#i think i tend to love a few people very deeply and so then im not good at having friends where j can be like hey wanna hit up this abbey
ghosts-of-love · 9 months
yo anyone wanna come to a national trust place with me today? 🍁🍂
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nori-the-cat · 5 days
a bit of a long ramble but
I'e been observing and following kpop on and off for some time because theres really not much other music out rn besides whatever is mainstream and even that doesnt always interest me enough. but I just wonder why so much of kpop has been so dramatic lately? lkke in these past few years online drama seems to increase surrounding idols especially and what idols do in their personal life doesnt need to be shared online like wtf and it just seems like every small thing for kpop groups tend to become big drama or their fans make it big drama all the time. thats why i watch from afar these days cause it seems anyone can have negative thing to say abt anyone whos in the kpop entertainment. even if there is some good things abt kpop music, overall it doesnt paint it in good light cause it make their fans seem like a pack of wild vultures who watch their idols like hawkes or ppl who cant seem to mind their business or let idols roam freely in their spare time cause smartphones seem to mean ppl can shove them in the idols face esp at airports.
its just kind of tiring most of the time like if people just liked it for the songs it wouldnt be so bad instead it seems to be one extreme or the other. i dont blame idols for never saying who they date bc look at what happened to karina and the actor. social media just spoils the fun of something and makes it into something else enitrely where its now often filled with dramas or toxic behaviours idfk whatever ppl post towards idols it only for them to get more negative reactions. i wouldnt be surprised if most idols are already dating but when it seem to get leaked in the media then ppl who are their fans act like it end of the world. i think the problem isnt social media itself but more so smartphones bc ppl who are more their hard core stans, i guess is the right word, they might go to extremes and they keep showing that extreme behaviour any time something doesnt sit right with them. like one minute the idol can be worshipped and next they can be tarnished so they cant really win anymore.
when ppl say that kpop is becoming westernised i only think thats in the sense of them adding foreigners nowadays to the groups, but the groups and their fans are still very much particular towards things like in 2024 i didnt expect idols dating to still be considered a scandal? whereas in the west they date who they want or idfk adult idols going out to clubs and drinking seem to surprise some folk. even the stuff in the media dont surprise me anymore cause it no a big deal to me at least. honestly with the way their fans behave online and irl towards idols theres one thing im glad abt and that is i will never have to deal with them or knetz lol.
its shame bc theres still so much kpop could bring to music but its so formatted and rigid or set in its ways of doing things. the other thing is they arent debuting older age idols who may have more life experiences and they may be more mentally prepared to handle such fans behaviours or they might have different style vocals and so on, so with that in mind im like its so awkward and horrible to even watch the way much younger idols get treated or mistreated, i should say, by their own fans and maybe by other adults that they work with.
other than whatever is mainstream there doesnt seem to be market for my age group anymore cause in kpop theyre debuting them too young and ik they always done that but it still feels weird to me to like a group whos 4/5/6 years younger than myself. id have loved an other group like btob or a smaller version of exo but nowadays it seems groups have nearly 30 smth members in them and they usually have to be quite young :/ if ateez had been my age it would seal the deal but i dont even care too deeply for them either its just once in awhile sort of thing i will like their songs why does it always have to be more than that?
like im no going to go doolally about every group nowadays either for this reason that my generation seems to be getting left out of a lot of things to do with kpop. like i honestly really feel old these days esp when i look at an idol and theyre like a 99liner or 00liner :O and kpop probs now considers 20 year olds too old as well :( fomo sets in too when u dont particularly care deeply abt dance challenges or latest internet fads cause i rather just like a group for their songs or their talent than their looks or their group position / personality whatever its called
lastly whoever date or marry bts i honestly feel so bad for them like they going to get so much media attention and their fans wont like it either so the internet will descend into more chaos when they marry if they arent already secretly married that is. it really sometimes often feels like the beatles but with the internet involved its 100x more crazy no matter the group it always has bunch of crazies who seem to twke it way too far
sorry for my long ramble
GUUUUUURRRRL please don’t be sorry for your long ramble. I had similar thoughts as you but I have come to terms with it, especially when I’m the same age as NCT 127 Jungwoo things in K-pop music has become less enjoyable too. Hence, I don’t know much about newer groups or groups outside of my interests ㅠ ㅠ
You also pointed out how fans can idolise their idols and drop them the next minute when they’re “wrong”, for example going to the club, dating, and having a life basically. I think all of this is the company’s fault. Take SM for example, I’m not comfortable in the direction that RIIZE is going with the booheju (girlfriend stan) stuff, but it’s what it makes money? Because of this, I’ve slowly detaching myself from them and only like their songs and I have one particular member that I like, he is Lee Sohee. I also like him because of his singing skill and that’s all.
Overall, I agree with you. Tbh it’s the parasocial relationship that is an issue. Some fans seeks comfort from their idol and the idol gives them that. However, often they forget that an idol job stops when they’re behind the camera. They have a life too. So, I’m with you on this too. I have started to like a group for their song and less about what is trendy or their looks and personality. Girl groups wise I’m into Aespa, NewJeans and BabyMonster. Their songs are right up my alley. Now, the younger idols debuting is a problem in it of itself. But this has happened way before in Kpop. Take Taemin for example, or NCT Dream Jisung. I think the main reason is that the younger they are, the easier to “manipulate” them or influence them. I guess if a company debuts someone above 25 years old, they’re going to have a hard time dealing with them because their pre-frontal cortex has developed.
that’s my easiest bet! 🤡
I’m also not Korean so I can’t say for certain this is true. However, I’m Asian. I realise Asian people put so much emphasis on good character. Because of this, idols are seen as role models and they are constantly judged and put on a pedestal. It’s kinda sad really. So, take Seunghan for example, whether his rumours are true or not. His scandal has been a huge part of his idol career and to some, it could look like there is no going back. In terms of fan wars, I think people on the internet are just bored or mean. Most fan wars started by some troll or a fan who likes to compare other idols. I don’t know much about fan wards but this is what I noticed. I’m pretty sure if BTS gets married, it is during the time of their life where they are not at their “prime”. That way is easier for them to be accepted by their fans and the South Korean. Take, Ryewook from Super Junior. He got married recently and the fans seem fine. But ofc, we can’t exclude the obsessive fans. I’m sure idols realise they have obsessive fans. In general, I’m pretty sure idols knows their consequences and downsides to being an idol. We as fans also have full control of our interests. The only thing becoming Westernised in kpop is the song and not the culture. 🤡
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courtrecord · 2 years
On twitter sometime ago you described your writing habits as something similar to my own (slow, tedious, perfectionist, compulsive, agonizing over getting the words perfect instead of editing later, etc) And you also wrote a lot of dope things like Galactic 2E and Venture that are I hope you dont mind me saying, deeply inspirational. So coming from someone who hasnt Gotten There yet I have to ask, how do you get yourself to get up and just write the damn thing already?
omg thank u so much, that means more than i can possibly say. i wish i had a better set of advice but honestly so much of my creative work is vibes and hyperfixation based, and every time i finish something i look back on it like “how the fuck did i do that”, but here are the things that work for me. they are very much based on my own particular adhd and writing hangups so ur mileage will definitely vary.
start small: i didn’t start writing ttrpgs with big projects like venture & g2e. i started with a 200 word game, then some one-pagers, then kept growing from there. @jdragsky has talked a lot about the importance of building the skill of finishing things, and small projects are a really good way of doing that. hell, even g2e only exists bc i started with the smaller project of galactic, then went back to it a year later to build on it again.
share as u go: when i started working on bigger games, and this year as i’ve been working on longer fics, friends to share screenshots of my wip have been invaluable. that way i can get the immediate validation of someone reading my thing and giving feedback without feeling like i need to Publish it yet. biggest shoutout in the world to my friends who tolerate my writing nonsense.
write in chunks: this is kind of the combination of those first two points. bob games are big piles of little lists. i tend to write fic in short, impactful scenes. i have a wip that’s an sbr game, which is a big pile of little advances. that way, i am constantly getting that feeling of accomplishment when i write something. i can agonize over word choice and vibes and editing but then i actually get to a stopping point, where i like that little bit enough to move on to the next one. it seems crazy looking back that i wrote 36 places & 36 traits for g2e, but i didn’t just sit down and knock them all out. i wrote a few, sent them to some friends, then i wrote a few more. u know?
don’t force it: sometimes, the vibe just isn’t there. sometimes, u spend a year doing barely any writing or game design bc there’s a pandemic and ur brain doesn’t work anymore. etc. i’ve thought a lot the past few years about the difference btwn the feeling of wanting to write bc i want to write the thing, and the feeling of wanting to write bc i like the idea of being the person who wrote the thing. when i realize i’m in that second mindset, i go and think about something else. bc no good writing comes from that (at least ime)
find what u like: this is kinda related to the one above, but it’s another thing i’ve been thinking about lately. i spent a lot of time when i was younger assuming that bc i like writing, i had to write a novel, bc that’s what writers do. i would try to follow writing advice made for people who simply aren’t me. “writers must learn to use description sparingly” lol way ahead of u. that kinda thing. realizing that i love writing fanfiction for its transformativity, and i love writing dialogue bc it’s what i’m good at, was a huge revelation. i can just do that. i don’t have to follow the regular writer mold when i can just write really fucking good dialogue-heavy fanfiction. and in that realization, i’ve been able to grow as a writer by gaining the ability to write things down that i’m happy with, and grow from there.
prescription adderall: i told u this list was a mess. this one has kinda been crucial for me. i realized i had adhd in my first year of college in 2017 and started taking adderall for my second year of college in mid-2018. i started churning out creative projects in 2019. coincidence? absolutely not oh my god are u kidding
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ahamkara-apologist · 8 months
you have GOT to post guardian pics I'm begging you. feed us (me?) information about your characters. I must know. it is imperative
TYSM FOR ENABLING ME ANON BC THEY ARE MY BLORBOS AND IM VIBRATING ABOUT THEM. buckle the fuck up because this is gonna be a long fucking post
Okay first up is Aeris Sharphawk- aro/ace, he/him. he's my main character, my hunter, and the Young Wolf of my timeline.
