#i tried listening to mcga
wolffoxnation2 · 3 months
I said i was gonna rant and by the gods im gonna rant
[This is not gonna make sense and more me shrieking at the gods cus Loki is my blorbo and i hate that Rick fucked up and made him abusive when the first book was litterally implying that he cares about his kids and making him sympathetic.]
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Love how i completely forgot Heimdall was there too between reading this in school and getting home lmao. My phone guy is just that forgettable.
They got roasted too hard so theyre gonna kill two innocent kids, mulitate their corpses and use those corpses to chain their father while dripping acid on him?
It was (slightly) more understandable when it was cus Baldur (even tho hes probably happier with Hel anyways) died.
Cus like an eye for an eye.... (even tho that was much more than an eye, more like two eyes, a heart and a leg.)
Actually no scratch that killing Baldur technically was an eye for an eye if you think about it.
(Odin took three of Loki's kids, Loki took his son, his daughter in law and then the same son again when he refused to cry to bring him back. Thats also three. Thats one of the reasons i excuse Baldur dying)
I know Magnus probably either didn't realise what was going on here or if he did it didnt register in his brain the whole story. Which, fair enough, directly after this he listens to Kvasir getting cut up by a chainsaw (good, its clear if it weren't for him Loki, Narvi, Vali and Sigyn would've been probably fine) and then watches Alex get thrown out by his.....sperm donor. So what happens to Loki is not at the top of his concerns rn but i really hope he confronts Frey about it later. Cus Magnus has been shown to emphasize with Loki on this. AND THOSE WERE FUCKING CHILDREN! AND THEY WERE KILLED BECAUSE THEY WERE LOKI'S CHILDREN!
Basically i want Magnus to yell at the gods the way Percy does. Because like Luke everything was probably WAS the gods fault.
And before you come at me with the whole 'prophecy has to happen' thing. Save your breath because most of you have no problem with blaming the gods when it came to luke in pjo and this is kinda similar.
Who was to say that Fenris, Hel and Jörmungandr would have caused ragnarok if the Aesir (mostly Odin) didnt take them from their home and seperate them?
Whos to say Loki would start Ragnarok if Odin didnt break their oath and take his children?
Or :
Let his mouth get sewn shut after he got everyone shit (Sif's new hair, Mjollnir, Draupnir, Gungnir, Skidbladnir and Gullinbursti) because suddenly oaths matter now, Odin.
Kill his innocent children (its not stated in myth or mcga how old Narvi and Vali were/are but the general consensus is that they were young), possibly made him watch said children get murdered (Sword of summer its stated by Loki that the gods watched in amusement as Vali disemboweled Narvi but that could be hyperbole) and had a snake drip acid onto his face.
If there was any good in Loki at any point (which there might be. He actually seems pretty chill in sword of summer) then its been snuffed out now.
Thanks Odin.
You signed your death warrant.
Whats that saying again?
He who tries to prevent fate is doomed to cause it?
Or something like that i cant remember the phrase.
I have more to say yet i cant quite articulate it. So im gonna end it here.
Also i am really in the mood for writing a oneshot of the day they caught Loki in Loki's—or maybe Sigyn's? Pov.
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 2 years
Oh My Gosh the People don't know how depressed I was during the highlight of my mcga hyperfixation
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onyxylophone · 2 years
late night fic posting for @bakedbananners mcga/steven universe gem AU! this one is based off gem heist and the arc about pink diamond's zoo
"I Don't Think This Zoo is AZA-Certified"
"The human zoo…I can't believe it still exists."
"Amir's gotta be in there. We just have to find him, and bust him out."
"This. Is. Humiliating." Speridot gritted his teeth as he listened to the sound of his own footsteps falling on the polished marble floor.
Lionskin Jasper shot him a look over one shoulder: Are you out of your mind? Stop talking! She tugged sharply on the wire she was holding, making Speri lurch forward, skipping a step as the restraint around his wrists tightened briefly.
Citrine, who was currently walking behind Speridot, leaned over the latter's shoulder to whisper to him, "Stay cool, dude. We just have to keep playing our parts until we find out where they've got Amir."
Speridot glared hard enough at him that Labradorite winced, too. "I think I have every right to complain!" He shot back, "I don't see you offering yourself as the prisoner!" He held up his bound wrists, "Not to mention this is my fucking weapon!"
Citrine shrugged, "You do make a pretty convincing prisoner," He purposefully raised his voice to an obnoxious level, adding just a little too much dramatic emotion, "THOUGHT YOU COULD GET AWAY WITH IT, DIDN'T YOU, ROGUE SCUM?"
He saw Lionskin's shoulders stiffen, which was a little rude, considering he was pretty sure he was doing a great impression of their first time meeting each other.
Speridot rolled his eyes, lulling his head backwards as he dryly repeated his lines, "Oh, no! You got me!" He hissed as Lionskin tugged on the garrotte again and Citrine kicked the back of his ankle, "I mean! DIE, YOU HOMEWORLD-LOVING SONS-OF-BITCHES. IF I HAD MY HANDS, I'D SHATTER YOU BOTH!"
This plan was never going to fucking work. The three Crystal Gems followed the agate giving them a tour of the facility in relative silence after that, all of them taking care to memorize which door led to the exact place they needed to go.
