#i made noah a little while back but forgot to share here
inkopolis-connection · 11 months
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Nate and Noah! Twin brothers!
The one on the right is one of Nate's early designs and his pose reference. I decided to bring back that side of Nate in his twin!
They're both agents. Nate is an agent in New Squidbeak Splatoon, and Noah is a call center agent. They joke about it often lol
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shiroganeryo · 3 years
Komui's Discussion Room content (DGM 27)
Volume 27 has been released recently here in Brazil and I realized the remaining of Komui’s Discussion Room were nowhere to be found in English, but after reading all of it, I thought there are very interesting things hence why I wanted to share!
Please bear in mind this is not a direct translation, but a summary.
I have a lot of criticism when it comes to Viz Media’s release (official English), but I’m quite content with the work Panini, the distributor of D.Gray-Man in Brazil, has done so far with the official Portuguese release. If there are any mistakes, please bear in mind I translated the information directly from their version.
There are 11 questions covered in this summary. For the others, please check Jeidafei’s translations on them (totally recommend it!): Part 1 | Part 2 | Author's note & Thanks Corner | Extra
Without further ado, let’s get into it! This got very long.
≫ Kanda hasn’t reached the “critical point” in synchronization yet (+ why Allen isn’t a General)
In the question “How did Kanda hide having gone past the critical point”, Tiedoll answers that he actually has the potential it takes to do it but hasn’t done it yet. Still on the same question, they answer a related question about Allen’s critical point: “If Allen has reached the critical point, why wasn’t he appointed to become a general during the Order’s reconstruction?”
Allen replies that it was impossible at that time since Central was keeping watch over him. Tiedoll adds that he’s also too young and the only one able to operate the Ark, the latter making Central even more suspicious of him. General Cross’s reputation also seems to have played a part in this, having the higher-ups deem Allen as someone they couldn’t trust enough.
Ryo’s note: Allen thanks Tiedoll for putting his thoughts about Cross into words and Cross simply laughs it off. XD
≫ Sleeping positions
They get asked about their sleeping positions. Tiedoll describes how Kanda sleeps with detail (when younger, in fetal position; nowadays, he sleeps lying on his side, preferentially the right side).
Allen comments that Johnny sleeps sprawled on the floor or the desk and that everyone in the Science Division sleeps like this; when he first saw it, he got concerned thinking something tragic had happened. Johnny says it’s comfortable to sleep like this, but Allen isn’t so sure.
Cross comments on how Allen sleeps; he mentions he likes to sleep hugging something and when he can’t do it, he complains until falling asleep. Allen gets flustered and claims that he got used to sleeping with Tim because he used to be big, but is over it nowadays. Johnny remembers Link used to tell him not to sleep with the piggy-bank, to which Allen replies that it was “not a sleeping position, but survival instincts”.
Kanda comments on how he brought a ton of food to the infirmary one time and says it was annoying to listen to him eating nonstop. Allen replies with sarcasm (“sorry for needing to eat to recover my energies”).
Cross sleeps naked, with his arms open (according to Allen).
Tiedoll sleeps on his stomach, blanket over his face.
Ryo’s note: The time Kanda is referring to is in Chapter 135 (135th Night: Repose, Partly Cloudly).
≫ The symbol on the CROWs' foreheads
Cross replies that it’s probably the compulsory mark of the procedure that transforms regular people in CROWs. Tiedoll says that Cross knows a lot, as expected of someone who’s able to use magic –he shrugs off the compliment – and Kanda asks when and how exactly someone like him learned it. He angrily says he didn’t learn it anywhere and ends the question at Allen’s remark that he always gets angry when people ask.
Ryo’s note: This is interesting. Could imply he was the one to teach magic to Nea (and the Earl himself?), and not the other way around. But, it’s also possible he just didn’t want to answer.
≫ “What is something you find impressive on the other, but have never admitted?”
Johnny decides to start with Kanda and Allen, and the two exchange insults for several lines.
Johnny then passes the baton to the Generals, who do the exact same as their apprentices.
Johnny ends the question with a thank you and sweating nervously.
Ryo’s note: By “insults”, I mean things like Kanda calling Allen a crybaby, and Allen saying Kanda’s dumb. Tiedoll calls Cross a delinquent; Cross calls him “doting dad”. The list goes on…
≫ The time Kanda spent with General Tiedoll right after becoming his apprentice (+ Allen’s time with Cross)
They are asked what was the most outstanding episode from such a time, and Kanda absentmindedly says he forgot. Tiedoll seems disappointed, stating they had made so many marvelous memories together, to which Kanda replies “please stop talking in this weird way”.
Allen asks how the travels were, and Tiedoll says the most important at that time was to take care of mending Kanda’s heart. They spent much time talking about amenities, having contact with plants and animals and admiring beautiful landscapes. Tiedoll believes that getting in touch with beautiful things can help to connect with the world, despite carrying the burden of being a Second; he wanted Kanda to feel like regular people feel about the world.
Johnny and Allen are touched, and the latter comments how jealous he is. Cross then reminds Allen of how many bedsheets he had to wash because of him, making him flustered. He then goes on to remind how not only he did that but also had to feed him – Tiedoll comments on how it seems impossible to imagine Cross doing all that – and even help him change many times.
Allen’s embarrassment reaches the maximum and he threatens to beat Cross if he keeps talking about that.
≫ Stories of when Kanda and Lenalee were little
Kanda tries to shrug the question off, but Johnny insists they answer. Tiedoll says that the two of them were really cute, just like two lilies that bloomed inside the gray scenery of the Order; Kanda tells him to stop.
Allen is uninterested in Kanda, but wants to hear about Lenalee. Cross asks him if he likes her, and says he thought he had a girlfriend in the Asian Branch already. Allen denies it and says both LouFa and Lenalee are his friends; Cross laughs, saying he doesn’t judge, and Allen nearly snaps in irritation (again).
Johnny moves on to answer the question; Kanda is against it, but Tiedoll holds him in place. Johnny tells that Jiji told him that at first, Kanda would be asked if Lenalee could train with him, but he would shrug her off saying he didn’t want to train with a girl, which would make her cry.
Every time Kanda made Lenalee cry, she would run off to Reever. In reality, Johnny thinks she wanted to talk to Komui instead, but she thought he was busy and didn’t want to bother him, resulting in her crying at Reever’s desk. Tiedoll and Allen are weeping at it (they thought it’s cute).
While Reever comforted Lenalee, Marie would appear bringing Kanda along, who had no idea how to apologize, while Lenalee would bashfully hide inside Reever’s lab coat. This kept happening until he eventually accepted to train with her.
Johnny starts telling another story involving Kanda’s meditation and Lenalee coming back tired from a mission, but Kanda interrupts him. Allen says it’s being fun and tells him not to bother.
Kanda tells him to shut up, calling him a bedwetter. Allen snaps (again).
Ryo’s note: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
≫ “Who amongst the Noah would Allen best go along with? Hypothetically speaking.”
Allen and Kanda are worn out from fighting (see the previous question); Johnny is giving them calming tea. Tiedoll says that it seems Allen and Tyki Mikk looked friendly when talking to each other, and Allen interjects saying they’re not friends and that Tyki doesn’t respect the notion of personal space.
He then goes on to say he doesn’t imagine himself being friends with any Noah because they lack common sense. Cross mentions Road and how she’s always being flirty with him, which makes Allen tell him to stop implying things, while sounding unsure about being friends with her or not.
Johnny asks if Allen is embarrassed and reminds Road kissed him. He denies being embarrassed and says that kissing is just a form of greeting for her (he’s sweating nervously while saying so). He adds that, on top of that, he feels like Road sees someone else when she looks at him.
Cross seems amused.
Ryo’s note: This answer is very interesting. It seems to confirm the theory that Road had some kind of connection with past!Allen. We won’t know for sure until it’s revealed, but it does seem to imply such a thing.
≫ The taste of Innocence + the Crystal Type Innocence + Exorcist supplies + Cross suspiciously knowing about the Bookman clan
A reader asks how did Innocence taste like when liquefied; Kanda says it tastes like nothing, similar to water.
Johnny points out the wounds that formed after their Innocence became Crystal types and if they don’t hurt. Kanda says that at the time they don’t, but such wounds won’t heal even with his healing ability – which he concludes makes sense since it’s from where the blood comes out to form the weapons.
Johnny mentions that the Science Division (Komui, more specifically) made Lenalee pills that will prevent anemia. Still on that subject, Allen remembers people had asked what goes inside the bags the Exorcists carry on their uniforms. Johnny says they carry first-aid kits, disinfectants, anti-hemorrhagic meds, and things of the sort. Miranda and Timothy carry sweets with a high intake of calories, Krory carries Akuma blood sweets and Lavi and Bookman asked for migraine meds.
Tiedoll says they are nothing without the support of the Science Division and thanks them. Allen asks about Lavi and Bookman getting migraines. Cross mentions it’s probably from an occupational disease because storing that much information and memories can wreck your head over time.
Allen comments again that he seems to know a lot about the Bookman Clan, and that it’s very suspicious. Cross magnificently shrugs off the question.
≫ Allen’s cheating
Allen gets asked if he becomes bad at luck games (i.e gambling) in case he doesn’t cheat. He says that a bet on luck always rewards something even if gains are small, but Johnny says he’s really bad at things like rock-paper-scissors. Kanda thinks he was just in denial about admitting he’s unlucky.
When scolded by Kanda, Allen says it was a matter of survival and that he never cheated good people on; just bad people.
Johnny says living like this is dangerous and that he should stop; Allen apologizes and says he needs money, and if anything, he can use his Innocence.
Cross is amused and sounds proud. Tiedoll regrets Cross’s influence on Allen.
≫ About Link
Allen gets asked if he has ever seen Link smile, to which he responds he has tried making him laugh/smile, but never could do it. Johnny says that everyone from Central is very serious, especially Link. Tiedoll thinks that it might be forbidden to smile when their superior is Director Lvellie.
Allen goes on to ramble about how Link complained about everything: when he had food on his face after or during eating, asking him to redo reports because they were illegible despite Reever being able to read, scolding him for not drying his hair after going out of the bath because he could get a cold, and how he was a shame for not folding his uniform properly before putting it away.
Cross asks him, “what was he? Your mother?” and Allen says he didn’t get annoyed at him. He wonders if all moms are like this.
Johnny says people were worried when he was assigned to watch Allen, but in the end, Link went along well with everyone and confirms that Allen liked him as well. He also states that Allen’s reports became a lot easier to read thanks to him.
Ryo’s note: Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary folks: it’s Link appreciation time! *tips hat* Also Allen wondering about how mothers treat their children was just precious, even if it’s a throwaway comment.
≫ The vibe at the Black Order
In the question “Who runs faster, Komui or Reever?”, Johnny says that he thinks Reever is faster; Allen adds that Komui cheats by using Komurin, though. Kanda gets annoyed and tells them they (at the Science Division) should make Komui behave accordingly to his role. Johnny sniffs and says that they try.
Tiedoll says that it’s actually good that Komui is cheerful because the Order used to be a very different place until he took over the post, and that he (Tiedoll) disliked the gloomy aura it used to have. Allen remembers Lenalee commented about it once and asks if the Order was really this different back then. Tiedoll says that even if it’s been built with a noble purpose, human beings aren’t perfect and a lot of things get distorted over a hundred years. He recommends Allen to ask For about it, as she has existed ever since the Order was founded and protects it to this day.
Allen is sad and comments he wants to visit the Asian Branch again someday. Johnny says he’ll go with Allen, but the latter says he would want to eat Jeryy’s food again before that. Cross sneers and wishes good luck.
They wrap it up at this, and both Kanda and Allen look very happy about being done with the Discussion Corner (as noted by Johnny). Tiedoll bids Cross adieu, and says “rest in peace, Marian” – to which he replies “don’t treat me like a ghost”.
Allen says he knows Cross is an illusion created by his weakness, but that he was happy to see him (in reference to the 222nd Night: Searching for A.W - Hypokrisis). Cross tells him not to exaggerate.
Johnny is content that they could finally keep it to the ideal number of pages – something the Discussion Corner is known to usually have trouble with. Tiedoll says that if they had gone overboard, the next issue’s Discussion Corner would be canceled, and wraps up thanking everyone who has cared about Yu so far and asks that people keep cheering for him.
Johnny thanks the readers for sending their questions. Allen and Kanda are relieved it’s over.
Ryo’s note: And that’s it! Man, this got LONG. Thank you very much for reading until the end. Can’t wait for the next Discussion Room, the way Tiedoll worded it makes it seem like it’ll be on the next volume, 28. I’m excited!
If you're interested in seeing more DGM content from me, feel free to check my masterlist here.
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rachaelswrites · 4 years
Party Time is Over
Noah Schnapp x Gyllenhaal!reader
You and Noah go to a party
Word Count: 2,247
A/N: I got a little carried but I really love this paring so please send in more ideas for them
Warnings: fluff, underage drinking/partying, brief mention of hickeys
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You and Noah rarely got time to yourselves, in between his and your dad’s filming schedule. This weekend was the one chance Noah was in town with no work responsibilities and you wanted to surprise him. He thought you were still in London with Jake, but his project finished early and you got home that weekend. You’re really close to Noah’s whole family and especially Chloe, his twin. You asked her for his flight information and met him at the airport Friday night. 
You were both extremely jet lagged and fell asleep as soon as you got into his bed. Chloe of course, saw and posted a picture of the two of you asleep. You and Noah didn’t post about your relationship often but when you did, fans went crazy. 
You woke with one of Noah’s arms around your waist and his other hand occupied with his phone, scrolling through TikTok. “Good morning,” you mumbled while kissing his cheek. 
“How’d you sleep?” 
“Good,” you said sitting up and stretching your arms, “Much better than in London. Try sharing a room with my dad,” 
“I can only imagine,”
“Sometimes I wonder if he stays up all night to make noise and make me miserable on purpose. Because if he is, its working,”
“I wouldn’t put it past him,” he replied, setting his phone down. He rolled over and sat so he was now facing you. He grabbed your hands and started pressing kisses to your knuckles, making you giggle, “So. What do you want to do today?” he asked. 
“I dunno. Just spend time with you. Dad has a new project soon so I want to be with you as much as I can,”
“We can stay in and watch movies. Finn told me about some good ones I think you’d like,”
“Ok sounds good,” you kissed him and got up from the bed, “Let me shower real quick and I’ll meet you on the couch,” 
You quickly showered and got ready. You changed into sweatpants and one of your favorite band tees, but as you were leaving Noah’s room, you spotted a hoodie that you wanted to steal. You slipped it on and made your way downstairs. Noah was wrapped in a blanket and was laying on his back. You walked over and laid down next him, placing your head on his chest and wrapping your arms around his torso. You looked at him, studying his face. 
“What’s up Y/n? You’re staring at me,”
“Sorry. You’re just really handsome,”
“I look dead. I literally woke up like thirty minutes ago,”
“Still a cutie,” you mumbled. 
“Aww. You two are so cute,” Chloe said from the kitchen. Noah stuck his tongue out at her which she responded with a middle finger. 
You slapped Noah’s chest playfully “Stop bickering and start the movie please,” 
“Fine,” he said going to Netflix, “I know you don’t like watching movies your dad is in, but this one is really good, according to Finn,” 
“No this one is fine. It’s actually my favorite of his,” you watched as he pushed play on Wildlife. You watched a few more movies until you got bored. You stood up from the couch and walked over to the window, “It’s nice out today. We should go out,” you turned and looked at your boyfriend, seeing his expression, “or we can stay if you want. I’m just bored,”
“No, it's fine. I know you have the attention span of a goldfish,”
“Hey! It's not my fault,” 
“I know. It’s one of the reasons I love you,” he said getting up and walking over to you. He hugged you from behind and kissed the side of your neck. 
“Mm hmm. Sure. I love you too,” You turned in his arms and kissed him. 
“I gotta go get ready. I’ll be down soon,” he said, pulling away. 
“M’kay,” you sat back down on the couch and waited. 
After ten minutes, you and him were walking hand and hand down the streets of New York. “Let’s go on the subway,”
“Why? Where are we going babe?” 
“Let’s go to my place. We can find something to do there,”
Noah nodded and you two caught a train and took your seats. You were on the other side of the city so the ride would take a while. Your phone started buzzing in the pocket of your sweatpants, so you fished it out and answered it.
“Hey honey I got a notification that you left Noah’s house and saw that you were moving. I was just wondering what you’re up to,” your dad said. 
“Oh yeah. Just on the subway,” 
“You’re on the subway by yourself? You know I don’t like you going there by yourself,” 
“I’m not by myself Dad, I’m with Noah. He’ll keep me safe. Right Noah?” you asked your boyfriend, he nodded. “He said he would. We’ll be fine,”
“Text me when you get off then,”
“Will do. Bye Dad,” 
“Bye Y/n,” he hung up and you and Noah continued your conversation. 
You got off at your stop and walked the few blocks to the apartment. You opened the door and greeted your dad, who was at the kitchen table reading. 
“Dad we’re going up to my room is that ok?” you asked.
“Yeah just keep the door open and hands to yourselves. I don’t need mini yous crawling around here anytime soon,” 
You rolled your eyes and went to your room, Noah following. You two just sat around lazily watching TV or scrolling through social media. Noah was sitting at your desk when his phone started ringing and he answered it. You were sitting on the floor by your bed and rolled over closer to him. “Hey what’s up man?” he asked. You tried to hear what the other person said but couldn’t make it out, “I would love to but I’m with Y/n today. I don’t know when we’ll see each other again,” he paused to listen to the other person, “I can ask her,” he lowered the phone and looked down at you.
“Do you want to go to a party later. Some of my friends are throwing one and they invited me. We don’t have to go if you don’t want to,”
“Are you kidding? Of course I want to go! For the past three weeks I have been stuck in London, spending the whole time in a theater or hotel room with my dad. Do you know how much I miss interacting with people my age!” you said, jumping up
“So is that a yes then?” he asked
“Duh,” you walked towards your closet to pick something out to wear. 
Noah turned back to the phone, “I guess we’ll be there at six,” he hung up and watched you, “What are you doing,” 
“Picking something out. I can’t wear this,” you gestured to your current outfit, “To a party. What do you think about this dress?” you held up a black mini dress, one you could find people wearing in a club, (nothing too revealing otherwise Jake would flip). Noah gave you a thumbs up and you changed in the bathroom. You came back out and looked for your favorite pair of heels. 
“You look good Y/n,” he said. 
You pulled on a pair of silver heels and responded, “Thank you. You do too,” he was wearing black jeans and a blue bomber jacket with a white shirt underneath. You grabbed a denim jacket to throw on over your dress. As you walked downstairs, you yelled to your dad, “We’re going out, I don’t know when we’ll be back,”
“Hang on. Where are you going?”
“To a party,”
“Be safe,” your dad said, pointing a finger at you, “No drugs and no drinking,”
“Ok I promise bye,” you waved to him and shut the door. That promise was not kept for long.
By Eleven, you were surprised you and Noah weren’t blacked out by now. You didn’t plan on drinking but it started with one drink, then two, and then too many more that you lost count. You only realized Chloe was there when she came over and pulled you from Noah. You and him had been dancing in the center of the room. His hands were on your waist and he was kissing all over your neck and collarbone, most likely leaving at least one mark you would find the next morning. 
“Chlo Chlo! What are you doing? M’dancing with Noah,” you slurred. 
“You’ve had too much to drink. Let me call your dad so he can come get you.”
You shook your head and tried to get away but she grabbed your hand, “Y/n come on, where’s your phone?” you pointed to the pocket of your jacket on the floor and she reached over and grabbed it. She saw you had several missed calls from Jake. Her grip on you loosened and you slipped away going to find Noah again. Chloe found you two again but this time you were making out. She separated you two again and led you to the doorway of the apartment you were in. “Your dad is here. Take your phone and jacket,”
She opened the door and walked you down to the lobby where your dad was. “Oh my God. Y/n what the hell?” he said putting his hands on your shoulders, “You smell like alcohol. How much do you drink?” 
“I didn’t drink anything Dad. I told you I wouldn’t,” you said, very clearly intoxicated.
“Y/n,” he warned, “Tell me how much you drank,” 
You started counting on your fingers but once you reached five and kept going, Jake had enough, “Ok I get it. Let’s get you home sweetheart. Can you walk?” 
You shook your head. Even if you could, you didn’t want to. You had discarded your shoes two hours ago but your feet still hurt. “Ok. I’ll carry you then,”  he helped you put your jacket back on and picked you up but was confused when you didn’t have shoes, “Where are your shoes?”
“I dunno,” you mumbled. Luckily, Chloe came back to the lobby with your shoes in hand. 
“She forgot her shoes. Thought she might want them,” 
“Thank you Chloe,” he took the shoes from her and carried you to the car. He set you in the backseat and tried to buckle you in but you kept slapping his hand, “Y/n stop. Let me put your seatbelt on,” 
You stopped attacking him and he got in the driver’s seat and drove back to the apartment.
