#i’m tweaking over a turtle
vanwritesfan-fiction · 11 months
Jack Harlow One Sentence Requests
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"I wouldn't do that if I was you"
"damn, smells amazing in here"
"stop with the bullshit, Y/N"
"what makes you think I trust you?"
"Did you know you talk in your sleep?"
"It wouldn't be the first time I've made you cry"
"How can you watch this stuff?"
"Why are you so loud?"
"You know, you're too much sometimes."
"Bless you! You don't have to be such a dad!"
"It wasn't me"
"stop teasing and fuck me already"
"uhm hello? Aren't you forgetting something?"
"You're like Velma without her glasses"
"You don't have to to do everything for everybody, you know that!"
"it feels like all we do anymore is argue"
"Shut up, I can't sleep"
"I'm gonna keep trying to pursue you even if you hate me y/n. I'm not giving up on you"
"I think my water just broke"
"l've liked you from the start why can't you see that? I wanna be yours y/n"
"Baby diarrhea is nothing to be embarrassed about!"
"Why do you keep those people around when all they do is hurt me Jack?"
"oh so just cause we're in front of the guys you're not gonna respond to *insert pet name*"
"today was nice... but I don't think we should do it again"
"sleeping with them wasn't part of the plan"
"I love when you blush"
"I didn't give you permission"
"Nightmares are the worst, I'm sorry baby"
"please stay baby"
"How lucky am I to get to love you forever?"
"I canceled a gig to come to your aid and this is the thanks I get?"
"Did you really just say that?"
"i don't want our daughters around those people"
"You don't love me anymore do you? After everything I've supported you in?"
"I'm obsessed with you"
"why won't you just let me love you?"
"I don't think you realize my true feelings for you. I really want to be with you and only you"
"I have to see you again"
"you like when I kiss your ear and whisper into it, huh?"
"fuck its too big"
"you're being annoying"
"Guess we're gonna be seeing more of each other."
"buy why, why would you do that?"
"you're my girl"
"I don't know how to slow dance"
"Daddy, can I have a kiss please?"
“You belong to me. You’re mine and I’m yours, got it?”
“But the real question is… would you still love me if I was a caterpillar??”
"can I kiss you?"
"You just have to listen to what I'm saying, why aren't you listening? angst to fluff maybe?"
“I don’t know how to ride a bike, what makes you think I know how to ride a scooter?”
“Baby, can you pick me up?”
"We were pretty loud"
“I love your body. Everything you hate about it is what drives me crazy.”
"Baby your allergies are awful."
"You don't have to. I know, but I want to."
"Why does that always make me laugh?"
"stop pouting and let me give you a kiss"
"I just wanted it to be perfect"
"Daddy, can we keep the turtle?"
"I like your pretty little p***y"
"babe, stop, we're gonna be late"
“I love snuggling with you”
"You’re very pretty like your dad!"
“God, I love everything about you”
“You’re so cute!”
“You’re kind of sexy when you’re mad.”
“jack stop plucking me for i pop you!!”
“I’m in love with you and I’m not afraid to show it.”
“I’m exhausted, and you’re not helping.”
You can’t fall in love with me. It won’t benefit either of us.”
"It's cold out here!"
"You're the only person I'd want to live with"
“You always over complicate things!”
"I think you're cute when you get jealous."
"I'm so lucky to love you."
"I just think your eyes are really pretty"
"Its not bad, it just needs tweaking"
“You always get so grumpy when you’re hungry!“
“I think I’m ready to try for another kid now”
“don’t tell me you’re having nightmares again”
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plainemmanem · 2 years
steve thought of the day:
the group watching you bicker. they hate it cause the sexual tension is palpable 🙄
“What the hell kind of a question is that?”
“A perfectly reasonable one-“
“‘Would you still like me if I were a worm?’” Your yell echoed around the small confines of the car. “How am I even supposed to respond to that?” you scoff, shaking your head in disbelief.
“With a yes or no?”
Dustin’s forehead thumped against the cool window, trying to tune out Steve’s yelling. It had been non-stop bickering ever since he got in the backseat, and he was a second away from unbuckling and jumping out of the car, concussion be damned.
“A worm? I mean, where is this coming from?”
“Oh, right. What I should’ve asked is ‘would you still like me if I were a hedgehog.’” He spit the last word like it was venom, tearing his eyes away from the road to shoot a death glare to the passenger seat.
“Jesus. You call someone a hedgehog one time-“
“How could you possibly think my spirit animal is some spiky, little, rodent, thing. It’s insulting.”
The spirit animal debate was weeks ago, but Steve was still clutching onto his bitterness, making sure to bring it up in nearly every conversation, no matter how disconnected.
“Alright, fine.” You sigh, gazing out the passenger seat window. “What do you think you are?”
“Hawk.” Steve insisted without hesitation.
“A hawk? Please.” You roll your eyes, pulling down the sun visor to catch your reflection in the mirror. You fuss with your hair a bit and rub your tongue against your top row of teeth, then lean in to pick at something between your gums.
“Yes! It’s, like, it’s got crazy good eyesight and this really cool caw, like ‘cahhhhhhh.’” he screeches, releasing the wheel and holding his hands up in faux talons.
You lean over quickly, correcting the wheel before you all swerve onto the sidewalk, making Dustin’s heart race.
“Can we please save the hawk impressions for when we’re finished driving?” Dustin shouts, expression frantic.
“Sorry, sorry, my bad.” Steve peaks back at him in the rear view with a sheepish, apologetic look, hand coming up defensively. Dustin let’s out a huff before turning to face out the window.
You can’t help but snort at the interaction, Steve shooting you another annoyed look.
“Aren’t you supposed to be the parent, here?” You mumble towards the seat next to you, finally satisfied with your reflection and flipping the visor back up before leaning back in your seat once again. A small cringe comes over your features and you reach a hand out to change the radio station, but Steve is quick to smack you away.
“I’m actually pretty maternal, thank you very much. Been thinking of getting a pet. A turtle or a lizard or something I don’t know, I haven’t decided…” His sentence trails off as he turns onto Dustin’s street.
You snort again, then give Steve a suspicious look.
“You wanna get a pet. You couldn’t even keep my houseplants alive last summer.”
“And I said I was sorry about that-“
Dustin sighed, tuning out the conversation once again to fiddle with the radio in his hands. He flipped a few switches and tweaked a few settings, preparing to connect with Suzie later on that night.
In all honesty, Dustin really liked you. You were like another babysitter, just way cooler than Steve in almost every plausible way. He’d easily picked up that you two had the hots for each other about a month after you met, though he still has no idea how Steve’s tricked you into liking him in the first place. The next few months had been near constant attempts to set you up - for almost a year and a half - to no avail. You could never agree on anything. It’s almost as if you craved the fighting; like you guys enjoyed the weird tension that formed during every petty back-and-forth.
Again, Dustin really did like you, just not when you were bickering with Steve, which seemed to be almost all the time recently. It’s only a matter of time before the dam breaks and the younger boy can only pray he’s able to take cover when you two start sucking face.
He still thinks you could do better.
“Ok, ok fine. But what about my Songs From The Big Chair tape?” His lips press into a thin line and his eyebrows nearly touch hairline, fingers taping on the wheel anxiously.
The song on the radio was slowly reaching its crescendo, forcing Steve to raise his voice a light louder, talk a little higher, to get his point across. Dustin reached for the window, hoping to find a reprieve in the cool afternoon air, only to be stopped by the child safety locks… Stupid Steve.
“Uh, guys? Could we possibly turn down the radi-“
“No!” You and Steve both shout in unison, twisting your heads to give him annoyed expressions before turning back around.
“Honestly, I still don’t feel any remorse over your soft, baby tape. I mean Tears For Fears? Seriously? If anything, I did you a favor.” You reach for the window, now flushed from your squabbling, also finding it locked. You heave a sigh and slowly start loosening your seatbelt to lean across the center console. Now hovering a centimeter over Steve’s lap, you reach to flip the window lock on the driver’s side door.
The blush on Steve’s face was so bright, it could be seen in the rear view mirror, and all Dustin could do was sigh, resting his head against his palm and praying that the ride would be over soon.
“Well- hey, watch it- Well, sorry I don’t listen to your satanic metal music-“
“Oh, come on. You don’t actually believe in all that stuff, do you?”
“No, no, of course not. It’s just-“
“The only reason you don’t like my ‘satanic metal music’ is because Eddie listens to it.”
“Please.” He scoffs, trying to seem nonchalant. “Like I care what that freak listens to-“
“Eddie is not a freak. He’s actually cool. Unlike you.”
He mumbles to himself, lips barely moving, “Oh yeah, why don’t you marry him then?”
“What was that?” You quirk your eyebrow, assuming Steve’s murmur was some sort of taunt.
“Nope, nothing. Love the guy.” His expression is flurried and distracted as he scans the street for Dustin’s house.
“Right. Well, if you’re so cool, name one cool person you hang out with.”
Steve opened his mouth a little too quickly.
“And you can’t say Dustin.”
His mouth snaps closed just as fast. A chuckle leaves you at his deflated look.
Steve’s mouth opens again, as if he was ready to say something, but couldn’t quite find the words.
“U- uh- Um. Ah! Brenda Still!” He nods sagely.
A laugh shakes the car, your body doubling over.
“Brenda Still? Brenda fucking Still? Steve, your mom would have been a better choice!” You wheeze, wiping a stray tear from your eye.
“What?” His hands and shoulders go up frantically, his voice defensive. “Brenda’s totally cool! You don’t think she’s cool?”
“Um. No, Steve, I definitely do not think Brenda Still is considered cool.”
“Why not?”
“Ummm, maybe because you suggested a high school basketball game as your first date, and she agreed.” You give him a look as if it were obvious.
“Ok, it was Lucas’s championship game. You thought I was gonna miss that?”
His sincerity makes you chuckle, and you look back out the window to hide it.
There was a beat of charged silence. Dustin could feel the tension in the air. Steve was quick to shatter it.
“Like your dates are any better…” He was mumbling again, but you could hear him loud and clear. Steve wanted to rile you up.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, fast food and a late night showing of Porky’s, seriously?”
“Leo was actually very sweet-“
“Or what about- what was his name again? Oh- Bobbie the Bowling King? I mean, come on? What kind of a name is Bobbie, anyways? And he wouldn’t even let you win-”
“Hey, he was very competitive!”
“Oh, oh, right! Or my personal favorite: Johnny ‘Slick’ Tucker. One kiss and he nearly jizzed his pants, if I remember correctly-“
“Hey!” You smack his arm, making him shield himself with a chuckle and a cocky smirk. “I told you that in confidence!”
“Jeez, you sure do know how to pick ‘em. Where are you finding these guys, anyways?”
“What? Think you could do a better job?” You side eye him curiously, testing the waters.
Steve nods his head resolutely, closing in on Dustin’s house.
“Uhhhh, yeah. Definitely. There’s been at least ten girls this week that have been begging me to take them out-“
“Ten girls? Seems pretty steep.”
“Well, I’m a master at my craft.”
“Right. Lemme guess. Dinner and a scary movie. You do the arm over the shoulder trick and feel her up in the back row. Then a romantic drive to Lover’s Lake and a quick boink in the backseat.” Steve pulls into Dustin’s driveway, keeping the poor boy captive until the doors are unlocked.
“Ok, don’t say ‘boink,’ that’s disgustin-“ He puts it in park and turns his sole focus onto you, completely forgetting Dustin.
