#i may have to be sedated
rosy-crow · 3 months
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kennedy-brooke · 2 months
feeling extremely emotional over the end of the bfiafl era tonight
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Love how human medicine will have their staff 3 zip codes over and in an underground shelter to take radiographs, meanwhile vet med just tosses you a lead apron from 1753 w/ no gloves and MAYBE a thyroid shield and says “good luck!” while you wrestle an 80 pound pit bull who does not wanna stay still
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yeonban · 4 months
I might be ~quirky~ for this (welcome to my twisted mind and etc) but I genuinely have so much fun with shipping nowadays, ever since I chose to be singleship for each muse. I feel like my adhd has never allowed me to pour even half as much care and attention into a ship as I'd have loved to when I had multiple ones at the same time per muse, so being able to focus on a single romantic dynamic per muse really feels like a weight off my shoulders
#* ooc.   /   posts.#I also know my adhd is all over the place so at times I may go a few months w/o bringing that specific muse (and thus ship) up#(unless you approach me in dms; in which case my mind typically instantly goes !!! on the muse & ship)#so I'm INCREDIBLY touched whenever my ship partners agree to be singleship w me. It's truly such an honor and blessing to me#and I feel like it's much easier for my muse to get very attached when their romantic attention only goes to a single person;#so you can best believe that from the moment we start shipping your portrayal will ALWAYS. and I mean /ALWAYS/ be intertwined with mine#doesn't matter if you drop the muse or leave tumblr or stop writing altogether. your muse will Always be my muse's special someone#I've had tons of ships where my partner disappeared off the face of the earth one day and yet all I've done was change 'singleship'#to 'noship' bc my muse's heart to this day (several irl years later) continues to be with their portrayal; REFUSING to look at anyone else#Granted this is also why I'm so picky with shipping; in the sense that I let my muse lead the way til they fall in love#and only THEN do I ask the mun if they're fine w our muses being a thing (and thus being singleship w me)#I used to say yes to people just asking to ship and while I know that's a neat option too; I simply. Cannot do that these days ADGHSAJDSDK#nothing against anyone nor against that route; but I've had a good share of ships that crumbled or made me lose muse bc my muse wasn't#feeling the ship. so I'm no longer going ahead unless the muse falls first and makes ME start shipping it rather than the other way around#and that decision has unironically made me feel so light and comfortable here AHDSAJDSKDJ#AH NEY WAYZ!! I need to be sedated bc why am I awake at 11 am. I HAVE NOT SLEPT.
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aswallowimprisoned · 28 days
Restless far from a Wine Dark sea - Sedation
Nurse Brunel checks in on a post-sedated vampiric merman to find their captive with significantly fewer inhibitions than normal..
Tw captivity, sedation, medical whump, drugging, injury, Dead Dove Jewish vampiric whumpee, religious whumpee
RestlessffaWDs' timeline is going off piste for @medwhumpmay
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set maybe a month or two into Nathaniel Fogal's captivity. This is the first snippet that features Dr Elias Freid, a psychologist/therapist who is Nathaniel's main interrorgator alongside Logan.
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“This is Nurse Ivan Brunel, Post Sedation check on the merman known as Fogal, mer patient #3.” Ivan went through the familiar recording of medical protocol. “Due to the negative after effects of thiobarbiturates on the wellbeing and mood of the patient, anaesthesia for this set of tests was achieved using Propofol.” He snapped on fresh blue gloves as the pneumatic doors hissed open to reveal the sleeping form of the merman bound to his hospital bed. “It has been 30 minutes since the cessation of anaesthetics and removal of airway support, so patient is expected to be still experiencing significant sedative effects… And our resident mer psychologist Elias Freid is in observation bay to assess behaviours and provide therapeutic guidance if required...”
Ivan gave one last check of the monitor displaying the mermans blood oxygen, before unhooking the oxygen mask from his face and replacing it with nasal cannulas. Within moments, the sea monster’s face crinkled with the start of wakefulness at the smell of a human in the room, and he rolled his head to regard him, blinking sleepily.
“Glad to see you awake Fogal. We put you to sleep for a while, and I know you are probably still pretty sleepy.” Ivan kept his voice soft and calm, a familiar routine for waking patients from their deep sleep. Fogal murmured something unintelligible.
“I am just going to flash a light in your eyes now,” Ivan gently steadied Fogal’s head in his hand as he checked his responses. The merman’s pupils were blown wide, barely reacting to the light shone on them.
“Pupils are dilated and slow to respond to stimuli, but he seems both semi-aware and calm.”
