#i no longer worry about any of my posts showing up in tags cos apparently tumblr has decided that nothing i post is worthy of being found ev
carolrance · 5 years
i just found the most hilarious reviews for the handmaid’s tale and i’m dying lol. since twop is dead(?) (is it? i dunno cos i never look anymore tbh) this is the next best thing. and it’s doubly awesome cos she hates all the same characters. (mutual nick hate is my life). i have another post in my drafts about how amazing amy glynn’s reviews at paste are. and they are. but they are serious. these ones are snarktastic.
“Welcome back to America’s favorite rape and explosions show, The Handmaid’s Tale.”
“Nick goes out into the rain, full emo cigarette smoking, resigned to boning this virgin, when he spies something. Oh no! It’s Offred, sprawled in the rain, bleeding to death. He picks her up and screams for help. My god. These two. Offred is the world’s worst teenager. And Nick is her bad boy boyfriend. She’s going to robotically obey and then bleed to death in the rain? Get the fuck out of here with that. These two act like they are in a My Chemical Romance music video circa 2005.” (This is my fav one of them all.)
“Speaking of Nick, he’s still the worst! His baby bride comes to Offred for...advice? I don’t know why she comes to her exactly, except maybe it’s like coming to your sluttiest friend and asking a weird sex question? I don’t know.”
“Serena is clearly mad about Offred, and E. Moss is doing a great job as playing her as the bitchiest teenager in the house. Aunt Lydia has moved in to keep her eye on Offred, and she bursts in during Offred’s teenage sulk bath to instruct her to wash. Down there. You know. (vagina). Offred makes more defiant teenage eye contact as she washes. Down there. She’s almost coming on to Lydia. That’s cool, I guess.”
“We cut to the Colonies and some more cockadoodie plot machinations. Because of the mass casualty event, Emily and Janine, among others, are going to be pressed back into service as Handmaids. This is some ripe bullshit. First off, both are disobedient. Secondly, they’ve been in the radioactive Colonies for a hot minute--who knows what that’s done to their baby making machinery? But now the writers can bring back some important characters. COCKADOODIE.”
“Part of the purpose of the walks are so the fetus can hear and get used to Serena’s voice, you see, and Serena wants to talk shit about everyone they know.”
“We get some grade A pen pornography as she lovingly fingers Fred’s pens, and we close on the image of Serena behind the desk and Offred clicking the ballpoint just like Ofglen clicked the detonator. (We also get an insane music cue: “Venus.” You know, from the razor commercials and also the 1960s? Like, what the what the what, show.)”
“She’s worked on her shrine and her newspaper-clipping Crazy Wall ™, where she is reconstructing the events that led to the creation of Gilead. Which is great, but also, bitch, didn’t you watch the fucking news? You lived through this.”
“They load up into a truck, but at the last minute, Offred remembers that she is the worst and this show is supposed to go for ten seasons, so she hops out, gives the baby to Emily, and heads back into the night, to become Jedi June and fight Gilead to rescue her other daughter.”
“Serena stomps into Devil Fred’s mancave while he is enjoying his jazz records and demands that Offred go back to the Red Center. Fred talks her down, telling her that they don’t want to miss the joy of the pregnancy. Which, okay, Fred. You try having a testy teenager in your face all day.”
“I really wanted to punch her during all of this. How golly, and how insensitive, to poke through their sacred objects and get all teary-eyed, especially as they risk their lives to shelter her dumb ass.”
“Serena monologues about her drafts of new security orders. She wants things to get back to normal--she wants to cut back on the police state to normal dystopian police state levels.”
“It seems the Marthas have had enough, and they are taking action. Offred fucks around for about ten minutes because she is the worst, carving Nolite into the bedroom wall.”
“Anyway, Serena is super pissed, violently potting succulents and plotting dark deeds.”
“At some point, Offred takes a pout bath that is red with blood. She also bleeds clear through her underwear. When they get home, the Waterfords welcome Nick’s bride into the household, and then send Offred and Rita away. Rita is worried about Offred, but Offred has decided to bleed to death. Up the stairs she goes.”
“Offred’s presence rouses Fred out of his mini-coma for just long enough for him to remark on her size (just like a real son of a bitch). Offred leaves and makes out with Nick in the hall because they are stupid assholes. I mean, really. There are people and Eyes all over the place and these two are just slobbering all over. Offred also makes the Martha’s shooting all about her in a real self-centered way.”
“Let’s check in on the boring house, shall we? Offred decides to go around and collect godmothers for her baby.”
“Oh I forgot that Nick and Offred cuddled the baby and blah blah and I still hate them. Also, Nick, your baby bride’s blood is on your hands.”
“In the show, though, we’ve seen a lot of natal care, including ultrasounds, and we’ve seen the inside of a hospital room. Why in the fucking hell would they mess around with home birth at all? It’s so illogical it makes me mad.”
“So she goes outside with the shotgun, has another wolf encounter, and blasts off some rounds to alert someone of her presence. Then she goes back inside and takes off all her clothes and shits that kid out.”
“Back at the Waterford manse, Serena and Offred bond, AGAIN, over Eden’s execution and Serena lets Offred breast feed the baby, because she is completely internally inconsistent. On this episode, Serena will be affected by the atrocities of the regime she helped create. ANYWAY, THE END.”
“Eden wants to spruce up the apartment, and Nick gives her permission and plays the husband humoring his little woman’s whims. Which, total and complete barf forever. Nick still doesn’t see Eden as a potential threat, because he is an idiot. While she’s working on her HGTV audition tape, she finds the stack of contraband letters Nick took from Offred when she was going mad.”
“Into the house they run, Serena screaming Offred’s name like she’s going to catch her and probably murder her. I mean, this is full throated scream. If your dog ran away, you wouldn’t scream his name that way because he would be like: that bitch is crazy and wants to kill me. So it unsuprisingly doesn’t work on a human woman.”
“Meanwhile, Nick catches Eden kissing the douchebag Guardian. He’s like no big deal, and Eden freaks out. She says that he’s in love with the Handmaid, and he gaslights the fuck out of her denying it. Nick is a bastard. He shows Eden no kindness. He doesn’t treat her like a person. She doesn’t rate even a decent excuse. There are many things he could say: that she’s so young, that they don’t know each other, that he’s unhappy to be married at all. But he does none of those things. This woman is fifteen years old. She’s spent her adolescence under the yoke of Gilead. While she may be a true believer, she is still not in charge of her fate here. Nick is a bastard.”
“Devil Fred and Offred get in a knock-down, drag out, and he misquotes the bible at her and slaps her across the face. She then slaps him across his face, and is not immediately fucking super murdered.”
“Emily is like what the fuck, this place is weird. Lydia is like, bye! You better be good or we will kill you! Have fun! Anyway, she has a brief conversation with the Wife, who is like: this guy is horrible. He created The Colonies! He poisoned people! Commander Old Hipster gently shuffles her away, back to her crazy room.”
And serious business shit (cos it’s not all jokes):
“What I do think is wrong is the zig-zagging of Serena’s character. She’s mean and petty, and then she’s happy playing writer to Offred’s editor. Then she’s mad again, and then even more mad after that. Raping Offred to punish her for false labor is insane and irredeemable. Devil Fred has been consistently devilish--a prick who enjoys owning women--but Serena has seesawed from one extreme to another. I don’t think it makes her character more complicated or deep. Instead, it seems like inconsistency in the writing.
This show has been saluted as being of the times, for being very current. When I see children being ripped from their parents, or in an earlier episode this season, people desperate to escape to another country, and then I see it echoed in real life, it is hard to take. Dystopias are less entertaining to watch when you live in a country that seems to be accelerating toward the same.”
“Things I liked: Annie Lennox, Commander Old Hipster/his house/his wife/his Martha/his stolen art collection/taste in graphic novels/scarves, Rita and the Marthas rising up. Things I didn’t like: EVERYTHING ELSE
As adaptations go, the second season was always going to be a rough one. I can’t say that it was successful. They’ve turned June/Offred into an asshole, and they made Serena so inconsistent we don’t even know what to expect moment to moment. That’s not good writing, y’all.”
BTW, the site is:
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She’s Creepy (Dream)
pairing : dream / clay x reader. 
summary : apparently being a huge fan of a big youtuber is considered being a creep, according to minecraft gamer, dream. and ever since he called you mean things, your world turned upside down. (ANGST) (TRIGGER WARNING)
a/n : i’m aware i’ve been writing all angsts, i just enjoy a little heartbreak. this is a two part story!
you haven’t been on social media as a public figure for long, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t been on social media before this.
you knew people, you had people you look up to, as of many other social media influencers or content creators. 
you grew pretty quick on youtube and instagram. your content mostly included room makeovers whenever you felt bored of your own home or your storytimes. you blew up from talking about your stalker. 
since then, your subscibers stayed with you and supported you, saying that you have a charm, and that you exert good energy and vibes. and those type of comments have always made your day.
you always shared with your supporters about your life, not too personal but enough for them to feel included. of course, you’re not telling them your phone number or address, but you tried to share as many details you can legally in your story times. 
that also meant that you would tell your supporters small details about you, such as what book you were currently reading or who you’ve been watching on youtube. 
even before you stated posting on your channel, you’ve been watching a minecraft youtuber, dream and his friends. 
some of your fans would tag them in some of your instagram posts, or tweets that brought no harm so you never really acknowledged it since it wasn’t hurting anyone. 
you weren’t “fangirling” you’d say. it was more of you supported them and found them funny and entertaining. 
coincidentally, you landed yourself on the dream team tiktok, which means that dream and his friends were all over you for you page. 
and to show that you were active and not dead to your followers on instagram, you’d post a funny tiktok, usually included the dream team. you thought it was harmless. to you, it was just a way to show support. 
but only a couple days later, hashtags about you and the dream team, more specifically, just dream, were trending. 
when you saw this, opening your twitter app, you immediately went to find out what this was about. your heart jumped when you thought maybe dream acknowledged you. 
in fact, it was worse. 
what was trending was a short video clip during one of the dream teams chill streams on the dream smp. 
the conversation between george, sapnap and dream went like this. 
“you guys heard about that girl who kept reposting tiktoks about us on her instagram story?” george asked the other two boys. 
“heard she watched us before she even started her channel” sapnap. 
“i don’t know about you guys, but i think she’s being a little creepy.” dream said. 
your heart sunk to your stomach. did your actions portray you to be a creep to other people?
“dream, you can’t just say that, especially on stream.” sapnap scolded him, george also mumbling something. 
“why can’t i? i feel creeped out by her, a public figure posting me all over her socials.” dream replied, tone serious. 
you clicked off the video, before it replayed again. you couldn’t get yourself to rewatch that, to hear those words again. 
almost crying, you told yourself to suck it up, that this wasn’t worth you crying. 
although they were who you looked up as minecraft gamers, this wasn’t worth your breakdowns. 
that was until, you opened your direct messages.
you shouldn’t have. you knew the dream team stans would easily hunt you down, to ask you to back off from creeping their idol off. 
but no, you still opened your dms. you expected a normal dm, ones that say they support you or some of your friends sending you memes through instagram. 
what you didn’t expect was to see a flood of threats. 
some said “kill yourself, you don’t deserve a spot on earth after what you did.” and “back off and leave my mans.” 
it got worse from there. you thought maybe it’s just the dms, but you didn’t expect it to blow up more, with people tagging you with photos on instagram and twitter. people “cancelling” you. 
you didn’t understand how this blew up like this. you were even more baffled to see some of your supporters sending you threats, too. 
was this what you deserved? 
you weren’t one to make rash decisions, nor were you a suicidal person. 
you felt stupid. just because you supported big youtubers, you get this type of treatment?
the threats, the dm, never stopped. for three whole months, you had to deal with the never ending mean comments on your social media. you thought it would die down. 
it came to the point of seeing your address and your phone number all over the internet. you never thought it would lead to this. 
you didn’t know what to do anymore. 
not long after, people started showing up to your apartment. 
sure, your apartment didn’t have the best of security, which you blamed no one but yourself for being a public figure and living somewhere with little to no security. 
they started with knocking on your door during ungodly hours. next was mailing weird stuff or sending stuff to your house. lastly, which tipped you off was that they would vandalize your apartment. 
they would egg your front door, pee, or spray paint your walls of the outside. 
you couldn’t handle it anymore. 
soon enough, you knew you had to stand up for yourself. you had to call the police. 
and that was exactly what you did. you called the authorities, which made the brave teenagers leave you alone. 
while they were egging your house and making your life miserable, you knew this was the only time for you to make a rash decision. to leave the country, to somewhere no one else would fine you at. somewhere unpredictable, that no one would expect you to go.
it took a lot for you to book a plane ticket, box up your belongings and move to a completely different country, away from your hometown, florida. 
you loved it in florida. though it was humid all the time, you enjoyed it. now that you had to leave, you only had a little while to cherish it before you leave it all behind. 
and your family, your friends. the ones you’ve grown up with, ones you’ve grown to love and cherish. you had to leave that too. and without telling them too much information. 
that hurt the most, needing to leave your loved ones behind, to start a new life, to start afresh. 
i didn’t know what was happening. one thing added onto another and soon it was out of control. 
i didn’t say anything at the start, not thinking it would go this far. i didn’t know to what extent my fans would go.
sure, i saw all the things happening, but i didn’t do anything to stop it. 
i saw her address and phone number all over social media, and did nothing about it. 
george and sapnap said something, and pushed me to do something about it, but i didn’t. i was stubborn.
speaking of, it’s been months since i heard anything about her from her herself, everything i see is from my fans or hers, wondering where she is.
should i be worried?
you left florida. the only people you told were your parents and your childhood friend, not trusting anyone else. 
what you told them was vague, that you needed to leave, away from the US. specifically, you moved to Australia. 
you made a decision to not live near the city, but the outskirts. 
you were lucky that you weren’t a spender and you made more than enough money to make the decision to leave so suddenly. 
lucky for you, you went to college and had a degree in law, so you didn’t need to worry about not having a job.
you never thought you’d make use of your degree this early in your life, thinking that youtube and being a content creator would last a little while longer. 
you had to change you hairstyles, your fashion in general since you had to be in a more professional setting. although it was hard transitioning from a casual wear and having crazy coloured hair to wearing pant suits or formal dresses and going back your natural colour. 
three years. it took you three full years for you to even think of visiting your parents in florida again. also, given the fact that you had a stable job and you couldn’t up and leave. 
but recently, you were offered to work at another law firm in florida. you were happy to tell that to your family back home but at the same time, you were hesitant to go back to your nightmares. 
but you braved yourself, since you missed your family dearly. 
now, you were sitting on your desk in your cozy home, finalizing up the last of your move, like getting a house back in florida, this time with a better security just in case. 
boxes of your clothes and belongings went first, to reach your new house there before you did so it was easier for you, not having to worry about your stuff. 
you asked none of your family’s help, not wanting to burden them. instead you told them to just meet you at a restaurant you booked for you and your family and friends for dinner about three weeks after you landed. 
although they protested, saying it was too long until they can see you again, you told them to not worry and that you were going to use those three weeks to start working at the new law firm.
you decided to take a straight flight from australia to florida, not wasting any time. although it was almost a twenty-two hour long flight, you sat throug and got to your hometown safely. 
you didn’t know what was going on with the three boys you used to adore, since you didn’t have social media anymore. 
but you didn’t mind it, it was peaceful. 
two weeks since you’ve stepped foot in florida again. it felt amazing to breathe your hometown air again. it was refreshing. 
you have fully settled in your new house, and workplace. you were glad to have met your co-workers. they were all super welcoming and made sure you weren’t left behind in anything. 
so far, your transition from australia to florida has been smooth, and you weren’t worried about anything. 
you got a car since you’ve arrived, so that you could travel easily from one place to another. 
not to brag, but. you were making enough money to live a lavish lifestyle. a big house and a pretty expensive car, and that didn’t even make a dent in your bank account. 
you were proud to see that you achieved all this yourself, and only within a couple of years. 
you were just excited to meet your family in real life instead of facetime. 
finally, the day of the dinner with your family came. unfortunately, you had to take a case in the afternoon, so you had to come to dinner in your work pant suit, with a turtleneck and a little late. 
they understood it and told you not to worry about it, and that they would just seat themselves by your name instead of waiting for you. you promised you’d pay their dinners and apologized once again. 
the sound of your heels comforted you as you walked from the valet to the restaurant. you were a little nervous to meet them again face to face after three years. but you couldn’t wait to catch up with them and tell them all about your work life that you could never tell them during the facetime calls. 
you smiled to yourself, thinking nothing could go wrong. and nothing could really go wrong anyways, it was just a dinner after all.
but you hadn’t expected the three boys you used to idolize to be eating dinner at the same restaurant you and your family would be at, specifically, opposite your table.
you walked in the restaurant, telling the front of the house that you had a table reserved under your name and that you were pretty sure the rest of your family was already there. 
she politely told you to walk alongside her, leading you to your family. 
you weren’t paying attention to your surroundings. you were solely focused on seeing your family that you didn’t know that there were extra pair of eyes staring at you. 
you smiled as your family saw you. your mum crying while standing up to hug you tightly, as she once did three years ago. 
you could hear your friends shout your name loudly, as if to tell the whole world that you were finally here. 
“don’t cry, i’m staying, no more going back to australia, i swear.” you told your mum, trying to reassure her that you were fine and that you were not going to leave her again, since she hadn’t stopped crying.
you moved to hug your dad, who had been patiently waiting for his turn after his wife. “you look great, kiddo.” you thanked him as he complimented your professional look. 
you sat down, somewhere in the middle, between your family, opposite of your parents so that everyone could clearly see and talk to you easily. 
with how noisy you family were, you were sure the entire restaurant knew your name and where you had just moved from. 
they asked you about australia, what was it like to work there, away from your family. you caught up with every single one of them. 
“don’t you live in that really expensive neighbourhood right now?” one of your childhood friends asked. 
you winked at her, discreetly trying to answer her question. the whole table shouted and congratulated you for making it this far, in only a matter of short years. 
you covered your face, shy, not wanting this part of your life to be told to everyone in the restaurant. 
there she was. the person whose life we practically ruined. luckily, we didn’t ruin it all for her. i guess she made use of her brains and is working a normal job.
