#i mostly just want Gil to Not Be an Asshole by the end of this fic
runawaymun · 1 year
6 and 11 for partake please :)
6. Does this chapter/fic have any twists that you’re proud of?
I don't really consider myself much of a twist writer, but one perhaps unforseen and unfortunate consequence that is in full force in this chapter comes from Elrond regaining his Music -- which has led to him really getting the strength of his Sight back at perhaps the best worst possible time for it. On the one hand I'm very glad that Elrond was able to heal in time for how close we're getting to Sauron's return. On the other hand it's very inconvenient for him to be wracked with The Horrors & saying Strange and Unpleasant Things to his boyfriend.
I do really hope that Gil's arc will come as a (pleasant and hopefully not too-out-of-left-field) surprise, but again I'm not going to force it if he simply Refuses to Develop. In any case I am beating him with a rolled up newspaper on the nose in a desperate attempt because he's one of those very troublesome antagonists who has a chance of turning out okay in the end if he actually is willing to admit he fucked up and put in a real effort to do better.
But like idk will he? That's the question of the last section of the fic & that's up to him.
11. was already answered here but I'll answer again for a different scene because I like talking about this fic:
It's a very smol scene. Like perhaps a sentence or so, but I'm very excited for the moment that Elrond actually decorates his room in Lindon :)
(ask game)
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davidgrandorder · 6 months
*listens to gilcu playlist*
*gets overwhelmed with gilcu feels*
I started writing this in the tags but you know what i'll just write it up here
I just have so many THOUGHTS about them. Like they're so toxic but they have the potential to be so good, and I just love imagining the progression of their dynamic.
From barely tolerating each other because they live under the same roof, work with or under the same person. To slowly warming up to each other and getting used to each other's presence. Coming to expect the other to just be there, so used to it that they start to see it as a given, take it for granted.
And then comes the point where one of them gets hurt and suddenly that normalcy they've accepted is threatened and they're hit with the realization of 'I don't want them to Not Be Here'.
And they don't know what to do with that feeling. Don't want to acknowledge that they might actually care about each other, about this person they didn't even realize they'd started to see as an actual person. This accidental fondness for someone that started as a tenuous ally at best, who has somehow managed to become a pillar, however small, of their existence here. Enough that if it were gone they would notice, it would affect said existence, in a way they wouldn't be able to ignore.
But like. Cu hates Gilgamesh. Or he did, at least. Still mostly hates him. But he's seen the way he gets on with the kids around Fuyuki, the small silly things that he seems to enjoy about Fuyuki and this time period. He's come to know his quirks, seen beyond his initial view of him as just an arrogant and powerful asshole. He's seen how Gilgamesh goes out of his way to pester him at work, when he's fishing; how he seeks him out for attention, how catlike he is, and there is something almost slightly endearing about it- not that Cu would ever, ever admit that, especially not to Gilgamesh's face.
And Gil, he doesn't care about Cu Chulainn. He's an irritation at worst, and a decent enough plaything at best, but that's where it ends, obviously. He's not strong enough to be considered a worthy enemy- but he is strong, and he is skilled, and there's something amusing in riling him up and seeing how many of Gil's tricks he's learned since their last battle. There's something comfortable about being able to piss him off so thoroughly, and knowing that he'll be over it within an hour or so, will go right back to treating him casually, or cheerfully talking about his garden, or his latest catch, or something that happened at one of his jobs... That doesn't mean anything though, he doesn't value Cu any more than he would any other person he interacts with in this city. Obviously.
It doesn't mean anything that they know what each other's favorite foods and hobbies are, that's just a consequence of living together. It doesn't mean anything that Cu wonders what Gilgamesh is doing on the days when he doesn't come to bother him at work. It doesn't mean anything that Gilgamesh just so happens to always show up where Cu is and chooses him as his target over other Servants in Fuyuki. None of these things mean anything, they insist to themselves, stubbornly ignoring the growing something at the heart of the nonexistent relationship between them.
And just the potential of it all from there. The directions it can grow in. The back and forth love-hate relationship as their dynamic slowly but surely develops into a sort of friendship, something they struggle to ignore and deny, to a deeper bond.
anyway I love them your honor
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goldcleaver · 2 years
IMPORTANT PSA: PLEASE respect peoples’s thoughts on this show, not everyone is going to agree with you and, as long as they’re not being outright disrespectful, that’s ok
just watched the two first episodes
I will say one thing before sharing my thoughts, I think that the stuff amazon did well, they did incredibly well, but the stuff they didn’t manage quite as well on the other hand…
that being said, dumping my thoughts on the first two episodes below:
• practically every male elf has short hair and the female dwarves have no beards
obviously we knew this before the show released but still, it’s quite disappointing to see, like why are we unnecessarily gendering fantasy creatures
• why on god’s green earth did they portray galadriel as a victim of bullying?
especially by random ass kids and not by her millions of cousins? like she’s of the ROYAL HOUSE OF FINWË I doubt random kids would have the guts to bully her, her COUSINS on the other hand…
• Finrod got to keep his name!
pleasant surprise, half expected him to just be “brother” for the rest of the show
• apparently everyone took the boats to middle earth?
this one really rubs me the wrong way bc that way there’s no tension between the hosts of fëanor and fingolfin upon arrival. that makes everything that happens afterwards (i.e maedhros getting captured, fingon rescuing him and uniting their people) fall a little flat
• Dagor bragollach?
is that what that was?
• there’s a lot of focus early on on galadriel wanting to go home?
obviously she ends up not coming along but still, she was really enthusiastic about going to middle earth in the silm?
• zero respect for galadriel’s heritage
this show doesn’t seem to give two shits about galadriel being of the house of finwë (see my point on her getting bullied) and she doesn’t seem to have any kind of authority to whatsoever. like, why is ELROND scolding her? herald or not she’s SO much older than he is
• warrior princess galadriel
WHYYYYY, there are so many things about how she’s portrayed in this that just rub me the wrong way
• elrond speaks quenya!
this one made me ridiculously happy as an elrond geek, wonderful to see (also I can’t stop thinking about the circumstances under which he learnt it)
• “elf-lords only”
as if he isn’t also of the house of finwë. what more do you want of him lmao
• “good friends”
that’s a funny way to say incest vibes, amazon (seriously, it’s gonna get mad uncomfortable when celebrían comes into the picture)
• politician elrond will be the death of me
WHY is he so damn manipulative??? this is about his stunt with durin. that’s not very “kind as summer” of him. elrond is just a kind dude, I don’t know this “politically ambitious” asshole
• elrond wrote gil-galad’s speech!
another decision that was just fantastic. love to see these two being the besties they deserve to be enjoy it while it lasts elrond
• apparently your king can just decide you can go to valinor?
what about the ban huh don’t you need to be uhm idk PARDONED BY THE VALAR or smth
• celebrimbor’s actor
listen, I’m sure he’s a great actor (we haven’t seen him much yet) but he’s just such a far cry from my idea of tyelpe that I’m having a hard time getting past it, and also why is he older than galadriel? tf?
• fëanor’s hammer!
vague references to the house of fëanor was actually on my bingo for season one sooo. actually loved that despite them not having the rights to the content that makes celebrimbor part of his house iirc but this hint was nice!
• aulë references
this is mostly about the dwarves swearing on aulë’s beard. hilarious fr
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Poke! Are you guys still taking requests?
If so, can I request romanced companions (+ Gil, Suvi, and Reyes (if possible)) react to Ryder dying again and coming back? There wasn’t any mention of the death between romances, except for Cora, I believe.
I hope you guys are staying safe and doing okay!
Im gonna include the other LI’s save for Cora and Peebee as they both already have cannon reactions. Also for those who are a part of the squad, they saw Ryder die first hand while those who stay on ship heard about it second hand. Mod Di
Liam - Terrified didn't even begin to cover it.  Watching her fall like that would haunt him for months on end. Even after she got back up - even after she's in his arms again, just seeing her so...motionless scared him. The instant they were back on the ship he pulled her close to him before they even got a chance to get out of their armor. Later in the night, when Ryder was asleep, Liam was too restless to do so, and instead watched her, watched the way she moved. she was alive, she was breathing, so why won't that lump in his throat go away? He’ll try to replace the image of her on the ground with the image of her sleeping, hoping he can trick his brain into thinking everything is okay.  “never do that again. Scared me d-, just please don't do that again.”
Vetra - In the moment it was the right choice. In the moment it was the only way to escape that field. “you're gonna be fine” - if sam hadn't been able to revive Ryder those would have been Vetra's last words to them. And it didn't even occur to her until she was back on the ship, in her room the mission finally catching up to her.  When Ryder came by for a post-mission check-up, Vetra reached out to them hugging her close, voice wobbling
“you - you're fine. You’re fine. you’re fine-”
Jaal - So many emotions rushed over him the moment Ryder fell. Sadness, grief anger, hope. What made it worse it that he was stuck - unable to move as Ryder lay there. He let out a choked sob of relief when they took a gasping breath. he knew that a fight was not the best place to share sentiments, but the moment they were safe he held them close.  Later on in his room, he found his hand beneath their shirt, simply to feel their heartbeat. ”my soul was crushed the moment you left this world, please stay with me.” Gil - For the first time, Gil was quiet. Mostly because he was pacing around the garage worried out of his mind, Jill on video call trying her best to soothe him.  the instant Scott stepped foot in his garage, Gil flew towards him. A fist connected with Ryder's face, before he was quickly enveloped by a hug, shaking hands cling to his shirt.
“You asshole, you - I thought I lost you.”
Suvi - When she got word of what happened, practically bolted out of the bridge.  Was it true? did they die? are they okay? So many questions flooded her head as she looked for Sara. yet the instant suvi saw that soft smile as she felt was relief. tears began to fill her eyes as she collapsed in Sara's arms ”oh, oh thank God you came back to me.” Reyes -  Unlike with the other romances, Ryder told Reyes themselves. they were having drinks and catching up - talking about the stress of the job when Ryder let it slip. Reyes gave a chuckle assuming Ryder was joking, but when Sam confirmed it, he paused, before his whole deminer changed, and his hands were on them instead of the bottle, checking to see if they were alright. “I thought we agreed on no more death-defying decisions”
(Bonus) Evfra -  Jaal is a snitch. That's all Ryder could say on the matter. No, they did not intend to tell Evfra because they didn't want him to be upset.  when visiting Aya, Jaal opened his big mouth to Evfra while Ryder was speaking with the Moshea.  Afterward, they popped by the Resistance to check on how things were going of Efvra end only to be met by him scowling more than usual - with a hint of worry and betrayal. Evfra asked to speak with them in private, and that's when the questions started flying. Why didn't they tell him. what there they thinking -  getting into s situation like that? After soothing his fears, Efvra pulled Ryder close and just held them for a moment - his grip a bit too tight. “Do not do something as foolish as that again! I - I cannot lose anyone else.”
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esamastation · 3 years
Somehow it leaks into the press that Cloud Strife is the bastard son of Late President ShinRa. Unrelated, the news is Vincent Valentine being the biological father of General Sephiroth also makes it into the news.
It begins with a news article.
It's nothing too shocking, at first. Old ShinRa scandals are gil-a-dozen now, with investigative reporters digging them up on particularly boring news cycles to shock and horrify the masses with all the terrible things that had been going on right under their noses. This week it's detail on all the cloning business, all about Jenova, the SOLDIER project, mako. That week it's about the countless people died in various human trials, be they medicine, materia or weapons. That week it's the waste of resources, how much money was wasted on useless, ridiculous projects for no other reason than because ShinRa had the money to spend.
There's always something new and thrilling to be dug up in the grave of ShinRa to entertain the masses and so it's become kind of mundane. You can only shock and awe people with the crimes of a select group of people so many times in a row before it becomes, more or less… mundane. And this article had seemed more of the same.
Affairs, Bastards and Coverups – the numerous scandals of the ShinRa Elite!
Cloud scanned the first lines of the article and then dismissed it. Some reporter has compiled months worth of data and stolen documents concerning the personal lives of the Shinra family the various heads of department – and it turned out that they were living it up in the lap of luxury, cheating on their spouses, having secret love children, covering them up with money and non-disclosure forms, oh my. It's nothing new – everyone knew the President had mistresses and bastards in every ShinRa town, and it's not surprising the others followed suit.
At least it wasn't yet another secret ShinRa super weapon about to kill them all, Cloud thinks, moves to throw the whole paper aside, when sub header further down the article catches his eye. At first he doesn't quite understand it – he sees his name in the papers plenty, and maybe it's a mistake, maybe it's something unrelated – maybe he misread… but no.
Cloud Strife – or is it Cloud Shinra?
Then, then he stops to read it the article in full – and what do you know, it does have some surprises after all. And not, it turns out, just for him.
Vincent announces his arrival by grinding gravel under his metal heel – and by pressing a cool beer can against Cloud's shoulder in silent offering.
Ah, Cloud thinks, and accepts it. "You knew?"
"Suspected it," Vincent agrees and sits beside him on the cliff, overlooking Edge and the Ruins of Midgar. He's holding the paper in hand. "There's a family resemblance."
Cloud hums and opens the can, reaching the paper. It's open on the Article, of course it is – Vincent has even highlighted sections of it. "Family resemblance," Cloud repeats, running a thumb over the underlines – pressed in hard with a ballpoint pen. "I don't know – definitely didn't inherit the old bastard's chin."
Vincent hums. "You and Rufus. There was also another Shinra bastard in company employment with files left – Lazard Deusericus. You all have very similar features."
Cloud frowns a little at that, trying to remember – but if he ever met Lazard, it's not coming to him. Zack might've known the guy, but… most of those memories were faded now. "Well," he says and turns the page to the second section of the article – dedicated entirely to the family drama of Professor Hojo, and the Child Stolen – Sephiroth.
How the reporter had found out so much about Vincent, Cloud has no idea, but they had his whole career as a Turk down – right down to his disappearance under mysterious circumstances in Nibelheim, and his resurface as one of the Heroes who Saved the Planet, decades later.
Of course, Cloud's crew has been in the public eye long enough that none of their lives are secret anymore – everything that could be found out about them had been by this point, and that included the mystery of Vincent Valentine, as well as Nanaki's history and Yuffie's royal heritage. So maybe it's not that big of a surprise, that people figured out the rest of it.
They hadn't done enough try to hide their histories, Cloud muses. They hadn't realised that it might be something they should do – not until it was too late.
