#i think the purple giraffe would sell better
otterloreart · 27 days
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My little pony: in space
a rough timeline of my design process
Note: the variations above are NOT meant to be final in any way. I'm calling them the farm / fantasy / africa sets for now. I was just iterating on zebras, donkeys and giraffes when I started and got carried away.
Thoughts on the giraffe: I'm not sure if I want to keep the neck as a separate cylinder, but I do like the idea of being able to spin that part separately so you could "stagger" the hairline better.
There's a version of the nose thats just a half circle and a version with nostrils and more detail.
The head and feet are actually from an older model, really early on in my takara drafts, that I repurposed for this!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Hey Quil! It's June and I just wanted to say, I love your bookshelf! I can't believe you made it yourself! Everything looks much more organized and accessible now (I hope it stays that way) and I love your stuffed animals, they look so cute! What are their names? And also, I've been wondering about your pets for a while, because again, they looked so cute and seem to have such interesting stories. If you're okay sharing, that is. You don't have to, if you don't want to
June! Thank you!! I am also very fond of this new bookshelf and it was definitely long overdue. I mean I was able to nearly completely fill two entire bookshelves with the contents I had shoved almost entirely onto one, so really I think it's just impressive how I was functioning with the one before. Basically the only shelf that wasn't double stacked was the keeper shelf because I reference those books so often.
I also can't believe I made it myself! I always knew that when I got a new bookshelf I'd want to make it myself so it could match the one I already have because I really like it. However like I mentioned, we bought that corner bookshelf from a closing bookstore that was selling everything they had, and they had it custom ordered from somewhere so there was no way to purchase one.
A few things are different, like you may notice the original bookshelf has holes along the planks and is secured with different hardward, while the new one has no holes and is secured with screws. The original has adjustable shelves but I haven't adjusted them in the like seven years i've had it so I didn't feel the need to add that to the new one.
It's so strange but nice to be able to see all my books at once. I haven't been able to do that for years! Like I can just look over and see oh yeah I have TSOA and the first and third book in the Black Witch Chronicles but am missing the second, like it's so nice to see the spines. I've been relying on a complete catalog I made of all the books I own (and their prices) in google sheets, but now I can have that and see everything! Hopefully the organization lasts, but we shall see! Regardless it's so much better now.
Not all of my stuffed animals on the shelves are named (I'd like to, I'm just particular about names and haven't gotten to every one yet), but I can tell you which ones are! Okay so on the top shelf of the corner one the little giraffe is named Moo (Moo was a gift from my partner) and the red panda is currently unnamed (and was a gift from my sister). On the flat shelf the purple unicorn at the very top is named Majestad (picked it as a prize from the library this summer because it's all wonky and misshapen and I love wonky), the four bunnies next to it are unnamed or their names have been forgotten, the alicorn on the shelf below that is named Glitter Butt, the elephant next to it wearing the Happy Shadow Thoughts shirt is named Ella (both were a gift from a friend who also loved kotlc), the skull and dragon below them are named Mold and Mildew respectfully, and that's about it! There's two other dragon figurines but they don't have names. Then I also have other stuffed animals that aren't all the shelves including but not limited to a sparkly red dragon named Mr. Snuggles (from the same friend who got me Glitter Butt and Ella) and a mini squishmallow named Dexter (named by the company and bought by me because of the name).
I have an M name theme going on with stuffed animals I name, but if someone else names them they're allowed to deviate from that :)
As for my pets, what would you like to know? I have no problems talking about them and shared all their names and when we got them in this post! You wondering about them is just a little vague so I'm not 100% sure how to answer it or with what. Nothing you've done, i just have trouble answering questions like that sometimes. So is there anything about my pets you're curious about in particular? If so I'd love to answer!
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enbde · 3 years
nct ot23 as types of mukbang content creators¿? i feel like taeil would be a giraffe eating jelly asmr,,, like he is the giraffe or some weird shit like that dont ask me why
I shall just do their specific YouTube content as I do not believe some of them have the stomach for mukbangs.
Taeil - Uploads once a year; somehow still has more money than you will ever make in your lifetime. Secret Spotify account where he uploads his covers. 
Johnny - One of those clout YouTubers that rents a massive house and throws a party every night to the point where his neighbours have to serve him with a cease and desist. He will cease, but he will not desist. Turns into a travel vlog channel to escape the lawsuits instead. 
Taeyong - Aesthetic kitchen content. Makes the most beautiful, eye pleasing drinks except for one video that he releases after a month of silence where he is crying on camera. We don’t know why. He’s just crying. The lights in his room are purple and they cast an eerie glow over his tear-stained cheeks. Switches to TikTok the next day. 
Yuta - Banned from the platform for excessive nudity. 
Kun - Financial and stock advice but the comment section is just a bunch of 14 year old girls calling him ‘Daddy’. 
Doyoung - Started out as a fashion vlogger but has since just resorted to filming and uploading rant videos. They get him more ad sense money anyway. 
Ten - Mommy vlogger. He doesn’t have kids but he treats his cats better than most Mommy vloggers treat their kids anyway so he has earned the title regardless. 
Jaehyun - Album reviews but he only reviews the same Cigarettes After Sex album and sits alone in his room vaping. All his tears have dried up since the first few uploads but now his expression is just vacant and dead. Has a light up keyboard. 
Winwin - Just uploads his Twitch streams to YouTube. Plays video games in complete silence. 
Jungwoo - Actual mukbang content creator. No one knows how he manages to eat so much and remain the same size as he was when he started. He uploads a video explaining his second, detachable stomach but no one believes him. 
Lucas - Pick-up artist but he’s too nice to actually follow through with anything so he just smiles into the camera a lot. Gets a lot of actual, real dates so people come away with some solid advice regardless. Accidentally is single-handedly taking down toxic masculinity on YouTube. 
Xiaojun - Acoustic covers of songs that people request via stream. They keep requesting ‘Free Bird’ by Lynryd Skynyrd and he’s actually gotten quite good at a Southern accent if he does say so himself.
Mark - Sketch comedy despite the fact that it is an entirely dead genre on the platform. He’s having fun but almost none of his videos are actually that funny. Or at least they’re not funny in the way that they’re meant to be. His most viewed video is his ‘2019 Blooper Compilation’ because it’s a lot of farting and there is a very specific audience out there for that. 
Hendery - Prank channel that is watched exclusively by 12 year old boys. 
Renjun - Commentary channel. He covers all of the recent and relevant gossip on the internet but insists on calling himself a ‘reporter’. Thinks that he is providing a great service to people with his YouTube ‘documentaries’ but his CPU is garbage. 
Jeno - Gym bro. But he’s actually nice and gives helpful advice. Gets trolled a lot by incels who call him both a chad and an incel at the same time. Both beta and alpha. He’s very confused. 
Haechan - Also a commentary channel but he insists on only making video responses to Renjun’s drama videos and nitpicking everything he says. They’re embroiled in a copyright claim battle right now. 
Jaemin - Stream of consciousness vlogs that make literally no sense but people watch them anyway because he’s cute.
Yangyang - Starts off as a shoe review channel, finishes on OnlyFans because he’s a sell-out. 
Shotaro - Doesn’t do YouTube. Has returned to his TikTok roots but found the landscape has changed so much on the app that he doesn’t know where he belongs anymore. Has an existential crisis and runs into the woods to live forever as a hermit. 
Sungchan - He quit YouTube because he couldn’t fit his entire body in frame. Didn’t realise he could just get a tripod. 
Chenle - Has a podcast and just uploads all of them to YouTube. Gives advice on things he has genuinely no experience and condescends absolutely everyone asking for genuine help. Beloved regardless. 
Jisung - Embroiled in a scandal right now because everyone thinks he is being held hostage and forced to make content. He is being held hostage, but the content is his own choice (he’s bored).
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willowbird · 4 years
Hi! How are you??? Congrats on 100 sweets!
For the prompt thingy can you write some Andrew and Kevin being best friends and shit (maybe Neil as well... idk) but yeah. please. Thank you<3
Oh! You want Kevin and Andrew going apple-picking and Andrew being his wingman? That’s what you said, right? Right? (also thank you thank you thank you!)
This one got a little bit long again, sorry friends. Rather read it on AO3? None of my formattings transferred over so if you want the full effect of how often I use italics (a lot, it’s a lot, like -- it’s excessive I’m sorry) then you might wanna click the link. Otherwise!! Enjoy :)
The rusticly decorated archway had a worn sign that proclaimed 'Welcome to Sonny Acres Farm!' far too cheerfully. Andrew looked up at it in disdain and then landed his judgemental stare the reason he was here in the first place.
Kevin was too used to the glare to be affected by it. "It has good reviews," he explained, like that was anywhere close to being a valid excuse for dragging him out here. The sun was warm but the breeze was mild, the fresh scent of autumn leaves made just a bit sweeter by the hint of apples. It was ten in the morning, the world was quiet but alive, and Andrew was disgusted by how fucking beautiful it was. 
"Right." Andrew didn't know why Kevin had wanted to come to this place so badly, but he was sure it had nothing to do with the reviews. First of all, why the fuck was he looking at reviews anyway? Why the fuck would anyone want to go apple picking of all things? When Andrew had asked these perfectly reasonable questions, Kevin had been annoyingly evasive.
