#i mean ypu should go watch them if you already havent
spider-avenger22 · 4 months
You know in Season 4, Episode 4 of Doctor Who "The Sontaran Stratagem" where the Tenth Doctor uses the teleport pod to unknowingly plant himself right onto the Sontaran ship? A Sontaran yells, "We have an intruder!" And the Doctor cleverly wits back with, "How'd he get in? Intruder window?" And we all laugh because sassy Ten is at it again?
Well, back in Season 1, Episode 6 in "Dalek," when finding out about the Ninth Doctor and Rose suddenly appearing on the 53rd floor below the surface out of nowhere in a very hush-hush freedom eagle alien artifact facility, not knowing how they got in, Henry van Statten quips with "I'll tell you how they got in. Intruder window." Interesting, right?
Now, I know in reality that the writers recycled the joke as either a call back or just cause it works with both situations. However, my headcanon in universe is that when the Ninth Doctor met van Statten and read the man's mind out of force of habit, he clocked the joke and thought, "That's a good one. Might use that one for myself." One foxy regeneration and a teleportation to Potato Land later, the Doctor saw an opportunity and took it with a manic smile.
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Never go to Neverland (Descendants Fanfic) PT1.
The day the barrier was placed.
King Adam and Queen Bella watched as the villians where led to their new home, the Isle. The whole kingdom was quiet, the moment felt like glass and any noise would shatter it and safety the citizens were finally feeling. That ended when a sudden gasp filled the air. Many of the kingdoms people stared into the sky in fear as the Jolly Rodger flew down landing in the pier.
The king stood in front of his queen ready to protect her and his people. Then the boy who would never grow up, Peter Pan jumped down, and a wave of relief washed over the spectators. He was the one in charge of the ship not the pirate they had heard so much about.
Jane, Wendy's daughter, stood by the railing along with the a few of the lost boys looking down. Her eyes gazing over the crowd as Peter walked up to the king. "Your highness." He smiled bowing, he feather hat falling but was kicked up back into the air before it could hit the ground. Peter caught the hat back on his head causing the boys to laugh.
"Peter it's been awhile." Adam said.
"It has, havent seen you since I picked up Jane again." He smiled he looked at Bell and smiled taking her hand kissing the top. "My queen." He smiled.
Jane stiffened watching them with a frown, causing the youngest boy to giggle as he watched her.
Bell smiled at him. "Always the charmer Peter." She said.
"Some say I'm bewitching." He grinned. "Anyway!" He called spinning on his heels clapping his hands. "We caught the crew as requested and we're ready to drop them off." He said. "Boys!" He called snapping his fingers.
A bored was laid out and Captain Hook's crew was led out with one of the lost boys in the front and one in the back. The crew kept their heads down making no eye contact with the spectators, they had all been apart of the Royal army at one point. Smee and Hook were the last to be unloaded.
Hook stared at the Kingdom he once called home and grimaced. Betrayal is the best word he could use to describe the emotion he felt. He hadn't realized he had stopped until the boy in the back shoved him. "Keep walking pirate." He said
"Captain James." The king started.
"Oh don't play coy Adam. Call me what you call me behind my back. Captain Hook."
There was a pause before King Adam continued. "You are accused of piracy, endangering the lives of children, as well as desertion. Do you have any words to defend yourself?" He asked.
Hook scowled and stood. "I was your father highest ranking Naval commander!" He hissed. "I gave my life to him!"
"He was no where near a good or fair king. You continuing to stand by him-"
"Proves I wouldn't have deserted my post! All you know is what this monstrous brat has told you!" Hook yelled.
Jane frowned and gripped the railing tighter jumping when she felt Pan's arm around her waist.
"How can you trust him! He takes children from their homes! He took Jane from her mother!" He yelled.
"Jane made a choice which her mother approve. All the children Peter took into his home were all orphaned or worse."
"All? You only see what ypu want to see! Peter Pan is a villian! Jane, tell them the truth!" Hook yelled turning to stare at the 16 year-old girl. This was her second trip to Neverland, the trip she decided to stay.
Jane stared at Hook, his eyes meeting hers as Peter stared down at her. There was a pause before she spoke. "You tried to drown me Hook. You dropped me in the ocean in a bag. You're the villain."
