#i'll probably post more on why i chose that later but
killemwithkawaii · 3 months
Alright, the kewk classic 'face hole' design it is~ 📊✅
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"Ain't he a doll?" 💋💦💕
And now while I fuck with this anatomy sketch 5ever, we gotta decide on a background! I'm thinking Sal would prefer to do his love-sick swooning in the privacy of his bedroom, but where, exactly? 🤔
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'The bed'-
Perks: seems more routine, sowft snuggly nest to daydream and swoon in, [darling] collage on the wall, '... okay, what have you been doing with that pillow...?'
Drawbacks: Limited space, have to take stability/sinking into account with props, perspective is Hard and I will make that headboard look good or die trying
'The floor'-
Perks: seems more impulsive, more yan/NEET clutter potential (more room to spread out), a glimpse under his bed (and at all the [darling] stuff he's got shoved under there)
Drawbacks: That carpet is UGLY, I will probably (definitely) bite off more than I can chew trying to fill all that space with props, it hurts my Everything just thinking about lying on the floor like that for too long
'Secret third thing'-
....???? idk you tell me lol
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imbored1201 · 6 months
Can I request a teen barca reader who is very young and very shy and meeting the team for the first time?? Thank you and have a nice day
First Impressions
Barcelona Femeni x Teen Reader
Word Count: 1,065
You were shaking, and you didn't know why. You've always heard good things about the Barca girls; they were kind and welcoming. Maybe it was the thought of being far away from home that worried you, or maybe it was the thought of not being good enough for a team of top elite athletes.
"Y/N!" You turned and saw Jonatan, your new coach. You didn't think you would ever be here; you thought your World Cup call-up was luck, but you ended up shining and performing amazing. You had gotten lots of offers, and you chose Barcelona.
"It's nice to see you again," he said, shaking your hand and taking your luggage. "Nice to see you too," you said in a whisper. He put a hand on your shoulder and led you out of the airport.
"Okay, I know you're probably tired, but we just need to take some photos of you in the jerseys. Alexia will see us on the field so you two can meet properly and we can discuss your living arrangements." You nodded at that. You knew you were rooming with someone, but they were still figuring out who.
You panicked more as you guys pulled into the parking lot. There were a couple of cars there of the people who were setting up for the photos and videos.
As you entered the locker room, Alexia was already there waiting for you. She smiled at you and pulled you into a hug. "So you're the wonder kid the internet has been talking about," she said, and you blushed at that.
"I guess," she smiled as she held out your jersey. You took it from her and admired it. "I can't believe this is really happening," you muttered, and she laughed and patted your head.
"Well, believe it kid, I could already tell you're going to be the future of this team." you smiled at that. You couldn't believe La Reina just said that.
"Now it's photo time, why don't you get changed, and I'll wait out there for you, okay?" You nodded and sat down as she walked out.
You couldn't believe this was happening. You were really signed with one of the best clubs in the world at 16.
You got changed, took some pictures to post later, and made your way onto the field. Alexia smiled at you, "red and blue fit you well." She put an arm around your shoulder and took you to the photographers.
After they gave you a break from photos, you and Alexia were able to talk and get to know each other better.
In Jonatan's office, you discussed school and living arrangements. "We expect a lot from you in school, okay? We need you to pass all your classes and be on top of your school work. If you need us to talk to your professor about extending a deadline due to traveling purposes, we will. If you need tutors, we will happily get you people to help you, but we expect you to bring in good grades." You nodded at that.
"Living arrangements; Alexia here will be the one taking care of you." Alexia nodded. "I have the room ready, and I'll take you to the store, so we can get paint and decorate it however you want."
"Thank you," she smiled, and put an arm around your shoulder. Everyone stood up as he dismissed everything. "I'll see you at the next practice," he told you as he hugged you.
Alexia led you to her car. "The girls wanted to throw you a small party for your signing." "Really?" She nodded. "If you want, we can move it to tomorrow."
"It's okay," she nodded as she texted the girls. "Let's get you home."
As soon as you entered her place, confetti popped all over you. "Patri! I said no," Alexia told the girl who was holding a confetti popper.
"You're cleaning that up." Patri nodded and looked at you. You were hiding behind Alexia, a bit overwhelmed by all the people looking at you right now.
"She's adorable," Pina cooed as she walked to you and pinched your cheek. You blushed at that, and Alexia smacked her hand away.
"Can everyone give her space? The kid just got here." Alexia led you through the crowd of girls who were trying to talk to you.
Both of you sat on the couch, and the girls sat around you. "Hey kid," Lucy smiled at you, and you muttered a small hi back. You looked around at everyone, observing them. You obviously knew all their names.
"Oh, yeah, I'm Y/N, by the way." "Trust me, we know. You were everywhere during the World Cup" Salma said as she showed a video of a beautiful goal you had scored. It's the goal that got you a lot of attention. "Right," you mumbled, wishing you could shrink right now and get away from everyone.
"You guys are scaring her," Fridolina said as she saw the nervous look on your face. "We just want to talk to her," Lucy defended. "Can we ask her questions?" Pina looked at Alexia, who gave her a look.
"Why are you asking me? Ask her?" Pina shrugged. "Aren't you basically her mom now?" Alexia glared at her, and everyone looked back at you.
"I can answer questions," you said, making the younger girls cheer. "Are you actually 16?" Pina said quickly, wanting to get the first question.
"Pina, that is the dumbest question. She's not going to lie about her age," Jana told her, and Pina raised her hands in defense.
"Cats or dogs?" Mapi asked, "I like both," you shrugged, "Favorite players of all time?" You shrugged. "I have a couple, Messi, Ronaldinho, and Alexia." The girls awed at the last part, and you hid your face in Alexia's shoulder.
After a couple more questions, Alexia finally stopped them. "That's enough; leave her be." The girls listened, and you were given the control to put a movie on.
Patri and Pina squeezed between you and Alexia on the couch, wanting to adopt you. "We'll teach you everything" Patri told you as she put an arm around you.
They did teach you everything, and after a couple of weeks, they were able to get you out of your shell, and now you were another prankster on the team.
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dropthedemiurge · 4 months
Love for Love's Sake | Things you didn't notice (probably)
Finally, I am watching a good K-BL and can enjoy multi-layered meanings within language, culture and translated subs altogether (unlike with Thai series where I need to learn a new language again xD)
So I'll be pointing out some fun things that I noticed for fellow foreign viewers =) Beware of a long post!
Disclaimer: I'm not fluent in Korean, but I've been learning and using it for years + lived and studied in Korea for a while so I'm offering my perspective and knowledge but it might not be the Ultimate Truth
Episode 1
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«I prefer lonely supporting characters instead of happy protagonists. Cha Yeowoon is still unhappy. ... - Where are you going? - To see my main (최애). I mean, Cha Yeowoon.»
The word Tae Myungha used to described Cha Yeowoon, as I heard, was actually 최애 (choe-ae). It's a slang that can be translated as "my favourite" and typically is used for K-pop group members, meaning "my bias" (think One True Pairing but One True Person instead). Then, as his fellow classmate gets confused, hearing such word referring to a popular student in their school, Tae Myungha changes to "I mean, Cha Yeowoon", and it works because the word and the name sound similar.
Myungha uses this word because in the intro he stated that Yeowoon is his favourite character in the book out of all. So basically, his first reaction was "- Where are you going? - I'm gonna run to find my blorbo<3", which is so admirable. I'd also get obsessed with making happy my fav side character that was treated unfairly by creators :D
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«Kids like chocolate, right? ... (Yeowoon grabs an icecream, Myungha grabs the same, adding with surprise:) Didn't see that coming. Bi-Bi-Big (비비빅)? You eat like an old man.»
What surprised Myungha there? That Yeowoon chose this icecream->
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It's a traditional icecream that is made out of red beans. This taste is usually associated with older people (because typically kids like sweet things and older people like less sweet/bland tastes), also red beans or read bean paste is used in many traditional desserts in Korea. Yeah, who would've thought that a high schooler would choose this icecream out of all options?
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Later, Myungha gets the message "You can compare Bi-Bi-Big to big Ba-Bum-Bar (another icecream with "old man taste" from chestnuts), why the hell would you eat it?" and gets confused as the message seems missent. I am confused as well, because Myungha wasn't the one choosing this icecream and Yeowoon wasn't typing in his phone. Considering that the phone number is unknown, I can guess that it might be a commentary from the book's author who's watching Myungha playing his story game? Let's figure it out in the next episodes!
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«- You eat like an old man. - Do you play sports? - No. - Weird. You're a whiner like I've always heard. - Kids these days have no manners.»
My quick translation->
«- You eat like an old man. - Sunbae, do you play sports? - No. - Strange. You sound like one of those older jerks (꼰대). - Kids these days have no manners.»
More on the differences between Tae Myungha and Cha Yeowoon:
Myungha tried to poke Yeowoon about his "old man tastes", and Yeowoon called him out for his conservative/stereotypical thinking.