'Are you coming or aren't you?' he'd snapped instead of giving a straight answer, already getting flustered. As if it weren't already glaringly obvious that he was hiding something. Which of course meant that Andrew had agreed to go, if only to see what the fuck this was really all about.
"So are we just going to stand here, or…?" Andrew raised a single eyebrow at his distressingly tall best friend, mostly because he knew how much it irritated him.
Since it looked like Kevin was still preparing himself for something, and Andrew was getting impatient, he only gave him a moment to respond before shrugging and striding forward. He passed under the sign and followed the path to the building closest to the parking lot they'd just come from, not bothering to look back and see if the Abominable Anxiety was following or not. The building revealed itself to be a shop, selling everything from Sonny Acres merch like t-shirts and tote bags to baskets of apples and just about every apple-themed product you could imagine. Apple sauce, apple butter, apple candy, apple pies. Apple soap, apple shampoo, apple lotion. Apple plates, apple dresses, apple earrings, apple apples. 
(No, literally, there was a statue thing that was a large apple… made out of smaller apples.)
Also, four shelves of different kinds of apple candles. Andrew wasn't sure whether to be disturbed or impressed.
The bell on the door chimed behind him before he could make up his mind and he looked behind him to see Kevin entering. Andrew looked him dead in the eye and made a slow, simple gesture at the shop, keeping his expression deadpan.
Unaffected, because he was a bastard, Kevin dared to just roll his eyes and walked past Andrew without comment. He walked through the shop to the check-out counter at the back, looking around like some kind of lighthouse-wannabe giraffe man until he came to stand before it. He stood there awkwardly for a moment before knocking on the surface and clearing his throat.
"Uh… hello?"
Andrew continued to look around the shop, discovering a new apple-themed bit of nonsense with each scan of his eyes. His brain was beginning to hurt. He didn't look over at the desk through the shuffle of the clerk or whoever coming out at Kevin's call and didn't really register their greeting in return. He did snap his attention in that direction at Kevin's response though, which was a stammering, awkward, "Oh, hey… yeah. Hi. Apples."
Andrew watched with instant understanding as the veritable catastrophe played out before him. It was a fucking train wreck and Andrew had never been more glad to be at a place called Sonny Acres in his entire fucking life. Kevin hadn't stopped talking. It was like he couldn't, and it just kept getting so much worse which meant it kept getting so much better. Andrew thought about coming to his rescue, he really did. 
"I mean, there are apples here. Of course there are apples. I mean, apples to pick. I came to pick your apples - oh God not YOUR apples! The apples that you grow at the farm. On the farm. On the farm. I promise I understand English grammar."
Oh Kevin. So that's why he's been unable to get a straight answer out of him earlier. There was absolutely nothing straight about this little trip to the apple orchard at all.
The not-straight answer in question was several inches shorter than Kevin but still too tall to be trusted. Additionally, he was wearing a sunny, affectionate smile like he did so often, the expression easy and comfortable on his face. There were even dimples in his light brown cheeks. Ridiculous. His hair was curly and bleached to a springy caramel except for the roots, and was held back with a headband that, yup, had apples on it. Objectively, Andrew could see why Kevin was being an absolute disaster over the man. Personally, he liked someone a little less sunshine and a little more lightning bolt. Or he would, if he did relationships, which he didn't. He didn't even think about them, and certainly not regarding the unfairly hot neighbor that lived across the hall from him and Kevin.
Andrew moved forward, jamming his focus back on the two morons in front of him rather than Idiot Who Shall Not Be Named.
Sonny Acres Sunshine laughed at Kevin's antics like he was being charming, his eyes dancing. Yeah, dancing. Sweet fuck. "You're a riot Kev."
"Yeah, Kev is hysterical," Andrew agreed breezily as he stepped up beside him, looking the other man up and down. "Aren't you Kev? A regular John Mulaney this guy. Hysterical." He slapped Kevin on the back harder than necessary and ignored the glare he got in return. The dumbass could thank him later.
Sonny Sunshine grinned at him. "You must be his roommate. Andrew, right? I'm Jeremy! He's talked a lot about you. I'm glad you guys came."
"Funny," Andrew deadpanned, studying his own fingernails, "he never mentioned you. Wonder why that is."
"So! Apples," Kevin cut in, apparently feeling pushy today. "Ah, we've never been apple picking or anything. Is there a way we should go about this?" 
The process seemed fairly obvious to Andrew, but he let it go.
Jeremy grinned at Kevin, bright and enthusiastic. "I can walk you through it, no problem. You'd be surprised how many people have never been apple picking before."
Somehow Andrew doubted this, but - charitable soul that he was - he let that one go too.
"Really? Fall is supposed to be the time for it though, right?" Kevin attempting to chit-chat was one of the single most pathetic sights Andrew had ever had to witness. It took all his self control not to grimace.
Jeremy didn't seem to notice though. He just kept smiling, watching Kevin talk like -- oh. 
Well then, Andrew's role here had just changed. Andrew could practically see the blue, purple, and pink hearts dancing around his roommates head. Idiot. Ah well, if they were going to do this, they may as well do this. 
Andrew sighed heavily. "Maybe you could just come with us? Kevin owes me a home-made apple pie and I will not suffer subpar apples."
The look of annoyance Kevin shot him morphed quickly to gratitude the second he realized what Andrew was doing. 
Jeremy was oblivious.
"Sure thing! It'd be my pleasure." Andrew didn't miss the way Jeremy looked directly at Kevin as he said that, because clearly neither of these idiots understood subtly. That was fine. It made his job easier. More amusing, too.
Jeremy asked them to give him a moment to recruit something called an 'Alvarez' to watch the shop for him then left them alone, disappearing into the back room.
As soon as he was gone, Andrew dropped a heavily judgemental stare on Kevin. This one had significantly more effect and Andrew was pretty enough to feel smug about that. He let the silence stretch until Kevin visibly strained with how hard he was trying not to squirm. Then and only then did he sigh and release him, granting a benevolent shrug as he strolled lazily around shop, trailing his fingers over the apple merchandise. 
"So," he said, "Jeremy."
"What about him?" God, it was like he wasn't even trying. Andrew gave him a look and Kevin sighed. His shoulders sagged as he accepted defeat and Andrew basked in sweet victory.
"He's just perfect, alright? He's smart, and athletic, and adorable, and perfect, and sweet, and hilarious, and when he suggested I come see the orchard…" Kevin drifted off, like no other explanation was needed. For once, he was right.
"For the record, I fully expect an apple pie out of this." Andrew picked up an apple-shaped snow globe with an apple tree inside it that had miniature apples floating about in place of snow. He shook it and watched the apples spin and cloud around in a murder-red blur for a moment before he looked up at Kevin. "Also, you are buying the ice cream."
Kevin sighed but didn't argue. "What am I supposed to do? I've been out of the dating sphere for a while."
"Kevin you were never in the dating sphere." Kevin's 'dating' experience included mostly a lot of pining and one actual relationship with a girl who had gotten pissed at him for being abused by his shit family. Yeah. Andrew didn't tell Kevin what to do, but he could lay ground rules that the bitch wasn't permitted at their apartment. He also corrected Kevin every time he said her name by muttering 'Traitorous Bitch' until Kevin finally saw reason and broke up with her.
"You aren't being helpful." My, someone was whiny today.
Andrew set down the snow globe. "Want my advice?"
"Offer to suck his cock."
"Andrew!" Kevin looked so scandalized one would think a nineteenth-century rake had just asked him to bare his ankles. 
Andrew rolled his eyes. "Just be up-front with him, Kev. You like him, tell him. Be honest about what you want, ask him what he wants. Talk about it. Take it from there."
"What if I embarrass myself?!"
"Then you embarrass yourself." Andrew shrugged and scooped up an apple-shaped hackysack. He tossed it into the air a few times then grabbed another and tossed them back and forth. "What is the worst that could happen? Mr. Sunshine says 'no thanks'?"
Kevin scowled at him. "Yeah, and then refuses to ever even look at me again."
Andrew scooped up a third applesack (hackyapple?) and adjusted his rhythm before he landed his judgement back on Kevin. "If he never speaks to you again just for being honest with him then he isn't worth your time to begin with." He stared at Kevin for several revolutions of his pattern, the schick of the hackyapples hitting and leaving his palms the only sound in the shop. 
Predictably, Kevin was the one to look away first. Andrew gave him a moment and added a fourth hackyapple to the pattern. 
"I really like him…" Kevin finally said, his voice low.
"Clearly," Andrew agreed without sympathy. "Look, you have two choices here Day. You can do something about it, or you could do nothing about it, and let me tell you - pining is not a good look on you."
The overgrown ear of corn muttered something like "Speak for yourself" and then yelped as Andrew smoothly nailed him in the forehead with a hackyapple (those things had just the perfect heft to them).
"What was that?" Andrew asked nonchalantly, smoothly dropping into the three-pattern. 
"I said, speak for your-- ow! Stop that!"
Andrew gave him an innocent look.
"Oh cool! You can juggle?" Jeremy's sunny voice cut in before Kevin could attempt to say something stupid again. Andrew looked over and abruptly dropped his hands to his sides, letting the applesacks hit the ground with soft whacks.
"Nope." Andrew shrugged, picking up the apple-globe again and shaking it as Kevin grumbled and scooped up the fallen hackyapples.
