#i love the idea that his name is mason actually that's so silly of him
goldendevilsivy · 1 year
ieytd fandom where u @
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closeups !!
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rennybu · 4 months
hi.... i'm just a poor boy . who does not know the loam lore. would you be willing to share.... a summary.... (so curious i am a loam enjoyer)
oh my gosh hi griff..! oh there is so much to tell... i will h ave no choice but to put this under a readmore. the shortest answer is that he is my character of 3+ years in @jawsandbones homebrew dnd campaign and he is like a son to me. but to start off with baby pictures:
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LOAM was born 52 years ago in a city called TILDEN, which is blocked off overland by a CURSED* SWAMP that creeps closer every year.
*Misremembered and only Recently Re-Contextualized Major Historical event
His mom is a shy, worried, and loving woman named Bayla - she's a druid and sells medicinal mushrooms of all sorts. His dad is an unwaveringly positive (but incredibly serious) mason named Uttara who proudly works on all sorts of projects around the city, especially major infrastructure. Yay stoneworkers!
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(Because fantasy lifespans are strange and somewhat silly to me I just imagine Firbolgs to be stuck in their mid-20s existential dread until they're like at least 150. The backstory part of this spans literally 51 of his 52 year s of life. he's so young)
He got equal enrichment from time spent in nature with his mom as from time spent in the city with his dad. His nickname in the Tilden Firbolg community To This Day is "Always With Questions" - a kind of affix to differentiate him from any other Loams. He may not know much but he really would like to find out, please!!!! He sees a lot of beauty in the natural world, but his idea of what's natural is skewed somewhat by the uh, Curse. He once fell through some algae into a deep body of water and had a very fun memento mori experience as a kiddo (beautiful golden sunbeam shining onto a silty skull)
He got the name Loam very young from his interest in both his parents' work, which lead to him learning about soil types and uses in gardening and construction aklfhglskg. Loam was important for both jobs so he (in guess-what-I-just-learned little kid fashion) told everyone who would listen about it. The association STUCK and he's Loam now :].
His birth name is actually Rahara! but that's secret knowledge only his bestest friends and Tzip and some scarycool important NPCs know.
He loves beasts and magic and plants so much. And on the flip side he also loves and is fascinated by architecture and engineering. He never got any like, higher academic schooling or whatever, but had many many different apprenticeship type training relationships from his parents, other tradespeople in the city, from the senior rangers etc etc.
Small break to plug @jawsandbones lore packets for the Quarter Cities (including Tilden), Scarabae, and the overall campaign setting!!!! I'm just gonna talk about stuff without adding too much context of my own because AAA WORD COUNT!!!
The hole in Loam's ear was brought about by a shit ass Tilden local trying to tear his earring off him, since he'd bought it from a foreign merchant from a city Tilden/the Quarter has historically warred with. Loam's always been open minded and deeply curious about other cities, due to how isolated the bog is. Any visiting merchants are sources of wonder!!!! Even though he only bought the one hoop earring from the Quietus merchants (Mirjam and Mihail, mother and son!), after the ice was broken he stayed by their stall the rest of the day and talked about all kinds of things, and befriended Mihail!
Loam trained as a ranger as soon as he was old enough to do so!!!! He saw it as the next logical step past what his parents would be able to show him and was incredibly eager to get hands-on experience in the wilds. He met his first ever boyfriend among his peers there!!! Bragi... he has had many lovers and situationships in Tilden since, BUT only recently feels comfortable trying monogamy again after meeting Tzipporah.
Bragi unfortunately died badly to a creature in a traumatic backstory incident that left young Loam super fucking bereft and hyper aware of how easy it is to die. (Big monster attack + group of trainee rangers accompanied by a few more senior rangers + chaos and bloodshed. Loam carried Bragi to safety and tried resuscitating him but he was already gone. The experience made him uncomfortable with the idea of being in a defined, monogamous intimate relationship for the next like. 19 years. He felt like he got ripped in half!)
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After the ranger's guild recovers from THE CREATURE ATTACK, Loam meets his close friend, Reece, a fellow ranger and Kenku (she looks like a masked shrike)!!!
He gets his septum pierced by the same visiting merchants from Quietus a few years after Bragi's death. It's a very important moment for him, where it feels like he can finally start to let himself change and grow beyond that event. He also spends more and more time in the city, away from the more rural/overgrown districts, and chases a love for the arts and partying and people, where he meets Kallirhoe (human, not a even a classed bard but like. an indie musician. an eboy if high fantasy had eboys. a tattooed twinkish fellow. you know the type)! They are very good friends who also have sex. Many days spent waxing poetic about THE BIG WIDE WORLD and how they'll never get to see it. (Spoiler: He sees it)
Loam gets into tarot as a hobby, and makes his own deck in a very scribbly freehand style with ink and charcoal!!!! he's slowly replacing them with more Worldly artwork - the deck he left home with was very. Tildencore
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Many good years of being a party girl who has to go work a construction job tomorrow and then go be a ranger at 6. A rich and storied life. AND THEN THE GAME TIMELINE STARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A path Through the bog has recently finished being built by Dagda, the Southern representative to the other Quarter Cities, making more trade possible overland, and making local tensions go even crazier. Also there are strange Awful Huge Scary Monsters appearing WORLDWIDE, so the Directions and the Three Kings of Scarabae and the remote island of Geest (ADRA'S HOME!) and the mysterious magical Widow's Wood are all like "STOP WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING RN". Trials are held in the Western city of Dina to appoint FOUR TEAMS OF FOUR to help defend against the new threat. Loam is like. Well I've gotta fucking do that. I've got to try. If I'm not chosen, at least I've set foot outside. He has a fight with his mom about this, because she is terrified she will lose him, like she lost her mother in a previous conflict when Scarabae was occupying the Quarter, before Loam was born. He stands firm and his dad has his back, and ultimately he leaves with both their blessings, but his dismissal of his mom's feelings weighs heavy on him the longer he's away from home. (He has a big cry and reconciliation about this when he is next able to come home.)
I'm clapping and cheering and skipping joyfully because now he HAS MET HIS BESTEST, DEAREST, CLOSEST FRIENDS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD: ADRA ILSA AND TALEE!!!!!!! I have to be so careful now because we have no joke hundreds of pages of notes. I cannot read that shit on google docs mobile app. We are approaching session one hundred and fifty of this game. They love each other so fucking much. THEY ARE THE INFORMATION GATHERERS!!! A PARTY OF SLEUTHS!!!
He also has his meet-cute with Tzipporah at the trials, which in hindsight is hilarious, because of the whole, "Tzipporah was sent to the trials as a spy (by the very people responsible for the giant awful monster crisis) and immediately pegged Loam for an easy mark to get information from" thing. And he was 100% correct. But a lot has to happen before that gets revealed. They took a nice night walk and write each other big long letters. And Loam tells him soooooo much <3
At one point while exploring a wizard tower he attunes to a lightly cursed ring and forgets what his parents look like, like their likenesses are Gone from past and recent memory. Which is a big thorn of homesickness that he writes to them about. He has a big cry and stares at them both for a LONG time when he next sees them.