You managed to walk to the elevator and inside the apartment before collapsing on the couch. “Dad can you get me some water?” 
“Sure,” he said from the kitchen. He filled up a glass and offered it to you. You swallowed it in one big gulp. 
“Do you want to change out of that dress. I can get you some stuff from your room,” 
You nodded and pulled a blanket over you. He came back carrying a t-shirt and shorts and tossed them at you, “Hey c’mon wake up.” 
You groaned and got up and trudged to the bathroom. You changed and walked back out and flopped on the couch. Jake picked up the dress you left on the bathroom floor and headed upstairs to his own room, “Goodnight Y/n, I love you,” but you didn’t hear him because you had already fallen asleep. 
You woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. The light from the kitchen was hurting your eyes and you felt a weight on your legs. You sat up squinting. You saw your dad using your legs as a laptop stand. Jake noticed, and looked at you, “Good morning sunshine,” he said cheerily. 
You groaned, his voice ringing in your ears, “Shhh. Stop yelling. You’re being too loud,” you whisper-shouted. 
“I'm not even yelling. I’m just talking,” he responded.
“Shhh. I have a headache,” you moved your finger to your lips.
“I figured you would. You partied hard last night. I left you some stuff in the bathroom,” 
You rolled off the couch and made your way to the bathroom. He left you a bottle of Advil and Gatorade. You took the pills and took a drink of Gatorade. You looked at yourself in the mirror and you looked awful. You looked like a train ran over you three times. Your shirt moved and exposed your collarbone. You caught a glance and gasped. There was a huge hickey left by Noah. You had no idea how to hide it from your dad.
You left the bathroom and went into your room, searching for something to use. You spotted the hoodie you stole from Noah the day before and slipped it on. You went into the living room to join your dad. “Why’d you put a jacket on?” he asked.
You shrugged sitting next to him and putting your head on his shoulder, “Just got cold,” 
“It’s not for hiding that giant hickey I hope. Cause I already saw that,” 
You shot up, “What! When?”
“Earlier this morning. I went to see if you were still alive, I saw it,” he explained, “Don’t feel bad. I’ve seen worse,”
“Eww,” you said, smacking his arm, “I didn’t need to hear that,”
“I’m joking. Just next time you go out, don’t get wasted. I love you, but next time Noah can take care of you,”
“Sounds good to me,”
@ssebstann @peachyprincessss @emmy-writes-sometimes @teenage-incompetence
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(Adalynn’s POV)
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(Ignore the fact that some people are missing, in spite of having a detailed pose planned out I forgot to add some people and it was too late to go and add them, at the point I’d spent 4 days trying to get almost 50 people to pose and was at the end of my rope 😂)
Happy Harvestfest! It felt so good to gather with all my family as we focus on being together, being grateful, and sharing in the blessings the Lord has showered on all of us. With so many of us now married and having to split holidays between our family and our in-laws, we all sat down and decided that the holiday that would bring us all together at the big house in Newcrest would be Harvestfest, meaning that we’re left to be with our other family at Winterfest. This year there were 46 people to fill up my parent’s house, which just goes to show how much the Lord has blessed us in the past 12 years, before I got married there would only be the 15 of us around the table digging in to the 2 turkeys that us Zoe and I would wake up at 4am to pick fresh from the farm, sharing in the sides that Macie would prepare for the evening, and laughing and singing together. One thing I’m very grateful for are all the children that are running around again, growing up it would be Charles, Parker, and Ashton that entertained us all with their shenanigans, but once they grew up and grew out of it then we all missed the sounds of having children around the house. Now there are 22 children that run around and call my parents ‘grandma and grandpa’. 
(Updates on the family are under the cut!)
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Allan (55) and Casandra (52) Collins
My parents are thriving in this season of life they’re in! This year they’ve completed 34 years of marriage, what a testimony! Dad is still the pastor at Newcrest Baptist, the Lord has blessed the church abundantly allowing for dad to hire on additional pastors, which gives him the chance to speak at various conferences whilst not having to worry about his congregation in Newcrest being left stranded. Mum has been finishing up school with Ashton, the last kid in the Collins Homeschool, can you believe it? She’s managed to successfully homeschool 13 children from Kindergarten all the way to the end of highschool, which is no easy feat considering how different we all are. At Ashtons graduation party we’re planning on honouring her for all that she did to homeschool us and how she did and continues to pour into all of us. Since Ashton is basically self sufficient with schooling, mum has a lot more time to travel around and visit her grandbabies, since Barrett and Kyleigh’s kids are the closest to us she’s always having them over at the big house or going over for a few hours a day to continue to pour into the lives of her grandchildren. She also gets invited to speak at different ladies’ meetings in the wider area, as well as joining our dad on speaking engagements, either accompanying him to speak at different churches or speaking with him at loads of different marriage conferences. It’s such a blessing to see my parents be so richly rewarded for their dedication to the Lord!
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The Leonard Family - Mason (34), Adalynn (33), Noah (10), Luke (8), Aaron (7), Paul (6), Joshua (4), Caleb & Jonah (1)
We’re excited to be expecting baby number 8! As time passes and I’m blessed with more children, I’ve realised I have a very consistent pattern of getting pregnant when the youngest child is almost 2 years old. Well, since the twins 2nd birthday is coming up I decided on a whim to take a pregnancy test and it was positive! As usual we’re not finding out the gender until the baby is born, but with the current numbers I’ve got I’m going to guess that this baby is a boy. The boys are excited to have another sibling on the way, but while we wait for the new baby to join us I’ve got the boys focusing on their school work. The oldest four boys are steadily progressing in their work and are loving school, they also love working on gaining their scout badges before the end of the year so they can progress onto the next level. Another exciting thing in our house is the nativity play that our church is putting on this Winterfest, the boys are in the children’s choir meaning that all our music practice has turned into Winterfest practice. Mason’s sister Molly is getting married soon as well, so the family has been gearing up to host people at her wedding in the next few months.
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The Collins Family - Barrett (31), Kyleigh (29), Chloe, Allan Jr & Benjamin (8), Rose & Violet (6), Daisy (6), Marigold (5), Olivia (3), Preston (1)
Barrett & Kyleigh are also expecting a baby, this baby joining the family will be baby number 10 with the gender being a surprise! They live in Newcrest so they’ve got the advantage of being by the big house and seeing my parents all the time, as well as all my siblings who still live at home. Kyleigh and I are in the same boat are up to our ears in school books, but when you add in the fact she’s got 2 extra kids than I do, it’s amazing how calm she is about it! You’d never know she’s actively homeschooling 7 children whilst also running after two toddlers, she makes it look so easy! With everything happening in their house they’ve got plans for even more disruption, an old family friend that owns a construction company has offered to add an extension to their house purely to be a blessing to them! They currently live in a 3 bedroom house and the current plan is to add a second floor to the house to give them more room to grow, and with them adding a new baby every year I can tell there is going to be a lot of growing for their family to do.
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The Moreno Family - Francisco (33), Zoe (29), and Javier Jr (2)
Francisco and Zoe are also expecting, and when we were all together they shared that they were having a baby girl! They’re not sharing the name they’ve picked out now, so we’re all waiting for baby girl to make her appearance so we can hear the no doubt beautiful name they’ve picked out. Little JJ is growing in leaps and bounds, it’s so hard being far away from family, which makes us cherish these times that we get to be all together even more. In other news, they’ve officially moved out of Oasis Springs and are excited to be starting out this new season of life as they get settled in Windenburg. They’ll be stationed there for the next 2 or maybe even 3 years, meaning that Zoe gets a few years living close to our sister Amira as well as our cousin Brittany. 
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The Wright Family - Shane (26), Maggie (25), Arlo & Iris (1)
Shane and Maggie are enjoying their new season of life with the twins growing into toddlers and enjoying the learning curve that comes with having not one, but two toddlers running all over the place. Shane continues to work at the design agency, and now that the twins are slightly older Maggie has started going back to doing more freelance photography jobs, and is hoping to start back at the office full time soon. Their current plans for the winter include a family skiing vacation at Mt Komorebi along with Reece and Stacie and their in-laws for Winterfest. 
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The Collins Family - Reece and Stacie (24), Liam (3), Hazel (1)
Reece and Stacie are also enjoying life with their family of 4 after the addition of little Hazel. Liam is starting kindergarten which is keeping Stacie busy with them as they start an official homeschooling programme, with the addition of Hazel’s basic toddler care as she attempts to be like her big brother. As well as starting school, the mother’s at their church have created a play group to help the kids socialise with each other since most of the families homeschool their children, so Liam is making new friends at church too. Their plans for winter include a ski holiday in Mt.Komorebi with Maggie, Shane, and their in-laws as well as with Stacie’s mother and sister.
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The Collins Family - Beckett (23) and Mandy (21)
Beckett and Mandy made the journey home from Selvadorada in time for Harvestfest with the entire family. There’s not pregnancy news on the horizon for these two, but their lives are full of blessings in other forms; They’re in the process of fundraising to continue to build a church in Selvadorada, they hope to be able to educate the Salvadoradian population on the ways of the Lord with this new church. Currently Beckett pastors at an old church building, with Mandy helping teach english and Bible at the local school, she also sometimes helps the local midwives with deliveries and aftercare for postpartum mothers. While they’re in Newcrest they’ll be travelling to various churches in the local and wider area to help fundraise, as well as catch up on all their shopping whilst they’re still here, they’ll also head over to Oasis Springs to see Mandy’s family before they leave. Over the winter they’ll be hosting Macie, Celeste, Annette, as well as other youths from Newcrest Baptist as they head over to Selvadorada on a missions trip! 
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The Eichelburg Family - Thomas (23) and Amira (22)
Amira is also expecting! The couple announced their pregnancy to the family when they arrived at the big house, she’s currently in her second trimester and currently doesn’t know the gender of the baby. In Windenburg she helps with the children’s church programmes or volunteers at a local charity shop in her spare time whilst Thomas is at work, now with the pregnancy she’s got other things to keep her busy. She’s planning to have her baby shower in her third trimester, so that should happen sometime in the next month or so, it’ll definitely be easier for her with Zoe moving close to her now. Their winter plans include planning the baby shower, escaping on a quick babymoon, and preparing to welcome their new addition before the new year! 
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The Roberts Family - Felix (25), Priscilla (20), and Andrew (1)
Priscilla and Felix are enjoying this new season of life with little Andrew, he’s definitely put Priscilla through her paces as she learns how to deal with a toddler that’s her own child and not a child she can give back to their parents at the end of the day. Felix is working at his father’s offices as an Attorney, so is kept busy during the day before coming home to Priscilla and Andrew in the evening. Whilst Priscilla is loving time with Andrew, she can’t deny that she’s definitely praying to get pregnant soon! Their winter plans include helping campaign for the local conservative candidate in the local primary elections, as well as Priscilla helping coordinate their church’s winter show.
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Charles (19) and Lorilee Mitchell (18)
These two are engaged! Charles proposed to Lorilee just before Harvestfest, hence the now allowed hand holding. The family is so excited to have another boy get married, with the couple planning a winter wedding in the bride’s hometown of Windenburg. Charles finished up with his pilot’s license soon before he proposed and he’s started working with the missions centre attached to Newcrest Baptist to help with their ministry efforts. He’s saved up enough to buy a small house a few miles away from my parents, so the couple will have a house to move into after their wedding.
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Macie (31), Annette (21), Parker (18), Ashton (16)
There are the current singles at home, Macie is still living at home but is making herself useful to those around her in an effort to be a blessing and to pour herself into others to glorify the Lord. When she’s home in Newcrest she helps Ashton with difficult work and cares for the garden, visits her local nieces and nephews, serves at church, and bakes goodies to gift different members of our church family with. When she’s not home she’s travelling to see her many siblings and nieces/nephews scattered around everywhere, she also leads programmes at various christian retreats for young ladies and older single ladies as well. This winter she’s travelling with others to Selvadorada on a missions trip and will stay with Beckett and Mandy, as well as helping to prepare for Charles and Lorilee’s wedding.
Annette is primarily works as a babysitter/mother’s helper for the different women at church, as well as helping babysit her nieces and nephews or even her cousin’s children. When she’s not doing that she’s travelling to women’s retreats with Macie to help run the programmes or work in the kitchen.
Parker has graduated highschool and has started working for a construction company that is owned by a member of Newcrest Baptist, he’s starting out as an apprentice and hopes to learn enough to make this a full time career.
Ashton is the youngest and is currently the last Collins child being homeschooled by Casandra, she’s working through her final year and is on track to graduate early in the spring. The family is planning a graduation party to celebrate the youngest child finishing school, and the official retirement of our mother as our teacher!
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The four pregnancies
The four pregnant women got together for a picture, it’s such a blessing to be pregnant at the same time as my sisters and my sister-in-love! Between Zoe, Kyleigh, and I we’ve got a combination of 17 children, and we’re adding 4 more since we’re all having singletons. Once all these children are born my parents will have a total of 26 grandchildren, what a blessing!
(AN) I just want to say thank you to everyone who left their condolences after I shared that we lost a friend, her funeral was last week and some friends were able to fly back to the states and see her laid to rest with full military honours. This is such a great community and I love being a part of it, thanks to everyone for being so great 💛
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uomo-accattivante · 4 years
I recently came across a bunch of press articles and photos about Oscar Isaac that are so old, they appear to be out-of-print and pre-date social media. Considering they were probably never digitally transcribed for internet access, I’m guessing that the majority of current fans have never seen this stuff.
Even though a lot of these digital scans are challenging to read because they are the original fuzzy news print, I think there some gems worth sharing with you guys. Over the next several weeks, I will transcribe and share those gems on this page. Hope you enjoy them!
Let’s start with this fantastic 2001 profile piece done before Oscar was accepted into Juilliard:
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South Florida’s rising star isn’t just acting the part
By Christine Dolen - [email protected]
February 4, 2001
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As fifth-graders at Westminster Christian School in Miami, Oscar Isaac and his classmates were asked to write a story as if they were animals on Noah’s Ark. Oscar turned in a seven-page play – with original music – from the perspective of a platypus. Then he starred in the production his teacher directed.
He hasn’t stopped expressing himself creatively since. Today, Isaac is one of South Florida’s busiest young theater actors, and certainly its hottest. And not just because he’s a slender five-feet nine-inches tall with an expressively handsome face and glistening brown eyes.
Since making his professional debut as a Cuban hustler in Sleepwalkers at Area Stage in July 1999, he has played an explosive Vietnam vet in Private Wars for Horizons Repertory, a pot-smoking slacker in This Is Our Youth at GableStage, another Cuban on the make in Praying With the Enemy at the Coconut Grove Playhouse, the entrancing narrator of Side Man at GableStage, a Havana-based writer in Arrivals and Departures for the new Oye Rep and, most recently, a young Fidel Castro in When It’s Cocktail Time in Cuba at New York’s Cherry Lane Theater.
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Beginning Wednesday, he’ll be juggling five roles in City Theatre’s annual Winter Shorts festival, first at the Colony Theatre in Miami Beach, then at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts. But that is not all: During the two weeks he is doing Winter Shorts, he’ll also be playing dates with the punk-ska band The Blinking Underdogs (www.blinkingunderdogs.com), which features him as lead singer, guitarist and songwriter.
Oh, and he just got back from auditioning for New York’s prestigious Juilliard School of Drama.
All this for a guy a month shy of his 22nd birthday.
Sure, you could hate a guy who’s that talented, that charismatic, that transparently ambitious. But the people who have worked with Oscar Isaac don’t. On the contrary, they’re all sure he has it – that magical, can’t-be-taught thing that transforms an actor into a star.
Playwright Eduardo Machado, who put in a good word for Isaac at Juilliard, says “he does have that star quality that makes your eyes go to him. It’s great that someone with that talent still wants to train.”
“He has a star quality that’s rare in a young actor,” adds Joseph Adler, who directed him in Side Man and This Is Our Youth. “Without a doubt I expect to be hearing great things from him.”
Isaac, who also makes short films, can’t say exactly why he was attracted to acting. He just knows it makes him happier than anything, that it’s what he was meant to do. And he’s been doing it since he was a 4-year-old putting on plays in his family’s backyard with his sister Nicole.
“I just love creating, whether it’s music or films or a character on a stage. I love taking people for a ride,” he says. “In Side Man, every night I would love being that close to the audience. I felt like I was talking to 80 of my closest friends.
“I could feel what the audience was feeling.”
His powerful, mournful-yet-loving monologue near the end of the play, he said, “worked every night. I knew it would get them. I’d hear sniffles.
“But it had less to do with me than with the atmosphere [created by the playwright and director].”
You could understand if Isaac, surrounded as he is by praise and possibility, had an ego as burgeoning as his career. Instead, he channels the positive reinforcement into confidence about his work.
“He has such a charm and an ease onstage, but he’s very modest,” says New York-based actress Judith Delgado, who shared the stage with Isaac in Side Man. “He’s hungry. He’s got moxie. I was blown away by him.
“He saved me a couple of times. I went up [forgot a line] and that baby boy of mine came through. He’s a joy.”
The son of a Cuban-American father and a Guatemalan mother, Isaac was never a stellar student. But he found ways of turning routine assignments – like the Noah’s Ark story – into creative challenges.
His science reports were inevitably video documentaries underscored with punk music. He acted through middle and high school, though he had a falling out with his drama teacher at Santaluces Community High in Lantana over his misgivings about a character. When she refused to cast him in anything else, he got his English teacher to let him play the dentist in Little Shop of Horrors his senior year.
His skepticism about authority and love of playing the devil’s advocate have long made him resist doing things the usual way. His post-high school “training” consisted of one semester at Miami-Dade Community College’s South Campus (where he met his girlfriend, Maria Miranda), touring schools playing an abusive character in the Coconut Grove Playhouse’s Breaking the Cycle, and working as a transporter of bodies at Baptist Hospital, where he absorbed the drama of people in emotionally intense situations.
“It was the most magnificent dramatic institute I could’ve attended,” Isaac said. “I was able to observe the entire spectrum of human emotion, people under the most extreme duress. I was mesmerized watching the way people interacted with each other in such heightened situations.
“I learned everything about the human condition, and it was real and harsh and brutally honest.”
Yet even given his propensity for forging his own path, something nudged him another direction while he was in New York making his Off-Broadway debut in December. Walking by Juilliard one day, he impulsively went in to ask for an application. Though the application deadline had passed, Isaac persuaded Juilliard to accept his, noting in his application essay that most of the exceptional actors he admires had acquired “a brutally efficient technique” to enhance their talent by studying at places like Juilliard.
Though he won’t know whether he has been accepted until the end of this month, his audition last weekend went well, he says. He did monologues from Henry IV, Part I and Dancing at Lughnasa, adjusting his Shakespearean Hotspur to a more fiery temperature at the suggestion of Michael Kahn, head of Juilliard’s acting program – though not without arguing that Hotspur wouldn’t be speaking to the king that way.
Isaac, not surprisingly, loves a good debate.
Adler, GableStage’s artistic director and a man who is as liberal as Isaac once was conservative, savored the verbal jousting they did during rehearsals for Side Man.
“He knows exactly how to pull my chain,” Adler says with a laugh. “Intelligence is the cornerstone of all great actors, and he’s bright as hell.
“He has relentless ambition but with so much charm. He’s very hard to say no to. He has incredible raw talent and magnetism that is very rare in a young actor along with relentless energy, perseverance and ambition. I see his growth both onstage and off. He’s mature in both places.”
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Part of his growth, of course, will necessarily involve dealing with the rejections that are part of any actor’s life. His career is still too new, his string of successes solid, so it’s anyone’s guess how failure will shape him. But director Michael John Garcés, who picked him for When It’s Cocktail Time in Cuba after Isaac flew to New York at his own expense to compete with a pool of seasoned Manhattan actors for the role, believes his character will see him through.
“Oscar is realistic, but he’s so willing to go the whole nine yards,” Garcés says. “He didn’t go out when he was in the show here. His focus earned the respect of the other actors, some of whom have been working in New York for 30 years.
“He hasn’t had a lot of blows yet, when the career knocks the wind out of you. But he has talent, determination and focus, and if he has perseverance – my intuition is that he does have it – he could achieve a lot.”
His father and namesake, Baptist Hospital intensive-care physician Oscar Isaac Hernandez, couldn’t be more proud. (Isaac doesn’t use the family surname in order to avoid, in his words, being “put in that Hispanic actor box.”)
“I’m ecstatic that he’s probably going to be going to the most prestigious drama school in the United States,” he says. “School will help him focus his energies and give him discipline. He’s got the raw material and the drive.”
Isaac’s mother, Maria, divorced from his father since 1992, is a kidney-transplant recipient who acknowledges that she’ll miss her son if he moves to New York. But, she adds, she wants him “to live out his dreams. He amazes me every day. He calls me every day. I’m very proud of him.”