"Um, miss?" Lionskin Jasper spoke up as they moved further down the hall, "You said the human containment was back that way-"
"Yes, yes! The amethysts will fetch the, ah…sickly human for you. We really only open that door for emergencies. The humans here can be a little…touchy," The agate explained, "Besides! I thought perhaps Yellow Diamond would appreciate an in-person update on his project! So thoughtful of you to bring him along, Lionskin Jasper. And I'm sure his excellency will know what to do with…that."
Lionskin Jasper froze, causing Speridot to run into her, and then Citrine to crash into him. "Yellow Diamond is…here?"
It was like the whole galaxy suddenly stopped revolving all at once.
That lousy, no-good, incredibly handsome heartbreaker! I'll tell him a thing or two! Citrine, lemme out-!
Citrine clenched his hands, feeling White Labradorite's anger and sadness and rejection. He tried to be comforting, but he didn't really know what to say. What kind of a falling out does a guy have to have to break-up with his sword? Not to mention the whole…bonding-him-to-Citrine-for-life deal. That was pretty fucked up, too.
"Well, yes! You almost missed him, too. Wouldn't that have been unfortunate?"
"...Yes," Lionskin Jasper said, her voice shaking, "Very unfortunate."
They finally stopped at a massive set of double doors located at the end of the hallway. The agate began using the scanner system. Citrine looked over, meeting Speridot's eyes. He looked terrified.
When they walked in, all three gems kept their eyes on the ground. It was taking every ounce of self control that Citrine had to stop White Labradorite from pushing him back into their shared subconscious. He was so busy focusing that he didn't notice something was wrong until he nearly collided with Speridot for the second time.
Speri leaned backwards, barely breathing as he whispered, "Citrine…who is that-?"
Citrine's head shot up. A gem he'd never seen before was sitting on a pile of oversized cushions in the center of the enormous room. She was tall enough that it was hard for Citrine's brain to process that she was actually alive, and not a glittering statue. Her color was a rich champagne. Her cut was flawless. Her gem was laid in the dip of her throat like a jeweled necklace.
That's not Yellow Diamond! That's-
"What is the meaning of this?"
Her voice shook the floor under their feet. Citrine watched Speridot shuffle slightly, trying to brace himself in an effort to not fall over.
"Your…your radiance," Lionskin Jasper stumbled over her words. She scrambled to form the Diamond symbol with her arms, which quickly prompted Citrine to do the same. "My apologies. I was told Yellow Diamond was here."
The unfamiliar Diamond ran her fingers through her own hair repeatedly, "And what business does a jasper have with Yellow Diamond?"
"A progress report, your grace. I've brought with me his repaired Citrine," She motioned Citrine to step forward and show his unusual gem, "And a rogue from the Earth colony. For reassignment."
Lionskin whispered an apology before tugging on Speridot's garrotte, yanking him into view. He froze up instantly. His bound fists began to tremble. Citrine reached out, subtly placing his hand against his friend's back. He watched some of the tension leave Speri's shoulders.
"Ah," the Diamond said, "A Watermelon Tourmaline. Unfuse at once, both of you. Looking at you is making me nauseous."
Shit, Citrine thought. He pressed his fingertips into Speridot's back, silently begging: Please don't. Not again.
"I'm not a fusion," Speridot spat, "I'm a Speridot."
The Diamond lady laughed, gracefully covering her mouth with the back of her hand, "It calls itself a Speridot? There's no such thing!"
"Call me it one more time!" Speridot snarled, lunging forward only for Citrine to grab the length of his garrotte with two hands and hold him back, "Just try!"
Lionskin stepped in front, partially obstructing Speridot from view, "My Diamond, I also bring bad news regarding the human zoo."
The Diamond sat up straighter, slowly lowering her fingers from where she'd been plaiting a braid into her hair, "What kind of bad news?"
Lionskin Jasper took a deep breath, "Earlier today, a human was taken from the Earth colony for zoo placement. According to my knowledge of Earth's creatures, this human has a very…infectious disease. If he stays with the humans in the zoo, he could potentially spread the illness to all specimens."
"Oh!" The Diamond clasped her hands together, "I brought that human here myself, earlier this sun cycle. As a gift for Yellow Diamond. He was so nice, I never would have expected him to be diseased. I will arrange for the amethyst guards to dispose of him at once."
"No!" All three Crystal Gems shouted at once. Their faces were matching expressions of horror.
Lionskin Jasper recovered first, flashing the symbol a second time, "Forgive me, your radiance. Allow me to propose a solution: I have orders to deliver this rogue to Homeworld. I can simply take the human with me, and dispose of him personally during the trip. It would save you the trouble, My Diamond."
The Diamond nodded slowly, "Very well. You and the Citrine may go collect this sick human. The rogue will wait here with me."
Speridot's garrotte dematerialized. Citrine's fingers subconsciously dug into the fabric covering his friend's back. Lionskin Jasper looked back at Speri, the hesitation clear on her face.
Speridot, however, was obviously trying his best to stay calm. He took in a deep breath and held it. The shaking stopped. His eyes burned with quiet fury as he let his arms smoothly form the symbol of the Diamond Authority. It looked natural. It made Citrine feel sick.
"...Yes, My Diamond."
Half an hour later, Lionskin Jasper was hurrying down the same hallway as before. She glanced back over her shoulder. Citrine was jogging about two feet behind her. He was holding Amir's hand, pulling him along. Citrine's body was still faintly glowing.