Also they save an orphaned Kenku from some bandits and now Loam has a little shoulder-sniper named Bubby. We have a son. A perfect little crow son who is really good at killing, with arrows. He hides things in Loam's hood regularly
Other major things include ummm umm Loam's TWO deaths, one during a dungeon-rescue type scenario in a room that was Flooding and full of Phantoms and also a charmed Druid (Feyan, good friends now) wildshaped into a big scary water snake. He was hurt bad and (comedically) levitated so he wouldn't DROWN but then got Phantom Speared right through the torso. Second one was because Tzip's evil half brother Vences was like, mad at him for being a good influence on Tzipporah and interfering with the spy duties. Chill touch so no healing + dagger in the ribs! Ow. Also the reveal that Tzip was a spy was happening like, simultaneously here so we were yowling and screaming. (Well. Talee and Co had their long time hunches about this. Loam and I had turned a beautiful blind eye to all suspicious activity)
ANYWAY HIS DEATH SCARS LOOK LIKE A COMET ABOVE HIS BELLY!!!! The spear scar made a patch of his fur turn white (front and back), and the dagger scar is its crude tail!
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I am skipping over so many plot revelations i. This is just the Loam Cut. and it's not even all of it.
His buzzcut was for emotional superstitious reasons!!! He cut it after Death 2 and Tzipporah getting taken against his will back into Evil Gang. Loam's mom has a lock of his hair at home now. ALL THIS TO SAY TZIP IS OKAY, NO LONGER SPYING, WE RESCUED HIM AND RIPPED A MASK OFF HIM AND SAVED HIM FROM GETTING HIS MIND EXCAVATED ! SO LOAM IS GROWING HIS HAIR OUT AGAIN!
The deaths of his close friends and their allies have also been. insane for him to process. To return someone to life in this setting u need to like. entreat a Titan. plead on the deceased's behalf and offer something up for the chance to revive them. (NO player spells like revivify. house rule) So interacting with these entities he sees as like Both forces of the natural world AND of huge religious/cultural importance regionally. And to have their requests be HEARD? He loves magic he loves Titans. And the plot is unfolding in such a way that scares me so bad. He loves his titan (The Curious Spear) SOOOO MUCH he has like the foundational belief that it can see through his eyes. Even if not true it motivates him to always seek understanding of strange new things.
Oh my god I didn't even talk about his multiclass into druid. He's a druid also. Circle of the Stars!! As a navigational point. He loves them. He loves space. He loves geography and regional interpretations of constellations. He used to just do freehand observations but truly became dedicated to charting the skies of every place the party travels to, after Tzipporah gifted him a grid-lined journal <3 <3 <3 STARRY FORM!!!!!!
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His awe and inspiration and hunger for knowledge is the well he draws magical power from. My Boy is thematically bound up in the soggiest parts of this earth and also the unknowably distant stars above and I'm normal about it (lie) (There is a new and scary Third Thing rising which is the space between. I <3 Void). I know i draw him beige and green but his like, character colour theme is. Dusk to me. Gloaming. When the world is lit like a dream <3
In summary. In conclusion. He and Adra and Ilsa and Talee (and the rest of the Four of Four) are trying to prevent Global Disaster of an existential scale never before seen and are being very brave about it.
Loam wants to understand everything about Everything. Because understanding is love. Unfortunately there are hostile resentful and vengeful forces making this hard to do. Most recently by saving a city we Unmade a magically sustained centuries-old library. And we haven't had time to like fully let that sink in. Because of the horrors of war and being Four of Four means responding to emergencies and protecting cities as best we can against a foe that was forgotten by history until like, 10 months ago. Less, even. I hope this is anything. I hope u are his friend now too because he is yours
good lord how could i forget. His gender is male in such a way that he does not give a shit about it. He's one of the girls. He's genderless. Like a knight. His sense of identity is built on Living Laughing and Loving.
his personal goals are 1. to uncurse the bog in such a way that the wrongs committed by Tilden historically are brought to light and righted, 2. to get super married to Tzipporah and build a house together, and 3. to somehow, eventually, through great teamwork and effort, cure(?) the dreadful lingering soul plague on the island of demeter. HUMBLE! OH and to make a finished star chart covering the entire planet. humble.
thank u for reading here are his current stats
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landoncrris · 2 years
Fluff Alphabet - Mason Mount
notes: this is my first sort of writing ever so it‘s probably not really good but i want to start writing so this is kind of me practicing
warnings: english is not my first language so i‘m sorry for any grammatical mistakes
word count: 2.1k
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i just needed to use this picture because i think about it every single second of my life
A ctivities - What does he like to do with their s/o? How does he spend his free time with them?
Mason isn‘t big on activities. He‘s perfectly content with spending all his free time (which unfortunately isn’t much because of his work) just cuddled up on the sofa with you and watching some movie on netflix. On special occasions, he would love to go out with you, but would rather do something fun like go to a theme park, than dress up and go to a restaurant.
B est friend - What would he be like as a best friend?
With Mason it would definitely never get boring, he‘s always up for a fun time and tells silly jokes - or even a few bad pick-up lines - to make you laugh. He would also support you in everything you do and help you wherever he could.
Being best friends with Mason would mean being good friends with Declan, as he‘s also his best friend.
C omfort - How would he help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
If you come home and he saw that something was bothering you, he would drop everything to comfort you. Mason would immediately offer to hold you, let you rent about your day and he’d murmur comforting words in your ear + kiss your head every few seconds. If you wanted your space and to be alone for some time, he‘d give you that space and wouldn’t force you to tell him anything.
D omestic - Does he want to settle down? How is he at cooking and cleaning?
If this man is sure that you‘re the one, he‘ll quite literally do anything to keep you and cherish you every second of his life. The idea of spending the rest of his life with you is a big yes for him. He‘ll want all that romantic stuff like a huge engagement and wedding, and basically anything that makes you feel like a princess. So yeah, when he sees how special you are, he’ll want to settle down with you and never wake up next to anyone else again.
He does cook a few times, but when he does, it‘s only to do it with you, and he uses it as an excuse to be close to you and hold you. When you both had a long day he‘d rather order something in so you can both stay on the couch or in bed. There were a few times tho were he baked together with his niece, and he‘s actually not that bad at baking biscuits, just a little uncreative at decorating them. But when it comes to doing his laundry, he‘s completely lost. I mean, before you moved in with him, his mother was still doing his laundry.
E qual - Is he the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
It seems like Mason is the dominant one in the relationship, but people close to you know that he‘s absolutely whipped for you and would do anything you ask. So in the end it‘s actually pretty balanced.
F ights - does he fight with you? how does he handle it?
Like in any normal relationship, there are some arguments or misunderstandings, but almost never really big fights. Sometimes in the heat of the moment he says some things he didn‘t mean, but as soon as one of you is out of the house, he knows it was wrong and immediately regrets it. But no matter how heated the argument was, you both try to never go to sleep or travel angry with each other.
G ratitude - How grateful is he in general? Is he aware of what his s/o is doing for him?