Even the other guys in The Blinking Underdogs are fans of Isaac’s acting, though it could take him away from South Florida just as the band appears to be, Isaac says, on the brink of signing a recording deal (it has already put out its own CD, The Last Word, with songs, lead vocals and even cover photography by Isaac.
“Oscar’s the leader of the band, a great musician who amazes me and motivates us,” says sax player Keith Cooper. “I’ve been to see every one of his plays. He’s a phenomenal actor.
“I completely buy into his role in every play. As close as I am to him, I forget it’s Oscar.”
His South Florida theater colleagues credit that to Isaac’s insatiable desire to learn and grow.
Gail Garrisan, who is directing him in Donnie and One of the Great Ones for Winter Shorts, observes, “It’s not often that you find a young actor who is willing to listen and who doesn’t think he knows everything. He loves the work.
“He really brought the young man in Side Man to life. When I saw it in New York, it seemed to be the father’s play. When I saw it here, I felt it was his [Isaac’s] play.”
Oye Rep’s John Rodaz, whom Isaac calls “the best director I’ve ever worked with,” gave the actor his first important job in Sleepwalkers at Area Stage. They met when Isaac came to see Area’s production of Oleanna and the actor, knowing Rodaz ran the theater, introduced himself.
“He has so much energy and such a sparkling personality,” Rodaz says. “He knows how to move in the world. He seems to take advantage of every situation in a good way; he’s not a cold, calculating person who’ll stab you in the back.
“[But] he wants it so badly. Everything he does, he’s the leader. When I was 21, I was taking naps.”
Rodaz coached Isaac on his Juilliard monologues and found the experience energizing.
“I got chills just watching him. That happens so rarely. I was so exhilarated when I came home that I just had to go out and run. You just know he’s got all the tools.”
Christine Dolen is The Herald’s theater critic.
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Never Forgotten
Summary: Gabe visits Mariana's grave and decides to take Nurgul with him this time.
Word Count: 2203
Read on AO3:
Gabe stood in the chapel. The warm lights of the early afternoon pierced through the boards on the colored glass causing oranges, yellow and reds to dance upon the floor. The faint smell of wax filled the rooms as the light flickered on the white candles that lit the metal chandeliers and the different candle stands around the room. Fresh flowers were placed around the memorial of those who New Richmond had lost.
Gabe’s eyes glanced at his dad’s picture. David stood in the photo smiling by a grill, ready to celebrate a day with his family. A lump of sorrow filled Gabe’s throat and he looked away. His hands focused on taking out Mariana’s old cassette player. Slowly he placed the headphones on and pressed the play button. A happy, quiet tune began to play, one that Gabe must’ve listened to a thousand times since Mariana’s passing. Gabe took a deep breath that came out shaky as his eyes traveled up to find his sister’s picture.
He soon spotted her bright smile and her eyes that shimmered with life and hope. Extending his hand, his fingertips brushed against the picture as tears began to slip down Gabe’s face. The song swelled slightly and Gabe felt his heart sting just as sharply as the day he had lost her. After a moment of letting himself cry Gabe recomposed himself and closed his eyes. He listened to a song that Mariana had always said helped her sleep during the early days when the world had ended.
As he became lost in the song Gabe could feel his sister within the music: her hopefulness, her light, her kindness. Gabe felt his body tremble slightly with emotion as more tears slipped down his face. After a moment of focusing on his sister an old memory bubbled forth within him. Immediately Gabe reached into his jacket and pulled out a small journal. Moving his fingers to the spot where the pencil was used as a placeholder he started to jot down the memory. Gabe was so caught up in writing down all he could remember that when he felt a hand on his shoulder he jumped. Spinning around he saw Nurgul with an apologetic smile on her lips.
“Hey, Nuri,” Gabe paused the music and took off the headphones, resting them on his shoulders. Quickly he brushed away his tears.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you or interrupt your private moment,” Nurgul’s eyes moved beyond Gabe and looked at the wall of all the people lost to this cruel new world.
“It’s okay, it’s no big deal,” Gabe’s hands reached up and began to pull his beanie over his ears. Nurgul picked up on this simple action, one that Gabe tended to do whenever he lied.
“No, it was. I came to tell you that your watchduty is in an hour but I can leave now and give you your space,” Nurgul smiled at her boyfriend then turned to leave when Gabe spoke up.
Nurgul stopped and glanced back at Gabe’s tear-stained face.
“I don’t mind the company,” Gabe’s hands gripped onto the journal in his hands, his eyes heavy with sadness but deep within them Nurgul could tell he genuinely wanted her here.
“Okay,” She walked back over and stood by Gabe. The two shared a small smile before Gabe resumed writing down the memory. Nurgul stared down at the journal for a moment then forced her eyes to look away. It was rude to stare and it was even ruder to be invasive.
Gabe caught her glance before she could look away though. He didn’t say anything at first and continued to write. After a few minutes he placed the pencil back in the journal, closed it then put it back in his pocket. The two stood in silence, their eyes focused on the memorial.
“I was writing down a memory. It was a stupid, silly one,” Gabe shook his head with a  half-hearted laugh before sniffling. “Mari and I used to love watching Javi, my dad and Pipo, my grandpa, playing dominos. It always seemed like such a fun, competitive game even if it did make Yaya give my grandpa an earful,” Gabe smiled softly as he looked at the ground. “We used to want to play the game so badly but we were too impatient to learn the rules so we made our own. It got really competitive and silly. Mari kept making up ways for her to cheat and I would always get so grumpy whenever I lost but it was all in good fun,” Gabe inhaled sharply, trying to stop his emotions from overwhelming him once more. “I wanted to write down that since I’m the one that ended up living,” Gabe felt his throat tighten. He tried his best to not let tears slip down once more but soon they stained his face anew.
Gabe couldn’t stop the tears. He felt so alone in that moment until he felt a warmth take his hand. Glancing down, he saw Nurgul’s hand holding his. His eyes wandered up and he saw her kind, gentle smile. After taking a deep breath, Gabe continued. “Mari used to say that she wanted to write down anything and everything so she wouldn’t forget. She told me once that when she forgot a memory and it became gone, a small part of her disappeared too. So I want to honor her by writing down as many memories of her as I can.”
“I think that’s a beautiful way of honoring her,” Nurgul softly squeezed Gabe’s hand and he gave a short nod.
“I think she’d agree,” Gabe was quiet for a few seconds, waiting for the moment to pass before he asked Nurgul something. “Nuri? Would you like to come with me and visit Mari’s grave? I just think...” Gabe struggled to find the right words to express how much it would mean for Nurgul to visit his sister’s grave, even if it was just once.
“Of course, as long as you’re okay with that. I would like to pay respects to someone I’ve heard so many great stories about,”
Nurgul’s words made Gabe smile and he lifted up her hand, placing a warm kiss upon it.
“Thanks, I really appreciate it. We just have to find someone to drive us out there and grab some flowers,” Gabe placed away the cassette player and headphones and led the way out of the chapel.
“Okay,” Nurgul gently swayed their joined hands. She wanted Gabe to know she was right by his side as they stepped outside.
They were halfway through the courtyard when Gabe remembered he had watchduty. “Shit, I forgot I have watchduty in an hour. I don’t want to put pressure on this visit,” He swore under his breath and tried to shake away the frustration that was building up inside of him.
“It’s okay. I’ll ask Mia or Jimmy and see if they’re okay with switching shifts,”
“Really?” Gabe looked somewhat surprised by his girlfriend’s offer.
“Yeah, this is more important,” Nurgul got on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to Gabe’s cheek then slipped her hand out of his. “I’ll meet you here in fifteen,”
“Okay,” Gabe gave a small wave, a happy smile on his face as he watched Nurgul run off to see if she could switch shifts for him. After waiting a moment longer Gabe walked off to find some flowers and a driver.
Fifteen minutes moved by quickly and soon Gabe was on his way back to the courtyard, two bouquets of purple and white hyacinths in his hands and Noah strolling beside him. Once he was in sight of the courtyard he noticed that Nurgul was already waiting for him. Her foot dragged absentmindedly across the ground as she patiently stood there until her gaze moved up and she spotted Gabe. Immediately a gentle warmth overtook her eyes and she gave a smile. Gabe walked forward and gave Nurgul a quick kiss.
“Any luck?”
“Yeah, Jimmy immediately said he had somewhere to be when I went to ask him but I got Mia to switch watchduty times with you.” Nurgul noticed the small flicker of annoyance in Gabe’s eyes at the news of Jimmy but it soon disappeared.
“Classic Jimmy. Glad Mia was willing to switch. I got the flowers and Noah,” Gabe held up the bouquets then motioned to Noah who gave a friendly wave.
“Hey there, just here to give you two a ride to C n C’s auto stop and make sure no crawlers get the jump on you,”
“Thank you,” Nurgul smiled at her friend and Gabe quickly added a thanks of his own.
“Heh, it's fine. Besides, isn't this the third thanks you’ve given, Gabe?” Noah teased Gabe lightly then started to lead the way to the cars. The two bantered for a while about this, both trying to get Nurgul on their side but Noah knew it was pointless to try soon enough. While Nurgul did stick by him and banter for a bit she always leaned more towards Gabe’s side.
The casual conversation lasted for a little while longer as they drove but as they approached the destination Gabe grew quiet. His hand held onto Nurgul the entire drive there, his grip slowly becoming tighter when Noah stopped the car.
“Let me just clear out those crawlers. Stay put,” Noah smiled back into the rearview mirror then got out of the car. Taking out his knife he made fast work of the living dead, their blood and brain matter soon slick on his blade and his shirt. After a few minutes he opened the car door. “Got some goop on my new shirt but besides that everything’s good. You ready?” His eyes met Gabe’s who gave a nod.
The three were shortly on their way to Mariana’s grave. A small wooden gravemarker that Javi and Gabe made stood in the pile on dirt.
As they approached the spot Gabe’s hand let go of Nurgul’s and he walked forward. “Hey there, Mari. Sorry I haven’t visited in a while. Javi gets worried whenever I come out here but don’t worry, I brought some people to watch my back. No muertos are gonna get me today,” Gabe smiled at the grave but the gesture didn’t reach his eyes. With a dry swallow he tried to find the right words, his lips parting for a moment before closing once more.
Gradually all of his walls were falling down, his emotions open and on display as he wore his heart on his sleeve. Kneeling down, he placed the bouquet of white and purple hyacinths on the grave. “I brought someone here with me today. Someone that I’ve been meaning to bring by for a while. I’ve told you a lot about her.” Gabe glanced back. “Nuri,”
Nurgul picked up on the subtle signal and walked forward. Slowly she knelt beside Gabe and placed down her own bouquet, paying respects for one that she admired deeply. “I’m glad I finally got to pay my respects. I’ve heard a lot about you. It would’ve been nice if we had gotten to meet,” Nurgul smiled at the gravemarker as tears began to trickle down her face. “I hope wherever you are you’re at peace.” She prayed that this small gesture honored the lost sister of the one she cared so much for. Nurgul stared at the grave for a moment longer before she heard sniffles beside her. Looking over, she saw Gabe blinking rapidly in a fruitless attempt at stopping his tears.
Gabe took a shaky breath when he felt Nurgul’s hand on top of his. “I think she would’ve really liked you. Probably tease me a lot about stupid shit. I wish she was here to tease me,” Gabe inhaled sharply, his voice becoming caught in his throat as copious tears fell from his eyes.
Nurgul turned to face Gabe and silently wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you for letting me visit your sister,”
Her words made Gabe’s eyes grow blurrier with tears and he grasped onto Nurgul, his emotions overtaking his body. Nurgul held onto her boyfriend tightly, letting him cry for as much time as he needed. Allowing him to show vulnerability in a world that did not always give you that luxury. Moments passed as Gabe continued to sob until he grew quiet but held onto Nurgul regardless. “Thank you for coming with me,” He whispered, his head tucked close to Nurgul’s ear.
“Of course, I’m here for you,” Nurgul held Gabe closer and he seemed to melt in her embrace.
“I’m here for you too. I’m gonna be strong,” Gabe’s words were muffled as he hid his face in her gray cardigan.
“You already are,” Nurgul whispered and soon the two of them grew quiet, enjoying the hug for as long as they could. Eventually Gabe drew back just a bit, enough to hold the gaze of Nurgul’s dark eyes in his own, and began to share more stories of Mariana while Nurgul listened, smiling softly at the tales and the fact that Gabe’s smile had finally returned to his eyes.
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kidnappedbycartoons · 3 years
Redoing Noah’s Route
I hated Operation Nope. With a passion. Not only did I hate that whole thing, but I also hated Noah’s route considering how much I love him as a character. His route did him, Hope, and MC (And even MC’s partner to a certain extent) dirty. So, I was thinking about it. How would I do Noah’s route over again? Here’s my thing.
Day One to Ten: Basically the same thing as before, though this time there will be more moments between Noah and MC bonding and getting to know little things about each other.
Day Ten: Debated about this, but decided to keep Operation Nope. However, MC does not participate. After telling Hope, we get the scene with her and Noah in the living area. Instead of kissing him, the MC and he hug, and when they pull away there’s a moment where it seems like they are going to kiss but ultimately they don’t.
Day Eleven: After Hope goes on her date with Jakub, MC and Noah have a scene where they talk about the whole Operation, Noah’s feelings, and him and Hope. Noah can tell MC that he finds her the easiest to talk to in the villa. He panics and covers this up by saying that she is a good friend, but it leaves the little hint that maybe he has a crush on MC.
Day Twelve: That scene where Noah is talking with Priya? It’s with MC instead. He tells her that he’s wondering if he should pick Priya at the next recoupling and MC can make a joke and tell him to pick her. Noah tells her that he’s thought of it, unconsciously. He stutters because he’s worried about what MC is going to say and she could tell him that she’s thought of it too, but he has too much drama going on with Priya and Hope right now. He agrees and there’s a bit of nervousness and they both leave.
Day Thirteen: Noah picks MC instead of Priya, which causes a second wave of shock to go through the islanders. Afterward, the two can talk and Noah says that it just felt right at the time and MC can make a flirtatious comment after. They can share a little kiss, but that’s really it. Yes, she has to deal with Hope and Priya after and explain that she didn’t go behind anyone’s back.
Day Seventeen: Noah still comes back with Blake, but it’s because Blake convinced him to do so and he doesn’t feel anything for her. He and MC can talk on the rooftop and he explains why he picked Blake and that he was worried MC would switch (She doesn’t). The two have a bit of an awkward moment and MC leaves.
Day Eighteen: That whole thing with finding out what Noah meant happens and he sends an apologetic look to MC while walking off with Hope. Lottie still chooses Noah at the elimination.
Day Nineteen: MC reveals to Chelsea that she wants to be with Noah and he finds out. The two talk on the terrace and Noah explains that he still genuinely likes Hope, despite also fancying MC. MC tells him that when he figures out what he wants to let her know and leaves. There are still a few moments where Noah gets jealous during the game they play, I forgot what it was called.
Day Twenty: Noah can offer to make the eggs for MC. That’s all I got.
Day Twenty-Two: On the day of the recoupling, Noah and MC manage to have a moment alone and MC asks him who he’s going to pick. Noah admits that he’s going to pick Hope and MC just walks away from him. After the recoupling, he catches her and tells her that it would’ve been wrong to not choose Hope after what Lottie and Bobby did. MC asks him if he still wants to be with Hope or if he wants to be with her to which he kind of malfunctions and stutters because he is genuinely confused.
Day Twenty-Three: During the heart race challenge, the two can dance on each other. Because I want some drama, this is going to be like the real show where it is revealed who made who’s heart race more. It is revealed that MC made Noah’s heart race the most and the same could be said for MC. Hope makes a small comment at this, which later turns into a...discussion, between her and Noah. Rightfully so, because he was coupled up with her before. MC and Noah don’t get a chance to speak on this though.
Day Twenty-Four: During the night, MC and him have a moment before bed where they just talk about some fluffy things and have a small moment where they hold hands, but that’s it.
Day Twenty-Five: During the challenge where we find out Noah wants kids and Hope does not, MC can overhear him and Hope having a discussion about it along with mentions of MC in there. Afterward in the dressing room, Hope tells MC that she’s not picking Noah and that if he wants her, he can have her because she’s not going to hold onto a man that clearly isn’t right for her just for a game. MC can choose Noah which causes a mixture of shocks and “I knew it” expressions across the islanders. Hope (Hopefully) couples up with Lucas.
Day Twenty-Six to Thirty: Basically just Noah and MC adjusting to each other, having a bunch of cute moments, and whatnot. Noah doesn’t ask her to be his girlfriend though. The two end up winning because I refuse to believe that the audience didn’t see how right they were for each other from day one. At the after-party does Noah tells MC that he loves her and she can say it back.
There. It might not be that good, but I’d prefer this to what happens if you participate in Operation Nope. I’d like it if there was a way to get Noah if you didn’t do it, so I made this.
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endless-vall · 4 years
I don’t wanna lose you - Ava & MC
Summary: Ava’s feelings for Charlie grow as the time passes, but she can’t help but feeling that she’s losing Charlie. Not just as a potential lover but also as a friend. Could the tables be turned or is it too late?
Author’s note: My mc is definitely going to romance & choose Noah. But I can’t help but feeling that the writers are really doing Ava dirty. At this point, she can’t catch up to the boys (also this gives me an idea for a second fic. “In the race” - stay tuned). But you know what? MC is doing her even dirtier, by behaving the way she is. Ava is her bestfriend even if she’s not her LI. 
I was going to call this fic unrequited love and have Ava confess & confront MC, but somewhere along writing I changed my mind.
I’m not sure if MC would react in the actual book like she reacted in my fic, but let’s be honest Ava deserves better and PB could write this MC a little better. Better bestfriend, at the least. So consider this ooc my service to the fandom lol
hope you enjoy!
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I had lost Charlie, that much was clear.
Ava was going about her day. With Cheer and the Photography club and her studies, her days were pretty much full.
But her feelings always found a way to sneek to the surface, every once in a while.
Ava let herself dwell on the thoughts, for the first time in days.
It all began after Charlie had lost her mom. And it was understandable. It was a tragedy, and Charlie shunned herself out.
Ava tried to be there for her, as much as Charlie allowed her, but honestly Charlie didn’t allow anyone near her, for a pretty long amount of time.
And it was okay. They all understood. Or, at least, tried to understand. Ava couldn’t possibly imagine how it felt for Charlie to lose her mom, and she didn’t try to pry.
Then one day, Charlie came to school and the glint in her eyes was back. Not as bright, or bubbly as it used to be, but it was definitely there.
Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest. What was this feeling? 
“Ava, I was thinking on joining cheerleading again, do you think I still have a spot on the team?” 
“For you, always.”
Her best friend gave her a little squeal before jumping her with a hug. Ava hugged back tightly, holding onto Charlie. It’s the most real hug they shared in the last… Year or so.
And in that hug, Ava realized… That those feelings weren’t merely concern for a best friend in need… No. Of course she was worried about her best friend… But maybe, just maybe - Charlie was no longer just a bestfriend to her.
 And Ava wasn’t the only one to notice the glint in her eyes.
Mason, who she was growing closer with due to their both relations to Charlie, noticed too.
‘Wow’ He mouthed at her.
And Ava didn’t need any more than that. She knew that feeling exactly. Mason had feelings for Charlie, just like she did. She knew the feeling too well.
Soon after that the school year came to an end. Ava didn’t have a chance to share her feelings, or even find out if Charlie liked girls too…
And honestly? She was just happy to have Charlie back in her life.
For now, it was enough.
Charlie went away for the spring break. She was traveling with her family and didn’t have much of a phone signal. They talked here and there, but Ava realized that until they go back to school, she wasn’t going to have a good chance to tell Charlie how she felt.
She was so terrified, too. 
Not because how Charlie might react. No because Charlie might not be interested.
Charlie would never try to hurt her on purpose, but what about everyone else?
If everyone knew Ava liked girls… How would they react? They’ll obviously treat her differently. Bad different.
So when her and Mason got closer… And he was trying to… Kiss her?
She let him.
After that things got messy. Ava never knew Charlie had feelings for Mason before. But now that she was back and so hurt… It was clear.
And Ava felt a pinch in her heart. Not because she was jealous of Mason. But of Charlie, instead.
Even after that whole windwhirl ended, and she and Charlie could be friends again… Things just felt…  Different.
Charlie was giving mixed signals. Her feelings were all over the place.
And while it was… Well, her business, Ava couldn’t help but notice that things were back to normal.
Yes, she couldn’t have Charlie as her girlfriend, yet (or maybe never) but she didn’t have her as her bestfriend either, now.
Something was off.
Something wasn’t right.
That’s when Ava decided to confront her.
