#i was expecting it to be jensen
wisefoxluminary · 5 months
Clue for the Comic Con Scotland tonight.
My Misha sense is tingling...
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drulalovescas · 6 days
We've come a long LONG way
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And so did Jensen to be honest
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Just going to leave this one right here
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ranna-alga · 1 month
I have a whole list of actors who I consider to be my personal RDR2 live-adapted fancast, and Jensen Ackles as Arthur Morgan is 100% one of them
Do you guys see my vision
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sunglassesmish · 1 year
'why isn't it samstiel?' 'jared: sam has better taste' 'jensen: dean has no taste, clearly'
‘look in love with misha’ ‘easy’
‘here’s some destiel art if you want it’ ‘why? i live it’
*sees fanart of dean and cas kissing* ‘that’s the paparazzi shot’
‘choose between two destiel cards: ‘the lovers’ or ‘the hanged man’ ‘oh, well obviously. the lovers card’
jensen. you are insane. i love you
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mattzerella-sticks · 1 year
Dean at the beginning of the episode and the end had different hairstyles and clothes, and seemed to be acting different.
Dean was very cagey about the truth. If this was another universe in the mulitverse, why not at least admit his name was Dean? He didn’t have to give his last name.
Lata was the one who suggested the multiverse theory. All Dean said was that he was ‘between worlds’. Didn’t mean it was another Earth. That he was dead and not of this world. He could have been of that world, when he was alive. But he’s neither alive or dead. He hasn’t been born and he’s also been dead.
Chuck is supposed to be powerless. How could Chuck have activated something like the akrida? He lost but not in a way that would have meant anything. His power wasn’t destroyed, it was transferred over. And if he did activate it, why zero in on Lebanon, KS in the 70s. This seemed way to focused on Dean then anything else.
Dean’s still meddling. He gave Mary the Colt and told her to use it on a ‘yellow-eyed demon’. I doubt that’s what Jack intended for him to do with it. And, in fact since Chuck is no longer at the wheel, why would Azazel even know about Mary unless she’s put between his crosshairs like Dean is doing? I don’t think that’s what Dean is intending but he’s only thinking about how to ‘improve’ this timeline.
His timeline.
There’s more to this story, clearly. More things Dean isn’t telling us nor the Scoobies. More things that were left unsaid and absent.
It’ll all come full circle in due time.
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howldean · 14 days
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touched the fucking hero car
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unhinged-jackles · 1 year
i know they won't do it but i hope that harvey and bruce were fucking soley because tumblr would explode given the knowledge that jensen was in talks to be bruce and misha is obviously harvey
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hitmeupaep · 4 months
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jensens comment on robs post is so cute
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wisefoxluminary · 20 days
The whole goodbye scene between Colter and Russell is so wholesome to me because it shows how deeply they care about each other. Colter dropping everything to tend to Russell's bullet wound and patching him up with tenderness and care. Russell's expressions as he tries to stay strong for his brother through the pain. Feeling indebted to him for rescuing Doug and for keeping him on his feet. Russell made the selfless decision to go back and take care of unfinished business because he knows as long as Solango's around, he'll endanger his friends and family. Russell has got a dark past we don't know about. He served in the military and now operates as a civilian contractor so he has done a lot of dark shit in his past that he regrets to protect his country. He wants to be discreet about killing Solango because he will not stop going after Doug and the other men in his unit. Russell knows that and he's not going to let him walk away from this with his life intact. I think there is a darker edge to Russell we haven't seen yet in terms of his military past and hope that gets explored in future seasons.
The point is he doesn't let the burden of his past eat him up inside and he still finds a way to continue on, to hope for the best for those around him. He puts Colter at ease knowing that he'll see him again. He gives him hope that there is escape from this life. That there is hope in the horizon for the both of them. Russell already has his retirement plan in motion - he wants to open up his own brewery. He has found a way to escape his family past to the point that it no longer defines him. Colter still hasn't figured that out because he lets the heavy burden of the past hang over him. All his life he believed Russell was the one that killed their father and he believes there is more to the story than his mother or his siblings want him to believe. Colter struggled to let go of that resentment for most of his life and when Russell comes back and leaves again, Colter begins to feel an aching sadness because he's finally got his brother back. They get to be brothers again. Colter wants him to stay but deep down he knows Russell has unfinished business to take care of and lets him be. Colter is struggling to let go of the past and by Russell giving him reassurance that he'll see him again, he gives him hope that maybe there is an exit plan from all this. That Colter doesn't need to spend the rest of his life travelling the country in his trailer. He wants to believe that there is more for him out there and Russell inspired him to take up that sentiment because he has chosen to let go of his resentment of him after all these years and has made amends with him. Colter has had a little taste of it and now he wants his family back together. He realises that they can be brothers again.
