#i love you tanuki woman
krakenshaped · 3 months
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Futatsuiwa for lineart practice
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nazumichi · 2 years
referencing that last post of mine, marie going “hey, watch it, i’m literally doing so well. the last time i cried i was 15. i’m doing so great, can’t you tell.” and michiru loses her mind.
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bitterkarella · 13 days
Identifying furries by their fursonas
Fox- this is the default fursona for the default furry, namely a twink with a blown out fucked to death asshole
Vixen- Girl fox referred to as a vixen is an egg, girl fox just referred to as a fox is an out trans woman
Kistune - the same as above but weeb flavor
he-wolf - a greasy guy who weighs 12 pounds soaking wet and wears a fedora. republican.
she-wolf - the butchest bull dyke you ever saw
coyote - manic depressive. always on something. the drug connection at any furry party
Cat- always a woman
black cat - could be any gender but always goth
kitten/kitty - a trans sex worker, has an only fans they really want you to know about.
bobcat - older dude. wants people to think he's ex-military
Jaguar - an older black guy. will probably have the word "black" in his fursona's name
lion - just a huge asshole
tiger - another asshole. old. wants you to believe he's ex military or ex-police, probably a member of the dorsai irregulars. major grill dad vibes
jackal - a huge asshole and a slut. white gay racist, probably transphobic
cougar - either a trans woman or a terf. there's no in between
Horse - white woman who identifies as 2 Spirit or a guy who wants to be stomped on
Pony - gay nazi
unicorn - either the absolute gayest dude you can be or a 9 year old girl. sometimes a late in life transition
Tanuki - latino
badger - either a huge lesbian or an old avuncular straight guy. possible sex pest
Raccoon - nature's greatest mistake. too normie to be furry, too furry to be normie. dilf.
bat - either a goth or a real annoying shit (some overlap). invader zim fanboy. doesn't drink alcohol but claims to act crazy on "sugar highs." definitely has dabbled in webcomics
cow - a woman. maternal. mom friend or mommy dom. milf. possibly trans femme
steer - a big strong fat rough trade gay guy
sheep - mom vibes
pretty much any farm animal - mom vibes
domestic pig - wild card. might be a wet and messy fetish thing tho or a trash eating thing. loves to be stinky. loves to talk about being stinky.
wild pig - trans masc
skunk - either a fat beardy guy who has a tumblr blog about animation squash & stretch or a stoner gal. very straight. the straightest. a kinsey 0. has strong feelings about what the fandom used to be like before there were all these kids in it.
rat - is a huge asshole as a front, probably likes talking cigars
lemur - autistic
sloth - 420 blaze it. will never finish any commissions
chakat - an older cishet man who thinks the fandom is too political & refers to "anime" as "japanimation"
sergel - nazi
citra - the biggest dipshit you've ever met
procyon - furry equivalent of the thomas jefferson miku binder pic. you should not be talking to this person, this is a literal child
weasel - a girl with cluster b personality disorders
ferret - a person who has at least one pet ferret, but probably many
mole - this person thinks they're in a beatrix potter story
guinea pig/chinchilla/jerboa/gerbil/any kind of fat rodent you can keep as a pet - the sweetest person you will ever meet
armadillo/pangolin/anteater/aardvark - smug, contrarian. "i just wanna be different"
mouse - vore fetishist, prey. sub.
hyena - vore fetishist, pred. probably trans masc
otter - a dommy twink, possible enby
bear - gay
panda - absolutely a white person pretending to be asian. probably running a gofund me scam with a suspicious story about how they're a professional nintendo gamer who injured their hand or something
bullfrog - a huge fat hairy straight guy
any other frog - inflation or rubber fetishist
axolotl/newt/salamander - genderfluid enby
rabbit - trad wife trans woman
squirrel - autistic and gay
deer - gay
gazelle - zootopia megafan
monkey - punk DIY artist type, definitely loves weed
ape - absolutely baffling. nothing this person does or says makes any sense. you will be left wondering whether you're speaking to a child, a person with severe mental issues, or someone who doesn't have english as a first language
elephant - mom friend
hippo - a fat fetishist or a transformation fetishist
rhino - an older cishet dude who wants to project a curmudgeonly yet approachable aura
kangaroo - definitely not an australian person. extremely focused kinkster, usually feet or inflation. more STDs than should be possible to carry
koala - an asian woman
virginia opossum - anarchist/communist punk trans man who makes zines and/or comics
australian possum - just here to have fun. wants everyone else to be having fun too. wacky funster. (sugar gliders and flying squirrels fall under this category)
any other marsupial - poser
monotremes - extreme poser, don't even bother
doberman- gay dude who tops from the bottom or a cop (there is some overlap)
german shepherd - a nazi or a cop (there is substantial overlap). definitely a furry raider. he will wear his cop uniform to con and after con will post videos pretending that someone was rude to him
afghan - arch femme
basset hound - racist
puppy - sub, probably an egg. extremely draining. cries a lot
all other dogs - just dudes being bros (gender neutral)
dragon - the furries of furries. like to talk about eating "sammiches" and "chocklit." probably an adult baby lifestyler. they will send DMs that just say "hi." they like to RP and when they contact you about a potential commission they are actually just trying to trick you into RP
griffin - the same as above but also a brony
snake - sissy hypno fetishist
turtle - an old man, probably southern. an ironic grandpa.
other scalies - furry in denial. either a child or an old person from CYD. the world's last something awful goons
any fursona with latino vibes - white
any fursona with asian vibes - latino
any fursona with native american vibes - eastern european
avian - girl who's not like other girls. hippie. vegan.
raven/crow - agender voidgoth
chicken - mom vibes
dinosaur - the absolute biggest nerd. probably has an actual degree in paleontology. definitely dresses like miss frizzle.
any invertebrate - not a real furry, their girlfriend just made them get a furaffinity account before they could get ass. either that or they've never even heard of furry, they just came up with the idea of anthropomorphics from first principles. a biology teacher or weirdo (there is some overlap)
amoeba - this is a troll
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yoooitssalexx · 3 months
Viktor Drago x Balboa!Daughter Reader part 4
Sneak peak to part 4
You had promised him to be on his side tonight,the seat close to the ring by his corner. You watched a familiar looking woman approach the seats close to where you sat,realizing it was Viktor's mother and her new husband.
"You know Viktor?"She stopped in front of you,you standing to not let her intimidate you.
"I do."You nodded,raising a brow as she eyed your red jumpsuit.
"You're the balboa girl."She said,a certain distaste detectable in her tone.
"And you're the woman that walked out on her son and husband."You matched her tone,watching anger cross her and her husbands face. "I know more than you'd think,so don't think you can look down on me because you feel all high and mighty because of who your husband is."
You stood there as she walked away,smirking to yourself when you realized the truth coming from you pissed her off. You sat down in victory,checking your phone before you heard the chanting of 'Drago' begin. You stood to see the fire shoot out,music beginning as Viktor walked out.
You watched Viktor walk out,the bright red robe he wore catching your eye. Contact had been scarce while he trained,a text here and there the most frequent form of contact. You watched him confidently strut into the ring,approaching the ring to wish him luck.
He neared the ropes,smiling when he reached you. His eyes drank you in,quite enjoying the way your red jumpsuit fit.
"You look beautiful,moya printsessa."He leaned against the ropes,watching your hands come to his glove covered ones.