Apparently getting grabbed by a giant gem woman and thrown inside a human zoo in outer space had a tendency to cause your brain to start breaking. At least Citrine found out his healing abilities worked on gems and humans.
"Citrine!" Lionskin called to her teammate, "I'll take Amir back to the ship. You get Speridot!"
After handing over their rescued friend, Citrine found himself staring up at the oversized double doors. He dreaded what might be waiting on the other side. He could imagine dozens of things that Speridot could say or do within thirty minutes that would end in the mixed gem getting shattered by an angry Diamond.
"-Look, babe, I don't care how perfect his cut is. Don't let him fracture your facets. You're a Diamond for gem's sake, not some flashy Beryl-"
Citrine opened one of the doors and slipped inside, watching the sight in front of him with confusion. Speridot was lying on his back, lounging in the outstretched palm of one of the Diamond's hands with his head tipped backwards as he talked to her. He sat up when he noticed who came in the room.
"Heya, Citrine!" Speridot said with a grin, "Guess who just got us a free ride home?"
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mismashedsocks · 4 years
 so riordan made a half assed lame excuse on his lazy/racist writing on piper yesterday and on top of that he made another one on samirah and i’m muslim so i am going to talk about it
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damn i’m so sorry these people have been pushing you past your comfort zone about your wildly popular racist caricatures of minorities that have great impact on your young, impressionable target audience. while its fine that if he takes a break for his mental health he still needs to deal with these problems you can’t just take a break and hope they go away.
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why does he think everyone is bullying him. if they talked in all caps, cussed at you, or didn’t stop bothering you, i’m sorry they’re just trying to get you to realize how racist your books are, which you keep refusing to believe. i can believe that a few of them were doing it for attention, but it couldn’t be the majority. and my god, god forbid people want you to write your books the way you preferred, without racist stereotypes. 🙈
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you can set your boundaries but you keep ignoring the people, you don’t listen. like you put yourself out there as a writer you are open to criticism
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why does he keep doing this to seem like the good guy. you give excuses and don’t do anything and just say that its up to you, you can think whatever you want 🥰🥰. like its such an obvious excuse not to take any action.
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i’m sorry but no matter how many muslims you’ve interacted with you haven’t gotten the full experience and last time i checked teachers aren’t the kids best friends soo uhm. anyways the rest of it is just him telling his experience with muslimah students so its just there.
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so uhm you just said your students ‘unwillingly’ become an ambassador to everyone she knew’. and then you went to talk to them about islam to make sure you were TEACHING THEM YOUR SOURCE MATERIAL CORRECTLY. i’m sorry imagine. these are kids not some scholars you go to consult. there are so many muslims all over the internet and youtube sharing their experiences for you to access on how to ‘represent their experience’ correctly. you’re the teacher here. picture this:as a muslilm, i teach at a public school and while teaching about Christianity in class, no i would double check or some dumb shit with the students. like educate yourself i’m sorry. anyways apparently he blames his mistakes on himself then goes on to deny he ever made any mistakes i can’t.
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so this is a blatant lie. 99% of muslims i’ve met have never read all of sahih bukhari and sahih muslim. usually only scholars do that when they are studying islam for YEARS. and FIVE different interpretations of the quran on top of that. ok so sahih bukhari is 9 books that are over 300 pages each and sahih musilm is 7 volumes with also about 300+ pages each. and then the english versions of the quran are 600 pages. and he claims he read five of them. i’m so sorry but no he didn’t. he writes books so fast and he released mcga around the time toa was being released almost one book per year so he did not have a lot of spare time. the rest ig i can let slide. also and if he did do all of that why does he make so many mistakes in writing samirah. and even IF you accept his excuses reading ALL of this source material is great for teaching your class or whatever but not for writing a modern day muslim. you don’t need to lie to us rick ❤️
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most of this is just describing what she’s like but his writing did also add in the model minority, smart kid trope. like no they don’t have to be a terrorist or a A+ student who is the best at everything. there is a middle ground to their personality. 
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i actually used to love his rep in sam. that’s how i got into the series. i saw a hijabi girl on his website. i got excited and read all of his books. i loved piper, leo, hazel, percy, annabeth, sadie, carter, nico, everyone. now that i look back i was younger and didn’t see anything wrong with it back then. its great that he tried to portray minorities but he did it so badly and now is just denying the faults that his now older readers are trying to tell him.
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hey, uhm didn’t you read all of sahih bukhari and muslim? hmm i didn’t think so. anyways the way he dealt with it honestly wasn’t that bad. but the whole ‘whoops’. like why does he keep portraying himself as the innocent old white man just trying his best.
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honestly how he wrote samirah as a hijabi was the dumbest thing i’ve ever read. its is totally fine if she wasn’t hijabi, many muslim girls aren’t, and that is their choice. but he decided to make her like a weird middle ground. it was so lazy and inconsistent. in the first book she says she wears it when she needs to, like in situations like going to the masjid. this was fine, since many muslim girls do that. then in the next books she wears it all the time except when she’s in valhalla for some reason. hijabi girls take of their scarves when they’re at home or with family, but making her claim the entirety of vallhalla as her family. that was just demeaning and stupid to me. it takes away its value. and i fucking hated that last sentence. for hijabis, their hijab is important and not a toy or weapon or a MAGIC ITEM. and then on top of that she would have to take it of to hide. he could’ve made it anything else. her hijab isn’t some token item istg.
