#i once got g noted irl by a person who had it (and just that one piano note) as their text message notification
pixelatedquarter · 1 year
Now that THEY brought it up first, are we like 100% sure Patrick's not just gonna play the intro to welcome to the black parade as another of his covers? Because sure we're past the era of mcr is an idea that's never coming back together and people having buried their emo pasts, but I'm not entirely sure people won't have a gut response to getting g noted live by fall out boy
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changebydjo · 3 years
 so i’ve put off writing this for a long, long time, and it’ll be painful for me to make this post but at this point i feel like it needs to be done. someone within the liz fandom has been lying, gaslighting and manipulating me as well as many others, both online and offline, and after getting proof on everything (plus their lack of remorse) has prompted me to write this.
this is about gil perez, aka @unrated-g, and one of his irl friends, kim @kimbus-the-whimbus, to a lesser extent, but mostly gil. since 2016 - nearly 5 years now - he’s been lying that he’s best friends with liz gillies. i’m gonna put a read more because it’s a long, insane, and ridiculous thing that happened, but please read all of it and know how serious this is, as well as all the damage this man has done.
i met gil through tumblr in 2018 - he had been replying my posts since before that, but early 2018 is when i followed him and started chatting with him casually. over time, i noticed that he would reblog posts about liz and in the tags he would seem to be talking to her or referencing her, but not by her name - instead he would call her “goblin”. he would mention things that “goblin” liked or behind the scenes on dynasty stuff, and after a few weeks of noticing this and chatting with him about dynasty/liz, i ended up asking him if he was friends with liz/knew her personally because of the way he spoke about her. he confirmed to me that he knew her, she was one of his best friends, and he “didn’t expect” anyone to pick up on it. he told me to keep it private and i agreed, obviously, because i had no reason to not trust him, and i know that liz values her privacy.
it’s important to note that liz does NOT follow him or any of his accounts from her verified twitter or instagram accounts - instead, he said she had an “extremely private” encrypted tumblr account that could only be seen by people she follows/white listed. he was one of them. her blog would not show up for anyone else, and they met through tumblr in 2016 (even though he said she followed him back in 2010 and he didn’t realize until 6 years later) through their mutual love for uncharted, and bonded over playing uncharted 4 multiplayer together. it’s also important to note that liz has had 2 tumblr accounts since 2010, both of which she has abandoned, and he said that her private tumblr is separate from those two. she also was friends with him (according to him) through PSN, where they would play ps4 games together, and all of his text convos with her are from that app:
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(^ “liz’s” PSN account)
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throughout all of 2018, we would text on a regular basis and started becoming good friends. he was extremely kind, always willing to be there for me, and listened to me about not only fandom stuff but also my irl problems. he also became friends with my friend group, who were also in the liz fandom, and it was really nice for a while. in october of 2018, gil said he went to HHN with liz and matt in LA, and for xmas of 2018, he said he spent it with liz - both in LA and in NJ, which is what she typically does to spend her holidays with her family and friends. her pale blue eyes cover was also for him, according to gil, because he asked for her to cover it specifically and she did just for him.
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gil would also occasionally stream for friends, and sometimes liz would show up:
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beginning of 2019 is when gil and i started getting much closer - we started playing games together (mostly mario kart, at the beginning) and talking through voice chat. he would talk about liz and personal things about her/her life or dynasty, and he always willingly supplied that information himself - i never asked for it, i wasn’t friends with him to get information on liz or have an “in” with her. chatting with him made me feel good and happy and important to him, and i realized i started having feelings for him - which i told him about in april 2019. he said he wasn’t sure exactly how he felt but he thought he might feel the same, the only really complicated part (besides the fact that this was long distance/not irl) was that he also had a really deep crush on liz, someone who was his best friend/ultimate celeb crush. he was really like in love with her, even though he said he tried to suppress it. anyways, after me admitting that to him, our friendship started to develop into something more. we weren’t ever in an official relationship, but things were definitely not strictly platonic with us. we went from chatting once every week or two to almost every single night for 3-6 hours per night for MONTHS. throughout that time, our relationship became sexual, too, and my feelings for him just continued to get deeper and deeper.
this continues throughout the rest of 2019, and then new years 2020, everything just...goes to shit asap. gil got really distant with me with no explanation, i felt like all the affection he was showing me and the kind things he would say to me, as well as our bonding time when we would chat together, was just ripped away unexpectedly. i constantly asked what was wrong and what was happening, and told him how i feel, and i got no real response besides just being tired/non-sociable, etc. (which, for the record, is completely understandable, but it was such a huge 180 in behavior that it worried me and things never went back to normal after that). in addition to that, kim (who was mentioned at the beginning of this post) is one of his best friends irl, as well as his on again/off again ex (according to him). anyways, there were posts that she had made that indicated to them not being exes and instead still together - or at the very least not platonic - which crushed me when i found out, because until that point i had no reason not to trust him. i told him about it though, and how it hurt me because my feelings were so deep for him at that point i felt that i loved him, and he told me they weren’t together. this isn’t really necessary for the liz stuff of this post, but it’s important for context for how hurt and on edge i was already feeling before things got worse.
we would still chat maybe a few times a week, but nothing like it used to be, and i was happy we would even chat at all, even though things felt so weird and different and off, and no matter what i did, i couldn’t fix it. as 2020 started going on, and this continued, his friendship with liz started making me feel extremely uncomfortable. knowing that he had the weird boundaries with his ex, plus whatever was going on with me and him, AND that he was in love with liz?? it was unsettling. i felt like i couldn’t compare, because it’s *liz gillies*, someone i obviously love and idolize and look up to. and she was up on a pedestal for him, even though he said that he never tried to treat liz differently than his other close friends just bc of who she was, but that wasn’t true. anything that she said or did, he agreed with 100%, and would defend it. when he and i would chat, and i would mention something about dynasty that bothered me, he would talk about what liz’s thoughts were on it and how she felt and that she was right to feel that way and it made me feel awful. this happened on multiple occasions throughout various topics, from dynasty to fandom stuff to liz’s friendships/relationships, etc. no matter what, to gil, liz was always right and he always had an explanation for anything that happened. the way he would describe liz and the thing he said about her made me see her in a completely different light - she was not the same liz that she presented herself as, at least in gil’s eyes. 
he would always talk about how amazing liz was to him and how she did so much for him, such as buying him gifts, supporting his art, etc. this was hurtful to hear because i was doing the exact same things for him, as well as our group of friends: we had been buying his art (not only the art prints but the ACTUAL original copies), sending him gifts or money for gifts, supporting him and his art on social media, as well as just being a genuine friend to him. he never appreciated or thanked us the way that he thanked liz; none of us ever compared to her, even though we were doing the exact same thing for him that he said liz was doing, as well. it made me feel like no matter what i did, or how supportive i was, i was never enough.
we also had a discord with gil, that involved him, me, and my friends sarah, hope, amanda, and dom. within this discord, it’s worth noting that gil was the only man there, and would talk about liz and his friendship with her there, unprompted. we never asked for info, he volunteered everything willingly, and we all kind of glossed over it at the time because we weren’t friends with him for liz or any of that.
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(the screenshot gil linked in the gc is what “liz’s” private encrypted blog looks like on his dash. please note the edit post button in the bottom right of the screenshot.)
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another important thing about his friendship with liz/being in love with her: he has this specific kink (which i don’t want to say what it is for privacy reasons) and he said that liz was engaging in this kink herself, and that he was jealous of liz’s bf/wishes he could engage in it with liz, etc. i wasn’t into this kink before talking to him but because i had liked him so much at the time, and i was slightly jealous that he wanted it with liz, i thought that i could indulge in it for him. it was something that i was not physically or mentally prepared for/able to make happen, and it really caused an impact on me, and he just...didn’t care. at all.
anyways: this stuff continues, then around summer 2020, my friend sarah reached out to him. she (and my friends, along with me) were starting to distrust the things gil was saying about liz, since it went completely against what liz would say herself. she would say she only plays the sims 3 on her computer - he would say she was a huge gamer and played the sims 4 on ps4, along with minecraft, uncharted, the last of us, horizon zero dawn, etc. he would say that liz and maddison brown (her dynasty co-star) played ACNH with him and quickly got to 5 stars - liz said in a zach sang interview that she didn’t play animal crossing. every time something didn’t add up, his excuse was that liz was lying for her privacy. she didn’t follow gil on any verified social media accounts in case “people harassed him” over being friends with her. so sarah texted him that she needed to talk to him about the liz stuff, because there was evidence it wasn’t true, and he denied all of it. he firmly stuck to his story, and sarah gave him multiple chances over several days to come clean and he wouldn’t. she asked for simple pieces of proof that he could give her, and he wouldn’t besides fake screenshots of her “private blog”:
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 he told me afterwards that if it comes between his friendship with liz or sarah’s, he’s picking liz - end of story. his and sarah’s friendship was done after that because of his decision. he blamed sarah for “ruining” liz and maddison’s friendship because of her asking for proof, and made her out to be the bad one in that situation. he ended up deleting the discord gc after this happened, with all of his screenshots/”info” as liz as well (we got screenshots of things before he deleted it though, much more that’s shown in this post).
about a month later, my friend léa also confronted him about it. gil had told her some things about liz’s “reaction” to meeting léa in paris, and at the time, it had made the experience more special for her. once she realized it was all lies, though, it really hurt her - he altered that special experience for her and twisted it into something that wasn’t real. he had the same reaction to léa’s conversation as he did to sarah’s, and he refused to tell the truth. their friendship was done with after, as well, along with a few other people from the liz fandom. i was the only one who stayed friends with him after that, and that was because i was closest with him and still trying to see if i could fix things with him. i was still naively believing that he would treat me okay again, he would make me feel important instead of always a backup option, that he wanted me again. 
but of course that never happened. he continued to ignore me, talk to me less and less, and would subtweet me on his private account. after he stopped being friends with sarah and léa and everyone blocked him except for me, i was the only follower on his private account, as well as being the only person he followed there. gil, though, kept saying that liz had a “private twitter” where she would talk to him on his private account. he also said that he had “merged twitter accounts” into one, which was his private, which messed up his account and wouldn’t show who he was replying to, quote rts, or that he was following them, which - if you have a twitter, you KNOW none of that can actually happen. but it was his excuse to constantly subtweet me and my friends for not believing him, to maintain his story, AND to have convos with “liz” on there that only i could see, where he made it sound like he was talking shit about me to her. it was extremely manipulative and served no purpose except to fuck with me, because he knew that i was the only one seeing those tweets and knew i was already struggling with not knowing what to believe. here’s some of them:
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(you can very clearly see that i’m the only follower/following on that account, the number is at literally 1, and he STILL was acting like he was talking to someone else and that other people were following him.)
now comes jan. 2021!! WE GOT DEFINITE PROOF THAT IT WAS ALL LIES. from multiple people. one of liz’s close best friends (that gil included in his stories about her, saying that he met them) said that they don’t know who gil is, have never met him, and it’s best for us all to block him for our own safety. a co-worker of liz’s (who was, again, included in gil’s lies, that he hung out with them multiple times, played games with them online, and bought him gifts) said that not only had they never met gil, but EVERYTHING he said about them was untrue. they even listed the inaccuracies he would say about them, such as gil taking photos of them at things like the SWT, and they confirmed who actually took the photo. they said that “none of it is fucking true” and that gil is a narcissistic liar, and also encouraged us to block him for our own safety. 
i confronted gil myself about this a few weeks ago, and he continued to maintain his story that everyone’s lying to protect his privacy - even though we know for sure that wasn’t the case. he FINALLY owned up to it to me only once he saw i had proof and he was caught, and his reason for doing it was “he was bored”. he said he was sorry but he wasn’t truly apologetic - he either didn’t fully realize the scope of how hurtful his lies and manipulations were, or he just didn’t care, but the bottom line is that he always chose his fantasy of liz over his actual friends. around this time, once he knew he was caught, he also deactivated his private account, but brought it back a week or so later, with all of the subtweets and tweets about liz being deleted. all of the unverified accounts that were supposed to be liz - the tumblr account, psn, twitch, etc. - were all fake and made by him, so he could make it seem more real.
even if he WAS telling the truth about being friends with liz, he still would have completely violated her privacy by the amount of “secret” things he told all of us - from her kinks/sex life, to work life, to very personal things that he claims happened to her. knowing it’s all fake though, and he made up an entire personality and life for liz that doesn’t exist??? it’s insane.
now the part with kim - she’s known gil irl for over 10 years, and has tweeted about liz all the time, about how “good” liz is to her because of gil, and that she’s the one who encouraged him to talk to her. she brags about it constantly, even though none of it is real. she also tweeted multiple times throughout 2018-2019 about how gil “finally deserves to meet liz in person”, even though gil said he met liz irl back in 2017 or so - AND that she came to texas, where he lives, to meet him and his friends. when asked about her tweets, he said that kim’s account was “messed up” and her tweets weren’t “tweeted at the right time”. one of my friends reached out to tell her and show her the proof of gil lying, because gil has been lying to her and other people irl too, and instead she mocked us, belittled us, and chose not to believe a group of women coming to her about a 30 year old (!!) man manipulating us. gil said that kim was “aware of it all being a lie for years now” to me, but i think that was another lie, that he’s STILL lying to her about it. if not, then that means that kim was also lying for many years about knowing liz too, and used it to make us all the butt of her joke, so. so much for her being an “empath” and wanting to help people but anyways!!
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the last screenshot is of her subtweeting us and implying that everyone involved with liz is lying for her and gil’s privacy, even though we have proof that that simply isn’t true.
i’m sorry for how long this is, but i need people to understand how serious this is. he’s been lying for 5 YEARS now about knowing liz - about her “accidentally sending nudes” to him, that gil is one of her best friends and he would’ve been at her wedding, that she’s a huge gamer who plays with him - all of it. it’s all lies. he created a fantasy version of liz that doesn’t exist, and incorporated into his real life, his friendships both online and off, and made it his entire personality. he’s not sorry about what he’s done - as i’m writing this, he’s still on tumblr, talking in the tags to “liz” again, because he’d rather uphold his fantasy life where he’s best friends with liz when in reality, she has no idea he even exists. and if she did, i’m certain that she would be disgusted with what he’s done. he lied about her, oversexualized her, used his kinks on her which was brought onto me - someone he knew that was vulnerable and had feelings for him, manipulated people into trying to believe his lies, gaslit people to make them unable to tell what was true and what was fake, and had absolutely zero respect for any of us. he even listened to me cry to him on the phone MULTIPLE times about how insecure and worthless i felt to him compared to liz, and he didn’t do ANYTHING about it. he sat there and listened to me cry, knowing he could own up to his lie, and he chose not to. he’s not sorry about what he’s done, and he’s going to continue to spread his lies. please block him. i can’t express how much he’s hurt me, the therapy that i need to have because of him, how much he’s hurt my friends and how little he respects women in general tbh. he always tried to come off as “one of the good guys” but now i know he’s harmful and not to be trusted. he even tried to separate me from my friends, and make it seem like they’re the ones making this situation even harder for him. i’ve tried so, so many times to get through to him, waiting to see if he’d change or show some remorse or anything, but after over a year of this i don’t think he will, and it genuinely hurts me to know that. BLOCK HIM.