Jeremy chuckled like he'd just made a joke and lifted up three honest-to-fuck baskets with little gingham clothes lining the insides to protect the apples. One was red, one was green, and one was blue. Andrew sighed and held his hand out for one, the just stared at Jeremy when he was offered first the red, then the blue, before taking the green one that was rightfully his. "Kevin likes red," was all he said.
"Yeah?" Jeremy looked at Kevin and smiled as he offered him the red basket. "That's perfect then, blue is my favorite. At least of the baskets. I also like green," he volunteered, looking into Kevin's green eyes.
Sickening, this was truly sickening.
"Yeah, green," Kevin offered eloquently. 
Andrew watched as Jeremy nudged the tall idiot and just barely managed not to shake his head in disdain. He did snort his amusement when he caught Kevin watching Jeremy's ass as the man led them out of the shop through a side door near the back by the desk. The door took them right out to a path that led directly into the orchard. Andrew gave Kevin a pointed shove and made a meaningful gesture for him to catch up with the object of his affection. Kevin scowled at him, but did as instructed because he knew Andrew was right. Because Andrew was always right.
As it turned out, apple picking wasn't as terrible as Andrew had thought it would be. Getting to watch his best friend trip over himself on a constant loop served to be excellent entertainment for the day. He also got to covertly vet this guy that Kevin was so stupid over and as far as he could tell, Jeremy Knox was exactly what he appeared to be. He laughed at Kevin's terrible attempts at humor, was actually able to keep up with him when the conversation turned to the misrepresentation of American History in public schools, and Andrew counted at least thirty-seven times over the course of their little apple picking extravaganza where Jeremy found an excuse to touch Kevin. They weren't invasive touches, nothing gross or grabby or anything, but they were telling. Jeremy was always adjusting the basket he was holding or touching his arm or his hand or picking a leaf out of his hair or -- well, yeah. It was gross.
For his part, Andrew hung back and let the two idiots moon over each other, occasionally joining the conversation whenever Kevin shot him desperate looks or the topic deserved his input.
By the time they were done, Andrew was half-expecting an invitation to the nuptials.
"Hey, this was really great. I'm glad you decided to come by," Jeremy said as he packed their apples into white paper back with smiling little apple-people on them. "Both of you, of course," he amended unconvincingly with only a small glance to Andrew before giving his undivided attention to Kevin again.
"Of course. Yeah! This was amazing. With the apples. And you." Dear Jesus.
Andrew gave Kevin a swift kick to the shin and just stared at him when the man winces and glared down at him. He tried to laser the instruction 'Ask him out you nimrod' directly into his stupid brain and it must have worked because when Kevin finished his silent hissy fit he turned to Jeremy with an apologetic smile and said, "We should do this again."
Andrew kicked him again, because that wasn't good enough.
"I mean! Without the apples. Not that I don't like apples, Andrew ow! Cut it the fuck out!"
Andrew heaved a sigh and threw up his hands, turning to go find those hackyapples. You try to help a guy…
Jeremy was chuckling by the time Kevin turned back to him. Andrew watched out of the corner of his eye as the cheerful orchard-tender placed a hand over Kevin's on the counter. He couldn't see Kevin's face from the angle he was at but he was sure it was as red as some of those fucking apples they'd picked.
"I'd really like that," Jeremy said more quietly.
"M-me too," stammered Kevin with the utmost class.
Pleased with himself, Andrew scooped up a handful of the hackyapples and made his way back to the counter to purchase them. Because he was feeling charitable, he said nothing about the dopey-ass grin on Kevin's face as they gathered up their apples and left. He didn't even comment on the way the dumbass was legitimately humming when they got into the car -- because he was a supportive and generous friend.
That generosity lasted all the way back home. They were just getting to their apartment and Andrew was holding both bags of apples so Kevin could unlock the door when Kevin suddenly stopped and looked down the hall toward the stairs they'd just climbed. Then he lifted his hand in a wave and said, "Oh, hey Neil."
Shit shit shit shit shit!
Andrew glared at the back of Kevin's head, willing him to open the goddamn fucking door.
"Kevin, hey. Andrew? What've you got?" Unable to ignore him now that he'd been directly addressed, Andrew turned slowly and stared blankly as Neil-fucking-Josten came to stand right in front of him. He was wearing a lightly curious smile on his stupid face, one that pulled up on just the one side of his mouth and revealed just the shadow of what might be a dimple if the infuriating man were to smile any deeper. What was even more offensive was the way his eyes reflected the light so that they looked like a celestial sea, stars within stars staring back at him, tempting him with all the things he didn't want to want. 
Not only that, but Neil must be just coming back from a run because he was lightly flushed and the pink that clung to his cheeks, throat, and ears made Andrew’s brain do a thing resembling an old-fashioned VCR when you attempted to rewind a tape while it was still playing -- streaks of static breaking up what should be comprehensible. His wild auburn curls were pulled back with a garishly orange bandana but that only meant there was nothing in the way of his eyes.
His eyes...
He must have been silent for too long because Neil peered into the bags he was holding. “Oh, hey -- apples.” That curious little smile softened and spread slightly as he looked up at him again.
Andrew said, “Apples.”
“I love apples,” Neil said.
Andrew said, “Apples.” Because he was that fucking smooth.
Kevin coughed behind him and Andrew tore his gaze away from Neil’s stupidly pretty face, glaring down into the bags of apples. 
“You should take some,” Kevin offered. “We have more than we need. I’m going to look up how to make an apple pie later too, if you want any.”
“Really? Thanks.” Neil flashed a cheeky grin at Kevin then looked to Andrew. “Can I?”
Andrew said, “Apples.” This time though, he also nodded and attempted to angle the bags so that Neil could reach in a pick out a few. He was sure the other man could hear the way his heart was playing his ribcage like a xylophone as he leaned in so damn fucking close to examine the apples that Andrew could see how criminally long his eyelashes were. Then he was pulling away with his prize, three smallish apples and one large one.
He held them up and nodded. “Thanks for the apples. See you later for the game, Kevin?”
Andrew nodded mutely and Kevin grunted an affirmative, and then Neil was gone, vanishing into the apartment across the hall. Andrew stared at the closed door for a moment then turned toward their own apartment. Kevin was standing there with a smug look on his fucking face. 
“Apples,” Kevin said conversationally.
“Shut the fuck up Kevin.” Kevin was still cackling when the door shut behind them. Fucking bastard.
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Sorry, I ment 6 and 12 from the fluff section. Lol 😁
Here you go honey! Thank you so much for the request, I hope you like this.
Warning: just fluff really
It was another day in the TARDIS. A quite one, actually, compared to what you were used to.
The Master had woken you up pushing your door open noisily.
-Rise and shine! - he shouted.
He was in a good mood.
You groaned against the pillow and you heard him huff. -Come on, there's a great day ahead of us! -
-Mh mh- you muttered, your eyes still closed shut.
For a moment you heard nothing else. Then your blankets were pulled away from you and you cursed as the cold air layed over your body.
-I won't say it again- he warned and you sticked your tongue out at him. He smirked and walked out. You grabbed your phone to see the time and you were met by the picture of the Master. It had been your lockscreen for a while. You had taken that picture of him during one of your adventures. He was distracted, looking at some old book he found utterly fascinating. Of course he ended up stealing it. But the little smile tugging at his lips and his shining eyes were impossible not to capture. You smiled to yourself and got out of bed.
When you entered the console room, he was running around like an excited puppy.
You smiled softly at the sight.
-Finally! - he exclaimed when he saw you standing a few feet away.
-So, what do you have planned for us today? - you asked walking toward him. -Stealing artefacts during the French Revolution? Asassinating Alzarius' emperor? Oh wait, we did that last week-
The Master smiled smugly at you.
-I was thinking of something more...peaceful-
You frowned. -Alright, who are you and what did you do to the Master? -
He rolled his eyes. -I just thought you might enjoy a quiter day-
To be fair, you did like the sound of that. But that would have been too good to be true. He never brought you anywhere without a purpose. He always had an evil plan to act on.
-Really? - you asked suspiciously.
-Yes, really-
-You promise there's not gonna be weapons or guards chasing us or a dead body by the end of the day? -
The Master smiled. -You know I can't promise you that-
-Alright alright- he placed a hand upon his chest. -I promise-
You looked at him with your arms crossed for a moment. Then you let yourself smile.
-Alright then, where are we going? - you asked bouncing excitedly next to him.
He smiled at you with soft eyes. You liked the way he looked at you. It made you feel special.
-You'll see- the Master winked and pushed a lever. The TARDIS shook and you held onto the counter. The Master laughed loudly, looking up at the ceiling.
You loved the sound of his laugh, you wished he did it more often.
After a few seconds the TARDIS steadied and the Master smiled at you. He ran toward the door and looked back at you.
-Y/N, welcome to Archetryx-
He opened the doors and you were met by the sound of festive music, a mixture of smells you couldn't recognize and the sight of hundred of stalls.
-Wow...- you breathed.
It was a market. An alien market. The people conversed animatedly, buying and selling objects and kind of food.
-So? What do you think? -
The Master placed his hands on your shoulders. You turned to face him, a big smile enlightened your features.
-It's amazing-
The Master grinned, satisfied.
