyre at that point tho its all ''yeah!!! you're killing it! look at these new skills you're learning! look how you're improving!''#''look how funny/beautiful/exciting/cool your piece is!!!!''#because first and foremost. i think that art should be enjoyed#having creation as a friend and ally vs A Duty is sooo important#TO BE CLEAR LIKE. this is also still technically a form of critique#i dont just say ''good job champ! great work doing art!'' if u wanna compliment art and have it mean something you do have to be#specific about what is good...not ''that looks great!'' but ''wow you draw really fabulously detailed noses!#or ''wow the fashion you're drawing is really cool—i wish i had that jacket!'' like.#as in all things. compliments and praise are only meaningful if they are /meant/ and you cant fake that#MY POINT IS. if we want to take the pressure off ourselves with art. i think we also gotta treat ourslves like this#look at what we're doing and compliment things we genuinely think weve improved upon. love our successes#nothing better for the ego than to compare new art to old art and look at what weve changed#i should do some redraws at some point#my jutsu
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radiovisual · 4 months
are you going to come back?
((I keep telling myself im going to, but im not sure. Im especially unhappy with how this blog was written and how it looks at the moment, bc theres a lot of things id Want to change before getting back into rp here, but I have no energy or motivation to do so 😔 my art block from last year is Still ongoing, im still deeply fixated on other fandoms, and VERY recently I had an epiphany of some kind and haven't been able to stop paying attention to the news, bc anxieties about what's happening in Gaza/the West Bank, Sudan, and Chile, and not to mention this next American presidential election, have me reassessing my priorities in life, ykwim?))
((Im still around technically, i wont be deleting this blog or anything, im just in kind of a tough spot, mentally+emotionally+physically, and that makes it hard to get reinvested in something like this.))
((There's also the factor of... feeling rather restricted in this community. It's not any particular person or group of ppls fault, people are entitled to feel however they want around fictional subjects and themes, but i know that the types of things that i like to write and rp are dark and mature, and this fandom [despite the Nature of the show itself and the topics it covers] tends to attract a lot of very aggressive, very judgemental people -- as im sure youre all aware 😂 i found some friends here, but even still, a lot of the time i know i Can't get into the kind of stuff i ACTUALLY want to write, because most of the ppl in this community would [at least, way back when,] assume that That kind of writing means I'm a bad, dangerous person who wants to engage with those themes in real life 🙃. Which isn't to say anyone is Wrong for avoiding me if darker themes trigger them, by all means PLEASE block me for your sanity if thats what you have to do!! but when most all of those Exact Themes are LITERALLY, graphically present in the show, now, it's like. Idk man whats going on! Why are you here! if sexually abusive relationships bother these fans so much, then Why are they in THIS fandom of all places instead of somewhere tangibly Safer for their sanity, yk???))
(( i don't know. Maybe im just a brat, but ive always felt a little put out by the Hazbin community online. Its extremely self policing and isolating trying to find people i can feel comfortable talk to about my ideas, so ive kind of... given up and moved on, found a nice group of Freaks to be perverted about the Avatar sequel instead lmao))
((So... idk. I guess we'll see. But im very sorry it may have been wishful thinking when i said id come back. I really, truly meant it at the time -- things just changed 💔, both in me And in the community. And maybe theyll change again, idk!but i Do know there's people in this overarching Hazbin Tumblr RP community who don't like me very much (which is Okay), and I don't want to force myself to walk on eggshells anymore -- so I'm won't💪😎))
((I adored my time here while i was active, whuch it why i wont delete it -- i go back to re read threads all the time! -- but unless there's a group of sexual weirdos developing that i could fall in with AND I can find a way to balance this with the rest of my life, im still gonna be on this indefinite hiatus 💀👍 sorry))
((Btw -- Palestinians are in desperate need of e-SIMs to keep in touch with their loved ones and to organize humanitarian aid within the Gaza strip itself -- if any of you have a few spare dollars, please consider getting involved. I know the news is very quiet rn, especially if you're in America like me, but let me make this very clear; We are. kind of sort of Already IN World War Three. Russia and China and the global south are finally starting to hold the west accountable and the west is failing a shitting its pants about it Spectacularly. The world order is literally shifting. There's not one, but SEVERAL major international conflicts brewing right now, as America is sliding into fascism at break neck speed bc Genocide Joe is finally realizing he's probably not going to get re-elected [on account of all the genocide] on TOP of finally seeing the tangible effects of climate change. South America and Australia are on FIRE. Like NEVER before.))
