#i reckon its from the broccoli
bum-scum · 1 year
I think ive fallen ill with whatever virus I caught. 😖😖😖😖
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healthytips93 · 6 months
"A Comprehensive Guide to the 10 Best Foods for a Healthier You in 2023"
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I. Presentation
Welcome to an extraordinary excursion towards a better you! In the mission for weight reduction, nourishment assumes a crucial part. In this extensive aide, we'll dig into the science behind weight reduction and investigate the 10 best food sources that can turn into your partners on this way to a fitter and more dynamic life. Go here to get a natural nutritional supplements for weight loss.♥
II. Figuring out Weight reduction Nuts and bolts
Before we jump into the points of interest of the best food sources for weight reduction, we should lay out a strong groundwork. We'll examine the idea of a calorie deficiency and why it's critical for shedding pounds. Also, we'll feature the significance of picking supplement thick food sources that give the most extreme advantage the least calories.
III. The 10 Best Food sources for Weight reduction
A. Lean Proteins
1. Barbecued Chicken
Barbecued chicken is a lean protein force to be reckoned with, wealthy in fundamental amino acids that help muscle conservation and lift digestion.
2. Salmon
Loaded with omega-3 unsaturated fats, salmon fulfills your protein needs as well as adds to heart wellbeing and by and large prosperity.
3. Greek Yogurt
High in protein and probiotics, Greek yogurt helps with processing and gives a delightful, rich expansion to your weight reduction venture.
B. Fiber-Rich Food varieties
1. Quinoa
A flexible entire grain, quinoa is high in fiber, going with it a filling and nutritious decision for those planning to shed pounds.
2. Vegetables (Beans, Lentils)
Beans and lentils are great wellsprings of fiber and protein, advancing satiety and supporting stomach related wellbeing.
3. Berries
Loaded with cell reinforcements and fiber, berries are a sweet treat that will not crash your weight reduction endeavors.
C. Solid Fats
1. Avocado
Avocado gives monounsaturated fats that add to chemical equilibrium, and its rich surface improves the acceptability of your feasts.
2. Olive Oil
A staple in the Mediterranean eating regimen, olive oil is wealthy in sound fats that can keep you feeling fulfilled and stimulated.
3. Nuts and Seeds
A little modest bunch of nuts or seeds can give a delightful smash while conveying fundamental supplements and sound fats.
D. Vegetables
1. Mixed Greens (Spinach, Kale)
Low in calories yet high in nutrients and minerals, mixed greens are a staple for weight-cognizant people.
2. Broccoli
Broccoli isn't just a supplement force to be reckoned with yet additionally a flexible veggie that can be integrated into different dishes.
3. Brussels Fledglings
High in fiber and low in calories, Brussels sprouts are a cruciferous vegetable that supports weight reduction and generally speaking wellbeing.
IV. Investigating the Healthful Advantages
Understanding the nourishing advantages of these food sources is critical to boosting their effect on your weight reduction venture. We'll investigate how protein supports muscle conservation and digestion, how fiber improves satiety and assimilation, and the job of solid fats in hormonal equilibrium and supported energy. Moreover, we'll accentuate the significance of the nutrients and minerals got from vegetables for generally wellbeing.
V. Useful Ways to integrate These Food varieties
Integrating these weight reduction cordial food sources into your day to day schedule doesn't need to be an overwhelming undertaking. We'll give functional tips to dinner arranging and arrangement, making adjusted and fulfilling feasts, and give brilliant eating suggestions to keep you on target.
VI. Remaining Aware of Bits
While the nature of the food you eat is critical, the amount is as well. We'll dive into the significance of piece control in weight reduction and offer tips to assist you with abstaining from gorging, guaranteeing that your calorie admission lines up with your weight reduction objectives.
VII. Extra Contemplations for an Effective Weight reduction Excursion
An all encompassing way to deal with weight reduction includes something beyond dietary decisions. We'll talk about the meaning of hydration and its effect on weight reduction, the job of standard actual work, and the significance of value rest for ideal digestion.
VIII. Recipes and Feast Thoughts
Reasonableness is critical to supporting any dietary change. We'll give basic and delectable recipes involving the 10 best food varieties for weight reduction and proposition test feast plans for a day or even seven days, making it more straightforward for you to integrate these decisions into your daily practice.
IX. Normal Weight reduction Traps to Stay away from
Exploring the universe of sustenance can be precarious, with traps holding back to crash your advancement. We'll investigate normal traps, for example, stowed away sugars in apparently good food sources, the fantasy of "diet" items, and stress the significance of embracing long haul way of life changes over convenient solutions.
X. End
All in all, we'll recap the 10 best food varieties for weight reduction, emphasizing their healthful advantages and reasonable ways of integrating them into your life. We'll offer uplifting statements for a manageable and charming weight reduction venture, underlining the comprehensive way to deal with wellbeing and prosperity that goes past shedding pounds. Prepare to leave on an excursion towards a better, more joyful you!
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jamesginortonblog · 4 years
No one could accuse James Norton of allowing himself to be typecast. The 34-year-old has played a vicar-turned-sleuth in Grantchester, a violent rapist in Happy Valley, and the aristocratic hero of War & Peace. He’s also number three in the betting to be the new James Bond. And he’s just about to add to his library of opposites with two new roles: the staid tutor John Brooke, who marries Emma Watson’s Meg March, in the star-studded new film adaptation of Little Women; and the flamboyant real-life figure at the centre of the Profumo scandal – Stephen Ward – in BBC One’s The Trial of Christine Keeler.
“Ward was 100 per cent the fall guy,” says Norton, sporting a dark-blue crushed velvet jacket and settling in on a chaise longue in an upmarket London hotel. The actor looks every bit as debonair as you’d expect for a man playing the high-society osteopath with connections that ran from Soho to the aristocracy. “The government needed to clear their own name by tarnishing someone else’s.”
It was Ward who introduced the 46-year-old Secretary of State for War John Profumo (Ben Miles) to 19-year-old model and showgirl Christine Keeler (Sophie Cookson) at a party at Lord Astor’s country house estate of Cliveden in 1961. It led to an affair that exposed Profumo as a security threat – thanks to Keeler’s simultaneous relationship with a Russian naval attaché.
Keeler and her friend Mandy Rice-Davies (Ellie Bamber) often stayed at Ward’s London mews flat, and the 50-year-old former public schoolboy would later be prosecuted for living off immoral earnings in a dubious case of establishment revenge. The two had contributed small amounts to household expenses. Ward committed suicide after the judge’s summing up amounted to a direction to the jury to find him guilty.
Amanda Coe’s stylish, evocative drama establishes Keeler and Rice-Davies as sexually liberated young women for their time. Does Norton think they were victims? “Ward definitely used certain relationships he had with young, beautiful women to ingratiate himself with the wealthy elite,” he says. “He also groomed them to a point… but it’s too simplistic to say he was a man who groomed young women. His relationship with these young girls was often a very positive one, he would enable them, take them out of poverty.” Keeler was from a disadvantaged background and fitted the mould of the “alley cats” Ward liked to befriend. Norton gives a terrific performance as the sleazy Pygmalion.
“I really warmed to him… you fall in love with these characters, and Stephen Ward was way ahead of his time, so brave in how he lived his life and expressed himself, his sexual tastes, his flirting with cross-dressing, in a world that was still incredibly repressed.
“And the final reckoning was that Stephen Ward had somehow corrupted these Tory ministers and it was all his fault, which is absurd.”
I wonder if Norton, the son of a retired college lecturer and a mother who taught medical ethics, is as dazzled by the truly posh as Ward was.
“Wealth or class are not things that I’m particularly dazzled by,” he says. “I am by talent.” He cites Little Women director Greta Gerwig and her partner Noah Baumbach, who made Netflix’s Marriage Story, as an example.
Norton himself is part of a powerhouse acting couple, with British star Imogen Poots, whom he became close to when they starred together in a play in 2017. They seem very happy. “It’s good,” he says, but adds, “my personal life is very normal, I have a house in Peckham, my [parents] live in Yorkshire. There's very little glamour and scandal.”
There was a little bit of the latter when his previous girlfriend, actress Jessie Buckley, said their break-up had been “acrimonious”, but Norton is far too canny to add fuel to that particular fire.
Similarly, he won’t comment on the rumours linking him to James Bond, insisting they are “based on nothing”. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have strong opinions on the series in general.
“We all know that with James Bond, large parts of it, and all the versions of it in the past, are now antiquated and it needs to be updated,” he says. “And I think that Barbara Broccoli and the producers are very aware of that. Bringing in people like Phoebe Waller-Bridge can only help.”
Might the spy be a little too one-dimensional for someone who has taken on so many interesting parts? Daniel Craig, who is stepping aside after the latest film No Time To Die comes out in April, has often seemed unhappy with the role.
“If I was to take on a franchise,” Norton says, “I would always want to complement it with something completely different.”
He has just taken on a big HBO sci-fi series, The Nevers, he says, and is in negotiations with the BBC about doing a second series of McMafia. We chat about the fact that the first series attracted a measure of criticism, including some for his own performance as Alex Godman, the scion of a Russian mafia family drawn reluctantly into the underworld. “There was an article about the three wooden faces of James Norton,” he says with a laugh.
How did he take it?
“It’s a rite of passage that you have [bad reviews],” he replies. “Ultimately, it’s an art form which is deeply subjective and you’re never going to please everyone.” The character was intended to be “inscrutable and calcified”, he adds. Nevertheless, he admits he might play it slightly differently second time around.
“Yeah, possibly,” he says. “But, then again, you don’t want to pander to the people who didn’t like it. There's so much content out there that people who don't like it can go and find something else.”
One of the factors that Norton and director James Watkins agreed upon when sketching out Godman’s background was his public school education. Norton is a public school boy too; a former pupil of Ampleforth, the leading Catholic boarding school which was found to have covered up the sexual abuse of scores of children in a devastating report in 2018.
Norton never saw any wrongdoing during his time there, but does admit to being “quite badly bullied” and credits one of the monks - a Father Peter - with helping him get through it. “I was able to go and just talk to him and he basically became my therapist,” says Norton. “I just sort of sobbed my eyes out.”
Has it left a mark? “It probably has a bit,” he says. “It’s not defined me, but it has informed who I am. I’m hyper aware if someone is being in any way ostracised on a film set, for example.”
On Little Women, he found himself on set with some of the industry’s biggest names, including Saoirse Ronan, Timothée Chalamet, Meryl Streep and Laura Dern. The film’s a deliriously romantic and sentimental take on the novel’s sibling rivalries, but it takes its duty to Louisa May Alcott’s study of the economic subjection of women seriously. “It's important for us to go back to those punctuation marks in the struggle towards equality and recognise how far we've come, but also how we're not quite there yet,” Norton says.
He and Watson were given the task of writing their own marriage vows for the film, which he says he laboured over but arrived with them unfinished to discover that Watson had already written hers and they were beautiful. He was just young enough to read the early Harry Potter books, he notes, but has only seen a couple of the films – “Don’t tell Emma.”
He plays Chalamet’s tutor – did he fancy the 23-year-old as everyone else seems to right now? He smiles. “He’s a beguiling and bizarre, unique force of nature,” he says. Norton had been wondering about wearing a suit to today’s photoshoot, but is glad he didn’t as he’s just bumped into the younger man in a Gorillaz tee-shirt and sunglasses. “Whenever he’s around, I feel about 10 years older than I am.”
Among all its bold women, I wonder if his own character – John Brooke – is just a teeny bit dull. He laughs. “He’s a little quieter than some of the other characters, but that allowed me to just witness all these great women actors. It was incredible.”
There’s certainly nothing dull or quiet about the character he plays in the film Mr Jones, which is released in February. It’s the surprisingly little-known story of Gareth Jones, the journalist who uncovered the Holodomor – the man-made famine genocide inflicted by the Soviet Union upon Ukraine in 1932-33, which is estimated to have killed up to 7.5 million people. “He blew the whistle on the Soviet Union,” says Norton. “He was the first person to go [to Ukraine], and come back and tell the world.”
In the West, the economic crash of 1929 had led to the Great Depression. “Everyone was looking at the Soviet experiment thinking, ‘Oh, it's working’,” Norton says. “They were getting into bed with Stalin and trade deals were being made. And no one was calling them out. Until this one serious, bespectacled, earnest Welsh journalist got on a train and risked his life to blow the whistle.”
I wonder if those types of films can command a big enough audience to keep getting made? He accepts that independent cinema is in a period of shrinkage, but says, “while the audience for this type of film might not be as big as a Marvel movie, we have to protect those stories because film isn't just about escapism. It's also about education.”
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Third week of lockdown comes to close
Well the time actually seems to have gone quite quickly!  We have been so busy in both house and garden interspersed with some dog training on our walks that the days fly by.  We have enjoyed participating in two and organising one Pub quiz with friends courtesy of Zoom which prove fun and educational!  We also of course have enjoyed the most fabulous weather peaking today with temperatures of approx 24C.  However rain or rather the lack of it, is becoming a problem and the hoses are out.  The new grass seed has been sown so that needs a good soak every day and will no doubt germinate very quickly.  This evening I am watering with my revolving sprinkler, the veg patch as the asparagus has started but needs the boost of water with the warmer nights to push it on more quickly - first pick Monday I reckon.
Rhubarb is also about ready and the veg patch is looking very smart.  Today I picked off the very last of the purple sprouting broccoli which has been terrific this year.  Managed to get four bags into the freezer and Mr Horta amazingly enough actually dug the area over for me, turning in some of our home made compost at the same time, therefore getting ready the patch for the courgettes. I have sown three types of courgette - Defender, a straight yellow called Atene and what is termed Italian striped - I think this is a year when one cannot have too many!  
Various plants are now moving out of the greenhouse into the cold frames - the vanilla scented Nemesia, the scented Pelargoniums and the bog standard geraniums which now wait for the summer bedding schemes.  I am thrilled that my little trailing lobelias have worked brilliantly and this week I have been able to prick out 24 with another batch to do next week.  All the Cosmos I had have been potted on, but I am still waiting for the batch of new seed to come from Suttons of multi coloured ones.  Today’s post brought 10 asparagus plants to fill in some gaps which I have planted - they have to go very deep which is awkward between the established plants but I think the plan will work and I have marked them with a stick so as not to pick from them for a couple of years.