“Well, what would you like me to call it?” You lean in just a tad, daring him.
“I dunno… ‘Lovemaking?’” He copies your movements, eyes scanning from your eyes, raking down to your lips. He wets his own with a quick swipe of his tongue.
You chuckle.
“‘Lovemaking?’ You’ve gotta be kidding-“
The distance between you keeps shrinking and Dustin is not prepared to see what comes next.
“Guys, can we please stop talking about Steve’s sex life? Or at least wait til I’m out of the car?” His voice is fearful and frantic, popping the tense bubble you two had formed in the front.
You both mumbled simultaneous agreements.
“Sure, yeah-“
“Fine, fine. Whatever.”
There’s a heated glance shared between you two, annoyed with something a little flirty hidden just below the surface. It’s gone as soon as it came, and Steve’s quickly reaching for the button to unlock the doors, gaze never leaving yours.
Dustin hops out in a rush, offering a quick goodbye before slamming the door shut. There’s still the faint sound of bickering as he walks around the car and up the walkway.
“Steve, can we get ice cream?”
“Oh yeah! Sure! With what money? You’re practically eating me out of house and home with how much damn ice cream you beg me fo-“
“Jesus, Steve, you act like you’re not completely loaded-“
“Well, I was, before you started asking for ice cream every time the temperature goes above sixty degrees-“
“Oh, please. Don’t even act like you don’t enjoy my company.”
“Fine… You’re right.”
“Yeah. I’m always right, hon.”
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yorshie · 9 months
I had a question about the weight for the turtles in my personal head canons, and when I started typing out the answer I realized it was a bit long to just sit in the reply section of the post, so I decided to treat it like an ask and make it it’s own little post.
To recap here are the weights in question
Leo: 670lbs (height 6’4”)
Donnie: 680lbs (height 6’10”)
Raph: 720lbs (height 6’7”)
Mikey: 640lbs (height 6’2”)
Please remember these are head canons and everyone is allowed to have difference in opinion, I do not care if you disagree with me as long as you keep it civil- if you have your own head canons about the turtles, cool! I’d love to read them, I think it’s interesting what people come up with and how they get there.
I came by my weight head cannons for the bayverse turtles by looking at two things- weightlifters and the higher end weight scale for Galapagos tortoises.
Arnold was listed at 6’2” in competition and on season (cut) he was billed in at 235, off season (bulk) he clocked in at 260-ish, and all that while being a bodybuilder which means he was more concerned with the aesthetics of the human body and not training necessarily for strength. If you start looking at men that don’t adhere to a strict cut season and train primarily for strength, that number will of course be different.
The other end of that spectrum is of course power lifters which looking at Eddie Hall, who is billed in at 6’3”, and weighs over 310lbs in an interview he did for greatest physique. His wiki page lists his weight between 314lbs-434lbs which I assume is over the course of his career but I know he battled health factors that went along with the weight on his diaphragm and rib cage. The turtles of course, do not have to worry about that.
The upper weight scale for Galapagos tortoises is in the 500lbs and they get up to 6ft long, that shell weighs a bunch not to mention their bones. Granted I do not know nearly as much about the tortoises as I do weightlifting, but even with Donnie being the tallest at 6’10”, it’d stand to reason the weight would be similar and even if their shells were smaller long wise they’d offset some of that with the greater width- well, except for Donnie.- I simply cross multiplied and divided how big I “thought” their shell would be to get a handle on what it might weigh next to that mentioned turtle shell. I came up with Raph’s weight first as the biggest and burliest, and then settled the others around him. I might even tweak them a bit more, as looking at it now Mikey might be a bit low for me.
So yea that’s how I got the number for My Personal Head Canons. I like big turtles. I like muscular men. I wanted a plot point of them having to be extra careful with their weight around humans. I’m a sucker for the big strong men being careful trope.
I know exactly how I got to this here hill lol.
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all-hail-the-witcher · 11 months
questionable government spies but better written and five years late: a newsies multichap coming tonight, july 2, 2023 EST
hi hello. it’s me saph. back at it again.
the title is exactly what this looks like.
for those of you that were familiar with the first iteration of this story, welcome back, i’m so happy to have you. for those of you who are not, welcome to my long anticipated spies fic. this was originally published under the user @/suddenly-im-respecsable in about 2018-2019 (there is the early version still floating on tumblr but i have changed my url since and it’s not easily findable) and was cross posted on ao3 but was taken down
the basic gist of the story was that race and albert were fbi agents and were field training jack. they get summoned to nyc (where they were trained) to deal with some super hard gang case that no one can crack. in the process they meet spot who is working for said gang and wants out. davey jacobs is the head of the nyc branch of the fbi and hates race and albert because they almost blew up his weapons lab.
i think i got through 14 ish chapters before realizing the whole thing was badly written and in order for it to be what i wanted it to be i needed to redo it. and then i graduated high school and started college and changed fandoms and started dating my boyfriend and there was a global pandemic and then i graduated college and all of that.
and now, 5 years later, i am back on my bullshit, this time with a creative writing degree under my belt and @ainti-pretty to force me to finish what i started. the plot is all relatively the same, just a little tweaked. i never got to the point of all the plot twists so if you read the original version you have no spoilers besides some background knowledge that i am changing around a little. im working entirely off of my original hand written outline that is on the back of my notes from my 11th grade english class
and what motivated me to do this now you may ask? well i’m interning in nyc over the summer and can do irl accurate location mapping lol. that and i made a tumblr to literally post this story and i never finished it so i figured that i should probably do that. and if you’re doubting that this will get finished, which, fair, @ainti-pretty and i are literally living together next year and i am certain that i will be hounded about this every day of my existence
i am tagging people who i remember being very excited about this back in the day. if you want to be tagged in future parts of this please let me know. if you don’t just feel free to ignore :) @sun-kissed-star @getchapapes @jack-kellys @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @fairly-awkward-trashcan @ritsunaru @heller-obama @turtle-steverogers @boygirlctommy @newsies-trash-queen @telling-tragedy @alberteatsglass
and since i have every ounce of this planned, here is my casting if you are interested:
92sies: mush, blink, davey
obc: spot, crutchie, smalls, medda, pulitzer
toursies: specs
proshot: albert, romeo, elmer, buttons, jojo, (anyone else i’ve forgotten is probably proshot)
uksies: jack, finch
race: weird combo of btc and giuseppe bausillo
katherine: a literal tiktok girlie
i am cross posting this on ao3, the tumblr version will all be tagged under #spies 2.0 and it will all me master posted and pinned on my blog.
im so excited :)) this fic is my baby and i want to thank everyone who has read it previously and everyone who will this go around. let me know if you want to be tagged !!
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alastorswifee · 2 years
Can I request?
Hear me out
Y/N wearing underwear that is orange with pizza slices. Mikey walks in and sees. Tweaking and teasing?
Been on a long break as everyone can tell but I’m back, let me get some requests done before I start opening them again. Let’s start with this request, also love next time you request can you maybe specify the version of the turtle you’d like?
The reader will be going by she/her pronouns if that’s fine and will be addressed with a female body aspect.
Contains slight nsfw
> Mikey and you have been in a relationship for a few months now
> you’re both really comfortable with one another and have shared and have done many things with one another
> there would be nights you would stay over and sleep with him or he’d stay at your place
> tonight was one of those usual nights where you invited him to sleep over at yours
> you were currently waiting for your terrapin boyfriend while getting dressed
> you had only managed to put on just your underwear and bra, you were too into the music blasting from your phone
> the distraction really delayed your task at hand but did you care? Not really, you were expecting Mikey for about an hour so it’s fine
> you swayed your hips and sang softly to the music, truly being in your element and enjoying yourself
> unbeknownst to you, Michelangelo had quietly opened the window and started to slip in before noticing your dancing form not too far away from him
> his eyes would slightly widen at the display infront of him
> your beautiful body right infront of him in just a white bra and…is that orange underwear with pizza slices?
> fuck his shell is tightening..
> your eyes were closed as you moved your hips to the beat, Mikey’s mouth close to watering from the sight
> the way the panty fit you so perfectly and the movements you were making..fuck that’s hot
> Mikey has seen you almost naked and completely naked many times but everytime he sees you, it’s like the first
> slowly and quietly, Mikey started making his way towards you and before you knew it, you felt two large hands grip your hips causing you to jump and freeze
> Mikey would look down at you with a slight grin “hey angelcakes..” he would mutter in a soft yet raspy tone
> you knew that tone..you knew it too well
> “Mikey..you’re here early..” you muttered out to him, still in a state of being flustered and shocked
> “I finished patrol early and decided to head here while I was heading back..” his hand started to trail your body, outlining every curve
> you shivered upon the feeling and bit your bottom lip a little, unable to make a comment
> Mikey leans down “when did you buy these?” He whispers against your ear, feeling his fingers slightly pull on your panty before letting go and letting the fabric smack against your skin
> Mikey internally groaned at the sound that his action made
> you tried your best to compose yourself before muttering “today while I was out with april..we were shopping and I thought you’d like it..”
> Mikey smirked a bit “oh you were right about that..now let me show you how much I really love it.”
> and with that Mikey lifted you into his arms and started his way towards your bed
> tonight was going to be a long night..
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heloflor · 6 months
Probably my hottest Mario take: I might actually like the 1986 Anime Movie more than the 2023 Movie. Yes the 2023 one is a better movie overall while the 86 Anime didn’t age well and is filled with plot conveniences and random things happening just because, along with the bad animation, questionable voice acting, weird soundtrack and sound design, but idk I still really like it.
It’s just that there’s something very charming about that movie. It came out a single year after the first Super Mario Bros, back when there was little to no lore about the Mushroom Kingdom, and it really shows in the way enemies are used and random characters exist but also you can tell they made an effort with the little they had. It’s like watching the very beginning of the franchise, way before it became the phenomenon it is today, and there’s something about it I really like.
I’m also fascinated by the way Peach and Bowser were written in it. This was the first time these two were given a personality past “evil bad guy” and “damsel in distress”. And not only are they both great in the little screentime they have, but these new personality traits, given one single year after the creation of those characters, remain to this day their personality, albeit with a few small tweaks (Bowser being a dad becoming a huge part of his character, Peach losing her temper in most versions). Kinda funny how these two are the biggest highlight of the movie despite only being in it for like 5 minutes, but still, love what was done with them.
And when it comes to comparing it to the 2023 Movie, I actually find it hilarious how many similarities the two have, including having the exact same skeleton for their story. It’s been 37 years yet Nintendo is still writing the same thing, I love it (more on the comparison here).
Oh yeah and because I just know there are some people who will go “the hell you like about this movie?!”, here’s an actual list!
- Literally everything about the intro is great once you get past the weirdness of the Mushroom people coming out the TV. We get Mario playing the Famicom, Peach managing to defend herself for a while before getting overwhelmed, Mario being hilariously chill about all of this, Mario more than willing to fight Bowser until he sees just how enormous Bowser is and gets intimidated, the back and forth between Peach and Mario hiding behind each other, that moment where Bowser gets rid of Mario with one finger and then smiles about it followed by a beat and then Peach starts throwing furniture at him, the Game Over screen, Luigi reacting like you’d expect. Just. Everything about this scene is great!
- The wooden title cards look amazing. It’s a small thing, but I love the “fairytale” vibe it gives the movie. And now that I think about it, that might also be why I’m being so nice with this movie, since fairytales do tend to be small stories with little going on and not always making sense, making it easier to forgive its flaws.
