geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
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George and Ringo, 2001.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
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George and Ringo, 1969.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
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George and Pattie on their wedding day, 1966.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
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Holding each other.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
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George is eating for two here, himself and baby Ringo.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
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Dark Horse Tour, 1975.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
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George with the black eye, he got for defending Ringo from an angry Pete Best fan.
True Love.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
George remembered when he first found his set of tarot cards, outside of the studio, they were new and hadn't been taken out of the box, yet.
Until, on a quick break from recording, George took the cards out of the box and when though every card. His knowledge on the cards were limited, so George spent most of his days, doing his own readings, sometimes they were accurate, sometimes they were not.
George would do his own full readings, or he would just flip a card, since he didn't always have the time. When George did get more confident with the cards, he offered to do a reading for John, but it didn't go well, since John kept saying that he didn't believe in it and kept mocking George... this was enough to put George off from reading for other people.
It was 1971 and George was now a solo artist, whose ideas were blossoming and finally a new found freedom to be truly himself.
The other thing George enjoyed about being a solo artist was that he and Ringo are working together more then what they ever did in a band.
George loved nothing more then putting aside any plans he had for Ringo and it seemed Ringo felt the same.
Though they didn't see each other everyday like they once did, they still saw each other monthly. And each time, they met up, when gardening or did some recording in the studio... George would do a reading.
In the past, George would consider his readings to be a little selfish, often doing readings about whether Ringo and Maureen were going to divorce ? When will Ringo finally be his ? George didn't want to live by his ego. He didn't want to force things, or be greedy and if things are meant to be, then they will simply come to George.
His readings were now about pregnancy and family, am I pregnant ? George would ask the cards, after he was intimate.
George was satisfied in the professional aspect of his life, but emotionally he felt there was something missing. His dream just to have a family with Ringo, if that were to come true then his life would be complete.
George had set up, a room at Frair Park to do, his readings, the table had purple rose quartz crystals on it. George lit a incense stick, allowing the scent to cover the room. George sat down, holding the deck in his hands, he wanted to do a quick yes or no tarot. Inhaling, deeply, George thought of the last time, he and Ringo were intimate. Lips turning into a smile, as George remembered that they were in the studio, Ringo was sitting at his drum kit, pants to the side. And George sank down the drummers cock, when it was all the way in, Ringo kissed the back of George's neck. His big hands, caress George's body, chest, tummy and hips. Ringo ran his fingers though, George's long hair, all the touches and kisses were sending tingles though George's body. No man could ever make George feel like that, only Ringo could. George moaned as he felt Ringo's cock, move within him, pressing against his belly, it was deep, it was sensual and it was everything George ever wanted. Exhaling and opening his eyes, "okay" George placed a hand on his belly, he picked the deck up and asked his question, "am I pregnant ?" George shuffle the deck, he flipped the card onto the table and smiled that he got the Ace Of Cups card. This meant that what he desire was going to come to him, naturally and nothing needs to be forced.
George sat back into his chair, feeling flutters in his belly, rubbing his belly, his dream was going to come true.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
George Harrison isn’t quite how Pattie had imagined he would be.
She had always imagined that if she ever got to meet the Beatles, they would be arrogant and loud and boisterous, but the reality couldn’t be further from that. They’re all so sweet snd polite, especially to the girls who are extras on set, and she finds herself pleasantly surprised.
George is the quietest of them all, and Pattie finds he’s the one she’s immediately drawn to. The conversation flows between them easily when he sits next to her at lunch, and it’s been a long time since since she’s got on so well with someone she’s only just met.
When they finish filming for the day, he asks her if she’d like to go out to dinner.
“Oh,” Pattie says, feeling a little embarrassed that she’s misread the situation. “It’s a lovely offer, but...I’m afraid I have a boyfriend.”
George chuckles and turns slightly red. “So do I. Sorry if that came off a little...well. I didn’t mean it like that. It just seems like you and I could be good friends and it would be nice to see you again. I don’t have a lot of friends outside the music business.”
He seems almost sad as he says that last part.
But Pattie smiles at him and agrees that dinner would be lovely.
It’s only three weeks later that Pattie discovers George Harrison’s boyfriend is in fact Ringo Starr.
“Sorry you had to read about it in the newspaper,” George sighs with frustration. “We were trying to keep it quiet for a little while longer.”
He shoots a shy smile at Ringo, who has also joined them for dinner today.
“Now the world and his wife knows,” Ringo chuckles, but he looks happy as he laces his fingers with George’s.
Pattie is happy for them. They seem like a sweet couple, and it’s clear that their romance has blossomed from a strong friendship.
“You’ll have broken the hearts of half the men and women in Britain,” Pattie says softly.
The two of them share a secret smile, and Pattie wonders if she’ll ever have someone she can share a secret smile with.
Pattie sees George as often as she can when he’s not on tour or working long hours in the studio.
He quickly becomes her best friend; they share everything with each other. George consoles Pattie every time a boy breaks her heart, as well as the odd time a girl does too. Pattie has never had a friend who she can be so open with; they talk about sex and their hopes and fears, and Pattie trusts George more than anyone.