The garden looks lovely with one exception which is the roses - they have had a torrid time - lovely new foliage either zapped by those last few very sharp frosts and now frazzled to a crisp, or even completely by first the muntjac and then the roe deer.  I have put up yet more deterrants and positioned two garden chairs at the top of the garden with bin liners over them and since then no more damage, but it will take a while for the roses to shoot again - they all had flower buds too which is sickening.  These quiet days however do mean that more wildlife is about and more confident - this morning Miss Horta and I left the house at 6 - the most beautiful dawn and did a 5 mile circuit through some of our most beautiful countryside.  As we left we saw the barn owl which gives special joy as we have been without one on the common for the last two years. Another one was spotted in old Beetley in its usual haunts and it flew directly up the bridal path towards us over our heads which was glorious.  3 roedeer were grazing just below the house and we saw a total of 16 on our walk plus 3 muntjac.  Heron and buzzard both busy, masses of blackcaps singing down by the Blackwater bridge and beautiful bird cherry in flower as we neared the ford.
Wildflowers are starting to increase daily - kingcups, stitchwort, two deadnettles, the first ladysmock, ground ivy, lovely cowslips, celandines and of course the first bluebells.  Great excitement too on the yellow rattle front.  Last year the 300 m long strip I had sown the previous autumn where PUSH had cleared out a ditch and conveniently left bare earth on the bank top produced a good crop of rattle much to my amazement as it is notoriously difficult to establish.  I collected a lot of seed in an envelope and in October, just before the cattle finished grazing the common I spread it surreptitiously, rather like the soil down the trousers in the The Great Escape, on a sparsely grassy area just outside out back gate covered in mole hills - also in the knowledge that the cattle would walk over it, jam it in and then we would wait and hope.  BINGO there is a really good patch!  I use the word surreptitious as with rattle being a parasite it weakens the grass which of course is not really what some of the graziers want.  However the more diverse mix of wildflowers due to lack of competition from grass, does make for a good herbage for cattle with all sorts of vitamins and properties that grass does not give.
Butterflies also on the march - Tortoiseshell, Peacocks, Brimstone, Comma and today the first Orange Tip.  Mr Horta has put the moth trap out twice and recorded the first moths of spring - apparently the Norfolk group who he communes with on moths have already seen Poplar Hawk and  Elephant Hawk. He just had some lovely little chaps - they have such wonderful names - Hebrew Character, Nut Tree Tussock to name but two!
We continue with dog training - the girls do enjoy it and little by little my neighbour is getting involved with his 10 month old golden retriever Cally.  He is finding it very useful to sit Cally up, to watch the girls, so she gets less excited seeing other dogs.  Next week we will start walking her through our dogs as in a bending race, on the lead, but with a view to then getting the heel work better so she can do it off the lead.  We can keep our social distance, and obviously make sure no one else is about!
To finish on a great note - Mrs Swallow arrived on Thursday so all is really well - swallows, barn owl, yellow rattle, its all looking pretty much ok in our quiet little world. We are very very lucky and we give thanks daily for life at Beck Farm.
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jmeelee · 5 years
@vibranivmheart tumblr ate your fic request ask but here is:
#40: things you interrupted me to say
Derek and Stiles meet, of all places, in the supermarket when they are five and six years old, respectively. Their moms, Talia and Claudia, stop to chat at the end of the refrigerated food isle, and the two boys size each other up over the sides of metal shopping carts brimming with fruit snacks and frozen broccoli.
It’s Stiles who breaks first, overcome with excitement at finally meeting the infamous Derek Hale, whom his mother has mentioned to him. Now that the world knows about and accepts supernatural beings, the Hale family can finally be themselves. Stiles has stars in his eyes as he says, “Wow, you’re—“
“A werewolf! I know! Isn’t it cool?” Derek interrupts.
And so it begins.
“He’s coming, Scotty. How do I look?” Stiles smooths a hand needlessly over his shaved head.
Scott grimaces and zips up his backpack. “A little sweaty, to be honest.”
Stiles rolls his eyes, shoves his hands into his pockets and then pulls them out again. He grabs his hoodie string and starts chewing the end. “Thanks for nothing. Now scram.”
“Good luck!” Scott calls over his shoulder as he heads down the crowded hallway to third period. Stiles puffs out his chest as Derek walks up.
“Hey… Hi,” Stiles sputters, letting the string fall from his mouth, fingers twisting in the front of his sweatshirt. Derek raises one eyebrow. “So I was thinking. There’s a dance on Friday and—“
“Stiles, no way.” Derek shakes his head.
“No?” He squeaks. In his brain’s obsessive computing of how this would go, being shot down so quickly didn’t factor in.
“You can’t go to a middle school dance.” Derek spins the dial on his lock, and it clicks open. “They’re social suicide. Laura told me so; she’s in eleventh grade and knows everything.” He swings his locker open and grabs his history textbook. “And besides, only couples go to those kinds of things.”
“Well, see, that’s the thing. I was thinking maybe—“
“Stiles,” Derek sighs. “Lydia Martin won’t even give you the time of day. She definitely won’t go to the dance with you.” He stands on tip-toes, scrounging for his spiral notebook.
“It’s on the bottom,” Stiles reminds him, “where you always throw it at the end of the day.”
“Oh yeah! Thanks. Anyway, I heard from someone on the basketball team that she likes Jackson Whittemore, and is hoping he asks her to go.” The locker slams shut with a foreboding sense of finality.
“Yeah. Okay, geez. I guess you’re right.” Stiles slips the straps of his backpack over his shoulder, and clutches his books to his chest. “Want to come over and play video games with Scott and I instead?”
“Sounds good!” Derek smacks him on the shoulder. Stiles winces, but not from the force.
“I’m going to fail this final,” Stiles proclaims over the buzz of the cafeteria. “I’m going to fail and Lydia’s GPA will surpass mine and I’ll never become—”
“Valedictorian,” Derek finishes, the word muffled around a huge bite of peanut butter and jelly. “But you will. You’ll ace this test, Stiles. Come on. You always think you’ll fail and you never do. You’ve got this in the bag.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, buddy. Now, are you going to eat the rest of those fries?” Derek slides over the flimsy recycled cardboard holder, leaving a smear of grease on the speckled laminate tabletop.
Erica smirks, a lock of blonde hair curled around her finger. “Where’s the honeymoon going to be? You guys are like a married couple, sharing your food and finishing each other’s sentences.”
Derek’s hackles rise, and he opens his mouth to refute her ridiculous claim when Stiles’ laugh rings out like a bell. Derek never fails to be amazed at how easily jabs seem to roll off his back. “Maybe we would be married if he’d actually let me finish one.” Stiles winks at him, and something foreign flutters behind his ribs.
Derek sits in his hard plastic seat, shell shocked. Stiles throws a fry at his furrowed forehead.
Derek’s never seen Stiles this angry before. He’s the supernatural being, he could kill a man with his bare hands, but right now Stiles—all 147 pounds of him— is the force to be reckoned with. “You think you know what’s best for everyone! But you don’t!” A long finger is stabbed into the center of his chest.
Derek bristles. After all this time, after all they’ve been through, all the people they’ve lost, how dare Stiles think Derek isn’t acting in his best interest? “I do! I’m the—“
“Alpha!” Stiles’ scream rips across the clearing like a needle scratching a record, silence descending in its wake, and all the wolves pause and stare. Derek’s mouth finally snaps shut. “I know,” Stiles seethes. “We all know. Now why don’t you start acting like one?”
There’s three other people out here with him, all he has left in the world to call family. But as Stiles turns and walks away, Derek’s never felt more alone.
“Come on, Stiles!” Derek calls through the front door. “Let me in!”
“Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!” Stiles shouts back.
“Cut the crap and open up!” He pounds on the fiberglass with a meaty fist. “And you know you can’t grow facial hair for shit!”
The door swings open so fast Derek face-plants in the entryway. “You take that back, asshole!” Stiles’ face is livid.
Derek rolls over onto his back, exposing his belly. Stiles narrows his eyes at the submissive position. “I know you’re mad, but I can’t apologize for trying to keep you safe. It’s what I’ve always done. It’s what I’ll always do.”
“That’s just it, Derek.” Stiles grabs fistfuls of hair at his temples and pulls. “I’ve been running with you since I was a kid, but you never see me. You never hear—“
Derek scoffs. “What are you talking about? You’re all I see.”
Stiles drops the hands from his hair and squares his shoulders. He puts one hand on the doorknob. “I wish I believed that, but I don’t. I’m tired of being one more thing you need to take care of. I think you should go.”
Stiles isn’t looking at him, gaze fixed on a spot on the wall. Derek sits up, eyes imploring, and wraps a hand around Stiles’ leg. “I’ll go, if you want me to, but I’d rather stay, and fix this. Fix us. I’ll do anything. Just name it.”
Stiles glances down at him. “You have to let me talk. You have to let me say what I need to say, and don’t interrupt.”
Derek mines zipping his lips. The tiny smile he earns in return bolsters his resolve.
Stiles reaches down and grasps Derek’s outstretched hand, pulling him up. He takes a deep breath, and says, “The truth is, I love you, and I’ve been trying to tell you that for a very long time.”
“And do you, Derek, take Stiles to be your—“
“I do.”
Stiles smacks Derek upside the head. “Let the man finish!”
Derek turns to the officiant—who looks five seconds away from wetting his pant—with a sharp smile. “Are you finished?”
“Yeah, sure.” He leans over the podium, signs his name on the marriage license. “Just kiss him already.”
“My pleasure.”
“You’re such—“
“An idiot? An asshole? You signed up for a whole lifetime of this.”
“I did.” Stiles smiles, leaning in for a kiss. “I think I got a pretty good deal.”
Send me a pairing and prompt and I will write you a mini fic
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Wednesday, 18th September/Thursday, 19th September 2019 – Restaurant a l’Echevin, Colmar
As part of the deal at the Hostellerie Le Maréchal we had two night’s dinners included (not three, no matter what the young man on reception when we checked in insisted) and although you never know what you might get when it comes to hotel restaurants, in what is clearly paradise for gourmets, Alsace and the restaurant A l’Échevin did not let us down. The first night we drank a glass of local crémant in the bar first, alongside a snack of some rather wonderful pastry straws that were as light as you could wish, which suggested that at least their pastry chef was up to speed.
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We then moved into the restaurant and were pleased to be shown to our table (Table 2 apparently) in the long, narrow dining room that overlooked the waters of La Lauch and the barques moored outside. We were slightly less pleased with the acoustics that meant we could hear every word issuing from the irritating couple on the table behind ours (Table 1) but that’s not the hotel’s fault! We were on a set menu with matching wines as part of the deal that the hotel had offered so the decision making process had been largely taken away from us. Now to see if the rest of the brigade could cook as well as the pastry chef. An amuse-bouche of a foie gras paté and an apricot sorbet suggested the answer to that question might well prove to be “yes”.
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The menu itself started with what was listed as “Presskopf” of smoked haddock and smoked trout, basically the chef’s take on a regional speciality, brawn, but with fish and not the more usual meat. It was light, delicate, the jelly perfectly set and the herbs just providing a lift of flavour to counteract the oily fish. There were tiny chunks of vegetable alongside the chunks of trout and haddock and it not only looked lovely, it was lovely.
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Fillet of pike-perch cooked in Riesling, with mangetout turned out to be a perfectly executed piece of fish, the skin crisp and golden, sitting on top of a bed of mangetout, with a puddle of creamy Riesling inflected sauce. Throw in the odd micro-herb and enjoy! It was also a perfect excuse to rip off a piece of the brilliant bread roll and dunk it in the leftover sauce afterwards. The kitchen was having none of that back!
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With both the fish dishes we drank a 2018 Alsace Pinot Blanc from Pierre Henri Ginglinger. The wine comes from a blend of Pinot Auxerrois from different parcels, harvested by hand and fermented over several months before being aged on fine lees. It’s a bright yellow in color, with white-fleshed fruit aromas, and peach notes. We liked it enough to make a note of it and to consider whether we needed to visit the Ginglinger domaine. While we pondered that question, the meat course arrived, a serving of leg of deer with cranberries, cross-border pasta specialty spaetzlés (as the French appear to spell it) and fromage blanc. The meat was cooked to perfection, as were the vegetables and to add a fillip to what might have seemed quite a restrained plate, there was also a “pastilla” full of slow cooked meat to enjoy alongside the pink cooked flesh that we’d been expecting. It was all beautifully executed and we knew we’d made a good choice to eat in the hotel.
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A serving of perfectly kept Munster cheese from a local farm came next and was just the thing to help us finish off the red wine, a 2017 Alsace Pinot Noir “Les Princes Abbés” from Domaines Schlumberger, one of the big wine names in these parts. The wine itself is made of a blend of Pinot Noir (80% from the limestone Bollenberg plot and 20% from the marl-limestone Saering plot). Vinification occurs during a maceration period of two weeks and it is then matured in traditional tuns for 10 months. What you get is a wine that is cherry red with purple reflections, and an aroma of red fruit scents (blackcurrant, cherry) and a hint of rose. Redcurrant, blackberry, vineyard peach as it opens out and slight woodiness also come through. It was served at what we might consider a low temperature for red but to get the most out of these wines 16°C is what you’re looking for. It was smooth against the punchiness of the cheese and the combination was really rather wonderful. The spoonful of cumin seeds served alongside the cheese were an interesting – and welcome – touch too.
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We finished off with a gourmandise du pâtissier which took the form of a gloriously gooey plum and raspberry confection, on a biscuit base that couldn’t be faulted, the ice cream all creamy and rich and the sorbet sharp and cleansing on the palate. It was looking good for our second night, and we went to bed happy after finishing our dessert wine (and cheering when the annoying pair behind us had cleared the room and gone to their own beds). It made the wine taste even better, which, as it was a 2017 Gewürztraminer Tradition – Gold Medal wine from Bott Frères was quite a smart trick. The wine is brilliant and crystal-clear in shades of light green and has a youthful, fresh and flowery (rose and acacia) aroma, added to an exotic taste of pineapple and oriental spices characteristic of Gewürztraminer. Perfect with dessert and on its own, as we went on to prove!
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On the second night we wandered out for an aperitif, ending up drinking a glass of wine by the waterside at La Krutenau, for the simple reason that it was the first bar we came across that had waterside views and an empty table. It was another lovely evening so we were quite content to be outside a while longer.
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On our return we decided it was getting a little too cold to stay out for a second aperitif so we took to the room just off the hotel’s courtyard for a second glass of wine and some more of their fabulous pastry straws, before swinging indoors to see what was on offer on the tasting menu. As ever they started us of with a delicate little amuse-bouche before things got serious. We’d deliberately avoided anything after the charcuterie plate at Joseph Cattin’s for the remainder of the day because we reckoned we’d be best arriving hungry. We didn’t even do the flammkuechen as aperitif nibbles thing because that seemed unwise. This time they started us with a cheesy mousse and a tiny tomato gazpacho, which was refreshing and sharp.