- The shop scene is also very solid in showing us who Mario and Luigi are as people and how they play off of each-other. On that note, I like their dynamic. It’s a bit of the usual bickering siblings who would still do anything for each other, but it works.
- The meeting with the wizard guy is also solid with the way Mario and Luigi react to things. It’s a bit of an exposition dump, but you can tell they try to make it entertaining. Plus, it works for how simplistic the story is (yes I’m giving this movie a lot of slack).
- The travel montages...yeah I’m gonna be honest with this one, it sucks. I do like how they use them to show the different power-ups they get, but it’s still very boring and I skip them when watching the movie. Except for the last one on the airship, that one is pleasant.
- Luigi tripping on mushrooms. Do I even need to say more? But yeah that whole sequence with the paratroopa is nice (once you get past the fact that a turtle made a bunch of birds). And I like how clever Mario gets to save himself and Luigi from the babies.
- I’m not one to care about people drawing smut of cartoon characters, but the internet is sleeping on those Toads. That’d actually be hilarious if the main takeaway the fandom had of this movie were to be the Toad girls. And on an unrelated note, their designs is more original than the Toads we get now!
- The whole sequence with the Piranha plants and the Lakitu honestly bores me and drags on a bit. The Piranhas might also be the worst animated part of this whole thing. I do like how much of a selfish bitch the Lakitu is though. Idk, that’s a fun character in their shittiness.
- The scene in the cavern is fine. I like how the Hammer Bros is used as that intimidating guard, and we get to see Luigi be the one to solve the issue this time around! On that note, I love that Luigi’s love for money isn’t only for jokes but is at times used as a plot point (him later on flooding the castle and finding Mario’s star). Mario’s daydream is also pretty cute.
- I probably watched that scene between Peach and Bowser a dozen times since I re-discovered this movie this year. I adore the way they are characterized, especially in the context of this being the first time they’ve been written this way. Bonus points for Bowser who has no rights being as adorable as he is in this. Ultimately this scene doesn’t really advance the story, but I still love that we got some insight on who these two are at such an early stage of the franchise’s existence.
- The underwater scene is also a slug to go through, though it’s interesting to see how they used the Cheep Cheep. Also Mario dressing up as a ballerina while the dog references that one queer music star is a yes.
- I find the third act of this movie to be honestly solid. Sure there are some contrivances with the fire platforms room and the water somehow destroying the castle, but I still like it. Granted it might be due to how much screentime Bowser gets here. Speaking of which, it’s actually surprising that Bowser turns down Peach when she promises to marry him if he lets Mario alone, with Bowser refusing because he knows Mario might be trouble since he already ate two of the power-ups. This is probably top five smartest things Bowser has done in the entire franchise. This isn’t an insult to Games Bowser btw, I fucking love this dumbass, and he is kind of a dumbass when interacting with Peach in this movie as well!
- While the ending is hated for a reason and I do find it dumb as well, it’s still incredibly sweet how Mario accepts it and wishes happiness on Peach.
So overall, is the 86 Anime good? Ehh, not really. But if you’re able to get past all the weird shit going on, it’s very charming as a piece of Mario history, and it’s especially funny to see all the small things that end up becoming a core part of the franchise. And because of that, I can’t help but like it more than the 2023 Movie, even if the 2023 one is an overall better movie (I’d give the 86 Anime a 4,5/10 and the 2023 one a 6/10 in terms of movie quality; but in terms of enjoyment the 86 Anime is above the 2023 Movie for me)
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verfound · 1 year
(Old) Ficlet: Called Out (MLB, Alya/Nino)
Rating: General Audiences
Characters/Pairings: Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe; Nino/Alya
Summary: “And once found, how does a fox announce that it has claimed a mate, Mademoiselle Césaire?”  A wicked idea began to form in her mind.  She could feel the fox imbuing her as her eyes slid over to Nino.  She ignored their teacher calling her name, her lips curling back over her teeth as she opened her mouth…
Author’s Notes/Warnings: I wrote this YEARS ago.  Back when we were just getting the leaks that Alya and Nino would be getting the Fox & Turtle and we had no names for them.  It was loosely set in another, longer fic I was working on, and I wasn’t going to post this one until I posted that, but that one was Adrien-having and I’m not sure I’ll ever get around to finishing it.  At least without major rewrites/tweaking.  I still kinda like this silly little idea, and it really does stand alone, and I’m tired of it sitting in my Upload folder.  Sooo…hey, have something non-Lukanette?  😂  (I’m pretty sure I wrote this before we met Luka.  That’s how old this is.  Back before Alya and Adrien annoyed me as much as they do.  😂)
“Called Out”
Alya was restless.
It was a consequence of the Fox Miraculous, Trixx had told her.  Where her feet had always itched to a certain degree, eager to be on the trail of the Next Big Scoop, becoming the Scarlet Fox had only made her itching feet worse.  Especially on a day like today, when the sun was shining and the air was crisp with the coming winter.  Her body was practically thrumming with the need to transform and race along the rooftops.
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daboyau · 1 month
Hi!! (sorry there's so much I'm just curious. Also I WILL read your fics one day I swear)
H: How would you describe your style?
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
I am grabbing you by the shoulders and gently shaking you. very little brings me more joy than interacting with people, and I’m always super eager to talk about my writing. Never apologize, my friend. Whether you ever read my fics or not doesn’t matter. I appreciate you being here. Now, on to the games!
H: How would you describe your style?
This is…a really hard question for me. Maybe like. Vague? Character driven? Sorry, I’m not really sure. ^^”
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Okay so I know most people who will read this are here for turtles, but I had this idea for a My Hero Academia fic a while back. Its WIP name is Time Loop murder mystery ghost story. The basic premise is that Izuku ends up having a Quirk that only activates after death (original, I know). He is murdered in middle school, the Quirk activates, but it basically just brings him back as a ghost and he unknowingly moves through his final three days again and again (including his own murder), unchanging and unaware that the world is moving on without him. No one knows who killed him, but the story would follow Katsuki as he tried to solve the mystery so that Izuku can finally rest. I just had this thought of him haunting everyone’s lives without ever knowing how much he would have (and does) affect them, and the story would focus a lot on grief for someone who is still, technically, with you while you also know that they’re forever out of reach. I wrote the first chapter or two and have a lot of it planned out but just haven’t made a lot of headway with actually writing it.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
The answer is…a lot. Basically I will write the chapter in my notes app, then go back and reread it a couple hours or days later and revise it as I go. Then I’ll repeat that process over the course of a week or three, over and over and over, adding little bits or tweaking words or dialogue here or there. THEN I’ll open up a new doc on my laptop, set my phone next to it, and type out the chapter once again, editing it as I go. And then I’ll reread it one or two more times. So by the time people read it I’ve looked over and revised it like a dozen or more times lmao. That’s probably a small part of why it takes me so long to write the next chapter of my fics.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Oh I have SO SO MANY!!!! I am foaming at the mouth with the desire to talk about them at all times. I have a whoooole bunch of basic ideas written up, but haven’t started working on any of the actual chapter writing yet because I just know that if I do that, I won’t be working on my current two rise fics. But oohhhh do I want to. So a couple I’m sitting on currently are:
2012/2018 TMNT crossover, where the 2012 turtles see a portal open in the sky, go to investigate, and happen to find some very unusual, weird glowy weapons. They of course decide to take said glowy weapons home.
A DC/Rise crossover, where the boys find themselves face to face with some angry looking heroes after (surprise surprise) they fall through a portal! It would probably be a Young Justice crossover, though I’ve kicked around the ideas of a handful of different heroes/iterations. I think the idea of them ending up with Shazam would be fun, but I think that story would be best humorous and I’m not good at anything except angst. So definitely leaning more towards Young Justice at the moment while trying to decide if I want all four of the boys to have gotten tossed into a new universe or just one or two of them. 
There’s the little Rise/Harry Potter au I daydream about (mostly just bc i want to sort the boys into houses) but probably won’t ever write.
There are a lot more but this is getting long and I could go on and on about my ideas for hours so I’m reeling myself back in by force.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Oh man. Honestly I wish someone would finish my very first attempt at writing fanfiction. I abandoned it 3/4 of the way through and swore up and down for yeeeears I’d finish it, but I just never got the gumption to. I’d love for someone else to ghostwrite the last couple of chapters for me. It’s haunted me for years.
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
Plot 100%. Usually I’ll come up with the bare bones of an idea, and then from there I’ll decide which characters would fit best, and from their individual characterization and personality that sort of forms the remainder of the tone/interactions/certain plot points of the story. (I say that, but tbh I’m really bad at plotlines and usually just wing it. I have an idea to start with and an end goal to aim myself at, but I am flying by the seat of my pants chapter by chapter and just hoping nobody notices.)
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annonniiiiieeeee · 1 year
I imagine that when all the chaos is over, there is going to be the episode where Raph, Donnie, and Leo have de-aged into toddlers (TURTLE TOTS!!!) and Mikey isn’t de-aged. With the Tenshu gang there, how would they react?
So so here’s the plan…..
After the sequel is done. My plan was to make two collections of one shots.
Are random little moments from the future. All the kid stories. As I do not think I have the energy to fully write their lives all the years the kids will span. I’m just going to have snapshots and moments of the future (most likely out of order) what every inspires me or what you guys send me.
The other is a continuation of the direct story. While it will have a bit of an over aching plot, it will also be episodic almost. I was going to go look at the episode list that were cut from season two and use some of those ideas. I’m also going to take the one shots in here and transfer them their with some editing and tweaking as i have left out the over arching plot from them.
One of the episodes was going to be a de-aged episode. I’ve got an idea. But currently I can’t tackle it as the idea involves some plot from the main story that you don’t know about yet.
It is coming! Just not anytime soon.
But if I might give my hand a little bit. This story has more then one set of siblings. That means there is more then one younger sibling who’s never had to be responsible for the care of others before. But boy are Mikey and them going to learn!
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mightyflamethrower · 8 months
So now cocaine is legal in Oregon, but straws aren’t. That must be frustrating.
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• Still trying to get my head around the fact that ‘Take Out’ can mean food, dating, or murder. • Threw out my back sleeping, and tweaked my neck sneezing so I’m probably just one strong fart away from complete paralysis. •Dear paranoid people who check behind their shower curtains for murderers. If you do find one, what’s your plan? •The older I get, the more I understand why roosters just scream to start their day. •Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the ‘cool table’ in the cafeteria of a mental hospital. •You know you’re over 50 when you have ‘upstairs ibuprofen’ and ‘downstairs ibuprofen’. How did doctors come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life, when….the rabbit is always jumping but only lives for around two year, and…the turtle that doesn’t exercise at all, lives over 200 years. So, rest, chill, eat, drink, and enjoy life! •I too was once a male trapped in a female body…but then my mother gave birth. •If only vegetables smelled as good as bacon. •When I lost the fingers on my right hand in a freak accident, I asked the doctor if I would still be able to write with it. He said, “Probably, but I wouldn’t count on it. •I woke up this morning determined to drink less, eat right, and exercise. But that was four hours ago when I was younger and full of hope. •Anyone who says their wedding was the best day of their life has clearly never had two candy bars fall down at once from a vending machine. •We live in a time where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended •The biggest joke on mankind is that computers have begun asking humans to prove they aren’t a robot •When a kid says “Daddy, I want mommy” that’s the kid version of “I’d like to speak to your supervisor”. •It’s weird being the same age as old people. •Just once, I want a username and password prompt to say CLOSE ENOUGH •Last night the internet stopped working so I spent a few hours with my family. They seem like good people. •If Adam and Eve were Cajuns they would have eaten the snake instead of the apple and saved us all a lot of trouble. •We celebrated last night with a couple of adult beverages …… Metamucil and Ensure. •You know you are getting old when friends with benefits means having someone who can drive at night. •Weight loss goal: To be able to clip my toenails and breathe at the same time. •After watching how some people wore their masks, I understand why contraception fails. •Some of my friends exercise every day. Meanwhile I am watching a show I don’t like because the remote fell on the floor. •For those of you that don’t want Alexa or Siri listening in on your conversation, they are making a male version…it doesn’t listen to anything. •I just got a present labeled, ‘From Mom and Dad’, and I know darn well Dad has no idea what’s inside. •Now that Covid has everyone washing their hands correctly…next week…Turn Signals. •Someone said, “Nothing rhymes with orange.” I said, “No, it doesn’t.” • The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The realist adjusts his sails. •There’s a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Only a fraction of people will find this funny. •Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are. •I have many hidden talents. I just wish I could remember where I hid them. •My idea of a Super Bowl is a toilet that cleans itself. •Apparently exercise helps you with decision-making. It’s true. I went for a run this morning and decided I’m never going again.
