#i was originally gonna do a watercolor style for this one
sleepyblr-heart · 8 months
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babies' first camping trip (in the backyard)!!!
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void-inked-pen · 6 months
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Spilling the beans here for a story I'm writing as a really long one shot: Harry Potter and Disney Fairies AU.
Harry is a scout talent fairy in charge of protecting Pixie Hollow from beasts which threaten their peace and magic, and Draco is an ice talent fairy capable of surviving the coldest environments known to fairy-kind whose job is to watch over the secrets and dangers in the Forbidden Woods.
the one shot is at 18 pages so far and I am just on the prologue part ksdjhfksdjf The art above was me trying to do some concept art and practice in the disney fairy style a little bit (tho I'm not sure I succeeded). I plan for the story to slowly become both a Drarry story and a high fantasy story with some interesting creatures they have to deal with and dangers on the level of David and Goliath. (tiny creatures fighting giant monsters basically)
the story is already planned out including important characters, what roles they play and how they interact with each other so I guess... wait and see (I'm gonna try and illustrate this as well, so hopefully I do this concept justice)
anyway, hope this premise interests you, I'm gonna try to design more characters and do some more illustrations for the story soon (in the watercolor style of the original disney fairy books) and just to reiterate: fuck JK Rowling and her views, I am an LGBT+ artist and I'm vandalizing her work by making something new with it.
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tarisilmarwen · 11 months
Rebels Rewatch: “The Lost Commanders”
After the harrowing peril of the premiere we settle in for a more laid-back and chill adventure with some old familiar faces.
We open with the Rebels discussing what to do next, after the shankening that Vader handed them last episode.
(And let’s appreciate for a moment how, if not for becoming distracted by Ahsoka, Vader would have completely decimated Phoenix Cell in its entirety by himself.)
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Ezra blurts out his ideas before remembering that he needs to have a modicum of proper decorum.  (I love his awkward little salute and Sabine shaking her head all cutely long-suffering.)  Clearly he feels comfortable enough to be himself in this formal, militarized environment.
“You are never shy with your opinions, Ezra Bridger,” has all the hidden consternated tones of, “Why did we let this feral gremlin child into the Rebelllion.” lol, Sato is just so confounded that this is his life now, he’s the commander of ragtag teams with literal fifteen year olds.
This episode is the first of what I’m going to affectionately call the “Friendship Fetch Quests”, in which we go have mildly interesting adventures and do something seemingly innocuous that gains us an ally that will wind up being important later.  Season Two is mostly this, if we’re honest.  We go to this location, we do this character’s Loyalty Mission, we gain them as an asset to call upon later.  It fits very well with the overall theme of connection and family, of making friendships and bridges that benefit the cause.  Ezra’s unique Force ability is literally the power to connect, so it makes perfect thematic sense that the show emphasizes the connections made to bring so many disparate people together and unite them in the fight against the Empire.
Anyway, Ahsoka decides to aim the Ghost crew at Rex, not telling Kanan beforehand that she’s sending him to meet some clones which is... a bit of a questionable decision.
“There are questions... questions that need answering.”  Aaaaaand take a shot every time there’s a Lord of the Rings shoutout in this show, we’re gonna be seeing a lot of them.
The fanfare is slightly altered this episode, vaguely TCW-sounding?
The Ghost suffers a Plot Contrivance so that Hera and Chopper can stay in orbit while the rest go down to the planet.  And MY GOSH this is pretty.
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I know I keep harping on the soft, watercolor-like quality of the textures but seriously, the Ralph McQuarrie style is all over these backgrounds.
Ralph McQuarrie being one of the original concept artists for the OT; his designs and art style were largely recycled, reused, and repurposed for Rebels.
You can already tell Kanan is suspecting what they’re about to encounter.
Multiple other people have already pointed out that the AT-TE has a lot of Studio Ghilbi Howl’s Moving Castle vibes.  I’m just gonna reiterate them.
I love this moment right here with no music or dialogue, just the soft sound of the wind chimes.  Very zen.  Very lovely atmosphere.
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I still haven’t actually seen TCW in its entirety, full disclosure, so I was not nearly as excited about this reveal as the Tari Husband was.
(He was sooo excited, lemme tell ya.)
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A couple people have pointed it out but Kanan’s posture here is mirrored to Depa’s in the Kanan: The Last Padwan comics.  (AKA the superior tragic Kanan backstory *glares at The Bad Batch*)  One hand forward, one hand with lightsaber back, shielding the padawan.
Love that.
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Lol awww, Ezra being excited about the Gen 1 Clone Trooper helmet and then disappointed when Rex tells him not to touch it.
Kinda dig that Ezra’s the one doing the talking.  Kanan has obvious issues with clones but Ezra doesn’t have that bias, and he’s naturally likable, so it’s easy for Rex to give in to him, at least somewhat.
*continues to grumble about The Bad Batch retconning Rex’s characterization here*
No, listen, this is why new writers need to be given refresher courses on the characters before they come on board and shows with interconnected continuities need to have detailed arc and plot maps to follow, sure we can infer and theorize that something or other sapped Rex of his motivation and drive to fight but then that’s fandom carrying the water and doing the work for the writers and I hate that, don’t do the writers’ work for them we deserve better than that!
But I’ll refrain from going into that rant.
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Kanan’s expression. :(  He hates every minute of this.
This is a nice dolly shot around here.
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Ezra the empath, trying to understand why his master is so agitated.  How he shrinks slightly when Kanan yells.  How Kanan says he doesn’t want to discuss it but does so anyway because Ezra just has that effect on people?
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*grumbles a little bit about TCW Season Seven making this line of Rex’s into more of a self-cope than the honest truth*
This whole sequence with the Joopa hunt is technically completely superfluous but it’s soooooo much fun. :D
The camerawork, the dialogue, the animation, the sound design and music, the Old West adventure-feel of it, the badass little moments and characterization bits for Sabine and Zeb and Kanan and Ezra...
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It just makes me smile.
Speaking of the music though, this has such a classic Hollywood sound.  Bombastic strings and brass, soaring into high notes and dancing.
(Favorite bit of this sequence is Kanan kick-jumping his rod into Ezra’s hands and Ezra immediately turning around and jamming them both into the line.)
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This shot. <333
Zeb deciding to roll with Gregor’s compliment. <333
A brief snippet of Ezra’s theme here, when Kanan calls Hera.  I’m actually not going to grumble about Hera’s backstory later being filled in a little, that was undefined enough that the fleshing out didn’t change anything vital.
Instead I’m going to note this very pretty flute line here.
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Rex and Ezra’s friendship is criminally underrated.  I bet Rex sees shades of a younger Ahsoka in him and Ezra just sees a cool old guy with great stories, another strong male influence for a teenage boy who needs them.
Ezra still can’t help talking Kanan up though.
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Ezra playing peacekeeper.  (Not for the last time.)
As I said, still haven’t fully watched TCW but I do appreciate that Wolffe and Gregor are both obviously damaged by their wartime experiences, Gregor by going just slightly batty, Wolffe by being a paraonoid anxiety wreck, white bites the Rebels when he calls the Empire.  Rex having to remind him, “[The Jedi] weren’t the ones that betrayed us.” and “The war is over.” are like so many self-regulating mantras he must have practiced, to remind both him and the others of the truth.  The chip’s influence lingers, even though they’ve all had it removed.
Ezra looking between Rex and Kanan like an anxious child in the middle of a custody battle lol.
This sequence is loose with the animation, bouncy like the first season, but the quick movements and shot choices emphasize the frantic nature of them needing to shoot the probe.
A veeery small excerpt of the Imperial March here as we close out.
This episode (and it’s following companion) is soooo rewatchable.  It has the fun chill vibe of the first season with an emphasis on heavier character development and background stakes.  The clones are well-integrated into the plot, used mostly to trigger and discuss Kanan’s personal traumas, while also hinting at the crap the clones have gone through themselves.  There’s an almost self-defensive anger in Rex’s voice when he insists, “I didn’t betray my Jedi. [...] We all have a choice.” because for the clones... they didn’t.
I’m one of the people who likes the chips, who likes it being literally mind control rather than just genetic conditioning that turned the clones on the Jedi, like in Legends.  The way I tend to sum it up is thus:
With Order 66 being just one order in many that the clones followed unquestioningly because they’re just that loyal and obedient, it makes the clones seems more monstrous.  With it being a literal brainwashing device overriding their free will, it makes Palpatine more monstrous.
That he would choose clones instead of droids, because the Jedi would see the clones as human, as friends, as worthy of protecting and fighting alongside, and thus would be more blindsided, and the clones would be loyal and dependable friends right up until the chip kicked in and blanked them out, giving no warning, snaring the Jedi into the perfect deathtrap...
Hgnnnh the feels.
Ezra-as-everyone’s-therapist would continue through the season but for now let me just appreciate that Kanan’s issues are so deeply rooted it takes a few episodes to solve, lol.
Anyway, this episode is great.
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thegoldenshi-shi · 8 months
An Art Update of Sorts
I don't normally do announcements, but I thought I would let everyone know what's going on in my little art world.
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I'm working on something tiny (emphasis on tiny) to put up for sale on my Ko-fi page, and on a few original comic projects also to go up for sale. When the comics will come out is up in the air, because...you know...life happens...but I really want to get them up and share them with you all sometime in 2024.
The big thing right now is that I'm currently wrapped up in a large Calligraphy/Watercolor project that may take me a while to get finished. I have never done a large Fraktur before, and this one is cover 200 years worth of names in a family-tree style layout. It's gonna be BIG and DETAILED, which is exciting, but also makes my hand hurt to think too much about. Fraktur is also an old style, so I really want to take my time with it and do it justice.
Fanart is slow coming as a result of all my projects (every time I look at my lack of Transformers I cringe a little), but I just don't have the time to work on everything at once. I'm going to keep drawing fanart, don't get me wrong, but I just wanted to tell you all that my slow slow updating probably won't get any better for the next few weeks.
Thank you all so much for your patience with me, my ask box is still very much open and I will always try and get back to you in a timely fashion.
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chaussur-blog · 5 months
Fuck you! (English translation)
So this is a comic that i made during the summer 21 (and thought out during the year before). So it's a lil old but i'm still very proud of it! I made it with watercolors, on paper of about 17cm x 17 cm.
The original is in French so if you understand it, you can find it: here.
There's the transcription of the text at the bottom of each page in case my handwriting is a lil hard to understand (original is paper, it was made more to be read like that)
Anyhow, enjoy!
