#i need them to be in more interviews together
vent-stink · 1 day
Queen of Tears (1)
Summary: Chaebol heiress, Hong Y/n, and idol, Choi Jongho, fell in love three years ago, but now their marriage is tense, and Jongho can't take it anymore. He hates the Hong family, and he can't stand his wife. But suddenly, as he is considering divorce, she gives him some bad(?) news.
pairings: idol!Jongho x chaebol!reader
c/w: i mean?? none really? toxic family, I suppose
a/n: I wish I knew how to write more than 2k words at a time, but this one is 3k. This basically follows the same sequence as the first episode of Queen of Tears, so slight spoilers! also not proofread, I wrote this all in one day on a whim
w/c: 3.7k
Jongho smiled as he spoke, looking at his interviewer, “People have asked me what it’s like living with a queen like y/n. I can just tell you that I’m a lucky man who married the love of his life.”
At the same time, y/n looked into a different camera, expression friendly, but distant, “I know people thought that Choi Jongho married me to further his career, but as I had not shown my face, no one had any idea who I was, even him. I hope this will put everyone’s minds at ease.”
“I get to spend every moment with her,” Jongho said, “We wake up together, eat breakfast together, and go to work together as well.” He failed to mention that waking up next to her meant waking up in adjacent bedrooms, eating breakfast together meant sitting on opposite sides of a long dining room table, and going to work together meant sitting in silence for twenty minutes as his wife drove him to his agency.
“My father liked to indulge my interests, and at the time I was interested in dancing. My father immediately paid for me to be a backup dancer in a small recently debuted group in secret. I didn’t need all of that when I knew my interest was temporary, but it was a worthwhile experience, all things considered. When I first met Choi Jongho, he bought me a banana milk from a vending machine,” y/n chuckled, “I immediately knew that he must like me…”
“That's not exactly the case,” Jongho said, “She was a little clumsy in practices since she was inexperienced. I really thought she was going to get fired soon. One day she was standing in front of the vending machine, just staring at it. My hyungs had made me go to get drinks for them, and she was standing there so long, so I just… saw what she was looking at and got it for her, so that she’d move.”
It was cute, at the time, her dazed expression as she stared at the banana milk in the vending machine, and the surprise when Jongho had held it out to her casually. He had looked so cool to her, and he fell, a little, because of her expressions. 
“I paid more attention to her from then… I guess I was a little obvious, especially when I scolded her after she made too many mistakes one day,” Jongho sighed, feigning a wistful smile. 
“You have to shape up if you want to perform. We can’t afford to lose a dancer before the performance. Even if you get fired and find another position, you’ll probably end up getting fired from there, too! Seriously, my heart stutters every time the choreographer calls you out,” Jongho had said to her, his voice somewhat cold but not unkind. He was maintaining distance, but it had only made y/n smile at him coyly, “Why? I’m the one being scolded, right? So why is your heart reacting?” 
Jongho had been stunned by her response, her cute giggle being the reason he snapped out of it as she returned to practice. 
When he saw her again, standing in the lobby of their agency’s building as the rain poured outside, he held out his umbrella to her. “You always need help. It’s so annoying, really,” he said and she chuckled, “I made your heart stop and now I’m annoying?” 
“You didn’t- Listen, I didn’t want to say all this because I’m not trying to look cool in front of you, but even though I haven’t been with this company long, I was training since I was fourteen years old to be a singer, so I’m confident that I will succeed. My parents were professional athletes and my brother is on track to be a professional archer. We’re from Seoul, too, so obviously we’re well off enough already that we can afford an apartment there. My family not only has a lot but we are on track to make more. So even if you get fired, now or later, from here or from anywhere else, you don’t have to worry because I can take care of you.” 
Y/n was dumbfounded at the suddenness and the brazenness of his rant. She tried to correct his assumptions, but he stopped her, firmly placing the umbrella in her grasp. “I’ll be honest, I always wanted my future wife,” she almost choked at that, “to work, but if it’s for you, I think it’s okay.” She looked straight into his face to see if he was joking, and his smirk proved that he knew the effect of his words. She frowned, huffing, “You’re making fun of me.” 
“Oh, no, on the contrary, I’m quite serious.” “I should have known you were just a jerk-” “I like you,” He said, seriously, “I was teasing you with all of that before, sure, but you laughed, too, when you asked me why my heart was stuttering, didn’t you?” She shut her lips up into a pout.