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hijinxensues · 1 year
The Cloaking Brooch Dilemma - Part 9
RotTMNT Donatello x OC!AFAB 
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Synopsis: Donatello considered himself, nay, deemed himself the greatest mind of his generation. He was known for his skills as a scientist, inventor, engineer and was a technological genius. Dare he throw in that he was a damn good brother and held the title of being ¼th ‘Protector of New York City’.
He could barely fathom that he didn’t piece together that the pretty barista he was falling for was simultaneously his gaming buddy (might I add, for the last eight years) and was working for Big Mama.
At this very moment, Donatello was sure of two things in his life. One of them being his life was a joke and the second being that he was fraternizing with the enemy.
All because he decided to run errands whilst donning his cloaking brooch.
Warnings: Aged-Up turtles, fluff, Half-Yokai OC, AFAB OC (does use she/her/they pronouns in writing), swearing
Ch 9 – Plum
Donatello was nearly finished with the data collection for the spreadsheet. He had to tweak it at the start to account for the ‘Cute Coffee Shop Barista was Actually just your Best Friend Reveal’, instead of restarting.
The data pointed to a consistent light headedness, shortness of breath, perspiration and arrythmia that only happened when in the presence of Violet. There was fluctuation in when these symptoms happened, but it only happened when he was with Violet, which had him extremely puzzled. Violet herself never said anything of note in terms of her own physical health and he was reticent to think it was something she was doing to him. As far as he was concerned, Violet was not of mystic-nature and if she was, she would most definitely have told him given that they both called each other ‘best friends’. April and he were also best friends, practically siblings, and there was seldom, if anything, that they kept from each other.
Musing over the thought, was he and Violet like siblings? No, that title didn’t fit. Violet and he were very close, but not once had he thought she was like a sister to him. Was ‘best friends’ a tier underneath ‘siblings’ in friendship ranking? Should he think Violet was like a sister to him given how close they were? Was there such thing as ‘friendship ranking’?
Donatello spun in his computer chair going over the ‘friendship’ to ‘sibling’ pipeline and couldn’t quite connect the dots between himself and Violet. Perhaps he should ask Michelangelo? He seemed to be the expert on all things friendship related.
Just the brother he wanted to see, go figure.
“Hello, my dearest Angelo. Just the turtle I wanted to see!”
“Really?! You missed me? Oh, Dee! I love you too!” Donatello braces himself for sudden impact as his younger brother flings himself across his shell and wraps his arounds around his neck, snuggling into his cheek. He pats him on the head as to return the sentiment. “Yes, yes Angelo.” Donatello plucks his brother off him and sets him down on a nearby computer chair. Michelangelo sits criss-cross-apple-sauce.
“This is very, very- that’s two ‘verys’, unlike me, but I’m a little lost in my thought process about a friend, and I would admittedly like some help ‘unpacking’, so to speak.”
Michelangelo ‘ooo’s and rests his head in his palms and leans far into Donatello’s space, “A friend? Did something happen between you and April? Or even you and Cass? Or maybe you and Casey? Perhaps-“
“Mikey, it’s none of those people.”
“Okay, well you didn’t let me finish. What about you and Sunita? What other friends we do have?” Michelangelo has run out of fingers and working on counting toes at this point as he lists of anyone they’ve ever met that was in the Hamato family’s inner circle.
Donatello already was regretting his choice to ask for help.
“Michael, it’s still none of those people.”
Michelangelo screws his eyes shut and opens them with a defeated huff, “I got nothing.”
Donatello was surprised everyday with the insurmountable patience he held for the youngest Hamato.
“Right,” he drawls, “It’s not important who the person is, what’s important is the context. You don’t need to know this person to help me ‘unpack’.” He makes air quotes.
“But I want to know who we’re talking about, Dee! It completes the picture. I need all the context if Dr.Feelings is going to help you, baby!”
“I do not think Dr.Feelings would be much help here, I’d prefer to speak to Mikey right now.” Before his younger brother start up his tangent again, Donatello is quick to interrupt, “As I was saying, before I kept being rudely interrupted, and let me finish, Michael,” Donatello holds up a single digit to halt his brother speech.
“I have a friend, and no you don’t know them, and yes, they’re a real person. You’ve actually walked in here with me playing video games with them, to satiate your curiosity.” Donatello pauses, “I expect your secrecy with this moving forward.” The purple turtle squints menacingly and Michelangelo make a motion of closing a zipper across his mouth.
“This friend and I are very close; I would place our friendship in the ‘best friend’ category. However, April and I are also technically in the ‘best friend’ category, but here’s where I find the issue at hand. I would also classify April as an older sister figure, which would boost her up higher on the friendship hierarchy.”
“Go on.”
“Right, so given that perceiving an individual as a sibling is higher up on the friendship hierarchy, above ‘best friend’ category, does that mean me and this friend aren’t actually as close as I think?”
Michelangelo hums in thought, his thumb and finger under his chin, making a ‘v’ shape, “So, you have a ‘best friend’ and you’re confused over why you don’t see them as more than that? Donnie, that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. On top of that, there is no ‘friendship hierarchy’, you just made that up.”
Donatello does a ‘tsk’ and rolls his eyes, “That’s why I’m seeking your help, as this is your area of expertise. And there is a friendship hierarchy! In order, there’s stranger, acquaintance, co-worker if applicable, villain-turned-good-guy and they somehow become a parental figure if applicable, friend, best friend and then sibling-status which is reserved for people where the friendship is so great, they are considered family. Sibling-status is automatically given to family, aka Raph, yourself and Leo.”
“Who’s ‘villain-turned-good-guy and they somehow become a parental figure’?”
“Draxum and Hypno. Warren if you squint but you know his favorite child is April.”
“Ah, yeah, okay.”
Michelangelo pauses and shrugs, conceding his older brothers point, “Huh, okay sure, there is a ‘friendship hierarchy’.” Michael makes air quotes as he says it, “Why don’t they make the cut then for sibling-status? And talk out your thought process so I can help you. Don’t just keep it inside that big brain of yours.”
“I’m not sure,” his face in his hands, “I’m stuck here as well.”
“Okay, well how about you compare April and this person, since you seem to already be doing that.”
Donatello wrings his hands as he processes, “I’ve known April almost my whole life, but I’ve also known my friend for upwards of six years or so. They’re both know an immense amount of knowledge about me and vice versa, I’ve hung out in person with both separately. I enjoy myself when I’m around them and I do trust them. They both indulge me on my scientific rants but also know when to put me in my place. We’ve got tons of common interests and I look forward to seeing them, schedule permitting.”
“You’re not coming up with a lot of differences there, Dee.”
Michelangelo senses Donatello’s hesitancy to continue and prompts him with the good ole’ youngest sibling charm, “Your secrets safe with me, Dee! I promise.”
“I get…ill around my friend.”
“I don’t think I heard you right, Dee. You get sick around them?”
Donatello swallows thickly, “Yes, I get ill. Arrythmia, perspirations and usually some kind of light-headedness due to overheating.”
The purple terrapin has never been good at reading facial expressions and this is one of those times where he can’t tell if Michaels face is just void of an expression or he just can’t read him.
“….Do you know why that might be?” Michael looks leadingly at him, as if he already knows the answer and he’s trying to get him to catch up. How could Michael have an answer to a question he’s been mulling over for ages?
How much was he going to reveal to Michael right now? About the cloaking brooch, about him lying about who he was to Violet.
“I haven’t been able to pinpoint the exact reason why, however, I may potentially be fostering a bit of a white lie around them. The short and long of it is, they met me with a cloaking brooch on and so they think I’m human.”
“Oh! So, you’re guilty for lying! That probably explains why you get sweaty and hot around them.” Michelangelo states like it’s the most obvious answer in the world. “You can’t ascend them to ‘sibling status’ in your made up hierarchy because you haven’t been truly honest with them! When you come clean to them, the sweaty, hot feeling will go and you’ll probably be able to categorize them better.”
It was guilt.
This was an answer that made sense. How could he have been so stupid? He had been lying by omission, essentially the entirely of their friendship. Anyone would clearly equate his ‘illness’ to the feeling of being guilty, so why didn’t the feeling of ‘guilt’ quite fit what he felt around Violet? Perhaps he just felt ‘guilt’ a bit differently towards her because of some other reason? He was never that great at identifying emotions.
Donatello is stunned into silence as he nods, still making sure to let Michael know he was listening with more physical cues.
“Word of advice though, Don? First of all, come clean about you being a mutant! If they don’t like you as a mutant, they were never your friend to begin with. And two, you should just focus on what you feel with them and try not to think too hard on where you might categorize them. It sounds like you two have a really good friendship in general, it shouldn’t matter where they sit on your scale. What’s important is that you make each other happy!”
“Thank you Michael, you were a great help. I think you’ve solved my problem.” Almost. Maybe. Hopefully.
Michelangelo smiles bright and full, his gap tooth showing, “No problem, Dee! I’m always here for you.” He pats him on his shoulder a few times before getting up and reaching for the sky as he stands and stretches. “Anything else from me, Dee?”
He shakes his head and leans back into his computer chair to recline backwards, “No, I don’t think so, Angelo. Thank you again for your assistance.”
“I’m glad we got it figured out, you know, for a second it sounded like you might’ve had a crush on them or something.” Michelangelo chuckles airily and promptly exits the lab and leaves Donatello with a deafening and weighted silence.
A crush.
“A crush!?” Donatello sputters to the silence of his lab, “A crush? No, that’s- that’s absolutely absurd!”
He goes over the friendship pipeline in his brain rapidly, his palms beginning to sweat, his heart pumping so rapidly he could hear it in his ears. The same way it happens when he’s with Violet. He pushes those thoughts away quickly and buries them in a lockbox at the bottom of the metaphorical void of his brain, past all the filing cabinets and boxes filled with information so it can never be found again.
In order: stranger, acquaintance, co-worker if applicable, villain-turned-good-guy and they somehow become a parental figure if applicable, friend, best friend and then sibling-status.
Where does he put romantic interest? Does it have its own tier? Something separate from the friendship hierarchy?! Is there a whole other hierarchy he needs to worry about that he has not accounted for!? How could he have been so blind to another piece of data? While Donatello was no stranger to the intimate intricacies of romantic relationships, he had technically never been in a long standing one that pushed further the boundaries of the physicality portions of it.