-I knew you'd like it. Come on, there's a lot to see-
You followed him through the stands, squishing between the chattering crowd. For a moment you lost him, unable to find his purple coat anywhere in that chaos of colors. You looked around, starting to panick. In that moment, you felt someone grab your hand and you turned abruptly. The Master was a few inches away, a wide grin on his face.
-I almost lost you there-
-You won't get rid of me that easily- you smiled.
The Master squeazed your hand and led you toward a stall from which came a very nice smell. You could see food of every shape and fruit of colors you never even knew exist.
-Oh wow, this looks good! - you said. -What's that? - you asked pointing at a strange looking cucumber.
-That's a Riverfruit. Never liked the taste of that- he answered keeping his hands behind his back and leaning toward the food.
You pointed at another blue fruit. -And that? -
-That's called Branka. It's very sweet, makes an excellent juice-
You were always impressed by his incredible knowledge. Sometimes you wandered how long had he spent travelling, all by himself.
-Oh and that? - you asked grabbing a red, round shaped fruit.
-Oh be careful with that. It's poisonous-
You let it fall back on the stall and the Master laughed. -I was kidding. That's an apple-
You frowned at him. -Not funny-
-A bit funny-
-What does a common apple do here? -
-This is a maket. There's all sort of fruit from all around the universe! - he explained.
-Now, get yourself something to eat. I'll go check something out-
You nodded, focused on the choice at hand.
You spent a while walking around the market with your Branka juice and a slice of something called "Geletaa".
The Master had left you a few coins of a purple metal, enough to buy you breakfast and a funny looking stuffed animal. It looked like a mix between a giraffe and a dolfine.
You set down at a bench in a quite spot to finish your food, then suddenly, you saw the familiar silhouette of the Master running toward you. He looked messy but somewhat excited.
-Hey you, where have you been? -
The Master set next to you.
-Nowhere, I just had a commission to make-
You looked at his jacket. It was cut here and there. Your eyes hardened. He had promised you this wasn't gonna involve any of his usual plans.
-Right- you scoffed and you got up.
-What? - he asked, confused.
-Where did you get those? - you pointed at his jacket.
He followed your hand, looking down at it.
-I told you I had something to do-
He was unbelievable. You shook your head and walked away.
-Y/N- he called after you but you kept walking.
This was important for you. One nice day together, somewhere, anywhere in the universe just the two of you. Instead, he had brought you on this planet full of stuff to distract you while he went off doing god knows what, leaving you alone.
Sometimes when he talked to you or when he looked at you in a certain way, he made you think that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way you did. But you should have known better. That proved you had only deceived yourself.
You got back to the TARDIS, walking fast toward your room.
-Y/N! - the Master grabbed your wrist and you turned around.
-One bloody day, it was all I asked- you said raising your voice.
The Master looked at you in silence. Then he slid his hand in the pocket inside his jacket.
-I was gonna wait till tonight. The sky of Archetryx is stunning after the dawn-
You looked at him in confusion.
-But since you can't seem to be able to wait...-
He took out of his pocket a bracelet. It was shining like it was made of diamonds and it had a little emerald at the center.
-It's made of star dust and crystal. It's from the queen's colletion-
Your eyes snapped up to meet his.
-You stole it? For me? -
He put his hands in his pockets, looking almost shy. -Yeah well, consider it a thank you for...sticking around-
You kept it in your hands, staring at it with your eyes wide open in shock.
That's where he had been, to steal a jewel from the queen of the planet herself. Just for you.
-It's...it's stunning-
The Master smiled, reassured to see you appreciated his present. You looked at him and the look of utter adoration he gave you made your stomach flip.
-Thank you, Master- you whispered.
He took the bracelet from your hands and put it on your wrist.
-It's nothing. It looks better on you than it does on her, anyway-
You chuckled.
The tension between you was palpable, he was so close you could feel his hot breath on your face. As you were about to lean in, your phone vibrated. You gasped in surprised and took it out of your pocket quickly, feeling your cheeks warm up.
-Bloody twitter...- you whispered looking at the useless notification.
-...am I your lockscreen? -
Your heart sped up. Shit.
-You weren't suppose to see that-
The Master studied your expression for a while before starting to laugh.
You rolled your eyes.
-Alright are you gonna stand there and laugh at me or are you gonna kiss me? -
At that, the Master stopped laughing. He looked at you with a faint smile on his lips.
You sighed, looked at his lips briefely.
-Please, just kiss me already- you repeated.
The Master didn't waste a second. In no time, his lips were on yours, soft and full and perfect.
You placed your hand on his chest and felt his hearts beating fast.
When you parted, you were out of breath. He smiled at you as he caressed you cheek.
-That is a rather nice picture-
You rolled your eyes and he started laughing again before you shut him up with another kiss.
It was another day in the TARDIS, but it was way more special than the others.
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kumeko · 5 years
Characters/Pairings: Keith, Pidge
A/N: Written for the @kidgezine! It was a lot of fun writing these two and having them bump off one another. This is a bit of an in-between seasons piece, a missing scene.
Summary: Take me near the asteroid, Pidge had said. We’ll be safe, she had said. Keith wasn’t sure why he still listened to her sometimes. Hopefully they could fix their spaceship and get out.
“Almost done?” Keith crouched down next to the command panel, his hands hanging loosely off his knees. It was a little strange doing this now, for various reasons—he was a little taller, for one. For two, it had been two years since he’d last done this.
  “Almost!” A pair of sneakers wiggled happily from underneath a buzzing machine. At least, he hoped it was happy and not a panicked response to the heavy metal object squishing his friend. After hearing a few clunks and a soft curse, the feet slowly pulled out, revealing a very grimy and dusty Pidge. “We really need to dust under there.”
“Probably.” Keith grimaced, reaching onto the command panel to grab the towel. At least this explained why she had him search the small ship for one. “Will it run?”
  “Thanks!” Taking off her glasses, she rubbed them clean as she considered his question. “Soon—I reconnected a few things and—” There was a soft splutter, the lights flickered briefly, and Pidge’s smile dropped a notch. “Ok, scratch that. I might have to go under a few more times.”
  “That’s what you said an hour ago.” Keith shook his head and stood up. Looking out the main window, he sighed at the empty expanse of space ahead of them. Somehow, that was always the case. Whether he was trapped on an asteroid for two years, lost in his lion, losing the others and their lions—the ridiculously big and complicated space full of beings to protect was somehow always empty when he needed them to give a hand back.
  Probably for the best anyways. Last time someone had tried to help them, they had also tried to sell them to the empire. Not an experience he was looking forward to repeating. “Once we get this fixed, we should just head back.”
  “Huh?” Pidge stood up, gripping her towel tightly. “I thought we were going to the edge of the Quantum Abyss.”
  “You do know I spent two years there, right?” Keith pointed out dryly. It was a little funny how much shorter she was; he had always been taller but now he felt like a giant. “And I was lucky it was only two years.”
  “Well, yeah, that’s why we’re going there.” Pidge pouted, crossing her arms. Any anger or even power in her stance was lost by the fact that only her glasses were clean and the rest of her face was a black, sooty mess. With popcorn on it.
  Yeah, they definitely needed to clean down there. Allura’s pet mice were fun, but Keith wasn’t too keen to discover just what other rodents existed in the universe. “We’re going only close enough for you to get the data, no more than that.”
  “Good enough!” Pidge grinned, raising the towel once more to wipe her face. Before he could stop her, she smeared it even worse, until she looked almost like a modern art exhibit. Hanging it on her shoulder, she sat down. “Break time! Did you find any snacks?”
  He stared at her moment, debating whether or not to tell her about her face. Well, she’d be going back under anyways soon enough and she couldn’t really get much worse than that. Probably. Grabbing a black bag off his seat, he settled down on the floor next to her. “Just a few—we need to ration our goods until we can move again.”
  Pidge’s hand was already halfway into the bag. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She pulled out a purple bag with a strange green giraffe-cow hybrid on it. Without hesitation, she popped it open and munched on neon-green striped things that he hoped were chips. “Ahhh, that hits the spot.”
  Did it? Even after all their time out here, he was just as surprised by the food as he was when they first came out here. Gingerly, he pulled out a blinding yellow bag, full of Cheetos. Cheetos with brown spots. They didn’t taste anything at all like cheese and he wondered for a moment if they were actually made out of some space-cheetah. “Better than nothing.”
  “Don’t be like that!” Pidge head-butted his arm before stealing one of his Cheetos. “Ohh, that’s an interesting flavour.”
  “Hey!” Frowning, he tried to grab one of hers in retaliation, but she kept yanking the bag out of reach.
  “You don’t even like them!” She batted his hands away, more fluid and accurate than he’d expected. Keith had remembered her clumsier, only graceful with a screen and a toolbelt. “Your arms are so much longer now!”
  “But not long enough.” Giving up, he returned to his now heavily guarded bag.
  “Really? Is it because you’re half Galra? Will you grow even more?” Pidge poked at his arm now, her food discarded to the side. She’d done this before, when he’d first returned, but somehow the topic never tired her. Her hands slowly inched along his arm, pressing and prodding each muscle. “You’re going to need new clothes.”
  “I already need new clothes.” Keith rolled his eyes, remembering just how little of his wardrobe fit when he returned. Even his favourite jacket didn’t, leading to an awkward tear that left Lance in hysterical laughter.