Fogal closed his eyes and pushed his head into the palm of Ivan’s hand, chittering softly.
Ivan stalled for a second, before brushing his fingers though the young man’s hair. No - Fogal was not a young man, he was an ancient bloodsucking sea monster who just looked like a young man. And who, going from the delighted whirring noises, really liked getting skritches.
“Is this ok?” Ivan asked, more to the psychologist on the other side of the 1 way mirror than to the snuggly merman.
“Yes,” Elias’ voice came through Ivan’s earpiece, “Though still be careful with those teeth. Drugged means unpredictable. This behaviour is fascinating to watch. Even if he would not normally engage in such displays of affection with any of the staff here, it does suggest that he may exhibit this behaviour towards loved ones in a less stressful environment.” Elias was contemplative, "I wonder if he would be the same with someone he doesn’t like, say Dr Rana?” He was tapping information into the computer, the keys audible over the comms. “I mean, we know mer live in groups, so he is likely to be… touch starved. I do hope we can allow the captive mer social bonds sometime later in the project, but allowing touch when semi-sedated may be a good sign he trusts you to some degree...” 
 “I guess someone really likes Propofol.” Ivan smiled softly, “It is nice to see him calm. Even if that calm comes out a bottle.” Ivan moved to stroke the top of the merman’s head, and he let out another slew of chittering squeaks, drooling effusively.
“Indeed.” Elias hummed, “Do you reckon he is going to remember this next time he wakes up?”
“Vaguely. The levels of sedative in his system shouldn’t be high enough for complete memory loss, even if they have affected his behaviour...” Ivan replied.  
“Ok Fogal,” he raised his voice, and the merman focused his gaze on him, “Do you think you can describe how you are feeling right now, and if you are in pain?”
Fogal frowned comically before slurring out an affirmative noise.
“Ok…” Ivan swiped the merman’s doll out of the box at the end of the bed. The communication doll was one of the first tools Elias had introduced when he had started as the merman’s therapist, “Can you point on the doll where it hurts?”
Fogal groped clumsily at the doll’s arm, where Ivan knew the merman had a comminuted fracture to the ulna , then poked all round the top of the toy’s tail, mirroring the placement of the stab wounds on his body. All areas where he was expected to feel pain, but maybe some pain medication might not go amiss.
“Ok. And do you feel sick? or dizzy?”
A low hum for both assured Ivan that negative side effects of the Propofol seemed minimal. 
 “...And do you feel like you want to hurt anyone or yourself right now?”
Fogal shook the doll’s head. Then he started to stroke the stuffed merman’s hair. Ivan had to stifle a laugh as he ruffled his hair. “Good job answering questions, I just have a few more things to do, you can just doze off if you want.”
“That was good non-verbal communication!” Elias sounded impressed, “Propofol is looking good for the retention of awareness and reduction of anxiety.”
Ivan smiled as he put on his stethoscope and listened to the steady beat of the mermans heart. Fogal didn’t mind the cold metal, concentrating instead on wiping the plush merman doll’s head against his hip, crooning gently at the soft material against his bare skin. Ivan enjoyed the quiet - Fogal didn’t always wake up so calmly, the thiobarbiturates they had been using for anaesthetics triggering what appeared to be quite intense PTSD flashbacks. He peacefully allowed Ivan to use the tympanic membrane temperature probe, check his urine output into the box on the side of the bed, and other post-anaesthetic checks. 
“All done and looking healthy, Fogal. You can go back to sleep now. Can you give me the doll?”
Fogal looked up at him with watery eyes, glancing down to his doll then back up at Ivan.
“P’ease?” the merman asked hopefully.
“Dr Freid? Please advise.”
There was a beat of silence.
“Allow him to keep the doll Nurse.” There was a determined note to Elias' voice. “Unlike the previous situation where he tried to take something, the doll is not a choking hazard and has been requested fairly politely. Though this shall be discussed with Logan as his other handlers, I believe that having a possession will aid in a sense of security, and that the doll has great potential for further use as a communication tool."
Ivan gave the merman's hair one last ruffle. 
"Ok Fogal, you can keep a hold of it. Now let's get you back to sleep, ok?"
Nathaniel awoke theto the heavy tread of Nurse Brunel. Memories came back in dregs. Dr Rana had put him to sleep, so they must have done something to his body, though there were no new spots of pain...
“Hey Fogal, how are you feeling?”
His hands hadn’t cramped up as much as usual. They were clamped around something soft and thick, far better than the thin sheets he usually balled up in place of seaweed. He creased his brows and held up the item as best he could with his wrist still bound to the bed. 