He is incredibly grateful, especially that you always find time to come to his games and support him. Even if you‘re just sitting at home, wearing his name on your back and cheering him on, it‘s worth a lot to him. He shows you his gratitude with lots of kisses and plans cute dates for the two of you. He also loves to spoil you a little, even if you insist that he doesn‘t. He loves the smile on your face whenever he gives you something.
H ugs - Does he like hugs? How often does he do it? What are his hugs like?
Abso-fucking-lutely, he loves giving you hugs. Especially hugs from behind. He hugs you no matter what you‘re doing, whether you’re cooking something, going shopping together or standing with a group of friends, Mason just loves to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder and occasionally kissing your neck. This is by far his favorite way to hug you, even though it often leads to comments from family or friends about how whipped he is.
His hugs are also out of this world. Whenever he hugs you and buries his head in your neck (while tickling you with his beard) you‘re content and just feel safe and at peace. It‘s your favorite way for him to comfort you.
I love you - How fast does he say the L-word?
As a Capricorn, it doesn‘t need much for him to catch feelings. Although falling in love is a whole other level, it happened really fast with you. From the first date, he knew that you were special and it only took a few weeks for him to fall in love with you. He didn‘t say those words right after he realized it tho out of fear he‘s overwhelming you and you wouldn’t feel the same way yet. So it took him a while to tell you, but in the end it was all good and you two spent the rest of the day as giggling messes and saying it to each other in any given situation. Even now he refuses to leave the house without muttering an „I love you“ to you.
J ealous - does he get jealous?
Sometimes he does get a little bit jealous, even though he trusts you completely, but it annoys him a lot to see other men lingering around you too much. He just wants to show everyone around you that you‘re his.
K isses - What are his kisses like?
He‘s a really good kisser and usually gets very involved in it. In public, he loves to kiss you on the forehead or cheek, but not really full-on make-out sessions. Unless he‘s trying to show others that you‘re his, then he loves to make out with you and catch everyone’s attention. In private he‘s a very passionate kisser who loves to use his tongue and savour your taste for hours.
L ittle ones - How is he around children?
He gets along very well with children and they usually adore him, just like the other way around. He helps kids wherever he can and wants them all to have a great time. For the children in his family, he loves babysitting them, carrying them around and playing with them whenever they‘re near him. He often asks his sister to stay over so you two can spend some quality time with his niece (and maybe practice for the future too).
M arriage - Has he thought about it?
A few years ago he couldn‘t imagine anyone in particular walking down the aisle, however that has changed since he met you. He’s definitely thought about it and often catches himself picturing your future together and if it were up to him, he wouldn‘t wanna wait any longer to make you his wife. And the thought of calling you Mrs Mount and wearing your last name on his jersey too?.. he‘d go crazy.
N icknames - Does he use them? Which one are his favorites?
Most of the time he just calls you by your short name because it just feels more personal. But he does love to call you ‚babe‘ or ‚baby‘ , and sometimes just some weird nickname he found on the internet to make you laugh, which often ends up in a competition of who can come up with the funniest one. His favorite way to call you is ‚love‘ because he just sees the fluttering feeling it gives you every single time.
O pen - How long does it take him to reveal something about him?
It took him longer to tell you everything that was going through his mind than to say „I love you“. Not because he didn‘t trust you, but because he‘s afraid to open up completely to someone and that this person will leave him. Thats why he‘s very cautios in new relation- or friendships and prefers to tell his family about his problems. But after a few months he has realized that whenever he has something on his mind, it helps him so much when he tells you, because just a few words from you and your hands on his scalp playing with his hair can cheer him up already.
P atience - How easily angered is he?
He‘s not one to get angry easily. He usually walks around with a smile on his face, no matter what has happened before. Something really bad must‘ve happened for him to get angry. Except in moments where his patience is tested, like on the pitch or when he sees other people flirting with you/being rude to you.
Q uirk - Something you find special about him
One thing you noticed very early on is that Mason always sticks his tongue out or just keeps his mouth open whenever he‘s concentrated, and that’s one of the most adorable things to you because he can‘t really control it, it just happens. Other things are his little victory dances when he‘s won something. And quite the opposite: he’s such a sore loser and you just find it really cute how annoyed and pouty he gets.
R omantic - Is he romantic?
Mason is a very romantic guy when it comes to you. He just tries to do everything he can for you because he thinks that you deserve only the best. Because of that huge effort he puts into everything, it makes it even more romantic because you can tell that his heart is really in it. Upon that - even tho he‘s not the biggest fan of romantic movies - he loves to have those cliché moments with you, like kissing/dancing in the rain. which was also how your first kiss went.
S mile - does he smile around you?
He smiles more than you realize. He often gets this giddy feeling and just thinks about how much he loves you and how happy and lucky he is to have you by his side, because he thinks that you‘re simply the best think that ever happened to him. He has a smile on his face even when you do the simplest things. But nothing compares to the sound of your laugh and the way your voice sounds when you tell him that you love him.
T ouch - is he touchy?
YES. He is basically the most touchy person ever. Mason is touchy with everyone as his love language is touch, but with you it's on a whole other level. Whenever you haven't seen each other for a while, he gets super clingy and never leaves your side. When he's had a shower after coming home from training, the first thing he wants to do is lie against your chest for at least an hour so he can calm down. In public, he always has at least one hand touching yours, on your thigh or around you. And if the two of you attend a party or event together, he cannot be apart from you for more than one interview.
U gly - what would be some bad habits of him?
posting these weird tiktoks. i‘m so sorry i couldn‘t think of anything else he‘s literally perfect.
V anity - How concerned is he with his looks?
He‘s not exactly what you would call vain, but he pays a lot of attention to his appearance. One explanation for this is that he‘s always being photographed, at training or during/after matches. So it‘s no secret that in their changing room, he takes the longest to get ready and fix his hair. But oh boy does he know that he looks good. Every single compliment would make him so damn cocky too-
W hole - Would he feel incomplete without you?
Of course he would. He may not believe in soulmates, but he believes that you are like a missing puzzle piece he didn‘t know he needed till he found you. Now he can’t imagine a life without you and strongly believes that he can never love anyone the way he loves you.
X tra - A random headcanon for him
Whenever he‘s gone bc of his job, he‘ll facetime you as soon as he‘s back alone in his hotel room, to quell the homesickness he feels when you’re not there. He‘ll want to talk about both your days first, till he‘s too tired and decides to put his phone next to him, so you can look at each as you fall asleep.
Y uck - what he doesn‘t want in a relationship
He wouldn‘t want to share you with anyone, like having an open relationship. He wants all your attention and cuddles to himself because for him you‘re enough and he doesn‘t need anything or anyone else in his life.
Z zz - how he likes to sleep
He is definitely a spooner. Always has at least one arm wrapped around your middle. On the rare occasions when he’s feeling really down and needy, he‘ll ask you if he can be the little spoon tho.
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So I was going through my drafts. and like, back in February when I was thinking about Valentine’s day fic ideas, I ended up drafting this silly matchmaking fic (based on the 36 questions for love) but I decided to abandon it bc it’s silly and I’m too lazy to flesh it out any further than this. But I dunno it’s maybe cute-ish. So I figured I’d post it here. So yeah!
anyway below the cut is Liam and Theo meeting at a matchmaking event<3
Liam Dunbar - ♥ - Theo Raeken
It’s a Match!
