#i'll post it sometime (probably a lie)
strawberryscorp · 5 months
i have two wolves inside of me. one of them tells me to draw scorbus and says that i really will do it this time and ive done it before why wont i just do it for the girls and the gays the tumblr fans are starving please babygir and the other makes me paint koi fish
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kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
Hey! I was summoned by the tags you put under my post bc I also very much enjoy discussing ethics. I might make this into its own post so I'll try to not elaborate too much...
I think that I can't just decide for everyone if the difference between doing good for the sake of goodness or in order to save oneself matters, but for me, in most cases, including Dazai's case, it doesn't.
I like to believe that morality is a choice one can decide to make, and I don't think it's fair to take that away from them, regardless on how they might feel on the inside. It's a wonderful thing to act morally because it's your "natural" tendency, but I think people also have the right to do so deliberately, for a reason that they choose, without their choice being minimised. They're two different processes for sure, but if the outcome is good, then the action is a good action, and, if being moral is a choice, then I don't think I have the right to decide that only one intention or emotion that will lead there is good enough.
Also, doing good for your own sake and for the sake of others are mutually exclusive at all. One feeds the other, and if we were to put every person's actions under such scrutiny, we would ultimately run in circles.
So, for people outside the story, I would say that the debate does matter, but for the sake of the people involved, it doesn't, because the outcome is the same, especially since Dazai is so opaque as a character, and what he really feels about the things he does is so hard to read, so at the end of the day all most of them experience is his actions.
[Post this is referring to] Thank you for your elaboration, I loved hearing your opinion on the matter!!! That's close to consequentialism, isn't it? The consequences of one's actions, how much good they produced, are telling of it being morally right or wrong. I don't necessarily agree, but that's definitely a valid way to see it!!! I personally believe one's intentions are the most relevant aspect to take into account when judging whether and action is ethically rightful or not. Note that that is judging the moral of the action itself, and not giving a judgement on the person; people can have a million reasons to act selfishly, and in my very “humans are always inherently good” worldview more often than not it's caused by society rather than an actual preference to not be altruistic. But that doesn't change the fact that even a good action, if it isn't moved by good intentions, won't ever be passable of being morally right to me. Besides, then, wouldn't the other way round work to? Someone well intentioned, who's however incompetent, and ends up with their actions putting more bad in the world– as long as they're acting with a true desire to help others for the sake of it, their actions can't be considered morally wrong for me.
To clarify, with reference to your ask; I don't think people who do something for selfish reasons, and end up doing good, are morally rightful; but if they decide to do good, well, isn't that a well-intentioned aim itself? Then I think they stop being selfish to the extension that they consciously decide they're going to do good. That's not morally reprinandable at all.
Now, regarding Dazai... Honestly, I don't think Dazai is a good person. Because he never meant to do good for the sake of it. But now, the thing is, I don't think anyone in bsd is meant to be interpreted as good or evil– nobody, not Atsushi, not Mori, no one. When it comes to bsd– I do think bsd expresses a more or less nihilist worldview. And I know pretty much everyone else disagrees with me on this, I know, I'm sorry. But I do think there lies an undergoing message that good and bad are ultimately the same, and equally meaningless– it's there in Oda saying “Neither good nor evil mean much to you”, it's there in the way it makes you root for mafiosi like they were the good guys, it's there in the way Dazai never even considered to make amends for the bad things he's done (because they were never bad to begin with, because good and bad mean nothing anyway), it's there in the way it constantly shows good people doing bad and bad people doing good in a way that basically equalises them. To me there's really no point in discussing whether Dazai is good, because he is most evidently not, but that's only because he was never meant to be interpreted as such to begin with. Please refer to this post for further details; it's not surprising at all that Dazai switching over to the “good side” didn't come with a radical change of heart, and that he basically stayed the same, because how could he become good when that's no different than being evil, and those both mean nothing anyway?
And I know most people see bsd's core theme as finding a reason to live, and maybe it is, but even then I think that wouldn't be by denying its nihilism, but rather accepting it and finding a reason to live in spite of it: to me all of bsd really sums up in “that, at least, is a little more beautiful”.
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Hello everyone! (notice board please read)
I’m a bit clueless about how to say this, but I suppose I’ve fallen out of the hetalia fandom for a good while now; this is mostly gen.shin’s fault but I also feel like I’ve become generally out of touch with the fandom characterizations of hetalia chars, and I’ve just generally lost interest in most of the characters (the ones I still like feel a lot more like ocs or characters that are v isolated from the canon). I’m also starting school again soon and am trying to focus a lot more on it for once :’)
I don’t intend to abandon this blog (although it’s been sitting with no activity for quite a while now), but I guess moving forward there’ll be very few reblogs of other hetalia content, and most of those will be friend stuff. However, I’m definitely still interested in writing for this fandom and I’ll still try to answer the asks in my inbox (however long that might take). I haven’t had the energy to write for a long time lol but I don’t want to abandon all the ideas I haven’t finished.
tl;dr hopefully a greater ratio of original posts (?) and writing, and less activity. (This blog might also become more of a personal blog instead; kinda tired of using 203984293 sideblogs for random shit lol).
Thanks for sticking around y’all <3
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isitovernow-ootw · 2 years
vent in tags
#omg a fellow aro :)#sometimes I'm afraid in a couple years I'll realize i was a woman the whole time#or even just that I'm a woman now even if i was really nonbinary all these year#i know its ok and gender is fluid and identities don't need to be there solid forever things and labels aren't that important#but I'm still often sad about not being part of the aro community anymore and its been almost a year since i realized#like theoretically its great to change labels to whatever fits you#but these labels have been big important parts of my identity for like 5 years#and its a really bizarre feeling to just. not be able to define myself with them anymore despite them being such a bog factor in molding me#like im happy i know who i am now#but whenever i see a post talking about being aro i reflexively am like and then i remember and im not gonna lie#its fucking sad#all these people i used to relate to and be a part of a community with i have to suddenly disconnect from#and like even though i realistically probably was never really aro i still FELT that pain from arophobia and amatonormativity#because i really believed i had never had a crush or romantic attraction in my life and that still made me feel broken#and alons#but i feel like i definitely shouldn't try to like talk to aro blogs i used to talk to about these feelings because well im not aro#and like what do they care about some ex aro person's struggles#they have no reason to be interested in that#I probably wouldn't care about some random straight chick's story who used to think she was a lesbian unless we were like friends#and it fucking sucks because that still feels like it should be my community#and I can't imagine how much worse that would be for actually being cis. like being trans has been such a fundamental part of my experience#all the online circles I've been in for years have been almost entirely trans and most of my irl friends have been trand#if i were to realize i was just a cis lesbian I don't know how I'd cope#like trans discussions wouldn't be about me#my experiences wouldn't be relevant to them#i can't imagine how hard it would be to accept that#god#end rant i geuss#lmk if you relate to this weird anxiety#*when i'm screaming at the sky
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echosong971 · 3 months
Do you have a headcannon of P?
I have quite a few actually haha! I'll give you just a couple of 'em tho <3
(Disclaimer: most of these are in regards to High Humanity P unless stated otherwise)
He could always feel pain since he woke up. Pain is a sensation after all, not an emotion, and it's important for him to know what might be internally broken while fighting (even if it's...unpleasant)
Becoming FRUSTRATED by that pain, however, came later after he gained some more humanity:
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Just because he's quiet and stoic doesn't mean he isn't mischievous in his own way ("Looks like you inherited Carlo's mischievous personality instead of his memories"). This is the character of PINOCCHIO we're talking about after all, a puppet who's infamous for being tricksy. He's just...less boisterous and loud about it like Carlo probably was
On occasion, P enjoys using the perceptions people have of him to his advantage, sometimes pretending he's still that wide eyed, aloof puppet who walked into the Hotel for the first time just to mess with people/pull one over on them (or maybe to get away with flustering them because oops it looks like he "forgot" he needs to wear a shirt around the hotel again!)
Following that train of thought, he likes to flex his ability to lie at times with his friends, it helps him feel a little more human sometimes. Usually his fibs are about harmless things to pull little pranks on them, not usually about anything important (unless he feels it's necessary):
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He doesn't normally talk unless he has to, preferring to converse with body language/signals if he can get away with it. He may indulge in the occasional ramble though if you're someone he really trusts/knows, i.e. Gemini
He may have just been "born" very recently, but he's always had the mental capacity of a fully grown adult, even as he stumbled his way through discovering his newfound humanity (i.e. he's more-so inexperienced, rather than innocent). The concept of a "childhood" fascinates him, having never really experienced one himself
I have some more headcanons I def plan to make into comics at some point haha, but if y'all want more lil posts like this, lemmie know! ^v^
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tuulikki · 6 months
I really appreciate that in your response to the Spotify wrapped post, you didn’t just put, “you are not immune to propaganda”, but actually followed that up with thought-provoking questions that help clarify what that propaganda can look like. That’s really helpful and considerate and I really appreciate how kind and thoughtful your response was. It really helped me recontextualize my experience of and reaction to the misinformation post when it went around. Thank you so much
You're so, so welcome. I'm really glad it helped. If you ever have any follow-up questions or just wanna chat, hit me up
I've fallen for misinformation, propaganda, and conspiratorial thinking in my life. Probably everyone has, to some degree. But I've also been kinda obsessed with the study and analysis of it ever since, so I feel like I'm obligated to try to help people to the degree I can.
I will say, it also "helps" that I have the privilege of not being in anyone's crosshairs and not having a personal connection to the issues, other than the basic moral concerns any decent human being would have. A lot of people don't have that luxury. When people are scared and hurting, it's inhuman to demand that they overcome that and put more energy into fact-checking than do those of us with less pain.
So I guess I'll try to condense some key ideas:
Reblogging ("keep talking about this!") is harmful if it isn't accurate. Inaccuracy contributes to the fog of war, causes agony to people directly involved (they see you on social media: the internet is global!), and discredits the legitimacy of a movement.
Misinformation/disinformation blends truth with lies. Seeing one thing you know to be true next to an unverified statement will make you trust that statement.
Crises make us feel helpless and small. But it is privileging your discomfort over the pain of victims if you shy away from tackling complexity.
Sometimes it feels like a betrayal to reserve a space in yourself for doubt. But disinformation trivializes important issues. If something really matters to you, then you will want it to be accurate.
People will make good-faith inaccuracies. I will. You will. Governments/organizations will. People on the ground will. No one is omniscient. Don't double-down in support of the mistake and don't let one mistake discredit a good source.
People in pain will be duped, lie, or exaggerate. Many are seeking meaning with a greater need than you are. You must find compassion for them.
Our best instincts (justice) and worst instincts (self-righteousness) will be manipulated.
Responsibility for fact-checking falls on those of us whose distress is moral, rather than personal.
Everyone is biased. Humans always care for some people more than others. Find two opposing sources and read both: you'll find the truth somewhere between them.
Truth is a hill worth dying on.
Sorry this is a long post and maybe it's useless but I thought it was important to try
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ofrolysdogs · 7 months
jax boyfriend headcanons
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me when i make a headcanon post every blue moon... anyways, i watched the amazing digital circus and its safe to say... i love me some jax lol, also, i usually do nsfw headcanons as well however i decided to keep this sfw until i get some inspo on what to do with him spicy wise ;)
now this won't be as detailed as my feitan one (if you like hxh and especially if you're a feitan enthusiast then you definitely might want to check this out!) also, if you're looking forward to comissioning me to write (or draw) anything, dm me for now (i'll link my prices here when i get the chance)
warnings: tadc spoilers obviously but overall none so far??? jax just being jax and a bit of angst at the end, abstracting and all, you knew it was coming.
how you first met
well for starters, jax will treat you just like he does everyone else, he's kind of an asshole and you may not like him at first, his cheeky and sometimes insulting remarks kind of either catch you off guard or rub you the wrong way, you get used to this behavior when the two of you confirm the relationship.
realizing he likes you
he is very conflicted with his feeling about this, he can't lie, the more he hangs around you, gets used to your personality, he doesn't know exactly what to do, he hasn't really felt any romantic attraction towards anyone since he came in from the real world, but something about you caught his attention, the others point out how weird he acts when they mention you, or better yet, when you're around, he's less... well, himself! after some time he kind of treats you a bit different from everyone else, he doesn't realize it but everyone spots it big time! he isn't as rude with you as he is towards everyone else, he might even give you a cheesy little nickname depending on what you are or what you look like (if you're shorter than him he might just call you shorty or tiny, if you're taller he'll probably call you skyscraper or giant.)
eventually, he confesses...
on a very special day, jax had eventually gotten tired of hiding his feelings, he had truly came to the realization that he liked you, like, a lot, one day he would go on to find you, and pull you to the side, and tell you... vaguely, that he liked you, you weren't exactly getting the hint, until he spat it out: "i think you're cute, and i want you to be my (partner), alright!?"
he was surprised that you said yes, knowing at first, you weren't exactly a fan of him, you said yes, you wanted to go out with him.. he didn't show how flabbergasted he was, always with his cool, composed expression, that smile and all. "a deals a deal."
you're his lover... now what?
so, pretty much everyone knows that the two of you are a thing, and he confident enough to make it clear that he loves you, enough time has passed for him to tell you that he loves and adores you, very much so.
miscellaneous things
when it comes to him being jealous, or more accurately; territorial, he'll get quiet, scarily quiet, his face is blank as he watches the person flirt with you, when you're not around, or on that day he feels particularly playful, he'll pick on them, and not in the usual way, straight up insults masked as a joke, don't forget, he also holds grudges, sometimes..
you abstracting
that day came, one of his biggest fears came true, you abstracted, he stared in disbelief as he watched, you looked at him with those eyes, you were not the same, and it was hard to come to terms with that, when cane puts you in the cellar, he can't help but shed tears, he doesn't wail (he saves that for later when he's alone) but it's something new for the others to experience.
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roolette · 7 months
loved your smoke nsfw alphabet and hoped that you could do the same with Johnny? thanks 😁
You KNOW I can do that
Johnny Cage NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Gonna be real, it takes him some time to get into the habit of doing aftercare. He's used to quick hookups, emotionless sex, etc, and he isn't sure how to go about aftercare. Still, he tries. First, he'll offer you a towel. Then, he'll actually be the one to clean you up. Eventually, aftercare becomes normal for him, and he gets really excited about being able to hold you and kiss you after sex. He likes to lie against your chest and kiss your neck
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
All of it. For both you and him. For him, I mean, isn't that obvious? He's THE Johnny Cage, he's sexy as fuck. Specifically, he really likes his hands. For you, he thinks that you're just hot, and he likes the whole package. He really likes your neck, though. Easily kissable and looks great when marked up.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
If you let him cum on your face, he's yours forever. Literally loves the way you look with his cum dripping down your cheeks. Will wipe it off your face and have you open your mouth so he can stick his finger in. He thinks it's the hottest thing.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's a total exhibitionist, and really likes the idea of people seeing the videos you two have made together. Obviously, he'd never do anything without your consent, but if you were ever down, he'd make sure the world knew just how good he fucks you. You'd probably be trending on Twitter.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Experienced in sex, not as experienced in something as intimate and loving as you two. He'll have to remind himself that it's okay to go slow, that you aren't going anywhere, and he can take his time with you.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
He likes when you ride him. He gets a front row seat to you loosing yourself on his dick, and it's the perfect view. He'll hold your hips, thighs, and ass while you ride him, making sure you don't slow down. He'll tease you, too, and it quickly turns into banter.
"C'mon, don't tell me you're getting tired already, hun."
"You can't be the one calling me lazy right now."
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
He makes so many jokes. Quips, quotes, everything in between. "Wow babe, you're so tight, that's so cool." There's just a lot of laughter and love here. You two have interrupted sex because you ended up getting into some weird debate or joke.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Man is HAIRLESS. Waxed. Such is the life of a star. He doesn't care about whether or not you shave, though. Hair is natural, after all.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
As much as he's goofy, as much as he dirty talks, there is obvious love and care in every move he makes with you. He wants you to have a good time, and he'll check in to make sure you are.
"Are you good? Like, you're sure? I can move?"