"Good luck,moy medved."You patted his gloves. "Ty pouluchil eto."
He nodded,bumping your fists lightly. "I missed you. Too much,and I realized.."His words died when he noticed his mother sitting in the crowd. He shook his head,turning his focus back to you. "I realized that I love you."
His words felt like a blow right to the ribs,the breath knocked out of you at his confession.
"Viktor I.."
Right then the lights dimmed,patterned lights flashing as Bianca walked out with Adonis, your father at his other side,her voice sent chills down your spine. You stepped down,making your way to your seat. Her song was short but the message was clear,she was supporting Adonis just as much as you were supporting Viktor.
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opalspring · 1 year
Some observations about the gay Kazui theory
A lot of people have been discussing this and it’s super interesting so I wanted to share some stuff I noticed too! Posting this before cat since it’s possible this theory will get either debunked or confirmed by then.
Lyrics from Cat
First, let’s talk about the preview of cat from the 2nd trial song previews. One thing I personally dislike from the staff’s English translation is this part:
“Devotion-love, lame, cheating”
While the first two tl choices are good imo, the third part could have been chosen better. The reason for this being, while it’s not a wrong tl per say, 化かす (bakasu) means “to confuse”, “to delude” according to my dictionary. There’s also the expression 狐と狸の化かし合い (kitsune to tanuki no bakashiai), which refers to two people outfoxing each other. 
While I get this might be for localization purposes, I feel like the word “cheating” has connotations in English that are way too different from the original in this case. What I’m trying to say is that we should probably wait for the mv itself to draw our conclusions regarding this (though it’s also possible this really is just about cheating).
These lines caught my attention too, but for another reason:
“Love + Fate = Crap”
“Disgusting playing-house + Disguise + Fake”
While at first glance, these lyrics make it look like Kazui might be a cheater (and not shy about it), I feel like this could be a case of Kazui lashing out after he spent so much time in a relationship with a woman when he’s not attracted to them in the first place. It’s possible Kazui actually saw his wife in a best friend kind of way, and that they only got married because of their families’ and society’s pressure, compulsory heterosexuality, you know. There Are a lot of suspicious things about Kazui that he needs to explain, but maybe cheating isn’t actually one of them. We’ll see, though.
Next, let’s discuss some things from the half mv. 
How Shidou and Kazui respectively visualize their partner
This next section will reference Triage, where we have a look at Shidou’s family for the first time. As a quick note, there has been some debate over the woman in the mv potentially being Shidou's sister or other family relative but I personally believe she's his lover because of this part:
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Shidou (we recognize him as he has the same outfit as in the rest of the mv) has his arm around her waist so I assumed they’re romantically involved because of it.
But how does this all connect to Kazui? You guessed it, the way Shidou and Kazui visualize their partner in their respective mvs vastly differs. Let’s have a look. 
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Shidou’s visual representation of his lover.
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And here’s Kazui’s.
Notice anything? In my opinion, these choices were very deliberate. As various people in the fandom have pointed out, characters in mil mvs who have faces are very important to whichever story is being told (Rei in Muu’s mvs, Shidou’s lover mentioned earlier etc). So it can make one wonder, why does Kazui’s wife, who he obviously cares deeply for, not have a detailed face when we see her? 
To continue this particular point, I want you to look at these consecutive shots from half:
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It’s unclear who the blonde woman on the top is, she could be someone Kazui met at the bar, or a coworker etc. It’s not really important who she is for our theory, what’s to note is that these two shots come one after the other, and that the composition in both is extremely similar. My interpretation for this is that, between a woman who is in the grand scheme of things a stranger to him, and the woman he married, Kazui makes almost no difference in the way he visualizes them (as in facial detail).  Because ultimately, if he’s gay, no matter how hard he tries, no matter the woman, he won’t be able to love them romantically. This could be what the staff was going for here.
The green apple and the pixelated person
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There’s a cool detail about the two shots above. To start off, the first one’s composition is a little curious. It follows the rule of 1/3; 2/3 with Kazui in the third third of the screen, but the remaining part of the image feels strangely empty, save for the green light at the top. 
It could represent Kazui’s solitude in the theater, but a few scenes later we get the second shot, where we see the green apple on one of the seats.
A fun fact is that, if you count the seats between Kazui and the apple, you notice that 4 seats on Kazui’s right seats the apple… Which corresponds to the second leftmost seat in the first screenshot. The apple was with him the whole time, and the green light stands right in the middle of the two. Hmm. But what does this mean? Honestly I’m not sure. If anything it means the apple is so important to Kazui it was given this special place. 
But then there’s also the pixelated person in the back of the second screenshot. Who are they? They’re probably very important to the story, especially when the apple stands right between them and Kazui.
Since the mystery person isn’t in the first shot where we’re introduced to Kazui, it could mean that whoever they are/represent, Kazui would rather not acknowledge them. At least not until he has to.
Look at the lyrics that play when this scene is on screen. 
“Where did I go wrong, probably from the beginning”
And then, during the same sentence, we get this Kazui who looks like he just had a revelation.
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This sentence probably refers to the fact Kazui’s relationship with his wife was bound to fail, because of his sexual orientation. And the mystery person might be a representation of men in general, who Kazui could be attracted to.
The chair and what it could represent
At certain parts during half, it seems as if Kazui is talking to this chair. Some examples:
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It should be noted that both times Kazui does this, the lyrics he sings are the same. This part in particular caught my eye:
“Please tell me what I should do”
Who exactly is Kazui talking to here? He could simply be thinking of his wife here, but since there’s so much emphasis on the chair, I thought they could be symbolic for an entity or a group of people Kazui knows. I have two guesses: it might represent either his family, or maybe society in general. 
I don’t think it’s the former because Kazui seems at odds with them and possibly got disowned, so I feel like he wouldn’t value their opinion too much. As for the second option, it could be Kazui asking us what he should have done/ how he should have handled the situation (with him being gay and unable to love his wife romantically, but not wanting to hurt her feelings). It’s hard to know because we don’t have a lot of context for this part so it could be anything really.
Some parts of the lyrics that could specifically refer to homosexuality
These don’t really fit in any of the other points I talked about but if we look at them in the context of this theory they can be pretty telling:
“So many things I wish I hadn’t known, I’m just a coward”
“What I gave up a long time ago, why is it questioning me now?”
“So many things I should have known, I’m just a coward”
Kazui’s possible coming out to his wife
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In my opinion, this part could be the aftermath of Kazui coming out to his wife. Let me explain. Here we have the apple (temptation/the forbidden fruit = the idea of homosexuality here?) in the background, so that’s one thing. Add to that the lyrics playing:
“All this time till now has hurt me, The scales of my heart have decided to sway”
This line could refer to the moment Kazui felt like he had to be honest with his wife, because as much as he loved her, pretending to basically be someone he wasn’t was hurting him. Hence “the scales of his heart swaying”. This scene then led to Hinako jumping from the balcony at some point, but at the moment we don’t know the details.
Hope you enjoyed!
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yoimix · 2 years
quietude. kamisato ayato
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ft. kamisato ayato
genre: comfort, fluff
wc: 2.3k
synopsis: love is as elusive to men like kamisato ayato as belonging is to wanderers. and sometimes, in a little inazuman forest, they are but the same.
a/n: hi hi all. i’ve decided now is a time good as ever for an ayato comfort drabble (extended) <3
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Chinju Forest isn’t typically where stories of this sort begin. Though the Yae Publishing House authors try their best to weave in magic and wonder, and perhaps fear in their stories of the forest, it is nothing more than ordinary—tanuki-infested at best.
