#i will maybe make a tag for this trip bc i might post a lot about it and i dont want to annoy ppl fjkldsjfjkl
piplupod · 1 year
i have finished packing everything i can pack before tomorrow morning except for a couple food items, and i just need to do dishes tonight and then doublecheck i'm good on packing and then i will have a nice hot shower while sitting down and then i will go to sleep and hopefully not wake up at 5:30 for a third night in a row !!
also i highly recommend tortellini + pesto + bacon + chopped cucumber !!! that was my dinner tonight and it was such a treat and its the first time i've enjoyed eating in a few weeks !!!
double also !! i get to reconnect and see a friend from highschool (who moved away while i was in the psych ward) for the first time in four years starting on friday, AND i might get to see a couple friends that i've never met in person before so this is like. so insane. i cannot really grasp it fdsjlk it doesnt feel real at all. and then i also get to see a broadway performance of Cats, one of my favourite musicals???
im fhsdgjkl like... this kind of thing does not happen to me !!! i have not been thinking about any of this at all bc i feel like either smth is going to go disastrously wrong and i will be crushed if i allow myself to be excited at all, OR that i will wake up and none of it will be real fsdgjkl. but we leave tomorrow morning so like. as long as we do not get into a terrible car accident or the truck breaks down and as long as none of the three friends die or get terribly injured then ,,, this will all happen,,, and i am not sure how to hold all of this in the little birdcage in my chest cavity. i feel like i am going to explode a little bit bc there is too much hope in me for the first time in over a year fdgjkl, i have not been glad that i am not dead for a long time and it feels scary but nice i think :')
oh and last thing sorry i just thought it was really sweet but we are taking an RV camper thingy for this trip, and last night when one of the kids in the brain/system was talking to our very good friend they called it a "little house box" and i love that so much fsdgjkl what a sweet way to think of it !!
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hungerpunch · 5 months
starting in april '23 i used bereal to take one picture per day at a random time decided by the app. if you don't know, it works by sending a push notification at a randomized time and you have i think 2 minutes to take a photo. every photo uses both your phone's front-facing camera and your rear camera, so you get a capture of your surroundings as well as your own face. there are no filters, there is no editing. you can follow your friends but there is no algorithm, there are no tags, there is no search, it's chronological. there are no ads (yet). when the next push happens, the one previous is removed from the feed. i follow 12 friends so i'm only ever seeing 12 photos max. it is beautiful in its simplicity and honesty to me.
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anyway i became invested bc i liked the idea of being able to download all my photos at the end of the year and reviewing them. it's been really interesting, fun, illuminating, made me think about how i spent most of my time (frowning in front of my work laptop), and see what i want to change going forward (more outside, more community, more smiling).
selfies under the cut, which i will eventually remove from this post dw.
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i spent what felt like too much time in the car this year. there were definitely lots of trips that necessitated a car, don't get me wrong, but so then i want to create more opportunities to not use the car. i already walk everywhere i feel i'm able, but walking isn't my only alternative. maybe if i'm going on a trip where i don't have a lot of stuff to take or bring back but i still want to take munch, i figure out how to take the train instead. or maybe if there's an errand to run and the weather is not dangerous, we take the bike.
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left: morning snap. a regular weekday for me. i prefer working from home but it does pose its own challenges; most days, i'm rolling out of bed at the last second to get right to my computer. there's no intention behind the coffee i make or any breakfast i might have, it's just whatever is easiest (and sometimes nothing at all). a 2024 goal is to force myself to get up a little earlier so i can take my time brewing good coffee, selecting something to eat, and maybe do a little stretching or reading before going to work.
right: more food. i got into a really bad habit of just putting off eating and putting off eating during the workday because i was so busy. "after i finish this one last thing" i'd say, and then that thing would become two, three, etc. and i wouldn't be eating lunch til 3pm. i want to start carving out an actual lunch break for myself again.
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this is what i want more of!!! more outside, more being with community, more exploring, more smiling, more caring, more. i don't mean being in constant action i just mean more of what's good. more intentional resting. more intentional nourishing. more intentional eating and hugging and reading and snuggling and kissing and napping and dancing and protesting and listening and more life. more being engaged in living my life.
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transmalewife · 2 years
HUGE fan of your tick garden post. As a country mfer seeing ignorant city slicker suburb livers (key word ignorant) talk about this shit is so infuriating. My family keeps a low cut lawn because even with our low cut, well maintained grass lawn, we frequently get ticks. Within the past 2 years I've probably pulled 30+ from my body, countless more thoughout my life and as someone who's already disabled I have to get tested for Lyme disease frequently to ensure my symptoms are still from my other issues. Ticks ain't something to dismiss so easily. They are a huge issue. They can be deadly. Are they extremely important to the ecosystem ? Yeah, and that's why we keep em around and why we use bug sprays n shit when we venture into their home. Talking about biodiversity lawns without touching the topic of ticks irks me so bad. Thank you for taking time to make that post !
The funny thing is I am absolutely an ignorant city slicker, maybe even worse than suburbs since I've spent all my life in flats in the strict city center. never even had a lawn. I did however have a tick once and it, without any exagerration, ruined my life. like almost every big setback I've faced in my life, the reason I've been in first year of uni 4 times, soon to be 5, barely graduated highschool despite having mostly good grades, because I was barely above the 50% attendance minimum, all directly traceable back to lyme.
I expected that post to get like 15 notes at most, not 10k in one day, and although i'm glad bc this is important info, I might have written it differently. for example mentioned why and how to safely remove ticks (without killing or squishing or suffocating them, so you don't push the lyme into ur bloodstream, by levering or pinching them up from underneath) and mostly that the overall point is that just letting things grow wild is not biodiversity.
Restoring biodiversity takes more work than keeping up a manicured lawn, not less, at least at first, even though some people try to offer an easy way out. letting things just grow as they please will actually atract more invasive plants. You need to do your research and carefully plan out which places you'll dedicate to food, to pollinator friendly wildflowers, and which you're actually planning to hang out on, and thus will need to keep short. people in the notes have been suggesting great alternatives like clover, moss or woodchips, and other ground cover plants that stay short and require less upkeep than grass, but you still need to do research to lear what's good for your area, and since I'm polish, I can't do that for americans.
someone tagged that post saying smth like 'people want laws to go back to how they were before humans adapted them that is unihabitable' and they were right. there are places (vacant lots, golf courses, fenced off decorative patches of grass, that can and should go back to wildflowers and native grasses as tall as you wish, but for hanging out it, you need sufaces or short, walkable, high visibility for snakes etc, plants. or at the very least paths of those.
my family has what is essentially two vacant lots near the woods, attached to falling apart, rotting, half-built cabins in the countryside, so I know very well how the 'low effort' approach to lawn restoration goes. One used to be a well maintained grass lawn up until like 2005, now it gets mowed once every year or two. it's knee high grass so thick it tangles around your legs and trips you if you try to walk normally. people get several ticks each every time they visit. the other hasn't been touched in at least 20 years, and it's all stinging nettle taller than me (and I'm not especially short) so obviously not exactly hospitable to human life either. if you have a bit of land you never use, let it go wild if you want. But in order to make a lawn usable and biodiverse, you're gonna need a lot more work that just giving up
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
hi hello its anon from earlier, i just saw your post about a CARLY FIC?? AND IM INTRIGUED???
and yes aaaaaaa!! the carly fic!!! it's been my beloved brainworm since november and I've yet to really iron it out SMH!! bc I've been plagued by bingbong simpleton. BUT I DO REALLY LOVE IT sdfjhfdjhjdsf
I made an entire playlist for it dsjhjdfshjsdf mento-eel-ness
I literally mocked up a post in my drafts to BULLY and HARASS myself into finishing it bc I NEED TO ASAP:
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^BIG SMH!! but it's like......angst and fluff. exploring the effects of trauma. hurt/comfort, figuring out sexuality. wlw nonsense. carly's out in new york working her internship and goin through it. coffee shop??? romcom?? bullshit???? in NYC??? there are trips to central park and the museum of natural history??? mutual pining??? idk it's a. fic jsdhjdfshjsdfh
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I've posted a couple lil snippets of it here n there if u are so inclined! this one has nick and carly banter and a lil snippet of smut. this one is just a lil excerpt from a very str8 convo
💛here's an extra lil one under the cut:
The man she pictures isn’t who was in the hall last night. Whatever. It might as well have been him.
If she’s being haunted, she wouldn’t put it past this being her specter.
He glances down the hallway, thrumming with manic excitement. The grin on his face distorts his features, twisting his face into something unnatural. There’s something wrong with him and she didn’t see it before. Stupid. This is what he’d always looked like and he’d just been wearing the idea of another person before. He couldn’t keep it on for very long—not around her, at least.
Remember being thirteen?
Family reunion, house full of people. All of her fingers are intact and she’s painted her nails a bright, brilliant blue. Some aunt nudges her mother, smiling.
“She’s gonna drive the boys crazy.” That’s strange to hear at thirteen. It sounds like an insult, but it’s a compliment. A threat, but a good one. You want to make boys go insane, don’t you? That makes you special. Her aunt says those words and paints the target on her forehead with sparkly pink gloss.
He’d been watching them since they showed up at the campsite. Maybe even before that. She scrubs her memory of the diner trying to piece together the faces. Was he there then, bumming a cigarette off of Blake, leaning on the hood of his truck? His eyes on them even then, blowing smoke out in the parking lot. When did he block the road off? If they would’ve stayed in the diner, would that have changed anything?
Dalton with his stupid camcorder, watching her over the fire. He would’ve liked New York. His head snapped off his neck.
Wrong place, wrong time.
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piceuscelus · 6 months
t4t ciri/cerys, cerys is so determined to seduce ciri she doesn't realize how easy it's going to be (idk if you wanted, like, trans SPECIFIC prompts vs just prompts with trans characters? i do very much envision this as trans girls having slutty crushes on each other and being endearingly awkward about it bc maybe people haven't responded well to them in the past, or maybe ciri doesn't realize cerys is also trans? but also just a simple cute blushy t4t fuckfest would be great lol)
(i will send another, trashier prompt next)
hi i know this prompt was Forever Ago but i did NOT forget it
it just fuckin Refused To Go
but it went! finally! and now it's here! and it's even below my tumblr post limit! (it admittedly might not be exactly to the prompt. but)
it'll be going up on ao3 like, immediately after this ask posts in case anyone is terribly concerned about content tags but this one is Extremely Tame and soft
trans woman Ciri / nonbinary Cerys
It’s a pity, Ciri thinks, that she doesn’t make it back to the Isles very often. Of course, she knows perfectly well why she doesn’t – she rules both Nilfgaard and Cintra, and thus most of the southern half of the Continent. She’s entirely too busy to be galavanting off to Skellige without a purpose – her court will barely allow her the occasional Witchering break, and they only do that begrudgingly because if they don’t, she tends to start threatening to skewer diplomats. The likelihood of that stuffy lot agreeing to let her vacation to Skellige for no good reason is slim to none.
There is the upside, though, that she never has to bother with a week-long boat trip unless she has a hankering for being sea sick.
When she lands on solid ground, it’s bright and sunny and frigidly cold. She takes a deep breath and just revels in it for a moment, even as she starts to shiver, taking in the familiar smells and sounds. 