Everything will mean nothing if she can’t have Charlie in her life. Really have her, not just for show.
Yes she wanted her romantically. It took Ava months to come to terms with her feelings but she was finally ready. But it was clear Charlie wasn’t. Even if Charlie’s mixed signals meant something, Charlie wasn’t ready to face them yet. And Ava could wait. She really could.
The only thing she couldn’t do is tolerate Charlie being her so-called bestfriend without actually having her heart in it.
“Ava would you mind being my model? I have a shoot in mind.” Charlie caught her one day after photography club.
She placed her hand over Ava’s to get her attention and Ava’s heart lept in her chest.
“Sure, I’d love to!” She couldn’t supress her smile. It was genuine.
But also, this was her chance.
If she doesn’t confront Charlie now, she’ll never will.
Bayla caught her eye from the other side of the room, while finishing to gather her stuff.
‘Good Luck’ she mouthed at her.
‘Thank You’.
“Oh my god you’re beautiful…” Charlie went as she started clicking her camera.
“Charlie can we talk?” Ava blurted out.
She was going to wait until they finish the shoot, or at least until they got a few photos, but her mouth  worked faster than her brain when it came to Charlie.
Ava gulped. It was now or never.
Charlie lowered her camera. “Yeah, sure, what is it? Is everything alright?” She looked at Ava concerningly. 
“Actually, no, it isn’t alright.” Ava shook her head, bracing herself.
On the inside, her thoughts were racing and screaming all over the place, but on the outside she somehow managed to keep a cool exterior.
“What is it?” Charlie crossed the distance between them, sitting down nexto to Ava and placing a hand over her’s.
It was damn hard to focus when she was, once again, giving her those signals but Ava kept telling herself that friends supported each other, and hand holding wasn’t an uncommon thing among it.
“I’m just… I’m feeling as though you’re not with me. Even when you are.” Ava started. She knew she wasn’t making a lot of sense with her choice of words, but she followed her heart and let him speak instead.
“And definitely when you aren’t.” She raised her eyebrows at her bestfriend.
“Ava if it’s about the college-hunting I’m so sorry and you’re right to be mad at me–” Charlie started to talk but Ava raised her hand to stop her, pulling it from underneat the warmth of Charlie’s hand. It was both a very hard choice and an easy one at the same time. She needed to it.
“It’s not about it.” Ava noted. “Like, it’s a part of it. But that’s only a part of a way bigger problem. You forgot we made plans becuase of Mason. And if it wasn’t Mason this time then it’s Noah. And it’s fine that you have other people in your life and all, but you never make me a priority anymore. I’m your bestfriend and I never get to see you anymore. Even when we do hang out it’s Noah this and Mason that. I just want some Ava-and-Charlie time. Is it too much to ask?” Ava’s voice was getting emotional, but she stood firm by her words.
“Just like it used to be.” Ava whispered, letting the last part of her sentence hang in the air.
Charlie’s face fell, and Ava couldn’t make her expression. “But it’s not like it used to be.” There was a melancholic chord to Charlie’s voice.
Was it… About her mom? Or something else?
Charlie raised her eyes and met Ava’s face again. She plastered a smile, but it didn’t fool Ava. “You’re right. I wasn’t being a good friend. And I’m glad you decided to call me out. I definitely deserve it and I promise I’ll do better from now on.” She smiled sincerly this time, and they shared a brief hug.
“I’m glad to hear that, Charlie. Thank you. But I can’t help but feeling there’s something you’re not telling me,” Ava didn’t move away from the hug completely, just enough to face Charlie.
They were really close right now, and Ava could feel the heat running to her cheeks, but she needed to focus right now.
“I’m… A little nervous, if I’m being honest right now.” Charlie admitted.
“What do you have to be nervous about?” Ava searched Charlie’s eyes.
“I know it’s a louzy excuse, but the reason I tried not to think about it too much is because every time I think about you… I kinda wanna do this…” Charlie’s eyes glanced towards Ava’s lips.
Am I imagining or is it really happening right now? Ava wondered if Charlie could feel how hard her heart was beating in her chest.
“May I?” Charlie asked, her eyes rising back to meet Ava’s eyes and her hand caressing Ava’s cheek tenderly.
“Oh f*ck yes-” Ava pulled Charlie close before any of them could change their mind. Not that they planned to.
They crushed in a heated kiss, one they both were waiting for.
It’s funny. Ever since Ava realized she was crushing on her bestfriend she imagined kissing Charlie would be something tender, soft and giddy.
And she’s sure there’ll be kisses like that, too. In the near future preferablly.
But this one just came out of nowhere and knocked them both out.
They finally broke apart when they both needed to come up for air.
“That was-” Ava mumbled, still entangled in Charlie’s arms. “Yeah-”
Charlie mumbled against her ear, resting her face against Ava’s cheek.
They finally broke apart, both giddy and blushing and WOAH DID IT REALLY JUST HAPPEN RIGHT NOW?
“We should probably talk-” “Yes, and we definitely should do this again some time-”
Saved, or damned, by the bell, they both realized they had a class to get back to and should definitely get going.
“Let’s talk after school?” Charlie suggested, standing up and offering Ava her hand.
Ava accepted and took Charlie helped her up. They walked back to school hand in hand.
A giddy smile on both of their faces. You wouldn’t be able to tell from just looking at them, but that was the start of something beautiful.
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hopeshoodie · 3 years
Rarepair Sunday- Hopeisol
I meant to post this yesterday but petered out towards the end (how on brand is that). But here’s a fluffy little fic about Hope and Marisol going on a double date with this week’s rairpair- Bobby and Noah.
Words: ~2500
Warnings: None, maybe slight angst and mention of doing the nasty but not at all descriptions of it 
When she walked into the kitchen, rummaging through her purse on the counter, Noah couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. He exhaled out his teeth, whistling slightly. Hope looked up, a cheeky grin spreading across her face as she stepped back, forgetting the quest to find her keys.
She gestured down at herself, posing with her hips and flipping newly installed box braids over her shoulder, “How do I look?”
“Stunning.” He said without thinking. And it was true. The closest he’d seen to her going this all out was at the villa prom, but even that was a shadow of the visage standing in front of him now. The new hair style that she’d spent the better part of the day in the salon getting struck a balance between startlingly different but radiant, her expertly applied makeup sharpened her jaw and eyes flawlessly, the rich jewel tones of her body con dress made her skin glow in the low light of the apartment. But more than the look, there was a lightness in her eyes and smile. The tension that normally stiffened her shoulders had vanished, and she appeared more relaxed than he’d ever seen her. 
She threw her head back with a laugh at his comment, “do you think so?”. She moved in between several poses, turning to fully show off the look and gracefully moving her arms. He couldn’t help but smile, watching her playfully lean and posture. Before he said anything else, her focus snapped to Noah, sprawled out on the couch. She walked over slowly, lips pursed in silent thought.
Hope hesitated before quietly, tentatively offering “And you look…”
Sensing her judgement he sat up, brushing the wrinkles of his dress pants away and straightening his tie. He offered her a beleaguered smile, “It’s not that bad, is it?”
“It’s fine, you look great.” She bent slightly and loosened the knot of her tie, pulling it into the proper shape then tightening it again. “I just… Do you own more than one suit?”
“What do you mean?! This is a new shirt, and tie! I picked it out specifically for this-”
“There’s no way that’s new.”
“It is!”
“If it’s new, then you have at least two of the exact same. Noah, how many navy button downs do you own?”
He blushed, looking down at himself. She offered him a reassuring pat on the shoulder before turning back to her purse. As she walked away, she quipped over her shoulder, “at least you’re not wearing a vest.”
“I look good in a vest!” He called back.
“Who looks good in a vest?” Marisol walked out of the bedroom, holding the keys that Hope was still rummaging around for. Hope spun around and her face lit up. 
“Noah, allegedly.”
Marisol smiled and pressed the keys into Hope’s palm, leaning in and kissing her cheek lightly. “Aw. Are you teasing him?” Then she raised her voice so Noah could hear without looking away from Hope, “I think you look nice in vests.”
Noah’s response was lost in the fumbling of their lips, fingers seeking each other out to interlace. When she pulled away, Hope murmured, “you look beautiful.” Marisol offered her a coquettish smile before releasing her hands, “I know.” Hope’s jaw dropped and she swatted at her girlfriend, “I know” she mimicked. 
“I do know! It took an hour and a half to look this good, babes,” Marisol retorted. 
“Speaking of which,” Hope turned back towards the living room, “have you heard anything from him?”
“Radio silence.” Noah called back. 
Marisol frowned, “I just checked the flight tracker, it said he’s still on time.”
“I knew I should’ve scheduled the reservation for later.”
Marisol slid a comforting hand around Hope’s waist, rubbing her skin gently with her thumb, “don’t go into damage control yet. We don’t know for sure either way.” Hope leaned into her hand, but didn’t say anything. After a bit, Marisol turned back to Noah, sensing she needed to take control.
“Well the plane’s still landing at 6:00, so we might as well assume everything’s fine. I’m sure you’ll get a text during the drive. Let’s just get going.”
Noah nodded silently, a look in his eyes that meant he wasn’t sharing his concerns. But he still stood up, grabbing his coat off the back of the sofa. Hope smiled tightly and grabbed her purse.
“We’re gonna have a great time. Come on.” Marisol kissed Hope lightly again, then walked over to Noah. She pulled at his tie, trying to get the knot to lay flatter than it was. Noah swallowed a laugh and glanced conspiratorially over at Hope, who rolled her eyes through a smile. 
The drive to the airport was quiet. Noah sat in the backseat, scrolling through his phone, and the ladies held hands up front as Hope drove. Periodically, Noah would share a news story or joke from his timeline, and they would all collectively chuckle at it. The silence that had previously been terse and anxious morphed into a comfortable, content silence. 
It took another 45 minutes for them to park, go through security, and find the right gate. Noah had gotten progressively quieter, lips turned slightly downwards as they waited outside of the gate. Hope gently held his forearm, “it’ll be fine, babes.”
Noah nodded, not speaking the fact that they were all acutely aware of. It’d been five months since they’d last seen each other, the longest stretch of time they’d gone since they started dating. While they both agreed long-distance would be doable while he looked for a new job, the separation was wearing on them. 
As the door opened and people started meandering through, the coil in Noah’s throat rose higher. Both Marisol and Hope gently patted and held him, sensing his anxiety. He almost brushed them off, feeling like a child, but instead he remained frozen in place, staring at the doorway.
Like it was nothing, suddenly he appeared. Frumpled shirt halfway unbuttoned, eschew, massive headphones perched around the back of his head, smile brighter than the pastel orange of his slacks. He immediately locked eyes on Noah and squeezed past the woman in front of him, running to them. Without thinking, Bobby launched himself at Noah, wrapping his arms around Noah’s neck and pulling his legs up around him as well. Noah lurched back but caught him intuitively, pulling him up into a long kiss. He had to let Bobby down earlier than he’d normally- the backpack strapped to the shorter man weighed nearly as much as Bobby did. 
 Bobby grinned up at him, “hey.” Noah couldn’t help himself from smiling, giddiness making his cheeks flush and eyes squint. “You were supposed to text me when you landed.”
Easing back onto his own feet, Bobby flushed, “yeah, sorry. They didn’t have ports- my phone’s completely dead.”
Noah nodded gently, “but you’re here.”
Marisol cleared her throat, and the couple glanced over at her. “Bobby, what are you wearing?”
“What do you mean, I’m-”
Hope’s face fell and Marisol cut in before she had a chance to react, “Hope made a reservation for dinner at 7. You were supposed to wear your suit on the plane… Is it in your backpack?” She disdainfully glanced at it, not relishing the wrinkles being crammed in a pack would cause.
Bobby’s face fell too, “Shit- I totally forgot-”
Hope started to match Marisol’s agitation, but instead of frustration, tears began welling in the back of her throat. “It has a dress code, Bobby-”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright.” Noah tried to sooth them, “we’ll just swing back to your place. I have an extra shirt, and I’m sure Bobby has some more understated pants-” Bobby visible cringed, shooting a look at Noah. 
Marisol nodded, using Hope’s distress to launch from anger into problem solving mode. “If we leave now we’ll have time to run back, it’s fine. Let’s do that, come on.” She gently pulled Hope into moving. 
Bobby rested his head on Noah’s shoulder as they drove back, playing with his hands. They giggled between themselves, and Hope tried desperately to swallow her irritation and just be happy for them. It was good to see Bobby. 
Noah always seemed to be more comfortable around him too, chatting much more and openly laughing. That was the thing that convinced her Bobby and Noah were a good couple, or at least a better couple than she and Noah ever would be. When she was with Noah, he was just as sweet and considerate as ever, but it always felt like she had to guess what he wanted. Like there was some barrier, like he was speaking a language a little too fluently for her to understand. There was no need for it either, she tried desperately to communicate with him. At times, it’d felt like he willingly stonewalled her instead of just saying what he wanted, just to be difficult. Just to be frustrating. Therapy had made Hope realize that she’d done the same, in part, focusing on little conflicts instead of addressing her underlying insecurities about the relationship. 
But it still hurt some, to see how vibrant Noah became when Bobby whispered in his ear. Not that she wanted him still. But Hope had a hard time letting go, taking the L. Noah had been something she wanted so deeply, and couldn’t make work no matter how hard she tried. Maybe that was the problem, Noah’s love was a thing she wanted. With Marisol, it wasn’t like that. 
Hope didn’t want, didn’t demand, Marisol’s love more than she wanted the dumb memes sent to her phone sporadically throughout the day. Than she wanted the slow and soft mornings waking up to the smell of coffee and her tender hands. More than she wanted to wrap herself in Marisol’s affection and never let go. 
A relationship with Marisol was work, true, but it felt like Marisol wanted to work for it in a way Noah was never willing to. And that remained a slight bitterness in Hope’s friendship with Noah. No matter how much they’d put the show behind them, Hope couldn’t forget how in love she’d been with him. How angry she’d been. The show’s reruns made her cringe, but also caused a dull ache in her chest. Reconnecting with Marisol had dulled that ache to nearly nothing, but seeing Bobby and Noah carrying on as if Noah was never hers caused it to flare up again. 
Glancing at Marisol from the road dissolved that twinge of resentment into shame. Here she was, angry that her friend had found romance in the exact same way she had, when the love of her life was quietly humming along to the radio next to her. It’s not as if Noah realizing his crush on Bobby after the show was any more disloyal than her and Marisol’s friendship growing into more with time. As much as she tried to rationalize it away, there was still a hint of frustration. Marisol quelled it but sliding a hand into Hope’s lap and gently squeezing her thigh, but Hope had to force herself to stop glancing in the rearview mirror anyways. 
When they got to the apartment, Noah pulled Bobby into the guest bedroom to some side eye from Marisol. Hope sat tersely at the kitchen counter, and Marisol slid behind her, gently rubbing her shoulders.
“Don’t let it ruin your whole night babes, we’ll still make the reservation.”
Hope huffed, recognizing it was more than that but taking the out provided, “I spent so much time planning it all out. I made the reservation two months ago-”
Marisol kissed her shoulder, then her neck, whispering, “I know. We all appreciate how much time and effort you put into planning everything.” 
“I just want this to be a good weekend. They haven’t see each other in forever and-”
“And they’re already really happy with each other. You can’t make yourself responsible for their relationship success, darling.”
“I’m not-” she snapped, letting out a breath when Marisol raised an eyebrow condescendingly. Without conceding, Hope sighly loudly and nodded. 
The sat like that for awhile, Marisol gently running her nails across Hope’s back and Hope vacantly staring out the kitchen window. After a considerable bit, Marisol went to the bedroom door, intending to knock. She raced back with a smug grin, and blurted out in a hushed voice, “they’re shagging!”
“Absolutely. They are 100% going at it-”
“Are you kidding me.” Hope pushed up away from the table, spinning on her heels. Marisol caught her arm and pulled her back.
“Oh babe, come on. Don’t interrupt-”
“Our reservation started five minutes ago and you want me to-”
“They haven’t seen each other in awhile-”
“They literally just had to wait four more hours!”
“As if you haven’t been late to a meeting because we were getting a little indecent.”
“That’s not remotely the same thing,” Hope glowered at her girlfriend, and Marisol just laughed, pulling her into a tight hug and kissing her forehead. 
Hope huffed again, and stomped over to the living room, dropping into the loveseat. “Fine. I won’t interrupt. I won’t urge anyone to hurry or worry about a schedule or plan anything. We’ll see how much fun everyone has when everyone just says ‘it’ll work out’ and never puts in any effort to make it work out.”
Marisol watched her storm away, then waited until she was finished. Against her better judgement, she offered, “I said I appreciated your effort.” Which earned her a sour glare. She shrugged, then turned and disappeared into the main bedroom. Hope turned on the tv and attempted to care about the cooking competition that came on. After twenty more minutes, she called in and cancelled the reservation.
Nearly an hour later, the guest bedroom door pushed open. A flushed Noah stepped out, his clothes obviously straightened but the knot of his tie sloppily done again, followed by Bobby. Bobby had put on one of Noah’s shirt, apparent from the looseness and bunching of a shirt that was far too big for him and the signature navy pattern that only Noah and newly graduated business majors would pick out. The boys had so intelligently paired the shirt Bobby was currently swimming in with a pair of khakis. 
Hope turned, most of her irritation haven softened with some alone time. She barked a laugh, partially in genuine humor and partially in disbelief. “You’re going to wear that to a five star restaurant?”
Bobby blushed and Noah looked down at him. “I thought we managed to cobble a look together.”
“No tie?”
“I only brought one.” Noah raised a hand to start pulling his own off, before Hope shook her head, “It doesn’t matter. They only hold reservations for a half hour after they’re booked for.”
“I’m sorry, Hope-”
“As you should be.” Marisol walked out of the hall, she strode past Bobby and Noah, sparing a withering glance at Bobby and snorting her amusement. Without saying anything else, she opened the door and disappeared into the apartment hallway. Hope watched her go in confusion, then turned back to the boys.
“It’s fine.” Her voice softened. It was fine, really. At the end of the day, they were all together, and happy. That should be enough.
“It’s not my fault I’m so incredibly irresistible-” Bobby quipped, and Noah looked away while Hope grimaced, “gross.”
“Bobby, don’t-”
“No it’s not even true,” Hope cut in, grinning, “you look like a 9 year old trying on dad’s shirt for the first time, and you want to brag about being irresistible?” 
“I make it work, lass.” Bobby pulled the back of the shirt tight, trying to give himself an hourglass figure, and posed. Hope stuck her tongue out, and he winked in return. 
The door pushed open again and Marisol shoved her way through, arms full of plastic bags. Hope shook her head in confusion before rushing over to help carry things. 
“When did you-”
“I know Bobby doesn’t mind, but Noah do you like pho? It’s a trick question, I already ordered it. But still.”
Noah smiled, “yeah, I’ll eat some pho-”
“Fantastic, to the terrace!”
Hope trailed behind Marisol as she led through the open screen door onto their small patio. Setting the bag of takeout down on the coffee table, she couldn’t smother her excitement.
“Babes, when did you do all this?”
“Just now.”
Marisol had toted blankets and pillows from their bedroom out to the patio furniture, and carried their TV out as well. Four three wick candles were sat on the ground, waving in the breeze, and Marisol had strung multi colored christmas lights they had in storage along the railing.
“I didn’t hear you,” Hope said, eyes twinkling as Marisol leaned in and kissed her temple.
“Yeah, and it was a pain to try to carry that thing down the stairs and out the door silently. Thank god for your lack of awareness.”
“Sod off,” Hope whispered, wrapping her arms around Marisol’s neck and kissing her deeply. 
After the food was opened and everyone got settled, some movie was turned on. Hope couldn’t remember what they’d played for the life of her. But she did remember one specific moment. One warm, contented moment. Wrapped in Marisol’s arms, nestled into her side. Hope had glanced over at the boys, who’d pushed two patio chairs together and were spooning, Noah’s legs hanging off the chairs at the knee. The air rustled across her face and the sounds of the city far below harmonized with the movie audio. Hope could’ve gotten lost in Marisol’s breathing, in the comfort and safety of her arms. But she made a salient mental note not to lose that moment. 
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the-dead-skwad · 4 years
He left X Reader X Damien Haas
So after a long time of staring at an empty page I have finally wrote something again. This request: Hey! I don’t know if you’re taking requests, but if your are then could I request an imagine where reader and Damien Haas break up and they’re sad and stuff, so the rest of the smosh fam try to get them back together, please? @lula132 
I’m so sorry it too so long.. but here is one of two ideas I had. I can post the other when I finish it. I finally got over my writer block. 
You were lying face first on the sofa yet again. In the background you could hear some anime show playing but you had no energy to move and actually watch it. Swimming in your own thoughts the sound of your front door opening made you jump.
"Jesus Christ!" Courtney's voice boomed across your open plan living room.