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i love how he admits that they are a big problem and abusive and usually engage with child marriages. i’m relatively he doesn’t understand what the people even meant by it. the practice is a problem that isn’t supposed to be seen in a nice light. the only possible way it could be slightly ok is that if ADULTS agree they 100% do not want to choose who they want to get married to and let their parents choose, and both sides agree. samirah was a child and he decided to make her wedding life decided since the age of 12. and it was ok because amir was conventionally attractive and she loved him. WHAT IF SHE DIDNT. this literally is a dangerous arranged marriage. and arranged marriages are not ok, and mostly perpetuated by victims of it who will end up passing it down their family lines. my parents got an arranged marriage and I HAVE NEVER SEEN THEM DISPLAY ANY SIGNS OF AFFECTION. arranged marriages are not a trope that your can turn around to be a quirky personality trait for your characters.
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i’m sorry that’s not how arranged marriages work. most likely if she said something her grandparents would have shut her done and continued with the marriage, as that is what you usually happens. do not portray the small amount of consented, ‘happy’ arranged marriages as the majority. it is a huge problem that many desi/middle eastern cultures are trying to erase. even on top of that he writes situations where she’s going to be in trouble for acting up and ‘jeopardizing the marriage agreement’ and that her grandparents think she’s ‘lucky that she could get the fadlan family to agree to marry their son to her’. these statements are often used in forced and dangerous marriages, so don’t try and justify your actions. if you wanted to show traditional customs in a positive light, there are so many richer parts of samirah’s culture you could’ve focused on and you chose arranged marriage. 😻 all you’ve done is given parents and authority figures a westernized resource to justify arranged and forced marriages, especially with the minimal explanation on how the marriage isn’t forced in the actual books. and yes, your books do condone child marriage samirah is clearly deemed into this marriage ever since the young age of 12. she lived her life knowing she would marry amir. no one has only one crush throughout their life. imagine how she would’ve grown up. sorry you only consider opinions that align with those in you mind.
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i’m going to be honest i did like that one scene it was written nicely and accurately but the explanation he gives just ruins the entire thing. the way he just if this strikes you as islamophobic, or samirah as a hurtful, uhm no explanation i just disagree 😽. the way you wrote her is a hurtful stereotype sorry you can’t see it.
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oops, you did. too bad you don’t want to do anything about it.
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why do you think people are painting you in a negative light, so many of your characters are written on hurtful and negative stereotypes. people aren’t painting it that way, you need to calm down w your ego and listen. dang i’m sorry your best is giving half-assed excuses and not actually doing anything. i’m even more sorry people are mad that a highly privileged author that has a lot of influence is done talking about his racist depictions of minorities in his books. 
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dang must be lucky to take a break from the social media, imagine what all the minorities you wrote about have to go with everyday weather they are on social media or not. people aren’t bullying you this is valid criticism you refuse to listen to.
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fuck you
obviously these are my opinions do not judge every muslim based on what i’ve said come to me if you have a problem with it
anyways support jewish, muslim, black, brown, asian, hispanic, indigenous, lgbtq+, disabled, and other minority authors and creators.
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What's your most feelsy norse myth or mcga headcanon?
Oof my headcanons are so disorganized in my brain I don’t know about the most feelsy one,, Maybe,, this
Once the prophecy of Ragnarok came to light in Asgard, everyone had their own ways of dealing with it. As we know, Odin tried to prevent it at all costs, sealing Loki’s children away.
Loki, in turn, eventually decided it was best to get the whole thing over as soon as possible. If he was meant to lead the army of Naglfar into Ragnarok, then so be it. He would have a pleasant afterlife in Hel's realm; it was much better managed than Asgard currently.
The jotunn was surprised when, in the midst of all the chaotic attempts to prevent Ragnarök, his blind nephew Hodr came to him, of all people, for help.
"They don't trust me, either." Hodr sighed. "They say I’ll betray them, that I’ll-” His voice broke. How could he? Why would they even think that? “...That I’ll kill my brother."
This took Loki by surprise. 'Him?' He thought. 'Odin has definitely gone mad. This is his son!'
But Hodr had always been the black sheep. The darkness to Baldr's light, ever in his brother's shadow. Those two were not so different from himself and Odin, Loki realized.
"Of course." Loki said, a smirk forming in his face. "They think you're jealous of him. Baldr the beautiful, bringer of light! How could he be compared to his blind, grim brother?"
Hodr looked bewildered. He loved his brother, and his brother loved him. Maybe he didn't feel very loved by the other gods, but…
Loki smiled pitifully at Hodr. "You know what's happening to you?" He knew it was the same thing that used to happen to him, before he realised how wrathful and helpless and overall bad the gods really made him feel. "You never listen to your own emotions. You've never been told they matter, anyway. So tell me, Hodr. How do you feel?"
Hodr looked at Loki like he'd seen a ghost. He was right, no-one had ever asked him that question. And now that the jotunn had, he realized it was much more difficult to answer than he'd hoped for.
"I feel…" he sighed. "Helpless. Like… Like I can't do anything about any of this."
Loki's smile seemed to light up with an idea. "Ah, but you can!"
Hodr looked up hopefully at the jotunn. "Can I? How?"
"Well," The trickster's expression became thoughtful. "It may not make the threat of Ragnarok dissapear, but it will get everything over with sooner. You see, since they're holding us both guilty already, how about we just do what they expect of us?"