  “I wonder how long you’ll live—I mean, I thought Lotor and his family were immortal because of the quintessence, but his nanny’s still alive too.” Pidge sighed, resting her cheek on his arm. “And you’re half-human too; I need to study biology.”
  “Really? Do you mean literally immortal or just very—” Keith paused, processing what Pidge had just said. He whipped his face to hers, incredulous eyes wide. “His nanny?”
  “His nanny,” she confirmed, a solemn nod. “She who raised him in the ways of the Galara.”
  “His nanny,” Keith repeated, the word still funny and strange to hear. The Galara had nannies? Lotor had a nanny? It was weird to think of him as a child, listening obediently or even getting punished. “What’s she like?”
  “Strict?” Pidge shrugged, tossing her hands up uncertainly. “You should ask Hunk, she taught him.”
  He wasn’t sure if that was even more of a surprise than finding out he was effectually immortal and Lotor still had his babysitter. “Hunk? Really?”
  “He really liked it.” Pidge bit her lip, before retracting her words. “He sorta liked it and he’s never going back.”
  “I don’t think that’s called liking it.” Keith snorted and after a moment, Pidge joined in, hunching over as she laughed.
  “You should have seen his face, though.” She wiped her eyes, her fingers blurring the tear streaks and oil into a single wet mess.
  Keith resisted the urge to tell her to look at hers—he’d take a discrete photo later. It almost seemed like her face got worse with every second and he wanted the maximum impact. “Next time.”
  She shook her chip bag over her mouth, dropping the last of the crumbs before discarding the bag. Within seconds, she was back onto her creeper seat.  Stretching her arms in front of her, she announced, “Break time is over.”
  Keith nodded, taking another bite of his Cheeto. When she scrunched her brow, nodding at his bag, he shrugged. “I’m not really doing anything.”
  “…” Pidge opened her mouth and then closed it. He could almost see the argument running through her mind, her hand raising and dropping as she tried out different ideas before finally giving up with a sigh. “Yeah, I guess so.” As he smiled, she pouted, staring at him with narrowed eyes and puffed up cheeks. “For now.”
  Again, her threat would have been more convincing if she didn’t now have cheeto streaks added into her Picasso face. More than getting the best shot, he really, really wanted to clean her face. Before he could say anything, she dived back under the console panel. “For now!”
   Her feet were the only indication of progress and he watched them as he ate. Tapping fast meant she was searching for something or doing routine work, while slow tapping indicated something difficult had come up. It was comforting, almost, reminding him of his time at the castle, his time as a paladin. Time had worn the hectic memories into fond ones.  He had half forgotten his disastrous leadership until Lance had kindly reminded him of just how bad it was.
  Somehow, they even had it on video and he wasn’t sure if the black lion had betrayed him or Hunk and Pidge just hacked into every camera they could find and then some.
  “Wrench,” Pidge ordered, holding her hand out from other the panel.
  Digging through her toolbox, he grabbed the first wrench he saw. “This one?”
  She wrapped her hand around it, feeling the head, before dropping it with a clang. “Bigger one.”
  “Bigger…” he dug through the tool box, nails and sockets before finding another wrench. “3/4?”
  “Yep.” Her hand disappeared immediately, and he heard a soft clanging, a swear, and then a sharp click. “Try the command panel.”
  “…the command panel?” He stared at her feet accusingly, as though the guilt could travel up her spine. “You broke the command panel?”
  “Technically, you didn’t even know about it till now, so it was never broken,” Pidge retorted, her foot tapping impatiently. “Did you check?”
  “You know that doesn’t make sense.” Keith went over to the control panel, tapping out various instructions. Life support, check. Docking, check. Flight—well, technically the engines were still down but the instructions worked. “It seems fine so far. Though the engines are still not working.”
  “That’s expected.” She slid out once more and stood up, dusting her hands on her pants. “I can do some calibrations here.”
  Keith eyed her dirty fingers with a grimace and handed her yet another towel. He was almost terrified to look into her workshop, to see just what state she left it. Her black fingerprints were already dotting her pants, the edges of the table, the bag of chips she’d discarded. “Not with those hands.”
  Pidge’s brow rose even as she accepted the towel. “Didn’t know you were such a clean freak.”
  “Only compared to you,” he replied dryly, watching as she ineffectually cleaned her hands. It had gone from funny to—no, it was still funny. It would probably never stop being funny, but they had to get a move on. “Let me do it.”
  “Yes, mom.” Pidge blinked as he took the towel. “Is this because you spent two years with your mom?”
  “What?” Keith shot her a glare, rubbing her fingers a little harder than he needed to. “No.”
  “Oh, come on, you were together for two years, you sure you didn’t pick this up from her?” Pidge tried to suppress her giggles as he rubbed her fingers; she had always been a little ticklish there. “Did—ha—she do this to—ha—you?”
  “She’s not that type of mom.” When Pidge gave him an expectant look, he sighed. “We…talked a lot. About dad. Home. What she did. Myself.” He paused between his points, releasing a newly cleaned finger with each one until finally he let go of her hands. “There, all done.”
  “Ohhh, nice.” She wiggled them in front of her before turning to the control panel. Her fingers danced on the keyboard as she punched code after code. “Did you really just talk for two years?”
  He rubbed the back of his neck—even if they’d done nothing else, the talking would have been more than worth it. Mom was more than a word now; an image, a feeling was attached to it, similar but not quite what he thought of with Dad. “We trained a lot—after we fought off the wolves, we had to make a shelter and find food but then—”
  “Wait, wait, wait.” Pidge stopped typing, squinting at him. “Did you just say wolves?”
  “Huh?” Keith frowned, trying to remember the exact species name. “They weren’t earth wolves, they were…uh…”
  Pidge took a step toward him, her eyes sparkling. “A pack of them?”
  “Yeah?” Keith backed up, unnerved by how long she had been staring at him without blinking. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
  “Holy cow, that is amazing!” Pidge rocked back and forth on her feet, pumping her fists excitedly. “You’re like a real-life ranger.”
  “Ranger?” Keith bit his lip. “Like a park ranger?”
  “Oh please, nothing that normal. It’s a class in Monsters and Mana and you basically lived it.” Pidge lightly bounced up and down as she returned to her keyboard, her hands flying as fast as her mouth did. “You found food and fought off monsters and basically survived in the woods—your stats would be so high if you made a character sheet with this.”
  It was like she was speaking Greek, her mind travelling from one idea to the next quicker than he could keep up. He held up his hand. “Wait, Monsters and Mana”
  “It’s a game. Corran played it with us—oh right, you weren’t there.” Pidge hummed and he could see the gears in her head churning. “It’s like an rpg, but we make everything up.”
  “I somehow feel that is no different than usual,” he snorted and she joined in after glowering at him for a moment.
  “Yeah, I mean, sure—especially when we can’t read the text because it’s an old game and there’s like a gazillion different languages in space, but it’s a bit different.” Pidge chuckled again. “We make up our characters and play a story that Corran’s created. It’s a lot of fun.”
  “Really?” He leaned against the wall, watching her face light up as she explained.
  By now fixing the engines were automatic to her and she barely paid attention to what she typed. “Yeah, like Lance was this not-so-silent assassin and he kept setting off traps, Allura kept injuring herself because she picked an elf and they’re…kinda weak. And Shiro.” Pidge doubled over laughing, her hand hitting the keyboard before he could stop her.
  Keith quickly inspected the keyboard before sighing with relief. They’d just fixed it. If it broke again, they might as well just wait for rescue. Distracted, he asked, “What did he do?”
  “You can pick any character, any class, anything in this game. Literally anything and he picks a paladin. He picks himself.” Pidge stopped to take a breath, her cheeks creased from all the laughter. “Not once, but thrice.”
  “Thrice?” Even if he’d never played the game before, that didn’t sound right.
  “He died because of Allura’s mice and then an attack. So we let him pick a new character. Any character. Shiro just pretended to be his twin brother, Jiro.”
  Keith winced. “I thought he had more imagination than that. And Jiro? Really?”
  “I don’t think he even changed his backstory—he was supposed to be the only survivor! Then again, it’s Shiro,” Pidge guffawed, as though it explained everything. And in a way, it did. Suddenly, she fell silent, staring out the main window into deep space. Her fingers stilled, her feet stopped moving, and Pidge was quiet in a way he rarely saw her. “He wasn’t Shiro, though.”
  Two blades clashed in the chambers of his memory, a mockery of Shiro’s face twisting with insults and lies. That was not Shiro. That was never Shiro. Keith firmly shook his head. “No, he wasn’t.”
  “He just…he just felt like him. Can you even clone that?” Pidge rubbed her arm, looking small and uncomfortable. The rug had been pulled from under all their feet and they were still trying to land. “A person’s goodness? Their personality?”
  “I don’t think so.” Keith looked at his hands, at the human skin hiding Galra blood. Just what did his DNA say? What was encoded in it? His mother’s impatience? His father’s solitude? Were they things he’d inherited or things he learned, things his own clones would have or not? “That’s…that’s not how it works, right?”
  “I don’t know.” Pidge stared at the floor, as though the answers were in the endlessly repeated whorls. Her fingers curled around the table. “Maybe? I…I really should have taken more biology.”