The stupid rag doll stared back at him.
Nathaniel cocked his head in confusion, and looked up questioningly to his favourite nurse. 
“We sedated you for some tests, do you remember?”
Nathaniel nodded slowly, then wiggled the doll at him questioningly.
“When I went to check on you afterwards, you really wanted to keep a hold of the communication doll there. And Elias thought it may be useful for you to have him with you anyway.”
Nathaniel looked down at the soft little plush merman. His tail was the same pleasant deep red as Nathaniel’s own tail, his sewn-on expression one of peaceful neutrality.
He squished the doll’s head gently. A strange half memory rose of petting the doll's hair, and then of gentle fingers carding through his hair. Nathaniel scowled.
What would his interrogator think of him if he saw Nathaniel wanted to keep a toy?
- I. no. need. stupid. Communication doll. - He signed, trapping the doll under his wrist to form the words. 
“That’s ok too, Fogal.” Nurse Bruel spoke peaceably, “And you can let me know if you change your mind. Can you keep a hold of it while I check your eyes?”
Nathaniel nodded, and Nurse Brunel stepped forwards with a tiny bright light. Nathaniel surreptitiously shuffled Little Fogal under the sheet. He could barely see the little lump the doll made under the covers. He tucked it into the fabric and rested his hand back by his side. 
“Looking good, no post-sedation signs. I can take your oxygen mask off now.” Nurse Brunel took the bulky plastic off his face. Nathaniel wiggled his jaw.
- Thank you - He signed.
“No problem, Fogal. I’ll let you pray now, and Elias will be through for a session once you are done…”The nurse glanced down to Nathaniel's empty hand next to the little doll shaped lump, and the slightest smile appeared on his face. Nathaniel watched him warily, but all the nurse did was give him a swift gentle pat on the wrist before turning to leave the room.
Nathaniel squeezed his new possession once, and settled into prayer.
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andfangs · 8 months
there is nothing worse on earth to me than the pangs of heartache one gets when thinking about the places that have been home to you but aren’t anymore and never will be again because even if you go back it’s different now
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skywxlkcr · 2 days
i was making an edit and found this clip while looking for scenes and boom, another post from "there was no reason for this shot" got born
(anyways why is he so fine-)
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
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OH MY FUCK??????
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soft-serve-soymilk · 10 months
Why is my heart beating so fast for 😐 like? Are you a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog? No? So leave me alone 😞
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residentrookie · 8 months
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binniesdimple · 11 months
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i’m silly i’m silly i’m silly i’m silly i’m silly i’m silly i’m sil
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slippery-minghus · 6 months
there's some thoughts to be had about being vulnerable, having very little personal community and being okay with that, and needing to ask for support—and being lucky enough that teeny community can pull off that support but.... feeling the dearth of impersonal community.
havent had the brain space to think about all this yet and too sleepy to do it now but.
like so many others have said in better words than me: we need institutions of support. personal communities can't do it all. we need people who's jobs it is to care for others—and the deep social framework to accommodate that. because as much as the shitty asshole guy who doesn't have a personal community because he's a shitty asshole deserves and needs support, so do the people like me who, for one reason or another, choose not to have a personal community. either not a robust one or entirely one at all.
we need impersonal community support because personal community should not be a requirement.
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cuppatealove · 1 year
Merry Christmas, my lovelies. God bless you and yours today and in the year to come 😘
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wheelercore · 1 year
just took a bunch of screenshots of everything in rosemary's baby that vaguely reminded me of ST (including but not restricted to rose/floral clothing/wallpaper and maybe visual callbacks to the creel/wheeler home) but im far too sleepy to do anything about it now so im just dropping some of it here. feel free to steal.
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The cult and its influence often is symbolized using roses- as you can see especially with Minnie as we see her influence Rosemary. The cult itself is symbolistic of how society tricks, lies, and manipulates women into conforming. Also there is the visual of the orange stripes every times rosemary is violated in some form (in her bathroom- similar to the creel bathroom with its green stripes, and on her pillow later after she was forcefully sedated and her baby taken from her). Also to note- Roman's grandfather style clock over the mantle place which sparingly appears in the background in the beginning and end of the movie- the inevitability of everything that has happened to Rosemary. The watch on the mans hand as he sedated Rosemary also.
oh and the floral (?) stained glass door that makes an appearance every once in a while.
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cankersoregirl · 2 years
Finding out I may not be able to watch a kinnporsche episode live bc of Family Plans like this is so heartbreaking actually
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this-doesnt-endd · 2 years
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