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And then it was into the serious wine and food. The starter was a terrine of duck foie gras with figs and a fruit chutney. It was smooth and rich and fabulous and it probably didn’t need the toasted brioche with it (though I have to say we both caved and ate part of it). Given we also had more of their fantastic bread as well it was overkill, but gloriously so. With it we moved from the crémant to a far more suitable wine, a 2017 Pinot Gris from Maison Martin Jund, who are now entirely biodynamic in their practices. This wine is described as “expressive and tender, from the very beginning, a fruity wine if there is one”. The resulting wine is a golden yellow with metallic reflections, and the aroma is of ripe yellow fruits (pear, peach). It’s perfectly sweet and an ideal match for foie gras.
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The second course was a crayfish casserole, tiny and packed with pieces of sweet-fleshed, juicy, tender crayfish tails, dotted with chives and swimming in a creamy sauce. I loved it (and the little Staub cocottes it was served in, which are from a brand that started in Alsace, and that cost an absolute fortune). I pondered the possibility of getting out of there with one hidden in my handbag! the sheer weight of it put me off the idea, if Lynne had not also vetoed it. We already had a fabric heart that was in our room as a present from the hotel when we arrived. That would be far easier to carry… I settled for mopping up the sauce with the bread roll and we sat and waited to see what else we would be fed.
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The second fish dish was a piece of nicely filleted halibut, in a saffron sauce. Saffron is tricky stuff – overdo it and you have a sauce that is bitter and deeply unpleasant. Get it right and you have something golden and warm. They got it right and the fish was also perfect, white and flaking and moist, sitting on a small pile of fresh carrots and a pool of pale golden sauce. Both this and the crayfish came with a 2016 Grand Cru Froehn Riesling from Jean Becker. This wine is made from grapes grown on limestone and sandstone at 270 to 300m on soil consisting of dark gray schistose marls, with fine white limestone beds as well as carbonate and ferruginous nodules. The wine resulting wine is floral and fruity, combining richness, finesse and breadth regardless of varietal and there is a fine and strong acidity that becomes salinity and minerality with aging. Am excellent choice once again. Someone really knows their wine and food matches, and they want you to have the best Alsace can offer
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The interlude was a palate cleansing lime and apple sorbet which really woke the tastebuds up and prepared us for a meaty main course and a change of wine.
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This came in the shape of a pink-cooked beef fillet, with a fine selection of small organic vegetables including a smooth as silk potato puree, some pickled radish and onions (tiny, sweet, giving a lift to the meat), courgettes, carrots, fine beans and broccoli. The meat could probably have been cut with a spoon, it was so tender and perfectly cooked. There is a sure hand at work in the kitchen, in the shape of the head chef, Thierry Chefdeville, who has been here for two decades, producing a very harmonious menu where each dish could stand along but equally fits together. I would happily eat there again, and that was before we made it all the way through the menu.
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The wine served with the beef was a 2017 Alsace Pinot Noir from Pierre Henri Ginglinger. This is made from a blend of Pinot Noir from different plots, harvested by hand, then de-stemmed and allowed to macerate for 15 days.  It is then moved to old wooden casks for malolactic fermentation. What you get as a result has a beautiful purple hue, and a nose that is very fruity with notes of cassis and cherries. It’s light, fresh and pleasant with a little tannin and is best served chilled down to between 12 and 14ºC. It also went very well with the assortment of three cheeses which included a relatively young Comté which always makes me happy. But then, Comté always makes me happy, a fact that can probably be confirmed by the bloke at Borough Market who sells it to me and to le Manoir Aux Quat’Saisons!
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Pré-dessert was chocolate in a number of forms, including ice cream, and would have been a dessert in its own right (and certainly more than sufficient), especially with meringue as well, and I could have happily stopped there.
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I was glad I didn’t stop there though. The pineapple and lemon cappuccino mojito-style might not have been desperately photogenic but it was desperately good, with a hit of alcohol and sharp pineapple, underneath a light, foaming lemon cream.
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We ended the night full of food and nursing the dreaded food baby (twins I think), more than satisfied with our two dinners in a fine restaurant. We did get stuck with a second table full of irritating fellow diners again though, who were first minded to be annoyed by the service, which they felt was too slow (OK, it’s not quick but you’re there for an evening out so I’d prefer not to be rushed), and who then talked utter nonsense all night, strong in so many incorrect opinions (the Italians didn’t have any colonies or any colonial “adventures” – tell that to the Libyans, Ethiopians, Eritreans, and Somalians – and the Germans don’t make cheese being just two of them). So if you do go try and get Table 1 so there won’t be anyone behind you!
Travel/Food 2019 – Alsace and Baden, Days 6 and 7, Restaurant a l’Echevin, Colmar Wednesday, 18th September/Thursday, 19th September 2019 - Restaurant a l’Echevin, Colmar As part of the deal at the…
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thebibliomancer · 5 years
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance ep 5 liveblog
“She Knows All the Secrets”
Just a stream of thoughts.
I can’t believe I have to print a retraction on a liveblog but I’ve been apparently assuming that the General was just a younger, less fashionable SkekUng and this is not the case. The General is another Skeksis entirely so needs to go on the list of new Skeksis. I also made a lot of comments about the Chamberlain and the General fighting like ‘oh these two are always like that’ but the Chamberlain is just always like that with a lot of people apparently.
So Rian’s dad died and Rian was captured by the hunter. And now she’s been hung upside down like the Hunter is a Wampa but like a temperate zone Wampa.
The Hunter: 'Cool, you’re awake now I can skin you alive'
You’re creepy, Hunter.
And of all things, Chamberlain shows up to temporarily save Rian. Because he needs to drag Rian back to the castle to rub in the General’s face so the Emperor will like him again. And so he can get his chair back. Standing up at dinner time is so hard.
The Hunter: “Pathetic, you hunt a chair!”
Chamberlain: “No! I hunt power!”
Hunter begrudgingly lets Chamberlain take Rian but warns of pointy reckoning if he doesn’t get his trophy in the end.
And then Chamberlain frisks Rian and drinks his girlfriend in front of him. Very rude.
Its probably not supposed to be funny when Rian dramatically cries out NOOOOOO when Chamberlain smashes the empty bottle. But the bottle was empty. It was just a minor dick move compared to, y’know, drinking your dead girlfriend.
And the Chamberlain cackles like its the funniest dick move he ever done did.
Hey, Chamberlain is taking Rian to the castle where cool sister Tavra and Naia are heading possibly with Kylan. To rescue Gurjin. That will probably come into play.
So the All-Maudra now believes in the Blight because a Landstrider herd went crazy and busted out of its pen. Before she thought it was people lying to get away with a small tithe because she’s a jerk who didn’t follow up on that until now.
Wow Tavra, Naia, and Kylan got to the castle fast.
Cool Sister Tavra happens upon the Emperor….. I don’t know, freebasing the planet? Absorbing evil energy into his emperor staff?
DEET! I forget where in her quest she’s at at this point.
Oh, she’s heading to Vapran city Ha’ra but Hup, The First Podling Paladin, asks her not to go. He’s afraid for her and wants to protect her. Aww. And he’s feeling insecure because his sword is a spoon.
Hup is valid.
I guess Paladins are like the All-Maudra’s royal guard or something.
Deet: “You’re on your way to Ha’ra to become a paladin but if you ask me you already are.”
Aww. You have no power to grant that but lets go with it.
Pfft, I half knew it had to happen at some point but a Skeksis complaining about how low Gelfling ceilings are still cracked me up.
You bastards are just too tall, you tall bastards.
General: ‘Hey whats this?’
All-Maudra: “That’s a unomoth chrysalis, General. The sigil of the Vapra clan.”
General: -immediately eats it-
Skeksis really don’t have any impulse control…
He doesn’t even likes it and spits it out like its broccoli which makes the whole ‘let me eat something i was just told is symbolically important’ even worse.
Ritual Master: -shakes head, wonders if its too late to pretend he doesn’t know the General-
Geez, the General really is just a SkekUng stand in. He’s just doing Garthim-Master stuff and having the dynamics that Garthim-Master do. I don’t mind new Skeksis but why’d they make him so much like an existant one?
So the Arathim, those spider people, are apparently agitating and the Skeksis….. Require….. The seven strongest Gelfling from each clan?
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Ritual Master: “Of course we cannot guarantee the volunteers’ safe return.”
Is this the best thing you could come up with to disappear the fifty Gelfing a trine you need to drink? I mean, its almost smart. War with spider people. Casualties are bound to happen and bodies are bound to disappear. Its a good cover. But this murder plan could be handled better.
Also what could be handled better is not sending the General to ever talk with people.
All-Maudra: ‘Maybe the spider people are pissed off by the Blight’
And then when the All-Maudra leaves he goes and grabs another chrysalis and the Ritual Master pleads “Don’t” and then he cronches it anyway and the Ritual Master just shakes his head and sighs.
Oh I guess Chamberlain didn’t walk all the way into the woods to intercept the Hunter. He took a carriage. Wonder who’s driving.
But he needs Rian to ‘confess’ that he was ‘lying’ about the Skeksis
Rian: “I’ll make sure all of Thra knows what you are!”
Chamberlain: “And what are Skeksis, hmm?”
Rian: “Evil!”
Chamberlain: -giggles- “Delightful!”
Chamberlain: “How are Skeksis evil? Please, you tell”
Rian: “You killed Mira!”
Chamberlain: “All things kill”
Rian thought this was a carriage ride but its really Philosophy 101 with Professor Chamberlain. Moralllllll relativismmm.
Sometimes animals eat animals so therefore its okay to drink soul goo. Just the circle of life.
Rian: “There was nothing natural about what you did to Mira!”
Chamberlain: -pet peeved- “Death is unnatural! Death is cruel joke! Death mocks, life, mocks Skeksis!”
Rian touched a nerve there, huh?
Also Chamberlain: ‘Hey you’re as bad as us. You just watched as we drank your girlfriend. And left your friend behind. And let your dad die for you!’
Wow, I’ve never thought Chamberlain could break someone by talking because I figured that people would either go ‘you’re full of bullshit’ or literally just hit him. I guess with a captive audience he can talk long enough that he manages to say some pretty crushing Sounds Like Truth Bombs.
And now: Court Drama, Gelfling Style. Seladon is mad at Brea and Brea is mad at Seladon and there’s a giant animatronic rock monster who is also a part-time phonograph for Yodas.
Seladon: “What happens to the Gelflings if the Skeksis fall?”
About the same as now except the All-Maudra takes all the tithes instead of just skimming off the top? The Gelflings are very able to be fucked up on their own.
So now mom is maaaad.
If nothing else the All-Maudra should be incredibly curious that someone built a secret room under her throne. Like, logistically.
And then All-Momdra sends Seladon off to check on livestock for Blight. And Seladon is kind of Catraesque and pins all her emotional state on the positive reinforcement that mom just won’t give without immediately undercutting it. Poor Not Cool Sister.
So Chamberlain’s argument is that if Rian doesn’t silence the whisperings of rebellion, there’s going to be a rebellion and a bunch of Gelflings are going to die. Honestly, he’s just looking out for Gelflings’ best interests! He’s a friend, honest!
Chamberlain: “Is Gelfling slave if Gelfing not know it is slave?”
Slave is a bit much. Livestock maybe. BECAUSE THEY’RE DRINKING THEM.
But Chamberlain still being philosophy class.
At least, Chamberlain’s carriage ride of philosophical wonderment is very much like a philosophy class I had in college.
Rian: “We aren’t your pets”
Chamberlain: “False”
Based on difference in lifespan. “The choice is pets or enemies. Choose wisely.”
Rian: “And if I say what you want, will you stop draining Gelfling?”
Chamberlain: “Cannot promise.”
Heck of a time to be honest about things, SkekSil.
Rian: “Then I refuse.”
Its like the trolly problem, except with genocide. Yay?
Chamberlain is like that bad parent that catches a kid smoking and makes them smoke the whole pack or eat the whole cake. Rian defiantly says that war won’t be the end of the Gelfling if Gelfling win so Chamberlain cuts his bonds and goes ‘then do it bitch’
The Hunter is going to kick Chamberlain’s ass.
Oh, no. Chamberlain got into his head earlier and made him ashamed of running from his problems so now Rian won’t run out of the carriage. Damn, SkekSil, you actually managed to manipulate someone holy shit
Chamberlain: “Is difficult being voice of reason in such crazed world.”
You endearingly smug prick.
Aughra time.
Aughra: “Stones are no help, bah! Leaves have nothing to say! NO HELP! Bah! No help! Smoke is no help! Mystic ways don’t work! Aughra ways don’t work! Old ways don’t work!”
Thank goodness for this sequence of Aughra failing at augury.
Now she’s talking about her personal problems to an uncomprehending and uncaring animal. Aka the Thurma ways. (Which also don’t work)
And now she’s talking to a tree!
Thankfully trees do talk, even if only to dunk on people. And the tree heals the small animal she’s been ranting to.
I guess Sanctuary Trees can Just Do That. But only if you ask nicely?
SOCIAL LINK GO. Aughra is now friends with A Tree.
Little Deet in a Big City.
Time for more racisms!
So the Vapran gelflings of Ha’ra are kind of like the Hunger Games Capitol? They look like ambulatory cakes.
Deet: “I guess I could take a bath?”
Hup: -does crimes-
Deet: “How do I look?”
Hup: “Deet Always Beautiful.”
Hup, you’re too good for this sinful Thra.
Hup: -says things-
Vapran Guard: “.......... Yeah okay”
Persuasion roll 20
All-Maudra: ‘oh neat a giant rock man’
Annnd the General and Ritual Master doing an inspection of the war volunteers slash drinking victim candidates.
General: “This volunteer’s teeth are very disappointing.”
Ritual Master: “Weak haunches too”
General: “Whats wrong with that one’s face?”
Ritual Master: “I think it’s just old.”
General: “Well, I don’t like it. Get it out of here!”
Weirdly humorous scene about two lizard monsters deciding who to literally drink…
Gelfing: “I’m not that old…”
Oh cool I thought it couldn’t get creepier but the Ritual Master is literally licking his chops and talking about vigor.
Holy crap, Naia rescued Gurjin off-screen, somehow found out that Rian had been captured and then rescued him!
(Where the hell is Tavra then?)
But, like, Rian had decided not to run when he had that chance so why is he doing it now?
This is all very perplexing.
I guess it gives us an exciting action sequence on top of a racing pillbug carriage but. What's his motivation here??
Gurjin: “Join the guard they said! Nothing ever goes wrong in the Castle they said!”
Cool, Gurjin is ready to be a Warcraft unit.
Chamberlain: ‘Huh this sure is terrifying. I’d better speed up MORE’
-Carriage flips-
Lets whoop triumphantly even though nothing made any sense!
Oh, hey Kylan. God, he’s so forgettable. He was the first person willing to dreamfast with Rian but he’s had like nothing to do since then and no real interactions so he’s just kinda There in some scenes. Gurjin and Naia even left him at camp instead of bringing him to the EXCITING ACTION SCENE’
I have to scroll up and relearn his name every time he shows up.