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He’s half-Awoken, half-Human (I’ll get to that in a moment, he’s actually an older oc of mine that I ported over from Bloodborne whose bastard nature needed a D2 equivalent), and the older half-brother to my solar titan, Marcelline Attenbough- one of the few little remnants from their past life that they were able to discover in a diary on Marcie’s corpse when they were rezzed together (which occurred because their ghosts are twins). He’s autistic, lawful neutral, and vastly prefers using Darkness over Light because of sensory issues; his ghost (Hoarfrost, previously Mercury) mods his helmets to drastically reduce noise, but he can’t help how Arc tingles, Solar burns, and Void numbs. Tends to spend most of his battles either hyperfocused or dissociated to deal with it. As for the lawful neutral title, that’s because he doesn’t fight for the Vanguard because of a loyalty to humanity, but exclusively for the survival of the Last City and everyone in it. This extended to House Light and the Cabal under Caital instantaneously, and would do so to Eramis if she so chose, because he really just doesn’t take most things personally. He's sometimes derogatorily called 'the Vanguard's Hound' because of this.  
He’s skilled with a bow, and is cursed with a resting haunted stare that can rival even the fiercest bird of prey- hence his title, given to him because his last name wasn’t present in the little diary that Marcie had when they were rezzed. Personality wise, he’s quiet, stoic, extremely efficient at what he does, fiercely protective of those he loves, and deeply curious about the unknown- though if you don’t know him, you’d never be able to guess it, because he struggles deeply with facial expressions and tone, giving him the appearance that he’s ruthlessly cold and unfeeling (pretty much the Guardian we see in game). Because of this, he tends to do much better with Eliksni than most of humanity- bar the Awoken, though Mara makes him deeply uncomfortable- and is thus far more comfortable with them. He’s the moon to Marcie’s sun, and helps keep her in check, for despite her cheery personality, she has a very strong sense of justice and a penchant for impulsive, temperamental behavior when she thinks that justice has been wronged. This goes both ways, however, as Aeris is the very definition of ‘curiosity killed the cat’; he voluntarily gets bit by venomous snakes at venom labs to see how immunity/allergies develops over time, and has a fascination with the Vex that got him a ‘needs watching’ report after he nearly jumped into a pool of radiolaria to see what would happen. The older-brother affection isn’t related to just Marcie, though; he’s unofficially adopted Eido as his younger sister (or kid? Because uhhh that curiosity of his has extended to fucking Misraaks once or twice), and is a mentor figure of sorts to Crow, though he’s unaware that Crow idolizes him; he only hunted Uldren down to keep Marcie out of trouble, as he didn’t like Cayde and was neutral on Uldren, so seeing Crow for the first time didn’t bother him at all. Tutored on occasion by Osiris, and thus has a very deep respect for him. 
People other than Marcie that he likes:  Zavala, Ikora, Osiris, Eido, Misraaks, Eris, and Variks, Petrichor-12 (oc), Viper-4 (oc, lightless guardian), Crow
People he dislikes: Cayde, the Spider, Clovis Bray, Savathun, Mara Sov, Petra Venj (can’t read her very well), anyone who is loud or insistent or confusing 
Primary class (Dark): Stasis
Primary class (Light): Arcstrider
Motifs: Dark, cool blue/silver, viper and hawk symbolism
Likes: Learning about things, working with the Eliksni, being good at being a hunter, bows/glaives/swords, playing with Strand, Gambit (surprisingly)
Dislikes: Crucible, loud noises, fusion rifles, snipers because of the kick (despite being very good with them), shotguns, fans and most other guardians 
Fun fact: When Hoarfrost and Solaris found them, it was in a frigid part of old Russia, with Aeris holding Marcie close to his chest with his back to the door- they had frozen to death while trying to keep each other warm, and were under a thick layer of permafrost. When they were risen, they found out their names, their relationship to each other, and the fact that their father was a cheating bastard who produced Aeris after screwing an Awoken woman for the novelty of it because Marcie had a little diary in her front pocket, which had been somewhat preserved by the cold. Both their ghosts theorize that the reason why Aeris is so drawn to Stasis and Marcie to Solar is because of how they died, though neither guardian will say anything about it. He can also speak near-fluent Eliksni.
Then there’s Marcie, younger half-sister to Aeris and the sun to his moon; she/her, Solar Titan, lesbian, lawful good. Where he is quiet and introverted, she is loud and bombastic, and where he likes to dart in and strike down his enemies from afar, she likes to punch. I just recently made her in Destiny because the character creation doesn't really match how I see her, hence why she's got Arc on here
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(closer to her actual face minus the blue eyes; this is a very old bloodborne pic)
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Unlike her half-brother, Marcie is a full human, and- according to the diary she rezzed with- was objectively her father's favorite, though the feeling was not mutual, and their relationship was strained by her taking so kindly to the bastard son he tried to send away. Compared to Aeris, she's bright, bubbly, and outgoing, but has a fierce temper, and is quick to snap if something has pushed her too far-think a jack russel's terrier of a human being. Her ghost's name is Solaris (previously Quicksilver), and she prefers the Light and Solar by far. Her preferred method of combat is to hit first, ask questions later, which can be incredibly effective or incredibly dangerous depending on who's on the opposite end of her wrath. Her and Aeris share many quests together, with me typically attributing all the seasons that I didn’t play to Marcie, given that I didn’t make a Destiny character for her for the longest time. 
She was best friends with Cayde, and was so devastated by his death that Aeris had to go instead, as she would have killed anything and everything in vengeance without a second thought. She did, however, kill Riven- something that Aeris himself was somewhat reluctant to do,given his fascination with the Ahamkara. She's stubborn as a mule, surprisingly strong despite her small stature (well, small-ish), and is an absolute massive lesbian, with her type specifically being 'big strong ladies who can kill me'- which was primarily why she wasn't allowed to fight Eramis, or other big hotties, as she has a pretty hardcore crush on her. (The second reason was that she would have stood and bickered with Eramis about the ethics of what she was doing until either one or the other yielded). Instead, she was assigned to work with Misraaks to evacuate House Light refugees, which ended up being a fortuitous partnership with the coming of the Endless Night. Now, her primary work for the Vanguard consists of aiding Eliksni refugees, along with general alien-human politics and tackling xenophobia, as well as working on being an apprentice Splicer. She is very, VERY passionate about equal rights and will drag you to the Crucible if you fight her- and good fucking luck winning against her, because she fucking loves the Crucible and will beat your ass everytime. She’s somewhat of a local celebrity in that reguard
Her deep fondness for her brother comes primarily from the fact that he is one of the few people to take her seriously without either asking her to calm down or come off as patronizing- he's also a well of stability to her excitable moods, the voice of reason to her hyperempathy. While he keeps her from biting off more than she can chew, she acts as his translator + guide, yanking him back onto the path of sanity if he starts to wander into the Deep, and helping him with dysfunction things that Hoarfrost can’t do. She also enjoys working through the data he collects, even if she has no desire to go searching for it herself, so they make a good pair- even if, like most siblings, they will argue over every little thing and sometimes drive each other up the walls with their stubbornness.
I've already mentioned that she got along with Cayde, but her other friends at the tower are Shaxx, Drifter, Saint-14, and Ada-1. Misraaks is her mentor, as well as one of the few people who can talk her down from stupid shit, with uh…questionable results. And while she couldn't stand the sight of Crow when Aeris dragged him back, she managed to befriend him reguardless, mostly because he was so different from the Uldren she remembered that she couldn’t help but accept him for who he was. She often went out drinking with him and Amanda, and was devastated when she died. 
