#i suppose????
wavywhiskers · 2 months
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A handful of silly
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schnuffel-danny · 5 months
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Many moons ago I had the brilliant idea, of Vlad getting into a relationship with a man, who looks and acts almost exactly like Jack, without ever realizing the implications of dating someone who's just a cheap copy of his ex. Or that his current boyfriend even shares any traits with Jack. Because Vlad hates Jack, so he would never ever date anyone who resembles Jack in any way. Right?
so me and @ursaspecter made our own bootleg Jack for this scenario- his name is Jacob, he doesn't believe in ghosts (but he's really into cryptids and aliens), he's divorced, and Jack Fenton wants to kill him in cold blood for his crimes against existence itself 👍
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mochinon-yah · 1 month
This is what I've been making hehehe, well tbf i was making this with the intention to surprise @calxlu 👉👈
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"Something the matter, love?" — Albedo ✧
At first, it was bloody- i mean, it was going to be a yandere drawing at first, but i was like "why not a cute one instead?" and yeah this bedo was then born (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
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purgemarchlockdown · 3 months
Read this tl of the news and literally everything about the MV screams “Kotoko what the fuck did you do” to me.
Why is the same girl in two separate warehouses?
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Why does Kotoko not pay any attention at all her to her both when she’s reading the article and when the girl is Clearly waiting for her?
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(She looks around in this shot, she's Actively looking to see if Kotoko is coming along this path)
Why does the girl look Angry at her in the first shot?
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It makes Sense for Kotoko turn into the werewolf (Jacques) if she set that girl up. It makes Sense for Kotoko to feel so conflicted about it because Kotoko is a person who really does want to do "good" it makes...way too much sense with how the girl is Dressed as well
All of this is already a lot but...Kotoko does actively manipulate a child in Milgram canon...she does it to Es.
K: You think long-term restrainment is not violence too? E: It's not. K: So you tolerate all of the psychological abuse going on in this prison, but draw the line at the physical one? What double standards you have! E: You're speaking nonsense! I'm the one who sets the rules for this prison. It's all of my choice.
If she really cared about this she would of Said it earlier in the conversation when they were first talking about the punishments, and Kotoko also never brings this up again once Es relents to her.
The context of this scene is Es actively criticizing her actions, and Kotoko is Deflecting that by criticizing Es instead.
Are there things to criticize? Yes, Definitely. But, again, Kotoko is Using this, not to get Es to STOP doing psychological abuse, but to let HER continue her physical abuse.
She also Repeatedly wears Es down in this VD, calling them weak, questioning their abilities as a warden, even calling them useless.
This is what you say when your trying to Wear Down Someone, you make them unsure of themselves, you make them trust their own abilities less and it makes them more willing to trust You more.
Questions about Es success as a warden aside, that isn't really the point of this, and it all culminates in the hug.
E: Kotoko... K: Come here. E: No... I d-don- K: It's gonna be alright. E: L-let me go, Kotoko... K: I know it well. It's so hard to hold the responsibility of a guard all alone. I've also felt this way. You are such a kind person. You can't stand the prison changing with the power of your choices. So you need someone to be with. Leave all of the dirty work to me. E: I'm... a kind person?.. K: Does your head hurt anymore? Don't worry. Leave it to me, and together we'll be able to create the right MILGRAM. E: I see... that MILGRAM...
Kotoko is calling Es a kind person, giving them validation, making them feel loved and cared for...right after repeatedly calling them weak and useless, and then asks to "Leave it to her."
Come on, rely on me, go on
This is actively exploiting Es vulnerability and emotional instability (instability she partially caused) to get Es to Agree with her. This is unfortunately consistent behavior, it makes me like her more as a Character, but also dear god Kotoko what the fuck did you do.
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silverorchideon · 28 days
"Hello! Supervisor Grian here to remind you, Scar and Skizz, that the information given to you two is strictly confidential. I, along with the other higher-ups, are happy with the accuracy of your responses nonetheless, and we wish to see you continue this behaviour. We are always watching and listening, have a good day."
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Creating AU's at a record pace currently-
Anyways, I saw the permit office and watched a playthrough of Home Safety Hotline and decided to draw this little thing.
Basically, Grian replaces Supervisor Carol and Scar and Skizz replaces the main character. Pearl, Jimmy, and Martyn work as "higher-ups" in this company and deal with the pests and hazards when reported. They themselves are very subliminal when they appear, though otherwise, remain in their typical human appearance to protect their identities.