"I've been good for the past five minutes, Johnny. You can fuck me."
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
He doesn't WANT to jerk off, he has the hottest partner in the world, so there shouldn't be any need for that. However, his work has him traveling a lot, which means sometimes he has to do what he has to do. Luckily, with the videos he has of you, there's plenty of jerk off fodder. He also likes phone sex if you're down, and he'll send plenty of pictures that manage to have both his face and dick in the picture- gotta include the whole package.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I've done a whole post on this here, but I'll add on to it! He likes using toys on you. If you're afab, he'll hold a vibrator to your clit while he fucks you. He also really likes lingerie, no matter what gender you are. He thinks it looks so good on you, and he'll pull the fabric to the side and fuck you.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
In your big bed, obviously. Also against the kitchen counter. Besides the obvious, he likes to fuck you at parties, in some side room or in the corner, not exactly in front of everyone, but dangerously close to being caught. He'll hold his hand over your mouth, whispering in your ear.
"Shh, shh... c'mon, you want everyone finding us out?"
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Everything. Breathe and he's hard. He likes when you dress up, and any pretty outfit is in danger of getting ripped off later. Also, if he's sitting down somewhere, randomly straddling his lap will absolutely do it for him.
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Doesn't like HEAVY bdsm. He likes spanking you, but beyond that, he usually just feels weird and guilty if he hurts you any more beyond that. He's the furthest thing for a sadist. He won't get turned on if you cry during sex, he's going to check in and make sure you're okay.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Preferred receiving in the beginning, and still loves it. He likes seeing you look up at him with wide eyes while you suck his dick, holding your hair and guiding you along. Once he got a taste of you, though, that all changed. He could give you head for hours, loves to hear the noises you make. Don't make him choose, he loves both.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Likes going fast and rough, quickly making you cum before doing it again. He's an energetic guy, and going fast works for him. There are, of course, times when he'll go slow, drawing things out and making you squirm.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
LOVES THEM. Thinks they're exhilarating. He says they blow off steam, but he usually just ends up more riled up after.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
He's game for the most part, except for anything that will hurt you too bad. Besides that, he wants to try different stuff with you, and he's pretty openminded.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
I don't think this man gets tired, ever. He can last multiple rounds, and he wants to make you cum as many times as he can. Likes to hear you whining and begging for release one more time.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
As I've said, likes using toys. If you're down to peg him, he is SO down for you to peg him. He gets pretty bratty and whiney when you top him, taunting you. Luckily, you're quick to put him in his place.
"Is that all you can do? I'm barely feeling it here."
"Shut up, Johnny. I'll give you something to feel."
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He's the literal worst. The type to finger you under the table with people there. He'll whisper in your ear, promising all the things he's going to do to you. And don't worry, he keeps every promise.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not only does he whine and moan, he TALKS. He will babble on and on about how good you feel, how well you take him, how hot you are. It's flattering, of course, but I don't think he could shut up if he tried. You wonder how he manages to cum when he's so busy talking.
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
Thinks it's hot when you wear is clothes. No one can wear them better than him, of course, but he loves the way it's just a little too big on you. He'll fuck you in one of his shirts.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Longer than thick, and he knows how to use it.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Again, breathe and he's hard. He's pretty much always willing, but understands if you're not. He'll always respect your boundaries. Sex is only fun if both people are into it, after all.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He likes to stay up talking with you, but since you guys usually do more than one round, it's easy for him to get tired. Likes falling asleep with you against his chest. He feels safe with you.
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alicerosejensen · 7 months
Find me
Warning: mention of blood, violence (physical and psychological), mention of viruses, parasites, zombies; kidnapping; the reader has a slight anemia; Fem/reader; established relationship with Leon.
Synopsis: You could have a quiet wedding and a good life with the person you love most in the world. Leon was ready to protect you to the death from his enemies and viruses but… it seems that someone is also interested in you. And the price for life will be very high.
A/N: The idea from this post that I wrote about quite a long time ago. "Together forever" I'm not very good at writing (apparently the Yandere theme is not mine, no matter how much I like it). So I'm going to try this plot. I don't know how many parts there will be, but if everything goes well, then probably a lot (maybe 10-12 or so). I hope someone likes it because I have serious notes on this work in my notebook, as if these are sketches for the 9th part of the resident).
Tags will be added to the following parts. I was very much inspired by the remaster and Haunting ground when I was taking notes. After all, both games were made by Capcom.
Feedback is welcome (but no insults!)
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Sometimes the worst horror happens in the name of love. It's not the worst plot for books, films or paintings that are more than a hundred years old and it's impossible not to admit that sometimes we want to be loved until our death.
And maybe after it.
The words sound soft, with a slight taste of regret, as if somewhere between the letters there is a treacherous "I'm sorry". But in fact it was so predictable. Leon hugs you too tightly, experiencing an inexhaustible sense of guilt, because he promised to decide together where you will spend your honeymoon, which is unlikely to last exactly a month, he promised to watch a movie with you that you have been planning for a long time and… and everything went to hell.
Leon nuzzles your cheek and devoutly kisses you gently, leaving a wet trail with his eyes closed. Another sign of his eternal love, his lips are imprinted on the bridge of your nose, making you smile from the slight tickle caused by his stubble. He had no power over not being called to work for at least another week, but the government is not interested in the personal life of his best agent. And yet you enjoy the way he puts his arm around your waist, holding you as tightly as he can.
"Okay, Mr. Kennedy," you joke kindly, inhaling the almost faded scent of his cologne. "I forgive you, once again. Run to save the world" You smile looking into his crystal blue eyes filled with sadness and longing.
"I promise that I will ask the authorities for a good vacation," Leon swears very sensually, continuing to hold you tightly in his hands and look with those puppy eyes from which the soul is torn apart and kisses again this time on the forehead, "If necessary, I will harness Ingrit and no one will bother us. We'll plan everything the way you want, even if it's a tour of all the castles in Europe"
You laugh sincerely, removing the bangs from his face, hoping to stretch the moment of intimacy with him longer. It was so warm and safe next to him that you snuggled up to his chest and he gently cradled you in his arms like a child.
"Don't do anything stupid in my absence"
"I still need to do an exhibition and maybe I'll finally clean up the bookcase," you lie knowing full well that the books will still lie randomly on the shelves and you won't even touch them. Actually, your work was the only thing that could save you from the all-consuming longing for Leon.
"Be careful, okay?" with some hidden fear, he asks, reluctantly releasing you from the ring of embraces. "I'll call as soon as I get a free minute and I'll really be back soon"
Leon is already out on the street and you follow him with a sad look, noticing some dark car to the side. Rightly deciding that they came for him, you lower your head, sighing heavily and literally taken aback when Leon's lips abruptly cover yours with a demanding and somewhat rude kiss that you forget how to breathe. At some point you try to seize the initiative, but strong hands push you against the wall and you hit the back of your head a little painfully, allowing him to dominate. As always.
"I would eat you right here," Leon said sarcastically and quietly stroking your hips, "But I really have to go."
And you silently bite your lower lip while watching him move away from you and get on his bike.
Well, that cool car wasn't for him, but this thought quickly leaves your head and in the end, tired of standing on the street, you just go back into the house, closing the door, grabbing the phone and immediately sending him an impatient "I miss you already." However, this does not prevent you from also ordering food with home delivery and watching some movie to pass the evening that was hopelessly spoiled.
The evening really became disgusting, neither delicious food saved him, nor a good movie will save him.
"Complete shit" a quiet curse came off your lips when you looked at the phone screen for the hundredth time in the evening and endlessly reread Leon's last message "My love…" which seems to have been imbued with such despair that tears came to your eyes. He was like a big kid who couldn't live a day without you and besides, only with you his sleep was like a more or less healthy one. You were his only light and he wanted that light to stay with him forever. Well, you could send him a hundred more messages, but it's unlikely that he will have the opportunity to read them in the next few hours or even days. So with bitterness, you just turned off the TV and went to the bathroom to get ready for an earlier than usual sleep.
Hot water pleasantly calmed and warmed the skin flowing down the body. You spent 15 minutes in the shower, brushing your teeth and doing all the usual and favorite cosmetic procedures, smeared your body with a lotion with a pleasant floral scent, waiting for it to soak into pale skin. The mood even improved a little when you changed into pajamas and straightened the bed once more before putting your head on the pillow and looking at the phone.
There's no point blaming Leon or doubting his love. It wasn't up to him. Sometimes he was dragged out of bed late at night and you could not see him for weeks without even being able to talk on the phone for one minute. But when he returned, he turned into a puppy clinging to his beloved owner and covered your body with a lot of kisses, not letting you get out of bed. Not that you mind… You always miss him and worry about him.
Sighing, you turn over on your side, putting the phone on the bedside table and not seeing the desired message from your fiance. Therefore, grabbing Leon's pillow, the lungs are filled with his smell and instead of feeling his presence, you experience only a deep feeling tearing apart that makes your heart beat a little faster.
And closing your eyes, you reach for the switch, when suddenly for a second the phone quickly notifies you of a new message from the addressee next to whose name the heart turns red.
"Don't forget to take the pills that the doctor prescribed for you. I want this sickly pallor to disappear. Love you"
Well, smiling, you took a screenshot of the message for some reason, saving it in your gallery on your phone. After sending Leon the answer, you still remembered that you really forgot about those pills once again, but you didn't want to get up anymore, so you left this matter for the morning. Sighing once again, trying his luck in the hope that Leon would write something else, your mobile was treacherously silent while you were just flipping through the social media feed.networks thinking only about how dependent you are on this man. However, the same can be said about him. The phone went out, as did the light in the bedroom, and sleep slowly overtook your mind when you hugged else's pillow without hearing quiet footsteps in the next room. The uninvited guest, thanks to Leon, had to tinker a lot with the lock of the front door before he unlocked it, quietly closing it behind him so as not to attract your attention while you were in the shower. Merging with the surrounding darkness, it was necessary to wait for the right time and prepare the syringe so that everything went as it should and the target was quietly neutralized without attracting the attention of neighbors.
The order was well paid and the fact that Leon left the house on that day was only to his advantage. After all, a government agent can ruin everything and getting rid of him threatened big problems that were not needed by anyone, but who will remember about his pretty bride, about whom he will probably quickly forget everything himself? The unknown person only needed to stick a pomeranian, inject the substance and quietly take the target out of the house by throwing a fake note with a handwriting similar to yours that you and Leon do not see the future for yourself. Pick up a few personal items and throw them in the nearest trash as proof of the truthful departure of the unfaithful bride.
Not the worst plan, especially since Leon Kennedy will think about your disappearance and how natural it is, no one really cares. Even if he suspects this ill-conceived plan, by that time you will be too far away from here anyway.
The problem was solved by itself because you are a simple art worker did not pose any threat even if you tried to resist. One step, two… the blessed victim will not suspect anything until the very moment when someone else's hand in a black glove closes her mouth and sticks a needle into her body. You fall asleep without suspecting anything, somehow reflexively reaching to the left side where Leon usually sleeps with his back to the bedroom door.
You are separated by literally a few meters from each other before one inept movement spoils everything.
The sound of falling books that Leon has been asking you to arrange exactly for so long makes you open your eyes by squeezing the pillowcase of the pillow and the "guest" freeze without touching the door handle. However, you felt a gaze on you that did not let you be deceived that someone had entered the house.
In Leon's bedside table there is a 9mm pistol fully loaded. It's not that you were very accurate, but Leon took you to a place as entertainment, where you trained shooting at targets under the watchful eye.
"not the worst result for a beginner," he said condescendingly so as not to upset you, but it was fun even if the gun was real.
Except now there are no jokes! You heard another step towards your side and held your breath, gathering strength for a jerk to pull out the gun and remove it from the safety. From fear, the heart beat faster, causing the blood to roar in your ears and before the intruder's hand landed on your face, you abruptly rolled to the left side of the bed, throwing a pillow at the person standing over you, winning for yourself a couple of seconds from his confusion.
Jumping to your feet, you quickly grabbed the gun pointing it at the man with trembling hands, removing it from the safety.
"Your own life is more expensive," you thought when a man of impressive size in a mask stood a meter away from you without a weapon, because his goal is to deliver you alive because you will not be of any use dead.
You held his floor at gunpoint, but your hands were shaking from the unusual weight and you really wanted to lower them down, but you held on trying not to panic. A step towards you and you pulled the trigger without aiming so stupidly hitting the closet, startled by the loud noise of the shot, immediately shrinking and from unaccustomed frightened by the strong recoil of the weapon.
"Fuck," he swore loudly, immediately rushing to you, forcing you to scream at the top of your voice while miraculously dodging. Rushing to the door, the first thought was to run outside and ask for help from neighbors, especially since the sound of a gunshot and a woman's scream certainly did not go unnoticed and someone probably should have already called the police. We just need to hold out. However, you only managed to jump out into the corridor when suddenly a strong man's hand roughly grabbed you by the hand in which you were holding a gun and your finger pressed the hook again making a shot.
Again a loud noise, your screams and a small hole in the ceiling.
Again the bullet flew by.
"Get off me, you bastard!"
A ringing slap in the face and you abruptly fell to the floor dropping the gun somewhere to the side. He immediately hung over you, but grabbing the first book that came to hand, you threw it in her man's face and taking advantage of another hitch jumped to her feet, running on without thinking about how much lip hurts.
And yet, the chances of escape were initially small, especially when shortness of breath began due to anemia and the chest began to ache sharply. A deep breath did not help even if your body was filled with adrenaline, he still knocked you to the floor, pressing your whole body to the floor, taking that ill-fated syringe out of your pocket and sticking it into you by quickly pressing the plunger . It only takes a few minutes, but because of your screams and shots, even they could put the entire mission under the "failed" icon, so without wasting even these precious minutes, the kidnapper grabs you by the hair and just hits your head on the floor suppressing resistance at the root. The world before your eyes becomes hazy and barely audible when a strange and unusual feeling of lightness covers you despite the pain in your head.
"Bitch ruined everything"
This bastard threw you over his shoulder and quickly ran out of the house, leaving the syringe lying there on the floor because there was no more time. Throwing you carelessly like a sack into the backseat, he slammed the door and gave gas to get away from the crime scene as soon as possible and dump the tail by moving to another car. They'll pay him well anyway.
You only blurred vision being on the verge of consciousness silently watched your loss until a long sleep covered you.
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chocodile · 7 months
Apologies if you've answered this somewhere: for your Amaranthine 'verse, are there any "hybrid" animal folk? On one hand, kwillow's Theo has a rat and a stoat as parents, but Theo himself is a rat (with his mother's coloring, but still a rat). On the other, Ambroys very clearly looks like a cross between a horse (father) and Something Else (Celestial mother). In the middle is Hayden's one night stand with the cat barmaid, which resulted in a child with a bunny's snout/tail, a flatter catlike face, and bunny ears a biiiit too wide and pointed to be 100% "bunny."
I'm super curious about the genetics of it as well as the social aspect (i.e. is son considered a bunny/cat/both by his peers?). It's one of my favorite bits about anthro worldbuilding!
Hybrids exist, but are pretty rare!
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Typically, children will just inherit their species from one parent or the other. Hybridization is very unusual and typically is limited to one or two very minor traits--like the child of a rabbit having slightly longer ears, the child of a weasel having a noodlier build, the child of a carnivore having fangs, etc. In almost all cases, the dominant species of the child is very clear, and the hybrid traits tend to be very recessive--rarely preserved beyond one generation.
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Particularly in the Western Kingdom, though, hybrid children do have a reputation for being unlucky, an ill omen, or even outright cursed (depending how superstitious the person you're asking is). There are a few reasons for this… the simplest is that hybrid traits are sort of a "birth defect" that can sometimes present along with other health issues. Though not all hybrids are frail and sickly, any concern about a child's susceptibility to illness was a huge deal in rural peasant villages that already tended to have high childhood mortality rates.
Over time, the perception of hybrid children = ill omen became warped and exaggerated. Western Kingdom folktales sometimes cast hybrids as vaguely supernatural trickster characters, such as tales of mysterious changeling babies whose hybrid traits eventually revealed them to be half Infernal.