"What they expect of us?" Hodr repeated, dumbfounded. "You're saying we should kill Baldr? Just like that?"
"Listen," Loki adopted an empathetic tone of voice. "I know how hard this must be for you. But I know your father. Odin is so set in his ways that sometimes it's best to follow his plans to the letter. And," he remarked this last point with a wink. "since I'm the catalyst, the power to decide when Ragnarok happens is mine. I'll figure out a way towards freedom, and get everything back to normal as soon as I can."
And for the first time since the prophecy was announced, Hodr smiled. A weak, weary smile; but a feat coming from him in these times.
"Thank you" The blind god whispered, wondering how Loki could maintain such a bright smile in the midst of all that.
As they had arranged, Hodr and Loki searched for the way to get their unfortunate job done. After a few eavesdropped conversations, they found the key to fulfilling their plan: Mistletoe.
Loki set off to work immediately, crafting an arrow out of the innofensive little plant.
One fine day, as all gods gathered around Baldr, striking him with weapons he was immune to; Loki approached Hodr with his special arrow and words of reassurance.
"Remember" the jotunn whispered, for Hodr and no-one else to hear. "It's this, and mere waiting. After it, comes peace."
Hodr nodded through pursed lips and pain, and took the arrow with shaking fingers. Though the blind god did not see it strike, he heard his brother fall, and every other God scream. And he felt Loki leading him out of the scene."
Loki's name was whispered all around, its owner missing and responsible for the atrocity of Baldr's death.
"Ran away, like the coward he always was", echoed the streets of Asgard.
Hodr hoped, for all he could do was hope, that this too would pass. Or that, as Loki had assured him, it would end peacefully.
But Loki was found and punished. All too harshly, thought Hodr, horrified as he found out just what sentence the trickster had to serve: Bound with his own son's entrails, tears and splashes of venom in his face, his facade of happiness in the face of adversity ripped clean off with grief. Kind Sigyn, shielding him from the snake's venom, his only salvation.
And they all only hoped there would be peace someday.
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alright so i just made a new main again
im not gonna interact with the pjo fandom anymore, or at least i’ll just minimize my interactions with it. it’s too depressing, tiring, and stressful. even if i wasn’t one of the people attacked and sent threats over the past few weeks, i just don’t want to interact with a fandom that’s so... horrible in general.
sending minors various death threats simply because they expressed a different opinion than you is wrong on so many fucking levels. maybe actually listen to people criticizing your “uncle rick” instead of defending him and making excuses every single time he fucks up. he isn’t your actual fucking uncle. jesus christ.
to be honest, i’ve been pretty tired of the pjo/hoo for years now. blood of olympus is fucking terrible, and no offence to any mcga fans here but i honestly found sword of summer just a rehash of lightning thief. richard’s writing grew worse and worse over time, and i just got really sick of it. i don’t want to see him ruin a book series i love (pjo) further by releasing horrible fanfiction about his characters (hoo and others) where he just tries to fix his mistakes from his previous books (toa). i’ve felt disappointed and depressed for years now but i stayed in the fandom anyway because i really enjoyed drawing the characters and coming up with designs for them, and i still do! it’s just very hard to stay in a pretty horrible fandom.
it also doesn’t help that i’ve been pretty depressed the past few months. i haven’t taken my anti-depressants in a long time. my psychiatrist is in a city 1 hour away from here and i just can’t risk to travel every now and then because of the virus. it also doesnt fucking help that the state of my country is outright shit now, and we are basically living under a soft dictatorship rn with absolutely no hope of returning back to democracy. add that to the fact that winnie the pooh is basically taking away our islands and assets one by one. now i am feeling worse than ever. 
i try to get over my depression through playing video games (specifically skyrim) for hours straight, and to be perfectly honest with you, they do help a lot. i really enjoy playing skyrim. it’s a very fun, addicting game, and i guess i’m just very immersed in the world at this point. haha. these days it seems the only way for me to feel slightly better is to play it for an entire day, sleep, eat, repeat. so yeah if you don’t see me online i’m likely just playing skyrim lol
every now and then you may see my art blog locked. yeah i do that a lot to prevent myself from checking its notifications, and then comparing myself to other artists and then getting depressed again because i get fewer notes/likes than them. but i may try to prevent myself from doing that now since there may be people checking it.
oh yeah, i do delete my accounts when i become too depressed. that is a thing i do. it helps me feel better. i’ll try not to do that anymore though.
that might be all for now. thanks for reading
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expandoducks · 7 years
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@the-smartest-oen123 A+ OTP! 100/10 would recommend! I really love them!!
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magnusglows · 6 years
-@ashadowcalledkei did this - gonna do it too!