People she likes: Cayde, Shaxx, Drifter, Saint-14, Ada-1, Misraaks, Crow, Amanda (rip), Caiatl
People she dislikes: Uldren Sov, The Osmium Siblings, The Spider, Lakshmi-2, anyone against the Eliksni or people who are rude to Aeris, Calus
Likes: Crucible, Gambit, fucking around with weapons in new and creative ways, going out to drink with friends, playfully flirting, helping with construction work around the Eliksni District, playing around with the Light, moths and other fuzzy creatures
Primary Class (Light): Solar
Primary Class (Dark): Strand
Dislikes: Fighting Eliksni, any exploding enemies that she can’t punch, bows because Aeris will always be better than her at using them, the fact that Aeris fucked Misraaks at one point for science, being alone, her inability to score a girl who isn’t a war criminal
Motif: crimson and gold, bears or lion with eagle wings
Fun fact: Her grasp on Eliksni is actually more fluent than Aeris, and she spends a good deal of her time in the Tower socializing with people while he’s off doing…whatever.
Okay, now onto Petrichor-12, who decided to nope out of being a Guardian so I deleted their slot to make Marcie before I really did anything to dazzle them up
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Petrichor-12 is a now-retired guardian that actually came from a dream I had before I even played Destiny. They/them or he/him, neutral good, Void titan, ghost is seldom-speaking and called Whisper. Neutral good. I attribute them with D1 content, so they’re the guardian that killed Crota and Oryx, though Marcie and Aeris were also there to help.
Petrichor is an older, somewhat quiet, melancholy do-gooder that's been haunted by guilt ever since they found out the memories of who they were via the Deep Stone Crypt- a bodyguard for Clovis Bray that was turned to a path of anger, abuse, and violence after agreeing to be tested on for power, and got corrupted by the Darkness. This, paired with being rezzed in the Dark Ages, means that they have a lot of trauma surrounding violence, power, and the dilemma of being made to kill when all you want to do is save people. As such, Eramis's predicament troubles them greatly, and while it was them who gunned her down in conjunction with Aeris, they often found themselves returning to her frozen body on Europa to talk to her (presumed corpse) about Darkness corruption in a sort of venting monologue-advice system, which worked both as a way of fending off their troubles as well as keep an eye on her state- though now that she’s defrosted they’ve vowed never come near her again out of embarrassment. 
While retired, they are a stalwart defender of anyone who needs it and a keeper of peace, driven partially by a genuine desire to do good and a need to prove themselves not the person that they used to be. No longer able to mingle with other guardians or humanity at large due to PTSD from what they learned, they live in the Botza district as an ambassador between the Eliksni and humanity, they like to knit + quilt in their free time, teaching whichever hatchlings will listen and getting tutored on weaving by old Wolves in return. They're also 6'3", so…lorge. Zavala and Misraaks are the two people they talk to the most outside of the Eliksni refugees, and they drop by to say hi to Eva and knit with her whenever they have the chance. The war with the Witness is threatning to bring them out of retirement, something that they are deeply unhappy with. 
People he likes: Namrask, Misraaks, Saladin, Zavala, Ikora, Osiris (recently), Marcie and Aeris, Saint-14, Eris (complicated)
People they dislike: Themselves, Osiris (formerly), Eramis (reminds them of themselves), Ghaul, Oryx, Xivu Arath, Clovis Bray, anyone who goads them to fight, Elsie and Ana Bray by association, Rasputin 
Motif: gold and sapphire blue, used to have a gryphon motif but stopped wearing it because they don’t want to be recognized as the Kingkiller
Likes: Knitting, sewing, weaving, gardening, really anything restorative they can do with their free hands that forces their mind not to wander
Class (Light): Void, sometimes Arc
Class (Dark): no.
Dislikes: War, fighting, being a guardian, everything that has to do with what they used to be, anything Braytech sciences, the cumulative trauma from the Dark Ages and seeing recordings of who they used to be in the Deep Stone Crypt, their own fear of themselves
Fun fact: Petrichor-12 can speak Eliksni fluently, having modulated their voice and hearing to be able to incorporate the subsonic clicks and chirps in their speech, and is now working on learning Ulurant despite not at all liking the Cabal empire
Ash: Another dream character of mine, and my newest Guardian (so she’s somewhat of a wip). She/her, solar + void warlock, chaotic neutral to lawful evil depending on her mood. Pansexual but bitchless. Rezzed in the tail end of the Dark Ages, just long enough for her to see how horrible everything was but not long enough to see the true extent of it. Scholar of the Light, and most recently a scholar of the Dark as well.
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Ash is a warlock with an awful temper, a moral code that changes on a whim, and a ravenous appetite for knowledge that comes at the cost of everyone else, including herself. Her ghost (an anxious and caring little lass) is called Nutmeg, and is pretty much the only indicator that she has a soft spot. Ash dedicated herself to learning how to get closer to the Light, but unlike the more conventional meditations that people usually do to, she was inspired by ancient Greek priestesses and decided for a more unconventional route- by doing hard drugs. By getting either extremely drunk or very high, she claims that she overcomes the need for meditation (or, rather, bypasses it entirely because she’s too impatient for it) and gains a deeper connection with her powers, as she’s connecting with it instinctually rather than choosing to seek it out. Nutmeg and many others are not as convinced about this method, but they also can’t deny that it doesn’t have its perks, as Ash does have a very powerful connection to her light- mainly through exploding things, or setting everything around her on fire. It’s how she used to survive the Warlords she’d steal from in the Dark Ages, and she’s known specifically for her ability to mimic a nova bomb, but with solar power, which is strong particularly for how unexpected it is. 
However, being constantly hungover and harbouring no friends doesn’t exactly have its benefits, and as a result Ash is almost always grumpy, abrasive, quick to anger, quick to turn to cruel jibes and mocking when being defensive (which is often), and is generally awful to be around. She has no friends other than Nutmeg (whose bond has become strained as of late, since Ash is now turning to substance abuse for coping with the impending threat of the Witness rather than simply using it for her studies), her apartment is an uncleaned shithole she only uses for crashing in when she’s particularly out of it, and she's constantly in a state of passive-aggressive warfare with Osiris, as she and him used to occasionally cross paths and share research; they might have had a student-teacher dynamic if they didn’t grate so abrasively, and if Ash wasn’t so much of a lone wolf. He’s tried to whip her into shape a couple of times, but to no avail- they just devolved into shouting matches. Pretty much the only people she listens to are the Drifter and Nutmeg, but whether or not she’ll actually take their advice is a toss-up. 
Despite this, she will overall always choose to do what's right and will begrudgingly trudge along with people in random strikes to ensure that important missions get done, as she fears failure more than she does judgment. And yet, to an extent she also fears judgment, for part of the reason why she’s so cruel is to keep people at arm’s length, so as to prevent them from learning her weaknesses- not even her constant complaining about being bitchless will cover up that the core reason why she makes no effort to clean herself up and be nicer is because she fears vulnerability. She’s also brilliant with the Light and cunningly adept with the Dark, which is why the Vanguard continues to ask for her help and expertise.   
People she likes: the Drifter, Hawthorne, Nutmeg, Eido, Toland, Shaxx to most everybody’s surprise
People she dislikes: Pretty much the whole Vanguard and 90% of other guardians, Saladin, the Iron Lords, Osiris, Misraaks, 
Primary class (Dark): Stasis, wants to learn Strand but has a hard time letting go
Primary class (Light): Solar, Void
Likes: Learning nuances of the Light that others don’t go into detail to, connecting with the Light, growing more powerful and shaping it into new, experimental Supers that would make Zavala have a heart attack if he saw them in action, taking leadership in Strikes and prodding around New Lights to teach them about what it is to be a Guardian (but gently), killing assholes to put them in their place, spooking people
Dislikes: Being told what to do, being reminded that she’s a mess, being reminded that she’s afraid and that her behavior is starting to turn self-detrimental, being looked down on by other Guardians, the restrictive nature of Vanguard protocol that keeps her from playing around with her experimental supers, guardians who have no respect or care about mortal lives, getting kicked from bars for fighting said guardians with no respect or care for mortal lives, being reminded that she has a soft side and cares so much for other people that it scares her
Colours/theme: black, flame-gold, and green
Fun fact: Likes the Hive aesthetic, and knows their tongue just for the hell of it. Has quite a bit of fun tormenting and taunting Hive Lightbearers, loves digging around the Osmium Siblings. Despite this, she’s not passionate about the Hive, and doesn’t care one bit if they’re wiped out or not. She also pretty much never takes off the Stag helm, as dropping a rift on death has saved her ass more than once, and tends to sleep in her robes. It’s a miracle that she doesn’t stink something awful, but smells perpetually like smoke instead.
and last but not least: Viper-4, an ex-guardian who I have almost nothing on because he tends to be a side character: he/him, trans exo, primarily black chassis with red markings, not yet settled on alignment. A friend of Aeris, he's an ex-Hunter who is now the primary caretaker for a variety of venomous snakes whose species have survived the Collapse. He collects their venom to try to recreate old Golden-Age medicines and antivenom- which he does with Aeris's help- and had his forearms modded with soft silicone so that the snakes don't hurt him if they bite him. Generally a friendly and chill guy, but has a melancholy air as most Ghostless do, and wants to learn Strand so that he has some modicum of control over the elements again, as his lack of feeling the Light was the hardest part about his Ghost's death. Much like Brya and Sagira, his ghost sacrificed her to save him, but he blames himself for her death and pretty much entirely refuses to talk about it. Used to be quite adept with Void. I note that he's trans here because it carried over into his exo body, as he was raised with synthetic top surgery scars that were then worked into beautiful engravings of flowers, swords, and snakes by Viper-1
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
━one ship, two stupid stupid men
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SUMMARY | Mack had always had a mouth to him. Especially around his rival, the head engineer (who always had a scathing remark at the ready to fire back). But this time he went too far.