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For this reason, the actual frequency of hybrid traits is probably greatly under reported… anyone who can hide or ignore or lie about their hybrid traits probably will. Though most Western Kingdom superstitions fell away after the collapse of the old kingdoms, some degree of stigma in Post-Fall society remains. No one seriously thinks a sheep with fangs is half Infernal anymore (most don't believe that Infernals and Celestials even exist), but it will still probably be passively assumed that a hybrid is less fit for difficult labor, among other things.
Half Celestial and Half Infernal offspring work a bit different… they're always technically "hybrids", but specifically hybridize in such a way that they take the form of mythological creatures (unicorn, dragon, cockatrice, etc). I'll let Kwillow talk more about this when she discusses Ambroys' mother since she's been the one working on this section of the lore, but Half Celestials are most certainly seen as a blessing. Half Infernals… well, fear of them is part of the reason hybrids are stigmatized in the first place, so suffice to say they have it rather rough. How severe the stigma is varies across cultures and tends to be worse in the rural West, better in cities, and pretty much completely absent in much of the Eastern Kingdom.
In the Post-Fall present day, nobody believes Celestials, Infernals, or their offspring exist anymore... aside from those who know about The Kingdom of the Sun.
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Also, once in a while, a hybrid is born whose traits are so blended that their parent species are difficult to determine. These very unlucky individuals are referred to as "chimeras" and tend to have shorter life expectancies, among other things. We may be seeing a character who fits this description eventually. :P
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the-s1lly-corner · 28 days
Master of Me
Not totally sold on the name for the fic maybe I'll change it midway through typing this and forget to take this sentence out haha! Short little fic because TADC is on my mind, probably only going to be slightly longer than my other posts... we will see! Notes: Reader is GN, Gummigoo and the reader are not dating but they are close friends, AU where Gummi was allowed to stay at the circus, comfort fic, limited dialogue, reader doesn't remember anything about their life before joining the circus. like nothing at all. not proof read we die like kaufmo CWs: Gummigoo is still struggling to fully come to terms with the fact that he is just an NPC- really it's just some angst Word count: 1.3k
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No one ever said it was going to be easy, and he didn't expect it to be easy. Nor did he expect it to come fast... but he had hoped that within the weeks after joining the circus it would become more bearable. It.. had.. but he wasn't making as much progress as he had hoped. Some days were better than others, where the thought that everything he knew was a lie didn't cross his mind. Other days it hit him hard enough to keep him holed up in bed.
You had been kind enough to share your room with him, Caine had yet to make a room for the new circus member- whether he didn't want to or he couldn't you weren't sure. You tried your best to give the gator some room so he can gather himself on his own time, opting to wander around the circus until it was time to go to bed. Sometimes he would even join you, allowing you to show him the grounds. It was all so different from what he knew in the desert, though... those were all false memories too, weren't they?
Today had been one of those days, that left him too shaken to get up and join the others during the day's adventure. You told the others to go along without you. Everyone but Zooble left, but it's not like they were going to step in to help you pull Gummigoo out of his mind- though they did surprise you by showing some level of support through the form of wishing you luck.
He didn't have the key to your room, so he couldn't lock himself in. Not that he would if he could- he was grateful that you had given him the space, but he would feel terrible for taking it a step too far.
The lights were dimmed, you could just barely see his form sat at the edge of your bed. You noted how the lights looked against the material of his body. If you squinted, you could see small specks of sugar within his lemon lime body. He had noticed you, but didn't say much aside from a short apology- did you need something? Was he in the way? He was about to get up before you stopped him and sat next to him.
"What's going on with you," You asked, though as soon as the words had left your mouth you felt stupid for asking. You knew exactly what was going on, sure you may not know what set him off in particular or what part he's focusing on... but you still knew enough. You watched his white eyes narrow at the floor, as if it was the most interesting thing to him. He sighed after a moment, and lifted his head to stare at you. He was missing his mother today, or at least his idea of her.
"Nothing really happened, did it?" He muttered, referencing everything he could gather from his memories. That seemed to only make things worse, though, seeing as they were all so... limited. Artificial. False. "Oh god, none of it happened, did it?" He added after a few more struggled words clawed their way through his teeth. You sucked on your teeth as you tried to find the right words to say. For a terrifying moment you wondered if NPCs would abstract- what if you said the wrong thing and triggered it?
The words fell out of your mouth before you could stop yourself.
"It was real to you, wasn't it?"
Silence, and he whipped his head to stare at you before pulling his eyes back down.
"It may not have been... real... but they're still your memories, it's still... who you were originally meant to be- you know?" You added, but that didn't seem to help. "I wasn't supposed to find out, I know that much," He said lowly. He sounded angry, but it didn't sound like it directed at you exactly.
Suddenly he looked at you, with enough speed and intensity to make you jump just a bit and scoot back to avoid his snout. "But you don't remember anything from before you came to this... place.."
You only nodded, when you had joined the circus you actually remembered less than the other members- you didn't even remember putting on the headset that brought you here. To you, it was like you simply spawned into existence. You remembered how terrifying that was, how you seemingly came to and had to build everything up with what you were given.
"Just like you... kind of..." You whispered, and with a look he urged you to continue. "You don't remember much of anything from before you... tried to steal the syrup. You hit a.. block.. when you try to remember anything before that. You had... nothing, not to sound like what's happening to you doesn't matter any less.." You trailed off, then attempted to regain yourself. "You..." but your words failed.
"How did you make it work, didn't you ever want to return back to what you had before.. Before.." He stopped. "I almost want to go back, wouldn't that be easier?" He stared down at his hands, a habit you noticed that he picked up. He bunched his fingers together before relaxing them, before tensing them again.
"It was hard at first, for me too.. but," You chewed your tongue. It felt like it was plastic. "I got to make new memories," You managed to spit out. Gummigoo went silent, looking you in the eyes for a long moment before seeming to understand.
"You can't change what's happening, what's.. happened.. or what you were before- regardless of if it actually happened. You're in control now, and you're free to make your own choices now!" You offered a half smiling, hoping you had said the right thing. "It's not exactly like what I went through, I'm not from the digital world, and you are.. but, we were both new to this at some point,"
Then he laughed. He actually laughed, albeit weakly and airily. He shook his head lightly, tugging his hat down before taking a deep breath through his nose. "You're not wrong about that, (Reader)," He let his body relax. He was far from okay, but he was seeming to even out now.
He looked at you again, once more in the eyes. You forced yourself to maintain the contact, before he pulled his face away. His eyes scanned over the room, taking in everything they could see. "I'm in control now, am I?" He said to himself, his hand relaxing as he spoke. He lowered his head a little, before his mouth stretched into a smile. "If I'm going to carve my own path, I'm glad that you've given me the tools," He flicked a glance to you, "I'd be happy if you stuck around,"
You only smiled, before nodding. "Bit hard, since you've stolen my bed! We're stuck together already!"
You pulled another laugh out of him, this time it was a little stronger. "I can't argue with that, I do get rather sticky do I?" He smirked. "You don't have a choice of helping me, if you even think of stepping away I'm going to glue you to me," He joked. He was returning to his usual self, slowly.
"You say that like it's a bad thing," You shot back earning a third laugh.
You could hear the sounds of the rest of the circus returning from their adventure. Had you both been talking for that long? Had that much time passed. You looked to Gummigoo, it didn't feel right leaving him here alone after the conversation you had just had together... so you had decided to stay.
At least for now, for as long as he needed you to stick around.
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mirai-e-jump · 8 months
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Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Character Book: We're KING!!!!!! Main Cast Member Interviews (translations below, LONG POST)
Taisei Sakai (Gira Husty) Interview
-Have a backbone when facing as Gira-
"When you were first accepted for the role, what did the Director and Producer tell you about Gira's character?"
Sakai: When all the cast members got together for the first time, we were given all our materials, and I spoke with Director (Kazuya) Kamihoriuchi, who told me, "Be yourself when playing Gira." At first, I didn't really understand it, but as filming progressed, I slowly began to understand what he meant. Gira is very genuine with his emotions. When he's mad, he's mad, when he's sad, he's sad, and his facial expressions are distinct, so I interpreted it in my own way, by acting honestly, and even now, I'm still mindful of that when performing.
"Gira's brother and former king of Shugoddam, Racules Husty, thought of his citizens as tools, and while it was meant to oppose him, Gira sometimes called himself, "The evil king." What are your thoughts on this?"
Sakai: I think it's something that comes out unexpectedly, like when my emotions start to overflow, or when I have something I want to hide, but my personality makes me unable to lie. It's also the same for when I want to motivate myself.
"Is it difficult switching between that and regular Gira?"
Sakai: It was difficult. Director Kamihoriuchi gave me detailed instructions on the emotional flow of going from regular to evil, and then from evil to regular, and I'd practice alot even after going home.
"You seem to do alot of preparation before you start filming."
Sakai: Yeah. I think it's important to spend time going over the script in order to get into the role. I imagine everything from, "Why is Gira in this place?," "What types of food did Gira eat growing up?," "What kinds of kids does he spend time with, and how does he play with them?" By doing so, I feel that I can easily get into the role.
"You have a unique way of delivering lines, it's abit literary, isn't it?"
Sakai: I looked up things in the dictionary, like the meaning of, "One tree, one plant"* (laughs). But, while it's important to understand the meaning, I also think it's important to know who Gira's speaking to and with what kind of emotion, so I try to be aware of that. (*Japanese idiom)
"It's been about six months since filming began. Are there any areas where you feel Gira has grown?"
Sakai: Recently, I became more aware that I'm king. As king, Gira struggles with what he should be doing going forward, but I feel that he's grown compared to the first episode. I've learned alot from my conflicts with the other kings, such as with Yanma (Gast) and Hymeno (Ran), and while I haven't changed at my core, I'm gradually becoming more mature.
"Once more, when playing the role, what do you consider to be the most important features of Gira's character?"
Sakai: He's the type of person who's straightforward and expresses his emotions more than the other kings, so that's probably the most important thing I'm conscious of. When I'm happy, I look happy, when I'm mad, I look mad…and so on. I myself am not the type of person to express my emotions very much, so I try to be conscious of raising my "gears" 2-3 times to get as close to Gira as I can.
"As filming progressed, did you feel more comfortable being Gira?"
Sakai: I think so, recently I felt that I'm finally getting used to it. But, I still have a long way to go. I can do "angry" and "sad," with ease, but "happy" is still difficult for me. The way I feel is something I'm still struggling with.
"Conversely, what do you enjoy about performing?"
Sakai: The times when I can act as myself. When I can communicate well with those around me and think, "This scene will definitely turn out good," I feel very fulfilled. When I can absorb myself into a role, I don't feel strange when I watch my performance in the broadcast. However, there are times where I'll already have something to reflect on during filming, and when I see the broadcast I'll think, "I could have expressed myself better there."
"You get so into your role, that we were surprised to hear that you're the type of person who doesn't show much emotion, so were you surprised when you were chosen to play Gira?"
Sakai: Gira's slightly outgoing, innocent, and straightforward personality may have been something I could've identified with, but even so, it still felt like something I wasn't expecting. Everyone around me is so amazing at their performance, that I wondered, "Was I really the right person for this role?" At the time, I really felt this way.
"At the time of this book's publication, episode 26 will have aired, but please tell us about any memorable scenes or lines."
Sakai: The scene with Racules in episode 20. Gira's objective since the first episode has been to defeat Racules, but it was very difficult to maintain that objective throughout those 20 episodes. In this episode, Gira says to Racules, "I'll surrender if you apologize to everybody and become a king who'll work to protect them." When I said that line, I perfected it after thinking back on the events from the first episode, so it's a scene that I'm very attached to. Furthermore, It was also a turning point for us because (Masato) Yano-san, who plays Racules, would be stepping away from filming.
"Do you think that the talent of Yano-san was a big part of the reason for that scene turning out good?"
Sakai: I've really learned alot from him. We've worked together on other productions in the past, he's been a great help to me in my private life, and of course, he's consulted with me alot on set. To me, he's like a big brother I can rely on.
"How's the action in the scenes where you fight without transforming?"
Sakai: About a day before filming, Action Director (Watanabe) Jun-san gives us a chance to practice in the studio. I'm not that good at action, so if I don't practice, I might have a hard time later. The sword is also heavy, so the action scenes were already difficult. I'm going to do my best at improving my sword fighting skills.
"In the movie "Adventure Heaven," which released this past July, there was a scene where you and Shido Nakamura, who played the role of Reiniol, the first king of Shugoddam, had a fight, and so the practicing continued."
Sakai: Once again, by being apart of the Super Sentai series, it's given me the opportunity to experience not only acting, but also action, dubbing, variety and a wide range of other things, I'm very grateful for this. Also, another moment that left an impression on me, was the dialogue with Kuwagon (mechanical lifeform "Shugod" Gira fights alongside) in episode 25. Chatani Kazuyuki-san gave me detailed directions, and through trial and error, shot the scene about 5 or 6 times. At first, I was saying my lines unconventionally, but the Director told me to just perform it from the heart. The Director then encouraged me to add inflection to my lines. By changing my attitude, I was able to really get into the scene, and I felt a good response with this change, so it's a scene I'd like everyone to watch again.
"In episode 26, Gira's line of, "If you make the first move, you're evil, if you win, it's called justice, none of it even matters. All that really matters is….who can apologize first," was also memorable.
Sakai: As of this interview, we haven't shot that scene yet, but it's a scene that I really treasure. I'm currently thinking of a plan for how to act out the scene where I make the sincere apology.
"It shows that Gira is a person truly worthy of being king."
Sakai: It shows the size of Gira's capability, doesn't it? I think Gira's grown in this respect compared to the beginning of the series.
"Also, for a time, Gira often wore disguises to hide the fact he survived, were any of them memorable?"
Sakai: It would have to be the pillbug looking "Pilltaxi" suit I wore in episode 15. As I said in my dialog, it really was super hot to wear (laughs). The filming took place during the time of season where either short sleeves or long sleeves were appropriate, but first, I had to wear yellow tights, 2 down jackets on top, carry a heavy shell on my back, and put on goggles and headphones…..It was very hot and I also had to do action scenes, so while it was alot of fun, it was also pretty difficult (laughs).
-Moving straight ahead to create a "Good Country!-
"Next, please tell us about your impressions of the other kings. Let's start with Yanma."
Sakai: I have the most scenes of conflict with Yanma, but, he's also my partner. Aoto Watanabe (who plays Yanma), also puts his emotions into his performance, which then turns on my "switch," and allows me to give it my all. Gira is usually pretty direct, but I think he's most direct with Yanma. It feels like we're alittle special. When Gira rushes to Yanma's side in episode 17, it made me think that we share a very passionate friendship.
"By the way, how do you think Gira feels when Yanma calls him "Octomush"?"
Sakai: I don't think he has any complaints (laughs). If anything, it makes me think, "Ah! He called for me!" I guess it feels the same as being called "Gira" normally. Currently, being called "Octomush" has become normal. That's why I was alittle surprised when Yanma said "Gira" in episode 17, even though Gira wasn't around.
"Please also tell us about Hymeno."
Sakai: I often clash with Hymeno as well. In episode 14, when Hymeno was about to go down a slightly different path as king, Gira strongly says, "Is this the face you want your people to see?" However, from an objective view, I feel that Gira is treated like a toy by Hymeno (laughs). I'm sure Gira doesn't think anything of it, but from my point of view, it's an interesting relationship.
"What about Rita Kaniska?"
Sakai: I think Rita is the one Gira respects the most. Of course, everyone else also respects them. The scene in episode 5 where they pass judgment saying, "If I say he's not guilty, he's not guilty!," it was so cool that I got goosebumps. They're the opposite of Gira in terms of personality, but from Gira's point of view, they're an elder like figure who looks out for him. We haven't had many one on one scenes together, so I hope there'll be more in the future.
"Continuing on, please tell us about Kaguragi Dybowski."