Name - Dunbar, Liam
Age - 25
“Question one,” Mason reads, settling beside Liam on the couch. “What is your idea of a good night out?”
“Uh, I guess…dinner? A movie?” he shrugs. “Wait, no, don’t put that. That’s probably what everyone is gonna say. When’s the last time I even went to a fucking movie theater? Umm, let me think.”
“Liam, dude.”
“No, hold on! Just—just gimme a sec,” he says.
“How about I just put ‘dinner and a movie’ as a provisional answer and we can move on—”
“Got it,” Liam blurts. “Mini golf.”
“Mini golf?”
Liam nods. “Mini golf.”
“Okay. Mini golf,” Mason sighs, typing in his answer.
“Wait! Maybe one of those barcade places, actually?”
“Only ten questions, and yet I’ve got a feeling we’re gonna be here all night,” Mason sighs.
Name - Raeken, Theo
Age - 27
Tracy stretches out on the futon, draping her legs across Theo’s lap. She says, “Alright, c’mon. What’s your idea of a good night out?”
“That night you, me, Don, and Josh broke in and hotboxed the projection booth during the horror movie fest is hard to beat,” he grins.
“Mm, try again. Something that won’t prompt the matchmaking company to report you to the local police department?”
“Like they’d be able to find anything on me,” Theo scoffs. “My record’s been expunged.”
“Fine. Good nights out that don’t involve criminal activity?”
He hums, offering a lazy shrug. “Don’t remember most of ‘em.”
“Kidding,” he sighs. “You know, I hear bingo nights at the senior center get pretty rowdy.”
“I really hate you,” Tracy says beneath her breath.
“Heard it before.”
“What color best represents your personality?”
Liam glances down at his sweatshirt.
“Okay,” Mason nods.
“That’s kind of basic isn’t it?” Liam frowns. “I mean, blue? Everyone’s gonna say blue. What color did you say on yours?”
Mason raises a brow, says, “Green.”
“Because I’m comforting and have a mellow energy, I don’t know, dude, I just said green!” Mason answers, waving a dismissive hand.
“Personally, I think you’re more of a teal.”
“Okay, last I checked, you were only signing up for this event with me because I’m too chicken to go alone. Now, you’re putting more effort into your answers than I did.”
“...Let’s go with blue,” Liam relents.
“I’d say…something between green and black. Like the solid part of birdshit,” Theo answers. “Familiar, but distinctly unpleasant.”
“At least you’re self-aware,” Tracy mutters. “I’m putting red. Confident, warm, and inviting.”
“I’m easy-going, but also, uh, motivated. And…confident. Yeah. Confident. But not arrogant. Definitely not that. But I have a sensitive side, right? I totally have a sensitive side. Oh, and Hayden used to say I was very thoughtful, so maybe that. And charismatic.”
“And genuine.”
“That was like ten times the amount of words you were supposed to give,” Mason sighs.  
“Okay, look, just put down…” Liam trails off. He glances around his apartment, like his home decor will give him the answers. “Adventurous, kind-hearted, and intelligent.”
Tracy scrolls to the next question. Says, “Describe yourself in three words.”
“Down. To. Fuck.”
“What traits do you like and dislike most in a potential partner?”
“My dislikes?” Liam says. He draws his lip between his teeth, thinking. “Um, Impulsivity, indecisiveness—”
“Are you just describing yourself?” Mason asks.
“Very funny.”
Mason doesn’t laugh.
Liam falters. “Oh, shit. Wait. Am I?”
“What traits do you like and dislike most in a potential partner?”
He grins. Answers, “I like hefty bank accounts and dislike rigid morality.”
“Fucking hell, Theo, you have to take this somewhat seriously. They’re gonna match you with an absolute trainwreck and then I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“Trace, I never even wanted to do the whole speed dating—”
“It’s a blind date event,” she corrects. “Not speed dating.”
“Blind date thing. It’s a combination of my two least favorite things, mandatory small talk and insincere pleasantries with strangers. You’re kinda forcing my hand here,” he grumbles.
“Donovan didn’t complain a single time when he took the personality questionnaire,” Tracy says.  
“Donovan is a serial dater. He’d probably sign up for this even if it wasn't a promotional event for your restaurant.”
She adds, “And Josh helped me put flyers downtown advertising Singles in the City for hours last weekend.”
He narrows his eyes. “Are you implying I’m an unsupportive friend?”
“I’m implying that I’m thinking of demoting you to ‘acquaintance’ status.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, I would.”
Theo shoots her a dry look.
“I know it’s silly to you, but it means a lot, okay?” Tracy stresses. “Hopefully, people will come and meet their soulmates and then fall in love, and get married, and have babies, and they’ll tell their kids the story of how they met at some cheesy matchmaking event at Chimera, and they’ll return on their anniversary and ask to sit at the table they first met at, and—”
“This is a soft opening for your restaurant. Not a rom-com.”
“I know, I know. I’m a mess,” she groans. “If all else fails, it’s an easy way to establish a customer base and gauge how the appetizer selection will go over with guests. If…anyone actually shows up.”  
Theo softens. He relents, “Okay, whatever. I’ll take it seriously. Promise.”
“Good, ‘cause I’ll be too busy overseeing the front and back of house to get in on the love connection action. I’ll have to live vicariously through you,” Tracy sighs. “Last one. Do you have a gender-specific preference?”
“Eh, surprise me. But, if they match me with a chick maybe I’ll send her your way.”
“Now that’s worthy of you being promoted to Best-Friend-For-Life status.”
“Only if the date sucks though.”
“Wow. How generous of you.”
“And last pre-survey question…” Mason mumbles. His composure has melted. He’s a lump on the couch, looks more ready to nap than anything else. “Do you have a gender-specific preference?”
Liam shrugs.
Mason sits up, bewildered. “That’s the only question that hasn’t taken you five minutes to answer. I’m kinda proud.”
“Well, in that case, you think we can reinvest the remaining four minutes to look over my other answers?”
“Oops, my finger slipped,” he presses enter and shuts the laptop. “Looks like your answers have been submitted.”
“You gotta last name to go with that first?”
Liam startles, only slightly. A guy—his date?—settles into the chair across from him. His nametag says Theo. His face says he’s uninterested.
Liam scowls, “No, it’s—”
“Raeken,” he says.
“What? I said Dunbar.”
“My name. Theo Raeken.”
“Oh. Oh,” Liam nods, shifting in his seat. It’s quiet. He hates the quiet. He wonders if his questionnaire answers should’ve been tweaked so that he could’ve been paired with someone that would show more interest in him than in the trays of food being carried around by waiters.
“Look, this is gonna suck, probably,” Liam says. “I mean it’s always weird having to do icebreaker questions and shit with people you don’t know, but uh. Let’s at least give it a shot. Full-fledged honesty’s the best way to go about it, right?”
Theo pulls his lips into a smirk. “And what if I told you I’m a pathological liar.”
“I’d say we’re off to a great start,” Liam mutters.
Theo leans forward, resting his elbows on the table. He runs a finger along the stem of his champagne glass.