“You don’t have to feel pressured to answer right away,” he said, “Just don’t get wet outside, and that’s enough for me.” “...Jongho-ssi-” “Don’t argue with me. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
Before she could get another word in, he pulled his hood over his head and ran outside. “I… have a driver…” she sighed, looking at the umbrella in her hand. Slowly, her lips lifted up into a shy, but giddy smile. She didn’t need to, as her driver would be taking another ten minutes, but she went outside, lifting the umbrella above her head, just so she could use it. 
“Romantic, isn’t it?” Y/n chuckled, “That was how our love story began.” Smiling fakely, Jongho spoke, “I was really shocked when I found out about her family. So shocked in fact that she got scared and ended up ghosting me.”
“I was a fan of Seventeen,” she chuckled, “And he knew that so… on some show he sang the chorus of ‘Is it still beautiful’” Have the things that made me smile changed? Do you still talk the same way? I’m not the same, I don’t smile like I used to. I’m thinner now than I was with you. Y/n smiled fondly, “He used to make a big stink about how he gained weight when he was happy… so I knew he picked that song with intention… but he couldn’t bring himself to face me again after the things he’d said… so I came to him…”
“She visited me when I was visiting my hyung’s family with all the members in Namhae. She brought her helicopter and made a big scene, and I had a heart attack because I was worried about a scandal.”
“But I know what fans are like,” she said slyly, “They're jealous until their idol finds a literal goddess. I’m definitely not that good, but I suppose being a chaebol helped them accept me at least a little bit.”
“Well, there was a lot of happiness in between, but that’s what led to me having a happily married life now,” Jongho spoke confidently despite the lack of truth in his words.
“We’re very happy,” she lied straight through her teeth with ease.
But Jongho hated lying. He looked at the divorce settlement agreement in his hands, sighing as he knew it would be a perilous road to take, but he couldn’t take this anymore. He felt suffocated. He felt like it would be any day now that his lungs would finally either fail or gain enough energy to finally scream all his frustrations at his wife, which would probably result in worse repercussions than death. 
He shoved the document back in his desk and stood when his phone buzzed. He looked at it and realized that y/n had texted him a while ago to come down for a family meeting since he’d been taking too long in his office. 
“I’m sorry-” “Why were you late?” His father-in-law asked. “I texted him late,” y/n spoke, but her mother scoffed, “You shouldn’t have to remind him.”
Jongho could only clench his fist as he sat near, but not too near, his wife. The tension in the room was high, and once again Jongho struggled to even breathe. He was used to this in their last three years of marriage, so he knew how to talk, but it didn’t make it any less uncomfortable.
The family spoke business. Jongho vaguely understood it, but it had nothing to do with him, so he did not have to pay attention, zoning out until he was addressed again, “I want you two to have a baby.” If he was new to the family he would have had a violent coughing fit, but he only gave an unaffected but displeased look, “And after the baby is born, Jongho, we’ll send you to Boston to get your business degree.” “We’ve had this discussion already,” Jongho said. “Then I don’t have to tell you again that it’s not up to you.” 
They never approved of him being an idol, they thought it was a job that was beneath that of even a commoner. His job was to sing and dance in front of peasants. It was less than a king’s stupid jester to them. 
“Come on, Jongho, being an idol is all flashy, but there’s no money in that, really,” Woojin insisted. Of course you would say that since your net worth rival’s the entirety of my company’s. “It’s just singing and dancing, we all do that at karaoke, right? Is that all you could do? Is that why you didn’t go to college-” “That’s enough, Woojin,” Mr. Hong said, looking at him sternly. It wasn’t that he was defending Jongho, but rather he was tired of hearing his son pick a fight, “Anyway, enough pressuring them to have a child, they’ll do it eventually.” Jongho was naive to think the conversation was over when his father-in-law continued, “But I hope we can meet Soobin in May.” 
“...Soobin, sir? Who is Soobin?” “My future granddaughter, of course. Soobin, it means "remarkably shining”. Hong Soobin. It sounds great, doesn’t it?” Jongho had to hold back a scoff as he pressed his lips into a smile full of restraint, “Will she be Hong Soobin instead of Choi Soobin?” “Why not?! Taking the husband’s name is so old-fashioned, the woman is the one who gives birth, why should the child get the father’s name? We live in a progressive society. Do you not want her to have her mother’s surname-?” “But dad, I thought you said giving my son his mom’s surname was ridiculous-” “Shut up. This is different” Mr. Hong snapped at his son.  