Sakai: Regarding him, the way Kaguragi was towards the end of episode 15 left a strong impression on me. The concern Kaguragi has for his sister and Toufu makes him choose to side with Racules and, by extension, the Bugnarak, despite his true beliefs. The scene where Gira asks, "Isn't your heart crying?" was really memorable. Kaguragi is often misunderstood because he won't show his true feelings easily, but Gira tries to see the good in him and appears to trust him. The scene in episode 18, where Gira secretly communicated with Kaguragi behind the other king's backs, was also a wonderful one. Not just Kaguragi, but the scenes where each king showed their emotions left a lasting impression on me.
"The powerup item for KuwagataOhger, the Ohger Crown, was stolen from Racules and given to Gira, suggesting that Kaguragi also trusts Gira."
Sakai: That's right. At first glance, the relationship between the kings may seem surface level, but I feel that they've gradually started trusting each other. I thought that although the characters were different, they all faced the same direction. When I think back on it, my impression of everyone might be similar due to how Gira treats everyone the same (laughs). But, the good thing about Gira is that he doesn't change depending on the person. However, I think the way I treat Jeramie (Brasieri) is alittle different from the others. He's got a boyish spirit and is a character loved by everyone around him, so I think we share a similar character, almost like we're, "A couple of bad boys." He's alittle different from the other kings, and I expect that their relationship will become even more heated in the future.
"We'd also like to ask about your feelings towards Racules, who you've been fighting. You must have mixed feelings…."
Sakai: For me, I wasn't told about the kind of relationship they had as children. Gira is said to have little memories of those days, so it would be better if he didn't know. I'm trying to imagine if Gira was told anything by Racules, so I'm looking forward to finding out the answers to these questions in the future.
"Also, you're often able to perform with children, such as Kogane and Boone, who grew up in the same orphanage as Gira, please tell us what you keep in mind with them."
Sakai: I think it's important to have the same point of view as children. I'd make me happy if Gira's attitude was that he wanted to have fun with the children from the same perspective. The stance of wanting to have fun together from the same perspective is something that Director Kamihoriuchi told me from the beginning of the series, so I'd like to push that point further.
"Do you think there's anything about the other 5 cast members that you would actually consider to be kingly?"
Sakai: Watanabe (Yanma) has a manly spirit, which is really similar with Yanma in that respect. When we stop by a convenience store, he'll buy something for me without me knowing, and he'll do it without hesitation. He's the type who takes his acting very seriously, which I also think is really cool. When we watched "All Rush" (pre broadcast screenings) together, he'd sometimes reflect saying, "I wish I did more of this." I think he's a really passionate person. Erika-chan (Hymeno) is someone who pays close attention to her surroundings. I admire her for her thoughtfulness. Her demeanor is beautiful, and I think she's the perfect fit for the role of Hymeno. I think Yuzuki-chan (Rita) is way different from Rita (laughs). She's very approachable and mindful of her surroundings. Both Erika-chan and Yuzuki-chan are very mature, and good at being able to see the whole picture. Yuzuki-chan is also the youngest member of the main cast! Kaku-san (Kaguragi) is accommodating, offers advice, and livens up the scene. He's like a father to us, gently embracing us all with kindness. Finally, Masashi (Jeramie) didn't come off very Jeramie like at first, but lately, he's been smiling all the time and is very charming, similar to the kingly side of Jeramie. I feel that everyone has elements in their personal lives that fit the characters they play.
"Starting in September, we'll finally be entering the new chapter, Sakai-san, please give a yell of support to the current Gira!"
Sakai: Now that he's the king of Shugoddum, I think he'll have a stronger sense of responsibility for the country. I'm looking forward to seeing how Gira will deal with the other king's conflicts and the various situations that the children will face. Gira's idea of a "Good Country" is one where, "The king protects his citizens, and everyone protects those who are important to them." I believe that this goal is an expression of Gira's humanity, and I hope that he'll keep it in mind as he moves straight ahead.
Watanabe Aoto (Yanma Gast) Interview
-The name "Hymeno" is a privilege for Yanma only-
"What kind of character did you feel Yanma was when you read the script?"
Watanabe: My first thought was, "This guy, I think he's a really cool man!" I've always admired men who take the initiative and lead others. Yanma shows off his cool side, but is also the type of person who can expose his weaknesses. That's why those around him want to help out. I remember thinking that the role was very appealing.
"Speaking of, Yanma's main characteristic is his pompadour hair style."
Watanabe: Actually, it wasn't going to be a pompadour in the beginning, but the Director, makeup artist and I came up with the decision. At first, I suggested a perm, with a "wet" look, but they wanted something edgier, so, they started trimming my sides more and more, until we ended up with the style you see now (laughs).
"Compared to the start of filming, have you discovered any new aspects of Yanma that you find appealing, or do you feel that you've grown?"
Watanabe: At this point, I really feel that he's trying to keep his cool image. Starting with Gira, he also seems to have a good relationship with Jeramie and Kaguragi, and I think it's because Yanma's willing to open up and talk with them. Don't dismiss your friends, but make sure to express your own opinions. With that kind of attitude, I feel the respect for each and every one of them. I also really like the distance that Yanma gives when interacting with someone.
"At the time of this book's publication, episode 26 will have aired, but, please tell us about any memorable scenes or lines."
Watanabe: There are alot of scenes I like….First, there's episode 2, where I say to the people of N'kosopa, "You guys, just shut up already and follow me. I'm not going to lose to anyone!!," there's also the scene in episode 7, where Hymeno reveals her past to Yanma. The scene in episode 10, where Legend King-Ohger arrives after the passionate exchange with Shiokara (Yanma's retainer), I really liked as well. Also, there's the wacky scene in episode 11, where they discussed how to reveal to the people that Gira, who was supposed to be dead, was actually alive. Ah, also! I liked the scene in episode 14, when Hymeno suspects that Jeramie's the one who caused the "Wrath of God" (disaster from 15 years ago), and Yanma says, "Things'll become clear when you finally meet Jeramie." Instead of being like, "I'll help you," he's more, "I'll throw you a rope, but it's up to you with what you do with it," leaving it up to her to decide, which I thought was very cool and totally like Yanma. I also like the scene in episode 17, where Gira saves Yanma, who's falling apart, and then the whoopie cushion scene in episode 19, where Yanma and Jeramie talk to each other, and they’re both smiling and laughing together, I really liked that one! It was the first time where I felt that he and Jeramie were facing the same direction.
"What do you keep in mind when playing Yanma?"
Watanabe: Before filming, the Director told me about my eyes. He said that if I remained as I was, they wouldn't have any "sharpness" to them. I watched yankii movies by myself, and since Yanma is a character who leads people, I wondered, "What kind of person would people want to follow?" I also read books and biographies written by people who've held leader positions. Through this process, I've slowly developed a sense of, "The coolness of someone who leads others." Now, I'm in the process of putting out what I've been studying.
"Like what for instance?"
Watanabe: Usually when Yanma talks to people, he'll consciously turn his head at an angle to them. He'll look away and stay calm, and only makes eye contact when the moment is right. I'm especially careful of the timing for when I face the person and when I make eye contact. I think this is an important factor in expressing what I consider to be Yanma's, "distance between people".
"What are some of the challenges you face when performing?"
Watanabe: The explanatory lines…there's so many Katakana characters. But, that's pretty much it. At other times, my jacket would fall off my shoulders while I was doing action scenes (laughs). Ah, speaking of the action! Yanma's pretty weak in fights, but I myself want to play the role of a more cool Yanma, so I'm alittle torn. In the movie "Adventure Heaven," which was released in July, there was an action scene between Rita and Yanma. During filming, Yanma was being overtaken by a swarm of Sanagim (Bugnarak soldiers), but, when I looked at Rita, they looked so freaking cool beating them up. Honestly, I was abit jealous.
"So you had a hard time with the explanatory lines, huh? There are many proper nouns unique to the show, so did you struggle with the intonation, especially in the beginning?"
Watanabe: It was difficult! I struggled the most with the accent for "Shugod."
"For Hymeno's name, should it be pronounced with an accent on the "Hy" or should it be pronounced normally?"
Watanabe: Actually, only Yanma's allowed to say it normally. Everyone else is told to put the accent on the "Hy". It's a privilege only I have!
"When do you most enjoy playing Yanma?"
Watanabe: For me, with the more serious scenes, I think I enjoy them more when they're over. As a citizen of N'kosopa, I also become nervous with all the extra cast members, but at the same time, it makes me feel excited. I approached these things with the mindset of, "Yanma's someone who brought these people together," but, when I walked down the red carpet with about 300 people all staring at me, I once again felt excited and the tension started to rise.
-Whatever choice you make, choose the one you won't regret-
"Now, I'd like to know what kind of impressions Watanabe-san has about the characters that surround Yanma. First off is Gira."
Watanabe: This can be said for all the kings, but I feel that he has his own sense of justice. I think that Gira's desire to protect people, even at the cost of his life, is stronger than others. He played the role of an "evil king" to make it happen. Yanma might laugh at Gira's way of doing things, but from my point of view, I think it's very cute. I mean, he's got a cute face, doesn't he? (laughs). There's something sparkly about his moments of "nothingness," and I think it grabs the hearts of both men and women. Even when he's doing something ridiculous, he has an atmosphere that makes the people around him want to support him, which is very much in tune with being a main character.
"What do you think about Hymeno?"
Watanabe: In my opinion, among all the characters in the show, aside from Yanma, I'm fond of Hymeno. For me, I love cool female characters. Furthermore, the selfish ones are the strongest of them all, right?! I also really like the relationship between Yanma and Hymeno. When Hymeno says something like, "you lack elegance," I tend to rebel against her, but I feel like we recognize each other's beliefs. Even when they're fighting, I don't think they feel awkward, I think that they're just enjoying themselves.
"In the beginning, Yanma called her, "Hymeno-chan," but before we knew it, he just calls her "Hymeno."
Watanabe: Actually, he hasn't called her by her name since episode 3, when he called her "Hymeno-chan." He did sometimes call her "Princess," though. So, I kept waiting to see when he would call her by her name next. And then, in episode 17, he said her name for the first time in such a long time, and it was also the first time he called out to her! It was the scene where Yanma relies on Hymeno, and I said to Erika-chan, "It's finally here." I thought it was really passionate that he called out to her for the first time in such a situation. I feel that Hymeno and Yanma are subconsciously acting in a way that'll make them like each other. For instance, in episode 7, I wonder if Yanma's answer to Hymeno's question about her past could've been more heartfelt because it was Hymeno. For Yanma on the other hand, when he asked Hymeno for a favor, I really like how she always smiles and helps me. In the beginning of the story, there were scenes depicted in which it seemed that Yanma had a crush on Hymeno, but I hope that in the end, Hymeno will fall in love with Yanma. That's my wish, but when I told Erika-chan about it, she said, "No, it won't happen that way. Because Hymeno is becoming more mature, in the end, Yanma will fall for Hymeno once again." (laughs).
"(laughs). So, what about Rita?"
Watanabe: For Yanma, Rita is the most distant of the 5. That's why Rita's the only one he hasn't called by name yet. I think for Yanma, it may have to do with Rita's position as chief judge. He has respect for them, so he doesn't want to interfere too much in the decisions they make. However, when dealing with them as a person, I think Yanma's the type of person who says whatever he wants. That's why he said, "So annoying!," when Rita screams in episode 19. I personally think that since Yanma can make friends with anyone, that I'm sure he can make friends with Rita as well. Still, he doesn't know much about Rita's personality, so if he can just break down some of their barriers, then surely…..Well, I do wish Rita would atleast be alittle more honest (laughs). But, Rita just goes at their own pace.
"Next, tell us about Kaguragi."
Watanabe: For me, I think that Kaguragi-san and Racules-san are characters that are most likely popular among adults. When I auditioned for the show, there was the script for the scene in the first episode, where Gira and Racules confront each other. At that time, I very much empathized with Racules. I'm only in my mid twenties, but even I know that you can't live by empty words only. I'm the type of person who has a hard time trusting people 100% right away, so I feel that the way Racules-san and Kaguragi-san go about politics makes the most sense. Among other things, Kaguragi-san's appeal is in that he's willing to dirty his hands to protect his family and his citizens.
"What are your impressions of Kaguragi from Yanma's perspective?"
Watanabe: Even as Yanma, I don't think he'd deny the way that Kaguragi-san does things. In episode 19, When he said to Kaguragi-san, "I guess I can trust you after all," is because he doesn't do things out of self interest, and that he's more concerned with protecting Toufu than the way it appears. I think Yanma can trust him. He was considered a traitor by many of those around him, but his actions are based on his beliefs. I think Yanma recognizes these aspects of Kaguragi.
"What about Jeramie?"
Watanabe: Jeramie's real cute, huh? Although, he's abit too pretentious for my tastes (laughs). In episode 12, Jeramie's origins were revealed. I think Yanma also feels that he's cute in that, even though he's been alive for 2,000 years, he still gets pulled around by everyone around him. Furthermore, there's the scene in episode 19, where Yanma and Jeramie fistbump, and I think that Yanma wanted to have an equal relationship with Jeramie at that time. So, I was mindful of that when I played the part of Yanma getting angry for a moment in response to Jeramie's words. Also, Jeramie's really strong. So, I hope Yanma can be in a position to guide him in using that strength.
"Do you think there's anything about the other 5 cast members that you would actually consider to be kingly?"
Watanabe: They all have their own wonderful qualities. Taisei may seem like an innocent airhead, but he's also got a manly spirit. Erika-chan is someone who always thinks from the perspective of those around her. She's dignified, in a good way, and that's something I want to learn from her. Yuzuki-chan is the same, she has a keen sense of observation. For example, when she sees someone who appears to be in trouble, she tries to move towards that person to help them. It's wonderful that she's not only able to anticipate, but is also able to act properly. Kaku-san is very experienced! He's the ideal adult man. I want to be like Kaku-san someday. Finally, Masashi is very friendly. Before I realized it, we became very close. I seem to have ended up talking about what I like about the 5 of them, rather than what I think is kingly about them (laughs).
"We'd also like to ask about Shiokara, Yanma's retainer."
Watanabe: My relationship with Shiokara is also a heated one. Yanma used to be a loner, but Shiokara accepts him and has stuck around ever since. They've spent alot of time together, so he's someone Yanma trusts the most. For me, I'm very happy and grateful to have someone like Shiokara by my side. He works for me, coordinating our foreign diplomacy. And, Shiokara's someone who can speak up for Yanma, so in a way, he also acts as my "brakes."
"If you think about it, Shiokara seems to have great communication skills…"
Watanabe: That's right. That's why I think his role is to act as a connection between Yanma and other people. For example, if it were just Yanma and his citizens, there would be alot of conflict, but with Shiokara intervening, they can move things in the right direction.
"In the future, are there any situations or scenes that you'd like to play as Yanma?"
Watanabe: I have so many that I've been writing them down in my phone's memo pad (laughs). The first, would be an awakening scene. I think it's okay for someone to lose sight of themselves. If Yanma were to switch places in the scene where he says to Hymeno, "The grief of losing someone, it's a luxury I've never had," he'd probably find himself in a situation where his rationality is thrown out and his eyes are opened. Another scene would be where Shiokara is fighting, and while everyone else is worried about him, only Yanma is watching and laughing. I thought it'd be nice if the person closest to Shiokara believed in him and watches over him, and so something in Shiokara would also awaken…I think that'd be a good scene. Wouldn't it be real passionate if we could draw out Shiokara's strength even more because Yanma believes in him?! I want to try doing it!
"As we enter the new chapter, please give a yell of support for the current Yanma."
Watanabe: I want you to stick to your own style until the end, even if there are many challenges ahead. It's okay if it's different from what Yanma thinks now. For example, right now he’s saying, "I don't flatter or bow down to anyone," but when the time comes that Yanma thinks it would be better to do so, he may lower his head. I think that's just how you grow. Whatever choice you make, I hope it's one you won't regret. From now on, let's show off another new side to Yanma!
Murakami Erika (Hymeno Ran) Interview
-I can say, "Thank you," with all my heart-
"At the time of being cast, what kind of character was described to you?"