“dude.” i tried to attract the other two boys’ attention. 
“i know.” both of them answered me. 
“she’s rich rich, huh?” sapnap almost chuckled but was totally serious saying that. 
“yup.” dream. 
ah yes, clay. the man dream himself. sapnap and i tried to persuade him into making it right for her, for you. 
sure, he had said those mean words, but he can take it back. three years ago, at least. 
she disappeared three years ago. vanished. no one knew where you went. some say you moved out of the country, which deemed to be true. couple of years later people started to find out what you worked as, but i tried my best to help get rid of the information 
but they just couldn’t pinpoint where. you basically uped and left everything. 
and there was time to apologize, but it had been to late. 
i thought she died, quite frankly. i didn’t want to be the cause of someone dying. well at least, not me, but my friend. 
now us three were seated in a pretty formal and expensive restaurant to eat dinner. and we did not expect to see her here. 
she came in a little late, wearing a very professional wear. seemed like you went to work before this. 
i knew you were a lawyer, we three knew that since our fans found it out. 
she looked completely different. hair not her usual crazy colours. just seeing her in heels baffled me. she was wearing something formal and that wasn’t what you usually wore, years ago. 
she’s beautiful.
not that she wasn’t before. 
but this version of her was different. her in her pant suit, in heels. a turtleneck under her blazer. 
she looked elegant. classy. rich. 
i mean, she is rich. 
her family screamed when she told them where she lived. and man, that neighbourhood only had rich people. it had one of the best, if not the best security you could ask for. 
it wasn’t easy to buy a house there. even if you had the money, you’d need a certain bank card to be allowed to even be shortlisted. 
and if i saw it correctly, she drives a bentley that was just parked by a valet kid. 
damn. she is one successful woman. 
i know, how could i think this much of her, how dare i when i didn’t even apologized. i didn’t even try. 
in fact. i did. even before she went MIA, fully on social media, i sent her direct messages everywhere. she never replied to any of them. 
and i knew no one that had her phone number. and soon enough, no one had heard from her in three years. 
and now she’s back. more beautiful than ever. 
i needed to speak to her i couldn’t live with the guilt that stayed for these past three years. 
my fans, my so called supporters made her life a living hell and i almost did nothing to stop it. 
i’m sure she hates me. but i have to try somehow, right?
question is, she didn’t have a social media anymore, and i can’t just speak to her now that she was sitting opposite my table. 
i kept on pondering as i heard a little bit of her conversation, about her life. 
i guess she moved to australia, and worked in a lawfirm in the outskirts. so unpredictable of her. no one would’ve guessed that in a million years. 
i watched as i see her smile as she listened to what her parents were saying. 
i cherished the smile since i didn’t know when was the next time i’d see her. 
she asked the waiter for the bill, covering the whole cost of her and her huge family’s meal. 
damn, this girl is too rich for her own good. 
she puts down the bill on the table, also leaving a generous tip for the waiter that served them. she stood up to walk after her family, needing to pass my table. 
since she had been oblivious to her surroundings, i didn’t expect her to spot us, to notice us. 
but i was wrong. 
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hgwellsmykabering · 3 years
@purlturtle tagged me in a little W13/Bering&Wells questionaire for her website - Thanks for thinking of me, and feel free to post my answers on there with my lilolilyrae ao3 URL, and/or this tumblr here!
How did you get into Warehouse 13/Bering and Wells? What do you love about the show/ship, what woke your interest, what kept it going?
I first watched Warehouse 13 with my family when I was about 13 - I think season 3 had just been released, and there were re-runs of the earlier seasons on TV, I liked it and got the DVDs for my birthday.
I shipped Helena and Myka from the start - and it might be the one and only popular ship that I got into without prior influence from fandom! While I already had a tumblr, I wasn't active in many fandom circles there, and I had never even heard of ao3 yet... But when I discussed the W13 characters and possible relationships with my parents, and my mom was like 'we may not like it, but Pete and Myka as the main characters will end up together, it's always like that' (curse you, season 5, for proving her right), while my dad suggested Pete/Helena and didn't believe me that Helena and Myka were the most shippable... well, I went online, found my first fanfiction, and felt Very vindicated at not being the only one to realize their potential! So really, Bering&Wells got me into fandom.
When did you start writing for them? Do you still write for them, or have you moved to other fandoms/ships? (no worries either way, it's absolutely fair to move on!)
I started writing for them back in 2016 with a College AU that I never quite finished (and don't have the heart to mark 'abandoned' but am honestly not sure whether I'll ever come back to), then only sporadically stayed in the fandom until I found some new Bering&Wells online friends some time last year, and I started writing for the ship again a few months ago.
What do you/did you like about writing for Bering and Wells? What motivates/motivated you to write for them?
Apparently, I have a ship-type of 'Women with a tragic backstory where one had to leave the other for a while', and, well... they just fit that perfectly.
Also, all the lost potential of canon! I do so enjoy fixing that.
What kinds of stories do you or did you write for Bering and Wells? Happy endings or sad endings? Hurt/comfort, plot fics, AUs, kid fics, fix-its, smut, …?
So far it's been short fics, mostly smut, but given that since I started writing for them again this year, I only wrote 3 new fics for the ship so far, I don't think that's much of a pattern yet xD we'll see! I definitely plan to write more.
Have you created or are you still creating other forms of fan art for Bering and Wells/Warehouse 13, like GIFs, videos, paintings? Do you wanna show it off (share a link)?
Photo posts on tumblr! I think I only made the one moodboard for Bering&Wells so far, but I am taking prompts for photo stories, moodboards and manips to all of my ships :)
Do you have a favorite story, or a story you’re proudest of, and would you tell us which it is?
...I'll link the one that isn't smut xD and I did get positive reviews on this!
The Grey of Memories, 1.5k, T, emotional hurt/comfort, no warnings. Tumblr | ao3
From the smut fics, my fav is And You Don't Need To Stay Silent on ao3, 5k, E, emotional loud sex in a newly established relationship
What do you/did you find easy to write for them; what is/was hard or challenging? Do you feel you have a good grip on the two main characters; is one of them more elusive than the other?
Well you see... It's honestly been so long since I last watched much actual W13 canon... So now when I think of the characters, it's all a mash-up of ideas from other people's fics, plus my own specific headcanons - and I honestly don't care to change that. (Insert that text post 'does fic really have to be in character? Is it not enough that I don't need to learn any new names?')
As for writing them to still be recognizable to people with different headcanons, I've found that Helena's old-timey British-ness and tendency to use the pet name 'darling' helps a lot, while I don't have any such tricks for Myka, so I suppose writing HG would be easier there.
What's your writing style? Planner, Pantser, Plantser? Do you work with a beta? Have you ever co-written a story with someone else, and how did that experience go?
I can write one-shots in one go, but for anything longer than about 5k, or if I just don't have the time to finish even a shorter story when I have an idea for it, I note down the outline and go through it later. I don't usually work with betas unless it is a fic written for a gift exchange.
What are your favorite kind of stories/story tropes for Bering and Wells, either to write or to read? What are stories or tropes that you don't like (or can't stand) to write or read for them?
While I'm not usually a fan of kid fics, with Bering&Wells I really enjoy stories that include Christina, especially in a fix-it way, but also in AUs.
For canon compliant fics, I like some good emotional hurt/comfort dealing with trauma - as they are going through a lot in the series, and canon isn't always perfect about dealing with the aftermath.
What are your favorite Bering and Wells stories from other authors/writers? What do you like about these stories?
One of the, if not the first fanfic I ever read is Time After Time by muppetmanda on livejournal, and it is still my favorite! A long timetravel fix-it for (almost) everything, NC-17, getting together.
Other great stories:
Transient by tantedrago on ao3
Warnings: Major Character Death
38k, M, a Ghost!Helena AU
Lots of lovely angst, how Helena and Myka start to interact and get close is beautifully written.
Trapped (aka oh my god, they were roommates) by paddingtonfan69 on ao3
11k, M, deals with the 2020 pandemic
The title says it all! This is a quarantine AU with Myka and Helena as college professors, getting together while stuck in the same appartment and competing for the same job. I love the premise and I adore where the author went with it.
Only for tonight by Numo on ao3
76k, E, bigender H.G.
HG and Myka get together despite many dificulties with each other and the Warehouse regents. I also really love the idea of bigender!HG and how they are written as both genders in different scenes.
(lady I will touch you with my mind) by corchen on ao3
18k, not rated (could be E)
This fic has a wonderful idea for an artefact, and Myka and Helena's feelings and reactions are very well written!
I haven't replied to all of the questions, but if someone else also wants to do the interview for purlturtle's blog, you can find all questions here!
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 6
a/n: Are you seeing these posts? If not i don’t wanna spend my time editing the fanfiction for nothing…
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    The familiar knock on the door woke Scarlett up in the morning. It was none other than Severus Snape. He was standing there with their breakfast.
"Did i wake you up...?"
"Yeah..." Scarlett murmured sleepily. "Whatever come in."
"Sorry, i thought you'd be awake..." he put the plates on the table.
"The pills make me sleepy all the time... You help yourself, i will be back." She headed to the bathroom.
While he was pouring tea into the cups, she came back and sat down the chair.
"I went to the owlery earlier and there were couple of letters for you so i took them, here."
"Oh thanks."
She looked through them; Leo, Carina, dad... and there was a package. She wondered who sent it so ripped it open since there was no name tag on it. There was a grey cardigan and a note inside of the package, she immediately recognized the cardigan because it was hers. She was very confused, so she picked up the note and read it.
I didn't have any thick clothes with me that night and after Sirius and his warmness left me all alone in the cold bed, i had to borrow that from your wardrobe. You lost your husband but you can have your cardigan back.
Love, Arabelle
Scarlett took the cardigan and the note and threw them into the fireplace while tears running down on her cheeks.
"How dare she!?" She punched the wall next to the fireplace and fell down the floor crying hysterically. Severus run up to her immediately; he was shocked at her reaction, that was so out of character.
"Scarlett, Scar calm down. What's wrong?"
"I want to kill her!" She was screaming and crying with anger. "I hate her! She ruined everything!" She was digging her long nails into her palms as she clenched her fists.
Severus was so confused and worried at the same time. He hasn’t seen her like this before and he wasn't sure what to do because clearly talking wouldn't work at that moment so he just held her close to calm her down. Scarlett was resistant at first but after a while she leant into him and just cried her eyes out until there was no tear to shed. Sometime have passed like that and finally she was no longer crying and moved away from his embrace slowly.
"I am sorry, that was so pathetic of me..." She whispered while looking away from him.
"There is no need to apologize Scarlett." He stood up and gave her a hand then he led her to the table.
"I feel so ashamed... I can't control myself at all..."
He poured some fresh tea for her and sat back down.
"Why do you feel ashamed? You just express your emotions that way and if it relaxes you, do it."
"I have bad thoughts all over my mind Severus... i don't even know what am i gonna do next. I am scared of myself..."
"Talk through them with me."
She took a sip from her tea and thought for a while. "Did Carina tell you anything? Be honest with me."
"No, not at all. She just said family issues and i didn't question it any further."
"I don't know where to start, so many things happened lately... like i can't perceive them at all." sighed deeply, Scarlett was feeling so distressed she was still shaking from the crying.
"Start with the easiest one for you."
"I am no longer the deputy minister, i quit."
"I read that in newspaper and i was surprised actually."
"It wasn't an easy decision. I love... loved my job and it was a good way to show my abilities but... i had to quit."
"Did you get a better offer from somewhere else?"
"Oh, i wish..." she smiled sadly "I am unemployed right now." She saw the confused look on his face. "And here is the shitty part..." she finished off her tea, hoping it would ease her a bit. But unfortunately, it didn't. She was scratching her hands unwittingly. Severus knew something bad was coming, this was never a good sign.
"He, Sirius, umm... cheated on me..." she bit her lip to stop herself from crying once again but the tears didn't want to stay in their places but run down on her cheeks. "With his co-worker... i caught them in our bed..."
Severus couldn't believe the things he just heard. Sirius literally would kill himself to be with Scarlett when he was young and when he finally had her, he cheated. Severus regretted his decision that he made 30 years ago, he shouldn't have believed Sirius. While he was busy with his thoughts, Scarlett continued.
"We divorced 10 days ago. 26 years of marriage ended in half an hour... and like this wasn't bad enough, after the court i came across with "the girl" and she humiliated me in front of many people. And the package was from her. She has borrowed my cardigan that night because after i interrupted their hot action, she was cold." Her anger was rising, and her face was turning red at the same time. "She wrote me that i lost my husband but i can take my cardigan back." She laughed angrily and then started to cry helplessly once again.
Severus was so angry and just wanted to find Sirius and put him in his place. Seeing Scarlett like this broke his heart into pieces but he didn't know what to do to make her feel any better. He could see her pain through her beautiful eyes. He would give anything to see them shine with happiness again.
"I am standing on a very thin line, if i let myself fall which i am close to... i won't be able to recover from this at all or it will be so hard... I don't want it Severus..." her voice had such a pleading tone and she was literally screaming for help.
"I am here for you Scarlett, whatever you want or need i will always be there to help you."
He was dying to hug her tightly and kiss her pain away. She was the only one he ever loved and his love for her never changed over years.
"Thank you, Severus." She smiled faintly.
He watched her while she was taking her pills with shaky hands.
"Would you like to do something today?" He felt like he needs to take her out of this room, she was stuck between the walls for days and it wasn’t helping her a bit.
"Like what?"
He shrugged. "I don't know, we can go for a walk to Hogsmade?"
She thought about it for couple of minutes.
"We can do that, maybe being outside will be good for me."
"Good then. I will be in my room, when you are ready just knock on my door." He picked up the breakfast dishes and left.
Scarlett sat on the chair for a while before starting to get ready. She thought about Severus, when he was here with her she felt so comfortable even speaking about such hard topics for her. He always made her feel so calm and peaceful. But another side of her was still hurt by him. She decided not to think about that now, there were already man problems in her life.
Some time has passed, and she was knocking on his door. He opened it with a tiny smile on his lips.
"Sorry it took a little longer, apparently i forgot how to dress up since the only thing i wear was sleeping gowns for weeks..."
"It's okay and you look beautiful whatever you wear." The sentence did slip from his mouth before he thought, he blushed a little after he noticed what he just said.
"Thank you, Severus."
She smiled lightly and the two walked out from the castle to Hogsmade. It was a chill November day, just like Scarlett likes it. She was a total winter person and the cold weather always made her feel better and alive. A tiny smile appeared on her lips.
"I was thinking the old days, i have never imagined that we would be on our way to Hogsmade in our 50s."
He chuckled softly. "But here we are. Just like we used to do while we were at Hogwarts."
"I would like to live a day from those good old times."
"We can live like one. First we go to Honeydukes and get your chocolates then we have our hot chocolates at Three Broomsticks and talk."
"Sounds good to me!"
He was happy to see her all excited about such a simple day. They walked the roads they knew so well, got her favourite chocolates and now they were enjoying their drinks.
"You never talked about your life, what's going on with you?"
"Nothing much. Just working and dealing with dunderheads..."
"I hope you are not calling my daughter a dunderhead." She joked.
"I wouldn't hire her as my assistant if I thought so."
"Ah good to hear that because she really likes you, you were always her favourite professor. She would be sad if you called her a dunderhead."
"Carina was my favourite student to be honest. She was such a good student."
"Like mother like daughter." She grinned proudly and flipped her hair.
"I see you very humble."
She chuckled softly while slapping his arm jokingly. Severus grinned at her, that was his Scarlett and he was glad to see her happy. They kept talking about random stuff and spent some more time at Hogsmade. They were back at Hogwarts before it got dark.
"Thank you so much for today Severus, i feel so much better." She smiled at him before she entered her room.
"It's my pleasure, i am here if you need anything."
"Thank you again, see you tomorrow."
"See you."
He walked into his room as well and laid down on his bed thinking about her. His heart was beating like a teenage boy who was back from his first date. She was right here, so close but yet again he couldn't hold her, couldn't inhale her sweet rose scent, couldn't kiss her delicate lips...
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If you wanna be on my taglist, let me know!
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syms-things-5 · 3 years
Clear The Area - Chapter Seventeen
Previous Chapter Here
Warnings: Strong language and an air of discomfort.
Notes: I hope this reads OK as it’s quite dialogue-heavy.
Tags: @kelbabyblue @jennmurawski13
The night shifts weren’t all bad. From time to time, they were even as good as “pretty straight forward”. They proved especially useful when trying to finish patient notes and random admin that always got left to the very end of the shift. Perhaps they’d endure a tidy-out of the stock cupboards if the crew was feeling generous. Since O’Brien had taken up his post at the hospital years earlier, he had insisted upon mandatory training updates for the ER units every three to four months (the national average was about once a year) so the team were regularly reminded not to set fire to their computers and not to leave boxes in places people could trip over. You’d be surprised how often both those things happened in an emerging crisis. 
“I swear he thinks we’re idiots half the time.” Complained Jack, his head now glued to the palm of his hand. Jack was hurtling towards an early retirement thanks to an ever-increasing distrust of the corporate environment ER departments found themselves in. We trained to save lives, he’d say, not file stat reports. He was so right, it hurt. 
The crew was sat round the reception desk. The ER was empty except for a local homeless man the team allowed in from time to time to sleep off his latest drunken adventures. 
“Who doesn’t know how to bend their knees when lifting something heavy?” Jack asked again. 
“Ryan for one.” Sarah joked, pointing her cold cup of tea towards the fellow nurse in question. Ryan was a tall and skinny guy, not dissimilar to Alexander Skarsgard in the right light but with less charm although he had left a few of the interns swooning of late. Shanna quite liked him, too. 
“One time, Sarah. One time and I suffered for it greatly.” Ryan remarked, spinning a full 360 in his swivel chair. “Did you tick ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ for question eleven?” 
“Oh, if you don’t tick ‘strongly agree’ even if you only ‘agree’, they mark you down a couple of percentage points.” Entered Audrey, slamming down a pile of files on the desk beside Sarah. Their nightly routine just got more interesting. “Just get it over with. It’s not worth the effort. It’s just O’Brien being obsessed with stats again. He turns everything into a competition. I swear it’s unhealthy.”