"You're lying." He said shaking his head as the Kings guard dragged him away. "They're lying!" He yelled. "He lied about my face! He lied about my hand! He lied!"
Adam looked at Peter once hook was out of earshot. "Will the kids be safe now?" Peter asked before Adam could speak. "Will Jane?"
Adam nodded. "As far as I can tell they should be." He said.
Peter nodded and kissed Jane's temple. "I thought about your offer but, Neverland is going to stay independent, but you can consider us Allies for as long as I remain the ruler." He told him with his signature charming grin. He knew full well he wouldn't be stepping down, why would he when he'll live forever on Neverland.
"I understand." Adam said. "But what Hook said..."
"He's a pirate who worked for your father. He may look younger than you but hes not." I described him as how me and boys view him. Old, mean and ugly." Peter explained.
Adam frowned and looked at the bridge Hook was being led across. All he had was a bag on his back, it carried a spare hook, and a small mirror. Jane had packed it for him while he was prisoner. Hook was right about one thing
Peter did lie about his face. There was no mustache, a bit of scruff but that was it. His hair was clean cut, a Royal Navy cut, and he was young, 22 years at max. But he had been in Neverland for over 30 years...
"Besides you off all people should know what a good hair cut can do." Peter said interrupting Adam's thought as he flew back down.
Bell smiled and leaned into Adam's arm. "That is true."
Peter looked at her and smiled. "I really should be going. The boys will need their rest, we have whole new territory they can safely explore thanks to you two." He said. He took her hand and kissed it again before kissing her cheek.
Bell's cheek turned a soft pink and she smiled at him with warm eyes. Peter smiled and bowed at Adam again before returning to his newly claimed ship.
Bell sighed and smiled. "I want a son." She said, causing Adam to look down at her and smile.
Peter landed next to Jane who jumped slightly having been lost in thought. Peter smiled and kissed her cheek. "Pay attention." He mutter again her skin as he held her to his hip.
"My mother..." she started.
"Wendy wasnt able to make it, I already tried. You know how much I love seeing my darling Wendy Darling." Peter said.
Jane frown but nodded. He did always love seeing her mother.
Jane looked back at the people and sighed as the ship started to fly. She looked at the bridge feeling like their were ants crawling over the left side of her face. She frowned when she saw Hook staring up at her. She couldn't help him, no one could.
10 years after the Barrier.
Harry Hook, the 6 year old son of Captain Hook was asleep in a hammock when he was awoke by a something hitting his window. He frowned and got down walking towards it. He knew the rule, 'Never open the bedroom window at night.' But he was still just a kid. He wanted to know what the sound was.
He opened in and looked down, a bird had hit the window. He frowned and stared at it as it sat there dazed. A few moments later it got up and flew off. It was Maleficent's crow searching for her daughter most likely.
Harry turned to go to bed stopping when he saw the bedroom door was open. She turned and stared at his father. "What did you do Harry?" Hook asked
"A bird-" he started.
"What did you do?!" Hook snapped grabbing the boy by the shoulder lifting his chin with the side of his hook.
Tears filled Harry's eyes. "I opened the window." He sniffled.
"Who could have come in?!" Hook yelled.
"Peter Pan." He whispered.
"And? Then what?"
"He could have taken me to Neverland."
"Close the window." Hook hissed. Harry frowned and stomped to the window slamming it shut. "I wish he would take me to Neverland!" He yelled before being sent to the ground with a smack.
"Never, go to Neverland." Hook hissed before walking out of the room slamming the door leaving Harry along in the dark slumped on the floor.
(So I kinda came up with this story while watching D3 I honestly dont know if I'll finish it I have a vague time line in my head, but it depends if I have the inspiration to finish. This story is going to follow one of the few Disney canon children outside of the Descendants story. Jane, Wendy's daughter and I do wanna try and bring in Melody because I dont care what anyone says I loved the little Mermaid 2. Anyway lmk what you think of the 1st part, this was basically a prologue to the story. )
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Art Class (Jungkook x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: Thankyou for this fantastic request but unfortunately no, I dont do full on smut, not because I'm against it or anything but I just think I'm not that good at it yet. But I  tried make it as  sexy as I can, I hope you will enjoy this story that I have come up with nevertheless <3 and sorry its not that long, 3k words.
Implied smut/light smut? (Is there such things as light smut?)