"You don't seem surprised either," Vincent points out, glancing at the paper, and the picture of young Sephiroth on it.
"You ever see Sephiroth standing beside Hojo? Definitely no family resemblance there," Cloud muses, giving him a look. "Sephiroth was always too pretty to be Hojo's kid."
Vincent looks away, blowing out a slow breath into his scarf. Cloud takes a drink of the beer and then reads the pertinent lines again.
Really, what's most surprising about the whole damned thing is how surprising it still manages to be. None of this really matters anymore. ShinRa family is all but gone, Rufus is pretty much powerless, Sephiroth is trice-over-dead, even Hojo is properly back in his grave, and none of this actually affects anything anymore. They all had some suspicion, before, they all had some theories, so it's not a shock. Except that it is and it does affect things.
"The things we could've done," Cloud mutters wryly, shaking his head. "If only we'd known."
"Hmph," Vincent answers and relaxes a little. "It likely wouldn't have changed things. Not unless we had known… years before."
"Yeah, and even then I doubt ShinRa would've much cared, considering how those assholes went about dealing with their bastards," Cloud says and drops the paper in between them. "I probably would've gotten shot – and you did get shot."
"I did get shot," Vincent agrees. "I suppose it makes more sense now. Why he didn't… really, kill me."
Cloud grimaces at that and takes another drink. Yeah – Hojo could get rid of obstacles without qualms and not think about it twice, but what he did to Vincent, oh, that was personal wasn't it? It was probably revenge – and not just for loving the woman Hojo had wanted, but being the father of the son Hojo had coveted. And how like Hojo, to have a loose end of that magnitude, and then just… drop it, when it stopped entertaining him.
Maybe it'd been the same with Cloud – and Zack. They got their taste of Hojo's personal interest for daring to kill Sephiroth, and then Hojo dropped them too and moved onto whatever else interested him. It's been years now, and Cloud dares to think he's mostly over it, but thinking about it now… Had Hojo known about his relation to the Shinra family – had he cared? Had it made the whole thing that much more fun for the asshole, did he get some sadistic delight in tearing into his boss' progeny?
"Yeah," Cloud muses and lets out a quiet, smothered belch. "I don't know about you, but I really could've done without this knowledge."
Vincent hums in answer. "Truth is neither good or bad. It simply is," he says. "It is always better to know, than to wallow in ignorance."
Cloud makes a face and glances at him. "Speaking of wallowing, how personally are you taking this?" he asks then, looking him up and down. Vincent has the tendency of drowning in guilt and blaming himself, and this, as little as it changes things, as much as it morbidly just amuses Cloud…
Finding you're the bastard son of a dead rich guy is one thing – finding out you had a son and were part of killing said son, several times now, that's something else.
Vincent looks down and says nothing for a long, windswept moment. "Very," he says finally and shakes his head. "How else can I take it?"
"You must've suspected," Cloud says and then grimaces – shouldn't have said that.
"Well," Vincent answers, his voice dipping lower, almost inaudible. "I must have."
Cloud sighs and then reaches one hand over, rubbing it up and down along Vincent’s tense back, fingers snagging on belts through the ragged cape. "I'm sorry, Vincent," he says. "Really, sincerely sorry."
Vincent says nothing, but he doesn't move away from the touch, which for him is the same as leaning into someone's shoulder and wailing out in grief. Cloud lowers the can he's holding and then releases a sigh. The whole thing blows, really, and it changes nothing – just another scandal for people to be entertained by. Another horror to add into their ever growing collection.
But it's something to imagine it – if Vincent had known, if he could've done something about it. Half of the whole mess was the hellish upbringing Sephiroth got in Hojo's hands – if something had interrupted that, if someone, anyone, would've interfered, then maybe, just maybe... Cloud's relation probably wouldn't have mattered much, he was just one ShinRa bastard among many, but if Sephiroth got an actual loving upbringing… who knows.
Maybe the guy wouldn’t have gone megalomaniacal world ending monster on all of them. Who knows.
tentatively dipping my toes in the waters of ff7... it’s been a while, i don’t even know if i know how to write these guys anymore
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sunflowersupremes · 3 years
I think I've made like, two sarcastic comments about how I'm glad the Finarfin you've mentioned isn't the Finarfin from my stories (or at least in the splinters like jewel shards verse) but I don't think I've asked, do you have any headcanons on Finarfin? I'm interested if you'd like to share any!
Yes!!! I remember that comment. I also hope he’s a bit nicer than the Finarfin from Return in Chains, one of my fics (although that Finarfin isn’t evil… just… makes questionable decisions out of desperation, which is basically the Finwean Family Pastime).
He thinks “Finarfin” (aka Finwe-Ara-Finwe) is a terrible name and can’t believe his brother would have done such a stupid thing. (He also thinks “Fingolfin” is a terrible translation).
After all his relatives took off and left them, he got put in charge of not only the country, but also literally everyone’s CRAP. Meaning, as the only remaining member of the house of Finwë, he had to figure out what to do with all the houses and possessions they left behind. He ended up boarding them up and leaving them, in the hopes that they would come back one day (elven possessions don’t rot or decay, after all).
The only time he used one of his relatives homes after they left was gifting Maglor’s house to Celebrían when she arrived. By that time he had accepted that Maglor would never return, and he figured she had the best claim to it (and it had the largest garden, which he knew she would like, and it was in the artist’s district which she loved). When Elrond actually managed to drag Maglor back with him, Arafinwë was SHOCKED. Thankfully, Maglor was fine with him gifting it to her and just moved in with them.
He just generally seems like he wants the best for everyone. I don’t think he’s a coward, I think he’s just very cautious (and he has a bit of foresight, which means he probably saw that the future would be WORSE if he went as well). I also like the idea that part of his reason for staying was ‘get on the Valar’s good side so I can eventually convince them to help’ not realizing that by the time they helped his entire family would be dead.
He has a great sense of humor and is generally a fun guy to be around. His assorted relatives know they’re always welcome at either of his homes (he has one in Tirion and one in Aqualonde) even if he’s not there himself. Half the time he gets back from vacation to find at least two random nieces/nephews chilling in his house.
He and Maglor both have a similar grasp of emotions and Osanwe. Maglor uses his gifts to fuck with people; Finarfin tries to use his to help people. He spends a lot of time going around fixing all the people Maglor has screwed with.
Arafinwë annoys Maglor precisely because he can see through Maglor’s attempts at manipulation. Maglor tried to trick him into doing something once and Finarfin calmly said ‘if you wanted attention you only had to ask’ (that, of course, was HIGHLY OFFENSIVE as far as Maglor was concerned).
Arafinwë does not want the crown. It is a running joke in Tirion that whenever someone from the line of Finwë is reborn or sails, he tries to give them the crown (it is true, actually, but no one else wants the thing either). He even tries to give it to Maglor once he turns up.
His attempt at inventing democracy backfired when he was elected.
Nerdanel becomes very close to him during the First Age while they bond over missing their children.
He keeps a memorial in the palace garden, with markers - made by Nerdanel - for every fallen member of the house of Finwë. They even add a marker for Gil-Galad after the Last Alliance even though no one has any idea who the fuck he is or if he’s related. The memorials are kept even after the dead are re-embodied, as a reminded of ‘that dumb thing you did that one time’
He makes annual trips to the Halls of Mandos just to ‘chat’ with Namo (and subtly inquire as to when he’s going to be getting his relatives back). Finrod’s release was, in part, to try to appease Arafinwë, but all it did was make him more determined that he COULD get the rest of his family back.
He informs Namo that no, no you will NOT be keeping my brother and his children until the Second Music, thank you very much. (Namo points out that their Fëar are very badly damaged, Arafinwë asks why the fuck Namo thinks that he - as a Vala - is best equipped to heal people who hate his guts)
Fëanor gave him a pet swan when he was five because Fëanor thinks swans are assholes and expected it to terrorize his younger brother. Instead Arafinwë befriended the swan and trained it to bite Fëanor on command.
Arafinwë typically doesn’t eat meat, the only exception is fish.
He can’t figure out why the Valar put Eönwë in charge of the host. I mean, he’s a great guy and a terrifying fighter, but he seems to have a few screws loose.
Elrond and Elros’ return to Gil-Galad was only because of Arafinwë. Maedhros and Maglor didn’t trust the host of the Valar, but Arafinwë sent them a letter promising to personally watch over the twins and arguing that they would be safer with the Host. Because of this, Elrond and Elros resented him for a long time, blaming him for taking them away from their adopted family.
Arafinwë spent a good chunk of the War of the Wrath keeping Eönwë from accidentally causing Diplomatic Incidents or Other Minor Catastrophes. The rest of the War was spent trying to work how the the fuck he’s related to Gil-Galad. He still isn’t sure, he’s pretty sure Fingon might have just picked up a random kid somewhere. Or he might be a Fëanorian, but he kind of hopes NOT. He loves his half-brother, but holy fuck.
It was his idea to turn Morgoth’s crown into a collar, because he was fucking pissed off by that point. It was mostly a joke, but Eönwë, being a himbo, went with it.
He was attempting to negotiate either the return of the Silmarils OR a different way to end the Oath when Maedhros and Maglor stole the Silmarils from Eönwë’s camp. One of the guards they killed was a childhood friend of Arafinwë. Arafinwë already had rooms waiting for Maedhros and Maglor back in Tirion, because as soon as he got them on a boat he was planning to take them straight home, whether that was the Valar’s plan or not.
Arafinwë had managed to arrange a pardon for Galadriel, but she was still angry and proud and announced that she didn’t want it, thus resulting in her getting a personal ban.
He knew Galdalf before he went to Middle Earth and gave him a very long list of things to tell Galadriel, most of which amounted to ‘get over yourself and apologize to the Valar so you can come home you fucking idiot (and please tell Elrond hello, he’s a lovely child, really)’
He adores the Hobbits and can’t believe Elrond managed to bring them. Gandalf who? He gives his grandson-in-law all the credit, thank you very much.
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Too Close To Home (Malcolm Bright x Reader)
Request: Hi! I'd like to request a Malcolm Bright x reader or OFC story. Malcolm and the reader know each other since a few years. The reader has grown up in an abusive family and also has anxiety. They spend more time together cuz of a case. When the reader gets into danger, Malcolm saves her. He guides her home afterwards. First he doesn't want to come in but then they spend the night together (smutty or not, whatever you prefer). Afterwards they experience the most peaceful sleep they've had in ages :) (by @angelicastiel), [Prodigal Son-Masterlist]
Summary: Another case you & your team got to work on. This time, though, the backstory of the killer hit a bit too close to home. Still, you wanted to get the job done & arrest the murderer. There would have been a better, less dangerous way, but you could not change your actions anymore. And maybe you got something out of it. Something you had been wanting for the longest time.
Words: 3,827
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, angst, language, probably spoilers for season 2, father figure!Gil, little kidnapping situation, talks of murder (I mean, it’s Prodigal Son), first time writing for Prodigal Son (even though I do feel kinda confident writing for it, idk…let me know what you think)
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Being part of Gil Arroyo’s team was a dream coming true. Your years in college were spent working your ass off in order to end up in a job like that. Not only did Gil give you a place to work, he also took you under his wing. Talking about your past was something you dreaded but somehow you found yourself opening up to him. He knew about your parents & could tell when things started becoming too much for you. Throughout your time at the NYPD, you got closer with your team. Dani & JT had become your best friends. Malcolm, on the other hand, had been a different case. While the two of you sure were friendly with one another, you slowly developed a little crush on the profiler. Who were you kidding? You had the biggest crush, it was kind of embarrassing. Especially because Dani & JT teased the living hell out of you. Luckily, Gil had yet to notice. You did not want to bring private business into your job.
This case had been a tough one. Not only that but it hit too close to home for your liking. The killer you had been looking for left you a letter at the crime scene. It was a man who had been abused by his parents when he was younger. In that letter, he explained why he did what he did. Like, yeah, you came from an abusive household, too, but you were not running around, murdering a what looked like innocent man. Like, chill a bit. Gil pulled you a few feet away from the scene after you all had finished reading. This left Dani, JT & Edrisa alone with looking for more details. Malcolm was still nowhere to be found, even though all of you had tried calling him a couple of times.
“Maybe you should sit this one out.” Gil’s hand was on your shoulder, keeping you an arm’s distance away to take a look at your face. He knew right away that you were thinking about your own parents & sometimes things could be messy if private stuff got mixed up with work stuff. Again the reason why you kept your feelings for Malcolm at bay.
“Gil.” you sighed. “I’ll be fine. Besides, you guys need me.” Gil hated to admit it but you were right. The team was lost without you & nobody knew if your killer was planning another crime while you were inspecting this scene. A voice interrupted your conversation & both, you & Gil, looked at where it was coming from. Would you look at that. Malcolm, everyone. Fashionably late, as always. Why did he have to look so good though? Ugh…
“I heard there was another murder? What have we got?” Malcolm, being his usual self when it came to crime scenes, directed his questions at both of you.
“You would know if you decided to show up sooner.” Gil gave him a tight lipped smile & you could hear the sarcasm in his statement. Yeah, nobody could ever stay mad at Malcolm for a long time. Except maybe JT. But he seemed like he was just pissed off by whatever Malcolm did. That was why they were such great friends.
“The guy left us a letter, kind gesture, right? Edrisa should have it.” your arms crossed over your chest to hide how bad your hands were shaking. The action did not go unnoticed by Malcolm, though. He could tell you were uncomfortable. Your anxiety seemed even worse than usually. It was not like you ever opened up to Malcolm about your struggles. You had found it hard to talk about your feelings, even when you talked to Gil. But since Gil had become some sort of father figure to you, you found it a little easier to open up to him. The thing was that Malcolm was working even when he was not working. Which meant that he was profiling others even outside of work. It was not hard to notice your trembling hands, your bouncing legs, your struggle to keep eye contact. He could tell that your anxiety was bad. Most days, you hid it rather well, he had to give you that. A normal person would have never noticed anything wrong with your behavior. Malcolm, though, knew better & while he did not know what had happened to you in the past, he knew you were struggling nevertheless. But he could worry about you another time, for now, he had to focus on the crime scene.
As Malcolm walked over to where Edrisa was standing, you pulled at Gil’s hand, motioning him to follow you. Edrisa handed over the letter & explained briefly what they had found so far. You knew what was about to come. As did everyone else, so you quieted down & let the profiler do his job.