PAIRING | engineer mark x reader
WARNINGS | some slight angst. mack being a dick
WORD COUNT | 1.7k+
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Their rival was well known.
Mack has always hated Mark, and vise versa. It was common knowledge that the two of them engaged in heated conversations more often than not, the bickering only getting worse once the Captain had arrived on ship in all their authoritative glory.
You would have expected their first day aboard the Invincible ll to have been a welcoming once; crew and colonists alike doing their best to keep a professional introduction as swell as possible. And it had been working—at first.
That had all been ruined the second they met Mark and Mack side by side (along with Celci and Burt of course but they were civil enough to leave a good if not slightly forgettable first impression.)
The Captain didn’t think they would be forgetting Mark throwing a wrench across the room at Mack’s smug face anytime soon.
Since then they had learned the root of their hatred for each other.
Apparently Mack had appointed to be head engineer, practically working all his adult life to get there. And some of his childhood too, according to a the few personnel that the Captain had asked. So one could imagine the impact it would have on the cocky space man when Mark waltzed in and immediately got the position, receiving tumultuous praise for his natural skill and abilities. Skills and abilities that Mack just ‘lacked’ according to the board.
The monthly meetings that just so happened to be mandatory per request of headquarters always tended to be the worst.
”All Im saying, Mark, is that more than once our dear Captain has shown to be, how should I put it, less than wise in their decision making.”
The same condescending voice that had been speaking nonstop for the last half hour piped up again, the owner of it smoothing down his light brown jumpsuit while staring coldly across the table at another man in the same garb.
Mark jumped out of his seat with vigor as Mack had finished sharing his critique. His nostrils were flaring, and the Captain imagined that if he had fangs he would be baring them like a dog.
”Our Captain has done nothing but lead us through the toughest of challenges, nothing short of brave and confident in the face of death itself!” He snapped viciously at Mack. Everyone watched as he rolled his eyes in response, scoffing before addressing Mark again.
”Your opinion on this matter is irrelevant. You practically worship the ground they walk on, so of course you’d be the one to back them up. We need to hear from more people with less biased opinions on our Captain.”
The person at hand that everyone kept mentioning sighed deeply, intertwining their hands together and propping their elbows on the table, clasped fists concealing the bottom half of their face as they watched the two go back and fourth. Almost as if witnessing a tennis match.
A very angry tennis match.
”Gentlemen as much as as I love watching you scrutinize and pick apart my decisions as the sole leader of this ship-“ The Captain cleared their throat “-we have more important things to attend to.” They finished speaking with a hint of annoyance in their voice, only Celci picking up on it from their far left and snickering.
”See! Thank you Captain! We have much more pressing issues to focus o- wait did you say I was scrutinizing you?”
They ignored Marks desperate denials of his actions, focusing on Mack from across the table as he crossed his arms defiantly.
”You know the protocol Mack. If you have an issue with me or the way I run things, you can either take it up with me privately, or file a complaint to HQ and wait for a response.”
They emphasized the word privately. It wasn’t the first time they had to repeat that to Mack, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
“But that’s the thing Captain.” He paused to lean forward in his seat, the sides of his lips down turned and eyes holding a look that they didn’t like. “I don’t understand what HQ sees in you. I don’t even think you were built to be captain of this ship.”
A hush fell over the table where everyone was sitting at. Burt and Celci exchanged a quick look, gazes slightly nervous. Even Mark had stopped in his desperate pleas to look at Mack with eyes as big as those cookies in the break room.
”In fact I don’t think you were built for space at all. Just the other day I saw you leaning over the sink in the bathrooms with your helmet off, cryi-“
”That is enough.”
The Captain was now standing, arms having been slammed down loudly on the cold, cold marble surface of the table to emphasize their words. Their tone had been harsh and abrupt, sending chills down everyone’s spine.
Even with the inky black tint of their helmet concealing their face, Mack knew he had gone too far just by the way they were looking at him.
For once in all his time on the ship, he listened to them. Shutting his mouth quietly and slinking backwards into his seat.
”This concludes this months meeting. If you have any questions, contact me through coms. I will be in my quarters.”
Even though they had just offered for any one of them to ask questions, no one got the feeling that they should. Or would.
The door slammed behind them on the way out. It left a gust of wind to blow through the now silent room, all eyes on the spot where they had just been standing.
No one dared to speak
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A knock from the blue and silver doors from across their bed. The Captains gaze flickered from the reflection of their face from the helmet in their hands, swiftly putting it back on in one fluid motion before allowing the computer to let whomever was on the other side in.
A head of messy brown locks poked itself in, a small smile accompanying soft brown eyes as Mark made his way into their room.
”I brought food.” He said softly, sitting down at the foot of their bed to offer a plate full of cookies to the Captain.
“I nabbed them from the fridge. Burt will be upset later but I figured you needed them more than him.”
The Captain wordlessly smiled. And although Mark couldn’t see it, his own face light up as their gloved hand reached out to take one.
It was quiet for a moment, the only sound coming from a helmet being lifted up slightly so the chocolate cookie could be eaten.
Mark watched, his eyes asking questions that his mouth refused to.
”Its alright.” The Captain finally spoke after swallowing a mouthful of dough and chocolate. “You can ask.”
“Why do you let Mack do that to you.” Mark sighed, cocking his head to the side and throwing slightly. They resisted the urge to crack a smile, thinking about how he looked like a puppy right now.
”To be honest it’s not me he’s trying to upset. It’s you Mark.” They stated, pausing to take another bite while the engineer across them processed their words.
”Yes Mark.” The Captain finished their treat with one more bite, now turning fully and sitting up straight to properly look at him.
”He knows that you have a certain amount of—respect, shall we say—for me. And Mack finds it enjoyable to push your buttons through constantly commentating and voicing his opinion about things I do.”
”But why-“
”Don’t ask me. I would know just about as much as you do on that matter.” They sighed.
“And before you remind me that I have the authority to throw him off this ship, much less demote him to a lower status, let me remind you that I know that.”
The Captain let a beat of silence wash over them, allowing their hand to creep up to Marks shoulder and place a reassuring squeeze on it. If they weren’t having the conversation they were now with him, they would have made a teasing remark about the way his face flushed at their touch.
”But I believe everyone deserves second chances. Sometimes even a third fourth or fifth. You of all people should know that, Mark.”
He swallowed as the hidden message made its home in his brain, adams apple bobbing as the memory of a certain warp core.
“Understood, Captain.”
They gave one more squeeze to his shoulder before wrapping their arms around Mark, bringing him in for a soft hug.
They both melted into it, Marks giddy love-struck expression a stark and beautiful contrast to the Captains hidden yet greatful one.
The embrace was only broken at the sound of the computer speaking from overhead.
Captain, Burt and Celci are at the door. They have informed me that they wish to check on you. It seems as if Burt is hiding something poorly behind his back, appearing to be a mug titled Number One Captain. Should I let them in?
The Captain laughed softly as Mark grumbled under his breath about ‘stupid Celci’ ruining his time with the Captain. But nonetheless the doors to their quarters opened, allowing two more people to enter the room.
Almost how a warm feeling entered their heart.