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derekgoffard · 3 years
If you are comfortable with it ( and ONLY if you're comfortable DO NOT do anything you DON'T want to do) but 😶 can we get nsfw alphabet for Colin maybe????? Mayhaps
(Again if you're not comfy DELETE THIS ASK no one will know 🤫)
UHAUHS Thank u for ur ask aguuhs!! This was such a nice way to word this I'm- 🥺🥺 thank u for being so nice about this ask this is honestly so sweet 🥺😭😭😭❤️❤️
ALSO Im very very un-practiced in writing nsft stuff so this is more jot notes then atcual writing lol,, ( nsft under cut , tw drugging ) Gvvyvh gghh
NSFW Alphabet:
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Hes pretty good!, if he's not too exhausted himself he'll run around his apartment grabbing blankets and pillows for his partner lol! He'd ideally love to cuddle up with them after sex and watch a movie or smth but he will do whatever they want generally lol, he probably doesn't wanna leave them alone tho- hes real clingy afterwards 😔
B = Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He will tell them their hands if they ask BUT THATS A LIE LOL his favorite area of their body is probably their waist lol,,,,( if his partner has breasts it might be them too😤) his favorite part about himself is probably his hands; hes not a suppper confident guy but he likes how his hands are shaped and he loves how his fake nails give his fingers a longer look lol.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Very average, probably cums a little less then most people LOLGYD
D = Dirty Secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
HE SECRETLY WANTS TO SLIP THEM AN APHRODISIAC OR SMTH H H H HH he would never do that ESPECIALLY if he's built an atcually genuine relationship with them BUT. The idea just gets him goin vvf hhh he also probably would want to record it too, like one of those pov blowjob kinda things HHHHHH vhubbu
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
HES A VIRGIN 😭😭😭😭😭 hes had alot of practice on toys and he's watched alot of porn but with irl experience,,,he got none 😔
F = Favorite Position (this goes without saying)
Ye old doggy style and pretzel dip... He'd prefer to be on top but he's a true switch at heart,, he's also into cowgirl ( bottom ) if his partner is smaller and cowgirl (top) if his partner is bigger/has a dick/strap on
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's not serious at all lol! He might get kinda ? Creepy tho?? As in he might go real quiet and feel them up a bit but in general he's super nervous abt it so he appreciates a partner who makes light of the whole thing! It'll make him feel better 🥺
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He trims often!, He has a tuff of hair down there but in general he's pretty well groomed, he would never have the balls to try and bleach anywhere near his dick so it's his og hair color ( brown )
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can get pretty intimate/romantic if his partner is! For him to even have sex he would probably need a good relationship with his partner; he's been lonely for so long and for him to finally have someone who he can be romantic with makes him very emotional lol!! If he gets romantic during sex he'll go really slow and probably would want to hold their hand during it lol
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
Jacks off a moderate amount; at least once a day;....he watches alot of hentai and cosplay pornos,, he also reads alot of smut lol
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He's pretty kinky in general but his big ones are cosplay , bondage and overstimulation 😔😔😔 ideally he would like to do them all at the same time LOL. he's really into overstimulation with toys in particular 😡😔 he definitely has a thing for leaving his partner tied up the whole day on a vibrator while their in some skimpy outfit or smth hvqvyq H H😔😔 when he gets back he might wanna take a picture of them all exhausted to jerk off to later ygyvvggggg 😔😔😔😔😞😞😞
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Da bedroom..., he's pretty nervous and insecure abt this kinda stuff ( especially in the beginning) so he'd feel best somewhere secure and private; ...he's secretly got a thing for a blowjob in a public area or smth tho lol
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Colin is a simple man at heart; skimpy/sexy outfits turn him on alot, especially if it's smth he made/picked out for them 😞 showing sexual interest in him will turn him on too, aka just flirt with him LOL
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
degradation of any kind; he might be able to degrade someone if they asked for it but in no circumstances will he ever want that for himself lol,, it completely shuts him down
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
FFFFFF HAS A THING FOR FACE FUCKING LOL he would give his right arm for someone to give him oral 😭 it's a super big turn on for him and he probably fantasizes abt it alot😔 I imagine him being really into trying to give oral too; his braces will probably fuck it up alot tho 😔😔
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
His pace really depends on his mood lol; if he's feeling romantic he'll go slower and won't use any toys or anything; however 90% of the time he's gonna spend most of the duration on foreplay which gets him all riled up so when he atcually stars da fuckin he'll be pretty pent up and desperate about it😔 so on average he's going pretty fast hhh
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Likes them in concept but not in practice; he fantasizes alot about a quickie some public space like a bathroom or smth but in reality he could never do smth like that HA😔
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He doesn't take any TRUE risks, he's open to try basically anything but he won't do anything where someone could catch them in the act
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can last for a while! He has a bit more stamina then an average person I'd say, however he crashes hard after pushing himself that far lol,,
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
HAS A LOT OF TOYS LOL, he has at least one of any toy that's on the market basically LOL😭😭, he bought them all in the cutest colors they were available in so they still fit his asthetic lol; at first he only bought a few ones for himself but owning so many made him feel really cool so he just kept going LOL
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Likes to tease alot; really into the whole bondage, vibrator torture, orgasm denial thing lol,,,hes not really into being teased himself tho😠 ( he is selfish 😠😠😠)
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's atcually pretty quiet! He yelps a bit mabye ;
W = Wild Card (a random headcanon for the character)
He can space off sometimes during sex and will start doing weird creepy shit lol, (especially if their wearing an outfit) he might start drawing his fingers up their chest or leg or smth 🤮😔
X = X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
It's a bit skinny but it's average! About 5.2in
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He can be flustered/turned on pretty easily but with no influence his sex drive is on the higher side;
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
That depends on how far he exerted himself ; if he didint go too far he'll have a good amount of energy left, but if he really exerted himself he will be sleeping before his head hits the pillow LOL
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master-sass-blast · 3 years
*tosses escapism fic into the void* yeet.
Summary: You and Piotr go Christmas shopping and enjoy the holiday season. 
That's it. That's all that's happening. You're welcome.
Pairing(s): Piotr Rasputin x Reader and mentioned Illyana Rasputin x Kitty Pryde.
Rating: G.
Word Count: 2k precisely.
Set after “It’s Truly Magical.”
A/N: On the off-chance someone asks or is worried, yes, there are no mentions of masks or social distancing in this fic. That's because, in this fic, there is no COVID (ergo, no need for masks and such). I'm just not dealing with it in my fanfic as well. I won't. You can't make me.
Wear your fucking masks irl pls and thank u.
Taglist:  @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie, @girl-obsessed-with-things, @super-darkcloudstudent, @dandyqueen, @leo-writer
“What a bright time, it's the right time/ To rock the night away/ Jingle bell time is a swell time/ To go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh…”
You inhale deeply, then smile. The smells of fresh pretzels and pine –the latter is likely a fake scent that the stores use, but it’s still good—tantalize your nose. You tuck your hat and gloves in your purse, then look over at your husband. “Where all are we going?”
“Ah…” Piotr scans his list –which has notes on which stores to check and what order the stores are laid out in the mall, so as to streamline things. “Kitty said she did not want gifts because she does not celebrate Christmas, so we are just shopping for… my family and Russell. You said you already bought gifts for your dad and Wade?”
“Yup,” you say with a grin. Nate’s easy to shop for –ammo, clothes, and the odd book or two are usually all he want—and for Wade you just find the weirdest stuff listed on Amazon. “And I already sent my uncle a gift from us, so we don’t have to worry about him.”
Piotr nods, ‘hmm-ing’ as he makes a note on his list. “Okay.” He mumbles in Russian under his breath, then says, “Mama had no list this year; I think we start with her first since figuring out gift will take longer.”
“That’s fine. Where should we start?”
“I think bookstore is best bet. From there, we can stop by Hot Topic and candle shop for snezhinka, then Game Stop for Mikhail.”
“Sounds good.” You link your arm through his and smile up at him. “Lead the way, babe.”
 You glance between the piles of books on the table, then at your husband, who looks like he’s about to pull his hair out. “Do you think that, just maybe, you’re overthinking this? Just a little?”
“This is important,” Piotr insists as he skims through books from various areas of Barnes and Noble –cooking, history, fiction; he’d grabbed at least one book from nearly every section. “She has specific tastes. Cannot be just any old book.”
You purse your lips together. You don’t doubt that Alexandra has particular tastes in reading material –as a woman from her walk in life is bound to have—but you’re also certain that she wouldn’t want her son driving himself insane just to pick a present for her. You sit down next to Piotr and gently put your hand on his arm. “Sweetheart. She’s going to like whatever you get her.”
“Not necessarily. I have seen her toss many books aside with scoff and never pick them up again.”
“Okay, why?”
He shrugs. “Realism. She thinks some authors are ‘too indulgent’ or ‘too unrealistic.’”
“Alright, so maybe we leave out the crime and romance stuff,” you suggest, setting the few books he’d grabbed from those areas aside. “What does she like to do?”
Piotr goes quiet. His expression grows ashen as he contemplates the question. “I… don’t know.”
“Does she like to cook? Or draw? Or watch certain types of shows or movies?”
“I don’t know,” he repeats, more insistent. “She…” He sighs. “She never sits still. I don’t think any shows or movies interest her. When I was child, she always worked. On farm, taking care of animals, helping workers, making food, balancing accounts, translating letters and schoolwork… I never saw her rest. Do something for herself.”
You let out a soft snort. “Maybe a book on meditation.”
Piotr rolls his eyes, grinning. “Perhaps not.”
“Who does she like to be around, then?”
“Otets.” Piotr smiles when the answer comes easily. “She and my father” –he holds up two crossed fingers—“are like this. Aside from siblings and me, I think he is only person she is really close to.”
“Alright, maybe a cookbook, then. That’d give them something to do together.”
Piotr nods, then starts looking through the cookbooks he’d picked. “Question is, which one?”
“Well, we know she likes to stay busy and keep moving. Maybe something that’d challenge their skills? Something they haven’t tried?” You hold up a book boasting ‘rich and authentic Middle Eastern recipes.’ “This could be good. I think they’d have access to most of the ingredients, here in New York.”
He nods again, then sets the aforementioned book aside before checking over the other ones. “I think…” He lifts a hardcover thriller novel off the table. “She likes mysteries. This one has good reviews… maybe…”
You gently take the book from his hands and set it atop the Middle Eastern cookbook. “I think it’s a great choice.”
He smiles, then kisses your cheek. “Spasibo, myshka.”
 “Bozhe moi.”
You giggle as the two of you step over the threshold of the Yankee Candle store, only for Piotr to recoil and take a step back. “You good there, baby?”
He presses his fingers against the sides of his nose. “Is like… assault of smells.”
“I know.” You inhale deeply, them flash him an impish smile. “Isn’t it great?” 
Piotr groans, still rubbing his sinuses. “Do you mind—”
“I’ll find a candle for Illyana. Wanna meet up in Gamestop?”
“Spasibo, dorogoy.”
You blow him a kiss, then head into the candle store. You take a couple minutes to peruse the holiday display at the front of the store –and grab a couple votives for you and Piotr to enjoy—before heading towards the back of the store, where all the shelves of their regular candles are. You pause to smell your favorites –seriously, the McIntosh apple one never fails to make your mouth water—before taking a step back to survey your options. Alright, what to get for a mildly angsty, queer Russian goth?
It’s not as straightforward as it sounds (har har). Illyana’s an enigma, much like her mother. She’s quiet, keeps to herself, and doesn’t usually bother with convention.
Do I go for aesthetic? You pick up a pitch black candle labeled “Midnight Forest” and give it a cursory sniff. Ugh, smells like ass. No, thank you.
You also have to consider that whatever you get is likely going to be smelled by Kitty, too. As much as Illyana marches to the beat of her own drum, she’s surprisingly conscientious of her bubbly, energetic girlfriend.
Maybe something natural? Like the farm? You try a few options, wrinkling your nose after each sniff. God, what is it with the fresh scents and smelling heinous? You debate texting Piotr and dragging him back in here, if only so you’re certain you’ll get something Illyana would like—
And then it hits you over the head like a brick.
She’s gonna use these for meditation. You head down the rows of shelves, grab a jar labeled “Vanilla,” and give it a smell. Perfect. Not too strong, not too bland. You grab a lavender scented tumbler (for relaxation), then snag a pink one that smells like the perfume Kitty favors on a hunch it’ll be a hit.
By the time you pay for yours and Illyana’s candles, Piotr’s already waiting outside the Gamestop for you, bag in hand.
He eyes your bulging bags, eyebrow raising in trepidation. “Why…”
“Look, it’s your fault for abandoning me,” you say before he can point out your lack of self-control. “You know I’m weak for candles.”
Piotr snorts, then sighs. “Fair enough.” He nods and makes approving noises when you show him the picks you made for Illyana, then shows you what he grabbed for Mikhail.
“‘Mister Mosquito?’” You nearly double over laughing. “What even is this?”
“He wanted ‘weird video game,’” Piotr says, shrugging one shoulder. “I figure this should do.”
“He’s gonna love it,” you reassure your husband. “That’s weird as shit.” You start strolling along the main hall of the mall –and then your stomach rumbles. “Can we get pretzels?”
“Da, myshka,” Piotr chuckles, “we can get pretzels.”
 “There'll be parties for hosting/ marshmallows for toasting/ and caroling out in the snow/ there'll be scary ghost stories/ and tales of the glories of/ Christmases long, long ago…”
“It’s the most! Wonderful time! Of the year!” you sing along as you rip another chunk off your pretzel. You smile to yourself as you admire the glittering, twinkling decorations decking the food court. “How’s your pretzel?”
“Very tasty.” Piotr dips a bite of his pretzel in some mustard, pops it in his mouth, then swallows before wiping his fingers on a napkin. “I think we only have handful of stops left.”
“Couple of sweaters for your dad… weird socks and-or scarves for Mikhail…” You lean over, reading off the list in his hand (which is written in a mixture of Russian and English). You take another bite of pretzel, then tap on a portion of blended “Russi-nglish” that you can’t decipher. “What’s that?” you ask once your mouth is clear.
“Random gift options,” he translates. “For filling out presents, stockings, that sort of thing.” He touches the tip of his index finger to the page, moving down the list in order. “Chocolate, books, gift cards. Guaranteed hits, essentially.”
“Ooh, I could go for some chocolate.”
Piotr snorts. “You just had pretzel. And this is for others, myshka.”
“If it’s in the car with me, I make no promises.”
He laughs, then makes an extra note on his list. “Safety chocolate… for myshka. Got it.”
 “Here, dorogoy.”
“Oh, thank you!” You smile as Piotr takes some of the excess bags from your hands, shifting them so he can carry them (which, with his strength and the size of his hands, is no problem at all). You amble along next to him, admiring the various pop-up stands boasting games, calendars, and Christmas-themed treats. “Is there anywhere else we need to stop?”
“I believe we have everything.”
“And I’m guessing we need to head home so we can make dinner?”
“That would be best, da.” Piotr looks down at you, expression curious. “Why? There is somewhere you wish to stop?”
“Eh, not really,” you say with a shrug. “I just like coming to the mall during this time of year. The decorations, the music, the extra stands and seasonal gifts… It just makes me happy.”
“Aah, khorosho. I understand. We can come back later for date, if you like. Take time to walk around and admire stores.”
You grin up at him. “I’d like that.”
The two of you make to head out of the mall, back to the parking lot—
And then Piotr veers towards the right.
“Where are we going?” you ask, giggling as he leads you towards the bookstore. “I thought we already got everything we needed from here?”
He winks at you. “Trip is not complete yet. Not with hot chocolate, anyway.”
You grin and let him guide you over to the café in the bookstore.
Piotr gets you situated at a table near the expanse of windows at the front of the shop. He leaves your bags with you, then leads up at the counter to order your drinks.
You smile, lovestruck as you gaze over at him. How did I get so lucky? You lean back in your seat, taking a moment to admire the snow falling outside before checking out the decorations throughout the store…
Which is when you realize that there’s mistletoe hanging over your table.
You chuckle to yourself. Perfect.
“You are in good mood,” Piotr comments as he returns with two cups of hot chocolate.
“Of course, I am,” you admit with a broad grin. “I’ve got you. And tradition’s on our side.”
Piotr’s smile turns quizzical. He cocks his head to the side, staring at you for a moment, then looks up when you point towards the ceiling. “Ah,” he chuckles, “yes. That is good reason to be happy.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” You hook your finger under the collar of his shirt and gently tug him towards you. “Come here, handsome.”
He lets out a soft, happy giggle and bends down to kiss you.
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averykedavra · 4 years
so. asides, huh.
i’m making this post ten minutes before the episode drops and right now I’m scared, who’s gonna be in it, oh no
aaaaa oh my god oh my god it’s here im shaking oh god oh fuck
flirting with social anxiety? VIRGIL
we finally get content of virgil oh god oh fuck is there gonna be Drama
my heart is pounding
this intro still slaps yall
new A??
oh god, more waiting.
wait. wait artist friends?
yesyes patreon gets flashbacks to last night’s drama
now that i think abt it, flirting with social anxiety is such a ro and virge thing
oh god is there gonna be angst oh god oh fuck
thomas ilysm
no wait dont im not ready
ads. yay. well at least i get more time to prepare
that time was not enough FUCK i’m not ready
just glimpsed the cover of this ep (not what it’s called i’m sure) and jlkhgfdsfghj
gonna log off tumblr and write the rest of this on notes or smth. notes can’t format im losing it. why is this my life.
GAY OR NAY? kljdhgfdsfghj
computer is still struggling to load i am Not Happy with this
“you too??” thomas ur a mood
lkjhgfds get off his back guys cmon
oh no is roman so adamant abt this because he wants thomas to be good
“you didn’t mean that” roman no, roman stop, roman. roman.
dkjhgfds uh oh here goes roman mr Gay Prince
“*sighs* cutie at twelve o clock” ROMAN I LOVE YOU
dlkjhgfds “you have used that argument on me far too many times” i’m laughing so hard already
awww the stickerssss
ads again
wait i just realized that if there isn’t any makeup needed,,,we could have janus
:(( oh no we won’t have remus oh :(((
i’m five minutes in and i’m already dead
“those jokes are old” “you would know” roman ilysm
kjhgfdghj MICROPHONES im in love with this
“OHHHHHH,,,,ohhhhhh” dkljhgfdsfghjkhgfds
this animation is FANTASTIC did i mention
dkjhgfdgh they’re Trying thomas
“the only logical next step,,,go home and regret everything” virgil i love u
gay eyes? gay eyes.
virgil is struggling
“i wasn’t testing you, i was just panicking”
“you chose to be a liar”. no. no don’t. stop.
thomas u disaster gay
oh they’re fighting over thomas oh noo :(
no no no
now thinking abt “something we’re both familiar with”,,,A A A AAAA
i dunno,,,plants dkfgsfgh
virgil is just shoving him around jkshgfdhj
thomas pls ask janus for help with lying u cant lie
“hide so he cant see u in all ur shame” i love this so much oh my god
dljkhgdf this is so funny oh my god
they should grab patton!! hearts right?? speaking from the heart?
oh wait yeah roman’s mad at him, fuck
thomas is awkward sweetheart
computer goes out AGAIN im LOSING it
halfway thru. already so scared.
yay computer is working again
also i love this animation sm, like seriously, oh my gosh
oh no roman’s expression is this gonna be sad
“least of all myself” thomas this is turning into a breakdown,,,are you okay
oh NO virgil’s expression
“knowing what i want” ROMAN’S EXPRESSION
this is so good and PAINFUL
okay but seriously don’t go up to someone and say they’re radiant,,,this is a good speech but like,,,please dont use it irl thomas pls
thomas is still a terrible liar oh my god the second-hand embarrassment
roman’s lil WTF roman ily
no. no no no. no no no
i am saying “no” out loud OH GOD
“i so badly want this” ROMAN
you cant have true love if the relationship isn’t based on truth,,,yes but also no?
roman i think ur biased here
both of u are
ohh here comes the gay panic knhgfxdfgh
“he fears things too???” dlkjhghfd yes virge he’s your soulmate
awwww they’re arguing djkhgfdedghj
“it’s okay EXCEPT IT’S SUPER NOT” virgil ur such a good boi ily
thomas no
thomas stop
“one more chance at happiness squandered” roman dont be mean
“it’s probably for the best” ROMAN NO
i like songs dkjhgfd THIS IS GOING SO WELL THO
oh no mysterious suitor is pretentious /j
no wait is THIS the monologue
“that was you???” DKJHGFGHJGF
bruised ego. roman’s hmm. a a a aa
“let’s not waste this one” I AM SO HERE FOR THESE TWO
is that the end???
no wait we have,,the end card
should i skip the patreon announcement for the end card
more accurate to say,,,puts on bowler hat DECEIT’S THEME PLAYS HI JANUS
skipping the patreon, maybe i’ll watch it later, can’t buy anything anyway i am smol
,,,,virgil’s eyeshadow
dlkjhgfdghjkgfdGHJ i’m laughing so hard
“are we ready for this” oh no
oh no oh no
computer wont LOAD there are ten more seconds i wanna see!!!
i had to RESTART MY WHOLE COMPUTER to see the rest >>:((
oh no virgil is apprehensive
that’ll come back to bite them later
djkhgfdghj “demon” virgil ily
in conclusion prinxiety are best friends and i am living for this and also i’m in material amounts of pain
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Last week Jensen was on Rosenbaum’s podcast, this week it’s Jared’s turn. Just like with Jensen’s I recommend checking Jared’s out it is for free on youtube, I will be linking to it at the end of this post, and I also recommend checking out his first appearance on Rosenbaum’s podcast. 