The meeting soon ended. Jongho followed after Y/n stopping her in the hallway when they were along. “We need to talk.” She looked at him, waiting for him to continue, “You still want to have a child with everything going on? And I’m going to the states to study business? Is that what you want?” “It’s all words, Jongho. They can’t- no, they won’t force you to do anything.” Over my dead body. “They have no power over you. Only I do.” “Power over me. Right,” Jongho scoffed. “What? Don’t tell me you want to go to the states? If that’s the case, should I go with you-?” “No,” he said sharply, “Even if I was going, no.” “Exactly,” she said, “So don’t think about what they say about your career, it doesn’t pertain to them in the slightest. And as for the baby, it’s not like you’ll have to lift a finger. You’re free to tour and practice all you like since other people will be raising it anyway.” “It,” she said. 
“Are you happy about this? You really want a baby?” he asked, taking a menacing step forward. She looked up at him, unfazed, picking up her phone and answering her husband before she answered the call, “If it’s needed.” Jongho stared her down before shaking his head, turning to leave, but stopped when he realized she was talking to another magazine outlet for another interview. 
When she hung up he spoke angrily, “I’m done with these interviews! Don’t include me, do it by yourself!” “How can I do it by myself if it’s about married couples?” “You can tell them everything you want! Tell them how much we love each other and how happy we are. Tell them how we sleep in the same bed and go on dates and nothing has changed since we got married. You can keep telling them that. It’s all a lie anyway, and I’m not doing it anymore.” He stormed out, exasperated. He couldn’t believe her. What had gone wrong in their marriage?
Y/n stayed behind to find Woojin in the garden later, interrupting his call as she slapped him in the back of the head. He looked at her dumbfounded before he yelled at her, “Why did you do that!?” She simply looked at him as she stepped forward. He backed up with every step she took. “Stop it, what are you doing? Stay over there, use your words, don’t hit me!” He flinched when she raised her hand. Instead of hitting him, she grabbed his wrist, pulling it away from his face. 
“As far as I know, if not for our parents and grandparents, your net worth from your ventures would amount to less than Jongho’s net worth as an idol. So who are you to say anything to him?” She kicked his leg and punched him down so that he was now on the floor. “I know you must feel threatened because Jongho is a beloved idol and nobody in our family even respects you,” She kicked him again, “Don’t fool yourself because you’re older than me.” 
Woojin gritted his teeth as he stood up and looked down at her, “Disrespect my husband again, and I’ll kill you.” “Fine! Fine, I got it. You’re seriously a psychopath!” Y/n ignored him as she walked back to her cold home where her husband was not waiting for her. 
Instead he was with his members, Wooyoung and San. After exerting his angry energy by practicing their latest choreo, he asked them to get drinks with him, and despite his high tolerance he was wasted. He just wanted to forget his shitty life at home.
“What’s wrong with you?” Wooyoung deadpanned at Jongho whose head was on the table. He lifted his head, giving a cute closed lip smile and San laughed, “What is this? Why do you look so cute when you’re drunk? I’m not used to it.” “I’m cute, right? She said that, too,” Jongho sniffed, “She said it was her favorite thing I do.” “Who said that?” “Y/n,” he said, then choked out a sob, “Why!? Why am I cute?! If I wasn’t this cute maybe I could have been saved!” 
Wooyoung and San shared a look. Jongho was never like this. “I did this to myself!” Jongho sobbed, beating his chest, “I was so cute and I made her fall in love with me!” “Yah, Jongho, go home. You’re drunk.” San said, cleaning up the table. “I can’t.” “Why not?” Wooyoung asked, already tired of this. “I’m too cute. She’ll see it, so I can’t go home. What can I do??” 
San left to throw the garbage away and Wooyoung leaned forward, “So you don’t want to go home?” “Noooo!” “Okay, fine. Sleep on the hard floor in the practice room them, break your back and then be on hiatus for the next showcase. Do it.” “Jongho-ya, spouses fight all the time. Girls pay more attention to things so they just talk about it more and then men don’t like it, but you’re better than that, right? So stop worrying and just go home to your wife.” 
Jongho cried his sorrows away as he went home, followed by Hong Y/n’s PR team. 
Divorce is the only way out.
Now, staring the Hong Family secretary of affairs, he felt even more sure of that.
“You know she wrote a will before you two got married, right? In it, you get nothing. She was never planning on letting you have anything. She wasn't looking for a husband, she was looking for a pretty face for PR, an Idol of your caliber was just the perfect fit.
Jongho spoke suspiciously, “You came all the way to our house to tell me this?”