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0wllight · 2 months
tell the class all your favorite parts about sova maybe? like what made you really fall for him and all of that!
ok this also might get long i am sorry. thank u for the ask tho its nice to hvae smth to do. either way uhh lets get started
ok so i might have mentioned this but i had a small crush on him a few years ago? i think since like 2022. back then i shipped with cypher and was super fixated on him but i think sova was always in the back of my brain as a crush, although at the time i only had him as a platonic. also cuz one of my good friends who doesnt anymore used to ship with him so i didnt wanna overstep or anything.
anyways im not even sure how i suddenly decided to latch onto him, i think my fixation on yone at the time was starting to fade and my brain just randomly chose to fixate on him even tho he was still a crush at the back of my brain lol. and look where we are now/lh
as for what i like abt him, i think one of the biggest things i like is how polite he is/kind to others. i think thats like a rlly important trait in someone for me if i were like to date someone else and hes just rlly nice in general and very lovely, hes such a big sweetheart :)
also ok im gonna sound crazy here but my friends keep saying im a circle bcuz he rlly fits one of my types which is like the holy trinity of yone vergil and wyll. who are all like, responsible, serious, yet like kind and deeply caring. and sova definitely fits into that archetype haha even though hes not exactly the same?? most of those guys arent exactly the same but theres a huge overlap of similarity with them.
i do also think he is very pretty even tho he is unfortunately white/lh :') (or at least i smacked this guy with the asian beam. get wasian'd) idk i suck at explaining exactly why i like this guy, again i think a big part of it is how kind he is to others!! its again just smth i rlly value in a partner, he genuinely cares about others/esp people hes close to like his grandma. and is very thoughtful. also i like that hes super down to earth and humble like this guy is incredibly talented yet never brags about it at all hes just very modest. smug people drive me nuts so im glad hes not like that lol. he also is very passionate abt his interests like archery and also he does photography! i like to think he also does things like hiking, birdwatching and maybe some gardening in his spare time. idk its a shame we dont get too too much info about val characters although the lore is always constantly growing. i do think he does like lots of outdoorsy hobbies hes very respectful to and attuned with nature i think.
sorry this is getting so long omg. im trying to think of any last things to throw in... i think another thing i rlly love abt him is how calm he is. it kinda balances me out bcuz i tend to be a really hotheaded person but it takes a LOT for him to get bothered by something, or at least lose his temper. in the lore we've never really seen him lose his temper or anything like that? the closest it's gotten is that one image when they were releasing fade where it was like a flashback to him losing his eye and he looked super animalistic. actually i think that in general for him to get that mad or whatever it would probably have to involve one of his loved ones being in danger. which is nice bcuz it shows that he rlly cares.
anyways this is getting so long so i will cut it short but i love my wife <3
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definitelynotshouting · 6 months
Hi! This has nothing to do with hermitcraft at all, but I think you’re a great writer so I’d like your opinion on something for my passion project! ((If you’re willing Ofc))
What do you think about the prophecy trope?
Like- “a great saviour will appear! The prophecy says so!” For example.
Furthermore; how would you go about improving the trope / making it more unique?
- binge reader
OOOOOH BINGE READER ANON I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!! its very flattering that you would ask this of me, and for what its worth, its actually exactly in my wheelhouse-- im a professional editor who often works substantive edits, so youve found a good person to ask :]
Because of that, im gonna answer this in two ways: one as a writer, and one as an actual editor
So beyond my own personal opinion, which we'll get to later, the general rule of thumb in writing is that you can make pretty much anything work so long as you put in the effort. This includes things like characterization that would otherwise come off as ooc-- if you take the time to make it believable, to see what it would take to make this character act a certain way, that can absolutely work!!! And likewise, the same goes for tropes. You can generally make almost any trope work-- even if its typically viewed as clichéd-- so long as you put that work in, and weave it well into your storyline!!
For this trope in particular, it absolutely has its place. If your story is centered around that, then that is perfectly fine!! All writing boils down to what the author wants to depict, portray, and show you, and sometimes that involves a prophecy!! What i would recommend to make this an effective prophecy, however, is making sure it slots in well with the surrounding world and storyline-- tropes like The Chosen One tend to be the crucial hinge on which the story operates, so you'll want to structure stuff around that so that it feels properly baked in. To do this, i'd recommend figuring out what you want from the prophecy in general first-- is this an accurate prophecy?? Is divination a known aspect of this world?? Is magic?? Or is this closer to a self-fulfilling prophecy, where no magic or divination exists but events have been manipulated so that it still comes true??? These are super good questions to ask yourself because they heavily impact the approach you take with your worldbuilding, and i find that rippling outward from one central plot point/plot device can do a ton to make your story feel more cohesive overall.
Now personally, as a writer, im not generally super interested in writing a garden variety prophecy trope. But something i do love to do is take tropes and twist them around, turn them on their heads, and shake things up so it feels a bit more fresh and keeps my personal interest while writing. The way i see it, you have a sort of bell curve/spectrum to reference here: on one end its "the prophecy is true and the story is informed by it wholesale," and on the other end, you've got "the prophecy is bullshit and actually means nothing" 😂😂😂😂
Both of these feel too extreme for me. There are a few ways i would take this, depending on the overall story and its message/themes, but something that i find personally entertaining is the sort of middle ground of "half-true, half–self-fulfilled." I find it deeply compelling to have a character yank their own fate into their hands and start wielding it like a weapon-- there's something incredibly powerful about a narrative where a character sees a prophecy and chooses to make it come true. Sometimes this is written as the character stepping up to the plate for other people. Sometimes it's written as the character just being clever, and doing some social engineering-- whether that be for power, ambition, responsibility, or pure survival. But the end result is the same: the prophecy is ultimately fulfilled, and on a meta level, you pose a question to both your character and your readers-- was it real? And does that matter??? Were the choices taken by your protagonist what shaped the story, or were they shaped BY it, and just didn't know it?? Does choosing to abide by a prophecy make it true, make it inevitable, or is it all just a sham??? Is there a middle ground here as well?? What does that mean for the events that happened????
These are all EXCELLENT questions you can use to make a genuinely gripping narrative, one that makes your readers really think after they've read it and come to conclusions of their own. They're also part of tropes i personally like, which involve the power of choice, and very clever characters (i love clever characters, im a little trickster at heart), and rules-lawyering, and often some interplay between the concepts of freedom and fate. These questions may not work for your story, though, and thats okay!! Your story is ultimately for you, and i think asking yourself what you ultimately want out of it is the first step towards finding an effective way to tell it. Some people just want to write the trope wholesale with nothing else added in and that is perfectly fine. Some people, like me, enjoy writing very complex thinkpieces and will want to change it up a bit to better fit that structure 😂😂😂😂 At the end of the day, ask yourself what it is you're trying to tell, and then start asking yourself what will help you tell it best :] and then you can start changing things up from there!!
Hopefully this made sense, anon!!! Again, im deeply flattered you've asked my opinion on this, and i wanted to make sure i took the time to answer it thoroughly. I'm so interested in your passion project already!! If you ever want to share more, or just want to ask more questions of editor-TJ, absolutely hit me up!!! I love love LOVE talking about the mechanics of storytelling, its my passion and my career, so i will never get tired of infodumping about it :DDD i hope this helped!! Thanks again for asking!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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transvicquemare · 1 year
walks in here talk to me about system harry <- system who believes so strongly in system harry
anon we r shaking hands 🤝🤝 system harry makes me have so many feelings he reminds me of how my system works so much.. (aka i am sitting here as the host while the peanut gallery in my mind has a Lot of commentary sdfds)
i dont tend to use system roles for myself but like a LOT of his parts function as protectors (or ‘persecutors’ i guess but i feel like most persecutors are misled protectors YAKNOW), they usually try to protect him in pretty maladaptive ways but they are TRYING .. like electrochemistry trying to ‘help’ harry cope by using substances and sex. half light reads like a trauma holding protector, constantly in fight or flight, desperately trying to protect in his twisted way as well. volition is also pretty clearly reads as a protector, who is often pretty important to keeping the whole system in check (usually.. sometimes they overdo it)
AND LIKE yeah a lot of the parts kind of act as fragments who are mostly fufill one kind of job, like hand eye coordination comes to mind. BUT some of the parts to me read as like deeply complex ppl. like physical instrument is often called coach like he has a name and everything!!!! to me he reads as like a bit of a memory holder of harrys time as a gym teacher.
and ANOTHER note on the complexity is the actual interactions the parts have with each other (the compromised scene around klaasje, and the ‘mr evrart is helping me find my gun’ thing come to mind) they talk and kinda bully each other. suggestion calls volition ‘crownhead’, they can see each other in the headspace mayhap.... 
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I DUNNO I DUNNO i could make a whole post talking abt every skill and their role within the system honestly its so interesting to me!! but man the way the system actually presents itself is relatable to me bc like Yeah there is differentiated parts but it is just more convenient to just act like one being, like we dont like to make it clear to other ppl who is talking or acting. i love systems who are very clear about that stuff!! i just dont see a lot of fictional systems who just prefer to act as like one person still, like me! and are really only open abt different parts and their names to a few people. 
i think harry does open up to kim about whos who eventually and while plurality is Not well understood in elysium, kim tries his best to keep up. he takes notes :D he learns to recognize when some parts r speaking !! some of them are easier for him to recognize than others.. the system can relax around kim which probably makes it a bit easier to tell them apart bc they arent actively hiding anything .. auagah i need to keep writing my system harry fic..
ANYWAYS yea sorry that was all over the place im sick and procrastinating my coursework LOL thank u anon for giving me an excuse to start info dumping abt system harry 
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ghostiewriter · 11 months
Hi ghostie this is kinda out of nowhere but I’ve been wanting to ask you a question. So idk if I’m totally tripping or if I saw that you don’t really like Elain in acotar and I just wanna know the reasoning behind it.