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Right that moment, i felt like dying
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This meant, that some things had to change
Name change : Elliott
Delete these 28 contacts? yes / no
Reorientation : sociology - economy
Hi. I am non-binary. If you can’t respect that, please go to hell xoxo. Some people, 98 [redacted]
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That’s why I am here !
University ♡
red hair / unconditional love for crop tops / emo 4 ever / uncertain gender expression / new in town / side-cut
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Well. This year will at least be interesting
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This precise second, my world exploded
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I saw \*this girl - person\*
hair!! / nice smile / hypnotizing eyes / heck of a style/ real cool piercings
… and huge gay vibes
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I needed a way, a pretext to talk to them, quickly
Fortunately, the universe wasn’t relying on my subtle flirting skills (& it’s fair)
Hi, do you know where the classroom is ? For orientation
I know where that is! I’ll show you. By the way, I’m Antoine.
Nice to meet you! I’m Elliott!
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Little by little, we became pretty close
A little too close
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Fuck no
of course i wanna have sex with them but i really fucked up i want to have a romantic relationship with them too and this is not what they’re gonna think fuck
of course ; but not like that
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solution 1 : talk about it (that’s the right one) / solution 2 : flee
yes ; i’m an asshole
What the hell?
Hi! I can’t be your sexfriend! Sorry (yesterday was fun tho)
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Nothing matters anymore!
I am stupid
2 missed calls
Living in a world so cold, wasting away / Living in a shell with no soul, since you’ve gone away / Living in a world so cold, counting the days / Since you’ve gone away from me
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Those were bad times.
Do not sit
I found shelter in books
and I, in a whole lot of things
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Lectures were really awkward
But I wanted to explain.
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Why are you talking to me?
I’m sorry. Can we talk ?
No, not really.
I really / screwed up.
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Now is high time for my best coping mechanism
Hi! I’m Alice / I’m Leo! What do you do? / I study sociology and economy. / Could you explain inflation to me? Where do the money disappear to? / Let’s dance instead.
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Using strangers / Destroying myself
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Elliott… / I haven’t seen you around, I’m worried about you
Talk to me.
Please let me give you my notes
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I'm sorry you have to see that, / Antoine
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Okay. So you’re obviously feeling too bad for me to help you. But I’ll support you.
Everything will be alright. / There are several steps.
But firstly, do you see your current situation as a problem? / …Yes. / Are you ready,
To try to improve it? / Yes. / You’re sure? / Yes. I’m sick of living like this.
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Neat! That was step 1
Thanks, Antoine
Step 2 is to clean your flat and keep it tidy enough
doing the dishes is better than piling them in your bathtub / air is great / changing your sheets, too / getting rid of the harmful stuff
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Step 3: restructuring your days and getting rid of your bad habits
Every day: / hydrate eat (3 times) / go out at least once / rest, sleep / go to class & study
Every week: / plan meals / laundry / grocery shopping / do sport
uninstall Webtoons, Twitter and Instagram. / sober of self-harm (2 days) / quit alcohol and smoking / do sport / study, but not too much / journal
But Antoine was very clear: / We’re friends. We’ll see if we can be more when you get better.
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There was one step left, last but not least: going to therapy
It took me time and energy. But it was worth it.
Thank you. / No problem, Elliott
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Of course, I had some trouble
But Antoine helped me each time I asked him.
Sorry / Progress isn’t linear
That’s rich, prick
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I feel much better, so I’m going to ask Antoine out. Well, that’s the plan
stressed out / black dye / attempt at a fancy outfit
Knock knock
Oh hi Elliott ! Looking very smart today!
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Hi… Last time, we did not communicate very well. So I’d like to ask you properly, would you go on a date (with me)?
Of course, Eliott. / Glad to know that you are still interested.
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and this date,
was the first of many,
and many other rendez-vous.
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Thanks, the universe
If you're here i would really love for you to tell me that you read it / what you thought about it so please don't hesitate to! I hearing about it 🥰
And also you can find some more drawings of them on my Instagram: here.
But yeah, thank you, i send you much love, take care of yourself :)
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kachikirby · 4 months
Hello! Hope you are having a fine day!
I have a question, who's your favorite artist? Sorry if it's kinda like a sudden question, is that i am genuinely curious about what artists inspire you, because your art is so lovely and awesome!
I've been having a great day, thanks! I'm glad that you think my art is lovely and awesome, even though I don't think it stands out too much compared to a lot of other lovely people on this site.
As for my favorite artist, that's a hard question. I have a lot of artists I like, even if we boil it down to just Tumblr or Twitter users, but I feel the most influential artists on my style that I can say are probably my favorite are two artists primarily known for SD Gundam works named Susumu Imaishi and Kouji Yokoi.
(More under the cut since this might be a bit long)
Susumu Imaishi does a lot of the little comics in SD Gundam and his Legend BB art was what primarily inspired me. Especially with his varied expressions in these comics.
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Another major artist is Kouji Yokoi, who does a lot of Gundam-related art. He's also one of the main people working on the SD Gundam franchise and is the original creator. He's also done stuff for other mecha series, Godzilla, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman, but I mostly associate him with SD Gundam.
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I'm not really going to post his other works, but I do want to mention that the mangaka Tamori Wataru's manga for the SD Gundam carddas booklets has also been an influence on me due to all the expressions he uses for the characters.
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Side note, I'd also like to shoutout Knight Gundam Story manga artist Hoshino Ryuichi since he has had a bit of influence on my art style.
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I'm also just gonna drop a few specific artists on Twitter I love who might have influenced me because of how much I like their work.
中西達郎 (Tatsuro Nakanishi) - Love a lot of their art. Also a published mangaka. Jumpscares me whenever they bookmark one of my pieces on Pixiv because they follow me there.
Crafty_121 - An absolute sweetheart, I love how soft her style is.
三輪士郎/Shirow Miwa - Does a lot of stuff for mobages and FGO, but you can tell they love it. They even did an SD Gundam piece that lives rent-free in my head.
八八二三 - I LIVE for their Gundam gijinkas they are SOOOO good.
氷水 (aka IceWater) - Partially biased since I was a contributor to two of their SD Gundam fanbooks, but I love their watercolor drawings a ton. Also, they once did a short animation TRADITIONALLY and I highly respect them for it.
あまきな (aka haguma_karasu)- Ok, so on my server, we have a sort of in-joke where someone yells "WAKE UP BABE NEW HAGUMA KARASU PIECE DROPPED!" whenever they post a new piece and it's like a massive event on the server. And that's for a good reason, their art goes H A R D.
麦茶 (aka yuuno0) - A sort of mini celebrity on my personal server due to being the first major SD Gundam artist to do FGO and SD Gundam crossover art. I've commed them before. :3
coconutsan1 - They don't post much anymore, but when they do, it's great. Also one of the few artists that does Saddrac Knight Saga fan art, which is like a rarity even in the JP SD Gundam fandom.
tabolow01 - There's something strangely wholesome to them, probably one of the most influential fan artists on my own style. I love their detailed SD Gundam guides and how they redraw memes taking them completely seriously.
Moyashi - I love their art because of how haunting it feels, even when it's a more optimistic piece.
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thepaintedsable · 1 year
Warrior OCs REDRAW
More warriors stuff >:)
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Artwork and Explanation below!
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This is something I had done between the years of 2017 to 2019. I honestly could not tell you where or when. I wasn’t really good at keeping track of or dating my artworks/sketchbooks, so I’m basing this off of the ages of the characters and the quality of art.
This is when I had been neck deep in the Warrior Cats fandom for the very first time, and had my main totally rad not-a-Mary-Sue totally original character: HiddenPelt. Big, muscled, lightning-striped mama who apparently liked to eat snakes in particular. I’d used her NON STOP back then (being kind of a really weird, really rude kid, not gonna lie. Couple of regrets from back then.), but she isn’t actually depicted in this piece! These are two of her kittens that had been conceived in an old roleplay I was in. I couldn’t be normal, so these were two of SIX babies she had that I tried to play as all at once lmfao. That’s actually one of the more fond memories I have, especially for everyone tolerating me.
CricketPaw and ???Paw are at a training clearing, and Cricket gets some revenge. This is one of the FIRST fully colored, “large” scenes I had done that was not forced upon me. This piece singlehandedly kickstarted the little colored warriors comics I’d continue to do (most were never posted).
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In 2021, I got a wild hair and decided it was fine time to redraw that old mess to see how I’d improved. This time with my new medium of choice, alcohol markers, and equipped with far more drawing experience, I redrew the two!
I can definitely say I’d done something right it making them look like they’d been fighting. I was highly focused on the characters over the background: making them the right size, giving them funky fur colors and more natural patterns, more dynamic poses, showing full bodies, actually shading, showing the mouthes, giving actual expression! But, the background was very lacking. Foreground leaves come out of nowhere, strange shading, the tree leaves are in the wrong spot, gaping hole in the right tree instead of a knot, the bushes just hide endless liminal field space, and there’s even a cheeky little circle+rays sun haha.
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Finally, TODAY! I chose to do it with watercolors on a square sheet of paper, because each time I’ve done this I’ve chosen my preferred/most comfortable finished-art medium at the time.
This time, I was going FULL background focus. Setting up the trees properly, making the grass form around things, putting leaves where they’re actually supposed to be, having at least a few more bushes in the background, adding interest to the sky, etc.
After that was done, I set the characters inside. No, i did not thumbnail or plan like I probably should have. I didn’t do it with the prior two, so it wasn’t happening for this one either. This is just for fun and planning makes me bored. I do miss the second one’s pose for ???Paw, but CricketPaw, my beloved son, is looking as sassy as ever and I’m living for it. He meant to claw his rat faced sister, and he will do it again. Additionally, I made the choice to place a third character watching over their training so it isn’t just two apprentices who wandered off. Probably their brother, so it’s actually three apprentices who wandered off, but I promise this one is responsible actually.
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I’d like to say I’ve improved, yeah? :)
Weird to think I came from drawing jelly beans with noodle limbs to what I do now. And hopefully in the next two years I’ll be able to upgrade upon myself once again!
Also, I’m thinking about doing some Clan Gen stuff in my scene style! I’ve been playing around with it a bit on the browser version, and I ended up having JUST ONE couple produce, like, 11 kittens in total, and then each of those kittens producing kittens or just bringing home kittypets and loners so the clan was HILARIOUSLY LARGE.