“You're a busy man, Jongho-ssi, I wasn't able to reach you otherwise. I just wanted to help. Consider it an act of kindness from a fellow commoner. Even if we aren't the same status at all in your eyes, you know we are both looked down on equally for not being one of them.”
“Hm. I see,” Jongho said, “Thank you for letting me know.” His grip strength nearly broke the door and she nodded, giving a quick bow before leaving, a smirk donning her face as she had planted the seed in his mind.
It was as if it was fate when Jongho closed the door and heard the click of Y/n’s heels behind him. He steeled himself and turned to look at her and her steady expression. “We need to go somewhere today. I know you have nothing on your schedule, I checked, so-” “No.”
She froze when he cut her off, hurt flashing in her eyes, “I didn’t even tell you where we’re going.” “I don’t care,” he said, “I don’t want to go anywhere with you.” He put his shoes on as he walked out of the house, leaving his wife alone. She didn’t cry, but she went without him, because what else was she supposed to do? Even though she didn’t want to be alone.
Seonghwa looked at Jongho stupidly. “I’m going to divorce her.” Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong, then at Yunho, and then Yeosang, and then San, and Mingi, and Wooyoung. They all shared the same expression. What the fuck?
“What?” San asked in disbelief. “I’m going to divorce, Y/n” “Wh-why!?” “Is this because I said I would rather die than get married? You know I was kidding, right?!” Mingi yelled, resulting in a slap to the back of the head from Wooyoung, “Jongho wouldn’t be influenced by you!” “Ya!”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Hongjoong said to everyone before looking at Jongho, “What’s the reason? Don’t tell me… are you seeing another-” “NO! I’m not like that!” “Then does Y/n-?” “Stop it, Wooyoung, those kinds of questions are uncomfortable,” Seonghwa sighed, looking worriedly at Jongho. “No, she doesn’t,” the maknae sighed, “This life…with her…just became too much for me. I’m not happy anymore.” 
“Jongho-ya… not all married couples are always happy… I’m sure this is something you can work through!” Hongjoong tried to reason with him, “Don’t give up yet! It’s only been three years!” “Should I be unhappy for 20 years before it becomes too much?” Jongho asked, “I’m firm. I already got a lawyer to draft the paperwork and everything.” 
“Jongho…,” Yunho said softly, “Seriously, think about it more. You loved- love her. Does she feel the same? If you don’t know what she’s thinking then there are clearly other things you have to work out before you can make a final decision like this.” “I wouldn’t even mention it if I wasn’t sure, Yunho-hyung.” 
“Maybe you’re always with her so you can’t think straight. Why don’t you stay at the dorm tonight and clear your head,” Wooyoung suggested, but Jongho shook his head, “I came to see you all unexpectedly. I’ll be scolded if I come home too late or not at all.”
“Maybe taking a moment to clear your mind would be worth that, Jongho,” Yeosang said, but Jongho didn’t. He was determined to confront Y/n. Tonight. 
He walked straight to her room when he got home, knocking and not waiting for an answer before he opened the door. He looked at Y/n who looked surprised that he’d even stepped foot in her room. 
“I have something I want to say.” “Oh, I do, too. Can… can I go first?” Her eyes, usually a lot more stoic, were now softer. Jongho couldn’t tell the difference in her demeanor. He didn’t care. 
“Fine. Go ahead.” She crossed her arms, clenching the sleeves of her blazer in her fists before speaking, “I’m dying, and I have three months left to live.”
Jongho heard a record scratch, glass breaking, and a train stopping all at once in his mind. He controlled his expression, “What the hell are you saying?”
“When I said we needed to go somewhere today, I meant to the doctor. They had test results that they had to give in person, so I thought it would be better if you were with me when I heard them… but um…,” She shuffled uncomfortably, “I have a tumor in my brain. It’s very rare and so far there’s no available treatment, so unless I find someone, all I have is three months.” A silence followed so she said, “That’s all… so… what did you want to say?” 
Jongho shook his head, “That- that’s not important right now.” “Just say it, it’s not like I have time for you to tell me later,” she said grimly, “So?”
“I…” She looked at him expectantly, and for the first time, he was almost at a loss for words. This was the last thing he expected to hear, but somehow it was also exactly what he needed.
“I’m sorry, for today,” he said, and she looked at him surprised, “I’m sorry for everything I have said until now. It won’t happen again, and I’ll treat you better from now on. That’s what I wanted to say.”