I feel like I see so much hate on her character (I absolutely think she and nesta were shitty for the way they treated feyre throughout their whole childhood I’m not excusing that) and I might be completely wrong but I feel like so many people hate her because she’s not like nesta and feyre where they’re literal warriors and are strong hearted and brave. And before anyone attacks me I love all three sisters (nesta a little less because man she could be a fucking bitch to everyone for the stupidest shit a lot which had to do with depression and low self worth but sometimes it was just uncalled for but I’m hoping she’ll be better in the future books).
I’m a middle child and have a younger and older sister and it’s kinda crazy because I can see our personalities match the archeron sisters although the book personalities are more exaggerated my older sister is not that bad trust me, but I definitely see their bravery and strong hearts and stubbornness and can see them as warriors even if none of us can fight for shit lol. I genuinely feel like I relate more to elain with her kindness and compassions being the leading traits she has (I don’t do plants I love painting though anything artsy is my thing). I’m not a very brave person and I tend to be the one who mediates in any arguments and it makes me wildly anxious to be around when I’m with people who are fighting or arguing. I’ve also always had low self esteem and it’s hard for me to set boundaries with others because I’ve always been a people pleaser and tried to do anything to avoid upsetting others (I’m working on it and I’d say I’m better than a few years ago).
My sisters have “jokingly” called me weak mentally, physically, and emotionally because I’ve had depressive/anxious episodes where they sometimes find me crying in my moms arms because I wasn’t really good at managing my emotions (I feel incredibly deeply sometimes it’s horrible but when I’m happy I’m ecstatic, also I grew up in a household where negative emotions were avoided being talked about so none of us were able to learn to regulate them when they got out of hand). I guess I just see a lot of similarities between myself and elain where it feels like they sometimes treat me like I’ll break at the slightest inconvenience while also low key despise me for being this way? I feel like I’ve come a long way since a year ago and I feel like im beginning to master myself and my emotions and am slowly but surely becoming more sure of myself and set boundaries. I wish I could be brave like them and I believe I’ll get there someday but I also don’t think that remaining kind and empathetic and compassionate despite witnessing so many terrible things makes me less of a person than them. They tend to just assume rather than to put themselves in another persons shoes (I’d catch myself doing the same sometimes but I’ve realized it’s usually to make me feel better about putting others down).
Im realizing now that this just turned into a venting session and I’m truly sorry for that I know you’ve been busy with Jiara week (very excited btw :)) and I know I shouldn’t let the way people feel about a character hurt me it’s dumb lol it just made me feel like shit for being so similar to a character a bunch of people hate. I hope you don’t think less of me for this but I would really like to know what you think of elain.
this was...this was a lot of a thursday morning ngl!
i hope you don't take my answer personally since elain is a fictional character and all of this is based towards her, but i just don't find her a very interesting character. i understand she isn't a warrior-type female character and she isn't the first one sarah j maas has written. elide and yrene are examples of characters who are more love than war and i adored them endlessly. they were well written and had so much personality beyond the fact they were kind.
elain just feels really superficial to me and maybe that will change with her book, but i honestly can't say i care all that much about her. in the first book, yes nesta was a bitch but at least she was something. elain had nothing going. then potential came after she had been turned and yet still she somehow managed to remain the most boring character in this series when she arguably has some of the coolest powers. i feel like its overlooked how much she hurt feyre as well just because she is kind. as well as the fact that she just overlooks how much nesta protected her, not because she was made of glass but because she loved her.
the lucien stuff also kinda puts a bad taste in my mouth. i think stringing him along and not giving him a chance whilst also not making a decision is just a bit shitty. yes, she was traumatised and went through a lot but she also had no reason to be so hostile towards him when she was so kind to everyone else? like at least nesta was self-destructive with all her relationships, not just one.
anyways, i hope that answered your question!
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vvindication · 29 days
2, 7, and 25 for the oc ask yaaaaaaayyy (for whoever you'd like !!)
MINTT YAAAAY thank you hugging you hugging you !!
2. How much death and/or destruction have they wrought? SUCH A LOADED QUESTION. and such a fucking good one. if I were to compare the amount of misery caused between Vincent, Armistice, and Joakim ...
well, Armistice was the moralist politician. she was definitely causing the most harm on a grand scale whether she liked it or not. im not really interested in getting into the weeds of All That (bureaucracy is the quickest way to bore me I cant be assed to research that deeply for a hobby fic) but he was not responsible in his job whatsoever
well, no - by the time the events of The Fic roll around he isnt. I really do think she tried to be the son her father raised at first. that might have caused even more suffering than ignoring his job altogether to deal drugs and purposefully endanger himself. by actually trying to be a good moralist and make sure that the status quo is upheld (no matter the suffering of those people under the status quo)
as for our cop duo, Joakim has one extra year of formal service before Vincent, as well as a few informal years as a civilian informant. I'd like to think he did a lot more good in that time than harm, considering the reason he got involved to begin with was stumbling onto human trafficking as a teen - but he is also more trigger-happy than he would like to admit. if he thinks someone is in danger, he WILL shoot first and ask questions later, which inevitably leads to killing and maiming
I imagine his record of kills is more numerous than his partner's. I'd say an estimate of 1.5 deaths per year until his own death - making that 6 in total at the very least (idk why I decided to do fancy math about it, but it is what it is)
Vincent on the other hand avoids lethal force at all costs - he's not the strongest physically, so most of this entails convincing Joakim to back him up with restraint/fists rather than a bullet. hes trying to help people, not kill them - but then again, he gains the nickname Omen for a reason. people tend to die around him for no real fault of his own. it's Revachol, after all. hes killed about 3 people out of his service of 8 years, one out of strict vengeance for Joakim's death, others accidents of self-defense that he regrets immensely
7. What's their pain tolerance? FUN QUESTION I was thinking abt this while watching a character have an incredibly high pain tolerance going hmmm interesting ...
I do think Vincent is one of those people that has absolutely freakish pain tolerance + strength in the heat of an altercation because of adrenaline, but as soon as it starts working its way out of his system that guy is DOWN for the count. kind of dude who doesnt even realize hes hurt until someone else points it out. small things hes a wimp for though <3
speaking being a wimp, Mikael has to have some crazy pain tolerance considering how often hes constantly fuckin getting hurt and still smiling away. has a lot to do with him keeping up an extreme facade for police work & toxic masculinity, but if he didnt have it before police work, I imagine it would be a "fake it til you make it" kind of situation that developed over time. predator animal fear where no one can ever see him weak or theyre going to Kill Him To Death
25. Have they tore someone to shreds with their bare hands? With their teeth? OOOOH okay I love having characters that bite because well. thats me. im the biterrr (and I think thats a fun way of showing how potentially unhinged or desperate a character is in a fight) but I wouldnt say any of my disco ocs fit this criteria. HOWEVER
my FC5 Rook does definitely fit that criteria (funny - hes also a cop but from a different media) as the de facto leader of resistance against a violent cult. being stranded in what amounts to the middle of nowhere with no official backup and an organized militia trying to torture, indoctrinate, and/or kill him does insane shit to his brain. that guy turns into a monster all for the initial goal of genuinely trying to stand up to some evil shit he didnt like. the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and so on ...
anyway on top of that he was starved and denied water and who knows what else by one of those particular cult guys in an effort to basically turn him into a trained killing machine, so if he hadnt already been ready to seriously rip ppl apart with his hands & teeth that definitely did it
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t-boy-angel · 2 months
i really hope this isn't forward, but i once did very nearly masturbate to the thought of you. old guilt caught up to me almost instantly, but the thought if it sent a shudder of such clear arousal through me it shocked a genuine moan out of me- it was interesting, it usually takes me a while to work myself up in a sufficient enough state to masturbate. my hand had slipped underneath my pants enough at that point to feel just how wet the thought had me, but i pushed it away and climaxed alright, but nothing i'm sure to the orgasm i could have had. i had a few dreams after that as well, half remembered ones that come like all the thoughts when i think about you- blurry and culled in their beginnings. i sympathize very deeply about your ideas of sex with friends, about the grey lines of attraction, and how rarely they do spill into genuine love, how wonderful it would be for such freedom in desire, held in affection but not the rigid boundaries of romance. to fuck without fear, to fuck at all, would be such a great pleasure.
omg is this for real?? you almost masturbated to me AND you've had dreams about me?? you think about me in general??
i have so many questions haha i don't know what to do with myself. are we mutuals/do you know what I look like? what were you thinking of before you stopped yourself? it's okay if you did want to continue, i wouldnt mind. i think about all sorts of people/things when im trying to get off.
this whole ask is like poetry to me. 'held in affection but not the rigid boundaries of romance' - yes to this. i'm glad that someone else understands my thoughts about wanting to have sex with friends/the blurred attraction i tend to feel towards people.