Murakami: The first thing I was told, was that Hymeno's beloved parents had lost their lives. I was asked to create a role based on this fact. So, I didn't ask about the specifics of her personality, rather, I developed the character of Hymeno while acting. Hymeno's character introduction on the official site states, "Extremely selfish" and, "Has no hesitation in saving someone's life." I think being selfish means to have a strong will and a strong heart that won't be discouraged by anything. With that, I think it comes from the frustration of, "I wasn't able to save my parents." The reason why Hymeno was able to move forward with determination, and not give up no matter what happens, is most likely because she's overcome the sadness of losing her parents by herself. So, when I play Hymeno, I value having that kind of backbone the most, and it became a very important point of reference in my interpretation of Hymeno.
"Compared to the beginning of filming, do you feel that Hymeno has grown in any way?"
Murakami: It would be the fact that she's started to say thank you from the heart. Hymeno has a desire for revenge due to her parents being killed when she was younger, but I think she's lived most of her life while hiding those negative emotions. But, the more I came into contact with kings from other countries, the more I had to face it. For example, in episode 14, after learning that the animation, "Together with Moffun," was created by the people of Ishabana to cheer up Hymeno, who ascended the throne at such a young age, there's a scene where Hymeno says, "Thank you," to a girl, one of her citizens. Of course, as the queen of Ishabana, I'm sure that she had much to thank her people for, but I felt that her "thank you" at that time was a sincere one that brought her back to her original mindset, which she had forgotten. I think that's where Hymeno grew the most. Also, in episode 7, Yanma tells Hymeno that, "The grief of losing someone, it's a luxury I never had," and I think that was a scene where Hymeno realized alot of things. It's discoveries like this, through the other kings, that allow her to move forward again. These kinds of changes wouldn't be possible if Hymeno was all alone. Also, no one believed her when she said that her parents hadn't died from the disaster, but were instead murdered, except for Rita, who was the only one who believed her. Episode 16 proved that the "Wrath of God" was a deliberate act. As the story progresses, Hymeno, who would've never relied on others, came to rely on everyone at important points. At the beginning of filming, I was thinking mainly about how to make Hymeno's character stand out, and how to show the relationship between the kings, but, as Hymeno has grown, I feel that I've come to grasp the role in a deeper way.
"In episode 16, Hymeno gives Rita a "Premium Chibi Moffun" as a thank you present.
Murakami: I think she was just really happy that Rita relied on her to analyze the poison, and that she opened up to them and told them about her past. Hymeno grew up with alot of love from her parents, and I believe that she really wants to interact with alot of different people. That's why her interaction with Rita reminded me of my own childhood and made me feel nostalgic. While she's a strong woman, I feel that Hymeno must have often felt lonely.
"In the film "Adventure Heaven," which was released in July, the kings visited the Kingdom of Death, and Hymeno was reunited with her parents. During filming, did you ever remember your own parents and call them?"
Murakami: I did! I talked alot with my parents before shooting that exact scene. We didn't talk about anything special, we just had a casual conversation. But, I think what Hymeno wants the most, is the daily life she had when her parents were still alive. So, while I can talk to my parents whenever I want, I imagined what it would be like if I couldn't do that anymore, and developed Hymeno's feelings from there. So basically, I tried not to decide too much for each scene in my head, but rather, I tried to decide how I would act by my movements and feeling the atmosphere of the scene.
"Was that the way you approached the role from the beginning?"
Murakami: No, in the beginning, I did things my own way. I would often come up with a plan and then go to the shoot. However, I thought that I could make the performance better if we all worked together on it, as things can change when you're working on it with someone else. I realized this in episode 17, in the scene where Yanma said to me, "I need your help to evacuate the people of N'kosopa. You're not so heartless to leave the wounded behind, are you?" When I read the script alone, I thought that Yanma would say it like he was exhausted from battle. But, in reality, he said it with a very relaxed smile on his face. I thought, "I see. I'm surprised that Yanma would do such a thing here!" I responded to him with a smile of nuance, as if saying, "You know I'm not that kind of a girl, right?" I'm sure that I wouldn't have been able to do that if I had perfected the performance by myself.
"With that, she said that she's now able to perform with more composure than when she first started."
Murakami: That's right. At first, as I read the script, I thought about each line with, "Why am I saying this here?" I would think about each line and write various things into the script. However, I thought that if I kept doing that, I'd have a hard time in the future, and that if I didn't think too much about it, I'd be more flexible if something different from what I had anticipated happened on set. In fact, my stance has changed, and I felt much more at ease when I went to one of the film sites without any script.
"When do you enjoy playing Hymeno the most?"
Murakami: There are many times. For example, in episode 16, where I tell Rita, "Thank you," and I happily hum as I leave was really fun to perform. Also, the scene where Hymeno becomes startled from when Rita screams, "Aaaaah!!," is also funny due to my amusing reaction. I like performances that are dialogue heavy, so I'll read the script, and imagine things that haven't taken form yet as I go to the set, and when I get there I think, "Ah, this person is going to do this here! Well then, I'll try to get in on it." It's really nice seeing new developments happening all the time.
"On the other hand, are there any struggles when playing Hymeno?"
Murakami: Hymeno has dealt with many difficulties in the past, so she's not easily fazed. That's why I've had a very hard time with more emotional scenes. In the film, there's a part in which I had to hold back tears during the scene where I say goodbye to my parents. If it were actually me, I would definitely start to cry, but Hymeno has the strength to endure it. During those times, it's difficult for me to distinguish between the emotions of myself and those of Hymeno.
-I sometimes offer my ideas about Hymeno's makeup-
"Hymeno's elegant behavior is appealing, but is she influenced by Murakami-san as well?"
Murakami: My grandmother was very strict about etiquette, so I was often told that I, "had elegance." In episode 14, I said to Jeramie, "You, just reveal the truth, and nothing more!" But, I've never said "You"* to anyone, so, how was I supposed to say it?! I was really worried. But, I thought that Hymeno could say it, since she's a strong woman. The more I understand Hymeno, the more I realize that she's a stronger person than I thought. My goal was, "Have a strong heart, and be someone who isn't discouraged by the smallest things," and I feel like I'm getting closer to that by playing Hymeno. In the past, when it came to acting, I often felt sad and thought, "I should've done that more like this." But now, even when I'm feeling down, I can think, "Alright, how can I reflect and put it to use next time?" (*she uses an informal way of saying "You")
"I admire women like Hymeno. She's strong, but cute."
Murakami: She really is! Hymeno is selfish, but I think being selfish is wonderful. In this generation, I think there are many people who can't say what they want, because they feel that they have to conform to their surroundings. If those people can gain even alittle bit of strength and courage from watching Hymeno, it would be a true honor for me as an actor.
"Hymeno's costumes, hair and makeup are just like those of a princess. Do the costumes and makeup turn on your "switch" as Hymeno?"
Murakami: Rather than the costumes, I feel that I look the most like a queen when I sit on my throne. There are alot of accessories around me, so I get tips on how to hold a teacup and do other gestures. Also, when it comes to the makeup, I sometimes suggest colors for my lipstick, eye shadow, and blush. I'll sometimes even bring my own cosmetics to the set.
"What are some key points of Hymeno's makeup?"
Murakami: I try to keep a good balance in the use of colors. If the eyes are darker, the lips should be lighter, and so, if the lips are darker, then the eyes should be lighter. What I'm most particular about is always having, "Curled eyelashes." When you draw Hymeno in fan art, I think it looks more like Hymeno if the eyelashes are quickly raised up!
"At the time of this book's publication, episode 26 will have aired, but please tell us about any memorable scenes or lines."
Murakami: The line in episode 21, where I say to Gira, "What's wrong with being selfish?," is catchy, and it's my favorite because it suits Hymeno so well. Also, when I sensed that Scorpi (God Scorpion) had feelings for Kabutan (God Kabuto), she says, "Are you really just friends?," and I liked how Hymeno was sensitive towards a young maiden's heart. Also, in episode 25, where she says, "I always hate it when the flowers fall. But, if I think of it as a way to scatter the seeds so more flowers can bloom, then I can accept it." That line made me happy to see Hymeno grow so much.
"Next, please tell us about your impressions of the other 5 kings. First is Gira."
Murakami: At first, I thought Gira was the type of person who would be very noisy, but when I saw how he behaved himself during the meal scene, I felt that he gave off an aura of someone who was more than just an ordinary person. In the scene where she first meets Gira, Hymeno says, "I'm interested in you," and touches Gira's chin. I remember being surprised because we had only just started filming (laughs).
"Next, tell us about Yanma."
Murakami: Hymeno is a young lady with a rich upbringing, while Yanma is a yankii who's risen up from the streets of poverty. They're complete opposites, but they have a strange relationship in that they can share some things with each other. In episode 7, when Hymeno talks about her past, Yanma doesn't stand by her, instead, he speaks from a completely different angle. But, I believe that Yanma's statement of, "That kind of consolation doesn't help people grow," was said out of kindness.
"What's your impression of Rita?"
Murakami: Rita is a neutral person, someone who attacks everything with logic, so at first, there were scenes where I was made to feel as if, "Someone I don't like very much is here." But, as I got to know them better, I found that they looked directly at Hymeno and took her more seriously than anyone else. Rita is someone who can stand by others. The back to back fight with Hymeno is my favorite scene with Rita.
"How about Kaguragi Dybowski?"
Murakami: For Kaguragi, I got the impression that he was a very hospitable, lively and pleasant guy, but, he's also deceitful and had ulterior motives, so I couldn't trust him. Even in episode 13, there's a line where Hymeno looks annoyed when she sees Kaguragi and says, "Why are you (here)…?" That foreshadowing was beautifully revealed in episode 19! You can't tell people just from looking at the surface….
"Please also tell us about Jeramie Brasieri."
Murakami: I got the impression that he was a, "Strange spider man," who didn't really know what he wanted to do. However, when he finally opened up, I realized that he just wanted to get along with everyone. From Hymeno's point of view, it's like, "Why are you doing things in such a roundabout way?!" (laughs). In episode 14, Hymeno doubted Jeramie, saying, "Are you the one who caused the Wrath of God?!," but he kept saying, "I want you to read between the lines." If you just speak properly, I'll get the message. But, it's probably because he's never been able to engage with other people before. I find his clumsiness abit endearing, so I can't just leave him be.
"Do you think there's anything about the other 5 cast members that you would consider to be kingly?"
Murakami: One day, I was on standby for my scene, but due to time constraints, we didn't film it. I was feeling alittle sad about it, but Taisei-kun encouraged me by saying, "Don't worry!" I thought his casual concern for others was like a king. For Aoto-kun…when we had just started filming, there was a time when I was feeling depressed because I felt that I couldn't act well. When I went to the filming site the next day, Aoto-kun said, "I'll give you some candy." That sort of indirect kindness is both heartwarming and comforting.
"Looking through Murakami-san's SNS, we can see that she and Yuzuki Hirakawa-san, who plays Rita, go out together on their days off and seem to get along well."
Murakami: That's right. There are separate dressing rooms for the men and women, so Yuzuyan (Hirakawa) and I spend all our time together, even when we're not filming. I sometimes call her "YuzuYuzu." She's someone who can honestly and clearly say what she thinks, and I think that's a strength similar to a king.
How about Kaguragi's Kaku So-san, and Jeramie's Masashi Ikeda-san?
Murakami: Kaku-san is the oldest of the cast members, and I can tell that he's looking out for all of us with a sense of responsibility. He plays the kind of king who surrounds everyone. Ikeda-kun is always smiling and laughing at my boring jokes. The same goes for Kaku-san, and their kindness makes me feel like they're kings with a big heart.
"Are there any situations as Hymeno that you'd like to play in the future?"
Murakami: After filming the movie, I felt there were situations where I was like, "Hymeno is strong, so I can't let these things discourage her." I would like to try something like, "(through tears) I don't want to ruin my mascara." (laughs).
"Since we're about to enter the new chapter, please give a yell of support to the current Hymeno!"
Murakami: Hymeno~! You're not only selfish, but you've also got a cute side to you. I don't know what the new chapter will look like yet, but, as long as you stay the way you are and walk the path you believe in, I'm sure you'll be fine!
Hirakawa Yuzuki (Rita Kaniska) Interview
-Rita is calm and quiet, but is the opposite of "cold"-
"At the time of being chosen for the role and filming began, how did the staff explain the character to you?"
Hirakawa: Since the time of the audition, I was told that Rita would be, "A character who's calm, quiet, and fazed by nothing." The word, "Immovable," came up while I was reading the script and having discussions with Pilot Director, Kazuya Kamihoriuchi-san. Also, they mentioned that the character doesn't show many emotional highs or lows. As the international chief judge, they always take a step back and look at things objectively, but, this wasn't dictated by the production team, I thought it'd be better to do that if I were Rita, so they adopted it. Even at times when I'm with everyone during filming, I try to keep one step back.
"For your role Hirakawa-san, what kind of character do you think Rita is?"
Hirakawa: Rita has many faces, including the face they show to everyone and the face they show when they're alone. At a glance, they may look like an inhumane and cold person, but, they scream alot and talk with their Moffun plushies to clear their mind, and among the 6 kings, I feel that they're surprisingly humane. But, on the other hand, they also have a role as chief judge, and there are times when they have to stand in front of a crowd as king. Even in our normal lives, there's a sharp contrast between when we're working and when we're having fun. I'm sure that Rita feels that way too. Because Rita has so many sides to them, it's easy for viewers to relate to each side and way of life, and I think that's why we've received so much positive feedback. Furthermore, Rita often confronts people with the harsh truth of their situations, but it's proof that they've seen and dealt with them properly. If there's even abit of doubt, they investigate with their own eyes and legs.
"Compared to when you first started filming, what are some new things you've discovered about Rita recently, and how do you feel they've grown?"
Hirakawa: When we first started filming, we only received the scripts for 2 episodes, so I though, "What's going to happen to Rita?" In episode 5, which is Rita's first main episode, the scene where they talk with Moffun I had already performed during the audition, so I an idea that such a scene would be included. As I read the scripts and acted in episode 5 and so on, my image of Rita finally solidified in my mind. Thinking about it again, I've recently started to show my own personality in front of everyone.
"The scene with Morfonia in episode 10 was particularly memorable."
Hirakawa: That's the scene where, through Moffun, Morfonia said to me, "If the world's going to end, why not ask for someone's help just once? Moffun wants to stay together with Rittan." At that time, I think the feeling of, "I have to tell you what I'm thinking," developed within Rita. As a result of having the courage to show their true feelings to Morfonia, I felt that they had become less of a barrier to those around them. It was a moment where I felt that Rita had grown by taking a step forward on their own.
"You mentioned earlier about your position. What else do you keep in mind when playing Rita?"
Hirakawa: Rita's face is usually covered by the collar, so there's alot that can be conveyed by the way they look at you, the way they blink, and how they open their eyes. For those reasons, I pay extra attention to eye contact. Since the only source of information about facial expressions is through the eyes, even a quick glance at someone conveys information about how you feel towards them. The same goes for the movements of the body as a whole, but I'm still very conscious of the eyes. This is a character whose imagination grows in the minds of viewers, so I want to make sure they don't get the wrong impressions. And, when I'm speaking as chief judge, I also try to make my words sound compelling. I have a naturally low voice, so in order to make my voice more low pitched and stable, especially when making a verdict, I would lower my voice and make it stronger. The trial scenes are the most difficult, because there's alot of difficult lines (laughs). When I read the script and came across a word that I wouldn't normally use, I'll use a handwriting app on my phone to find out how to read it. I think that if you don't understand the meaning of your lines before saying them, it'll be unconvincing, so that's one of the points I'm working on. In addition, Rita, from their position of neutrality, has many loud, impactful lines in which they declare important things for the countries, such as the "Five Kingdom Alliance," and the trials by combat. I'm mindful of closing scenes like that in a cool way.
"Speaking of voice, the tone of their voice when they're alone in their room was also striking."