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hekatekun · 2 years
hiii i really really love the way you write and the themes you touch on in your posts id love to hear if theres any books/media that influenced your writing style + the things you focus on in your analyses !
omg hiiii thank you<3 this got annoying so lemme put it under cut lol
This is actually really hard for me to pin down I've been racking my brains over this one. I tend to be a little bit of everywhere, just whatever catches my interest at the time. Most of my personal reading is nonfiction within the realm of philosophy/theology + history + english criticism; whatever fiction I do get around to tends to be horror and/or satire. House of Leaves by MZD actually has just about everything that tickles my fancy. Finally read it beginning of 2021 and I truly haven't been the same since. That's definitely a big one.
But to give you an idea here's the pile of books I'm looking at on my desk as I type this is: an anthology of John Wesley's sermons (founder of Methodism), House of Leaves, an anthology of Percy Shelley's poetry + prose, "The Sphinx in the City" essays on urban living + feminism, the communist manifesto, a dissertation on the influence of Hermann Hesse in Japan, "Thank God for the Atom Bomb" essays by a "conservative cultural critic", and how could i forget the 70pgs of the unabomber's manifesto i printed out.
Currently been slowly making my way through "Romanticism and Consciousness" which are essays on the historical/political background influencing Romantic literature. More often than not I tend to look for essays and critical readings of works before I actually do read said work proper. I don't recommend this btw I just never listen to my own advice. But like, this book inspired me to buy the Shelley anthology. And some of the essays in the Shelley anthology analyzing him I actually found online weeks prior and added them to my digital library. I'd rather read them physically, as I tend to highlight my books. I find highlighting + margin notes really help me stay focused otherwise simply Sitting And Reading makes me go a lil nutz unless the book really is that good. I backed an artist's first comic book that had me ensnared recently. Independent comics tend to do a number on me. Yes I'm still a huge homestuck fan. Will be going 8 years strong.
I reread Brave New World late 2020 after, somehow, getting my hands on it in middle school. Comparing the way the protagonist kills himself at the end vs trying to read Huxley's theological pieces, he should've stuck to the racist satire. I'm still gonna try to finish the Perennial Philosophy, though. All this rambling has me realizing the childhood series I grew up on was A Series of Unfortunate Events, so I think I'm starting to notice a trend.
But actually the biggest media type I consume is games I fucking love video games. I think I cried playing Disco Elysium. I wish more games understood its medium as well as DE. I think that's really what you have to find is stuff that understands its medium. Ososan is a show that is really fucking good at being a tv show, and I think it helps because it doesn't necessarily draw from anything prior because it's such a different beast from osokun (the ososan manga actually came out like a few months after it aired I learned recently).
I don't watch many movies or shows, and the ones I do make me really wanna read the original source material just so I could compare (A Clockwork Orange, American Psycho). I just last watched the Belladonna of Sadness and I think that's an animated movie that understands it's an animated movie. Why go for realism when you've got watercolors?
My other main criteria for any piece of work is that it makes me want to pick up smoking. I don't think I could explain this further if you asked.
Aside from. Any of whatever I just said. My writing background is largely academic with some journalistic experience. It makes media analysis really easy. It also helps that there's technically no wrong answer when it comes to critical readings, just like any school essay you just have to be able to back up your claims with evidence and articulate the connections you see. Prose is a new beast that I am attempting to tame but I think 1. You need to have fun with the learning process and I do in fact enjoy learning. This includes a willingness to examine and reexamine your own words even after you're done working on a piece and analyzing what you can/need to improve on. 2. I really enjoy being able to construct a sentence in a million different ways and I will always have a tab open for the Merriam-Webster dictionary-thesaurus while writing ANYTHING. 3. Did I mention having fun? I really have fun writing I love writing as a hobbyist. 4. Consume and question everything in equal measure. This will eventually produce something.
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Things I’d Dress Baby Cain In Part II
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Comment: Anything with a blue color looks so cute on him! But this particular piece would be a nod to how much little Cain likes to get into his daddy’s tools while unsupervised. 😅
Comment: This is just such a cute farm print and the blue accents just make it perfect for Cain. 🥰
Comment: As Cain grows up, he eventually discovers that he’s gay. So I thought this was adorable, with the bright rainbow and because another meaning for “gay” is “happy”. 🥰
Comment: As I mentioned previously, Cain loves chickens! And these are sooo cute in all the bright colors!! 🥰 🐓
Comment: Cain seems to have little to no fear when it comes to birds. Even being chased by geese wouldn’t stop him from loving them! 🪿
Comment: A print that brings to mind the summer Texas heat. The best part to me though is that this print also features a cattle skull! The bleached out skull brings to mind Bubba’s animal skulls, seen in the original 1974 film when he makes his entrance.
Comment: If he’s gonna wear a goose themed set of overalls, of course he needs a chicken themed one as well! 🐓
Comment: I think this would be so sweet on him for Easter. Cain strikes me as the kind of kid who would enjoy Peeps candies.
Comment: I’ve already explained the rabbit and bear symbolism but I haven’t yet mentioned here that Cain LOVES teddy bears. And girly stuff. So this teddy bear style bear and rabbit with the frills on the shoulders is just adorable for him!
Comment: There isn’t much to say about a plain white jumper. I’m just keeping this here because I may need to find it easier later.
Link: https://share.temu.com/m5usHFsnseA
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Comment: This would be such a cute print to have him wear for a zoo trip. 🥰
Link: https://share.temu.com/u8JUxURfITA
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Comment: Cain loves to watch Westerns, listen to frontier stories and play cowboy. So this cowboy boot print would be adorable for him! 🥰
Link: https://share.temu.com/Tkk0w9145WA
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Comment: The van. The van. The van. THE VAN.
Link: https://share.temu.com/VuAa6iyN5cA
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Comment: If I got this for Cain then I’m gonna need to find a mustard themed one in newborn size for his best friend, Christopher Gray. 🥹🥰
Link: https://share.temu.com/JtACWRg3kUA
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Comment: I actually have already bought this set for Cain. The lighter colors just work really well with his eyes and the theme is perfect, since the Sawyers do live on a farm.
Link: https://share.temu.com/1Bkt7sCBopA
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Comment: Cain honestly thinks he does have the best dad ever. He loves Bubba and Bubba loves him. Take Christopher out of the picture and Cain’s only true best friend then is his dad.
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mokutone · 2 years
Hi hi! do you happen to have any favourite watercolor artists/ inspirations? specifically ones that rlly influenced your art style? I've tried searching up keywords like "favorite" etc but tumblr search engine is a little iffy, anyways! i adore your art and seeing your process videos make watercolours look like such a fun process and tbh less daunting than what it seems. Your blog is sending me down a rabbit hole of inks and watercolors and aaa its so fun to find gems on this nonfunctional website
OOOOOOH i dont think ive actually been asked this before!!! ty!!!
the truth is when it comes to watercolor im mostly flying by the seat of my pants 😅 but there are definitely watercolor artists that i love even i do not consciously do studies of their work! i should really study more watercolor artists bc its probably foolish to practice a medium while remaining ignorant of the big names within it.
i hope u find these interesting:
This is one of my favorites, it's called The Meeting on the Turret Stairs by 1864 Frederic William Burton. this is WATERCOLOR. good god. help. if you get really in close you can see how he built it up with delicate different colors. Anyway, the solidness of the bodies, the like...the romance in it all, the way the metal reflects the fabric, the detail in the chainmail and the absolute softness in the background...ough. its good. this is a painting which in all ways knows exactly what its about and executes it perfectly
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and then there's the watercolor sketches of Hayao Miyazaki obvs skgjhdskgh, i like how loose he is and how clear, and how he isnt scared of the white spaces between where colors meet. i know these arent meant to be final products just like. indications of how the animation should be...but they enchant me so much...i want to be able to do watercolor sketches like that!
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Albrecht Dürer does a lot of very detailed illustrations in watercolor, he's a weird guy from the 1500s, look how you can tell how the texture of the hare changes from its back to its underbelly. also, unrelated to his watercolor skills, i just like how he signs his work by putting a d beneath a little A arch. His mastery of textures is delightful and his attention and carefulness with detail is admirable
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also i'm gonna mention Akihiro Yamada's watercolor + ink illustrations, specifically for 12 Kingdoms. I haven't spent a lot of my time looking at them but every time i do i find that there's something i want to emulate abt them...something abt the detailed inks and the way he does shadows with watercolor...something abt it rlly speaks to me. i think a lot of my weird shadow experiments are trying to achieve a feeling i get from his work. I think that these are the most like...the most like what I want to do? While also being definitely something other than what I would pursue. Hard to explain. Love to look at them though here's three of them
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i would absolutely be remiss if i did not mention one of the people who inspired me to get back into watercolor originally, @marina-does-things and here is an excellent example of their work. Here is another (squid game fanart!) They're SO skilled at watercolor and gouache, and especially at conveying light + shadow, highlights and playing with color...when I think of their artwork I think of the light in it the most, u can really tell just by looking at their work that theyre so comfortable with the medium + have put a lot of effort and work into playing with it and gaining skills, theyre also a skilled digital artist too, all around triple-threat. They also do comics and WATERCOLOR comics at that (here is a link to a post of their excellent 80 page watercolor comic piece based on an episode of the podcast WOLF 359) !!! just an extraordinarily cool and talented artist
anyway, i hope this was useful to you!
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Shigaraki Dating An Artist Headcanons
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A/N: I made it more focused on traditional art because that’s what I do so… yeah. There’s hints to digital but idk how that works so!!
Shigaraki always sees you buried deep in a black notebook with a pencil scribbling over and throwing eraser shavings into a trashcan. He isn’t interested in it at first, brushing it off but when Toga starts to clap and praise on well you draw and how you bow your head and shake your head rapidly, his interest is peaked.
He often comes in when you’re drawing Toga. Despite how bubbly she is, if you ask her to do a pose, she’s more than willing to stand still for a while, as long as you let her keep the portrait that is. He tries to take a peak but you brush him off, telling him you’ll show him later but surprisingly Himiko already took the portrait and you’ve already put away your journal and it’s so late. Well, good night Tomura and you place a kiss on his cheek and snuggle close to him.
He’s a bit peeved that you won’t share your artwork but he’ll roll his eyes and push down the bitter feeling rising in him. That is until Twice and Mr. Compress take a peak and suddenly they want to pose and it practically takes away all of the time, you two have together! No, he isn’t jealous; he just doesn’t want to be waiting ten minutes for you to never show up. He’s not jealous, really!
But then you go up to Spinner and you shyly ask if he’ll let you draw him. You just got these new colors and he has such pretty scales and in somewhere you hear a door slam. Okay so he might be a bit jealous that you’ve shown practically everyone your sketchbook and you’ve been drawing them too and you haven’t asked him but whatever. You also haven’t asked Dabi so it’s fine.