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pansyfemme · 10 months
your art inspires me so much, i adore your use of color and texture and composition. i love love making art, getting drawn into a piece and layering and highlights and shadows and and and. but, i struggle quite deeply with subject matter, i feel, donno, like i don't think about the world in that way? everytime i see your art it evokes this visceral need to create but i just end up staring at a blank page. I admire so much art from afar but when I try I feel so overwhelmed with how to just, make the inspiration i get into art? i struggle with this in writing too, ideas are so few and far between and generally tend to be very vauge, like a smell or a color combination, or a collection of words. i dont know how to devolp it or explore it really. I did art in high school, and a year of architecture, and im struggling so much without having a brief to launch off of. feel free to ignore this if its too personal or familiar, but do you have any suggestions for me?
first of all, thank you so much!! and you sound like someone who has a deep interest in the process itself, which is super adrimable! i run into a lot of people who are more concerned with the output than the process and so they lack experimentation, so being process focused can lead to a lot of great possiblity!
As for ideas, it sounds silly when the idea is to generate insporation organically, but drawing from life and photos more was one of the steps to me being able to generate organically. i was for years, one of those ppl who draw a detailed character standing hands by side on a blank background. Learning more about how the figure moves from studying it was the 1# way to be able to organically draw poses the way i do. It’s hard to be like ‘use references!’ when finding refs is a whole other thing but sites like line of action have helped a lot bc i dont even have much choice in the ref lol!! My subject matter is based a lot on personal experience, i’m someone who has struggled with personal connection my whole life, i’m both autistic and have a case of social anxiety so severe i ended up permentantly stunting my development as a child bc i refused to interact with kids my age (oops) so a lot of my work about personal connection between trans and disabled people comes from a desire for close relationships with people who possess the same traits that made me feel undesirable for so long. I can’t also, tell you to generate a list of things about you and put those into your work because not everyone’s work is that personal and it’s not really something that can be forced, everytime a teacher told me to play into my other traumas i ended up hating the peice. i will say though, having a philosophy towards your work can do a lot. Journaling and writing down ideas, problems and aspirations as well as your attitude behind your work can sometimes help roadblocks. I also reccomend building up the process of making thumbnails and doodles and trying to generate ideas in very rough concept sketches rather than expecting to immediatly know what to do with a blank page. It adds more time and can also be frustrating, but it helps break down the blank page anxiety if you have a scrap sheet to try things out on before you go onto your final paper. another thing that helped my process is just always having a sketchbook and pencil on me. I don’t have to use it, but having my supplies with me often helps me be able to do quick sketches when im at coffee shops, doctors waiting rooms.. etc. It helps me be able to get any momentary inspiration down to work with later. the reality with rough Sketches is they do not need to be readable by anyone but yourself. it’s not just that they don’t have to look good, they could be three lines and a few notes if that’s what you need to be able to translate the vision to your head. A lot of my peices come from just wanting to draw certain perspectives or settings, and my sketches can be quite literally a grid sometimes. Again, this probably seems quite overwhelming. if your problem is generating ideas its tough to here ‘just draw!’ but it does help to build up a habit of sketching (even just circles and lines) and notetaking because it can help get the ideas flowing.
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radiovisual · 4 months
are you going to come back?
((I keep telling myself im going to, but im not sure. Im especially unhappy with how this blog was written and how it looks at the moment, bc theres a lot of things id Want to change before getting back into rp here, but I have no energy or motivation to do so 😔 my art block from last year is Still ongoing, im still deeply fixated on other fandoms, and VERY recently I had an epiphany of some kind and haven't been able to stop paying attention to the news, bc anxieties about what's happening in Gaza/the West Bank, Sudan, and Chile, and not to mention this next American presidential election, have me reassessing my priorities in life, ykwim?))
((Im still around technically, i wont be deleting this blog or anything, im just in kind of a tough spot, mentally+emotionally+physically, and that makes it hard to get reinvested in something like this.))
((There's also the factor of... feeling rather restricted in this community. It's not any particular person or group of ppls fault, people are entitled to feel however they want around fictional subjects and themes, but i know that the types of things that i like to write and rp are dark and mature, and this fandom [despite the Nature of the show itself and the topics it covers] tends to attract a lot of very aggressive, very judgemental people -- as im sure youre all aware 😂 i found some friends here, but even still, a lot of the time i know i Can't get into the kind of stuff i ACTUALLY want to write, because most of the ppl in this community would [at least, way back when,] assume that That kind of writing means I'm a bad, dangerous person who wants to engage with those themes in real life 🙃. Which isn't to say anyone is Wrong for avoiding me if darker themes trigger them, by all means PLEASE block me for your sanity if thats what you have to do!! but when most all of those Exact Themes are LITERALLY, graphically present in the show, now, it's like. Idk man whats going on! Why are you here! if sexually abusive relationships bother these fans so much, then Why are they in THIS fandom of all places instead of somewhere tangibly Safer for their sanity, yk???))
(( i don't know. Maybe im just a brat, but ive always felt a little put out by the Hazbin community online. Its extremely self policing and isolating trying to find people i can feel comfortable talk to about my ideas, so ive kind of... given up and moved on, found a nice group of Freaks to be perverted about the Avatar sequel instead lmao))
((So... idk. I guess we'll see. But im very sorry it may have been wishful thinking when i said id come back. I really, truly meant it at the time -- things just changed 💔, both in me And in the community. And maybe theyll change again, idk!but i Do know there's people in this overarching Hazbin Tumblr RP community who don't like me very much (which is Okay), and I don't want to force myself to walk on eggshells anymore -- so I'm won't💪😎))
((I adored my time here while i was active, whuch it why i wont delete it -- i go back to re read threads all the time! -- but unless there's a group of sexual weirdos developing that i could fall in with AND I can find a way to balance this with the rest of my life, im still gonna be on this indefinite hiatus 💀👍 sorry))
((Btw -- Palestinians are in desperate need of e-SIMs to keep in touch with their loved ones and to organize humanitarian aid within the Gaza strip itself -- if any of you have a few spare dollars, please consider getting involved. I know the news is very quiet rn, especially if you're in America like me, but let me make this very clear; We are. kind of sort of Already IN World War Three. Russia and China and the global south are finally starting to hold the west accountable and the west is failing a shitting its pants about it Spectacularly. The world order is literally shifting. There's not one, but SEVERAL major international conflicts brewing right now, as America is sliding into fascism at break neck speed bc Genocide Joe is finally realizing he's probably not going to get re-elected [on account of all the genocide] on TOP of finally seeing the tangible effects of climate change. South America and Australia are on FIRE. Like NEVER before.))
((Never Again is Now. We could be going over the temperature "tipping point" of the planet BY 2030. now is NOT the time to be wallowing in escapism, no matter how much we desperately need/want it. If there is EVER a time to get involved with the real world and to take a step back from the internet and high stress fandom bullshit, it is NOW. No matter what Side of these issues you stand on, EVERYONE needs to be voting, everyone needs to be paying attention.))
(( if you can't afford esims [no shame, i often can't either, money is tight everywhere], then at the very least get This website open in your tabs. It generates revenue with free Daily clicks, the proceeds of which are all sent to UN organizations -- particularly UNRWA, which is VITAL to maintain not only getting aid INTO Gaza, but also retaining Palestinians legal right to return to their land -- without UNRWA, Isreal can begin to LEGALLY, haphazardly "deport" Palestinians, which would take YEARS to reverse through future court proceedings. Do your part, it only takes a few seconds a day 💪🌱))
((Alright, thats all! Sorry if you wanted a short sweet answer, but ive actually been ruminating on all of this, so thank you for this ask, for giving me a chance to talk about it all. Im happy to see this community thriving in the wake of Season 1, even if im not joining in myself -- you all keep up the great work, and keep having fun with it ❤ let it empower you to explore the value of Charlie's message and think of ways to impliment it in your daily life And on the world at large‼))
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American Dad eps for review. This isn’t all my faves, but I didn’t wanna give you too much 😅
Delorean Storyan
Merlot Down Dirty Shame
Cops and Roger
The One Who Got Away
Fart-break Hotel
Joint Custody
Stanny Tendergrass
Independent Movie
Alright, I’m finally sitting down with this list!
I think you’ve got some fantastic picks for favorites here, Fart-Break Hotel and Stanny Tendergrass are personal favorites of mine as well.
-Delorean Story-An is an episode I tend to get mixed up with Toy Whore-y because it’s got such a similar set up but it’s a great pick if you’re looking for a Stan and Steve character piece of which there are relatively fewer than other characters. I specifically love the twist at the end that Steve had been laboring under the idea that at least they shared a love of Back to The Future to make him and Stan bonded only for Stan to reveal that he’s never even seen the movie and has his own reasons for wanting the Delorean so badly. It’s a good joke but it’s also a great way of reminding the audience that these two both want similar things, they just have so much of a personality gap that it’s hard for them to see it in each other, which is the running theme.
Also Roger and Francine dogging on Hayley for being boring and Hayley pranking them with one of two Chris Angel appearances in the show will never not be funny.