Of course, as soon as someone notices her standing there in the courtyard, a commotion starts up.
She sighs, but tolerates the sudden influx of guards and their squires rushing over to investigate, and then, once they’ve assured themselves that she’s a known guest, if an unexpected one, the addition of half a dozen maids that arrive to fuss. All of them are bowing so low they may as well be kneeling – it would be faster and require less stumbling, at least – and stammering as they try to address her with an amount and type of formality that’s always been a bit foreign on the Isles.
When she can finally get a word in edgewise, she cuts straight to the chase. “Yes, thank you, where is Queen Cerys?”
One of the guards answers. “Her Majesty is with the jarls, out on the cliffs.”
Ciri raises an eyebrow. “What for?”
“It’s a tradition, Your Imperial Majesty,” another guard says, the capital letters and his unfamiliarity with her title obvious in the stilted, slow way he speaks. “A…rebirth, of sorts, for the new year. All of the jarls, the druids, and the Queen jump into the sea to be cleansed.”
“And several others, for the fun of it,” one of the squires adds, sounding almost bemused, as if he doesn’t quite understand how the dive could be fun.
Ciri isn’t entirely sure fun is the right word, really – she’d probably use thrill instead. She remembers, now, years and years ago, watching Eist do something similar – but it was in the summer, when the cold waters were a fairly refreshing shock, and not the tail end of fall, when falling into the sea could easily become a death sentence if you were stupid or sickly. She’d been allowed to jump then, too, though only into the shallows and not off the cliffside with the rest (for the sake of her grandmother’s blood pressure).
Then again, the line between the concept of fun and thrill is a thin one, and, well – she’d come to the Isles for fun, hadn’t she?
“Which shore are they on?”
– – – – –
When Ciri finally makes it up the cliff where the local nobility are making like ritual-minded lemmings, Cerys is just beginning to strip down to her underthings in preparation for her own jump. It appears she’s the last of the leaders to go, most of the jarls already soaked and shivering on the beach below.
She keeps her more lurid thoughts to herself, watching Cerys shuck her dress, and makes a split second decision to distract her mind from the gutter. “Aye! Time for a late arrival?”
The spears immediately pointed in her direction aren’t a shock, so she mostly ignores them, just stopping where she’s at and waiting.
“Don’t you lot recognize the damn Empress?” Cerys asks, laughing as everyone sort of sheepishly shuffles their weapons back to where they belong. She looks at Ciri to continue, “And don’t you know better than to barge into a group of Islanders unannounced?”
Ciri laughs, too, but doesn’t bother answering – it’s a rhetorical question, and they all know that really, she’s allowed to barge in wherever she’d like. She gestures to the edge of the cliff. “Well, may I join?”
Cerys also gestures to the cliff, but with an over-exaggerated, fake curtsy. “You may!”
Immediately, there are a handful of damp squires appearing at her side, hands held out, so she strips off and hands her clothes over. She only strips down to the same as Cerys, the single layer of underthings – she doesn’t particularly understand the point of wearing anything for this, but she’s also aware that her penchant for nudity is unusual, and is willing to follow the Queen’s lead.
“Together, then?” Cerys asks, when Ciri steps up to her side. They’re both shivering lightly in the icy breeze wafting in from the waves. “Or would you like the honor alone?”
“You’re the Queen of the Skellige Isles, Cerys, it ought to be your honor,” Ciri says, half-teasing, and Cerys’ eyes sparkle.
“And you’re the Witcher Cirilla of Vengerberg, Lioness of Cintra and Empress of Nilfgaard, The Swallow Bearing the Sun in Her Wings,” Cerys retorts, “and you outrank me by a league. So?”
Ciri rolls her eyes as theatrically as possible at the full title, though she’s privately pleased that Cerys used both of Vengerberg and the informal order of it. “Together, then.”
She offers her hand as she takes a step closer to the cliff’s edge, toes already freezing in the sparse, damp grass. 
Cerys steps up alongside her and threads their fingers together. “Of course, Your Imperial Majesty,” she says, with a little half-curtsy, still a fake one since she’s not wearing a damn dress, and a smirk that belies the formal tone. 
Ciri immediately drops Cerys’ hand just to shove her off the cliff and jump right after her.
– – – – –
By the time they’ve swum back to shore, anyone else who wanted to jump has already done it, and it turns into a race back to the castle before fingers and toes go from numb to dead. All the same, they’re laughing as they finally stumble into the marginally-warmer stone halls, the mood easy and light, chatter and laughter echoing off of the high ceilings. 
It’s only when they’ve made their way to Cerys’ rooms, already prepped and ready with a large, steaming bath, that Ciri realizes she has absolutely no idea where she’s meant to be staying. Or if she’s even welcome. 
Her rank and power do a lot to smooth the way wherever she’d like to go – and her sword and medallion often do what the crown cannot – but she prefers not to use any of them like a cudgel. 
Cerys, though, seems to have the same realization a beat after her.
“I can send someone to make up a room,” she says, “but in the meantime, we could share a bath.” There’s a hint of lechery in the quirk of her lips. “Only if you don’t think that would be too…improper, of course.”
Ciri nearly asks where in the world Cerys picked up the idea that she’s ever given a single fuck about proper, but decides that playing coy is much more fun. “It might be,” she says, slowly. “But….”
She rubs her arms and shivers. It’s a little exaggerated, but certainly not entirely an act – she is cold, clothes still wet and skin a little slimy where the seawater lingers.
“It’s cold, and it’ll take too long to make up another bath for you,” Cerys says, and this time her tone is at least half-serious. “You’ll catch your death, Your Imperial Highness – and I cannot, nor do I want to, imagine the horrors your court would bring down upon me if I allowed it to happen. I’m just a lowly Islander queen, after all.”
The snark is back, with the last part, and Ciri can’t help how she snorts.
“Alright, alright.” She prods Cerys into the room and follows along, closing the door behind them. She catches sight of a door across the room shutting with utmost gentleness, likely a servant who had realized that they were not needed and decided to at least be discreet about their eavesdropping. “I’m sure my honor will survive the blow.”
“Mine certainly won’t, but it’s not as if I had much to begin with,” Cerys retorts, and Ciri chokes on another laugh.
“You know what they say about Skelligers,” she says, trailing off with a wink, and Cerys just raises an eyebrow.
“What, that we’re one good blow away from a fight?”
Ciri giggles. “No, that you’re one good blow to anyone’s honor.”
It clearly takes a second to click, Cerys squinting at her for slightly longer than a typical beat, but Ciri sees the moment it finally dawns, the queen’s eyes going wide before she starts cackling.
“That was awful, Cirilla,” she scolds, but she’s grinning wide and there’s no heat to her voice, just poorly-concealed laughter.
Before Ciri can come up with another witty reply – either about her wonderful wordplay, or the use of her full first name – Cerys is huffing and shaking her head, starting to tug at her own layers. 
She tosses them directly onto the floor with no care as she wriggles free of them, and Ciri starts to do the same, struggling out of the top dress and progressively wetter layers beneath, until she’s reached the last of them, her underthings still soaked and getting slimier by the second. 
She hesitates. As unpleasant as the soggy cotton is, and as thrilled as she usually is to be free of clothes, it’s…. Well. If this were just a bath with a friend, or even just fellow nobility, it wouldn’t be anything to drop her clothes. She’s done it before in springs and bathhouses. 
But this isn’t just another sovereign, or even just a friend. This is…well, it’s Cerys, someone that Ciri can admit (at least in her own head, privately, to herself) she’s been carrying a torch about for…as long as they’ve known one another, probably.
Cerys is speaking again, though, as she’s peeling out of the layer just above her underthings, struggling with the fabric as its soaked so much water up from the layer below, and Ciri is distracted from her not-quite spiral about her infatuation. 
“It’s rude to stare, you know,” Cerys says, and Ciri’s stomach drops to the floor in the split second it takes for her to notice the wry quirk to Cerys’ mouth. Before she can relocate her own words, Cerys continues, though this time it’s quieter, more of a mutter. “...then again, s’pose I have no room to speak on that.”
Ciri doesn’t think she was meant to hear that last bit. She’s aware that she should probably pretend she didn’t.
But she’s burningly curious as to what, exactly, that means, so she quirks a brow when Cerys’ eyes next catch hers. “Oh?”
Harmless, directionless flirting is one thing – something they’ve been doing for the same amount of time Ciri’s carried the torch – but that? That sounded like an admission.
Cerys makes a small, short sound, something of a cross between a squeak and a snort, coloring a little. “If I may be crass, Your Imperial Majesty,” she winks, and Ciri feels herself flushing, because this time the title sounds more genuine, even if it’s in a crude way. “You have a truly spectacular pair of tits.”
Ciri snickers, and before she even thinks it all the way through, she’s quipping, “Thank you, Yennefer helped me pick them out when I got tired of being shaped wrong.”
What she’s said sinks in just a second too late, and she sucks in a breath, biting her cheek against trying to over explain. It’s possible Cerys will misunderstand that – think it has to do with self-esteem, and not anything to do with the confused whispers about wasn’t the heir to Cintra a boy? – but if she opens her mouth again, she could give the truth away.
But Cerys’ mouth drops open to mirror how tightly Ciri’s gritting her teeth, and she stutters, “You were – ” before she’s squeaking and putting a hand over her mouth. 
They stand frozen, just staring at one another, for a long moment. 
Ciri tries to find her voice, tries to come up with something to say – to brush it off, or to admit the truth, or maybe a secret third option she hasn’t come up with yet. She doesn’t know, but the silence is stretching out longer and longer, and she feels like there are ants crawling along the back of her neck.
Despite all her frantic thoughts, Cerys beats her to breaking it. “Something we almost have in common, then,” she says, and finishes peeling out of her underclothes, revealing her own chest – perfectly flat, nothing but solid muscle and pink-white scars cupping the shape of her pectorals. “Mousesack helped me pick mine when I got tired of the same.”
And the scars are – obvious, really, Cerys is hardly the first person Ciri has met with them, but it takes until she speaks for it to really click, and then – and then she’s laughing, caught somewhere between fierce relief and flustered sheepishness. 
“Good to know we have that in common?” she asks, voice shifting down a little, like it hasn’t since she was thirteen and Yennefer started teaching her how to pitch it higher, and she hopes that Cerys understands her meaning – that she means a bit more than just picking out surgi-magical modifications to their chests. 
She expects that Cerys will laugh, probably – that she’ll poke fun at Ciri, almost certainly. What she doesn’t expect, in any way, is for Cerys to step into her space, reaching out and cupping one roughened palm around the nape of her neck to yank her even closer.
“I’m pretty sure it’s more than that,” she murmurs, and then her mouth is ghosting over Ciri’s, the distant suggestion of a kiss.
Like hell is she going to turn that down.
They’re still shivering finely from the cold and wet, Ciri’s underthings uncomfortably slimy between them – really, it’s atrocious how seawater just never actually seems to dry, just turns to slime and then…crusts – but none of that really matters, not in the face of the kiss.
The kiss, which is going quickly from chaste and almost innocent to something decidedly more hungry, Cerys’ fingers finding  their way into Ciri’s hair, her other hand creeping around her waist and then up to cup her ribs. Ciri, for her part, gets her hands on Cerys’ waist first, and then shifts them to the lower curve of her spine and the place between her shoulderblades as they press closer. 