Yeowoon keeps calling Myungha sunbae (because he knows MH's a senior in their school so he must be polite), and Myungha REALLY TALKS LIKE AN OLD MAN to him ("Kids these days" in the subs does translate this style of speech correctly! I'm glad). We all know he's much older before he was thrown into high school times (~25-30yo?), but his words and intonations really make you feel like he's 50-60yo or something xD
Yeowoon doesn't like this at all, though, so he calls Myungha a sort of derogatory term 꼰대 (kkondae), which is used to described old conservative people who are set in their ways and keep nagging and scolding young people for not behaving properly. And, as a runner, he implies that there are senior sportsmen that are hazing or nagging younger sportsmen like this as well, that's who Myungha reminds him of. No wonder the affection stats fell down in the minus zone so hard!
There you go, guys, these are my comments on the first episode of Love for Love's sake! It is filmed so well, I like the idea, and I really enjoyed it (if this one gets really popular just like Semantic Error, we might get more BLs about gamers or gamedevs and I WILL LOVE IT I am so here for it, hehe)
Stay tuned for more as I watch next episodes :]
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riririnnnn · 22 days
It was the end of Ubers match when I first stumbled upon a tweet on Pinterest which sowed the theory of Kaiser destroying Sae's dream in my mind. And honestly, after this seeing panel:
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I'm starting to believe more and more in that theory.
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It was evident way before Ness's backstory that Kaiser is definitely NOT a newbie in the soccer industry which gives an ample amount of time for Sae to face Kaiser in a match considering Sae didn't return to Japan for straight four years.
And I highly think that Sae faced off Kaiser in the later moment of those four years.
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He looked miserable when he first returned from Spain in comparison to his later return (almost a year later) from Spain:
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And I do think that if you were to lose a long-term dream, then it'll show on your face much more during the earlier days rather than a year later when you get used to the feeling of losing your dream.
Further, Kaiser crushing Sae's dream fits well in two questions that revolves in my mind whenever I think about Sae's backstory:
Why Sae started hating his own country, Japan?
The above question can be modified as:
Why Sae started hating Japanese soccer players?
As I said in one of my previous posts, I do believe that when Sae stepped into Spain, he realised that he was the Frog in the well—he realised how vast the world is and that he wasn't as great of a player as he thought he was. He probably struggled a lot but was somewhat successful in maintaining a balance when Kaiser came in like a wrecking ball to strike the nail in the coffin.
Of course, considering Sae's personality, he would've surely put up a fight against Kaiser just like Isagi did, but unlike that blueberry boy, Sae was already very exhausted and sadly, after some time, he gave up.
Now to address the actual answer to the question: Sae hated how much Japan celebrated him when he was just a child. He was showered with the title of prodigy since he was a kid and he hated that his own country made him feel like he was someone special when in reality, he was just the best among the worst. Further, even if he wanted to be better, there was no one in Japan who could help him do that. He hated how he was made to believe by his country's people that he had what it took to be the world's best striker.
Kind of like a betrayal of some sort.
This gentle soul explained it very well too:
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Also, a bit unrelated, but this panel piqued my interest:
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German you say, hm?
Moving onto next question:
Why Sae chose to be a Midfielder then?
I have two reasoning for this question:
Firstly, what is the position closest to the striker? Yes, a Midfielder. So, by being a Midfielder, Sae is still trying to be as close to his dream as possible. It is his type of compromise.
Secondly, do you remember what Rin really liked? Yes, Sae's passes. And which position's main role is to pass? Yes, a Midfielder.
You getting me?
It's like Sae is trying to get some kind of closure by reliving those good old times when Rin and Sae played in the Kamakura United (their soccer club). Besides, if Rin were to be the world's best striker, then he would also need the world's best midfielder too, you know.
You getting me?
The only reason I don't want this theory to come true is because it kind of strips us off from an opportunity to get a new badass character.
I also don't want this theory to be true is because I'm solely holding onto this panel:
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I'm desperately holding into this panel as a hope that Sae still cares for Rin.
After we got an insight of Kaiser-Ness relation in chapter 261, I can't help but fear that Sae may think of Rin in the same way—someone for his own selfish needs.
And if anything like this happens, I'll transform into the biggest Kaiser's hater alive. Even after chapter 261, I still somewhat defend him for his behaviour, but Itoshi brothers have been the closest to my heart—istg I'll rip Kaiser's hair from his scalp if the brothers' bond gets tarnished because of him.
That's all, I guess.
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the-mighty-e · 2 months
Okay new theory while I make both my drawings and another analysis!
To make it easier for everyone, I'll just call Cynessa "Tessa" for this post
Okay so, we know that N, V and J have clones, main source of information was J with this line
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But, of course, Cyn too with these two lines, that were more specifically about N
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So yeah, we know J has clones, N has clones, so V probably has clones too. Where am I going with this? I actually have no idea.
I think that V is way more important than she seems. She was the first to get experimented on by the solver, the first to become possessed (not turned into a host) yada yada.
Tessa always specified that they're gonna save V, both in ep 6 and in this new episode. But here she sounds way more pissed
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With even the after being italic. V must be really important.
This is actually the first time we've seen Tessa being so "pissed". She probably wasn't expecting V, the one that should hate anything related to the solver the most, sacrifice herself for Uzi. As I said in my Vuzi post, she entrusted her whole life to her.
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That's why Tessa was so pressed about V at the start, and used that fake sweet tone with Uzi, telling her to sit, saying that "Robots like boxes" that's definitely out of charactet for Tessa, someone who loves robots.
It's possible that Tessa didn't want to lose V because she knew she couldn't get a clone immediately. As far as she knows, as I said in another post, N still has a crush on V.
She probably wanted to use V as a way to "calm him down" or, idk, basically telling him "oh yeah, your friend is dead, but you have your crush!"
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She even tried to use V to lower N's guard. She really thought that V was important.
Now tell me, if V was there with them, would the Solver had to create a worker V illusion? She would've just went with Cyn, or something else. But it chose V, because she's gone. So that would've made N vulnerable.
And later on it found out N's real weakness: Uzi. But that's already discussed.
Long story short: Tessa NEEDED V there, was pissed by her sacrifice because she couldn't get a clone and her plan was forcibly changed.
Thank you for coming to my kooky ramblings :)
Next analysis will be on Thad and Lizzy per request
ALSO very random but my spider senses (I'm a joke to humanity) told me that ep 8 will release on july 17th, so if I'm actually right then I'll ascend to godhood
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piracytheorist · 6 months
Season Finale, woe is me T_T
Where did time go. It feels like yesterday that the first trailer for the season dropped.
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How dare they. Did I ask to be emotionally destroyed like this Yes I did
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Bond is so happy to go for a walk with Loid! And Loid isn't exactly reserved with petting his huge dog is he.
I love how heartbroken Bond was over Anya saying she wasn't coming. He even looked back at her as Loid walked him to the exit.
It actually impresses me that Loid is training Bond right out in public, talking to him about where to bite and how much to make sure the target doesn't get too injured. I guess he doesn't expect the SSS to frequent a dog park?
I love the little pat Loid did on his leg to call Bond back. And then of course pet his head :)
Poor Franky's putting up with so much from Twilight, and he doesn't have to. I hope Twilight appreciates that at some point. I'm sure he hasn't developed feelings just for his family.
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Sweet cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
Franky talks about how Bond may have associated training with his trauma from getting experimented on, and it sounds like brand new info to Twilight. I guess, despite how much his spy training has scarred him, Twilight has a hard time connecting "having bad memories about something" with "not wanting to engage with that something". After all, he'd spent who knows how long telling himself that he hated children because they're incomprehensible to him, and not because children crying reminded him of his own desperate times. After all, it's easier to do his job and keep training hard if he refuses to accept how soul-crushing that job is, right?
Damn, I got sad again. Because I imagine post-reveal Loid and Yor asking Anya why she chose them, and she says that she thought they were cool, and Loid has a RealizationTM that no he's actually very messed up and it's very sad that this little girl imagined that this devastating way of life could actually look cool to someone from the outside.
Not to worry, there's more angst I'll pull out of nowhere down the road!
Franky calling Loid out for not knowing how to relax and have fun >>>>
I love how after Franky left, Loid and Bond looked at each other like idiots. Old habits die hard, and an entire cruise of Loid trying to relax and have fun wouldn't be enough to break them, I guess XD
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She's like "If I can't get real stars might as well fake some" Poor Yor continuing to clap happily even while Anya's origami star fell from her chest XD it taught her how to properly apply tape I guess, for later...
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Pretty much everyone around them is wearing winter clothes, even Loid is wearing a turtleneck and a heavy coat. Why are those children in such light clothes eating ice cream? The boy on the left we even see later is wearing shorts
Guess an ice cream was an easy kind of snack for a kid to feel bad about dropping XD
Sweet Bond! He's imagining Loid praising him and telling him he's glad they adopted him, and all while Bond is wagging his tail 😭😭
This family is just four lonely creatures desperate to be wanted (even if Twilight is very far from accepting that) aren't they ;_;
Ice cream goes RIP and Bond has his (probably) first experience of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Look at him he's so 🥺
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Later in the episode, Twilight goes all strict with himself for a laugh. Here though, he actually expresses distress and guilt for Bond ruining the kid's ice cream. He could have gone for a simple "I'll buy you a new one" without showing that much emotion in his expression and voice. In the manga he even has a typical "cold sweat lines" expression.