"Your project for this term is Precious. You will need to draw and paint something precious to you, focusing solely on the item. I want to see how you highlight this precious item of yours, how you are going to make it stand out from an unique background," The art professor explain as she hands out their project brief. Jungkook read the paper given and huffed, his mind spinning trying to find the perfect inspiration on what to do.
The project boggled his mind for the whole day, even as he slumped down on the couch next to his roomate, the one and only Kim Taehyung who is watching a movie while stuffing his face with popcorn.
"What's with you?" He eyed Jungkook. "I swear Kook, you are the most stressed out art student I have ever met,"
"We have a new project,"
"I cant seem to think of anything. Nothing. Not even one inspiration comes to mind. It counts for almost 50 percent of my grade this semester. I'm screwed if I dont ace it," he whined. Taehyung turned his body to face him.
"Okay, tell me what its about. I'm sure me and my absolutely great mind will be able to help you," he grins. Despite not believing that Taehyung could ever help him, Jungkook still explain the project brief to his hyung. Taehyung nodded and his brows crased as he thought hard.
"I dont know Tae. Everybody is doing the same thing. Placing their precious item on a blank wall, a green grass, a wooden plank... its all so typical. I need something else to make my work popped up from the rest," Taehyung look at the disgruntled maknae and finally an idea spark his mind.
"I have an idea, but I dont think either you or Y/N would like it," he smirked.
"Y/N? What does my girlfriend has to do with this?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, your girlfriend has everything to do with it," Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows. Taehyung is always mischievious, his idea always makes one of them end up in a very very bad situation. What is his hyung up to now? "Do you want to hear it or not?" Taehyung rolled his eyes at the reluctant younger male.
"Fine. Just tell me. What is it?" Jungkook huffed. He got nothing to lose if he listen to Taehyung's crazy ideas anyway, so he might as well jist hear it. Maybe it could spark some inspiration for him.
Taehyung grinned, his smile widen as his eyes twinkled. Jungkook already had a bad feeling about this, and what comes out from Taehyung's mouth next proves that he is right. "Do you still remember what you learned last semester?"
Jungkook ran his hand all over his face for the millionth time, thinking about how he is supposed to even ask you for this favor. Even just the simple thought of you is already enough to make him restless all night, how is he going to proceed with Taehyung's idea?
You and him has been dating for more than six months now. Your relationship is great. You two are in love, and Jungkook is an amazing boyfriend, but the two of you havent done anything more other than some intense makeout session and some slight groping here and there whenever you two spend the night with each other. You had wanted more since the first moment you saw him, but just your luck, your boyfriend is a total gentleman who believes in romantic gestures and waiting for the right time. His intention is sweet but really, you are so in love with him you are willing to give him everything if he just asks of you.
"Hey baby," he leaned in to kiss you as you plopped down on his bed, putting your bag and books on his table, kissing him back. God, you just cant get enough of him.
"Hi Kookie. So what's up?" You smiled at him. He had invited you to his room, saying he has a favor to ask you. Something to do with his art class. Jungkook is an art major, and he has an incrdible talent in drawing and painting too. But like every other great artists out there, sometimes he rans out of inspiration and calls you up to help him. The two of you would go out and talk about everything, just so he can find something that might spark his interest again. You look at your boyfriend who is nervously fiddling with his hands. Weird, he was never this nervous when talking about art.
"I... I need you to help me model for my art class," he stuttered, but you still find him absolutely adorable.
"I know Kookie. You told me that," you giggled. Why is he so nervous? This is not the first time you have model for him for his classes. "So... what can I help you with? What's the theme?"
"Precious. We are supposed to draw something that is precious to us, but with a unique background. The professor wants to see how we can turn the focus of drawing on the item instead of the background," he explained, voice still has a hint of nervousness.
"Oh, interesting," you smile. "I'm sure you have some interesting ideas Kookie. So what's your item?" Jungkook went over his table and took out an expensive jewellery box, making you even more curious.
"This belongs to my late mother. And I have always keeps it with me," He took out a huge necklace with a blue sapphire diamond heart in the middle of it. Your eyes widen, its the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.
"So you want me to wear this and pose for you?" You held the beautiful necklace between your fingers, examining how it shines between your skin.
"Ye...yes," he fumbled looking at you. You looked back at him, confused to as why he is nervous. Wearing a necklace and pose, nothing big right?