Kylan: “Oh you’ve returned!”
Rian: -panicking internally thinking who dis guy-
Seladon is going to have Deet and Hup thrown out for, y’know, blatant impersonation, but Deet mentions the Blight and the Darkening and hell, Seladon is supposed to be investigating that and its easier to have exposition come to you.
But even though she’ll listen to them doesn’t mean she won’t be incredibly racist.
Seladon: “You spin quite a tale, Grottan. But do you offer any proof?”
Deet: “Dreamfast with me!” You know, that thing that should solve roughly half the problems in this plot?
Seladon: “Ugh when was the last time you washed your hands?”
Deet: “Why would I ever wash my hands?”
Aughra is also just sitting and waiting for the plot to come to her. Its good protagonisting if you can get it.
Rian: -spilling his sad story about his dad dying-
Kylan: -nodding, yes I am part of this conversation I am-
Oh, after nobody wanting to dreamfast everyone is dreamfasting at the same time at the slightest provocation.
Rian’s group dreamfasting around the campfire. Brea dreamfasting with her mom to show how she found Lore, and Seladon getting over herself to dreamfast with Deet.
And Aughra like. Accidentally broke into the same dreamfast channel? Because Rian finds himself, Deet, and Aughra in Dream Space with the Dream Space Dark Crystal.
And Aughra starts dancing.
Oh, its not just them. Its all the protagonists.
Brea: “The crystal! Its cracked, its missing a shard”
Geez, Brea. Advance the plot on your own time.
Aughra gives everyone adjectives. Mighty nice.
Clever Brea. Proud All-Maudra. Fierce Naia. Wise Kylan and Gurjin.
Wait, Gurjin doesn’t even get his own adjective? He has to share one with the guy who has done one (1) thing so far??
No, he doesn’t even get to share. Its just Gurjin. Wow, Aughra. Wow. Not even like… Loyal Gurjin? Trusting Gurjin? Pretty good bro Gurjin?
Can’t he get no respect?
Aughra: “Dream Space is a spirit realm. The source of magic and prophecy.”
I’m going to crap myself if Yusuke Urameshi shows up.
Kylan, wanting to contribute: “The world within our world”
Oh. So thats why Gujin doesn’t get to be Loyal Gurjin.
Seladon is Loyal Seladon. Except she’s getting annoyed about all these people talking shit about the Skeksis.
Seladon: “This isn’t the will of Thra. This is a sordid plot of a power-hungry witch!”
All this emotional neglect has finally come to bear.
So Aughra just catapults her out of the dream.
And now Seladon is having Hup and Deet arrested and is going to warn the Skeksis.
Aughra is using Dream Recapping to share all the exposition with everyone so people don’t need to talk or whatever. I guess that IS what dreamfasting is for.
So Rian is being sent to Ha’ra to join up with Brea and Deet and follow Lore to the Circle of the Suns to find a Plot Coupon.
And everyone else has to go and unite the clans.
I was going to say that dreamfasting sure makes it easy to convince people to age of resistance but hey Seladon is staying Team Skeksis.
Maybe instead of ejecting her from the dream, you should have let her see the big shared dreamfast memory recap with everyone else so she’d have more information about what the Skeksis are up to?
I was kind of hoping that Bad Mom All-Maudra would remain unconvinced and lead to a kind of civil war within the Gelfling but dreamfasting just makes it so hard to do this plot. You have to work around it in so many ways.
Seladon: “My lords, pardon the interruption but I must speak with you!”
Ritual Master, smoothly: “You are always welcome, princess”
General: “Which princess is this?”
Ritual Master: “Haven’t got a clue. They all look the same to me.”
All-Maudra, make Hup an official paladin dammit
All-Maudra: “No time for ceremony right now, podling. Innocent lives are at risk. Stand and prove the strength of your spoon by my side.”
Wow. You’re pretty cool when you want to be, All-Maudra.
Annnnd the All-Maudra, Deet, Hup, and Brea walk in RIGHT AFTER Seladon spills the beans to the Skeksis.
All-Maudra: “I am All-Maudra”
General: “You are All-Maudra because we allow you to be All-Maudra.”
Oh daaaaang. Is the show going to be like this? Make the bad parents barely likeable right before killing them off so they don’t have to address that they were kinda bad parents?
All-Maudra: “I have allowed you to buy my loyalty with cheap trinkets!” Yeah. You kinda were just dipping your fingers into the greed pool weren’t you? Do you want to maybe give some of that back to your people? I mean, you’re probably dead now but what were your long term plans about this?
All-Maudra is good at authoritatively telling the Skeksis to gtfo when she’s like not even a third of their height.
I mean, talking shit to a giant lizard crocodile man with a short temper who is barely able to be diplomatic and has a vested interest in keeping you silent goes about as well as you’d expect.
What a sworded end for an All-Maudra…
She must be dead, she’s so still and lifeless. Wait, thats just puppet stuff.
Seladon, who is totally at fault, to Brea: “This is all your fault!”
Oh god dammit, Seladon is swiveling her desperate need for affirmation onto the Skeksis and having Deet, Hup, and Brea arrested as traitors.
Who would have thought sibling rivalry could go so bad. And after Cool Sister Tavra tried so hard to ease things between them.
And now Seladon is All-Maudra. Cue Everything You Ever.
“Here lies everything
The world I wanted at my feet
My victorys complete
So hail to the All-Maudra” doesn’t rhyyyyme.
We’re halfway through Age of Resistance so I guess some Age of Resisty had to start. Feels a bit sudden. Dreamfasting really does take out some of the busy work. But I guess Seladon is a big enough wrench that its not going to be just the Gelflings sitting up and kicking the Skeksis.
Team Ha’ra is all caught. Team Rian’s Friends I Guess are still oot and aboot but the Hunter is going to be peeved about not getting to cut out his tongue. So he presumably be coming. All vaguely shitty parents are now off the board. Just some emotionally complicated teens and some lizard crocodile men left. Also Aughra.
So. Hey. Maybe its not the time. But if Seladon doesn’t want to be in the Resisty can Gurjin have her title? Loyal Gurjin?
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madeline7611-blog · 5 years
Why You Must Only Eat Italian Vegetarian Items
Stop by Penguin Foot Pottery among 10 a.m. until eventually one p.m. for Brunch and a Bowl at 2514 West Armitage. For $30, you'll obtain your very own handmade puppy bowl and breakfast whilst you hand-choose foods and treats for your puppy. The function advantages Job Rescue Chicago. Understand a lot more on the net. Bruschetta - Are you contemplating of in seeking for a snack inside this restraint and appropriate right here we assist in receiving a plate loaded with Bruschetta. We are likely to quiet your hungry from your snack that attributes spatter of garlic properly creamy coating of mushroom that also include things like simple canned tomato. Panzanella - Reward from the scorching summer year with stunning white wine as spumante which is undoubtedly an given chill that will not appear beneath any recipe. Only in case you have to round an Italian Pagerfriend.Com product or service it goes thanks to that simple fact just like a savoury. What just do I take in? Any and all the greens and fruits you can. You can never ever overdose on these vegan product overall health selling foodstuff. You are not minimal to mounted quantity. This is an incredible lifestyle. However, with NurtiSystem, they do all the food arranging and portion controlling for you. You just will need to signal up to any of their diet applications (e.g., Ladies's Method, Adult men's Program, Vegetarian Program, and many others.) and purchase a multi-day (normally for 28 days) diet program plan. To velocity up fat burning capacity and support in weight loss, veggies are 1 of your ideal options! Veggies incorporate vast amounts of fiber which boosts digestion and tends to make you truly feel fuller. Veggies even help rid the human body of harmful toxins. Salad and cooked or raw Pagerfriend.Com vegetables ought to be a element of each meal. The bowl was piled large and included with a plastic top. The serving portion is equal to two to three instances the amount essential at one meal. It is uncomplicated to divide it and try to eat vegan only a portion preserving the rest if you are viewing calories. The selling price is really reasonable. Incorporating an low-cost bag of lime chips to dip the contents out will you should the palate and yet again fill up a youthful musician with a major appetite and a smaller wallet. Okay, now that I have the legalities out of the way; fasting can be a excellent technique of jumpstarting a new diet plan plan, eliminating squander and unsafe poisons from your technique, and even transitioning to a meat-free and vegetarian life-style. Making of variance within a vegan restaurant is the foremost difficulty . When the vegan marketplace is not renowned and its specific solution is unknown it is , even a lot more, safer to increase the profits of the current market. This delightful intriguing delicacies implies the thought of veganising meat and meat goods and producing a common dish. When this principle is dropped at the consumers all they appreciated as a consequence of its assortment and your taste above it. But Rachael has presented us one more priceless principle: she tends to make many variants on macaroni and cheese, this sort of as various the kind of cheese, working with more than one variety of cheese and/or introducing numerous greens this kind of as green peas or broccoli. Just take that and run with it! We don't actually know what the puppy reckons on it. We just know that they wolf it down, but then so might you if you had been famished and you knew that the chance was that that was all you would be provided. Kevin: Wow. That's just seriously amazing. We'll just begin with like one or two recommendations from that and then I want to get far more into the changeover, but I consider it's just this kind of a neat concept not to leave on the table. How can a person use a film or even a fantasy? How can an individual observe The Matrix and say, "Hey, you know, this is a way that I want to begin dwelling my lifetime"? The challenge is that the argument is not that simple. Particular crops that are substitutes for meat like soy products have a massive processing cost. Turning soy into anything like tofu has a significant environmental expense affiliated with it simply because it does consider very a bit to procedure. Everybody exchanging meat goods for these type of solutions would in fact do no excellent. However, with NurtiSystem, they do all the meal organizing and portion managing for you. You just will need to indicator up to any of their eating plan programs (e.g., Girls's Plan, Males's Method, Vegetarian Program, and so forth.) and buy a multi-day (typically for 28 times) eat vegetarian plan program. Amy's manufacturer Pagerfriend.Com No Rooster Noodle Soup is only one hundred calories for a 245g serving. 30 calories are from extra fat. There's 3g whole fat and 0g saturated extra fat and 0g trans excess fat. Canned Tomatoes - With no any hesitation tomatoes are now the key a component of every single crucial sit within a restaurant. You could assume have just solely modern day tomatoes and canned tomatoes. It's not accurate we now have considerably far more varieties. As a outcome of abundance of lycopene content material that being an antioxidant the epic vivid red shade is connected with vegetable. So do not stop losing time and get to have increased tomatoes in urgent to get additional added benefits. Even acquiring Jarred tomatoes can complete the design and health factors towards boost. Subsequently don't fail to remember ahead of throwing it as very well as the dustbin merely think about its loaded effectively currently being properties.
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
‘Kind Bars Are the Food of the Revolution’
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Grabbing sustenance from the People’s Bodega | Jaya Saxena
The People’s Bodega is a traveling food and necessities pantry providing protesters with the fuel they need to keep going
Over the past month, mass protests calling for the abolition of police and a national reckoning with anti-Blackness have spread across the country. In that time, various volunteers and organizations have risen to the challenge of feeding those on the frontlines, like the Sikh gurdwaras serving dal to hospital workers and protesters, or the good samaritans, unaffiliated with any organization, handing out snacks at marches. And then there’s the People’s Bodega, a mutual aid organization that considers the needs of the community and packs them into a van.
The People’s Bodega is, essentially, a traveling food and necessities pantry. In New York and LA, it caters to protests, its vans driving to different parts of a march to make sure everyone is served. Though the People’s Bodega began in LA, the word “bodega” has a distinctly New York (specifically Nuyorican) feel. The bodega is your neighborhood spot where you know the person behind the counter; it’s the center of your community, even if that community is just your block. You can be fed there, yes, but also pick up first-aid supplies, housewares, phone cards, or any other small things you need to live your day-to-day life. The People’s Bodega takes that concept and brings it to the protests, supplying water, sports drinks, and snacks alongside hand sanitizer, sunscreen, condoms, and tampons (plus, if you feel like hopping in the back of the van, a place to change your tampon). But unlike your neighborhood convenience store, everything is free.
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Jaya Saxena
One of the vans
On June 28, the 51st anniversary of the Stonewall riots, I rode with the People’s Bodega to serve New York’s Queer Liberation March. Organized by the Reclaim Pride Coalition, the march was “for Black lives and against police brutality.” Thousands gathered in glitter, leather, and shirts reading “BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER.” The People’s Bodega set up two tables in Manhattan’s Foley Square, where the march began. It was 1 p.m. and people were hungry and thirsty, everyone aware of the fact that they’d need to be full and hydrated as they marched in the 88-degree heat. The provisions the People’s Bodega supplies are calibrated for a marcher’s needs — enough food and water to keep you going, but never too much to slow you down.
Making its way to Washington Square Park, the march took a slightly circuitous route to avoid police presence. The People’s Bodega volunteers packed into two vans and tracked the movement on their phones, weaving through the streets of downtown Manhattan to meet up with the march halfway through its route. In the back of the van, towers of water shifted and teetered with each turn. Chloe, one of the organizers, emphasized to me that all the supplies have been donated: Even though the volunteers put out calls for specific staples on Instagram, they’re not always in control of what they get.
That day, they estimated they’d give out about 1,600 bottles of water, as well as plenty of Nature Valley and Nutrigrain bars, but also fruit snacks, lollipops, a box of store-brand Graham crackers, and some coveted packets of Oreos and Nutter Butters. There were a few cases of day-camp favorite Little Hug, those neon-colored fruit drinks that come in barrel-shaped bottles. Sometimes, people drop off homemade sandwiches or whole pizzas, though that’s rare. Some items are always around: “Kind bars,” Chloe says, “are the food of the revolution.”
It was hard to convince people that the supplies were free. But on a sweltering day when people had already marched for a mile, the organizers at the People’s Bodega pushed cold water and sports drinks, granola bars and clementines and fruit snacks, repeating again and again that these items cost nothing until people were convinced. Yes, at least in this instance, these basic human needs cost nothing.
Once the confusion over cost (or lack thereof) is settled, the demonstrators are typically thrilled and grateful. Once the march caught up with us, the People’s Bodega volunteers ran in a constant loop from van to table, carrying pallets of water and Costco-brand sports drinks, which went so fast they never even made it into the cooler. Cries of “Thank you!” and “Oh my god, you’re angels!” emanated from the crowd, the humidity outside building to a storm that would erupt later that night. Everyone was drained, but at the sight of snacks, they turned giddy. Sugar and salt would keep them going.