While Jensen’s appearance was recorded in the beginnings of the boys Vancouver quarantine, Jared’s was recorded a little more recently after the boys had resumed production and when they were starting on the final episode nonetheless if you are looking for information regarding Supernatural and/or the final epis you will not find them here, Jared actually didn’t talk much about the show. He did however open up about some topics including his arrest. 
Of course, they are two different people whose interviews were done at different moments in time and who got asked different questions but this had a very different feel from Jensen’s; while Jensen’s felt more interview like, this felt very much like a conversation between two friends who’ve known each other for years....the majority of the time. 
Here’s the thing, and some of y’all are not gonna like me for this....while the conversation had its deep moments and Jared opened up about some personal stuff it felt to me like a more open version of how he is in conventions. Which is not a bad thing! But it’s not like last time where he was, imo, a version of himself that only those in his circle might get to hear. There was some fuckery people, okay? There was some fuckery and we will be talking about it.
I am going to put a disclaimer here, just in case, that this post is not going to be G*nevieve friendly. Or friendly towards her and Jared’s “marriage”. 
Before we get into what Jared said and talked about, I do want to take a minute to acknowledge and say condolences to Rosenbaum and his family, one of his sisters recently passed away after being sick pretty much her whole life. 
I also wanna say real quickly that something that I really like, and I would say even respect, about Rosenbaum is how open he is about things and listening to the intro of this “episode” made me realize why it is that he gets his guests to open up so often; I think it’s because he himself is open about his struggles and his issues and he is free of judgement so if you confess to something stupid he’s not gonna judge you for it, he’s also willing to cut things out if his guests ask him too so his guests know they can talk to him and he will understand and not judge them and will respect their privacy and cut something out if they ask it of him so they can talk freely. 
Okay, after all that let’s get into what Jared said and talked about in the podcast. FYI, much like in the Jensen post, from here forth Rosenbaum will be referred to as MR for convenience. 
- The conversation starts on what I considered to be a funny note with Jared talking about his infrared sauna blanket which he travels with that is such a weird item to travel with I can’t with the white richness of it all but hey we all got our quirks 😂
- After that the conversation turns pretty serious and deep, he talked about Sadie and having to make the decision to put her to sleep. He was tearing up talking about it, and I’m not gonna lie I myself was crying - hell I’m tearing up as I’m writing this not just because I can’t handle seeing this man cry but because I know what he’s talking about, I know that pain, I know what he meant by Sadie looking at him like it was time for her to go, I know what it’s like to be in that room with a beloved pet as they’re taking their last breath...I have had to put two of my cats to sleep in the past and it’s the most difficult and heartbreaking decision one sometimes has to make as a pet owner. 😔
- Something I like about when MR and Jared talk to each other is that they have very similar personalities in some ways and they’re good friends so when they’re talking it very quickly turns into two friends talking to one another which means the conversation is all over the place. In a good way. They got into a conversation about living in the moment and how social media and cell phones can affect that; I, personally, found it fascinating. I love hearing them discuss their different POV’s about these types of topics. 
- And here’s where we get to the fake. I’m writing this post at an extremely late hour but I’m determined to get it up before I go to bed and I really wanna go to bed, so I’m gonna try to get through this as fast as possible so strap in cause there’s a lot of bullshit to quickly wade through in this section. 
Jared starts praising the fuck out of G like this man was going for it, he was really pilling it on nice and thick. So, there I am watching this with my eyes about to roll right out of my skull wondering what was up with all the fuckery cause there’s being civil and a gentleman and then there was this when a light bulb goes off above my head 💡: When this was filmed, he already knew she had been cast to play his wife on Walker, he probably figured out that by the time this aired either the news would have already been out or would be announced soon so he’s hyping her up in the only way he knows how which works anyways cause the character she’s playing is his wife and her likability is in part going to rely on people overlooking her bad acting and the nepotism to focus on her being married to Jared in real life cause people love when irl couples work together even more when they’re playing a couple. From what I’ve seen it makes people less likely to call out a lack of chemistry cause then they feel like they’re insulting the couple.
He hypes her up using the same script he and Jensen have used in the convention circuit for years when it comes to praising the wives complete with classics such as ‘i’m never home so i never knew she did so much’ and ‘i ask her what i can do and she tells me to take out the garbage’. Nothing new is added to the script, he doesn’t go into details about what makes her amazing or about “all she does” he just pretty much says over and over that she’s incredible and does so much, if he meant it and she really does “so much” why not go into detail? It’d be so easy of him to say something like ‘oh, she’s always making us healthy meals and trying out new recipes’ which can be backed up by her insta because during quarantine she did a bunch of insta stories about cooking and checking out recipe books like goddamn Jared if you’re gonna lay it thick at least put in the effort even I could hype her up better and I don’t even like her. 
It all comes off as very insincere, have y’all ever seen somebody talk about the person they love? You can tell in their voice, in their eyes, some even get a fond little smile. It’s actually quite cute to watch but there’s none of that here, even when he mentions G giving birth there’s no emotion there’s no sincerity, it’s like he’s saying all the right things but he doesn’t believe them. It reminds me off- have you ever had someone, maybe it’s a friend or a romantic partner or whatever just someone who you’re introducing to somebody else or a group of people and you really need them to like this person you’re introducing so you start to sell them meaning you just start singing their praises to an over the top extend as if you were a car dealer trying to boost up their merch? Yeah, it’s like that. 
I don’t believe for one second that she volunteered to go with him to Van so he wouldn’t be alone like Jared go to somebody else with that story 🙄
I did have to laugh at some parts cause he was laying it on thick as if I didn’t remember and know that he looked miserable in almost all the pics G posted of him from quarantine right from the beginning, and being all ‘she doesn’t have any time for herself’ well clearly she found some time cause she does her little yoga collabs, she’s had her little photo shoots, she’s done a bunch of sponsored ads, she did her clothing collab with Kohl’s, she started a book club clearly she has the fucking time to do things for herself and pursue hobbies. He also said with three kids he didn’t have time for himself which I found funny because I don’t know if y’all remember this but early on in the quarantine Jared and G did a livestream and in it he mentioned several times that he was using his time for phone calls and even way too seriously said he was handling cabin fever by hiding and letting G handle the kids so....
It’s also an interesting contrast between what Jensen said in his podcast appearance because while Jared tried to make it sound as if G had no time for herself and like that’d be impossible with three kids, Jensen pretty much said the opposite, he said that he and D would sometimes take the kids and entertain them so the other one could have some space to do their own thing, and even gave an example of settling the kids with a movie so the parents can have their own space at the same time. 
- Moving on from that fuckery, the rest of the conversation was very deep and interesting. He talked about going to therapy and once again mentions being afraid of fucking up his kids, but adds that he’s come to realize that no matter what he does he’s gonna fuck up his kids anyways cause that’s what every parent does even if they’re amazing. This is a statement that I very much agree with it doesn’t matter how amazing a parent is they’re gonna make mistakes and fuck you up. 
He talked about his anxiety and his depression and how he doesn’t like to say he suffers from it because it makes him sound like a victim he prefers to say he deals with anxiety. 
This is gonna sound so weird but I loved something Jared said about death, MR talked about his anxiety and he said that his psychologist told him anxiety is always in the backseat and a. that is so true I think pretty much anybody who suffers from anxiety can tell you that it’s always there but b. Jared mentioned that he head somebody talk about death the same way, that death is always in the passenger seat but they become a friend. I know for some this might sound concerning or macabre but personally I think this is the best way to think about death not as something to hate but as a friend who is always besides you and that doesn’t mean you’re in any rush to welcome its embrace but it does mean you don’t fear it. 
He said that now a days if he wakes up and doesn’t feel anxiety he’s like ‘what’s wrong?’ which honestly relatable af
And I am paraphrasing btw, this is the cliffnotes version of a very deep in-depth part of the conversation between him and MR starting when they’re talking about therapy the whole thing is very interesting I’m not doing it justice. 
- Towards the end of the podcast Jared opened up about his arrest. He said he has no real recollection of what happened, he doesn’t know if maybe he was drugged or just got black out drunk but he doesn’t remember the fight he just remembers up to the point of going to his friends bar. He has seen the security tapes of that night, saying he didn’t recognize himself due to the way he was acting. He thinks perhaps because he has been jumped before that maybe he acted on instinct to fight back. It is not something he is proud of and he doesn’t make excuses, he knows he fucked up. He also says he has not drank since then. 
I am very proud of him for opening up about this, and for either quitting or limiting his alcohol consumption - quite honestly I’m not sure if he has full on stopped drinking or if he is just limiting himself to only once in a blue moon cause I do know people, hell I am one of these people, I don’t drink 99% of the time but if it’s a special occasion or I’m just chilling with someone I know and they’re having a drink I might have one or a sip or two so technically I don’t drink so I don’t know if maybe that’s what he’s decided to do or if he’s quit alcohol forever, either way I’m very proud of him. I’m proud of him for opening up about this and for talking about his mental health and therapy.
With the exception of some fuckery he really did open up about some things and I highly recommend giving it a listen/watch because when it’s the real him talking it’s a very insightful conversation.
Inside of you | Jared Padalecki
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Twice - Alphabet HC’s
a/n: this... actually made me appreciate jin so much??? like I never really thought of him romantically until now and... my heart D:
Tumblr media
A = Affection (How affectionate are they with an s/o?)
He is big on affectionate. Even when experiencing large personality swings, there is one constant. You. he will always love you.
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
Taking his face in your hands and calming him down when he panics when his mask is gone. It’s small, it’s not even that big of a thing, but when you stare in his eyes… he feels whole, he feels split, and more importantly, he feels like there was nothing ever wrong
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Isn’t always in a cuddling mood though, sometimes he’s too jittery to sit there
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
He dreams of one day being able to leave his mask behind with your help. He wants to be able to feel comfortable with himself outside of the mask
E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
He puts in a lot of effort, even if he swings between being like “fuck romance” and “I love you with all my heart” the latter will always win, and he does. The. most.
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
He will be your guard dog. Holding you tight, glaring at anything and everything that comes near you. He will defend you, fight anyone. He will do this until you feel safe until you’re ready
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
He gives you the weirdest shit ever. Like not in a bad thing, just things you would never buy yourself??? I mean you always love the small and intimate gifts he ends up bringing you but you’re like “...why do I need 50 kg of rainbow slime?” “because you were talking about it for 2 hours, and well, there was a sale!”
He doesn’t want gifts in return, but loves every single gift you’ll give him in return!
H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
His arms are ALWAYS hugging you!!!!!!!!!! Okay??? He just loves feeling whole and you’re his missing link
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
He’s the kind of guy that others don’t think are being romantic, like they’ll look at what he does and will ALL be like “uhh…” and look at you ready to hear you complain but are instead greeted with you sobbing and throwing yourself into his arms
J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Not a jealous bone in this baby!!!!! He trusts you to kick fucking ass to anybody who tries putting themselves on you. Will only intervene if you need him.
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
Not a good kisser, but his enthusiasm is highly and lovingly noted. He loves kissing you!!!!!! And will try to kiss you at least once a day, even if he has to go find you to do it.
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
He will say it before a year of you two dating. He knows he’s not the easiest to deal with, and the fact that you’ve stuck around, it really makes his heart go doki doki. He will say it all the time (“can you roll over? I need more blankets! Thank you, I love you.”) loves showing it and saying it.
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
He wants to marry you, las vegas style.
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
He likes paintball dates. Those are his favorite dates. He likes doing things with you, like escape rooms, all that shit!!!! He also enjoys laying a blanket by the fire and just eating dinner there. Likes having dates about twice a week ;)
O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
He’s not a big texter! So if you don’t see him irl you won’t hear from him at all for the day
P = Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
He likes messing around with you!!! Prank wars are a thing, and pranking others in the league is something that really tickles your funny bone.
Q = Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
Always asks for your opinion on things, he’s first and foremost super curious about all your thoughts, and he has self-doubt. He is a very open and honest person, so hell yeah he shares his opinions!!!
R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
Its very spontaneous or super predictable. Jin becomes more predictable when danger lurks, so you’ve associated spontaneity with better times
S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
He sleeps with his head on your stomach, don’t ask why he just really likes having his face there! Plus it’s hard to breathe when he’s on your chest.
T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
If jin had to decide on one person in the world to shoot a gun on the apple on his head from 12434243 feet away, it would be you.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as an s/o?)
His enthusiasm. You just do not ever expect it and when you realize that he is genuine and pure in all of his feelings and thoughts, it kinda makes you feel weird. But you love it, and you wish more people were like him, bold and brash and true.
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
Being truly vulnerable doesn’t take that long. He is an honest person and if he loves you and knows you feel the same way he’s gonna open up like nobody's business.
Jin is a bit frantic in this state, crying, highly emotional, tearing between different personalities like a pendulum swinging, but you don’t leave him until he’s calmed down.
W = Wild Card (Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice)
Jin is making a scrapbook, full of every little thing that the two of you have done together. Every movie, ever amusement park, he has love notes, and he has pictures you weren’t aware of in the slightest way
X = X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
He will cater to you without even blinking an eye. He will run to the store for you, making you soup, getting a thermometer, fixing your bandages, and always giving you more water to drink.
Y = Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
Nope, he loves you just for you. All of you. No matter how weird you are, he wouldn’t change a single detail about you. Why would he?
Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as an s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
He is a super intimate and passionate lover!!!!!!! He does the most for you and most times does it without even realizing it!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He is bouncing off the walls. He will go and grab everything for you as quickly as he can, he’s a bit sloppy though, not going to lie, but you still appreciate a large amount of effort he puts into it.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite feature is his hands, they’re just… a demanding focus on his body he thinks, and he knows how to use them in a way that makes you feel good. His favorite body part on you is your eyes. He loves that he can read exactly how you’re feeling by peering into your eyes. It’s just so much more satisfying than anything else. But if we’re talking body body, he’s an ass man.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
His cum is pretty thin and very milky, super fucking warm, and enjoys seeing it splatter against your face.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s nearly fucked a clone he made of you one day after not seeing you in a long time, and he was so needy, and nothing was working! He knows your proportions like his name and well when it came to penetration he just couldn’t do it and had to call you immediately afterward.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He is actually sort of experienced, he had a healthy sex life before his mental dip, and it’s still evident in the way he loves you. But he’s just so gentle with you sometimes you think that he doesn’t know what he’s doing.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Missionary or reverse cowgirl.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He can be humorous in bed, especially once he’s no longer so shy around you in bed, you two are the ones to argue about a Spongebob episode while he’s slamming into you
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
It’s really badly groomed. He just doesn’t have the patience to groom it correctly. There are a few nicks and uneven patches, but you don’t mind. And the carpet is darker than the drapes.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
He is a very intimate person when it calls for it. As long as you aren’t goofing off expect for his words to be a prayer to your body in your ear, his eyes peering lovingly into yours. His soul is yours.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Loves masturbating with you. Especially when the two of you are too lazy to actually fuck, he just loves watching the way your fingers fuck yourself as he madly fists away.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Isn’t that kinky, to be honest. Like he’s open to everything but there isn’t one thing that set him off because everything about you makes him horny.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He really likes fucking in a super big mattress, California king. He likes rolling around with you, so he needs the room.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
The thing that gets him going is after you’ve showered and you’re just waiting there for him. You look so pure and clean and innocent, but you’re not and welp there he goes.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Will not ever put anything over his head. Blindfold, mask, gag. It makes him panic, it makes him freak out unless it’s his mask, but he tries not to wear it in bed with you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Loves giving it more. His skill is actually pretty good with this because he just enjoys using tongue, so he’s not bad at it at all.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual all the fucking way. Not that he doesn’t want to fuck you until the bed breaks, but there’s just something so much more rewarding about fucking you nice and slowly, his lips dragging against your skin… it’s just superior.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Not into quickies unless that’s all he can do. He just loves the passionate foreplay that is proper sex and you can’t get that with a quickie.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He is into experimenting as long as the two of you discuss it beforehand, he doesn’t like having things sprung upon him during a session. Discuss before enacting!
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can last a few healthy rounds, and he takes a while to come due to the slower nature of your sex.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Doesn’t own toys, but will buy them when the two of you want to be kinky. He enjoys watching you use them on him. He’s a little more of a sub!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Doesn’t like teasing you at all, he’s very straightforward and won’t take you on a wild goose chase to get his dick in you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s quite loud, he’s already very vocal, and well when you’re fucking him he has no restraint. Moaning and groaning are his favorite noises.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He wants to one day use his quirk to fuck you. You want more than one of his dicks surrounding you when he does you, and he may not be quite ready for that, but one day maybe when he’s ready it will happen.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s a bit smaller than average. 5 inches flaccid and 6.5 while erect. Very veiny dick that’s more concentrated along the front of his cock.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a semi-high sex drive. Like he doesn’t need to fuck every three days, but he enjoys it.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
As soon as he’s done providing for you, he will pass out LOL
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gofancyninjaworld · 4 years
Meta: What rough beast slouches to be born?