Jongho shook his head, “But you only have three months to live? How am I supposed to live without you? How is that possible? Are you serious?” “Yeah, but-” 
Suddenly, Jongho pulled her in for a hug in panic. His face was about to betray him, but it slackened at his next words, since they weren’t real. He didn’t mean them.
“I love you, Y/n. I love you.”
His face was void of any of the love he said he had behind her back, but Y/n didn’t know that. She blushed, wrapping her arms around his waist, clutching the jacket in her hands and not letting him pull away until she could fix her own pathetic expression. 
Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad. 
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When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. ✍🏻 ✨
look, I'm gonna cheat a little and do top five clint, top five tony, and top five other character fics because I've written so many and I hate making decisions lol.
clint barton x reader:
to ashes after the snap, you track clint down and help him on his mission as the ronin. slow burn, angsty and I swear I'll update soon.
ride along a miscalculation leads to you needing to sit on clint's lap on the way home from a club, and the close proximity and the alcohol leads him to finally start making a move.
mile high stuck on a commercial flight instead of the quinjet, clint takes what he thinks is an ambien to help him sleep. it really, really isn't. (based on an interview with j.renner where he accidentally took a viagra on a plane). smut.
body heat the two of you get caught in a blizzard and have to huddle together in the backseat of the SUV for warmth. basically, the only-one-bed trope in a car. smut.
green light put simply, you peg clint.
tony stark x reader:
kinds of love (series) you move into the avengers compound after the events of civil war and find your connection to tony developing more than you ever thought it would.
as you're told tony asks you into his office with a game in mind (featuring toys, oral, orgasm denial and dom!tony)
firelight missing scene in age of ultron. you and tony bond while he fixes you up and every one else sleeps at the barton farm. fluff and light hurt/comfort.
strings you and tony have a friends with benefits arrangement that could be so much more if you were just willing to break the rules...
love in a hotel room tony invites himself into your hotel room after discovering just how thin the walls are between them.
other mcu x reader:
shards of glass (bucky barnes) as part of his amends, bucky tracks you - a former red room graduate - down. cue attempted murder (on your part) turned violent sex.
you look good in leather (peter quill) on your way to xandar, peter shows you just how much he likes the look of you in the ravager's uniform.
hell of a ride (peter quill) your first lesson driving the ship quickly turns x-rated.
colour me happy (wanda maximoff) a reunion during the years wanda's on the run. fluff and smut and body paint.
hold tight (wanda maximoff) she's very giving while wearing the strap.
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bluebugjay · 1 day
There's this dbda interview where they're asked where they'd want to travel to if they could mirror hop and they all say like the Maldives but Jayden says to George "we'd be dressed in our coats and we would be roasting" and its just made me think that in-world, for Charles and Edwin, their coats are their uniforms.
They're both similar silhouettes yet have obvious differences for each boy - specifically the way the collars are styled which is such a fun way to portray their personalities. But they pretty much wear their coats all the time and when they are not it's for a vulnerable or emotion heavy scene usually away from being detectives. For example Edwin in episode one when he talks about how his and Charles deaths didn't matter and then for Charles, he's not wearing his coat when he and Crystal kiss but also the scene afterwards where she rejects him.
Their coats are their armour shown in scenes like Edwin fixing Charles collar whilst reassuring him that he's good, he's putting his armour back together where it has chipped. Or Edwin's insecurities around his identity and getting them stuck in Port Townsend being shown by him hiding the Cat King bracelet under his coat sleeve or when he's nervous he fidgets with the lapels.
And it's something about 'our coats' like they're in it together. like it's some unspoken thing and I guess it represents how despite being so close to the point they essentially wear matching outfits, they are wearing armour around each other a lot of the time- they're hiding things because it's safer and easier. And we get that scene in episode 1 of them prepping for Crystal's case where Edwin is in his shirt and Charles in his vest and that's the most vulnerable we see them for the rest of the show (chronologically speaking and not including Edwin's hell outfit because that wasnt his choice) which happens before Port Townsend, before they're forced to make these changes and open up about things they've kept quiet about for decades.
I feel like next season we'll maybe see them wearing their coats less, now that so many walls have been knocked down and they've got more support around them, there's less need for armour especially between just the two of them, so they can go back to being uniforms again.
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mc-phale · 4 months
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found an interview where Ed Helms has his arm wrapped around Oscar for pretty much half of it and maybe im insane but they're SOOOOOO in love like they are my roman empire its unhealthy and idc I will take their love with me to my grave.