((Never Again is Now. We could be going over the temperature "tipping point" of the planet BY 2030. now is NOT the time to be wallowing in escapism, no matter how much we desperately need/want it. If there is EVER a time to get involved with the real world and to take a step back from the internet and high stress fandom bullshit, it is NOW. No matter what Side of these issues you stand on, EVERYONE needs to be voting, everyone needs to be paying attention.))
(( if you can't afford esims [no shame, i often can't either, money is tight everywhere], then at the very least get This website open in your tabs. It generates revenue with free Daily clicks, the proceeds of which are all sent to UN organizations -- particularly UNRWA, which is VITAL to maintain not only getting aid INTO Gaza, but also retaining Palestinians legal right to return to their land -- without UNRWA, Isreal can begin to LEGALLY, haphazardly "deport" Palestinians, which would take YEARS to reverse through future court proceedings. Do your part, it only takes a few seconds a day 💪🌱))
((Alright, thats all! Sorry if you wanted a short sweet answer, but ive actually been ruminating on all of this, so thank you for this ask, for giving me a chance to talk about it all. Im happy to see this community thriving in the wake of Season 1, even if im not joining in myself -- you all keep up the great work, and keep having fun with it ❤ let it empower you to explore the value of Charlie's message and think of ways to impliment it in your daily life And on the world at large‼))
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arabaka · 1 year
Im curious and hope you don't mind me asking (and i hope i don't sound hostile bc i promise i'm not lmao) -- why do you dislike minors reading nsfw pieces? Or is it interacting w/ the work/following that is the problem? I imagine most horny fandom-involved teenagers have read smut before. I'm interested in your thotsTM on the matter, because I see a lot of authors with a wide variety of opinions on it.
*₊˚💬୧ Hi! Don't worry, you didn't sound hostile (i do appreciate you clarifying though).
I'll answer your questions but first, I want to posit one of my own: what kind of adult WOULD be fine with minors engaging with their sex-focused works? I can't think of any well-intentioned, responsible reason why an adult would be okay with minors interacting with their NSFW pieces. In my opinion, ANY smut writer over the age of 18 worth their salt would value the safety of children over a meager boost in interactions.
I'll get my personal feelings out of the way quick- It's simply gross. I shouldn't have to elaborate on the why's on that front. Now, I'm not stupid; I KNOW minors engage with p⁰rn. I was a kid once. A kid that had unfiltered access to the internet as early as 7 years old. A child that came across NSFW art one day and who didn't know better, started searching for more of it. I won't go into the other atrocities that I've seen and experienced as a child and I won't be foolish enough to blame it solely on engaging with NSFW at such a young age but it's been proven that experiencing p⁰rnography at such an early age is incredibly damaging. (Source 1, Source 2) So why would I be okay with letting children (teens, whatever at the end of the day they are CHILDREN) engage with my work that is written ONLY with an adult audience in mind?
Now that aside- it is a very dangerous game, legally speaking. Per the Department of Justice, "Federal law strictly prohibits the distribution of obscene matter to minors. Any transfer or attempt to transfer such material to a minor under the age of 16, including over the Internet, is punishable under federal law." ALSO: "It is illegal for an individual to knowingly use interactive computer services to display obscenity in a manner that makes it available to a minor less than 18 years of age (See 47 U.S.C. § 223(d))." Of course, Tumblr hosts blogs from around the world, minors and adults alike, and at the end of the day it's not like we can put our posts behind a wall for adults only (which let's be real, minors click the "I'm 18" button anywhere). But the LEAST a responsible adult can do is tighten their restrictions on their NSFW content by barring minors from following and interacting. It can spell legal trouble for the ADULT.