Regardless, he did not have…feelings for his best friend. This he was absolutely certain of.
In all the rom-com media Raphael makes the family consume up until this point, the ‘falling in love’ trope seemed to be extremely, explosive, for lack of a better word. The feeling would hit the main characters hard and fast; it would be extremely obvious to the two people and often be a bit messy before they ironed out the kinks. Having a crush in media was like a tidal wave crashing violently into the shore or literal fireworks as it was often described as- it was loud, glaringly obvious and obnoxious if you asked him. He would know, without a doubt, if he harbored romantic feelings towards Violet because it would be loud.
With Violet, it was never like that. It had never once been loud. Being with Violet was like the quiet before the storm, calm and patient. He could compare her to the soft glow of a campfire, bright and comforting, embers making themselves known as they try to spread their warmth as far as they can. The bass of his music when he could hear it from another room, loud enough to hear and feel the thrum of the music, but never loud enough to disturb. Violet lit up a room and commanded presence when needed, she burned so bright it was blinding but he never had an issue looking right at the light or missed an opportunity to bask in her warmth.  
He sees her nose crinkle when she smiles when he closes his eyes and he opens them quickly, looking rapidly over his shoulders almost like he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t have.
He didn’t have a crush on Violet. Why does it feel like he almost has to convince himself of this? He takes another metaphorical lock box and throws that thought in there and makes the key disappear.
He did not have a petulant crush on anyone. He had a ‘bad boy’ image to uphold, of course.
Donatello clears his throat, “I need a coffee.”
The warmth that travels up his neck and to his cheeks is caused by his lab being too warm (he needs to turn down the heat in there) and has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he’s about to go see Violet, hopefully, at her shift.
He’d be sure to impress her this time, in his mutant form. Why was he doing this again? Ah yes, he was doing this to get her used to his mutant form before telling her the truth. Right. Last time did not go as planned, but this time would be better.
He had a script prepared for almost every possible line of dialogue she could throw at him.
He straightens his coat and rights his beanie on his head before then smoothing down his pants with damp palms (he was sweaty because he was guilty of lying, not because of silly little romantic feelings, he reminds himself), he needed to look more than acceptable of course to make a good first (or second) impression as his mutant self. “Here goes.”
He curses as he checks the time on his arm band, it’s fifteen minutes before close. He should be able to make it but the chat with Michelangelo had run long and he dawdled a bit on the way into the neighborhood as well which ate up valuable time as well. There would not be much time for pleasantries, given she was on shift today.
A grin makes it onto his face before he can temper it as he sees Violet’s telltale round framed glasses and dark hair at the till, wiping down the counter. She looks up and offers a small smile, “You know it’s rude to come into an establishment right before close right?” Violet slides over a pastry box and a to-go cup, “I had a feeling you’d come in tonight. I mean, if you didn’t, I’d just have a latte a cinnamon bun for breakfast tomorrow.”
“You never cease to amaze me, Violet.” This causes her cheeks to color and he doesn’t miss it, “Has anyone told you that you’re more thoughtful than the average person? I’d reckon any other barista would not have had my order prepped and ready for pick up based on a ‘feeling’.”
Violet chuckles, “Don’t get a big head over it.”
Donatello fumbles with his wallet to try and eat up time as this was not a part of his dialogue chart for things to say next. The bell at the front door chimes to notify him of another customer coming into the coffee shop. He sighs and taps to pay for his order. ‘Beefed it again, Beefatello! Way to go.’ He scolds himself internally as he grabs his order, ready to end the night off on a measly ‘see you next time’.
“Good riddance, these mutants are everywhere.”
It’s not the first, nor will it be the last he hears xenophobia or bigotry in New York, but it always manages to seize his heart hearing the blatant disgust aimed at him.
He hates it but it’s always better to not fight back, Raphael says. It shows more of their character than it does his.
“Excuse me? I’m going to give you one chance to fix your attitude.” It’s Violet who speaks up next.
The older gentleman scoffs and places his grubby little fingers across the counter Violet just wiped down- it made Donatello furious.
“I said, these god-forsaken mutants are fucking everywhere! Taking over our jobs, invading our coffee shops! They’re fucking freaks!” The gentleman faces him completely and jabs a finger into his plastron. Donatello is much larger than he was in his teens, and he doesn’t budge a single millimeter as the mans finger folds under the hard surface of his plastron.
“Listen here you fucking racist, piece of shit- you’re talking to one of the Heroes of New York City,” Violet rounds the corner and shoves the man out of the way to stand in front of him, “you know that alien invasion? Yeah, he took care of that shit. What the fuck were you doing?” Violet reaches behind her and grabs the latte out of Donatello’s hand, “And ‘taking over coffee shops’? You want a coffee that fucking bad? Take it!”
Swiftly she rips the lid off and throws the hot contents of the cup on the man.
Donatello isn’t sure if he imagines Violet in armor and a shield or if he’s got stars in his eyes. There she is, that’s my girl!
The man sputters angrily and wipes at himself rapidly, purple coffee dripping down his arms and clothes, he throws curses at her as he runs towards the door, “I’ll get you back for that, bitch!”
“That’s what they all say! I’ll be waiting!” Breathing heavy, a hand on her chest as she turns to face him. “I’m really sorry-“
“No, no! I should be saying sorry for the mess on the floor. I should be thanking you! So, thank you for that. Not many people come to our rescue.” Donatello smiles earnestly at her and puts his pastry box down, “Do you have a mop and cleaning solution? It’s well passed close now, I’d be delighted to help clean up.”
Violet tilts her head with furrowed brows and for the second time tonight, he’s unable to read a social cue or facial expression. Had he said something wrong? “Unless, of course, you’d like to clean this up yourself, then-“
She shakes her head, “I’ll get a mop, thanks for helping.” She grins and heads to the back, “One second!”
This encounter with Violet as his mutant self was much more successful than he could’ve ever predicted, despite the bigot of course.
Donatello sops up most of the liquid with tissue paper that he discards in a waste basket. He holds his hands out stiffly in front of him and screws his face at the moist texture of the napkins then heads over to the sink to wash up.
Violet comes back out with a mop bucket and goes over the remaining residue, “So, you’ve heard the ‘Heroes of New York’ thing?” he smirks playfully at her and crosses his arms over his puffed chest.
She snorts and rolls her eyes, “For the second time tonight, don’t get a big head about it. I’ve got a Yokai friend I love dearly that mentioned in passing there were a few color-coded vigilante turtles that took care of that craziness a few years back.” She starts to wheel the mop bucket away before locking eyes, “Thanks for yenno, saving the world though. Seriously. The best I could do for you is throw a cup of coffee at your assailant.” She chuckles and throws a wink his way.
If his ego was any bigger, he wouldn’t make it out the door.
“Thank you, loyal citizen! I believe it is my turn to say something for the second time tonight, you never cease to amaze me, Violet. Throwing coffee at my assailant is more than the average barista would do for me anyways.” He raises his voice a bit, so she catches his words from the other room.
His ninja skills kicking in, he jaunts to the front door and does a quick scan for the surrounding areas to try and see if the man was still hanging around to catch Violet by surprise.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll just take the back entrance and hope for the best. Or I might call a friend of mine to chat on the phone while I walk home, I haven’t heard much from him today.”
Donatello sees her pull her phone out and fusses around with a few buttons before his phone starts to buzz in his pocket. In a panic, he starts coughing to cover up the sounds of the vibration in his pocket and stealthily silences it with a press of a button on his arm band.
“Uh, you okay? You’ve got a nasty cough.”
The terrapin clears his throat, “Ah, yes! Just choked…on my own spit. Briefly.” Real smooth, Donatello, “Um, I insist on walking you home. Take it as my thank you for tonight.” He wrings his hands and sways stiffly as he waits for her to answer.
Donatello feels a few more vibrates on his phone as she texts his phone, and he sighs in relief as she pockets her device, “Sure thing, he’s not answering right now, so I’ll take you up on your offer to be safe.”
The walk home is uneventful and relatively quiet in terms of conversation between the two of you, Donatello has already memorized the way back to Violet’s apartment, but he slows his steps to make it look like he’s following to quell any suspicions.
“Do I get the name of my fearless hero who walked me home?”
Donatello loses his footing and rights himself quickly before he falls face flat on the concrete, “Ah, my name? No can do, nope. A superhero never reveals his secret identity. Haven’t you seen Spider-Man?” He can’t meet her gaze as his eyes dart back and forth looking for something else to focus on instead. It’s too much of a coincidence to tell her his name is ‘Donnie’- he wasn’t ready to come clean!
“Got it. Peter Parker and Spider-Man, no name and Purple Turtle. Got it.”
“Tis I! Purple Turtle is me. Very creative, exquisite name choice on your end.”
Violet stops in front of her building, “Well, thank you to my friendly neighborhood Purple Turtle for getting me home safely.”
The purple turtle clenches his fists in his pockets, his nails digging into his palm, “No probbles, citizen! Would you rate this walking home experience? Satisfactory, very satisfactory or extremely satisfactory?”
Violet laughs, arms over her midsection, “You’re actually kinda funny. I’ll say very satisfactory.” Once the laughter dies down, she chucks a thumb over her shoulder, “I gotta go, but have a good night and stay safe.”
He feels a flutter in his stomach which he diagnoses as indigestion and waves as Violet heads up her apartment.
He pulls up his spreadsheet and marks underneath it ‘Rendezvous, Encounter two, successful’. “New York. What a town!”
He’s latte-less and bombarded by Leo when he gets home. He cares little for being without a latte but is annoyed immensely when Leo catches up to him in his lab.
“What is it Nardo? I’m not in the mood.”
“C’mon! I haven’t even done anything yet!”
“That’s your cue to leave then, before you do anything.”
“Don, Donnie, Dontron, Donathon,” his twin says in a sing song voice, “How would you like to come on a trip with me to the Hidden City?”
This mildly piques his curiosity, Leonardo almost never wanted nor needed to go to the Hidden City. “For what purpose?” squinting his eyes, he spins in his chair to eye him up suspiciously. Leonardo leans on the hilt of his sword, “Sight seeing! Yenno, we don’t go down to the Hidden City enough. We should really be embracing that part of our culture.”
“You’ve very literally never been interested in the ‘culture’ of the Hidden City, but I’ll entertain your blatant lie to my face. Where exactly are we sight seeing?”
“Hermano, you ask too many questions. Don’t you trust your fearless leader? Wait, don’t answer that.”
Donatello pinches his brows, “Leo, if you don’t cut straight to the chase, I’m kicking you out. Keep in mind, it’s the dead of night. What could we possibly be ‘sight seeing’?”
Leonardo fiddles with a pen on Donatello’s desk to buy him time to think and it promptly explodes, the ink splattering all over the desk.
“Alright, goodnight Nardo.” Exasperation has long made its home in the purple terrapins tone, “Shelldon, can you please grab a few paper towels and some cleaning spray for this?”
“Okay, okay, you got me! Listen, I need help spying on someone. That rabbit waiter at Huesos’-“
“The clumsy one? The one who’s fallen on their face in front of our table? The one who’s spilled drinks on us more times than I can count? The one who had a grape stuck in his nose for a year? He could take two steps towards us and destroy half the restaurant.”
“Yes, that one. Isn’t he just adorable?” There’s a softness to his gaze that Donatello doesn’t see often in Leo. Why is he not surprised his brother managed to fall in love with the dumbest rabbit?