Hirakawa: The tension in the room when I was speaking to Moffun was like, "No moooore!," as I had been influenced by the script and felt it was much different at first. But, when I was reading the script the day before filming, Director Kamihoriuchi told me that there was a change in direction (laughs). However, I think the fact that the tension was the same as in the actual broadcast made the scene more surreal and cute. Still, just talking to some plushies is quite a contrast, isn't it? I also enjoy the close up shots. The lines that Rita says to Moffun aren't meant to be sweet, but are instead abit of a lesson. By speaking with Moffun, Rita must be trying to clear their mind. Performing those interactions has become a "switch" for me, and I feel as if I have a small Moffun in my head as well.
"It seems to be very difficult to keep the tension the same, in addition to being required to perform in a slow, almost whispering manner."
Hirakawa: That's right. Also, while men's low voices resonate great, it's abit difficult to make women's low voices resonate. Voices change depending on the condition, so I have to pay attention when making adjustments.
"Another scene that's received alot of attention, are those where your character screams in panic."
Hirakawa: The script said, "Aaaaaah!," so I wasn't sure what to do at first… (laughs). I hadn't really screamed much in any of my previous roles, so when we set up for the shoot, the Director gave me the direction of, "More screaming! more!" This happened before we ate lunch, but during the actual performance after eating, the volume of my voice became much louder. I then realized the importance of food. From then on, whenever my voice became low during filming, the Director would ask me, "Want to eat some food for now?" (laughs). Rita does that outburst when they feel like their head is about to explode, so I guess this too is sort of a "switch." It's normal of Rita to make strange noises in order to calm down. In episode 9, when Rita screamed, Yanma responds with, "Stop that! It's so annoying!" That was actually an adlib by Watanabe-kun, who plays Yanma. It made me very happy!
"What are some of the challenges you face when performing?"
Hirakawa: My visibility is poor. When I check my standing position on set, I can't see the right half of my body. As for the difficulty of my movement, I've been doing this for more than half a year now, so I've gotten used to it. Speaking of getting used to it, I wear boots with a heel of about 10 cm.* They're one of my favorites because of how cool they are. (*alittle under 4 inches)
"When are the times where you feel most comfortable playing the role?"
Hirakawa: The setting and worldview are completely different from the environment in which we actually live, so there are many things that we wouldn't normally be able to do. So, everything's alot of fun. It's also the first time for me to play the role of a judge (laughs). As I mentioned earlier, Rita has many sides, so I play them as if I were playing 4 roles at once. The most enjoyable scenes are those in which they can perform comedic movements. For example, in episode 9, they rush forward with the hilt of their Ohger Calibur to stop Gira's outburst, and in the film, they run towards Yanma with their hands raised. I hope you'll pay attention to the way they're slowly making such movements, even in front of their friends.
-They're calm, but, when they're excited, they're excited!-
"At the time of this book's publication, the episode that will have aired is episode 26, which is the end of the battle with the Bugnarak. Please tell us about any memorable scenes or lines from Rita."
Hirakawa: I was really impressed by episode 16, which dove into Rita's past and their childhood when they became a judge. I also liked that Rita's first exchange with Shiron, who they judged, was connected to the main plot of the story. This was the episode where Rita reaffirmed their resolve and responsibility as king, and strongly vowed, "As king, I will absolutely uphold neutrality and order," so it made me feel even more nervous playing the role. Gokkan is a special country whose citizens are current or ex criminals, so it seems alittle different from the other countries.
"You've had a lot of battles, which one has been the most memorable in terms of action?"
Hirakawa: Hachisuka Yuichi-san, the suit actor who plays PapillonOhger, Rita's transformed form, has been carefully teaching me how to swing a sword and move my feet one by one. Even the smallest movements, like how to hold the sword or the angle of the sword towards the camera, are the parts that he's very particular about, as he watches and guides me from the monitor, he says, "If you do it this way, you'll look cool!"
"We'd like to hear Hirakawa-san's impressions of the characters surrounding Rita. First, please start with Gira."
Hirakawa: He's so straightforward, that it makes me worry. It's really cool that he acts for everyone's sake, even at the cost of his life, but, he also has a boyish cute like feel to him that I think makes him a really lovable character. It's also nice to see him switch from his cute face to a cool kingly face. It's wonderful that he always thinks with everyone in mind.
"How about Yanma?"
Hirakawa: Out of the 6, he's the most wild, and has a manly spirit. When he says, "I'll follow the path I believe in!," I like the way it sounds, it's got a strong feel of passion within its roughness. It might be because he grew up in the slums, and has worked his way up the ranks, but he also has abit of a playful and approachable feel to him. Most of all, his cool attitude of "Follow me," makes me think that he'd definitely make any N'kosopa citizen a fan.
"Continuing on, Hymeno Ran."
Hirakawa: I think everything about her is beautiful and cute. I feel the strength of a woman from Hymeno, and she's the kind of hero that girls admire. She acts selfishly, but it's not for personal gain. It's wonderful that she does it for the sake of protecting others. I also feel the power to keep believing in what I once believed in, and to keep moving forward with it. I also think the fact that she enjoys fashion with her hair, makeup, and constantly changing dresses, is also appealing.
"Next is Kaguragi Dybowski."
Hirakawa: I don't know what he's thinking anymore! (laughs). Kaguragi is always up to something, and I think he's the most unpredictable out of the 6 of us. But, as king, he says he'll, "Get his hands dirty to protect his people," so he really does come off like a nice older brother. He's a man who'll take any side for the sake of his own benefit, so I feel that he's the most important person for Rita to watch out for and to always keep an eye on.
"We'd also like to ask about the sixth warrior, Jeramie Brasieri."
Hirakawa: Jeramie is someone who also has alot, if not more, mysterious parts to him as Kaguragi. He's brought to Gokkan every time something happens, so he has alot of scenes with Rita. I personally don't get what, "Between the lines," Jeramie is saying for us to read (laughs). However, I think he's got some similarities with Rita. I think they can relate to his inability to honestly express his thoughts, and his emotional highs and lows. I think he's the talking type, and the fact that he's so mysterious is interesting.
"Finally, one more person. What do you think about Morfonia, Rita's retainer who really understands them?"
Hirakawa: Although she's someone who always says, "Work is too much trouble…," she's a hard worker, who does what Rita asks her to do quickly and efficiently. I don't think their relationship with her was that close until episode 10, but after that conversation, the way they treated Morfonia changed. For her, she's also changed the way she treats and looks at Rita, and I think she's become more interested in Rita as a person. She's a cute, reliable and a beloved character.
"Do you think there's anything about the other 5 cast members that you would consider to be kingly?"
Hirakawa: I was told that it's uncommon, but this time, all 6 main cast members are over 20 years old. So even though everyone is usually pretty calm, when they're excited, they're excited, just like the kings in the show. When one person messes around, another one joins them, and then another will pick up on it…it's a really peaceful and fun scene to witness (laughs). No matter what I do, there are those who will definitely join me, so I'm grateful for that.
"You're all good friends, aren't you? We've heard that you'll sometimes go out to eat together."
Hirakawa: That's right. We often go out to eat together after filming, and we have alot of fun talking not just about filming, but about casual things too. It's currently pretty rare, but since I'm from Kumamoto, sometimes it's hard for me to understand the intonation of some words in standard Japanese. Furthermore, I was nervous about the intonation of some words we don't usually use, like court terms and the explanatory lines, so I had to ask Watanabe-kun and Kaku-san about them. Then, they'd say something random and unintelligible to confuse me, so I'd always laugh and say, "That's definitely not true, right?!" Also, it's very popular to imitate and speak as the characters on set. If you imitating Racules's name calling, or if you speak in a way that takes alot of time, like Kaguragi, you're sometimes called, "Toufu Ruler" (laughs).
"From now on, do you have any hopes for Rita to develop in the future?"
Hirakawa: Someday, I'd like to take off the collar and talk with my face in front of everyone. Right now, they only take it off in scenes where the other kings aren't around or during battle scenes. Scenes for joking around are also good. I think it'd be really interesting if a character who doesn't usually do silly scenes, actually does some, and I think Rita is the right person for that role. On the other hand, I'll have a sense of responsibility to make it funny, but, I'll be sure to give it my all if my wish comes true!
"We're finally entering the new chapter. Hirakawa-san, please give a yell of support to the current Rita!"
Hirakawa: Just as peace has been restored with the creation of the sixth kingdom, I have a feeling that new enemies will also appear. However, if you have faith in what you believe in, and do what you need to do, I'm sure you'll be able to face the challenges. You have wonderful friends now. Please take a quick breather and do your best!
Kaku So (Kaguragi Dybowski) Interview
-Being recognized as a liar makes me happy (laughs)-
"We understand that Kaguragi was meant to be more dark hearted, and to be more of a villain in the initial setting."
Kaku: During the time of the audition, I got the feeling that he not only played tricks, but also cheated others with his words. However, I thought that the type of character that's skillful with words but pushes through with power in the end would suit my style, so I tried to play it in that manner. Later, when I got the role of Kaguragi and filming started, the character wasn't as cruel as initially described, he was always smiling, and was able to overcome any situation with force. I think there was a direction to make him more scary, as if you don't know what he's thinking, but, I got emotionally attached to Kaguragi and decided to make him more interesting, somewhere between "amusing" and "cool", I played the role while thinking that it would make his character come to life more, and that's how I ended up with the image of Kaguragi that you see now. Kamejim, the Bugnarak's Prime Minister, is a dark hearted character who's also a trickster, but, unlike Kamejim, Kaguragi is a more refreshing character. Instead of those around him saying, "(with a frown) He's a bad guy…" it's more like, "(with a look that says: I've been robbed) He's a bad guuuy!"
"As the story progresses, what new aspects of Kaguragi have you discovered?"
Kaku: In episode 8, when Gira and Racules were doing trial by combat, Kaguragi was supposed to give Racules an anesthetic disguised as poison, but, when Hymeno asked him if he had switched them, there was a scene where he turned his head and went, "Ho?" Director (Kyohei) Yamaguchi, who directed episode 8, told me to, "Make it easier to understand," and I did just that, and it was unexpectedly popular on set (laughs). I was worried that I might lose the character of Kaguragi, but the response to the broadcast was positive, and I realized that going in this direction was also acceptable. Episodes 1-5 were a period in which the framework of Kaguragi's character was established, and while the framework we created was important, we didn't want to stray too far from it. However, I thought that if I was too concerned about not wanting to change my original image, I wouldn't be able to expand the scope of my role.
"As the story progresses, we find out that he has a little sister named Suzume."
Kaku: I knew early on that I had a younger sister, and that she was being held in Shugoddam as a hostage, but I wasn't told how she ended up there. In episode 15, the scene where he talks to Suzume for the first time was depicted, but, if I had been acting in the image I had up until episode 5, I might have thought, "Is it okay for me to act so silly with my little sister?" I was able to act easily after playing the unusual role of Kaguragi for so long, and (Mami) Kamura-chan, who plays Suzume, is an excellent actor and is good at adlibs, so we can act and joke around with each other in a positive manner. I was led to believe that Suzume was gentle and had a sincere personality, but that's not the case at all, the character is more, "Like brother, like sister." They have the same core beliefs that everything they do is for the sake of their country. They're the perfect siblings for the country of Toufu, don't you think?
"What do you pay special attention to when acting?"
Kaku: In regards to facial expressions, I thought it'd be funny if I smiled during critical scenes, or, if I had a more serious look in a scene, people might think, "Is Kaguragi being cornered?" I try not to bore the audience with my performance. I want to be as funny as possible, but in serious scenes, I just have to go with the flow. I make sure to pay attention to that.
"Kaguragi is always a step ahead and planning strategies, but how far ahead does Kaku-san know?"
Kaku: I don't know anything (laughs). I only knew that Racules would be leaving, and that the new chapter would begin after episode 26. I act after understanding the developments of the story up to 2-3 episodes ahead of the one we're currently filming, then, I would get the script for the next few episodes and continue to work on the story. It's a process I'll repeat. Even in the scene where he and Racules are trying to figure out each other's true intentions, as part of his trickery, Kaguragi pretends not to know, even though he does know alot of things, while I myself don't know anything. Honestly, it's difficult to play the role this way. I wish they'd atleast tell me alittle more…(bitter smile).
"Masato Yano-san, who played the role of Racules, was said to be aware of what was going to happen in the future."
Kaku: He knows what'll happen to Racules, but he doesn't know anything about the other characters. Maybe he does know and is just keeping quiet (laughs).
"The battles between Kaguragi and Racules to find the other person's true intentions were always worth watching. Some fans said, "Just those scenes alone were like a night time drama."
Kaku: (laughs). I had alot of fun interacting with Racules. I knew alittle bit of what was going to happen, so I used my imagination to fill in the blanks, and I discussed the performance with Yano-chan. It was more like a negotiation than a discussion. We didn't talk much about the details, but I would watch Yano-chan's performance on set and think to myself that, "If that's how he's going to do it, then I'll do it too," and, "I see, so that's how it's going to be," and I played my role, thinking it was a good learning experience. It's nice to be called a, "Night time drama." I think it means that we were able to create a world for the 2 of us. Kaguragi has a very serious face for serious scenes, but in the scenes with Racules, he bluffs or makes exaggerated and dramatic facial expressions and movements, and I like these scenes because it gives off a sense of trickery, and expresses Kaguragi's true side.
"The scene in the film, "Adventure Heaven," which was released in July, in which Kaguragi and Iroki, the previous ruler of Toufu, confront each other, is also memorable."
Kaku: Hinagata Akiko-san played the role of Iroki, and I think it turned out to be a very good scene. Also in the film, the confrontation between the kings and their past hardships was the highlight of Kaguragi's performance.
"What do you feel is the most difficult when playing Kaguragi?"
Kaku: In the beginning, I had a hard time with the dubbing. Now, I'm quite used to it, and the other cast members are also getting alot better with their voices, and I'm always impressed at the speed in which they're growing. My comments are somewhat from a father's point of view, but since I'm older than the other main cast members, I can't help but feel this way (laughs).
"Can you name some of the most memorable scenes and lines of Kaguragi up to episode 26, which has aired by the time of this book's publication?"
Kaku: Episode 18 left a lasting impression on me overall. Particularly in the second half, when he and Gira cooperate to defeat the giant robot King-Ohger ZERO, which is piloted by Racules. When asked by Racules, "Was everything you did to take away my power?!," it became clear that Kaguragi himself was acting in a calculated way. The first half's, "He's unfair," is also memorable. When Gira tells me how Suzume is doing, and I ask, "What do you want in exchange for this information?" Gira replies, "Nothing." I was once again drawn in by Gira, who never asked for anything in return….It was a nice scene. Taking place in Toufu, Episode 4 is also very impressive. He's unmoved by Desnarak VIII, and dosen't show his true feelings, but, his expression changes the moment the crop fields are burned. I remember that scene well because it clearly showed Kaguragi's character, someone who values the country of Toufu and its citizens above all else.
"In episode 5, when the 5 kings fight together for the first time, Kaguragi says, "I've always believed that this day would come!," and it's funny to see Gira and the others yell at him with, "Liar!"
Kaku: I was happy that the other kings recognized me as a liar (laughs). Being a liar is one of the characteristics that define Kaguragi.
"If the kings are going to unite to fight against new enemies in the future, we feel like Kaguragi won't be able to showcase his individuality…"
Kaku: My own prediction is that the kings will break up atleast once. I have the impression that the royal Sentai aren't always on good terms. Therefore, I believe that Kaguragi's character will continue to be shown off. Also, if the enemy were to say, "We're going to destroy all the countries, but we'll save only one," Kaguragi will betray the other kings in an instant (laughs).
-Out of the 6 of us, I'm the, "Selfish king," that hogs the air conditioner-
"Now, we'd like to hear your impressions of the other kings surrounding Kaguragi. First, let's start with Gira."
Kaku: In episode 18, it's clear that Kaguragi is drawn towards and approves of him, as evidenced by the "He's unfair" line. However, some may think that he's easier to handle and hold in my grasp as opposed to Racules, so I like him because he's easier to deal with. Personally, I think he's cute (laughs). I think he gives off the strong feeling of a little brother.