“Full-fledged honesty? This is my friend’s place, and I only agreed to participate to offer moral support in exchange for free drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Not love. Sorry to disappoint.”
Over half an hour spent filling out that stupid questionnaire and Liam gets someone that bluffed for a complimentary dinner. Just his fucking luck.
“But…you’re single?”
Theo nods.
Liam quirks a brow. He asks, “And you’re not lying about that?”
Liam shrugs.
“Alright. I can work with that,” he slides the sheet across the table. “Ask me something.”
Theo lets out a bemused snort. He loses the disinterested expression, though, so Liam will consider that a win.
“Okay. Question one: Out of anyone in the world, who would you want as a dinner guest?”
Liam mulls the question over for a few seconds. Says, “Maybe Plato.”
“Anyone in the world and you choose an old dead dude whose greatest ideas are already documented and who speaks a different language.”
He scoffs, “Who says I don’t know Ancient Greek?”
Theo shoots him a dubious look.
“Alright, so, maybe I don’t. But in the fantasy world where anyone can be my dinner guest, let’s assume I’m fluent in every language. And I’m not gonna pass up the opportunity to chat with an ancient Greek philosopher,” Liam answers. “I’d mostly just hope to soak up some enlightenment through osmosis. Plus he’d probably be running his mouth enough that I wouldn’t have to bother with entertaining him much.”
Theo takes a sip from his champagne glass.
“Running his mouth, huh. Sounds familiar.”
Liam sends a glare his direction, but it’s weak. He says, “Alright, smartass, who would you choose then?”
“Pet names already? I’m flattered,” he drawls. “My sister, probably.”
“Out of everyone. In the entire history of the world.”
Theo doesn’t elaborate, just slides the question card over back over to Liam. He plucks a bacon-wrapped scallop off the appetizer tray carried around by one of the waiters, pops it into his mouth and raises an expectant brow.
Liam gulps.
“Question two…”
“Do I have a secret hunch about how I’ll die?” Liam groans. “Geez way to kill the mood. I’m still trying to work through the crushing mortality of reaching my mid-20s and this certainly doesn’t help with—”
“I think I’ll go out in a horrible freak accident somewhere random. Like a hardware store. Accidental beheading in Home Depot aisle 12,” Theo interrupts.
His insane answers are almost charming. Theo doesn’t take himself seriously and that makes it halfway-easier for Liam to let his guard down, too.
“Well. Personally, I was thinking something more along the lines of…uh, old age,” Liam shrugs. “My grandpa’s still kicking at the ripe age of 98.”
“Damn. Hope you didn’t just jinx him.”
Theo raps his fist against the table, lips twitching into a grin.
“Knock on wood.”
“Am I boring you, Dunbar? Guess my idea of a ‘perfect day’ is too routine for you, yeah?”
“No. Sorry, not at all. Just,” Liam’s eyes drift across the restaurant, “that’s my friend and his blind date. I’m wondering how it’s going.”
Theo cranes his neck. Asks, “Which one?”
“The guy in the denim jacket at the table over there.”
Mason laughs too hard at something his blind date says, spills his glass of water on the neckline of his shirt in the process. Smooth. He’s totally gonna rant to Liam about that later. But his embarrassment will probably be overshadowed by the way he’ll swoon over how blind date guy uses his own napkin to dab at the wet splotch on his collar.
After a moment of unceremonious staring, Theo glances at Liam and says, “They’re beating us.”
“Look at them,” he jerks his chin in the direction of their table. “They’re totally leaving here together. Hope he wasn’t your ride.”
Liam frowns. “Well. He actually was—”
“So, c’mon. You gonna let them outdo us or are you gonna win yourself a ride home tonight?”
Well. Liam’s never been one to turn down a challenge.
“Next one,” Theo says, face scrunched up in preemptive distaste. “Take four minutes to tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.”
Liam grimaces. “Think we can go back to the stupid fantasy questions?”
“C’mon, let’s hear it,” Theo sighs. “I’m timing you, motormouth.”
“I don’t like that pet name.”
“Didn’t ask.”
Liam levels a halfhearted glare at him. Says, “Fine, I’ll start, but you have to promise not to interrupt with a snide remark.”
Theo frowns, all mock-hurt. “That doesn’t even sound like me, but, whatever. Go ahead.”
It’s rushed, Liam’s summary of his life. Dad. Mom. Wedlock-baby him. Glosses over a volatile home life and shared custody and years of anger issues and psych appointments and school re-assignments. Finding a home in lacrosse, his college scholarship, his current assistant-coaching side gig when he’s not working as a curator. Fills in the a picture of his life with a broad brush that he hopes doesn’t make sirens blare in Theo’s head. The timer doesn’t go off. He’s not sure that Theo ever set it.
“So, yeah. That’s…me. I guess,” Liam sighs. At Theo’s patient silence, he adds, “I mean, whose idea was this? Yeah, reveal all your personal baggage to a complete stranger. Boom, instant love connection.”
Theo snorts, “Hey, I don’t know about you, but the subject of court-mandated therapy really gets me going.”
“Alright, your turn,” Liam says, grateful to step out of the spotlight. “Give me some of that full-fledged honesty.”
Theo’s casual about growing up. Only slightly vague. Keeps his voice even in a way that suggests he’s had to do a lot of reckoning with past. Talks about his parents, how them not being around much put him through situations he wishes he didn’t have to experience. But when he mentions his sister, her death, his words go heavy with self-directed blame.
Liam doesn’t time him. At all. Partly because he’d forgotten about the time constraint and partly because telling Theo to stop is the last thing he wants to do. Plus, it’d be a real asshole move. Making someone shut up the moment they decide to open themselves up.
“Anyway, yeah. Self-destructed my way through high school. Cut ties with my parents and got my shit together enough to go to college. I’ve been pursuing social work ever since,” he says, idly smoothing out creases in the tablecloth. “How much time is left?”
“Uh. Well. That would assume I even started the clock in the first place.”
There’s a lull. Quiet but far from uncomfortable. Liam’s cheeks heat up. He’ll blame it on the…lighting. The flame of the tealights in the center of their table. Definitely that.
Theo says, “So. Associate curator.”
“Yep. I spend long nights staring at old, dusty artifacts,” he nods. “Social worker, huh.”
“Mhm. My bank account is full of cobwebs and dust, so we have that in common,” Theo quips. “But, it’s important work to me.”
“Yeah,” Liam murmurs. 
Theo nods. “Yeah.”
What is your most terrible memory?
Theo’s expression flattens. He says, “Not to impede this highly-scientific matchmaking process, but I’ve found that alcohol and reflecting on bad memories don’t mix. If you don’t mind, I’ll pass.”
Liam exhales, lips tugging upward into a shaky grin.
“You have no clue how badly I was hoping you’d say that.”
He picks up the card, taps it once against the table.
“Alright, next question. What does friendship mean to you?”
“My friends are my family,” Theo says.
“I can tell,” Liam snorts. “You wouldn’t be suffering through a matchmaking event otherwise.”
Theo’s forehead creases. “You think I’m suffering?”
“I don’t know. You tell me.”
Theo gestures to a table across the dining area, where a man and woman sit stiffly across from each other donning match expression of discomfort.