That’s precisely the reason Ayato partakes in nightly strolls through the forest whenever he can. Peace adorns the Aralia trees, a slight breeze brushes past the leaves, and the faintest scent of sakura blooms lingers. That is all there is to it. An ordinary walk for a normal man.
Ayato’s nightly routine has nothing to do with meeting a certain traveler from afar.
In his impatience, he forgot his woollen scarf—Inazuman winters are not as harsh as Mondstadt’s but travelers do tend to wake up with sore throats more often than not. He didn’t forget his bubble tea though, and he’s sure that’ll get a comment from you. Even the Shogun could not get him to admit he’s smiling at the thought. 
Oh, how he wishes he could see the look on his retainers’ faces if he could inform them of his midnight rendezvous. 
A chance encounter brought him to you—and when he says chance, he truly means it was a coincidence, not something he can say often. Ayato plans leagues ahead for every step he takes but he couldn’t refuse a break when the workload finally lessened. Rest is just as important as work—but he found himself pacing the forest floors restless; restless for his sister, restless for his commission and restless for his country. 
He found you trying your very best to collect sakura blooms with no knowledge of how they’re collected. And starting with that night, he found himself teaching you little facts and stories associated with Inazuma. In return, you taught him a thing or two.
“So you say, these… you exchange these sigils for mora?” Ayato furrows his brows ever so slightly. 
“Don’t look so perplexed. This is how adventurers live.” You place your hands at your hips, shaking your head.
“I didn’t mean offense,” he says as he smiles.
“Then why do you look… ah, as Guuji Yae describes, like a little rascal right now?”
Ayato drops his smile before sighing. He opens his mouth and to his surprise, finds himself speechless.
“Don’t- Don’t hang around that woman too long,” he manages. “You’re already more of a tease than when I first met you.”
“Oh, but Sir Kamisato, isn’t change part of human life as flow part of water?” 
“You’re mocking me, aren’t you?”
You bat your lashes, feigning surprise. “Impossible. Me, a lowly traveler from afar, harboring such heinous intent towards the Cultural Head of Inazuma, in the great islands of ete—”
He swiftly presses a finger to your lips, pursing his own. “Enough talking.”
Your lips stretch into a feline smile.
“I didn’t know some light-hearted teasing could get the Yashiro commissioner to squirm,” you whisper.
“Only when it’s you,” he responds nonchalantly. “You already talk far too much.”
Ayato turns away to face the sea. His brows are slightly furrowed and his lips pursed.
“Squirm?” He scoffs. “You’re getting ahead of yourself. I feel anything but discomfort around you.”
“Well, you could say it’s revenge for putting me in such awkward positions ever since I met you.”
“Oh? Pray tell me of these instances.”
There it is again. That satisfied smile adorning his lips, much akin to a chess champion’s airs upon victory. He knows exactly what you’re referring to.
“You’re the reason I almost got arrested my first week here!” You give in. This man needs to face his follies. And you love complaining.
“Oh? As far as I recall, it was blatant disregard for Inazuman law.”
You grumble out a response, though it makes no sense. You know arguing with him leads nowhere.
“You’re the reason I got sick during last time’s hotpot competition,” you throw, not willing to back down. 
You really should’ve kept receipts of every grievance he’s committed against you since he’s so good at sorting through those. The glaringly obvious one is whatever he does to your heart in close proximity. Pretty boys are full of sin, and must never be trusted. You got the memo too late, you suppose. Admiring the blue of his hair glowing pearly under moonlight, you soon shift your gaze to his.
“I’m really reconsidering the one next weekend!” You warn, as though your absence at Thoma’s hotpot game could get him to sway.
Gosh, you sound like a child. Something about Ayato brings out this side of yours. And if you push the right buttons, maybe you’ll watch that side of his too. Unfortunately, it’s far too difficult a puzzle as of now.
“What a shame. I was looking forward to seeing you for the contest.” He exhales, and as if on cue, the wind picks up and brushes your hair from your face. The serenity of his blade has never matched his fox-like personality but there is certainly something akin to peace in his movement, in his being—even if that peace is the eye of a storm itself.
“You just want to watch me and Thoma uncomfortable,” you grumble.
“You always have the choice to back out,” he reasons.
“Not when Thoma won last time! You know I don’t lose. Besides, it’s your fault I got sick.” You frown deeply, accusing eyes pointed towards a certain figure clad in white.
“Ah, yes. Who knew Sea Ganoderma would have such an effect? As far as I know, it has a structure similar to fats and lipids—”
“Hush.” You kick your foot impatiently. “I don’t wanna listen to your jargon. You put Sea Ganoderma in hotpot, you jacka—ahem.”
Ayato laughs, a sound coming from deep within his chest, a sound like the crashing of waves against Inazuman shorelines. 
“I didn’t mean to make you sick, if that’s any consolation,” he offers, once his laughter has died down. “I just like to see the expressions on people. Especially you.”
You feel an unfamiliar heat rise up your neck and jab at your ears.
“I’ll- I- I’ll win next time!” You declare, ignoring the feeling—although you know exactly what it is. “Thoma will go first though. Whicher hotpot makes him look the sickest is probably yours.”
“You still have to try it though,” he hums. “I’m not a stickler for rules but it is a game after all.”
You huff. “Whatever. As long as I win.”
Ayato gazes at you with moonlight adorning the right side of his face, and glint in his eyes that you suspect is not of the moon.
“Any other offenses I might have committed?”
You exhale loudly, perplexed at the audacity. “The night is too short to list all of them.”
“Well, waterfalls wouldn’t sound quite so lovely without rocks lining their ways. Don’t you think so?”
You breathe out, the warmth of your breath forming a little cloud of defeat. It’s a given you wouldn’t win so easily against the Yashiro Commissioner.
“I’m flattered to see you use your sharp wits on me and not tearing down some poor fellow in the Tri-Commission.” You roll your eyes.
He hums. “The longer the tongue…”
You shake your head. It’s not like Ayato savors blood. But you know he enjoys crime and punishment a bit too much. 
“So what will you teach me today, Sir Commissioner? A little bit about the Watatsumi Priestess? I heard she’s going to meet Miss Sara to discuss politics.”
Ayato never quite understood how the sprout of your friendship with the daughter of the Kujou Clan grew. Even so, it’s oddly endearing to see you cheer her up despite her constant accusations of your troublemaking and ruckus. He knows you cheer her up—it’s evident on her face—and Ayato wonders if the effect of your presence shows on him too. There is not a single Inazuman soul who does not greet you with excitement.
That’s what it is—the bubble tea brewing his stomach—excitement to see a long-time friend, nothing more.
“Inazuman politics are a tad higher in level than what I’ve been telling you,” he sighs. “You can ask Miss Kujou to relay the details after it is done.”
You purse your lips. “Alright then. Ooh! Are Hiiragi Chisato of the Kanjou Commission and Kujou Kamaji of the Tenryou Commission going to get married?”
“I’m afraid I’m not too well versed in Inazuma’s gossip these days.”
“Liar,” you accuse, mouth agape at his blatant excuse. “You know every little thing the old ladies carrying their grocery baskets around town are saying.”
Ayato smiles, his eyelids lowering to match. There is nothing that makes him more content than denying you satisfaction, you swear.