“Our dear murderer wrote the letter after he killed James here. The ink is too fresh & some of the letters are smudged. The printer in the office was still running when you got here, right?” this earned him a nod from Edrisa. “No fingerprints, though, he was smart enough to wear gloves. Which brings me to my assumption that he had planned this long beforehand. The bruises show that he was strangled & while we still have to wait for the autopsy, I’m almost entirely sure that he was killed because of that. I believe the stab wounds were caused after he died. The way his words were written sounds way too passionate for an accident. No, this guy, he was enjoying it. If it were an accident, he would have left the scene way sooner. But he took the time to type a letter & print it, to complete his mission by laying it right on top of our victim’s chest.” Malcolm finished & looked around to find everyone rolling their eyes except for you. Whenever he started rambling & piecing evidence together, you simply stood there mesmerized. This time was not different. His eyes met yours & he shot you a little smile which you copied.
“Anything else you wanna tell us? Like, why you’re way too excited about this entire thing?” JT spoke up. You gave him a little slap & chuckled.
“Don’t act like it’s something new.” laughing when you looked at his face.
“Okay, guys. Wrap it up here, we need to continue this at the precinct.” Gil’s authority voice came through & you all knew better than to mess with him.
Malcolm, Dani & JT were already in one of the offices when you & Gil came in. Usually, you asked Gil to take you everywhere, mostly because you got rather shaky during cases & you did not trust yourself enough to drive on your own. Gil told you he did not mind at all.
“Found anything useful?” you asked when you entered & looked over JT’s shoulder to make out what he was doing on his laptop. Malcolm stood at the front of the room, right in front of the whiteboard & was too busy sorting his thoughts to even notice you. Dani told you that they had no luck just yet & soon you found yourself helping them with research, something you were incredibly good at. Gil had left for a while but when he got back, he brought each of you a cup of coffee, knowing it was bound to be a long night without much rest. Being the stubborn person that you were, you declined his request of you calling it a night & heading back home. You were onto something & could not stop right now. Gil let the topic die down with a long sigh. The five of you spent the entire night looking for clues & connections & by the time the sun started rising, you had a plan filed out to catch the killer.
After hours of research, mostly from you, you found out that the victim had very wealthy parents. Parents who loved their kid like nothing else. Parents who would do anything for their kid. Checking his social media profiles, you could tell that he was not silent about his wealth or the love he felt for his parents. “Enough to get our killer started.” Malcolm had said. It took you a while but after checking James’ classmates, you had a suspect & after checking his social media accounts, you knew where you had to go to catch him. Sometimes, things could be so easy, so clear to see. Probably a bad idea to expect you were right with everything but you had a good feeling. Yet, you could not quite understand how someone could kill just because of envy. Just because they did not have what someone else did.
Your suspect spent almost all of his evenings in a local pub, not too far away from the precinct. It was a small pup, not a lot of people, but since it was Friday, you expected it to be filled tonight.
“Why does (Y/N) have to be bait again?” Malcolm asked after discussing the plan yet another time.
“Because she looks more like a guest of a pub like that. You would be out of place, so would Dani & JT.” Gil reasoned. He did not like the idea either but it was probably the best shot they had.
“Right, because if I make an effort I can actually look like an alcoholic. Is that what you’re saying?” despite your chuckle, you found yourself growing more & more nervous. Malcolm noticed right away, didn’t comment on it though.
“What I’m saying is that we all want this asshole locked up & I don’t want you to look like an alcoholic. I want you to go there as if you just got done with work for the day. Take a seat at the bar. We’ll be connected with you this entire time, we’ll hear your conversation. Wait a little & if he doesn’t approach you then you will. Understood?” Gil looked around the room, kept his focus on you, though, & when you nodded he told you all to head off & get this party started.
 “You’re nervous.” you flinched when you heard a voice beside you. Malcolm. Of course.
“I’m not. Just preparing myself.” you did not mean to sound this harsh but he did not really pay attention to that.
“So your shaking hands are a form of preparation?” he teased but you could not focus on his way of calming you right now. Your anxious mind was killing you.
“Look, Mal, I need to go, okay? We’ll talk later.” & before he even had the chance to answer, you were sprinting off.
Ordering a strong drink at the bar in the hopes of it calming your nerves, you tried acting as if you did go out every night. In fact, you were highly uncomfortable. Crowds made your anxiety act up & pubs were usually worse. Drunk people wanting to get laid or whatever. It just was not your world. Anyway, you had better things to focus on. Your suspect had already walked up to the bar & took, much to your dismay, a seat too far away from you to start an actual conversation. Quickly informing your team, an idea popped into your head. He would start taking an interest in you if you got him to grow envious. So without overthinking, you grabbed your phone from your purse & pretended dialing someone.
“Hi mom! How are you?” as much as it hurt saying those words, you felt accomplished when you noticed the suspect’s eyes on you. “Great, as always! We still on for lunch tomorrow?...Perfect! Actually, I wanted to thank you for the purse you got me! I found the package earlier today, you are crazy. That’s way too much.” if it were not for your job at the NYPD, you would make one hell of an actor. Deep down, your heart was breaking a little more with each word you said. “Oh? I’m your favorite daughter? I’m your only daughter, mom, but thanks.” you gave a genuine, or at least you hoped it sounded genuine, laugh & continued. The man had already made his way over to you & took the empty seat next to you. You had him, not fully but almost. Just keep going, you thought to yourself. “Tell dad I miss him, too! I’ll make sure to meet up with him soon. A much needed father-daughter weekend. It has been too long…Alright, I love you too, bye.” you ended your call & placed the phone back into your purse. Gil would kill you after you finished this case. Once again you were improvising but at least it got you here, sitting next to a possible killer. Possible killer? No, you knew it was him. He made it rather obvious after that fake phone call. Thinking about what you had just said on the phone got cut short by the man beside you speaking up.
“Sounds like a nice mom.” a drink in his hand, his gaze not focused on you but on the liquid in his glass.
“Oh, she’s the best. I’m lucky to have her. Same goes for my dad.” these words hurt so bad & if you were not so focused on arresting this asshole you would have started breaking down right in the middle of this bar.
“I’m Enrico, by the way.” he held out his hand for you to shake which you did.
“(Y/N).” faking another smile at him, you were surprised that your silly plan actually seemed to work. This dude was desperate. And it made him extremely dangerous.
“(Y/N), wanna head out & catch some fresh air? This pub is filling up.” he placed money on the counter, paying for not only his but also your drink. Thanking him, you got up. When his hand grabbed yours, you slightly flinched but did not pull away. The thought of your team waiting outside with handcuffs made you breathe easier. Arriving outside did not exactly put your mind at ease. Where was your team? Just when you wanted to turn around, you felt a strong grip around your waist & a cloth being held in front of your nose & mouth. There was not even enough time to scream before you were met with darkness.
Loud voices woke you up. A gunshot. Shit, why could you not move? Where the fuck were you? Looking down at your wrists, you saw them being chained tightly to a chair. Suddenly, a person was kneeling in front of you & you were surprised to find Gil helping you out of the chains. His mouth was moving but your heartbeat was too loud to make out any other noises.
“Have you got him?” Gil rolled his eyes at your question but soon after, nodded. This could have ended badly for you & he was just happy to see you alive & breathing.
“You hurt?” this time his voice was more serious. He looked you over but besides the bruises on your wrists, you seemed fine. Shaking your head no was enough for him to drop it for now.
“That was stupid, (Y/N). We could’ve walked in there & just arrested him in that damn pub. Why did you think it was a good idea to start this whole pretending thing?”
“Could we please not do this today, Gil? I’m tired.” you felt ashamed, embarrassed that you did not handle the situation better. Usually, you were way more careful when it came to other cases. You could not even tell why you thought you needed to act out an entire scene. It felt like the right decision at the time.
“Malcolm? Come over here.” Gil decided to let you rest for tonight but he sure as hell would teach you a lesson tomorrow. He could not have another person risking everything & acting irresponsible. He already had Malcolm. No need to have another one like him.
“(Y/N)? Oh, thank God.” Malcolm came jogging over to where you & Gil were. A small smile started forming, signaling that you were fine.
“Take her home with you. She shouldn’t be alone tonight.” & with that he left you & Malcolm alone.
Two hands came into view & you let yourself be pulled up into a standing position. Malcolm still held onto you since your legs were on the verge of giving out. After a few seconds, though, you felt steady enough & thanked him for helping you. Without another word, he took your hand in his & dragged you outside to his car. Any other day, you would have blushed like crazy but your exhaustion was overpowering your crush. Malcolm opened the passenger side for you & helped you in. Then, he got around to the driver’s side. His body turned towards you & when you noticed that the car still had not been started, you found Malcolm staring at you. Your eyebrows shot up in confusion. After a long pause & a deep breath of his, Malcolm’s voice broke the silence in the car.
“That was-“
“Stupid, I know. Gil already told me.” usually, you would have sounded sarcastic but tonight, you did not have the strength to try & act like you were fine. Because if you were honest, everything that had happened got you thinking. Not that you could have died but everything that had happened with your parents. How awful they treated you. How abusive they were. Not trying to start another conversation, Malcolm started the engine & drove up to his apartment. Gil’s order, after all. Though, he had to admit that he liked the idea of you being close to him. Hell, he could have lost you today. He could have lost you & you still had no idea about his feelings for you. Simply because he was too much of a coward when push came to shove.
The car ride was silent & the tension could have been cut with a knife. Once or twice you almost started talking, wanting to explain yourself. Why you were so exhausted. It was not the first time you got close to death but it was certainly the first time where your past came catching up. Each time, though, you chickened out.
“I’m sorry.” it was you who spoke up first when you entered Malcolm’s apartment.
“What for?” Malcolm turned his focus back to you.
“I made this case unnecessarily hard for you guys. I should’ve handled it better. It’s just…this thing with this fake phone call, it was…fuck, how do I say this?” the last part you mumbled to yourself but when Malcolm spoke up again, you knew he had heard you.
“It’s okay. Gil told me about your parents. I get it, I do. I probably would’ve done the same thing & then it would’ve been you & Gil telling me I was stupid.” you chuckled lightly & Malcolm was happy that you were not mad at him for knowing about your past. He had been aware of your struggles before, now he could finally tell where they were coming from.
Strangely, you felt a weight lifted off your shoulders, now that Malcolm knew. At least you knew he would never judge you, he had his own…familial issues after all. Tears started forming in your eyes & you tried blinking them away angrily, frustrated that you were losing it now even though the situation had been dealt with.
“Come here.” Malcolm opened his arms & you gladly accepted the invitation. Throwing yourself onto him like your life depended on it. His arms wrapped strongly around you. Not in an uncomfortable way, more like in a comforting way. The two of you simply stood in the middle of his apartment, not saying anything, he let you cry it all out & in that moment, it was all you needed.
“Thank you. Sorry for messing up your shirt.” a quiet laugh escaped you. It was not much but it was a good start.
“It’s no problem, really. Here, I’ll bring you some clothes to sleep in, I’m sure you don’t wanna sleep in work clothes?” Malcolm opened one of his drawers & grabbed a basic t-shirt & some sweatpants. Not much but definitely way more comfortable than what you were wearing right now. This was not your first time being at Malcolm’s home so you helped yourself & moved into his bathroom to take a quick shower & change into his clothes. It only took you about ten minutes, you were craving sleep.
“You can take the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” Malcolm was setting up his couch to sleep on when you came out of the bathroom.
“Nope, forget it. I wont let you take that couch.” you argued.
“Hey, it’s a comfortable couch!” he defended his way too expensive piece of furniture.
“What about your restraints?”
“Don’t need them when you’re around.” Malcolm let slip without much thought. Only when you tilted your head & raised your eyebrows did he realize what he had just said. “I mean…I don’t know. I’m usually much calmer when I’m with you.” It was funny to see Malcolm trying to explain himself. He was embarrassed but you were putting a stop to it right away.
“Okay, so I guess it would help even more when you’re right next to me, am I right? Your bed is big enough, Mal.” your sweet smile was convincing enough & soon you found yourself laying on one side of the bed while Malcolm was occupying the other.
For a few minutes, neither of you moved or said anything. The silence was not uncomfortable, the situation was still new for the both of you. Yet, you knew what you wanted. What you needed. So you grabbed one of Malcolm’s hands, turned around & let his arm fall around your waist. This action caught him off guard but he relaxed into the new position quickly. While the both of you still had not confessed, this felt like a step into the right direction. You felt safe in his embrace & knew you could be your true self with him. No hiding whatsoever. That thought made you smile. Exhaustion soon took over but the last words you heard before falling into a peaceful slumber were: Sleep well, (Y/N). I’ve got you. Afterwards, he pressed a light kiss on your shoulder & fell asleep himself. Tonight, your struggles could be forgotten. At least for a few hours until morning came around. Then, you still had enough time to deal with whatever was happening between you & Malcolm. Tomorrow, you could deal with your past some more. But right now, all you wanted was to have a peaceful night & Malcolm could give you just that.
Published (03/25/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @fandom-queen67, @cons-tit-ution, @where-thesundoesntshine, @itsanemu0101, @chill-fangirl, @angelnyx, @octopus5555, @the-unknown-fan-girl (thanks for your support <3 - sorry if I tagged you mistakenly/please let me know if I did)
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ultimatetrashgoblin · 3 years
My thoughts on Immortal Heart Society
DISCLAIMER: These are my OPINIONS. I do not claim any of this as fact, you are allowed to disagree with me. (Spoilers for Cassius and Alanna season 1)
First impressions for this series could have been better. There are plenty of problems with this series so far that I will address, but for now, let’s focus on the positives.
The writing is beautiful. As an avid reader and writer, one of my biggest pet peeves is lazy and unimaginative writing. IHS had some incredibly written lines, and I was immediately hooked even if I hated the love interests.
(I don’t have many screenshots but here are a few I did take)
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The plot is interesting. While the pacing is a bit off at times, I found the concept of a corrupt secret society intriguing, and the mysteries surrounding the father was enough to get me invested.
The Inner Circle is (mostly) likable. I’m a sucker for found family, and my favorite series on this app (EAA, QoT, GIL, etc.) will usually have plenty of group banter, and the Inner Circle is no exception. One of my favorite scenes in Alanna’s route was in Richard’s office when everyone realized Alanna and FMC were exes.