So really, it's about creating and upholding a safe environment for ALL. I hope that clears things up!
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this is okay to rb if anyone wishes
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ambivartence · 2 years
I was tagged by @drzibs @chanstopher @rumue (thank yall <333)
NAME: siyuan
SIGN: sagittarius
HEIGHT: 5'4" // 162-163 cm (idr)
TIME: 12:42 am
BIRTHDAY: 1997/12/19 🐂♐️😃
FAVOURITE BAND/ARTIST: skz, nct, svt, tbz, bts, ab6ix, p1h, etc etc the list is endless u already know
LAST MOVIE: i haven't watched a movie in literal months.... rewatched princess mononoke back in may lol i usually only watch movies on the plane or in theaters, if im at home i just want to draw or watch youtube tysm
LAST SHOW: yesterday i was watching House and the first ep of the new GoT house of the dragon show with my roommate
WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG: foreverrrr ago but i revived it into a kpop blog late 2020 !
WHAT I POST: kpop art n gifs of so many groups :))))) the speed at which i collect new groups is a problem
OTHER BLOGS?: @dreambivartence art inspiration and @jacob-bae tbz jacob + idols with flowers (kpop aes blog?) and i'm working on a sideblog for just my art sort of like a portfolio idk im bored i'll drop the url soon 😃
DO I GET ASKS?: mostly when i ask for an ask game bc im rly bad at checking otherwise im sorry i usually end up taking at least 1-2 business days bc i just fORGET to 😭
FOLLOWERS: so many!!! too many!!! why r there so many of u guys >:( lol thanks for putting up w my multi shenanigans 
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: my ideal is 9 bc im a babie when it comes to sleeping but i think i try to get at least 7 a day tho i usually only need 5-6 to function BUT ALSO i have a major napping problem i take the LONGEST naps like im talking 3+ hours each time so my sleep schedule is easily screwed over :')
INSTRUMENTS: i wish i could play an instrument :( i learned a little bit of piano n ukelele so i can at least read sheet music (uke/guitar tabs r still confusing to me) but i prefer to spend my time drawing :')
WHAT I’M WEARING: my pjs (free dropbox tshirt from college lol n sleep shorts)
DREAM JOB: "no job lmao." <- so real dreamy so real. "the platonic version of a trophy wife?" <- also real rumu <3 my roommate n i have actually been debating lately about which one of us needs to become rich so the other can be the platonic trophy wife lmao or let me be an idol makeup artist i want to do their pretty makeup i want to doll them up so bad !!!!
DREAM TRIP: taiwan / korea / japan / china (if it ever opens again 😭) also extremely niche but i really want to do the andean lakes crossing between argentina and chile near bariloche during the snowy season but idk if that would be too bitter cold to be enjoyable </3
FAVOURITE SONGS: rn it's villain by key & jeno and also doom du doom by p1harmony but all time is probably winter bear by v, side effects by skz, dream in a dream by ten, the truth untold by bts, cherry by ab6ix, zombie (eng ver) by day6, some by bol4
tagging (no obligation, sorry if u've already done thisss): @alrightyaphroditie @babytunninjadrac @decembermoonskz @efflorescing-mary @i-like-hockey-a-latte @lolacouldnotcareless @lvrli @myriad-of-colors @njaems @ofyoursilentreverie @peachjaem00 @pvddins-art @sulfurcosmos
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movementsofmylife · 2 years
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I posted 1,462 times in 2022
That's 1,461 more posts than 2021!