Right, webcomic chapter 125 has raised quite a few questions about cyborgs and I purposely left it aside. Until now.  I’m sorry for the length, but I’m only allowed one ‘readmore’. :(
What we knew
Many moons ago for us, 9 or so weeks ago for them, Genos showed up at Saitama’s doorstep like a refugee from another world, telling a tale of destroyed towns, rampaging cyborgs, and desperate revenge quests.   It’s seemed rather far-fetched, particularly as not much has happened on that front.   Over the course of the story, we’ve had little bits of independent corroboration about the veracity of his story.  The town that he was born in was definitely erased from the map.  Yes, a cyborg is wanted in connection with the incident. 
But where is that guy? Does it have anything to do with the powered suit-flogging cyborgs seen early on the series? Does it have anything to do with the ‘glimpse behind the scenes’ chapter the manga offered us with Drive Knight (but no context as to how that glimpse fitted into the wider story)?  Come to that, where are all the cyborgs?
To start with, there are a lot of cyborgs of various sorts in OPM.  Quite a few moons ago, I wrote a bit about them, drawing a distinction between those who used parts to replace lost function and those who looked at it as a change of identity: “Is the Organization a Claw Analogue?”
 Chapter 125 has been surprisingly good about confirming some of what I surmised about cyborgs, but it’s brought some very good additional information!  On we go!
There are cyborgs; and then there are Cyborgs
Our ambassador through the world of cyborgs is new Neo Hero recruit Koko (Solitude), who modified his body for the world of cyborg fighting, only he was a little too successful and no one would bet on him.  We see him scanning various people and passing commentary on them.
The first to give him serious pause is Webigaza, who lost six months of life to getting her body modifications done -- no wonder she’s pissed off that her rival has self-destructed in the interim.
Koko is shaken by her having 71% of her body modified.
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obsessive determination is terrifying to look at
Percentage body modification of the sort Koko is used to seeing, 30% maximum, you can do right here right here and now.  It’s equivalent to losing a leg and most of the other. Here and now, we can also do brain implants to control tremors or fits or some neurological conditions,  replace part of the heart, spine fusions, quite a few bits and pieces.  The sort of modifications Koko is used to seeing are very functional ones that make sense for someone looking to get an edge in fighting for money.  They’re also along the lines of what we’ve seen with One-Shotter or Death Gatling.
If you lose and replace all four limbs, that's 50% of your body modified. While quadruple amputees unfortunately exist IRL,  I don’t know if anyone has had the kind of money, physical fitness and pure grit to do that.  Nevertheless it’s not technically impossible. 60% sounds about right before you're now looking at breaking into the more vital parts of your body.  The point at which the risk involved just can't be justified in terms of restoring function or health. I’m emphasising that because I’m going to come back to this point.   He’s shaken because modifications that extensive aren’t about simply gaining an edge; they’re being willing to exchange serious bodily harm for serious power.  It says a lot about who Webigaza is.
Within the Hero Association, I think we do know a hero round about that 60% mark.  Jet Nice Guy comes to mind.  He sports an armored exterior, powerful artificial limbs (which will need internal reinforcement to not just rip up his body), but his innards are all human. After the way he started to bleed out after Nyan slashed him, I realised that the reason it looked like intestines when the Deep Sea King ripped him open is because they were... >.<  Sorry, dude. 
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the worst of both worlds -- too modified to have an easy life, still too weak to deal with the real monsters that exist
Scary enough, but then the security staff come in to stop the kerfuffle that Koko and his buddy, Mars Leo, were causing.  Koko scanned them and was stunned into horror:
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as disciplined and ruthless a pair of killers as you could never hope to lay eyes on.  Definitely not frothing at the mouth, these two!
These two have modified themselves so extensively they’re almost inhuman. 94, 95% body modification is equivalent to having only 3.5 - 4.2 kg of live mass left assuming an original live mass of 70 kg.  And, if the similar naming convention didn’t tip you off to it, it’s around the sort of hyper-extensive modification we see Genos having. [See under the readmore for a first-principles estimation I did a long time ago.]  Maybe Drive Knight too if he’s a cyborg.   What kind of power have they exchanged their human bodies for?  What kind of people are willing to do that to themselves? Koko is very sure that he does NOT want to know.
When he tells you who he is, believe him
That’s dating advice often given to ladies overlooking obvious red flags  but it goes with great force in OPM. ONE has characters tell us who they are early on, even if it doesn’t mean anything to us for a long time. 
And he’s had Genos be a particularly straightforward and truthful character.  He doesn’t always interpret things correctly, but he says it exactly as he sees it.  Looking at the way the high percentage cyborgs we’ve met thus far either be very inhuman looking or completely disguised as regular human beings,  he’s chosen an appearance that puts both his humanity and mechanical nature on display.
Something that the chapter has brought up that I've kept saying to people on the Discord and on Reddit: there is no medically justifiable reason for Genos to have a body as modified as he does.   Which Genos TELLS US for fuck’s sake.  His giant wall of text is a synopsis, no more and no less.
When he says that “...I asked Professor Kuseno to perform a procedure to modify my body. Then I was reborn as a cyborg for justice...”  (Viz)  “...I begged Dr Stench (sic) to transform me into a cyborg and I was reborn as a cyborg who fights for justice...” (Boon scanslations, who copied verbatim whoever did the webcomic version). It’s nothing to do with health.  Feel free to have whatever headcanons you like, but please don’t confuse them with the story.
But it doesn’t end there.  I look at Destro and Erimin and realise that there’s another perfectly truthful statement that’s been staring us in the face.
Genos knows. Why would he ask a mechanical engineer who uses a wearable battle suit and pilots armed drones to modify his body, let alone modify it to such an insane degree?  Because he knows that Dr Kuseno knows how to build cyborgs like the one who destroyed his town.
We don’t know if Destro and Erimin have any responsibility for the destroyed town, but someone of their ilk does.   Which brings us to a third nakedly truthful statement. When Genos talks of not believing that he could be defeated by anything other than the rampaging cyborg, he’s not anticipating winning because he’s suicidal.  It’s because he’s aware that if he’s throwing rock, so too is his enemy: mutual annihilation is the best he can hope for.
At least until he met Saitama. And started to hope for not mutual destruction, but victory (check the difference in chapter 108 of the webcomic).
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a world away from the attitude of mutually-assured destruction he started with.
Stepping away from the text a bit, it casts a different light on why he’s been so desperate to learn from Saitama. Learning Saitama's secret is his balance-breaker. He wants something other than rock, that is guaranteed to smash whatever rock his enemy might throw.    But that’s not all there is.   As Garou said, once he discovered Blue Fire’s flamethrower, once you know how a freakish weapon works, you know it.  Any edge a new weapon might give Genos is liable to be studied and replicated  (see how quickly Dr Kuseno was able to reverse engineer and adapt the principles of G-4′s curving energy beams).   But Saitama’s strength is unphysical: no matter how closely you inspect his body, you can never relate the physicality of Saitama’s body to the power he can generate.  That unphysicality, that’s what Genos wants too.   It also puts in context why he’s been so fascinated by psychic power and wants to learn it if at all possible.
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neat trick, I’ll take two!  Genos dodging G4′s beams in chapter 38, and putting the principle of them to good use in chapter 120
And finally, since in his world, knowledge is literally power, it gives yet another layered reason Genos is so determined to keep anyone else from becoming Saitama’s disciple.  If they learn his secret too, then the advantage he seeks will be lost.  (that it doesn’t work quite that way for Saitama is a fact for us to enjoy and for him to find out).
Nothing is as scary as a human being
Nothing is as scary as a human being is one of the things that Reigen says to Tome on occasion. It’s in full force in OPM.  Monsters may be strong, but they all live in the now.  Only a human being could have put together the Monster Association.   When it comes to cyborgs, their abilities may be inhuman but their thoughts, imaginations, morals and appetites are all 100% human.   It’s a terrifying combination.
There’s something I missed when I likened The Organization to a Claw Analogue. In Mob Psycho 100, the protagonists are children and they're fighting an organisation made up of over-grown children -- adults who have refused to grow up. In One-Punch Man, the protagonists are adults and the bad humans in the story are very much adults too.   With calculated cruelty and depravity to match. When The Organization bares its claws for real, this is going to get so brutal.
If Genos has not been standing still, then neither has his enemy.  From the manga, even if we hold Drive Knight blameless and independent of all this mess, his besting Nyan told us that cyborgs can indeed come crazy-strong and highlighted how much more work Genos had yet to do. It also highlighted how very clever and calculating cyborgs can be -- well, they’re human, duh!  If I was worried for his prospects then,  in the webcomic, Genos is nowhere near as psychologically, physically or emotionally ready as his manga version is.   And the guys who look to be his enemies aren’t going to be cutting him any slack.   They’re very real.  They’re not mad.  And they’re closer than he ever imagined.
Fighting monsters is barely adequate preparation for whatever it is that’s to come.
Whenever Genos gets dragged into whatever it is those cyborgs are up to  -- or runs into it, since he claims he’s still hunting the rampaging cyborg -- ‘rough’ doesn’t begin to describe it.
Extra Stuff
Edited from an answer I gave on Reddit to the question of how much of Genos was still organic about 2 years ago.  It’s unexpectedly relevant!
Short answer: by mass, under 10% , assuming he would have weighed  approximately 70 kg. By function, quite a bit.
 The long answer.
I’m going to write this starting from what is most readily observable and readily inferred to the least. In appreciation of this being a work of fiction that treats physical laws lightly, I too am taking a more-or-less approach and will keep technical terms to a minimum. I'm also not a medic and I don't play one on TV -- assume generous hand-wavium. Items in {curly brackets} are incidental notes you can skip.
Level 0: Canonically observable.  The least controversial observation is that Genos does have an organic brain. Genos does not live in a lab, but is able to live largely independently, including being able to eat whatever he likes with no ill-effect. Not just that, but he lives an active and hard-fighting life that appears to do him no permanent harm (I will return to this in a few paragraphs).  What can we take from this?
Edit: There is also ONE’s initial settings for Genos, which I quote here from the Hero Data Book
ONE: There's no need to visit Dr. Kuseno's place every time when his wrist break down, because he got his own spare parts at hand. Dr Kuseno's Lab is there In case for a big reparation job, a drastic upgrade or an examination.
It’s tempting to think that because we see that he definitely has a brain that’s all there is – the brain in a jar phenomenon, so to speak. Something a lot of people miss is that the spinal cord proper isn’t optional either -- it’s a core part of the central nervous system.  Spinal cords are a lot shorter than most people think they are, averaging 12 inches long for women and 15 inches for men.  The rest are nerve processes that can be cut and will regrow (within limits). We’re also happy to allow for nerves and their endings -- there must be an interface for the prosthetics so they're under the fine voluntary control that we see. However, that’s not all that there can be. The Cartesian mind-body duality is completely wrong when it comes to physiology. Our brains are intimately bound with our bodies and our bodies with our brains. So what does one need?
Level 1: Perfusion. This is the most obvious one. Without a blood supply providing oxygen, glucose and removing waste products from our brains, we have 4-5 seconds of consciousness available, 2-3 minutes in which we can escape brain damage and 8-10 minutes in which not to die. So, number one is a reliable blood supply.  Absolutely necessary therefore are a means of generating the various blood cells, perfusing and distributing them and disposing of damaged cells (red blood cells have a lifespan of 1-2 months). While not as acutely important, a self-sustaining blood supply is also the basis of a functioning immune system.  It's a bit of an oops moment when your super-killer cyborg catches a cold and dies.
Accordingly, bone marrow is essential as a source of hematopoietic (blood-forming) stem cells. A suitably reduced blood vessel and lymphatic vessel system is also needed to run the blood where it needs to go. {An awesome feature of living beings is that new blood vessels will be recruited to where they need to go and redundant branches pruned back, a process known as vascular remodelling}. A reduced liver and possibly spleen will be needed to appropriately destroy worn out blood cells. At least one functional kidney, in the role of producing the hormone erythropoietin, without which red blood cells will not be formed. Not essential: a heart and lungs, which he definitely doesn't have. How much blood is needed?  I’ll come to that answer once we’ve tallied how much body is needed.
Additionally, since part of perfusion is getting rid of metabolic waste, a liver and kidney will be absolutely indispensable.  
Level 2: Homoeostasis. A living organism has a very narrow range in which its internal environment, such as oxygen saturation, temperature, pH (acidity or alkalinity) amongst other things can vary without harm.
There are around 40 or so hormones, the signalling molecules that keep us going as functional concerns, regulating such things as blood pressure, salt/water balance, available energy, sleep cycle, body temperature, mood, immune system... the list goes on. Each has a stupid number of secondary functions and interacts with others in a ludicrous number of ways (note highly scientific language). Their levels vary and change on the order of seconds to hours. It's a good job that the main organiser of homoeostasis, the hypothalamus, is part of the brain. {Incidentally, this is why a brain-dead cadaver cannot be kept ‘alive’ on life support indefinitely – everything falls out of sync and eventually to pieces.} To do this artificially is to have your cyborg never leave the lab: if you're not constantly monitoring and adjusting levels, then they will die. Fortunately, as mentioned, a living, functional brain has the control network needed to keep everything working without the extensive and expensive effort. Just add air, water and food (in that priority).
At this point, we've already met most of the organs needed to maintain homoeostasis in their capacity of maintaining a blood supply. We need to add some bone, not just to serve as a niche (living environment) for the bone marrow and its stem cells mentioned previously but as a source and sink for minerals, the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. Finally, one must not forget pancreatic islets -- or it'll be for nothing as he goes into a diabetic coma.
Level 3: Energy.   Speaking of food, a brain needs essential fatty acids for turnover and lots and lots of glucose for energy. It’s entirely possible to supply nutrients as total parenteral nutrion (TPN for short).  People whose digestive systems have completely failed get individually formulated TPN solutions, which requires that they spend several hours a day feeding it into their blood supply. Not something we see Genos do.  And yes, you heard it here: not everyone poops, but everyone sure as hell pees.  While a brain only weighs about 1.5 kg, it uses up about 500 calories a day as glucose, so 700 ish calories a day should suffice for all the needs of his live mass. This bears no relationship to the amount of food we see Genos put away on occasion. Why hasn’t he wrecked his liver in a matter of weeks? The answer would appear to lie in the artificial digestive system Dr. Kuseno has given him which turns food into biofuel. It must be patched into a feedback loop which allows it to only supply what’s physiologically necessary at any given time. Lucky for some!
Level 4: So how much body does that add up to exactly?  Nothing says you have to keep the necessary organs and blood vessel network the same size. With only a 1.5 kg brain to support, many can be shrunk a good 50% if not more. A total living mass of 7 kg would be quite feasible. We know from organ-on-a-chip experiments (and from unfortunate people who have lost part of their organs) that provided the essential architecture of the tissue is respected, they will work fine. Nothing says you have to keep them in the same place as the original organs were -- you can encapsulate it all in a can and shorten the nerves serving the organs to a more rational, manageable length. It's nice and compact and can be protected as heavily as the brain is.
Now we’re in a position to answer how much blood Genos has. There are about 70 ml of blood per kilogram of body weight, so at ~ 7 kg, we’re talking about 500 ml of blood. For comparison, the typical 70 kg person has 5 litres of blood. Why does this matter?  Because it allows us to answer a question many may be curious about: how often does Genos get hurt?
The answer is: Almost Never. With so little body, and with most of that body consisting of aptly named vital organs, even small injuries can turn catastrophic in no time.  Genos will bleed out with around 150 ml of blood loss, which is less than half of what is donated in a typical blood donation.  Horrible and dramatic as the smashes he gets into are, it’s more akin to a Formula 1 race car tumbling end over end and catching fire, only for the driver to walk out unscathed.  His cyborg parts are replaceable and can be sacrificed to protect what’s irreplaceable if need be.
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rainstormfes · 4 years
Anime Expo Lite Day 1 Experience!
Program: Warner Bros. Japan Presents "Stay connected with Anime"
This whole program made me so frickin happy, SEIYUU AND JAPANESE GUESTS EVERYWHEREEEE WHILE TALKING ABT ANIME YESS (note: i typed most of this while the event was going on so pls bear with all my keyboard smashes and small comments lolol i just rly wanted to make a review for this event since i knew tons of seiyuu and anime that i love would be there and talked about. Also also i am not allowed to share any screenshots or recordings of it so just fyi 👍🏻)
It started out with talking about DanMachi 3 with guests Matsuoka Yoshitsugu (voiced Bell Cranel) , Minase Inori (voiced Hestia) , Osawa Nobuhiro (from EGG FIRM), and Matsukura Yuji (producer from J.C. Staff)
They answered many questions like how the author was inspired by the voice acting from the two guests specifically, talking about specific scenes
one of the producers was asked about production for DanMachi and he was like ‘brUH the volumes got thicker and thicker as they kept getting released like DANG’
They prepared a teaser image for the third season and for the big reveal Matsuoka had to tear a curtain off of a huge posterboard but the curtain got caught and made it almost fall xDD (very cute and awkward moment, Matsuoka never change pls omg youre too precious)
Matsuoka was asked if there was any difficulties when recording s3 and he just talked about how Bell went through lots of growth and that he had to think about how to properly act out just how mature Bell got, considering he’s now a leader of his group
Minase-san answered the same question. She talked about how she made sure to try and keep in mind how close all of the characters are and Hestia’s mental and social growth
Iguchi Yuka (voiced Chigusa) sent in a vid message since she sings the opening!! And it was announced that sajou no hana would be performing the ending song! Both vid messages were very nice and cute and both artists just talked about how they were looking forward to everyone’s reactions to their songs and to look forward to the anime
Airing of DanMachi 3 will begin in October woop woop!🎉🎉
OML WHEN MATSUOKA-SAN DID HIS ENDING REMARKS he pointed to the posterboard and was like ‘thIS NEW CHARACTER IS CUTE’ and said ‘whO TF IS THIS’ (pointing to new characters on the posterboard lol)
The next anime that they talked about was Shokugeki no Soma: The Fifth Plate with guests: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu (voiced Yukihira Soma) (MY GOSH HES SO AWK AND CUTE OMLLLLL he was like ‘can i speak now’ cause there was that kind of awkwardness in the first segment too 😅) and Yonetani Yoshitomo (animation director)
Yonetani-san was asked how he felt abt the anime. He talked about how he wanted to express how amazing the cooking/food was as well as wanted to excite (oh b o y 😳) the audience
Matsuoka-san was asked the same thing. He talked about how he’s been following Soma since day one and thinks a lot abt his growth in Totsuki. He talked about how he kinda thinks about his own high school days (comment from director lol that he might just cry during his final recording session which i feel, its been 5 years since the first season was aired)
bruh matsuoka’s mixture for a sauce for tonkatsu was frickin WACK he put strawberry jam, cream, waSABI???, KETCHUP?!?!?!, along with SOY SAUCE, there was more but that combo i put alone looks so frickin wack. 