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Jaya Saxena
Providing these essentials for free, whether it’s a single granola bar or dozens of breakfast sandwiches for the people occupying City Hall, is what Chloe believes mutual aid is all about: using what we have to make sure everyone gets what they need. “The point is avoiding the direct exchange of money for goods,” she said. When I ask if any of the food has come from restaurants or grocery stores to support the mission, she shakes her head. “All our donations come from people.” Sometimes the donations are food, and other times they’re in the form of monetary donations through PayPal.
The question hovering over the protests currently is: How long is this going to last? Right now, we’re in a perfect storm for public actions — mass unemployment and remote work allow more time for political organizing. The pandemic has kept people from most other social engagements while exposing many of the cracks in our society, from racism to the lack of a social safety net to the severe underfunding of public health and public education. But protest momentum is a hard thing to sustain, especially as states keep pushing the reopening of the economy. Will the People’s Bodega still be needed in a month?
Chloe emphasizes that it will remain in the struggle “until full abolition is achieved.” Currently, the group is planning for other forms of longevity as a mobile community center and food pantry. But part of their mission is to do everything they can to keep that protest momentum going. By providing food, water, and other necessities, the People’s Bodega is making the bar of entry to protesting as low as it can possibly be — you can show up without a mask, without sun protection, and hungry, and someone will take care of you. The food is fuel to keep you fighting.
Food media largely avoids the concept of “food as fuel.” I mean, is there anything so dreary? It evokes the unseasoned chicken breasts and steamed broccoli of gym rats, the calorie counting of diet culture, Soylent. In food media and “foodie” culture, food can and should be anything but fuel. It’s culture, it’s history, it’s a way to share tradition and heritage, it’s something to bond over, it’s a lens through which… well, you know the rest.
But for the People’s Bodega, food is fuel. That’s precisely its glory.
After the march passed, the van made its way to Washington Square Park. Later that day, police pepper-sprayed the crowd just as Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted that the city “celebrates the Black, trans activists who built the movement and continue to lead today.” But before that, as the van arrived at the park, the marchers were still exuberant, many of them fortified by the sustenance provided by the People’s Bodega. A volunteer ran out for ice. Another offered to cart water around the park to those who may have missed the table. They apologized to marchers for running out of sports drinks, but displayed every Kind bar and box of raisins they had left. I watched as people bonded, sucking on Fruit by the Foot, comparing Dum Dum flavors, and feeding their friends and partners nuts and candy. The food may be fuel, but by the act of giving it away and the power of mutual aid, it is transformed. Here, a pack of peanuts is love. A Gatorade is solidarity. A free Kind bar is the sign that we’re all in this fight together.
In the following days, the People’s Bodega organizers restock and replan, coordinating donation pickups and Costco runs. They will be at the next march, electrolytes in hand, to fuel the revolution.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3fcWXQA https://ift.tt/38FYfRy
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Grabbing sustenance from the People’s Bodega | Jaya Saxena
The People’s Bodega is a traveling food and necessities pantry providing protesters with the fuel they need to keep going
Over the past month, mass protests calling for the abolition of police and a national reckoning with anti-Blackness have spread across the country. In that time, various volunteers and organizations have risen to the challenge of feeding those on the frontlines, like the Sikh gurdwaras serving dal to hospital workers and protesters, or the good samaritans, unaffiliated with any organization, handing out snacks at marches. And then there’s the People’s Bodega, a mutual aid organization that considers the needs of the community and packs them into a van.
The People’s Bodega is, essentially, a traveling food and necessities pantry. In New York and LA, it caters to protests, its vans driving to different parts of a march to make sure everyone is served. Though the People’s Bodega began in LA, the word “bodega” has a distinctly New York (specifically Nuyorican) feel. The bodega is your neighborhood spot where you know the person behind the counter; it’s the center of your community, even if that community is just your block. You can be fed there, yes, but also pick up first-aid supplies, housewares, phone cards, or any other small things you need to live your day-to-day life. The People’s Bodega takes that concept and brings it to the protests, supplying water, sports drinks, and snacks alongside hand sanitizer, sunscreen, condoms, and tampons (plus, if you feel like hopping in the back of the van, a place to change your tampon). But unlike your neighborhood convenience store, everything is free.
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Jaya Saxena
One of the vans
On June 28, the 51st anniversary of the Stonewall riots, I rode with the People’s Bodega to serve New York’s Queer Liberation March. Organized by the Reclaim Pride Coalition, the march was “for Black lives and against police brutality.” Thousands gathered in glitter, leather, and shirts reading “BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER.” The People’s Bodega set up two tables in Manhattan’s Foley Square, where the march began. It was 1 p.m. and people were hungry and thirsty, everyone aware of the fact that they’d need to be full and hydrated as they marched in the 88-degree heat. The provisions the People’s Bodega supplies are calibrated for a marcher’s needs — enough food and water to keep you going, but never too much to slow you down.
Making its way to Washington Square Park, the march took a slightly circuitous route to avoid police presence. The People’s Bodega volunteers packed into two vans and tracked the movement on their phones, weaving through the streets of downtown Manhattan to meet up with the march halfway through its route. In the back of the van, towers of water shifted and teetered with each turn. Chloe, one of the organizers, emphasized to me that all the supplies have been donated: Even though the volunteers put out calls for specific staples on Instagram, they’re not always in control of what they get.
That day, they estimated they’d give out about 1,600 bottles of water, as well as plenty of Nature Valley and Nutrigrain bars, but also fruit snacks, lollipops, a box of store-brand Graham crackers, and some coveted packets of Oreos and Nutter Butters. There were a few cases of day-camp favorite Little Hug, those neon-colored fruit drinks that come in barrel-shaped bottles. Sometimes, people drop off homemade sandwiches or whole pizzas, though that’s rare. Some items are always around: “Kind bars,” Chloe says, “are the food of the revolution.”
It was hard to convince people that the supplies were free. But on a sweltering day when people had already marched for a mile, the organizers at the People’s Bodega pushed cold water and sports drinks, granola bars and clementines and fruit snacks, repeating again and again that these items cost nothing until people were convinced. Yes, at least in this instance, these basic human needs cost nothing.
Once the confusion over cost (or lack thereof) is settled, the demonstrators are typically thrilled and grateful. Once the march caught up with us, the People’s Bodega volunteers ran in a constant loop from van to table, carrying pallets of water and Costco-brand sports drinks, which went so fast they never even made it into the cooler. Cries of “Thank you!” and “Oh my god, you’re angels!” emanated from the crowd, the humidity outside building to a storm that would erupt later that night. Everyone was drained, but at the sight of snacks, they turned giddy. Sugar and salt would keep them going.
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Jaya Saxena
Providing these essentials for free, whether it’s a single granola bar or dozens of breakfast sandwiches for the people occupying City Hall, is what Chloe believes mutual aid is all about: using what we have to make sure everyone gets what they need. “The point is avoiding the direct exchange of money for goods,” she said. When I ask if any of the food has come from restaurants or grocery stores to support the mission, she shakes her head. “All our donations come from people.” Sometimes the donations are food, and other times they’re in the form of monetary donations through PayPal.
The question hovering over the protests currently is: How long is this going to last? Right now, we’re in a perfect storm for public actions — mass unemployment and remote work allow more time for political organizing. The pandemic has kept people from most other social engagements while exposing many of the cracks in our society, from racism to the lack of a social safety net to the severe underfunding of public health and public education. But protest momentum is a hard thing to sustain, especially as states keep pushing the reopening of the economy. Will the People’s Bodega still be needed in a month?
Chloe emphasizes that it will remain in the struggle “until full abolition is achieved.” Currently, the group is planning for other forms of longevity as a mobile community center and food pantry. But part of their mission is to do everything they can to keep that protest momentum going. By providing food, water, and other necessities, the People’s Bodega is making the bar of entry to protesting as low as it can possibly be — you can show up without a mask, without sun protection, and hungry, and someone will take care of you. The food is fuel to keep you fighting.
Food media largely avoids the concept of “food as fuel.” I mean, is there anything so dreary? It evokes the unseasoned chicken breasts and steamed broccoli of gym rats, the calorie counting of diet culture, Soylent. In food media and “foodie” culture, food can and should be anything but fuel. It’s culture, it’s history, it’s a way to share tradition and heritage, it’s something to bond over, it’s a lens through which… well, you know the rest.
But for the People’s Bodega, food is fuel. That’s precisely its glory.
After the march passed, the van made its way to Washington Square Park. Later that day, police pepper-sprayed the crowd just as Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted that the city “celebrates the Black, trans activists who built the movement and continue to lead today.” But before that, as the van arrived at the park, the marchers were still exuberant, many of them fortified by the sustenance provided by the People’s Bodega. A volunteer ran out for ice. Another offered to cart water around the park to those who may have missed the table. They apologized to marchers for running out of sports drinks, but displayed every Kind bar and box of raisins they had left. I watched as people bonded, sucking on Fruit by the Foot, comparing Dum Dum flavors, and feeding their friends and partners nuts and candy. The food may be fuel, but by the act of giving it away and the power of mutual aid, it is transformed. Here, a pack of peanuts is love. A Gatorade is solidarity. A free Kind bar is the sign that we’re all in this fight together.
In the following days, the People’s Bodega organizers restock and replan, coordinating donation pickups and Costco runs. They will be at the next march, electrolytes in hand, to fuel the revolution.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3fcWXQA via Blogger https://ift.tt/2W376Ye
0 notes
15th June 2017
Steve got up and went to work. He had a short day so he should be home after about 5 hours. The couple got up around 0800 and again, were loud as anything. It's just principal not to be loud whilst others are sleeping. I got up and out of bed at 0930 when they left the room. Stupid people. I carried on doing my blogs which were taking hours. I tried to do my photos again but it wasn't connecting to my laptop so I'll have to text my brother to see what I'm doing wrong. I really needed breakfast and a drink as I had sat in my bed for a few hours. That's the annoying thing about being on the 10th floor. It takes ages to go to the kitchen and back. I wanted to get finished before I started my day properly.
At 1230, Sophie messaged asking if I wanted to have lunch with her. I said yes – meet at 1300 on level 3! Steve was on his way home and expressed his starvation vividly. He told me that he wanted turkey mince wraps and salad for lunch as he was starving. His stomach was eating itself. His stomach thought his throat had been cut. He needed 20 million wraps... And so on. 
I went to Coles and got what we needed. It was all cooked and ready as he walked through the door. I am a great housewife! We sat with Sophie chatting away. It was Thursday so free Prosecco night at  ABC. We sat we would meet around 1700.
After lunch, Steve went upstairs to get his work stuff off. I went to Sophie's room to do her bandage as its on the back of her neck and she can't reach. I done it for her the other day too. She has doctors in an hour or so at 1530 so hopefully he will tell her no more antibiotics or bandages...
I went upstairs and that awful couple checked out! YES! Fingers crossed for new quiet roommates. 
Steve said he was absolutely exhausted so I told him to have an hour nap. He doesn't like to nap as he struggles to sleep at night time if he does. I said that I was going to get Mel a birthday card and present for tomorrow if he wanted to come for the walk to wake him up. He remembered he needed to go to Office Works to print out time sheets. Both of the shops were in walking distance (5 minutes away). I got Mel a card with an avocado on the front saying “I hope you avo really nice day”. She loves avocados and I think they're the most pointless veg in the world. I tried to find her Quorn chicken nuggets but they weren't being sold anywhere. I ended up getting her a dog tote bag (which was only $2 that goes to charity), broccoli, peppers, vegetarian burgers and an avocado. It sounds silly but these are all luxury items so she'll be pleased. It's also best not to buy people things that have to be carried round with them.
We got back to the room and I wrote out Mel's card. She loves Steve and I – she calls herself our third wheel. She's travelling here alone but doesn't want us to leave. I told her she's happy to follow us if she wants too. It's not an issue to us. 
Steve and I have been told a lot that we are a really nice couple which has been good to hear. Sophie said we are the first couple she's met where she likes both parties equally. We met Mel's boyfriend – Jack, for the first time at the weekend and he told Mel that he really likes us. He finds Steve funny (somehow). He said that he gets the vibe that Meg and Dan don't eve like each other but would spend time with Steve and I again.
Steve and I learnt a lot about how we've been brought up this weekend. Well, I have. Steve probably didn't think into it. We were the only ones to properly tidy up when we left the houses at the weekend. Steve was cleaning down the sides and I was picking up and folding used towels. I didn't want them to think we were disgusting people even though we'd never see them. We made the beds again and cleaned out the bath, put stuff away after using them. It's very easy to see how people are brought up when you live with them. I think we're quite alright.
Anyway, off subject slightly... 
Mel rang me and said she was coming to the room. I quickly put her stuff into my locker and she sat on my bed and we chatted away. She was having an emotional couple of days because she doesn't like her birthday, especially away from home. She had a bit of a tiff with Jack because he wants to title their 'relationship' as official but she wishes to keep it as 'seeing' each other for now, whilst they're in Australia. They both knew each other from home so they could go for it properly at home. I really like Jack and I can see how much he likes Mel. She has commitment problems after her ex.
Sophie came knocking on the door and she came in and sat on Steve's bed. We chatted away for a while. She had just got back from the doctors who confirmed – NO MORE ANTIBIOTICS! Woo. She has been on them for months so she's very excited to get drunk tonight. It was 1715 by the time Mel and Sophie left the room. I got dressed, Mel made spaghetti hoops on toast and Sophie changed her outfit. 
We met in the kitchen at 1800. We left a little after schedule (as always) and got the tram to ABC. Megan was going to meet us there and she was making dinner. I didn't want dinner and Sophie was going to buy the $5 pizza there.
We got there, ordered our first free Prosecco and sat down. Soph's pizza came quiet quickly – they're always ordered on a Thursday so I presume they make batches. 
Mel's friend Neesa was in ABC too and asked us to sit with her. Soph and I didn't really want too as we had met her before a few Thursday's ago. We got up and moved to their table. She had about 8 friends with her and we all squished up around this small round table. We were drinking and chatting away. Neesa is from Ireland, where Sophie lives and Neesa's friend, Zara is from Aldershot, near to where Mel lives.
Megan joined us around 1930. She got her Prosecco and squished in next to us. We had about 4 Prosecco's by this point so we fairly tipsy. We got up and danced around and came back to the table. We got one more final drink at 2030. The bar tender said the rules had changed and it's not longer 1900-2100 $1 Prosecco which is rubbish! We had a cheap glass of wine and left to dance to Despacito. 
We went back to the table and everyone had left. Sophie and my coat had left also... I couldn't believe that we got up to one song and our coats had gone. What scumbags would take two coats and a scarf. Honestly! We went to the bar staff and security, left our details and whatever else. I said to Mel that I reckon her friends had taken them, maybe by accident, maybe on purpose. 
Sophie wasn't afraid to ring them so she did. Neesa said “I'm sorry, my friends lifted your coats. We will meet you somewhere to give them back?”.