When they finally break apart they’re both panting, and the way Cerys’ fingers are curling around the curve of Ciri’s skull, a rough, callused thumb rasping back and forth just under her ear, has Ciri shivering for reasons entirely unrelated to the damp.
She doesn’t know if Cerys misreads the trembling, or if maybe she understands and simply makes an unrelated decision, but without a word she’s taking a step back, pulling Ciri gently toward the bath. The way she tugs at Ciri’s remaining clothes, though, is significantly less gentle. 
It’s a little hard to get naked, considering that they both refuse to step away from another with equal fervor, but between four hands they manage. They also succeed – somehow – in clambering their way into the bath without injury.
Through another kiss, they end up settled on a very convenient seat along the edge of the ridiculously large tub, Ciri on the ledge and Cerys perched in her lap. The position leaves their bottom halves in quite close contact for the first time, and before Ciri can even start to – explain? apologize? she’s not entirely sure – Cerys is humming, a distinctly pleased little sound, and settling her weight more firmly in Ciri’s lap. 
“Hello there,” she says, and rolls her hips, pinning Ciri’s half-hard cock properly between them. “I’d ask about pockets, but all things considered, I think I can just assume you’re happy to see me.”
Ciri wants to say something in response to that – even if it’s just to cry hypocrisy about Cerys’ early rebuke of Ciri’s earlier pun – but all that comes out is a thin, reedy little moan. 
It makes Cerys laugh, but it’s a breathy sound, cut off when she presses their mouths together again, so Ciri isn’t too terribly offended.
She’s usually more put together, she swears she is, but, well. This torch has been burning for a little less than most of her life, for fucks’ sake. 
While they kiss, Cerys starts to move, rocking her hips to grind them together, and both of them end up making broken, breathless little noises into each others’ mouths. The water intensifies the friction, washing away the slick either of them could produce well before it’s of any use, but it also makes the movements easier, smoothing out the jerkiness where both of them are startling to tremble.
Gods above, Ciri should not be this close because of a handful of kisses and a pretty queen in her lap. She’s not sure if it’s because she’s been pining for a ridiculous length of time, or that she’s not had much time for anyone except her own hand lately, or maybe that Cerys really is just that incredible. Whatever it is, she absolutely refuses to embarrass herself so thoroughly, at least this first time.
It takes entirely too much willpower, but she gets her hands on Cerys’ hips, stopping the rocking movement and splashing water over the edges of the tub with the sudden interruption to the water’s motion. Cerys makes a little sound, whiny and petulant, and Ciri is halfway through a choked sort of coo at how cute that was when Cerys’ eyes snap open.
“Sorry, was that – ”
Ciri feels a little bad when pressing her fingers over Cerys’ lips apparently gets some bathwater in her mouth, but she doesn’t need an apology and doesn’t want to entertain it. “I’m fine,” she assures. “I just – have a better idea.”
At that, the scrunched combination of shock and concern on Cerys’ face smooths out, replaced instead by obvious curiosity. Her eyes are bright and her lips are a little swollen from their kisses, and Ciri has to resist the urge to lean forward and nip at them, at least for now. Instead, she starts prodding Cerys off of her lap, and giggles when Cerys’ expression once again shifts in a heartbeat, turning to a small pout even as she follows the silent direction and finds her own feet.
Ciri can’t resist that, not entirely, so she leans forward to kiss the corner of the pout as she also stands from the bench. Cerys turns her head and turns it into a real kiss, because of course she does, and Ciri is weak, so she allows it for a long moment.
“C’mon,” she finally says, when they have to pull apart for air, and before Cerys can complain – or catch her in another kiss – she slips behind her and gently nudges her forward again.
She tries to turn at first, clearly trying to sit, but Ciri gets her arms around her waist and keeps her facing forward. She nuzzles against Cerys’ ear and whispers, “Like this,” before guiding her forward again, until her knees are pressed to the bench. 
From there, she drags her hands back down to Cerys’ hips, then her thighs, coaxing her to keep going forward, until she’s kneeling on the ledge. That’s when she seems to get the idea, suddenly tugging out of Ciri’s grip to scoot forward and bend at the waist, bracing her palms against the thick edge of the tub.
“Yeah, perfect,” Ciri murmurs, and leans forward to press a kiss between Cerys’ shoulderblades, fingers finding the stretched smoothness of the scars on her chest. She kisses down Cerys’ spine, hands following the same path but down her front, and when she’s reached where her back starts to curve into ass, Ciri shifts her weight and drops into a low crouch.
She uses her hands, curled around the very tops of Cerys’ thighs, to shift her hips up a little more, just enough to lift her cunt properly above the water.
Cerys shivers and whines, soft and breathless, and Ciri presses a kiss to where the waterline is lapping at the back of her thigh.
“This okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Cerys is almost panting. When Ciri looks up – she has to lean a little to the side, to see more than the curve of Cerys’ ass and spine – Cerys is turned to look over her shoulder, eyes gone wide and dark.
She keeps their gazes locked as she slowly trails her fingers up and to the side, along the cut of Cerys’ hipbone, and then in and down, until she’s petting over the soft curls just above her slit. Cerys’ lashes flutter, mouth dropping open for the space of a panting breath before she’s sucking her bottom lip into her mouth to bite at it. 
She whines when Ciri doesn’t keep going, squirming a little, hips rolling forward into Ciri’s hand. Ciri chuckles and turns her head to kiss along the curve of her ass and back down to the back of her thigh.
“Can I?” she asks, dragging her fingers further down, almost to Cerys’ clit but not quite there yet. Already, she can feel the heat – the difference between the water and Cerys’ body, the apex of her thighs, much warmer where she’s all swollen.
Cerys whines and bucks her hips, stammering out a, “P-please.”
Ciri lets the movement do what it intended to do, since she asked so nicely, fingers slipping over Cerys’ clit. The friction of it is a little rough with nothing but water between them yet, but Cerys just whines and bucks again, so Ciri keeps going, until Cerys has made a proper mess of herself and the touch is slick and wet.
“Good,” Ciri murmurs, mostly thoughtless, and traces an intentional, firm circle around Cerys’ clit at the same time she mouths along the edge of her outer labia, tongue flickering barely over where she’s wet and fluttering. Those touches earn her another whine, more desperate this time, as Cerys leans harder against her braced arms just so she can raise her hips and press back into the tease of Ciri’s mouth. “Yeah, fuck, so good.”
“C-Ciri, please,” Cerys breathes. 
Ciri curses and leans further forward, flattening her tongue over the slick mess built between Cerys’ thighs. The sound Cerys makes in response could be reasonably called a shout, if it weren’t so pitchy and breathless, and Ciri grins but doesn’t bother pulling back. When she teases her tongue at Cerys’ entrance, she gets another almost-shout, and when she presses in, the sound turns into a low, warbling little mewl.
Her cock throbs where it’s bobbing in the water, and she imagines the two of them are probably going to sully it enough that a brand new bath is needed, but that’s the only real thought she spares for it.
“Fuck, fuck, please,” Cerys finally gasps, after Ciri has spent a few minutes pressing her tongue just inside the clutch of her entrance and then pulling back out to trace her folds before doing it again. 
She hasn’t even really been meaning to tease – she’s just…taken with the taste of Cerys, with feeling her twitch and flutter. Entirely too taken to be paying much attention to the passage of seconds – or to keep moving her fingers, she realizes. The pleas, though, bring her right back, and she hums into Cerys’ heat before she’s pressing closer, rubbing at Cerys’ clit again as she presses her tongue as deep as she can get it. 
Cerys squeals, hips jerking, and Ciri reconsiders her original intention to pull back and say something filthy. Instead, she stays right where she is, shifting in her crouch just to relieve some pressure on her ankles, and tongue-fucks Cerys until the she’s starting to shake and babble.
“Fuck, fuck, you – ah, ah – oh gods, Ciri – ”
Whenever Cerys makes a new noise or starts shaking harder, Ciri follows that as if it were explicit directions, until Cerys is no longer babbling, she’s just making scattered noise, entirely breathless. She’s so hard she could use her cock as a hammer, but all she can really focus on is how sweet Cerys’ cunt is, all of the pretty noises and trembling that she’s working out of her with just her hand and tongue. It’s – heady, and hotter than it has any right to be, and so much more than she’d ever even dared dream about, at least consciously. 
Cerys can make jokes-that-aren’t about how far Ciri outranks her all she wants, but in Ciri’s opinion, Cerys is so far out of her league that it balances them right back out. She’s fairly certain Cerys would take offense to that, though, and not at all for her own sake, so Ciri fully plans to keep that as a thought to herself. 
She’s almost worried, for a split second, when Cerys’ suddenly goes tripwire-taut, but then her mouth is suddenly flooded with slick and she understands. She groans, but doesn’t let up on her ministrations, working Cerys through the peak of the pleasure and out to quivering on the other side.
“Ciri, Ciri, fuck, oh my gods – ”
She doesn’t stop until Cerys fumbles a hand back and catches at her hair. The feeble tapping at her head is, by itself, ineffectual in making her stop, but she doesn’t want this to tip into the bad kind of overstimulation, so she follows the silent direction and pulls back. 
She intends to ask something cheeky about if that was good, but before she can manage more than just the breath in, Cerys is leaning up and turning, the hand still sort of limp against Ciri’s head finding its way into her hair just to tug slightly. 
“Please get up here and fuck me,” Cerys pants, tugging at her hair again, and Ciri certainly isn’t going to say no.
It’s not the first time she’s experienced the sensation of her dick overtaking her brain, but she thinks it might be the most intense instance of it.
“Yeah, okay,” she murmurs, and lets go of Cerys just long enough to brace on the side of the tub and the ledge so she can lever herself back to standing. She ignores the tingling in her legs – it’s not bad enough she’ll topple, so it doesn’t matter – and instead bends to press along Cerys’ back, one arm slipping around her waist while the other hand goes to her throat. She nudges at Cerys’ jaw with her fingers until she turns properly and Ciri can kiss her again.
She has to take her hand away to reach down and guide her cock, but Cerys barely seems to notice, at least until Ciri is nudging up against her entrance.
“Yes, yes, fuck,” she gasps, head dropping back down as her knuckles go white around the edge of the tub. “Please.”
“I’ve got you,” Ciri murmurs, lips trailing along the curve of Cerys’ throat in absence of her mouth.
It only takes some more minute shifting, using her other hand to steady Cerys’ hips as she guides herself with the one around her cock, and she’s slipping in. They both make high, shocky little sounds, and Ciri bites at Cerys’ shoulder as her hips jerk.
She wants to go slow, to check in, but Cerys is letting go of the edge of the tub to throw her arm back, fingernails digging into Ciri’s hip when her hand finally finds it, and she doesn’t have much choice with the way she’s yanked, unless she wants to send the both of them tumbling over the edge of the tub and onto the floor. 
“Fuck me,” Cerys repeats, and Ciri makes a wordless sound of agreement before she’s doing just that.
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carmen-caught-em · 10 months
hello!! i'm carmen, a casual pokemon trainer. i do like battling sometimes but, yk not often. my team is just full of sweeties and i love them and i hope you do too, bc you're gonna see a lot of them on here!!
my sister is also on rotomblr? we might interact but idk shhh
here is my card:
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TINY was my starter. when i was eight or so, i was in the appartment when a driftloon just. wandered in. and instead of getting my parents, i threw an empty pokeball at them, and i've had him ever since!