As well I thought this would be interesting to bring up the colour symbolism here with Colter and Russell as I think it tells us a lot about where they are at this stage of their lives.
Throughout the episode, Russell wears a green jacket. Green symbolises growth and harmony as well as fertility and renewal. This shows that Russell has grown after all these years of being a prisoner to his father's paranoia and has finally made peace with his past. This has made him more happier as he has aspirations about settling down. Something we didn't think was possible in the Shaw family. Russell gets to have a second chance to live his life in a peaceful and safe environment that isn't uprooted in conflict or isolation.
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In contrast, Colter wears a black jacket. The colour of black represents death and mourning as well as fear and mystery. Colter is the complete opposite of Russell and can't quite let go of his family past. It continues to haunt him and brings him nothing but regret and heartache. Colter is obsessed with finding out what happened to their father and he wants to bring the true killer to justice. He finds out early on in the episode that Russell wasn't the one that pushed the dad and he believes someone else did it and was in cahoots with their mother. The first step in his journey is forgiving Russell and he achieved that. But he is still mourning from the repercussions of his past and he wants to make right by travelling the country and finding people who can't be found because he failed to save his father years ago. There is a mystery to Colter Shaw because he just drifts from place to place in his trailer, helping people and seeking rewards and people struggle to understand his motives. What he really wants as a person. After cases, people offer to do nice and normal things for him like Bobby and Reenie inviting him to dinner and he respectfully declined. He was invited to the wedding of the groom he saved and he respectfully declined. Colter longs to do these things, to be a normal person but the burden of his past holds him back and he struggles to let go so he hasn't really figured out an escape plan for himself because he doesn't think he is meant to have one. The only commitment he manages to make it to is his dinner with Dory and he is wearing a white shirt which symbolises cleanliness and perfection showing that he is trying to be his best for his family even though he struggles to make right with the past. By having his family back together, he gets the renewed hope that maybe they have a chance to be together again. Dory pleads with Colter to make up with Russell as she wants her brothers to be back together again and when he makes amends with Russell, it offers him closure he never thought he'd need because now he is trying to make right with his family past. For the first time ever, he has the hope that his family can be together again because he isn't running away from them anymore. He kept his promise to Dory and reunited with Russell. This is only the beginning of his journey to letting go and being on good terms with his siblings checks boxs off his list. This is him making right with his past in big ways and no longer avoiding it because he finally puts everything aside to work with Russell and it is a healing experience because for the first time he has hope that things can get better. That he is capable of change and turning his life around by not holding anything against his family and letting go of all grudges. His only goal now is finding out who really killed his dad and then he'll be free of this burden.
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The episode ends with Russell giving Colter his prized knife that his father gave him as a parting gift at the motel. An object that Doug risked everything to return to Russell which shows just how important it means to him. Russell is giving a part of himself to Colter. Keep it safe for me the note says as it shows that Russell trusts Colter the most. He no longer needs it because he isn't defined by his past anymore. He doesn't need to protect himself anymore, he is past committing bloodshed. Colter is still out there doing what he does and Russell gives him the knife as a way of protecting himself because Russell knows that Colter can look after himself and he doesn't need his older brother to look after him anymore. Russell's at peace with that and he's happy for Colter to carry on without him. He is looking out for Colter and by giving him the knife, Colter has a part of his brother with him protecting him always. I just think it's beautiful as Colter has come a long way from hating his brother to forgiving him. By carrying the knife, Colter has had growth and he is now on the steady path to healing. To letting go of the past and not letting it define his future.
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Thanks for listening to my analysis because I love the complexity of the Shaw brothers and I could talk about them for ages I am so obsessed. If anyone has anything else to add, please let me know.
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jarchaeology · 1 year
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THE SCANNER SERIES [Soap Opera Digest Sept. 29, 1998]
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teecupangel · 1 year
OG anon of the Reborned Desmond in Unity. I'm mighty proud that my ideas spur you fun writing. I'll confess you a secret, I'm also og anons of the ideas I've sent you prior but I don't wanna have you see me aggressive or pushy because I enjoy your content immensely (I had bad experiences of people's harsh words in irl and online on my personality). Anyway, it's similar in Unity idea. What if Desmond is reborned in AC Rogue, like became Shay's childhood friend or Liam's older or younger brother. Or possibly in a time earlier so can Desmond be established in Brotherhood maybe master assassin for Connor's happiness. Haytham's confusion and frustration in some point in the plot that Desmond won't kill him but has a look of a disappointed or pained look of a family member and Lisbon is saved. Desmond and Shay could become platonic soulmates or slow burn childhood friends to lovers (up to you) or better yet Desmond unintentionally became mentor (he was supposed just be an assassin in the background damn it lmao) and Shay is like a bodyguard or right hand which had these intense sexual tension between the two. Sorry for messy and long ask
Ah, well, I don’t see a problem with your personality and I like the ideas you throw at me. To be fair, I do try to limit my time with everyone’s asks to a certain time so I can still write. So if you don’t see an answer, that only means it’s been pushed to next day or something.