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reyenii · 4 months
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3416 · 1 month
finally watching keefe's entire media availability from the other day and reflecting, and it makes me so sad, lol. love or hate keefe, he was brought in to be the contrast to mike babcock... to be calmer and bring more respect in his interpersonal relationships with the players, and i think he did a great job of that. i don't think he lost the room, i just think the leafs need to see a different kind of coaching... different system... to give them the best chance to advance in the playoffs with the way the team's constructed, but you can't watch that media availability and say he doesn't care or wasn't trying or is a bad temperament to coach this team. his whole approach WAS to listen to the players needs and be a calmer presence, and i've enjoyed that a lot about him. i know some people don't love that he handles accountability player to player differently, but i think that's a mature way to go about it knowing he has different kinds of relationships with them all, and they all care abt the privacy of those methods to different degrees. all of these core guys have had insane seasons being coached by him, and that's not nothing... i'm onboard with the idea that change is needed, but i like keefe a lot as a person, and i think he was a great choice to pivot to post-babcock, regardless of the playoff outcomes. hope he finds success elsewhere in the league if he is gone....
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sophaeros · 3 days
ALBERT HAMMOND JR.: After I moved in with Catherine and he moved in with Juliet, we just didn't hang out the same way anymore. I missed his energy. I got sad; I felt a distance between us. That was a big part for me in this band—just hanging out with him, just being friends with him. We lived together for seven years. I've never lived with a girl that long. JULIAN CASABLANCAS: Does that mean anything to me? I mean, of course. The way I remember it, we were roommates and we moved places and I wanted to stay roommates and I feel like maybe he was not so into it anymore. Albert, you don't know what you've got til it's gone, baby!
— Albert and Julian on Julian's marriage to Juliet, from Meet Me In The Bathroom by Lizzy Goodman, 2017 (x)
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nspolaris · 2 months
read the sunshine court and have never been more impatient in needing a second book my god
#tsc#tsc spoilers#tagging bc im talking in the tags but holy fuck im ngl i came into the book as a jerejean shipper but now im shipping him with EVERYONE#him and renee were so sweet god i cant#him taking her photo and thinking about rainbows 😭#but also excited for my man Jeremy bc he's got layersTM like an onion#need to know why he doesn't like his family and if he ever confides in Jean to convince Jean to confide in him#but also them oggling each other was hilarious#jean said his name once and had jeremy kicking his feet and twirling his hear#jean's braim shutting off whenever jeremy is shirtless avdhdj#need them to get together but i love Jean and his story and im so glad i reread aftg before reading this book#obsessed with jerejean as individuals and i love how much Jean appreciates the othrler Trojans#GAAAAH#also heart was in my ass when Grayson attacked Jean and thank god my boy neil sent out a hit on that fucker#also people realizing neil looks insane to other people like um yes...literally everytime he opens his mouth even in his POV#he says some scary shit bro 💀#adding more tags bc i forgot to talk about kevin but i also can't get over their angst its just so good#their time together at evermore and jean teaching him french only for it to be the used against him by accident#they're too fucked up to ever really be friends again but they've both got their own support systems now#thinking about them meeting to do the interview ... chewing on glass#i have to go ravage ao3 now
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silbeni · 2 months
Brewing an alt timeline w Ryoma in the Rohan live action
#idek if duwang gang exists in that universe even so#its a lot more ryohan focused#in da lore Ryohan gets art block and starts to live in squalor#izumi visits him and shes like damn you live like this and either she sends a house keepers or he does#he gets a list of candidates and Ryoma is in that list#shes notably less qualified than anyone else and she got there by recommendation#blah blah blah Rohan starts interviewing the potential housekeepers and he doesnt like any of them until ryoma#Rohan tries to read Ryoma but it activates gadzooks and starts making him into tape instead#eventually Ryo gets gadzooks to stop and theyre super apologetic#but Rohans like. THIS IS THE ONE (thinking he can get inspiration from them)#i believe thus spoke rohan kishibe rohan (live action) doesn't knows about other stand users#so this would be exciting for him. ryoma would be so confused to be accepted but thankful bc they really needed that job#their relationship starts out distant and professional but morphs into something more casual as time goes on#to the point ryoma is essentially just being paid to be his friend skabs they still try to do work but he doesn't require that of them#ryoma feels bad not working.. like shes just being a leech#around this time ryoma gets upgraded to working 24/7 there so they basically live together#rahh im just thinking of cute stuff now <3 Rohan gets sick and hes a huge drama queen about it. ryoma doesn't mind pampering him though#but of course there are also evils. thinking of an episode plot where a creature attached like. a time bomb to Ryoma. paranormal stuff#saw trap ish? blow yourself up or i explode all of morioh type thing. (or wherever the heck they live)#not sure if rohan lives in morioh in that universe yeah#Anyway gn