Jun’s sauce oMG HE STARTED W NUTELLA AND PEANUT BUTTER WTF OMG THIS MISCHIEVOUS MAN I CANTTT 😂😂. He put in LOTS of mayo uhm... he crushed sesame seeds and dried fish together OMLLL HE WAS LIKE SHE NEEDS HER CALCIUM W THE FISH HES SO CHAOTIC and since he ran out of time he couldnt crush the fish properly so there were just HUGE CHUNKS OF FISH IN THE BOWL. omg when he was mixing it..... ew. the takamina was like E W. the way he was selling it was pure g o l d OMG HE PUT IN MF SQUID JUST NOW I CANTTTT HE IS IRL SOMA XDDD poor takamina she was fake crying, girl saME (she’s the judge)
Takamina surprisingly enjoyed matsuoka’s sauce (she was like the ingredients somehow WORKED xD) “it feels like i had a nice meal” (GIRL HOW??? XD)
as for Jun’s sauce review: FDSAFD TAKAMINA SAID THAT THE SQUID WAS STARING AT HER I CANTTT. she described it as a theme park which is perfect. tons of flavors were trying to be the main thing. The squid leg works with tonkatsu so it was ok in the end
matsuoka’s sauce won bc the squid in jun’s was kinda unnecessary but in the end she liked both (kinda surprising lol)
Matsuoka’s comments on the shokugeki: he enjoyed doing it w jun since he was very good at talking (especially when he was making the sauce). Both their sauces were “okay” lol
Yonetani-san’s comments: he talked about how he struggled to cook when he was a child but even through the small irl shokugeki they did he learned smth lolol
Matsuoka was asked which lines were more memorable for him (other than soma’s lol): he talked about how the explanations for the dishes (the monologues when theyre being made and when theyre being presented) were difficult and whenever he recorded those kinds of lines, it was kind of difficult to record since it would be hard to express a good portrayal of soma’s energy if he didn’t even know what he was talking about (so on the side he had to keep using wiki to understand what soma was even talking abt lol)
Question abt the production of the anime: Yonetani-san talked abt how there were lots of complicated words; there were lots of cuts in certain scenes made to try and portray the energy that they wanted in the anime
“If you could try any of your character’s dishes which one would you choose?” Matsuoka: he wanted to try the chicken wing dumplings and a recipe book was released before so he tried it... and it turned out BAD XDD
Someone asked abt where the producers get ideas about the ending theme sequences: Yonetani-san’s used the songs as inspiration for the backgrounds used for the ending themes, also trying to relate to the cooking and the theme of high schoolers just going through life etc
OH SCHIZ THERE WAS A SPECIAL MANGA RELEASED. A small part of it was voiced by matsuoka, jun, and takamina it was vvv cute (the full would be released on Shounen Jump at a later date)
Ending remarks: FASDFDSA THIS ACTUALLY WILL BE THE LAST SEASON OF SHOKUGEKI OMG 😭😭. OMG MATSUOKA IS SO FRICKIN CUTE AND AWKWARDDDDD he was doing a small clap at the end hes so adorable someone protect him pls :(((
The next and last anime talked about was JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, where there was a behind the scenes vid made:
Ono Kensho (voiced Giorno Giorvanna) was there ofc along w two producers from David Pro (Kasama) and Warner Bros Japan (Omori Hiroyuki)
OMG FIRST THEY TALKED ABT THE STAND CRIES YESSS. DSFDSAF THEY ACTUALLY COUNTED HOW MANY MUDA’S ONOKEN HAD TO SAY that is so amazing i love the dedication. onoken mentioned how he talked to koyasu (voiced Dio Brando) abt counting the muda’s but he was like ‘ehhhh i never did that lol’. overall, everyone from all seasons tried to match the scenes but koyasu was basically the odd one out not rly needing??? to follow it lol
FDSAFDSA BRUH THERES 17 RERO RERO’S hirakawa-san practiced in the BATH the dedication is INSANE i love this
lolol onoken scrunches up his face when he says his mudas lol vvv cute (so thats a good tip for anyone wanting to say it properly)
one of the reasons they chose onoken in the first place to voice giorno was the fact that his muda’s were strong, thats frickin awesome (and he asked for a redo so that just shows great dedication, smth that staffs would want in their seiyuu)
next they talked abt the anime-only scene of giorno giving gelato to a kid. they wanted to show how kind giorno was despite eventually becoming a gang-star. its personal to kasama-san since he had actually went to italy and had experienced intense heat there and went to a gelato stand so he wanted to preserve that memory in film
they moved on to talk abt how the hitman team was first introduced in ep 10. they decided to enhance the anime by showing the many teams of passione in their own meeting places, trying to emphasize how close everyone was in their respective teams
next they talked about how the second theme for golden wind was kinda hard to make (the animation and song IS amazing which i personally appreciate). considering that they needed to kind of match up with “Fighting Gold” (the first op), it was hard to produce something for it. And they had already decided to make an alternate version of it as well, animation wise. For a while they were stuck but eventually they managed to create smth which ofc ended up as the second op for Golden Wind (and also mentioned how that also happened for Stardust Crusaders, with changing the op’s animation to showcase everyone’s stands and also the small interaction between joutarou and dio)
AHHHHHH THEY MENTIONED THE FAMOUS DIO POSE THAT GIORNO DID AHH YESSSS THANK YOU DAVID PRO FOR DOING THAT, they said that they felt that they needed to live up to fans’ expectations so considering how dedicated of a fanbase we are, they decided to put that little nod toward dio’s pose with giorno doing it too
Ending remarks: lolol kasama-san was like ‘watch jojo in these difficult times to brighten up your day’ and honestly i just might :D
Omori-san was also a guest for the live broadcast too! Plus, Kanno Yugo who’s in charge of the music for Golden Wind!!! (a frickin king providing giorno’s iconic asf theme)
OMG THE THEME LETS GO HE TALKED ABT IT: considering his experience with parts 3 and 4 for the themes, he felt he needed to try and one up himself lol; he’s grateful that his music is loved by the fandom and hopes to meets everyone’s expectations (my king you’ve done amazing work)
He talked about how making music for jojo feels like competing in the olympics (cant blame him lol its a pretty difficult job to one up yourself every time theres a new season. since he started working with jojo at stardust crusaders and considering how iconic joutarou’s and josuke’s themes are, needing to make smth as amazing as those themes mustve been tough but he def delivered in the end)
OMG KANNO-SAN PERFORMED LIVE AHHHHHH and ofc its Il vento d’oro :)) THAT WAS SO FRICKIN AMAZING OMG ugh that made me so happy
Ending remarks: both guests were very wholesome, saying to stay safe during this situation. Omori-san stayed behind to say a small message on behalf of warner bros japan, saying to continue to support them and thank you for supporting the anime :))
Overall an amazing experience 😊
I loved everything that happened. It was nice to finally see some of my fave seiyuu at an event despite what’s going on in the world right now, it definitely brightened up my day :D
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Who Goes Nazi? Brooklyn Edition
If you’re anything like me, a twenty-something Twitter leftist with an advanced degree in the humanities, you hate absolutely everyone around you and badly want to kill them. You live in a brownstone playground of Timorese food and adult coloring books, and you want to suicide bomb the L train but leave a note blaming it on manspreading or whatever, so people don’t think you’re one of “those” random mass murderers (the bad kind). You hate having to tell people at parties that you “work in content,” and you hate the fact that they all also work in content. You hate that they all make content for outlets that are slightly cooler and more prestigious than the outlets you make content for. You hate that none of them have even fucked you for like thirteen months. You hate that you can’t even hate them for the ways in which they’re different to you, because there aren’t any. But fear not! There’s one thing you’ve got that nobody else does: you know that you’re definitely, 100% Not A Nazi.
But what about them? Imagine if the Nazis took over America and it was suddenly cool and prestigious to be a Nazi, and there were trendy Nazis on the TV the whole time, and they once again sold soap with slogans like “Dove: The White Pride Soap for Hating QTBIPOC and Not Amplifying Their Voices.” But also don’t imagine, because that’s exactly what’s happening.
 This game was invented by Dorothy Thompson in her classic 1941 Harpers essay Who Goes Nazi?, in which she presciently pointed out that intellectuals are definitely more Nazi than aristocrats, but not nearly as Nazi as union leaders. But she set her essay at some dinner party in the Hamptons or wherever, and last time I went out there I went swimming in the sea and a wave hit me and I lost my bikini top and a bunch of bros in boat shoes started laughing and pointing at me in a way that despite my white privilege I still feel was somehow like imbued with racism, and then afterwards I just stayed inside for three weeks writing content and ordering groceries online, so the setting needs to be updated. Let’s look at your group DM. Which of these Twitter creatives who live in Brooklyn would go along with it and become a Nazi? (All of them.) And who never, ever would? (Me.)
 Mr A isn’t actually in your group DM, and you’ve never encountered anyone like him irl, but you literally can’t stop talking about him, so he gets included anyway. Mr A is a short ugly loser, and he’s already a Nazi. He doesn’t even live in Brooklyn, he lives in his mother’s basement, and eats chicken tenders, and he doesn’t get laid, but in a different way to the way you don’t get laid, which has to do with patriarchy. Mr A is a Pizzagate. Mr A is a Gamergate. Mr A is a segregationist. Mr A opposes the reforms of the Emperor Diocletian (284-305). Mr A won’t shut up about the superiority of a “free silver” bimetallic monetary system over gold specie, and keeps on talking about the “gold shills” in a way that doesn’t really make sense until you realize that your own name is Goldschmidt, and yeah, he doesn’t really care about expansionary monetary policy at all, he’s talking about the Jews, and specifically you. Mr A is basically a pathetic worm whose life sucks and nobody likes him, but also he represents the whole of the repressive forces of society and he’s at the top of the social hierarchy. Everyone you’ve ever met is actually Mr A, wearing various masks. He is the source of all your problems. He must be killed, and once we kill him, we need to find more people like him to be the source of any problems we have left over.
 Mr B is in your group DM, but you also have a separate group DM with everyone else except Mr B in it. He keeps trying so hard to be nice, and says stuff like “so how is everyone’s day today” with a smiley emoji, and when you’re talking to him you get this airless feeling like you’re about to suffocate in his treacly good-natured presence. Every time you see Mr B at a party you’re afraid that he’s going to blurt out that he loves you, but you can’t keep your distance too much because he’s so clearly autistic, and you don’t want to be ableist. Anyway once in the group DM he said that while he obviously thought divining for water with Y-shaped copper rods was good and important and valid, he didn’t understand what it had to do with socialism. That made everything better, because clearly he’s a Nazi. The whole group DM expended hours of emotional labor educating him about how dowsing is part of LGBTQ+ culture and how his dismissive bro-y attitude was reactionary and gross, and eventually he posted a video of himself crying and begging for forgiveness and promising to do better, because you guys were the only friends he had. This was classic white fragility, but in the end you let him stay. You just have the other DM now, where you make fun of him and it’s ok, because if the Nazis came and he had license to start being cruel and sadistic to other people, he’d definitely do it.
 Ms C is one of those women who doesn’t like other women, and you know this about her because you can’t fucking stand the bitch. Plus she says stuff that’s really not ok, even though it costs nothing to have empathy and be kind. You’ve personally heard her use the D-word, the H-slur, and the L-pejorative, all while laughing and holding a glass of white wine by the stem, like she doesn’t need to consider the harm this does to others, just because she’s “funny” and “an artist.” She’s the Cool Chick. She makes nude self-portraits (the bad, skinny kind), and she’d throw you under the bus in a second for male attention and approval. She’d definitely go Nazi. But the worst thing about her is that she has the impudence to be bisexual and Asian, which makes it really hard to call her out. But then you realized that all Asian people are collectively responsible for the long history of anti-Blackness and misogynoir in their communities, and you’re thinking of holding her collectively responsible for the Rape of Nanking too, once you’re certain she’s a sushi Asian and not the dim sum kind.
 Ms D’s boyfriend works in finance, or like accountancy or something, or I think I heard he was a musician? Maybe a drummer or possibly he used to bartend at a place where they had live music. Anyway they definitely have vanilla cishet sex in the missionary position and you can’t stop thinking about it, his body, her body, naked, moving, breathing, together, almost silent, tender, disgusting. She says she’s a socialist but doesn’t devote every minute of her waking life to getting mad about people online. This means she’s just vaguely following a trend, and if the trend were being a Nazi (which it is), she’d be a Nazi (which she therefore is). You can’t imagine yourself actually hitting her but it’d definitely be punching up to maybe poison her food?
 Mr E used to be a comrade, but then he did a tweet that got 38.6k RT’s and now he’s moved to Los Angeles to spend his whole time in writers’ rooms. Last you heard he was pitching an animated show for adults about a snail with borderline personality disorder. It hasn’t even been greenlit yet, but you’re already thinking about all the ways in which it will be a missed opportunity and do harm and perpetuate tropes. Mr E will definitely turn out to have been a Nazi, and then you can start an anonymous petition to get the show cancelled so he has to move back to New York. Once he’s back you can send him a long email about how much it sucks his career burned out and how (even though you won’t say it in public) sometimes people do actually take the social-justice thing too far. That way he’ll be a comrade again, which is good, because we believe in rehabilitating people who have a genuine change of heart.
 Mr F probably thinks he’s better than you. He’s a union organizer. So are you (you added “#Unionize” to your Twitter name), but his union stuff involves workers who aren’t in tech, content, or grad school, and he probably thinks that makes him more in touch with “the real workers,” who he probably thinks are just a bunch of cis white males in a factory, who are probably all racist and probably have thick, heavy dicks that intrude on your mind in a kinda #MeToo way a lot of the time. He talks about class, and you agree that class is important because you’re not a lib (you support Bernie, you just want him to Do Better). But from the way he says it you’re certain he doesn’t acknowledge all he/him lesbians as part of the working class. He’s trying to save a tiny sector of the workers from a necessary and important socio-economic shift that will impoverish them and make their lives worse, and that’s what being a Nazi is. This is why his union needs to stop dragging their heels, change all of their rules and priorities, and let you get him fired.
 Ms G (me) will never go Nazi, because she is beautiful and kind and pure, and has all the good opinions instead of the bad ones. Because of this she’s allowed to do things that other people can’t do. She can totally fail to understand what having an authoritarian personality actually means, and construct a version of the Who Goes Nazi? essay in which the people who go Nazi are just people who are already right wing, having confused politics with personality, probably because she herself has no personality other than her politics. She can minimize, ignore, or even encourage the infliction of actual suffering when it happens to the wrong kind of people. She can write that “nothing that terrible has really happened” since the publication of Mark Fisher’s Exiting the Vampire Castle, even though Mark Fisher himself is mysteriously not around to appreciate that fact. She can do some shit with threatening to leak an unedited draft that I don’t even want to go into. She knows that the Nazis don’t come promising hatred but promising to be your friend, but it’s ok because she doesn’t really have any friends, just mufos. She’s doing great. She’s building a better, kinder world. She will never, ever be the Nazis.
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arcanesupern0va · 5 years
Rick In The Water; Ch1: Second Chance
Summary:  You're looking to spend time with Rick and he is seemingly avoiding you. Pretty rude broh. Oh, and shitty husband does shitty things so be warned.
A/N: I’m basically copying all of my summaries and Author’s notes from AO3 because they’re pretty concise and to the point. CW: Domestic abuse Pairing: Rick Sanchez/Reader Words: 4019
My ao3
Life seemed to calm back down after Rick’s return. Ryan seemed to buy the fact that Rick was no real threat to our lives together and if I’m honest, I was starting to believe it as well. When he first returned, I would dream about him swooping in, saving me from my horrid life but he all but ignored me after I saw him. Regardless, I was constantly trying to find “reasons” to pop by Beth’s house, hoping to get a real chance to talk to him but to no avail.
Today, I was stopping by to ask Beth her opinion on a set of curtains for the family room but I was barely paying any attention to her as I watched the hallway to the garage, hoping Rick would pop out at any minute. Madison had joined me, but she and Summer quickly disappeared up to Summer’s room.
“These would accent your couches nicely,” Beth remarked, pointing to a particular set in the catalog. I glanced down halfheartedly to see a soft white set of curtains that, admittedly would look amazing but all I could do was shrug. “You okay Nova? You’re awfully distracted,” Beth asked, eyeing me carefully.
“I’m all here, I was just thinking about a new rug as well,” I lied casually, grabbing the book to flip to the section with rugs. Beth watched me intently as I hunted for the right section, but as I started voicing my opinions on the different patterns, she seemed to let the thought go. Once I lulled her back into a sense of complacency, I went back to watching the hallway, listening for any kind of movement. To say I was getting borderline obsessed with the thought of seeing him would be a little too on the nose.
Finally, as a brief reprieve, I saw the door swing open and heard Rick’s voice berating Morty. I tried to neutralize my facial expression to one of casual surprise, but judging by the smirk he wore when saw me staring up at him, it was still one of utter awe and happiness.
“Hey there Nova, I’m happy — it’s good to see you,” he said, his gruff voice giving me butterflies. I tried to ignore that it was music to my ears but I couldn’t hide the blush creeping onto my cheeks.
“Hey, Rick. How’ve you been lately?” my voice trembled with nerves as I spoke. I was trying to watch his face carefully while simultaneously trying to mind my own facial expressions. I received a shrug in response as he gestured around the house.