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Kiran. No further explanation. Lovestruck let me date her please.
For the most part, IHS seems like a promising series. But of course, when you have plenty of amazing side characters who would make wonderful LIs, you decide to premiere your series with the arrogant asshole and the compulsive liar.
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Cassius Tarkhan
I should probably begin by saying I’m usually not a fan of the “rude, snarky, arrogant” LIs and read Cassius’s route solely because I was excited for the new series. So please take what you’re about to read with a grain of salt, since I am probably extremely biased against him.
This is a direct quote from me reading Cassius’s first few episodes: “I want to punch this man in his stupid fucking face.” I said this out loud, which should give you an indication of what’s to come.
As far as first meetings go, Cassius was probably one of the worst. At first it was all “fun banter oh look at the chemistry” until he sees the invitation and becomes the most insufferable pricks I have ever seen. (I’m sorry, but was that supposed to be romantic?! If I were in FMC’s position, I would be terrified!)
Most of the season went by with Cassius being infuriating and not telling FMC anything, and me questioning if I was actually supposed to like the guy I was supposed to be romancing. The villain dude (I don’t care enough about him to try to remember his name) was boring and creepy. I also had a strong desire to punch him in the face, but I’ll settle for him turning to stone.
It wasn’t until the season finale that I actually started to like Cassius. He started to open up more to FMC, he showed vulnerability, and was generally more tolerable. Hopefully we’ll be able to see more of this Cassius in later seasons, because I believe that it might save his route and maybe I won’t want to punch him in the face as badly.
As for the ending, I’ve read the final episode multiple times and I’m still not exactly sure what happened in that final scene. Cassius tells FMC that he won’t let her meet with the Society on her own and then... is he about to kiss her? This is a genuine question I’m asking I honestly couldn’t tell. It seemed like he was going to but it was very unclear to me.
If I was going to rate this season as a whole, I’d give it a 3 out of 10. Hope to see better next season, because he does have the potential to be better, but that wasn’t shown until the end of the season.
Alanna McKenna
At first, I liked Alanna’s route. I was excited about have an LI who was an ex, she was attractive (except for that weird smirk expression what was that???), she was funny, and I’ve already talked about how much I love the writing.
Then the lying started. I’ve had the misfortune of dealing with my family, many of which are narcissistic pathological liars, so I consider myself pretty decent at figuring out patterns in their behavior. And Alanna fits them to a T.
Please note that I am in no way educated on this topic and do not have the authority to state anything as fact. I am making observations based on personal experience dealing with people like this, and I encourage you to view Alanna’s behavior for yourself and come up with your own conclusions.
My first red flag was the emotional manipulation. Near the beginning, this was in the form of flattery. If FMC started asking questions, Alanna would flirt with her, which would cause FMC to either become flustered or flirt back, both outcomes momentarily distracting her from the original topic.
To FMC’s credit, she does notice when Alanna starts deflecting (she mentions recognizing certain behaviors from when they were together), but she backs down. As someone who hates confrontation, I can understand FMC’s reasoning for this. I find trying to communicate certain issues with these people exhausting. It tends to feel like speaking to a broken record, and can become emotionally draining. However, this is the exact outcome that these people want. They hate being called out on their lies, and when pushed further (in my experience), they tend to result to guilt tripping.
The flirting I could ignore. When I first read it, I thought that was just her personality (which is partially true). But then FMC stood her ground more, and Alanna fell apart. She started crying, talking about how much pressure she was under, making up excuses (a prime example of this was her saying that she thought ghosting FMC would make it easier, which I’ll touch on later), and causing FMC to doubt her (valid) reasons for being angry with Alanna.
I feel like it’s also necessary to talk about Alanna interacting with the other society members. FMC was noticeably uncomfortable with how genuine Alanna seemed to be, and I understand the feeling of betrayal of thinking you know a person, only to see them act like a complete stranger at the drop of a hat. The mental turmoil of wondering which version of this person is the real them, and whether your entire relationship was all a lie.
That part was way longer than I expected, so let’s talk about the “villain”. I’m glad that Arabella isn’t the big bad even if she tried to kill FMC, because she seems like such a genuine person and I’m tired of season WOC be villainized in visual novels (I’m not naming names but you know what apps I’m talking about Choices). I hope that FMC and Alanna will be able to help her and her sister, and that Arabella will get a redemption arc in the future and maybe a route.
The cliffhanger was actually sort of unexpected. FMC finally called Alanna out on her bs (GOOD👏FOR👏HER👏) and tried to leave the Society. Lowkey kind of scared to see how they follow this up in season 2, because it seems like they’re ready to murder FMC.
If we ignore the LIs themselves, I did prefer Alanna’s route to Cassius’s. I feel like we got to see more of the other characters, and I thought the pacing was better. But I don’t like either of them. As I’ve said Cassius seems like he’s improving, but Alanna? Nope. I’m staying for the plot and Arabella, but I’m more than willing to drop her route if this pattern continues (especially if I decide it’s too triggering for me, my mental health is more important).
Rating: 2/10
Final thoughts
As I stated previously, while IHS’s initial premiere wasn’t the best, I believe this series has the potential to be good. My main issues are with the pacing, and above all, the LIs (which isn’t good for a visual novel story centered around romancing the LIs).
Overall rating: 3/10
This is my first time doing something like this so any feedback would be very appreciated. Feel free to offer any criticisms, and let me know if I should make a series out of this! (This did take me a while so if I decide to continue doing this it might not be posted until a day or two later)
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hamihamstik · 3 years
idk what the fuck did i do to yeah get ready for visual cancer and my bad writing.
´´John, that's enough! ´´ claims an annoying Alexander, a 17-year-old boy who attends Columbia University, this boy had charming eyes of a blue color combined with violet and a curly hair dyed a strong brown that He could almost look red, not forgetting his beautiful freckles which were scattered all over his face. He had to admit that he was very feminine and his height and body did not help, he was very handsome among women and men although he denied it. Taking her hands off his insistent boyfriend, John, the ones that only managed to scare him.
And it was October 31 and instead of going out to party with the boys or the Schuyler sisters, he could even stay with Gil or George and Martha but no, he had decided to stay with John in his apartment, to watch movies, taking advantage of his parents and siblings are not there.
Serious mistake.
You're a coward. . .''John jokes, continuing with the pinches that distract the freckled, in his attempt to pay attention. They were watching the Japanese version of ´´The Aro´´ and the truth is that Alex was on the verge of a heart attack, he was not good at horror films, although he had a masochistic taste for these types of films.
´´John, seriously. . .Y-stop! ´´ he asks in a not so convincing way, noticing how the blond's hands begin to slip through his clothes. Alexander knows that they are alone and that they will probably do "that" to take advantage of the time together; he resists anyway.
deep down he liked that Laurens wanted more of him.
Come on, you know the end. They all die, '' he whispers in Alex's ear and although he knows he is right, his hoarse and excited voice is what disturbs him.
In less than he expects, he's already got John on top of him and he's collapsed on the bed in a struggle actually. . .not so forced. And that although he does not want to admit it, Alexander likes that rude and daring side that he rarely showed and despite that, it was ´´Jack´´ who started this type of encounter, mostly to commit indecent acts and explore the joys of sex.
´´ Why don´t you stop Lex? ´´ jokes John with a little impatience and his cock is too erect. ´´oh! I don't know, maybe it's because I have a fucking fear that a woman will appear from the TV and kill us? ´ 'Alex sarcastically responds, with a small blush peeking out of his freckled cheeks and managing to get a small laugh from both of them. Listening to Alex's melodious laugh, for John it was music to his ears, but, if he had known this was going to happen, he would have put him in one of those 80's movies, with those he hadn't had any problems the last time.
"It doesn't matter, we'll fix it," he says, smiling confidently and pulling his pants down on his embarrassed and sarcastic boyfriend. Leaving those slender and shapely legs in sight.
He didn't need his dick to lift anyway, as long as he loosened it would be fine.
´´J-jack, u-hm. . . ” Alex gasps when he feels Laurens's tongue brush against her belly button in circles, as his hands venture up his thighs, spreading them wide open. In the background you can still hear the screams of the horror movie.
Movie that they will never finish seeing.
"Do you like it?" Jack asks between gasps and his cock about to burst. He had spent minutes preparing hard the contracted entrance of his dear boy, who would not stop panting and letting out moans that made him lose what little patience he had. ´´Y-yes. . I think I'm ready," he announces to which John, instantly, unbuttons his pants. Releasing his aching erection.
´´Ngh. . . Alex´´ John moans hoarsely against his ear, at the same time that he aligned his cock in his tight entrance, without waiting any longer, the blonde enters suddenly, drawing a groan from both of them at feeling so complete. It didn't take long when he began to thrust into his ass, as the sound of the bed and their sexual release filled the room. For a moment, none of them feel the noise of the film anymore. They are both gone in that dance of sweaty bodies that invokes pleasure and to which they have become addicted without knowing how.
Until something rings.
´´What was that? ´´ asks Alexander to the busy John, who doesn´t even flinch at the loud sound. He is still very immersed in his work of going out and going into the depths of his being.
A second noise is heard.
'' John. . .´´ Alex insists, starting to get really scared. It sounded like knocks, coming from the first floor. ´´Alex, for the shit stop squeezing me ngh !. ... it must be a fucking bird crashing into the window.´´ he tries to calm him down, feeling how his member is compressed against his insides, every time the freckled body tenses.
"What if he is your father?"
The blond's face pales at the horrendous possibility.
"Shit, get dressed!" He says, completely leaving his entrance, and then running off to get their clothes. He throws Alex's clothes at his face, ordering him to stay in the room and for no reason leave there, until verifying if he is his father.
He doesn't know about their relationship, nor that Alexander is in the house. . His presence of him there would be something very annoying to explain.
The minutes pass and John does not return, Alex begins to worry.
´´John? ´´ he asks once in the kitchen, he chosen to go downstairs anyway. They had spent several minutes without knowing anything about her boyfriend and now she was really scared
He walks towards the front door. . .
It's open.
. . .
With a little chill through running her body, he quickly goes to the kitchen for something to threaten his possible aggressor. He takes a knife, but since he does not consider himself a murderer, he decides to exchange it for a large meat grinder. At least with this one he could take down the possible intruder, before escaping.
Alexander, barely breathing, creeps into the house. There is no noise in it and no sign of John. So, drawing courage from him, he does not know where, he goes outside through the backyard door, where the entrance to the shed can be seen ajar.
A stain of what appears to be blood can be seen on the door of this and causes the freckled young man to collect his heart. Then, shivering and tears streaming from his violet eyes, he enters desperately.
´´J-jack? ´´ he asks with a shaking voice and gasping for breath. He does not see the blond, because it is very dark. He advances looking for the wall switch and then. . .
Then he steps on something that made his blood run cold.
´´AHHHHHHH !! ´´ he yells when he steps on something similar to a body, then realizing that it is just a very battered scarecrow. He breathes a sigh of relief and luckily for him, he finally finds the light switch.
He turns it on.
Alexander runs terrified of the place before what he saw. A shed full of blood-red stains and something that looked like guts scattered on the floor, but what had scared him the most was the dark cloak one that he could make out at the bottom of a corner.
It was that of a person.
. . .
Alarmed, he enters the house and without being able to reach the bathroom, in the kitchen dishwasher he begins to vomit. His body trembles and tears of deep pain fall from his eyes, as he thinks about the possibility of what he saw spread across the walls and floor. . . was his jack
-Hey, don't you think we went out of line?-
-Shut up dumb.-
-oh god, I can't anymore.-
-It was your idea, I'm just following you, asshole! -
-my idea?, it was Ben! -
-Don't blame me for his perversions, when Alex finds out he's going to hit us with that butcher's machete.-
Three young people comment on their joke while hiding in some bushes, unfortunately, precisely the ones facing the kitchen.
'' Shit, we're more than screwed. . .´´ are Benjamin's words as he sees Alexander open the bushes, revealing his hiding place. His face overcomes what is anger. His eyes are still red from crying and his serious gesture is one of complete hatred.
And he still has the machete in his hand.
"B-ben, weren't we going to the party?" Hale asks Benjamin, who nods nervously, because he knows that if they don't get out of there. . . . they will go very badly.
Alexander although he seems a weakling, but he has strength.
And a machete.
´´y-yes´´ supports him ´´ well dude. . . take care! ´´ Benjamin says goodbye, slapping John on the back, in an attempt to give him support. Although rather, it is a gesture of condolences to his sexual life.
Tonight someone was going to stay without fucking.
´´Alex,. .hey. . .´´ He tries to get closer to the redhead, taking care that the minor does not split his head.
´´NO! ´´ Alex jerks away from the arm that is trying to take him. "DON'T TOUCH ME, YOU'RE A DAMNED IDIOT!" He shouts angrily, trying not to give her the satisfaction of seeing him break into tears.
Although he was already doing it.
John, like few times in his life, feels bad about the things that
he does. And he had never seen Alex like this.
Crying as if his life were lost on it, and with so much sorrow in his eyes.
This time,
He messed it up.
´´Alex, sorry. . .´´ he whispers and makes a second attempt to get closer, which this time, if it seems to work. His dear boy is so sad and hurt that he does not resist when John embraces him, pulling him close to his body. ´´ I already told you I'm sorry, I'm fine. . Come on, don't cry. . .´´ he tries to calm him down, stroking his back and giving him small kisses on his face full of small salty tears.
'I-I thought you were dead. . .I-I saw all those things and. . .´´ Alex tries to speak but only starts crying again. John, feeling like the worst beast in the world, accompanies him in bed. Laying him on his bed and settling aside to caress his face, guiltily, until he stops crying. Spreading kisses down his cheeks, which were now red as was his nose.
´´J-john no. . .'' Alex tries to stop him when he sees him approach his lips to his face, with the intention of kiss him. ´ ´I v-vomited´´ he confesses ashamed, hiccupping from crying.
´´ I don't care, it's okay. I can clean you with my tongue. . .´´ John insists, speaking flirtatiously to make him laugh again. He likes Alexander who usually laughs, who cries in this way hurts him, and more to know that it was his fault.
´´Stop your nonsense. . . . Can we sleep? ´´ asks what Laurens, trying to control her sexual / depressive urges, nods.
He would have to stay with it this time.