I knew it. Mel was shocked. She's going to delete them off Facebook and whatever else. The were only cheap Kmart coats but its principal... I spent ages without a coat waiting to get the money to afford a cheap one, not to have it stolen under my eyes! Neesa said they couldn't wait the whole 10 minutes for us to meet them to get them back. They said they would drop them into the hostel and we can get them from reception... We got outside the hostel, all the girls ordered McDonald's and I went upstairs to see if they had dropped them off...
They were in reception except Sophie's scarf wasn't returned. Never mind. At least we will be warmer. We got the main things back. How rude!
I made a turkey salad wrap and ate that. The girls demolished the rest of Sophie's birthday cakes and Mel made her, Soph and me some toast. Steve came downstairs and said that we had the worst roommates check in, again!
They were two French guys drinking, getting ready to go out. Steve was getting ready for bed for work in the morning. I hope they leave soon. It was only 2200...
We went upstairs and I got ready for bed. I laid in bed, in my PJ's tucked in, 'waiting' to go to sleep. I thought if they saw me trying to sleep, it would make them hurry up and leave. To which it did! 
Hurray, They left and Boris asked if I wanted the light out. I said yes and hoped that they had a good night...
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jeffdaniels236 · 5 years
11 Foods That Help to Improve My Erectile Dysfunction
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Green tea – rich in antioxidants and good for overall health and fitness, the powerful antioxidants present in this drink make it one of the foods good for sex drive and strength of manhood. Indulge every morning with green tea to improve potency.
Citrus fruit – all types are good sources of vitamin C. a powerful antioxidant that improves immunity and also circulation of blood. Make your choice out of variety of citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit etc.
Watermelon – one would say it is incomparable when comes to improving your drive. It is wondrous to improve strength and responsiveness of manhood on arousal as well. This fruit comes loaded with nutrients and water and dietary fiber, simply excellent to be part of foods to improve my erectile dysfunction.
Peas and Avocado – if you cannot get avocado you can rely on peas. These fruits fall in category of foods good for sex drive. Tasty and full of dense nutrients these fruits are aphrodisiac in nature which means give a boost-up to your testosterone level.
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Red wine – good quality wine at night can not only improve your potency but also keep it protected till later age. It is aphrodisiac and also improve your mood which lets your youth hormones break-out and flow in blood. Good choice to get hard erections and pretty safe if you maintain control.
Dark chocolates – sugary foods are denounced as bad for health but moderate quantity of dark chocolate can cure male impotence. It is aphrodisiac and its aroma is arousing for females. So not only you even your partner can get indulged with dark chocolate. Rich sources of Lycopene a very effective type of antioxidants which makes it a great choice.
Kale – green leafy veggie comes with fiber and minerals. It is source of range of vitamins most of these super-charge antioxidants, excellent source of nitrates which improve blood flow. Regular use brings flow of blood in your genital region and strengthen male organ. I would any day include this in list of foods to improve my erectile dysfunction.
Broccoli – again rich source of vitamin C and loaded with fiber and minerals. One of the healthiest veggies I would reckon and recommended to cure male impotence. Not only gives a boost-up to male potency but improves vitality and metabolic rate. Powerful stress buster include it in diet plan as important ingredient.
Eggs – if you do not mind eating these make it part of your regular breakfast. Enriched with protein and aphrodisiac properties this is super-food to treat ED and other kinds of debilities for long term. Use it hard-boiled or in similar forms to get maximum nutrition. It is also one of the foods good for sex drive.
Banana – easily available and throughout the year this is fiber rich food with loads of minerals and vitamins. Regular breakfast including banana is great to get hard erections and stay healthy and strong. It is good for overall BMR and prevents weaknesses due to low sugar.
Oysters/Beans, seeds and lentils – if you cannot eat oysters include beans, seeds and nuts like almonds in your regular diet to get dose of zinc. This is vital mineral which keeps your blood vessels clear and flow of blood smooth. Zinc supplementation is wonderful to treat ED. Regular use of these foods even give you optimum protection too from the problem.
Now you can form a supportive diet plan and start your regimen to get out of this frustrating problem. The foods are regarded as best treatment for impotence because their effect is long-lasting. You will never need a Viagra or such supplement if maintain few of these in regular diet. You can also include spices like garlic, ginger, red pepper and saffron for even better effects. Food is source of life and good health so you can trust these natural remedies without worries.
For better and faster results we would recommend 4T Plus capsules. These are purely natural supplements that come with highly effective herbs in perfect combo. Regular use of 4T Plus capsules gives you benefit of healthy diet, and even exercise like benefits by keeping your heart healthy, metabolism upbeat and fat burning rate higher.
Not only you get rid of problems like ED but gain sound mental and physical health to stay fit and potent till later age. You can use these pills as curative as well as protective remedies due to their harmlessness. These are easy to use, all you need is pop a pill or two and you are scot-free to enjoy your love-life.
Even if you are taking meds for any other health issue you can still use these pills. These do not contradict with other medicines. So if you are facing ED, world has not come to an end, you can recover and come back strongly for sure.
0 notes
realmeal · 7 years
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Food Journal Day 49! I ate:
Breakfast: Banana, apple, carrot, raisin & ginger porridge with goji berries, nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts & peanuts) and seeds (ground linseed, ground pumpkin seed, ground sunflower seed, whole sunflower seeds & chia seeds).
Snack One: Bowl of peas and broccoli.
Lunch: Leftover chicken fajita, seafood paella, veggie couscous, spicy tomato sauce, cabbage, sauteed carrots, broccoli, peas, sliced cucumber, sliced tomato, spinach and some chopped basil.
Snack Two: An apple.
Dinner: Pork meatballs with laksa and fried aubergine slices. Behold! A picture of noodles that I don’t hate! Look upon its lack of steam-clouded interference and rejoice! Fog on the lens is the bane of my existence; with our other bowls it’s almost inevitable, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s the size of them that’s the problem, because they’re quite small, so everything gets bunched together and teams up to ruin your blog-based endeavors. Another benefit of these large ones is that you can actually see everything that’s in them! Kinda important when you’re taking food photographs, I reckon :P
Supper: Clementine with fusion nice cream made by blitzing together the banana, strawberry, blackcurrant & gooseberry one I made the other day (and didn’t like), with the banana, clementine & orange one I made the day before (also some mint & another banana so that it behaved like ice cream), topped with pistachios and slivered almonds. A vast improvement! The texture was a lot more like the real thing, and it scooped a lot better, which from the presentation point of view is always a blessing.
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
‘Kind Bars Are the Food of the Revolution’ added to Google Docs
‘Kind Bars Are the Food of the Revolution’
 Grabbing sustenance from the People’s Bodega | Jaya Saxena
The People’s Bodega is a traveling food and necessities pantry providing protesters with the fuel they need to keep going
Over the past month, mass protests calling for the abolition of police and a national reckoning with anti-Blackness have spread across the country. In that time, various volunteers and organizations have risen to the challenge of feeding those on the frontlines, like the Sikh gurdwaras serving dal to hospital workers and protesters, or the good samaritans, unaffiliated with any organization, handing out snacks at marches. And then there’s the People’s Bodega, a mutual aid organization that considers the needs of the community and packs them into a van.
The People’s Bodega is, essentially, a traveling food and necessities pantry. In New York and LA, it caters to protests, its vans driving to different parts of a march to make sure everyone is served. Though the People’s Bodega began in LA, the word “bodega” has a distinctly New York (specifically Nuyorican) feel. The bodega is your neighborhood spot where you know the person behind the counter; it’s the center of your community, even if that community is just your block. You can be fed there, yes, but also pick up first-aid supplies, housewares, phone cards, or any other small things you need to live your day-to-day life. The People’s Bodega takes that concept and brings it to the protests, supplying water, sports drinks, and snacks alongside hand sanitizer, sunscreen, condoms, and tampons (plus, if you feel like hopping in the back of the van, a place to change your tampon). But unlike your neighborhood convenience store, everything is free.
 Jaya Saxena One of the vans
On June 28, the 51st anniversary of the Stonewall riots, I rode with the People’s Bodega to serve New York’s Queer Liberation March. Organized by the Reclaim Pride Coalition, the march was “for Black lives and against police brutality.” Thousands gathered in glitter, leather, and shirts reading “BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER.” The People’s Bodega set up two tables in Manhattan’s Foley Square, where the march began. It was 1 p.m. and people were hungry and thirsty, everyone aware of the fact that they’d need to be full and hydrated as they marched in the 88-degree heat. The provisions the People’s Bodega supplies are calibrated for a marcher’s needs — enough food and water to keep you going, but never too much to slow you down.
Making its way to Washington Square Park, the march took a slightly circuitous route to avoid police presence. The People’s Bodega volunteers packed into two vans and tracked the movement on their phones, weaving through the streets of downtown Manhattan to meet up with the march halfway through its route. In the back of the van, towers of water shifted and teetered with each turn. Chloe, one of the organizers, emphasized to me that all the supplies have been donated: Even though the volunteers put out calls for specific staples on Instagram, they’re not always in control of what they get.
That day, they estimated they’d give out about 1,600 bottles of water, as well as plenty of Nature Valley and Nutrigrain bars, but also fruit snacks, lollipops, a box of store-brand Graham crackers, and some coveted packets of Oreos and Nutter Butters. There were a few cases of day-camp favorite Little Hug, those neon-colored fruit drinks that come in barrel-shaped bottles. Sometimes, people drop off homemade sandwiches or whole pizzas, though that’s rare. Some items are always around: “Kind bars,” Chloe says, “are the food of the revolution.”
It was hard to convince people that the supplies were free. But on a sweltering day when people had already marched for a mile, the organizers at the People’s Bodega pushed cold water and sports drinks, granola bars and clementines and fruit snacks, repeating again and again that these items cost nothing until people were convinced. Yes, at least in this instance, these basic human needs cost nothing.
Once the confusion over cost (or lack thereof) is settled, the demonstrators are typically thrilled and grateful. Once the march caught up with us, the People’s Bodega volunteers ran in a constant loop from van to table, carrying pallets of water and Costco-brand sports drinks, which went so fast they never even made it into the cooler. Cries of “Thank you!” and “Oh my god, you’re angels!” emanated from the crowd, the humidity outside building to a storm that would erupt later that night. Everyone was drained, but at the sight of snacks, they turned giddy. Sugar and salt would keep them going.
 Jaya Saxena
Providing these essentials for free, whether it’s a single granola bar or dozens of breakfast sandwiches for the people occupying City Hall, is what Chloe believes mutual aid is all about: using what we have to make sure everyone gets what they need. “The point is avoiding the direct exchange of money for goods,” she said. When I ask if any of the food has come from restaurants or grocery stores to support the mission, she shakes her head. “All our donations come from people.” Sometimes the donations are food, and other times they’re in the form of monetary donations through PayPal.
The question hovering over the protests currently is: How long is this going to last? Right now, we’re in a perfect storm for public actions — mass unemployment and remote work allow more time for political organizing. The pandemic has kept people from most other social engagements while exposing many of the cracks in our society, from racism to the lack of a social safety net to the severe underfunding of public health and public education. But protest momentum is a hard thing to sustain, especially as states keep pushing the reopening of the economy. Will the People’s Bodega still be needed in a month?
Chloe emphasizes that it will remain in the struggle “until full abolition is achieved.” Currently, the group is planning for other forms of longevity as a mobile community center and food pantry. But part of their mission is to do everything they can to keep that protest momentum going. By providing food, water, and other necessities, the People’s Bodega is making the bar of entry to protesting as low as it can possibly be — you can show up without a mask, without sun protection, and hungry, and someone will take care of you. The food is fuel to keep you fighting.
Food media largely avoids the concept of “food as fuel.” I mean, is there anything so dreary? It evokes the unseasoned chicken breasts and steamed broccoli of gym rats, the calorie counting of diet culture, Soylent. In food media and “foodie” culture, food can and should be anything but fuel. It’s culture, it’s history, it’s a way to share tradition and heritage, it’s something to bond over, it’s a lens through which… well, you know the rest.
But for the People’s Bodega, food is fuel. That’s precisely its glory.
After the march passed, the van made its way to Washington Square Park. Later that day, police pepper-sprayed the crowd just as Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted that the city “celebrates the Black, trans activists who built the movement and continue to lead today.” But before that, as the van arrived at the park, the marchers were still exuberant, many of them fortified by the sustenance provided by the People’s Bodega. A volunteer ran out for ice. Another offered to cart water around the park to those who may have missed the table. They apologized to marchers for running out of sports drinks, but displayed every Kind bar and box of raisins they had left. I watched as people bonded, sucking on Fruit by the Foot, comparing Dum Dum flavors, and feeding their friends and partners nuts and candy. The food may be fuel, but by the act of giving it away and the power of mutual aid, it is transformed. Here, a pack of peanuts is love. A Gatorade is solidarity. A free Kind bar is the sign that we’re all in this fight together.
In the following days, the People’s Bodega organizers restock and replan, coordinating donation pickups and Costco runs. They will be at the next march, electrolytes in hand, to fuel the revolution.
via Eater - All https://www.eater.com/2020/7/9/21308094/peoples-bodega-traveling-food-pantry-mutual-aid-protesters-fighting-police-brutality
Created July 10, 2020 at 12:26AM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[RF] Grandpa
** This is a long submission. It is incomplete and a work in progress. I suspect it will end up being about 7000 words when complete. This is by far the most complex short story I have attempted, and includes a number of sub plots and the most characters I have tried to use at once. Some of it is very much based in my real world experiences, with characters based on real people and family members. This story is therapeutic to write and deeply personal. Having said that, I REALLY want feedback on it.
As it is a long story, I will be forever grateful to anybody willing to read it in its (current) entirety and offer me feedback and their thoughts. There are bits I am super happy with, and bits I don't like at all. In case anybody has read any of my stories before (I have deleted the ones I have posted in the past I think), the third part of this story has already made an appearance on here before. After writing it, I decided to turn it into a much larger story, particularly utilising feedback from another member. Super thankful to this community for being such a constructive group!
I will of course return the feedback favour. Thank you. **
“It’s okay, Lis,” Jordan said, keeping his eyes planted firmly on his wife. “We’ll figure it out.” What he couldn’t tell her was that he didn’t believe it himself. His stomach churned at the thought of burdening her with such pain. So, he lied with his eyes; begging her to heed his words.
“I know,” Lisa said.
“Just think good thoughts. We’ll get there.” Jordan reached out and took his wife’s hand, squeezing. They were cold; lonely. Her thumb nails were chewed and uneven, the result of an old, nervous tick rearing its head. All he wanted was to reassure her; make her believe it would all work out. He never intended to be the source of her pain, in fact, it was supposed to be his role to comfort her; to protect her. He was supposed to bring her joy, but lately that seemed to be the one thing he couldn’t do.