"Okay. Seems easy enough," you smile. "I can easily do that,"
"But... I dont only want you to wear the necklace," Jungkook gulp, hands fiddling with the necklace, as if trying to find some courage, before continuing. You raised an eyebrow questioningly at him. What does he means? "I want you to wear only the necklace..."
Your head immediately snapped around to look at him. Did you heard him correctly? Did he meant what you think he meant?
"I want to draw you while you are wearing this. Only wearing this," he held up the necklace, voice more confident now as he stares into your eyes. You were silenced for a minute as you heard his request loud and clear. You can already feel something stirring at the lower part of your body as you imagined posing nude for him.
Posing nude for Jeon Jungkook.
"O..okay," you breathed out your agreement after pondering for a moment.
Jungkook's eyes widen at your answer. He thought you would slap him silly and never want to ever talk to him again, but instead, here you are, nervous and surprised, of course, but still, agreed.
"Okay?" He reconfirms, still not believing it.
"Yes Jungkook. Okay," you smile.
Jungkook felt his heart starts to beat faster and his palms turns sweaty  Drawing and painting a nude model during his last semester is already a huge problem for Jungkook. He was a nervous wreck the first time the life model took off her robe and stood in front of his class last semester. Sure, he is no innocent. He has been with his fair share of girls before,
But you?
Drawing a naked you?
How the hell is he supposed to survive that?
He is not sure how he is able to control himself when you are strip bare in front of him. He is not sure he can control anything with you standing in front of him.
He has the biggest crush on you for years before he found the courage and managed to finally call you as his own. And he had to calm himself down multiple times, sometimes even a long toilet break is needed whenever you spend the night with him, cuddling or after a long makeout session. Can he get out of this assignment alive? Should he just scrap the idea? He knew it, listening to Taehyung never did him any good.
You giggle when you noticed Jungkook's shocked expression and he dazed out. He immediately cleared his throat at the sound of your laugh and went to sit behind his easel.
"So... are we doing this now?" You asks, making Jungkook's face turned red like a tomato.
"Urm... yes. If you are up to it. Whenever you are ready," he tried to stay calm.
"Okay. Lets do it today then," you smile as he nodded.
You stood up slowly from his bed and start to slid the straps of your dress down your shoulders, slowly, almost teasingly. Jungkook's eyes never left you and you saw him take big gulps or air as he seems to have trouble breathing. You let your dress drop to the floor, revealing your almost bare body, only clad in your innocent white undergarments before you take the necklace and wear it, the diamond felt cold as it lay flat between the valley of your breasts, all the while eyes never leaving his. Jungkook's eyes roam down your body and you can see how hard he is gripping his pencil for some self restrain. You patted the necklace once you were done, your hands went behind your back and starts to undo you bra claspes, slowly sliding the straps of your shoulder, finally revealing you bare chest to Jungkook's prying eyes. You feel your heart beat increased under Jungkook's blazing stare, and you start to rub your thighs together, feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter.
Jungkook cant control his breathing any longer as he stares at your very naked chest. He feels like he is about to faint. He had spend many nights imagining how you would look like,  a gazzilion times maybe, but this... ypu standing bare in front of him, smiling at him with blushing cheeks... you are more beautiful than anything he could have ever imagined. If he feel like fainting the moment before, he is sure he is dying the moment you slid down you panties past your smooth long legs and slowly step out of it, leaving yourself fully bare to him. Jungkook's breath starts to staggered and he almost broke the pencil that he is holding too tightly when you purposely ran your hands down your body agonizingly slow and soft over your core, which is glistening with how wet you were, teasing him, eyes boring deep intp his dark ones. You finaly decide to stop teasing him and sat down on the bed, laying down across the mattress, spreading yourself a little, purposely letting him see all of you.
"How do you want me?" You asks, as if its the most normal question in the world and you are just posing for another one of his usual projects. Jungkook gulp, his mouth is dry, unable to answer. I want you under me. Is the only answer Jungkook can think about. You adjusted yourself on the bed when you received no response from your boyfriend who just continued staring at you, trying out different position and settled on one that you think is suitable. "Is this position okay?" You asks innocently, cocking your head to the side. Jungkook can see the wetness in your core as you spread for him even more, making him lick his bottom lip unconciously, which makes you let out a little giggle. You know exactly what you are doing to him and you like it. You just hope you will get what you want at the end of the day.