“I’m living the life here with my baby g-uuurrrp-irl,” he smiled at Beth who couldn’t stop herself from beaming at her father. “How’re you doing? Beth told me you’re a beautician or somethin’?” he asked lightly, peeking over his shoulder to look down the hallway to the garage. I started to answer but his eyes went wide and he started shouting for Morty. Beth and I exchanged glances as we watched him disappear down the hallway, both of us climbing out of our chairs to hurry after him. Morty appeared between us, a look of terror plastered over his features as he scurried past us and disappeared into the garage. When Beth’s hand tried to wiggle the doorknob, she looked up in dismay as she realized it was locked. Her dismay turned into irritation as she started banging on the door.
“Dad, what’s going on in there!? Are you okay? Is Morty okay?” she yelled as she rapped her fist against the door.
“Sweetie, I need you to take Nova and go back into the kitchen. It is not a good idea for you to be banging on that door right now,” Rick shouted, his voice laced with irritation and it was then that I realized there was more noise than just Beth’s fists against the door. At her father’s words, she stopped abruptly, looking to me for input. I couldn’t help but mimic her father’s shrug at her as we both returned to stare at the wooden door.
“Is Morty okay?” I squeaked, surprised at the sound. I heard a groan from the other side of the door.
“Nova, you and Beth go look at curtains some more,” he urged angrily. “This is a rather delicate procedure and I’ll be honest sweetie, you’re distracting me.” I couldn’t help but take it to a personal place as my heartbeat thudded with pride that I could even be a distraction to the great Rick Sanchez. If I was honest with myself, I was just desperate for his attention. I looked to Beth, extending my hand to her to lead her back into the kitchen.
She hesitated a moment, looking the door over once more. “Morty, can you just tell me you’re okay?” she asked, a maternal pleading in her voice.
“I’m okay Mom, Rick and I will be done soon,” he assured her, a confidence in his voice that didn’t reflect his earlier disposition in the slightest. Beth finally relented and allowed me to lead her back out into the kitchen. The catalog of home furnishings laid on the counter completely ignored as we watched the hallway, waiting.
A sharp knock on the front door broke us from our reverie. The noise from the garage had ceased but Rick and Morty hadn’t emerged yet. Beth quickly got up to answer the door, calling me with a groan when she pulled the door opened. It was her not so subtle way to try to prepare me for the fact that my husband had come looking for me. I sighed deeply, resigning myself to slapping a big smile over my face as I went to greet him.
“Hi, honey,” I said with a broad smile, kissing him quickly on the cheek. In the back of my mind, I could only think of how I’d hoped Rick wouldn’t see us right now. I shook my head at the thought, scoffing at how ridiculous it sounded. Like Rick would give a shit. Ryan gave a strained smile as he looked at me, his disapproval soaking in my skin.
“I got home and my wife and daughter had disappeared. What’s going on?” he asked, looking around curiously, daring me to reveal whatever transgression I was committing that would inconvenience him like this.
“I brought Maddy over to hang out with Summer while Beth helped me pick out curtains for the family room,” I told him truthfully, hoping it would keep me on his good side, at least for a little while.
“I just got home, and I was expecting dinner. I’m famished,” he said with a forced smile. Rick and Morty reappeared from the garage and I could only imagine the sight they found. Superficially, Ryan was the husband of the year. I was always provided for and taken care of. My job to him was more along the lines of a paid hobby that barely registered on his radar. That meant when I wasn’t working, it was expected for me have dinner waiting for him when he pulled up in the driveway. The seldom few times it wasn’t prepared, there had been hell to pay and I knew I was in trouble. Rick was watching Ryan and me closely, immediate distrust building on his face.
“Nova was going to make dinner, but I suggested we go out as a family for dinner,” he said, throwing me the life preserver I so desperately needed. “We were just waiting for you to get home. We haven’t gotten the chance to catch up much since I’ve been back.”
“Rick I thought-” Morty started before Rick subtly stepped on his foot, effectively silencing the boy with a whimper. Ryan’s eyes narrowed, obviously not buying it for a second before breaking out into a huge smile.
“That sounds great Rick,” he said, his agreeable tone only known to me to be as fake as they come. “I’ll run home and get changed, where did you have in mind?” He asked innocently, piquing an eyebrow at the blue-haired man. I don’t know who he thought he was trying to trick into playing his hand, but it was gonna take a lot more than that to catch Rick in a lie.
“Shoney’s,” Rick replied with a casual shrug. Ryan smiled again and nodded, chuckling softly before disappearing out of the front door to go change out of his suit. As the door closed behind him, I felt a huge sigh of relief and returned to my cold cup of coffee in the kitchen. Rick followed me, surprisingly silent in his observation. He seemed to be surveying my features carefully, trying to find a crack in my facade of a happy housewife.
“Need something, Rick?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at the man across the counter from me. “I have to go get Madison and tell her we’re going to Shoney’s for dinner.” I sighed, “Shoney’s by the way? I didn’t even think they still had those around here.”
“Beth, can you get the girls real quick?” Rick asked his daughter gruffly. She nodded obediently and disappeared up the stairs to Summer’s room. He continued to look me over intently, so much so that I was starting to get uncomfortable until he finally spoke. “Nova, are you okay?” He asked, his voice surprisingly gentle.
“I’m fine, Rick,” I sighed, too tired to put in any of the effort required for such a heavy conversation. It was always the same questions. ‘Are you okay?’ ‘Does he hurt you?’ ‘Do you need help?’ It was always the same questions, with almost always the same answers. My eyes pleaded with him to drop the subject for the time being. It had the intended effect as his gaze broke from mine and he stalked off to the garage without another word.
Dinner was uneventful for the most part. Rick regaled us with tales of his adventures with his portal gun through time and space. I caught him up on my life, how I’d be ‘happily’ married for over ten years and worked part-time at a salon. Had my overly jealous husband not been standing there watching over me at every second, I would’ve told Rick it had been watching over him mixing chemicals that had inspired me to do so, but a story for another time. The evening was unceremoniously ended when Jerry started talking about his advertising campaign at work and Rick cut him off to tell everyone how late it had gotten.
Rick had continued to watch Ryan for the whole night, and the growing look of disgust on his face told me very simply that he didn’t approve in the slightest. By the end of the night, he just looked irritated and when offering goodbyes, planted a gentle kiss on my forehead, my cheeks flushing. I’d never been so thankful for the inky darkness of the night. Madison begged for us to let her stay the night with Summer, and with a glance to Beth, I nodded and the girls squealed in excitement. In the parking lot, we finally separated, Beth, Jerry and the kids piling in the station wagon and Rick climbing into what looked like a pile of garbage made to look like a stereotypical UFO. I raised my eyebrow in disbelief at him.
“What in the hell is that?” I asked incredulously. He turned the key and I was surprised to hear an engine turn over from within.
“It’s my spaceship,” Rick shrugged. “I made it out of crap from the garage.” He observed my gaping expression. I couldn’t stop staring at the headlights made from two flashlights. I was torn between how innovative that truly was and wondering how in the hell he made it work,
“That’s incredible Rick,” I said breathlessly. I looked up at him mouth still agape, he looked down at me, prideful.
“Glad you like it, kiddo. I’ll have to take you for a spin in it some time,” he suggested as a smile formed on his face. I had to ignore the images that floated through my brain at the thought, each one more vulgar than the last. I tried to keep my face as neutral as possible once I saw Ryan beginning to grow irritated with the conversation.
“Sweetheart,” he started, his anger leaking into his tone, “we have to get home. It’s already 8:45pm and some of us have very important meetings tomorrow morning.” He smiled shortly at Rick before grabbing me by the arm. I resisted the urge to yelp in pain, as he forced me over to the car. He released me by the passenger side door, leaving me to open the door and climb in. I smiled sadly at Rick and waved goodbye as he watched me, his face completely neutral. The ride home was silent despite a seething rage that was  building in the driver's seat. I just wanted to go home, crawl into bed, and avoid him, but when the car pulled into the garage and he didn’t immediately climb out, I knew this fight would start in the car.
“Are you trying to embarrass me?” he asked tone icy and calm. No matter how many times he used that tone on me, it always terrified me. “I don’t want you hanging around that Rick, (Y/N),” he scolded me.
“I haven’t been hanging around him, he’s Beth’s dad. He lives in her house,” I assured him.
“Then I guess you won’t be hanging around Beth’s anymore,” he shrugged coldly, opening the car door, seemingly happy with the outcome of our talk.
“Beth is my best friend!” I cried out, begging him to see reason.
“Look, I’ve tolerated Beth for this long because she’s our neighbor but she has always been rude to me and you just let her. You’re letting her ruin our marriage,” he spat.
“I’m sorry, please don’t take Beth from me,” I sobbed, completely falling apart. “W-what about Madi? She and Summer are close,” I pleaded. He paused for a moment, considering.
“Madi is free to see Summer. I’ll be fielding all interactions. You’re not to go over there without me,” he conceded. “You’ve done this to yourself. You will respect me and you will respect our marriage.” My sniffles subsided, happy to at least be able to still see my best friend even with his restrictions. I climbed out of the car to follow him inside, wiping my tears away and trying to steady my breathing.
I whipped my head around, looking for the source of the sound, seeing nothing but stopping to listen for it again. Ryan paid no attention to me, going inside.
“Psssst.” The noise came again, seemingly from the small bush from the corner of the house. I walked over to investigate only to find Morty hiding in the bushes.
“What are you doing Morty?” I whispered, smiling through the dried tears on my cheeks.
“Aw, jeez, I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” he admitted sheepishly. “I heard Mr. Dawes yelling at you. You shouldn’t put up with that you know.” He said sadly. “Did he say you’re not allowed at our house anymore?”
“It’s complicated Morty.” I sighed. “It’s something adults have to deal with sometimes, buddy. You’ll understand when you’re older.”
“I understand it well enough right now,” he asserted stubbornly, “My grandpa explained it to me.”
“What?” I hissed as confusion and embarrassing distorted my face. “What did he tell you?”
“He basically said he’s got you trapped in your marriage and he treats you like shit because he knows you won’t go anywhere because you have low self-esteem after what happened with your parents,” he said plainly. A look of horror crossed my face as he spoke, I wanted to be angry for being called out but instead, tears start falling down my cheeks, as Morty rested his hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay Aunt Nova. Rick said-”
“Look FUCK what Rick said,” I growled, anger finally seeping into my tone. “Rick left, he doesn’t know shit about me anymore. You tell him to keep his mouth shut about me and my marriage.”
“(Y/N), what the fuck are you doing? Get in here!” Ryan called from the front door, freezing me in my place.
“Look, Morty, go home. I’m fine,” I told him coldly, my heartbreaking as I watched his face fall as he remains rooted to the spot. “Morty, go the fuck home,” I hissed, trying to keep my tone as venomous as possible to not betray how much yelling at him was killing me. He narrowed his eyes but finally slipped from behind the bush, running to his backyard. I steadied myself, trying to prepare myself for my “loving husband’s” wrath.
“Seriously (Y/N), get your stupid ass in here,” he called from the porch again, almost looking angrier when he finally spotted me. He eyed the area I emerged from suspiciously as I walked up to the porch. “What the fuck were you doing?”
“I thought I heard an animal in the bushes,” I lied easily. “I didn’t want them to eat the roses we planted.” The appearance of the house was something he took very seriously, so it was no surprise when his suspicious look softened.
“Just get in the house,” he said coldly, pushing me through the threshold and flat on my face. I pick myself gingerly off the floor, opting not to look up at him as I did so. “You’re acting strange (Y/N). I don’t like it and I want it to stop,” he ordered. “Get upstairs and get ready for bed. I’ll be up in a minute.” I quickly made my way up the stairs, listening closely to hear the glass from his liquor cabinet clinking around. Great, he’ll be drunk by the time he comes up.
I took a deep breath, going into our bedroom to gather clothes for a shower, hoping he’d be asleep by the time I was done. I let the water fall around me, finally letting myself cry under the cascade. I knew Morty was right, but what good could that information do me? Just because Rick “understood” all the nuances of my marriage from one outing, doesn’t mean he knew how to fix it. I couldn’t leave, Ryan would find me and kill me. He had assured me of it.
Climbing out of the warm shower, the cool air of the rest of the bathroom swirled around me. I wiped the mirror clear, taking a moment to look at the bruise forming on my chin from where it came in contact with the floor. I sighed, moving to dry my hair completely before putting on my pajamas. I went back to the bedroom, finding my husband sitting facing away from me on the bed, holding a crystal glass in his hands, studying the brown liquid within intently. I approached him carefully, trying to gauge his level of intoxication.
“You know what I would do to you if you ever tried to leave right?” he asked coldly, keeping his gaze on the glass. “You’re mine, (Y/N). This house, this family, it’s all mine. You will never take that away from me.” I stood in silent terror as he spoke, trying to figure out how to handle the situation. “You think that Beth or Jerry or hell even Rick could protect you from me?” he asked, finally looking up at me. “You’re. Mine.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” I assured him, voice microscopic. “I love you-” A sharp blow to my cheek took my breath away and threw me to the ground.
“Don’t give me that shit. You married me for my money. That’s why you’re making eyes at that geriatric fuck. Do you think he would even want you? Fuck, I barely want you,” he spat at me from above. “I took vows though so I guess I’m stuck with you but I will be damned if you disrespect me the way you did tonight ever again.”
“I wasn’t disrespecting you-” I cried out as he picks me up off the floor and roughly threw me on the bed.
“The fuck you weren’t. Talking about how incredible his piece of shit ‘spaceship’ is.” Accusation dripped in every syllable. “Don’t think I saw the look of awe you had when he was telling us those stupid stories from his adventures. You realize it’s all a big ruse right? Or are you too stupid?”
“I don’t think so-” I countered, anger building despite myself earning me a shove into the dresser.
“Are you fucking kidding me? He left. Just like your parents did because you’re so hard to love. You told me all the stories about when you were kids, you really think it’s a coincidence that you moved into their house and suddenly he was gone?” he hissed at me as I picked myself up off the dresser, holding my arm against me and trying to fight the tears building.
“That had nothing to do with it,” I shot back at him. “He’d discovered his portal technology and started going on adventures.”
“Are you this fucking stupid (Y/N)?” he bellowed, looking at me incredulously. “You’re parents didn’t love you enough to even notice you moved out of your fucking house. You drive everyone around you away,” he screamed. “You are the worst kind of person. You act like this innocent little fucking victim and everyone should feel sorry for you but everything you get, you bring onto yourself.” He towered over me, shouting mere inches from my face. The floodgates broke and I slunk down against the wall, sobbing into my hands. He was angry, but he was right. My parents didn’t love me enough to notice I’d even left. Even his points about Rick stung after thinking about them long enough. There had truly only been one constant in my life, no matter what.
“Beth,” I croaked, “Beth has always loved me, no matter what.” An ugly snarl forms on his face, disgusted to even hear her name.
“Beth loves you because you’re constantly at her beck and call, no matter what. She needs something? You’re there like a damn puppy to take whatever you can off of her plate. It’s fucking pathetic,” he growled, squatting down next to me and grabbing my injured arm tightly causing me to wince in pain. “Now get off the fucking floor and get into bed. I don’t have time for this shit (Y/N). I have a meeting in the morning. I expect you to have breakfast ready before I leave so you need to go to sleep now,” he demanded, throwing me onto my side of the bed.
I laid there in terror as he moved around the bed and climbed under his blankets. I laid completely still, waiting until he started snoring to slip into the bathroom and clean myself up. Flicking on the light, I was greeted with a grisly sight, dried blood caked under my nose and a shiner developing under my eye. I wanted to cry at the sight of myself, but I couldn’t find any more tears to shed. Methodically I started gently wiping the blood off of my face and adjusting my arm to see if it was legitimately damaged or just sore. For now, it seemed like the latter, but I knew I would have to go easy on it if I wanted it to return to normal soon. I started applying makeup, anything to delay myself having to go back out there and lay in that bed next to him, convincing myself that if I start with the concealer now, it will be easy to just touch it up in the morning. When I had finally run out of things to distract myself, I sighed deeply to myself, preparing myself to reenter the bedroom. I gingerly climbed into the bed we shared, holding my breath so as not to disturb him and face his wrath again.
+Ch2: Snap Out Of It+
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letscuttothefeeling · 4 years
season three episode two
Before we get into the intricacies of this subpar episode, I want you to close your eyes, inhale, and reflect: is the guy you’re dating your boyfriend, or is he a father figure to you? Think about it. Now let’s cut to the feeling.
I don’t know about you, but seeing a groggy Old Man Ish clumsily lumber around in a backwards hat and a short-sleeved gorilla tee while holding his morning coffee made me immediately sick. And I’m just watching it on TV. Imagine being Madisson and waking up to that. Like, yes, this show is my sole will to live, but even I can’t stomach this. It really can’t get worse. Oh my God. Ish just described Brandon as “agro.” It did get worse. 
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Thank god Ish is finally off my screen and I’m back to looking at G baby and BG. Appetite restored. Jared’s also there, so I’m unable to entirely recover from the Ish debacle, but I guess this is the best I can hope for. And may I just add that I am absolutely loving this playful “boys” scene? Seeing the guys boolin with their goon squad is bringing the vibes up big time. BG doesn’t even seem upset about Dadisson – in fact, he begins talking about a potential budding romance with Amanda! And just like that, we’re back on track.  
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Strap in. The scene I’ve been waiting for. Dadisson’s reveal to her actual, biological father. Fade in. Jon, Madisson’s bio dad, is seated outside at a cute restaurant, completely unaware of the bomb that is about to explode in his face. As he looks up and sees his daughter walking over with her former producer, you can see the confusion setting in. Wait, what? Why is my youngest daughter walking in with Ish, the show’s old producer? Isn’t she supposed to be introducing me to her boyfriend? Oh, no . . . I think at that point, Jon must know, but he’s remaining willfully ignorant for as long as possible. And I get that, Jon. I do.