  They were different, he wanted to say, but he remembered the clone’s smile, the way he laughed with all of his body as though it was exploding out of him whenever Lance did something stupid. His hand, firm and gentle, as it rested on Keith’s shoulder, telling him to make a choice.
  They weren’t the same, he wanted to say, but the words were caught in his throat, unlike the clone’s, who always had a strategy ready, who was patient enough to read the battle and find the changing tide. Or maybe it had just felt that way, that he had seen what he wanted to in the clone.
  Even in the end, just before he died, Keith couldn’t be certain if the clone had spared him. If some part of Shiro had woken up beyond the Galra’s control and did the right thing, even if it was for the last time.
  “The Black Lion liked him,” Keith finally said, because it was the only truth they knew. The lions always picked their master and the Black Lion had picked the clone.
  “Yeah, he did.” Pidge pressed her forehead against the cool control panel, taking a deep breath. In, out, Keith matched his own to her rhythm. “That counts for something.”
  “Yeah.” Keith gripped her shoulder, smiling at her when she looked up.
  “Another thing your mom taught you?” Pidge asked, squeezing his hand before straightening up. “You’re usually more awkward than that.”
  “It has been two years,” Keith countered, letting go.
  “Yeah but, you were all alone on that rock.” Pidge went back to typing, a sly grin on her face. “And you’re Keith.”
  “And you’re Pidge and I don’t think even five years will help with your height.”
  “Low blow!” Pidge gave a triumphant final tap and crossed her arm. “Engines are working!”
  “Finally!” Keith manned his station, setting the coordinates for the auto-pilot. “Hopefully we get back before Hunk sends a search party.”
  “It might be too late for that.” Pidge pulled up more screens, double checking their logs. “You know, I kinda missed this.” She gave him an awkward smile. “Talking to you like this, I mean. And everything else.”
  Keith rubbed his neck. It was strange, but one thing his solo missions had taught him was that while he did like being alone, he had also surprisingly enjoyed teamwork. Lance’s inane chatter on the line, Hunk and Pidge geeking out over the latest tech, Allura warring between caution and aggression. “Me too.”
  “And since we have so much to catch up on, what if we go to the—”
  “Pidge, not even for you.” Keith shot down the suggestion.
  “It was worth a try.”
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Tales of the Missing 6 - How To Talk To Girls When Everything Is Fire
Not everything is possible -- not everything is practical, or achievable, and sometimes the best thing we can do is settle and make the best of the good we have.  But that doesn't mean it's not allowed to dream.
How To Talk With Girls When Everything Is Fire
"Mom!  No! Mom!  Jesus, get the hell away from the tree!"  Bethany blinked, rolling over on the couch, grabbing around towards where her glasses might be.  There was a cold snap in the room like the door was open, and Tanya was…over there somewhere, and there was something orange and flapping past her.  Her hand hit the heavy plastic frames, and she struggled them on, and some of the fog cleared from her eyes.
The Christmas tree was on fire.  It was a good thing it was out at the curb and not still here in the house, but the Christmas tree was on fire and yellow-orange flames were shooting out of it, and that was maybe Tanya's mom standing out by it, weaving back and forth along with the flickers of the fire.  The Christmas tree was on fire.  Bethany didn't hear any sirens, so maybe she'd just-just set it on fire, or maybe the god-guns-and-guts Belchers across the road would come out and spray it down with fire extinguishers instead of calling the gubmint.  "Jesus, mom, what the hell?!"
Bethany was standing up now, hobbling over to Tanya with the blanket over her shoulders still, so she could hear the incoherent response from the end of the driveway.  "Revenge – I got revenge.  The tree fucked up your girlfriend – so I fucked up the tree.  Tell her it's gonna be okay – everything's gonna be okay.  I got it back for you."  Bethany was partly down on Benadryl from a bad allergic reaction to the pine needles still all over the floor in the house, but she was partly down from a crick in her knee when she tripped getting on the bus three days ago that was turning into a sprain because she couldn't keep her weight off it, and she was partly still drunk from last night, and setting the Christmas tree on fire out at the curb wasn't helping any of this.
"For fuck's – come back inside, mom, you're drunk.  Get the hell away from that.  Get away from the tree – I'll call the fire department. Jesus fuck."  Tanya shook her head, and her mom wavered in the driveway, maybe stumbling back towards the house, and Donny or Ricky or another one of the Belchers ran out of their house, grabbed a fire extinguisher out the back of his truck, and hosed down the burning Christmas tree.
"We've got to get the hell out of here," Tanya said, shepherding her mom back inside.  "If we're gone mom will get bored and drink more and go to sleep, and then she'll be slept it off by tonight. Are you good to go shopping?"  Bethany shrugged.  She wasn't feeling great, but Tanya was okay to drive and there wouldn't be pine needles all over the place in the Target or the Price Chopper.  It had to be better than lying around the house coughing and sneezing and wondering what Tanya's mom was going to light on fire next.
The tree was still smoldering in a smear of ashy water as they made their way down to Bethany's Cherokee; Tanya had the keys because Bethany had to take another Benadryl as she was getting dressed.  "We should stop off and get some pants first," she said, hitching up her borrowed pair as she climbed up into the seat, trying not to strain her bad knee.  "There was a tear in my pair that isn't in the laundry so I borrowed I guess some of your mom's, and they don't fit so good."  Bethany adjusted her waistband, pulled around on her coat to get herself arranged right, trying to keep her vision from dipping and swerving like she was rolled up into a bouncing gatchapon ball.
Tanya nodded and turned the key with a garupppa-pa-chunn.  "Okay. We'll stop at the first place."  The radio came up playing Seether, and she turned it off.  "I think there's a Lidl or an Aldi or one of those other German discount supermarkets on Highway 9, before we get to the mall.  They sometimes have clothes there, and if it's that plaza we can go in the CVS and get hair dye too, if they don't have it."
"If we're going to the supermarket, we should get some more vodka too, and some more mixers."  Bethany hunched down in the seat; the car wasn't really agreeing with her and she needed something more in the way of medication.
"It's – it's Sunday, right?  I don't know if they'll sell booze on a Sunday – it's still before noon, isn't it?"
Bethany wasn't sure.  "Aren't we in Rhode Island?  Are there seriously laws in Rhode Island?"
"No, we're still in Taunton – we've still got the Mass blue laws." "But do people seriously obey the law in Taunton?"
Whether they did or not, Tanya turned off the highway, dodging snow mounds and the still-not-demolished drive-up one-hour photo box in the parking lot to pull in almost on the lines as close as she could manage to the entrance to the Edeka.  She took Bethany's hand as they got out of the car and walked in, helping her with her balance, trying to keep that bad knee from getting worse, and then let go to pull out a shopping cart.  "I can do the cart," Bethany said, trying to be useful, because they were in here for her, after all, and it would help to have something to lean on.  "I'll just go look at pants – you can go get whatever you need and come put it in."  They would probably be almost alone in the store – midday Sunday in the lull after Christmas – but Bethany was still digesting the medication, still wanted, kind of, to get a little to herself and make sure she was getting everything okay.
She pushed the cart down the side aisle through the discounted toys and sad-looking craft supplies to the clothing section at the back, started absent-mindedly picking up pants from racks or piles.  They were stretch pants and would stretch a little as long as she could get something close to the right size, and this was a store for normal people, not those A&F waifs, so there were things that she could and would wear here, but you seriously didn't know what size something was until you actually put it on – whatever the designers and salespeople who decided what a "12" or a "14" was at some of these places were on, Bethany wanted a hit off it: it had to be good and it would definitely help with being out of pants and drunk and on Benadryl and still worried about what Tanya's mom was going to set on fire.
Tanya came back, for a second, two boxes of hair dye and a neon plastic handle of margarita mixers into the cart; Bethany turned to say something, but she was already gone.  There was a discount circle rack on that side; some pants that didn't look interesting and a few longer shirts that did.  She reached out a hand to move them out of the way, look them over; if Tanya'd gone off again, she had other things to find and she'd be back.  There was time enough to just look around before she went over to the fitting room to start trying the pants on.
Bethany turned a frilly mid-cut shirt that her chest would've been too big to fit into in fifth grade to the side, and that was when she saw her. Squatted down at the end of one of the end caps, stocking cough medicine out of a basket: dark black hair cut like a boy in a fashion-plate shoujo manga from the '90s, purple barred streaks down through it at exactly the right spacing; they somehow matched perfectly with her intentionally-ugly lavender work polo, and Bethany was sure they'd look even better with just the giraffe-print longsleeve she was wearing under it.  Her nails were that same dark purple, and her solid, thick-soled Docs were just barely tinted the same purple in the toes – the yellow stitching probably DIY-painted out in the same nail polish.  She must have felt Bethany looking, staring, because she turned, calm brown eyes and neutral make-up and the whisper of a hole for a lip piercing that she had out so that the old ladies wouldn't complain to her manager, and she didn't look bothered or shocked, and that was when Bethany, who'd almost forgotten about Tanya and had definitely forgotten about her bad knee, got a definite reminder of the second: the joint buckled and she lost her balance and fell over through the discount rack.
"Oh my god!" the clerk was saying, arms around her already.  "Are you okay?  Are you all right?  Do you need me to call 911?"
"No, I –" Bethany shook her head, trying to keep her swimming eyes from rolling back, deep breath, deep breath, no pine needles, making sure that there wasn't anything broken.  "I – I think I'm okay.  I'm just a little hung over.  And I'm on Benadryl."