“I’m just scared that when I get the test, it’ll be bad news.” Lisa looked at Jordan. The creases around the edges of her eyes were deeper than usual and her nose was red. This had become a regular occurrence, but Jordan wasn’t desensitized. If anything, the more he saw her cry, the more it broke his heart.
“What if they say never?” she asked. “What will we do then?”
Jordan’s insides screamed. It took everything he had not to throw a dining room chair across the room and into the mirror. He wanted to watch it shatter into millions of pieces and scatter across the room so that he could walk on the broken glass. It seemed like the only thing painful enough to distract him from reality. Staring into Lisa’s eyes, he felt his mouth hanging open, unable to speak. Words seemed suddenly unattainable, blurry and just out of reach. Then, the phone rang.
Jordan looked down to see his mobile vibrating on the table. The caller ID read: Dad. He saw his chance to escape the conversation and gave Lisa an apologetic smile. She nodded, giving him the okay to answer and squeezed his hand before leaving the table and disappearing into the kitchen. Jordan collected the phone, swiped the green button to the left and lifted it to his ear. “Hey, Martin,” he said, hoping his dad would take the bait.
“Don’t call me that.” His dad’s voice was uneven; rough. There was no banter, no jokes. It wasn’t right.
“Sorry, Dad. What’s up?”
“Matey, it’s Grandpa.”
Jordan furrowed his brow and inhaled before responding. “What about him?”
“He’s not okay. Cancer.” For the second time in two minutes, Jordan found himself lost for words. It didn’t make any sense, he thought. His dad always used to say his grandpa was fit as a fiddle made of steel. The man ate germ meal and steamed broccoli for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It didn’t make sense.
“He’s having an operation to remove a large tumour from his brain,” his dad continued. “We should visit him before he goes in.”
“Yeah, of course.” Jordan stuttered through his response. “When?”
“Tomorrow. I’ll see you and your brother at four o’clock outside the Wesley.”
“Do you need me to call Kurt?”
“No. It’s done.”
“Right. See you tomorrow.”
“Bye, matey.”
The phone disconnected and Jordan stood in stunned silence. The world felt quieter; less chaotic. But, much darker. His grandpa was lively and charismatic in his old age; the life of the party. That image immediately began to fade, only to be replaced with hollow stillness.
“What was that?” Lisa called from the kitchen.
“That was Dad.” Jordan tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but it only seemed to get larger. “Grandpa’s sick. You’ll have to get the test on your own tomorrow.”
Lisa reappeared from the kitchen. “Is it serious?”
Jordan turned to look at her and nodded slowly.
Outside the Wesley Hospital, Jordan watched his brother take a long draw from his cigarette. Clamping it between his fore and middle fingers, he pinched his eyebrows together in what looked like intense concentration, before blowing out the smoke and gazing into the distance. It was funny, Jordan thought, how all smokers seemed to suck on their cigarette in exactly the same way.
“So, cancer,” Kurt said, “that’s shit.”
Jordan frowned and let out a small chuckle. His brother always had a knack for thoughtless thoughtfulness. It was charming in a way. Reminded Jordan of the beauty to be found in simplicity.
“Yeah. It’s shit,” he agreed.
Jordan had always found it difficult to talk with his brother. An ocean of difference separated them, often too expansive to swim and too murky navigate. Kurt had always been into heavy metal and horror movies, while Jordan was more interested in sport and politics. They were brothers, but they’d never really been friends. Of course, it hadn’t helped that, growing up, they fought like brothers.
Jordan had always been good at poking the bear, like the time he found one of Kurt’s cigarette filters on the floor of the living room and, even though he knew exactly what it was, decided it best to pretend otherwise and show it to their mum. Jordan marvelled at his own genius that night, taking great pleasure in his brother’s admonishment and indefinite grounding. The look in his mum’s eyes had always stuck with him, though, as he was sure it had with Kurt. Looking into them was like being pulled into a black hole, lost forever within an expansive and ever painful nothing. He’d thought it best to make sure those eyes were never directed at him.
But, like any self-respecting older brother, Kurt would reciprocate to Jordan’s provocation. One time, after Jordan had stolen his Play Station controller, Kurt chased him under the house and guarded the only exit with an enormous stick. Too scared to get close and too stupid to apologise, Jordan had cowered in the corner of the room until their mother had gotten home. Thinking he was finally saved; Jordan screamed for his mother at the top of his lungs. Ironically, it was then that he faced that which he’d feared so much.
They were both grounded.
A stiff breeze forced Jordan’s hands into his jean pockets. Looking at Kurt, he was both jealous and impressed by his brother’s ability to ignore the cold. There they were, standing in ten-degree weather, and Kurt was wearing a black tank top and cargo shorts, tapping his foot to an imaginary beat as he smoked his Winny Blue. His nonchalance was awe-inspiring.
“So, how’s up north?” Jordan asked, hoping to break the uncomfortable silence.
“It’s fine,” Kurt said, taking another draw from his cigarette. “Hot. Sticky. My air-con’s shit.”
“That sucks.”
“Oath. Mining work’s tough too – two weeks on, two off. I can never quite get settled.”
“Sorry to hear, man. I’d hate that.” Jordan scrambled for another discussion point. “How’d you get down so quick? Dad only called me yesterday afternoon.”
“He got onto me about ten in the morn’ yesterday. I flew down early today. Had lunch in the city.” Kurt took one final draw from his cigarette before dropping it to the cracked pavement and stomping it out. Then, without pause, he pulled the pack from his back pocket and lit another. “How about you?” he asked, “How’s Lisa?”
Jordan gave his brother a quick smile, doing his best to mask his apprehension toward the topic. “Yeah, she’s good. We’re good.” Kurt looked at him as if to say, that was convincing.
“Good to hear, mate. Did you know about Grandpa?”
Jordan was glad his brother had moved on. “Nah. Didn’t even know he was sick. You reckon Dad’s known for long?”
Kurt took his last draw from his cigarette, dropped it to the pavement next to his first, and stamped it out.
“We can ask him ourselves. Here he is.” He motioned behind Jordan.
Their father walked towards them. His posture was slouched, and he had dark circles under his eyes. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. His hollow smile was worn thin and a five o’clock shadow painted his jaw in grey. It looked wrong; incorrect. Martin Alexander was a man of rigid, unwavering routine. Every morning he got up at six, brushed, shaved and showered in that order. He ate the same breakfast every day; one whole orange, sliced in half, one cup of coffee and two slices of wholemeal bread with vegemite. Whenever he left the house, he had to check that all the windows were closed, all the power points turned off and every door was locked. Twice. The man was like a machine. Programmed to perform the same tasks in the same ways every day. Seeing just one of these routines broken made Jordan feel uneasy. Martin Alexander with facial hair didn’t look like Martin Alexander; rather he looked like Bizarro Martin. Dark Martin. Martin from another world. Another reality. A reality Jordan didn’t want to know about because it was obviously darker than this one.
“Hello, boys,” Martin said as he approached. The brothers glanced at one another before hugging him.
“He’ll be right, you know,” Martin said.
Jordan and Kurt looked at each other and grimaced. “Yeah, Dad. We know,” Jordan said, placing his hand on his father’s shoulder, and giving it a light squeeze.
“He’s got a lot of life left in him,” Martin continued.
“That he does,” Kurt said.
“He’ll have the surgery and be-” Martin paused and looked past his children’s heads, avoiding eye contact, but refusing to cry. He continued, “He’ll-”
Jordan interjected, “Dad. We-”
“He’ll be up and at ‘em again soon. I’ll make sure of it.”
Jordan watched as his dad tried desperately to control the uncontrollable. He’d always been like that – determined to keep everything in order. Like a marching band. Organised and predictable. Most of the time he was successful, but Jordan sensed that today would slip through his fingers.
“Dad,” Jordan said. Martin turned to look at his son in the eyes. “We know. Let’s go in.”
The room was white; oppressive; sterile. Jordan hated it. The walls were pristine; not because they'd been prepared for visitors, but because they'd been meticulously cleaned with bleach - or some other nauseating chemical - time and again. He could smell it in the air. Their sheen was a sombre reminder of what happened there week-in and week-out. People went there to die.
The sun spilled through the small window and into the dark room, trying desperately to remind everybody the world outside was still bright. Dust danced through the light and, presumably, settled across the room, decorating it in filth. Jordan chuckled to himself. It was ironic, he thought. A place kept so diligently clean was still unable to escape dust.
Martin was standing next to him with his head down and his eyes closed. His arms were a straitjacket across his chest, folded so tightly, it looked as though he was struggling to breathe. Kurt was by the window, reading some medical poster that was hung on the wall. It outlined the circulatory system or the lymphatic system or some system. He was still tapping his foot to an imaginary beat.
A cough from behind them disturbed the solemn silence, and they all turned in unison to stare at the bathroom door.
"You okay in there?" Martin called; arms still locked. There was no reply. "Dad?" He tried again. "You okay?" He looked at his sons, frowned, and exhaled.
"Be right out, mate," Grandpa called. His voice was hollow. Sick. but still full of unrestrained enthusiasm. "Just dealin' with the toot!"
Jordan put his hand to his mouth to stifle a laugh and turned to look at his dad. A smile was haphazardly scrawled across Martin’s face and he was slowly shaking his head back and forth. "That's Dad," he said and shrugged.
“He used to call me Kurtle.” Jordan look at his brother, his eyebrows raised, imploring him to continue. “You know, like a turtle.”
“You loved them as a kid,” Martin said, shifting his weight on the spot.
“Yeah. Still do. None up north, though.”
“Not even in the desert sand?” Jordan asked, his tone sarcastic and his smile exaggerated.
“Nah, too dry,: Kurt said, straight faced, before turning back to his poster.
Without warning, the bathroom door flew open and a frail eighty-two-year-old walked out in a blue hospital gown. His grey cheeks and thinning hair were juxtaposed against his wild smile and starry eyes.
“Check it out fellas, they’ve got me in a bloody nappy!” Grandpa shrieked.
With no other warning, he yanked up his gown to reveal a large, white adult nappy.
Jordan’s eyes widened and, unable to contain his laughter, he turned away from his grandpa to look at his dad.
Equally amused, but twice as embarrassed, Martin protested, "Jesus, Dad! Put your gown down." His arms unlocked and he waved them in front of him, as if to say we don't need to see that!
Jordan looked back at his grandpa. Martin Senior couldn't have given two shits, wiggling his hips from side to side in some kind of dance. His eyes were wide and mischievous and the wrinkles on his face creased as he smiled. Even in the face of death, their grandpa was full of life. It pained Jordan to think that he couldn't remember if he'd always been this way; if he'd always been such a kid. He hung his head, unable to recall when he’d last spent meaningful time with his grandpa.
He cast his mind back as far as he could reach, but all he was able to pluck from the ocean of memories, were a few sporadic moments in which he’d ignored the man who only wanted to know him, in favour of video games, alcohol, and anything else.
Jordan made his way to a chair in the corner of the hospital room and sat down. On the periphery of his vision, his dad struggled with his grandpa, fighting to get his gown down, with Kurt watching from the sidelines offering unhelpful commentary and egging his grandpa on.
Jordan exhaled, pushing what remaining life was left in him out into nothingness. He could feel his muscles growing weak and his eyes becoming increasingly heavy as tears welled. The world wrapped its icy tendrils around him, pulling him in for the kill. His head pounded as it played over every moment he'd missed to actually get to know the man standing just a few feet away.
“Alright, Dad. Now just sit there, will you?”
Jordan looked up. His dad had managed to convince his grandpa to sit down. Studying the bed, Jordan noticed a small jug attached to its side about half-filled with yellow liquid; urine. A plastic tube hung loose; disconnected. The catheter was yet another visual reminder that, even though the nappy was funny, and it was good to see him laugh, his grandpa was in a world of pain.
“Will you stop fussing over me?” his grandpa said. “I get enough of that shit here as it is.”
Martin looked unimpressed. “Dad, this is serious. You need to be careful and look after yourself before the surgery.” Jordan watched his grandpa shoo his dad’s concerns away like they were nothing. This, of course, bothered Martin to no end. He did little to hide it.
“Kurt, mate,” Grandpa began, “how’s up north?”
Kurt began to answer him, but Martin interrupted. “Have you thought about accommodation when you come out, Dad?”
“Jen’s set the basement up.”
“What about care?”
“I don’t need it. I’m fine.”
“Dad, look, you need t-”
“Dad,” Jordan interjected. “Calm down. Leave it be.” He looked directly into Martin’s eyes. They were wet and red, ready to burst. You can’t control this, he thought, trying to telepathically communicate the sentiment to his dad. Just leave it.
And for a second, he thought he’d been successful in communicating his message as Martin’s expression appeared to soften. For a second Jordan thought that maybe his father might accept that he was unable to control just one thing. Then his phone rang, breaking their telepathic connection and breaking Martin free from his calm.
Jordan looked at his phone. Lisa was calling. He felt immediately guilty that he’d forgotten where she was. What she was doing. Without him.
Sighing, he said, “I’ve gotta take this.”
As he left the room, Jordan heard his father’s berating continue and he shook his head to himself.
Jordan closed the door. He looked in both directions, making sure nobody else was in the hall. Nothing but still silence. He didn’t really know why he had to be alone to take this, but for some reason, the notion of a stranger hearing potentially life changing news felt like a violation. Looking down at his phone, he took in a deep breath and answered.
“Hey, Lis. What’s the go?”
“Lis?” He could hear muffled sobbing on the other end of the line and his heart dropped. He tried again. “Lisa?”
“I don’t know.” The words spilled out her messily.
Jordan softened, “So, why the crying?”
“I’ve just got a feeling, Jord.” She took a deep breath and phone fell silent once again.
“Lisa, are you there?”
“What feeling?”
“Jordan-” She took another breath. “-what if we never get pregnant?”
submitted by /u/OneStepAway14 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2RH5KiZ
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
8 Things We Can Learn From the Carnivore Movement
A few years ago, I wrote a post describing all the things that avowed Primal eaters can learn from plant-based or even vegan dieters. Sure, we’re diametrically opposed on the role of animal foods in human health, but there are still relevant takeaways.
Carnivores are much closer to Primal eaters on the dietary spectrum, The Primal Blueprint posits that animal foods—meat, fish, fowl, shellfish, eggs, and dairy—represent the most nutrient-dense, most crucial component of the human diet. Carnivore takes that and runs with it, to its logical conclusion: Animal foods are so nutrient-dense and so important that we should eat them to the exclusion of everything else.
I don’t exactly agree, but I see where they’re coming from. And there’s a lot we can learn from the carnivore movement. I’ve got 8 takeaways today.