But then Dabi pops his head into his room and holds up a rolled piece of paper and pulls it down so your signature is visible and he has the audacity to smirk as him and give him a peace sign as he leaves the door open. Okay so everyone has seen your sketch book, whatever. He’s not gnawing on his lips and looking at the desk where you tuck away your sketch book.
You’re not home. You’re out doing something- Shigaraki thinks he heard you say you had to get new nubs or pens? He isn’t entirely sure, he was only half listening as his mind was somewhere else. You’ve been gone for a while so you probably wouldn’t be back if he were going to take a peak. He gives a glance at the door, checks his messages and then he’s off the bed and on his knees, pulling out your sketchbook and he feels a bit bad but his curiosity wins over.
You’re drawings are detailed, some have color, others don’t. The texture of the paper is a bit thick and it’s until he comes across a watercolor painting does he realize why. You have different styles of everything, some are sketches of the League together, most separate and with different symbols around some. Others are of people he doesn’t know, some anime characters he presumes and maybe a few original characters with the notes doted on the side. You have different styles, different shapes and things all around.
They’re really good. You’re really good. He likes the colors you use. He likes the imagery and wow, you’re really good. He reaches the end quickly, given each work a glance and appreciative hum. But he frowns. Where was he? You drew everyone from the League and even people who weren’t real so where was he? Surely you must have drawn him at one point. But he keeps flipping and looking in the back of pages and there’s not even a doodle of him.
“Tomura, what are you doing?” You hold a plastic bag of art supplies in one hand and a bag of snacks in the other.
“Where am I?” He gets right to the point, rising to his feet and holding the sketchbook carefully in his hand, pushed outwards to you.
Your mouth is pulled into a thin line and you walk past him to drop the bags on the bed. He follows you with his eyes and you grab the sketch book from his hand and put it against your chest. You can’t meet his eyes and your leg is bouncing.
“You’re not in this one,” you mutter.
“Yeah, I know so—”
“You’re in my other one,” you look up at him and quickly avert your gaze. “I- I like drawing you- a lot- so I have on mainly just for you.”
You roll your eyes. “Yes. It’s embarrassing. So—”
“Can I see it?” His eyes are wide and he takes a step closer to you.
“Tomura, it’s embarrassing!”
“We’re dating,” he deadpans, holding his palm out to you. When you look at him shyly, he rolls his eyes. “Please.”
“Admit you were jealous,” you pipe, bouncing on your heels and a slow smile curving onto your features.
“I was not—”
“Then no.” You turn around and begin to rummage through a plastic bag, pulling out the contents and dropping them on the bed.
“Ugh, fine. I was jealous. Now let me see.”
You stand up straight and flash him a grin. You kneel down and pull out a smaller sketch book, holding it out for him. He takes it quickly, going to sit down on the bed and he begins to flipping through it carefully.
As you said, there are drawings of him there. He’s asleep in a few, in others he’s eating, smiling, in a few he’s wearing outfits he doesn’t own and when he looks at you, your head is bowed and you’re clutching the sides of the desk until your knuckles pale. They’re all really good. In a few, you’ve only colored his eyes, other’s you color his hair. He wonders if it holds any symbolic meaning.
“They’re really good.”
“Yeah?” You ask, head still turned away from his. “You mean it?”
“Of course I do. Why didn’t you show these to me before?” His finger runs through the edge of the pages.
You shrug. “It’s a lot of pages of you. ‘Fraid you were gonna get a big ego or something,” you joke lightly, face flushed when you look back at him. “Sorry.”
He nods slowly and closes the sketchbook and hands it back to you. “Well, if you ever need to draw me again,” he scratches the back of his neck, “well, you know.”
You rise and press a kiss against his cheek. “I know.” You lean on his shoulder and run your fingers against the back of his hand. “And I will.”
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
👨🏻‍🎨Sun 15 Nov ‘20🏌️🏻‍♂️
“If you're looking for me today... don't,” said Niall, resident poet laureate of Leave Me Alone. He meant because he was gonna be busy watching golf, but it seemed he might speak for most of our guys! Well, Harry wasn't totally absent, he showed up long enough to make big waves with a small click; he followed popular trans performer Alok Vaid-Menon, who had weighed in on the raging discourse about Harry's Vogue shoot to say that while they did not think a white man (originally ‘a cis white man’, later edited to remove cis) should be the sole face of gender neutral fashion and that trans femmes of color doing the same thing deserve more recognition, they also were “holding simultaneity and choosing abundance over scarcity” and were “happy to see Harry be celebrated for openly flouting gendered fashion norms.” And Liam is always there with the content on a slow day-- today he announced a rewatch of the Halloween veeps show with him doing an interactive commentary track watchalong and joining in the chat and taking questions (it's next Sunday; tickets and limited edition merch are on sale now.) He also posted yet another incredibly realized watercolor, a stranger things-esque scene of two kids and a red vintage style Chopper bike which, yes! IS the exact same as the bike Zayn rides in the One Thing video! He wished Tom Felton luck in his stream today, and showed up in DJ Fat Tony's DMs pretending to spam him, asking his bank details “so I can get singing lessons.” We've even got Liam discourse happening; he has for reasons unknown parted ways with a longtime member of his team, Social Media Manager Adam Kelly, and fans are celebrating like the man was Simon Cowell. I'd say Liam's social media has been going extremely well lately (tik tok star Lima anyone?) and perhaps his SMM miiiight have done SOME good things (is he the one that makes sure we have Liam content on the weekends when everyone else is quiet? if so, kudos and thanks!) but parts of the fandom are sure this man is to blame for all the aspects of Liam's promo and image they don't like and are hoping for drastic changes. We'll know more when we see what happens next I guess! Liam is always full of surprises. And in the end, even Niall couldn't stay away entirely, he just had too much to say about the golfing: “the tears and silence in the post round up interview said it all for me,” he said. Such eloquence about a sporting event, I love the way fandom really brings out peoples' creativity.
#Okay so: I think the deletions are the result of a campaign of antis from some other platform#they don't actually know who the big blogs are here they're just targeting whoever they can find and so#blogs who post in the tags are getting hit by them#some have gotten tumblr to undelete them and I assume the others will be able to also since if this theory is correct#the deletions are based on false reports and they aren't actually doing anything wrong#from the bottom of my heart: GET A LIFE LOSERS#just stay in your lane and leave people alone. and consider getting help honestly#Louis' skeleton hands shirt is in the fandom record books as the first rainbow worn by a member of 1D but#*shit stirrer voice* - is it in fact Niall's rainbow guitar strap in the One Thing vid?#hmmm maybe it's 'first rainbow worn onstage'#if today's post prompts anyone to go have a little rewatch of that video: you're welcome that's my good deed of the day done#Niall coining as iconic a phrase as that just to say he's watching TV should go on that one tumblr post about the#amazing phrases people think are shakespeare that are actually PWP fic titles and shitposts about mushrooms#sorry if you don't know what I'm talking about that's just ...really garbled and specific isn't it#I'm interested in changes to Liam's team because I would like to see liam CHANGE TEAMS#But like this guy is not the top of the heap or by himself indicitve of like regime change#still: we are watching!#Liam#niall#harry#alok vaid-menon#adam kelly#21 nov 20
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stillwinterair · 3 years
For years I have been forced to struggle with the fact that Dragon Age 2 is like two degrees off from being the perfect game for me on almost every metric, and the result of it missing ever-so-slightly in so many fields just leaves it feeling bland.
Insulated, personal story grounded in a well fleshed-out city? Well, we're gonna make that city absolutely miserable to be in. No one who is here wants to be here, because Kirkwall sucks and every day is a dreary nightmare. The act of getting to know the extensive character of our setting is going to feel like grinding sandpaper up against your face.
Incredibly strong, complex character writing? This barely extends beyond your party. Very few people you meet will be memorable, those who are have very few interactions, the rest of the city's population feels one-dimensional. The major antagonists don't even show up until the final act.
A group of companions who essentially function as a close-knit group of the player character's friends, all of whom are incredibly well-written? Textually, they all fucking hate each other. Their interactions with one another are almost exclusively hostile, and very rarely in a cute way, almost always in a "I will find the one thing that harms you the most and poke it with a hot iron" kind of way. The vibe is rancid.
Personable, voiced protagonist with genuine charm and great writing? You essentially have three Tone Options, and if you don't stick with one of them, your character will often feel inconsistent. These three options boil down to "choose this if you want to be boring," "choose this if you want to be a horrible, evil person who is also boring," and "the one that's fun." So if I replay with a different tone, I'm bored, but if I replay with the same tone again, I'm bored because I already know all the lines.
Aforementioned strong character writing and intimate, personal story? Yeah, yeah, listen, we've run out of time and budget, so our third act is gonna be over real quick. Antagonists? Yeah, we've got those. They're pretty interesting people, too, with some great voice actors behind them! Oh, you wanted actual content out of them? Some time for them to develop? Maybe branching paths depending on your choices where you can side with one over the other, leading to a different outcome? Well, we don't have that. Just pick whatever, it don't mean much.
And finally: You wanted a AAA game to eschew the Realism of this era of gaming? You want us to tackle a different art style -- perhaps one meant to be bright and colorful, perhaps resembling a watercolor painting if you squint hard enough? Well, we're gonna do it really shoddily, and we're gonna do it for a game that's almost exclusively in shades of brown and gray. All the angles are gonna be too sharp, and all the people are gonna look ridiculous. Somehow, despite Origins and Inquisition both having Ugly, Relatively-Realistic Art Styles, they're both gonna age better than DA2.
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staytheb · 3 years
Pairing: ENHYPEN’s Jay x OC [Kierra] Genre: college!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 3,585 Summary: Kierra finds out that she's been used as a part of one of her sorority's team's scavenger hunt due to the black heart and yellow rose tattoo she has. Fortunately, only her fellow sorority sisters know and everyone that's not in the know wants to get a picture proof of it to win a prize will have to do some extra work to locate the tattoo and its owner. Well, that's what Kierra hopes for. Part 2: Mine Part 3: I Know Part 4: Delivery
Warning: none.
hello! back with another little story featuring ENHYPEN's Jay again. he's been a little favorite as of late and just had to use him for this story. anyways, this piece has been in my drafts for awhile, but i just didn't know who to write it with or how to go about it. and then i saw a prompt and it's now being published! this story however has been tweaked from the original plots i had in mind and revised it to fit this fic. so yeah, happy reading! kthxbai~ happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Kierra stirred awake, having to use the restroom. She saw her phone light up when she returned and checked the caller ID before answering.
"Hey, loser, what's up?"