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weewoobrainrot · 2 years
a random collection of pics of the tgm cast i have in my camera roll
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{top gun (maverick) cast 2/?}
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scarefox · 4 months
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i just officially accepted the offer!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
was thinking about another observation i want to put into my hypothetical mouth congress video essay whenever i get around to actually making it and i had to take a step back like "jess you already have so much you want to cover how long is this video essay going to be"
and then i remembered that interview where paul bellini said the original cut of the mouth congress documentary was over three hours and "nobody wants to watch that, even those of us in the band couldn't watch it!" (side note i would watch that. release the bellini cut lmao)
anyway idk exactly how long this imaginary video essay is going to be but if it's even one minute over the length of the mouth congress documentary (which i believe is an hour and sixteen minutes?) i'm putting that interview clip as the opening bc of the irony
#''nobody wants to watch someone talking about mouth congress for three hours'' it's me i want to watch myself talk about them for 3 hours#anyway idk when i'll get around to making the video essay but it's actually part of a series of video essays i plan to make#i want to go through kids in the hall season-by-season and do an analysis of the way the show evolved and what makes their humor so unique#then do a top 10 sketches of each season as a chance to talk more at length about specific sketches/characters i like#kind of similar in format to TheRealJims's simpsons video essays (which are some of my favorites go check them out)#but for mine i'd also want to try and interview other people about their favorite kith things#like definitely any other fans who want to be part of it (@ kith mutuals here especially)#but also like who knows maybe tavie will want to be interviewed or maybe i can get paul to share some behind the scenes stuff#but in addition to going season-by-season i also want to do a few extra videos#like a retrospective of brain candy/death comes to town (they're paired together bc a lot of my takes come in the weird pairing of the two)#a whole video exploring the expanded buddy cole universe (this one will need a ton of extra research but basically anything outside kith)#and of course a video essay on mouth congress#i also want to do a casual video where i try and see just how many kith characters canonically exist in the same universe#bc they have a habit of putting little callbacks into their sketches that reference other characters#so i wanna make a web of everyone who could hypothetically run into each other
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tmae3114 · 2 years
most days I feel like most of what I do in terms of trying to accommodate other disabled people is just. the bare minimum. even though I know that I do stuff that other people don’t, it doesn’t feel like I’m putting in any particular effort beyond just... basic decency and compassion. it feels like the people who don’t are failing to perform basic decency and compassion, y’know?
and most of the time the responses I get feel in line with that. just other people recognising basic decency when performed. a nod, a “thank you”, where appropriate, mostly just unacknowledged because it’s not something that needs acknowledged. it’s the same kind of response I tend to give
but sometimes I get a response that’s just heartbreaking and that always pushes me to keep paying attention and keep trying to do more because if so many other people are going to fail at basic kindness then somebody’s got to pick up the slack and if I don’t, who will?
#this is mostly a vent post but you can reblog if you want#if I get bothered by reblogs I now have the option to Simply Turn Them Off#this post was prompted by the fact that a couple of weeks ago#I asked one of my volunteer teammates what his preference was for when I did the written version of the interview we're going to do together#would he prefer I transcribe his speech exactly as he said it with his stammer included#or would he prefer I write it as the questions are written in our notes?#and he gave me the WIDEST eyed look and went ''you can DO that?''#before saying he ABSOLUTELY wants it written exactly as he says it on the day ''if that's okay''#and I just. that should NOT have been the response. that should NOT be such a surprise to him#writing a transcript of his speech exactly as he said it should be the STANDARD EXPECTATION#I knew it wasn't that's why I ASKED but it should not have been such a shock to BE asked#and I think about when I was in college and got accomodation for my auditory processing issues for the first time#and the way I felt when I realised that this was me FINALLY for the FIRST TIME on even footing#and just. the way that that felt.#and I'm not saying that every single form of accomodation is simple or basic or easy#some is difficult and requires significant effort and not everyone is in a position to do it#but being patient and respectful and /ASKING PEOPLE/ THEIR NEEDS AND PREFERENCES#should not be something that so often seems to be a rare treat for the recipient#an untrained twenty-three year old should not be a more conscientous guide for a blind teenager than her professional school aide yknow?#hhhhhhhhh it's two am and I'm having Feelings
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easeupkid · 2 years