She can’t help but feel a little bit sad when George moves to Surrey with Ringo.
She’s happy for them, of course she is. She knows that George has been wanting to leave London for a while; he’s desperate to get out of a flat and into a house with a nice big garden.
But it means that Pattie can’t just nip over to see George in less than ten minutes. Now she’ll have to settle for talking to him on the other end of the phone, and seeing him less frequently.
George does invite her to visit almost as soon as they’ve moved though, and as soon as Pattie sees the house she knows it’s perfect for him.
“You’re welcome any time,” George tells her cheerfully. “We have lots of rooms to spare.”
“Probably not for much longer though,” Pattie chuckles, and George just laughs shyly.
Pattie feels rather honoured that she is the first person to find out that George and Ringo are engaged.
They’re in London for work and so suggest meeting up for dinner one night, and Pattie has barely given them both a hug before George is excitedly flashing a diamond ring at her.
“It’s gorgeous,” she says, trying not to sound jealous as she admires the beautiful ring. “I want to hear the story, of course.”
It sounds like it was a simple proposal; Ringo asked George to marry him before they went to bed one night, but it sounds really sweet and George looks over the moon.
“You’ll come to the wedding?” George says excitedly. “It would mean so much to us.”
Pattie accepts the invitation happily.
It turns out to be a small wedding. In addition to Pattie, George and Ringo invite their families, John, Paul, and Brian. It’s over in twenty minutes, but Pattie thinks it’s terribly romantic.
She wishes them nothing but a happy marriage, but she can’t help but wonder if she’s losing a little more of her best friend.
Pattie finds her own husband and builds her own life, but she still can’t help but feel something is missing.
When George excitedly tells her that he’s expecting a baby, she wants to be nothing but happy for him.
But it only reminds her of her own struggles to get pregnant. That’s something she hasn’t yet shared with George.
When the baby is born Pattie visits George in the hospital and holds the little one in her arms and it just breaks her heart.
At that point she starts to live a little vicariously through George.
Pattie visits George and Ringo as often as she can to dote on the little one, and as the years pass they have more children while she is still left with none.
She tells George about her desire for the children she’ll never have, and he comforts her in just the way she needs. George has always made her feel like a part of the family, and she’ll be eternally grateful for that.
George keeps his word, of course. Pattie has an invitation to every birthday, every Christmas, every Easter. She watches George and Ringo’s children grow and she spoils them like they were her own.
Pattie may not ever have the family she once thought she might have, but she’s a part of something just as special.
The second worst day of Pattie’s life is when George tells her he has cancer.
He sounds so calm when he says it, and Pattie really has to admire his strength. She ends up bawling her eyes out in his arms, and she can’t help but think it should be the other way around.
Pattie does everything she can to support him and Ringo and the children. She’s there to help with anything they need, and her heart breaks a little more each day as George gets weaker.
The worst day of Pattie’s life is when George dies.
Ringo phones her a little after four in the morning, and she’s never heard him sound so broken.
She drives over to the house right that instant, and holds Ringo while he cries and figures out what to say to the children.
She helps Ringo with the funeral arrangements, and flies with him to India to scatter George’s ashes. She’s glad she’s there for that.
She’s thinks of that beautiful boy she met all those years ago on that film set, and even though they never had romantic feelings towards one another, she can’t help but think he was the great love of her life.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
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Two old men in love.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
I adore your writings 😍 So, I was thinking could you write about George always wanting to get pregnant and have a baby but knowing that it is physically impossible and it can only be a dream. To help himself heal from the depression he feels, George adopts a few kittens and they see George as their mummy. This makes George so very happy.
At first, George had tried to play it off as a bit of a game.
A sexual fantasy, nothing more.
If Ringo had found it odd, he hadn’t said anything; he’d indulged George in his requests for them to role play making a baby. It had just become a part of their routine; a game in the bedroom which makes George sadder and sadder.
“Hey,” Ringo says softly when he sees George looking distant one night after one of their role play sessions. “You alright?”
George sniffs and nods. “Yeah. Sorry. I know it’s weird, but I can’t help but think it would be nice, y’know? If it were real.”
Ringo blinks. “You mean...if I got you pregnant?”
George blinks back tears and buries his face in Ringo’s chest.
Ringo is wonderfully understanding about it; he tells George that he’s always wanted a baby too, but he wants George more.
So George makes his peace with it.
Ringo tries his best to keep George’s spirits up. He suggests one day that maybe they should adopt a puppy, to give them both something to love and care for.
“I like cats,” George says quietly.
So they adopt kittens. Three kittens.
It’s hard work, but it helps. George gets to pour his love into caring for these adorable creatures, and he gets to do it with Ringo. He gets to cuddle up with them in his lap, and he feels like he’s doing something good.