“Alright then, what about the Shogun and Yae Miko’s secret lovechild?”
He clears his throat abruptly, clearly taken aback at the question. “I know no such thing, (name).”
You burst out laughing. You could count this as a win. “Ah, must’ve been that novel from Yae Publishing House then.”
Ayato can’t help his smile, and neither can he help but get closer to you with each passing second. The torii gates loom in the distance and the tree stump you’ve decided to sit upon looks anything but comfortable. Ayato could leave whenever he wants to. There’s nothing keeping him here.
Nothing but you.
What must it be like to travel the world with you? To tread land after land with wonder, to witness the wonder in your eyes. There is nothing Ayato wants more than to protect you, to ensure you follow your heart—the same he’s done for Ayaka, his country. The feeling washes over him in tides higher and higher. He is first and foremost the Yashiro Commissioner. It was certainly not easy getting here. He gave everything he could for his clan, for his family.
But for the first time, he wants more. He wants the dewdrops adorning your mornings. He wants the peace of your afternoons and to witness each of your jumps into puddles to make the children laugh. He wants the rains of your endless adventures at nights. 
Ayato almost scoffs out loud. To think that the two of you could stay the same.
“Oh, I got another one! You could tell me about the Yashiro Commissioner’s deepest, darkest secrets. I’m sure that would come in handy—as a step ahead of general Inazuman knowledge.” You’re beaming ear to ear, taking pride in mock victory and yet, Ayato feels nothing but otherworldly adoration.
“I… A secret? Haven’t I spilled enough? Well, then.” Ayato’s voice fades into a whisper. 
You look at him expectantly.
“There is nothing more I want than to feel your touch right now.”
 Your face flares up at the words and for a good second, you strongly believe you misheard him. 
“Eh? What do you mean?”
In response, a soft palm presses against your cheek. 
“You’re just as warm as I imagined.” His voice is nearly drowned out by the low buzzing of crickets in the forest and the swaying of the wind. 
The pressure against your lips is gentle, feather light and it lasts barely a second.
Your fingers immediately fly to your lips, a warmth fizzing through your veins that you never knew was possible. Is this the famed power of the Kamisato Clan Head—to wield water as a weapon? Or, is this blade something he can only hold against you? You shiver. Ayato didn’t have to be so blessed in both face and words.
“I didn’t know you were in possession of a pyro vision,” Ayato breathes, breaking away. “With the way your face is radiating heatwaves.”
“Oh, really? Isn’t it shameful I could beat you in a swordfight without a vision?” You quip.
“Oh?” A smile adorns his lips, softer than you could ever imagine.
It is a heinous thing to say—but even the moon-bathed deep could not comprehend the depths to which Ayato’s heart drops at your gaze, at your lips, at your gentle and assured movement. This is special, extraordinary and much beyond what mere Chinju Forest could witness. Not lightning, not gods, not the elements could keep him from leaning in.
Another kiss follows, and another, and another—each short and filling your heart with fluttering joy till you’re sure it’ll explode.
The tanuki must be snickering at us, you think, but the overwhelming sense of tranquility doesn’t let you focus on anything but the man in front of you. You swear you can feel raindrops against your skin, your shivering slowly dying into a calm posture as your drive your fingers through his hair—and they stay till he’s done stealing every remark, complaint and story from your lips.
“Did you make it rain?” You whisper when he pulls back a final time.
“You have strange expectations of my abilities.”
You inhale, and a laugh soon follows in place of the exhale. Ayato smiles gently at you, and it makes your heart bloom into a thousand different roses at once. Is this what it’s like to be loved? To be heard and to be seen and to be felt? 
It’s the strangest thing for a traveler to have a home, is it not? And yet, the pieces fit right into place. Is this also one of Ayato’s little schemes?
“How long have you…” You don’t know how to phrase it.
“Long enough to ask you to stay.” Ayato leans in again, but this time his nose buries into the crook of your neck, arms pulling you closer. He smells like sakura blossoms—you’d expected as much—but there’s also a tinge of honey and chamomile tea.
You could stay like this. You could find a home in this. You could stay. The answer will present itself by morning, this one or the next. Chinju Forest isn’t where stories of this sort end.
“Can we stay like this longer?” You whisper, your question barely audible. Ayato shuffles into a more comfortable position but he doesn't pull away. You bite your lip to keep yourself from smiling into his shoulder.
“I’m sure the forest doesn’t mind, (name),” Ayato sighs, and your night grows a little longer, a little sweeter.
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turbobyakuren · 11 months
I acshully want to know more about Akira (pretend to be surprised) regarding who is her funniest rival… Not necessarily in the realm of overarching danger or competence, rather, in terms of being a passive aggressive office threat. The pranks, the subterfuge… I wish to learn.
WOW WHAT A SURPRISE... Akira wants to know more about Akira... Huh!
I will give you three characters who have the "funniest rival" dynamic with Akira.
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I talk a LOT about Junko being Akira's actual rival, but I believe it's mostly on Junko's side. Akira dislikes her greatly, but she views her just as a nuisance and thinks it's an absolute delight to mess with because she will literally buy into any of her tricks. Akira paints a hole on a wall and tells Junko "hey Junko there's a beautiful woman with big boobs on the other side of that hole AND SHE DOES NOT WANT YOU" and Junko smokes her cigarette in the most aggressive way possible and screams "FUCK YOU AKIRA ALL THE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN WITH BIG BOOBS WANT ME!!!!!" and rushes into the hole and gets her skull crushed by the impact. Of course, because of this, Junko's hatred for Akira reaches beyond comical level. The main difference between Akira hating Junko and Junko hating Akira is that Junko will NEVER even attempt to pull subtle tricks on Akira. The best she can do is call her names and attempt to stab her (it always fails). Or try to call her BrightLady Boss to prove that YES she is friends with people who are not losers (she never answers her calls). So to sum it up: Akira merely dislikes Junko but will go to great lengths to commit Lethal Tomfoolery on her ass while Junko hates Akira so much the only thing she can comes up with is trying to kill her or prove that the beautiful women with big boobs love her for real.
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While i would not qualify their relationship as a "rivals", I want to talk about how The Boss is the single most lethal threat that Akira ever faces on the daily. The Boss is the oyabun/Family Boss of the Youkai Yakuza (NAME SUBJECT TO CHANGE. I THINK.) and feared by pretty much everyone in the Youkai sphere. Being even close to her is both an extreme privilege and curse. Gashadokuro, Kana and Junko all work for her as Enforcers (the highest rank of Youkai Yakuza Goons and pretty much her Bodyguards) because they have no choice: The Boss both has Peak Blackmailing on them and/or has tortured them into doing her bidding. Meanwhile, Akira just showed up to the Youkai Yakuza on her own volition, with her own motivation, and The Boss took great interest and said "you're hired", despite having zero information on Akira's identity nor motives. This is what Akira fears the most. She's someone with an absolute net zero of information concerning her identity. Half of the information you can find on her are either misleading red herring or blatantly wrong on purpose. However, having conversed with the other members about The Boss' actions, she came to realize and fear The Boss as she knows she could have the potential to Actually Find Information About Her and thus threaten her life. For now? Akira is just the silly little girl who can get away with shit talking The Boss because The Boss just has zero blackmailing material. For now. Akira does have a goal in working for the Youkai Yakuza and she's willing to take the constant risk of The Boss finding out about her and shackling her to the Youkai Yakuza for good.