They both snuggle up, covering themselves well with the blankets and giving each other a couple of kisses before going to sleep.
A noise is heard again
Alexander, snuggled against Jack's chest, looks up. John, annoyed, decides to ignore the sound similar to that of a while ago.
Again he is heard again.
These idiots. . .´´ he complains, taking his cell phone to give Benjamin's life sermon. When he answers him, he receives exactly that.
-Hey idiot, are you retarded or what? Stop with your shit or seriously I'm going to kick your balls, and until they come out.
But it is not Benjamin who speaks, it is more, nobody answers. The music of the party is not heard either. Only someone's breathing can be heard in response, so terrifying it makes John hang up the phone and throw it to the ground as if on fire.
´´What's wrong? ´´ asks Alex, calmer now. Jack was a little pale. And is that John, had already heard that noise. He heard it when he stood at the entrance of the house, when he went out in search of what was generating that annoying blow, and then ended up meeting his friends and playing that stupid joke for which he now feared that the freckled man would really hate him.
"It's nothing, let's go back to sleep." He replies, trying to convince himself that it must be another stupid joke of those two. Alexander closes his eyes quietly but John cannot sleep, any noise alerts him. He has a bad feeling.
´´ What's wrong, can't you sleep? ´´ asks Alex, noticing how his Jack moves too much on the bed. . . "no. . . .i have a little insomnia" he confesses, not wanting to terrify him with the chilling thoughts of him.
Where there was still someone in his home.
´´ Me too´´ Alex mentions as he snuggles deeper into John's arms. "Do you want to fuck?" Asks the blonde, to which Alex just laughs. "Jack, don't think I forgot the joke," he replies to which John huffs, frustrated, assuming there really wouldn't be sex today.
´´ although I am surprised that they were so detailed with all that of the blood, guts and that dark suit.´´
´´What a dark suit? ´´ asks John, not remembering that in the plan.
´´the one with the disguise, the dark cape.´´
´´ There was no dark layer .´´
´´ but I saw someone at the back of the shed.´´
. . .
This is when John is more alarmed than before.
And when another noise is heard, this time they can both notice
Which is from a window on the first floor. and that this time they will not be able to see the light of a new day.
Morning news, yesterday October 31, two bodies were found on 123rd Street, because of the atrocious way in which they were murdered, they could not recognize them, however, thanks to our best police officers, we now know their names. John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton. we recommend not leaving the house while we still do not catch this man.
On tv there was an image of the murderer of that couple.
who could say that John Andre's jealousy would lead him to commit such an atrocity.
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365days365movies · 3 years
March 18, 2021: The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) (Part Two)
This movie is interesting so far, and funny!
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Granted, it’s a Woody Allen movie, so that shouldn’t be terribly surprising to me. It also won’t be the last of his films I’m watching this months, little spoiler alert there. You can go ahead and guess which one’s coming down the pike, if you want to.
By the way, this is a surprisingly uncommon trope. Most of the time, people will go into a TV, rather than coming out of it. Why is this not done more? Seriously, this is an interesting idea, and it’d genuinely odd to me that this is still a mostly untapped idea. Get on that, Hollywood! Although...the last time you did something like that...
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Right. Maybe...maybe do something else with the idea, huh? Like, use it...but use it well, please. Anyway, back to the movie! First part right here!
Recap (2/2)
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As agreed, Cecilia takes Gil to meet Tom, and when he does, Tom goes OFF on the dude, accusing him of ruining his career, just as it was about to take off, yaddayaddayadda. This is contrary to the claim that Gil wouldn’t get angry at Tom, disappointing Cecilia. Tom and Gil argue about Tom’s presence n the world, and Tom insists that he’s in love with Cecilia.
Gil asks Cecilia to tell him to go back, as he’s a fictional character, and she’s real. Tom insists that he can learn to be real, the possibility of which Gil denies. Nevertheless, Gil informs his superiors and the authorities about this, which Cecilia shows Tom what the real world is actually like. And back at RKO Pictures, it’s revealed that another iteration of Tom in a theater in Texas is forgetting his lines. The plot thickens.
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Cecilia takes Tom to a church, and as they’re beginning to talk about religion, Monk shows up. He’s gotten word of the two spending time together, and he’s here to break it up, like an asshole. Tom defends Cecilia as Monk is about to assault her, and the two fight in the church, although Cecilia pleads with both of them. And the way the fight is stages looks...well, staged, which is clever.
However, this isn’t a movie, and Monk plays dirty, sucker punching him and literally kicking him while he’s down. Cecilia steps in to stop it, and she refuses to come with him, staying with Tom to make sure he’s OK. Monk leaves, angry and needing a drink, and Tom gets up completely fine. A perk of being an imaginary person, it would seem. No blood, and no injuries.
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After this, Cecilia runs into Gil once again, and he bemoans the situation, and his potentially ruined career. However, Cecilia feeds his ego mercilessly, calling him a movie star with great potential. This ego inflation works wonders on Gil, and he quickly warms to Cecilia, offering to buy her lunch. He also reveals his real name, Herman Bardebedian, and compliments her looks as well.
Meanwhile, at the amusement park, Tom is lingering about. He’s called on by Emma (Dianne West), a “working girl” that offers to take him back to her place of work, which is a brothel. There, he speaks with the sex workers there, who attempt to proposition him. However, he’s only interested in speaking philosophy and existentialism, charming all of the women there. They offer him a “free night”, but the pure-hearted Tom refuses, as he’s in love with Cecilia. It’s a surprisingly sweet scene.
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Meanwhile, Gil and Cecilia are walking the town, with Cecilia showing her talents in playing the ukelele at a music shop, and with Gil singing along, in yet another VERY sweet scene. This is an interestingly sweet movie, hidden beneath the sardonic nature of the whole thing. After this, the two recite one of Gil’s scenes in a movie, culminating in a kiss between the two.
Cecilia’s extremely shaken by this, although she does appreciate the kiss. And yet, she’s still married, AND she’s devoted to Tom, whom she says is “fictional, but you can’t have everything.” Confused, she heads out. Which makes this the rare film where a man is technically cucked by himself. Nice.
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Meanwhile, at the movie theatre, the cast is speaking to an empty theatre, and noting their complete uselessness without Tom present. They once again note the futility of their situation. A communist character tries to get the rest to revolt, while Henry proposes that they’re reality, while the audience is the screen.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, Tom Baxters are starting to cause trouble in other theatres. Four theatres report Tom Baxter attempting to leave, prompting RKO to pull the picture from theatres. But first, they must get the rogue Baxter back into the movie, then they’ll take every copy of the film and BURN THE SHIT OUT OF IT. Meanwhile, at the amusement park, Tom attempts to woo Cecilia one again, and proposes going out that night. And he does go out with her, but to the theatre. And there...he pulls Cecilia into the movie!
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In the movie, his money is good and real, and the entire cast goes to the Copacabana as scheduled, with Cecilia tagging along this time. And I’m loving every second of this, this is an awesome story. At the Copacabana, Kitty the nightclub performer is singing. Once she’s done, she questions Cecilia’s presence, as it goes against the plot. Tom tells her that Cecilia is real, and Kitty faints at the realization.
Tom takes her out on the town, and the maître d’ realizes that they’re chucking out the plot...meaning that he can finally do something that he’s always wanted to do: DANCE. And as he tap-dances on stage, can I just say, I adore this movie. Because I ADORE this movie.
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After this, Tom takes Cecilia out on the town as promised, and we get a stereotypical film montage of dancing and partying in the fictional New York City. They go back to the apartment in the early morning, which is now empty of people.
There, the two finally kiss...only for Gil to show up in the movie theatre and interrupt it. Between the screen and the theatre, the three have a conversation, where Gil admits that he’s in love with her. The two step out of the screen to speak with him, and the love triangle crystallizes in a conflict. As the other movie characters arrive and add their input, the choice is up to Cecilia.
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And she chooses Gil. Tom is crushed, but Cecilia explains that Gil is in the real world, and Tom...well, Tom is a fictional character. And Cecilia has to live in the real world. Tom goes back into the film, which finally proceeds as scheduled. And Gil and Cecilia leave together, to start a new life.
...Or will they? Cecilia goes home and packs, as Monk attempts to reconcile with her. But Cecilia’s done, and she’s leaving  him for good. Monk threatens her once again, but this whole situation has filled her with some courage, and she leaves, like leave-leaves. She goes to the movie theatre, where she’s set to meet Gil...but he’s gone. Because Gil never loved her. It was all, well...an act. He played Cecilia to get Tom to return to the screen, and to continue his own career, the absolute piece of shiiiiiiiiit.
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Left with nothing at all, Cecilia once again delves into escapism, and views the real film Top Hat, starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. She walks in on the scene where Astaire is singing...well...Cheek-to-Cheek. 
Fade to black.
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And, damn! That’s The Purple Rose of Cairo! A terribly bitter ending for a great movie! And, uh...yeah, this is a low fantasy film, but it’s also high up there in my favorites, and is now my favorite Woody Allen film. But I’ll elaborate more on that in the Review. See you there!
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Multipart commission - Harry Hook x reader - A Prince Behind the Pirate - part 7 - its going down
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In the night and most of the day you had been locked in the brig, you were surprisingly….not treated like dirt? You honestly had expected mals little stories of Uma to be true, treating her prisoners as if the weren’t even worth the bottom of her shoe, letting her crew torture them.
But the entire time you had been there, nothing really happened, they gave you back your bag and all its stuff inside (with one or two granola bars missing, courtesy of Gil) and had tossed you a pillow and blanket.
All in all, it wasn’t a horrible experience that Mal had foretold, actually, Uma was being….accommodating? and you had to say, Gil was a very entertaining guard.
You laid on your back as you watch Gil deal the Uno cards, his tongue sticking out of his mouth slightly. “okay there, now, 7 each right?”
You nodded and watched as he tossed cards through the bars to you. “what are yeh gilly weeds doin’?” a confused Harry said from the top of the brig stairs, he….looked like a normal teen, his large red jacket was missing from his shoulders, he was now wearing a plain white t-shirt and black-grey sweatpants with some old repaired converse.
“uno! It’s a card game from Auradon, wanna play?” Harry sighed and looked to the ceiling, before shrugging. “sure im bored and can’t sleep”
He slid down on the wall next to Gil, holding out his hands for cards. Gil dealt him out the 7 and then turned to you. “what were the rules again?”
“match the color or number, 7s you can switch cards with whoever you want and 0’s are everyone switches hands, you can stack plus twos and fours, and you can jump in if you have the exact same card”
You flipped the first card down, Gil going next and Harry following.
It was a while before the chaos started.
But booooy Harry was funny when he was mad.
“HOW FEKIN DARE YEH GIL!! I ONLY HAD ONE CARD LEFT AND YEH BETRAY MEH LIKE THA’?” you were laughing your ass off as gil just smiled smugly as Harry screamed at him.
“it's just part of the game Harry!” Gil laughed, leaning back and grinning like the Cheshire cat. Harry pouted and crossed his arms, glaring at him, eyes drifting to you, who was still giggling.
“i-I cant breathheheh!” you cackled, feeling tears run down your cheeks, you cracked open your eyes, seeing Gil beaming down at you while Harry had his….look on his face “s-sorry” you breathed deep, trying to calm down before bursting into another fit of giggles.
“you-you good lass?” Harry had opened the door to your cell awhile ago, so he leaned over and rubbed your shoulder, you nodded and stopped laughing for a moment, staring into Harry's blue eyes….before bursting into ANOTHER fit of laughter. “yer very giggly aren’t yeh” he chuckled
“i-im so-sorry” you cried, your stomach was starting to hurt “Its-its always hard for me to stop laughing” Gil let his own set of laughter lose, sitting up from his spot on the floor and helping you sit up.
“I've learned laying down doesn’t help stop the laughter” he offered, holding you in place as you finally gained control of your breathing.
“t-thanks” you sighed, waving your hands in your face to cool yourself down.
“you’re welcome” Gil chirped, picking his cards back up and nodding to you “your turn right?”
“y-yeah” you picked your cards up and tossed down a +4, jumping in on your own card. “plus-four Gil” Harry cackled
“haha! Revenge yeh gakit!” Gil rolled his eyes and took his cards. Harry smirked at you, slamming down a + 4 and cackling. You just mock laughed and smacked down your OWN +4.
“hahahaha ha~” Gil laughed, putting down ANOTHER + 4 “take 12 Harry!” Harry just stared down at the card, he dropped his cards and stood, giving you and Gil the middle finger and stomping back upstairs and to his cabin.
You and Gil glanced at each other and burst out into laughter.
Uma and you just kinda….stared at each other as noon rolled around “what the hell happened last night?” uma cocked her hip and raised her brow.
“We played Uno and Gil plus twelved harry” you shrugged, Uma just looked more confused.
“uh…okay whatever” Uma muttered, scratching her neck “Let's hope your little friends come for you huh?” you nodded, pursing your lips and looking around.
“so what do really want with the wand?” Uma sighed, deciding to just lay it all out.
“be free? That’s it mostly, it sucks here, rotten food, I have to sew all my clothes an-“
“hold the fu*k up” you stopped her, staring at her with wide eyes “ROTTEN FOOD!??!?!”
Uma just stared at you confused “uh yeah? The barge just sends all your leftovers? You didn’t-“
“w-what scandal?” Uma muttered. You blew your hair out of your face more dramatically than you usually would have.
“a lot of people found out that the isle wasn’t getting ANY good food so they got mad and made him start sending fresh food and assuming you're not lying, he just dropped it as soon as everyone stopped paying attention!!!”
Uma groaned and face planted “I think I remember the small time of fresh food….i think it was like half a year and that was it.” Uma was genuinely surprised at your anger “so you really didn’t know about the whole rotten food thing?”
“i-I don’t think even Ben knows! King asshole is still in charge of the isle…stuff so hes been hiding it from Ben! Im sure if Ben knew, you all would have been eating actual food as soon as he became king”
Uma sighed and rubbed her forehead “This is just one big ol’ mess” she looked over your shoulder and yelled out to Harry “get her to the plank, im sure they’re almost here” she looked back at you for a moment.
“….you won't be going over don’t worry about it” she muttered, sighing loudly as she walked to the gangplank.
Harry walked over and untied you, looking from Uma to you “what did yeh tell ‘er?”
You didn’t answer, looking down at Harry's arms, realizing that he was much…smaller that you thought he would be.