"If you really think you're okay, that's fine," she said, name tag ALICIA, her arms close and strong and soft and warm around Bethany as she helped her to her feet.  Tanya was hustling back through the aisle, hand over her mouth, trying not to make more of a scene. "Don't worry about the rack; I'll put it back together.  And please come back sometime – when you're not on Benadryl."  She smiled as her hands fell away, as Tanya got over with a sympathetic arm and a half-whispered scold, and Bethany had the hardest of times looking away, not looking back as she went over to the changing room.
Two of the pairs of pants fit, but by the end of trying them on Bethany's side was a mass of raw bruises, so that was the end of the day; they'd gotten most of what they were out for, and while it wasn't that long, they'd gotten out of the house for a little bit: Tanya's mom would have to be asleep by the time they got back, and they could have some time to themselves.
"You've got to take better care of yourself," Tanya was saying, like any of this was her fault and not the bus and not Tanya's mom's dumb natural tree and not Alicia for being that pretty, "I know it's hard, but I can't always –" and then they came around the rise and saw the blue lights and the red lights and the high wide orange light and Tanya skidded to a stop in the middle of the road.
"MO-OOOM!" she screamed, bailing out of the car, door hanging open.  "Mom! What did you do?  What did you DO?!" Bethany scrunched down, curling up low in the seat, putting everything on the flat natural horizon of the Cherokee's hood: the fire engine blocking the road and the firemen playing their hoses around, Tanya's mom howling on the curb in cuffs, some skinhead cop, probably yet another of the Belchers, double-facepalming because he wasn't getting anything out of her, and up over all of everything the crackle crackle roar of the stand of pines on the far side of the house in a towering eruption of billowing smoke, yellow-red sheets of flame.  Bethany hunched down and thought about other things, other ways: ALICIA and giraffe prints and strong arms, invitations and unkissed piercings, and other places where less than everything was always fire.
further Tales of the Missing ...
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oneheartblog-blog · 6 years
Where Did Ikea Folding Gym Mat Get The Idea From?
Check out http://www.oneheartblog.com/ikea-folding-gym-mat-get-idea/
Where Did Ikea Folding Gym Mat Get The Idea From?
The Ikea Folding Gym Mat
When you go into Ikea children section, you will find that there is a new product called PLUFSIG folding gym mat. It consists of 5 rectangular panels and is foldable into one single panel. Folding gym mat is such a brilliant idea, especially to modern families. When the gym mat is folded, it saved a lot of storage space; when it is unfolded, the mat still gives you a decent amount of space of comfort and protection.
This colorful gym mat comes in two color sets: green and pink. It is selling at $34.99 USD or $49.99 CAD. The price is quite affordable. You could easily find a tiny kitchen foam mat pricing from $40 to $350, of course, it all depends on quality. For something that is affordable to the majority of families, PLUFSIG is not a bad choice.
Now Look at the Quality
PLUFSIG folding gym mat comes in a decent size. It is approximately 72-inch long x 30-inches wide unfolded. It has a thickness of 1.25 inches. Ikea recommends this product to children 18 months and older, and users cannot wash, bleach, tumble dry, iron, or dry clean the gym mat. As a parent of two, although I like the idea of folding gym mat, I’m hesitating about this product because it looks hard to keep clean. When I let my children play, I let them play freely. So, making a mess is almost unavoidable. I’m almost certain that the mat would get really messy after a few times of play. Imagine: they drool, they sweat, they bite, they may even have potty accidents on it. So, not being able to clean the gym mat properly is a big drawback.
Another thing to consider is: I bet most parents would hope their infants could use the mat too. For whatever reason, sometimes you just don’t want to put your infants down on the floor, while putting them on a bed is a big no-no, and putting them back to their crib is impossible. Sometimes, a mat is really handy! However, Ikea’s folding gym mat is recommended for children 18 months and older. It makes everyone think twice about letting their infant use the folding gym mat. Is it safe for baby? Would there be any potential risk? Is 1.25 inches thickness enough for baby protection? Would my baby ruin the mat and put me in the situation that I couldn’t even able to clean the mat?
Well, since Ikea put that note of recommended age and cleaning to this product, it’s better safe than sorry.
Why we need a Folding Gym Mat?
For infant:
Infants constantly explore the world and absorb new knowledge of the world. Instead of laying them down on the floor (that is hard) or carpet (where many invisible germs were hiding), we can put them on a mat. A big enough mat allows infants to stretch, try different movement as they grow, play with their toys, etc. They start laying on the mat, then roll, then sit, then crawl, and eventually, they try to stand up and walk.
For toddlers:
In general, toddlers start learning to walk sometimes around 12 months to 18 months. In the learning process, they try, they fall, and they try again. So, falling is part of the learning process. We need a folding gym mat for toddlers because we want to protect our children from getting hurt when they fall. We don’t want them to bump their heads too hard and for too many times or break their arms. A folding gym mat serves the purpose and is easy to store away.
For young children:
Rough-and-tumble play is very common among young children, especially boys. It is actually good for them. (Read more here.) In this stage, we do need a fairly large gym mat to allow young children to play. They could play toys, read books, do gymnastics, etc.
The Original Folding Gym Mat, If you would say so…
Way before Ikea folding gym mat appears in their stores, there was already a brand of high quality folding gym mat in the market: dfang’s d-folder. Dfang is a Korean brand. They make high quality, non-toxic, and eco-friendly mats for children.
Everybody knows that in North America, the quality and safety standards for children products are very high. Dfang, the manufacturer of d-folder, expertise in manufacturing children mats. Their products have exceeded the very high standards and entered Canada with certifications. D-folder, the Korean folding gym mat is made of non-toxic PVC materials. It has been tested and proved that the materials used do not release toxins, such as formaldehyde and other heavy metals.
What is Good about d-folder the Korean folding gym mat?
Anti-Scratch & Waterproof
The surface of the folding gym mat has an anti-scratch coating that makes it nearly impossible to make a scratch on it. At the same time, the surface is waterproof. That saves a lot of headaches over spilling fluid on. A simple wipe will do much of the cleaning. Furthermore, an all-new no stitch technology allows it to seal the inner layer from the outer layer without any risk of leaking fluid through stitches. We all heard of how the liquid leaked into Sophie the giraffe and have moles and fungus grew inside while your loved ones are teething on it. This could potentially be very harmful and disgusting.
All of the above sounds very good, what about the most important function we all want to know: Shock absorption.
d-folder folding gym mat comes in about one and a half inches (4.0 cm) thickness with an anti-fatigue feature, aka shock absorption, pretty much like the ergonomic kitchen mat you can see or test out in kitchenware stores. This folding gym mat is not just spectacular in shock absorption, but also good at noise absorption. Extra cushioning protects children from hard impact or falling on the mat. 95 inches x 55 inches unfolded outsize and out-thick PLUFSIG mat in a landslide.
Minimalist Design
Another plus point is that the mats come in modern minimalist designs. A few years ago, children playmats usually are very colorful with cute animal cartoon characters on it. Even though the playmats are still in perfect situations, the bigger children now find the pattern too childish, and the parents find the baby-ish playmat doesn’t go with the interior design of their home.
The good thing about d-folder folding gym mat is that if it’s not in use, you can fold it and store away, but if you prefer, it is also a piece of great taste furniture. Open it and put it in the living room, it adds value to your room. You can even do Yoga on the mat, too!
Do you need a Folding Gym Mat? Where to Buy?
Child safety is always the top priority in a family. We are grateful that in North America we have a very high safety standards and regulations regarding child products. It gives most parents a peace of mind when choosing and buying children products.
To conclude, if you want an affordable or only need a short-term use of a folding gym mat. Ikea folding gym mat will do the job. Its dimensions are 70″(L) x 30″ (W) x 1.25″ (T), selling at $49.99 CAD.
If you have multiple children and looking for something safe, sturdy, long-term, and stylish, d-folder folding gym mat is the best. Its dimensions are 95″(L) x 55″ (W) x 1.6″ (T), selling at $399.99 CAD at Yutopia. Tip: sign up their newsletter and get 10% off! It does ship free too.
Like other quality car seats or strollers, this high end, baby-proof quality products come at a cost. This spectacular D-folder folding gym mat may cost more than the Ikea folding gym mat, but if you really concern about your children, this is one of the best options you could find in the market.
Parklon Space Folder Mat "Sweetie" 5 Panel 140x250
Price: $328.96
[Alzip Mat] Baby Playmat - ECO Color Folder Duo (Non-Toxic, Non-Slip, Waterproof) (Eco Duo Gray/Pink, SG)
Price: $269.99
We Sell Mats Tumbling Exercise Folding Martial Arts Mat, Pink/Purple, 2
Price: $149.95
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unholyhelbiglinked · 7 years
For Better or Worse | Chapter 1
I had my mind made up that drowning was the way to go. Of course, if anyone had to choose a way that they would meet their end the go-to answer is always in their sleep. Not me, though. I always felt like I would miss something if I died in my sleep.
Aren't you supposed to get this huge flash of what your life was like before you bite the dust? Like a giant run through of everything you did? I was never sure if it was as poetic as it sounded. Maybe it was just a scratchy rewind of everything.