And finally i want to present you the SECOND FUNNIEST rivalry, the funniest BEEF Akira has with.
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Moriko Kimura. Tanuki MagiMonster and ACTUAL MAIN CHARACTER OF MAGIMONSTERS AS A WHOLE (very first OC made for the setting, actually). Through being a genuinely kind girl, Moriko counters most if not all of Akira attempts at Hating On Her. Akira will comes up with a plan to make her day go from bad to worse, set everything up, get her into the bait and introduce herself as THE FEARSOME KITSUNE MAGIMONSTER WHO WILL STEAL SOUL FOR HER OWN AMUSEMENT and Moriko will just go "omg hi!!! hi bestie!!!! kitsune magimon?! that's SOOO pog girl!!!! you look SO cool!!! i love your kimono it's AWESOME. Oh!! Look at the time, i have to go back with my team! They probably wonder where i am right now. Good luck Kitsune MagiMon!!!! See ya buh bye!!!" and leaves while Akira is just dumbfounded upon experiencing this tanuki girl's mental version of the Evo Moment #37. And everytime it's the same thing happening. Moriko is genuinely clueless Akira doesn't like her (because she's a tanuki so naturally) and thinks of her as a good woman and hopes she can "beat her anxiety and become friends with her".
Now i said the SECOND funniest rivalry. Who's the first?
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Yasue Ishikawa. Kawauso MagiMonster. 14 years old girl. Active menace on Akira. Akira actively fears this girl. Yasue can read through her illusions. Yasue knows her deep dark fears and how to roast her to oblivion. Yasue is always there when Akira does something cool, which causes Akira to notice and immediately fail. Yasue. Always. Watches.
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Akira wishes she was dead. But she cannot kill her. Not because murdering kids is illegal. But because Yasue manages to hurt her ego enough to render her unable to move or speak for a full hour.
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lotsobagels · 1 year
Hey you! Do you like manga? Yes? Awesome.
How about cottagecore lesbians? Whimsical living in the forest vibes? Anthropomorphic talking animals? Peaceful, sweet, and gentle slice of life stories? Cottagecore lesbians?????
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Let me introduce you to Hakumei and Mikochi by Takuto Kashiki.
It's a slice of life manga with each chapter being a new little story about a piece of the two titular character's lives. They're often incredibly mundane things like: going to the store for a good bottle of booze, getting a haircut, or having a picnic. The stakes are often very low, but it makes for a very relaxing read, and all of the stories are so sweet.
In one Hakumei and Mikochi are helping their friend who just moved in, a tiny beetle, pick out furniture. In another the pair go bar hopping looking for the best izakaya foods.
Each one sparks so much joy.
Oh did I mention the cottagecore lesbians yet? Well, Hakumei and Mikochi are practically married.
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They live together in this tree. Hakumei (the red haired one) is very often mistaken as a man. There's even a whole side story where her boss that she works for doing construction suggests she brings her torn uniform home for her wife to repair and nobody blinks until he realizes that Hakumei is actually a woman (but she's still bringing stuff home to her wife). Mikochi is the more femme one who is an excellent seamstress and cook and is equally cool.
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Is it explicityly said that they're in a relationship? Sadly no, because this is Japan and it isn't labeled as a yuri manga but let's just say the subtext is very heavily there...
The art for the manga is also GORGEOUS
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The pages are lushly details and beautifully balanced so that they feel rich and not cluttered. There's also a heavy emphasis on food with no detail spared which makes for Gibli level mouth watering dishes.
The human characters in the story are canonically very small so it makes for very cute interactions with the animal characters like tanuki or cats who are very big. But this scale is actively acknowledged through the world building where things like rain are a lot scarier when you're the size of a mouse.
Anywho! I have nothing but praise to sing for Hakumei and Mikochi and it's a manga I think deserves a lot more recognition (I think there's like 3 of us out there reading it). It's a peaceful slice of life queer coded story with nary a fanservice to be seen and it's made by a male mangaka. (Or as far as we know a male mangaka.)
I don't have any doubts that it can be found online to read for free and I encourage you to give it a try! But it's also actively being published and is pretty readily accesible in the manga section of major book stores. Only one volume gets released a year, we love a mangaka given a resonable publishing schedule, and it's always a gem.
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So please give Hakumei and Mikochi a try! I promise it doesn't disappoint! 🥺
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viva-el-belt-libre · 6 months
I finished watching the one season available of Hell's Paradise, and now I'm making my way through the manga, and let me say, it's pretty dope!
Though I'm terrible at names I love all the characters ❤️ And it works out because the characters themselves are constantly giving each other nicknames as well. Here are my favourites that have shown up on the anime (no spoilers)
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He loves his wife.
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Samurai Woman
Support women's rights.
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Ninja Babe
Support women's wrongs.
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Mr. Tanuki
The Nerd™️
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Captain Hook
He might be messed up, but be protecc the children
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Captain Hook's Guard
You know how every serial killer had a period in their childhood when they liked to kill and dissect small animals?
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Wild Child
A baby.
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Even babier
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Isn't a tall bonsai just a normal tree?
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Blond Samurai
A golden retriever
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Blind Samurai
A dadd-- uh, sorry, a teacher
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He can only fail upwards
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Pretty Boy
Might have an undiagnosed big brother complex
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bas-writes · 1 year
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Dream Girl
Character: Kiku Reader: female (trans inclusive) CW: modern AU, fluff, a tad of second-hand embarrassment Word Count: 1066 Synopsis: You have a crush on your beautiful neighbour, Kiku, but you somehow never found courage to ask her out. However, one night you found yourself next to her. And, curse, you forgot your bra. A/N: yeah, you guessed it, another repost of broken post... absolutely revoking my love for this lady 😳 oh to be a little waifu of a big samurai waifu...
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Kiku from the number nine was the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. A mere sight of her, a mere scent of her perfumes lingering on the stairway, a mere glimpse of her flowing raven black hair caught with a corner of your eye was enough to set butterflies in your stomach flying. Or rather: one huge butterfly, weltering inside you and twisting your guts into a knot of anxiety. She was simply perfect. Tall and slender, with long and thick hair, with eyes of innocent doe and legs reaching heavens. She had moved in vis-à-vis a few months earlier and had you fallen in love almost at the first sight. Truly the woman of your dreams, even though you didn’t know much of her. If you were lucky, you exchanged some words once or twice a week, when meeting in the hall. Ah, and there was that one time when you had helped her with some sugar, when she had run out of it when she had been baking and she had invited you for a degustation. Nothing else, unfortunately and against your hopes.
You knew she trained kendo and worked in a traditional Japanese teahouse. She volunteered at the local orphanage and frequently raised funds for animal shelters. She was the one feeding cats and refilling water bowls and feeders for birds. If an elder neighbor needed help with grocery, it was always Kiku who was first to help. That one time when you had had to carry heavy bags on your third floor it was also her who had approached you. This had been your first meeting and the day you had known her name. Kiku. You liked the taste of the sound her name was leaving on your tongue and teeth.
Like little wind chimes moved by a lazy breeze.
You had various dreams of her. Some of them were leaving a hard to describe mix of embarrassment and yearning after you woke up tangled in sheets. Some of them were making you breathless, some of them were leaving doubts about your own body and femininity, some they were just provoking the need of shouting “I’m so gay” all over the neighborhood. But did at least one dream predict that one day you would stand next to the woman whom you loved like crazy… But in the middle of the night? And she would wear a tanuki kigurumi, with ears, tail and everything?!