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Or however you call that.
I don't know, maybe it circles back to any "starving war orphan" trauma he may be trying to tell himself he doesn't have...
I'm just saying, he was very expressive here, and he didn't have to. It wasn't a conscious choice.
Bond is really such a good boy. Every time he acts on his visions is to help someone else. From something as trivial as dropping a snack to something as important as saving someone's life, whether they're a kid, an old man, or a puppy, Bond is truly a very empathetic and caring creature.
However, the silly music playing over the vision of the old man getting hit was... a choice XD
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Yet another example of the anime putting details to help the narrative: the old man is hunched, making him short enough that the corner of the wall/fence to his side is actually covering him. Which makes the biker not seeing him make sense, since he was behind the fence and appeared at the last second.
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I actually felt shivers with the tone Twilight used here. Bond's behaviour is making no sense and is actually a first.
But also, Bond is probably only now realizing that unlike Anya, Loid cannot read his mind and cannot see his good intentions. He knows Anya would jump for joy for what he did, but since two of his efforts to help were met with reprimands, he's hesitant to try again because his trauma rears its ugly head and he fears he'll get kicked out. He probably doesn't understand that Loid doesn't know anything about his special powers, and so he can't let Loid's reprimands pass by him unaffected.
It's a bit similar to how he probably connects bad food with bad intentions, and thus fears that Yor will be mean to him, since she makes such horrible meals.
And so he allows the woman to get bird poop on her, but he jumps to action when he realizes someone's life may be in danger of the fire.
And first, I know we talk about how strong Yor is, but can we for a moment talk about how Loid held back this absolute beast of a dog?
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Like, Loid allowed him to carry him around twice, but when he felt things got serious, he actually had no issue holding him back. It was only when Bond looked legitimately scary that he let go.
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And that was... a shock. Have we ever seen Twilight like that before? Cause he genuinely looks like he hesitated out of fear... and maybe realizing that no, this time Bond is actually dead serious.
Bond probably didn't know what he would be looking for once he stepped inside the burning building. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who thought that that "Daisy" was a child... but maybe Bond is more attuned to scents of other dogs, especially little ones that need help, so he could find the puppy amidst all the burning smells.
Badass Loid saving his doggo!
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Loid doesn't hesitate to run in after him, either. Even the idea that Bond could be rescuing someone is enough for him to take that risk. I love how, after two attempts of what Loid thought was Bond attacking innocent people, he still believes Bond would have a good reason to run into a burning building and runs after him to help.
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I mean, you also ran into that building to save your - for all you know, disobedient - dog, so maybe it's the pot calling the kettle black XD
How sweet is he, though. He really doesn't believe in reprimanding someone after the fact - Bond running into fire was dangerous, but it helped save an innocent life... and Twilight's priorities are very clearly shown in that reaction!
I love how man saves dog, dog saves man, and then Twilight is like "Wow your nose is incredible" because of course he can't think of another explanation, and Bond's affirmative borf there sounds like "Yeah sure, buddy. It's my "nose" alright."
Even though it's only Bond with him, Twilight uses "Twilight voice" as he assesses the situation, and "Loid voice" when he talks to Bond. Is this him putting on a mask... or feeling a little more comfortable around Bond?
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That was so badass! But then!
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Miserable creature
Exactly how much water was in that bucket to make Bond's entire massive fur soaking wet XD
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This is both so wholesome and, me being me, so fucking heartbreaking at the same time. Like, the other guy let himself laugh his heart out at how Bond looked, but Twilight barely allowed a single sound out of his mouth that he couldn't control. And again, angst is my wont, so it really ruins me that he's not even letting himself laugh over something ridiculous, because he can't let his emotions show... even if it would be totally understandable for him to laugh at that moment.
I mean, as I said, he showed genuine distress when Bond caused the boy to drop his ice cream, but he stopped himself from laughing even when the other guy next to him was laughing too. As in, he allows negative expressions when it's appropriate, but not positive even when it's appropriate and understandable.
I mean, he has been smiling at his family and looking at Yor like the besotted simp he is... but he doesn't realize just how much of his real feelings pour through his face, exactly because he hasn't realized said feelings. Wet Bond was a much clearer example of something funny, so he knew that laughing would be a loss of control...
Anyway what I'm saying is it's sad. He shouldn't feel he has to repress his own laugh like that.
Kinda sad the anime omitted this still-trying-not-to-laugh expression Loid has as he sees Bond sniff around.
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Bond's voice adafhgdsfdgfdgd
Arsonist guy is watching sneakily from a corner while wearing a hat that has "Fire" written on it.
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Dude couldn't have been more suspicious if he tried.
Pretty sick how he got even more excited at the idea of someone dying from the fire, when he heard the woman say how Daisy was still trapped inside.
Vigilante Bond! Arsonist guy takes out his knife and tells Bond to not be disrespectful of humans and my dude you're the one setting people's lives at risk and having a blast about it
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We haven't seen Twilight in such action in a while, have we! Ngl it was kinda, uhm... 😳😳
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LOOK AT HIM! So proud of his doggo 😭😭
He then says how it would be bad if either of them were in the news... and you're reminded that this is fictional but still pretty accurate 60s-70s so Twilight has really avoided getting any picture of him published. But also Bond could indeed be recognized by any of the scientists... and it's actually sweet how Twilight cares for Bond's secret not getting out. He helped Bond with his "revenge" and now he's acting to protect him from getting targeted again.
I love how Bond fears he'll get reprimanded for biting the arsonist's leg and not arm... when in the beginning Twilight very clearly said he can bite either a leg or an arm XD
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He tells Bond how "someone" will be sad if anything happens to him (Bond), (and we get a sweet af montage of Anya and Bond having fun together), how Bond is first and foremost a part of the family, how his working duties should come second and he should look after himself...
Oh it's gonna hit him like a brick wall when he realizes the exact same things apply to him 😭
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He's not gonna tell anyone, promise 🥺
And he ends with a promise to go to the dog park the next day so that Bond can have some long overdue fun. Yeah definitely a very detached, cool-headed spy who only cares about the mission not destabilizing. Sure.
The anime did offer us some extra stuff, though!
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I love one (1) gremlin
I actually saw it as a knife, too XD
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I love her.
I fully expected to see the paper puppets (or whatever you call those) fall apart like Yor's victims' bodies do XD I was not disappointed XD
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Anya is still working on accepting that her mother is not very capable of not sprinkling "murder" on anything in her life XD
Loid isn't wearing his coat when they return...
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I am amazed that they've had Bond for, how many months has it been now? And yet neither Loid nor Anya had ever seen him wet.
Anyway, Loid appeared back without his coat because his excuse was that someone had sprayed water all over them, so he took it off XD
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But where is his coat even XD
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Her heroes!
And of course Loid doesn't know Anya knows about the puppy rescue, so he's not that affected by the "Stella" and is instead going like "Yo but could you get going with earning those stars already". He's not used to getting recognition for his hard work and he's not about to start... yet...
The closing montage was so sweet! Especially with the holidays around the corner, it was very fitting to see the children having fun and relaxing, Yuri being very NormalTM, Nightfall and Franky having dreams for the future, and the Forger family having their celebrating dinner!
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I love them so much.
And thus, the season has ended, and this anime only will start wondering how her Saturdays will pass from now on :')
I am thinking of doing more crack recaps, finishing my character screen time project, and probably starting on some fics... but for a very specific reason, the completion of those will have to wait until the next season ;)
This was a wonderful season! I may have rewatched every episode almost three times, but I do wanna do a "recap" full rewatch of the season at some point, and share my overall thoughts. I certainly have a lot of time on my hands for that XD
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Interesting Linguistic Notes from Jun & Jun episode 4
In her phone conversation with Choi Jun, Young does not exactly call herself his "fiancé."
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She uses the word 구녀로서, which roughly translates to "as your woman." 구녀 when used alone means "she/old woman," but when paired with 로서 (which means to do something as a person who holds a specific status) it transforms into the idea more along the lines of being that person's singular girl. So you'll sometimes see it translated to "as your old woman" because it's more akin to the slang way we refer to our moms and wives than it is to the way we might say "I'm your woman" to refer to ourselves as your romantic partner. It's less about the state of romantic ownership and more about the old and familiar. I don't know why the translation team chose to translate it as fiancé, unless it's possible they have access to later scripts and know something we don't. But even then, we can probably anticipate that she's not an official fiancé, but rather someone their parents expect him to marry.
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My current bet is just on her being overly familiar with Choi Jun, as we saw from her speech patterns in the car ride with both Juns earlier that morning. When she realizes that she already calls Choi Jun "Jun-i Oppa" (an intimate and affectionate way to refer to an older male/brother, as spoken by a female) and she has to call Lee Jun something different, any normal Korean who wanted to breech that level of familiarity would suggest "Lee Jun Oppa" as a way to differentiate the two. But she's been raised in the US too and leaps into suggesting "Jun-i Eonni" (an intimate and familiar way to refer to an older woman/sister, as spoken by a female). Lee Jun comedically bristles at that, saying he'd rather she kept calling him "Pigeon" instead. But she doesn't care and brushes right past societal norms and even still refers to him as Eonni later in her phone conversation with Choi Jun. Choosing this is intentionally queer-coded language as well (because her Korean is otherwise so good, and she doesn't seem to be joking). It's like calling a gay man "girl," or "sister," or "queen."