She rubbed her face as she greeted her sister, Linna, before sighing upon hearing the words Linna had just told her.
"Seriously, Linna? You're so crazy. Actually, all of y'all are. Like, why?"
She ran a hand through her hair.
"Couldn't y'all have decided on a different person or persons who actually likes participating in our sorority's activities and has even cooler tattoos than me, too?"
She rubbed her face again despite the tiredness remaining.
"Yeah, I know that I'm the only one with this tattoo within the sorority and of it's placement, but that doesn't mean I want random people coming up to me to take a picture proof. That's such an invasion of privacy. Besides, Yonghwon has some pretty dope tats though. Why isn't she being included, hmm? She would be more fitting than me."
Kierra scoffed.
"No one has seen the watercolor one she got on her backside or the live action of the cheshire cat one on her upper side of her body. Those are seriously breathtaking. Makes me want to get a similar style done one of these days."
Kierra huffed, slightly annoyed.
"Whatever, you're crazy for putting me into this mix though."
Kierra's face scrunched up a second later.
"Why do you always gotta bring up Jay like that? It's not like I brought up Sunghoon for you like you do to me all the time."
Kierra clicked her tongue, annoyed once more.
"No, he has not seen it and no, we've never been that physical with each other. Besides, our relationship isn't like that. Yet, I guess."
Kierra huffed slightly angrily.
"Y'know what? I'm just gonna skip class and not go out today at all then."
Kierra groaned as she ran a hand through her hair again.
"Tch. Y'all are annoying, but fine since it's a team thing and Jinah won't bug me about sorority activities. I really don't want her blowing up my phone with reminders. Anyways, you owe me a month's worth of bubble tea though. Yeah, yeah, welcome. Bye."
Kierra hung up first before tossing her phone onto her bed and looked about her room with a deep sigh.
"Hopefully no one figures out I have the black heart and yellow rose tattoo of Nu Tau Zeta. I don't want none of them random people to have a picture of it or even coming up to me to take one."
A slow smile crept onto her face upon realizing that something was gonna happen today in her morning class.
"Oh, right. Chaeyeon's transferring in. I completely forgot about that. Definitely need to buy an extra drink today for her."
"You're very giddy today." 
One of her friends and classmates, Heeseung, commented when Kierra arrived to class in a cherry mood and headed for the group of six males consisting of Heeseung, Taehyun, Jay, Jake, Kai, and Sunghoon. This was the class that Chaeyeon would be transferring into and it made Kierra unusually excited to know she had a fellow Nu Tau Zeta among the group despite being good friends with the members of Beta Heta Mu. Kierra handed Heeseung his drink while letting out a distracted hum.
"I said you're pretty giddy this morning." Heeseung repeated with a laugh while taking his drink.
"Welcome and do I seem happier than normal?"
"Yes." The young men chorused with a chuckle as Kierra rolled her eyes.
Jay cast her with a knowing look.
"Pretty happier than I'm used to."
Kierra set his drink in front of him with a teasing expression, but didn't comment.
"Anyways, did you actually sleep well today that you got enough sleep more than usual to be like this?" Taehyun asked with a chuckle as he avoided Kierra's playful smack.
"I always sleep well, Taehyun, thank you very much."
"Who's the other drink for?" Jake inquired as he took a sip of his own bubble tea while Kai poked the said drink, taking a sip of his own boba.
"Is it for you so that you can stay up in class this time?"
"It's mine." Chaeyeon answered as she appeared beside Kierra and the two hugged which caused the other six to stare at them in shock.
"What are you doing here?" Sunghoon questioned, puzzled just like the others.
"I'm a part of this class starting today."
She glanced at them, confused.
"Didn't Kierra tell you about it?"
"Kierra doesn't tell anyone anything." Jay deadpanned as Jake agreed with a goofy smile.
"Yeah, that's true. She just leaves notes or simple texts regarding things related to the class, but never about anything outside of that."
Kierra grinned at them as she and Chaeyeon took their seats.
"That's right. Y'all don't need to know about what goes on with my life, anyways."
Before the others could counter, the now group of eight quieted themselves as their professor entered the room to start their lesson. While he talked and recapped from last week's lesson, the two women were whispering to themselves about other things not related to class.
"So I heard that you're part of a scavenger hunt for Team Unicorn." Chaeyeon whispered as Kierra scoffed.
"Linna really knows how to get me involved without doing too much."
Chaeyeon giggled quietly.
"She does. I thought I was bad, but you're pretty low-key for a Nu Tau Zeta member, too."
"I know, but there's a few of us that are like that though." Kierra agreed with a laugh.
"Anyways, since it's a team thing and I get participation points so I'm good for the rest of the school term."
"Must be nice."
"Obviously, unlike you."
"Touche, but I think Serena's pretty bad, too."
"We're all bad."
"Anyways, everyone's buzzing around on campus of who the girl with the tattoo is of our sorority could be."
"Seriously? How did it get out that fast? Linna just told me that they barely decided to include me like two hours ago."
"Dunno. It wasn't us, but Megan saw a few online posts, repeatedly asking which Nu Tau Zeta member had a black heart and yellow rose tattoo and if it was really true or not."
Chaeyeon shot her friend with a knowing look.
"And it just so happens that I only know one person in Nu Tau Zeta that has such a lovely tattoo proving it's true and real, especially around the lower stomach and side area which shows in the online pictures that are circulating around campus."
"Seriously, that's crazy. How did those pictures get released?"
"Dunno, but there's no one else that may have a picture of your tattoo or something?"
"Nope, but I regret that late night swim with our sorors we all did last semester which revealed it. So maybe one of them took a few."
Chaeyeon nudged her playfully.
"It's not a bad thing. We admire it and one of the beautiful secrets of yours. I wouldn't doubt if Jinhee or Miso uploaded a vague image of it."
Kierra scoffed with a ghost of a smile on her lips.
"I wouldn't doubt it since they're the ones that likes teasing me the most about it."
"Very true."
"Hey," Taehyun interrupted the two's conversation, "What are you two talking about over there ever so quietly?"
"Your face." The two answered in a nonchalant manner causing the others to laugh as Taehyun rolled his eyes.
"I know I'm handsome, but you guys don't have to admire it in whispers. I'm all ears for these compliments."
"Oh, by the way," Jay interjected, "I heard Team Unicorn of Nu Tau Zeta is doing a scavenger hunt like what Beta Heta Mu did a month ago, but other fraternities, sororities, and those not part of one could participate in it, too. I heard that the ultimate bonus point can be claimed by finding the Nu Tau Zeta member with the black heart and yellow rose tattoo."
He looked at the two females with an eager smile.
"Who is it? I wanna know."
"Yeah, who is it?" Jake joined in, just as eager.
"I want to claim the gigantic rainbow alpaca plush prize."
"Oh, me, too." Sunghoon added with a smile.
"But I want the black and green sparkling dragon plushie."
"Don't they have other prizes besides the stuffed toys?" Kai asked a second later.
"They do." Heeseung responded with a laugh while pointing at Jake and Sunghoon.
"But these two want the toy either for themselves or their dogs."
"I mean, a comfortable plush doll makes a great pillow."
Kierra just had a thought as she nudged Chaeyeon while speaking in a hushed tone.
"Wait. Aren't those the plushies that were supposed to be for me when I won them during the summer quiz though?"
"Oh, so you do remember them then?"
Chaeyeon cast her with an amused tone while stifling a laugh.
"I'm sorry, but you never claimed them and or even talked about them again. So, Jinah decided to put them up as some of the prizes as Jiyeon stated it would save us money instead of buying something else."
"But I told Saerom to tell the others I'll claim it later since I wanted to give one of them to my niece as a Christmas present."
"Oh, well, too late. You can't now."
"Hey, ladies?" Jay interrupted the duo as the pair focused back on their friends.
"So are you guys gonna tell us who she is? The member with the black heart and yellow rose tattoo."
"No." Both females chimed in unison while giggling.
"I bet these two don't even know since they're always so low-key." Taehyun reasoned with a knowing grin with Kai laughing also agreeing.
"Yeah, pretty much so. I think, it's better to ask the other active members of Nu Tau Zeta."
"He's right." Kierra agreed with a nod before some of the boys look over at Sunghoon.
"Why don't you ask, Linna?" Heeseung suggested with an obvious tone.
"She's part of Team Unicorn and she should know."
"Yeah, bother her." Kierra jumped on the suggestion despite knowing that it would be difficult for Sunghoon to do so unless he asked someone else that wasn't his sister of that team.
"I'm sure the others will give y'all more hints compared to the others."
As much as Kierra didn't want to be a part of it at all, she knew that the hints her members would give wouldn't be so easy to comprehend. Meanwhile, Sunghoon sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck with an an awkward expression.
"Yeah, you see, Linna's kinda been ignoring me at the moment or well hardly speaking to me as of late."
"What did you you do?" The other males chorused as Kierra knew, but didn't mention it.
"Um, honestly, it's hard to say."
Chaeyeon leaned closer towards Kierra and spoke in a hushed tone.
"Did he eat her secret stash again?"
"No, not really. It's kinda been a silent issue on her part though yet he doesn't really get the hint of what she's been trying to talk to him about." Kierra answered vaguely, knowing it was a sensitive topic for Linna to talk about.
"Although I'm just gonna say that it's more with their own low-key relationship since it's been a little over a year since they started dating."
"Oh, right. That's true. Just like you. Well, at least you and Jay are doing fine then."
"For the most part."
Kierra chuckled as Chaeyeon eyed her friend curiously.
"Does he really not know it's you?"
"You're a mean one."
"You're the same with Yeonjun."
Chaeyeon cast Kierra with a mischievous expression.
"So does that mean the both of yo-"
Kierra shot her a dark look to not finish that sentence. Chaeyeon paused and backed off with a playful smile.
"Got it. I got it. I'll stop teasing you for now."
Kierra rolled her eyes, but a small smile graced her features. Soon the professor began asking the students questions and the group of friends focused on the lesson for the morning.
"Classes are done for the day and now I have the rest of the late afternoon to mid-evening to chill." Kierra mused as she exited the classroom.
"Maybe I'll get a boba fix before returning to the house."
She walked down the empty corridors as she had been the last to leave class while stretching her arms upwards and failed to notice another door opening a moment later and ran into it causing her to stumble backwards. Kierra roughly fell down with a soft groan while the other person squatted beside her to make sure she was alright.
"Sorry, Kierra."
She recognized Jay's voice as he apologized.
"Are you hurt badly?"