And he can feel they love him too.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
Ringo's Dream
It is yet another Birthday, filled with the peace and love of family, friends and fans. Today, Ringo thinks of all the good things he has, both past and present, relationships he still has and the relationships he once had. Relationships from the past were experiences Ringo knew the great importance of, but would never want to relive them. They were lessons that Ringo needed to passed, gain the knowledge to never repeat. But that wasn't Ringo's attitude when it came to one relationship he had thoughout his life... a beauitful never ending journey is how he thinks of his relationship with George. Little did Ringo know, just, how much his life would turn into a blessing after meeting George. He would never meet anyone else like that again... ever. Ringo stood in front of a photo of him and George... he signed a little, so many lovely gifts but Ringo wanted the most beauitful gift. Ringo was thankful for being alive, he loves life but sometimes he just wants to fall asleep and stay like that, especially in his dreams when he sees George... he tells George
"I want to stay"
Only for George to say to him
"The time is not right, your presence is still needed"
It was always so bittersweet, but Ringo truly did miss George, nothing has been the same since, whether it be performing on stage and missing the sound of George's guitar. Or missing the sound of George's voice, his sweet comforting words. Or missing George's touches... his cuddles and his kiss. Despite this sadness, Ringo knew he was still needed, still had a life to live. Ringo kissed his index finger and placed his finger over George's lips in the photo, "I felt your presence today, sweetheart... the little butterfly that landed on my lap... thank you, Georgie... I had a wonderful Birthday"
Climbing into bed, Ringo got into his usual comfortable position and quickly dozed off. When he opened his eyes, Ringo couldn't explain where he was. Knowing that he was dreaming but Ringo hadn't been to a place like this in his dreams. Looking at his surroundings, Ringo noticed the grass beneath his feet, it was a dark green colour, it felt soft against his bare feet. Ringo looked up at the sky, it was a purple colour and there were bright, shining stars, there was a waterfall, the water was light blue. When Ringo reached his hand out, he was shocked by, how cool and healing it felt, the water was very clear. Ringo looked at his reflection in the water, suddenly another person appeared. Ringo realized that the other reflection was George and Ringo wasn't scared but he did freak out, because he thought he was the only one there. But George was there too... Ringo couldn't believe it, happiness filled him. "Georgie" "Ritchie" they smiled, Ringo blushed and couldn't do much to hide it, George came in closer and kissed Ringo's cheek, "Happy Birthday, my handsome drummer" George saw how his kiss made the blush on Ringo's cheeks get more red, "thank you, Georgie... I.. uh..." Ringo couldn't even talk, it was like he had lost the ability to form words, he was to lost in George's beauty. Ringo noticed that George looked different from how he did on earth, how there was a glow that sorrunds George's entire body. George looked like a angel, Ringo always had a knowing that George was a angel and now, here he is in his true form. George laughed, "I see your a bit distracted Rings... I have your gift here" little cries were then heard, "what was that?" Ringo, asked, George had a little baby in his arms that was wrapped in a blanket. "Ringo, I hope you like your gift... with all my love" George began to move the blanket, revealing a little baby, there wasn't much being said between the two. George was nervous, Ringo was not saying anything, a smile on Ringo's face appeared, "she is beauitful, Georgie" they smiled at each other and looked down at their baby, "Yes, precious that is your daddy, one day he is going to be with us" George looked at Ringo, "Georgie, I don't even know what to say, what a beautiful gift you have given me..." Ringo moved closer to George and their baby, "my heart is overwhelmed with love" George could cry at Ringo's words, "such a beautiful angel" Ringo took the baby into his arms, just watching all the little things, the baby does, like putting her hand in her mouth, kicking her little feet around. "I love you" the baby stopped moving at the sound of Ringo's voice, "I love you" Ringo said again and the baby closed her eyes and moved her lips upwards into a smile. "Awe" George placed a hand on his hearts, tears running down his cheeks. "George, I don't want to leave... please let me stay" "Oh... you know the time isn't right" George caress Ringo's face, "but you can stay a little longer, before you go" Ringo looked up into George's eyes, "I would quite like that" Ringo and George spent the last few moments they had together with baby. Before, Ringo would kiss George gently on his lips, kiss the forehead of their baby and leave them.
Now, waking up from that dream, something that felt so real Ringo thought of George, the most beauitful gift he had ever been given.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
Could you write a little something about elder Starrison, so Geo was trying to get pregnant for years but it didn't work out but now they are older and don't care about protection anymore and he gets pregnant and now they are so happy but also maybe a little worried because they won't be young parents.
Also love your work! ♥️
Ringo doesn’t think he’s ever seen George so happy.
George is currently curled up on the sofa under a blanket with a mug of tea, with a parenting book propped up on the small swell of his bump. He has a whole pile of pregnancy and parenting books next to him; books he’s waited so long to read.
Ringo is happy, of course he is. As young men they’d tried and had never been successful, and he’d had to watch the sadness and disappointment grow stronger on George’s face every time.
So of course it’s wonderful news that they’re finally expecting, so many years after they’d given up completely.
But Ringo can’t help but worry.
The doctor had told them that pregnancies are always riskier for people over 40. George needs to take it easy.
Ringo knows his protective mode is kicking in, but he doesn’t care. George’s safety and the baby’s safety are all he cares about.
And George looks really beautiful pregnant.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
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George and his three loves.
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geo-and-his-babies · 3 years
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George and Ringo, during the pillow fight in France, 1964.
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