He says, “I think they’re having a much worse time than us.”
Stare into your partner’s eyes for four minutes.
Liam blurts, “Would this be a bad time to—”
“Shut up, you’re supposed to be staring dreamily into my eyes right now.”
Liam rolls his eyes and stops the clock.
“How long did we make it?” Theo asks.
“Thirty-nine seconds.”
“God, I take it back. That thirty-nine seconds is my most terrible memory,” he huffs out. “You were saying?”
“I—uh. Sorry, this is embarrassing,” Liam mumbles. He draws his lower lip between his teeth. Admits, “I forgot your name like, twenty-five questions ago. Although I could probably rattle off your entire backstory now. But, what was it again?”
Half-restrained amusement flits through Theo’s eyes. He pulled his name tag off and balled it up inside his napkin shortly after introductions. Liam blames that noncompliance for his forgetfulness.
“I only agreed to 36 questions, Liam.”
“We skipped one,” he points out. “So technically you owe me one more answer.”
“It’s Theo.”
“Theo,” Liam echoes, lips curling upward. “Alright, it’s only fair that you ask me something now.”
Theo leans forward, eyes trailing across Liam’s face.
He asks, “Can I have your number?”
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mountswhore · 3 years
Hey girl, me again 🥺I’ve had this idea in my head for ages 🤔 based off the song ‘Polaroid’ by Liam Payne Mason Mount on holiday with the boys in Mykonos, him and the boys befriend a small group (reader and friends) bassically a holiday fling between reader and Mason but he never actually gets her name or anything just a few ‘Polaroid’ pictures of them both, few months later he’s been trying to find her but can’t and the lads convince him to post it on Instagram with the caption “Instagram do your thing” after a while he notices numerous different people (her friends) tagging the reader in it and turns out it’s her and sends her a message. Thankyou sweet cheeks 😎💙
aaahh bestie this is such a good idea
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 — mason mount
summary: mason can’t find the girl he had a fling with last summer, so he takes to the internet to find you.
notes: my requests are open, ask away!
for @yourmypurpose
Winning the Champions League was supposed to be a feeling like no other, a feeling that you’d remember for the rest of your life. But Mason felt deflated, he felt like the world was closing in on him and he could do nothing but watch it happen. Even his friends noticed his awful mood, they’d gone from watching him run around the pitch with the trophy, with a smile nobody could take away from him, to this; a man not wanting to leave his bedroom, let alone his house. His career was the only thing he was doing well in, his girlfriend left him, he would just train, come home to an empty house, sleep, and repeat. It wasn’t a life worth living.
“It’ll be fun,” Declan pleaded, following his best friend into his living room, “it’ll be the perfect chance to get away from everything, from work, from the UK, from your ex.” He spoke the last part quietly, yet Mason still heard and shot his friend a glare as he sat on the couch.
“I’ll think about it.” Mason mumbled, reaching for his PlayStation controller and turning his console on. Declan was trying to get Mason to come to Mykonos with a few of the Chelsea boys, as a celebratory vacation after winning the Champions League. But he wasn’t budging.
“You say that, but you never do. Come on, if it doesn’t lift your mood, you can take the next flight home.” Declan was trying to reason with his friend, to do anything in order to get this man out of his sweatpants and into some swim shorts. This holiday was all Mason needed to get back into his rhythm, to realise you don’t need a girlfriend to be the best version of yourself, to realise he was Mason fucking Mount.
The look on Mason’s face was completely readable, a smile appearing on Declan’s face. Declan jumped onto his friend, cheering and shaking him vigorously. “You won’t regret this, we’re gonna have so much fun.”
Mason found himself in his plane seat, earphones on, and on the way to Mykonos. Greece had always been one of his dream destinations, it was one of the places he’d planned on going to with his ex. Shaking his thoughts from his head, he’d drowned himself in the music. Waiting for the next three hours to be over.
The villa was lovely, the view from his room was even better. He felt himself smile just a little, hopeful for this holiday. He’d spent the first day enjoying the food of Greece, visiting the beach, taking in the place he was staying. Every time the negative thoughts would try to push in, memories of his previous vacations with his ex, he shut it down. He forced a smile and laughed with his friends, hoping they didn’t see through this façade.
It was tiring. Getting back from a busy day and then being told there was a club in town. Having to force that smile back onto his face once more. He still dressed appropriately for the night ahead, pre-gaming with his friends before heading out to this club. It was only 8pm and it was packed, the place had an outside terrace, which didn’t seem so crowded.
Drink after drink, rounds of shots, drinking games with his friends and a few randomers. It was wild. Mason was finally beginning to let go of it all; his negative thoughts weren’t affecting him right now. It was pure bliss.
“Mase,” Declan called out, gesturing to him on the other side of the bar, “wanna play beer pong? These guys need another group.” Mason just nodded along, looking over to the group he was referring to. It was a group of four, just like them, but he’d locked eyes with you for the first time.
Throughout the game, you constantly had a smile stuck to your face, brighter than anything he’d seen before. It was the infectious type of smile, one that spread to his face too. The drinks had done a number on his movement, almost stumbling to the terrace, where only a few people sat. He took in the cool air, resting his head back onto the wall behind him.
“You good?” You questioned, sitting beside him and placing a hand on his shoulder. He quickly opened his eyes, turning his head to face you. There you were again.
“I’ve had a lot to drink,” Mason mumbled, breathing heavier than usual, “your twin looks so much like you.” You just laughed, understanding how much he’d had to drink. You had also had a lot to drink, but clearly Mason didn’t handle alcohol well.
“Here,” you instructed, holding his hand out for him and placing a cup into his hand, “it’s water, drink it.” You watched as he did so, downing it rather quickly and slamming it onto the table beside him. “Do you remember your name?”
“Yes, it’s Mount. Mason Mount.”
“Well, Mount, Mason Mount, do you remember where you’re staying? I think it might be an idea to get you home.” You spoke, the cool air sobering you up almost entirely. Mason’s head was getting droopy, you’d seen this all before, he was inches away from snoozing on your shoulder. You just giggled at him and stood up, grabbing both of his hands and pulling him up.
“We walked here from our villa, it’s a silly looking one. One with the pool shaped like a love heart.” You hummed, not knowing which one exactly, so his information rendered useless. He was leaning against you as you both walked back into the club, spotting his friends again.
“Hey, he’s had a lot to drink. I was going to walk him home but the only thing he said about the villa was that the pool was heart-shaped.” You laughed to his friend, who you’d learnt was called Ben. Mason was looking around the club, the multi-colored lights making his eyes squint in pain. This was the beginning of his hangover, he knew it was only going to get worse from here.
Ben had been kind enough to give you the villa address, and a key, so you made your way to the location. It was weird how trusting they were, for all they knew, you could be a psycho thief. You’d gotten to the villa, after an awful walk up the hill, and placed him on the couch. You didn’t even want to look at their stairs, let alone take Mason up them.
“I’ll stay here until your friends get back,” you spoke quietly, grabbing the blanket from the back of the couch and laying it over the half-asleep Mason, “night, Mason.”
“You never said your name.” He stated, craning his head to look at you as you sat on the opposite couch.