As if he never got enough to eat, you knew if you grabbed his wrist your fingers would touch. Harry frowned as you looked at his arms, forcing you to turn around and push you towards the plank.
“jus’ walk lass” you obeyed and simply walked to the plank.
As the vks arrived, including Ben and Lonnie, Uma got excited, bouncing around and jeering at Mal.
“Finally~! Let's get this started shall we?”
A few minutes of negotiations went by, most of which you stood on the plank, Harry's hand gripping your shoulder to keep you from losing your balance.
“now why would you give me a phony wand?” huh? How did Uma-
Mals jaw dropped and she looked over to you with betrayal in her eyes “you-you told her!?!” Uma let out a cackled, grinning like the cat who caught the canary.
“nope~ you just did~” she nodded her head at Harry, who stared to guide you backward and back to the brig.
“hey- what!?”
“you didn’t go through with your half Malsy, why would I go through with mine?” Uma laughed, gesturing for her crew to advance on Mals, driving them back to the garage.
“we’ll be sending our demands later beasty boy~” Uma cooed, giving him a sharp grin as he looked to you desperately, you sighed and started to head back to your cell. Harry was just behind you, making it seem like he was forcing you back down to the brig.
Something bugged at the back of your mind….maybe you being stuck here would shed light on the isle and in the end, Uma would get what she wanted in a way without the wand or destroying Auradon in the process.
--end of part 7--
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
Omg can we get an ask like the one about gil being bff with the reader but instead with mattie and alfie? like shes bffs with mattie and returns alfie's feelings uwu thank! ♥♥♥
The American winced as he came down the stairs, the familiar feeling of jealousy boiling in his stomach.
You were laying on the couch with his brother, your legs sprawled out over his lap. Mathews arm laid over your thighs as both of you stared at the show playing too engrossed in it to even know he was there. Rolling his eyes he hopped off the last step and walked past the TV into the kitchen.
“Hey Allie.” You mumbled, using his nickname. That little recognition made the jealousy die down slightly. He mumbled ‘hi’ back before digging around the cabinets to find something to snack on. Loud laughing was heard from the other room and he made the mistake of looking. You were clinging onto Mathews arm as wave after wave of laughter fell upon you both. Before he could stop himself he slammed the cabinet door shut, grabbing a bag of chips and marching up the steps.
“What was that about?” You whispered after the Americans door slammed shut. The Canadian shrugged his large shoulders.
“I don’t know. He probably lost to Gil In PUBG.” Mathew chuckled. You looked at him with concerned eyes.
“I know but it always freaks me out when he is angry. I mean, when he does shït hits the fan.” You whispered. Mathew nodded his head in agreement.
“You should go talk to him. He is in love with you afterall.” Mathew urged, nudging you with his elbow. You pushed him away playfully a blush across your cheeks.
“Whatever.” You sighed. Yes you knew about the Americans crush on you. It happened when you walked in on the two brother fighting.
“This is exactly like you! You always have to one up me. I can’t just have one thing to myself!” Mathews yelling made you stop in your tracks. You were in the foyer of their home, and you could see Mathew and Alfred standing in the livingroom. Alfred had his back turned to you, but Mathew was facing you. He didn’t see you yet.
“I can’t help my feelings! It has nothing to do with you! That’s the problem you take everything so personally!” Mathew rolled his eyes at the American. You could see both men’s shoulders shaking slightly and they looked like they were about the jump over the couch to wrestle one another.
“No! It definitely does had something to do with me. You’re just jealous That someone is finally paying attention to me instead of you!” Mathew yelled. You jumped a little at the loudness of his voice. Alfred groaned on annoyance and rubbed at his face harshly.
Your mind was reeling. Who were they talking about. You wondered for a quick second if it was you, but you quickly brushed the thought away. There’s no way Allie could like you! But you couldn’t deny the fluttering feeling that arose on your stomach at the thought.
“I love her okay! What do you expect! She’s around here 24/7. We spend holidays together, birthdays together! You think I’m not going to grow attached to her! I know it sucks because she’s your best friend, but I can’t stand around and watch her eventually be with someone else! Wouldn’t that be better? Her dating me instead of some asshole that doesn’t see how amazing she truly is? She is obviously still going to be your best friend and I won’t get in the way of that, I promise. But I need her to know how I feel.” Alfred’s voice had died down to a normal tone as he spoke. Your body froze.
‘I know it sucks because she’s your best friend.’ Those words rang over and over in your head. You were Mathews best friend. There was no doubt about it. Your eyes were trained on the Canadian wondering what he would say.
“What happens if you two break up? I’m not going to stop seeing her. She has been my best friend for 7 years! You don’t get to ruin that.” Mathew was stern. His arms crossed over his chest as he looked at his brother intensely.
“If we broke up- which we won’t. Then I promise I won’t make her uncomfortable.”
“What is she doesn’t return your feelings?”
‘I do.’ You though quietly to yourself.
“Then I’ll make sure to make myself scarce. I want her to be comfortable and safe just as much as you do.” Alfred sighed. Mathew eyed him up and down suspiciously.
“I know you’re my brother, but she’s my best friend. I don’t want either of you getting hurt.” Mathew trailed off. Alfred nodded his head.
✨End flashback✨
A little while after that Alfred had gone back upstairs and Mathew saw you peaking your head around the corner. You two both had a long discussion about how all of you felt and you both decided you weren’t going to pay any attention to it unless Alfred confessed. It’s been a month and he hasn’t yet.
“Go up and talk to him.” Mathew pressed, smirking down at you.
“Are you sure?” You asked. “I don’t want him to snap at me and we are in the middle of our show.” You reasoned. Mathew laughed and ruffled your hair.
“Maple, Go talk to him.” The Canadian cupped your chin with one hand, ensuring you looked him in the eyes. “We both know what this is about.” You smiled softly and nodded your head, hopping up from the couch.
You darted up the stairs and made your way to the door with the large American flag painted on it. You brought your hand up and knocked loudly. The door quickly opened and the American looked down at you with a smile. Good so he isn’t still mad.
“Is it because I slammed the doors? Sorry about that, Gil beat me at PUBG again.” You could tell the American was lying. You shrugged and motioned your hand asking if you could come in. Alfred quickly opened the door allowing you to come in. You had only been in his room a select number of times. He had a navy blue bed spread and a red rug/pillows. He had his comic book collection framed and put on display and he had a huge bookshelf filled with movies and video games. His bathroom door was closed and he quickly shut his closet door as soon as you walked in. His room was surprisingly clean except for a few soda cans on his gaming desk and on his window sill.
You plopped down on the bed, and he quickly sat next to you.
“I have a feeling you’re going to tell me something bad.” Alfred sighed. He leaned back and rested his head against the wall. You smiled nervously and twiddled your fingers.
“I don’t think it’s bad, and I hope you don’t either.” Your voice came out a little quieter than you intended. You took a few deep breath and looked at the American who was staring at you with wide, concerned eyes. You bit your lip trying to find the right words. Alfred leaned forward and gripped your hand assuringly. That gave you the small boost of confidence you needed.
“I like you, a lot.” You smiled. You quickly adverted youe eyes away from him and chose to look at the floor. Your face was suddenly cupped by to large hands and you were forced to look at Alfred. His eyes gleamed and he had a soft smile on his face.
“Like-Like?” He questioned. You rolled your eyes and nodded your head.
“I’m practically in love with you.” You cringed as that came out, covering your mouth. Alfred laughed and pressed you against his chest, tucking you under his chin.
“I’m practically in love with you too- well no, I am in love with you, but don’t worry you’ll get there too.” He chuckled, kissing the top of your head. “What about Matt?” He whispered, after a while. You snuggled deeper into his chest and looked up at him. He rested his forehead against yours looking down at you expectantly. You blushed as his blue eyes sparkled down at you with such raw emotion.
“We talked about it. He’s mostly okay with it. But I am still going to be spending a lot of time with him.” You warned.
“I wouldn’t want you not to spend time with him.”
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snarkwrites · 3 years
04 | trouble | greg sanders | csi:vegas
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So this came to me earlier. And I make no promises that this is even remotely accurate for how things would actually play out or progress, but it’s fanfiction. I did my best with realism, but you’re warned up front. I am not either a law enforcement professional, nor am or have I ever been involved in things like this.. Nor do I claim to know how shock / people would react in a situation like Belle is in currently. I’m doing my best with it.
That being said, I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. It’s been another fun one to write because it has crime and stuff in it AND romance and fluff ( well I mean it will eventually)
 Mentions of murder / crimes. Attempted murder. Stalking & slight hints at violence. Your typical crime show type stuff. Read with caution, loves.
Belle’s come to Vegas to escape an ex fiance. To try and pick herself up and move past what she’s witnessed. But she might just be in over her head this time...
Greg Sanders X Sidle!Sibling OFC, Belle.
Other Parts:
[ one - two - three part 1 - three part 2 - soundtrack ] 
Other Stuff:
[ faq & tag list doc ] 
The calls started a day or two later. From an unknown number. At all hours of the day and night. I’d gotten to a point where between the calls and the nightmare and my mind replaying everything I’d seen in the alley that last night in New Orleans, I was barely sleeping. 
I’d just started to doze off on the couch in front of the television when the cell phone charging on the end table started to ring.
I gulped, suddenly wide awake all over again.
My hands shook as I reached out to pick up my ringing phone, just to see who it was. I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding when I realized that it wasn’t another unknown number, it was Greg.
“Greg, hi.”
“ Hey. So, I thought I’d call. Make sure you were okay while I’ve got a thirty minute break.” 
I stretched and smiled a little. The tension that had built up in me was starting to subside and I slipped off my sister’s couch, pacing the living room of her apartment for a few seconds. “How’s everything going there?”
“It’s been a slow night tonight. What about you?” he answered.
… aside from every single time I try to get some sleep, I’ll hear a noise and freak out, go for the gun I caved in and bought myself or my switchblade.. Or when I do manage to drift off, I’m getting creepy calls or I see a slow mo replay of how I watched my ex fiance kill a man in cold blood or how he almost ran me over with his car… Instead of dumping it all on Greg, I shoved it down all over again.
I guess my thought process is that if I shove all this down deep enough, it’ll eventually disappear and I’ll be fine again. Logically, I know it’s not true, but it’s the only thing I can do right now.
,, aside from staying in this apartment and never leaving the safety of it again. How’s that working out for you, huh?” my mind taunted me. I used to be a lot braver than this. I used to always have a ton of ideas and approaches for women who found themselves in my situation right now. Funny, when I need it most just to get by, that bravery and boldness has pretty much vanished.
I never thought I’d be the girl who had an actual panic attack at the thought of going out to pick up groceries and go for a job interview. A job interview that I’d no doubt been so jittery during that I wouldn’t be getting.
Fingers tangled in my hair, tugging as I paced the darkened room. The silence felt heavy. And I felt like I was being watched.
Just like I have every single night since I left New Orleans.
“Are you there, Belle?” Greg’s voice brought me out of my own head and I managed a shaky “Yeah. Yeah, I’m here, I’m fine.. Just thinking.” response. He repeated his question. I knew he didn’t believe a single word when I reassured him for a second time that I was fine.
I thought I heard the ladder to the fire escape rattle and I tensed, going quiet. My breath catching in my throat. 
Almost as soon as I heard the guy who lives below my sister and Gil start up a conversation on his  cell phone, I let out a ragged breath.
“Have you been able to sleep?” Greg asked a few seconds later.
It was a question I didn’t dare answer because I’m discovering that apparently, Greg is gonna be the one person other than Sara that I can’t hide things from. My mouth opens and out comes the truth.
And he’s already involved in this bullshit enough.
I finally sighed. “Here and there.”
It wasn’t a complete lie.
“You need sleep, Belle.”
If the situation I was in weren’t scaring me to death. If I didn’t have so much on my mind already, the tone of his voice all calm and firm… It would’ve done things to me.
,, being a sucker for a firm tone and a pair of deep brown eyes hasn’t done you any favors at all so far in life, Belle.” was my immediate thought. And that was followed by a quieter one. It almost didn’t sound like my own thought at all… It kind of made me think of and miss my mom.
,,We Sidle women certainly have ourselves a well established type.” for a few seconds, I wasn’t sure if it were the delirium from lacking sleep for a while now or my own memories of her… But I could almost close my eyes and see her perfectly as she said it. It had been the opening line of her toast to my aunt years ago.
It had been the last thing she spoke on mine and Sara’s actual father, and it was the very thing she said in a dreamy tone when she met the man that ultimately became our stepfather years down the road… A man who come to think of it, reminded me a lot of Gil Grissom. ,, And Greg.” my mind interjected but I shoved it back out quickly.
And if I really thought back further… The little bits I remembered about our father reminded me an awful lot of Vinnie.
I sighed.
“I know, I just… Can’t. I keep replaying it in my head.” I wiped at my eyes. Lack of sleep had them burning. 
Again, it wasn’t a total lie. It was the truth, just leaving out the simple fact that there was so much more to the story than Greg even really knew.
I flopped back down on the sofa and my eyes settled on the microwave’s clock. Only a little after 1 am.
“Yeah, I know what you mean… a few years back, I went through something similar.” Greg admitted, going quiet on his end of the line for a second or two. I heard him take a sip of something and it made me think of the Corona sitting on the counter in the kitchen. Probably lukewarm by now. I rose from the couch, slinking into the kitchen and picked up the glass, taking a long sip. I nodded to myself when he gave me the vaguest runthrough of what happened to him. Sara had mentioned the incident to me back then. I remember actually buying a Vegas newspaper just to see how everything played out. It just seemed so senseless and cruel, what he’d had happen to him.
“All I want to do is sleep. Forget. But every time I’m close, I’ll hear a noise in this place and I’ll be wide awake.” I admitted it before I could stop myself.
Greg cleared his throat. For a few seconds that stretched into hours it seemed, he was quiet. Like he was thinking. Like there was something he wanted to say.
“I’ll be fine, I swear.” I reassured him, even though I honestly didn’t know I would be.
I didn’t even really know if I was going to make it out of this situation alive if I were going to be totally honest about it.
“Heard you talkin in here.” Nick spoke up from the doorway of the break room. 
Greg nodded, continuing to pace the room. It was harder to talk to her on the phone than in person. And it was driving him insane, knowing that she was going to do everything in her power to seem fine.