sometimes i really am as dense as a brick
#am getting ready to go back to school and i’m anxious so i’m trying to get myself to focus on the nice things and i’m like oh i can see#some people who i haven’t seen in a while i feel like i was laying the foundations last semester i hope i can resurrect them from summer#slump and so i was thinking about some people i would like to get to know better + i was thinking about this guy from my es class who i#buddied around w/ and some of our interactions and like literally . i think we were flirting i wish i wasn’t dumb#LIKE….. some examples so i can determine if i am gnawing my own arm off over nothing or not like one time i was at an event doing my#reporter job and after i finished doing interviews + stuff i was just like at the event at as a normal person and he was tabling so i was#talking to him and he was like oh i saw you talking to a bunch of people + figured you were working and i was really hoping you would come#talk to me and i was like oh cool we’re buds he wanted to talk to me :) and then we hung out for the rest of the time like maybe that was a#statement made from a more than buds perspective BECAUSE I WAS LITERALLY THINKING THE SAME THING ABOUT THE GIRL I HAD A CRUSH ON AT THE TIME#WHO WAS RUNNING THE EVENT#and then there’s other stuff too like one time we were doing some group project in class where we had to debate other groups and i was like#oh this will be easy because i like to argue and he was like oh do you now ??? like in a way that could be interpreted to be flirty#and one day we literally went wading in the creek in the park together and were picking up rocks off the stream bed to show each other like#hmmmmmm much to think about#makes me angry @ myself for not picking up on it because i thought he was cute too but like#idk if we will have a lot of other overlap because we’re in diff major areas and i’m finished w/ most of my gen eds so like#unless he just happens to be in my final poli sci gen ed this semester like…….#+ i thought about asking for his number in a FRIEND WAY at the end of the semester because he was cool but then i just didn’t lol because i#chickened out omfgggggggggg but like even if i am misinterpreting this i still wanna be friends with him he was cool#ANYWAYS sorry guys needed to get this off my chest#sorry for treating tumblr like a diary it WILL happen again#i’ll delete this later#c speaks
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homoquartz · 4 months
this post is not gonna be well put together but i am having feelings
mean girls is trending right now because the musical movie just came out and i feel insane. idk why i do, it was stupid of me to think that most people Got It, no one ever gets it, it was always about the memes and the aesthetic.
the first mean girls movie was based on a nonfiction book called queen bees and wannabes. it interviewed and discussed the social hierarchy system in teen girl friendships. how they hold each other to these insane standards of heternormative femininity out of sheer terror that they won't meet those standards themselves. the way they leverage their relationships for some small degree of power in a world designed to strip them of it, even if it drags other girls down.
the "you can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week and on wednesdays we wear pink" speech was not an original creation for the script. it's a QUOTE from a real teenage girl. those were REAL RULES.
then the musical came, and it was one step removed from the intended messaging of the film. OG mean girls was not perfect (and was extremely racist), but it said what needed said. the musical leaned on the comedy more, but still left a heartfelt undertone, and still critiqued the systems in place. of course no piece of media is going to be perfect, but it was about the conversation.
then this new movie comes out and it is washed over in the veneer of white hollywood feminism so thick you can't see anymore. the problematic aspects of the original movie are taken out to avoid "offending" when the offense was the point. it becomes toothless, it becomes some other thing entirely. they changed karen's line "i expect to run the world in shoes i cannot walk in" to "watch me as i run the world in shoes i cannot walk in." because choice feminism is in vogue, suddenly this character whose entire point is that she doesn't think deeply about WHY she does anything is suddenly hip to the fact that the world is against her.
i think of sokka losing his misogyny arc in the new atla. i think of the Heathers remake casting the bitchy, identical heathers as queer and hollywood-fat outcasts. as if the story, the meaning, the allegory is hidden in the sets and the jokes and the music. it's a whole new thing now, and it's a thing that means nothing in particular.
the plastics should not wear jeans. they should not have curves. their queerness should be suppressed, painful. their sexuality is not a slay, it's the only thing they think they have of value. the santa dance isn't sexy, it's shocking, it's mortifying - they are children.
they're not mean because "we are all mean." they are mean because they are girls in a world that brutalizes them and crushes them into a standardized shape. they are mean because the world is mean to them. they are mean because it gives them some power back. they are mean because it's the only weapon they have.
the landscape of femininity today has shifted to camera-ready makeup at the age of 10, stringent performative hygiene standards, and avoiding being caught on film while having a genuine emotion. the consumerism, the fatphobia, the racism, the classism, the homophobia remain. We could have had a conversation about that.
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