Declan had gotten back, wanting to arrange another outing together, a bit less boozy than a club. And here you were, on your way to spend the day on a boat. You’d brought your polaroid camera with you, hoping to get some nice pictures with your friends before you go home in a few days.
“You’re back.” You spoke, sitting beside Mason as the boat started to move. He smiled at you, handing you a flute of a sparkly liquid, which you’d taken without complaining. “Having fun so far?”
“Yeah, I’m glad I’m seeing you again. I don’t really remember much from last night apart from your face.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. You blushed, hiding it with your hands and reaching for your camera.
“What do you say to a picture? To remember this moment.” You suggested, holding the camera up at the two of you. Mason’s arm slid around your shoulders, pulling you in closer with a smirk on his face. You just smiled your usual, bright smile, and let the photo develop.
The day was spent enjoying the view, jumping off the boat multiple times, finally making your way back to the docks when the sun began to set. Everyone was sitting on the front of the boat, taking in the last few hours of the sun on their skin, whilst you and Mason were at the back together. Away from the sun, completely alone. You laid beside him, your eyes shifting to look at him every few seconds.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” He retorted, poking his tongue out at you as you laughed, shoving his leg slightly.
“Oh, I already have.” You replied wittily, holding the polaroid up to show him. It was quite a creative picture, actually. His skin was tanned, muscles perky, the sun hitting him in all the right places. He was very handsome, you could only imagine the job he had back home.
“Hey, give that,” Mason chuckled, reaching for the polaroid but you’d held it away from him. He leant over to you, hand out to grab it, but you’d both been focused on something else. How close your lips were. You could feel the other’s breathe, it was straight out of a movie the way Mason grabbed your waist and closed the gap between the two of you. He was pulling you down with him, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. This was an Oscar-worthy kiss.
You knew you wouldn’t see these boys again, as you didn’t have long before you returned back to the UK. So, as you were grabbing your things, you’d flicked through the polaroid's from today, finding the one of you and Mason.
“Here,” you spoke, holding the polaroid out for him to take, “I thought you’d like it. And it’s a way of remembering your time here, and the most gorgeous girl you’ve ever laid eyes on.” You joked, but Mason really felt that way. You were the most gorgeous girl he’d laid eyes on. He came on this holiday thinking it would depress him even more, but he found fun in you.
“Trust me, I won’t forget a face like that.” He replied, placing the polaroid into his wallet and smiling. “See you,” he whispered against your neck as you hugged, one last time, “someday.”
It had been two months since he’d returned from holiday, back to work, but more importantly, back to his old self. He enjoyed going to work, coming home, and spending time with his friends. He saw beauty in his mundane life again. But he missed you. He never thought he’d miss a two day fling with a random girl on holiday, it wasn’t even a fling, The pair of you hadn’t hooked up, only shared a kiss. But it was a good kiss, an unforgettable kiss.
“Have you searched her name up?” Declan asked, relaxing into the corner of Mason’s couch, rolling his eyes as Mason opened his wallet up for the fifteenth time that day. The boys were round for their frequent game day, a day Mason looked forward to.
Mason shook his head, slightly embarrassed to have forgotten your name, in his defense, he was out-of-this-world drunk. “I don’t remember it, I was hammered. Plus, I’m sure there’s at least a thousand people in this country who share her name.”
“Post the picture on Instagram, people always find people on there, it’s creepy.” Ben added, laughing at the end of his statement. It was a good idea, but was he ready to put it out there that he’d moved on, only for his ex to be mentioned in his comments again? Were you worth all of those nasty comments?
He’d posted the polaroid that evening, with the caption:
‘Instagram, do your thing.’
You had received a call from your brother, just as you were heading up to bed. Strange, you thought, your brother only called if he had some ridiculous news. You’d answered it, sitting on your stairs as he spoke.
“Did you meet anyone on holiday?” He questioned, your mind instantly flicking back to your memories with that man. The kiss on the boat, the horrible walk up the hill, the fighting over a polaroid.
“Why’s that your business?” You questioned, running up your stairs and grabbing the polaroid's from your bedside table and flicking through them.
“It’s my business when I’m scrolling through Instagram, only to find a Chelsea player has posted a picture of you and him.” He mentioned, voice raising in disbelief as he finished his sentence. You furrowed your brows, Chelsea player?
“Chelsea player? Chelsea, as in the football team you follow?” You wondered, opening Instagram to find this man’s account. You’d forgotten his name, curse your horrible memory. “What’s his name again?”
“Mason Mount,” he recalled, and you were kicking yourself for not remembering his silly James Bond introduction. Finding his account, you’d seen his recent post. It was your polaroid. The one you’d given him the last time you’d seen each other, he was looking for you. Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest, scrolling the comments and seeing everyone compliment you. How did you manage to run into this man and not remember his face? Or his name? The amount of times your family had mentioned how A1 he was on the pitch, how happy they were when Chelsea had won the Champions League.
“That’s not me,” you lied to your brother, knowing there was no way of escaping this now, everyone you knew would be able to tell it was you.
“Don’t bullshit me, Y/N,” he laughed on the other end of the phone, as you were frantically shoving the polaroid's back into your drawer, “I don’t know anyone else who uses a polaroid camera.”
“Should I text him?”
“You’d be an idiot not to.”
After ending the call with your brother, you sat in Mason Mount’s inbox for over an hour, unable to send him a message. Was there a right thing to say? Was ‘hi’ not enough for the man you’d left a mark on? Throwing away all of your conflicting thoughts, you sighed and just sent the word, ‘hey’. It didn’t take long for him to get back to you, so over the moon that he’d found you.
Mason: I can’t believe it worked, I actually found you.
Turns out my brother follows you and saw the picture, small world?
Mason: Chelsea fan, huh?
Guess so.
Your conversation lasted until the early hours of the morning, you promising Mason a proper date when you were both free. He had training the next day, but how could he sleep when he now knew you. He now had your Instagram, so he could talk to you, instead of staring at the polaroid in his wallet a million times a day.
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
Remember when I talked about the idea of Janine and Felix jinxing each other when they go to propose at the same time? Yeah, what better day to share the result with the world than Felix’s birthday :D
Janine didn’t think she’d ever seen Felix voluntarily sit still this long in all the time she’d known him. If he were human she’d be wondering if he’d fallen asleep. And they weren’t even watching a movie or anything.
That had been the plan when Nate shooed them out of the kitchen, but then they’d plunked down on Felix’s bed all cuddled up and neither could be arsed to find the remote. This was good, too. And surprised as she was at him not turning into a fidgety mess after two minutes, she was enjoying it too much to tease. They so rarely got to just be, without peril and running around and other stuff. This was nice.
“I like having you all to myself,” she commented, snuggling closer.
Felix didn’t reply, and Janine arched a brow. Maybe he had actually fallen asleep.
“Babe.” She poked him in the ribs and he yelped as he twitched away. “Ah, you are awake.”
“Yeah, sorry, I was thinking. About how amazing you are,” he added before she could ask, tone genuine and mischief in his eyes.
Janine giggled. Anyone else, she’d think they were buttering her up with a line like that out of the blue, but not him. “Well, don’t let me distract you.”