 Ish has this special oafish trudge that seriously makes him look like some sort of ogre and I am absolutely living for it. When the lovebirds take their seats, a dark cloud rolls over the Key. Reality sets in. Madisson starts telling her real father about her new Daddy, and my heart is racing. After establishing their respective ages, Jon takes a deep breath and calmly asks the most uncomfortable question your Dad could ever ask you about your boyfriend: “Is he a father figure to you?”
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Let’s decompress. This has to be one of the rawest scenes on reality TV, so pour one out for Jon, who at this point was undoubtedly racking his brain trying to recall the exact moment he fucked Madisson up so badly that she now actively chooses to bang 50-year olds. I feel bad for you, Jon. Back to the show.
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Madisson is crying, Jon is reeling over his mistakes, and Ish is trying to defend his relationship. As for me, I have one question: could Siesta Key have provided these poor souls with drinks before forcing them to do this on camera?
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After that cringey scene, I’m more than happy to watch Amanda and BG have a SPICY meetuppé. Unfortunately, Amanda begins serving me really strange vibes and I’m kind of scared of her. There’s too much licking involved on this date and I’m not interested. Let’s cut to the next scene, where Madisson and Brandon meet to hopefully get closure.
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Finally, we get a glimpse of the breakuppé timeline! If you remember correctly, Season 2 ended with us thinking we’d get a glorious Bradisson reunion in Season 3. Alas, we have Dadisson instead. Please don’t misconstrue this as a complaint, because it’s very far from that. I’m just a little confused as to how Dadisson came about, and apparently, so is BG. Madisson explains that after she moved to LA, she no longer felt connected to Brandon. Two months after breaking things off, she began taking to Ish. Brandon isn’t buying it. He’s convinced their relationship has been brewing for some time. Personally, I believe her. She’s never lied and I think Brandon is projecting his own issues onto Madisson. Thoughts?
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Lots of tough conversations today – now we’re at Cara’s waiting anxiously for her to drop the news we all knew was coming from the moment she started dating Garrett. That she wants to break up. I think now is as good a time as any to unpack Garrett’s love life. Garrett. Get it together. The whole “hot but stupid” narrative is something the producers are pushing . . . right? You cannot possibly be this idiotic IRL. But love is blinding, I guess. Garrett was cheated on by Kelsey (with Alex), used by Juliette to make someone jealous (Alex), and used by Cara to piss off Kelsey and Juliette (and Alex.) Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me three times, and you can call me Garrett Miller.
 Okay, time for Kelsey and Juliette’s housewarming / rosé party! That had to be the whitest sentence I’ve ever written. The party begins and everyone seems to be in good spirits. Side note – I really applaud the film crew for catching everything that they do. They even got a short clip of Garrett having difficulty opening the front door and included it to perpetuate the very true belief that Garrett is actually a failed artificial intelligence robot project gone wrong.
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Chloe arrives with a shot ski, but “Con Artist” Robby has to one-up her by bringing a TV. She’s convinced he’s bringing it to make up for how small his dick is. Boys, you heard it here first – don’t even THINK about bringing a TV to a party unless you want everyone to know how small your penis is! Madisson’s not even paying attention to Boring Robby’s embarrassing genital blunder because she’s too busy eyeing Amanda and Brandon. She even has the audacity to whisper, “I just hope he has the best intentions.” Right, because Ish definitely has the best intentions with you. Okay, Madisson.
 Notably missing from the soirée is Cara and my new favorite cast member, Victoria. Kelsey obviously vetoed Cara’s invite, so C and V decided to get a romantic relaxing beachside massage instead. Cara begins explaining that she’s only stringing Garrett along because he functions as her safety net. Meanwhile, at the party, Juliette is having to spell this out to simple Garrett. He looks glum. Suddenly, Garrett’s “unhappy hour” t-shirt seems much more fitting.
 Chloe and Amanda are in a corner, and shocker, they’re talking shit about Juliette and Robby. Juliette overhears, confronts them, and tensions rise. Chloe and Juliette step outside to discuss it further, and it becomes very apparent to me that Juliette is utterly plastered. Chloe is basically sober. What could go wrong?
 Everything! Chloe starts off by asking Juliette what she thinks about their friendship. Obviously, these two have a sordid past, but Juliette is literally too blackout to articulate anything, so Chloe’s immediately won this before it even really begins. Towards the end of the conversation, Juliette starts wagging her finger in Chloe’s face. Chloe slaps it away, so naturally, Juliette retaliates by PUNCHING HER IN THE HEAD. Juliette, I love you, and I’m normally on your side, but this is just not a good lewk. Chloe is straight chilling while Juliette attempts to rip out her extensions. So of course, Chloe looks like the normal one, and Juliette looks like she’s on The Bad Girls Club instead of Siesta Key. Hopefully, she’ll learn a lesson from this, because violence is never the answer!
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Unfortunately, Juliette doesn’t learn that lesson! As soon as Amanda steps in to break up the fight, Juliette also tries to hit her. She also can’t understand why Amanda is being so harsh when Amanda was the one who punched Chloe in the face and broke her nose two years ago. Which I feel like is valid! Everyone is screaming, running around and fighting. Genuine chaos. Anarchy. The only person there who is remaining calm is Brandon. He is quite literally the human embodiment of Switzerland. Immediately I’m reminded of that part in Twilight’s third book, Eclipse, when Bella is forced to be the voice of reason and soothe the tensions between vampire Edward and werewolf Jacob. In order to fight the vampire army that Victoria’s newborn lover has created, the vampires and werewolves must put aside their inherent differences and join forces. If not, they could totally ravage Seattle, travel to the quaint town of Forks, and potentially eat Police Chief Charlie Swan!! By becoming a neutral Switzerland, Bella narrowly avoids this horrific fate. Like Bella, Brandon remains neutral in a time of utter disaster. Thanks, Brandon. But more importantly, thank YOU, Stephanie Meyer.
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 Kelsey swiftly removes everyone from her home and starts looking for Amanda’s lost phone while Boring Robby hugs Juliette and tries to make her feel better about being the worst. And Kelsey standing around in the background after having to forcibly remove all her friends from her property while her roommate makes out with her boyfriend is such a vibe.
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After Cara comes to the rescue to pickuppé the stranded party guests, the episode ends. Overall, I was pretty unhappy with this episode, but I feel that it was a necessary step to get us back in the right direction. I just miss Alex. He needs to return from Europe immediately. I’m tired of all of this girl drama and I want Boring Robby to become Interesting Robby. The next episode seems promising – but we’ll have to wait and see.
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thenamesreader · 5 years
Good In Me AU Character Profile
Aika Kaneshiro- SHSL Musical Artist
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 5″
Weight: 48 kg (107 lbs)
Birthday: April 16
Chest: 77 cm
Blood Type: A
Likes: Mukuro, Ibuki, music (obviously), cotton candy (sweet things in general actually), and flowers
Dislikes: Bullies, missing homeroom, people disrespecting her profession
Affiliations: Hope’s Peak Academy’s 78th Class, Class 78-A
Appearance: Aika is a light-brown skinned girl with sunflower gold hair and teal eyes. Her school uniform is slightly altered where she has the skirt switched out for pants. She wears the same typical outfit with a brown vest over a white dress shirt with a red ribbon tied around her neck and black flats.
Her casual wear consists of a brown duster, red scarf, white t-shirt, black two-inch boots, and black jeans. There are usually a pair of round brown sunglasses on the top of her head.
Personality: Aika is a kind and cheerful girl despite always making herself sleep-deprived since she likes to stay up to create songs. She’s also somewhat of a hopeless romantic because of her feelings for Mukuro, becoming a complete disaster if she can make her smile or laugh. Like how Mukuro is way out of touch with her emotions, Aika is too in-touch with her emotions. She tends to react before she thinks which has gotten her hurt a few times. They sort of balance each other out, though, with the musician helping Mukuro come out of her shell while Mukuro helps her handle her emotions.
Despite her flaws, she can be silly, charismatic, and filled to the brim with love for everyone.
Talents & Abilities: 
SHSL Music Artist: Aika has always had a passion for music for as long as she could remember. She started performing and playing music as soon as she could walk. Her first instrument was the piano, which she loves to play in her free time along with the guitar. She and Sayaka Maizono tend to compete since they tend to be top on the charts.
Sharp Hearing: Because of her profession, Aika has a more advanced hearing. She can tell voices apart, easily.
Advanced Dexterity: Aika is good with her hands since she plays so many instruments.
Early Life
Aika was raised by her father and aunt since her mother left when she was really young. She grew up surrounded by music, her aunt always singing her lullabies or playing different types of instruments for her. She would always wake up to music playing throughout the house. Most of the tv programs she watched were either musicals or music documentaries.
At the age of 4, her aunt started teaching her how to play the piano. She enjoyed it very much and played anytime she could. When she woke up, when she got bored, when she was sad, when she was happy, when she was angry. The piano was her life. After she mastered piano, she taught herself to play guitar and began writing her own songs.
At the age of 13, she found a band called “Black Cherry” and instantly fell in love, listening to their music on repeat. She even started to imitate their music, practicing and practicing until welts covered her hands.
She attended Sixth Black Root Middle School and Black Root High School with Sayaka Maizono. They attended the same classes and were pretty friendly with each other.
She was soon scouted by Hope’s Peak Academy.
Unlike Maizono who did some... unethical things to achieve her dreams, Aika didn’t and worked hard on her own with the support of her father and aunt. She made sure that she got what she wanted the right way.
After the 78th Class Welcoming Ceremony, Aika ran into Ibuki Mioda when she found the music room. After recognizing that Ibuki had been a member of “Black Cherry” and learning that Ibuki had listened to some of her music, they hit it off. Ibuki soon became somewhat of a mentor to her.
A few weeks after meeting her class and her homeroom teacher, Aika bumps into a girl who roomed across to her who introduces herself as Mukuro Ikusaba and Mukuro’s sister, Junko. She found herself, instantly, attracted to Mukuro and very put-off by Junko’s actions, but, was otherwise able to ignore it.
She soon found herself spending more time with Mukuro because of this, much to Junko’s annoyance.
Her Father and Aunt
Aika has a very good relationship with her family. She talks about them, fondly, and always says that they would love Mukuro. In her room, she has a picture that sits on her desk of the day before she left for Hope’s Peak with her aunt and father in it as they celebrated her success.
Mukuro Ikusaba
Aika rooms across the hall from Mukuro. After running into her after accidentally sleeping through her alarm, she found herself, quickly, falling head-over-heels for her. This causes the musician to be somewhat protective of her when something happens. Mukuro is the reason she tries to sleep more since they made a deal with each other in order for Mukuro to start eating more.
The two tend to hang out with each other after class in the courtyard and just talk about anything that comes to mind. She expressed her attraction a few times to Mukuro, in more of a joking way, and has asked her to marry her on multiple occasions but never in front of anyone else after the soldier confessed she was unsure how anyone else would perceive it. Aika actually believes it has to do with how Junko would perceive it.
Ibuki Mioda
Aika and Ibuki are pretty much the best of friends. Though, her bond with her fellow musician probably wouldn’t come as close as she does with her class. Aika and Ibuki can be found in Ibuki’s classroom during lunch or the music room when either of them are free and just play music or come up with songs.
Aika is always pretty relaxed around Ibuki, sometimes listening to her upperclassman ramble about things she’s thinking about.
Sayaka Maizono
Aika and Sayaka are constantly competing with each other to see who can top the charts since their two of the top young artists in the country. They're pretty friendly with each other besides that. They tend to mostly tease each other when they see each other in the hallway.
Mikan Tsumiki
Aika tends to visit her a lot because of her bad habits because she’s either sick or she wore her hands out practicing. Because of her sweet nature, Aika tends to give Mikan gifts and help her out against bullies like Hiyoko.
Mikan often doesn’t know how to pay her back so she gives her anpan as thanks.
Makoto Naegi
Makoto and Aika are pretty friendly with each other as well. She has run into him a few times and she believes he is a real sweetheart. Because of his nature, she gave him the nickname of “Kibo”.
Teruteru Hanamura
Aika finds his behavior gross and disgusting and only goes to him for his cooking. She has to give him credit for something if she were to be honest with herself.
Nagito Komeada
Aika finds him... strange. From the few times they’ve interacted, he has commented on how he sees a special future for her. Aika always interprets it as something to do with her music career.
Junko Enoshima
Aika and Junko have an antagonistic relationship. Junko always gets annoyed since Aika has all of Mukuro’s attention. Aika has also witnessed first hand the abuse that gets hurled at Mukuro by her sister. She’s sometimes snapped at Junko because of it. Some of their fights have gotten bad enough that Junko’s stabbed her in the shoulder and threatened her life. Otherwise, she ignores anything that Junko says about her unless it comes to her profession. Most of the comments that come out of Junko’s mouth anyway is something about how Junko feels she’s really important somehow. She also finds Junko’s obsession with despair disturbing. She feels as if she is planning something, but can’t put her finger on what exactly.
Chisa Yukizome
Aika and Chisa have a pretty strong relationship. Aika might not be her student, but Chisa has a soft spot for her. Since Aika tends to visit her classroom a lot, she tends to be warm and friendly towards her. She tends to take a more motherly approach with Aika and considers her an honorary student of Class 77-B.
Kyoko Kirigiri
Aika is acquainted with the detective. She finds her kind of scary, though, because she feels as if she could read her mind.
“I’m Aika Kaneshiro, the Super High School Level Music Artist. I’m in Class 78-A. Um, things to know. Not much. I like music and have bad sleeping habits if that’s what you want to know. Or would you like to know more? My favorite color is blue and my favorite flower is a marigold. I also love, love, love cotton candy.”
“Alright! Hold on to your heads- and hold onto your hearts, ladies-because Aika Kaneshiro is here!”
“I’m sorry, Principal Kirigiri! I won’t be late for class again!”
“What’s with this Junko girl on all these magazines? She seems like a brat.” 
“Yeah! Go, Mioda!”
“All women are queens! Anyone who disagrees is a... um. Is a... A loaf of stale bread!”
“I’ve seen a lot of pretty women in my life, but, Mukuro takes the cake.”
“There are only two things I will defend in my life: The love of my life and my music.”
“Hey, Kibo!”
“No pain, no gain!”
“I’m not afraid of some kogyaru! I’ll drop her in a heartbeat!”
“I’ll find whoever burnt Muki’s cookie and make ‘em pay!”
“Hanamura! Stop being a perv!”
“We’re all searching for something that gives us purpose. For me, it was music. Music still gives me purpose, but... I found something else that drives me, too.”
“It’s never too soon in the story for a love confession, Tsumiki! Never!”
Her first name, Aika, means “love song” and her last name, Kaneshiro, means “golden castle”
Aika makes a lot of references to IRL bands, such as MCR. 
While playing the piano once, she hits the G-note and starts crying. When asked why she was crying by a fellow classmate passing by, she replies by saying “It just brings back sad memories.” 
Another time, when talking with Maizono, she gets very offended on how she had described her music and replies “I write sins, not tragedies”, an obvious reference to the song by Panic! At The Disco.
She also uses a line from Twenty-One Pilots’ “Stressed Out” in one of her songs.
Aika has many nicknames for Mukuro. She uses “Wolfie” and “Muki” the most, but, she’s called her “Tiger Lily” and “Sarge” on occasion.
Aika is not a fan of British boy bands. She complains that their songs aren’t that different and they all look the same, the only thing being different about them is their names.
She was sent death threats from rabid fans after publicly stating that in an interview.
Aika’s scarf was given to her by her aunt.
Aika did have a brief crush on Sayaka in middle school. She moved on, quickly, though.
Even though she and Junko have a terrible relationship, she wishes she and Junko could be friends in the future.
Aika likes her younger fans better than her older. They’re just so sweet.
Aika’s favorite animal is a cat. She tends to visit Gundham a lot to see the cats he’s found.
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aquarius-johnny · 5 years
Coffeehouse | Johnny Seo
Requested: - | Word Count: 1.1k | Warnings: -
Genre: Fluff
Author’s Notes: Uploading a lil later than usual because I’ve been out all day and I didn’t have much time to finish it, so if this flops really badly I understand why lmfao. Based on the song ‘girl at the coffee shop’ by jeff bernat / NonIdol!Johnny x Fem!Reader
Summary: Johnny is infatuated with you, a stranger he saw at the coffee shop.
Saying Johnny has a coffee addiction is an understatement. In fact, he was a regular customer at the local coffee shop down the street. He often spent his weekends there, catching up with friends, on emails, and work that seemed to pile up every single week. He knew the other regulars who frequented the shop and would give them a smile and nod when he saw them. After ordering, he would go straight to his usual seat; the two-seater table near the window.
This weekend, in particular, was different. A sheet of white snow laid against the concrete. Johnny enjoyed the view of snowflakes fall from above and the glass window fog up by the corners. As he inserted his earphones into his laptop, he noticed you the second you walked in. You took the seat at the table next to his, placing your things down before standing in line to place your order. Johnny sneaks glances here and there, making sure he doesn’t awkwardly gawk at your presence.
Taking your seat, placing your coffee and cookie down, you open the current book on your reading list. Whenever your nose is in a book, you had tunnel vision. You couldn’t feel the man’s eyes on you. Examining your facial structure, the way your hair would fall to perfectly frame your face before you pushed it behind your ear, and how you would push your framed reading glasses up your nose bridge as it slowly slipped down. Johnny watched as your perfectly shaped lips wrap around the straw of your latte before your fingers rip off a piece of the warm and chewy cookie you just bought.
Every hour that passed, Johnny debates on whether he should introduce himself and simply ask for your name. He was intrigued and definitely infatuated by you. The minute he decided to make some sort of move, you placed your bookmark to save the page you were on and packed your belongings. There was nothing left in your coffee cup and only crumbs remained from the cookie. Carefully placing your reading glasses in your bag, you stood up and gather your things. A discouraged Johnny tries to focus on his laptop screen but fails as he glances up at you.