"Please tell us about Yanma Gast and Hymeno Ran."
Kaku: There haven't been many opportunities for Kaguragi to interact with Yanma, but, Kaguragi understands that Yanma is smart, so if he wasn't able to manage himself well, he'd probably be thinking carefully when talking to Yanma. On the other hand, I think part of him feels that because Yanma's so smart, it's easier for him to plan ahead, or that his actions are easier to read than Gira's, which are based more on instinct. My impression of him is that he's passionate and cool! I liked the scene in episode 17, when he's falling apart, and says, "Don't you dare lose!," and Gira takes over. I think it's great that he's always so cool. The way he lives, the way he thinks, and even his actions have a certain charm to them that makes him a lovable character. Aoto, who plays the role, is also very cool. He's always on the scene as Yanma, or rather, he's always thinking about how Yanma would act in certain situations.
At one point, I thought that Hymeno and Kaguragi got along, but I think they probably don't like each other since the falling out in episode 8, where he went, "Ho?" (bitter smile). I hope they can talk things out and make up in the future… My impression is that she's simple and cute. She acts like a princess in every way, and even though she's selfish, that by itself is cute. Even still, the way she stands and acts in the battle scenes are powerful and cool. That kind of contrast is also wonderful.
"Next, Rita and Jeramie."
Kaku: Rita is also cool. When they're interacting with Moffun, I think the contrast is rather sly (laughs). I think Hirakawa Yuzuki-san, who plays the role, is very good with action. It must be difficult to move in those boots. From Kaguragi's perspective, they seem like a strict judge, and I think he perceives them as someone he'd like to have on his side somehow. In their relationship, Kaguragi visits Rita and tries to give them a gift. Rita doesn't want to accept it, but Kaguragi says, "Now, now, that just won't do," and forcibly hands it to them, pulling them into his own pace…that's the image I got from it. This is all just my imagination.
In episode 20, Kaguragi and Jeramie worked together to deceive Racules, and as a result, they revealed that Boshimar (Racules's close aide) was really Kamejim, and they've been fighting together ever since then. He also looks over the relationship between Kaguragi and Suzume, so I think they also have a good relationship. I think it's because of his parents unacceptable relationship, being between a human and Bugnarak, that Jeramie has a weakness for separated families, and he wants to support them. From my point of view, isn't he too good looking? I think he is. And that voice…it's really not fair. I'm talking about his actor, Masashi Ikeda-kun, who plays Jeramie, he's also good at soccer and plays the drums. (said earnestly) It's so unfair, isn't it?~…
"(laughs). We'd also like to hear your impressions of Kuroda-san, who's close to Kaguragi."
Kaku: From the beginning, I was told that Kaguragi was served by people dressed in black, but I wasn't told that there was one prominent member among them. From the viewer's point of view, I guess they wouldn't have expected such a person to exist, but gradually, Kuroda-san became more noticeable, and his relationship with Kaguragi began to be depicted. Kuroda-san is more like a family member than an aide. I think he's been by Kaguragi's side for a looong~ time. He's alittle older than me, and I think we've grown up together since we were children. He's capable of saying one word that'll resonate with Kaguragi's heart, and I think he's able to do so because he's always been watching over Kaguragi.
"Among the main cast members playing a king, who does Kaku-san feel is most kingly?"
Kaku: Hmmm, since the show was first announced, I've often been asked questions related to being a king, but I still can't come up with any good answers…If you think of a kingly image, "arrogant" or "selfish," may come to mind, but there's no in this cast that fits those terms. Everyone, they're all such good kids. But, I may have to say that I become selfish when the temperature rises. I'm sensitive to the heat, and since I'm wearing such a costume, I tend to hog all the places where an air conditioner is running, or, I turn the temperature down really low and tell the others not to turn it up, even if they're cold (laughs). If I were to consider the most kingly character as a leader who pulls everyone along, I would say it's Taisei. Calling him charismatic would be abit of an exaggeration, but, even if he's lacking in certain areas, he's good in others, and he has a certain atmosphere to him that brings everyone together. People around him want to support him just like Gira, and maybe even carry him up in a holy palanquin. In that sense, he's like a king.
"What scenes would you like to play in the future?"
Kaku: It would be a scene where I take off my costume and show off my body. Actually, I've already told the staff what I want to do, but if it's going to happen, I'd like to know as soon as possible. I'd like to finish my body first. And then, a twin episode (laughs). Within the Super Sentai series, often times there are episodes where someone who looks exactly like a character appears and swaps places. Since the first part of King-Ohger ended with episode 26, we didn't have room for that kind of story, but, it may be possible now. I have a twin brother who looks exactly like me, so I'd like to make the most of that. He's not an actor, but he says he'd be happy to act in the show if it were to happen (laughs). Also, Taisei himself is a very interesting character, so I hope there'll be a time when we can make use of him. That boy, after all, he shines the brightest when he's just messing around. That's something he's admitted to himself and others. Also, I'd like to see Rita being more expressive. In the film, it was ghosts, and in episode 26, they're depicted as being afraid of the dark, but I think there's another side to them that we don't know about, so I hope we're given a close up. Hirakawa-san herself is frightened easily, and when I tell her a slightly scary story, she screams, "Please stop it!" (laughs).
"Finally, Kaku-san, as episode 26 finishes, please give a yell of support to Kaguragi."
Kaku: I think Toufu will probably be in danger again (laughs), so you may have to deceive your friends in order to protect the country. I also think that Suzume will be entering a difficult time in her life. But, please don't be discouraged and do your best!
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Ikeda Masashi (Jeramie Brasieri) Interview
-I like talking, but I'm not used to talking to other people-
"In the beginning, what kind of character was Jeramie and how was he explained to you?"
Ikeda: He’s 2,000 years old, so he has foresight and plenty of time to waste, and was born between a human and a Bugnarak. When I asked…I was told that he can manipulate spider webs at will. It was also explained to me at the beginning that he's the storyteller of the world's story and will also narrate the show.
"In episode 11, we got goosebumps hearing, "A man who becomes king, this is my story," in the ending narration.
Ikeda: I was also surprised when I read the script. It was an original concept, so I was looking forward to seeing the end result on screen.
"Based on the description you received, how did you approach the character?"
Ikeda: When I read the script, there were many unique lines and inflections, so the first thing I thought about was how to express them. I'd record different ways of speaking, listen back, and then decided that the stuck up way of saying things were the most interesting. The premise is that Jeramie likes to talk about himself and the stories he's created. So, when I talk to someone, I try to look like I'm having fun and enjoying myself more than anyone else. I think it'll lead to expressions with more composure. I was also conscious of the way I walked, my gestures, and appearance in general so that I could develop a habit of being Jeramie. The most difficult part of the role was that his mother is a Bugnarak, and that his emotions are different from those of a normal human. I wondered, “What would it feel like if my own parents were Bugnarak?” In the beginning, I couldn't comprehend it no matter how much I thought about it, so I just kept imagining memories of my mother that weren't depicted in the show. Even still, it was difficult for me to find feelings for the Bugnarak, or rather, affection for non human beings. I also wondered how he'd seen the world over the past 2,000 years and what he'd been thinking about when he wrote his story. There are many aspects of Jeramie that are not depicted in the show's script, so I had to really think about it. Even now, I still do.
"Did you make any new discoveries while exploring further, or did you have to revise your performance over the course of the episodes?"
Ikeda: When he first made his appearance, he always said the words, "Between the lines" (laughs), and I just felt that he was someone who wasn't used to having conversations with others. But as times went on, I came to realize that Jeramie was truly a genuine and honest person. I felt that this is why he reacts to many things in a more genuine way than anyone else, and shows it most in his facial expressions. As Jeramie gets more involved with the 5 kings, he changes and grows, becoming alot more careful about communicating clearly between the lines. Every time I'm given a new script, a new side of Jeramie's character is depicted, and I feel like he's constantly being updated. Despite being 2,000 years old, he's never socialized before. The first big change was that he took off the mask he'd been wearing in episode 11, and I think we can all agree that he started a new life from that moment on. At that time, if you were to interpret it as Jeramie being reborn, he's still like a baby, so it's only natural that he'll continue to grow everyday. There are new changes every time, and thinking of ways to express them is both fun and a challenge. In that sense, I'm grateful for the role of Jeramie, as it gives me a sense of fulfillment as an actor.
"The symbolic color of Jeramie is white, and Ikeda-san personally loves white, so he wore a white outfit to the audition."
Ikeda: I matched everything in white, which might be hard to imagine (laughs). My shoes, pants, shirt, cardigan, and jacket were all white. I wore a white coat over it all. I like white, but I had never dressed myself up this much. But, I wanted to give it a shot, so I auditioned completely white. And with the role I got, his getup was even whiter than mine. Jeramie's costume is really cool. When I stood in front of the mirror for the first time wearing Jeramie's costume, with my hair and makeup all done, I thought, "Who's this?" (laugh). I'd never had the opportunity to wear such a prince like costume before, and I don't think I ever will again. Every time I go to filming, I'll wear it while thinking about how happy it makes me.
"Do you have any difficulties narrating the show? We've heard that you don't like hearing your own voice…"
Ikeda: Every time I do the narration, it's given the OK for airing, but I've never been satisfied with any of the ones I've recorded. There's alot of trial and error each time I record, but I don't feel like I'm getting a good reaction. I think I still have a long way to go, so I'm going to keep working hard.
"Every time we listen, we think you have a nice voice."
Ikeda: Thank you so much. It's very encouraging to hear you say that. But, being a storyteller means I can see every detail, and that I also know how the story will end, so I can feel the difficulty of it all. Some episodes have a closing narration at the end, and I do like those lines because they're cool. Is it the narration as a storyteller? or is it the voice of Jeramie's heart in that scene…? I think you'll enjoy the show more if you watch it while interpreting things in many different ways.
"As of the publication of this book, episode 26 will have aired, but please tell us about any scenes or lines featuring Jeramie that are memorable."
Ikeda: It would be episodes 24-26. Those 3 episodes were a turning point in Jeramie's life, where he felt the same realization of growth, maybe even more so, than when he took off his mask. All of the scenes and lines are memorable. In episode 24, when Boone discovers that his fear of Bugnarak is based on a legendary story he wrote, Jeramie is stunned, saying, "Common sense, rules, prejudice, discrimination, bigotry…I was the one who created them…" I was just as shocked when I read it in the script. The legend of the royal Sentai doesn't state that the Bugnarak did anything wrong. But, reading the text, "5 heroes and their guardian god King-Ohger defeated the Bugnarak and saved mankind," would make anyone believe that the Bugnarak are bad guys. I was impressed by how well done it was, and Jeramie seemed to enjoy talking about it, that I almost felt like saying, "It's no good!," in a forced way. In episode 25, the conversation with Gerojim was memorable. He says, "What you lack is determination!" Jeramie responds, "Follow me…to the In between Land Bugnarak. You'll be the first citizen." I'll never forget it because it was the moment when Jeramie decided that he was ready to become the king of Bugnarak. From then on, I'd be playing Jeramie as a king, so the scene was a turning point as well. In episode 26, there's the scene where Jeramie is entrusted by Desnarak VIII, saying, "You will be king, and they will accept it. That the Bugnarak, are here…!" In the 3 episodes beginning with episode 24, it's revealed that Desnarak had alot of things on his mind when he was king, and Jeramie inherits that. Now, I have all these feelings regarding Desnarak, that when I first read the script, I cried. And also, there's the narration before the opening of episode 24. It was different from the usual wording, so it's stayed with me.
-I like Kaguragi, as he's someone with alot of space between the lines-
"Now, please tell us about the characters that surround Jeramie. First, let's start with Gira."
Ikeda: From Jeramie's point of view, I think he trusted Gira from the beginning, and for the time after the broadcast of episode 26, I think he genuinely thinks he's a good person, more suitable as the king of Shugoddum than anyone ever was. The impression I have is….he's cute. He's pure, and when I look at him, I often wonder, "What's he up to?" In episode 15, he camouflages himself as a taxi that looks like a pillbug (laughs). But, I think him being straightforward to protect his people is really cool.
"How about Yanma?"
Ikeda: Jeramie understands that, just like Gira, Yanma is a good king. On the other hand, we know that he's abit of a bad boy, and in episode 19, just like a bunch of bad boys, we joined forces to get some payback on Racules, who treated Jeramie and the other kings cruelly in the past. At that time, I think Jeramie went along with Yanma's plan because he trusted him and realized he was his friend. Yanma always reacts when Jeramie says something. It must be nice for Jeramie, a storyteller who wants someone to listen to him. As for me, I have the impression that he's a passionate guy. I think he fits well with the title "President" of the N'kosopa citizens.
"Now then, how about Hymeno Ran. She and Jeramie had abit of a dispute over the issue of the "Wrath of God."
Ikeda: At first, Jeramie called Hymeno, "Young lady," but, in episode 14, when he saw Hymeno promise to the girl in Ishabana that she would keep their country beautiful, he acknowledged her as queen. Jeramie doesn't look down on the other kings just because he's older. He did used to treat Desnarak like a kid and provoked him (laughs), but he sees all of the human kings as equals and trusts them. Of course he trusts Hymeno, and I think that's why he asked for Gerojim's test. And my own impression is that she's just so beautiful. Not only in terms of appearance, such as the costumes and hairstyles, but also in terms of strength, so I think she's beautiful on the inside as well.
"Next, tell us about Rita Kaniska."
Ikeda: I have a feeling that Jeramie trusts Rita like any other king, but also thinks that they're cute. Sometimes Rita screams real loudly. Towards the climax of episode 19, they screamed, and while everyone was surprised, only Jeramie was laughing. He saw a human side of Rita and smiled, knowing that there must be a side of them that they've yet to show everyone. Because they trust him, even if they suspect something from him, Jeramie feels safe when they take him to court. But, then again, Jeramie's put on trial alot, isn't he? (laughs). Also, there are so many things that Rita makes him realize. For example, in episode 14, they explained to him why Hymeno was angry, because he wasn't able to read between the lines. And when he was down, Rita gave him a chance to get back on his feet. For me, I think Rita is just too cool. When they transform, their right eye, which is usually hidden by their hair, is revealed…and it's gray colored. I love situations in manga and anime where a person reveals something that's usually hidden and goes into a stronger mode. So, Rita's eye isn't fair! (laughs), and yet, they also have the cuteness to talk to their plushies…I think they’re a wonderful characters.
"Please also tell us about Kaguragi."
Ikeda: From Jeramie's point of view, I think he has slightly deeper feelings towards him than the other kings. That's because, he knows about his sister. Because of Jeramie's own upbringing, he can't leave people who care about their family alone. In episode 15, when he finds out that his sister is being held hostage in Shugoddam, he takes the lead in helping Kaguragi, and in episode 20, when he hears that he's doing it for his sister, he helps out by disguising himself as Kaguragi. Kaguragi has also relied on Jeramie, and I think they communicate with each other more than with other kings. I think there's something about Kaguragi that I really like about him, and I feel that he has a story that's, "between the lines," more than mine is. That's why I interact with him alittle differently than the other 4. As a viewer, he must be an interesting character to watch. Just when I think I've got him figured out, he outwits me. It's hard to read what he's really thinking. I think he adds a good "spice" that makes the show more interesting.
"At this point in time, Gerojim is probably the closest to Jeramie, so we'd like to ask about him too."
Ikeda: He's the first citizen of the new Bugnarak Empire. While they meet in a different way compared to the other kings and their retainers, Jeramie trusts him, and a sort of friendship formed between them, while also having a strong desire to protect him. In episode 25, Gerojim risks his body to make Jeramie realize that he lacks the determination to be king. In episode 13, Jeramie saves him by pretending to have defeated him and brought him along, but back then, I never thought that he would end up playing such an important role. With such a voice, he says, "What you lack is determination!," and, "If you're going to be king, you must be prepared to risk your life," so I can't believe his way of speaking…
"He's voiced by Seki Tomokazu-san."