111 posts created (8%)
1,351 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,276 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#bad buddy - 592 posts
#the eclipse - 243 posts
#kinnporsche - 39 posts
#me - 36 posts
#inkpa - 29 posts
#omg - 27 posts
#so pretty - 22 posts
#gap the series - 22 posts
#milk pansa - 21 posts
#:) - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i can simply date who i want and my parents think i'm straight and single and we go on about our lives bc that is the smoothest path forward
My Top Posts in 2022:
ok. so this might be obvious but i just noticed that the resource game is mirroring Pran's thoughts about their relationship at this time. where they are inevitably headed towards instability and failure due to the constraints of the world around them.
they just have such little space and freedom to exist as a couple that no matter how much care is put into maintaining it, it falls apart.
and to pran it can feel like pat is pushing them towards a confrontation about their relationship that'll ruin them both.
61 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
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#badbuddyweek - day 2: favourite episode
ep 10
the emotional rollercoaster of this episode is seared on my mind.
75 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
bad buddy ep 4 (rewatch)
how many times does pran pull out his entire (extremely intense) set of markers and not use them:
total so far: //// (no new additions this ep, we're very sport this week)
so this was an episode of pran and his many many emotions, and incredible faces.
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renaissance art. like actually, the action happening in the middle distance with the antagonist in the back supporting cast surrounding. art!!
See the full post
93 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
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#badbuddyweek day 1: Pran Parakul
he really showed up and forcibly made me publicly declare my love for him and i can't even be mad.
101 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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ok so it's literally been months and i should most definitely not still be analyzing every scene in this show but!!!!
Pran definitely made the breakfast on the counter for Pat. i'm sure someone else noticed this too, but in his morning routine the episode before we only see him eating toast, none of this sausage vegetable egg situation on the table. and!! he's making toast for himself. and then when pat steals it, he sassily eats one of the sausages, in like a, you eat mine i eat yours (lmao) way. so this entire fight about not making food for him is just Pran straight up lying (badly) and it's both incredible and obvious and clearly Pat knows it too and yeah. I don't have anything else to say except that I love them and this show and scenes like this are the reason why.
136 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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willow-lark · 1 year
ty for the ask u r my absolute favorite!! also lmao it is so funny we did send two of the same to each other. literal mind meld going on over here
🍫 Cheese or chocolate? hmm i'm gonna pick cheese bc you can put it in more stuff i feel like. a good food. though i do adore chocolate
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? cat person! idk why i think i just have more experience with them
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr? whoo i'm gonna cheat at this one a little bit. fun fact about me: this is my first blog on here, and i made it in 2021. but for five years before that, i would come onto tumblr literally every day and just. scroll tags. i had 5-6 blogs that i liked in my browser bookmarks and i would visit them every day or two and see what they had posted. i mastered the art of lurking. and then suddenly it hit me that i could, actually, make a blog and start posting stuff myself. lol. idk why it took so long but i am here now and i will not be going anywhere lmao
ask game!!
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lilolilyr · 1 year
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I posted 25.803 times in 2022
133 posts created (1%)
25.670 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 10.503 of my posts in 2022 (41%)
#x – 527 posts
#goncharov – 443 posts
#esc'22 – 361 posts
#queen dead – 298 posts
#*cue crabs* – 186 posts
#threshold day – 179 posts
#q – 177 posts
#mine – 149 posts
#andromaquynh – 144 posts
#tog art – 141 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#anyway apart from lotr i think any fictional death gets a ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ it's fictional and them not-dying is just as fictional so idc
I gave 1 gift in 2022
My Top-Posts in 2022:
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54 notes – posted 24. Juli 2022
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58 notes – posted 2. August 2022
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New photo of Cybill Shepherd and Talia Shire as Katya and Sofia in Goncharov (1973) resurfaced! Had the two characters originally been supposed to have a kiss scene that was later cut from the movie?