After telling Sara the whole story earlier, -or what he knew of it so far, Sara filled him in on how Belle tended to avoid handling things. Told him that she’d always been real skittish. Avoided confrontations, especially with men, like the plague. Knowing why that was really made him angry. Had him feeling more protective.
Everything Sara told him in their earlier conversation about Belle’s situation when he called to warn her stuck with him. It explained why she always seemed to want to back away whenever she’d get close. Or stop herself short of saying something on more than one occasion. Like she wanted to trust him but she was too afraid. ,, between the two exes Sara did tell you about and this asshole Vinnie… Can you really say you blame her?” 
“I heard what happened a few nights ago, man. Is she alright?”
“She’s not sleeping. I think I’ve seen her leave Sara and Gil’s place two times since… Without me.”
Nick eyed him and gave a knowing smirk as he did so. “Whaddya mean without you?”
“I said what I said. She’s over there freaking out, Nick. What am I supposed to do, just pretend I don’t know?”
“Oh. Oh.” Nick muttered as it all clicked into place for him. For as long as he could remember, Sara had always threatened to introduce Greg to her little sister. Kept saying she had a ‘feeling’ about the two.
,, looks like big sister’s hunch might just be right because he’s in head over heels. This is even more than he got involved with that Ellen woman a few years back.” the thought came but Nick kept it to himself.
Greg insisted it was friendship. It was because Sara seemed worried about her when she’d talked to him about her sister using the apartment while she and Gil were away on sabbatical. But Nick wasn’t stupid. He could see it.
“What the hell do you mean Oh?” Greg questioned, pacing a little, finishing off a burrito, swearing because as per usual, when he got to the middle of it, it was still mostly frozen. Nick nodded to a chair and Greg sat down, drumming his fingers on the table.
Nick turned the chair so that the back was against his chest and he sat down, chuckling as he shrugged. “I told you ya had a type, Greggo.”
“I don’t have a type. And it’s not even like that. She’s here by herself, man.” Greg pointed out, taking the last bite of the less than satisfying burrito.
“And in danger.” Nick reminded Greg gently. Greg nodded, shrugging. Nick happened to see the flash of anger in the other man’s normally warm eyes and he chuckled, shaking his head. “The more you keep tellin yourself this isn’t what it’s turnin into.. The faster it’s gonna turn into that.”
“Look. There’s something there, okay? But I’m ignoring that for now. All I know is that she’s going through something.”
“Just be careful, man.” Nick warned.
“This isn’t the same thing as Ellen, Nick.”
“I didn’t say it was. I don’t feel like it is at all, man. I just feel like there’s more to this than you realize.” Nick admitted, standing up.
“C’mon. Langston just sent me down to tell ya we got a case anyway, man. On the outskirts, near that one shady biker bar.”
“Just fuckin great.” Greg grumbled, standing. Launching the wrap that his burrito had come in at the trash. “What’s it look like this time?”
“Well, it was a shootout. Probably rival MC’s. There’s no tellin out there, man. You know that same as me.”
Greg nodded, the two men going silent.
Movement down in the parking lot caught my eye. More to the point, movement over by my car. I stared out the window, watching the black hooded figure pacing back and forth. The glow of a cigarette dangling between their lips. I could see it from where I stood in my sister’s living room window.
My heart was pounding a little faster. When the black hooded figure turned and seemed to be facing me, I dove out of sight, pressing against the wall. My breathing ragged, filling the heavy silence.
It was a little after 3 am now. And I’d almost been sleeping. But then I thought I heard the doorknob to the apartment’s front door start to jiggle, rocking hard as if someone were trying to force their way in. It hadn’t been, because I sat there in the dark, staring at the doorknob for almost ten minutes with nothing. Tensed up, my hand never far from the gun I’d stopped to buy myself earlier.
The gun sat on the end table, in my line of sight. It hadn’t left my sight since I’d stopped to buy it. It wouldn’t leave my sight anytime in the foreseeable future, either.
The moonlight through the window settled on the gun and I swallowed hard, squeezing my eyes shut. Trying to take a few long and deep breaths, trying to tell myself that maybe it was just one of the guys in the building, staggering around the parking lot too drunk to function and they’d just stopped by my car purely on accident. A coincidence.
But why linger for such a long time? Why stare up at the building?
After a few minutes of standing there, I made myself look down into the parking lot.
The black hooded person was gone, and I took a few long and shaky breaths to pull myself together.
Maybe it was nothing.
Yeah, it had to be nothing.
Deep down, I had the distinct feeling that it wasn’t just a random inconsequential happening. That the person had been lingering by my car. And not by accident, either.
,, Welp, there goes any hope of sleeping tonight. Between the nightmares and the replay of a few nights ago and what I just saw…”  I thought to myself as I made my way into the kitchen, preparing to brew myself a very strong pot of black coffee because that was probably the only way I was going to stay awake.
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arofili · 4 years
For the character ask: all the children of Finarfin
How I feel about this character:
Finrod: charming slutty blond twink with a heart of gold. maybe that’s too much fanon and not enough canon but you can tear that characterization from my cold dead hands tbh. like yes this is King “I Killed A Werewolf With Nothing But My Teeth And The Power Of Love” but he’s also Prince “I Rap Battled With Sauron And Lost” and Lord “I Befriended Men and Dwarves Before It Was Cool”
Angrod: of all his siblings i think he’s the most… Angry Boy. he has a temper, but he’s also married with a kid (I subscribe to the Orodreth Angrodion version of canon). i think he’s the ‘oh my god why can’t any of you be NORMAL’ brother. BOTH his mother name and his father name are derived from the word for ‘iron’ - he’s got an iron personality, very strong-willed and stubborn. i also hc that he’s the only arafinwean who has Earwen’s silver hair.
Aegnor: a hopeless romantic. the dreamiest arafinwion (and that’s including artanis!). very particular about his hair (which is a WILD canon detail that i love sjdfhdk) but also has terrible fashion. his head’s always in the clouds, he’s a daydreamer, but he’s also incredibly loyal and a really good friend. he almost always listens to his heart over his head - and the fact that he and andreth never marry is the One Time he listened to logic over emotion, and that haunts him forever.
Galadriel: almost as much of a genius as Feanor and almost as humble about it, which is to say, not at all. she’s proud and stubborn and full of herself, especially in her youth - she’s also gorgeous and smart and right a lot of the time, which doesn’t help her ego. by the time she’s become Lady of Lothlorien she’s been through a lot and is much more humble and wise, but i think that comes not just from her experiences but also from being married to Celeborn the Wise. i think he balances her out very well tbh. (my favorite Galadriel characterization EVER is from this fic by @nerdanelparmandil, check it out!!)
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Finrod: I ship Finrod with anything that moves tbh….. I see him as super super gay, he and Amarie were mutual beards which is why she didn’t follow him to Endore. i am a Known Slut for Finrod/Turgon in particular, they’re kind of endgame for me, but also @raisingcain-onceagain​ has converted me to Finrod/Edrahil!! And while the Nargothrond Disaster Trio are in no way shape or form HEALTHY, i really really enjoy Celegorm/Curufin/Finrod content, that dynamic is delicious. i can also get down on Maedhros/Fingon/Finrod, though not really in a serious way. PLUS Finrod/Beor is very good, as is Finrod/Barahir and Finrod/Beren(/Luthien if we’re feeling spicy), and you KNOW he got busy with some dwarves! I just think he’s very free with his feelings and desires, especially after coming to Beleriand, and he takes full advantage of his freedom and position of authority to get what he wants. (not necessarily in a weird power dynamics way, though he’s into that kind of kinky shit too probably, i mean more in ‘it’s my kingdom i get to make the rules and i say No Homophobia and No Slutshaming’) - and I’m super happy to multiship with Finrod, there are verses where he’s fucking everyone and verses where he’s pining over Turgon and verses where he never even thinks about anyone other than Edrahil and etc etc etc. there’s probably even verses where he and Sauron get up to some funky shit!
Angrod: I don’t have a lot of headcanons about him and Eldalote. She has a Sindarin name, so maybe she came with him to Middle-earth - or maybe not, and he just missed her so much that he wouldn’t shut up about her and so her name was Sindarized to Edhellos. Either way I think they had a very strong relationship that ended in tragedy one way or another. I’ve also seen some fun Angrod/Caranthir enemies-to-lovers stuff, which I can get into, but I think Caranthir is aro so it’s not really my main hc.
Aegnor: i mean how can you NOT ship him and Andreth??? that relationship is just….so tragic and heartbreaking and beautiful. I like the theory that Gil-galad was their child, and he was given to Orodreth to raise because Andreth couldn’t care for an elfling and Aegnor couldn’t publicly claim a son out of wedlock. But also verses where they are just tragically pining after one another are beautiful in their own way. My headcanon is that the thing keeping them apart was less about the war going on and more about Aegnor fearing to lose her - but then he actually dies before her, and Andreth has to live with that pain. (idk if that works out timeline wise but. yeah)
Galadriel: Meladriel is very good and I enjoy that - I’ve also seen some great Galadriel/Luthien and even a Galadriel/Feanor fic I enjoyed. BUT overall i really love that she chose to marry Celeborn, a wise “dark elf” even when she’s completely out of his league - he balances her very well, and I don’t buy depictions of her walking all over him. she cares about him and he’s really good for her!
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Finrod: I ship Finrod/Turgon but also WHAT a great friendship they have!! I love that they go adventuring together :) And Finrod, Maedhros, and Fingon are so fun to imagine growing up together! Plus there’s his relationship with his nephew Orodreth, who he clearly adores, and also the fact that he’s still buddies with the Feanorians even after the first kinslaying (at Alqualonde! his home! where his mom is from!) and he’s so excited to meet new people from the Sindar to the Edain to the Dwarves. Finrod’s just EVERYONE’S friend and i appreciate that!!
Angrod: ….what if he and Caranthir used to be really close, like they are similar ages and grew up together, but then Something Happened and they started hating each other later on. that would be Very fun. also, he and Aegnor were lords together over the same land and died together, which implies they were very close - close like Celegorm and Curufin!
Aegnor: Again, he and Angrod were Best Bros which is great. I also think he’s probably beloved by Andreth’s people, he’s just this huge elf man they all kind of adopted and he’s so honored that they love him so much!
Galadriel: Melian!! obviously!! she stayed in Doriath specifically to learn from her, which is super neat. and then Gandalf in the later ages, i love whatever they have going on in the movies especially. i also think she and Celebrimbor had a weird rival-friendship i the second age, they’re both geniuses but from opposite sides of the family feud…except the family feud has killed pretty much everyone BUT them, so they come together to mourn that.
My unpopular opinion about this character
(this turned into more of ‘what are their negative personality traits’ than ‘unpopular opinions’ but whatever…)
Finrod: i’m sure he did his best but….when he was king of nargothrond he was still gallivanting all over the place. orodreth was probably More In Charge from before he was officially king…
Angrod: he’s a grade-A asshole. just a dick. mean as shit and holds grudges forever. really annoying to be around.
Aegnor: a dumbass. always listens to his heart and gets in trouble for it, until the one time he listens to his head and regrets it forever.
Galadriel: would make an EXCELLENT villain. ‘all shall love me and despair’ ? come on yall. if it had been HER versus sauron instead of Finrod (and…considering she was probably friends with Luthien, it very well could have been) i think she may have won, and im just imagining Sauron working for her, and the second and third ages going very differently with her being a Queen who everyone loves until they look back and realize she’s been corrupted and turned evil.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
so i think canon did mostly a good job with them SO some of these are some AUs!!!
Finrod: …if he had managed to convince Celegorm and Curufin to help with the Silmaril quest–the war could have ended before the Nirnaeth, maybe. or at least gone very differently.
Angrod: im gonna physically fight tolkien over giving us practically NOTHING on the wives of various characters - tell me more about Eldalote you coward!!!!
Aegnor: JUST MARRY ANDRETH PLEASE. i’m a slut for interspecies relationships and the fact that this one is male elf/female human is SO good and frankly unprecedented in Tolkien’s works. PLEASE i need more!!!
Galadriel: FUCK that evil!Artanis AU would be REALLY cool and sexy, wouldn’t it?
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years
Every servant class has that one type of sport they all play. Chaldea has just a down time where all servants spend time with their class of servants.
Sabers play rough contact sports. So anything where they can push and shove each other is a priority. Wether it is playing American football where Mordred attempts to tackle Artoria only to have all the other knights stop them. Or soccer/football where there are a lot of accidental injuries because some servants *cough* Lancelot *cough* get distracted (Mash walked past with Chaldea’s master) and they proceeded to accidentally kick the ball into someone’s face and almost start a war. But their hands down favorite is capture the flag where everyone forms factions pretty much. We have the Roman servants Nero, Caesar, Attila, and Nero Bride. The Round Table Gang of Artoria, Artoria Alter, Artoria Lily, Arthur, Mordred (because dammit nobody is beating Father but me), Lancelot, Gawain, and Bedivere. The Japanese Swordsman Okita, Shiki Saber, Musashi, Suzuka Gozen, and Yagyū (much begrudgingly). All the remaining servants just group together just to have a remaining chance.
Archer’s all obviously compete in archery. There’s no real rhyme or reason to the scores just whoever wants to do a competition comes together and the others can do it casually. Usually the ones competing are mostly SSRs showing who’s the best. Gil is a smug asshole as usual. Artemis is trying just to impress Orion more. Artoria made Emiya agree to make food for her. Arjuna wants to prove he’s better than Karna and everyone is just like sir, he’s not even here. And everything else goes down from there.
Lancers play curling, I dare you to tell me I’m wrong. The Celtic servants all come together under the leadership of Scáthach, who leads them to victory most times. They work like a perfect team because Scáthach will not allow any boo boo the fools in her presence. So the Divine Servants (minus the Celts obviously) come together to even attempt to win, spoiler alert they don’t. Karna, Brynhild, Ereshkigal, Tama Lancer, Parvati, Medusa Lily, Jaguar Man, and Raikou Lancer all collectively get dominated by the Celts usually. The remaining Lancers don’t really try they just have fun with it.
Riders you would expect to y’know do riding. But you’d be wrong. Quetz demanded something physically taxing. So they eventually came to the agreement that they’d cycle through what everyone wants to do. So one day they may be wrestling, the next they might play volleyball, another might be ultimate frisbee. The one sport it never is though is riding because that’s their main job and it gets boring usually.