WHOPPER is my fifth pokemon that i had gotten on my family trip to paldea!! it was mainly to catch a tinkatink but i had gotten lost at a pond and i found a bunch of tadbulbs!! one of them really wanted my attention (i was shocked with static electricity from petting them for too long..) and would not leave me. so. i kept him.
CAR BATTERY is my second pokemon that i had asked for from my godmother (she's so sweet) and i had raised my boy car battery from a grubbin!! his ivs are also great (she didnt have to do that but she did. good for battling his energy out!)
SAILOR is my sixth pokemon i had gotten from the paldea trip. funny enough, her name has a bit of meaning- me and my sister who wanted tinkatinks had been searching, and sarge keeping other pokemon at bay. I was trying to lure them out, with no luck and a bunch of smashed berries; and then i turn around to see sarge sharing a berry with a brave tinkatink that had gone up to say hi! sailor and sarge are very close to this day.
SARGE, my main battler, is my third pokemon. I had found sarge as a honedge, weak on the sidewalk. i believe they had been discarded from a shiny hunter. luckily, i wasn't stupid (this was maybe 3 years ago?) and didnt grab her by the hilt. i fed her the food i had and took her to the nearest pokemon center. apparently, in doing so she sworn to herself she would always stay by my side for what i did, so... um. it was hard to tell my mom that this ghost sword now will never leave me. i love sarge though, she's like a mom to the others (she is still allowed to be devious though. just a little.)
CONEY is my fourth pokemon. I had found him in the outside fridge when summer just started, and had almost mistaken him for a literal ice cream cone, but then actually looked. coney got really scared and wouldnt come out of the freezer. i had to catch him to make sure he wouldnt eat all of the food in the freezer. so when i did, i gave him food for the road, and released him. because the very next day i found him in my freezer. I decided to keep him.
[ooc- this is a pokeblogging rp acc! i have tags for each of my pokemon for when i mention them, or draw them. i might not be active OFTEN because my motivation for anything ever sucks but i will post occasionally. feel free to interact!!]
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spookfished · 1 year
tagged by @eldritch-elrics thanks i love doing these :3
relationship status: in a lavender marriage to my work <3
favorite color: orange!
song stuck in my head: it was the succession theme when i was initially reading finns post bc i had literally just watched succession but now its gonna leave you by queens of the stone age
last song i listened to: questions that make you realize your lastfm/spotify sync might be broken? anyways i think it was still lonely by seventeen. im so empty that i feel like im empty < so true
3 fav foods: panfried salmon, buttercorn ramen, hotpot! ...a lot of my favorite foods just depend on something that i ate recently that i liked. or something that i wanted to eat. ooh or maybe a perfectly ripe strawberry.. i went to the farmers market today and it was sooo nice the california fruit really is like nothing else. oh you know when youre browning meat and its just a little bit too raw so it feels kinda forbidden?
last thing i googled: lastfm not scrobbling spotify :| before this ask meme was "tesseract api python" lolll new internship going. okay
dream trip: ohhh ive been thinking about this so much recently! id love to go to singapore (may be seeing a relative there soonish..?) but also like pandas and water gardens and stuff in china. and maybe my relatives too i guess. and also i want to go to myanmar again when things arent bad there and stay long enough that i can eat street food and also go to spain to see alhama and venice and the mosque of cordoba and also japan would be cool and
anything i want: would love for this ocr (optical character recognition) thing to be written for me so i dont have to do it <3 also to be less scared of new things :P im at the point where i have to stop taking silly little classes and start thinking about if i want to do stuff for real. and like, probably i do? but actual decisions that can affect real life are a bit scary you know. how scary it is to think about what you actually, materially want! idk itll be fine. oh also ito en should make a non caffeinated tea
anyways tagging @aliaoftheknives @gimmickbird @hirokiyuu @reduxskullduggerry if yall want!
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methaim · 2 years
Got tagged by @coulson-is-an-avenger to participate in a WIP game. Rules: post the barebones plot of your wips and let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them the most and then post a snippet/tell them something about it! then, tag as many people as you have wips!
I don't know how to write I haven't written a lot but here's a handful of WIPs that I've at least started:
"Untitled" - Coldstrangenation fic where the boys (Adam, Vincent, and Indrid) take a trip to the aquarium
"I kissed my best friend" - Short poem about queerplatonic love, might flesh it out into a short Coldstrangenation fic
"There's a metaphor here somewhere maybe idk" - Kind of spicy Vindrid (Vincent and Indrid) ficlet where they make out it's supposed to be about intimacy and vulnerability but idk can't two guys just kiss?
"It Takes A Village" - Uhhh this is my novel but rn I'm working on a few scenes if you're curious: a. Indrid teaching Daniel magic b. Daniel meeting his uncle Attacus for the first time c. Daniel learning the hard way that emotions affect his magic (actually really cute bc he realizes he has a crush on Cameron)
Uhhh idk too many writers out there so if you see this and want to share your WIPs, go crazy!
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
Get to Know Me
Thank you for tagging me on this one @miss--river ! :)
Relationship status: single
Favourite colour(s): - copper - purple - military green
Favourite food/drinks: - potatos - pasta con basilico - lemon soda - gin tonic
Song stuck in you head: Billy Joel – We didn't start the Fire
Time: 7:56 am
Last thing you googled:  way too many 1980s songs, dicso, punk, electro pop, dark wave, new German wave
Dream trip: already done in 2019 - me all alone in San Francisco and Monterey/Carmel-by-the-Sea. Wish I could be there again. atm there are new goals, well maybe next year Tokyo again: also just me, so I can make it a photography at night trip bc I've seen pretty much everything important of Tokyo already, but I love it to be there. Would love to do the same with San Francisco but I'm scared alone at night in America, haha. Japan however is no problem.
Last book you hated reading: I have to force myself to read books, so …
Last book you enjoyed reading/Last book you read: might have been The Hobbit some years back.
Favourite craft to do in your free time: atm. taking ingame photos of Cyberpunk and my V. But I love to edit photos all the time and have a ton of it to edit and post.
Bonus! favourite to cook/bake: self made potatos in a bed of lettuce and with lots of mayo on it!
Opinion on the circus: I liked it as a kid but today I wouldn't set a foot into a circus anymore – same for Sea World and such, I'm also not going to zoos anymore. The last aquarium I want to visit is the one in Monterey, just so I can compare it to others I've been to but then that's it with aquariums as well. All those sea animals are wild and belong in the ocean.
Do you have a sense of direction?: I think I do. once I studied a map good enough I know where I gotta go. It worked pretty good during my time in San Francisco, but tbh American sreets are so typically squared you can't do anything wrong. Tokyo on the other hand - I got lost every time especially at Shinjuku Station. It's a labyrint and everything looks the same.
tagging: Well, I don't know anyone here but I guess you all have done this already because I see you always reblogging each others content. So, don't want to bug you guys again with that tag game. Maybe I'll see some of your answers anyways :)
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ryoceann · 3 years
J2 are cute together and their chemistry is off the charts. However, I would never tinhat if it wasn't for the inconsistencies in their stories. IF they were just two best bros, there would be no need for the PR cover ups, therefore, there would be no slip ups. They could've just behaved like friends do. Wild idea, right? Maybe fans would still speculate but sooner or later they'd get used to J2 being affectionate buddies. Why try so hard if they're not together? What's there to hide?
EXACTLY ANON EXACTLY! There’s no denying that J2 have loads of chemistry. Supernatural ran so long because of it, the first episode-pilot when it was filmed, they immediately clicked, and everyone who has met them/watched them have said they have tons and tons of chemistry, like genuine actual chemistry and- The OmegaVerse was formed BECAUSE of J2′s chemistry!!! There’s no denying that part
Second the inconsistencies and slip ups and things that have happened. Lord if i started a list it would never end- but i’ll mention some of the most basic ones:
 The Italy Date slip up <3, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM-3ZKiItF4
Jared forgetting the specifics of his dating timeline, he mentioned in his Live With Kelly interview that he was single when he started Supernatural when he was actually dating Sandy then and had been for a while, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jwMN3nvZmE starts at around 4:25
 the classic 2011 LA Con moment where Jensen blatantly insinuated he was sleeping with Jared, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKV1VkODR_w starts at 0:50 ish
 the war that Danneel got into with gossip column writer Ted Casablanca when he said that Danneel and Jensen’s marriage might be fake, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWIfAOftcwk her interview with him and:
Gossip columnist Ted Casablanca once pretty much accused Danneel of her relationship with Jensen being fake. Previously to that spat, he had also written an article in response to double engagement rumors saying that “Jensen and Jared would sooner marry each other than who they’re currently rumored to be getting hitched to. If I’m wrong I’ll get Taryn Ryder a date with Ryan Gosling.”  Years ago, Danneel got into a Twitter war with a Gossip Columnist named Ted Casablanca who used to work for E! when he publicly suggested that her relationship with Jensen was fake and basically that Jensen’s gay. The two of them argued back and forth and after the argument she disappeared from Twitter for a long while. Clearly embarrassed that she had just shown a huge light on a topic she and Jensen didn’t want discussed so publicly with someone who was so well-known in the celebrity gossip entertainment business in Hollywood.
 the time Sandra favorited a tweet which called her a beard, this is a well known tinhat fact. 
the time Jared liked an instagram post which mocked his wife, https://jaredandjensendaily.tumblr.com/post/154473801354/friendly-reminder-16-another-reminder-that
 Jensen slipping up and almost saying he had ‘kids’ before moving to Austin when he only had JJ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOkH2BChDZg starts at 0:24
the time Genevieve slipped up and used the words contract and negotiation while talk about her and Jared’s relationship, the video off of yt was deletedbut here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMhc4UfBJt1/
 Richard Lawson, film critic from Vanity Fair saying he heard from a source that the j’s were together, https://jaredandjensendaily.tumblr.com/post/152089621134/friendly-reminder-13-just-a-beautiful-reminder
the way Jensen’s proposal to Danneel was a complete replica of Jared’s proposal to Sandy, AND the way they proposed on the same weekend- the only thing different was the location, they both had taken their wives(or in jared’s case ex-fiancé) out, had wanted to propose but got nervous, the girls had asked what was wrong and they chickened out and proposed in the hotel room instead.
Speaking of the engagements, nearly everything about them was highly suspicious. Both occurred on the same weekend under the guise that each J had no idea the other was proposing, despite having said multiple times that they tell each other everything and showing that to be true through their actions as well. When asked on the spot what his proposal story was, Jensen retold the exact proposal story that had taken place a year earlier with Jared and Sandy, changing only the location.