They can turn people into Endermites, instead of mice!
Also, the hotline is available on many a server, though most of the callers are from HC/EMP because most came to HC for a reason, and it spilled over in Season 9. Some life series members not in either server may also be affected.
Surprisingly not a permadeath au, and the more deadly creatures (false artifact, sprig trees, etc) either cause the affected to be in a death loop, only broken by a Watcher/Listener (oh hey, guess who does that), affects the next respawn permanently (false beet, fae flu, etc.), or, when broken out and saved, causes either amnesia or high confusion, possibly permanently (neighbour's doorways, portals, etc.)
Also, if you guys want to create some calls for any MCYTer (preferably from Hermitcraft and Empires), do respond with them please!!! The link to all of the entries are here, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to insects, spiders, eyes/being watched, tight spaces, dogs, or general scary imagery.
I only have a Dream Weaver for BDubs, Wood Secretions for Doc, and possibly either Tea Sprites/Fae Flu for X and maybe unicorn fungi for Ren, so be free and have fun with this, if you'd like.
Oh, yeah! And the logo for it!
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littledozerdraws · 1 year
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„Aber nicht mehr zu lange, Herr Rogov. Ich brauch Sie morgen in alter Frische!“, hatte Ross ihn mit einem warmen Lächeln im Gesicht ermahnt, während er sich sein Jackett überzog und, an seinem Schreibtisch vorbei, das Kommissariat verließ.
Karl spürte immer noch das Lächeln auf seinen Lippen. Die Wärme und Zuversicht, die sein Vorgesetzter ausstrahlte, entfachte etwas in Karl, das er lange nicht mehr gefühlt hatte.
Außerdem hatte ihn der Ehrgeiz gepackt. Wenn er die Audioaufnahme von Schick finden konnte, hätten sie die Möglichkeit ihn gleich am nächsten Morgen damit zu konfrontieren, was sie in ihren Ermittlungen um einiges weiterbringen würde.
Motiviert setzte er sich die Kopfhörer auf und widmete sich wieder den Audiodateien auf seinem Laptop. Dass diese weder geordnet, noch benannt waren, machte die Sache nicht gerade einfacher, aber Karl war hartnäckig.
Er wusste nicht, wie lange er da saß, hatte die Zeit völlig aus den Augen verloren, doch nachdem er sich durch dutzende Tiervideos, Sprachnachrichten, eine Kanne Kaffee und eine nicht enden wollende Flut an Hundefutter Rezepten gearbeitet hatte, stieß Karl gegen morgen endlich auf das, was er gesucht hatte: die Aufnahme von Schick.
Zum Gezwitscher der ersten Vögel hörte Karl eindeutig Schick‘s Stimme, wie dieser gerade dabei war, Insolvenzwaren unter der Hand und zu seinem eigenen Vorteil zu verkaufen. Also wenn das kein Motiv war!
Zufrieden (und ein wenig stolz) nahm er die Kopfhörer ab und griff nach seinem Tabakmäppchen, als er plötzlich eine Tür und gleich darauf hochhackige Schuhe über den Kommissariatsboden klackern hörte. War Herr Ross etwa schon wieder zurück? Erst jetzt bemerkte Karl, dass die Sonne schon aufgegangen war. Er hatte sich wirklich die ganze Nacht um die Ohren geschlagen, doch statt Müdigkeit spürte er nur eine Vorfreude darauf, Ross die Ergebnisse seiner Nachtschicht zu präsentieren.
Prompt stand dieser vor ihm. Lächelnd und mit einem Blitzen in den Augen, bei dem Karl heiß und kalt wurde, sprach er ihn an.
„Herr Rogov! Na, fündig geworden?“
Karl nickte, erwiderte das Lächeln erneut ganz automatisch.
Herr Ross trat noch ein wenig näher an seinen Schreibtisch heran. Lehnte nun an der Balustrade, die ihre Tische vom Rest des Büros trennte. Karl stockte der Atem, als er seinem Gegenüber die Kopfhörer hinhielt. Ross nahm sie entgegen, senkte den Blick und hörte konzentriert die Aufnahme an. Dann lächelte er.
„Das ist ganz wunderbar“, sagte er und blinzelte Karl an. Seine Augen waren so blau, dass Karl sich völlig in ihnen verlor.