“He has a ‘friend’, who works front desk at Big Mama’s. Apparently, they’re harmless but I just don’t buy it. They’re not harmless if they work for Big Mama! I don’t trust them.” Leonardo paces around the lab, “I don’t think Yuichi would be lying to me, but perhaps his so-called friend, ‘Intercom Girl’, is bamboozling him! She only refers to him by his surname, which is already a red flag! Who doesn’t refer to their friend by their first name!?”
“As the rational and intelligent twin, Big Mama has plenty of staff that works in the hotel that isn’t directly associated or working with her. You virtually have no evidence, Leo; this is a waste of time.” He swivels his chair around to be met with a clean desk, “Thank you, Shelldon.”
Leonardo round the table and slams his fists on the table, “You’ve left me no choice. Don’t make me tell Raphie that you’ve been missing training to hang out with some girl topside. In your cloaking brooch too.”
Donatello freezes, “How do you know that?”
“How would Raph feel knowing you’ve been lying to him about feeling sick during training?” Leonardo clears his throat and lowers his voice to mimic their eldest brother, “Oh no, Donnie’s not feeling too well? That’s ok, Mad Dogz, lets leave him alone and do practice without him today.” Leonardo straightens himself out with a smug grin, “You’ve gotten sloppy, Donathon.”
Leonardo has got him pinned, and while Donatello hated losing he knew when he was found out.
“Let’s make this quick then.”
Both boys situate themselves on a nearby rooftop to survey the general area by the Grand Nexus in an army crawl position, Donatello equipped with his goggles and Leonardo with mystic binoculars, gifted by Draxum for things like stakeouts.
“So, what’s her name?”
“None of your business.”
“I’ll trade you one piece of information about Yuichi and you give me one of your mystery boothang.”
Leonardo is met with silence.
“Perfect, I’ll go first, we’ll go easy. Yuichi is a rabbit Yokai. Your turn.”
Donatello holds steadfast in his silence.
“Yuichi has an apartment topside and in the Hidden City. No, I don’t know how he affords both and only spends time at one of them. And, go.”
Whatever the equivalent of a topside New York pigeon squawks and flies in front of them and obscures their vision momentarily.
“His favorite color is blue. But not my shade of blue, like a slightly different one. Take it away, DonTron!”
The scientist sighs, his tolerance for nonsense already shot from the bigot at the coffee shop.
“Hmm, what else. You already know about the grape thing. Yuichi is a samurai and yes apparently that’s different from being a ninja. Go off and don’t hold out on me!”
The wind whistles past them and picks up their tail masks in the breeze.
“Okay, you’re horrible at this game!” Leonardo whines and rolls onto his shell, “C’mon, give me something to work with! My twin is dating someone and won’t even tell me?! Have you no respect for our sacred twin bond? We shared the womb together!”
“We aren’t dating! That’s also physically not possible, we were hatched as turtles, so there was no ‘womb’.” Donatello faces palms frustratedly, “We’ve been out here for thirty minutes, how long are we going to stakeout for?”
As if on cue a pair of rabbit ears walk out the front entrance of the hotel. Donatello ducks further down as his eyes lock on a head of white hair and rabbit ears, “Wait, her!?”
Leonardo bolts up and is promptly yanked down by the plastron by his brother, “Yes! Yes, that’s her! Do you know her!?”
His fists clench and he can feel his teeth grinding against each other bordering on painful, “No, but she accosted me at ‘Run of the Mill’.”
“Someone assaulted you and you didn’t think to mention it to us!?”  
“She ordered a ham and pineapple pizza and said my forehead was big.”
Leonardo guffaws, “Honestly, I love her now so we can totally call this off. I also love Hawaiian pizza, so she has good taste and can confirm your forehead is ginormous.”
“Nonsense! We follow them, onwards!”
The two color-coded turtles follow rooftop by rooftop stealthily keeping them in eyesight before dropping down to the streets as the pair halted in front of a bank. Perhaps they were going to commit a robbery?
Donatello watches as his rabbit nemesis pulls out an envelope from her jacket pocket and plop it into the return slot by the door. Adrenaline pumping through his veins, he goes over the possibility that there’s something dangerous in the envelope and runs through every scenario if the bank needed to be evacuated or if there needed to send out a perimeter around the block if it was one of Big Mama’s schemes.
“Alright, we’ll head into the bank after she leaves and intercept the envelope to ensure it’s nothing something of malicious intent.” The stretch of silence long enough to be suspicious, Donatello turns expecting to see his brother and does not.
“Intercom Girl, we meet again!”
Ah, there he is.
He groans, “Seriously?”
He’s just out of earshot to hear what she says next, but her hands find her hips and her foot thump rapidly against the ground. Her ears swivel in his direction as he walks out and places himself beside Leonardo. She startles as he comes into view, but her facial expression reads cautious neutrality at seeing him.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you’re both obsessed with me.”
“Hah! That is the farthest thing from the truth, you villainous cretin!” Donatello pushes a thick digit into her chest which she smacks away instantly.
“Weird, because is this not my third run in with you? I’ve never once sought you out. It’s fifty dollars for a head shot, and I have a pen in my bag if you wanted my autograph.”
Leonardo opens his mouth to interrupt with a quip but swallows it down as his twin steps into her personal bubble.
“Oh, that’s just rich coming from you. My brothers and I are bonafide celebrities around here.”
She rolls her eyes, “Weird flex, but okay.”
“Peculiar boast, but alas.” Leonardo adds with a grin, Donatello picks up in his tone he doesn’t find the half-rabbit much of a threat. She turns to him, “Baffling performance but acceptable nonetheless.”
“Obscure showing off but matters the least.” She chuckles and signals him to continue. The half-rabbit was a temptress! Leonardo was right, she must be bamboozling Yuichi with some type of manipulation mystic something or other and she had his brother under the same spell if he was so willing to continue playful banter with her as if she isn’t trying to bomb a bank!
“What heinous contraption did you put in the mail slot?” Donatello brings it back around to him as he was the only one taking things seriously.
“A night depository from the gift shop.”
“Scoff, do you think us small minded? We will not fall for your tricks, you low rate Bugs Bunny impersonator!”
The fire is back in her eyes as it’s her turn to push her, much tinier in comparison, fingers into his plastron, “Are you calling me a liar!?”
“I certainly do not think you have the capabilities to be honest!”
Donatello towered over her the tinier figure, if he were to guess, she was most likely 5’3 trying to step to his 6’3 body. He would commend her if he didn’t hate her so much. The half rabbit promptly turns around and starts walking the opposite way and makes it to the other side of a freestanding bench that now stood between the two, “I don’t have time for this, tortoise.”
Time was of the essence if he was going to find out the truth about what was in the envelope. “Hah! Of course, someone so uneducated and unsophisticated wouldn’t know that I am, in fact, a soft-shell turtle! Not a tortoise.”
“Whatever you say, lizard looking fool.”
Donatello is fuming, face red and steam practically exiting from both ears, he grips the handle of the bench, “Do you want me to jump across this bench?! Because I do not have all day to deal with petty crimes from the likes of you!”
He sees the corners of her mouth curl upwards in slow motion as her eyes sparkle with a mischievous glint, “Feelin’ froggy, babe? Leap.”
Donatello’s last shred of patience falls apart and is carried off by the wind. A million and one thoughts pass through his mind about what he was going to do next that was rudely interrupted by a heavy weight on his shoulder, “She wasn’t lying, Donathon. It was just a night depository.”
Her head tilts curiously and she murmurs something under her breath before looking back at him, “See?” she folded her arms over her chest, “Can I go home now, narks?”
“Uh, no! We need to take you in for questioning!” The purple turtle tries to salvage the encounter and grab the upper hand, embarrassment flooding his senses.
“Yeah, you can go Intercom Girl.” Leonardo waves her off and she eyes them up suspiciously before walking away, “Have the night you deserve!” she hollers at them her back facing them, one hand in her pocket and the other with a middle finger up to them.  
“Nardo! What was that!?”
“I should be asking you that. I’ve never seen you worked up so quickly over literally nothing. I honestly thought you two were going to kiss, the sexual tension was out of this realm.”
“S-sexual tension!? That was just heat of the moment as we were in the throes of battle!”
“She’s totally your type too, Don. Cute and mean! Don’t tell your topside boothang, they might get jealous.” Hands behind his head, Leonardo starts the walk back to the lair, “You coming, hermano? Or are you still starstruck?”
The way back to the lair is quiet as he stews, his head hot enough to probably fry and egg on it.
“Thanks for coming with me, DonTron! I owe you one. I’m feeling way better about her and Yuichi, anyone that can shut you down like that is good in my books.” Leonardo snickers and he considers himself lucky his tail doesn’t get caught in Donatellos lab doors as they shut with no warning.
’25 Missed Messages’
He feels his heart rate lower, and the irritation melt off him instantly as he opens his and Violet’s text thread. He sighs long and heavy as he skims over the content and types out a response.
donnie: Salutations, did you want to play Smash? I’ll be up for a little longer and need to blow off some steam.
Letty: im going to beat ur ass so fucking hard  
donnie: Do you need me to escort you to the psychiatric ward? Because you’re delusional.
Letty: I’ll hop on Discord for voice chat!!! get ready for some trash talk, ive already warmed up for the day
Donatello smiles to himself, his poor mood entirely forgotten as he sets up his computer. “Shelldon? A clementine, please?”
Shelldon nods, retrieves it and places it on his desk. “One clementine coming right up, Dee!” Donatello thanks his little robot as his gaze fixates on an empty desk beside his he used to keep spare parts and blueprints. He peels the clementine delicately and citrus fills his senses, perhaps he could make the desk beside an extra gaming set up for Violet? Yes, that would be a nice project for him. He would eventually have to invite her over to the lab, of course after he tells her the truth about him. In the meantime, he would work on the spare set up so it would be ready for when she came over.
Popping a piece of the fruit in his mouth he nods in affirmation at his sweet treat. He clicks ‘accept’ on the incoming call.
“Donnie! My fav nerd!”
He can imagine her smile, the way she beams at him followed up with an excited giggle.
His cheeks heat up. It was the guilt, as Mikey suggested. Or maybe he was coming down with a fever.
He wishes she were here with him, to share the clementine with him. As friends, of course.
Donatello never identified with being dishonest, especially with himself, but the tendrils of doubt sow themselves deep as he drinks in her laugh and yearns to see her eyes light up. He blacks out and can barely remember what he says to her next but her next words ground him in reality swiftly.
“You’re my best friend, Dee.”
Best friend, yes. That’s correct. They were best friends, nothing more. He knew that. So, why was he disappointed when hearing it confirmed? He swallows the last piece of the citrus fruit, and it isn’t as sweet as the other pieces.
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ducknotinarow · 10 months
“Hey, uh, Raph? I think I might need your help with something.” Don starts, rubbing the back of his neck. “So there’s this guy I maybe have a crush on, but I’m not sure if it’s right to move on a friend of a brother’s, you see.” ( shfbshsbdbdh; I had to follow up :’ 3 ‘03 verse! )
| Muse Interaction @starsandsavages
Raphael, was busy in the garage tinkering away with his shellcycle. Don may have built it, but he was the one that tended to the maintenance. Or tweaked things here and there mostly in an attempt to get it to go faster. He would just love to show up Casey when they wond up getting into a race. Thier dumb face left to go slack jaw and eat his dust. Chuckling to himself as he was trying to see if there was a way to make the frame lighter. That help with his speed, he could reduce the compression ratio as well. Mulling it over a second as he hears footsteps work their way in to the room.