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Speaking of the ways others address Lee Jun, it's important to note that in the final scene Simeon repeatedly calls him 우리 이준씨, which basically translates "my Lee Jun." He's not speaking intimately, but he is claiming ownership. This is why we see Hyun Jae's bewildered and sad expression and Choi Jun's stunned and jealous expressions.
Finally, I'll share a tidbit that caused some confusion when @bengiyo watched the episode and take my comment out of the notes on Ben's post and put it here. In his breakroom conversation with Lee Jun, I think it VERY LIKELY Hyun Jae was vaguing about M/M relationships. Because Korean culture is still VERY homophobic, he was trying to feel out how accepting Lee Jun is towards diversity and possibly even invite him into a queer space. He begins by saying, "you know, people have different values depending on the environments they've lived in," and ends with "diversity is valued these days." But instead he "dug his own grave" because Lee Jun's brain immediately went to the morning's events and the confusion he feels from it all (particularly being invited to do a sexual favor for a man who then later received a kiss on the cheek from an overly familiar woman) and he basically said NO, SOME THINGS ARE TOO DIVERSE.
I expect we'll see Lee Jun try to draw more boundaries with Choi Jun, not because he's a man (he flirted back after all) and not because he's his boss (although that may play a role), but mostly because his current impression is that Choi Jun isn't serious. He thinks he flirts like this all the time because he's too American.
@absolutebl I'm tagging you again because you're a linguistic geek too!
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imahinatjon · 3 months
I am sorry this took so long lol. I've been ill since before my last post and have gotten myself a little throat paralysis demon.
Bsd characters x SHORT reader
I chose the characters that are tall? Or at least that I think are tall.
(Dazai + Sigma + Nikolai)
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• Dazai likes how tall- short you are. It cute.
• HOWEVER. He does have his complaints.
• It's not that sometimes you need him to reach things from higher off the shelf when at home or shopping. He's more than happy to do that.
• It's not that he has to bend slightly to kiss you
• It's the fact that he's forever loosing you in crowds.
You and Dazai were on a date when you went missing. Holding hands until suddenly he looked down and you weren't there. Now, he wasn't worried anyone had taken you... well, maybe a bit, but he was sure you could handle yourself. He just wasn't sure he couldn't handle it.
"You really ought to stop jumping to the worst conclusions" he jumped when he heard your voice, turning to see you standing right beside him once again
" just because you loose sight of me doesn't mean I've been kidnapped"
"Can never be too careful" he replied, reaching to hold your hand again so you could carry on.
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• So, your short. Okay. That's fine.
• Honestly, he doesn't get why it's an issue.
• He thinks it's cute. Also makes him feel useful when you can't reach things from higher shelves.
• He has the casino, and that's his life basically, but now he's also got you, and he'd like to keep it that way.
• Hence why he insists on reaching everything for you.
• It's not an issue, really! He likes seeing you safe, and not climbing precariously.
Sigma loves you, he really does, but sometimes your incredibly frustrating. He doesn't mind letting you wonder around the casino on your own, but what he does mind is when you get hurt walking around the casino alone... hes writing his lecture about climbing while he waits for you to come back. He's probably not the best person to be giving lectures, but there is literally no one else to do it.
You should he expecting a pretty little envelope on his desk addressed for you to read.
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• Your his arm rest.
• Sorry but you are. There's no getting around it.
• Sometimes, when he's not even near you, you'll feel a pressure ontop of your head.
• So you look up, look around and spot nikolai with his arm in his cloak.
• He's resting on your head from across the room.
• He does it purely to annoy you.
• If it doesn't really annoy you? He'll just find another way.
• Its his form of affection.
You were discussing something with Fyodor. About what? Who knows, it's not important.
You noticed throughout your talk he kept looking above you, and of course. You could only roll your eyes, you knew exactly what he was looking at. Your boyfriend. One specific man called Nikolai.
He was using his ability to mess with you again. You'd get him.
Nikolai did this often, and usually you only ducked down and moved away, you never retaliated. So when you tugged on his arm rather roughly, he was caught just a little off guard, suddenly beside you in the room, his eyes moved between you and Fyodor.
"We're trying to have an important conversation" fyodor sighed
"I'll see you later" you said, kissing his cheek gently and continuing your prior buisness.
Short and sweet. Kinda rushed bc I've been thinking on it for ages 🥲
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xhoess · 2 months
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Fashion and design
Hongjoong!model x fem Bod! Fotographer
Summary: Hongjoong is a model and has his own clothing line, you are his fotographer for the day. When you saw that you got a chance to shoot hongjong you didn't believe it. You have been a fan of his clothing line for a while and are absolutely obsessed with it, but what you don't know is that he has been following your work since that day you started to post your photos.
Genre: romance(?), mature content
Warnings: without protection(wrap it up!!!), hongjoong down bad for you
You where sitting on your bed with your laptop, checking if you have anymore jobs for the next weeks. You see that next week on Wednesday you have a shoot scheduled with the Kim hongjoong. Designer and model. Your jaw drops in shock, why did he chose you to be his photographer, he has never even met you?
You quickly pick up your phone and dial your friends number.
"Jongho you will not believe who I will be shooting next week" "you sound exited, so probably someone famous?" He guesses. "Well yes ofcourse someone famous but I'll give you a hint, he is one of my top 3 designers in the fashion industry right now" you hear jongho think on the other side of the line, "hmm, is it Kim hongjoong?" He asks "YES it's fucking the Kim hongjoong, how did he find me I'm not even that famous I only had a couple professional collaborations" "I don't know y/n but I do know you definitely need to accept this, this is such a huge opportunity" He said "you're right, but I would never in a million years decline this anyway" you laugh.
You and jongho talk for a couple more minutes before you hang up to get ready for bed. But before you get up to wash your face you quickly accept the job offer. You can't wait till next Wednesday.
You were ready to lay in bed but your phone pings, you got an Instagram DM of a online friend you made recently, he was the absolute sweetest and helped you with a few dilemmas. You've told him almost everything that happened in your life the last few months and he's a good listener.
The week goes by very slow but it's finally Wednesday. You grab your stuff and drive to your photo studio. You've never felt so nervous to do a shoot, but it's logical, it's the biggest one yet.
Once the door is unlocked you turn the lights on with the light switch, you always forget how bright that light it's. Especially when it's still dark outside, which is right now because you need to come at least 2 hours early to set everything up.
About 1 pm there was a loud knock on the door, you rushed to the front of the studio to open it. "Hi, come on in, I am y/n l/n I will be your photographer today!" You say kindly, trying not to freak out in the meantime. "Hi y/n, my name is Hongjoong. I am glad you excepted my request, I love your work" He says while bowing slightly to greet you.
"You're kidding, I absolutely love the clothing line you have going on right now. Is it true you design every piece by yourself?" You ask. Hongjoong nods "yes, and I absolutely love doing it. Maybe I do it a bit to much, it causes a lot of stress but at the end it's all worth it" "I'm sure it is" you say.
A few minutes later you showed Hongjoong the dressing room where he could change clothes in private. While he was putting on the first outfit you put on some music, if it's silent you can't function properly.
When he came out of the dressing room you sure you stared a little too long at him "you like it?" He asked, smiling slightly. "I swear it's the best one yet, I love it when there is a lot of accessories in a outfit" you say. "I know" Hongjoong said, you were confused, what does he mean he knows? But you let it slide. You where not gonna let this get awkward. You told him to stand in front of the camera and the rest of the shoot went by quickly.
It was now 3 pm, the shoot was done and hongjoong went back to the dressing room. But he forgot his phone on the table next to the camera. When you picked it up to give it to him you saw a message from yourself on his phone. When i say your heart dropped it was not an understatement. Did you send him a instagram message? You questioned yourself so you went to double check on your own account. But no, the only one you had texted was your online friend. It couldn't possibly be him right?
You knock on his dressing room door and he sticks his head out, "y/n, what's up" "can you explain why you have a text of Me on your phone?" You say. "What? Where you going through my phone" "no you left it on the table next to my camera and I send a text message to what I thought was my online best friend but then your phone pings and I saw my username pop up. So explain, why were you being someone else?" He sighs "Come in please"
Once you've settled on the couch he begins explaining, "look, I can't follow you with my real account, people would've start questioning things and they would've started texting you about me. It was never my intention to Lie to you about it. But I love your work and I just wanted to contact you about it at first" he explained. You get it, you really do but you start to think back to all the conversations you had with him. And you remember one very clearly, last week when you hung op on jongho you texted him saying 'omg I am gonna photograph Hongjoong, now I am gonna see if he's really that hot in real life'
"I texted you ABOUT you, I've said so many stuff about you? I'm so embarrassed" you say and you can feel your cheeks burning. "You are embarrassed? I am the one who should be embarrassed" Hongjoong said, he sits down next to you and tries to make sure you have nothing to be ashamed of.