Ryan looked momentarily confused before returning to face his computer screen. He re-read the question for the fifth time and rubbed his eyes in resignation. Something about 3am made this far too complicated. 
“When did you even find time to do this, Aud?” Jack asked, turning back to Sarah and Audrey in time to witness their shared look self-satisfaction. “I’ve been sat here for half an hour and am still only part way through the first section.” 
“I logged in at home earlier.” she responded before catching Sarah’s quizzical look. “Well, Michael did most of it for me.” 
“Fucking hell!” exclaimed Jack, chucking his pen on the table, giving up. “Got no chance then, have I? Michael’s a bloody genius. Hey, how much for him to do mine?” 
“Normally I’d say $100 but he’s pretty cheap these days.” shrugged Audrey. “Probably a fancy cigar would do.” 
“He still grumpy about the you-know-what?” whispered Sarah to her friend when the guys started joshing between themselves. 
Audrey leaned back on the desk beside her and took the mug from Sarah’s hands to take a sip, grimacing slightly at the sweetness. For some reason, Sarah had to have at least three sugars in her tea if she was drinking it post-midnight. It helped to keep her more alert apparently. She didn’t drink it like that at any other time of the day. “No more than usual. Seems like we’re both unlucky in that department at the moment.” 
Sarah smiled at her in acknowledgement, lips thin before biting the inside of her cheek. 
Following their last meet-up, Chris had been decidedly quiet. Too quiet almost. It was weird. He hadn’t messaged her. He hadn’t called or visited their apartment except to collect a parcel he had left. Sarah has been out for a run at the time and had felt silently glad to have missed him. He hadn’t updated his twitter and there had been multiple sports events occurring that would have guaranteed a humblebrag or five. Shanna had pledged to buy rib-eye steaks for a Saturday night meal during a Celtics game and he had cancelled at the last minute citing an interview he had conveniently forgotten. Even Audrey thought it was weird. If anything was guaranteed to get his attention and bring him out of whatever funk he was in, it was the promise of sports and a ‘Grade A’ barbeque. 
Shanna merely put it down to his laziness or him having something better turn up. Scott had started replacing Chris around their apartment, wanting to get some of his own distance from the tricky Zach situation and it helped her feel better knowing he was at least in touch with him if Shanna wasn’t. He was evidently still alive. 
Sarah decided to swap a couple of daytime stints to partner up with Audrey for the nights. She needed the comfort of working with a good friend to calm her down from whatever ledge her anxiety had placed her on. 
“You know that he’ll come back, right?” Audrey interrupted her thoughts. Maybe Sarah spoke too soon. “Haven’t you got that birthday thing for Lisa coming up?” 
That trip was a couple of weeks away yet. She was trying to bank some reasonable excuses but everything sounded lame in the cold light of day and Lisa was never going to accept her not coming as well. Surely things would have smoothed themselves out by then? 
“This won’t just fix itself, hun, you’ll need to speak to him eventually. And the sooner the better.” 
It was like Audrey had a hotline straight into Sarah’s psyche. It was unnerving at the best of times. Sarah knew she was right of course. It’s just, a little bit of distance would be a good thing, right? Even Chris himself had offered that advice from time to time, and stressing herself out at this point almost seemed counterintuitive. 
“I reckon you could go in an hour or so if you wanted.” Audrey offered, nudging her friend with her elbow to bring her back into the room. “It’s dead out there.”
“I hope not.” Sarah joked, trying to lighten the mood. “We’d be shit at our jobs if that was the case.” 
Audrey laughed for the first time since Sarah could remember that day. It was moments like this that reminded her of why she enjoyed working alongside her so much, and why she didn’t mind if it resulted in overtime. 
“You wanna take patient referrals while I take the EPRs?” 
“How can I refuse an offer like that?” Sarah picked up the dozen or so documents sat in front of her and grabbed the nearest chair. Audrey told her she’d put the kettle on and nudged the guys still glued to their screens. Ryan had pretty much given up logical thinking and was now ticking random boxes. Jack was cursing under his breath. O’Brien was going to be in for a real treat when he could finally tabulate the responses. 
It was nearing 6.20am when Sarah and Audrey finally packed up to go. Matt and Stephanie had just arrived to take over for the morning, bringing a fresh perspective for the day. There wasn’t much for them to catch up on so it should be a smooth few hours at least. Sarah even ran a mop through the staff locker room as an added gift – Steph was a notorious clean freak – nearly tripping Greg up in the process. 
He’d been on leave for the past fortnight and his hair was a little longer than she remembered. A five o’clock shadow graced the lower part of his face and it suited him more than she thought it would. He had kept up with the informal tie-less attire and he seemed to be, dare she it, enjoying himself. 
“God, I’m so sorry.” She held her hands up in a mock mea culpa. “I was just gonna put it away before heading out. It was a stupid place to leave it.” 
“Did you not take the Health and Safety refresher?” he joked, rebalancing himself and trying to play down the redness creeping into his cheeks from the embarrassment of temporarily losing his footing in front of her. 
“You gonna rat me out to O’Brien? ‘Cos you know as well as I do that he doesn’t need yet another reason to know he’s right.” She shifted the mop and bucket and placed them back in the supply closet before reaching for her bag again. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it.” He moved passed her before turning to face her again. “Tell you the truth, I ghosted the last couple of tabs myself. Who knew there were so many ways to ask questions about standing in elevators?” 
Sarah rolled her eyes in acknowledgement. “Yeh. I can’t wait to have the team meeting when he realises we’ve all pretty much done the same thing. That’s gonna be fun. I might finally take some of my holiday.” 
“Yeh, good plan. Hey listen,” His words stopped her in her tracks, feet from the exit. “Um, I know it’s been a while but I was wondering if you might want to reschedule that tennis match some time? Or if not, we could get some dinner or something? There’s that new sushi place on Reagan Street. It’s meant to be really good if you fancy it?” 
She was indeed familiar with that very restaurant thanks to the glowing reviews she had been unable to avoid since it opened. Audrey had only mentioned it a mere thousand times in her presence. Word was that bookings were now months in advance so she wasn’t sure how Greg was hoping to find a table unless he wanted to make plans with her in November. Given the number of commitments he always appeared to have going on, it wouldn’t be completely outside the realm of possibility. 
“Wow, I thought that place was fully booked?” 
“Yeh, it is, but I went to college with one of the investors and he’s promised me a one-off.” 
Of course he did. Sarah bit her bottom lip to stop herself from chuckling out loud, imagining Audrey’s face when she would inevitably find out. To be honest, she was genuinely surprised he was still showing a minor interest in her. When she finally made eye contact with him, his earnestness was practically shining. Had he always had perfect skin?  
“Um…” That was a good start, she thought. 
“Honestly, it’s not a big deal if you’d rather not.” He helpfully pre-empted her awkward rejection but she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. “I’ve been meaning to go is all and I knew you liked sushi and figured it might be fun? They have live Jazz on Sunday nights.” 
When did he find out she liked sushi? And live Jazz? Just how much had Audrey told him about her? 
Realising she probably looked perplexed, she shuffled her shoulder strap back up onto her shoulder and tried to relax the awkwardness setting in between them. It was still quiet and no one was within earshot that she could figure out of her peripheral vision. 
“It’s not you, Greg, I promise. It’s just, I’m not really looking to get into anything right now. With anyone. Plus, we work together and…I’m sorry. I hope that’s OK?” 
“Hey, look, I promise it won’t be awkward. There’s absolutely no expectations from me and if you change your mind, just let me know, yeh? I literally know no one else who likes Sashimi so I can’t waste my only chance to get a table.” He chuckled and she felt more at ease. 
“If it’s any consolation, I’m a pretty crap date.” She smiled at him as she edged herself down the hall, putting space between them both literally and figuratively. “You wouldn’t be missing out.” 
“Oh, I doubt that somehow.” He returned her smile. “I’m serious, though. Just let me know. Anytime. No expiration date.” 
And with that, she had been left dumbfounded by two men in the space of a single week. 
It would have been easier to get the early morning bus home at this time, as tired as she was starting to feel. She hadn’t slept well in the last few days and she had a creeping nausea from the lack of proper rest. The walk and crisp, fresh air might do her some good. It was practically full daylight even at this hour, and it was sometimes fun to watch people on their own way to work, huffing along, trying not to drop their coffees. 
The out-of-town school bus passed her a few minutes out from her apartment and as she rounded the corner, she got this weird sense that someone was watching her. Another corner turned and she could see her building in the near distance. Still, she couldn’t shake it. She stopped, pretending to fumble for her phone in her pocket and turned around swiftly to see a sweaty Chris stop a few steps behind her. 
It took her a moment to register it was in fact him, his beard fuller and a Red Sox cap pulled down low over his eyes. He had sweats and sneakers on and looked like he was on a run. Honestly, if someone else had spotted him from this distance, they would have worried he was going to attack her. 
“Hey,” she said, turning to fully face him. “What are you doing out at this time?” 
He didn’t respond at first. He shuffled from one foot to the other before grounding himself and taking a couple of steps towards her. Again, he shuffled back a step like he was rethinking his move. She didn’t appreciate seeing him like this, so unsure of himself. 
“Five months out from filming some pre-shoots so figured I’d make a start.” He finally spoke. Not a really a smile but he at least sounded OK. 
“Cool.” She said, nodding back at him. “Um, I’m not sure if Shanna is awake yet but do you want to come inside for some water or coffee?” 
“Yeh, that’d be great. Thanks.” 
She turned to continue walking on. For a few long moments, he stayed walking slightly behind her. A couple more strides and he had decided to catch up. The last time it had taken this long to walk this same street, she had been so drunk she had narrowly avoided falling into her neighbour’s front garden. 
“Five months? You’re not that out of shape.” She tried to make a joke. It was the only thing she could think of. Audrey would be eye-rolling like a champ if she could see them now. 
Chris knew she was trying to make small talk now so he decided to indulge her. It was a fair response, he thought - he was doing OK - as he followed her up the stairs deliberately keeping two or three behind her in an effort to keep it casual. 
“Oh, y’know. I fluctuate pretty easily. A few pizzas here and there and it’s game over.” 
They walked into her kitchen and she had been right in assuming Shanna was still asleep. Unless she had awoken really early but that was highly unlikely, unless there was a sale at Ted Baker she didn’t know about. 
He lingered in the doorway while she searched the fridge for a bottle of water. Grabbing one from the back, she turned to hand it to him expecting him to be within an arm’s reach from her but he had been distracted by something down the hall before turning back to her. Gratefully, he accepted it and walked into the kitchen to take up his usual spot leaning against the counter. 
“Sorry, did you say you wanted a coffee?” She offered. 
“Nah, I’m good. Can’t really take caffeine until this afternoon.” 
“Sorry. I always forget how strict it is.” She apologised, offering him a sympathetic smile. 
He took a long swig from the bottle, not breaking eye contact from her. “No need to apologise. You OK? Night shift?” 
“Yeh. Pretty quiet, thankfully.” 
“I’ve always meant to ask but what is it like, a night shift? I can’t work out if it would be worse or not.” 
She understood what he meant and laughed. “It can go either way to be honest but it’s been quiet the last few nights. Nothing crazy. I caught up with some paperwork, so…” She shrugged again, acutely aware of how boring she must sound. 
He nodded at her. “Aren’t people supposed to be crazier in the summertime?” 
“Well, kids are around more and families tend to spend more time together, so…” 
The apartment was unnervingly quiet now which was weird. She could hear the uptake in traffic outside which provided some relief that perhaps he couldn’t hear her heart beating out of her chest. She could make out some small sweat patches on his hoodie and it did something to her that she wasn’t expecting. Shaking the thought from her head, she turned to switch the kettle off. 
“What?” He asked. 
She jerked her head back around to face him. “Huh?” 
“You were thinking of something. Your neck just went red.” He smiled, tilting his head at her and relishing the look of surprise making its way over her features, knowing he’d caught her out. 
That was news to her. She knew she had “tells” but a red neck was not usually one of them. How come no one had ever told her about this? 
“I can’t tell if you’re joking with me or not.” She inquired, playfully narrowing her eyes at him in an effort to lighten the mood. 
He shrugged a shoulder at her, a smirk starting to cross his fine features. Joshing with her was good. She’d take that. A small step in the right direction. 
“Sometimes, it’s really obvious. You get it when you’re embarrassed about something, or when you try to lie. I’d never really noticed it before, but...” He paused. His expression started to turn more thoughtful and she wished he’d just continue to make fun of her instead. 
“Guess I won’t be playing poker anytime soon.” She finished the thought for him. 
“Yeh, no, you’d be rubbish at that. Just terrible.” He took another swig from his bottle and waited for her to throw something at him. 
“You’re welcome.” 
The room went quiet again. She stirred her mug of coffee and offered him another chance at one which he politely refused although his discipline was waning slightly now he could smell it. 
“So this is fine.” He said after a couple of minutes, nodding in a slightly exaggerated manner. He looked out of the kitchen window. “We can do this, right? No awkwardness. No embarrassment. Just normal, everyday conversation.” 
“’Course,” she nodded in agreement. 
“Start as we mean to go on, right?” 
She nodded again. This felt like a trap and she couldn’t put her finger on why. Chris had a knack for saying and doing two different things at the same time, an intimidating ability that often put people on edge if he thought it would serve his purpose, whatever that may be. Probably the actor in him. When you called him out, he would aggressively defend himself which only served to prove the point you were making in the first place. 
Scott was the only one, truly, who knew when it was happening. It had taken Sarah years to get to a similar position but now, she wasn’t sure she was remotely close to it. 
“It’s as good a starting point as any, I guess.” She shrugged again, sipping from her cup. 
“So there’s no need to ignore me then.”  
“I haven’t been ignoring you, have I?” 
“You tell me. I’m just pre-empting it is all. I’m just saying we can still interact, you and me, if we need to. Like, it doesn’t always have to be in social settings with other people around.” He took a final drink from his bottle and turned to locate the recycling pot stashed away in the corner. Even with a mundane task, he always looked cool doing it. 
“So don’t worry about it.” 
“Alright then. That’s good to know.” She shot him a raised eyebrow which he caught and returned with a sly smirk. “I’m just trying to be sensible. We have to get this right or else there’s no point.” 
“I know, I get that, too.” If he wasn’t attempting to be serious before, he was now. He had a hand on his hip and seemed to have grown a few inches in height. “What do you think I’m trying to say?” 
“I…think I’m on the backfoot again and it’s weird.” She held a hand up in defence. 
“Hey, I’m just doing what we agreed, OK? I’m just following your rules.” 
“They’re not rules.” She struggled to regulate the volume in her voice in case she disturbed Shanna. “And you’re making it sound like I’m controlling the situation when I’m not. We both agreed on this. There’s no point being difficult about it.” 
Was he being difficult? Yes. Obviously, he was. He wasn’t happy. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling but happy definitely wasn’t it. Things were out of sorts and he hadn’t been able to eat carbs or sugar for four days so the withdrawal symptoms certainly weren’t helping. He should go easier on her. She was doing the thinking for the both of them. He should learn to be more grateful for that. 
He scratched the back of his head and let out an audible sigh in frustration. “I’ll try harder, I promise. We’ve got that cabin thing coming up with Mom, so…I promise I’ll be good.” 
He imitated the scout salute and she smiled at him, a smile not quite reaching her eyes. 
Another night shift and Audrey and was starting to get suspicious. No one willingly switched for a night shift. For one thing, there was a disproportionate amount of recovery time. A couple of night shifts often took in excess of a week to recover from; a week that a nurse definitely did not have to spare. 
“He been buggin’ you?” she asked, finally growing tired of the silence. 
“Who?” Sarah looked up from the cabinet. “No, not really. We haven’t really spoken.” 
“So why are you ignoring him?” 
“I’m not ignoring him! Why does everyone think that?” 
“Who’s everyone?” 
Crap. Audrey had her there. Sarah open and closed her mouth without a sound coming out. She took a breath. “He’s not bugging me. He’s not. I’m just trying to limit the times we’re in the same place at the same time.” 
“Huh, you’d think he would at least allow you to have peace in your own home.”  
“Well, to be fair, he hasn’t been around all that much, but…at least I don’t have to worry about him showing up unannounced. It’s stupid but I feel way more awkward about him than I thought I would. It’s like I can’t even stand to be under his gaze.” 
Audrey glanced at her friend, wishing she could offer some words of comfort. Even for someone as verbose as she normally was, she was finding it a struggle. Sarah wasn’t much looking for words of comfort at the given time either. She was all too aware of the predicament she was in and how much responsibility laid at her feet. In her mind, waiting it out was the only logical solution she could come up with. The only logical solution that didn’t require more conversations with someone who could feasibly run rings around her “theory” that if they just stayed apart for a little while, they would suddenly and magically forget about the past couple of months. 
They stayed filing documents in silence again, the air seemingly getting thicker. 
“You ever spoken with someone and it’s like they’re thinking the complete opposite of what’s coming out of their mouth?” Sarah huffed while shoving the cabinet drawer closed. 
“Not really. That person’s usually me.” 
“But why?” she asked. “Why can’t you just be normal?”  
“I mean, it’s not my go-to response of course. It’s normally reserved for occasions when I am trying to indulge someone because I know they’re talking bullshit. Like, when I know Mike has been gambling but he tries to deny it? It’s just easier to figure him out that way.” 
Sarah froze to the spot, looking at her friend. She breathed a heavy sigh and turned to lean back on the table behind her and crossed her arms. She stared at her shoes for a second. 
“Chris is a smart guy. I’ll give him that.” Audrey muttered loudly so she was sure Sarah could hear. 
“Give me something! I’m your friend here.” She implored her before chuckling to herself at Audrey’s face and her own apparent lack of self-awareness. 
“You know what I think? You’ve probably got withdrawal symptoms from the all the amazing sex you’ve had and now you’re sulking. I think you should get back on that horse and let him fuck you again. That’s what this is.” 