The casters play boxing chess because they’re that kind of chaotic. Merlin tried cheating and Tamamo started yelling. It gets 10x more chaotic once Shakespeare is up because that’s the kind of man. Avicebron steps up to go against Shakespeare because he has an irking to be the one to box the bastard. Shakespeare holds up well until the boxing starts. Poor Shakespeare didn’t stand a chance because they decided magic was allowed when boxing. Medea and Circe don’t really box each other, Medea is just winning the chess game and Circe doesn’t care enough.
The assassins play an intense version of tag. They choose one poor soul to be the one to look for all the other assassins. However if the unfortunate soul does figure out where someone is they can run as long as they don’t get hit they’re still in the game. Usually gramps has to be the one to look for people because it’s Gramps. The Hassans throw themselves out for him and then he has to go find the rest. To name a few hiding spots we have. Semiramis “hides” by looking for Amakusa, she doesn’t find him but Gramps finds her. Stheno swaps places with Euryale and when Gramps finds that out he lectures her. Carmilla is kinda bored hiding and lonely, Gramps finds her because she kinda gave herself up and refused to run. Jack is excellent at hiding and Gramps can’t find them until the game ended. Just to name a few.
Berserkers usually don’t really play structured games, more so just yelling and play fighting. They hold back just enough to keep each other from having to go into spirit forms. Raikou watches over everything but mainly Kintoki, and Kiyo depending on her mood will either join Raikou or join the play fighting.
All the Extra class servants play different sports depending what class gets to pick. Mash is usually with Chaldea’s master and doesn’t attend. But when she does she gets to choose. When the Rulers choose it’s usually kendo because Amukusa wanted it and nobody objected. Tha Avengers choose a virtual escape room which really isn’t a sport but anyway. They did it because Dantés wanted to laugh at the others while our Count is just getting everything done. BB experiments with different things and “cheats” usually but only Jalter cares enough to bring it up. The Alter Egos usually request to do ballet (upon Melt’s request) in which Passionlip sits on the side and gets to cheer everyone on or do whatever she really wants because this is the time for happiness not feeling bad about yourself baby.
Anyway that’s all I have in my system. I’m sorry it’s so long but like I had all of this stuck in my head.
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love-bucky-3000 · 5 years
Our Little Miracle  (Harry Hook x Reader
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Prompt Hello💜 can you make a Harry x pregnant reader where the reader is about to give labor but she has birth complications and she almost died but all Harry knows is that she is in critical condition and might die and he is breaking down and Uma is there to tell him it's okay and they have a sibling moment happy ending  @hadespleasesteponmyneck
Warning- angst, talk of death
An- My first Harry fic!! I hope you all enjoy it. More Hades to come. unedited.  once again, thank you @pennylesspiggybank for the title.
Seven months. It’s been seven months. Seven months of walking around with a bump, getting sad looks, as sad as the people of the Isle could muster. You haven’t been in the actual Isle since about month five. Harry put you on bed rest. You’ll need your strength for when the baby got here. Harry was being the perfect boyfriend through all of your mood swings and cravings. He’d go out to the market and get whatever you asked for. He still worked for Uma but handed over the dirty work to Gil. Speaking of Uma, she wasn’t acting as bad as you thought she would. She was actually helping. She even visited every once in a while, something that Harry didn’t know of. 
You watched as Harry jumped through the barrier. He did it. He made it. Your heart jumped. Would they kill him? Please don’t, Mal. You were in the shadows, exactly where Harry told you to stay. He looked back and walked over to the barrier. You stepped out of the shadows. His hand touched the border, his eyes were filled with adventure but love. “I’ll be back, my love,” he mouthed and blew you a kiss. You caught it and ducked back into the shadows before Mal saw you. Harry didn’t need them knowing about you. He’ll be safe. He’ll come back to meet his child.
You watched as the discussion between Harry and Gil grew heated until a rock flew through the air and fell into the water. You watched as Uma emerged from the waters. Harry and Gil grew excited. After more discussion, they all loaded into the long car thing. Harry looked back one more time. I love you was passed between you both until a blue-colored glove brought him down. A kick came from your stomach, “it’s okay, little one, Daddy will be back. He promised…”
It was hard to sleep without Harry telling your bump stories or singing to it. You’ve asked him what he thought the baby was. “As long as it’s healthy, (Y/N), I’ll love it,” was always his answer but he always used her when talking about her. Thinking about Harry with a little girl always made your heart melt. Your baby kicked again, it was happening more often, you only hoped Harry would be back before she came. There wasn’t a lot in terms of medication on the Isle and you needed Harry to be there telling you it’ll be alright.
The Isle was quiet. So was the apartment that you and Harry claimed when you found out you were expecting. One of the lost boys was doing your errands for you while Harry was away. Nothing for you to do but talk to your bump. You’ve seen what’s going on in Auradon and it scares you. What is Harry gets spelled and no one knows about you over there? Taking a breath, you pushed those thoughts away. Harry promised. He doesn’t break your promises. 
The days seem to drag on. You out in the market. It was a nice day in the Isle and you felt like getting some air. The baby’s kicks aren’t happening as often but they still do. It’s become a comfort for you. You just wished Harry would feel it kick. The atmosphere felt different. An almost… good different. Like a weight was taken off of everyone’s shoulders. You walked down to the market. You didn’t need anything but maybe you could have something on hand for when Harry gets back. You were looking at some really ripe bananas when a voice startled you, “and what do you think yer doing out of bed?” A smile spread across your face. Your love was finally back. “Harry…” you breathed and turned to him. He looked the same as when he left. “I’ve got something to show you.” “Hug me first please, we’ve missed you,” Harry’s grin spread at the use of the plural. “Come ‘er.” You all but fell into his arms, mindful of your bump. He was laughing, a very happy laugh, one you haven’t heard since you told him you were pregnant. It suddenly stopped and Harry quickly jerked back, “What was that?” You were confused. He dropped down to the ground and was eye level with your bump. “I felt something? Is she okay?” It happened again. A kick. Happy tears welled up in your eyes, “that’s just your little girl saying hello to you.” He let out a breath and the happiest look crossed his face. He kissed your bump and felt another kick. He laughed. He was so in love with this little baby already.
“Harry!” Uma’s voice pulled you out of your love crazed mind. He stood up and ran over to her, “Uma! The baby! She’s moving!” Uma smiled at how happy her first mate was. “I’m happy for you Harry. Now go get the mom and let’s bring her to Auradon,” Harry jumped. He couldn’t control his excitement. He dreaded letting you give birth on the Isle, scared to death he’d lose you, but now? He gets to take you back to Auradon. Where you’ll get the best doctors and you’ll live! You’ll live to see your baby grow. Harry couldn’t be happier. “We’re going to Auradon?” you asked. Uma smiled, “Yes, Mal is opening up the border for all of us. We’re finally united.” You grinned just as big as Harry. Finally, a chance to be happy.
Harry put an arm around your back and walked with you to the exit of the Isle. The border was open and a welcoming bridge was leading you to the bright city of Auradon. You looked at Harry to find him already looking at you. “Let’s go home, Harry.” A tear leaked out his eye and he kissed you. Yeah, finally a home.
You made it across the bridge, but Harry stopped you. All eyes were on you and the group from that Isle that was behind you. Harry looked skeptical. You saw the VKs. Their eyes were on you, mostly your stomach and Harry’s arm wrapped protectively over you. King Ben stepped up with Mal right behind him. He smiled brightly and did something you thought you’d ever see. He bowed. He bowed to the children of the Isle. Mal followed, and then the rest of the citizens of Auradon. You felt tears. You’ll finally be accepted somewhere. Uma cheered and it broke everyone out of the shocked silence. Uma ran to Mal and everyone else rushed forward. You turned to Harry. He kissed you. Right in front of everyone. He smiled into the kiss.
“Harry Hook! You didn’t seem like the person to settle down,” came Evie’s voice and broke apart. You smiled and pushed Harry back when he tensed up. “I’m (Y/N).” Evie shook your hand and looked down, “how long?” You smiled, “Seven months.” Evie gasped, “You should be in bed! Doug! Where’s Ben?” she turned to you, “Ben will make sure you both have a place to stay first.” You smiled gratefully, “We really appreciate it, Evie.”
“You were looking for me- oh! You’re pregnant,” Evie laughed, “yes, Ben, she is. She needs a place for when the baby comes.” Ben nodded and smiled. He grabbed your hand, “We’ll get a doctor to have a checkup on your baby.” You smiled again and turned to Harry. He wasn’t looking at you, he was looking at your bump. Love was swimming in his eyes. You patted his cheek to get his attention, “Hey. Did you hear Ben?” He nodded but you doubted that he did. 
A sudden sharp pain cut through your abdomen. You hunched over and groaned. “Baby! What happened?” Harry grabbed your upper arms so you didn’t fall over. Another round of pain cramped your stomach. “H-Harry…” your pants grew wet. No. Not now. You grabbed Harry’s bicep hard. “Harry, it’s coming.” “Oh shit, Evie!” Evie ran over. She quickly understood and got a couple of guards to help take you to the small hospital that was in the school. It wasn’t equipped for a baby but it will be by the time the baby actually came. 
All you felt was pain. You didn’t feel being moved from Harry’s arms to a stretcher. You didn’t notice the harsh lights of the hospital. Or the beeping of the heart machine going down… 
Harry’s POV
There was blood. Your blood. All over the stretcher and his hands. You had collapsed by the time the guards go to you. Harry couldn’t do anything, he watched as they lifted you up into the big van. Ben was by his side guiding him into the waiting car. Sentences weren’t coming together. He caught words like “hospital” and “surgery” but nothing fit together. He could feel tears leaking but he couldn’t wipe them away. He flinched when a hand started to wipe them away for him. “Hey, it’s just me. You’re okay.” It was Uma. He looked over. She had a cloth in her hand and was giving him a sad look. “Um…” he couldn’t get her name out. He broke down. He fell into her arms and cried. 
Uma just held him as he cried, “she’ll make it Harry. They got great doctors here.” He just cried harder, because what if you didn’t? Harry couldn’t think about it. What will he do when you’re gone. What if he loses you and the baby? Harry sobbed. He didn’t care who was in the car with him. He just wanted you. He heard Ben say something about going to the actual hospital and Harry looked up. His bloodshot eyes met Ben’s. Ben looked like he was also about to cry. “P-please tell me s-she’ll make it.” Ben struggled to put on a small smile for the pirate. “The doctors will do their best. Uma’s right, she’s in good hands.” Harry nodded and leaned against the car window. He tried to think of happier thoughts. His thoughts brought him to when you met…
It was a cold night on the Isle. The scraps of fabric doing nothing to warm his body. Harry considered himself one of the lucky ones. At least he had a jacket. He was strutting around the market. Not many people out. He picked up a piece of beard, winked at the seller, who rolled their eyes and bit into it. A sudden object hit his head. “Pay for it you asshole.” He smirked and slowly turned around. So someone wants to play? The words died in his mouth
when his eyes landed on the most beautiful thing
on the Isle. A girl with braided hair and tattered clothes.
“Well, whoo might you be, love?” He turned up the charm.
Maybe she’ll bite. You rolled your eyes. “Pay the for the 
bread  and get lost, pirate.” Oh, she’s feisty. Good. Harry spread his arms wide, “come on, baby, I can’t have a little
Bread in this weather?” 
The car jerked to a stop, knocking Harry out of his thoughts. Uma was pushing him out of the door. They were in the emergency section of the hospital. Harry’s eyes didn’t focus on anything. He watched Ben walk up to a nurse and the nurse point them down the right hall. Uma kept her hand on his shoulder. He felt like he’d fall if she didn’t. They followed Ben down the hall.  If Harry was paying attention, he’d see all the baby stuff that lined the hallways. Ben stopped them in a waiting room. He came over to Harry and helped him sit down, “I’m going to go talk to a nurse, okay?” At Harry’s slight nod, he walked away and caught up with a nurse. The VKs sat across the way from Harry. Uma said something to Gil, who eagerly nodded and left the room. Ben came back and sat next to Mal. 
“They took her in for an emergency c-section. They got her stabilized but she lost a lot of blood. The baby is small but seems to be healthy enough to come out.” Harry nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. Gil broke up the silence by coming back with a drink for Harry. He tried to take it but he was shaking too bad. “Here, just breathe Harry,” Uma said and lifted the cup to Harry’s mouth. It reminds Harry of when he’d get sick on the Isle and his dad would make him stay with Uma so Captain Hook wouldn’t get sick. 
It felt like years to Harry until the operating door opened. A doctor and two nurses walked out in scrubs. Ben stood up and walked over to him. Harry started shaking again. He just knew the doctors were coming to tell him that he’d lost you. He promised to protect you. Protect you from everything, but he couldn’t protect you from himself. Harsh breathing caught his attention. It was his own. He registered Uma’s voice first. Then Ben’s face right in front of him. He blinked the black dots from his eyes and cleared the fog from his mind. He leaned his head back. 
“Are you ready to meet your daughter, Harry?” Yeah, sur- WHAT?! Harry couldn’t believe it. A daughter. He had a daughter. “Come on, your girl is asking for you.” Harry couldn’t help but cry again. You’re alive. Harry followed the doctor to your room. Harry heard soft cries and cooing from the open door. He peeked in. There you were. Alive. You must have seen him come in because you turned your head. “Harry, she’s here.” Harry let out a watery laugh and moved the pink blanket back from her face. The baby was so soft. She had Harry’s blue eyes and mouth, but the little hair that she had was green, just like yours. Harry finally looked at you. Even post-surgery, you took his breath away. “Hold her Harry. She wants her father.” Father. Harry’s heart clenched. Perfect. 
He carefully took the bundle and turned around, sitting down on the bed. Uma was standing in the doorway. She smiled at Harry. Harry had tears of joy running down his face. He was gently touching the baby’s face. Harry gasped, Uma looked down. The baby had latched on to his finger and smiled the best smile that a newborn could have. Uma felt tears on herself, it was all just amazing. The nurse walked back in, “You must be the father,” Harry’s cheeks hurt from smiling, “(Y/N), wanted you to be here for the name.” Harry’s eyes flew to yours. A name hadn’t been picked out. You smiled and grabbed his hand, eyes never leaving his, “Harley. Harley Hook.”
@the-marvelatic @captainmaniseffinghot @michaelcliffordownsmyass
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