Alright, let’s think about how to make this work.
As usual, we’ll keep the same limitation as the Unity AU one
Desmond remembers his life as Desmond Miles
Desmond will have his ancestors’ memories and skills but those memories will be vague
So he either gets reborn as Shay’s childhood friend or Liam’s older/younger brother. Since Liam is Shay’s childhood friend, we can combine the two and make Desmond’s Shay’s childhood friend who is also Liam’s sibling.
Now, according to AC wiki, Liam was Achilles’ first acolyte and it was Liam who also recruited the rest of the Colonial Assassins. He’s pretty much Achilles’ second in command and maybe even being groomed as the next mentor.
In this scenario, Desmond and Liam would both be inducted into the Brotherhood together (whether we keep the whole “Liam’s father got executed to save his son” part of his backstory is up to you, nonny) with Desmond being more of Liam’s shadow. Many will see him as the little bird who whispers in Liam’s ear. Everyone in the Brotherhood knows that if you want Liam on your side, you get Desmond on your side.
We’ll get to Shay later as we need to talk about how Desmond’s inclusion would affect the Colonial Brotherhood as a whole.
Achilles Davenport
Desmond would still remember how Ratonhnhaké:ton thought of him as a father-figure. He also remembers how Achilles sometimes treated Ratonhnhaké:ton like a stubborn child so he has mixed feelings for Achilles. What he does remember is that Achilles’ family would die. Here’s where we get a bit creative with this. Desmond doesn’t have actual medical know-how. What he did had was a Shaun who was more than happy to explain what killed Achilles’ family and how that could have been prevented, which literally boils down to “cleanliness”.
So, in this scenario, Desmond is kind of a clean freak. People assume it’s because he used to live in a dirty place and Liam never tried to correct them that Desmond had always been a clean freak since they were children. The homestead is always clean, especially the kitchen. Achilles learned to live with it because his son loves the ‘wash your hands’ song that Desmond taught him. In this case, Abigail and Connor live and that means that Achilles would be ‘milder’ than his canon characterization. (Maybe Abigail even treats all of Achilles' students like her children as well?)
Hope Jensen
The main difference for Hope in this scenario is how she controls her gangs. Desmond knows it would be impossible to stop crimes from happening but his words and his adherence to the Creed would resonate with Hope. Instead of having something akin to a Proto-Rooks, Hope would be in charge of something similar to how the media portrayed the golden age of the mafia. They’re criminals, yes, and they sell illegal shit but they’re organized and they have a code. They protect the people in their district and take care of crimes not their own. In exchange, the people (and maybe even the police) look the other way when they do illegal stuff. (Hope becomes a mix of Vito Corleone and Red Hood in this scenario… does this mean Desmond accidentally created the mafia in New York during the 18th century?)
Not much would change for Kesegowaase although he would consider Desmond as a close friend. They’re also hunting buddies and Kesegowaase would notice how many of Desmond’s movements are very similar to him or to other tribes that he knows of. Desmond would just wave it off as a coincidence or maybe even say “I had a great teacher”. Kesegowaase would seesaw between thinking Desmond had been trained by one of his people (or one of the other tribes) and thinking Desmond may have been blessed by one of their spirits.
Louis-Joseph Gaultier
Oooohhhh bbooyy. This one… okay. So… Gaultier will be the one that keeps butting heads with Desmond. A lot. Desmond would even argue against his inclusion as he sees Gaultier as violent and arrogant but Achilles will argue that his connection with the French army made him invaluable. Even his suggestion of just keeping Gaultier as an ‘ally’ would be denied because Achilles sees how loyal he is. “He is loyal to a master, not to the Creed!” will be Desmond’s main argument. So there are a lot of times that he and Gaultier would argue on what it means to be an Assassin and what the Creed means. Gaultier would emphasize on Desmond’s Irish immigrant heritage to belittle his knowledge about the Creed and Desmond will argue that blood doesn’t matter. On the flip side, Desmond’s constant arguments with Gaultier and critiquing of Gaultier’s actions make all the other Assassins have a better understanding of the Creed and what it means to be an Assassin.
Liam O'Brien
Honestly, I think Desmond should be his younger brother, mainly because that would make Desmond be of a similar age as Shay and because Liam just has big bro-vibes. Just imagine him being a protective older brother who likes to tease Desmond. In this scenario, Liam would feel responsible for Desmond’s safety (especially if we do decide that their father still dies for Liam’s mistakes) and he’s a bit overprotective at times which Desmond finds both tiring and also makes him feel warm inside. Liam would also be torn whenever Desmond and Achilles would butt heads. On one hand, Achilles is like a father to him, on the other hand, Liam also knows his brother long enough to understand that everything Desmond does is for what he believed is right. Achilles may have been the one to choose Liam to be an Assassin but Liam knows that it’s Desmond who embodies what being an Assassin is supposed to be.