Raph doesn't really give much attention to who it is. The safe bet was Don anyway. Reaching for the drill ready to contuine woth what he was in the middle off but he can just feel Don staring at him so he turns to look at them letting the purple banded turtle knkw he had hus attetion.
“Hey, uh, Raph? I think I might need your help with something.”
Watching Donatello rub at the back of his neck had Raphael tilting his head to the side. He moved to sit on the floor to better show Don had his attetion. "Kay guessin' this ain't one of those give me a hand with an enegie or help me move some junk around calls for help? Alright brainaic what's eattin' at ya now?"
“So there’s this guy I maybe have a crush on, but I’m not sure if it’s right to move on a friend of a brother’s, you see.”
"Uh interestin" was all the turtle had to say at first "what it's you Don I have expect ya to marry ya computer before ya get a crush on another person." He smirks a little as he teases them over it nit focusing on the question well the bit Donnie likely would want him to at least. He was curious who's friend it was. Even rubbing at his chin.
"Well ya talkin' to me so can' be any of my friends. Pretty sure ain't any of Mikey's, cause I'm pretty Mikey would love to set you up." That left one brother Leo, so that would be. "Ya 'ike Usagi?!" It wasn't to hard to land on that answer Leo wasn't excatly one that had a lot of friends. But he was the one that made sense for Donnie to be a bit worried about having a crush towards.
"Shell, I say do it. Shoot your shot Dee. I said it as a joke bro but I really 'm worried ya come an' tell me ya got hitched to a circuit board or somethin'" the lack of a grin was to show he was serious about it now. "If ya worried about Leo wouldn' hurt ta ask 'ight? He lokes the guy so clearly he might not have an issue but I still say go for it."
Moving off the floor so he could make hus way over to Donatello. Throwing his arm over thier shoulder and tugging them into a side hug. "Aww looked at Don, gettin' all them warm fuzzy an' shit. Kinda surpised since ya started off on the wrong wit' 'em. But eh could pick worse I guess." He takes a second to look over his brother. Fixing a look on them before he speaks again.
"Look ill go with when ya talk to fearless if it helps ya knkw moral support or whatever. Or mediator either works." He smiles clearly kidding still. "Come on lossen up bro. I gotta back here. Promise. Just gotta mess with you too."
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yallmakemyassitch · 2 years
Okay the break took a little longer than I anticipated but I'm back again! 🥳 More HCs for Tabi x Ayana~♡
As mentioned before, the rating will be on a scale of 1 to 10. So let's continue~! ^_^
Kisses/Tickle Bites/Nibbles/Nuzzles
Neck – 10½ - 12 (yes I know I’m tipping the scales again here, but that should tell you just how sensitive it is)
I think it’s been well established by now that any form of physical contact from Ayana’s lips on Tabi’s neck is his weakness, so I don’t need to say much else.
Neck kisses are his biggest weakness by far (and unfortunately for him, Ayana’s favourite method).
(Also want to share this gif ‘cause it just reminds me of the two of them X3 - Link )
Ribcage - 8½ - 9
Tabi’s ribs are shockingly very susceptible to nibbling, making him burst into a stream of loud belly laughs. But it also makes him kick & squirm a bunch, so Ayana wouldn’t use this method very often. (One time she got elbowed in the face, completely on accident, and Tabi felt terrible.)
Ribcage - 9½ - 10
Is pretty much the same as Tabi when it comes to nibbles/tickle bites here. Though she doesn’t thrash or squirm as much, mostly going limp like a ragdoll but still trying hard to push him away. Her laughter goes up and down like a rollercoaster, alternating between a boisterous cackle and high-pitched squeaky giggles.
Belly & Sides - 10 - 12
Like with Tabi’s neck, any physical contact from the mouth will have her in stitches instantly.
Poor girl can’t stand nibbles on her sides.
Secretly enjoys tummy kisses though, even if they make her giggle like a school girl.
Soft Pinches/Kneading
Stomach & Sides - 7
Ribs - 9
Neck - 10
Sometimes Ayana likes to tease Tabi by sneaking her hand behind his back and tweaking the back of his neck with her thumb and forefinger, causing him to jerk and make a weird strangled noise, shrinking his head into his shoulders like a turtle. (Hehehe 🤭)
(Something like this)
Poor Tabi gets so embarrassed and he scolds her for it, but Ayana can’t help but laugh at her boyfriend’s flusteredness.
("Flusteredness"... is that a real word??)
Both her and Agoti like to pull this trick on Tabi. His reactions are always amusing~ ^_^
Sides & Ribs - 8 - 9
Stomach - 10
A lil tid-bit I made up: Ayana's belly is fairly ticklish all over, but there is still one particular weak spot she has: In the lower area, the patch of flesh located just below the navel. She basically has a Giggle Button underneath her belly button. Just a simple poke would make her curl up with a squeal.
 (It could *probably * be partially the reason why she prefers to wear high waisted shorts & pants most of the time, so that it wouldn't feel so vulnerable. But who knows? 🤷‍♂️)
When exacting his revenge, Tabi will usually target this area first once she’s been successfully pinned down. He starts off teasingly slow, just poking or softly kneading the little pudge between his thumb and forefinger, but Ayana is already in stitches from it.
Pauses to look up at her, face cool as a cucumber, “Yes?”
He has to hold back a laugh, “Well I would hope so, that’s the whole point.”
Final part coming soon!
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(alright I'm done raiding y'all's dashboards for now, goodnight (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧)
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nintendroid · 2 years
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A collection of reviews for games I’ve beaten recently! Instead of going into detail about each individual one, let’s satisfy my short attention span and give short, sweet reviews for them all in one whack!
As it was in Volume 1, these reviews will be bite-sized and to the point. The scoring system remains the same with a slant towards gamers who collect: Seek Out, Buy Cheap and Skip It.  Without further adieu!
Skip It: Mega Man - Network Transmission (GameCube)
A Mega Man game that attempted to bridge his 2D action-platformer days with his grid-based RPG uhm...days. There’s a good game here on paper but it just doesn’t work. Feels rushed and looks cheap for a franchise of this caliber. If this had been a strict 2D action game it may have worked, but the Battle Network-inspired chip system is broken. I wanted to like it, I really did but it’s flaws make it unenjoyable. The near-impossible first friggin’ boss fight didn’t help matters. Unless you’re a Mega Man fanatic, avoid this one.
Skip It: Jerry Rice and Nitus’ Dog Football (Wii)
Let’s be clear - the only reason I played this is because I purchased a copy signed by the game’s director and executive producer for under 7 bucks and the purchase benefitted a dog charity. I’m a sucker for good deals. Truth be told, this could’ve been a fun game. Even for a budget title, it has spirit and a clear direction. The fatal flaw here is the controls. Instead of opting to control like a normal football game utilizing thumbsticks, the team behind this used the Wii’s motion controls in the worst way. To move your character, you have to point the on-screen cursor to direct where you want your character to move. It’s certainly playable, and at times I did enjoy myself because of the absurdity, but the controls turn it into nothing more than a novelty. If only you could use the Wii Classic Controller or the Nunchuk, you would have a much more enjoyable experience. It’s the kind of game that garnered Wii’s unfair reputation of being a shovelware box. 
Seek Out: Smash Remix (Nintendo 64)
Smash Remix is a mod of the original Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo 64. It’s free and works on PC and original N64 hardware if you have a flashcart. This is a dream mod for anyone who loved and grew up with the original Smash. Tons of added stages, music, characters, all new single player mode and game options make this the must-play sequel to those of us who went out of step as the series went on. If you love the original Smash, you’ll love this 100% free mod that’s still in development, today! My only gripe is I wish the team behind it would stay in the 64-era. Some of the more modern additions like Dark Samus and the Persona stage kind of break the immersion. It’s a minor complaint but I have nothing but love for the team behind this game. If someone reads this from the team, please give us some Castlevania 64 protagonists!
Seek Out: Sonic Advance (Game Boy Advance)
We know Sonic’s story and know that he’s had a rocky road the last 20 years with some good games and some bad ones. Fans often complain that Sonic should’ve stayed a speedy 2D platformer like the early days in the franchise but seem to gloss over the Advance trilogy as if they don’t exist. If you’re a fan of Sonic’s early days, give Sonic Advance a chance. While the presentation borrows a little more from the Sonic Adventure era, the gameplay is Sonic 1 through 3 with some minor tweaks. I had a lot of fun playing this one. Good music, graphics, good soundtrack make this a must-play. The bottomless pits suck but that’s pretty much a given in any 2D Sonic game. 
Seek Out: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Shredder’s Revenge (PC)
I can’t lie, I wasn’t on the hype train when this was announced. Having been burned by TMNT beat’em ups over the years looking to cash in on their classic predecessors, I thought this was another cash grab. In short, I was wrong. Shredder’s Revenge is a modern classic. 4-player action with awesome graphics, a good soundtrack and tons of fan service put this in the top 5 of TMNT games, if not near the number 1 spot. In my eyes, it’s definitely between this and Turtles in Time. I’ve played and beat it over 6 times now and I don’t do that often. A must play. 
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rbhcom55 · 2 years
0 notes
turtle-babe83 · 2 years
Hello my dear,
I hardly dare ask, but... would you maybe write another story for me?
A story with Leo x f.Reader ...
Leo is writing online with April's girlfriend/roommate without her knowing it's the Turtle Leader.
But Vern hears about it and talks so badly about an arranged meeting at Leo's that he doesn't want to come to the meeting anymore. Who is he anyway? Who would want him?
Instead Vern plays an evil game and wants to pretend to be the unknown man from the chat....!
Request by @tkappi
Hehehe let’s ruin Vern’s evil plan, shall we? *rubs hands together with maniacal laughter*
Best ‘Laid’ Plans…
Leonardo x F!Reader (featuring a rather naughty cameo by Raphael per request)
Warning: Language and NSFW 18+ only
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Click…click click…clickety click…
The screen cast a blue sheen over Leonardo’s face as he typed away. This online correspondence had been going on for weeks. April had set it up, knowing that you, her roommate, would be a perfect match for the stalwart turtle. She had surmised that getting the two of you to converse without appearances getting in the way was the best start. Once you both were hooked on one another, she could push for an in person meeting.
Well, it apparently had reached that time. April had encouraged you to ask to meet, and Leo was trying to get out of it. You weren’t taking ‘no’ for an answer though. He desperately wanted to meet you, but fear still held him back. He wasn’t exactly human. Then his phone buzzed. It was a text from April informing him that the meeting was her idea. He sighed. It was hard to turn her down. Despite his better judgement, he agreed to meet on Sunday evening at the park. He had exactly three days to be anxious and try not to have a panic attack.
Vern decided to stop by with some pizzas on Saturday afternoon, before the turtles went out on patrol. The Knicks were playing against a bitter rival and Donnie had the best damn set up that he’d seen anywhere. The guys gathered around the curved big screen, enjoying the amazing surround sound that Donnie had tweaked. During halftime, the talk turned to Leo’s big meeting. Vern suddenly perked up.
“Did you say you are meeting April’s roommate?” he asked casually.
Leo nodded, “Yeah, we’ve been chatting online for awhile now. She’s pretty amazing.”
“She is,” Vern agreed, “I’ve met her. She’s smoking hot.”
Suddenly, every turtle was staring at the cameraman. Inwardly, he smirked. The slightest bit of trepidation flared in the leader’s eyes. Vern decided at that moment to exploit it and give himself an advantage. He spent the rest of the break describing your attractive attributes and gloating at the rapt attention of Leo and his brothers.