Sarah eyed her friend again. For once, she would love to hear someone tell her that she was right. “That’s really not helping, y’know.” 
“And this is?!” Audrey’s shriller tone cut through the dry air, smacking Sarah right in the face. “Honey, this isn’t healthy. You hiding out in the hospital and treating it like your own solace is not healthy at all. I love you but you are your own worst enemy.” 
“Alright, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you for your unswerving efforts to be honest with me at all times and not, like a normal pal, be comforting in any way.” Sarah comically bowed to her friend before considering leaving the office. She would have followed through with the idea as well if it wasn’t for the cosy warmth of O’Brien’s office versus the coldness of the ER department thanks to a leaking pipe. “It’s difficult. I’m sorry. I don’t wanna fall out with you, Audrey.” 
Audrey just smiled at her. “I don’t know why you think you have to be the beacon of morality all the time, Sarah. Take a look around. No one else is. We all out here just trying to live our lives as best we can and a part of that is taking advantage of moments of happiness when we find them.” 
Something about what Audrey was saying did resonate with her but comparing two months of happiness with Chris to ten years with Shanna was not something she could in good conscience do. Shanna was her security blanket. She provided a comfort of living with someone with shared life experience, of knowing how little you thought about yourself because you were given up as a baby. Honestly, from the very first day they had met, Sarah felt lucky to know her. 
Yes, Shanna could be immature at times. Maybe a little selfish. She would often get carried away with trivial things and wasn’t the most reliable person, but what Sarah got in return was worth that and more. Her family enjoyed highlighting the maternal care Sarah would have to provide to someone who was seven months older than she was, but honestly it didn’t matter. 
Maybe this was one of the rare occasions where Audrey was wrong. 
Chris was a fling at best, Sarah told herself, when she was lying in bed struggling to fall asleep. When she was cold and missing his arms around her. They were both having shitty times and they both got something out of it. That was what Chris had said himself at the very beginning. 
Chris 08.15am: You home? Shanna said you were working late again 
It was like he knew she would be thinking about him. 
Chris 08.17am: I really dont want u ignoring me all the time. This is hard for me right now as well 
Sarah 08.21am: I kno. I’m so sorry I made you feel like that :(
He didn’t respond. She thought she saw the tell-tale three dots of him writing something but nothing appeared. Giving up on sleep, she got up and headed into the kitchen. Shanna had left her some bacon in the fridge and a fresh bread bun on the side so she turned on the grill and set about making some coffee. 
She felt strangely awake for this time and the apartment was nice and warm from the bright sunshine streaming in from all corners. Maybe a run would help. Or a cold shower.  
Chris 08.44am: I wanna be honest with u but I dont think u want that 
Chris 08.45am: so what do i do?? 
Fuck knows. 
Chris 08.51am: Can I come over? 
Sarah 08.54am: that’s not a good idea 
Chris 08.55am: cos you know what will happen? 
Chris 08.56am: what does that tell you?? 
She was sure he was nursing some kind of hangover or, quite possibly, he was still a little bit drunk. There were two responses she could give, she figured. The first would be her usual denial and perhaps an excuse that she was busy or working later than planned. The second, and ultimately the one she opted for, was to agree with him. 
Sarah 09.05am: I know what it tells me. That’s why I’m saying you shouldn’t come over 
Another three dots followed. There was only so many times they could go around and around in circles and as much as Audrey’s words made sense to her, it felt like she had to make the effort to regain some normality. 
He didn’t respond. She stared at her phone for an age but nothing came through. Maybe he got the message? Maybe he had fallen asleep. She was both relieved and suspicious; Chris wasn’t someone who backed down from an argument when he thought he was right. He had said as much himself. 
She turned the grill off, having lost her appetite. A run might make more sense and could help clear her head. 
She couldn’t sit around waiting for Chris to make his next move. 
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amphtaminedreams · 3 years
If We Can’t Have the Parties, At Least We Have the Coats: Lookbook no.13
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Hi to anyone reading,
It’s been a weird winter, right?
A winter that I REALLY did not need to buy as many clothes for as I have. You WILL save loads of money during this lockdown, I told myself. You WILL. And yet here I am in December, in exactly the same financial position I was in March. You would think that making the switch to an environmentally friendly wardrobe would mean I own less but now I no longer have the guilt of supporting fast fashion to hold me back, I’ve accumulated more clothes than ever. Part of a sustainable wardrobe is also about reducing your consumption so now I’ve mostly made the move towards only supporting transparent companies/small businesses, I can move onto the buying less part. I haven’t thrown any clothes away but still, I am not the clothes rescuer I think I am-more just an overdraft abuser. To add to that, for those of us actually following the rules (half the people I went to secondary school with flaunting their apparently unaffected social lives on Instagram, I’m looking at you) there aren’t actually all that many opportunities to wear new outfits. Not to go too first world problems, but it is a little shit when getting dressed up and doing your makeup is one of the things that you do to help you feel a little better, especially when the seasonal (and situational in these times) depression kicks in.
So yes, I have been extra af recently and combatted this with the decision to start making an effort to outfit plan for the most basic of tasks. We’re talking a full face of makeup and accessories for going into town to get a coffee or to meet a friend for a walk. I mean, I still go to Tesco in my trackies but if I’m seeing somebody else, I am sure as hell going to treat it as a reason to wear something nice. See the winter outfits section of the lookbook as your inspiration to do the same because I can guarantee you the sense of normality forcing yourself to take makeup off at the end of the day brings will actually make you feel a lot better. Genuinely the mark of exceptional times. We’ve also got the few days relief period over Christmas in the UK where we’re allowed to mix with a maximum of 3 other households, and ignoring the fact that it doesn’t really make any sense given that the number of people you could end up mixing with depends on the size of the households and is realistically completely arbitrary (I have a lot of feelings about how fucking moronic half the decisions this government has been making are but then again, what’s new?), I’m sure those of you with big families are gonna be partying. I’m only spending Christmas with my immediate family but I thought I’d put some more festive outfits together anyway. I know, I know, it sounds like I’m just bullshitting an explanation as to why I put this lookbook together when in reality I’m trying to make myself feel better about the damage to my bank account buuuut it really is more a case of being inspired by my Depop finds and if you are trying to quit fast fashion, I can’t recommend the app enough (especially if you know what you’re looking for). As I did in the last lookbook, I will make sure to include the tags of all the people I bought these pieces from but I also thought it might be helpful to make a note of some of the descriptors I used to find them so you can get more of an idea how to find the things you’re looking for too, as well as prices. I did include the names of the shops I bought the few fast fashion items I styled from too, mostly earlier this year or at some point over the last couple of years, on the basis that they may be a useful search prompt if you’re looking for something similar or the exact item-the majority are no longer available (disclaimer: I haven’t bought anything from Boohoo in a longgg time) to buy but you might be able to find an account that’s selling a used version. Don’t be put off by that-I’ve had to wash a couple of pieces but for the most part, that hasn’t been necessary. Charity shops usually wash things before they put them out, so you have nothing to worry about there either-I expect that they’re particularly thorough at the moment considering the COVID crisis.
Enough rambling from me for now! Enjoy!
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Powder Blue Wide Brim Felt Hat/Fedora: £16.99
Structured White Mesh Oh Polly Mini Dress w/Ruched Detail: £27
Black PVC Beret w/Red Flame Detail: £14
Red Fit and Flare Dress w/Satin Corset & Tulle Skirt: £12
Black PVC Vintage Platform Boots w/Red Flame Detail: £27
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White Satin Corset w/Straps: £8
Pinstripe Cropped Blazer Co-ord Set: £12.50
Oh Mighty Strappy Contrast Corset: £27
Contrast Check Cigarette Trousers: £15
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Pink Topshop Gingham Blazer Co-ord Set BNWT: £35
White Strappy Corset w/Suspender Detail: £10
White PVC Beret w/Black Flame Detail: £14
Reworked Strappy Patchwork Sports Cropped Tee: £10
Black Combat Cargo Trousers: £5
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Strappy Tie-dye Pretty Little Thing Corset BNWT: £15
PVC/Vinyl Zip-up Mini Skirt w/Belt Detail: £9
White Satin Cowl Neck Mini Slip Dress: £8
Urban Outfitters ‘90s Style Celestial Print Mesh Babydoll Dress: £15
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UNIF Colour Block Oversized Jumper/Sweater: £25
Topshop Dark Wash Denim Kick Flare Jeans w/Frayed Hem Detail: £16
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Vintage ‘70s Style Brown Faux Suede Western Blazer/Jacket: £15
Black Velvet High Neck Bodysuit w/Keyhole Detail: £4
Topshop Paisley Print Chiffon Midi Dress: £15
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Brandy Melville Cropped Motorcross Slogan Slogan Tee: £13.60
Ragged Priest Gingham Cargo/Combat Trousers w/Utility Style Buckle Detailing: £33
Black Kappa Logo Beanie: £12
White Platform FILA Disruptors in Good Condition: £55
Black Fur Bucket Hat: £8
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Celestial Silver Moon Detail Chain Belt: £18
Black Satin Cowl Neck Detail Midi Slip Dress: £15
Floral Print Platform Boots: £10
Blue Denim ASOS High Rise Mom Jeans: £12
Brown Vintage ‘70s Style Afghan Coat w/Fur Trim: £25
Teal Wide Brim Felt Hat/Fedora: £10
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Topshop Floral Print A-Line Jacquard Mini Skirt: £7
Lana Del Rey Screen Printed T-Shirt: £9.99
Vintage Corduroy Contrast Stripe Trousers w/Kick Flare: £28
Anyone that read to the end, thank you so much as always and I hope this shows just how many in-trend pieces you can find second hand! I know I'm SUPER far behind to the point where it’s closer to the F/W2021 shows now than it is since the S/S2021 collections were showcased but I decided I am going to do a full length fashion week review. I also have a few moodboards planned and my next is gonna be one focussing purely on plus sized fashion as the feedback that I got from my New Style Icons post was that I could have included more bigger girls; I am so, so, SO passionate about body positivity and fat acceptance, especially since I know my own relationship with my body would be so much better if this kind of movement was more prominent when I was younger, so I don’t for a minute want anyone to think it was my intention to be exclusionary in any way. It bears repeating that I genuinely appreciate feedback in any form (as long as it’s not too mean and presumptive, lol) and I hope the next post doesn’t disappoint! It hasn’t been a good year for cinema due to COVID having lead to theatre closures, however I still do want to do another film tier ranking in the new year as that is something I really enjoyed doing last time. Any more suggestions are welcome!
As always, my inbox is always open if you need someone to talk to or just wanna chat about a post:-) I am constantly on the look out for new blogs to follow and people to interact with so any communication is welcome. I’m not sure if I’ll get another post finished before we enter 2021, SO I wanna say that I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and that this shitshow of a year DOES come to an end at 11:59PM on the 31st because THOSE MEMES ABOUT IT TURNING DECEMBER THE 32ND ARE NOT FUNNY! Here’s to our second attempt at our first year of the roaring twenties (because this past year it feels like we skipped them and went straight to The Great Depression, the likely incoming recession denial is real) and to happier times and good health for everyone.
Lauren x
DISCLAIMER: Background in the first 2 images are mine, others are not. I found them on Pinterest so not sure of the artists but if you do know, drop me a message so I can credit them!
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
We’ll Be Home For Christmas 5.1
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Title: We’ll be home for Christmas
Day Five – Here on Tracy Island – Part 1 Prologue | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5 | 4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | 4.5 | 4.6 | 5.1
Author: Gumnut
20 Jun 2020
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: The boys can’t fly home for Christmas, so they have to find another way.
Word count: 3313
Spoilers & warnings: language and so, so much fluff. Science!Gordon. Artist!Virgil, Minor various ships, mostly background.
Timeline: Christmas Season 3, I have also kinda ignored the main storyline of Season 3. The boys needed a break, so I gave them one. Post season 3B, before Season 3C cos I started this fic before we saw it.
Author’s note: For @scattergraph​​​​​. This is my 2019 TAG Secret Santa fic :D
No, I haven’t forgotten about this fic, and yes, it hit the six month mark about two weeks ago. I started writing this 8 Dec 2019. I’m nearly there.
Landmark, though. It is now officially my longest Thunderbirds fic, overtaking Gentle Rain today at around 60,000 words, depending on which word processing program it is sitting in. Never expected it to be this long.
This chapter pretty much wrote itself. It is almost like a role call of the five brothers and their states of mind. So a little bit of all the bros in this. I hope you enjoy.
Many thanks to @i-am-chidorixblossom​​​ @scribbles97​​​​​ and @onereyofstarlight​​​​​ for reading through various bits, fielding my many wibblies, and for all their wonderful support.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
Day Five: Here on Tracy Island
Virgil woke late the next morning. It was a pleasant awakening, slipping from deep sleep to doze to a peaceful warmth beneath the covers. His room was dark. Darker than his cabin on A Little Lightning and with decidedly less sway.
He lay there for a while, enjoying the lack of need to get up and do anything and the absence of pain. He had slept the sleep of the dead and was thoroughly rested. There was something to be said about sleeping in your own bed at home that no holiday anywhere could provide.
But honestly, he wasn’t one to sit and do nothing for long, his brain kicking into gear while he lay there, listing off things waiting to be done. A visit to Two to reassure himself she had been checked over and was ready should she be needed. Not that he didn’t trust his family, it was just for his own peace of mind.
He should be able to get away with it so long as he didn’t spend too much time down there.
It took him a full half an hour of random rumination to realise that it was Christmas Day.
Oh shit.
The clock said eleven am.
His family...
He sat up abruptly and was thoroughly reminded of how stupid such a move was.
Oh, for the love of...
He grunted and rolled over until his face was smothered in his pillow.
The medic in his brain listed off the reasons why he shouldn’t have done that and why he needed to be careful and, goddamnit, he was sick of this. It was only an appendix, for crying out loud.
Stupid surgery.
That could have been so much worse.
He was being a spoilt child.
He let out a breath into his pillow, its warmth wrapping around his face. Another week and he would be fine.
But now, it was eleven oh five on Christmas morning and he was holding his family up.
He clambered out of bed with minimal complaint from his body, into the shower, a shave and into his familiar red flannel, jeans and boots.
It was such a comfort to be home.
He blow-dried his hair, gelled it up and made himself presentable.
The man who stared at him from his bathroom mirror was one appendix less and a whole pile of experience more.
He hummed to himself, tasting the notes in his throat. He could feel the soft whale skin under his fingertips, hear the lap of the water, the breeze in his hair...
And the music.
His eyes were closed without permission, the imagery taking over his mind. His fingers tapped against the bathroom vanity marking out the beat and rhythm of what he was trying to say, the pictures warping into abstract and lack of understanding.
Salty and long spoken, the notes repeated.
He didn’t know how long he stood there under the bathroom light, eyes seeing another world somewhere below the ocean surface.
By the time he shook off the haze it was eleven forty-five.
Almost lunchtime.
Alan would be foaming at the bit.
He pushed himself away from the sink and killed the light. Walking carefully across his room, he shook himself, rolling his shoulders. Get it together, Virgil. Your family is waiting for you.
Out through the door, down the corridor and, screw the stairs, he was taking the elevator.
It swallowed him whole.
Gordon had been up since before the sun. It was a sign that he was home. A session in the pool brought familiarity into the equation. There was definitely a difference between swimming in the pool versus the ocean and it had nothing to do with water salinity.
The ocean was beautiful and he adored it. But the pool sported no threat, no need to monitor his surroundings beyond the presence of a mischievous brother or two, leaving him to be able to focus on his stroke and let his mind wander.
The pleasant warmth of well used muscles pulling him forward through the water, simple thought processing...and considering the last few days, there were a lot of thoughts awaiting examination.
Some he had managed while piloting A Little Lightning on the home stretch, but there were still more needing answers and tactical decisions.
Sam. Mel. Scott. John. Virgil.
As far as he knew, Scott was still planning on inviting the neighbours over today. That would place Sam within reach of the apparently resistant Virgil.
He understood where both men were coming from. Virgil needed time and Sam was just a ball of eager energy.
Gordon was stuck between the two.
Push came to shove, he would side with Virgil regardless. He had too. But he really didn’t want to be divisive. If Virgil would talk just a little, it would help not only Sam and himself, but it might assuage the ball of worried energy that was Scott.
His arms sliced through water until he reached the end of the lane, his body automatically flipping and turning into the push off surge in the opposite direction. Air, splash and his hands slicing through the water again.
Okay, he would admit that he was worried himself. At first it was just amazing. His brother could sing to whales! A breakthrough. But yesterday he witnessed exactly how spaced Virgil became when singing and everything screamed wary. Humpback whales were beautiful creatures, but so big and so possibly unintentionally dangerous.
He couldn’t let Virgil anywhere near a whale alone. It just wasn’t safe. There was so much they didn’t know and the urge to protect his gentle brother just swelled in his heart.
They needed to investigate further. Find out exactly what was going on. Make sure his brother was safe. That it didn’t affect any water rescues.
They couldn’t afford to have Virgil spacing out in the ocean at random. As it was, Gordon wasn’t going to let Virgil anywhere near the ocean during rescues for the foreseeable future. He could stay up in Two.
Whale song could travel around the globe.
His native realm had become a hazard for his big brother and that was unacceptable.
They had to find out what was going on.
John and Eos had made a good start, but Sam and himself needed to investigate further and soon.
Virgil needed to cooperate for his own safety.
Gordon broke his stroke, pushed himself to the side of the pool and rested his head on the concrete a moment, letting his body float randomly.
Blood pumped through his ears, his heart still running at exercise rate.
He needed to convince Virgil.
Scott revelled in the early dawn light. His feet pounded on his wonderfully familiar route around the Island. A trek he hadn’t laid eyes on for a week.
His runners crunched volcanic gravel beneath them.
The sun was just rising on Christmas Day, the beautiful weather hanging strong, the sea a stretch of glass disappearing off into the horizon. His current trajectory pointed him directly south where he knew beyond the glass lay Raoul Island. A single spot in a sea of blue, so similar to the even tinier spot that was Tracy Island.
Same sea of blue.
