#i love troy bolton
drangues · 11 months
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dumb doodles cus of this but also this reminded me that the boys are back would be such a mike and lucas song fr 100 percent emoji
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gralixe · 2 months
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Meet-cute 💕💕💕
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chickenstrangers · 10 months
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Mama Gogo (2022)
That's your dream, Mom, not mine! ✨
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live-from-flaturn · 11 months
So my "Why Asexuals Love Jeff Satur" thesis (thes-ace, if you will) is:
We like him because he's a Ken doll.
He's androgynously pretty but in a noticeably masc way (don't ask how it works because I got an MA in English, not hot-boy science), has no visible pores and nice titties. He's the perfect height to be either the big or little spoon, washes his hair regularly, and dresses like a lesbian.
As an additional bonus, he's also awkward, clumsy, emo, and has absolutely ZERO capability of making the rhythm from his brain reach his hips. The man is a disaster. He can wiggle those Bedroom Eyebrows at his camera all day. Unfortunately, I didn't come to the Wuju Bakery for sheet cake. I came to watch him look wet and pathetic.
He's Thai Troy Bolton and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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deleting all my dating apps to meet people the old fashioned way (our families are vacationing at the same ski lodge during winter break and we’re forced to attend the same new years eve party, where we are randomly selected by the MC to perform a karaoke duet, and on that stage everyone but us disappears and we find that we not only match in harmony, but also in our souls)
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dittobtch · 2 months
the wilds orchestra au (3/?)
thanks to @amanitabuntline and @mirchoff for showing interest in this :)
as requested, here's what i think the boys would play:
ivan - double bass (has perfect pitch and will brag about it. him and fatin spend most of rehearsal gossiping)
kirin - trombone (will make dumb "bone" jokes at every opportunity he gets. he's pretty good when he actually tries though)
bo - baritone (plays beautifully and gets every solo available to his section. he never brings his instrument home so any extra practice he does is at school)
scotty - alto saxophone (plays careless whisper just to be annoying. he's also more than a little upset that he's not first chair)
raf - oboe (is weirdly good at sight reading. he never seems to be able to play loud enough though)
josh - flute/ piccolo (fails miserably at playing exams, but he's very good at dynamics and volume control)
henry - percussion (really good at polyrhythms. him and dot like to trade drumming techniques and give each other song recs when they're bored, which is most of the time)
seth - viola (sucks up to their conductor (gretchen) and laughs at all her lame jokes)
(saxophones also aren't really classical orchestra instruments but my school had them so i'm keeping them in)
part 1 | part 2 | part 4
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i miss you but you don’t even remember me
we never really spoke to each other. you don’t even know what i look like but i still miss you. i was the child that randomly walked into your life and then refused to leave because i needed you. i was young and i was in pain but you were there for me. i learnt everything about you but you didn’t ever want to know anything about me.
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on one day you told me you were just like an onion with ‘many layers to your personality’ and i thought that was the most fascinating analogy ever. and then i read about it in a book.
love, rosie // 2004
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another day you said you were watching ‘the breakfast club’. i asked you what that was and you said, ‘obviously, you wouldn’t know about it.’ i thought i’ll watch it some day. i still haven’t.
the breakfast club // 1985
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you told me your birthdate and i spent months trying to contact grant gustin through his manager just because you told me you loved watching ‘the flash’. i wanted to give you an incredible gift but ended up making an elaborate presentation. i still remember your birthday and i send you a message every year which i delete within a week because i’m embarrassed that i haven’t forgotten it when nothing of me remains in your memory. 
instagram 'happy birthday' text // 2022
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you told me you wrote poetry and played basketball and that reminded me of troy bolton from high school musical. you said you also knew ballroom dancing. i thought you were the coolest person i’d ever met.
high school musical 1 and 3 // 2006, 2008
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my favorite book is ‘the perks of being a wallflower’. i read this quote and started getting teary-eyed because it reminded me of you. you were to me what charlie’s anonymous friend was to him. i didn’t mean to trouble you but i guess i did.
the perks of being a wallflower // 1999
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we shared a common love for cats. your favorites were grey british shorthairs with blue eyes. i’d send pictures of them to you constantly.
pictures of cats // grey british shorthairs
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i am not surprised by how little i mean to you since i forced myself into your life. i’m sorry. i truly am sorry. and i’m sorry for constantly coming back into it. i’m sorry for saying i won’t do it again but still sending you long paragraphs pleading for forgiveness for being a nuisance.
sorry for writing all the songs about you // clara mae, 2018
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i know i left abruptly but that was because i was scared you’d leave first. i’ve been left before so i thought it would hurt less to be the one to do the leaving but i guess i was wrong. i still miss you. and i think about you whenever i'm sad because i met you when i was at my lowest.
summertime sadness // lana del rey, 2012
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- missing someone is painful. there’s always feelings of grief and sorrow that comes with reminiscing memories with them. but the most devastating feeling is when the person you miss doesn’t even remember you exist. when you’re nothing more than a faint memory of their past but to you, they were everything. you thought about them for the years that followed even though it hurt you every time they crossed your mind -
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kismetconstellations · 11 months
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Tired Troy and his cookie || High School Musical 3: Senior Year
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feministdaniel · 1 year
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Me and @r4wr1ngstuffzz are awsome at baking. Can you tell we like high school musical <3
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willowparkfanclub · 1 month
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is this anything
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sad-trash-hobo · 1 year
Imagine going to East High after Troy and Gabriella graduated and having to hear the stories about what all the cool seniors did before you got there. Oh, you never met Chad Danforth? You never saw Sharpay and Ryan perform? You never got schooled in home room by Taylor? Loser.
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Picking back on my previous ask, even Coach Bolton can impress Troy, just no matter what Coach Bolton does in the kitchen, Troy get very impressed by it (like Coach Bolton could make fry up some bacon on the stove and Troy would get very impressed by, and this worries Coach Bolton, knowing that his son can’t cook for crap) so Coach Bolton ends up teaching Troy how to cook but like with Zeke, it takes all night and Coach Bolton almost lose hope every time.
coach bolton had to teach this kid how to drive and it was NOT pretty and it was NOT easy for any of them (there were tears) but he learned eventually (or, well, he passed his drivers test and that's good enough) so coach bolton is damn sure going to teach him how to cook as well
his mom gave up a long time ago
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illogicaldisplay · 2 years
troy and chad are honestly rlly good best friends. yeah the whole thing happened in hsm2 and they should’ve talked about it more realistically but like its a disney movie, we dont have time for that! they’re good friends, the actors had good chemistry, and they were just overall really fun and relatable characters. love zac efron and corbin bleu for playing roles id love for years to come. high school musical ( i guess id have to thank kenny ortega and the writing team ) really did an amazing job creating fun characters who left impressions on people, even if the characters were somewhat surface level and not entirely “main characters”
- image/gif credit from @deweyduck-archive -
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iced-american0 · 10 months
High School Musical
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organicsaturdaychurch · 2 months
if you got to choose to live the rest of your life as anything you'd like (including, for example, animals or objects) what would you become?
OOOOOOO that’s a fun question- probably my worn out color swatch thing that came with my alcohol markers
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Also yes that is furby washi tape from Etsy cuz it ripped over there-
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