He avoided your gaze and try to calm himself down. This is an assigment Jungkook. An assignment. But when he tried to settle his eyes on you, you were already looking at him, eyes wide and biting your lower lip. You look so innocent but sinful at the same time, Jungkook feel like he is just about to burst. He can feel himself start to grow harder snd harder and he cursed himself for wearing such a thin sweatpants. You are surely going to notice his hardening erection at this rate.
And he is right. You did.
He adjusted himself on his stool and try focus on his drawing instead. Its an assignment Jungkook. An assignment!
"I'm going to start now," he announced, clearing his throat. You nodded silently as you lick you dry lower lip nervously, an action that didnt go unnoticed by Jungkook, making him groaned internally. Why is he putting himself through this torture?
Jungkook starts off from the top of your head and slowly move on to your face. He lightly sketches your face, capturing every crease, crook, contour and line of your features, silently praising how beautiful you are and how proud he is that you are his. His hands starts to shake as he move on to your neck, hands gracefully sketching the necklace, the supposed main focus of the painting, and your chest area. He nervousky gazed his eyes to the rest of you, which is in a laying down form, your eyes staring back at him when he flicked his eyes to your face, before continuing down your body.
Your chest.
Your naked chest.
His grip on his pencil tighten as he noticed how your nipples are getting harder, turning into hard nubs under the cold air and his intense gaze. It took everything in him to not just walked over to you capture one of the harden nubs into his mouth. He shakes his head, clearing the image out of his mind and continue sketching and drawing, trying his best to concerntrate when you suddenly let out an accidental moan when your leg hit the bed frame when you tried to readjust your position. At the sound of your moaning Jungkook lost all of his self restrain, the pencil in his grip broken from how hard he is holding it. He stood up suddenly, causinfmg the wooden stool he was sitting on fall down and marched towards you, eyes dark and blown.
"Jung... Jungkook? Are.. are you okay?"
"Dont act so innocent Y/N. You know exactly what you are doing to me. You know I am definitely not okay," he hissed before crashing his lips against yours, his body pining your naked one on the bed. Taken by surprised, your eyes widen as he kiss you before you realized the situation and start to kiss him back, suddenly very aware of how naked you are and how fully clothed Jungkook is when you feel his hands roaming all over your body. Every inch that his fingers grazed felt like it was on fire and you want nothing more than to feel his bare skin on yours.
"Can you feel this? This is what you do to me," He grind his clothed erection which is extremely hard by now, on your wet core, making you moan even louder. "Louder baby. Let me hear you," he coaxed, his hands quickly taking off his own suffocating clothing, presenting you with taut abs and muscle thighs that left you gapping as he leaned in to kiss along your neck and jawline, his fingers fiddling with the necklace while the other went down your body, stopping and touching where you wanted him the most, inserting a finger in.
"Look at you. So wet. You are supposed to help me with my assignment baby, not teasing me," he growled as his hands never stop touching and thrusting into you. You lost all your ability to spit out coherent words as his fingers continue their ministration, but struggle to say something to him as you realized he is waiting for an answer from you.
"I.. I am he... helping you," you answered back between pants and moans, the pleasure Jungkook's giving you starts to increased as he moved faster.
"Oh really? You are helping me? I should properly thank you then," he whispered as he bite an earlobe, he fingers that has been thrusting into you leaving your core, making you feel empty, but that only lasted for a second before he slid himself in you in one swift motion, without warning.
"Ahh, Jungkook..."
The two of you rolled off each other, sweaty and still panting from the extreme pleasure you just felt. Jungkook gave you a quick kiss on the lips and smile at you. "I love you Y/N. You know that right?"
You nodded shyly. "I love you too Jeon Jungkook,"
He pulled you closer to his sweaty chest and hug you tight, his fingers playing with the necklace. "This really suits you. You should wear it more often," he said making you smile. "But only this," he winked.
You blushed and buried your face in his chest. He tucked your head under his chin and kiss your hair as you hear him mumble.
"But I dont think my item will stand out more than the background though," he said while he loosen his hold and eyed your body up and down, making you blush even harder. You hide your face in the crook of his neck as he laugh at your adorable shyness.
"But still, for the first time in my life, I am so glad I listen to Tae-hyung's idea,"
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