You lifted you head revealing two wet patches from your tears. "Hey." You sniffled.
"Awhh buddy." She pushed your gross tissues off the sofa with a pen and sat down next to you. "How you feeling?" She wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in for a cuddle.
"Erm.. I'm gonna be honest, not so great." You sniffled again "I feel like my heart got shit on."
"I don't understand man.. None of us do." She squeezed you tighter.
"He just left.. No reason, no sorry, just gone."
"He's in Japan at the moment."
"I know, I saw his instagram." You snuggled closer into her "Maybe he met someone over there the last time he went. That's literally the only thing I could think of."
"I never thought he would ever do that to you man... Did he leave any of his things here?"
"A few hoodies, some games, not much." You pulled on the jumper you were wearing "I swear this one stills smells like him."
"No offence dude, but you straight up smell like beer and Cheetos."
You half smiled at her "You're an asshole."
"But Ian said you were coming back in tomorrow."
"Yeah, I am. I can't stay away forever."
"Okay then, " She pulled away from the cuddle "Lets sort your stinky ass out. Get a shower, clean up this place, get you outside, fresh and ready for tomorrow."
"Christ." You sighed as you stood up "I guess I have to."
The beeping of Courtney's car snapped you out of you day dream, almost spilling your coffee. You picked up your work bag, placed your mug in the sink and headed out. She sat in the car smiling and waving like a mad man as you locked the door.
She wound the window down and music blasted out. She sung at the top of her voice, while you prayed none of your neighbors were watching you.
"Oh jesus!" The creepy old lady that lived next door popped up from behind her fence scaring the life out of you. "Good morning Mrs Kersh."
"Nice to see you out of your pajamas, not crying."
"Thanks!... You nosey old bitch." The last part was under your breath.
You jumped in the car, "Who the hell is that?" Courtney tried looking around you at the old lady.
"One of the noseyest old bags I've ever met." You slapped your knees "Anyway, lets do this.. I'm ready to go back to my shared office, that I share with the man you broke my heart."
"No!" Courtney shouted at you "You got 3 days before he's back from Japan. None of this sad shit. We are all coming together to cheer you up."
"Fine." You smiled at her.
The first thing you saw as you pulled into the parking lot was Shayne’s smiling face. You jumped out the car and he ran to you squeezing you as tight as he could.  "Oh" he spoke into your jumper "I wanted to come see you.. but I didn't want to upset you."
"It's okay man. I understand, he's your best friend." You squeezed him a little tighter till you both let go.  
Walking into the office everyone was smiling at you but in such a weird way. You walked to the ballpit and sat at your desk. You were faced with a photo of you and him just smiling your dumb faces off. "Ugh jesus." You put your head on your desk.
"Hey." Noah's sweet little voice came from behind you "I made you a coffee."
"Oh thanks.. That’s super sweet."
"How are you?"
You smiled "I'm fine man.. yanno its a break up. Yeah he broke my heart but I'm not dying. Everyone is just looking at me super weird."
"Yeahhh, they just don't want to upset you. It's a difficult situation."
"I'm just going to get my head down today, got so many emails and scripts to look at at."
"Good, if you need anything." He gently patted you on the back.
"Thanks Noah." You smiled as he walked over to his desk. You put your head phones in and focused on your computer.
Only a few minutes had passed and you were trying to ignore the commotion going off behind you. Usually it was just Shayne doing something stupid. But then again you could do with cheering up a bit. You took your head phones out and spun in your office chair. Looking across the office everyone was stood in a group. That's when your heart fell out of your ass. He was stood there smiling as though nothing had happened. Your mouth was dry and you felt cemented to your chair. 'I gotta get out of here.' You thought to yourself. As you stood you felt as though the whole room had shrunk and everyone was looking at you. It wasn't true, you grabbed your mug and ran to the kitchen as fast as your could.
While the coffee machine did it's thing you stood with your hands on the counter, just staring at nothing. Your heart was pounding out your chest when someone in the door way made you jump "I'm making coffee!" You almost screamed it.
"Okay dude.." Luckily it was Courtney.
"Sorry, I'm just freaking out..." You looked at her "Like bad."
She ran over to you and hugged you  "Awhh, I didn't know he was going to be back today. I'm sorry."
"Its okay." You hugged her back. "Do you reckon I could sneak out the window?"
"This is your work as much as it is his." She put both her hands on your arms holding you in place "Now, get out there, flip that hair and show you are a strong woman!"
"Sir yes sir.." You mocked her. She kicked you as you left the room. You ran back into the kitchen.
"What! Do I need to walk out there with you?"
"No, I forgot my coffee." Taking the mug you left again. You took a deep breath and held your head high. Making no eye contact with anyone you sat at your desk.
"Jesus.. I swear like 5 people have made me jump today." You turned to the person on the desk next to you and your smile dropped.
"You look nice." Damien tried to smile at you.
You took a breath to gather some courage "What are you doing?"
"Y/N I'm sorry but.."
You cut him off "You don't get to say anything, look I don't want to argue or even talk about this while we're surrounded by all our friends and colleges. But I know we have to talk so.." You looked around "I know Smosh games is empty because Mari said she won't be back for a few days."
"Okay, I'll go put my lunch in the fridge and I'll meet you there."
You had been waiting for around 10 minutes and you were getting more and more wound up. Going over all the things you wanted to say to him. The door opened and the look on hias face just stopped all that anger instantly.
You groaned "This is so much harder than I thought it was going to be."
"What?" He sat in his gaming chair.
You sat in yours that was of course right next to his. "Well, we had this whole life together. A house, cats, we wear each others clothes, we work basically on each others knee everyday, we even have the same friends." You sighed "How can we possibly live normally with out being together? And I know we did it before but..."
"Y/N" He cut you off this time "Stop talking... Just for a second and breathe." He took both of your hands in his, you wanted to pull away but your heart was aching for him "I know I messed up really bad but I still love you."
"How can you say that?" A tear fell down your left cheek "You left me alone in our house, went to another country with out even a good bye. No explanation, nothing." You sniffled and looked at him dead in the eye "You broke my heart Damien."
"I am so so sorry." His voice was low "I panicked and I wish I could change what I did. I know how much I hurt you and it hurts me knowing I was the person to make you feel like this. But I pray deep down that one day you can forgive me for leaving you."
"What do you mean you panicked? Damien... We've been together for 4 years. Nothing new was going off."
"The day before I left I bought this." He reached into the front pocket pf his bag and passed you a small box.
"What the flying fuck is this?" You opened it and was faced with a beautiful engagement ring. "Are you serious?"
"Look.." He sounded panicked "I don't want to to answer but I bought this then I freaked out and I just fucked up big time. I don't even know if we're actually together right now but just hold onto it and I stay in our spare room for now."
"Okay.." You put the ring on your pocket "I suppose I'll think about it." You walked over to the door and pulled the handle down but the door was locked "What the hell?" You pulled on the door a bit to no avail.
"Sorry guys!" Courtney's voice came from the other side of the door "You're not coming out till you sort this out."
"You were made for each other so fix it!" Shayne screamed at you.
You turned and smiled and Damien "Fuck."
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vivinightingale · 4 years
Hanahaki disease and Star tears head canons Part 3 of 3
Since i already wrote hanahaki headcanons for Bakura here , i will be replacing him with my girl Mai Valentine
Hanahaki Disease: An illness born from one sided love, where the victim's throat will fill up with flowers. They will then begin to throw up, or cough up the petals. In serious cases the flowers themselves. There are only two ways to get rid of the said disease. If the person the victim loves loves them back (strong friendship isn't adequate enough) or through surgery. If neither work the victim will suffocate on the flowers resulting in death.
Star Tears: The Sparkly star-like tears, accompanied with twlinking sounds. It's a disease that is caused by unrequited love. The only cure for these glimmering tears is for the love to be returned;  however, if they are not then the light from the shining stars will blind the victim. 
Flowers mentioned: 
Tulip: Love and, Confidence 
Sunflower: Adoration, Loyalty 
Hydrangea: Emotion, Understanding 
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~Mai Valentine Stars tears:
~If she got the disease
Since she was little Mai knew she was meant to be alone. Her parents didn't want anything to do with her so what made her think anyone else wanted anything to do with her?
 Yugi, and his friends that's what made her believe otherwise. She grew so attached to the group, and to you. You guys were what anchored her to earth when her thoughts took over, and she will always be thankful to them for that, but you ….you were different. 
From the moment the two of you made eye contact she knew she wanted to be closer to you.
At first she thought it was because she wanted to be friends with you, but as time carried on and she spent more time with you she felt her heart race whenever you smiled at her, she noticed her eyes wonder to you when you guys hung out with the group.
She was in love with you and that alone terrified her. That fear turned into tears, and those tears turned into stars.
She knew what these stars were; she witnessed them first hand from a maid that worked in her parents' mansion.
She hated this, the feeling of fear and the blinding stars. So she decided to do the one thing she could do to get rid of the star. She was gonna confess her feelings for you.
Ever since she was a little girl she knew she was meant to be alone, and since the last thing she saw before the darkness took over  was you confessing to another she knew these words to be true.
She never felt so alone in the darkness she now faces.
~If you got the disease:
You knew the world was a beautiful place, even when dark forces try to take over the world the beauty always seemed to shine through.
It especially got brighter when Mai came into view, to you Mai was something that walked out of your dreams, and you felt lucky enough to know her.
The more she hung out with the group however, the more you came to have feelings for the woman. Everything about her called out to you, and you would be stupid to refuse the call. However, that wasn't in the cards for you.
You werent the one she had eyes for, she had eyes for Joey, and as much as you wanted to steal her attention away from the blonde you couldn't bring yourself to do it. 
You could tell from the looks of both of them that it was mutual, and you couldn't take that away from them or push your feelings on to her.
So instead you acted unaffected as their relationship escalated from friendship to more, but that tough act only lasted so long before the tears came into effect and your ability to see started to leave.
You never went to the doctor to find out why these tears were there because they helped not see the love that flourished between Joey and Mai. So when you finally lost your sight due to the tears you found it both a blessing and a curse. 
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~Yami Bakura Hanahaki disease:
~If he got the disease:
The Thief King remembers what his village was like Before it was destroyed, he also remembered you. The person who despite his mean demour went out of their way to befriend him.
He thought nothing of you at first, but as time continued he despised your company less and less till he eventually looked forward to it.
Your smile was more dazzling then any stone he has ever seen, you sparkled like the star at night, and your beauty rivaled the queens. 
He knew he was in love with you but didnt know how to approach such a subject. He was used to the roughness of the streets, not your gentle caress. He didn't have much time to think on how to approach it until the flowers started growing in his lungs.
He didn't know what he hated more, the fact that he was in love with you, or the flowers growing in his lungs.
He didn't try to beat around the bush, when they first started growing he seeked you out immediately. When you greeted him with your bright smile he felt the flowers growing more.
“(y/n)” he gruffed ”….i think i love you”  you surprised that the tall rough man was the first to say it.
The only thing you could do was jump into his arms, and hold him close.
Bakura didn't know why he thought of that memory when he saw the (h/c) walk past him,but he suddenly felt the flowers once again.
~If you got the disease:
Growing up in a small village you knew everyone, well almost everyone. So you made it your goal to get to know Bakura. I took a lot of time and effort to befriend the gruff man.
He made it difficult to get close to him, but eventually you did. Even though he hated when you got close he never pushed you away, even though he hated when you talked to him he never asked you to stop, and even though he said you were the most annoying thing he has ever come across he protects you wherever you get in trouble.
You fell for him, and you fell for him hard. As much as you wanted to avoid him you couldn't. You were drawn to him like a moth to a flame. 
Even as the flowers began to grow in your lungs you couldn't stay away. You got better at hiding the flowers from Bakura, but not from the others.
The local healer noticed the flowers spewing from your mouth as you hid in on the many alleys, but she wasn't the only one who noticed.
When you told Bakura that you had errands to run he became suspicious, so he followed you to check on you. Him and the doctor rushed to your side. The doctor sat you down so you could get your breath back. Mindlessly the doctor told you and Bakura what the disease was and what could happen. Bakura looked at you upset and worried. 
“Who is it then (y/n)?! Don't let this take you from me!” you looked at him with tears in your eyes. “Its you,” you whispered. 
The doctor excused herself as Bakura grabbed your wrist  and pulled you to him.
Bakura was a rough man, but he has never been so gentle as when he held you like this, and here you knew that no matter what you were safe with him.
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~Yami Marik Star Tears:
~If he got the disease: 
Yami Marik didn't have the time for feelings, he had a plan set in motion. However fate had other plans for him. When he saw you at Kaiba’s side during battle city, he knew he had to have you at HIS side.
He tried everything to get you, but everytime he tried it was either foiled or you were surrounded by too many people. He didn't know how to go about this, and this frustrated him more than anything.
That's when the tears appeared. They fell endlessly from his eyes and it irritated him more that he didn't understand how to stop them.
While the others were in the virtual world Marik stayed in his room trying to get rid of the tears. That's when you walked in.
You walked calmly to his side “star tears..” he side eyed you as you explained the effects of the disease. You kneeled down to his level, and put his face in your hands. “The future Pharaoh can't go blind.”
Slight confusion came across his face before it was replaced with a smirk “The heal your Pharaoh” the two of you shared a kiss as the tears faded. Now it was time for him to take over the world with you at his side.
~If you got the disease:
You have been friends with Kaiba brothers for a long time, and that had some perks. Like getting into the battle city finals without dueling, and getting to see this demon named Marik.
As you watched him fight Mai something in you felt a fire that you never felt before, and you knew then that you wanted to follow him into whatever pits of hell he came from. 
The problem with these new affections was the tears that soon followed. You knew what these tears were, and you knew how to stop them
Or so you thought When Noah called all duelists to meet with him that unfortunately meant you as well. So you end up in their little charade as you slowly lose your sight.
When you finally did lose your sight in the virtual and real world you distanced yourself from everyone until you eventually faded from everyone's memory. 
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~Marik Ishtar Hanahaki disease:
~If he got disease:
Marik has known you for years due to your loyalty to his family. He was close to you, closer then he has ever been with anyone.
Even after he ran off vowing to take down the pharaoh you stayed by him, and acted as one of the rare hunters.
With the more time he spent with you the more his affections grew for you, and he came to realize how much he loved you.
However before the flowers grew Ishizu warned him of the future he had with you, he ignored her warnings but never forgot them.
So when the flowers began to grow in his lungs he knew why, and thus he sent you on less missions just to keep you at his side. 
The flowers grew more and more until he couldn't take it anymore. So one night he pulled you aside away from all ears.
When you went to question him he stopped you with a kiss “I want…..no i need you (s/o) only you are worthy to stand by my side.”  Though you were surprised you accepted his affections and hugged him tightly. “You forever have me my Pharaoh.”
~If you got the disease:
Working for the Ishtar family was never easy, but you enjoyed the company of your younger master Ishizu and Marik. They both treated you like one of their own, and you couldn't be happier.
However Marik was the one you longed for, but you knew you couldn't be with him. You were but a simple servant and nothing more.
When he left the tomb to start his hunt for the Pharaoh, despite Ishizu’s wishes you followed him, and that when the flowers began to grow.
Because you became a rare hunter you were able to hide the flowers from not only Marik, but the rest of the followers. 
It stayed this way until you couldn't take the flowers anymore and you eventually went to the hospital, the doctors told you of the disease, and your options. Instead of taking the first option you got the surgery to remove the flowers.
You may not have feelings for your master,but you can at least still be loyal to him, and that's all that matters to you.     
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smkkbert · 4 years
Time for a story - Elseworlds
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Felicity glanced at her watch before she looked down the street once more. Since Oliver’s car was still nowhere to be found, she pulled her phone from the pocket of her coat. Oliver hadn’t left her a message either, so she hoped that was a good sign. He should have been here fifteen minutes ago already.
Oliver was just still incredibly overworked, he had been since the earthquake really. It almost felt like the more time passed and the calmer everything got, the more Oliver had to do. As the mayor, there were just too many things to take care of, but Felicity refused to believe that he was skipping this appointment she had personally added to every schedule he was keeping.
Being the mayor was a job that Oliver took very thoroughly. He loved his job, and he knew the responsibility that had come with running for mayor. So far, Oliver had never forgotten that being a father had brought its own responsibilities to his life. With all the pressure that had been put on him in the last weeks, maybe he needed a reminder though. Felicity knew that, if he was too late to see Tommy reciting a poem, he had written himself.
Just when Felicity had decided to call him, she felt a familiar prickling in the back of her neck. She pushed her phone away even before she turned away. She wasn’t at all surprised to find Oliver hurrying towards her with an already apologetic expression on his face.
“Hi,” he said and pecked her lips briefly, “sorry for being late. Since the earthquake, it feels like hell has been breaking loose at City Hall.”
“I know,” Felicity told him, putting her hands on his chest and rubbing them up and down soothingly, “don’t worry about it. You are here now and that is still completely in time which, as we both know, is not too rarely different.”
Oliver hummed in agreement. He looked a little tired, but it was far from as bad as it had looked a couple of days ago when she had picked him up from work in the middle of the night. He was still working a lot, but he wasn’t as emotionally exhausted as he had been at first.
“Did you get some things done at least?” Felicity asked him, grabbing his tie and loosening it, so she could pull it over his head and push it into her purse. “Yesterday you said it felt like the more you work, the more new piles of papers are being dropped on your desk. Still that bad?”
“Kind of,” Oliver replied with a sigh that soon turned into a chuckle, “but I have increased the number of members on the crisis committee to ease the work load for me a little bit.”
“Sounds like a smart idea.” Felicity smiled innocently, unbuttoning the topmost button of Oliver’s shirt and moving her hand beneath the fabric. “Yours?”
Oliver wrapped his arms around Felicity’s waist and leaned closer to her. His eyes were sparkling with amusement. He knew as well as she did that she had been the one to push him towards this idea. She had recommended an article about baseball to him, but had – absolutely by accident of course – dropped the newspaper into his lap with the wrong page on top. Hence, he had read an article about professionally organizing worksharing instead.
“A lucky coincidence made happened by my wife did,” Oliver replied and nuzzled her nose with his playfully, “luckily.”
Felicity chuckled. She had done her best to play innocent, but of course Oliver had looked right through her from the start. He had known that Felicity wouldn’t have recommended an article about baseball to him. She wouldn’t have read it in the first place. It had been a sure sign to know that she was trying to give him a sign for something. Oliver had accepted it gladly.
Still smiling, Oliver leaned in. He closed the distance between his lips and Felicity’s, kissing her gently. Felicity sighed against his lips. He hands moved into his short hair, scratching the back of his neck slightly. The feeling made Oliver hum and deepen the kiss for a moment.
Soon, Felicity angled her head back to break the kiss though. She scrunched up her nose, not exactly happy about her actions, but she had had her reasons.
“We should go inside,” she suggested, nodding towards the entrance, “or we will be too late after all.”
Oliver nodded his head in agreement. With their fingers laced, they walked towards the entrance. Oliver payed for the tickets, giving them an extra eighteen dollar to the two dollar they had to pay.
“How was your day?” he asked while they were walking to the auditorium and lifted her hand to his lips to kiss the back of it. “Today was the first day that Ms. Ngata has worked for you, right?”
“Yes,” Felicity replied, not at all surprised that Oliver even remembered the name of the woman she had hired last week, “and she is even better than what I have thought. If there have been any doubts before – and there really haven’t been any to be honest – there are non left now. The few hours she spent at QI today just proved that she is exactly where she is supposed to be.”
“Sounds great.”
“It absolutely is.” Felicity smiled. “You know how picky I can be when it comes to new employees, but she is so great and-“
Felicity fell silent when they entered the auditorium. With the way Oliver’s fingers tightened around her, she knew that he was getting the same impression from the sight they were met with. Given that the performances of Tommy’s class were starting in barely some minutes, there were little to no parents around. Felicity counted quickly. Aside from her and Oliver, there were only seven parents more there. Tommy’s class counted 22 students though.
“Sad,” Oliver whispered, “really, really sad.”
Felicity nodded her head. “Indeed.”
Hand in hand, Oliver walked down the aisle between the seats and took some seats in the front row. Since the spots were free and they weren’t likely to be taken within the next minutes, Oliver and Felicity guessed it was okay. Usually, they avoided the front row because they were convinced that those seats belonged to the parents that either didn’t get a chance to see their kids to often or the parents whose kids just needed to see their parents to feel safe while talking in front of an audience.
Once they were seated, Oliver leaned a little closer to her. Felicity got what he was trying to do and leaned closer towards him too.
“It’s terrible for the kids,” Oliver whispered, “to be here and present something, but not have any parent around.”
“We will be extra attentive today.”
“And we will applaud for twenty people.”
Felicity nodded her head once more, shooting a look around. A lot of kids didn’t even have one parent around tonight. She almost felt guilty that she and Oliver had both come. Tommy had both of his parents here, while others didn’t even have a single one here.