68 notes – posted 25. November 2022
Ot3 fake-dating fanfic idea:
Your main character has a top secret job that they have to travel a lot for - when asked by their date why they had to leave in a hurry, in a panic they said it's because they're actually poly/ in an open relationship and have to go home to their partner. They don't expect to get a second date after that, but lo and behold actually the date calls back and over time they get into a mostly long-distance relationship - in which the lies about their 'other relationship' quickly pile up...
Now the date wants to meet the other partner, maybe because the main character made them seem much too nice - and now they have to pretend to be in a relationship with their co-worker....
Please @ me if anybody writes this, no matter the fandom!
86 notes – posted 23. January 2022
My #1 of the year 2022
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221 notes – posted 18. August 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
Because obvs it doesn't show the full posts, espesh with moodboards, I added screenshots of the actual top posts below, plus some other interesting facts!
What I'd also love to have on the year in review is: what posts did I reblog the most times? What was my longest reply conversation? How many times did I reach post limit, and how often did I change my blog heading/description?
Wbu guys, any more ideas? :D
The one-pic previews for the moodboards re also rly pretty xD but here's the real deal
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Adsfg that's what happens if the post gets squished small while font size stays the same huh? Well I hope that doesn't happen on many phones without the year in review background... Oh well!
My top post results almost got skewed by memeing to 1 thing again! Not as badly as last year with 100% ESC content, but Goncharov definitely made it in xD even though I made most of the posts, all the non Katya/Sofia ones rly, on sideblogs... Thankfully lmao! Also # N°2!!!
Apropos top hashtags, x is my tag to separate rambling from search tags so that's obviously on a lot of posts... & It's cool that Andromaquynh is apparently still my most blogged about, or at least most tagged, ship! Though that it's the only ship in the top 10 is also rather fascinating
& then queen dead - cue crabs! My anti royalty tag combo made it onto the list, in the correct order even xD
And of Course there's threshold day up there as well lmao. Reached post limit for that
If you're on mobile and the archive link I put on the '133 posts created' doesn't work, here's one for mobile also including reblog additions and the like, or here's the archive link to copy to your mobile browser:
Bc it says, with tags, who you most reblogged from, other ppl then get tagged by these years in review... & I got tagged a lot lmao
Browneyedgenius Frogswithasmallkn1fe Panicatthesocialmedia Banashee Lonely-night Petrichoraflora Purlturtle Falyakonmp3 glassbearclock
Idk whether to be proud or worried that I'm on here too much for my stuff to show up on so many ppls dashs xDxD
& while there are some beloved mutuals and long-time followers on that list, there are also several I've never seen before?? Did they change their urls recently or do they post so little that I never noticed them in my notes even though I'm one of their biggest post suppliers? I may never know xD
Ahh I checked again and @falyakonmp3 @glassbearclock I think I know your sideblogs? TOG fandom for the win :D fits in with that being in my top hashtags twice :) happy you guys enjoy my reblog collection & mayhaps occasional original content!
just one blog mystery left xD frog who are you
Also @purlturtle looks like we reblog a lot from each other! 😄🤗 Mutuals supreme
I was gonna say ExcUse YOu tumblr, I gave 2 gifts this year??? Then realized it might have been from a different account
Anyway I gave crabs twice, I wanted to give someone checkmarks for her birthday the second time but that wasn't possible so crabs it was!
I also got a gift once this year, at least I think it was this year? Some months back anyway I got ad-free tumblring for a month!
Anyone want to gift me that again, or crabs for my birthday this weekend? :D
That Pikachu ad man made it onto the yir gif is hilarious!
& Yes I am back in the country & somewhat back on tumblr, too!
Not too active yet bc uni stuff I need to catch up on, so I'll keep my heading for another week or so, but I'm reachable again 😁
Not that I've been completely out of contact, the Airbnb had wifi and I've uploaded a lot of pics in my insta stories, those who follow me might've seen... But I've been completely off tumblr and discord to enjoy my vacay, even when I did have wifi
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