"But am I as hot as you thought I should be?" You don't answer. "Too shy to say it now, you said worse things about me tho" you looked at him "don't remind me hongjoong" you say, clearly ashamed of what you said. "Yk it's kinds hot when you told what you find hot about me like 3 monts ago, haven't stopped thinking about it since. Oh and the way you send daily vlogs about your day to me is so adorable, it's the highlight of the day. But when you send me that one outfit haul with the black long dress for the party, the one with the split and the cleavage was showing. I would be lying if I didn't get off that night"
"Are you serious?" He nods "yes, you have nothing to be embarrassed about y/n. I'm worse" "you're not worse" you state. While he was talking you where staring at his lips. "What compliments did you like the most then huh?" You say.
"When you said my hands would make a pretty necklace, got my head spinning while thinking about it" He said. "Let's make it happen then" you say.
Hongjoong lips attached to yours, the kiss wasn't so loving, it was rather hungry and messy. He pulled you on his lap and, he groaned in your mouth when you moved your hips downwards. His hand creeps from the back of your neck to the front, he disconnected the kiss and looked at you. You already looked fucked out and he had barely even started.
"Just as pretty as I imagined" He said. "Just shut up and fuck me already" you whined. "I'm taking my time with you" "well I am not taking my time with you" you slid of his lap and sat on your knees in front of the couch, in-between his legs.
You buckled his belt lose and in the process your hand brushed against his hard on, he bit the inside of his mouth to stay silent. His eyes stayed on you the whole time while you were u dressing him. Now he is only left in His underwear.
You get up and sit on his lap again, you connect your lips together and slide your hand from his torso to the waistband of his pants, you slide your hand in his underwear and you wrap your hand around his cock, you can already feel the precum comming put of his tip.
You start stroking your hand up and down, hongjong needs more, he bucks his hips upwards and moans in your mouth.
You get down on your knees again and take of his underwear in the meantime, his cock springs free and your hand is around it again in no time. You lower your head and lick his cock from the bottom to the top, he throws his head back and cursed your name. Once you reach the top you take the tip in your mouth and swirl your tongue around it.
He grabs a fistful of your hair and pushes you down a bit, you give in and start to bob your head up and down in a smooth motion. After a few minutes Hongjoong pulled out of your mouth "I can't hold it any longer and I want to be in you when I cum" He says, out of breath.
He lays you down on the couch and starts to prep you, he wets his fingers by sucking on them and God that looked hot. He first fingers you with two fingers but he soon noticed that you're so wet that he can easily add another one, you moan at the stretch when he adds the third finger.
"I'm ready joong" you manage to get out, and he does not need more consent. "Do you have a condom?" He asks, you shake your head "shit" He curses, "I'm clean" you say, looking at him with big eyes, "me too, you wanna do it without?" You nodded at him.
He hovers above you and lines up, he moves his hips slowly to let you adjust. Once you've adjusted fully he bottoms out slowly just to quickly push his cock back in. He looks at the way your boobs move when he pushes himself back in and decides to grab one of them, gently squeezing it.
"I can't hold it in much longer baby" He whines, you clench around him and he fastens his pace, his hand wraps around your neck and squeezes it, not to hard but hard enough to feel it. "You where right, pretty necklace" He says out of breath.
"I'm cumming" you moan, and a few seconds later you do, while you cum you clench even harder around hongjoongs cock and you moan out his name. That sends him over the edge and cums too. His semen is spilling out of you because it's so much.
Both of you are laying breathlessly on the couch, rethink about what just happened.
I just had fucking sex with Kim hongjoong, was the only thing you could think about.
Leave a like if you liked it!!! X.R
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pikaflute · 10 months
This post contains spoilers for Army of the Doomstar, and also screencaps from the movie under the read more. This post is just about Nathan and Pickles by the way.
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Okay let's talk about Nickles is real. I said in an earlier post that Charles directly tells Pickles to be Nathan's friend. Nathan at this point is afraid. He's got....a lot going on after being recently hospitalized due to exhaustion, coupled with the trauma of being the only one who remembers Requiem and having to be put on Xanax (possibly for anxiety). So now more than ever Nathan needs support. He needs his band. He needs a friend. He needs....well Pickles.
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Obviously Pickles is already Nathan's friend. His best friend even. Despite all of Season 4, Pickles still cares a lot about Nathan. Even during this conversation with Charles he's like 'that's all?'. He's already doing that. Pickles throughout this movie is the one character trying his hardest to be there for Nathan. Calling him buddy, being supporting of him during the training, keeping an eye on him, doing everything he can to make sure Nathan is alright to not only write the song to save the world but just in general. Nathan needs it.
It also is worth mentioning that Charles probably chose Pickles for that exact reason. He probably knew he didn't need to tell him to be Nathan's friend either. No other member of Dethklok would've been as close to Nathan as Nathan is with Pickles. His drummer.
When they're with Knubbler, he calls them both the dad (nathan) and the mom (pickles). Why did he do this. I know why but. Humor me. By the way Pickles really leans into the mom role in this. This is a real line said in the movie:
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Anyway during the scene after Murderface's exorcism, Nathan blames himself for fucking up the song of salvation. And then Pickles slaps him. When Nathan says "Everyone abandoned me" Pickles tells him:
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Pickles knows! He experienced it! Nathan pushed him away and didn't tell him about the whale in Season 4 which caused the initial fight in the season. Coupled along with Nathan's attraction towards Abigail, Pickles knows first hand how Nathan pushes people out and shuts down when things happen to him. Now he's doing it again. He's shut out his band, he "broke up" with the fans due to his own issues, and with Abigail he couldn't let his own feelings be pushed aside and listen to hers.
Sure. It looks like slapping him isn't the best way to get through to him, but, Pickles knows Nathan. This is being his friend. Nathan is stubborn. He doesn't listen. This is how it's gonna get through to Nathan that, hey dipshit, you're not alone. You have others. You have me. (In fact. It's how Nathan go to Pickles in Fatherklok if you remember that correctly.) Nathan realizing he wants everyone to come back to help him is also somewhat similar to his apology to Pickles to come back at the end of Season 4. But that's just be tinhatting.
Also during this Murderface goes "this is weird." He doesn't like seeing mom and dad fight.
Later. Before they perform the song of salvation: this happens. With Nathan calling Pickles the best mother (fucker. Motherfucker.)
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If this line isn't a metaphor for "I love you" than I'm going to play in traffic. The emphasis on the you in Nathan's line. I'll blow up.
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Later on when they get kidnapped by Salacia and are essentially given their last meals, Pickles' orders Nathan's, further cementing how they're friends. A lead singer and his drummer.
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why are you looking at a another man like that. HUH
Also Pickles touches Nathan like a lot this movie.
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This movie nails their relationship. How Nathan acts because of his role on the metalocalypse. How he handles his emotions. How the band handles their emotions. How Nathan and Pickles' friendship still is strong despite everything that happened to them. How Pickles is the one to snap Nathan to his senses and act like a real friend to Nathan; one he really needed. This movie is amazing and I cried like a baby.
Anyway this was Pickles in AOTD
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And this was Nathan
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Run me a check for nickles screenwriting credits Brendon. I'll be expecting it in my inbox by the end of the week.
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xjackjackx · 3 months
Alan Becker Analysis: Hazard's Mysteries (Or Maybe I'm Overthinking???)
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Ok so unlike this last post about Victim and Glasses Guy / "Agent", this isn't really me bringing anything solid onto the table (well besides one or two things). This is just me overanalysing random shit that frankly is likely irrelevant.
Anyways this post is about Bathroom Sign Guy aka Hazard aka Warning aka Sign, the gray pictogram mercenary from Animator vs. Animation VI, and why he might have a deeper role (prob doesn't).
Part 1 - The Overthinking of Minor Details
Ok this is the part where I'm 100% convinced I'm just talking stupid shit due to rewatching the episodes too many times, but eh.
Let's start off with something... relatively normal actually, which I saw pointed out by others. When Chosen attacks the mers with lightning, Hazard has this shit happen to him:
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This is... frankly weird and idk what it means. When Wanted first came out, this and his movement made me think Hazard was a robot, but since then I started believing he's just a normal stick figure like the others. Besides, this whole series is on a computer so everyone besides the Animator is an AI lol.
So if he's not a robot, perhaps Hazard is connected to technology, and thus taking away the ship's energy took away his? That's the only other thing I can think of.
The second one was actually told to me by a friend, and tbh even in this whole post this might be the biggest stretch, but I still think this is worth bringing up. When Orange and Chosen return to the Outernet, Hazard is seen looking... somewhere.
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(btw agent looks so stupid here lmfao)
The most likely answer is that he is simply looking around, like Agent and Primal - the cave drawing - are seen doing like immediately afterwards. But my friend did point out that it could easily look like Hazard is looking up - in which case, he could've possibly noticed Chosen and Orange, and then chose to not tell the other mercenaries until Agent notices them and thus forces Haz to intervene. Likely just huge overthinking of a one-off scene, but still.