THE MORTGAGE, THE HOUSE THEY TWO SHARED IN THE BEGINNING OF SPN- THE INCONSISTENCIES WITH THAT ONE WAS OFF THE CHARTS, https://jaredandjensendaily.tumblr.com/post/141213737219/friendly-reminder-3 and https://marrieddorks.tumblr.com/post/114910899842/j2-living-together 
the most recent inconsistency! in the j2 panel, jared slipped up when talking about jackles’s birthday, saying ‘’i was with...on your birthday(he stops as if remembering himself then yells:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACKLES!’’  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwXbSC-UWGs around 6:15
and then in the same panel: Jensen shows us a picture he sent to Jared which was supposed to be bear updates bc he’s growing his(GOD THEY DO BEARD UPDATES THE FUCKING CUTIES I CANT) and JENSEN IS SHIRTLESS??? IN THE PICTURE??? SCUSE ME??? also Jared editied it to WAP. God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwXbSC-UWGs starts at around 44:40 
 the amount of times j2 have been seen together IN VANCOUVER ONLY DESPITE THE FACT THAT THEY’RE ON HIATUS AND SHOULD BE WITH THEIR WIVES??? (the entirety of 2015) 
and the fact that they’ve been on so many vacations and trips without anyone else :) 
or the way when one of them is narrating a story, the other knows exactly what happened as if they were there, 
AND THE TOUCHING GOD THE TOUCHING THEY’RE SO AFFECTIONATE. https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/j2+touching?sort=recent
Now the PR cover ups. You’re right anon if they were two best buds just doing their thing, why would they try so hard to cover up and hide stuff? Why would PR immediately make j2 wife posts(AND THEY DO IT A LOT) immediately after someone or the other would post a theory about them that would be hit amongst tinhatters or find a fact or a photo that would imply/prove j2 are together? Why would the j’s themselves stumble over stuff that would be suspicious?(that moment when someone at a convention yelled ‘’Because you like like each other?” and instead of brushing it off, j2 delved deep and then they got all flustered and it was a huge thing basically). Why would they not just behave like normal friends who have absolutely nothing to hide???
spoiler alert: because they’re together kjdkjdjsf.
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green-socks · 2 years
It Will Be Enough
Pairing: Younger Frankie Morales x gn!reader
Summary: Frankie's thoughts on the events of So Much for Summer Love, specifically his POV of the third time reader sees Frankie after that summer.
Words: ~850
Warnings: allusions to sex, angsty pining, still no happy ending
Notes: Right so I've had this written since August and somehow never posted. This is not necessarily a part 2 (that some people seemed interested in, sorry), because not much happens plot-wise, this is just Frankie's thoughts and feelings. I'm not tagging anyone bc idk it's probably stupid and it's been so long and ugh, but this is something I wanted to add to the original, so here it is.
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Frankie was sitting at a hotel rooftop bar, drinking a beer, passing time before heading back to the army tomorrow. He wasn’t alone, but he might as well have been.
The girl he was sitting with was talking animatedly about a trip she had taken last year. She was beautiful and seemed very sweet. Frankie could tell she was into him, and in a hotel like this, where they would both leave the next day never to return, he thought, sure. A distraction. A welcome one. And she really was cute, there was not a thing wrong with her. Only that she wasn’t you.
There were dark clouds gathering above, moving fast in the wind, and it reminded him of that one quiet summer afternoon when you two had run to the shed to escape the pouring rain, and how you had kept each other warm there. He looked at the hotel pool and could only picture the way you had looked at the beach with him that summer.
It felt stupid, pathetic, weird even, to be pining after a memory like this. It’s not like he hadn’t made memories since then. He had. Good ones, too. But also a lot of memories he wished to forget. Still, he could not let you go. It was the happiest he had ever been when he had been with you.
Frankie’s biggest regret was not having known how to say goodbye to you. You had at least deserved that much - why couldn’t he have given it to you?
But he still knew he had made the right decision to not try and continue with you when he left for the army. It wouldn’t have been fair to you to make you wait for him when you could live your life free of any worry or obligation to him. Not to mention having to deal with the scars that came with what he did. You hadn’t deserved to be burdened with all that so young. And, if he was being honest, he had also feared you would have left him for someone else while he was away in any case. It had been easier to just break it off before no one got hurt too much.
“Do you have a room here?” the girl next to him asked, bringing him out of his thoughts, her intent clear.
He said yes.
“Come here and kiss me, beautiful boy,” she said.
Frankie blinked.
The words he had heard you say, exactly like that, so many times that summer. It was second nature to him to comply.
He was unbuttoning the girl’s blouse, only remembering how it had felt to unbutton your shirt for the first time. His movements felt somehow mechanical and reverent at the same time, like his fingers were remembering what it was like to do this with feeling, but his heart wasn’t.
“Kiss me,” she asked again.
Frankie closed his eyes. He let himself go, let himself hear those words that you had spoken to him, only this time with a different voice speaking them, and he could sink into this moment, into this person, just for the night. It would be alright, and it would be enough.
The next morning, as he was walking away from the hotel, he saw you.
He spotted you from afar; could pick you out instantly in any crowd. But you hadn’t noticed him yet. Frankie’s heart thudded in his chest. He didn’t know what the chances were that he would run into you now, but it must’ve been a sign. He could approach you now, try to apologize, maybe even get to talk to you for a bit. There was nothing stopping him now, no annoying friends or - god forbid - parents with you. You were alone and didn’t seem to be in a rush. It was the perfect opportunity.
He did not want the first time he talked to you in more than two years to happen when his jacket still smelled like the girl from last night. It felt wrong. He felt the need to burn the jacket immediately to get rid of the smell that was suddenly filling his nostrils so completely. He was pretty sure he was imagining how strong the smell was, but he couldn’t help panicking, thinking you would know somehow. Frankie knew it didn’t really matter, knew that he was just being a coward again.
He made the split-second decision to change the side of the street, keep his head down and just hope you wouldn’t notice him.
Another time, he told himself, next time. It was likely you wouldn’t even care anymore anyway. He was far too late with his apology.
He had heard little bits and pieces of information about you from people when he visited home. It sounded like you were succeeding in life, studying hard and chasing your dreams. Frankie felt better knowing that at least you were doing good. It would be alright, and it would be enough for him.
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dashuisofanubis · 3 years
Got any fic recs? 🥺💕
Definitely! I warn you, this is going to be long bc there are so many good fics out there
rugged heart by The Sushi Monster
And that's when it hits Eddie that is something new and different; ensemble. (Post-"The Touchstone of Ra")
I love this one so much, its wonderful and I think about it a lot
You Give Me Feelings That I Adore by crocs
Interestingly, when KT and Nina meet for the first time, the world is not ending. (NinaKT. Post-S3.)
Short, but very sweet
A bona fide mystery by marshmallownose
“With this Circle of Light, I seal the Circle of Life,” she said, trying to fit the pieces together only for them to topple and fall apart. “With this Circle of Light, I seal the Circle of Life,” Nina said again, voice pitching in desperation. Nothing. She whirled around to face them, green eyes glassy with frustration. “Why isn’t it working?"
No spoilers, but this one is fun to think about
(Baby) it's cold outside by DietS0daS0ciety
In which Patricia Williamson will never back down from a (snowball) fight.
The Anubis kids have a snowball fight! What more could you want
Fairytale of Amun York by crocs
'Nina — Might be a good idea to attend this,' it read. 'Seems like something you might be into!' A crudely drawn smiley face followed the message. It still smelled vaguely of scented perma-marker. Nina leant in. Apple-scented perma-marker.' (NinaFabian. Post-Series.)
I love this one very much
Coffee, decaf by sleepymarvel
Nobody had ever called her smart before. She’d been called a bitch, a troublemaker occasionally, suicidally brave once, there was the time Alfie called her a scheming pixie and she thought that was pretty funny, but nobody had ever told her she was smart.
A really cool piece looking at early s1 Patricia's thoughts on Rufus. I recommend the rest of the fics in this series too!
In the house of yesteryear by marshmallownose
every tragedy has a beginning and an end, but the moments in the middle are often forgotten whether they be bitter or sweet.
this is a moment in time.
Sarah, Victor and Rufus as teenagers!
The Heist by mask_of_anubis
It's Prospective Parents' Day once again and the Anubis students couldn't be less excited. But when Mr. Sweet decides to place the Frobisher Shield under lockdown for safe keeping, the kids set out on the ultimate parents' day mission: a heist to reclaim the shield and win eternal glory. Takes place after the end of season 2 before the school term ends.
This one is so much fun I adore it
Family ties by HouseofSecrets
Evelyn Meridian Martin’s life was one of joy and suffering. Haunted by dreams of a girl she has never met in a house she has never seen, Evelyn searches for answers and unearths long buried secrets.
Backstory for Nina’s grandmother!
Trixie by daddyoshie
Where did the nickname "Trixie" come from? And why do only Alfie and Jerome use it? Until now, Patricia has never told anyone the story behind the name.
Or: The story of the time that Alfie and Jerome went out of their way for Patricia and forged a strong bond of friendship in the process.
This one is very fun and very sweet! (also one of the tags is 'no beta we crash and burn like a Jerome moneymaking scheme' and I think that's wonderful)
Tears of Gold by HouseofSecrets
After finding out about her father and the secrets Mara and Jerome had been keeping from her, Poppy calls in reinforcements. Meanwhile the Sibunas race against time to find the Mask of Anubis.
Okay I am nowhere near as far through this as I should be, but it is incredible and I definitely recommend it!
it's called "therapy," and we all need it. by ironicsopsychotic
one thing leads to another, and—because it’s anubis house—they decide it’s only fair to get victor a therapist. for all their sakes as well as his.
A chaotic, very fun text fic
Two is Company by marshmallownose
When Eddie and his sister Kira were invited by their estranged father to attend the esteemed Amun Academic Boarding School in the United Kingdom, they were unaware of exactly what they were getting into.
What if Eddie had a twin sister? Honestly check out all of marshmallownose/@incorrectsibunaquotes' works, they're all wonderful. Speaking of, what would this list be if I didn't include...
House of Mistakes by marshmallownose
'Eddie knew better. He really did! But he needed to vent to someone, and Denby was willing to listen. And so he let it out right then and there. And she’d been so understanding, so supportive…so overly sweet.
Maybe that’s why Eddie felt like such a chump.'
Sinner Eddie AU! Sinner Eddie AU!
Finally I have to recommend this because of the pure chaos that went down when we created it
Getting Caught in the Rain (Down in Africa) by the Sibuna Lives discord
A group trip to Germany should be simple.
Here is a list of things not considered simple:
- Mick getting on the wrong plane
- Jerome following him
- Joy finding them stranded in South Africa
- Fabian getting kidnapped
- No one answering his distress calls
- Alfie calling a SWAT team to save him
Mick: Hey Joy, if you like pina coladas
Mick: or getting caught in the rain
Mick: I forgot the rest
Joy: Oh you old romantic you
Oh and I'm going to rec myself here bc I'm still proud of this fic
Making Excuses (or 5 times Eddie and Patricia got chores and 1 time they didn't) by Whispers_of_Gallifrey
Alternatively titled: 6 times Victor got a migraine
It was all subjective really. Maybe they had been miscreants launching a deliberate and malicious attack against Victor’s prize dahlias, or maybe they had just been having fun playing catch when the competitive streak kicked in and the flowers were unfortunately caught in the cross-fire. If he hadn’t wanted his flowers to become a casualty, maybe he shouldn’t have planted them there.
Tragically, Victor didn’t see it their way, so Patricia and Eddie were once again stuck doing chores for the foreseeable future.
There you go! If you got to the end of this congratulations because I think I went overboard (though there are far more I could have recced there's so many good fics out there!)