1. That a Steak Really Isn’t Going To Kill You
I’ve covered these arguments dozens of times on these pages. But it’s truly heartening to see hundreds and thousands of anecdotal reports from people who are thriving while eating two, three, four ribeyes a day for months and even years on end. When you see that, even though it’s “just” a collection of anecdotes, it gets really hard to think that eating a big grass-fed ribeye whenever you want is really going to give you cancer or diabetes or whatever else malady they’re trying to pin on red meat.
2. That More Fiber Isn’t Always the Answer
Of all the food components out there, fiber is the one that really trips me up. I still can’t quite get a handle on it. Is it important? Is it harmful? Is it useless? There’s conflicting evidence at every turn. My hunch—and reading of the anthropological and scientific literature—tells me that some prebiotic substrate is a good thing for healthy human guts, but it also tells me that fiber can be harmful in certain situations and in certain gut biomes. After all, we aren’t living like the Hadza, eating antelope colon sashimi and never touching soap. We live relatively sterile existences. Our guts are not ancestral, no matter how many quarts of kefir we quaff.
What carnivore offers is evidence that fiber isn’t always the answer. And remember that animal proteins can offer prebiotic substrate in the form of “animal fiber” (bones, tendons, connective tissue, gristle) and—if you consume dairy—milk oligosaccharides.
3. That Oxalates May Be An Issue
You know that strange feeling you get on your tongue and gums after a big serving of spinach? Those are oxalates, an anti-nutrient found in many if not most plant foods. They can bind to minerals and form crystals, the most infamous being the calcium oxalate crystals which are the most common type of kidney stone. Yeah, not fun.
The carnivore movement has seized on oxalates as a reason not to consume plants. Many animals have the adaptations to digest and nullify large amounts of oxalates. Humans, by and large, do not. There are exceptions, such as the Hadza whose guts harbor oxalate-degrading bacteria, and likely others yet to be discovered. And there’s definite variation even among humans living in industrialized settings—not everyone gets kidney stones because they ate creamed spinach. But it’s a good idea for the average human to at least be aware of oxalates.
Thanks to your newfound awareness of oxalates, you can figure out ways to reduce their impact if you still want to consume them.
You can ferment your foods. Lacto-fermented beets, for example, have lower oxalates than fresh beets.
You can choose low-oxalate plants. Kale is quite low in oxalates compared to other leafy greens, as are collard greens. Same goes for others in the brassica family, like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower: all low in oxalate.
You can improve your calcium metabolism. Eating enough vitamin A (retinol), vitamin K2, and vitamin D will improve your calcium metabolism and leave less of it hanging around to bind with oxalate and form crystals. Eating enough boron (or supplementing with it, as it doesn’t appear in many foods) can also reduce the formation of calcium oxalate stones.
Drinking about 4 ounces of lemon or lime juice in your water throughout the day will also reduce the formation of calcium oxalate stones.
I don’t mean for this to become a “what to do about oxalates” post. But without the carnivore movement’s broad transmission of the oxalate issue, many people wouldn’t even think about them.
4. That Meat Truly Is the Ancestral Foundation Of the Human Diet
I mean, we knew this. We knew that our hominid ancestors have been eating meat and marrow for over three million years. We knew that our meat-eating is probably what helped set us apart from our primate cousins, that calorie-dense and easily-digestible meat allowed us to shrink our guts and grow our brains. We knew that of all extant and known populations on earth, not a one was vegan.
But the carnivore movement makes you feel it. By eating exclusively meat and not just surviving but apparently thriving on animal foods alone, they force you into a reckoning of their historical primacy in the human diet. Now, not everyone thrives. The drop outs, well, they drop out. We only see the success stories—but that’s true for any diet, including Primal. The drop-outs from diets like Primal or carnivore tend to be less catastrophic and numerous than the drop-outs from veganism or fruitarianism, but they’re definitely out there.
5. That the Best Elimination Diet Might Be an All-Meat One
I wrote a post recently about the Autoimmune Paleo diet, a highly-restrictive but effective elimination diet used to identify trigger foods in autoimmune patients.
Going carnivore might just be a bare-bones version of the same thing. It eliminates all the same foods, plus more. And because it’s more of a scorched-earth approach, it’s simpler. You just eat meat and meat byproducts like bone broth, and nothing else. Such stark boundaries are somehow more digestible to a certain type of person. Less wiggle room, less to think about, less to get wrong.
That’s basically what Robb Wolf recently did to treat lingering gut issues: he ate meat and drank bone broth. For the full story, check out his recent appearance on Dr. Paul Saladino’s podcast.
6. That Phytonutrients Aren’t the Only Way To Induce Hormetic Stress
There are other ways to induce hormetic stress besides plant polyphenols. You can fast. You can exercise. You can expose yourself to cold or heat. You can expose yourself to “meat carcinogens” (yum). However, phytonutrients are good to have around. If you aren’t eating blueberries and broccoli because “those hormetic stressors aren’t the only game in town,” you’d better be doing the other stuff. You’d better be using the sauna, fasting, training hard (but smart), and going out into the cold.
7. That Strong Physical Performance Is Possible Without Tons Of Exogenous Carbs
You only have to look as far as Dr. Shawn Baker breaking rowing records, squatting 500 pounds for reps, and doing box jumps that would shame someone 30 years his junior to know that elite performance is possible—at least in one person—on a carnivorous, carb-free diet. It’s not “supposed” to be possible for anyone. Is Baker a genetic freak? Is he the only person for whom it’s true? I doubt it.
Now, glycogen is helpful. But you can manufacture glucose from amino acids and deposit it as glycogen, which you’ll be getting plenty of from all the protein you eat on a carnivore diet. This might not be the most efficient path for all elite athletes, but the carnivore movement shows that it’s at least possible for some.
8. How To Choose the Most Nutrient-Dense Animal Foods
There are the carnivores who eat steak and assume they’ve covered all their bases, and then there are the carnivores who eat steak and eggs and salmon and liver and kidney and marrow and mussels because they want to ensure they’ve covered all their bases. The former group will say something about “nutrient requirements going down on carnivore,” which may be true, but do all nutrient requirements drop across the board equally? Meanwhile, the latter group might agree with the former about nutrient requirements, but they’ll probably also want to be safer than sorrier. They can tell you all about the vitamin C content of fresh liver, the manganese in the mussels, the selenium in the kidney, the long-chained omega-3s in the salmon, the choline and biotin in the eggs, and the B-vitamins and creatine in the steak.
I’d listen to the latter group, personally. In figuring out the best way to obtain maximum nutrient density through animal foods alone, they can provide a roadmap to anyone who wants to include the most nutrient-dense animal foods in their omnivorous diet.
Diets aren’t ideologies. They aren’t religions. You don’t have to accept everything. You can pick and choose what works for you, especially if it actually works for you. You can heed these lessons contained in the post without actually going full carnivore, just like you could incorporate some of the lessons learned from vegans without going anything close to vegan.
Thanks for reading, everybody. What have you learned from the carnivore movement? Let me know down below in the comments, and have a good week.
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
8 Things We Can Learn From the Carnivore Movement
A few years ago, I wrote a post describing all the things that avowed Primal eaters can learn from plant-based or even vegan dieters. Sure, we’re diametrically opposed on the role of animal foods in human health, but there are still relevant takeaways.
Carnivores are much closer to Primal eaters on the dietary spectrum, The Primal Blueprint posits that animal foods—meat, fish, fowl, shellfish, eggs, and dairy—represent the most nutrient-dense, most crucial component of the human diet. Carnivore takes that and runs with it, to its logical conclusion: Animal foods are so nutrient-dense and so important that we should eat them to the exclusion of everything else.
I don’t exactly agree, but I see where they’re coming from. And there’s a lot we can learn from the carnivore movement. I’ve got 8 takeaways today.
1. That a Steak Really Isn’t Going To Kill You
I’ve covered these arguments dozens of times on these pages. But it’s truly heartening to see hundreds and thousands of anecdotal reports from people who are thriving while eating two, three, four ribeyes a day for months and even years on end. When you see that, even though it’s “just” a collection of anecdotes, it gets really hard to think that eating a big grass-fed ribeye whenever you want is really going to give you cancer or diabetes or whatever else malady they’re trying to pin on red meat.
2. That More Fiber Isn’t Always the Answer
Of all the food components out there, fiber is the one that really trips me up. I still can’t quite get a handle on it. Is it important? Is it harmful? Is it useless? There’s conflicting evidence at every turn. My hunch—and reading of the anthropological and scientific literature—tells me that some prebiotic substrate is a good thing for healthy human guts, but it also tells me that fiber can be harmful in certain situations and in certain gut biomes. After all, we aren’t living like the Hadza, eating antelope colon sashimi and never touching soap. We live relatively sterile existences. Our guts are not ancestral, no matter how many quarts of kefir we quaff.
What carnivore offers is evidence that fiber isn’t always the answer. And remember that animal proteins can offer prebiotic substrate in the form of “animal fiber” (bones, tendons, connective tissue, gristle) and—if you consume dairy—milk oligosaccharides.
3. That Oxalates May Be An Issue
You know that strange feeling you get on your tongue and gums after a big serving of spinach? Those are oxalates, an anti-nutrient found in many if not most plant foods. They can bind to minerals and form crystals, the most infamous being the calcium oxalate crystals which are the most common type of kidney stone. Yeah, not fun.
The carnivore movement has seized on oxalates as a reason not to consume plants. Many animals have the adaptations to digest and nullify large amounts of oxalates. Humans, by and large, do not. There are exceptions, such as the Hadza whose guts harbor oxalate-degrading bacteria, and likely others yet to be discovered. And there’s definite variation even among humans living in industrialized settings—not everyone gets kidney stones because they ate creamed spinach. But it’s a good idea for the average human to at least be aware of oxalates.
Thanks to your newfound awareness of oxalates, you can figure out ways to reduce their impact if you still want to consume them.
You can ferment your foods. Lacto-fermented beets, for example, have lower oxalates than fresh beets.
You can choose low-oxalate plants. Kale is quite low in oxalates compared to other leafy greens, as are collard greens. Same goes for others in the brassica family, like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower: all low in oxalate.
You can improve your calcium metabolism. Eating enough vitamin A (retinol), vitamin K2, and vitamin D will improve your calcium metabolism and leave less of it hanging around to bind with oxalate and form crystals. Eating enough boron (or supplementing with it, as it doesn’t appear in many foods) can also reduce the formation of calcium oxalate stones.
Drinking about 4 ounces of lemon or lime juice in your water throughout the day will also reduce the formation of calcium oxalate stones.
I don’t mean for this to become a “what to do about oxalates” post. But without the carnivore movement’s broad transmission of the oxalate issue, many people wouldn’t even think about them.
4. That Meat Truly Is the Ancestral Foundation Of the Human Diet
I mean, we knew this. We knew that our hominid ancestors have been eating meat and marrow for over three million years. We knew that our meat-eating is probably what helped set us apart from our primate cousins, that calorie-dense and easily-digestible meat allowed us to shrink our guts and grow our brains. We knew that of all extant and known populations on earth, not a one was vegan.
But the carnivore movement makes you feel it. By eating exclusively meat and not just surviving but apparently thriving on animal foods alone, they force you into a reckoning of their historical primacy in the human diet. Now, not everyone thrives. The drop outs, well, they drop out. We only see the success stories—but that’s true for any diet, including Primal. The drop-outs from diets like Primal or carnivore tend to be less catastrophic and numerous than the drop-outs from veganism or fruitarianism, but they’re definitely out there.
5. That the Best Elimination Diet Might Be an All-Meat One
I wrote a post recently about the Autoimmune Paleo diet, a highly-restrictive but effective elimination diet used to identify trigger foods in autoimmune patients.
Going carnivore might just be a bare-bones version of the same thing. It eliminates all the same foods, plus more. And because it’s more of a scorched-earth approach, it’s simpler. You just eat meat and meat byproducts like bone broth, and nothing else. Such stark boundaries are somehow more digestible to a certain type of person. Less wiggle room, less to think about, less to get wrong.
That’s basically what Robb Wolf recently did to treat lingering gut issues: he ate meat and drank bone broth. For the full story, check out his recent appearance on Dr. Paul Saladino’s podcast.
6. That Phytonutrients Aren’t the Only Way To Induce Hormetic Stress
There are other ways to induce hormetic stress besides plant polyphenols. You can fast. You can exercise. You can expose yourself to cold or heat. You can expose yourself to “meat carcinogens” (yum). However, phytonutrients are good to have around. If you aren’t eating blueberries and broccoli because “those hormetic stressors aren’t the only game in town,” you’d better be doing the other stuff. You’d better be using the sauna, fasting, training hard (but smart), and going out into the cold.
7. That Strong Physical Performance Is Possible Without Tons Of Exogenous Carbs
You only have to look as far as Dr. Shawn Baker breaking rowing records, squatting 500 pounds for reps, and doing box jumps that would shame someone 30 years his junior to know that elite performance is possible—at least in one person—on a carnivorous, carb-free diet. It’s not “supposed” to be possible for anyone. Is Baker a genetic freak? Is he the only person for whom it’s true? I doubt it.
Now, glycogen is helpful. But you can manufacture glucose from amino acids and deposit it as glycogen, which you’ll be getting plenty of from all the protein you eat on a carnivore diet. This might not be the most efficient path for all elite athletes, but the carnivore movement shows that it’s at least possible for some.
8. How To Choose the Most Nutrient-Dense Animal Foods
There are the carnivores who eat steak and assume they’ve covered all their bases, and then there are the carnivores who eat steak and eggs and salmon and liver and kidney and marrow and mussels because they want to ensure they’ve covered all their bases. The former group will say something about “nutrient requirements going down on carnivore,” which may be true, but do all nutrient requirements drop across the board equally? Meanwhile, the latter group might agree with the former about nutrient requirements, but they’ll probably also want to be safer than sorrier. They can tell you all about the vitamin C content of fresh liver, the manganese in the mussels, the selenium in the kidney, the long-chained omega-3s in the salmon, the choline and biotin in the eggs, and the B-vitamins and creatine in the steak.
I’d listen to the latter group, personally. In figuring out the best way to obtain maximum nutrient density through animal foods alone, they can provide a roadmap to anyone who wants to include the most nutrient-dense animal foods in their omnivorous diet.
Diets aren’t ideologies. They aren’t religions. You don’t have to accept everything. You can pick and choose what works for you, especially if it actually works for you. You can heed these lessons contained in the post without actually going full carnivore, just like you could incorporate some of the lessons learned from vegans without going anything close to vegan.
Thanks for reading, everybody. What have you learned from the carnivore movement? Let me know down below in the comments, and have a good week.
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The post 8 Things We Can Learn From the Carnivore Movement appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
8 Things We Can Learn From the Carnivore Movement published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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