A pokey tree appeared on the side of the track, its red flowers quite glorious in the morning sun, and he found himself grinning. Sure, he knew the correct name of the pōhutukawa tree, but Alan’s name was so much easier to pronounce and it made Mel laugh.
His legs took the strain as he jogged up the rapidly steepening trail.
If he was honest with himself, the whole no strings attached thing was a lie. He found himself thinking about the woman more the longer they were away from Raoul.
And they only left yesterday.
As soon as the sun was high enough in the sky to be polite, he would be contacting Raoul with his invitation to her, Sam and Liam. It wasn’t the only time he had invited people to the Island, they weren’t entirely hermits, but it was rare and the first time in a long time.
And he was so looking forward to it.
Penny and Parker were due after breakfast as was the tradition. As soon as everyone was awake, they would have their present opening party, always a major family event. More for the company and laughter than the presents themselves.
He could almost hear Gordon declaring it ‘Tracy style’ complete with the arm movements to compliment the claim.
But Mel...it was like he was excited to show her the Island, perhaps because he knew she would be very interested in the ecosystem that had developed here since their father had begun repairing it over a decade ago.
And he was staring at it right now as he followed the path around the back of the Island. Pokey trees, palms and ferns were everywhere a foothold was available. Scott knew very little about their ecosystem beyond the need to keep it safe. Gordon and Virgil were the ones who knew most about it among the brothers. Gordon focussed on the sea and Virgil sometimes helped out with animal numbers and photography for the scientific group.
But Mel hadn’t been here since Dad...
He grunted and hurdled a rock he hurdled every morning as the slope inverted and started heading down. The view was stunning.
Despite the glass of the ocean, the swell still crashed on the back cliffs of the Island, jagged volcanic rock resistant to the relentless pounding.
Hopefully she would consent to the visit even though it was late notice.
He did have a Thunderbird, after all.
John hadn’t slept much. He never did when something was on his mind. His everything drove him to find a solution, particularly when a brother was involved.
Eos never slept, so she was the perfect insomnia companion.
There was also the factor that he was home, but he really wasn’t.
He was missing Five.
Now he was back on the Island, everything was screaming at him to go home.
Not that he didn’t like the Island, quite the opposite. The Island contained his brothers, his grandmother, Kayo, his family and he adored his family.
But the stars were calling to him. His body ached to feel the release from gravity. He wanted his home.
He ignored it.
His body needed gravity. It was an undeniable fact. It had evolved under the pressure exerted by the planet and while his mind adored the stars and the lack of gravity, nature demanded its return under the ‘use it or lose it’ mandate of life on Earth.
So, tired, but awake anyway as the sun hit the front of the villa, John made his way down to the pool where he found Gordon, as expected, in the water, but unexpectedly, not swimming. His head was lying on one arm at the edge of the pool, his body floating lazily behind.
John dropped his towel on a lounger and, bare footed to the edge next to his brother. Folding himself into a seated position he dropped his feet to dangle in the cool water.
“Hmm?” His head rose a little blearily. “Oh, John, hey.”
“Merry Christmas.”
“Huh? What, oh, Merry Christmas, John.”
A frown. “You okay?”
Gordon flexed his shoulders. “Yeah, just thinking.”
John sighed. “Same. But you do know he’s okay?”
“Yeah, just thinking it through.”
John pushed himself into the water and couldn’t help a relieved sigh as the water took away so many of the effects of gravity, cradling his body. “Swim with me?”
Brown eyes turned to him and John saw a reflection of his own worry in their depths. “Sure.” Gordon pushed off from the edge, his movements graceful despite his distraction.
John moved to the lane next to Gordon’s preferred and lined up beside his fish brother. Gordon shot him a brief but grateful smile before pushing off the end in a careless surge into stroke. He was metres ahead before John had even shifted into form.
Show off.
But he couldn’t help but smile as he pushed off the edge himself, automatically moving into a strong but leisurely stroke in warm up.
Swimming denied verbal communication, but it wasn’t needed, the two of them just keeping each other company.
By the fifth lap, John started pushing himself, putting his body through the exercise needed to keep it healthy. He had no delusions of keeping up with Gordon. He just paced himself as his body needed it. Twenty laps in, he eased up a little and checked on his brother.
Gordon was still going. John brought himself to a halt, treading water, muscles pleasantly buzzing.
“Hey, John.” The astronaut startled, turning in place to find Scott standing on the edge of the pool. His running gear appeared well used, sweat stains prominent, and he was still breathing heavily. “Just letting you know that I’m going to be taking One out in about half an hour.”
“You going to get Mel and Sam?” Gordon was suddenly beside him. It was a sign of how tired John actually was that his younger brother startled him almost as much as Scott had a moment earlier.
“Can I come with?”
“Don’t you want to be here for when Penny arrives?”
John arched an eyebrow in Gordon’s direction. The fish had been looking forward to Christmas for that very reason. Before Virgil’s illness, it had been Penelope this, Penelope that. Apparently, he had the ‘best’ gift lined up for their first Christmas as a couple. Whether or not that was still going ahead considering recent events, John had no idea. Gordon hadn’t mentioned it since Virgil fell ill.
“I thought you had the fastest plane on the planet, Scotty.”
Their eldest brother snorted. “Plane, yes, younger brother, no.”
“Hey, I can be fast.” A strawberry blond frown. “Regardless, I need to speak to Sam.”
Scott eyed him a moment. “Virgil?”
Gordon sighed. “Yeah, Virgil. Gotta handle this delicately.”
Scott’s lips thinned. “Okay, then you better be ready in thirty because that’s when I’m leaving.”
The fish was already climbing out of the pool. Wet footprints marked the concrete as he strode to his towel.
Blue eyes turned to John. “You okay? You look tired.”
John let water run through his fingers. “I am, but I’ll live.”
Voice quiet. “Virgil?”
A single nod, voice equally quiet. “Virgil. Eos, Gordon and I will work it out. We just need time.” And patience. Admittedly, he didn’t have much of that where his brothers’ health was concerned. He could fake it, but it didn’t mean he felt it.
Scott’s expression was thoughtful. “I know you will do your best. Don’t forget to look after yourself.”
A groan. This was why Virgil was always adamant that he was fine. I single hint of something wrong and their biggest brother was all over them, his concern obvious. “I’m fine, Scott.”
That earned him a grunt and John actually struggled not to smile at his brother’s exasperation. John swam to the pool edge and pushed himself out of the water. A wave in the direction of the rising sun’s reflection. “The pool is all yours, dear brother.”
Scott eyed him. “Thank you.”
The morning breeze cooled John enough to raise goose pimples on his arms. Before he could reach for his towel, Scott was handing it to him.
Ever the big brother. It was John’s turn to eye him back. “Thank you.”
Scott smiled at him, a definite smirk on those lips. He knew exactly what John was thinking and had likely done it on purpose. “Anytime.”
Hmmm. “Merry Christmas, Scott.”
Those blue eyes widened as his big brother obviously realised that despite all the preparations underway, despite the tree they had stacked with presents the night before, he had still managed to forget the significance of the day.
It was John’s turn to smirk.
But Scott recovered quickly, tilting his head, a small smile on his lips. “Merry Christmas, John.”
With that he turned and headed off into the house.
Alan loved to sleep in. He shared this love with his second eldest brother. Getting up early sucked big time and he had no coffee addiction to help him.
But there was one day of the year when you could witness the youngest Tracy out of bed, while not early, at least a decent time where breakfast could still be called breakfast and not lunch or even brunch.
Christmas Day.
Alan adored the day. Presents, food and family, what more could a guy ask for?
So, eight am found him stumbling down the stairs to the kitchen in search of the second and third items on the list. He found Grandma at the kitchen table eating her fruit and yoghurt.
Alan made no effort to be quiet, but she didn’t appear to realise he was there, staring out across the lagoon. “Grandma?”
She dropped her spoon with a clatter as it hit the bowl. “Alan!” She clutched her hand to her chest, gasping. “You frightened me. Gave my old heart a kick in the pants.”
“Sorry, Grandma. Are you okay?”
“This time. Though I wouldn’t recommend doing it too often.” She held out an arm. “C’mere and give me a Christmas hug.”
Now that was something he was quite happy to do. Grandma hugs were always appreciated. “Merry Christmas, Grandma.” He held her tight.
“Merry Christmas, honey. Are you hungry?”
Uh, that was always a loaded question and there were important indicators related to that. “Where is everyone?” He had expected to find at least John down here. His space brother would eat his breakfast staring out into the lagoon and follow it with work on his tablet just to be around family in his own way. But not today.
“Scott and Gordon have gone to Raoul to collect Ms Fisher and that scientist friend of Gordon’s.”
“I guess. They were both in quite a hurry to leave.”
That set Alan grinning. “I think Scott likes Mel.”
An arched eyebrow. “I thought she liked Virgil.”
A snort accompanied the grin. “I don’t think she is Virgil’s kind of girl.”
Of course, that was the very moment Kayo decided to enter the kitchen. She had obviously been on a run, dressed in shorts and a high cut top.
“Who’s Virgil’s kind of girl?”
Alan’s eyes widened. “Um.”
Green narrowed at him. “What are you up to, Alan?”
“Nothing!” He held out his hands. “What did I do?”
“I’m more concerned with what you are going to do.”
“Suspicious, much? I’m going to eat breakfast, that’s what.”
She continued to eye him. “No practical jokes today.”
“I wasn’t planning on it. Gee, you’d think I was Gordy or something.”
“Gordon will be contained by Lady Penelope. You, however, are not.”
“And what? That makes me some kind of prank genius?”
“Genius, no, annoyance, yes.”
“Hey, Merry Christmas, Kayo. How about a little of the spirit?”
She glared and him and grunted before turning away and stalking off.
“What’s up her skirt?”
“Well, you saw her. I didn’t do anything!”
Grandma was quiet a moment. “She has things on her mind.”
“When doesn’t she?”
“Let her be.”
“I didn’t do anything!”
Grandma sighed. “Things will work themselves out for the best.”
Alan stared at his grandmother. What on Earth was going on? Did everyone know something that he didn’t. He sighed. Wouldn’t be the first time. “I’m going grab some breakfast.”
“Yes, dear.” And Grandma was staring out at the lagoon again.
What the-?
Alan grabbed the refrigerator door and flung it open, his eyes raking its contents. Perhaps food would fix things.
A glance at Grandma found that she hadn’t moved.
There was definitely something going on.
End Day 5 Part 1
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chokememrstark · 6 years
The Soulmate Sam Never Asked For // Part 4
Ship: Samifer (Sam Winchester / Lucifer)
Words: 2425 (Chapter 4 / 12)
Fic Summary: When Lucifer suddenly fails to come to class, Sam begins to feel absolutely awful. Things get so bad that he seeks the help of a school counselor, only to find out Lucifer had dropped out for an undefined period of time. He gets a hint, however, that it's because of family issues, and in a desperate attempt to stop himself from feeling like he's falling apart, Sam tries to find Lucifer. When he does, however, he finds out much more than he expected.
college!AU, human!AU, soulmates!AU, dysfunctional families, abusive parents, dramatic romance, or romantic drama, your choice, big brother!Lucifer, soulmates hating each other, referenced alcoholism, death and abuse, some violence, and lots of feels, fluff and cuteness, some drama but not too much, lots of bickering, and two damn stubborn soulmates (!!)
Note: My lovely beta reader @brieflymaximumprincess called this a rom-com and even though I don’t believe it is, in my eyes, it does have certain elements of it. This is not the angst you know from me, not at all.
Yes, there is some drama, but there is also a lot of sweet and cute moments, much more than the dramatic ones. I guess you could say I accidentally wrote cute fluff? Because it was not intended, but here we are.
This fic is already completed and will be posted by the regular schedule from now on: Thuesday, Thursday and Saturday! So, enjoy ♥
Tagging: @shebahda   @sassysupernaturalsweetheart    @spnyoucantkeepmedown  @brieflymaximumprincess @multifandomhcsforinsanity @etysky @justasmalltownsuperwholock @humongouscandycoffee​ @daddycasstiel @nnegann​ @blakechaos08
If you want off the tag list or want to be added, just drop me an ask or IM!
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 If Sam thought things between Lucifer and him couldn’t get more awkward than before, the following days proved him dead wrong. After their encounter in the toilets even the platonic greetings and farewells stopped, and Lucifer refused to even look at Sam directly or acknowledge his presence at all. Despite wanting to be glad about that - after all it meant he wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore - Sam felt really shitty when he was suddenly faced with this kind of rejection.
 Rejection was a weird word for someone he didn’t even like ignoring him, but it felt exactly like that. Not that he was the kind of person to need constant attention or validation, but it was pretty obvious that Lucifer was giving him the cold shoulder, even when Sam tried to keep up his greetings at first. He quickly stopped his attempts, however, because the cold silence he got in return made him feel like an utter fool. After two days he just sat down quietly and tried to ignore the other next to him.
 Sam might have gotten used to this change of events after a while if it wasn’t for Lucifer suddenly failing to come to class after another week. Sam was confused at first, but as the days passed he began to worry. His anxiety had come back by now, accompanied by an awful nausea, which only worsened his well-being and made it much harder to stay on track. It got so bad that he had to leave one of his lectures early and finally decided to do something about it.
 Since he didn’t know much about Lucifer, other than that he had three brothers and a shitty father, Sam had no idea where to look for him. He decided to go to one of the school’s counselors in the end, it was worth a shot at least as he couldn’t just walk through town and knock on every door by himself. Luckily he was the only one waiting at the moment, as classes were still ongoing, so he didn’t have to sit there for too long. The counselor was a woman named Ellen, who signalled for Sam to sit right away.
 “I hope I’m not disturbing you,” Sam immediately apologized and shifted in his seat. “But I wondered if you could help me with a co-student of mine. He hasn’t been to class in a while and I’m worried.”
 “Of course you’re not disturbing me,” Ellen said with a smile and looked over her papers quickly. “You’re Sam, right? Sam… Winchester?”
 “That’s me, yes,” Sam nodded awkwardly.
 “Well, we don’t usually give out personal information about our students, but maybe I can still help you.”
 “I thought you’d say that, but it’s really important. I know he dropped out for two years already and I worry he might be away for longer again.”
 “Oh!” Ellen’s face showed a slight hint of concern and understanding for a moment, but she collected herself again quickly and sighed. “It’s about Lucifer, am I right?”
 “Yes, Lucifer was actually here last week to talk about this.”
 “And?” Sam didn’t know why this woman couldn't just tell him what was going on, was it that difficult? “What did he say?”
 “Wait a second,” Ellen said and pulled a sheet of paper out from a different pile on her desk. “Ah yes, here. There are some family issues that forced him to take a break, but he will be back soon.”
 “How soon is ‘soon’?” Sam asked confused. “A week? Two? A month?”
 “No time frame, just the note that a family member is hospitalized and needs his support. I’m sorry,” she put the paper back down, looking into Sam’s shocked and pale face. “I wish I could tell you more, but that’s all the information I have.”
 “Alright… thanks…” Sam felt numb when he stood up and walked out of the room.
 Now he felt even worse for his selfish way of thinking. Lucifer had to deal with more than just some anxiety and he sat there, demanding to know when he would come back and being a selfish prick about it. As if Lucifer owed him anything. Instead of going back to class - Sam knew he wouldn’t be able to concentrate anyways - he decided to retreat to his room and lay down for a bit. There was no way he could sleep, but he didn’t know what else to do with himself.
 While laying there with his eyes open and staring at the ceiling, Sam began to wonder if he should do anything about the current situation. Of course he couldn’t bring Lucifer back, that was ridiculous and he was needed right now, but maybe he could do something else? Ellen had said something about a hospital, maybe it wasn’t far away and if Lucifer had to take care of a family member, probably his brother, he might be there most of the time. It was a wild thought, considering their relationship - or the lack of it - but it stuck with Sam. He didn’t want to anger Lucifer by just showing up, but now that he knew it was kind of the next logical thought.
 Sam sat up and glanced over to the clock. It was two in the afternoon, so if Lucifer was there he might still catch him. And if not? Well, then he would just get back here and wait for the other to return.
 He grabbed his backpack and phone, calling a taxi while he walked out of his dorm already. It only took a few minutes to arrive luckily and Sam asked the driver to take him to the Universal Medical Center. He figured that this was his best bet. When they drove past a flower shop on their way, Sam instructed the driver to turn around and wait for him while he got inside. If he would find Lucifer he didn’t want to come empty handed, that was rude, so he got a small bouquet of roses and carnations in bright colors and hopped back into the waiting taxi. Maybe he would embarrass himself, but if he did he would just give the flowers to someone else or the nurses and leave again.
 After finally arriving and paying the taxi driver, Sam hesitated a little. Wouldn’t it look very crazy if he just showed up with flowers randomly, without even knowing what had happened or if Lucifer wanted him to? Now that he thought of it, he wasn’t even supposed to know about the reason Lucifer was gone and it made him feel like a stalker when he looked down at the flowers in his hands.
 “If he’s here he’ll understand,” Sam sighed eventually, wishing he could believe his own words. “Or he’ll throw me out and tell me to fuck off.” That was a possibility too, he had to admit that. Eventually, Sam just forced his feet to walk inside, even though he was still nervous as hell. He had made it all the way out here after all, just leaving again without even trying seemed like a pretty cowardly way out.
 “Excuse me?” Sam said quietly when he stood in front of the information desk. The young woman behind the glass turned around and smiled at him.
 “Hello, sir!” she said overly friendly. Sam assumed she was instructed to act like this. “How may I help you?”
 “Well, I’m looking for a patient and wonder if he’s here. I don’t know his name though, I just know it’s a boy, either six or ten?”
 The woman gave him a very weird look, but apparently something made her refrain from telling him goodbye because she actually pulled up the keyboard of her computer.
 “Are you a family member?” she asked, even though it was pretty obvious that he wasn’t. “Do you have any additional information maybe?”
 “I think his brother is visiting him regularly, his name is Lucifer Milton?” Sam asked hopefully with the most friendly smile he had to offer. “He’s a classmate of mine and is missing for a few days, I’ve been told his brother is hospitalized and wanted to pay them a visit.”