You weren’t even fully sure if it was a dream or reality though. You were woken up by a fire alarm and in less than a few minutes you found yourself outside, with nothing on, except for your own pjs and shoes you happened to grab by the way. It was cold, you wished so hard you had a bra on, and the cutest and the most beautiful woman ever alive was standing right next to you and glancing down at you with a clear concern on her face.
“Um… Y/N, do I remember right?” She asked, almost whispering. She had to bend down for you to hear her, she was enormously huge. “You don’t have anything to cover yourself?”
You shook your head. You left everything at home, and you weren’t allowed to get back until firefighters checked everything. You started to shake, and goosebumps spilled along your arms. Kiku clicked her tongue solicitously.
“Can you at least cross your arms a bit higher?”
She bent even more, pinkish blush covering her cheeks and breathed right into your ear, “Your breasts are very… visible now.”
In sheer panic, you glanced and down and almost screamed in despair. Of course. No bra! Anyone who wanted could see how cold you were feeling. Instead, you just groaned. Such a blooper, in front of your crush and—what’s worse—in front of the whole neighborhood.
Kiku stood in front of you and spread her arms, loose kigurumi worked like a cover, “If you want, I can hug you? It will be a little bit warmer for you.”
The promise of warmth won over hesitation and embarrassment. You gladly wrapped arms around her waist and dived into soft pjs. The height difference was so big between the two of you your head basically rested on her bosom—but you somehow didn’t get flustered because of that. Indeed, it was very warm. And soft. And Kiku smelled so nice, of fresh flowers and herbal shampoo and green tea. You inhaled with bliss.
“I’m sorry I can’t think of anything more appropriate,” she said, shifting in place.
“No, no, it’s fine. You saved my butt, thanks.”
“I heard it was a false alarm.” She carefully wrapped her arms around you as well. Under the fabric you could feel her hard rock muscles. Oh, kendo. “We should be let in soon. A cup of hot cocoa will help.”
The response stuck in your throat as you realized something else. You indeed had nothing else than your pjs and shoes on. There were no pockets in your pjs. And you had no key in your hands. 
“What happened?” Kiku was immediately alarmed by tension running along your muscles. “Have I stepped on your foot?”
“The key.”
“Oh.” She somehow understood you without any explanation. “Hm. I don’t have cocoa. But I can offer a cup of tea, some blankets on the sofa and a breakfast, if we speak of it.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit, “Maybe ask for my phone number first?”
Soon, you were both laughing, clinging to each other as if you knew yourselves for years. Well, indeed, even years later, even after a few apartments you changed already together, Kiku was still bringing breakfasts for you to your shared bed. You both remembered that night as if it had happened yesterday. 
“Just to think of it, if I hadn’t forgotten the key back then, I’d never have become your girlfriend,” you liked to say when playing with her silky-soft hair.
“If you hadn’t forgotten your bra, I’d never have found courage to speak to you.” Was her answer, always followed by a kiss that was leaving a smear of lipstick on your fingers. “I had no idea what to say, I was such a coward.”
“You? Impossible.”
And then she was always smiling, “You are so beautiful I still barely can find courage to speak to you.”
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a spin off of this one... Seven Lives, Three Loves and Countless Lies
but for one day, all three of them remember their past lives, even outside the DGP
Fic in question
It starts with a song.
It's some kind of international festival, and Keiwa went out with Sara - there were many stages, many booths and many, many people from cultures all around the world. Truth to be told, a bit too crowded, and Keiwa was just about to tell Sara he might just go, when the music hit his ear. It... was a kind of music he had never heard before. Quite high-pitched, in fact. Wouldn't have been the kind of music he typically liked, but for some reason, it made him stop on his tracks. There was something about it--- He walked closer, and it was a booth full of Chinese ornaments, and an old man was sitting in front of a gramophone, playing a record - his eyes had caught Keiwa's, and he grinned, a crooked smile. "Like this music?" "I---" Keiwa stumbled on his words. "What is this?" "A recording from 1924, from the Beijing Opera. From a performer called Xiao Hu Li. Well, that was his stage name. But nevertheless. This is a performance of---" "Liu Hai Cuts Firewood." "Oh! So you know it?" Keiwa didn't. He did.
My dear tanuki, a whisper in his ear, gentle fingers on his face. A general with cold eyes, and a gentle woman on his side.
He scrambled to his phone, recording a small part - before sending it to the group chat.
Truth to be told, they set this group chat up ages ago, and it was mostly the three of them talking - when Michinaga died and never returned, they didn't kick him out, and he didn't leave either. (Really, he never talked there to begin with.) (And not like they discussed important things there, so--- didn't matter, did it?)
He just sent it.
And then suddenly Michinaga actually wrote something.
[Michinaga:] what the fuck [Ace:] Oh how surprising. You actually wrote here something! [Neon:] ????? [Michinaga:] What the FUCK is this [Ace:] Liu Hai Cuts Firewood [Michinaga:] I KNOW THAT [Michinaga:] WHY DO I KNOW THAT [Neon:] Keiwa? [Keiwa:] Xiao Hu Li, huh [Ace:] Stage name [Michinaga:] a stupid one [Michinaga:] "little fox" bullshit [Ace:] You liked it last time [Michinaga:] 1. I did not [Michinaga:] 2. I'll kill you [Michinaga:] 3. what the fuck?! [Neon:] Why didn't you say anything?
The chat went silent.
[Neon:] Ace [Ace:] Would you have believed me, if I had said so? [Keiwa:] After we found out about your reincarnations, yeah [Michinaga:] your WHAT now [Ace:] Oh, this is what you get for playing for the opposing team [Ace:] You are left out from big revelations [Ace:] Try to keep up [Keiwa:] Was it only this one [Ace:] Hm? [Keiwa:] Back in China. Was it the only time you met us
Silence again.
[Keiwa:] ACE [Michinaga:] How many times have I killed you because I am about to make it one more [Neon:] HOW MANY TIMES
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batgirlmiracle · 27 days
smth i love about the raid on onigashima is that queen is having the worst fucking day of his life. arguably the worst day of anyone there. at the start hes dancing there like "omg im a funky fat man and im gonna have a concert and have a great party and everythings gonna be so much fun! :)" but then luffy and kid show up and hes like "THE FUCKING PRISONERS??" and then the samurai reveal themselves and hes like "THE OTHER FUCKING PRISONERS?? MY GUY WAS TELLING ME EVERYTHINGS OKAY?? ALSO. WHYRE THE SAMURAI HERE DIDNT MY GUYS BLOW UP THEIR BOATS??" and then all around the island hes getting calls from his subordinates like "Queen-sama please help we're all dyin--" and hes like "dear lord kaido is gonna have my head because all the prisoners escaped from under my watch and the samurai managed to sneak in and ruin the aprty" and then one of the tobi roppo betrays him but he saw that one coming, so hes like. "yknow what. i can still have fun even if no one else does. i can kill them all with my bio weapon and watch the show" but then some fucking tanuki shows up and declares he can cure the virus, and whitebeard's right hand fucking man shows up and hes like "WHAT THE FUCK" finally he's like "okay fine. im gonna go full brachiosaurus and kick some fucking ass" only to get stopped by marco and all he could do was watch as the tanuki healed even his subordinates, and now his allies are turning on him, and a stupid kid has turned all of the gifters on him. hes absolutely livid, and finally some cook who not even an hour ago asked the woman the entirety of his forces wanted to capture for help shows up, so he's probably thinking "oh he might be from germa 66 but he's fucking pathetic" nope. kicks his fucking ass. a pink dragon shows up. queens eyes popped out and broke his glasses how many times? and now hes thin and his funk is messed up and his pirate group is broken up and the fucking navy shows up. like, listen. the strawhats have given so many people the worst day of their lives, but queen's worst day is fucking hilarious. like kaido? yeah its a bad day but finally someones toppled him and he finds satisfaction in that. king? bad day but like. hes been freed from hiding himself. jack? bad day but getting his shit rocked by a giant elephant was about as bad. like queen is arguably having the worst day in all of onigashima. almost everything that happens is totally outside of expectations and calculations and has terrible ramifications. you almost have to feel sorry for him
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hyperfreaksating · 1 month
Personal headcanon that I had since you overhauled Red to be more of your personal oc than a Y/N stand in and thus probably isn’t completly canon to the fic writing you did for Y/N in the beginning: I don’t even know how this would work but time wise but I’m convinced that in my weird brainfart au Kureha was actually the one to deliver the triplets. Mostly because I think the idea of Buggy being unnerved at her would be extremely funny and also because I think Red would just be … in awe…. The coolest woman she ever encountered in her life.