You take notice of the man sitting on the table next to you, surprised by his good looks. You wondered why you didn’t bother to look up at least once during the time you were there. Lifting your wrist and taking a look at your watch, you knew you’d be late for a meeting if you stayed any longer. Your eyes catch him but before he could look away, you give him a smile and walked out of the coffee shop.
Johnny thought about you for the rest of the week, regretting not introducing himself and wishing he could rewind back time to that day. He knew it was strange to take so much interest in a stranger he hadn’t spoken a single word to, but he couldn’t help it.
When the weekend rolled back around, he hurried to the shop a little earlier than usual to make sure he didn’t miss you. When he got there, he didn’t see you. In fact, there weren’t many customers there. An hour passed and no other customers walked in. Disappointment washes over him, but just when he was about to give up you walk into the café and straight to the register.
“Hi, could I get a cinnamon dolce latte with a cookie on the side?” You asked the barista who gladly starts on your drink. Quickly scanning the area, you spot the same guy from last week. Johnny freezes, his confidence flies out the window upon seeing you. Looking down at his fingers, he plays with them before mumbling a few encouraging words to himself. He quickly orders a drink and makes his way over to you, he sharply inhales to sooth his nervousness while waiting for his drink. He eyes the book in your hand before taking the opportunity to strike a conversation.
“What book are you reading?” Johnny asks, catching your attention.
You flip the book over to the front cover and he scans the title. “It’s a little beat up, but-”
“It just means it’s probably your favorite, right?”
You grinned at his observation, then nod your head. When the only sound you hear is the shaking of ice, you take the opportunity to introduce yourself. You watched Johnny’s expression light up and he felt a sense of relief.
“I’m Johnny,” he greets, extending his hand out.
“Johnny,” you repeat. “I saw you here last weekend, right?” You ask him as you both grab your order.
“He’s a regular here,” the barista jumps in, nodding towards Johnny who - from what it seems like - built a rapport with him.
Your lips form an ‘o’ shape, smirking at him.
“Are you new here?”
“Is it obvious? Are you from here?”
“Yeah,” he nods. “Born and raised,” he says proudly.
You smiled, then grabbed your cookie. Johnny didn’t want to risk not seeing you again, so it prompted him to ask if you needed someone to show you around.
“Should I take up that offer from a complete stranger?” You teased, taking the familiar seat on the table next to Johnny’s.
“We don’t have to be strangers.”
“Oh?” The palm of your rests on your cheek. “Tell me everything about you, then.”
Johnny grabs his belongings and moves to your table, sitting across from you. “Only if you do the same,” he winks before taking a sip of his coffee.
And you do just that. You learned his favorite color and what makes him tick. You learned his pet peeves, the sports he played in high school, and even the nicknames he calls his family members. The outside lighting dimmed and eventually, the sky darkened into a blue-black color. You two had unknowingly spent the whole time talking to each other and it felt like catching up with an old friend of yours. He made you feel so comfortable you didn’t want to leave, but the barista pulled you back to reality.
“Sorry lovebirds, we’re closing in 30,” says the same barista who made your drink.
Johnny looks at his watch only to see how late it really was.
“Oh sorry, we’re just leaving.” You ensure, grabbing your belongings as Johnny does the same. “Walk me to my car?” Looking at Johnny who gives you a small smile and a little nod.
When you get to your car, an overwhelming feeling of nervousness overcomes you as both you and Johnny stand in the empty parking lot.
“So, how about that personal tour?” Johnny bashfully smiles down at you.
“What’s your number?” You ask, handing him your phone.
Johnny, biting down on his bottom lip, he presses the numbers on your screen and saves his number into your contacts. “I’m expecting you to call me,” he smirks.
“And I’m expecting you to be a great tour guide,” you winked before getting into your car and driving off leaving Johnny with a proud smile across his face.
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dcarhcarts · 5 years
regarding recent absences
And other such updates!
If you want the tl;dr, here it is: my mental health isn’t in the greatest place right now, and I figured I ought to explain why I must ask you for continued patience for the snail speed on this blog. I’m not announcing official hiatus, but just know that I...might continue to be pretty scarce, but I’m trying my best to be here and to be writing here. To hopefully get me more active here, I plan on dropping a few threads and cleaning out my dash re: people who follow me but aren’t writing with me. You’re more than welcome to keep following me if I unfollow you, and if you want to write with me and just haven’t gotten the chance and would like me to re-follow you, pls just go ahead and shoot me an im. I will be making a separate post about both those things, it’s just that I can’t deal with how fast my dash is moving at the moment.
If you care for the long version, under the cut so as to not bother everyone else!!! Be warned that it’s uh...it’s l o n g. TW for depression and anxiety and the general things my brain does to me lolol. 
Wow I haven’t used the post title function in a l o n g time. Anyway, hi, it’s me, Ro, your friendly neighborhood mun of a 20+ muse mumu. Don’t let the kind-of-serious format scare you - nothing bad is happening. I just have a few things that I felt the need to address that have been happening either in my life or just in my screwed up brain :D Buckle in and get ready for the ride, I guess?
Starting with something y’all already know about - I’ve not been here a lot recently. I joke about that a lot, but really, if you catch the pattern, my activity here is: exclusively after 10 pm, 2 drafts at most a day, inbox straight up clogged from like a month ago. IMS basically desolate, because I haven’t worked up the courage to pick them back up since I last forgot about them in the endless stream of things I had to do about a month ago! (that being said, uh, if you want to talk to me your best bet is probably through discord. Ro#6782 - pls, mutuals only, and tell me who you are!)  
And - because I h a t e being that mun that reblogs memes and asks for for them and then never answers their askbox / puts out starter calls when she has 10000 drafts / puts out plotting calls when she has unanswered ims, (no problem at all when other people do this but somehow when it’s m e I’m like “no you’re a terrible person”???? hmmm), I’ve also been avoiding t h o s e. If you’re new and you followed me in the last month, I’ve been putting out n o t h i n g that indicates a willingness to interact with new/more people, while the opposite is true. I’m always willing to interact - if I follow back, I want to write with you, only, well, aforementioned issue aside, I also have m o r e problems.
Namely, IRL and the fucked up thing called my brain. 
As most of you know, I got a job ~end of may or early juuuune~ and....well it’s pretty damn time consuming. I can’t have my phone during the course of my job - by the way, 4 hours - and so in those 4 hours (from 4 pm to 8 pm) I can basically get nothing done here. Then there’s also the fact that the time my shift is placed mentally and physically drains me a lot. Because it starts at 4, most of my morning is spent thinking “god I don’t wanna go to work” and because it ends at 8, most of my evening is spent trying very hard not to doze off. It also drains me a lot socially - I work at a call center, and all day I’m basically calling people who don’t want me to call them and are very irate even when they pick up, and uh, that already doesn’t do well for my anxiety haha. 
The other thing, of course - is my sort-of-seasonal depression. Winter tends to equate to anxiety for me, and summer tends to equate to depression. Again, I think I’ve joked about this a lot, but I apparently can only do drafts when I have 3 finals tomorrow and I haven’t studied for any of them. When it’s break, I get into a really weird slump - when i wake up in the morning, I don’t really want to wake up, and sometimes just stare at the wall for like, an hour. Nothing that I enjoyed during the other months, I seem to enjoy doing now. There’s too much time and too little time. It’s like i spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing meaningful but I can’t break myself out of the cycle so I keep doing that, rinse and repeat day after day, and sometimes my definition of spending time is just lying down in bed again and doing nothing for an hour randomly in the middle of the day. I feel guilty for wasting time as much as I am clueless as to how to fill it in a fulfilling way. “But Ro, you could do drafts!” A Concerned Person May Say. “You like writing!” Well, Kind Person, on some of these days, absolutely n o t h i n g Sparks Joy. 
“But Ro, I follow you on your other blog too!” The Concerned Person might continue.“You’re kind of active there, aren’t you?” And the answer, Kind Person who supported my career even if that blog is mostly obscure af fandoms - is yes.  I am kind of active on my other blog, @storyblcd. This brings us to the third and final reason why I’m.....moving at snail’s speed here, and that, my good friend - is anxiety. Well, mixed with a certain amount of mental exhaustion, of course. Note: this is n o t anyone’s fault. People’s interactions with me have not been negative - and they are not responsible for how my brain chooses to reaact to it. 
I’ve not lost muse for the muses on this blog, per se - but I’m getting burned out really fast writing them, for multiple reasons. First, muse imbalance. Now I know, I definitely k n o w - that sometimes people like one muse more than another, or have more interest in writing with one or the other, and I get that. I’ve said multiple multiple times that that is p e r f e c t l y fine. But honestly the reason I’ve lasted so long on a multimuse is because I can pick which muse I have muse for when, and I can respond accordingly / ask for interactions accordingly. But when I get so many people coming at me at once for the o n e muse when I have t w e n t y it sometimes gets a little? Discouraging? It makes me question whether or not only that one muse is popular for a reason. It also exhausts me re: the portrayal of that muse, because I”m putting out so many replies for that muse in a lot of sort of similar plots/scenarios that I just get burnt right out. And then I get scared that if I keep going I’ll want to drop the muse, so I’m staying away from those threads a little bit.
Second, I’m at a point in my portrayal of certain muses where I feel like there’s a certain expectation for how it’s going to be. My personal feelings aside, I think every mun expects their own portrayal to be different and unique and exciting - and it’s not different for me, only now I feel like the expectation and the pressure of coming up with something good and meaningful outweighs the feeling of exploration as I’m “discovering” the muse. Like most writers - I still crave validation, though more and more lately, I’m at a place in my writing where I f e e l like me from 2 months ago could have probably done a better job. While it’s not necessarily true, and these pressures are coming from m e and not any outside source, I f e e l like I have to consistently Make Good Writing, and simultaneously feel like some days I sit down and I try to do drafts and all I write is garbage. It just - doesn’t feel the same? So - more and more, I’m staring at the empty drafts page and then closing it - because if I don’t w r i t e I don’t have to admit I peaked two months ago.  
Both of these reasons have made me rather a bit avoidant of my muses here / this blog. Now, I’ve been struggling with anxiety for long enough that I know that a lot of this is - well, p r o b a b l y just my brain lying to me. See even as I’m writing this post now, my anxiety is saying “haha guess what n o one cares you’ve been gone” and my rational Anxiety-is-a-stupid-asshole voice is saying “nahhhhhh your brain is probably just lying to you.” But! In the battle, anxiety is kind of pummeling me now. I will r i s e again and win the war, most likely - but for now it’s anxiety: 1 and ro: 0.
AND finally - if you made it all the way down here, you’re a c h a m p. The solution! Well, as much of a solution as I’m hoping to get anyway - we’ll have to see if it implements well. I’m going to unfollow a few blogs so I can get my dash cleaner/more organized/less fast-moving and b r e a t h e. I’m going to drop a couple of threads, I might make a couple more muses request only/exclusive only for the like 2 people that have threads with them, I might drop a couple muses (though I don’t think this will really happen, Idk tho). There will be separate posts on those things coming soon, this is just to notify y’all. Thank you for all of your patience, thank you for all the wonderful people who’ve allowed me to write with you, I love all of you!!!!
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eclecticminded · 6 years
anonymous asked: If you're still doing requests can you do the prompt “Did you just slap my ass?” with Nevada?
Hope you like this one anon. I may need a cold shower after writing it.
You get board and slap Nevada’s ass. He retaliates.
Warnings: Sex. Choking. Spanking.
Tags: @southsiderepresent @glimmerglittergirl @madpanda75  @southern-magnolia @katmstanton @esparza-army @sweetsummertime99  @obfuscateyummy @lifeisbetterwithbarba and @lyssa1385
Author’s Note: I know I write some stuff where the penis having person cums in the vagina having person because its hot. But please use condoms irl. This is fantasy. STDs, STIs, and pregnancy are real.
It was another Saturday night at the club with Nevada. Your drink was never empty for long. Someone was always watching you. And you were surrounded by people you didn't know. Being in VIP would get boring when Nevada was talking shop and you'd go dance. If someone got a little handsy, a guard had them booted. If you didn't kick their ass first that is.
People would get tired of being kicked out and leave you alone. You'd get board again and return to VIP pouting. Sometimes Nevada would give you attention if he wasn't busy. But he was busy tonight. So you entertained yourself making up people's life stories and drinking a little too much.
Nevada whispered something to a waitress and they both turned to stare at you. You flipped them off. The waitress rolled her eyes and Nevada flipped you off right back. His attention returned to the business he was doing and you mocked him behind his back.
You didn't quiet know what he was saying, but you could look mad and mouth words. One of the men he was talking to laughed and Nevada stopped talking. He followed the man's gaze to you and you smiled sweetly back at him. The waitress brought a pizza and set in down on the table.
“I didn't know they served food here,” a different man reached for a slice and Nevada slapped his hand away.
“They don't,” Nevada growled, “it's for the lush over here,” he motioned to you.
“For meeeee,” your eyes lit up, finally he was paying attention to you.
“Yes loca, now eat,” Nevada shoved you towards the table and you snatched two slices out of the box. You stuffed the first slice in your mouth, eating it in three huge bites.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you sing songed in his ear. Nevada grunted his response and you ate the second slice more slowly. Savoring the way the cheese stretched and the flavors swirled on your tongue. Food always tasted better when you were drunk or high.
“Must be good,” Nevada reached for a slice, bending at the waist in front of you. Without thinking your hand shot out and smacked his ass. Hard. The sound filled the semi-quiet VIP lounge and everyone turned to stare. He dropped the pizza and turned to glare.
“Did you just smack my ass,” he spat through gritted teeth.
“Yup,” you popped the p, “what are you gonna do about it?”
Nevada didn't say anything, he snatched your wrist and jerked you to stand. His foot slammed onto the low table and he up ended you over his thigh. Your skirt was yanked up and Nevada's rained fury down on your ass. You blushed from everyone watching but decided against fighting, he'd just embarrass you further.
As fast as you'd been bent over, you were righted again and Nevada sat down. Everyone continued to stare but all you saw was him glowering at you. You pouted, sticking your lip out and batting your eyes.
“I'm sorry papi,” you cooed and moved to straddle Nevada's lap.
“Oh now you're sorry loca,” he raised an eye brow.
“Sí, lo siento papi,” you nodded and rolled your hips. Nevada tangled his hand in your hand and crashed his lips into your. His tongue was in your mouth and you circled it with yours. He bit your lip and you whimpered.
When Nevada's hand went up your skirt, you looked around. The lounge was empty and the curtain was pulled shut. He pushed your panties aside and rubbed his knuckle up and down your folds, against your clit, and back to your center.
“What made you this wet,” his knuckle came back to your clit and his other hand gripped your hip tightly. His fingertips pressed bruises into your hipbone, it somehow made you wetter.
“Spanking me,” you moaned against his neck were your head was buried.
“Filthy girl. You got wet being spanked in front of all those people,” Nevada clicked his tongue.
“Your filthy girl,” you corrected and rolled against his erection again. Nevada tugged your shirt down and bit the top of your exposed breast. You cried out and his hand wrapped around your throat, cutting you off.
“Get up,” Nevada shoved your backwards by your throat and you scrambled to land on your feet. He tightened his grip when you were both standing and looked down at his crotch. Your hands flew to his belt and undid it but you struggled with the button in your tipsy state. Nevada squeezed harder and you got the button undone and zipper down.
Nevada released your throat to drop his pants. His erection sprung up and slapped against his stomach. Your eyes widened at how hard he already was. You licked your lips and reached out to pumped his cock. Precum spilled all over your hand and you licked it off.
“You want papi's cock huh,” Nevada dropped to the sofa behind him and gripped himself.. You nodded erratically and straddled his lap. Nevada slipped his cock inside you and you moaned. As you lowered yourself your felt your pussy stretch around every bit of him. Felt the warm pleasurable with a twinge of pain stretch you's needed all night.
Your hands found there way under Nevada's shirt and clawed at his back. Once you were fully seated, Nevada's hand gripped your throat again. His other hand gripped the unbruised hip, thought it wouldn't remain that way long, and encouraged you to bounce.
So you did. You bounced up and down. Circled your hips. Anything to feel friction. You stopped scratching Nevada's back and gripped his shoulders to give you leverage. Each time you slammed down he pressed his feet into the floor and thrusted up. Each time he hit your g spot and each time you saw stars.
Under your breath you muttered fuck nearly too fast to understand. Nevada was growling. You felt light headed from the choking and moved a hand to tap at his wrist. He let go instantly and you hooked your hands behind his neck, picking up your pace. Without slowing his thursts, Nevada first gently kissed where his hand had been, then bit down on the soft sensitive spot on your neck. You felt the teeth digging into your skin and cried out.
He moved to the other side of your neck and sucked. Nevada's arms circled your waist and slammed your down onto him with enough force it triggered your orgasm. After you came, his arms trapped you against him like a vice. He stood, cock still hard and leaking inside of you, and lowered you where he had just been.
Nevada moved your legs to his shoulders and pounded into you relentlessly. He was grunting animalistically and it managed to turn you on more than you already were. Somehow you were able to get your hand to your clit and rub. Nevada saw your pleasuring yourself and it made him cum, spurting inside of you. He pumped inside you twice more as he finished and you came again.
While you caught your breath, Nevada pulled his pants back on redid his belt. He fixed his hair and then helped you to your feet. You wobbled and he playfully rolled his eyes, adjusting your clothes and fixing your hair for you.
“Get her home,” Nevada pulled you through the curtain and nudged you towards Javier, the guy who was assigned as your driver and bodyguard.
“You're not coming,” you crossed your arms.
“I gotta finish the business you interrupted,” he sounded mad but the sweet kiss pressed to your forehead said otherwise.
“But Vada,” you stomped your foot.
“Stop it loca,” Nevada disappeared into the lounge and came back with the rest of the pizza. “Go home. Eat more of this. And when I'm done I'll fuck you again.”
“Fiiiinne,” you took the pizza and sauntered to the back entrance, Javier hot on your heels. Trujillo was a lot of things, most of them bad, but he didn't break promises. Not on purpose anyway. And especially not when they involved you.
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