 “Well, we have someone that fits your description here,” the woman said and squinted at her screen. “But visitors are strictly limited, I’m afraid. Only family members may visit this patient.”
 Sam’s hope was reduced to a hot stone in his stomach.
 “Is there nothing you can do?” he asked sadly.
 “This is really important for you, isn’t it?” the woman asked and Sam nodded quietly. “Okay, give me a moment.”
 Sam clutched the flowers tighter when she took the phone and waited impatiently.
 “Hello?” she said, listening for a minute before continuing. “Yes, I have a visitor here for you. What? No, no he didn’t tell me his name, he just-”
 “Sam!” Sam quickly said, loud enough for her to hear him. She nodded and continued.
 “Yes, he just said his name is Sam and he… yes, of course. I’ll tell him, thank you.” She hung up and turned back to the waiting boy.
 “Your friend will come over in a bit,” she said, smiling brightly. “You can sit down in the waiting area.”
 “Thank you,” Sam sighed relieved. “That means a lot to me.”
 He walked over to the seats in a corner, but even when he sat down he still felt very awkward and as if he was in the wrong place. So, Lucifer was really here. That was something. And if he came here now and was furious and angry that he just showed up and kept him away from his brother? Sam felt a cold shiver run down his spine at this thought and quickly shook his head in denial. No, Lucifer might not be happy, but he wouldn’t make a scene in here, no way. At least he hoped so.
 A few minutes passed and Sam kept looking over to the elevators, but Lucifer came from a different direction eventually and he didn’t look happy at all when he walked up to him. He was about to say something, probably nothing nice or friendly, when Sam jumped up and stopped him.
 “Before you get mad, I’m sorry,” he quickly said and held out the flowers for him to take. “The counselor told me why you were gone and I wanted to see how you’re doing, nothing more.”
 “How do you even know where I am?” Lucifer asked and raised his brow at Sam before inspecting the flowers in his hands. “I didn’t tell anyone.”
 “She said someone from your family was in a hospital and I just guessed,” Sam answered a bit ashamed and scratched his ear. “Just wanted to make sure you’re okay, that’s all. And, well, give you my best wishes, I guess.”
 Lucifer huffed, but didn’t reply. He nodded at Sam, signaling him to follow and again at the woman behind the info counter to let her know it was okay that he did so. Sam didn’t dare to speak, too intimidated and confused, so he just walked a few feet behind Lucifer through the corridors. When the blond finally stopped in front of a door he turned around with the handle between his fingers.
 “You’ll keep this to yourself, understood?” the blond asked serious and Sam nodded with a stern face.
 Lucifer opened the door and Sam followed him into the room. He heard the sounds of machines before seeing much, but where he expected a lot of tubes and wires, he just saw a young boy laying in a bed all by himself. If he wouldn’t know better, Sam would have never guessed this was Lucifer’s brother. The boy was not only dark skinned and had short, black hair, unlike his fair skinned, blond and blue-eyed big brother, but all of his features were completely different too. He had his eyes closed, but when Lucifer shut the door behind them they fluttered open and a smile appeared on his face.
 “Luci?” he asked with a weak voice. His big brother immediately sat back down next to the bed and took one of his hands, in which Sam saw a needle and tubes sticking out.
 “I’m here, don’t worry,” Lucifer said calmly and brushed his brother’s hand gently. “Raphael, this is Sam, a friend of mine.” There it was again, the word ‘friend’. It made Sam feel very conflicted. “He heard you’re feeling sick and wanted to visit you.”
 “That’s so nice of you,” the boy smiled and looked at Sam. The smile the older one returned was very difficult because he could see that the boy was very, very sick.
 “Hey Raphael,” Sam said overly friendly and walked over to Lucifer. “Does your big brother take good care of you?”
 “Always,” Raphael smiled proudly. “Luci always takes care of me.”
 “That’s very sweet of him.” Sam kind of liked the little one and he felt very sad to see him so sick. “I brought you some flowers to cheer you up, do you like flowers?”
 “Yes!” the boy said excited and his smile grew brighter. “They look so pretty! Luci can we put them on the table, please?”
 “Of course, Raph,” Lucifer answered. He got up and walked over to a sink in the corner where he got some water and a vase for the flowers. Sam followed him with his eyes and only now realized that there was someone else in the room too. Hidden almost completely under pillows and blankets, slept an even younger boy.
 “There you go!” Lucifer pulled Sam out of his staring suddenly and he turned back around. “Do they look good here?”
 “Perfect!” Raphael decided and couldn’t take his eyes off the colorful flowers anymore.
 “Raph, I’ll go get something to eat for us, okay? Do you want something special?” Lucifer asked, earning a giggle from his little brother.
 “Pudding! And ice cream!”
 “Of course,” Lucifer chuckled. “I’ll see if I can bribe the nurses. If Gabe wakes up tell him I’ll be back in a few minutes, will you?”
 “Of course, Luci,” Raphael groaned and rolled his eyes. Lucifer nodded, grabbed Sam’s hand and literally pulled the other out of the room again. Sam didn’t know what to make of Lucifer’s behavior, especially when he had acted so differently before, but he followed him without asking any questions - not that he would have had any say in the matter, Lucifer’s grip was tight and the pulling very determined.
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sol1056 · 7 years
story structure and how doing it wrong can mess things up
This post, I’ll talk about story structure in general, with some examples. The follow--up post will talk about VLD S3/S4 story structure specifically.
I’ve mentioned the MICE quotient before (milieu, idea, character, element), but to recap: it’s a way to categorize the type of conflict or complication added to a story, so a writer can mentally track what questions the story is raising, and where/when to answer those. 
A story fundamentally is a series of questions: “who are these people? why are they doing that? what will happen next?” If the writer doesn’t bother to answer to the reader’s satisfaction, the resolution will feel incomplete. 
Broadly speaking, you can braid elements, or nest them. Braided elements are going to show up almost immediately in a story, often drive the entire plot, and should be wrapped up in the final resolution. In VLD, there seem to be two core and somewhat related elements: “can we become a team” and “can we defeat Zarkon”. 
Note: these two questions are also co-throughlines, as the backbone of the story. A throughline is the one question or conflict that runs through the entire story, and when it’s resolved, the story ends. A throughline is not always obvious. For S1/S2, "defeat zarkon” is a consistent throughline, and every adventure in some way pushes forwards on that. If Zarkon died at end of S2, but Haggar or Lotor took over, we’d realize the actual throughline was probably more like “can we bring down the evil empire”, of which Zarkon was only one facet. So, the story continues. If Zarkon is defeated but the story continues, either we’re dealing with a sequel, or the longest epilogue ever.
Here’s a bit from a lecture by Mary Robinette Kowal, about nesting elements. She’s speaking of short stories here, so the duration is a scene or so. In a longer work, a nested element can last anywhere from a scene to almost the entire story.
Nesting is when you introduce one of these [elements] for only a scene or two. If I have a character going on a quest -- an event -- then you get to the cave where they pass a challenge... for that one challenge, we do the idea, we resolve it, and we move on. That's nesting, but you do have to resolve it, at some point, or that's going to be a nagging thing in the back of the audience's head, if it's sufficiently interesting. 
Sometimes you can get away with it, and it's just, why is that watermelon there? People who've seen Buckaroo Banzai, we're still wondering about that watermelon... there's one scene where they're walking through a big area and one character asks, 'why is that watermelon there?' and the other character says, 'I'll tell you later'. And they never do.
Behind the cut, I’ll go into more detail about what story structure looks like in terms of nested elements, how to deal with watermelons, why elements should be closed in the reverse order they were opened, and the problem with elements that are too obvious/easy to resolve. 
weaving & nesting elements together
I mentioned in an earlier post that “there must be a path towards answering the idea [element] before the story can progress”. In episodic stories (think old-school sitcoms), MICE elements are open-and-close, much like the ‘pass this challenge’ example. 
When every nested element is neatly closed off,  you have a very static kind of story, one that’ll end up feeling like it’s just running in place, at best. Ask a question, get an answer; ask another question, get the next answer. The beauty of nested elements -- and where it can lend a dynamic element even to purely character-driven, quieter, stories -- is that the answer to one question is a new question. 
That’s a serial approach to elements: the closing of one opens the next. Nesting, though, leaves the first question open, and creates a new one within it (ie, to resolve the quest, one must answer this challenge). You can’t resolve the first without addressing the next, and so on, and so on. 
In VLD, S1E2 through about S1E6 are roughly episodic, and open/close on a variety of ideas: can they defeat this robeast, can they defeat this general, etc. For the story to ‘hang’ together, each of those sub-elements must conclude with something that pushes the story forward. At the same time, each must support the two main elements (”defeat the bad guy” and ”be a team”). 
Here’s the sticky part in considering story-structure like this: if you do not resolve an element, then consider all succeeding elements as nested, and secondary to that open element. (It really is like html code; gotta close your tags in order of opening them.) By ‘resolve’ I mean, ‘answer all questions in the reverse order in which they were raised, within the course of that element’. 
Frex, S2E3, a classic Idea episode: ‘who helped Shiro escape?’. We go to a new location (milieu), raise questions (idea), meet Ulaz (event). Then we have an idea, where the characters ask questions and get direct answers, open/close. Next, an event: fight the bad guy. In rapid succession we work backwards: bad guy element is closed in parallel with closing ‘meet Ulaz’, a short argument to close the ‘raise questions’ element, and departure. The resolution mostly answers ‘who helped’ -- we know some of the how and who, but not really the full why -- and that ‘why’ lingers for later development.
So that’s an example of how a minor detail raised in an open/close nested segment becomes the thread of following story elements. Now Shiro isn’t chasing after ‘how did I escape’ or ‘who helped me’ but ‘who is this organization and why did they get involved’. 
On a small scale (like within a single scene), you can smash the closing points together. Strictly speaking, it should be ‘bad guy defeated’ and then ‘lose Ulaz’ but actual practice, it was more like ‘lose Ulaz’ leads to ‘bad guy defeated’. Two elements resolved each other, as it were.
The same is true of the BoM episode. We go to a new location (milieu), start dialogue with Blades (event), travel to second location (milieu), offer alliance (event), demand Keith’s knife (idea), put Keith through trials (character), end trials, resolve knife, agree to alliance, return, confirm dialogue, and depart. 
But in the middle of that, the questions raised in the trial (and in the resolution of the knife) are bloody HUGE. It’s a watermelon times a hundred.
dealing with watermelons
The temptation is to do exactly what the writers have done: to just leave that question over there, unaddressed, for chapters (or episodes) on end. 
Don’t do this. It’s supremely annoying to readers.
Readers want their questions answered, and if one is left hanging for too long, they’ll grow cranky and shut the book (or stop watching). They’re going to conclude that either you can’t (or won’t) answer the question, or they’re going to assume you didn’t even realize you needed to answer the question. If they decide the second, you might as well hang it up. It’s damn hard to come back from that.
It’s not hard to fix. Just give the readers an answer. Any answer. It doesn’t have to even be the right answer. Think of any good mystery, where details unravel and what looks one way changes shape from a different perspective. It’s okay to tell the readers, “oh, Shiro probably escaped on his own” and later tell them, “wait! actually, he had help, he just didn’t remember that because he was still fuzzy from whatever the scientists gave him!”
Since I did bring up the BoM episode, that makes a good case for where you can lampshade the hell out of things, as a way to quasi-resolve. Basically, you’re telling the reader, ehhh, that question isn’t really all that much of a bombshell, don’t worry about it. Jut skip the exposition, and just have another character raise the question. It doesn’t take a lot, and you slide right through the emotional beat, too: 
*Keith and Shiro return with Kolivan and Antok* Kolivan: Princess Allura, it's good to see that the rumors are true. You're still alive after all these years. Allura: So is Zarkon. Can we consider you our ally in the fight against him? Kolivan: The blade of Marmora is with you, but-- Pidge: Keith, where did you get that sword? Keith: It's...It's my knife. Hunk: No, I'm pretty sure that's a lot bigger than a knife. Keith: Uh, yeah. It's... because apparently I'm... part-Galra. *everyone stares* Pidge: But I thought the Galra had never made it as far as Earth. Antok: Do you think all Galra were happy under Zarkon's reign? Over the decafeebs, some fought, and some were forced to flee, including our brethren. Pidge: But-- Kolivan: That discussion can wait. Princess, I've received word from our spy inside the Galran hierarchy. They have become aware of our presence, so the timetable for our plan has been moved up. Shiro: How soon do we need to begin? Kolivan: Now.
See, the hanging question was: how can Keith be part-Galra and have a Marmora blade, given he grew up on Earth? Don’t ignore that. Answer it: provide something reasonable, maybe a little pat. “Earth was a safe place to go for Galra who hated Zarkon, and sometimes that included a Blade, and by the way, it’s been 10,000 years,” implying that Keith’s blade could be hundreds of years old. 
And then, to make sure you don’t give a chance for someone to poke further (like Pidge), you have a damn good reason for setting the conversation aside. Kolivan’s news about the spy does work; Kolivan’s not going to see it as a shocker that Keith has Galra ancestry, so it’s in-character for him to brush aside everyone’s shock. The watermelon is (supposedly) resolved, but it’s still there to revisit later.   
close in the order you opened
In the continuation I’ll get into showing how ignoring this rule can really mess things up, but here I’ll just use one of my favorites:
boy fish meets girl fish boy fish loses girl fish girl fish dies going over hydraulic dam
Oh, wait, no, let’s do Wizard of Oz, instead, ‘cause it’s actually a beautifully nested story where each element leads into the next. It goes something roughly like this:
I hate this town -- character  oh no tornado -- event    how do I get home? -- idea      I must go to Oz -- milieu        how do I help these new friends -- idea          the wizard gives me a challenge -- event          I kill the witch /event         the grateful wizard helps my friends /idea      I return to where I started /milieu    I learn my shoes take me home /idea  I find my family is alright /event I realize home is best /character
As MRK likes to say, if Dorothy had arrived in Oz, and Glenda had said, “oh just put on these shoes and click your heels together!” we would’ve had a short story, not an entire book. Instead, Dorothy is told she has to see the wizard, which leads to meeting new friends, which helps her get to Oz, and so on.
Now, to thoroughly butcher the structure, let’s say that Dorothy kills the wicked witch, and spontaneously knows how to help her friends have a heart, brain, and courage, and how to get home. We’ve just resolved several nested elements... and the unclosed elements are now going to feel superfluous. Like, why even go back to the wizard, when she already has the answers she sought? 
But the story spends chapters (alternately, easily half the movie) making a huge production out of ‘we have to see the wizard’. There’s even a song about and everything. Pages upon pages to build this up, including the arrival in Oz and the overwhelming experience of meeting an angry wizard. Resolving Dorothy’s questions several steps earlier would leave that entire build-up just hanging there, but addressing it is going to be a boring read. Yeah, okay, wizard, whatever, we could cover that in a paragraph. Why not just say goodbye to friends, click the heels, and be done? 
throw out the easy elements
Let’s change out Dorothy’s shoes for something like, say, a map. She doesn’t open it. She just asks someone else, “how do I get home?” She goes through all those adventures, comes back to the start, and is told, “oh, you could just open that paper up, it’s a map to get home.”
If at least nine out of ten of you wouldn’t DNF right there after most of a book of Dorothy never even asking, gee, what does this map show?, I’ll eat my hat. It’s one thing to have the element-resolution lie in the very last thing the character tried, or (common in some genres) the character trying the one thing they’d been told through the entire story not to do (”don’t cross the streams”). But if it’s something that obvious, that instinctive -- “I wonder what the book says” -- that’s hinging a lot on the character being stupid. 
There has to be a really good reason for a character to be unable to resolve an element on their own. It’s not just a matter of the element not having scale enough to drive a character into action (ie the tornado), but it also can’t be something the character could’ve just waited out. If the character acts because they think they’re about to be fired, you need to give them a really good reason they don’t, can’t or won’t just find another job. Readers are going to tell that you’re contriving an element (a “must save my job” idea) to push the story forward, and you created a plot hole at the same time.  
Because nested elements each hinge upon the previous, if a precipitating element is in fact a plot hole, everything hanging from that element will fall right into that hole. Swallowed up in irrelevance, because the reader’s going to be saying: “they could’ve skipped all this by just posting their resume on LinkedIn.” 
On top of that, it guts the story’s stakes -- why should readers care about a character who’s effectively making a mountain (the story) out of a molehill (the easily resolved element)? 
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themanuelruello · 5 years
Raising Old-Fashioned Kids in a High Tech World
I’m not a mommy blogger.
But you probably already knew that, huh?
It’s partially because I have little interest in telling folks how to raise their kids when I’m still trying to figure out how to raise mine, and partially because my inspiration rarely flows when it comes to that stuff.
I’ve never been one of the cool moms…
We don’t all have matching outfits for Christmas pix. (Heck, I haven’t even done a Christmas CARD in the last 5 years…)
I couldn’t plan a themed birthday party if my life depended on it.
We don’t do finger painting, homemade halloween costumes, or crafts with rainbow-colored pipe cleaners.
Fun snacks? Um, I think there’s a shriveled up string cheese in the fridge if you’re dying.
Are you picking up what I’m putting down here?
So I couldn’t help but scratch my head when recently, the random photos I’ve been posting of our kids on Instagram have been getting a lot of engagement–even more engagement than my cute cow photos (which is saying a lot).
There was the photo of the kids sitting in their homemade pasture fort made from scraps of lumber from the wood pile.
The photo of the Three Amigos heading out to the pasture with their sack lunch.
And the photo of Mesa and Bridger toting off a refrigerator box to be turned into a covered wagon, then a cabin, and then a rocket.
The comments, messages, and likes I’ve received on these posts have made me think it’s time to dig into this (apparently radical) notion a little deeper.
How We (Accidentally) Started Raising Old-Fashioned Kids
Let me just start by saying I didn’t start doing any of this on purpose.
When Christian and I bought our homestead property in 2008, we were excited at the thought of raising our future children here, but I had absolutely no preconceived notions of what that would look like.
The kids have always come along with us, no matter what we doing. Not because we had some grand parenting philosophy guiding us, but rather because there’s a serious shortage of babysitters out here. And we have busy lives with a lot of moving parts, so it just made sense to pack the kids along with us, almost always.