“The bad news is that there’s more than one of those little buggers in there. The good news is that I have been the first and the last thing in life people saw around here for a million times now, so this isn’t new to me.” “Uuugh… Madame …you’re everything I’ll aspire to be in my life.” “You’ll get there.” “Th-that’s all fine and good ladies but does the reindeer have to be here during all of… that?” “Don’t question the midwife!!” “Yesmadamesorrymadameillbequiet.”
Damn the x reader fanfiction already feel like an eternity ago... NGL I buried it in the depth of Tumblr since I fell way more for the anime than I thought and now I'm completely in love with the whole universe and lore! Feel a bit self conscious about it aha
When I wrote the og fanfiction I didn't know much about one piece and now I'm at whole cake.... So yeah Red, redbomb, the triplets, the AU, the timeline are totally different than in the x reader fic, even rewrote Bugs and Red lovestory to fit my new timeline, that's. A whole new work? The fanfic was kind of, a draft? Didn't plan to attach this much to the gremlins, too.... They're my comfort zone to draw really.
Anyway! I love your headcanon. Yeah Kureha would TOTALLY be the kind of woman Red would want to be. And I would love to see Buggy being scold by her lmao
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I don't know if chopper would be there, if I'm not wrong he's the same age as the triplets 🤔 I however think that would be funny for chopper to recognize Red and the kids years later...
Many potential here.
Law, chopper, Marco, kureha... Doctors in one piece are quite a thing! I'll chose the tanuki.
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a-flaming-idiot · 1 year
BNA Fakemon
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The Rowdy Pokémon
Type: (Dark)
Abilities: Friend Guard/Runaway HA: Moxie
Height: 1′04
Weight: 28 lbs
"A high-energy pokemon with a coat of stretchy fur that protects it from attacks. Due to its stretchy coat, it often doesn't realize how rough it plays, causing it to chase away its playmates. It is not recommended for new trainers"
"A pokemon known to often get excited and play overly rough with other small pokemon. It is often said by experienced trainers that if one can find Totnuki the proper playmate to balance out its excitability it will thrive. It is extremely protective of those close to it."
Etymology: Tot - Tanuki
Evolves after the use of a Dusk Stone
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The Protective Pokemon
Type: (Dark/Fighting)
Abilities: Friend Guard/Stretchy Fur HA: Moxie
Height: 4′03
Weight: 132 lbs
"Though its limbs appear thin it holds the strength to turn brick walls to dust with a single strike. It is often mistaken for being able to fly due to its incredible jumping ability and wing-like fur. It has an extremely protective nature and is willing to even use dirty tactics to protect others."
"Its stretchy fur coat acts similar to armor, protecting it in battles to protect its friends. It will fight fiercly if it get a single hint its friends may be in danger. Old legends say that a human woman who begged to have the power to protect those close to her became the first Valkyruki."
Stretchy Fur: “The user cannot be hurt by entry hazards, contact damage, or not very effective attacks.”
Signature Move: Fur Reflect - 100 Accuracy - Status - “The user protects itself with its strong fur coat. Any status moves that hit it will be reflected back onto the opponent.”
Etymology: Valkyrie - Tanuki
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The Mellow Pokemon
Type: (Fairy)
Abilities: Cute Charm/Inner Focus HA: Dazzling
Height: 1′02
Weight: 20 lbs
"A small fox pokemon known for its relaxed disposition and preference to happily enjoy the moment. Despite this, it has a powerful voice that can disorient others that Mellowpine uses to deter enemies. It takes much pride in its own voice."
"An extremely relaxed pokemon with a powerful voice. Though able to knock an adult human off their feet, Mellowpine's voice is also able to impart a similar mellow temperament onto others, bringing down even the rowdiest pokemon."
Etymology: Mellow - Vulpine
Evolves with the use of a Shiny Stone
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The Songstress Pokemon
Type (Fairy/Psychic)
Abilities: Cute Charm/Bewitching Voice HA: Dazzling
Height: 6'1
Weight: 176 lbs
"A dazzling pokemon with a voice that can both soothe a rampaging Tyranitar and send an Agron flying. It wraps its fluffy tail around its throat to protect its voice. Though appearing relaxed and distant it loves attention both from an audience and close friends."
"Possessing a powerful voice this pokemon keeps enemies away with its cries that can shatter stone. Old legends tell of a human woman who when asking for the chance to achieve her dreams and to never be forgotten was turned into the first Vulperatic."
Bewitching Voice: “Any sound-based moves used by the user gains a 10% chance to paralyze, infatuate, confuse, or put the opponent to sleep.”
Signature Move: Psycho Song - 90 Power, 100 Accuracy Special: “The user sings a powerful song that scrambles the mind of the opponent. 10% to confuse the opponent.”
Shiny Forms
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So yeah, wanted to combine one of my favorite series (And focus of this blog) with pokemon. So I turned Nazuna and Michiru into a pair of pokemon lines. Took a bit and was basically a chance to practice with my new tablet but I had tons of fun. Also just cause they’re the main characters and kind of OP in canon, I gave them some OP abilities for the fun of it. Also wanted to include the girls’ human origins in a very pokemon way. A kin to Kadabra or a bunch of ghost pokemon’s dex entries.
I may go and make some more of the main cast into pokemon but besides that, hope you liked the fakemon.
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bittermoonswrites · 3 months
Who are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite characters of all time, from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series, etc)? Can I ask why you love them?
Again, I have no idea whether these are my faves of all time, but I’m going to just pick some characters I like and can think of right now. Let’s just limit this to anime/manga and video games (JRPGs specifically) or else the list would be all characters from books only. I wish there were more female characters on here but you know how it is with media—female characters get the short end of the stick unless a woman was behind it.
Joshua Kiryu (The World Ends with You): Basically gay Jesus of the world of The World of Ends with You. A complicated guy, always scheming in the background. Really compelling character. I was upset he only makes a cameo appearance in the sequel to the game. 
Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basket): He lacks standard shonen hero personality—his trademark is being calm, quiet, aloof, and polite—but he’s the main character of Kuroko’s Basketball anyway. Kuroko is proof that you don’t need to be Knockoff Naruto to bring people around you, and I love that.
Miyuki Kazuya (Daiya no Ace): If there’s a Daiya fan that doesn’t like Miyuki, I’d be surprised.
Jolyne Kujo (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Pt. 6 Stone Ocean): If you aren’t familiar with JoJo, it’s divided into 9 different parts, each one of which is pretty much entirely distinct from the others. I have been following JoJo for way too long (since ~2012-2013-ish?), and I’m pretty sure I will be a huge fan for the rest of my life. Jolyne is the MC of JJBA’s 6th part, Stone Ocean. Amazingly well-written female protaogonist of a shonen series.
Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender): He has no bending powers, but he keeps everyone together. That’s his superpower. I love that.
Shimogamo Yasaburo (The Eccentric Family): the trickster hero of The Eccentric Family. I love the work of novelist Tomihiko Morimi (this anime was adapted from one of his novels), and The Eccentric Family is about a family of tanuki living in Kyoto. Yasaburo is the 3rd of 4 sons. Through Yasaburo’s eyes, you can get a feel for tanuki cultures and customs, and he’s just a little shit.
Kong Wenge (Ping Pong: The Animation): Ping Pong is my favorite anime of all time, and Kong is my favorite character in Ping Pong. His arc is so good—going from resentful that he was forced to move to Japan for high school because competition in Chinese Ping Pong is insane to coming to terms with the fact that he’s going to be stuck in Japan, to eventually naturalizing as a Japanese citizen to play for Japan as an adult and taking the name of his high school that changed his life as his last name upon naturalization.
Luck Gandor (Baccano): Baccano is another one of my favorite anime, and Luck is my favorite character. I love schemer types like Luck.
Laurent Thierry (The Great Pretender): I’m pretty sure Netflix created The Great Pretender just to target me because it has everything I like in anime. The final arc is kind of fucked up in a real-world "oh god something similar to what these terrible human beings are doing is actually happening somewhere" kind of way, but it's overall a great show. Laurent is such an asshole. He’s definitely not a good person, but I have a weakness for asshole characters.
Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen): He’s the lesbian favorite because we collectively love to make fun of him. Enough said.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 11 months
How would you rank the barians from least favorite to most favorite
OK SO. IVE BEEN SITTING ON THIS ASK FOR WEEKS CUZ I WAS WAITING UNTIL I HAD ACTUALLY SEEN ALL SEVEN BARIAN EMPERORS IN ACTION. and now well im done watching the series SO!! im glad I waited because over the course of the back chunk of zexal ii my opinions on all the emperors got jostled around so much AND I ENDED UP LIKING ALL OF THEM A LOT. so i guess caveat for this list: love all 7 of these guys so much, definitely one of my favorite "factions" of yugioh characters. my fuckign kids
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anyway, from 'least' to most favorite
7. Girag: THIS FEELS SO MEAN. SORRY GIRAG like I said i love 'em all but I guess he's the one I like the least, if only because his design is.... unfortunate. And his backstory is......................... unfortunate. They really said "this black character didn't actually do any of his supposed achievements; a literal tanuki did them for him" and called it a day huh HHFDGSDFG Yugioh Not Fantastic Moments but what can ya do. He's still fun. I love his dub voice I genuinely do wonder if it being a bit of a Rocky Balboa impression was a deliberate choice (since he's buddies with Alito Boxer Kiddo Extraordinare).
6. Dumon: AGAIN. A LITTLE MEAN. SORRY DUMON FDHGSG he's grown on me a BUNCH since I started z2 mostly because i lesbianpilled him in my brain but he's gotta be #6 because his Barian form is probably my LEAST favorite of the bunch. I'm not big on his very flat eyes but I do love the idea that they're because He Cant Fucking See. His human form is so fucking funny they really librarypilled this guy so hard. He's low on the list but still dear to me. Definite Zexal Real One.
5. Marin: GOD. RIOMARINMERAG. I LOVE HER. I REALLY DO. her Barian form's color palette is just gorgeous and she has an awesome ice motif and she's a COOL SPORTY JOCK and she LOVES HER BROTHER but my GOD she suffers from Girl in a Yugioh Series SO BAD. THIS POOR GIRL IS FRIDGED FOR LITERALLY OVER HALF THE SHOW!!!! she does 1-3 cool things and They Shred Like Hell but there's just barely enough of her in the show for her to really blossom into one of my top favs :( don't worry sweetheart im coming
4. Mizar: ok so now we're getting into the territory of where I Just Really Like These Guys. I didn't give a SHIT about MizarMizael until the Moon Duel, and then I proceeded to give SO many shits about him. What can I say.... sad kiddo YGO character backstory gets me every time. I love that he pulled an Aporia and face-turned and tried to take on the Big Bad but fumbled so fucking hard he died in one turn. His Barian form is ROUGH, THOUGH. HIS SHADES OF YELLOW ARE TOO FUCKING CLOSE TO EACH OTHER PUT SOME MORE GREEN AND RED IN THERE. Anyway. Been cooking a trans woman Mizar headcanon for a little while now. estrogen and hooves could have saved her.
3. Nasch: I. really like Shark. I'm still sorting out favorites in my mind but Shark is definitely in my Top Five and I like him as Nasch by extension. Definitely one of the coolest Yugioh Rivals by absolute far. His slow growth as Shark from Mean Bully to Guy Who Cares So Much About His Friends just GUTS me!! This is what ygo's all about babeyyy!!! And the sheer amount of AWFUL SHIT that happens to this kid, MY GOD. He loses his sister over and over again and ends up with SO MANY LIVES ON THE LINE it's a fucking wonder he didnt have a turbo emotional breakdown and collapse. Also I love when characters have species identity crisis and claim to throw their humanity away<3 I know that one <333 ALSO his color palette is really good, I wish his pants were dark though.
2. Alito: ALITOOOOOOOO ALITO MY BI ITALIAN REP. he is latino to me. as well. anyway Alito is also one of my Absolute Top Favorite Zexal Characters I fucking love him. I love Tough Guy Who Kids Love. I love his Battlin Boxers. I love his narrative parallels to Nistro (also one of my fav characters). I love both his forms!! His Barian color palette rocks. ALL OF HIS DUELS GO SO DAMN HARD ESPECIALLY THE MYTHIRIAN NUMBER ONE AND HIS 'CONTROLLED BY DON THOUSAN' DUEL. He's just so good!!! His dynamic with Yuma makes my brain spin around. I need to draw him for real so bad. I hope they put him in Duel Links soon I will whoop and cheer and clap.
cmon. gotta be basic here but you know it's VECTOR!!!!!!!!!!! God he might be. My most favorite Zexal character. He is certainly the one making me the Most insane. I feel like a version of me from a different dimension made this character in a lab just to psychologically torment me. He's BONKERS, he's FUNNY, he's SO OBSCENELY EXPRESSIVE IT'S INSANE, he LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MY BESTIE'S BLORBO, he LOOKS LIKE MY ART STYLE. Absolute Dana Monster Perfect Storm thats destroyed my house and my brain. And then they had to go and make him SAD!!! JUST TAKE ME TO THE VET AND PUT ME DOWN, MAN!!! s-tier yugioh character. top tier favorites hall of famer. i love him to bits. half my screenshot folder looks like this now
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