-Merlot Down Dirty Shame is a great Roger centric episode. I think it’s interesting the depth of character Seth brings to this cast despite the shallow demeanor of the series itself. Roger is self centered, horny, and impulsive but his genuine love for the family and his fear of losing their love is a topic that they keep consistent and this is one of the strongest contenders for an episode of that ilk. The lengths Roger will go to just to keep Stan from getting angry at him over such a small thing are hilarious and deeply in character. Plus this episode has some killer dialogue.
“I’m just gonna give you some time to cool off”
“Okay so you need more time.”
-Cops and Roger is the funniest Roger alone episode Roger going off the rails as his persona of a guy who failed to become a cop and now takes it out on his family entirely because of Steven and his friends stupid prank is gets progressively more absurd to the point that you just find yourself invested in this family that you’ll never see again and have never seen before. Kelly Clarkson’s “What Doesn’t Kill You” playing as he now widowed wife walks out of the restaurant with her kids is one of those great testaments to how well the team uses licensed music.
-The One That Got Away is one of those easy great American Dad episodes. A deep dive into Rogers personas being so much more than costumes to him, and how becoming all of these people can lead to some crazy consequences. I would say while something like “Roger Needs Dick” explores the emotional side of the personas all being facets of Roger, this one handles the mental presence of it phenomenally. I feel like I’m watching a thriller. There’s some obvious Fight Club inspiration going on and doing a Fight Club story but flipping the premise of Tyler Durden on his head was a stroke of genius on the staffs part. This is one that’s kinda hard to discuss because…like…it’s just a phenomenal episode You’d be hard pressed to find a fan that doesn’t agree.
-Fart-Break Hotel explores Francine as a character and I’ll be honest I’m very soft on Francine centric episodes. I think she’s an absolute riot any time she appears being a perfect balance of being a out of pocket as Roger while also feeling the most normal. She’s the duality of womanhood and an episode exploring how that balance has been thrown off by her lot in life is bound to be great.
-Joint Custody is one of the few early episodes I actually really enjoy. There’s some genuinely funny stoner jokes (the entire gas station scene is in my top 10 funniest scenes for this show) and it’s one of the first episodes that seems to get Jeff really nailed down in a lot of important ways. Considering Jeff is my favorite character, that’s pretty important to me.
Also, another episode with some killer fucking one liner deliveries
“He hasn’t spoken to his dad in years and his mom ran away before he was born.”
“How…how could she do that?”
-Stanny Tendergrass sees Stan get his ass kicked by Hulk Hogan this episode is perfect
-Independent Movie is a rare really good Snot episode! I think Snot episodes tend to lack because they so often have to focus on Steve and him getting into it over something which is obviously the case here. But here there’s so much going on between Snot very genuinely dealing with his father’s death to the manic pixie dream girl to the rare form earnest ending. Fun fact, this one is Curtis Armstrong personal favorite of the series and you can really tell why. It feels like Snot gets treated like more than Steve’s friend in this episode and Steve’s selfishness doesn’t feel overblown by the plot like it often does in similar episodes.
All in all some great picks, I can tell you’re a fan of the character deep dive episodes which I have the upmost respect for!
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signedeclipse · 1 year
Hi there! Since your requests are open can I request a matchup?
Preferably male demon/slayer B)
I'm 20 year old agender person and I use all pronous
I'm 5'9 feet tall, green eyes, medium brown hair to my shoulders with blonde ends and I am slightly chubby. I mostly wear masculine clothing with some punkish/metalhead accents like spiky bracelets and edgy t shirts.
My hobbies are mostly drawing, going out with friends, gaming and occasionally partying.
When it comes to my personality I'm very cold at first but I get comfortable and extroverted really fast. I am loud Overdramatic overtalker who likes to argue and debate from time to time (ENTP). I have slight anger problem and I am brutally honest which means I can be unlikeable when you first meet me. Im very cheerful and a "funny friend" to my loved ones, will protect them with my heart and hold grudges to anyone who makes them somehow upset. I also make a lot of dark humor jokes and I tease my friends which sometimes pisses them off.
My love language is mostly quality time/ physical touch but only with really close people to me
I'm demisexual which means I have to get an emotional connection with a Person before anything happens
Yo I hope it's enough info haha
I hope im not late
Take care :3
You got…Hantengu!
Honestly, your punk style looked very scary to him at first, you seemed like someone who would intimidate others or be generally unkind, but he was very surprised when you just called out to him asking if he needed help because he was shaking.
Later he found out in the late night you thought he was a lost old man, and not a demon, but the kindness of the action was still very touching after the many decades he had faced being 'attacked' by everyone around him.
You are very rough around the edges, but Hantengu appreciates that it isn't most often towards him. Even after you found out he was a demon, you seemed to just think it was cool more than bothersome and continued hanging around him when he wasn't on a mission.
It didn't take long to meet his clones, of which were far more akin to you. Karaku thought your style was 'sick as fuck' and would probably steal a spiked collar from you. Urogi enjoys your jokes and dark humour, which he shares very deeply and will sometimes get into contests with you about who can make the darkest joke.
Sekido and you tend to sit in deafening silence until he tries to speak which usually ends with you mocking him and him taking it seriously and ending up in a heated debate with you. He thinks you are very passionate, and on a few times has actually lost to you.
Aizetsu is much like Hantengu in that he appreciates when you stand up for him when the other clones poke at him, though he has gotten sombre if you ever aim your harsh words at him, he knows you don't mean it and tries to poke back the best he can.
They have all the time in the world to give you, and you can expect large cuddle piles with the group. You won't see the clones often, but Hantengu makes sure to take good care of you in their absence.
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Authors Note - Hantengu is one of those characters I have a hard time matching people up with, btu when I read yours I knew INSTANTLY so I hope that says something! I get sad because I like Hantengu and his clones but so many ppl leave to ol;d guy out so I hope you like him as I do :[ Thank you for requesting!
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thenightdayblogger · 8 months
Can I have Know and Meet Strange for Esmé? And For Good + For Bad for whoever from any original work u currently have going 👀 (I want to ask abt whichever project you’ve worked on most recently but don’t know which project that is LOL)
Ask game here, thank you bookish!
Know: How well does your OC know themself—their wants, their goals, their motivations? Do they engage in any sort of self-reflection? Is there anything about themself they willfully ignore?
Ooh that's a good question! I think Esmé's definitely a mixed bag. On the surface, she definitely has actionable goals that she wants to achieve. Like no, she won't tell you what they are, but she knows. However tends to dismiss her less concrete desires—for connection, affection, etc—as superfluous/self-indulgent, so they're the sort of thing that catch her off-guard more often.
In the same vein, esme is keenly aware of many of her flaws, but that's not the same thing as trying to be better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like 'why bother fixing what's broken beyond repair' sort of vibe. It's not quite a personality thing, but I think she is trying really, really hard to ignore the growing understanding of just how dangerous she can be. It's definitely not made her more likely to look deeply at herself.
Meet Strange: What's the most memorable way your OC has ever met a new person? Was it a good experience? Bad experience? Just plain weird? How's their relationship with that person now?
Esmé never meets people normally LMAO uh, I think Ashfall just beats out Ortega, because in my brain he was just post-dusting (aka naked). esme bodily slams the monologuing villain into a wall. stands and dusts herself off, and silently handed Ashfall a XXXL kitschy souvenir branded t-shirt. and that was just that, tbh im not even sure esme would clock it as a 'weird' first meeting. They had a very good working relationship, although I'm not sure they ever became friends they were definitely friendly.
I've been mostly working on ASAWT, so I'll answer for Cordelia and Marius! Although i need to go back to Elenah and Theoren I miss them :')
For Good: Is there anyone in your OC's life who had an undeniable positive impact on who they are as a person? How did knowing this person improve your OC's life?
Cordelia: A lot of people, but she'd probably cite Alchemist Haywell—a professor at the Academy. He really took her under his wing in a lot of ways, and he was really the first person to express a sort of expert's praise—to tell her, as a well-respected alchemist, that she was talented and smart. With that, and a few other, faintly spoilery things, she credits him with her graduating at all.
Marius: If Marius did not have Terran he would still be under his father's thumb and exceedingly miserable about it, so probably him. Others as well!
For Bad: Is there anyone who had an undeniable negative impact on your OC’s life? How did your OC deal with that change? Have they been able to move on?
Cordelia: In her class, a spoiled, unpleasant and obnoxious son of a Count. She had to grit her teeth and bear him being a fucking tool because of his status and wealth, especially compared to her—but she's since graduated, and since she was at the top of her class and he was at the bottom, it definitely helped with her 'moving on' LMAOO. Just in general I'd say it's not any specific person, but how she has to react to people as sort of a small fish in a big pond (non-aristocrat entering a much bigger world)
Marius: Oooh a complicated, spoilery and anxiety-inducing question, I love it. I think he'd say his father, which is true but not the whole picture—but yeah. his father. They rarely speak, and absolutely he has not moved on.
Thank you for the ask bookish!!
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