As Mesa (our firstborn) grew, we just did what felt natural. When I’d milk, I’d bundle her up and she’d toddle along. When I’d ride my horse in the summer, I’d stick her in her playpen in the shady barn and let her nap. Bridger (our middle child) was snuggled into our tattered jogging stroller at 5-days old so he could accompany me to the barn to check on things. And Sage (our thirdborn) has been doing everything she can to keep up with her farm-raised siblings almost since the day she came out of the womb.
It was a lot of work at the beginning (putting on tiny mittens and boots x3 is tedious by any standard), but as they’ve grown, they’ve taking on more responsibility and have become pretty darn capable, if I do say so myself.
Mesa (9) and Bridger (6) do barn chores by themselves (unsupervised) each morning. They fill water, feed the chickens, check for eggs, move the horses, and feed the cats.
They can do almost all of the watering chores in the summer, pick vegetables for me in the garden, and scoop poop out of the barn (I still have to help them dump the wheelbarrow if it’s heavy, but no complaints here.)
They have responsibilities, and I’m a stickler for starting our homeschool routine by 8am each morning, but once school and chores are done, their day is mostly their own.
Boots are shoved on feet, and off they go with a hurried “Bye mom!”
And the house is suddenly quiet.
Outside, they run and scream. They ride bikes and throw balls. They poke sticks in the big water tank and pretend they are fishing. They climb on the hay bales and slide down the sides. They coerce the barn cats from their hiding spots and cuddle them until they melt in their arms. They pile up logs and bits of scrap wood to make wagons and forts and houses. They pretend with hammers, sticks, and shovels. They visit the cows in the pasture and scratch the goats. They embark on grand adventures behind house, weaving in and out of the tree rows. They collect rocks and birds nests and random treasures. They wade in the giant pasture mud puddle after a rain and utterly cake themselves in mud.
When I call them in for supper, they tend to be absolutely filthy, exhausted, and completely content.
Living 35+ miles from town has seriously limited the amount of playdates or structured kid activities we’ve been able to partake in thus far. And if I’m being honest, that used to bother me. A lot. I worried I was doing my kids a disservice by not driving them to all the lessons and Mommy and Me activities…
But I’m starting to realize the sort of unstructured childhood we implement here on the homestead, not because it was trendy, but rather because it was the only natural option, is actually a thing.
Who woulda thought?
The Mysterious Benefit of Dirt, Dust, & Animal Hair
I’ve been absolutely fascinated with all the articles I’ve seen floating around lately with scientific “proof” of an old-fashioned childhood (even though they don’t call it that). Our grandparent’s generation never even thought to question these things, but here we are in 2019 having such revelations such as:
The New England Journal of Medicine observed the link Amish farming communities and their reduced occurrence of asthma 
A study that shows a rural childhood with exposure to animals and dust can boost the immune system and reduce occurrence of mental illness
This article in the Washington Posts that highlights the increase of childhood balance issues due to lack of movement throughout the day 
This post on ADDitude discussing how playing outside can decrease ADHD symptoms in kids
The post on the World Economic Forum that encourages parents to let their children to be bored to increase creativity
It’s really easy for us, in all our modern wisdom, to brush off this sort of childhood as being a thing of the past, but can we afford to merely relegate it to the history books?
In my humble opinion, no we cannot.
Yes, we live in an entirely different time with more concerns and more dangers, but for the first time in history, we have a generation of kids who aren’t outside and aren’t moving their bodies. Unstructured play, rolling around in the grass, or playing in the dirt are identified as being crucial to human health and development, we can no longer dismiss them as the optional, silly parts of childhood.
If this trend continues, where will we be?
Free Time Magic
As I watch our kids race, imagine, explore, and create, I am fascinated to watch valuable traits naturally emerge. The kind of traits that will carry them far into adulthood.
They carry themselves with confidence. They find joy in their work (most of the time…) They are creative. They have the ability to solve problems on their own (like filling and carrying a heavy chicken bucket, and coercing the escapee horses back into the right pen).
Is it sunshine and roses all the time?
Well, of course not.
Sometimes they fight. Sometimes they get hurt. And sometimes they come to the house with a scraped knees and snot running down their face.
But that just comes with the territory.
I’m not claiming to have it all figured out, not by a long shot. And I’m usually extremely hesitant to give parenting advice, because, well, my oldest is only 9 and I still have yet to determine how this whole gig will turn out.
But I am completely and utterly convinced one of the most powerful parts of a healthy childhood lies is the unstructured free time. 
It’s powerful stuff.
How to Start Implementing an Old-Fashioned Childhood for Your Kids
Whenever I talk about this, naturally, the logical question that arises next is, “And how exactly does one do this?”
Here’s my best advice:
Step One: Kick them out the door and leave them alone.
Step Two: Repeat the next day.
Kind of kidding…. but not really. I realize dangers do exist. And it’s quite likely that you’ll be able to let your kid ride their bike across town (unless it’s a very small town). Of course, you’ll need to weigh the risks in your particular situation and be mindful of them.
But we do kids a disservice by scheduling them too much.
Let them play.
Limit the screens. 
Don’t fear their boredom– that’s where creativity is born.
Fight the urge micro-manage them.
Let them fail.
Teach them to wonder and ask questions.
Give them hours on a summer day to hunt insects, look at clouds, and roll in the grass.
Please don’t misunderstand. I’m NOT against putting your kids in activities (we do 4-H and a weekly homeschool co-op), but when it comes to the most meaningful activities we do as a family, I’ve found that my kids light up the most when they have the chance to be a part of something bigger than themselves.
For us, growing food together is more meaningful than finger-painting. Not that there’s anything wrong with finger painting… But my kids love knowing the green beans they planted are a crucial part of our family’s meal plan come July, they argue over who gets to smash the tomatoes into the food mill when we make sauce, and Mesa beams with pride when she can rattle off the tag numbers of our beef cattle by heart.
So no… I’m not a mommy blogger, and I won’t pretend for one minute that I know everything about parenting or raising kids. But I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Rogers when he said, “Play is the work of childhood.”
And I’ll venture to say that if we can parent like it’s 1955, our kids will be a whole lot better off.
The post Raising Old-Fashioned Kids in a High Tech World appeared first on The Prairie Homestead.
from Gardening https://www.theprairiehomestead.com/2019/05/raising-old-fashioned-kids.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/nba-playoffs-2017-how-the-bucks-other-rookie-changed-game-1-against-raptors/
NBA Playoffs 2017: How the Bucks' other rookie changed Game 1 against Raptors
The Milwaukee Dollars trailed the Toronto Raptors 51-forty six at halftime on Saturday, however it have become clear early inside the third sector that they had been now not going to head down without a combat. Spurred on by using an not likely hero, they held the Raptors’ elite offense to 32 points on 20 percent taking pictures inside the 2nd half, taking a 1-0 lead in the series with a 97-eighty three victory.
Heading into the playoffs, Bucks rookie Thon Maker’s function turned into an open query
He ended the season as their beginning middle, but in lots of the one’s video games he changed into a starter in name most effective: he’d play the primary six minutes or so of every half of, and that become it. Before Game 1, Milwaukee educates Jason Kidd told journalists he wasn’t concerned approximately beginning two newbies — Maker and Rookie of the Year candidate Malcolm Brogdon — and, later on, it regarded stupid that this becomes even a query.
Milwaukee’s run started whilst Toronto protects Kyle Lowry drove to the basket less than minutes into the 0.33 area. He used a display screen from Jonas Valanciunas, however Maker stayed with him all of the ways to the basket and used his 7-foot-3 wingspan to swat it away. This started a fast wreck that ended with the not possible-in-transition Giannis Antetokounmpo making a layup.
Some possessions later, the Raptors made a mistake of supporting off of Maker on a force. Despite in no way having performed on a level like this, he showed no hesitation whilst creating a midrange jumper. He needs to have that self-belief: already, he is one in every of Milwaukee’s satisfactory shooters.
Pre Playoffs 2013 and Outlook for Next Season
What a surprise – the remaining suit occurred to be the vital spot in the season 2012/2013; that time the opponent grew to become out to be the champion of remaining season, the Eisbären Berlin. This changed into a difficult group to overcome for the Tigers, in view that most effective a victory should have led to acquiring rank ten, which was the prerequisite for the pre-playoff video games. Another time, my older son, Tobias became part of this historic triumph, similar to the year earlier than, when we have been tales of the implausible victory versus Adler Mannheim resulting in the direct participation of the playoffs.
This exciting sport against the reliable champion of 2012 changed into
Extraordinarily thrilling, but the Tigers carried out sensationally nicely, preserving the top players far away from their goalie or even scoring six instances whereas the protection only allowed two dreams which were pretty outstanding in this case. If the Tigers had scored one extra aim, the Eisbären Berlin would not have even obtained the proper to play their first sport at domestic; besides they were lucky that way.
Overdue afternoon, the gang inside the stadium become astounded once more having performed the pre playoffs this season. Who has to have been the crew to be overwhelmed that time? Soon it became clear, that the Augsburg Panthers had been the opponent.
Sooner or later, I used to be proper to overlook about all the ones different games earlier than and start out at zero – besides, it becomes apparent that the Tigers had to play their satisfactory hockey.
First of all, the Tigers needed to head to Augsburg; almost 6,500 crazy spectators accompanied this sport, a huge fan network of Straubing changed into in amidst this crowd of passionate people. Ultimately, after the second overtime which basically lasted approximately 20 minutes, the Tigers set the fortunate punch and lead 1: zero within the collection.
Then, I attempted to understand a treasured price tag for the subsequent home game taking region days later on the Pulverturm, while I was followed with the aid of a near friend who had already killed lots of pretty emotional games.
In fact, we were a part of an incredible recreation of my liked Tigers
They were intensively cheered via nearly 6,000 fanatics. Subsequently, we gained 4:1 and reached the quarterfinals versus the sharks of Cologne, whose head educate Uwe Krupp became no longer too glad approximately this constellation.
It goes without announcing that I attempted to get each ticket for the house video games which changed into now not easy in any case. considering the fact that Cologne received the primary fit pretty easy with a 6:1 victory the Tigers had to chunk again Soon. Their first domestic game turned into an actual spotlight once more because our gamers controlled to beat the sharks 5:2. At that second, the whole lot changed into possible again and also you constantly firmly accept as true with for your team besides.
Next match in the big Lanxess arena changed into proven on Television and i watched it, there was absolute confidence.
Why Biomass Energy Is Better Than Other Types of Renewable Energy
There are many special kinds of “green” or renewable power available these days and those are usually searching out greater energy-green resources of green strength as the concern about global warming and greenhouse gases involves the vanguard. For those trying to break out dependence on overseas oil and for those inquisitive about decreasing their impact on the earth, one sort of power stands out many of the rest: biomass strength.
Biomass strength is electricity derived from natural materials, usually waste substances.
Biomass power is, of direction, not the only sort of green or renewable strength that exists in the marketplace. Other famous alternatives consist of sun strength and wind electricity. But, while these Other alternatives get a number of attention within the media, biomass is substantially higher than these picks for numerous exclusive motives:
* Biomass enables preserve waste out of landfills. even as solar electricity makes use of the energy of the solar and wind energy harnesses the wind, biomass power makes use of natural waste merchandise to create electricity. About 70 percent of the waste merchandise disposed of in landfills in the Usa include biomass and plenty of organizations produce a good sized quantity of biomass that provides to this number each day. Biomass continues the waste out of landfills and harnesses it into something useful.
* Biomass strength has a totally long music record of achievement. Biomass power has been used in a few shape or another since the days of the caveman burning wooden for fireplace. Biomass isn’t always a brand new generation or a passing fancy however is as a substitute a long-set up supply of strength.
* Biomass strength is a very dependable supply of energy.
You aren’t dependent upon the solar to polish or on the wind to blow for you to use biomass. This indicates it can be utilized in extra places and through extra human beings in a completely dependable manner and bring the power necessary for plenty exceptional applications. Many people are reluctant to switch to solar or wind power because of troubles with regular electricity being to be had but this worry is removed while you make use of biomass. In truth, some agencies produce sufficient biomass waste to offer all that they need for his or her energy production without relying on a third-celebration provider, increasing reliability even further seeing that there is usually a equipped source of biomass.
You aren’t dependent upon the solar to polish or on the wind to blow for you to use biomass. This indicates it can be utilized in extra places and through extra human beings in a completely dependable manner and bring the power necessary for plenty exceptional applications. Many people are reluctant to switch to solar or wind power because of troubles with regular electricity being to be had but this worry is removed while you make use of biomass. In truth, some agencies produce sufficient biomass waste to offer all that they need for his or her energy production without relying on a third-celebration provider, increasing reliability even further seeing that there is usually a equipped source of biomass.
* Biomass power would not require a wholly new machine or system to paintings. With co-firing, you can use your present boilers and use biomass in conjunction with coal so one can reduce the quantity of coal used by up to twenty percent. That is plenty easier in many instances than trying to completely transfer your energy plant to solar or wind energy..
My Spouse Believes I’ve Changed, And Not For The Better
There may be no question that a lot of us are not the same man or woman who we had been while we met after which married our spouse. This could be especially actual when you have been married for quite a while. And that is due to the fact maximum of us mature and revel in things that shape our personalities so that they tackle a slightly specific look. There’s not anything wrong with this adulthood as it usually manner that we’ve grown and evolved. Regrettably though, it can become an problem if our partner feels that the changes suggest that we’ve outgrown them or are no longer compatible with them.
To demonstrate what I mean, I would listen a comment like:
“once I met my husband, I was a young, naive female who hardly ever spoke to someone except they spoke to me first. I was painfully shy so it becomes most effective natural for me to allow my husband take care of maximum matters. My husband was very cozy with this because he became a good deal extra assertive than I was. So, for a while, this worked very well for us. However, while we had been first married, I took a task that allowed me to stay in the shadows. It was a terrific fit for me then. However,
I have grown with the organization over the years. And now
I am in a control position with a number of responsibilities. I have to take a great deal more of an upfront function. And in the beginning, I wasn’t completely secure being so assertive However after some time, my character advanced so that I now am. As an end result,
I can deal with pretty a lot the whole lot by myself. My husband now not needs to do nearly as plenty for me. And he obviously resents this due to the fact the alternative day, he came home and commenced collecting telephone numbers to call humans to get costs to update our home. I advised him that I had already sorted it. In reality, my assistant took care of maximum of it, However I failed to see the want to tell him this.
0 notes
gumnut-logic · 4 years
We’ll Be Home For Christmas 2.2
Title: We’ll be home for Christmas
Day Two – Aboard This Tiny Ship – Part 2 Prologue | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2.1
Author: Gumnut
14 - 18 Dec 2019
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: The boys can’t fly home for Christmas, so they have to find another way.
Word count: 2576
Spoilers & warnings: language and so, so much fluff. Science!Gordon. Minor various ships, mostly background.
Timeline: Christmas Season 3, I have also kinda ignored the main storyline of Season 3. The boys needed a break, so I gave them one. Post season 3B, before Season 3C cos we haven’t seen it yet.
Author’s note: For @scattergraph. This is my 2019 TAG Secret Santa fic :D I hope you enjoy it.
This section is a touch shorter than the last one, but the next section will be much bigger.
Many thanks to @vegetacide and @scribbles97 for cheering me on and their wonderful support through this craziness. And to @onereyofstarlight for geeking out with me over the setting.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
 Scott was ready to chew an arm off just to entertain himself by the time Gordon announced they were approaching L’Esperance Rock just after lunch. He’d seen it enough from the air to know it meant they were around halfway home. The thought did give him some relief and he stood at the bow of the boat watching the islet come into view.
A grunt behind him had him turning to find Virgil making his way forward, coffee in one hand, abdomen in the other. He darted in to help his brother up the steps.
“I’m okay.”
“I know you are. Just being useful.”
That earned him a stare and an arched eyebrow. “You’re bored shitless, aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question.
“I’m okay.”
Virgil snorted. “I had a bet with John you’d last until tonight at least. You’ve shafted me fifty bucks, big brother.”
Scott grunted. “Well, that explains why he was so happy to steal my phone.”
“He stole your phone?” Brown eyes frowned up at him.
“Oh, yes. On Grandma’s orders apparently.”
“That’s cheating.”
“Heh, that’s between the two of you. I’m only the subject of the bet, not the umpire.”
“Null and void. He’s not getting a cent.”
Scott grinned as he held his brother’s elbow, surprised he hadn’t been shook off.
“It is beautiful, isn’t it?” Virgil’s voice was wistful as they approached the railing. “Sometimes I think we get too busy or just take it all for granted. We do live in a stunning corner of the planet.”
“Dad always thought so. I wouldn’t have called him much of an environmentalist, but he knew what was important.”
“Hmm, I think you underestimate him. You were off the Island when Alan brought two rats home as pets.”
“He did what?!”
Another arched eyebrow. “Yes, he did, early on. Snuck them in. Dad went ballistic when he found out. The words he used had Grandma blushing. Let’s just say that Beau and Belle were deported rather abruptly and Alan now has an unofficial degree in environmental management.”
“Hmph, serves him right.”
Virgil smiled at him. “Sounds like you might be a bit of an environmentalist yourself.”
A tolerant glare at his brother. “I do what is necessary.”
Scott was surprised when Virgil’s response to that statement was a sigh. His brother’s expression was almost sad.
“You need to relax.”
“I am relaxing.”
“No, you’re not. You’re wired tighter than Two’s primary generator. You need to find a way to wind down. We’re on vacation.”
“We’re on mandatory lockdown.”
“Grandma is right. We need a break. Preferably before we break something we can’t repair.”
“It’s not just about us!”
“Yes, it is! You need to let go! Focus on you for a change.”
“Is not here! You have the right to a life, Scott. You have the right to look after yourself, to have a little fun, for god’s sake. When was the last time you read a fiction book? Flew a kite? Sat in front of the projector and binge watched an old television show?”