Name: Anna Nicknames: Mags, Banana...I’m sure there are others but I’m blanking?? Gender: who the hell knows today Star sign: Pisces Sun, Gemini Rising, Aquarius Moon Height: 5'7″ Time: EST Birthday: March 18th Song stuck in my head: Nicki Minaj - Super Bass Last movie I watched: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation When did I create my blog: ....Don’t remember? It’s been a couple of years? I didn’t get active until about a year ago Last thing I googled: JFK conspiracy theories Do I have any other blogs: Yes: @wronglychosen, a side blog I made just for MCGA. I sort of gave up on it and use just my main blog. Have considered starting it up again though. Do I get asks: Occasionally! And it’s always a ton of fun! Why I chose my url: Named after Magnus Chase’s tendency to glow when he uses his powers Following: 277 Followers: 455 - I just blocked a bunch of p0rn blogs thanks to this ask! Average hours of sleep: What I’d like to get? A solid 8. What I get? A solid 5. The kitten wakes me up. Lucky number: 3 and 9.  They’re definitely my favorites. Although, for years, I used to always catch the clock right at my birthday, 3:18. And so I also like 18. Instruments: I can play both piano & flute, but am sorely out of practice with both. I don’t even know if I’d embarrass myself at this point if I tried to play... What am I wearing: Black tights, an asymmetrical tiered skirt, white t-shirt with golden roses printed on it, and a black sweater with gold stars. Dream job:  ...Tea shop owner.  Dream trip: I want to go to Austria, Germany & Norway. Because those are the places Keith & I are from (his family is German/Norwegian and my biological family is Austrian/German). Favourite foods: Lemon Meringue Pie (which I can’t eat anymore, can’t have sugar), Creme Brulee (again...can’t have any more), green curry, sweet potatoes, & ōtoro sushi (fatty tuna) Nationality: American Favourite song right now:  Eh...Don’t really have one in particular. I have been listening to Odesza - Push Pull an awful lot lately though. So probably that one?
Tagging: Whoever wants to! No pressure. C:
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im-a-ramblr · 7 years
MCGA Robin Hood Au Headcanons
King Frey and Queen Natalie, go to visit Duchess Freya
They were attacked by wolves, and were killed. 
The queens body was found, but not the kings.
The only survivor, a servant named Surt.
He claimed the king made him heir before the wolves killed him.
No one believes him, but Prince Magnus is only 14, and heartbroken over the death of his parents, so no one wants to force him on to thorn
Surt tries to kill Magnus several times, before Magnus steals Surt’s sword (which use to be King Frey’s) and runs away.
He lives in the forest and makes it his goal to bring down Surt.
At first he tried to use his dad’s magic sword, but Jack manages to convince him that until he’s older he won’t be able to. HE also tells him that his father might still be alive
Magnus decides to listen to Jack, which is something he rarely does, he mainly did it because the idea of overthrowing Surt was scary and he hates fighting.
He settles on stealing form Surt and his snotty new court.
His cousin Blitzen shows up, because Freya wanted to know how Magnus was doing.
Blitzen is  riding through the forest when he gets jumped.
It’s Magnus, and Blitzen is confused
Magnus explains everything, and Blitzen decides to stay with him.
Hearthstone joins a little while later.
He ran away from home, because his parent = abusive gits
TJ, and his mother, are runaway slaves, who had recently been bought by Surt. (Magnus gets MAD because his parents HATED slavery.)
Halfborn is a solider, who couldn’t stand what Surt was doing, so deserted.
Mallory left simply because she hated what Surt was doing.
With help from their honorary members, Sam and Alex, they sabotage and steal form Surt and his court.
Sam and Alex or the children of Lord/Tax collector/Sheriff Loki
They both hate him, and act as spies (and sometimes diversion) for Magnus and his crew.
Amir is a baker who’s in love with Sam. He sneaks food to Magnus and co.
On the day before Magnus’s 16th birthday Magnus, his merry men, Sam, Alex and Amir storm the castle.
They almost Win, but Loki and Surt mange to call of back up, and the rebels are over powered.
Magnus is stabbed, and knocked out when Frey and Freya appear with Freya’s army
They beat Surt and Loki, and Magnus and his friends are given medical.
Magnus wakes up, on his sixteenth birthday with his friends staying on the left side of his bed, and on the right, his Father.
They share a tearful reunion.
 I also kind of want add Gerd into somehow, but I’m not sure how.
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Pick 10 ships without looking at the questions before
1- Solangelo (Will Solace x Nico di Angelo, HoO
2- Theychel ( Thalia Grace x Reyna Ramírez-Arellano x Rachel Dare, HoO)
3- Fierrochase ( Alex Fierro x Magnus Chase, MCGA )
4- Harlivy ( Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy, DC )
5- Victuuri ( Victor Nikiforov x Yuuri Katsuki, YoI )
6- Bubbleline ( Princess Bubblegum x Marceline, Adventure Time )
7- Percabeth ( Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase, HoO/PJO )
8- Hamliza ( Alexander Hamilton x Eliza Schuyler, Hamilton )
9- Destiel ( Castiel x Dean Winchester, Supernatural )
10- Lams ( Alexander Hamilton x John Laurens, Hamilton )
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6? Well fanart was mainly what started the ship, and then I watched the episode ‘What was Missing’ and AWE.
2. Have you ever read a FanFiction about 2?
Nah, cause no one ever writes it.
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr avatar? Nope, not really. I should though !
4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? FFS I’D DIE PERCABETH CANNOT END.
5. Why is 1 so important? Well it’s canon for starters, representation always matters, AND GODS HAVE YOU SEEN HOW CUTE IT IS? Nico probably really needs at least one pure source of happiness, and that’s Will for him. Also, it’s just so cute? The whole light/dark thing and they just balance each other out so well, it’s amazing.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship? I don’t know too much about this ship, but I do love it nonetheless from clips I’ve seen. I’d say it’s a bit of both, given that Dean and Cas bond so well, but then again the humor that passes between the two isn’t necessarily ‘serious.’
7. Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry? Uhhhhhh Percabeth? Or maybe Victuuri. Bubbleline? I can’t decide sorry, they’re all just so great.
8. Out of all of the ships, which ship has the strongest bond? Percabeth probably, they spent a lot of their childhood+teenage years together.
9. How many times have you read/watched 10’s fandom? I’ve listened to the Hamilton soundtrack for a solid month or so and I’ve read so damn much of the fics, but Lams in specific, not too much.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest? I’ve probably shipped either Harlivy or Percabeth the longest, but this is mainly cause of the fact of when I originally found the ships.
11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up? Well Bubbleline isn’t canon canon yet, (many hints have been dropped though) but I’m pretty sure it’s canon that they’ve dated once in the past. So once, I think?
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8? Theychel for sure, I mean, Hamilton and Eliza haven’t really got too much fighting skills.
13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? I don’t think they have? (BUT IT TOOK A DAMN LONG TIME FOR THEM TO GET TOGETHER.)
14. Is 4 still together? Yep!
15. Is 10 canon? Nope, but I prefer Hamliza tbh. 
16. If all ten ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win? Oh jeez, this one’s tough. I’m seriously indecisive too, so that doesn’t help. They’re all pretty good survivors except maybe Hamliza, Lams and Victuuri.
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship? Probably not? I mean, Victuuri’s been pretty smooth sailing so far.
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond? JEEZ, UM. I’D PICK ALL BUT MAYBE DESTIEL, FIERROCHASE, HAMLIZA AND LAMS SLIGHTLY LESS. Only cause I don’t know them as much though!
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page? I don’t know this ship that much, so probably not.
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all up forever, which ship would you sink? Aajdlkjfaklopwc probably Destiel? I do ship it, but probably not to the level of the rest. Also Lams maybe? I ship it a whole load historically, but not in the musical really.
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 3 years
Ranking the MCGA Audiobook Readers
For those of you who don’t know, there are 3 different people who narrate the MCGA audibooks, one for each book. I have no idea why. As far as I can tell, changing a reader is par for the course once, but three times in a trilogy is... kinda funny, actually. Anyway
Third Place: Christopher Guetig.
This one’s personal. I just really don’t like Guetig’s voice. Sorry, man. That’s my main gripe, and it’s not even a good one. Also, the way he reads the lines is a gross reminder that these books were written in 2015. I can’t put my finger on explaining it, but the joke delivery sends me straight back to the humor of the 2010s. Didn’t age well. Don’t like his voice. Plus side? He does accents and voices consistently and pretty well! He tried his best.
Second Place: Keiran Culkin
Points for the alliterative name. I do like his voice a lot better than Guetig’s, and I think it probably sells the idea of a simotaneously mature and childish kid of 16 years best of all three. He loses points for being weird about different character’s voices. Some characters who were clearly written with accents in mind (i.e. Mallory Keen and a couple others) won’t have them. And then for some characters, the voice will change a couple of times. I think I noticed that with Alex and Blitz the most; Blitz gets what I presume is a South Boston accent part of the way through if I’m not wrong. The worst case of this was Utgard-Loki in his voice fluctuating disguise. Culkin would switch how he performs Utgard-Loki’s lines mid-sentences. Still, all-around a good performance. 
First Place: Michael Crouch
I like his voice a lot! Doesn’t sound like every teenage guy I know, but I know some with a register even lower, so we’ll let it slide. He does accents pretty consistently for different characters, and they’re all pretty distinguishable (with the exception of Blitz, who he does not give an accent at all. I could still always tell who was talking, though, so A+). Also, this was the first audiobook of the trilogy I listened to on my re-read, and I was so nervous that he was going to pull some semi-transphobic bs in how he voiced Alex. But Crouch made Alex sound exactly how I always imagined him in the pace and flow of his words, if not really the voice. Loki was also pretty fun to listen to speak. Additionally, his joke-delivery is the most deadpan, which is more my style of humor. Generally a good time!! Probably part of the reason SotD is my favorite.
General notes:
Every narrator voiced Samirah pretty much the same way? It was, like, the only constant they had throughout the books.
They all pretty much just do Magnus’s internal voice for Hearth, too, in case you were wondering.
I really want to know why they switched twice. At first I assumed Geutig didn’t want to voice a queer protagonist, but that wouldn’t explain why Culkin didn’t carry over, either. 
There are so many soundbites I want to make into Tik Toks
A lot of these little things I probably wouldn’t have noticed had I not listened to each audiobook more than twice. Oops.
Coincidentally, my favorite narrators correspond to the order of the books they narrate. Geutig voices SoS, Culkin voices HoT, and Crouch voices SotD
I don’t mean any disrespect to any of these people! I don’t know anything about them! Please know I’m not trying to be mean but instead I’m just sharing my thoughts
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drakonfire12 · 7 years
MCGA and PJO crossover
That Awkward Moment When a Valkyrie Chose a Greek Demigod
     I didn't think I would end up in Valhalla (then again who does?). It was a simple mix-up. Wrong place, wrong afterlife. Anyone could have made that mistake. I would be surprised if I was the first.
     I was eating with my new flatmates when a letter was delivered to the thanes table. As soon as the thanes read the letter, one motioned for a Valkyrie. She nodded and walked towards me with a confused expression.