And now, we get to Shay Cormac.
Shay met Liam first and Liam was the one to introduce Desmond to him. Desmond has no memories of Shay at all since, even before the memories of his Bleed took a hit, his memories of Haytham stopped before Haytham met Shay. Not only that but Achilles never told Ratonhnhaké:ton anything. All Desmond knew is that the Colonial Brotherhood will be destroyed by the Templars while Ratonhnhaké:ton was young. So he grew up treating Shay as a friend. They separated due to their family situations but Liam later reunites with Shay and invites him to the Brotherhood.
And this is where Shay gets hit.
Growing up, he saw Desmond more as Liam’s little brother. A small kid that Shay needs to keep an eye on because he can be a little strange and has a mischievous streak that no one would believe. Shay has lost count of how many times Desmond had made some asshole’s life hell without anyone realizing it was him.
So when he heard Desmond was one of the high-ranking members of the Brotherhood, he wasn’t surprised. Desmond had always been a sneaky little shit.
He saw Desmond as a young adult for the first time, maybe while he’s looking over reports Hope was showing him concerning the current situation in New York, and Shay just…
Desmond as a child was cute. Maybe a little too thin but that was unfortunately normal for them. He always wore Liam’s old clothes which were too big for him.
But Desmond in his Assassin robes? Wearing clothes that actually fit him? Having grown up into a fit young man?
Shay gets hit hard. And Desmond is simply too happy to see him again to see it.
But Hope notices it.
And Liam freaking notices it too.
And now Shay doesn’t have to just deal with his growing affection for an oblivious Desmond. He has to deal with Hope’s teasing and Liam’s seesawing erratically between teasing him and threatening to eviscerate him. Shay’s crush is going to be the worst kept secret in the homestead that even little Connor Davenport knows about it.
But Desmond doesn’t.
Because Desmond is too focused dealing with the whole Kenway drama at the moment.
Because no matter who Desmond gets reborn to… He will always prioritize the three men he cared for the most.
And, at this point, Haytham Kenway was already in America (but Desmond has no idea where) and there were even slow ongoing talks of an alliance with Ratonhnhaké:ton’s tribe that Desmond has taken charge of.
And this is where I go back to my try-and-tested idea of Desmond spending lots of time with baby!Ratonhnhaké:ton and being bff with Kaniehtí:io. (*whispers*Ratonhnhaké:ton and Connor Davenport being brothers *whispers*)
But let’s focus on the first part of Rogue for this one.
One way for Desmond to learn that Achilles is messing with Isu bs is thanks to Hope. Hope and Shay were the ones to be ordered to find and analyze the precursor box and either of them could tell Desmond about it but, at this point, Shay is still ‘new’ and may be trying to get some brownie points from Achilles. On the other hand, Hope has long been converted to Desmond’s side and would definitely tell Desmond about all of these because she’s heard of how dangerous these items are from Desmond himself.
Desmond would strongarm his way to being part of the mission and might even sneak into Morrigan as a stowaway and only show himself when they were nearing Lisbon. Thanks to Desmond’s ‘affinity’ with POEs, Lisbon will definitely not happen (hell, we can even use some of the plot points from A Pirate's Son for this part XD) and the second part of Rogue would be changed to Desmond and Shay trying to secure all the other POEs in the manuscript they have.
And… maybe they start getting close during their travels and something develops between them during that time… (nudgenudgenudge)
Sidenote: This is also a bit similar to the idea I was thinking of based on @twitcherpated’s suggestion in AO3 of Desmond being reborn as the actual Connor Davenport. The only difference is that Desmond would be a bit young in that one and won’t be able to stop Lisbon but, even if he’s young, he can still comfort Shay and stop him from doing anything drastic while still in shock.
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angelsdean · 10 months
reading the tags on that "do jared and jensen look passably like brothers" poll and so many ppl being like "yea i guess?? me and my siblings don't look anything alike" is just. appalling. what do you meaaaan you don't look anything like your (blood related) siblings ?? my sister and i are out here getting asked if we're twins (despite a nearly 8 yr age gap) and regularly clocked as sisters and y'all don't even look similar ?? also like so many ppl i know look so much like their siblings, parents, etc. this is mind-boggling to me
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sunglassesmish · 10 months
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um hello
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comicshaven · 7 months
Me and this guy were talking about The Boys and he goes "Dude...Jensen Ackles aged SO well. Like I'm not gay but woah..."
And he wasn't wrong!
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