The last one from Wanted is this shot of the Mercenaries in the elevator.
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In this scene, Hazard briefly looks at Ballista - the pixel gremlin - and then proceeds to look away when the little guy stares back at him. Is it most likely them just finding the awkward elevator silence uncomfortable? Probably yea, but it could also be a sign of Hazard and Ballista having a rocky relationship - we see Ballista is pretty aggressive, so maybe Hazard is nervous around such a batshit crazy dude?
In "The Box", the first Hazard scene worth talking about is the first of his reactions to Victim's torture of Chosen.
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We know he is a mercenary and a villain, so it should be expected that he's a cruel bastard, but still, falling asleep while watching torture is just another level. What kind of shit did Hazard see, or do himself, that he finds Victim's actions purely boring?
...and yet, just a few moments more later, Hazard has an actual reaction to Victim pulling out a lasso.
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Now, the three dots - and thus, Hazard's silence of a reaction - could mean anything. Maybe he's still bored, just awake now. Maybe he's curious to see what will happen. Maybe he has actual standards. But it's still interesting to see that Victim's lasso got a reaction out of Hazard (meanwhile Ballista just crosses his arms, prob in curiosity or impatience, while Primal stays completely still - I'll get to their personalities later).
Similarly, Victim ordering Agent to clone him also gets a small reaction out of Hazard, his head jumping a little (I don't know how else to call it).
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This time, it's definitely just shock/curiosity/surprise that Vic is doing something new, and/or that the Box lets you clone people, but still worth pointing out.
A long time later, we finally get something worthy of note from Hazard, that I actually find interesting. While the other mercs are too busy looking through Chosen's memories, Hazard notices Orange returning.
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I feel like this was actually an intentional choice. Like, why make all the mercs focused on Chosen's memories, excluding only one of them - and it's not even the most important mercenary that's the big bad's right hand? Also, why is Hazard so far away from the other mercenaries? While I consider this whole section of the post just major overthinking, this one moment specifically is actually pretty sus to me.
Now, to close off this section, there is Haz's reaction to Super Orange.
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Mainly, how he and Victim are the only ones who are inarguably scared/panicking. Primal just leans in like "de fuk", Ballista flinches once and then watches in silence, while Agent double checks on both the small and large monitor. Primal and Agent are confused, Ballista is shocked(? idk how to call it), but Hazard and Vic are the only ones with a true "OH SHIT" reaction. What this means? Idk, again this whole section is just overthinking things.
Thankfully we can leave the part where I talk meaningless shit and get into the parts that hopefully actually have a point.
Part 2 - Hazard and His (Lack of) Personality
Another part I noticed since Wanted first dropped (part of the reason why I first thought Haz was a robot) was that, compared to the other mercs, he has so little personality... which might be intentional.
I mean, Agent. He also doesn't showcase a lot of himself, but we still see that he's cool, calm, loyal to Victim, kind of a taunting asshole who plays with his victims instead of instantly getting serious, and despite it all, not unbreakable - He panicked when Chosen attacked him with the iceberg, and he was caught off-guard by Super Orange like everyone else.
Ballista probably has the most personality out of everyone. His body language shows emotion pretty much all the time: most specifically, anger. Whether it's his fighting style, his pose, or walk cycle, Ballista is pissed off 24/7. It's implied it even makes his co-workers nervous. At the same time, the grin he flashes when jumping off the ship in Wanted shows he enjoys his job.
Primal is second only to Hazard in lack of personality, but there's definitely still something there. Mainly, is that he's a very fight-focused person that is basically an empty shell outside it. He's so ready to fuck up a rhino in Wanted, and sharpens his spear for another hunt while bored, but outside of fighting Orange?... he's pretty dull. Only a bit more emotional than Hazard. He seems like a Kraven-type character who just wants to hunt the biggest prey possible, while having zero life outside it. Also he has a Hulk-style form which reduces him to an animal sapience-wise.
Hazard, though? He uhh... he wants to get Chosen, is very focused on completing the job, and that's kinda it. He's such a blank it feels intentional. Perhaps he has his own goals and is hiding them?
Part 3 - He's Either Holding Back or He's Fucking Useless
Yea not gonna sugarcoat this. There has to be some sort of big reveal of Hazard's true power in later episodes, or this dude's so weak it's laughable to think he's supposed to be a threat.
I mean, Agent has a toolbar that makes him a Mini-Animator, and he can pause anything and anyone. Ballista can shapeshift his body and pull weapons out of his ass. Primal has a stronger form that can pick up a rhino without difficulty, and he probably has more.
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He, uh... is good at dodging. He also has this one Shock Sign that killed a bird. Yeah.
Ngl if this is all Hazard has then it's impossible for me to see him as a threat on par with the other mercs, or even Victim. Hell, I wouldn't even be able to see him as above the Stick Gang in strength, with how slow Orange was in that scene compared to his fights in the AvM Shorts.
So yeah, on top of possibly hiding his true personality/hidden motives, Hazard was most likely holding back heavily in Wanted, which only makes him more mysterious.
Part 4 - The End
So, this is kinda it. Was Part 1 all overthinking, or did I get a few things right? Is Hazard actually hiding something, or does he only show little personality because none of his scenes let him show off anything? Is he holding back his true strength, or is he actually weak?
Frankly idk, but I am excited to see where things go with this guy, as he has tons of potential.
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levmada · 5 months
Hi Kane!
I don't know how I can express how amazing & fascinating your post about Levi's mental health is!
Every aspect of it was really interesting, but regarding his relationship issues/shortcomings specifically, how was he able to become close to Farlan & Isabel in your opinion? Their relationship seems crucial to me for the evolution of his interactions with others later on. The fact that, despite all the trauma & issues he experienced, he could form this first bond since his mother's death (and to some extent since Kenny) probably allowed him to build relationships within the Survey Corps.
I'd love to read your thoughts about it (no pressure though, feel free to ignore my rambling)
this isn’t rambling at all!! since you bring it up, i wish i delved deeper into this. i was too focused on kenny (aka levi’s loneliness and suffering)
i'm kind of worried this turned into a bigger analysis of Levi's character more than psychology, but I think I said most of what I wanted to in the original post. This definitely covers how he bonded with his friends -> why they let him continue to bond with others
*sorry this will be quite a bit of speculation seeing how veryyy little we know about Levi, Farlan, and Isabel's history*
(also, i'm going with the manga's version of events because it's more fleshed out)
I'll reiterate this first:
It’s not that Levi feels as detached as he looks, but he doesn’t know how to express himself or open up.
The Underground’s environment also makes him socially awkward, rude, of course stoic/not very expressive, and blunt. Levi was forced to become extremely observant of people to suss out their intentions, remaining vigilant of his surroundings at all times.
Before anything else, it's easy to confirm Levi met and joined up with Farlan before rescuing Isabel off the streets. Because of Farlan, there came about "Levi's" gang (Farlan seems to run it in all the meaningful ways), which necessitated members, and gave Levi/Farlan the means to help the helpless like Isabel (but more on that later).
Farlan and Levi met when Farlan approached him in order to rough him up, and if he was any good at defending himself, he'd have him join his gang. Levi of course cleared all of his attackers, which stunned Farlan. He would do anything to get him to join, even though Levi heavily distrusted him now.
So you would think Farlan doesn't have a chance in the world knowing Levi's history with betrayal.
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At some point, Farlan's gang turns on him. Likely because, since Farlan couldn't get Levi to join them, he opted to join Levi and asked the others to do the same.
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(I loveee that idea, but that aside) This should speak to what Levi desires more than anything at this point in his life: Kenny really didn't abandon him that long ago, and up to now Levi knows nothing but the suffering of the Underground as far as how the world simply is as a whole.
He is suffering for literally no reason. But, it's not because he was lonely he let Farlan in as much as to have a use for his strength, because in Levi's mind, that's his only use. For many years he's acted "selfish", using his strength only for himself and rotting in hopelessness, so it makes sense to be desperate to break free enough for Levi to (as suggested) cave and let Farlan be his companion in short time. Especially as Farlan gave Levi such a huge amount of "praise"—as Kenny would give Levi—by dropping his own gang and wanting to join with him because of that strength.
Farlan is also much more of a leader, whereas Levi is the opposite, which is true throughout all of canon (not that he can't lead of course). He doesn't plan on the level of Hange nor Erwin, only giving suggestions, and spends the vast majority of the time as a soldier fighting and following orders. So Farlan gave him some stability, even if subconsciously.
Looking through the frame of why Levi chose this bond as—assumably but likely—the first since his mother's death and Kenny's abandonment of him, it's quite immature. Levi didn't need Farlan for any practical reason, and he only seemed to be concerned with survival (not garnering support to reach the Surface). Even though Farlan was untrustworthy, Levi was attached to the need to be needed. Farlan shouldn't have cared for Levi as a person yet, nor showed the goodness Levi would be attracted to, but Farlan did "praise" him, and show he was willing to make an enemy out of his friends to join, so Levi was willing to go with him on that basis.
This certainly speaks to Levi's emotional immaturity, and loneliness.