“I guess some parents didn’t have a chance to come,” Oliver whispered, “long hours of work, the wrong shift or no money left to even pay the two dollars to attend.”
Again, Felicity just nodded her head. She felt her heart skipping a beat. It was partly from empathy and partly from memory. With how much time she had to be a mother, she sometimes forgot how little time her mother had had to be a mother. She knew that her kids missed her sometimes because she did allow herself to work a lot, but they were more than privileged compared to other kids, including Felicity herself.
With a low sigh, Felicity rested her head against Oliver’s shoulder. He could feel that she was going to say something personal. He rested his lips against the crown of her head and tightened his hold on her fingers. It was his wordless way of telling her that she could share everything with him. He was there to listen, and he would understand. There had to be no secrets between them.
“My mom had to work a lot when I was a kid,” Felicity started, knowing that this was not new to Oliver at all, “so she could barely ever make it to any school events.”
Felicity remembered how often she had been disappointed when she had asked her mother to come to some event, and she hadn’t been able to because her shift hadn’t allowed it. Eventually, she had grown older, and for some reason she had become ashamed of what her mother had been doing and what she had looked like. Felicity couldn’t remember when that had started, but it had eventually caused her to feel relieved when her mother hadn’t been able to attend any events at school.
“When she couldn’t make it,” Felicity continued, pushing all other thoughts away, “she always made sure that someone came, so that I had at least one familiar face around. Sometimes it was a neighbor, other times one of her colleagues. The barkeeper was there a lot of times.”
As a kid, Felicity hadn’t been able to understand that her mother had only been doing what she had needed to do. She had felt betrayed and left alone when her mother hadn’t come. She had thought that she didn’t love her like so many other parents had loved their kids. They had come together, as a couple, and her mother, who she had felt had chased her dad away, hadn’t come.
Once more Felicity realized how hard she must have been on her mother. She had done her best to bring the family through after Noah had left. She had taken all the blame Felicity had put on her, and she hadn’t held it against her once.
“She did her best, so I wouldn’t feel alone.”
“That is because she is a good mother,” Oliver whispered, “and I am sure that you got that from her.”
Felicity smiled at him and leaned over. Her lips brushed against his briefly. When she pulled back, she cocked her head at him.
“And you?” she asked. “What was it like for you when there were any school events?”
Oliver shrugged his shoulders, but he lowered his gaze. As indifferent as he wanted to appear, Felicity could look like through it. He knew that because he knew how well she knew him.
“My parents were often busy too,” Oliver replied with a sigh, “my dad was at the company, and my mom was either home with Thea or spending time on one of her charity things. They usually tried to make sure that one of them could be there, but sometimes, when neither of them could make it, Raisa came.”
Unlike most kids, Oliver didn’t seem at all disappointed. He had always loved Raisa, and she had always been like a second mother to him. She had been the one to be there when he had fallen in the garden and hurt his knees. She had been the one to bake cookies for him to comfort him. She had been the one to see right through his pubertal nonsense and given advice.
“We had good parents,” Felicity whispered, “at least when it came to that.”
Oliver nodded his head. He lifted her hand to his lip once more and brushed them against the back of her hand. When he turned his head towards her, he had his eyes narrowed at her slightly. His lips were spread to a slight smile though.
“Have you taken part in any school plays?” He narrowed his eyes even more. “You never told me that.”
“I have been singing a couple of times,” Felicity admitted, quickly looking away, “but it hasn’t been exactly often, and I only did so because some others told me to. It stopped in puberty when I was years longer than everyone else in my class.”
Oliver puckered his lips. “Are there any videos of that?”
Although he tried to look very casual, Felicity could see right through him. She knew that he didn’t really mean it. He had some seconds thoughts about this, and Felicity already got an idea what exactly it was that was on his mind.
“None that you will find,” she told him, making quite sure that he knew how serious she was about that although she was only whispering, “and you know how great I am at hiding things that I don’t want you to see.”
Oliver chuckled. “Oh, yes, I know about that.”
Looking at him, Felicity could see that he really meant it. He knew how well she was at hiding things that should be possible to be found online or through any other computer possibilities. Oliver, no matter how skilled he was at the computer – he liked to hide it, but he was quite great at it – would never be able to find it.
“And you?” Felicity asked. “What did you do?”
“Whatever I liked to do,” Oliver replied easily, shrugging his shoulders like it wasn’t a big thing at all, “I mean I did get to play the Romeo when I was six for example.”
Felicity perked up a single eyebrow. “And what did you pay for playing that role?”
“Not much.” Oliver cleared his throat slightly. “I promised Christina McLordy, who played the Juliet, to be with her for the two months that followed. It was a small price to pay. She was actually kind of pretty.”
Felicity looked at Oliver incredulously, but he just shrugged his shoulders and grinned to himself. It was his usual way of dealing with things that he didn’t really want to deal with or things he was at least slightly embarrassed about.
Snorting, Felicity just shook her head. “Oliver Queen, prostituting himself since he has been six years old. Why am I not surprised?”
Oliver just chuckled. He took her hand and squeezed it. When Felicity looked at him, she found his eyes on her already. She could see the silent question in his eyes, the question whether he had finally told her something about himself that was too much to take or that angered her or hurt her. Of course, after everything Felicity knew about Oliver, there was nothing she could think of that could possibly be too much for her or something she wouldn’t be able to understand. Hence, she squeezed his hand right back and smiled at him.
With a sigh that held a little bit of relief, Oliver turned his eyes back towards the different rows of seats. A few more parents had come, maybe three more. It was still a sad picture, but at least it was better than nothing Felicity guessed.
“I guess in a perfect world it would be different.”
Felicity nodded her head. “Elseworlds, parents are always able to attend an occasion like this.”
“And they love to do it.”
“Because they love their children, and they get paid leave for the rare hours.”
“That would certainly make for a better world.”
“And a more peaceful generation of kids growing up,” Felicity added with a low sigh, “because kids that grow up feeling loved and appreciated often don’t feel the need to go around and bully others or hurt them. I think the number of crimes would decrease.”
“I could be put out of both of my jobs and be a stay-at-home dad again.”
Felicity cocked her head, a little bit surprised about the way Oliver’s voice sounded so nostalgic. She knew how much he had enjoyed to stay home with the kids, taking care of them every minute of the day. After the long time he had spent far away from home, thinking he’d never make it home and would never have a family of his own, he had wanted nothing more than to be the best parent he could be.
Maybe he missed that now that he didn’t have that much time with his kids because of all the work that had been pushed onto him lately.
Putting her hand to Oliver’s thigh, she made him look at her and said, “I might have to talk to the mayor about making Starling City a part of Elseworld.”
Oliver chuckled. “I doubt that I have that much power.”
With a low sigh, Oliver gave away that he really didn’t like to admit that. He was doing so much, but he always wanted to do more. For him, it was never enough. He wanted the world to be the fairest and safest place possible. He hadn’t gotten to know it like that, and even their kids weren’t getting to know their home like that. The world continued to be a dangerous place.
Felicity lifted a hand to the side of his face and pulled his face a little closer to her. Straightening up in her seat, she brushed her lips against his jaw then.
“You are doing a lot already.”
Oliver smiled sadly. He didn’t have to say it for her to know what he was thinking. It just wasn’t enough. It was never enough.
There was no time to further discuss this though. The lights in the auditorium went out. A single spotlight was directed at the stage.  A young girl with long Rastas was stepping to the microphone. Felicity could see her eyes skimming the few people in the audience, and her eyes lost a little bit of their light when she didn’t find the person she had hoped for and saw some other parents play on their phones.
When her eyes met Felicity’s, Felicity flashed her a wide smile. She lifted a hand and waved at her, trying to give her the feeling that she was here just for her right now. The girl smiled, waved back and took in a deep breath.
“Ladies and Gentlemen,” she said, “welcome to the show tonight. You can expect dramatic drama presentations, poetic poem recitations and musical music contents.”
Felicity chuckled softly, and the girl’s smile brightened even more. It was incredible to see how a little attention and a warm smile could achieve so much.
“All money that will be earned today is going to be given to charitable societies to support the people in need after the earthquake.”
Felicity shot Oliver a meaningful gaze. Neither of them said a word, but they still agreed on donating some more money today. They kids had put so much effort to this. They shouldn’t be disappointed.
“Now, your first treat of the evening is going to be Thomas Robert Merlyn, and he is going to present a poem to you that he has written himself. Applause for Tommy!”
Tommy, who was usually all shy and hesitant when it came to strangers, stepped onto the stage with a wide smile. When his eyes met Felicity’s, his shoulders straightened even more. Felicity lifter her hand to wave at him, but Tommy rolled his eyes.
“Guess who is starting to get embarrassed at the public showing of affection?”
“Stop that,” Felicity mumbled, “he is nowhere old enough for that.”
Oliver chuckled quietly, so Felicity bumped her elbow into his ribs. Chuckling some more, Oliver grabbed her hand and held it between both of his. It was a wordless offer of peace, and Felicity accepted it willingly.
“My poem’s title is Robin Hood.”
Oliver’s fingers tightened around Felicity’s. She shot him a brief glance, and she could just see how emotional he was about the fact that his son had written a poem that was without any doubt an allusion to him. He had been compared to Robin Hood more often than not, and it was the very reason why the kids loved Robin Hood so much.
“In the dark times of Starling City, / crimes increased in popularity. / To save the people from the crimes / a lot have tried their best at times. / The best has never been enough / and what people learned there of? / Even the best gave up on safety and peace / to everyone’s misery, even the police.”
Tommy had visibly fun although barely anyone listened as attentive as they should. Since Tommy had always been a kid that had liked to be for himself – or alone with his mommy – the lack of audience didn’t seem to bother him much.
“Until finally in the darkest night, / someone took on the fight. / An archer in green leathers / came along with bow and arrows. / He sought the bad ones that failed the city / and with the same energy as Goldberg’s Whoopie, / he took them down to protect the ones in need / taking the crime lords off their feet.”
Oliver leaned a little closer.
“Did you help him with that?”
“Not at all,” Felicity whispered back, shaking her head, “he did this all by himself, maybe with the help of his teacher or his siblings.”
“Not everyone was happy though / even the good wanted the hero to go / because they feared that the hero’s actions / could cause the city to grow even more fractions. / They didn’t want to thank him, / didn’t celebrate his actions as a win. / Still, the hero never stopped to fight, / he always came back in the twilight.”
Once more, Oliver’s hand tightened around Felicity’s hand.
“So the hero continues to save the city and everyone in it, / the feeling of good his only benefit. / He builds a team long the way, / and chases the criminals away – hurray! / He wears a thousand names, / the setting sun his arrival proclaims. / He is known as the Green Arrow now, / a hero he really is – wow.”
Felicity would have loved to applaud for her son, but Oliver was still holding her hand between his fingers. She had to squeeze his fingers tightly for him to realize that he was holding onto her. He let go of her hand quickly and applauded too.
Tommy, who bowed down like he was met with a hurricane of applause rather than the low clapping of hands he really got, met Oliver’s eyes. Oliver didn’t have to say a word for Tommy to know that he was touched by the poem. He knew that it was much appreciated, and that Tommy had to recite it at home a few times too.
“You know, if this is part of Elseworlds too,” Oliver whispered to Felicity when Tommy left the stage, “I think a lot of parents would benefit from it too.”
Felicity nodded her head. “Absolutely.”
And in Elseworlds, Felicity realized as the show went on, all parents stayed until the last child had performed on stage instead of leaving once their own child had performed. Elseworlds, children and their parents were happier. Maybe someday, elseworlds would come to Starling City too.
* * *
@fannaz​ @promiseyoullbepatientwithme​ @bytemegeekette​ @felicity-said-just-in-case​ @phanseptiic​ @orangeisorange​ @mspotatohead14​ @whentheheavenfades​ @emmaamelia95​ @smoakingskye​ @seaolicity​ @ourwritinginvein​ @1022bridgetp​ @felicityqueenforever​ @leagueofolicity17​ @yryssss​ @myhauntedblacksoul​ @sherlock44​ @sinceriouslybea​ @olivyflavescentdeer​ @olicitys-castle​ @ofnothingcharming​ @vaelisamaza​ @smoakedandcharmed​ @alexisa1206​ @florence-bubbles​ @addictiontelly​ @queens-of-arrows​ @memcjo​ @hysterical-for-joshifer @oswinelevenforever​ @olicitylovemaking @bandanab310​ @mymusiclove101​ @lynslogic​ @scarletqueen23​ @olicityshipper19​ @alex-wesley​ @arrows-4ever​ @unabashedlynerdypatrol​ @louehmysoul​ @ligiapimenta​ @chattyyana​ @charlie-leau​ @coal000​ @samcrowleys​ @ishippolivia​ @julianegomesqueen​ @malafle​ @miriam1779​ @charlinert​ @melaux @ontheolicityship​ @myshipperlife​ @wrightainsley @lexi9515​ @ladygreenwood​ @multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl​ @morinamel​ @mje-thomas​ @kebarry​ @canadianheartgirl​ @nannett2307​ @almondblossomme​ @kathrynelizabeth89​ @imdfabulous​ @mrt2501​ @arsipaci14​ @salasvia​ @brandis91 @cainc3​ @morganmiguess @pr0fessi0nal-fangurl​ @iamisalima​ @nessafrancis-blog​ @jonhdiggle​ @niki-is-amazing​ @universed-posts @hopeful-warrior​ @senoritaswiftie​ @bellemmie​ @green-arrows-of-karamel​ @iheartarrow​ @olicityovereverything​ @oliverfel4​ @olicity-in-the-heart​ @fullychippedcreation​ @geemarie​ @everything-but-normal-cat @myarroworld​ @tjmartinez​ @pleasantfanandstudent​ @j69confessional2​ @scentedcolorpirate​ @icanica74​ @tjmartinez98​ @certainmentalityface​ @tatianadamaceno @ryelew​ @wildwillowzepplin​ @missafairy​ @letsplaymurde-r​ @lipizette​ @positivepiper​ @nuttymilkshakehologram​ @laksagirl-blog​ @turnupthemusicandscream​ @pumpernickle93 @onceuponanolicity​ @1106angel​ @jaspertown​ @fadinglands​ @morganashimi83​ @mochababychristy​ @omglovechrissie​ @mariejr88-blog​ @thetaufactor​ @onceuponanolicity​ @speakandseethetruth​ @bri206​ @aglasgo​ @geemarie​ @pineprincess​ @nerdgirljen​ @eternal-olicity14​ @allyouhadtodowas-stay-stay-stay​ @lovelycssefan​ @tsseract​ @flowerandsunshine​ @dcnmarvelgamergeek​ @blondeeoneexox @monetsmark​ @bb-olicity​ @mashamarty​ @rulerofsilence​ @erika-amber​ @nothingmorethanmyotps​ @kayleenyc​ @tonto16 @olicityfluv​ @olicitea1990​ @haahaaa2408​ @pattid1​ @faegal04​ @24karatgem​ @wrldtravler​ @readerkas​ @olicity-beliver​ @greencoffeecups​ @snorlaxishere​ @sonothappening118
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thecandywrites · 4 years
Jewel Of The North Part 10
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Ahhhhh. Ok. So I had to stop and rewrite this three times and it did not go how I originally envisioned. IT TURNED OUT BETTER. Because my original idea of how this was gonna go, was a little lack luster by the time I fleshed it out and put it into the story. 
Then I took a step back and was deep cleaning my fridge and BOOM, how this NEEDED to go bloomed and when I wrote it, it worked out so much better than my original idea. And I hope you guys like it. 
Always, thank to SO MUCH to @monstersandmaw​ for sharing ice orcs with me. 
Jewel Of The North 
Part 10
Meanwhile Noah was crying so hard he could barely see the road through his tears.��
“Gods damn you Zara!” Noah yelled as he threw his sunglasses at the passenger window before the sunglasses shattered from the impact and the glass of the window cracked a little. He had been hiding behind them this whole time and he was so angry and hurt he could barely see straight as he wiped his angry tears with his sleeves. 
“Why didn’t you fight?! Why didn’t you fight for me?! For Sakura?! I thought you loved us?! You always fight for what you care about! Do you not care about us at all?!” He yelled from inside the truck. 
“All the way home last night I was fantasizing about selling everything I own and packing Sakura up and following you home because home wasn’t home without you and the clans can keep their stupid land. We don’t need it, we don’t even want it if you can't enjoy it with us! But you don’t even want us! One push from Alorna and you collapsed, you folded and withdrew and you were out of the game, out of the fight. Both at the dinner and at the solstice. Why did you just take it? Why didn’t you fight back? I know you can do better! I know you can fight better and meaner than Alorna ever could and I have seen you talk your way out of more with less. You could have told everyone you read for about it and they all would have been on your side and all the people of the clans would have stood up for you. But you just rolled over like a bitch! You broke my heart, you broke Sakura’s heart! How could you do this to me? How could you do this to us?! Fuck you Zara! Never again! Never again will I be fooled by a pretty face and a weak heart!” Noah ranted as he drove back to the control tower office and barely had the truck parked before he did his best to get himself together. And the whole time, he fought not to just turn around and going back to the ship terminal and getting the answers to those questions. But he was too stubborn, and too wounded to do so and it was like fighting a bear- wrestling with his emotions and regaining his composure. 
“So what other loads do you have for me today?” Noah asked as he came into the office, regretting that he didn’t have another pair of sunglasses to hide his red, tear stained eyes behind.  
“Uh, you just got the payday of a lifetime, you don’t need any other loads, at least not today.” Nancy informed him. 
“What?” He asked. 
“It’s already scanned and deposited, although all the writing on the back kind of made it a little hard.” She said as she slid your check to him from across the countertop as he stared in disgust at it, he wanted to burn it. Just because you had big pockets, meant you could buy your way back into his good graces? Fuck that and fuck you and your stupid money. 
“What writing on the...oh.” He frowned deeply as he flipped it over and read it, his face changing from one of disgust, anger and resentment to one of dawning understanding as Nancy tugged on the sleeve of her fellow secretary Andrea and lowkey held out five fingers and counted down from 5...4...3....2...1…. 
“Oh... shit.” Noah breathed just before he got a call from his mom. 
“Yeah?” Noah answered. 
“Where are you?” Summer questioned. 
“I’m at the airstrip in Skag Way.” Noah answered. 
“Have you dropped Zara off at the ship yet?” She asked. 
“Yeah and I’m already back.” He answered.
“And you’re reconciled?” She prompted. 
“...no.” Noah regrettably admitted.
“You mean to tell me that the second and greatest love of your life is about to get on a cruise ship without you?! You’re going to be sending her all on her own on a cruise ship full of thousands of horney and half drunk vacationers who would do unspeakable horrors to her in an effort to bang the sadness out of her? She’ll get eaten alive! You can’t leave her with heartbreak in her heart. No matter how much you think you hate her right now, she doesn’t deserve that and she deserves better from you. Have you no heart? No courage? No sense? Did you give her a chance to explain herself at all or did you just assume that your own conclusion that you jumped to all on your own is right? Did you not even talk to her at all on the way there?” Summer pressed. 
“...no.” Noah answered, feeling the deepest and meanest shame and regret start to eat him alive as the very idea of any of that happening made him nauseated.  
“Noah, look at Nancy’s monitor and read the code of conduct for all priestesses of Aura and see all the very valid reasons she didn’t put up a fight with the council last night and get your head out of your ass, go back to your plane and get your overnight bag, because I know for a fact that you keep one in the plane and get back in a vehicle and drive like the wind back to that port and do whatever it takes to get on that ship. It can not leave without you and do everything you can to search that ship for her and make this right between you like your life depends on it because it does. Your life and your happiness depends on it. Because Sakura’s sure as hell does and don’t do Sakura the dishonor and the disservice of leaving things broken like this, she deserves better too. But otherwise don’t worry about Sakura, I got her and she’s staying with me and with Isla while you’re gone and don’t come back home until you and Zara are reconciled.” Summer ordered him. 
“I think it’s this one that your mom is talking about.” Nancy cut in as she pointed to the bullet point on the code of conduct that simply read. ‘Priestesses of Aura will maintain a calm and peaceful demeanor while wearing official priestess attire and will not engage in any public fighting and shall remain graceful in all things.’ and another further down that said ‘If a priestess is traveling to a local event, she will refrain from engaging in local politics as a guest of that event’ and Noah felt like an idiot. Why hadn’t he given you a chance toy explain that to him? Oh he was a stupid bastard, he hadn’t even considered any of that. He misunderstood your behavior as you as a person but not you as a priestess.  
“I gotta go.” Noah told his mom. 
“Can I keep the check?” Noah asked Nancy. 
“Absolutely, it’s just a love note at this point, besides, here’s an advance on the check itself because we’re pretty sure it’ll clear.” Nancy smiled victoriously as she slid him five grand. 