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my fic masterlist
decided to do this for my own sake more than anyone else’s because sometimes I have to make sure the idea I get at 3am isn’t one I’ve already written hehe. anyway, a lot of these are on my ao3, but I’m also going to try and track down some of my TuMbLr-eXcLuSiVe fics, too. I’ll update this as often as I remember (so, uhhh–)
In-Progress: Not On A Consistent Updating Schedule Bc Abi is a Mess ™
midst of the mind – Anakin has always had a pretty good understanding of his feelings, even if he's not particularly disciplined in acting on them. But things surrounding the Chancellor seem to be off and Anakin's determined to get to the bottom of it. With a little help from his friends.(or: fix-it ROTS fic where Ani, Obi, and Padmé take down the Chancellor one fake smile and late-night tea party at a time)
evermore – "dreamscapes and tragedies and epic tales of love lost and found" within the lives of our favourite space fam. (or: TAYLOR SWIFT LITERALLY OWNS MY SOUL, OKAY?) (unrelated one-shots based on taylor swift songs ha)
filling the gaps – after the horror of Naboo, Obi-Wan has flipped from Padawan to having a Padawan in a matter of hours and he's not sure how much longer he can pretend like he's okay. thankfully, this one spunky youngling who keeps popping up in the corners of his life seems to know what to do. (or: baby!Soka unknowingly helps new Knight!Kenobi figure things out and braids his hair along the way)
Obi-Wan & Ahsoka: Best Father-Daughter Duo In The Galaxy According To Me (because let’s be honest...that’s why I’m here) (tagged: #obi & soka)
filling the gaps – *in-progress multi-chapter* after the horror of Naboo, Obi-Wan has flipped from Padawan to having a Padawan in a matter of hours and he's not sure how much longer he can pretend like he's okay. thankfully, this one spunky youngling who keeps popping up in the corners of his life seems to know what to do. (or: baby!Soka unknowingly helps new Knight!Kenobi figure things out and braids his hair along the way)
playing catch – Ahsoka finds an old friend on Tatooine and has lots of questions. they cry a lot. obi-wan tells some white lies. they get the hugs they need. (Obi-Wan & Ahsoka reunite on Tatooine)
all too young – during a bout of insomnia while on Onderon, Ahsoka gets some advice and insight about her Master. (or Obi-Wan hears Ahsoka laugh for the first time and they get to have a snuggle and he absolutely spends the entire next day training the rebels trying not to cry thinking about it every dang time he sees her.)
hologram heart-to-hearts – we see Obi-Wan and Ahsoka have a conversation via hologram in the final season of tcw, but what if there had been...more?(three-parter) (basically Obi and Soka keep in touch after she leaves the Order and there’s...a lot of emotions involved)
little love – a sort of follow-up to hologram heart-to hearts; Ahsoka sticks her nose into the wrong Alliance meeting and discovers a certain Jedi is alive and on Tatooine of all places, so she places a long-distance call.
bad days – Ahsoka tries to squeeze out of her Grand Master exactly what happened on Mortis. and, as always, Obi-Wan is powerless to deny her anything, no matter how painful that truth may be.
sleeping with monsters – Ahsoka is having a hard time sleeping after her time on Felucia, so Obi-Wan offers a solution.
chance meeting – Obi-Wan is up late researching for his Master in the archives when a certain sneeze–and pair of big blue eyes–catch his attention.
‘drooping eyelids’ prompt fill – Ahsoka and Obi-Wan have a conversation about attachment while Anakin’s missing. they (plus Anakin) get some platonic cuddles.
‘dancing’ prompt fill – they attend a senatorial gala without Anakin because he’s feeling grumpy grump after deception arc fall-out. Obi realises that there are still things to be thankful for. 
sorrow – Ahsoka feels the full weight of loss as she clutches her Grand Master’s dead body. (deception arc FEELS!!!!)
‘I do not pretend to set people right, but I do see they are often wrong’ prompt fill – *trigger warning: death of children; Obi comforts Ahsoka after they witness an atrocity of the highest order.
the silence between — Ahsoka gets assigned to the 212th as her Master recovers. Unwanted quality time with her Grand Master doesn’t go as planned.
untitled ‘Obi & Ani role reversal au’ ficlet — Padawan Obi-Wan pays a visit to his best pal Ahsoka in the crèche.
‘falling asleep on each other’s shoulder’ prompt fill – the summary says it all. fluff!
'I don’t wanna die’ – Obi-Wan comforts Ahsoka in her pain. *tw: implied major character death
‘I made tea’ – Anakin is off-world so it’s up to Obi-Wan to take care of his sick grand-padawan.
sorry for the soup – post-deception arc. Ahsoka stops by Obi-Wan’s quarters to check-in.
Obi-Wan & Anakin: The Early Years (tagged: #obi & ani)
figuring it out – Anakin learns waking Obi-Wan up can sometimes be a good thing and Obi-Wan learns that maybe everything's going to be okay. (padawan!ani & new dad knight!kenobi)
if I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more – Anakin overhears a conversation he wasn’t meant to hear and lashes out in response. lots of hurt is uncovered and Obi-Wan hears some hard truths from his Padawan. angst, angst, angst...but with a hug.
reading lessons – the team takes a trip to the archives to find some reading material. Anakin is adorably insecure.
cold – Obi-Wan and Anakin have their first solo mission, but in typical Kenobi & Skywalker fashion, it does not go as planned. Exasperated Obi-Wan and Won't-Shut-Up Anakin are put to the test by deep space and a completely out-of-fuel ship. (or some more fluff where padawan!ani and new knight!kenobi get to try and figure out how the heck this master-padawan thing WORKS. hint: it's not easy!)
playing hooky – angel baby Anakin breaks Obi-Wan's heart and it's not for the last time...womp wooooomp.
like you – sweet, angel baby Ani gives himself a haircut and Obi-Wan deals with the aftermath. (I’m copying and pasting most of these summaries directly from ao3 and cracking up because I called Anakin a sweet angel baby in two in a ROW hahah)
fun? – the Jedi Council gives Obi-Wan his newest orders as a young Jedi Knight and he struggles to understand them. he was instructed to take his new Padawan and...have...fun?
go away/please stay – Obi-Wan has been disappearing for solo missions more and more often and Anakin's starting to wonder if it's more than just on request of the Council. (or: can you say TEEN ANGST!)
‘forehead kisses’ prompt fill – Anakin stumbles upon his Master having quite the nightmare, so he handles it the way his mom always handled his own nightmares. with patience and affection.
unnamed NAP TIME fic – Obi-Wan gets home from a solo mission early to find his bed occupied.
‘sweets’ prompt fill – Anakin gets a little ambitious with his choco-ball indulgence.
‘fuzzy socks’ prompt fill – years after arriving at the Temple, Anakin still hasn’t quite adjusted to the cold. Obi-Wan gets him a gift to help. (really just an excuse for some obi ani banter)
‘snowball fight’ prompt fill – Anakin takes his boredom to the next level, much to his Master’s chagrin.
untitled Anakin sickfic bc I’m not feeling very creative right now – the team goes on a mission but Anakin gets sick. Obi-Wan is ultimate mother hen and Anakin makes an observation.
got germs – sickficlet where both of our best boys are sick.
you’re okay – just some classic protective parent!Obi-Wan and teenaged son!Anakin post disaster.
‘you lied to me’ – angstpril day 13. Anakin really wants to go to Ilum and make his lightsaber...but is met with disappointment.
random sickfic – because we all know Anakin is the most annoying sick person in the world.
don’t struggle – the ship is crashing, as usual. but this time, Anakin’s seatbelt is stuck. *tw: implied major character deaths
relic – sith!Obi au. *tw: major character death
aspectabund – Anakin’s eyes betray him and his Master.
Obi-Wan & Anakin: Brotp But Also Idiots Who Don’t Know How To Communicate (still tagged #obi & ani)
define ‘attachment’ – while the dads esteemed Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker wait for Ahsoka to wake up, they talk about attachment, worry, and that time Ani caused an accidental security breech at the Temple.
favourites – Obi-Wan has been tasked with telling Anakin of his special assignment to keep an eye on the Chancellor, but he gets sappy and sentimental in the process because these conversations are hard.
after all these years – Obi-Wan tries to talk to Anakin, but it doesn't go well. does this sound familiar OR WHAT? (post-decpetion arc angst)
brilliant – Anakin is having a difficult time adjusting to his new mechno-arm for one very specific reason. (the boys communicate properly in this one and even get a hug as a treat!)
sober words said aloud – Anakin's meeting with the Council is interrupted by his highly intoxicated–and wildly affectionate–Master. (crack fic turned fluff)
‘you’ve been crying, I can tell’ prompt fill – Anakin makes the mistake of checking in on his Master after a particularly grueling mission. it doesn’t go well. (or: Obi-Wan loses his sh!t)
going somewhere? – Obi-Wan catches Anakin on his way out for a midnight rendezvous with a certain Senator. Anakin makes a quick decision and chooses Obi-Wan. sweet words are exchanged on a sentimental walk.
shaking hands – in the immediate wake of Ahsoka’s departure form the order, Anakin...isn’t okay. Obi-Wan tries to do something about it. (post S5 angst)
untitled platonic tired cuddles/back scratching fic – Anakin resorts to an old tactic to make his Master rest.
sun shine on – Obi-Wan and Anakin take a little trip to Tatooine to visit Shmi’s grave. (post-ROTS fix-it au of sorts)
pushing it too far — Obi-Wan calls Anakin for some help when he takes ‘intel’ too seriously and ends up drunk on a street in lower-level Coruscant.
whump prompt fill – Obi-Wan looks after Anakin after a near-miss. They talk.
‘was it another premonition?’ – Obi-Wan dreams of Luke. He wakes up to Anakin.
post-mortis angst – Anakin remembers. *tw: implied suicidal thoughts
angstpril: ‘you have to let me go’ – Anakin and Obi-Wan are stuck in a pit. only one of them can make it out alive. *tw: implied major character death
role model – post-deception angst. Obi and Ani talk. it doesn’t go well.
here either way – conversations about mental health. *tw: panic attack
hiraeth – Obi-Wan walks alone. *post ROTS
Anakin & Ahsoka: Dream Team Sharing One Single Brain Cell (tagged: #snips & skyguy or (for the really angsty) #its crying about snips & skyguy hours)
that one person – (my first fic!) Anakin gets assigned to lecture a class of younglings, but he's not the only one who doesn't want to be there.or Ahsoka Tano is done with Jedi sh!t and tries to leave, but this time it's just a classroom and not the entire Order and there's a lot less tears and pain.
define ‘attachment’ – while the dads esteemed Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker wait for Ahsoka to wake up, they talk about attachment, worry, and that time Ani caused an accidental security breech at the Temple.
here and now – the Force has tried to swallow Ahsoka Tano three times. it's hard to be the last one standing. (or Ahsoka feels the death of three important men in her life and is tired of being left behind) *tw: major character deaths (canon compliant and not depicted, only mentioned)
whumptober: crying – Anakin comforts a distraught Ahsoka after her disaster mission over Ryloth.
reaching out – Anakin is always there...until he’s not. Ahsoka reflects on how different it is fighting and living without Anakin at her side. (angst)
help would come  – Anakin and Ahsoka get stuck on an ice planet and things get dire. I chalked this full of parallels to the final conversation between Ani and Luke bc I love pain, I guess?
whump: ‘i’ve got you’ –  Anakin pulls Ahsoka from a nightmare.
zen!Anakin ficlet — Ahsoka visits Anakin in his new job as Galaxy’s #1 Dad (well Plo Koon still exists so maybe #1.5?).
right as rain – Ahsoka insists she is fine when she is distinctly not.
snoozeville – Anakin and a few boys of the 501st find their Commander catching some extra z’s.
stitching up – Ahsoka performs some in-the-moment surgery for Anakin and he tries not to scream. *tw: field surgery
‘platonic spooning’ prompt fill – do I need a summary after that?
sad hours: dancing – Anakin and Ahsoka dance in the aftermath of tragedy.
rainy ending given to a perfect day – Anakin and Ahsoka take a trip into downtown Coruscant. 