     "Your number's not up," she said, "back to the living you go." I look back at my flatmates as I start to follow the Valkyrie. What a curious bunch they are, from what I hear the games are really deadly, just as I like them. It's a shame I have to leave so soon. Typically getting out of the Underworld is more difficult, usually it involves dodging a variety of monsters, probably bribing Hades or making a deal depending on his mood. Seeing as how I'm dead (or so they tell me) I would think the act of escaping would be that much harder.
     I didn't comment on this abrupt turn of events, trying to play it cool expecting her to elaborate but she did no such thing.
     As the awkward silence in the elevator ride lengthened I couldn't stand the silence much longer. "So, what? I just go, just like that?"
     "Seems so, wrong demigod. Sorry for the inconvenience, " she explained. For someone getting a glimpse at another world she is strangely uninterested or maybe those were just her orders. From what I know different Pantheons don't like to mix, I can imagine the chaos it would cause.
     Eventually after a small eternity she couldn't stop herself, "so you're what, a Greek demigod?" I try to remember her name, Adelinde, Ada-, oh forget it.
     "Ya, is that important? I didn't know the rulers of the underworld were so xenophobic."
     "They aren't." She stated, seemingly lost in though. "We accept regular mortals and demigods." After a moment, she asks about the Greek world.
     I tried playing it cool and ended up bragging about my knowledge of the other world (which was very little seeing as I was exactly the cabin councilor)."Well we are more organized then you guys but the Romans top everyone in that department. Typically, we meet up at Camp Half Blood-," she cut me off before I finished bragging.
     "Romans? The Roman pantheon exists too?"
     "Egyptians too. It's supposedly only a rumor thought but in Camp Half-Blood it's hard to keep a secret around the Hermes Cabin. We rigged the Big House to listen in on the War Council and general stuff that Chiron doesn't want us to know, like the encounter with the Egyptians."
     "So, you're a child of Hermes?"
     "Ya, did my acceptance of chaos give me away or the way I died?" I wasn't too happy about dying after buying (okay, stealing) some comic books (I didn't even read them yet!). Death by Empousa wasn't exactly as hot as death by vampire on TV. I also may have added to said chaos in Valhalla, but who's going to miss the cutlery? They seem to have plenty to spare. Plus, I still need proof of this weird encounter, my cabin is going to be so jealous!
     Before she could question me further, the doors opened and we finally made it to the first floor. The hotel manager greets us as we make our way to the doors, "Hello, I must apologize for this inconvenience in your afterlife. The Valkyrie responsible for your visit is currently facing the consequence of her actions. I have also been informed to ask you to return the kitchen cutlery that you currently carry, please and thank you." Well there goes my proof. I handed him back his precious cutlery. "All of it please," he looked expectantly, trying to be patient and cautious not knowing what to expect from me. He looked at me as if I was an alien. Told ya, xenophobes the bunch of them! Chill dude, I'm only a Greek demigod!
     I give him back the rest of my loot. He continues, "Now please follow me to the exit, from there I was told your ride will be waiting." Ride? What ride? Did Chiron ask for some of the other campers to pick me up or maybe sent a pegasi? I hate Pegasus travel, I always end up car sick.
     He instructs Adelita (finally remembered her name) to go back to serving food to the einherjar. As Adelita goes back to the elevator, Helgi guides (READ: pushes) me to the doors.
     He opens the door for me and recites, "Thank you for staying at Hotel Valhalla. Please never come again." Wow both polite and insulting, all at once. I wonder how long it took him to master that?
     Walking out of the building I notice my ride. Contrary to what I thought, my ride was the Gray Sisters' taxi, just great. I'll be needed a paper bag it seems. So much for coming back in style. The whole camp will get to see me throw up.
     As I get in the taxi the sisters they state that my ride is already paid for, courtesy of Chiron. I ask for a paper bag and each of them give me the look. Oh yes, the look of perpetual annoyance and frustration (I'm quiet used to it from everyone, comes with the parentage). I grab the paper bag as one of the sisters passes it (not sure which, I wasn't exactly paying attention to that lecture on the Gray Sisters). The two who aren't driving keep turning their heads, probably waiting to hear the retching noises which would indicate that their precious car will need a wash.
     As I look back on today, I wonder, what was it that I wanted to show off to the Hermes cabin? Something about the Empousa back at what-its-name. Right the comic store! Stole a few comic books, got attacked by Empousa, almost died, saved by demigod who made me return the comics and called Chiron resulting in my ride of shame (there is no way that the he didn't hear about the stolen comic books). The demigod who saved me made sure to give Chiron the details of my situation. What was the demigod's name again? There was also something about a girl wasn't there? My savior's daughter maybe? Gods, that concussion from getting thrown at the dumpster by the Empousa is catching up with me. I'm so going to need some aspirin once I get to camp.
     The speeding car stops abruptly dropping me off near the boundary to camp. I thanked the Gray sisters as I slip out of the taxi and start walking to camp. I'm not sure exactly what happened today but I know what I'm going to tell them. After all, an adventure is an adventure, might as well get some points towards bravery. Maybe if I tell the story just right I can get out of chores for a week.
     As I look back at the taxi racing away, for a second I think of a huge hotel with-. Just like that the image is gone. The more I concentrate the more the information slips my mind. Oh well, no point giving myself a bigger headache over it. I continue walking towards the Golden Fleece waving in the wind with Peleus crawling around the tree. The Athena Parthenos gleams in the sun, she seems to look at me as if she knows something I don't, but that could just be my imagination.
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