“Go get her tiger.” Andrea, urged him. 
“I’ll have Tim drive you so that the truck isn’t marooned there.” Nancy added. 
“Thank you.” Noah thanked her as he took the money and the check and slipped them into his pocket and left the office and ran to his plane to taxi it to the hanger while Tim drove the truck over to the hanger too. 
Noah grabbed his overnight bag and other essentials and quickly got into the truck as Tim floored it to the port and he completely ignored everyone as he ran into the ship terminal.
“Zara! Zara Kingsley!” He yelled desperately at the top of his lungs.
“Zarasashasabine Zahnochka Volchitsa Kingsley!” He hollered again as everyone stopped what they were doing and staring at him like he had gone mad. 
“Can I help you?” A security agent asked him. 
“Yeah, I need to know if a passenger has boarded, I’m her pilot and she forgot something on my plane.” Noah answered. 
“Ok, well lets get to registration and see.” The security guard offered as he pulled Noah to the check in desk. 
“How can I help you?” Maggie, the clerk asked. 
“Hey, I’m a pilot and my fare left something on my plane and I need to return it to her.” Noah repeated. 
“Which Agency?” She asked. 
“What?” Noah asked. 
“What Agency do you fly with?” She asked. 
“Oh, no, I’m a private pilot, Noatak Kintuk.” He answered. 
“But the passenger’s name is Zara Kingsley? Or rather her full legal name is Zarasahsasabine Kingsley.” He told her. 
“Well let me see if she’s boarded yet.” She offered as she looked it up on the computer. 
“Ok, well she has already boarded, and we can try paging her or if there’s other appointments you need to keep, we can simply give it to her for you.” She offered. 
“Oh, no thanks, it needs to be given in person.” He gently countered. 
“I can assure you that whatever it is, we will keep it secured until she picks it up.” She reassured him. 
“I’m sure that’s the case. But uh, I really need to see her face to face.” Noah insisted. 
“Can you just tell me which cabin she is in and I could deliver it to her myself?” Noah asked. 
“I’m afraid not, that information is protected by our privacy policy and the only ones allowed past the gate are passengers and staff,” Maggie shook her head no and Noah’s shoulders sagged just a little. 
“Ok, is there, by any chance, any available cabins left for this cruise?” He asked. 
“Sir, this cruise was already pretty full when we left port and we’ve had a lot of last minute passengers and we’re all full except for our elite suites and there’s only two left.” She tried to gently break it to him. 
“How much are they?” He asked. 
“Well the cheapest of the two, is the garden suite and it’s 2700 or there’s the king’s suite, and it’s 4 thousand.” She informed him. 
“I’ll take the garden suite then.” Noah decided as he pulled out the advance he had gotten from Nancy from his pocket and started counting it out. 
“Ok, can I interest you in any drink packages…” She began her spiel. 
“I’ll take it all, just get me on that boat.” Noah cut her off as respectfully as he could despite the rush he felt in his being and panic whirling in his chest.  
“Will do.” She nodded as she continued to click and type in her computer before she got his ID and payment before she got him squared away and after forfeiting all of his weapons from his overnight bag because his overnight bag was equipped with all the items needed for being stranded in the Frozen Tundra overnight or even a few days, he finally got through security and very, very briskly walked through to get on the ship and throw the remainder of his belongings in his room before he went hunting for you. 
Meanwhile you were in your own suite, on your balcony because you had gotten a free upgrade to an elite room yourself and crying into a bucket of booze from the comfort of your own private hot tub on the spacious balcony. You had literally just dropped your stuff on, gone to the closest bar and gotten a bucket drink that was supposed to be big enough for four and you paid the bartender a hundred dollars to make it wicked strong and went back to your room, slipped into a bikini and slipped into your hot tub. 
You felt used, abandoned and devastated and regretting ever coming up here to the Frozen Tundra, even as beautiful as it was. Why would the gods do all the work of bringing you Noah only for him to break your heart like this? If he had only given you a chance to explain yourself, all of this might have been completely different. But to have him react so strongly and ruthlessly, made you wonder if you actually dodged a bullet. If this was a preview of things to come...your confidence in him and in the relationship began to wane and you feel like this falter happened at the worst possible time, at the most pivotal moment. 
You wondered if he would ever see your checks. Ever see the notes on them. Ever even reconcile with you? Or if his pride would forbid it?
But the problem was, was that you were outside in your hot tub and didn’t hear your room phone ring because the balcony sliding glass doors were slid shut and your phone was face down on the bed, charging. Both were out of sight and out of hearing range. 
“She’s not picking up.” The receptionist at the customer help desk informed Noah as he was texting your phone, having already tried calling it but sadly could only get your voicemail. But at least it rang several times, instead of going straight to voicemail. That meant that you weren’t actively holding your phone and rejecting his calls. 
“Can you page her again please?” He asked. 
“I can try.” She said as she paged you again over the intercom. But your room was too far away from all the public areas to hear it.
“Has her key card been used anywhere?” He asked. 
“Yes, but only at the poolside bar and her room before and after the bar. So if she’s anywhere else in the ship, she either isn’t buying anything or she’s with someone else who’s using the their key card.” She answered as Summer’s words of warning swam in his head and his imagination tortured him of others trying to charm their way into your pants and especially your heart had him feeling so anxious and sick, he was ready to throw up right there at the customer service desk. 
Alorna and Doug were enjoying champagne on their own balcony of the same cruise ship, but their room was on the other side of the ship and much lower down. 
“This was such a great idea.” Alorna praised in a giggle. 
“It sure was.” Doug grinned proudly. 
Right after they had met with the council. Alorna had left her kids with John’s parents for a week so she could ‘get away with the girls’. When in reality, she and Doug decided to get away from the shit-show they caused in style. Doug had gotten them a veranda room and were enjoying a spontaneous vacation that turned into an affair once they came aboard the ship. 
John had come home to an empty house and a note, telling him that his wife was going away with the girls on a trip and that his kids were at his moms and when he got an alert to his phone saying that his credit card had reached its limit from a casino charge on a cruise line that John knew she had gone on a cruise and had apparently been gambling. 
But when he had gone to town to go shopping the next day, he ran into her friends and when he mentioned that he thought they would have been on the cruise with Alorna they revealed they knew nothing about it. And through contacting all of Alorna’s female friends and checked her social media feeds, which were surprisingly very quiet- John realized she had left him to go on a cruise, apparently all by herself because no one else seemed to go with her but he doubted she would keep celibate while on that cruise because she had had a habit of maxing out all hid credit cards and having affairs whenever she was really, truly pissed at him. To the point he didn’t quite know if his kids were actually his kids or not. But he hadn’t wanted to divorce her for the sake of their kids because even if they weren’t biologically his. They were still his kids in his heart. 
But with what went down at the summer solstice, John suddenly realized why she had left and knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that Alorna had something to do with it and this was the last straw. All that law was going to do is push you and all your millions and Noah and Sakura and all the opportunities to get into your good graces through them- away. The next day he had gotten in touch with a divorce attorney and canceled all his credit cards and even reported the ones that she wasn’t on- stolen and had gone to the bank to take her off his checking account and had tracked down which cruise ship had that casino and it’s current location and had told his in-laws and his own family exactly where she had gone and was currently in the process of packing up everything that was hers in his house because she was no longer going to be living there when she got back and hoped that she had won some money at that casino because he wasn’t going to give her another dime. She was officially cut off and he had even called and left a voicemail telling her as much. But she would not answer his calls or his texts. 
Meanwhile Doug’s ex-wife, Sarah- realized his child support payment was late and had tried hounding him for it. But couldn’t get ahold of him and even his own boys couldn’t get ahold of him and when Sarah went looking for him, it was like he dropped off the face of the planet. And when Doug didn’t show up at the solstice celebration to enjoy it with his sons, she knew something was up but couldn’t figure out what. But when the announcement had happened, she also felt sure that Doug had something to do with it and couldn't wait for him to reappear because she was going to beat his ass into the dirt.  
Meanwhile back on the cruise ship, Noah went to the closest bar that had a view of the customer service desk and sat on a bar stool and called and talked with Sakura and apologized to her profusely for what he had done that morning and patched things up with her while he waited. And once he got off the phone with Sakura, he got a drink at the bar and waited, and waited, and waited some more- for hours and the whole time he used a pad of paper to write down all the things he wanted to tell you and wrote down his apology in between looking for any signs of you and even after all that time there was still no sign of you, he had the bar get him lunch so he wouldn’t have to move. He was adamant he was not going to move until you came. 
But by dinner time, he caved and he went and got dinner at one of the restaurants on the ship and stopped by the poolside bar where you had gotten that drink and unfortunately, the bar staff had changed over the course of the day so none of them had seen you at all before he went to the spa to see if you had been there and they had told him that you had not and he had came back to the customer help desk only to find that you had not answered any calls or texts or anything. 
Meanwhile, after a few hours in the hot tub and effectively turned into a prune, you pulled yourself from the hot tub and wrapped yourself up like a burrito in towels and a blanket on the deck chair and had fallen asleep and had slept most of the day away to try to recover. When you woke up, it was late and you had gone inside and ordered room service for a very late dinner because you didn’t want to leave the sanctum of your suite and it wasn’t until Noah felt incredibly exhausted and needed sleep that he finally went back to his own room to get some sleep, only to find you putting your now empty food tray out into the hallway, only a few rooms down from his own. 
“Zara?” He called, hoping he didn’t see a mirage.
Hearing your name, you lifted and turned your head only to see Noah standing there, staring at you in hope that bordered on disbelief. 
“Noah?” You asked as you slowly stood up. 
“Oh thank the gods I found you. I’ve been looking for you all day!” He exclaimed as you came closer before you hid your mostly naked body behind the door and stared at him wearily as you tied your bathrobe around you tightly behind the door. 
“What are you doing here?” You demanded angrily. 
“I came to apologize and beg for forgiveness. Look, I’m sorry I was an asshole earlier and I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions about last night and deeply regret I ever told Sakura not to call you Mama, I never should have involved her at all and I’m so sorry I didn’t give you a chance to explain yourself or anything and that was the worst move I could have made and I’m so sorry I hurt you. I should have asked you why you didn’t fight the council last night and I know now, after doing some digging that as a priestess of Aura that there’s a code you need to live by while in the regalia and I completely mistook your flawless and impeccable grace in concession as you personally giving up which is the worst mistake I could have made and I didn’t take the priestess thing into account at all. I’m so sorry. And I have since called Sakura and apologized profusely to her. And I will never forgive myself if I don’t at least try to make amends, because besides Sakura, you are the greatest thing in my life and I was so stupid for trying to walk away from you and assuming that because you bowed out gracefully that you were bowing out all together and that was very wrong of me and I’m so sorry and I swear I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you.” Noah apologized profusely as he came closer so he didn’t have to yell his apology down the hallway. 
“But if you could completely tear down everything we built together so quickly, in just one night- how do I know you won’t repeat this in the future? From now on every fight we have Sakura and I will both think that you’ll just up and leave and rip us apart right after? How can I trust you with my heart when you’ll just fly away at the first bump in the road? Sakura has no choice but to endure that because she’s your daughter but I and especially my children deserve better than that. They need a rock to rely on and depend on and they need so much more stability. And they need patience and mildness and they need to know that no matter what happens and whatever leaps they decide to make, that they’ll be caught. And after last night, I’m not sure you’re what they need, or even anything they would want, regardless of whatever I feel because they come first for me. They’ve been through enough. I won’t subject them to any more turmoil, especially on my behalf.” You vowed and Noah was on his knees in front of the door. 
“I know. You’re absolutely right. You deserve better and you should get better and the last thing I want is to hurt you any more than I already have and I never want to hurt your kids or my own. It was wrong and selfish of me and I can not apologize enough for it. I was so angry at Alorna and the council and I took it out on you and Sakura and that was absolutely unacceptable. I had every intention of trying to talk to you last night and I’m sorry I was so weak to fall asleep on you and I would rather lose every wink of sleep from now on if it means we can talk and work things out. When I woke up in the middle of the night last night and found the bedroom dark and you all the way on the other side of the bed turned away from me, I assumed you were withdrawing from me because you had given up on me and that hurt worse than any other wound I’ve ever sustained and I didn’t want to push it and plead and beg for you to reconsider because my pride had already taken the beating of it’s life at the announcement and I was at my breaking point and I didn’t think about, I just reacted. And I should have waited and tried to give you a chance to talk and I realize you were hurting too and I should have tried to heal your own wounds instead of adding my own to your already heavy heart. And it wasn’t fair because your hands were tied and I didn’t see it and I should have. And I’m sorry, I’m just so sorry for all of it. The clans can keep their stupid land because Sakura and I are in agreement that home isn’t home without you in it and they can keep the stupid land, you and your love are worth more than any property anywhere in the world. I know you think her inheritance is precious and I agree with you but not more precious than you. Land is just land. But you and your love are priceless and a treasure we can’t afford to lose. Just tell me what I can do to make it right. Please.” Noah begged as tears fell from his eyes and down his cheeks as he clasped his hands together like he was praying. And as much as you wanted to swing the door open and accept him and his apology with open arms, you were too weary of the pain right now. 
“For starters you can go to bed Noah, it’s been a long, hard day for both of us. Let me sleep on it ok? What room are you in?” You asked. 
“1207.” Noah answered. 
“Well, obviously you found mine. I have an interview with the spa in the morning. So I need to get some sleep. But I can meet for breakfast after.” You proposed. 
“That’s fair.” Noah agreed as he nodded and slowly found his feet. 
“Good night Noah.” You told him before you shut the door and locked it before you slid down the door as you sat on the floor and contemplated what he had said. This morning or even this afternoon you would have taken his apology readily and accepted him back into your arms but the more time went on, the more embittered you felt and you felt the door push back slightly as you both felt and heard- Noah slide his broad back down the other side of it and you couldn’t help but smile through your tears to feel that he was sitting on the other side of it and wasn’t leaving, at least any time soon before your room phone rang. 
Intrigued- you got up and went over to it and picked it up. 
“Hello?” You answered. 
“Hi, this is Emanuel with customer service. We just had a shift change and I got briefed by the day crew, your pilot while in the Arctic Tundra became a last minute guest just so he could return something you left with him. Once he came aboard this morning, he stayed with customer service all day, asking them to call your room every hour to try to contact you and we’ve been paging you all day throughout the ship. He only left once to get dinner and even then he only left the desk about half an hour ago to return to his own room. He is insistent that you know that he’s staying in room 1207.” Emanuel informed you and you almost felt foolish for not staying in that terminal longer and had waited for him to come back, he wouldn’t have had to get a room, he could have roomed with you for free. 
“He just found me and returned it to me. Thank you so much for all your help. Sorry I was on my balcony the whole time, taking a nap most of the day.” You explained. 
“Well, we are happy you’re ok and have what belongs to you. Enjoy your voyage Ms. Kingsley.” Emanuel wished you. 
“Thank you, good night.” You bid him before you hung up and even though your vindictive side told you to make Noah suffer till morning. Your heart cried out and begged for you to get him in your room so you could reconcile...all night long. 
Your heart won.
You went back to your door and no sooner had you unlocked the door before you heard Noah shuffle to get up and by the time you opened the door Noah was in the process of finding his feet. 
“You spent all day with customer service?” You posed as you leaned against the door frame. 
“Yup. All day.” Noah nodded in confirmation. 
“So what did I forget?” You asked. 
“My heart. I forgot to give it to you fully before you left.” Noah answered which made you snicker a laugh which made him crack a grin. 
“That has to be the cheesiest line I’ve ever heard.” You appraised. 
“I’m a cheesy corny guy.” Noah shrugged his shoulders. 
“That you are.” You nodded. 
“Have you moved into your room?” You asked him. 
“I literally just through my overnight bag into it, that’s it, I haven’t even unpacked.” Noah professed. 
“So, if I were to take a leap of faith and invite you to stay in my room with me, would you catch me by staying with me?” You asked. 
“Absolutely. I’ll be right back.” He readily agreed before he practically ran down the hallway and got into his room a few rooms down and got his bag and came right back to yours and all he did was drop his bag down on the floor before he was hugging and holding you and crying even more tears, this time of relief and happiness that he had a chance to prove himself to you. 
“Thank you Baby, thank you, thank you, thank you for a chance to make this right.” He thanked you as you clung together and you couldn’t attach your mouth to his fast enough. You were desperate for the taste of his mouth in yours and the second you found your prize, you were suddenly being lifted up and carried as your legs wrapped around his waist and Noah peeked to see where the bed was and once his knees found it, he very carefully lowered you down on the bed and eased onto you as you kissed each other desperately and the flurry of hands to get undressed and under the covers was what you both needed as badly as the air in your lungs and finally being rejoined was like coming back to life. 
And it was the best makeup sex of your lives.
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giyaa11 · 4 years
""HARRY! NOAH ! COME DOWN AT THIS INSTANT, BOTH OF YOU!", Lily Potter's scream could be heard through the whole Surrey. She was livid would be an understatement, but again who wouldn't be if they woke up with green hair!
James Potter and Sirius Black was trying very hard to hold their laugh back when the two boys came down the stairs, having the same expression as their dad with a hint of fear too. "Mum! I swear we didn't do it, we just woke up!", said the elder boy, his already messy hair looking worse from sleep and his glasses almost at his nose, while the younger looked a bit intimidated.
"Harry you are not going to the Diagon Alley with us today! And Noah you're going to tell me who among your father and uncles helped you guys to do this!". Several chatter broke down at that, harry loudly protesting about that hard of a punishment and James and Sirius claiming how innocent they are. But before the scenario could proceed any further Remus Lupin came through the fireplace.
"So I guess they pulled it off after all eh", he remarked seeing lily's green hair! Lily , who was already fuming, seemed like about to curse anyone at this. She was just raising her wand when two more people came through the fireplace. Peter Pettigrew looked content with Amelia Bones beside him. It took a long time for him to forgive himself for that eventful Halloween night , but eventually he did , after all his friends never held any grudges against him . They understood that he didn't have the power to fight off the imperious curse , and they were happy that at least he never did anything willingly and he came to warn them as fast as he could. But the person they held grudges against was Severus Snape , Peter did tell them about how he told about Godric's Hollow to Voldemort (and to spare only lily's life ), the marauders were livid and wanted to strangle him right there, but a look at lily they didn't , she did after all once consider him friend, but she also made sure snape knew what he lost because of his stupidity.
"We have news!", said the short man smiling widely at the woman beside him, "we are engaged!", said Amelia waving her left and the ring to the people of the room. A loud cheer broke out, James , Sirius , Remus all went to hug peter and ruffle his hair and slap his back, while lily went to Amelia congratulate her .
The two little boys were still standing there grinning widely, relieved that their mother forgot all about their little prank. so I guess this calls for a celebration, what should we do!", exclaimed lily , to which Amelia replied that they already booked tables at leaky because they also invited her brother and his family. So quite literally Harry's punishment was all forgotten.
"It was almost noon when Weasly family reached the Leaky Cauldron , they were all out for the Hogwarts school shopping for their 3 eldest children, among which Percy Weasly was the excited first year while the eldest two Bill and Charlie Weasly looked almost as giddy as the other siblings to have a family lunch at leaky. It was a very rare occasion for weasly family to eat outside, even though their mother's cooking tasted heavenly, it seemed like a wonderful idea to eat outside for them. Arthur Weasly got a promotion at his job in the ministry, so he was quite delightful to give his family a treat, when finally the family found a big enough table for them , they found out that it was already reserved. It was a table for 20, the largest in the restaurant. They were about go find another table when Arthur saw the familiar faces of James potter and Amelia Bones. James and Sirius were aurors, while Peter worked for the department of magical creatures and Remus taught at a muggle primary school. Amelia Bones was the head of the department of magical law enforcement. So she was quite the known face in the ministry, and Arthur met James about a case which involved a muggle family about a year ago. He always thought even though belonging from such a rich family James was quite a humble and kind man ,not to mention the hassle his family had gone through during the war and his son was THE BOY WHO LIVED. His daughter was quite taken with the story too.
"Sorry sir this table is already taken , you have to find somewhere else to sit", the waitress told him. "ARTHUR WEASLY!", he was about to move when he heard James say his name, " James , I must say this is quite a surprise! How are you?", he asked politely . He had his family and friends with him too, but they were hardly 20 people. "AH you know same old, here, have you meet my wife , this is Lily and my two sons , Harry and Noah", he introduced vaguely indicating the beautiful read headed woman and two young boys (one with same raven hair and glasses as James , who was Harry and the other with red hair was Noah) standing beside him. Arthur smiled at the family and said, " well, this is my family, my wife Molly, my 6 boys , Bill, Charlie , Percy , Fred, George and Ron and this is my only little girl Ginny", James noticed the mere increase of admiration as he introduced his little girl , and not for the first time wondered if he could persuade lily for another child, hopefully this time a daughter! But then again they were content with their family, even though the boys could be handful at times , they were still the most precious persons in the world to him. He noticed the weaslys were all red heads, even though their was not the same as lily's . He also noticed they were probably looking for a table, he saw that they were total 9 people and they could sit with his family and friends.