But he now has some reason to have his strength, which is to protect and support his friend, and with Farlan's proposal about gathering other members, supporting and protecting others.
This leads into Isabel's introduction.
Farlan, before going to the Surface, is frustrated that Levi and Isabel only seem concerned with "dragging everyone else down to where they are" (Isabel who wants to kill, seemingly, the people who have hurt her; Levi is skeptical about Farlan's plan to join the Survey Corps and go Aboveground because it seems to good to be true/could put them all in danger). Farlan is empathetic (Levi wouldn't be with him if he wasn't...), but he's too self-interested to propose rescuing children in order to make them stronger as a group.
So, Levi most likely did make that proposal.
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I think that Isabel embodies everything good about the world to Levi. She's so earnest, and pure, and hopeful. There are many moments where Levi looks at her fondly, and when he teases her and she gets upset, he makes sure she knows he was joking.
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She embodies what the Scouts believe in too, and she comes to believe in their cause first out of the trio.
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As such, Levi will go to absolutely any length to protect her. The first thing he did after Isabel came back one night after being attacked was track her attackers down and kill them. I wager Levi really does see her as his little sister, like she does her big brother.
All of this taken into account, it makes sense that Levi shot down Farlan's idea of joining the Survey Corps in the beginning, suddenly asked them to find an excuse not to go on the expedition, and killed Isabel's attackers on the spot—Levi is extremely protective of them both. Not only in preserving their lives, but making sure they're living good lives.
But that said about Isabel, Farlan, and Levi's moonlight chat, it goes differently in the manga (although the character and relationship beats are the same). The main conflict of this scene is that Levi keeps defying Farlan, especially as it has to do with Levi's need to kill Erwin (I think Levi feels the same ferocity about this as killing Zeke, which says a lot about Levi's immaturity of the past compared to his righteous anger later.)
Which reflects none of the humanity Levi feels nor his desire to help others. Levi doesn't process it in that way... but he puts aside his pride, and decides to trust Farlan in hopes of living on the Surface with his friends; he won't kill Erwin, at least for the time being.
At this moment, he trusts his friends. On the expedition when he separates from Isabel and Farlan, he trusts himself.
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Levi's trust would go on to be broken, but it's remarkably important that Levi doesn't blame himself for Isabel and Farlan's deaths—like he blamed himself for his mother's, and for Kenny's abandonment of him.
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Erwin is the reason for Levi's cycle of hopelessness and desolation was broken. (Not to get too far away from psychology, but :')) He gives Levi a common enemy and reasons to fight against it, and for the sake of others.
As when Levi met Farlan, and Levi joining the Survey Corps, it's the same. This means putting his strength (himself) to use, not just for friends, but for the best cause in Levi's mind, because of his friends.
That is, what the Scouts pursue, freedom, is the greatest "goodness" in the world to Levi. Devoting his heart to make a life outside the Walls, so that no one has to live like he had in the Underground, and making others feel safe. The end goal is sickeningly idealistic, but worth the hearts the Scouts give.
Erwin makes Levi realize that for once it's not himself he has to blame. Farlan gets Levi to recognize the importance and what he has to gain from trusting his comrades. Isabel becomes something of an accidental martyr that gives Levi an even bigger reason to join the Scouts in the first place.
It's certainly not the case that Levi connects with his comrades easily, or with many if at all, but Isabel and Farlan's importance is unquestionable in that.
Most pertinently, as one of the central themes of Levi's character, he internalizes trusting his comrades and trusting in himself. (Levi can't know what the right choice is, but nonetheless...)
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milli-string · 3 months
This is just a fun convo I had a long time ago. I had a close friend, and we debated what would P's life go after the Rise of P ending.
My thoughts were, after reviving Sophia, P had the potential of following Geppetto's footsteps (in a good way):
- building puppets
- probably some kind of ambassador for his kind (despite the condition of Krat, but you know what I mean)
- he can adjust his own legion arms later down the game so he has the potential to be a mechanic or engineer himself if he wanted to (may probably be necessary in some part because, well, he's immortal. He won't be having the npcs in the hotel for very long as he will outlive them all, sadly)
There's more to it, but for now, my mind spins.
Mostly because the Rise of P ending isn't really the canonical "happily ever after" like in the original story (i know the game doesn't have a canon ending yet). It is P's happily ever after becoming human emotionally and mentally, but not a "real boy" in a physical sense. The Real Boy ending would be the closest to the canon, but in a twisted way (which is absolutely genius on their part because hell yeah, dark and twisted!). I'm also aware that "Carlo" isn't quite human himself, but rather an obedient "good boy" image Geppetto wanted him to be: to kill and to listen to him at all times. (In this case, Geppetto really lost his sanity to achieve his "happy family.")
But anyway, P carrying Geppetto's legacy in his skills would be a really cool idea. I vision Pinocchio being a "father figure" of some kind to the next generation of puppets with awakened ergo; becoming someone Geppetto couldn't. The ergo he collects, he gives it away to a new body. Of course, this would take time for P to really grow his personality from being a puppet with human emotions to a fully mature person. Technically, he's still learning human emotions even after achieving the endings.
My friend's thoughts were P not going into Geppetto's footsteps, and instead he becomes an artist.
RoP Pinocchio is an expressive puppet, being able to feel and understand human emotions as he reached max humanity points. It reminded me how the artists in the fandom drew P as an artist and a musician mixed together. The more I saw it, the more I found it truly fitting for him. This separates P from Carlo and Geppetto entirely, proving that he grew his own personality and identity. (Of course, we don't know what Carlo is into but many people believe he possibly wanted to go into engineering as well, but chose the Stalker life to despise his dad).
It wouldn't make sense for P to follow Geppetto's footsteps due to P being built to literally kill puppets. Why would P care for his kind?
That's true. Why would he? But also, then again, he's still growing. I believe P hasn't fully developed yet, but only grasped the idea of being human, but not at the mature level yet, if that makes sense.
I'll have more stuff to talk about it in the future, but what do you guys think? Curious to hear your perspectives on post-Rise of P ending 🌼
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moonspirit · 1 month
Do you think annie have some like jealousy issues? Like idk
Do I *think* Annie has jealousy issues?!
Boi, anon.
I've got some news for you.
(I'm gonna assume you're an AruAni shipper since... Since *I* am, and you chose to ask me I guess?)
I made a few posts about this last year but I can't find them now so I'll reblog them later maybe, if you want, but see, the thing is, both Armin and Annie are jealous people.
It's just that this jealousy doesn't show up in the ways we're most often exposed to in media. You're not likely to find Annie making big accusations, pointing fingers, or gritting her teeth with a snarled "back off bitch". Nope.
Annie's jealousy (like Armin's) stems from a place of insecurity over her own image and self worth. Given her closed off childhood and dehumanisation by way of Warrior life and the titan power, she has known nothing of what love really is. Moreover she doesn't consider herself worth any of it; this is evident from how she doesn't believe Armin at first on the boat when he confesses his feelings.
Annie hasn't lived anything of what a normal, ordinary girl's life would've been like. So imagine then, that she sees a potential... Let's say, "competitor"? vying for Armin's attention and this new person is so different from her - all smiles, outgoing, easy to talk to, open heart. What do you think is going through her head then? "Oh this person is better than me... Ofc, why would Armin want to be with me after something like that? I'm incredibly boring, I don't smile, I don't open up; surely, he's better off with someone more cheerful like that." -> thus resulting in a mixture of sadness and jealousy.
At the same time, she's dependent on Armin's love for her now. She's actively seeking it out, verbally or otherwise, finding great comfort and solace in his acts of caring and affection. It's not going to be easy for her to just "let go" and maybe "walk away" the way she's probably telling herself to.
Putting both together, we can simply say that her jealousy is going to be expressed in a very quiet, withdrawn manner, with Armin unlikely to even know of it unless he notices a change in her behaviour and coaxes it out of her. Cue; plenty of cuddling, kisses, reassurances and teasing (from him, because she's adorable in jealousy).
That's all on jealousy. On a related note, Annie being possessive? That's a whole other issue!
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sapphic-agent · 2 months
i love your team avatar rewrite! can you talk more about kids?
You don't know how happy this makes me🥹 I'll break it down like they're OCs (even though the only technical OCs here are Tyro, Suma, and Lian).