Anakin and Padmé: Abi Tries and fails To Write Romance (tagged: #anidala)
not enough – Anakin has a hard time with the Mortis fall-out. Padmé doesn’t know how to help someone who doesn’t want it. some painful connections between Ahsoka and Shmi are made. (angst, no happy ending, trouble in paradise)
I will not have this baby in a jail cell – some fluff, some crack, some Anakin-being-so-proud-of-his-badass-wife.
marcid – domestic fluff in which Padmé almost shoots him. ha. oops!
rubatosis – angsty anidala hours. Anakin can’t go to sleep. 
Obi-Wan and Satine: Abi Tries and fails some more To Write Romance (tagged #obitine)
don’t go – Obi-Wan makes a choice. *year on the run timeline
that’s mine – some happiness AU obitine. waking up next to each other. laughing. all the sappy stuff.
accidental keldabe kiss – all the ridiculous tropes I love with our favourite pining idiots. it’s the ‘kiss me so they don’t see us!’ trope!!!! *year on the run timeline
you’re shaking – Satine knows Obi-Wan more than he’d like. *year on the run
Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Rex, Padmé: Space Found Family In Whatever Form It Comes
here and now – the Force has tried to swallow Ahsoka Tano three times. it's hard to be the last one standing. (or Ahsoka feels the death of three important men in her life and is tired of being left behind) *tw: major character deaths (canon compliant and not depicted, only mentioned)
i want your midnights – the gang attends a New Year's banquet (read: party) and Padmé surprises them all with her midnight kiss.
evermore – "dreamscapes and tragedies and epic tales of love lost and found" within the lives of our favourite space fam. (or: TAYLOR SWIFT LITERALLY OWNS MY SOUL, OKAY?) (unrelated one-shots based on taylor swift songs ha)
flair for dramatics – when the gang gets their ship stranded on a desert planet, Anakin and Ahsoka get creative as they try to keep spirits up and minds off the sweltering heat. Obi-Wan questions his sanity. (crack fic turned fluff)
nothing a cup of tea can’t fix – when Anakin shows up to Obi-Wan's quarters in the middle of the night, the Jedi Master knows something has gone awry. answering Anakin's desperate cry for help, Obi-Wan is reminded of how very, very prone to dramatics his former Padawan and Grand Padawan are. (or: Ahsoka gets sick and Anakin flips his shit.) (sickfic)
in the sandstorm – when Tatooine's weather takes a turn for the worst, Ben Kenobi finds a young boy in need of shelter and some lessons on how wonderful his dad had been. (luke and obi-wan hurt/comfort)
remembering hurts – Rex and Ahsoka strive to survive on the snowy moon in the days after Order 66. tensions are high and emotions are volatile.
balter – disaster trio dances at a senatorial ball.
reunion – au where Anakin doesn’t completely turn to the dark side but everything up to and including Mustafar (except for the last like...five minutes) happens. Padmé has the twins, Obi-Wan is overwhelmed, Anakin is a mess. they’re happy...or at least, they will be soon.
‘cookies’ prompt fill – disaster trio makes cookies for the crechelings for Life Day. (just fluff and banter)
first ever codywan! – Cody does some bedside vigil for a hurt Obi-Wan. :’)
transponster – disaster trio is tired and delusional. Rex and Cody want Jedi to have some kriffing self-preservation.
one final salute — Obi-Wan and Cody get trapped. Obi-Wan’s luck is running out. (angst? angst.)
codywan whump – Cody saves Obi-Wan’s life. again. (more fluff than whump)
girls’ night – Ahsoka hangs out with her mom pal Padmé.
driving lessons – Obi-Wan and Anakin teach Ahsoka to drive. ha.
affectionate obi – the kids get Obi-Wan a puppy. fluff!
sorry I don’t speak idiot – Rex and Fives deal with a drunk Echo :’)
post deception disaster trio sadness – Ahsoka tries to keep Obi-Wan company in the aftermath of Rako Hardeen...but Anakin isn’t playing nice.
verklempt – Ahsoka and Yoda talk about being chosen. and Ahsoka finds out maybe she hasn’t been left behind afterall. *pre-TCW
apricity – disaster trio have a picnic at the temple! just pure fluff.
pyrrhic – codywan but make it angsty. some battles are won at too great a cost.
disaster trio sickfic – two Jedi dads and their (sick) daughter :’)
‘you’ve been here this whole time?’ – newlyweds anidala (but shh, Obi-Wan doesn’t know that! yes he does, everyone does.) are there when Obi-Wan wakes up and he ownders just what he did to get so lucky.
Febuwhump 2021: A Foray into Hurting the Characters I Love the Most 
mind control – Anakin’s narrative as he fights Ahsoka on Mortis. sad boy hours. a lot of insecurity happening here.
‘I can’t take this anymore’ – during the Obitine (plus third-wheel Qui-Gon) year on the run, Satine gets tired of Obi-Wan trying to die for her. a bit hurt/comfort, a lot sappy.
imprisonment – on their first mission together, Obi & Ani get captured. Anakin learns how Obi-Wan feels about tight spaces.
coma – post deception arc. Obi-Wan goes into a coma after a particularly intense conversation with Anakin. Anakin tells Obi’s unconscious body how he’s feeling. angst, angst, angst. there’s your warning.
‘take me instead’ – Anakin escorts Padmé on a diplomatic mission but things get dicey and quick decisions must be made. Anakin isn’t the only one in this relationship willing to be an idiot for the sake of *love.* (or: another attempt to write Anidala in a convincing way because they give me a tough! time! so this time make it...dangerous)
insomnia – Anakin overhears a late night holo-call and learns that his Master has a...friend that is a girl???? and is pretty???? but also that his Master may need some fixing and he thinks he may just be the nine-year-old for the job.
poisoning – Ahsoka gets drugged and Anakin gets...er...angry. (read: dark)
‘hey, hey, this is no time to sleep’ – as Ahsoka and Anakin wait for help, Anakin tells a story. an ancient monster in the heart of Tatooine...waiting for it's day of reckoning. (or: Ahsoka gets dehydrated and Anakin can't deny his hurting sister/padawan anything so he talks a little bit about home.)
buried alive – Anakin reflects on some things as his Padawan tries to rescue him from the rubble. angst!!!!!!!!!
‘I’m sorry, I didn’t know’ – the Council loses a planet and Obi & Ani get tasked with finding it, but after nine hyperspace jumps and a painful discovery, Obi-Wan teaches his former Padawan one more lesson. (or: the boys talk about failure and feelings when Obi-Wan finds out Anakin's mechno-arm has been causing pain for a couple years)
hallucinations – Ahsoka tries to fix things. it doesn’t work. (post-order 66) angst 
‘who are you?’ – Anakin and Ahsoka rescue Obi-Wan, but things aren’t okay and Obi-Wan doesn’t recognise Anakin. (or: Obi is tortured for information about the fall of the Republic before it happens and goes a bit mad bc of it)
‘I didn’t mean it’ – Obi-Wan learns how cold and unfeeling his young Padawan thinks he is and has a rough day. angst
burned – Anakin mourns the loss of his Padawan in a tactile way. Obi-Wan watches. (or: Anakin throws Ahsoka’s Padawan beads into a fire)
‘I wish I have never given you a chance’ – Obi-Wan is reminded of his own incompetence through a vision form his old master.
you have to let me go – Ahsoka has one heirloom: a hologram of her old master as a padawan. but it’s time to let the past go and step into the future, with help from an old friend.
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soulrph · 3 years
So. This is something I desperately dunno what to do, but I saw you accept questions soooo... What's your tips for getting people to follow and write with you on Tumblr? I've never wrote here, I'm on Twitter primarily but I'm really scared because this is a whole new environment and I'm seeing a LOT of different things - Icons, promos, tags. . . It's a lot to take in for a newcomer. Much less to the Dead By Daylight RPC - Much less as an OC writer. Probably don't help I'm stuck on a phone as I don't have a computer. . . Tips for making friends or getting follows/interactions??? I know I'm repeating this but god, I'm scared because a lot of blogs here I peeked at are intimidating me with "selective" and stuff thrown everywhere...
hello my love!! okay, i'm gonna start by just. god, congratulating you, i guess, because tumblr is terrifying. like it's the most nerve wracking experience for people who haven't written here before!! so well done for reaching out, bc it's so so easy to bottle it up out of fear of people reacting badly, and i can promise you, anyone who reacts badly is NOT someone you want to be friends with. we've all experienced everything you're going through, and for someone to sneer at others for being brave and sensible enough to ask for help? we don't vibe with that.
now! i'm gonna be boring for a second and add a few handy definitions here, okay? okay!
selective: they only write with mutuals.
semi-selective: they write with mutuals, but also if a non mutual wants to send them a few things, they might respond.
highly selective: they only write with mutuals and they're very selective about who they become mutuals with
mutuals: someone that you follow who follows you also.
promos: promos are just banners that you reblog in order to find new followers. they have your url, maybe links to a rules page or bio, a cool quote maybe? again, not essential, but if you like using them, go for it! many people can commission you one if you don't fancy wrestling with photoshop!
tags: literally tags are just the hashtags you add at the bottom. see that little # button? that's where you throw in some tags! it's not very vital, but people usually put in the url of their writing partner, or any potentially triggering content in there. lots of people have special tags just to help them find their replies and wishlist stuff and all the rest!
triggers: basically any content that might trigger a strong negative response from someone. a few basic triggers that i always tag are guns, hospitals, blood. if they're visual or written, just hop them into a tag so new followers can blacklist them!
icons: icons are absolutely not necessary, but if you want to use them, they're basically screenshots of your character's fc that you crop down to a specific size, and you can change the lighting and stuff in photoshop! many people are starting to no longer use them though, so it's entirely up to you whether or not you wanna use them!
now. here's the main thing. this site is challenging on many levels. if you scroll through my rp advice tags, you'll find a lot of people who encounter these challenges and need advice or help in overcoming them. the most important thing is that you know you're not alone. everyone, including you, is always welcome to send me a message! but there will be good days and bad days with this site.
my best advice would be to make a post, introduce yourself, then ask if people might like to plot or chat with you! in your tags, put in things like "oc rp" or "dead by daylight rp". it DOES get easier, but it's like when a baby learns to walk. you'll trip over a lot, you might feel like you're crawling, you'll need a group of people there to help you along the way. but one day you'll be sailing through this! you'll be offering ME advice before you know it!
i hope this is helpful, and as always, if there's more i can do, feel free to shoot me a DM or an ask! i might be a bit late replying, but i'll be around as time and energy and schedules allow!