“There are more important things-“
“Importance is relative. It was you who blew my head off a matter of days ago about priorities, was it not? Our business forces us to prioritise according to lives at risk, I get it. I know it. I live it beside you. But you are my big brother, you are the leader of this team, your health affects our effectiveness. To put it harshly, some may die today, so many more can be saved in the future.” Virgil visibly swallowed. “I know International Rescue is important, but please, take the time, Scott. If you have to, do it for IR, do it for us or me or whatever gets you going, but most of all please do it for yourself.” Quietly. “I can’t lose you.”
What the hell? “You’re not going to lose me.”
“If you don’t look after yourself, we will!” He didn’t think it was physically possible for his brother to frown harder.
“If you don’t look after yourself, you’re going to blow your stitches.”
“This isn’t about me, it’s about you!”
“So, what are you thinking? Yell at me until I crack? I’m not finding this relaxing at all, Virg.”
“Well, it seems I need volume for you to actually hear me, because you certainly don’t listen otherwise.”
He couldn’t think of an immediate retort to that and to be honest he was worried Virgil was going hurt himself if he wasn’t careful, he appeared so uncharacteristically angry. “You’re that worried?”
“Of course, I’m fucking worried!”
Whoops, wrong thing to say.
“Virgil! Calm down. You’re the one who needs to relax.” He reached out and placed his hands on his brother’s shoulders. “Take a breath.”
To his surprise, Virgil was actually trembling a little. He was that passionate about this? He hadn’t been doing that badly, had he?
His brother did as requested and took a deep breath. “You are so hard to look after sometimes.” It was breathy and full of exhaled tension.
“You don’t have to look after me, Virg.”
“Somebody has to.” He looked up and brown eyes caught his. “Because you don’t.”
Ah, shit. A sigh and Scott gently drew his brother into a hug. “Okay, I’m sorry, I’ll try to do better.”
His brother didn’t answer, but he did lean in a little, one big hand reaching around Scott’s back and returning the embrace. “Please try.”
Virgil pulled away slowly, not looking up at his brother, but focussing on the coffee he held in his other hand. He brought it to his lips and turned away slightly.
Scott stared at the back of his brother’s head and frowned.
The boat slowed as they approached the Rock. As jagged as its distant cousin, the Rock was like a miniature version of their home, the very top of a huge undersea volcano.
“Are we stopping here?”
Virgil’s question echoed his own thoughts. He thumbed his comms. “Gordon, are we stopping here?”
“Only for a moment. Just grabbing a sensor snapshot for Mel.”
Melissa Fisher, their closest neighbour. Blonde and sharp, she would remind him of Penny if it wasn’t for her obsession with all things Kermadec. That and the twigs in her hair. Even Dad had been a little wary of stepping on anything living when visiting Raoul Island. And visit they had. They needed to keep up relations and the woman was a mine of information when it came to ecological stabilisation and rehabilitation. Tracy Island had its issues when his father bought it and ever aware of the ecological importance of the area, once Brains had built the necessary infrastructure, his father had attempted to re-stabilise the ecosystem.
Melissa had been very helpful.
Gordon had taken to her immediately, jabbering in biology terms. For a bit there, Scott had wondered if the two of them might get involved with a different kind of biology, she was a little older than Gordon, only a year younger than Scott, but that might just float his brother’s boat. But apparently, they were too distracted by what they were discussing to notice each other.
Scott hadn’t seen her in years.
The boat came to a complete stop not far from the Rock and a moment later, Gordon appeared on the starboard side and threw out his sensor buoy.
Virgil was staring at him.
Scott blinked. “What is it?”
His brother didn’t answer immediately, those dark eyes assessing him a moment longer before sipping his coffee. But then a decision flickered across his expression and his hand reached out and gently took Scott’s arm. “Come with me.”
His brother turned slowly and led him off the bow. He negotiated the stairs and walked Scott back into the living area where Gordon was once again staring at holographic fish.
“Sit down and wait a moment.” His brother disappeared off into the depths of the living quarters.”
Gordon’s jubilant yell made Scott jump. What?
His little brother was staring at a huge fish. A huge and weird looking fish. “What is that?”
“That, my wonderful big brother, is a sunfish or Mola mola, to be more specific.”
“And that is?”
Gordon glanced at him and frowned. “Heaviest bony fish on the planet. Came close to extinction twenty years ago. Saved by the World Council and its endangered species bill in 2039.” He turned back to the holographic display. “Though this one appears to have had some challenges.” Gordon’s fingers traced some gouges on the fish’s flank. “Old, but nasty.”
His brother snorted. “No. That’s net scar. It’s been caught in a fishing net at some point. I can’t see any trace of the net, so this has to be one of the lucky ones.” The giant fish drifted lazily across the table as Gordon grabbed his tablet and stabbed his finger into it several times. “It must be well travelled. We are quite a distance from the fishing zones here.”
“I thought I told you to sit down.” Virgil edged carefully back into the room carrying his keyboard.
“And I thought you weren’t supposed to be lifting anything.” Scott hurried over and took the instrument from his brother’s hands.
“It’s not heavy.”
“So I have to look after myself, yet you don’t?”
Virgil’s shoulders dropped. “Okay, okay. Give me a second.” His brother grabbed a couple of cushions and shoved them together on a lounge chair to support his back and lowered himself into it. “Put it here.” He gestured across the arms of the chair and his lap.
Wary, Scott put the keyboard, that, yes, actually was quite heavy, down where his brother told him too. “Be careful.”
Virgil frowned up him with an expression that plainly said, ‘What am I? Stupid?’
“Well, you did carry the keyboard out here, did you not?”
His brother muttered something Scott couldn’t quite hear and wasn’t sure he wanted to.
“Now, you sit down and close your eyes.” A pause. “No, actually, lie down on the couch and close your eyes.”
“Just do as I ask.”
Scott rolled his eyes, but lay down. “You didn’t used to be this bossy.”
“You didn’t used to be this stubborn. Call it evolution in trying times.”
“Smart ass.”
“Shut up and close your eyes.”
Scott muttered under his breath, wriggled where he lay and did as his brother told him. Anything to stop the man from freaking out.
His brother began to play, the keys soft and blending with the water lapping against the hull. With his eyes closed, his mind focussed on the sounds around him. Gordon’s fingers on his tablet, heard just under the music. The distant calls of seabirds. Actually, it wasn’t much of a step from the sounds of home. Virgil playing his piano. Gordon sitting on the lounge playing with his tablet. The balcony doors open to the breeze, the distant sound of the waves on Tracy Island rock, the distant call of the bird colony on Mateo. John would be in his room reading. Alan would be playing a video game in the kitchen while Grandma attempted to make dinner. Brains, as always, would be in his lab.
Virgil playing the piano.
Waves against the rocks.
Birds calling...
Virgil kept playing ever so softly. Gordon had stopped working and was staring at the two of them, frowning.
Scott started snoring.
Gordon’s eyes widened and he mouthed words at Virgil. ‘How do you do that?’
Virgil just smiled and kept on playing, drifting into a long, gentle piece his mother had taught him long ago.
At some point he closed his eyes, too, and let himself go with the music, let his fingers do what the music asked.
He woke to find both Scott and John sitting opposite him.
“That was dirty pool, Virg.”
He blinked. Someone had taken the keyboard away and shoved a few extra pillows into the chair to support him. “You knew what I was doing. I’m just your excuse. How long did you last?”
It was John who spoke up. “About twenty minutes. It was enough. Gordon had to get the boat moving. He woke up the moment the engine started.”
“You, on the other hand, have been out for over two hours.” Scott was smug. “You missed the active volcano.”
Virgil turned to John. “Anything worth looking at?”
His younger brother shrugged. “Looked like an island to me. Bigger than the Rock. No activity at the moment.”
Virgil turned back to Scott. “Sounds like I didn’t miss anything. Where are we now?”
“Anchored at Macauley Island.” Gordon strode across the room. “Hey, Virg. Good to see you awake. You might like to see this.” His fish brother’s grin was highly suspicious.
It took both Scott and John to get him out of the chair. He should not sleep sitting up with abdominal incisions. Ow.
For a moment there he thought Scott was going to send him to bed or demand he take painkillers, but he didn’t. His brother didn’t say anything, and even if he did, a familiar roar distracted Virgil enough that he wouldn’t have noticed if his brother said anything anyway.
He pushed himself forward, leaving his helping hands behind and stepped out onto the deck.
His beautiful ‘bird was roaring in from the north. She moved so fast, he blinked and she was coming to a halt some distance away, VTOL firing her into a hover.
He just stared as she dropped her module.
He blinked as Gordon and Alan suddenly started the engine of an inflatable dingy and tore off towards the module sporting its proud number four.
“Thunderbird Two to Virgil.” Kayo’s voice startled him out of his stare. “So how did I do? Score out of ten.”
The door to the module lowered and Gordon leapt out of the little boat and jumped on board.
“Oh, ten, I guess.”
“Ten?!” Gordon’s outrage yelped across comms as the aquanaut turned in the distance and put both hands on his hips. “I knew he liked you more than me. I haven’t managed anything higher than an eight and I’ve been trying for years!”
Kayo didn’t answer as his ‘bird turned and took off for home, but Virgil grinned. “Keeps you on your toes, bro.”
“You suck.”
Their sister snorted across comms as Alan turned the dingy around and headed back. Gordon glared a glare that made it across the ocean despite the distance and stormed off into the module.
Virgil’s grin just got wider. “Why did he call for Four?”
“Something about helping Melissa. A sensor malfunction in the Macauley caldera.” A glance at Scott found him grinning, too. “You know he’s not going to let that go, don’t you?”
“We’re stuck on a boat, captained by him, in the middle of the ocean and you want to set Gordon off?”
Virgil shrugged. “He’ll enjoy it.”
“We won’t.”
“We’ll live.”
“If I wake up with pink hair, you’re dead.”
“I love you, too.” Virgil was still grinning.
“You do know that you still have your comms on, don’t you?” His aquanaut brother’s voice was admittedly amused.
“Yes, Gordon, I do. Got some good ideas?”
“I guess you’ll have to wait and see.” And with that, Four’s rear thrusters fired and she shot out of the module and into the ocean.
“You got your uniform on?”
“Yes, Mom.”
“Fly safe.”
End Day Two, Part Two
Day Two, Part Three
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NBA Playoffs 2017: How the Bucks' other rookie changed Game 1 against Raptors
The Milwaukee Dollars trailed the Toronto Raptors 51-forty six at halftime on Saturday, however it have become clear early inside the third sector that they had been now not going to head down without a combat. Spurred on by using an not likely hero, they held the Raptors’ elite offense to 32 points on 20 percent taking pictures inside the 2nd half, taking a 1-0 lead in the series with a 97-eighty three victory.
Heading into the playoffs, Bucks rookie Thon Maker’s function turned into an open query
He ended the season as their beginning middle, but in lots of the one’s video games he changed into a starter in name most effective: he’d play the primary six minutes or so of every half of, and that become it. Before Game 1, Milwaukee educates Jason Kidd told journalists he wasn’t concerned approximately beginning two newbies — Maker and Rookie of the Year candidate Malcolm Brogdon — and, later on, it regarded stupid that this becomes even a query.
Milwaukee’s run started whilst Toronto protects Kyle Lowry drove to the basket less than minutes into the 0.33 area. He used a display screen from Jonas Valanciunas, however Maker stayed with him all of the ways to the basket and used his 7-foot-3 wingspan to swat it away. This started a fast wreck that ended with the not possible-in-transition Giannis Antetokounmpo making a layup.
Some possessions later, the Raptors made a mistake of supporting off of Maker on a force. Despite in no way having performed on a level like this, he showed no hesitation whilst creating a midrange jumper. He needs to have that self-belief: already, he is one in every of Milwaukee’s satisfactory shooters.
Pre Playoffs 2013 and Outlook for Next Season
What a surprise – the remaining suit occurred to be the vital spot in the season 2012/2013; that time the opponent grew to become out to be the champion of remaining season, the Eisbären Berlin. This changed into a difficult group to overcome for the Tigers, in view that most effective a victory should have led to acquiring rank ten, which was the prerequisite for the pre-playoff video games. Another time, my older son, Tobias became part of this historic triumph, similar to the year earlier than, when we have been tales of the implausible victory versus Adler Mannheim resulting in the direct participation of the playoffs.
This exciting sport against the reliable champion of 2012 changed into
Extraordinarily thrilling, but the Tigers carried out sensationally nicely, preserving the top players far away from their goalie or even scoring six instances whereas the protection only allowed two dreams which were pretty outstanding in this case. If the Tigers had scored one extra aim, the Eisbären Berlin would not have even obtained the proper to play their first sport at domestic; besides they were lucky that way.
Overdue afternoon, the gang inside the stadium become astounded once more having performed the pre playoffs this season. Who has to have been the crew to be overwhelmed that time? Soon it became clear, that the Augsburg Panthers had been the opponent.
Sooner or later, I used to be proper to overlook about all the ones different games earlier than and start out at zero – besides, it becomes apparent that the Tigers had to play their satisfactory hockey.
First of all, the Tigers needed to head to Augsburg; almost 6,500 crazy spectators accompanied this sport, a huge fan network of Straubing changed into in amidst this crowd of passionate people. Ultimately, after the second overtime which basically lasted approximately 20 minutes, the Tigers set the fortunate punch and lead 1: zero within the collection.
Then, I attempted to understand a treasured price tag for the subsequent home game taking region days later on the Pulverturm, while I was followed with the aid of a near friend who had already killed lots of pretty emotional games.
In fact, we were a part of an incredible recreation of my liked Tigers
They were intensively cheered via nearly 6,000 fanatics. Subsequently, we gained 4:1 and reached the quarterfinals versus the sharks of Cologne, whose head educate Uwe Krupp became no longer too glad approximately this constellation.
It goes without announcing that I attempted to get each ticket for the house video games which changed into now not easy in any case. considering the fact that Cologne received the primary fit pretty easy with a 6:1 victory the Tigers had to chunk again Soon. Their first domestic game turned into an actual spotlight once more because our gamers controlled to beat the sharks 5:2. At that second, the whole lot changed into possible again and also you constantly firmly accept as true with for your team besides.
Next match in the big Lanxess arena changed into proven on Television and i watched it, there was absolute confidence.
Why Biomass Energy Is Better Than Other Types of Renewable Energy
There are many special kinds of “green” or renewable power available these days and those are usually searching out greater energy-green resources of green strength as the concern about global warming and greenhouse gases involves the vanguard. For those trying to break out dependence on overseas oil and for those inquisitive about decreasing their impact on the earth, one sort of power stands out many of the rest: biomass strength.
Biomass strength is electricity derived from natural materials, usually waste substances.
Biomass power is, of direction, not the only sort of green or renewable strength that exists in the marketplace. Other famous alternatives consist of sun strength and wind electricity. But, while these Other alternatives get a number of attention within the media, biomass is substantially higher than these picks for numerous exclusive motives:
* Biomass enables preserve waste out of landfills. even as solar electricity makes use of the energy of the solar and wind energy harnesses the wind, biomass power makes use of natural waste merchandise to create electricity. About 70 percent of the waste merchandise disposed of in landfills in the Usa include biomass and plenty of organizations produce a good sized quantity of biomass that provides to this number each day. Biomass continues the waste out of landfills and harnesses it into something useful.
* Biomass strength has a totally long music record of achievement. Biomass power has been used in a few shape or another since the days of the caveman burning wooden for fireplace. Biomass isn’t always a brand new generation or a passing fancy however is as a substitute a long-set up supply of strength.
* Biomass strength is a very dependable supply of energy.
You aren’t dependent upon the solar to polish or on the wind to blow for you to use biomass. This indicates it can be utilized in extra places and through extra human beings in a completely dependable manner and bring the power necessary for plenty exceptional applications. Many people are reluctant to switch to solar or wind power because of troubles with regular electricity being to be had but this worry is removed while you make use of biomass. In truth, some agencies produce sufficient biomass waste to offer all that they need for his or her energy production without relying on a third-celebration provider, increasing reliability even further seeing that there is usually a equipped source of biomass.
You aren’t dependent upon the solar to polish or on the wind to blow for you to use biomass. This indicates it can be utilized in extra places and through extra human beings in a completely dependable manner and bring the power necessary for plenty exceptional applications. Many people are reluctant to switch to solar or wind power because of troubles with regular electricity being to be had but this worry is removed while you make use of biomass. In truth, some agencies produce sufficient biomass waste to offer all that they need for his or her energy production without relying on a third-celebration provider, increasing reliability even further seeing that there is usually a equipped source of biomass.
* Biomass power would not require a wholly new machine or system to paintings. With co-firing, you can use your present boilers and use biomass in conjunction with coal so one can reduce the quantity of coal used by up to twenty percent. That is plenty easier in many instances than trying to completely transfer your energy plant to solar or wind energy..
My Spouse Believes I’ve Changed, And Not For The Better
There may be no question that a lot of us are not the same man or woman who we had been while we met after which married our spouse. This could be especially actual when you have been married for quite a while. And that is due to the fact maximum of us mature and revel in things that shape our personalities so that they tackle a slightly specific look. There’s not anything wrong with this adulthood as it usually manner that we’ve grown and evolved. Regrettably though, it can become an problem if our partner feels that the changes suggest that we’ve outgrown them or are no longer compatible with them.
To demonstrate what I mean, I would listen a comment like:
“once I met my husband, I was a young, naive female who hardly ever spoke to someone except they spoke to me first. I was painfully shy so it becomes most effective natural for me to allow my husband take care of maximum matters. My husband was very cozy with this because he became a good deal extra assertive than I was. So, for a while, this worked very well for us. However, while we had been first married, I took a task that allowed me to stay in the shadows. It was a terrific fit for me then. However,
I have grown with the organization over the years. And now
I am in a control position with a number of responsibilities. I have to take a great deal more of an upfront function. And in the beginning, I wasn’t completely secure being so assertive However after some time, my character advanced so that I now am. As an end result,
I can deal with pretty a lot the whole lot by myself. My husband now not needs to do nearly as plenty for me. And he obviously resents this due to the fact the alternative day, he came home and commenced collecting telephone numbers to call humans to get costs to update our home. I advised him that I had already sorted it. In reality, my assistant took care of maximum of it, However I failed to see the want to tell him this.
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