When I was younger I used to go to blockbuster all the time. There was nothing to do but watch the woman working in the back-room rewind tapes. They were big, and square. Bulky. She would stare at the screen in front of her as the whole movie played backwards.
She always knew the ending before the beginning, which seemed like it was cheating in a way. But it was her job; to make sure whoever had the tape next could enjoy the film without going through what she had.
I just hoped death wasn't like that. Drowning would give me an option to check it out though. It would be painless, scary- but painless after you stopped clinging onto the last of the air your lungs had.
Cynical? Yes. Realistic? Maybe.
My mind did have a tendency to wonder against everything. I would spend hours at a time just watching my father fix up boats. When you're surrounded by nothing but choppy sea water you start to imagine what it's like beneath the surface.
Truth of the mater boiled down to water not being safe. Water not being some soft cushion to land on when you fall. It was dangerous against the current of a storm, the wind making waves as sharp as blades. The height of which you jump making it as hard as a rock.
Water was like any surface. Like a fire, burning from the inside out. Like a cracked pipe, or broken stop light. It originated and took over every inch of your body until you couldn't feel a thing.
There was not flash of life. No way to see what you had lived, or noticed what you missed. It was all fast. A crack of lighting, the splintering of wood. Everything combined made death loud. Loud and daunting.
Drowning isn't so bad. It's surviving that really kicks your ass.
"I'm telling you Gracie, she's not that competitive." Ricki's voice pulled me from my thoughts, my boots against the grained wood as I struggled peel the golden letter from the side of the boat, it's hinges rough and creaking like the rest of the ship.
"No, not at all," I mumbled, pulling softly against the soft surface.
"So, competitiveness is good in a girl" She started, her dark grey eyes looking almost blue against the mild mid-day environment. I glanced at her, handing the rusted over 'P' to her. She was delicate with them, thinking that she could save every part of a boat. Right down to the name bolted into its frame. I always found it trivial to name something that could easily sink anyway.
"She was like the hulk."
"it shows she knows what she wants."
"The cards went everywhere." I spoke, hopping down from the small step stool I was on. My boots echoed against the side of the dock, huge vessel we were working on was some sort of a pride for the town- at least that's what the mayor said.
It used to be an underwater attraction, a large ferry that sunk to the bottom of the sea years ago. He wanted it restored and brought back up to health for the town to use to attract tourists. No one cared about the ferry they rode in on, though.
Ricki and I ran a towing company of sorts. We were ready to go out and rescue anyone that got caught up in between the main land and the island, but our main jobs resided as mechanics for broken down boats.
The docks were crowded, filled to the brink with fishermen waiting for the season to start and the ferry service. A few other placed would sell burgers, and rent out little jet skis to ride along the beaches. Different companies would move in and out; but there were always the main businesses.
"Hannah is a great girl." Ricki through her hands up in the air, a few strands of dark hair falling into her gaze. She was wearing a long sleeve shirt despite the heat-nothing seeming to bother her.
"Oh, no- I'm not disagreeing." I lifted my own palms in surrender "I'm just saying, I swallowed that little top hat piece."
She scoffed shaking her head as I grasped the red tool box by our feet, the metal clanking around as we started to make our way back to the shop a few steps away. It was small, small enough to house a little sitting area and an office. We had a warehouse closer to the water on the other side of the docks, but hadn't been in it lately. Our main focus on the restoration.
"After a trip to the emergency room, I'm skipping out on the next game night."
"Huh," She opened the door, a blast of cool air pressing against me. "That's fine. The real games didn't start until you left anyway."
The light was cascading against the inside of the shop, an inky blue taking up most of the sky. It was getting late, almost six o'clock. Ricki had taken off about an hour ago, my main attention on finishing paperwork up for the latest client.
It was simple stuff; how much the parts would cost, how long it would take. It was one bit estimate.
The soft sound of the wind echoed through the place, a dull breeze warm against my skin. This place was nice during the night, nothing but the sound of a few fishermen docked for the night enjoying a beer or two and seagulls screeching against the night air.
My phone going off changed all that, it vibrated loudly, the whole desk wanting to shake as I glanced over. It was from Kelsey. My stomach dropped slightly, this wasn't good. I had warned her that I was staying a bit late tonight.
"Hello?" I held the hot phone to my ear, already shutting off the light to the office. It wasn't completely dark at this point, I could still see my feet in front of me, which was good as I searched for the key to the place.
"Hey Grace, I'm so sorry to bother you like this."
"Is Addie okay?" I asked hurriedly, locking the door behind me.
"She's fine," Kelsey said with haste "Sort of. I can't get her to calm down, I've tried everything."
"Alright," I let scratched the back of my neck, staring at the edge of the dock. The deep yellow street lamp gave me a little more room to see. There was a ferry coming in at the end of the dock, it was pretty late, the last one of the night I suppose. "Thanks, K, I'll be there in a few."
I hung the phone up a few seconds later, shoving it into my pocket as I kept my gaze on the ferry. Only one person was getting off, her tall frame almost inky against the rest of the light. I could hear her heels against the hollow wood.
Walking in those must be hell. I stuck with combat boots, knowing anything would get stuck in the old grooves of the dock. She was carrying a large suitcase, the wheels almost as loud as her steps.
I shook my head before walking towards the parking lot towards my truck. Kelsey only lived a few minutes away from the shore, but once Addison came into play I usually made it there in half the time.
My chin lifted towards the fisherman sitting on top of his blue and white cooler near his boat: The Siren. We had fixed it up a few months ago. He was a good guy, one that was usually quiet. The loud sound of a bang made us both freeze, though.
"Well damn," he mumbled, raising his beer to her lips. "I ain't never seen someone eat shit as hard as she just did."
I slumped my shoulders, my light jacket pressing against the edge of my neck as I let out a small sigh. I took one step back before turning around and walking back towards the end of the docks. All I could see was an angry mass of a human against the pale moonlight.
As I got closer, I got a better look at her. She was pretty tall, or at least I thought she was. Her skin was a deep cream, eyes looking a forest green against her pale and sharp features. She was in some type of skirt suit combo. Her undershirt a purple silk button down. It made her lips stand out against her dark hair. It looked almost black in this light- flowing over her shoulders almost effortlessly.
She was gorgeous. Like a Siren, I suppose.
"Are you okay?" I asked with a bit of a smile to my voice as she finally took notice to me. Her anger at the situation not changing a bit.
"Yes, clearly." Her voice was gravelly and alluring- the sound of it sending chills across my spine, a bit of blood gushing from a scrape on her chin. I lifted an eyebrow as I extended a hand towards her. She eyed it for a few seconds.
"Let me help you up,"
"I don't need help." She huffed "Do I look like I need help?"
She looked like a baby giraffe trying to gain her footing on a broken heel and spirt. Her shoe was busted, that much was clear. I just stepped back and watched with curiosity. She brushed her clothes off, like her and I weren't the only two people on the dock who could see he deshelled appearance.
"Well, yeah." I responded, "Kind of."
"I don't." She snarled, leaning heavily against the suitcase as she took both shoes off, leaving her barefoot and almost the same height as me. "I'm fine."
She stared at me for a few seconds, cocking her head to the side before she started to tug the suitcase behind her. It started to rumble against the wood, getting caught in a few grooves every once and awhile. She was too determined to notice.
"You're bleeding," I pointed out as I started to walk next to her.
"Are you following me?" She glanced over as I shoved my hands in my jean pockets.
I chuckled softly, shaking my head as she stopped under one of the yellow street lamps.
"What's so funny, huh?"
"There's only one dock." I lifted my jacket covered hand towards the sea "I'm not trying to walk on water. Besides, I don't know if you understand which way is towards land or not." I quipped back quietly. She heard me though, the two of us alone in the silence.
"I know where I'm going." She said after a few seconds, starting to walk again. I joined in, knowing I had to get to Addie soon. She was upset, something that I needed to take care of as soon as I could.
I nodded, she had a lot of anger to her, not something I was looking for in any encounter. She was beautiful, yes, but I could already tell she was a handful. Maybe the fall had made her irritable, I wasn't quite sure. But I knew she would have a rough time here.
We had reached the end of the dock in silence, the girl flinching due to the rocky surface under her feet. It had turned to gravel, my own boots crunching against the substance. "Wait," she said quietly as soon as I started to go towards my truck. It was the only car in the whole lot, everyone else too tired, or too drunk to drive.
"Do you know where the bookshop is?" She asked timidly, a bit of hostility leaving her voice.
"Ah, yeah." I lifted my chin slightly "It's about three miles up the road."
She thanked me with a small nod as she started to walk in that direction.
"Wait! You're walking?" I jogged slightly to catch up with her. She let out a thick sigh in response. Of course she was walking. "You can't walk."
"Do you have a better idea?" She ran a hand through her hair, exasperated.
"The taxi service went out a year ago," I shrugged my shoulders "we're too primitive for uber, and public transportation is a mistake in its own right so... I can take you."
"I don't know you."
"But you know Hannah?" I lifted an eyebrow, the woman's head cocking to the side at the mention of someone familiar. She let out a small huff, maybe in surrender, I wasn't sure. Something about her was on edge, like she didn't want help from anyone. I knew it didn't matter if it came from me, or some random boater. "She would never forgive me if I let you walk."
She let out a breath of air, one that was a mix between a scoff and laugh. "No, I suppose she wouldn't."
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