After the game, Leo dismissed the guys to go get ready for patrol. As he went to the weapons rack to grab his katanas, Vern followed.
“Leo, are you sure about this? I mean, she’s stunning, and you’re…..well,” Vern motioned to the six foot tall mutant with a skeptical expression.
Leo frowned. This was exactly what had been running through his own head. How did Vern know? Perhaps this was a bad idea. His heart clenched at the thought of you rejecting him based on sight.
“I should just cancel,” he muttered softly.
Vern put a hand on his shoulder in false reassurance and squeezed.
“I’m sorry, buddy. It’s a tough call, but it’s the right one. You know what? I’ll talk to her for you. Let her down easy.”
Leo looked up in surprise, “You would do that for me?”
Vern smiled, “Of course, Leo. What are friends for?”
Sunday night finally rolled around. Leo was sitting at home depressed. He hadn’t even bothered to check the chat, feeling too distraught to see what you said after talking with Vern. What had he been thinking? What had April been thinking? There’s no way a beautiful human woman would accept a mutant turtle for a partner. It was better this way. Right? So why did his heart hurt so bad?
His phone buzzed. He nearly didn’t look to see who it was, but then Donnie strolled by and glanced at the screen. The genius paused. Seeing that Leo was completely ignoring the phone, he frowned. It wasn’t like the leader to be so out of sorts.
“You gonna answer April?” he asked pointedly. “And it’s Sunday. I thought you had that meeting with her roommate?”
Leo shrugged dejectedly. When Donnie just kept standing there, he knew his little brother wouldn’t budge without an answer.
“I’m not going. I’m just gonna get my heart broken when she sees what I am and runs away screaming.”
Donnie huffed. Then he picked up Leo’s phone and opened the text from April. She was letting him know that you were about to leave to meet him.
“It’s not like you to at least politely cancel. I’m actually quite shocked that you’re standing her up,” Donnie mused.
Leo looked up in surprise, “What? Vern said he knows her well and that he would cancel for me. Let her down gently.”
Donnie waved the phone, “Well, according to April, she’s on her way.”
Alarm bells started going off in Donnie’s head. He had a feeling he knew what was happening here.
“Leo, did you decide to bow out because of something Vern said to you?”
Leo winced, but nodded sheepishly.
“Shit. I think Vern is trying to steal your girl, bro. I think I can fix this though.”
With that, Donnie took off walking towards the lab.
“Oh and you might want to take a shower. Self-pity isn’t a good cologne.”
Donnie smirked as he got off the phone with April. You were now headed to an abandoned subway station near the entrance to the lair with her. Now, time to get back at Vern. His next phone call was to Casey Jones.
“Hey Case! I need a quick favor.”
After explaining his plan, the rookie detective agreed. There wasn’t much time but the genius had a few tricks up his proverbial sleeve. After telling Leo where to meet the ladies, he grabbed Mikey for backup and headed to the park.
Leo dressed in his dressier pants, wore his nicer sandals, and left his wrappings at home. He debated on the katanas, but decided he didn’t want to completely terrify you further. He kept his bandana on for comfort sake.
The closer he got to your location, the more nervous he felt. All the possibilities of what could go wrong would swimming in his head. Leo felt like he could throw up. He could hear feminine voices up ahead and took a moment just to breathe deeply and center himself. Deciding that delaying the inevitable wouldn’t make it hurt any less, he straightened his shoulders and strode forward with false bravado. Then there you were. Your back was to him, but his eyes drifted over every curve. Damn.
April caught sight of him and smiled encouragingly. He gave a slight nod, and she whispered to you. He watched your body stiffen, then you were turning slowly. It only just now occurred to him that you might be nervous about meeting him as well. He steeled himself for your fear and rejection as you came full circle, eyes to the ground. Then you lifted your gaze and gasped.
“Fearless0584?” you asked in a breathy tone.
Leo managed to eke out a “yes.”
Your eyes sparkled as you took him in. April had explained to you who and what Leo was. While you had been intrigued and albeit skeptical, you couldn’t deny the attraction you felt for him through your many chats and messages. He was much more handsome than you had imagined and the thought that such a glorious creature could be yours was intoxicating.
“I’m y/n,” you murmured, holding out a hand for him to shake.
Leo stared at your outstretched hand like he had never seen one before. He opened his mouth, then shut it. He was clearly having trouble articulating a response. Finally, he took your hand and shook gently.
“You aren’t screaming and running away,” he mumbled, more a question than a statement.
April smiled, “I filled her in on the way over. Figured it would make things go smoother. Now, if you two are cool, I’m going to go meet the others at the park.”
You noticed that Leo still held your hand, staring at you in wonder. You waved April on. The poor turtle was so enraptured by you. You had a feeling that things were going to be just fine.
“So, can we go somewhere to talk?” you asked.
Leo seemed to break free from his revery and let go of your hand to rub at the back of his neck. He’s still couldn’t believe how well you were taking all of this.
“Yeah, sure. My home is this way,“ he pointed with his thumb over his shoulder.
Smiling, you put your arm through his, saying, “Lead the way, Leonardo.”
Oh, but he liked the way his name sounded on your lips. As the pair of you strolled down the tunnels, you engaged the ninja leader in small talk. Leo was finding you just as easy to talk to in person as you were online.
When you reached the lair, he gave a quick perfunctory tour. After offering some hot herbal tea, he took you to his bedroom to relax and visit quietly. The conversation continued to flow easily and then the talk turned to a flirtier tone. You scooted closer, placing your hand over his. Leo had been staring at your lips for the past half hour, totally unaware. You turned your head up and leaned in, waiting to see if he would take the hint.
Leo’s heart was pounding. He hadn’t counted on how seeing you in person would set his desires aflame. God, you were sexy. The hint was taken and he crushed his lips to yours. He slipped a hand behind your head and held you, though you had no intention on moving away. His lips were unbelievably soft and despite his lack of experience, he was kissing you so sensually. Heat licked your core and you climbed into his lap, trying to get closer. Leo groaned into your mouth and wrapped an arm around you. The more you made out, the handsier he became. Then suddenly, he pulled back.
“I’m sorry! Jeez, I’m basically mauling you here,” he apologized, dropping his eyes to the blanket on his bed.
You lifted his chin and looked deeply into his eyes, letting him see the lust shining there.
“I wouldn’t mind getting mauled some more,” you purred.
Leo gulped, “You sure?”
You answered by yanking your shirt over your head, “I’ve had it bad for you for awhile, Leo. You’re different from all the other guys I’ve dealt with, and I don’t just mean your appearance. Although, I have to say, you are incredibly handsome.”
If turtles could blush, Leo would be ten shades of red right now. His eyes were glued to your exposed chest, and with a giggle, you placed his hand over your breast. He squeezed gently, and then he leaned forward for another kiss.
Raphael searched all through the lair. Donnie and Mikey weren’t in their usual spots. Splinter was already in bed. Maybe Leo was still in his room moping over his missed meeting. Silently, Raph made his way to the leader’s room and peeked through the crack in the door. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head.
Leo was laying atop a pretty girl, who was shirtless, and he was covering her breasts with open-mouth kisses. The girl was moaning and started pushing at his pants. Raph’s jaw dropped. Was Lameonardo about to get laid? As he watched, barely believing, his older brother proceeded to undress himself and his female companion. While he couldn’t make out their murmured words, they were clearly smitten and giving one another the sweet, goo-goo eyes.
Raph knew he should turn away. They deserved privacy. Leo would skin him alive if he ever found out that Raph was seeing any of this. But then, perfect Leo, always such a gentleman and so honorable, he spread her thighs wide, and shoved his cock deep. Hearing the girl’s moan and seeing his older brother being naughty, well…
Raphael looked around quickly. The coast was clear, no sign of the others yet. And honestly, they would be too occupied to notice him, right? His erection pushed against the zipper of his cargos. Quickly unbuttoning the fastener and lowering the zipper, he eased his cock out and gripped it with a tight fist.
Leo groaned as he entered a warm heaven. Your walls were so tight and welcoming, gripping his cock as he took his time with slow, steady thrusts. You gazed up at him with lust drunk eyes as your mouth hung open in a perpetual moan. Maybe it was moving fast, but dear lord, this felt incredible. Leo captured your lips once again, and slid an arm under your left leg to open you wider. His cock struck your cervix at this angle and you whimpered, pressure building tighter and tighter.
Raph pumped faster, using his precum to help with the friction as he watched you come unraveled. You panted, legs stiffened, as you rolled your hips frantically. Leo quickened his own thrusts as you rode the wave of your orgasm. Raph felt his balls tightening in the telltale sign that he was about to cum, and took the few steps to the bathroom and licked himself in the finish. When he was done, he looked up into the mirror with guilty eyes. Well, things would be awkward for him for a little while.
Leo finished with a grunt, emptying himself deep within your velvety walls, still sensitive from your release. He rolled over to keep from crushing you, and pulled you up on his plastron. You covered his face with soft pecks, thanking him for such a beautiful experience. You were completely smitten with the mutant, already hearing wedding bells in your head. Best to keep that to myself for now, you thought with a smile.
Donnie and Mikey were still cackling and fist bumping when they got home about an hour later. Raph looked up from where he was rifling through the fridge for a snack.
“Where ya been?”
Mikey howled with laughter, “Dude! So, Vern had this like, evil plan to steal Leo’s girl, right?”
“And I figured it out, naturally,” Donnie interrupted.
Mikey waved him off, “Yeah, yeah. You’re a genius, we all know. So, anyway, Donnie got this idea to dress up Casey as the girl, and he had a little speaker that Don made-“
“Not specifically for this. It’s a project that I’ve been work-“
“Aaaanyways, as I was saying, Don made this speaker so April could provide the voice. In the dark of the park, with the voice thingy,” Mikey went on.
“There’s a technical name for it,” Donnie attempted to cut in, but Mikey ignored him.
“Vern totally fell for it! He thought he was meeting a hot chick! I got it all on video, bro,” Mikey finished.
Donnie started cracking up all over again, “Wait’ll you see his face! It was priceless!”
The tall terrapin took off his glasses to wipe at the tears in his eyes. When he put them back on, he was surprised to see a young woman come into the kitchen. Wearing one of Leo’s t-shirts, and bare legs, you were very attractive. All three turtles stared. You grabbed two bottles of water, then waved.
“Hi, I’m y/n. You must be Leo’s brothers! I’ll meet you properly at breakfast. Good night!”
You walked back to Leo’s room with a smirk. They were just going to have to get used to seeing your face around here.
@exovapor @tmntspidergirl @nittleboo @raisin-shell @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @roxosupreme @zowise2912 @xanadu702 @brightlotusmoon @chicchanmooshy @fyreball66 @wingsofgossamer @thelostandforgottenangel @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @labeccy @0x0spunky-monkey0x0 @7mika8 @misteria247 @ladyofparchments @raphielover @tortuefaerie @bunnyraptor69 @polypandragon @avvaazz @tkappi @aurora-the-kunoichi @imthegreenfairy88 @pheradream15 @rheawritesforfun @mrsjigsaw @yumefuusen @cowabunga-doll @coulrofilia-sexuell @lilyssims @daedric-sorceress @creepylittlemarvelgirl @raphslovemuffin80 @raphsgrl @drowninghell @fluffytriceratops @angelcatlowyn @turtlesmakemehappy @kawaiibunga @narwals14
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