Ikeda: During filming, I would act with Seki-san's voice in mind, and when I heard his actual voice in the finished video, it's always better than what I had imagined. We haven't had a dubbing scheduled together, but I'd like for us to perform together someday. Everyone always imitates Gerojim's voice on set. I'm so emotionally attached to Gerojim, that I can no longer look at him objectively, but I'm curious about how everyone else sees him.
"Other than Gerojim, are there any other Bugnarak characters that you really like?"
Ikeda: It would probably be Desnarak. But, I really like Prime Minister Kamejim as well. I changed my mind when I found out that he was disguised as Boshimar, one of Racules's close aides (laughs), but he was a beloved character on the set until half way through filming.
"Among the main cast, Ikeda-san, who do you think is most kingly?"
Ikeda: It would be (Masato) Yano-san, who plays Racules. When he's playing the role of Racules, he's a very cruel king, but when I talk to him inbetween takes, he's calm and has a relaxed way of speaking. Yano-san himself is very kind and will say interesting things to keep everyone upbeat. Furthermore, he has alot of special skills and can do almost anything. For me, Yano-san is a king in the sense that he's perfect and someone who is respected. Racules is a king, but the person playing him is also a king. Not for me, but when the 5 King-Ohger members put on their costumes and prepare for their role on set, the "switch" is flipped and they all become kings. The scenes where they're all lined up is so cool that you can't help but admire them.
"Are there any scenes you'd like to play, or developments you'd like to see happen in the future?"
Ikeda: In episode 19, the hammock that Jeramie was laying in was made from spider webs. I'd like to do more scenes using spider webs even before transforming. Especially for action. While his friends are in danger, he could fly in from off screen while smiling, or he could be standing on a wall. It would be difficult to achieve, but there aren't many roles that can make use of spider webs.
"Finally, for the current Jeramie, Ikeda-san, please give a yell of support to him."
Ikeda: Please build a good country, and work hard to make the world a peaceful one. For Jeramie, the "color" of the country he rules over is different from other kings, and I believe that Jeramie will be the one who determines the future of Chikyu. Please ensure the prosperity of the country of Bugnarak, realize the day we join hands with humanity, and pass it on to future generations. We're all supporting you!
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everlastlady · 8 months
Hi. I’m delighted to hear requests are open again. Can I request general hcs for a Yandere Crimson? I may have some future ideas later.
Also, I noticed some of the asks I sent you went yeetus deletus. Did Tumblr pull a Kronos?
Sorry that this took a while to answer/post! But I probably accidentally deleted them or Tumblr did. I know I deleted some a long while back because people were spamming me with request even though my inbox said closed. So I apologize if you were one of the anon request I deleted, thank you for sending Crimson in because this is my first time writing for him, so I hope that you enjoy the story.
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Yandere Crimson HCS
✰- Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, and powerful overlords. Welcome back to another story that is hcs of yandere Crimson aka Moxxie's father but some of know that Moxxie's father is Crimson lol. I'm doing my best to get through these request so that it doesn't feel like ignoring anyone; because seesh my writers block has been kicking my ass along with my physical health but I'll do my best to deliver to you guys. Remember to eat a meal or a snack, drink water, take your medicine, and that you are loved. If you love my Helluva Boss content along with this post and want more then please consider commenting, tap that heart button or click it, reblog post with tags, or even blaze if you can. Remember to always support your local writers. ♡♡♡
✰- Word Count: 1001.
✰- Story Contains: Gaslighting, Murder, Memory Loss, Gn reader, Yandere tendencies, Guns, Lying, & Death in the family.
✰- Posted: Sat, Oct 7 2023 at 9:05 pm
Yandere Crimson who met you through one his workers you were the sibling of one of the demons that worked for him. Crimson thought you were beautiful and that he couldn’t take his eyes off you. Some of the demons in that room loved to stare at you. Crimson felt jealous because only he should be allowed to look at you so anyone who looked at you had their eyes removed and was thrown into the waters. Crimson planned to have to himself that he had your sibling convenience you to come by more often and you did.
Yandere Crimson who treats you like the rarest diamond in the world but also doesn’t want anyone stealing you away so he always has his best men watching you, no one knows that they are there even you. Anyone who has ever flirted with you or hurt you has vanished into thin air or ended up dead. Crimson watches you sometimes even when you are sleeping he is watching you, he thinks that you look so adorable when you sleep he just wants to snatch you away and give you a better life so he does.
Yandere Crimson who tries to calm you down when you wake up in a panic in his bedroom, even though he tells you that;s it 's alright and it’s just him. But that doesn’t help because he fucking kidnapped you, eventually one of his men have to knock you got and Crimson kills him for hitting you to hard over the head, He’s worried so he calls the black market doctor Rosemary who tends to you but when you wake up, Rosemary informs Crimson that you have memory loss. Crimson takes this as a win and pays the doctor; but he also pays your brother so that he could lie to you.
Yandere Crimson who lies about being your husband, he tells you that we were in a small accident and that he’s been taking care of you. And you believe but ask him about your wedding rings. “ I’m getting them cleaned, only the best for my jewel. “ Crimson would give you a sweet twisted smile. Something didn’t feel right but you believed him, he also told you the reason you both don’t have pictures together is because he wanted to protect you since he is the mob, Crimson had created a new life for you.
Yandere Crimson who keeps you trapped in the house telling you that it’s far too dangerous to go outside because his rivals would kill you. He even goes as far as telling you that your friends are working for his rivals so you cut them off. Crimson keeps you isolated from everyone but your brother who helps Crimson with his lies. Your brother tells you how the wedding was beautiful and that you quoted it was one of the happiest days in your life.
Yandere Crimson who tells you that Moxxie is your step son. You want to call him but Crimson tells you that Moxxie is too busy and has abandoned the family. You frown at his words.You wanted to meet your step son, but you listen to Crimson because he knows what’s best for you. He kills anyone that could refresh your memories or destroys anything that brings back your memories which is why he got you a new phone and made an email for you and watches your new social media accounts.
Yandere Crimson who gaslights you whenever you remember something he tries to brush it off or guilt trips you whenever you ask too many questions about the wedding and why can’t you meet any of your family or his family. But things don’t work out when your brother feels guilty and works behind Crimson’s back so when he helps you finally regain your memory you both try to escape but your brother meets his end with a bullet in the head.
Yandere Crimson who tells you to shut up and stop screaming when he tries to tie you up while his men are dumping your brother’s body in the river. Crimson tells you that you’ll continue your new life with him and that he’ll never let you go and if you try to escape that he’ll also kill you. You don’t want to die so you listen to Crimson and remain tied to the bed until Crimson feels like he can untie you.
Yandere Crimson who always has you by his side because he’s scared you’ll leave so you end up sometimes witnessing what he does in the mob. Sometimes as punishment for not listening to him or trying to run away he forces you to watch the torture that he puts demons through. If you end crying he’ll apologize and buy you whatever you want but it doesn’t make up for all the shit he puts you through.
Yandere Crimson who eventually breaks you down to where you now just listen to him and have grown numb to the things he does in front of you. Did he just cut open the throat of one of his men, you just sigh and go back to what you were doing. Did he give you a kiss, you give him a kiss back not wanting to fight. Does he want to cuddle, fine let’s cuddle if it will shut him up, and does he wants you to help get rid of a body, I’ll go get the chainsaw honey.
Finally Yandere Crimson who is finally happy to have you where he wants you trapped underneath his fingers he always reminds you that if you ever try to leave him, cheat on him, or challenge him that you’ll end up just like his ex wife and you don’t want that so it’s best to listen to him. He has eyes and ears all over Greed so it’s hard to know who you can trust that is until a certain cowboy imp wants to talk with Crimson.
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citrusinicake · 1 month
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Day 2 :: Zombie Apocalypse
full text below
do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to be a zombie in this economy? you just go out there trying to have a bite to eat so you go up to some randos and they just start SHOOTING YOU! like straight up just SHOOTING YOU! like what the hell man? i mean i know im trying to rip your brains out and shit but cant you let a guy just fucking eat???? speaking of, this guy's brain tastes weird like im pretty sure its at least fifty percent plastic, maybe even a hundred percent i don't know. was he your boyfriend or something? does this mean you're single? wanna go out sometime? you're annoying as shit but i like that in a man, keeps you on your toes y'know? keeps you humble as well like you just wake up in bed one day and go "oh god this is the guy im dating and i don't even want to break up with him or anything what the hell's wrong with me," which i think is a pretty important thing to have-- at least for me 'cause im awesome as shit and if i don't have that sort of anchor i'll probably lke turn into god or something and i dont wanna be god. not out of self-esteem issues or anything, just out of principle 'cause i think that everyone should have a fair chance at killing me which not gonna lie is pretty easy but that's besides the point, the point is that i think anyone who wants to be god is fucking stupid and should just fucking die. like, hello??? who the hell do you think you are rying to reign above other people? are you stupid? are you dumb? hello? anyways, if you wanna know more about what i think of this i post a lot on r/atheism, im user u/waffleontopp-- wait , do i have to explain reddit to you? 'cause you seem more like a tumblrina to me, honestly reddit's pretty similar to tumblr so you won't have a lot of trouble figuring it out on your own but don't be shocked ifbyou see cock and balls on there since porn isn't banned there unlike tumblr. how's that whole thing treating you by the way? must be tough not seeing some girl's boobs every once in a while-- wait are you gay or bi? must be tough not seeing some guy's boobs every once in a while, that won't be problem if you start dating me though. haha just kidding, my chest is basically concave now after a survivor beat me repeatedly with a baseball bat so ive got like negative double D's now. oh but i do know this one guygirlthing whose boobs are out basically 24/7 who likes to hang out with me and this other guy so maybe that'll make up for it. they're not zombies and im pretty sure they didnt get infected so you don't have to worry about that but they miiiight have rabies or something im not sure to be honest so maybe watch out for that instead. if youre wondering why two non-infected humans are hanging out with a zombie then we're in the same boat, might have something to do with the possible rabies i mentioned earlier. also if they tell you that im their pet zombie that is simply not true, if anything it's the other way around, they're my pet guard dogs and they do basically anything i say even if it kills them. or at least i wish it would kill them, they're way too hardy in my opinion, i need them to die so i can eat their brains-- oh but then i'll have to do manual labor. hmm, on second thought, they can stay actually i don't wanna deal with all that. normally i dont even do my own kills nowadays, i just leave a trap or get the other two to do it for me, you guys just caught me offguard which is lowkey embarassing but trust me i am a huge, like Huge alpha sigma gamma male and would totally dominate everyone else around me. but not in a god way of course, just in a lone sigma alpha gamma wolf kinda way like those anime wolf furry drawings. you know the ones. and like im not a furry but not gonna lie they totally popped off with those
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
MANGOOO!! hello, been shy to slide into asks but i got very curious looking at your SMG4 posts.. do you have any headcanons you think are cool ? Would be a blast to see them! :D
OH HAI!!!! Oh my god I love headcanons so much I promise, but I'm one of those people who immediately forgets them all when I'm asked about them. Also I forgot which ones are mine and which ones are someone elses, thought tbh if someone HC is good enough for me to think I made it then like, that would be a huge compliment to me haha! X3
I have a few that I can think of off the top of my head right now, there's a few that need a whole post to explain but I'll do that when I feel like it, gonna leave out any LGBT headcanons because I already agree with everyone else, they are all gay and trans except the ones that aren't and that's so awesome.
Again forgive me if I repeat someone else's HC, or if anything I say is proven to not be possible, I fucking forgorrrrr;
SMG3 has tattoos, I know I've shown that one already but listen. He has 3, one is a half sleeve on his left forearm that's got a skull and a bunch of bombs and explosions around it, another one is on his right mid thigh which is a memorial tattoo for Terence, and one very small one on his back right shoulder blade that's just a little skull (it's very blown out and old). He'd like to get more at some point, none of the others have any tattoos but he's trying to convince them to get one.
All the SMG's have the little arrow thing that was on their guardian pod as a marking somewhere on their body, SMG1 has his on his chest under his scarf, SMG2 has his under his hat, SMG3 has his on his lower back, and SMG4 has his on the back of his neck, they're all pretty hidden and not too visible, but anytime they use their meme guardian powers they glow.
Tari is just a bird fan in general, for someone who stays inside gaming she sure knows every single bird ever. She's not a bird watcher but she can identify any bird you show her easily, and she's always happy and excited to see bird when she does go out. Obviously though ducks are her favourite, but she like all waterfowl in general.
Karen is divorced, she just gives me divorced girl energy. She has full custody of her kids because her ex was a piece of shit and didn't want them anyway, her kids were all too young to know about him thankfully. She probably got married right out of highschool or something, those relationships never seem to work out. I keep thinking of those "day in the life of a divorced 23 year old" videos like, that's her lol.
Bob's secret hobby is fabric work, you will catch him dead before you catch him admitting or even showing anything he makes, but he makes garments and furniture for fun. Sometimes he'll throw them into the black market and lie about their value for a quick buck and to clear out space, he doesn't care much once they're completed he just likes making them.
I think this one's just semi canon, but SMG4 Mario is secretly really good at reading people, yeah he's kinda dumb but he can pick up what people are feeling in depth, he just doesn't always get why. He's also just a good guy to go to for comfort, not advised though don't listen to him, he's just really good to ramble/vent too (mainly because he won't remember what you said lol).
I'm sure I'll think of more as soon as I post this, but come back and ask again at some point and I'll try and remember them lol
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glimmeringtwilight · 2 years
Y'know what I'll just say it. I feel like Dottore would make clones of his darling. Not even in the sense of replacing them, but solely so he can get out some of his darker urges without doing irreparable damage to their body/psyche.
Gonna put this below a cut again because jesus christ I cannot just write this man normally. It always turns into creepy shit I can't help it.
CW: Implied murder (of the clones, not of reader), torture, medical play. I guess pseudo reader-insert death should be a tag too because it IS a clone of the reader. Same creepy shit from the last post applies here. Yandere themes.
Also not gonna lie, Dottore gives me very "bluebeard's castle" vibes with the potential the ability to clone himself (and I totally assume others, as well) gives. And boy howdy have I been in the mood to write a bluebeard's castle type of fic. Originally it was going to be with Diluc, but Dottore fits much better.
So... Dottore would totally make a clone of you.
Just something that looks like you, something with the same blood type, heartbeat, hair color, eye color. Something that doesn't faint when he cuts it open, so he can cup his hands around your heart and feel it pulse, feel how it strains to keep beating when he starts to squeeze. And he doesn't have to worry about killing you, either. Because it isn't you.
He'd probably also use these clones as guinea pigs for certain things he'd like to try on you, certain drugs or treatments. Like, say he wants to extend your lifespan but doesn't want to lose you in the process. The answer is simple: make a clone of you. Sure, it's sentient, and sure, it screams and thrashes against the restraints, but it isn't you. He knows, because he knows you. Down to every atom of your being. And it may be a convincing replica, but it never compares to the real deal.
You're none the wiser, either. He's careful to keep it from you, because he's smart enough to recognize how scarring it would be to watch your captor lover cut a replica of you open and grab its heart.
But it helps the urges he gets, sometimes. Little things he thought long buried– the urge to pluck out your eyes, to keep your heart in a jar, to make a ring out of your sternum so he can wear it when he's not with you.
And some of these things he DOES do. The third clone's heart sits on his desk, preserved neatly in a jar. You looked unnerved, the first time you saw it, but you didn't ask whose it was, and he wouldn't have said, anyway.
In his lab, where you're prohibited, he keeps the eyes from the second clone, almost perfect in their imitation. Those too, are preserved.
And just last week you commented on his new ring, likely suspecting he'd swapped places with a clone again (he hadn't. You've been so good lately, he just doesn't see the point in testing you. At least not for a while.) That ring, made from the tibia of the fifth (the sternum was too thin and too difficult to work with).
He asked you if you liked it, and you said it was okay. It looks nice.
Het got you a matching one the next week, made from one of his own clones, this time. You never wear it, but he's sure you will, once he tells you. Once he's sure that you'll be just as charmed by the sentiment behind the little trinket as he is of his.
And you will be, he's sure. You've come so far already, so sharp and keen, and he knows it won't take too much of a push until you have the same urges, too.
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