" we are here for my friend Peter's engagement to Amelia, but you can sit with us , we are only 11 people , there are still seats, that is if you're okay with it", Arthur smiled and said , " that's very generous of you James , but we don't want to intrude, I'm sure we can find some other table". Amelia interrupted," You can sit with us Arthur, you will not be intruding, it's just lunch, this is my brother Leo and his wife Marianna, and my niece looks about your daughter's age, the kids will have fun too". so it was settled and the Potter clan and Weasly family were having lunch together for the first time.
"Harry was about to sit beside his brother and Susan when he noticed the weasly kids coming over to them. He smiled and waved at the, happy to find boys at his age. He also noticed the tiny girl beaming at him while lagging behind her brothers, he thought she was cute, with two pigtails and freckles over her little nose, but obviously in way dolls are cute, and boys weren't supposed to play with dolls right?
" Hi, I am Ron , I think we will be in the same year at Hogwarts!", said the youngest Weasly to Harry. "I'm Harry, and yeah it'll be cool to already have friends for Hogwarts", he said extending his hand to the boy . He noticed two identical boys coming up to them. " Gred look if it isn't our almighty saviour !" , 'oh yes! You can absolutely count on our sustenance for you", said the twins. Ron introduced them as Fred and George. Harry noticed Noah looking rather shy beside him so he introduced him to the weasly boys. That is when the elder weasly brother came up with the little girl trailing behind them. The tallest one shook his hand after introducing himself as Bill and his brothers as Charlie and Percy. "BILL! What about me!", that's when Harry noticed the little girl was almost red in the face, as if she was embarrassed to even be there. "oh! How can I forget you firefly! Harry this is our only and little sister Ginny", Harry waved at her and said, "hello!". Ginny became even redder at this if possible and hid behind Bill's legs.
During the lunch harry found out Ron was very much fun to be with , and they became fast friends. But he also didn't fail to notice his brother talking to Ginny , when he was engrossed in a conversation about quidditch with Ron and Charlie, who he found out played seeker for Gryffindor house . By the time the lunch was done, it seemed like Ron and Harry was already best mates and Fred and George impressed with marauder's school adventures and Harry's pranking ideas and vice versa. Also Harry noticed his brother and Ginny seemed to become friends too.
It was much later when Arthur Weasly announced that it was time for their family to go home, the children were kind of disheartened at the idea, but cheered up quickly when James invited the Weaslys to dinner that weekend .
"so, eh, I guess you guys made some friends huh!", James told Harry , Noah and Susan, even though the girl seemed quite shy during the whole lunch. Harry and Noah was actually beaming. James and Sirius shared a small smile seeing the look of pure joy in their faces.
I guess I had some issues with copy paste! But here's the chapter !
Also this is going to be a Hinny, Romione , Draco Oc , JILY, wolfstar fic . and i am not going to write any ship that i did not already plan, but you can give me ideas if you want ( i was also confused between dramione and romione , i kinda like both of them , you can tell me what should I ultimately write)
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choicest · 4 years
Author's Note: A rewrite of today's chapter. It’s really long since I missed that Harris guy but it’s okay now since they are okay. There’s also a little intimate part so read responsibly. Thank you for being here!
Pairing: Noah x MC
When she went back to the small igloo, Noah has already left that's why she's running towards the parking lot now, even though she still doesn't know what to say to him if ever he's still there. MC beams as she saw that one particular figure before her, his back facing her but she's positive it is him. She knows by heart it is him. She takes her time slowing her breath before approaching him but as she sees Noah picking up his helmet, she immediately shouts, still quite panting.
"Noah!" It was her. He would always recognize that voice no matter how loud the world is. Noah faces MC, smiling uncontrollably as she looks at him but that look on his face vanishes as quickly as he realizes that maybe the reason why she's here is not the reason he was hoping for.
"MC? What are you doing here?" MC moves closer to him, steadying herself.
"Noah, I'm sorry. I’m sorry for avoiding you ever since the Homecoming. I want to be with you again, whether be friends with you again, or more, or whatever that was we had, we have." MC says hurriedly as if the clock is ticking.
Noah gives her a confused look. He was pretty sure that if he tells her about his past, he'd lost her completely and he convinced himself to believe that since when he started feeling more for this girl.
"Noah, please say something." MC says nervously as she waited for a response.
Noah looks on the ground before speaking. "Even after everything I just told you?"
"Even after everything. I'm sorry, Noah. I was hurt to see you guys hurting each other but I didn't realize that I'm hurting you also, especially you."
Tears fall down her cheeks as she realizes how much pain she caused him. While she knows that that hurt she felt was valid, she didn't recognize she's transferring that pain to him. MC is the only person Noah let in and the moment one thing went wrong, she left his side.
Noah cautiously reaches for her hand, holding it firmly as he started talking.
"I was so afraid to tell you the truth, you know? Whenever I catch myself with you, doing our thing, becoming closer each day, I knew I'd have to tell you.” Noah pause, he doesn’t know how to continue on this path.
MC squeezes his hand encouraging him.
“I was ashamed, ashamed of myself for committing a horrible mistake. And mostly, I was afraid, MC. Afraid I'd lose you completely. You have Mason and you're a great person. The moment I lose your attention, other guys would already be waiting for you."
What MC do next surprise him. MC wraps her arms around him and hugs him so tight Noah almost forgot about everything.
"Shh. Deep breaths. I'm here." She rubs his back comfortingly.
Noah rests his head in the crook of her neck. What a great feeling it is to be held by the person you deeply care for. He hugs her back letting her heartbeat guide him.
After a few moments, they separated. MC fixes his hair as he studies her features. He likes it when she takes care of him but he can't say that to her. At least, not yet.
"Noah, I know what I want is not that easy but I meant what I said earlier. I'm going to earn your trust again..."
He cuts her by hugging her again. This time he makes sure she feels it too. He makes sure that through it, she’d feel everything is going to be okay.
"Starting over would demand so much time. Let's just pick up where we left off."
He sees her nervously moving her hands. Noah pokes MC in her side as they stand on the porch.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Are you sure about this?”
“Positive. MC, do you remember the time your dad met me?” he asks her trying to calm her nerves.
“How could I forget? I became an instant tutor.” They both chuckle at the memory.
Noah takes her hand and laces his fingers with hers.
“Relax., Elijah doesn’t live here anymore. Plus, all the important ladies in my life in one place… What’s the worst that could happen?”
MC smiles warmly at him as he opens the door.
“Ma? I brought a friend.”
“I see someone’s made up with my son. You must be MC.”
“You must be Ms. Harris. It’s nice to finally meet you.” MC excitedly greets his mother.
MC notices what his mom was doing and offered her some help. Noah smiles appreciating the gesture.
“It’s okay, dear. I’ll manage. You too, though I wish it were under prettier circumstances.”
“I would offer you something to drink but…”
Noah immediately reacts as his mother gestures to the fridge. Ms. Harris let out her frustration as she shares what’s happening. MC can see how embarrassed she is but she doesn’t mind. It’s how the people treat another that would always matter to her, one thing she loves about Noah. Even if everyone around him treats him less, he doesn’t stoop to their level and stays kind at the same time still knowing when to defend himself whenever people become too much.
“You’re worn out, Ma. Go take a nap, I’ll take care of this.”
Ms. Harris gives MC a polite look but MC just shakes her head.
“I really don’t mind, Ms. Harris. We’ll just wake you up for dinner.” MC smiles genuinely at Ma which she returns.
“I think I’ll take you up on that offer, then. Prepare to be grilled later, MC.”
Noah searches MC’s face and sees a look of shock. He knows that by the look her Ma gives him, she’s already got her approval but teasing her is too fun to pass.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean for this to be the first thing you saw walking in.”
“Hey, it’s okay. I actually like it. I mean, your dynamic with your Ma.”
Noah smiles at her. Every time he thinks he couldn’t fall in love more with this girl, she goes and does something to prove him wrong.
“Where’s your sister by the way?”
The pile of blankets beside them suddenly shakes then a little girl appears.
Noah laughs as he saw that look on MC’s face again.
“MC, meet my sister, Hazel.”
“Hello! Are you Noah’s girlfriend?”
MC eyes search to meet Noah’s eyes. When they locked eyes, he just gives her his signature smirk.
“Well, yeah. I think so. Something like that.”
MC’s face turns slightly red as she avoids Noah’s gaze, knowing he’s looking at her only makes the situation more embarrassing for her.
Your small introduction with the two ladies was interrupted when a loud bang knocks repeatedly at your front door. And you’re very sure this wouldn’t be the last time.
The inconsiderate landlord shouts at the Harris family when they open the door but Noah was able to talk some sense into him. MC watch as Hazel admires his brother take care of his family and she’s not the only one. This is the Noah she wants to get to know. Big brother Noah, son Noah, family’s man Noah. Only a few minutes at their home, and she discovered a side of him that’s making her love him more.
As she watches Noah take care of his family, his reaction earlier when she hugs him finally makes sense. Noah has to grow up quickly to look after his sister. He didn’t get as much time as she gets to enjoy life. Smiling, she made a promise to herself.
As Noah walks back to the living room, MC catches his hands, squeezes it tightly and thought to herself. “I’m here, Noah. You now have someone who will also take care of you.”
As he closes the door, all he wants for now is to know what MC is thinking. Is she not liking what she has seen so far? But every gear inside his head stops when MC holds his hands. There’s a look on her face he can’t quite comprehend but whatever she is thinking right now, he’s positive it’s not because of what she has seen.
“I can’t wait to test you, MC!”
“Test me?” Noah smirks as MC makes that look again.
“Hazel hates wimpy girls who don’t try at sports.”
I smile as MC takes a deep breath. She really wants to get my family’s approval and that makes me so happy. It makes me feel that she really cares about me.
She stands effortlessly before the lane. Noah’s sensing she’s actually good at bowling and just decided to give Hazel the highlight of the day. She settled in her place, preparing to aim but stands straight again to his surprise.
MC gives Noah a playful look and says “Noah, it’s been forever since I went bowling. I’m not sure I remember how…” she battled her lashes at Noah, who rolled his eyes before going to her side.
“First of all, knock that goofy smirk off your face. Next bring the ball up by your chin, like this.”
The quarterback missed this. Teasing each other, exchanging meaningful glances, basically being them.
After scoring a strike Hazel goes to the bathroom shouting at Noah to wait for her.
MC catches Noah searching the area, as she’s about to ask him why, she felt his breath against her ear.
“I know we just made up but… damn, I wish we could be a little reckless.”
“What were you thinking?” MC says challenging.
“I’d really like to kiss you.” Noah responds, looking her straight in the eyes.
“Really?” MC wraps her hand on his arm, leveling with him.
“I’d kiss you hard, baby.”
“What are you waiting fo…”
Noah didn’t even wait for her to finish. He holds her hands guiding them to his back, letting her touch him.
He wraps a strong arm around her waist, his other hand holding her neck. Just like he promised, Noah kisses her hard. He smiles as she let out a small moan.
“Shh, we’re in a public place.” Noah says as he softly bites her neck.
Noah smiles as he’s rewarded with another small moan.
“I’m right here, baby.”
Noah goes back to kissing her lips, sliding his tongue into her seconds after. It’s him who’s making a sound now.
“I’ve missed this, MC.” he says in between kisses.
“Me too, Noah. Me too.”
The two of them smile at each other as they pant.
“How do I look?” MC asks.
“Radiant. Is this really the time to be fishing for compliments?”
MC playfully jab at his side and he smacked her with that grin.
“I mean do I look normal? Not like I just made out with you?”
Noah smirks and as if nothing happened, they continue with the game.
MC won the game and Hazel love her for it. After earning a stamp from each other, the three of them happily get back home to start cooking dinner.
Noah let Hazel help him and MC prepare dinner after promising she’ll be quiet to not wake up their Ma. Not long after they are all sitting at the dining table talking like one happy family.
As Noah put Hazel into bed, Ms. Harris started talking to MC.
“I like you, MC...” she smiles sincerely at the teenager.
“But I don’t like seeing my son like that.” MC shyly looks on the ground. She’s about to say something but Ms. Harris continues.
“Now, don’t get me wrong, honey. All I’m saying is that the next time you guys go through something, be there for each other. You won’t solve anything by staying away from each other.”
Ms. Harris puts a hand in her shoulder. “I can see you’re a good person and you make my son happy. It’s okay.”
When Ms. Harris smiles warmly at her, MC finally relaxes. She’s definitely not grilling her. She’s just being a mom who’s looking out for her son.
“I hear you, Ms. Harris. Thank you.”
Noah helps MC removes her helmet. They looked into each other not saying anything, just quietly enjoying each other’s company. Finally, MC speaks.
“Thanks for the ride, Jeff Goldblum.”
“You’re welcome.”
The quarterback watches her as she walks towards the porch. Not being able to stop himself, he catches her hands making her look back to him.
“You forgot something.”
“I did?”
“Yeah, you forgot this.”
Noah holds her chin then kisses her sweetly this time.
“Good night, beautiful.”
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svudrabbles · 5 years
How about one where Olivia gets jealous when another mom (one of Noah’s friends) flirts with fem!reader at one of Noah’s games (you pick the sport) especially when Olivia has been working really hard on a case, so she has been missing out on spending time with them. Angst + fluff at end pls I hope this makes sense because it sounds better in my head. Anyways, love your writing! You are really good!
Thank you so much!! This is a really great prompt, sounds great on paper too lmao. I chose dance because that’s what we saw most recently on the show...and also it made a neat storyline in the fic. Hope you enjoy!
Noah’s mid season performance review at the dance academy was today. You had informed Olivia of this last week, and she had promised both you and Noah she would be there. You hated to say it, but you weren’t sure if she’d show. She’d been at work constantly since the beginning of the month working this new case, and while you understood the importance of her job, sometimes it felt like she shoved the two of you to the side.
On the way to the academy, Noah had seen upset in the back seat, so of course you inquired as to why.
He said, “I don’t think mommy is gonna show up...”
Your eyebrows furrowed in sadness , and you sighed. “Noah, she just texted me that she’s leaving work in ten minutes. She’ll be here.”
He sighed, looking out of the window, and didn’t respond.
Yeah. You didn’t exactly believe your words either. But you could hope.
When you arrived, there were parents lined up against the massive wall to wall mirrors. Olivia wasn’t here yet. You took your seat at the end of the line, although Noah hadnt left your side.
“Mama,” he pouted, “where’s mommy?”
“She’ll ve here, love.” You hugged him tightly. “Go see your friends, okay? I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
All of a sudden, a woman and a little girl entered the room. She gasped at the sight of Noah and ran toward the two of you. “Noah! Look! My mommy got me a new leotard. Wanna see?”
Noah turned his head toward his friend, and almost as if he forgot entirely about his nervousness, he grinned. “Hi, Lilliah! Yeah!”
The girl named Lilliah took him by the hand and dragged him over to the cubbies where she practically ripped off her coat and began modeling her new sparkly leotard.
You felt someone take a seat next to you, so you turned your head and almost gasped at the sight.
“Y/N?” Grace laughed in surprise.
Grace was...an old friend of sorts. You were a dancer growing up, and had made it into a company by the time you were eighteen. Grace and you had made this accomplishment together, but once you left the company, you’d completely lost touch.
“Grace!” You smiled happily, bringing the woman into a huge hug.
“My God it’s been so long.” She squeezed you tightly. “Where have you been?”
You pulled away, your eyes searching her person. Her thick blond curly hair was swept into a messy bun, her sparkling blue eyes were alive with excitement as they usually were. Her white teeth broad in a grin. As much as you were friends, Grace was also your ex girlfriend.
“Ah, around.” You shrugged. “I actually teach dance at another studio.”
“Very nice. I always expected that from you.” She chuckled, squeezing your thigh.
You looked down at the sudden touch with raised eyebrows.
“I guess my daughter is friends with your son.” She mentioned, motioning toward the two little kids who were running around together giggling.
You smiled. “I guess so.”
“Makes sense. We were always good friends.” She winked.
You blushed. “Yeah. We were huh?”
“I met Lilliah’s dad not soon after you dropped out of the company. He was sort of a cope, I think. We became...acquaintances with benefits.” She shrugged. “I got pregnant with her, he skipped out.”
You frowned. “I’m sorry, Grace.”
“It’s okay.” She chuckled. “Lily is the best thing in the world. Im glad it happened. But I do wish you’d been around.”
You sighed. “I’m sorry, I just...when I left, I didn’t want any reminders of why I had to go.”
“I know.” She nodded, her hand on your thigh ran inwardly. “I don’t blame you. I’m just glad fate brought us together again.”
You cleared your throat, pushing her hand away. You looked toward the door, and Olivia was standing there, staring at you, hurt in her eyes.
“That’s my wife, actually.” You mentioned to Grace. “My sons other mother.”
The blond raised her brows. “Oh...”
You stood, going over to Liv, and making a point of hugging her tightly. She hugged you back.
“I’m glad you’re here.” You mumbled.
“Who is she?” Olivia questioned. “I don’t like the way she was touching you.”
You sighed. “I’ll tell you later.”
Suddenly you had a small child crash into the both of you. It was Noah. “Mommy!” He grinned wildly. “You really came.”
“I really did.” Olivia grinned down at her boy, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m so excited to watch you.”
Almost immediately after she said that, Noah’s dance teacher called out for the kids to take their places, as well as the parents.
After watching the performance, Grace had slipped you her number in your back pocket when you weren’t paying attention. She sent you a wink before saying, “If you ever wanna grt coffee anyway.”
Olivia had took note of this, and was upset all over again.
The three of you went out for dinner and ice cream, and then went home. Olivia helped Noah with his bath, and then put him to bed. You were in your room that the two of you shared, cuddled into your side of the bed with a glass of red wine, in one of Olivia’s NYPD t shirts that swallowed you whole.
Olivia came into the room, and eyed you. “We need to talk.”
You blinked, placing your glass on the night table. “Okay.”
“Who was thet woman?” She questioned, shutting the door behind her. “She seemed like she knew you. She could hardly keep her hands off of you.”
You sighed. “Grace is her name. We knew each other at the company, before I left.”
“Knew each other?” She questioned, rummaging theough her drawers for pajamas.
“Shes my ex.” You said softly.
Olivia scoffed. “Of course.”
“Excuse me?” You raised a brow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You were completely content with letting her practically finger you in a room full of kids.” Olivia stated nastily. She began undressing, changing into her pajamas.
“What the fuck?” You scoffed. “I shoved her away. You know that.”
“When I got there. How do I know how long it went on before?” Olivia spun on her heels, staring at you.
“Maybe you would have known if you were there!” You exclaimed. “You’re never here. You’re never around to touch me like that, you’re never around to watch Noah. It’s just the two of us all of the time.”
“Y/N, you know how important my work is...”
“And we arent!?” You asked, full of emotion. “Liv, all i want at the end of every day is to cuddle with you, kiss you. Make love to you. But I don’t get to do that. I don’t get to tell you how hard my day was, I don’t get to lean on you, and I live with that because I love you and I know how much your job means to you. But we have to mean something to you too, and it feels like we don’t.”
Olivia’s face became forlorn. She sighed, rubbing a hand through her hair.
You rolled your eyes, turning over on your side so you faced the wall. “Whatever, though. None of that matters. Keep practically pissing yourself all because one woman, who I haven’t spoken to, who I don’t love, touched me the way you should be.”
Olivia was silent, but she walked over to the bed, crawled under the covers, and pressed her body against yours. You melted into her warm touch. She curled around you as your big spoon, her leg going between your two legs, her arm wrapped tightly around your waist. With her other hand, she brushed away your hair, and pressed kissed to the nape of your neck. “I’m sorry. I know I haven’t been around. It’s not fair to you or to Noah...”
Your eyes filled with tears now.
“I love you, Y/N. I’m sorry i got mad, it’s just...when I saw her like that, with you...I hated myself. I should’ve been with you, holding you. She didn’t know you were married because I wasn’t there to let everyone know you’re mine.”
You sighed as she kissed your neck, softly sucking on the skin. “You’re my one and only love, Olivia. I’m proud of you for what you do, I love that you protect the unprotected. I just need you to be with us more than you have been.”
“I will be. I promise. I’ll be here more than I have been.” She mumbled, squeezing you tight. “I love you so much, my love.”
“I love you too.” You turned over, wrapping your leg around Liv’s waist, pulling your body flush against hers. Her hand slipped under your shirt, caressing your back, your side, your tummy.
“I’ll make it up to you tonight, if you let me?” Olivia said softly.
You smiled. “I’d love that.”
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