Als er die Kopfhörer wieder abnahm, lehnte sich Ross noch etwas weiter nach vorne über Karls Schreibtisch. Er war jetzt so nah, dass Karl sein Parfüm riechen konnte.
Süßlich und verspielt roch es.
„Das haben Sie gut gemacht — Danke."
Mit diesen Worten hatte sein Vorgesetzter die letzten Zentimeter zwischen ihnen überbrückt und presste Karl einen sanften Kuss auf die rechte Wange. Karl hatte die Augen geschlossen. Hielt inne. Lehnte sich kaum merklich in die Berührung. Er traute sich kaum zu atmen.
Plötzlich ertönte ein lautes Quietschen. Karl’s Blick wanderte zu Vincent, dessen Kopf sich in ein riesiges buntes Hundespielzeug verwandelt hatte. Die Tische um sie herum begannen zu verschwimmen. Alles drehte sich und Karl wusste nicht, wie ihm geschah. Erschrocken stöhnte er auf, blinzelte, und fand sich schließlich im taghellen Kommissariat wieder.
Vor ihm stand Herr Ross, ausgestattet mit zwei Tassen Kaffee und einem Hundespielzeug in der Hand.
Er lächelte ihn an.
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es-quest · 3 months
we're not going to listen to him, right? giving up now seems dangerous
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Listen to who?
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k-d-t-art · 9 months
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y'all can a synthesizer be hawt or am i just weird
A sample drawing from an art zine I'm making, starring robot versions of my favorite keyboards and synths... coming soooooon ♥
Also here's the ad I based this on:
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foreverephemeral-art · 6 months
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do you see my vision
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the-flys-buzz · 3 months
Hello hi hey important lore question
Which flavor of sharp teeth would you say you have?
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eeehhh,, combo of one n' two?
like most humans canine teeth, mine are sharper than the others but my other teeth are like,, a regular humans sharp teeth. best way to explain it,, some of my teeth are crooked though so they look funky :']
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super-smash-bracket · 11 months
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weekend-whip · 11 months
I heard Mer AU and came running—
Consider for Lloyd something not-venomous, tiny, and very cool
The Leafy Sea Dragon
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(That, or a Lemon Shark because they’re social, not very aggressive, and apparently get ‘jealous’ if a diver is giving other lemon sharks in the shiver more attention)
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Also if you don’t have one for Cole, may I suggest the Coconut Octopus (one of the few species with bipedal locomotion skills, which would make him even better at walking on land like a normal human, + they carry around coconuts to use as hiding spots)
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For Olivia, Tiger Sharks would be my guess over Great Whites, but there’s a ton of terrifying-looking deep-sea sharks (ex. goblin sharks and basket sharks, who are very cool and funky lads who I will not subject photos of upon you and your followers)— or you could just run with the Ninjago mythos and say Megalodon, though that could also fit Lloyd
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And for Kai I say maybe a Lemon Shark, a Nurse Shark, a Whale Shark, or a Frilled Shark (the latter I won’t include a photo of because they can be a little scary but they’re also super cool because they’re like living fossils and have barely changed in evolution!)
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Definitely also considered Lloyd for a sea dragon! Couldn't remember if it was a real thing or not though haha
Had envisioned a really cool orange-yellow bioluminescent tail fr Cole MMMMBUT you make a compelling argument with the coconut. Maybe could use that for Kai instead...
...except Kai as the Lemon Shark has endeared me snksnksnk and I looked up the Frilled Shark!!! Really super cool!!! and kinda freaky!! but neat!!!
And for Olivia I'm so torn between ~generic shark~ or ~horror from the deep~ so now I'm considering giving her two forms, with a more...intense one for when she gets agitated/upset :O
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bartythebastard · 6 months
besties where r y’all tracking your periods that doesn’t cost like $5 a week please
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purgemarchlockdown · 3 months
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I just realized I get to post Cute Monster Es Quest Amane pictures cause I'm at Backstory so the knoweldge that this thing Isn't a fully horrifying transformation is already out.
The neck rot is based off the Rot in Rain World, Aka Turbo Cancer, it's not actually cancer (the idea is that when Amane compresses the flesh goes...Somewhere) but I thought it be a fun little detail to add to how her shapeshifting thing works.
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lightpickles · 6 months
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the google doc where I do all my HM/SoS writing and ideating is something that can be so personal, and dumb,
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silverorchideon · 2 years
"So, who did you want to ask out?"
"Tch, like I'd tell you, Noodle Boy."
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One without the noise filter underneath cut.
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