Because Kierra had stretched earlier and bumped into the door, she was unaware that her shirt had slightly risen. When Jay's eyes wandered over her body to inspect for any injuries, his eyes noticed a partial black and yellow tattoo around her lower stomach and left rib cage which seemed quite similiar to an earlier discussion of said tattoo. Without thinking, he instantly lifted the shirt higher to be met with the special black heart and yellow rose tattoo of the Nu Tau Zeta member for Team Unicorn's scavenger hunt. Kierra shoved his hand away while quickly standing up and pulling her shirt back down with awkward looks.
"It's you."
Jay stared at her in shock while pointing a finger at Kierra.
"You're the one with the black heart and yellow rose tattoo that we were talking about earlier."
"It's a fake." Kierra denied as she began to back up from the oncoming situation.
"It's to distract y'all from finding the real one."
"No, it's not." Jay disagreed with a puzzled expression.
"That looks totally real. You and Chaeyeon knew this whole time and didn't say anything."
Kierra didn't reply while planning on running away when she noticed Jay was about to stand back up. More out of panicking than thinking, but Kierra shoved him back down causing Jay to stumble backwards before turning around and making her escape. Jay quickly recovered and gave chase. Kierra ran down the corridor, made a right instead of a left to avoid the elevators, not wanting to wait for them. Of course, she wondered why her last class of the day for today had to be at the highest floor within the building of all days. Kierra shook her head as she sped down the stairways while hearing Jay's voice and steps closing the gap between them.
"Kierra, wait!"
Unconsciously, Kierra glanced over her shoulder in mid-run down a flight of stairs to witness Jay jump from the middle of the upper stairs and over the railing to land on the lower set of stairs she occupied to catch up to her. Before Kierra could even react, it resulted with the two of them crashing down the rest of the steps and landing onto the next platform. Both groaned with Kierra pushing Jay away from her, annoyed.
"You're so crazy!"
She lightly slapped him while sitting up right.
"Why would you do such a thing?"
She eyed him weirdly as Jay continued to lie on the floor, but on his back this time as he breathed in and out slowly.
"Dunno. Just seemed like the right thing to do at that time."
That earned him another slap from Kierra. Jay groaned once more before eyeing her.
"Injured person here."
"Right. That's your fault."
Kierra slowly got to her feet and made sure she wasn't that sore or injured. Just a slight ache here and there, but other than that she was totally fine. She glanced at the male as he looked up at her. Jay offered his right hand for her to help him lift him to his feet.
"You can do it yourself, Jay."
"Nah. Help me up, Kierra."
She eyed him suspiciously as he shook his hand to indicate that he wanted her assistance.
Kierra crossed her arms so that she could grip his right hand firmly with her own right hand and offered her left hand for his so that she could pull him up easily. Jay placed his left hand in hers as she steadied her feet to pull him up without staggering once he was on his own two feet.
"There. You should be fine now."
Jay cast her a small smile.
"Lend me your shoulder, Kierra. I don't think I can walk."
"No. That's still your own fault for jumping earlier. Use the wall or the railing to aid you."
"C'mon. I only did it because you wouldn't stop running."
"Obviously, Jay, I would run away in the first place."
Jay ignored her words and reached out an arm to wrap it around Kierra's shoulder, but she ended up pushing him away instead which caused the male to stumble over his own feet and fell down another small flight of stairs. Jay groaned in obvious, but not serious pain again while Kierra grimaced at how he must've felt. As much as this would give her the opportunity to run away, but she couldn't leave him like that. Kierra made her way down the steps and crouched by Jay's side as he was able to re-position himself back onto his back like before.
"From one to five, how much pain are you in?"
She rolled her eyes and patted his stomach.
"C'mon, it's not that bad. It's just ten stairs."
Jay shot her a pointed look.
"I fell down three sets of those."
"Technically, you jumped from one set of stairs, fell against the second set of stairs, and got pushed down the third one."
Kierra remarked with a chuckle and a nod.
"Still, the first two weren't my fault. That was all you. I do apologize for the third one though."
Jay didn't comment as Kierra cast him a soft look.
"How about I make it up to you?"
Jay became intrigued. Kierra nodded again with a hum.
"How about a kiss?"
"That hardly seems like something worth doing, Jay."
"Oh, it's worth doing for sure, Kierra."
Jay cast her with a cheeky grin and Kierra smacked his stomach.
"You play too much."
"Fine, then. Lemme claim that ultimate bonus point and we're even."
Kierra's expression dimmed.
"No real reason, but I would like to see the full tattoo though."
Kierra scrunched up her face as Jay cast her with a cheeky grin.
"And then I can take you out on a bubble tea date later and get that kiss, too."
She slightly glared at him.
"Linna had something to do with this, huh?"
"Hmm, maybe?"
His eyes twinkled and she just rolled her eyes.
"At least I get my sorority's activities counted because of it."
"Although, the whole kiss part was all my idea since someone hasn't been giving me enough attention and other affections lately."
Kierra could hear the pout in Jay's tone as she cast him with a playful look.
"Aww, do you want my attention that badly?"
"And do my kisses mean that much to you, too?"
"Most definitely."
"Okay then."
Kierra slowly leaned closer with puckered lips and Jay anticipated the affection, but he instantly caught the teasing look in her eyes and knew what she was about to do. So with his arm that was closes to her, he raised it to prevent Kierra from backing away, leaving her to slightly hover above him instead. Quickly, with the same hand that prevented her from moving, he firmly held the back of her neck in place and he slightly raised the upper part of his body to meet Kierra halfway for a kiss. He broke the kiss a moment later with a self-satisfied grin. Kierra rolled her eyes as she smacked his stomach despite being slightly flustered by the physical intimacy just now.
"Like I said, Jay, you play too much."
Jay laughed as the hand that held the back of Kierra's neck moved to caress her cheek instead in an affectionate way.
"Because you still like to play hard to get, Kierra."
Kierra didn't bother to comment, but a subtle smile graced her features. The reaction didn't go unnoticed by Jay though.
"Let's kiss again. I missed how that felt and I know you enjoyed it, too."
She smacked his stomach once more with the smile disappearing and being replaced by a neutral expression.
"No. I have other things to do besides cater to you."
"Fine. Just help me up and we can discuss the whole tattoo thing."
"I guess."
Kierra reluctantly agreed with a sigh as Jay grinned widely. Kierra stood up right and offered her right hand out to him.
"Let's go or else I'm leaving you here for sure this time around."
Jay laughed as he took her offered hand and offered his left to hers like last time. Yet this time around, Kierra actually assisted Jay as the two made their way down the rest of the stairways slowly while discussing how to take a picture proof of Kierra's tattoo. Although she shot down every suggestion Jay had told her which involved the both of them doing some cringe-worthy poses. Kierra wanted none of that and Jay just told her they'll discuss it further during their boba date.
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strosmkai-rum · 4 years
SKYRIM MOD LIST, enb included
have fun! 
note: some mods, though very few and for the most part insignificant, were found on the steam workshop. so if it doesn’t appear on the nexus, you’ll find it there.
some general advice for new modders/just reminders - 
- always check compatibility. some mods have patches to use in combination with other mods. always read the description too. 
- if you’re able, cleaning plugins is always good. i was never able to get a hang of it but that doesn’t mean you won’t have better luck.
- never, ever test mods with an actual playthrough. the chances of corruption are small, but there. start a new game; if you can’t bother with the helgen intro, use Quick Start to skip past it and begin at the cave exit instead. 
- load order. can’t go wrong with LOOT or Wrye Bash. imo LOOT is easier to install and use but it’s all up to preference.
Noble Skyrim (a HUGE overhaul of basically all exterior textures. but, if you don’t like the look this gives, i’d suggest 2k Textures for a more vanilla feel but in higher res, or Tamriel Reloaded - Textures and Parallax.)
Realistic Water Two (get the enb textures, with the watercolor effect too. they have a non-enb version as well, if you don’t use enb.)
aMidianborn retextures (i use almost everything. weapons, armor, creatures, dragonborn dlc, except the terrain overhaul. i also use the differently ebony and glass variants plugins, which basically mean that there’s multiple variants of the armor with the different retextures. they’re so cool, it’s a must.)
RUSTIC ( i also use almost everything from this too. alchemy/enchanting tables, daedra, death hounds, dinnerware, east empire company signs (i really don’t know why), elder scroll, monuments/tombstones, nordic murals, pottery, silverware, standing stones, windows, and word walls.)
Immersive College of Winterhold
Book Covers Skyrim (best book cover retex ever.)
More Interesting Loot (adds in so many artifacts/ingredients/loot from previous games it’s unreal. love it.)
Realistic Room Rental Enhanced (a SERIOUS overhaul of inns and stuff. lets you rent rooms for followers, discounts for extended stays, and makes them look nicer! oh, washtubs too.)
Immersive Roads (amazing. beautiful. incredible.)
RSChildren (children remodel)
Moonlight Tales 
Breezehome Fully Upgradeable (okay this too. makes breezehome huge. like, now you can have a markarth style tub upstairs, and a decent room for lydia too. plus a secret library, and another way to enter/exit your home outside of whiterun. and a lot of other stuff i’m too lazy to list right now.)
SMIM (DEFINITELY use some sort of installer for this. killed me when i tried to manually install it. totally optional, though.)
Ruins Clutter Improved
Thane Weapons Reborn
Unique Grasses and Groundcovers (Verdant does a great job too.)
Hybrid HD Plants and Herbs Retexture (Tamriel Reloaded flora are gorgeous as well, so are the ones from Skyrim Flora Overhaul.)
AOF Detailed Mountains (my pref, but honestly, almost all of the mountain retex mods are amazing. go wild.)
Designs of the Nords Banners (the sickest retex of banners. ever.)
Skyrim Landscape Overhaul - Stone Walls (the BEST thing you will ever see. note, if used with Immersive College of Winterhold you don’t need the corresponding patch. at least, if this is the only SLO mod you’ll use.)
SLOD Wine Cellar (y'ever have an in-game crippling alcohol addiction?)
SLOD Potions/Poisons
Gemling Queen Jewelry
Barenziah’s Glory (crown and jewel retexs)
Unique Uniques (the reworks are absolutely gorgeous. i can’t even describe them. at this point, unique is an understatement.)
Bellyache’s Dragon Retextures (they’re the hell spawn of akatosh, gotta make ‘em look cool somehow)
Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks (holy mother of god, these dragon priest retextures are beautiful. if you’re more into a horror theme, Unique Dragon Priest Masks will definitely satisfy you) 
Natural Eyes
Coverkhajiits Male/Female
Dawnguard Rewritten - Arvak (so many arvak retextures here, pick and choose what you want)
Makers Mark Ingots (an ingot retexture, with minting seals/stamps on them. beautiful.)