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personuhh · 3 years
okay so awhile ago you posted something about Yosuke (crazy, right?) and in the tags I believe you mentioned something about how you don’t like Yosukes parents? Could you elaborate? bc I have not stopped thinking about it since you mentioned it (sorry this is so vague my memory is horrid skjdjfjgj)
OYSUEJGHHBKEJHDSGVDH oh my god okay SO. At first I just got ~vibes~ from him... like, I couldn’t quite pin down what made me think he had abusive parents, because obviously he never says anything to indicate it explicitly, but then I started noticing... small things.
I don’t want to say outright that I think they’re abusive (physically or verbally) and I also don’t think that Yosuke hates them, or necessarily even sees anything wrong with how they treat him, but I do think that their behavior has severely impacted Yosuke and led to a lot of the negative traits he displays.
To me, the most telling example is this conversation where he talks about Teddie being praised by his parents for being “thoughtful” very pointedly in front of him. It seems to be a reoccurring thing where they compare him to other people (primarily Teddie) and make him feel inferior. Yosuke’s a bit of a pushover, and frequently gets taken advantage of monetarily, and in this case he’s caved and lent Teddie a significant chunk of his savings for their trip to Tatsumi Port Island... only for him to spend it on presents to suck up to Yosuke’s parents which makes Yosuke look unthoughtful. Yosuke clearly sees it that way, even if Teddie hadn’t intentionally planned it out from the start as such (he calls Teddie “surprisingly shrewd”).
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Yosuke gets told off either because a) he didn’t want to fight back/argue, and instead just took a passive stance instead of telling his parents that he was the one to lend Teddie the money in the first place, and thus didn’t have any left to buy them gifts, or b) his parents think so little of him that they don’t believe him at all. He specifically says he doubts his parents understand, which makes me think that he did try to explain the situation.
There are also several instances of a large Junes event being Yosuke’s responsibility, or at least of him thinking that he has to scramble to make things work, like the Junes concert, where he says he’ll have to move away if it doesn’t pan out; maybe this is his own thinking, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if it was something his dad said to scare him into helping, especially considering he MUST know that Yosuke is friends with Rise, or the time during the summer where he calls Yu and begs him to help out. Yosuke isn’t a manager, but he’s still got all the responsibilities of one, and even tries his best to work out other employees’ problems as well (look at his SL).
The Junes concert in particular really sent up some red flags for me, especially because Yosuke says this.
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“Awfully nice for some reason”?
Yosuke’s got terrible self-esteem, there are countless times where he’s shown to be overwhelmed and embarrassed by completely genuine praise from his friends. In one of the drama CDs he mentions that he intentionally doesn’t try his best in school because he doesn’t want to disappoint himself by doing poorly while also knowing that he gave his all. It really makes me think that his parents just have an abysmally low opinion of him, and he’s adopted that same view of himself.
There’s also several scenes where he talks about his parents finding his porn (or Teddie showing it to them) and in his SL he says his mom “read the title out loud to [his] family” which on top of obviously indicating his family is pretty conservative about that kind of thing, also means he’s had to learn to be secretive with them to some extent. In Arena, Yosuke’s mother goes as far as burning the porn Teddie finds. Even if it's meant to be humorous, Yosuke's property is still being destroyed.
Now these next few things are more... abstract and can definitely be argued, but personally I still find them important to point out when discussing the topic.
Yosuke obviously struggles with toxic masculinity, and similarly to Kanji, feels like he needs to be the ideal, strong man that protects the weak, etc. Even without looking at specific dialogue, you can tell that Yosuke’s been raised to think he needs to be a “real” man, that displaying more “feminine” behaviors is a sign of weakness; because that isn’t just subtextual, it’s something he very visibly displays, it’s part of his arc. He can’t mourn and cry, he has to get revenge (because he couldn’t protect Saki at the time and he watched helplessly as she died, it makes it his fault), he says hugs are for girls (a common sentiment, but he had to learn it from somewhere), and any time he slips up and reveals his actual feelings, he has to overcompensate, let everyone know that he’s just your average teenage boy who’s definitely interested in women. Yosuke’s not the most masculine guy, he likes fashion and cares about his appearance (the bar is so low) and I’d bet that if he were given space to explore his interests without any expectations, he might actually find he’s into stuff that goes against what he’s been taught. He admits to liking crossdressing, then walks it back; not because he’s ashamed of it (on the contrary, once he realizes people found him cute, he openly brags about it), but because he thinks he SHOULD be ashamed of it.
It’s why he feels so threatened by Kanji, who completely takes him by surprise when he realizes his outer appearance and interests don’t match up. Now Yosuke’s got to compete with Kanji over who’s the manliest, show that he’s not like Kanji, because Kanji’s already accepted that side of himself, and it totally goes against everything Yosuke’s been taught to think is “normal”.
So then we look at lines like this.
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On its own it’s nothing special, but it’s not just the slogan itself, it’s the way that Yosuke specifically says that his dad is still saying it. Combining this with what I mentioned previously about Yosuke’s behavior, and a few other tidbits, like Teddie mentioning that he watches violent war movies with Yosuke’s dad, it definitely makes me think he’s the type of guy who’d try and push Yosuke into being more masculine, being a traditional, unshakable, unemotional man.
Lastly, there’s the recently identified album on Yosuke’s shelf in arena, and what do you know, one of the songs on it (The Chain, by Mr. Big) has these lyrics...
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In my mind, I see Yosuke’s mother as an incredibly controlling, strict woman who expects her son to be utterly perfect, and even when he’s good, it’s never good enough. Yosuke’s father is busy with Junes, and while he isn’t around the house too often, Yosuke sees him at work quite a bit, large and in-charge, not allowing anyone to see weakness, he leans on his son because he can’t bring himself to ask for help. Yosuke’s left to pick up the slack, and he’s taught by example that relying on others is cowardly, that being intimidating gets you further than being “nice”. Even though Yosuke obviously goes against this, he can't fully commit for fear of standing out and disappointing his parents, and that makes him passive; he ends up being a pushover, and neither of his parents are happy about that. He’s a “disappointment” to them, it’s one of his defining traits that everyone loves to bring up. It's something that's shown to really get under his skin, but he can never do much more than get angry, because he truly thinks he is a disappointment, he doesn't think highly of himself, even if he protests.
Maybe I’m reading into all of these things a little too much, but... I don’t know, I’ve said it before, but I just don’t see how half of Yosuke’s personality would have been shaped by anything other than his parents being Not Great.
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bixqueen · 3 years
supercorptober (supercorp october writing prompt)
i stumbled upon this prompt on AO3 a year after this happened lol but i’m wondering if we’re doing it again this year. and if someone makes a 31-day prompt list or we come up with it all ourselves? anyways, i’m interested in participating this year (hopefully although college decision process is a lot) and seeing how supergirl goes starting in august maybe it’ll help us with the pain lol
31 days
- lena doesn’t understand how her friend can be eating an ice cream cone in the middle of fall while she’s freezing, yet she finds it cute and kara just doesn’t know why she’s blushing
- sam and alex force lena and kara on a blind date
- they’re best friends
- they both think they’ve been stood up and sam and alex are screaming inside watching this happen
- its karas first time at a high school party and she spots a special someone she is very into
- 5 mins in heaven or spin the bottle
- kara and lena are both single and attend homecoming only to fall into each other’s arms (literally or metaphorically)
- can be at the game or the dance
- baking and making a mess only for alex to walk in on them making out then begins cussing as she leaves
- halloween themed game night with all their friends trying to get them to realize they love each other
- first sleepover at Danver’s house
- kara and lena are freshman besties and decide to have a movie night and sleepover (ofc they make out DUH)
- engagement (proposal) party with the superfriends being exposed for betting on the relationship
- protective kara while lena works with DEO on serious (dangerous ofc) case
- nobody gets why supergirl is so worried
- the way the ending of the 100th episode could’ve gone (GO WILD lol)
- ice skating and hot cocoa days !!
- kara and lena go ice skating and casually fall on top of each other any chance they get then go back to karas for some cocoa and do some more falling on top of each other…
- a flight with supergirl while lena is all bundled up and cozy on a fall night
- visiting krypton and learning about their fall customs (/halloween idk if they do that most likely not)
- kara introducing lena to her parents
- teaming up for a not so serious mission only to be scolded by j’on and alex ofc (be silly with this)
- what really happens before a soccer game and your girlfriend shows up early to show support…hmm
- or lena pulls kara aside during their group warmups and have fun before the game
- an accidental slip-up in front of lenas coworkers happen of her and supergirl kissing (though they don’t know it’s the same person)
- moving in together after dating for a while but they don’t get to do much unpacking once one of them finds a movie (halloween one) only to find out the other hasn’t seen it
- who you gonna call? SUPERGIRL!
- or lena doesn’t really need any rescuing, she just likes being held in karas strong and secure arms
- supercorps child first halloween
- elementary school kara doesn’t know anything about love until she spots an adorable black-haired girl and can’t stop thinking about her
- they’re at a bar and kara accidentally spills a drink all over lenas clothes (expensive) and instead of being pissed she knows a way kara can make it up to her
- kara and lena happen to be put together for some science project and that hatred that was once there slowly dissolves into something else
- “what do you mean you don’t go trick or treating?”
- “well kara, we are in high school now. don’t you think it’s a bit odd to dress up and beg others for candy? i can buy you some at the store.”
- “yeah but that’s not as fun,” the blonde girl whines in an attempt to make the shorter girl put on her (_) costume and tag along.
- or lena doesn’t want to go trick or treating with kara, alex, and sam but gets guilted into it
- lena and kara agree to babysit ruby one night and against their better knowledge they let her watch a movie that’s probably too scary for her (as well as them)
- supercorp cuddles
- kara reveals she has a special surprise for her best friend lena
- she gives her a clue everyday going into halloween and her friend must figure it out in order for it to be revealed (this can be like some fluff love confession thing that takes lena until the very last day to figure out bc she’s a useless lesbian)
- school trip to a museum (science or art) and the two best friends (who are hopelessly in love with each other) find any moment to slip their hands together and run off for a few moments
- lena travels to ireland in hopes of discovering what really happened to her mother while kara stays in national city but keeps tails on lenas heartbeat and whereabouts. she ends up flying there once a day to be there physically and they both end up going to THE river/lake (they’re either together or just friends in this)
- lena walks into her office only to find her best friend struggling to catch a puppy she brought (named pumpkin hehe) as a halloween surprise gift
- lena knocks on the door of her best friends house begging to build a snowman in the middle of the night since she can’t sleep and seems to (for some reason) find comfort in those ocean blue eyes
- alex gets tired of hearing kara complain about how much she likes lena but doesn’t know what to do so she decides to ask lena out from karas phone
- lena agrees and kara still doesn’t know what’s going on until after the “date” and she sees her messages. let’s say she’s not that mad at alex
- lena has been missing for 3 days now and even the super can’t seem to find her. until she picks up on certain hints around the city and finds that she’s been captured by lex (i’m bad at horrors lol this is me trying)
I began this idea process back in like mid-june but i thought this might be really fun! we don’t know how this season will end but i thought we can at least have some happiness during it lol. anyways, it’s officially autumn so i finally got to post and it’s in a month advance which is nice! so repost and comment if you want to take part. i think it’ll be in A03 again but im super excited for this!
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