(Link to the original Gaang post: https://www.tumblr.com/sapphic-agent/747738712838995968/rewriting-the-gaang-in-lok?source=share)
Kya (major changes to canon):
Earthbender (Lavabender)
Firstborn child of Katara and Haru
Green eyes, brown hair; resembles Katara the most
Temper like Katara, but lacks her caring and nurturing nature. Blunt and to the point like Haru. Can come off as rude, but that's not her intention. Her mouth got her in constant trouble as a child. Loved probending as a child and looked up to Toph
Probender (later Manager of the Probending Arena)
*Notes: I like canon Kya just fine. But similarly to Katara, I feel like LOK really just didn't bother to do much with her. She's mainly there to give Tenzin a reality check and reaffirm that Aang was a shitty father. So I really just built her up mainly from scratch. You can resonate her with canon Kya or think of her as a completely different character. Katara was always going to name her first daughter Kya, so to me it makes no difference. Also, I made her a lavabender instead of a metalbender to match her temper*
Nonbender (Chi-blocker)
Firstborn and only son of Katara and Haru (middle child)
Blue eyes, brown hair; looks a lot like Sokka
Calm demeanor like Haru, but empathetic and softhearted like Katara. The most sensitive of his siblings, but also the nicest. Learned Chi-blocking from the Kyoshi Warriors after visiting Kyoshi Island for the summer. Very interested in law and politics from watching his mom
Attorney, President of Republic City
Sexuality undetermined, closest guess is pansexual
*Notes: Tyro loves his sapphic aunts (Mai and Ty Lee). I like to think of him as that friend that's always there for you, even when they're going through hell (but not parentified like Katara). Why did I make him president? I don't know*
She/They (I know I wrote daughter, but she doesn't mind being referred to as daughter or sister by her family)
Waterbender (Healer)
Youngest child of Katara and Haru
Blue eyes, brown hair; looks like Haru (same complexion as his mother)
Finds it hard to understand emotion, doesn't pay attention (spaces out when people are talking, can't focus on classes that don't interest her in school, etc.). Comes off cold, even to her family. Most assume they don't care about anything. It was a shock when she chose to become a Healer, but her patients usually love her
Healer at the Republic City Hospital, Head Healer at the Republic City Hospital
*Notes: Suma is probably way closer to canon Kya than my Kya is. But they're also a lot less emotionally invested in people than Kya. They're definitely on the spectrum in case you couldn't tell*
Lin Beifong (basically the same as canon):
Earthbender (Metalbender)
Firstborn child of Aang and Toph
Green eyes, black hair; resembles Toph
Grouchy, tough, and a hardass like Toph, but has a strong sense of fairness like Aang. Bosses her siblings around. Butts heads constantly with Suyin because of this. Studied under her Aunt Suki to become an officer
Republic City Police Officer , Republic City Chief of Police
*Notes: As you can see, I didn't change much about Lin. The biggest thing is probably that she didn't become a police officer to impress Toph, she did it because of her own sense of justice. I love that for her*
Tenzin Beifong (basically the same as canon):
Firstborn son and second born child of Aang and Toph
Gray eyes, black hair; resembles Aang
Tries to be calm, but has a short fuse. Feels like he has to live up to being the only Airbending child of the Avatar. Can be distant with his family because of this, especially Aang. Finds it hard to connect with his siblings
United Republic of Nations Councilman
*Notes: Tenzin is way more of a black sheep here than the golden child in canon. Him and Aang having a hard relationship because of the expectations placed on him is one thing I'm very proud of. I think he feels like he has to be this perfect son and feels like he can't approach Aang about it. And Toph is a less than understanding person, so he can't really talk to her either. His biggest regret is never opening up to his father before he died. So he suffers in silence (lmao)*
Suyin Beifong (basically the same as canon):
Third child of Aang and Toph
Earthbender (Metalbender)
Brown hair, green eyes; resembles both Toph and Aang (has the complexion of Toph's father)
Free-spirited and fun-loving like Aang, but extremely stubborn and hates rules like Toph. Very clever and innovative, a troublemaker as a kid. Clashes with Lin heavily due to her issues with authority and competes with her. Leaves Republic City (of her own volition) to travel the world and creates Zaofu and the Metal Clan
Leader/Founder of Zaofu, Head of the Metal Clan
*Notes: I'll be honest, I love Su and think she's over hated in canon. Maybe it's because I see a lot of myself in being the youngest child and having a bossy and condescending older sister. But anyway, her backstory is one of my favorites in the show, so that's why I didn't feel the need to change it too much. Also, her choosing to travel the world similar to how the Air Nomads did is a nice touch with Aang being her father. Although, a fight with Toph might have been what made her leave, I'm not sure. Demi because I can't see her loving anyone she doesn't share a deep, personal connection to like Bataar*
Bumi Beifong (slight changes to canon)
Youngest child of Aang and Toph
Gray eyes, black hair; resembles both Toph and Aang
Extremely intelligent ("mad genius"), but absolutely can't take anything seriously. Prankster, the bane of Lin and Tenzin's existences. Looks up to Aang and is very close with Su, drives Toph crazy. Very interested in combat, war, and strategy
Soldier in the Second Division of the United Forces, Commander in the Second Division of the United Forces
*Notes: Nothing you guys say or do will ever convince me that Bumi isn't a man kisser*
Only child of Sokka and Suki
Waterbender (+Chi-blocker)
Blue eyes, auburn hair; looks like Suki but has Sokka's complexion
Playful personality, loves bad and corny jokes. Easygoing for the most part, but knows when to get serious. Trains with the Kyoshi Warriors like Tyro does
Firefighter, Chief of the Southern Water Tribe
*Notes: I love Lian a lot. It's so weird that Sokka of all characters didn't have kids. Out of everyone, I would think it would be Toph. So I obviously gave him one with Suki. I don't think I said so in the Gaang post, but yes she's a Waterbender. Also, why are both her and Tyro pan? The Kyoshi Island affect, it's something in the water*
Izumi (basically the same as canon):
Only child of Zuko and Jin
Suspected Firebender, unconfirmed
Amber eyes, brown hair; mostly resembles Jin
A calm, rational person. Loves history. Painfully non-violent because of that history. Her heart is to the Fire Nation and repairing the damage her country has done. She also has a deep love for Ba Sing Se because that's where her mother is from. Some might call her reserved before they get to know her, to her friends she's one of the nicest people ever
No one knows if she's actually a Firebender or not, she's never confirmed or denied it even to her closest friends. Doesn't feel the need to. Looks at it like a political strategy; no one can say she's favoring benders or nonbenders. She is a master swordswoman, though
Archeologist, Historian, Fire Lord
*Notes: I decided not to choose if Izumi's a bender or nonbender. I like the theory that she keeps is secret in canon as a political move. I don't know if they kept it vague in canon on purpose, but I like it that way. I kind of based her off Nico Robin from One Piece*
That's pretty much it for the Gaang Kids! I'm pretty proud of how everyone came out. Hope this satisfied you!
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filmhead-productions · 3 months
I know everyone and their mom has already said Snivy, Torchic, and Piplup will be the legends z-a starters. And they're completely 100% right, and here's why. Remember, this is only speculation, please don't take some rando's word as fact.
First off, evidence. I'm sure we've all already seen the Indigo Disk trailer with Snivy, Torchic, and Piplup with the previous legends starters, Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott respectively.
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But has anyone said anything about the tera raids events? The first was Mighty Blaziken from January 19th to 21st; it's tera type was Flying type. And you're probably asking "but the new starters are probably getting megas and Blaziken already has one." Yes, but why can't he have two? Charizard and Mewtwo do, and Blaziken's quite popular, so a second mega isn't out of the question in my eyes.
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Next was Mighty Empoleon from February 9th to 11th. It's tera type was Ice type.
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As of this post, Serperior has yet to get a raid event, but I believe the next starter tera raid will be this haughty plant snake, and I believe it's tera type will be Fighting. Why? Because it completes this type trio:
Fighting > Ice > Flying
So we have three starters who final evolutions will be Fire/Flying, Water/Ice, and Grass/Fighting. But why these types specifically? Strap in, because this is where things get interesting.
Everyone knows that Empoleon is based on Napoleon Bonaparte, infamous general and emperor of France. So why not Water/Fighting? Because in 1812, Napoleon attempted to lead an army into Russia to conquer it. What he failed to account for was the frigid weather, which took out the majority of his troops and forced them to retreat. So maybe Kalosian Empoleon will be in this constant state of near freezing based on this event, it would be a glass cannon.
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People chose Torchic as the fire starter since the rooster is France's national animal. It became France's symbol because in ancient times, when the Roman Empire occupied France (then named Gaul), the rooster wasn't worshipped, but rather the god it symbolized, Mercury, the Roman god of travelers, communication, and many others things. Mercury was also known for being very, very fast. So maybe Kalosian Blaziken will be a speedy pokemon.
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About the travelers and communication bit, perhaps this oversized chicken will also be inspired by messenger pigeons, which were used during World War I to send messages across countries. (Let's hope that if abilities come back, this doesn't get speed boost again, lmao)
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Finally, we come to Serperior. Pokemon designer Ken Sugimori said that Serperior was inspired by a manga called The Rose of Versailles, we all know this. It's about a woman raised as a boy trained to be a royal guard, who later leaves to join the side of the revolution. Kalosian Serperior could look more like a literal rose, covered in thorns, and will probably have a lance for a tail. This snake will definitely be both offensive and defensive, best of both worlds.
So we have a general, a guard, and a messenger. The theme surrounding these three things seems to be wartimes. A hint at the story maybe? Honestly, I could be dead wrong on this, but I don't care, I love this trio, I hope I at least get close. I might make another post speculating with other starters. Any thoughts?
EDIT 3/31/24: Ok so the next tera raid was announced, and I was kind of right. It is a grass type starter. However, it's Meganium with Psychic tera type...
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Y'know what? I think I'll try and make a post predicting what this is about later.
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