Better Shrouded Armor (okay, this. this. if you look at the vanilla armor and say, i hate this, then you’ll love this. the armor becomes more of an armored robe with black/brown touches, and the signature hand print on the front. it’s just cool.)
Stormcloak Revival (awesome retex of the armor)
Nightingale Prime and Nightingale Pride (a retexture for armor and blade/bow, respectively)
Windhelm - Legendary Kings
Alternate Summoning Visuals
Tenets Restored (so you can actually read the damn things)
Auriel’s Bow Retexture
HD Linens
Shadow of Morrowind 
Summerset Isle 
Beyond Skyrim - Bruma
Beyond Reach
Voyage to the Dreamborne Isles 
VIGILANT (there’s an english voiceover and a guide as well in the files section of the voiceover)
Project AHO (you need this. you do. the quest, the npcs, the oh god, everything, is so amazing. download it.)
Carved Brink (from the makers of Project AHO, equally amazing.)
Wheels of Lull (this was the best existential crisis i’ve ever had. funny, immersive, challenging, and very, very real, i’ll be at your door in a fortnight if you don’t install this mod.)
Aethernautics (with Wheels of Lull integration patch)
Gray Cowl of Nocturnal (want some oblivion nostalgia? here you are.)
Spectraverse - Magic of the Magna Ge
Dwemertech - Magic of the Dwarves
Ravengate (underground pit fighting, hell yeah!!)
The Tools of Kagrenac (morrowind fans wya. i have never played morrowind.)
Moon and Star
The Forgotten City (gonna be getting its own game on Steam by the same name!)
Fight Against the Thalmor (all 4 parts linked) 
Sinister Seven
Konahrik’s Accountments
Blackreach Railroad (trains. that is all.)
Legends of Nchuak
The McMiller Chronicles
The Notice Board (ah, witcher fans might like this.)
The Paarthurnax Dilemma (for obvs reasons) 
Localized Guild Jobs (finally, choose the city you want to do a thiefy job in.)
Missing Apprentices (a college quests never implemented in-game. there’s also another mod for another cut quest called Research Thief, but i don’t use that one.)
Barenziah Quest Markers (am NOT using the wiki again to find those floaty bastards. there’s a mod that puts the stones in quest-locked areas in accessible ones instead, so if you plan on collecting them all and being done with it i suggest Non Quest Locations for Stones of Barenziah.)
Jiub’s Opus Quest Markers (not chasing these down either)
Arvak’s Skull Quest Marker (only available through steam workshop)
an addition, Wyrmstooth, though it’s no longer on the nexus and is known to corrupt save files and cause general issues (i found a version of it, though i’m not very keen on trying it after what i’ve heard. still, if you really want it, it’s not that hard to find.)
Timing is Everything (adds in delays between quests. just a little breather in between saving the world, if that even exists.)
Northern Encounters (if you love encounters and spent a lot of time in the snow for whatever reason, this is for you.)
Extra Encounters Reborn + DLC (when you love exploring skyrim, this’ll make your adventures super interesting.)
Citizens of Tamriel (on god this mod is so funny and immersive. if you download this, stop by the abandoned shack. you won’t regret it.)
Honed Metal (lets you hire a smith to temper/craft and enchant armor and weapons for you, so you don’t have to invest in the smithing tree.)
The Hunting Game (y’ever notice how pelts are like, worthless? yeah. this changes that.) 
Organized Bandits of Skyrim
Better Combat AI (there’s probably a better mod for combat out there, but this is what i use. also from steam workshop)
Increased Merchant Gold Count (plenty of dif mods for this, all of them should work just fine. also on steam workshop)
Black Horse Courier Reborn (hey, remember the uhh, couriers in oblivion? well, they’re back, babey! the more quests you complete, different editions will be released to talk about the amazing last dragonborn, and there’s a (expensive as hell) book that you can buy from a courier that had all the editions from oblivion in one tidy leather-bound book.)
Take Notes (a journal mod!)
Celtic Music in Skyrim (a music replacer. it’s so calming and atmospheric, but if you want individual tracks replaced with ones of your own choosing, you can download Skyrim Audio Converter.)
Book Covers of Skyrim - Lost Library (adds in books from other tes games too, along with the fancy covers.)
Books of Skyrim (a book store in solitude.)
Touring Carriages
The Thieves Guild: More Thieves (only on steam workshop)
Thieves Guild Former Glory Enhancement
Regifting Lycanthropy: Infinite (on steam workshop)
KJ Tattoos and Lore Tattoos (needs RaceMenu to work.)
Loading Screens with Extra Sarcasm (beautiful mod. doesn’t ruin your immersion at all, actually.)
We Are Legion (nice legion overhaul. workshop exclusive.)
Immersive Patrols
All Merchants Buy Stolen Items
Realistic Crime Radius
Beyond Skyrim: Wares of Tamriel
Morrowind Imports (makes it so dunmer vendors will sell stuff like ash yams and sujamma, just a bit more immersive.)
Morrowind Border Trading Shack (workshop exclusive)
Staves of Skyrim
College Students
Better College Application
Night Eye Overhaul (good regardless if you rp as a khajiit or not)
Enhanced Cities: Docks of Solitude (workshop exclusive)
Towns and Villages Enhanced: Riverwood
Project Populate Skyrim: Winterhold (workshop exclusive)
Raven Rock Expanded
SkyComplete (lets you keep track of basically everything, including quests, artifacts, undiscovered locations and read books. update, it looks like the original file has been taken down. i do have a copy of the file should anyone want it.)
The Choice is Yours (fewer forced quests! woohoo!)
Jaxonz Named Save and Positioner (lets you have named saves, and reposition objects. the best mod for home decorating.)
Unlimited Bookshelves (put anything you want on those bad boys now! coupled with Jaxonz Positioner, the sky’s the limit to home decorating now.)
Follower Map Markers Complete (so you don’t lose them. again. also works for mod added followers.)
Bandolier - Bags and Pouches (you look really cool, and get a bit of extra carry weight too!)
Insanitys Celtic Katana
Better Training (no more level req bs here)
No Required Perks (workshop exclusive)
Lightweight Potions and Poisons
Lightweight Scrolls (because half a point for a scroll?! it’s paper, not rocks, dammit)
Weightless Soul Gems
Thieves' Guild Bounty Clearer
Scoped Bows 
Font Replacement (i use fertigo pro but you know, preference) 
City Forests (just adds a few trees in a few cities, this, combined with Noble Skyrim and the enb i use makes all of my screenshots.) 
Save the Dark Brotherhood (saves your tears, too.)
Hold Border Banners 
Lost Books of Voryn Dreleth (adds in a few books, scattered throughout skyrim. i don’t know, they’re nice to read i guess. totally optional.)
Halls of Dovahndor (an amazing house mod set in…sovngarde! that’s new!)
The Library of Paarthurnax (always thought this was mad cool)
Sacrificial Hunter (for the boethiah quest. also known as, when you’re too attached to your followers to kill them)
No Killmoves/Killcams/Killbites (totally optional, i just don’t like the animations.)
Big Leather Backpack (it looks cool. plus extra carry weight. bags are cool.)
Colovian Leather (just a lil extra set of armor) 
Elder Scroll on Back
More Salt
Open Face Guard Helmets
Faction Crossbows
SkyUI (the menu layout give me a headache though, you can use SkyUI Away to restore normal menus)
Immersive HUD
A Matter of Time (compatible with iHUD)
Warburg’s 3D Paper World Map (forget the old poorly rendered map. a new paper one, a lot more simplistic and minimalist. but, if you do want the normal skyrim map, A Quality World Map is the way to go.)
Main Menu Background Replacer (oh, there’s a lot of these. so choose your favorite. but i like this best.)
No Bethesda Intro Logo or a replacer, the one i use was taken down but went by Ironclad Bethesda. 
Amazing Follower Tweaks
Follower Trap Safety (miiight be included in AFT, but not sure.)
Fuz Ro Doh (needed for some quest mods, something abt silent dialogue.)
No More Blinding Fog (if you have that issue)
Mindflux Particle Patch (if included)
Darker Dungeons for ENB (if included)
Revamped Exterior Fog
okay, here’s the thing. i’ve been modding skyrim nonstop for three years now. i’ve gone through, a lot of enbs. the big ones, the small ones. rudy, tetrachromatic, project enb, you name it. and here’s the one that i finally found that works great, lots of customizability, awesome fps, and looks fucking fantastic. 
it’s called seasons of skyrim. easy install, easy uninstall if you don’t like it. nothing else. includes further darker dungeons as well as revamped exterior fog.
my configuration’s here.
but let’s assume you don’t want to use an enb. that’s fine! there’s a lot of other ways to get dynamic lightning too. i used to use Climates of Tamriel, or ELFX, or Realistic Lighting Overhaul. note that i’m almost certain that RLO hand places light sources, so i don’t know how altered cells would go. you might be able to avoid conflict by loading the changing mod after RLO? but i don’t know for sure. 
if you want help with installing anything/with enbs or are new to it, i’m always down to help. 
other stuff i use -
SKSE is an obvs one. 
Save Cleaner
7zip (it’s basically a free version of winzip. cause i’m not about to pay for anything, and i manually install everything.)
wow, you made it to the end? congrats! i spent longer on this than i did sleeping last night. 
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holyhikari · 4 years
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Okay. Okay. It’s 2020, most of the world is shut down and the first episode of Digimon Adventure aired yesterday, missing a ‘Butter-Fly’ and with a colon to spare. Life sure is something. 
Gotta say I’m relieved. (For now, at least.) Sure, yeah, I got into the hype train for the reboot from the get-go and determined to just have fun, but. If I can picture all the ways something can go wrong — go BORING — down to excruciating details right from the first episode, why not? That’s what brains are for. So that’s what I did. 
Should have saved all that energy. 
I want to share with all of you my thoughts on this episode, break it down a little bit; how it made me feel, the few character introductions we got, the pace, the plot and its possibilities. 
As much as I want to approach this series keeping the idea of authenticity in mind, it is a reboot. They chose a certain set of (popular!) pre-existent characters to explore, to work with; a balance between creating and adapting. And I’m very interested in seeing how they’ll combine the core elements of Digimon Adventure with all there is unique to this generation of kids, teens and, you know it, adults who stuck around. 
Since all we’ve got is the introduction to the series, I’ll be contrasting TOKYO DIGITAL CRISIS to how the original Adventure kicked off back in 1999 with  ADRIFT? THE ISLAND OF ADVENTURE!
I did try to keep this as coherent and review-like as possible, but there’s a fair amount of fan-girling and it’s all seen through my very biased Adventure-stan-colored lens. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya. 
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‘99 starts with an image of our planet, and  ‘20 starts almost the same. This time, though, we can see we aren’t alone. ‘The Digital World affecting the Earth’ is something that happens, I believe, in every Digimon reincarnation. In ‘99, it’s deeply affecting our climate. Now, the issue doesn’t seem so drastic that it’s able to reach influence organic matter and mess up many Nature’s cycles across the globe, but it’s still not looking so good for our kids. (It’s the first episode and Hikari and Yuuko almost get train-sandwiched, but I suppose that almost having your head chopped off, courtesy of Kuwagamon, isn’t lovely either.) 
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I think this Digital World/Network shot isn’t actually part of the episode? I think it’s part of the opening (I mean, not the OP sequence with the song, obviously), and that we’ll be seeing it before each episode starts. Still, it’s an interesting juxtaposition, isn’t it?
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A Glorious World is upon us! I wasn’t actually expecting Butter-Fly or anything similar to it, don’t worry. I’m glad the new OP is its own thing! I want Digimon Adventure ‘20 to be as authentic as possible without losing the original’s heart. The song is nice enough. I don’t want to compare it to Butter-Fly, but I’m only human. Give me a few episodes. Gotta let go. 
The OP has way more Taichi than the others. No surprise there. He’s our goggle boy. (Still, since they went for a quick throwback to the original opening, it’s a shame only Taichi was shown falling down towards the Digital World). 
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Everyone got a part, though. Shout out to Takeru and Hikari for being yet again the ominous, powerful baby-faced duo that is definitely up to something. 
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It’s so interesting that, while the other crests are shown very clearly and surrounded by sparkles, Light and Hope are only shown briefly shining in their partners’ shadows. Why is Takeru so far away from us, why is this so sinister-looking. Hi, mysterious plot. Nice to meet you.
Wherever Hikari is by the end of the OP, it reminds me of Vamdemon’s castle. Maybe she feels connected to Tailmon and follows her somehow? Angemon wasn’t shown in the OP with the older six children’s partners, just Patamon. I wonder if they’ll try to make us grieve for Angemon a second time. It’d work with me. Either way, I imagine we’re in for another last-minute Patamon evolution when everything looks hopeless. 
This time, though, we’ve got Hikari from the beginning (yes, I am VERY excited about this, thank you for asking, THIS IS WHAT I DESERVE), and, while I think Patamon is more powerful in regular conditions (as in, Angemon can probably take Angewomon in a fight despite the level imbalance, but as soon as Hikari starts glowing you know who’s winning), he will now be sharing the spotlight with another Archangel evolution… as his friend or as his foe, considering that Tailmon might be a double agent of some sorts in the beginning. Welp. 
Anyway. Toei isn’t fooling around, in the OP we can see MetalGreymon in a very scary-looking, glitchy fashion that I’m LIVING for, WarGreymon’s silhouette and, good grief, there’s even a glimpse of Omegamon. Talk about too much information. Maybe chill out a little? (I say this, but the adults already know all of their evos, and the kids just want MOOOOOOORE monstahhhhhrrrrrrsss….which is fair.)
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MetalGreymon looks dope here. The others, though, are only shown up to their Adult evolution, even Gabumon. I don’t think they will have only Gabumon and Agumon reaching their Mega forms, and then fusing into Omegamon while everyone else only gets as far as Perfect.  Again.
They wouldn’t do this to us. Right? Yeah, they would. Maybe we can have Holydramon/Ophanimon and Seraphimon later on, as a treat. Aaaaaand, depending on how many episodes — how many seasons — this new timeline gets, I’m not giving up hope just yet. Let me have Phoenixmon, Toei, you heartless thing. 
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Moving on to the actual episode… The first non-Digimon character to show up is the true protagonist. Our queen is back. Our little Digivice thief, Miko herself.
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Just you wait, you ain’t gonna be Hikari’s favorite cat-like creature for long. 
Speaking of Hikari, LOOK AT THIS WITTLE BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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2020 Taichi right off the bat was Taichi for me. He’s talking to Yuuko and yells “Hikariii~” so loudly Hikari hears it from where she stands, the short cutie. Their mom just hands down the phone for her without missing a beat so Taichi can comfort her through whatever she’s worrying about (her summer classes, probably). Such a sweet, natural little moment that flashes both characters out. I want more of that, please.
We’re then introduced to Koushiro! I’m not gonna lie, I cringed the first time I heard him speak. I thought the voice didn’t fit him very well. This impression faded quickly enough, though, and I’m already attached to his new voice. Later, I realized that part of the reason he sounded off to me was because of how nervous he seemed — around Taichi, of all people! In this version, they’re just meeting for the first time, so it’s very in-character for him. Guess I was kinda shocked seeing Koushiro not feeling at ease talking to Taichi. Poor thing is Anxious! And he’s overthinking about Summer Camp! And he’s happy Taichi is his neighbor! That certainly would’ve helped during the Vandemon arc back in ‘99. 
Koushiro gets a little bit over his awkwardness upon hearing the news regarding the cyber attack, something he’s curious about, and finally steps towards Taichi instead of away, which is spot on. These two fall into an easy camaraderie, as they SHOULD, and they head to the train station together, where Taichi decides to, I don’t know… run like crazy on the tracks until he gets to the rogue train where his family is and stop it with sheer force of will? Yeah! Sounds like him! 
And now to one of the most interesting parts of this adaption, is that they’re showing us the Crests early on and HOW they’re doing it. 
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Taichi is able to meet Koromon because he’s being brave.
I mean, the first time, he was chosen because of his courage, too, but they all go in together. They’re taken. They’re washed off the Earth. And while Taichi had no idea he was going to be pulled into the Net, he chose to try to save Hikari and his mom (and, a few moments later, he chose to dive in towards Koromon). This time, it feels so much more personal. The screen switched back and forth between the Crest of Courage, Taichi and Hikari, who I believed called his name. The scene worked so well! (Following this pattern, Koushiro gets his Digivice when expressing curiosity, the will to pursue an explanation for what was happening!!!!)
On the other hand, it’s sort of bittersweet  they weren’t pulled in together. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they didn’t try to introduce all of them AND the Digital World at the same time again. But… ‘99 established them as a ‘team’ within seconds. It’s interesting, though. I’m VERY curious to see how their bonding will go this time around!
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Taichi and Koromon meeting was beautiful. I was worried the soundtrack wouldn’t even stand a chance against the masterpiece that is the original one, but the musing playing was so delicate, so majestic. I felt I was witnessing a precious moment. Also, Koromon’s ears twisting into how we represent the DNA while he was evolving was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SUCH A GOOD DETAIL!!!!!! 
It cracked me up when Koushiro said that what was happening was very surprising while not sounding surprised at all. I wonder how long the kid has been looking into the cyber attacks. Oh, and the Network is pretty. Prettier than I had anticipated, though not that different from Appmon’s style, I think? I can’t wait to get a look at the actual Digital World and see if it has that unique feeling and that odd, watercolor painting aesthetic. I hope I can trust the OP:
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 Did you notice that Agumon giggled a few times? He looked at Taichi with such love, familiarity and devotion and like he knew something. It felt… right. My heart. My poor, poor heart. (I know this Agumon probably has met Taichi before inside of this very Universe, like the Hikarigaoka incident in the original version, but I like to think about Universe-hopping platonic soulmates.) 
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Overall the sound work was fantastic, but this scene deserves a highlight. The noise of the Kuramon lookalike moving after evolving was genuinely disturbing. And look at how pretty this is:
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Speaking of evolution, AGUMON EVOLVING INTO GREYMON WAS THE SHIT. I loved how straight-up FERAL it was, while still keeping the “Digital” part of “Digital Monster” very much present. It reminded me a bit of Hosoda’s Greymon (most amazing Greymon to this day!) in the Digimon Adventure Movie and, now that I think of it, of him fighting in some Tri. Reunion scenes. Scary Greymon is the best Greymon. Yes. I like it when the Digimon manage to disturb and scare me, okay? They aren’t called monsters for nothing. 
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I mean we got to see his horn literally bursting out of his skin. This is low-key terrifying. 10/10.
I am: deceased. Cause of death: Hikari’s soft smile when she realizes her big brother managed to help them. 
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Alternatively, this first pic had killed me on the spot.
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FINALLY, we get to see Yamato, and of course, he’s staring down dramatically at Taichi on top of Garurumon like the intense person he is. And, no big deal, there’s a cyber attack in a U.S military base and, uh, apparently the next episode is the 2020 version of Bokura no War Game?! 
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No pressure, am I right? I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be falling off a good ol’ cliff with my camping buddies. 
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To be honest, if they intended to end it like this, it felt like this should’ve been a special episode. Maybe one-hour-long or so? Why……….HOW……….. They wanna go from the pilot straight to a Bokura no War game tribute?! The very movie that introduced Omegamon. I swear, if Omegamon’s debut is the SECOND episode, I’m gonna break. How is this gonna work. Well, at least they have us… intrigued? 
The ED is so Yamato-focused it’s almost weird that his voice actor isn’t the one singing lmao. That amount of Yamatoness got me by surprise. Some of the pics look like a PowerPoint presentation of CD cover ideas for his yet-to-exist (or not) band… and I say this lovingly, okay? I love him so much. 
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This is my favorite one!
I lost count of how many times I listened to this song!! It also got me hooked up. What’s up with Takeru and how the writers took the whole Angel aesthetic to a whole new level?! Is he sick? Is he dying? Is this why Yamato is so sad and lonely throughout the ED?????? EVERYONE GO BEFRIEND HIM. I heard he’s a good friend.
Be right back, I’m gonna tattoo this pic to my face.
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Bonus commentary!
I bet I wasn’t the only one looking for  random cameos whenever they showed us crowds. Didn’t find anyone we know, but I’m sure this will change. 02 characters cameos, I’m ready for you. 
Soooooooooo the Tachikawa own a tech company this time?? For all we know they own Japan. That’s scarier than the Diablomon-like virus giving Trump a headache. If so, Mimi is gonna be way more spoiled than before. Oh, dear.
I HOPE WE SEE MORE OF THESE PIXEL BABIES! That was a perfect Easter egg.
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If none of these icons at the bottom is the Digimon Analyzer, then what’s the point of my entire existence? 
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I can’t wait for next Saturday! Even if solely to yell “WHY??????” at my screen.  
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I can’t thank you enough if you read this far!
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