Felix grinned at her. “By all means, babe, distract away.”
“In that case...” Janine rolled from her position tucked under his arm to straddle his lap, her skirt pooling over his legs and her arms loosely around his neck. “Care to stroke my ego a little and share what makes me amazing?”
“Aside from everything?” Felix snorted, but the sincerity in his eyes belied the teasing tone. “Your smile, your laugh, the way you wanna help people...” his arms slid around her waist, “...your happiness, you have a way with words that could charm a banshee out of a snit” --he stole a kiss-- “But I’m glad you decided I was a better use of your talents.” Another kiss, slightly longer. “What else.... that little wiggly-bounce you do when you’re excited. And you have great taste in men-”
She kissed him, hands braced against the wall, then laughed, giddy, breathless, overwhelmed he’d reeled that off so quickly. “That’s quite a list.”
“Didn’t get to my favorite one yet,” Felix murmured, breath warm against her cheek. “You stuck around.”
“Felix...” She kissed him again, one hand curving the back of his neck and her thumb brushing over the hair at his nape. “I’m not going anywhere,” she promised softly, resting her forehead against his. “I like the rest of the team too much, and I love you.”
His breath caught, pulse jumping against her fingertips. “I love you, too.”
She loved when he said it like that; like it was a secret just for them, a treasure too precious by half, a truth that couldn’t be contained in words. It made her heart swell, made her want to throw caution to the wind, shout from the roof of the warehouse, something to tell him and the world how much he meant to her.
There was something. It was the very definition of throwing caution to the wind, of impulsivity, but there wasn’t anything wrong with that. “Felix-”
“Will you marry me?” One question fell from two pairs of lips in the same moment, and all other emotions--surprise, elation, wild excitement--were momentarily eclipsed by playground rules from when she was six, and Janine whooped, “Jinx!”
At the same moment as Felix.
Half a second later, realization clawed out from under schoolgirl habit and grey eyes met gold, both wide with glee and horror in equal measure.
Shit. Janine clapped  hand over her mouth to hold back a giggle. What do we do?! she tried to ask with just her eyes. If vampires, werewolves, and various other supernatural forces were real, no way in hell was she messing with a jinx. It might actually give her bad luck.
Felix looked just as flummoxed--and amused--as she felt. He shrugged and bit his lip. Great.
Janine’s phone chimed as she tried to work out the easiest way to fix this  When she wiggled it out of her pocket, there was a text from Tina. Need you at the station. Should be quick 🤞. She wrinkled her nose and turned the phone to show Felix the text.
He nodded, eyes still laughing, and tugged her in for one more quick kiss before she climbed off the bed and hunted down her flats.
This might be a good thing, she mused as she headed for her car. If Tina greeted her by name it would break the jinx, she could handle this ‘quick’ problem, and come back to say ‘Yes, Felix’ and unjinx him if he still needed it. Yeah, this was good. 
Tina greeted her with an apologetic smile. “Hey. sorry to bother you on your day off, but the Captain decided these need to go to the big city” --she jostled the case files in her arms-- “and I need the detective’s signature.”
Janine nodded, fighting down  glower that Tina hadn’t used her name(but of course today would fall in the handful of occasions that happened). She got a pen from her desk and spread the files out to start signing off. There were only five, and Tina kept up a stream of chatter about her post-shift plans--never once saying Janine in the whole ramble. It was as she finished checking and signed the last file Tina poked her in the shoulder.
“Hey. You’re being awful quiet,” she pointed out, brow furrowed. “Are you mad at me?”
Janine shook her head..
Tina’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Just not feeling chatty today?”
Janine wrinkled her nose and shrugged, and Tina’s eyes lit up.
“Oh, my god, you got jinxed, didn’t you?!” she crowed as she collected the files.
Janine huffed grumpily and raked back hair that had fallen from her bun.
Tina grinned. “Who got you?”
Janine curved her hands to form a heart against her chest and fluttered her eyelashes.
“Felix?!” Tina’s grin went wider and decidedly mischievous “So I guess now you need to be unjinxed, huh?”
Janine nodded, pressing her palms together in a pleading gesture.
Tina tapped one finger against her chin and smirked. “Now, let’s see, what do I want in return for this favor....? Any ideas, J- oh, right, I’m on my own for this one.”
Janine pouted and lightly whacked her friend’s shoulder in protest. That’s not fair!
“I’d play nice if I were you, my friend,” Tina teased, wagging a finger. “Give me another second to think.”
Janine managed to control herself while Tina stroked her chin in exaggerated thought, but internally she was making strangling motions.
“I know,” Tina finally said with a giggle. “How’s a baker’s dozen pastries from Haley’s sound? Fair trade?”
You and your sweet tooth. Janine bit back a smile as she nodded. If that’s what it takes, fine.
She rolled her eyes and made a heart-crossing gesture. Best I can do.
Tina grinned. “You’re the best, Janine.”
“No, you are,” Janine said fervently, wrapping her in a quick, tight hug. “I’ll get you the pastries tomorrow when they’re fresh, right now I have to go.” She darted for the door. “Thanks, Tina!”
“You’re making me think I should have aimed higher!” Tina hollered after her. “Like rights on being your bloody maid of honor or something!” 
Janine snorted a laugh at the irony but didn’t even slow down.  She could explain later.
Felix had never been good at patience, but this was even worse than usual. He paced his room with bouncing steps for all of thirty seconds before even that wasn’t enough and he headed out to find... someone.
Mason was on patrol, Rebecca had been called to some meeting.... Maybe if he tried to sneak back into the kitchen he could get Nate to scold him and that would do the trick.
But Nate wasn’t in the kitchen anymore when Felix got there. His face crinkled in disappointment and he lightly kicked the bottom edge of the counter.
He needed to be unjinxed by the time Janine got back. Even if this quick problem stayed quick to fix, he didn’t want to wait. He wanted to be able say ‘Yes, absolutely, just try to stop me!’ as soon as she walked in.
Of course, the fact they’d both asked was sort of a yes on its own, wasn’t it? Felix eyed the fresh tray of cookies sitting atop the stove and shook his head. Didn’t matter. He wanted to actually say it.
Denied freedom via scolding, Felix wandered back out of the kitchen in search of Nate or Adam or somebody. The few agents he passed in his quest nodded politely but all looked too preoccupied to stop and help him. Somewhere in his random meanderings, he started picking up the sound of rhythmic blows and he grinned. Shoulda know Adam would be working out. His route became much more deliberate as he started making his way to the training room.
Adam was clearly focused--though no doubt noticed he had company--so Felix waited by one of the benches for a... safer feeling moment to finagle what he needed out of the team leader. It didn’t take long--though it felt like an eternity to Felix--for Adam to finish the series of moves he’d been... rehearsing? Practicing? Whatever you’d call it, he’d actually left the practice dummy in one piece this time. Normally Felix would jokingly applaud his restraint just to get an eyeroll. 
“Did you need something?” Adam asked without turning around. He wasn’t even breathing hard.
Felix wrinkled his nose and hunched his shoulders. This isn’t gonna work unless you look at me, he grumbled silently.
Adam turned with a frown creasing his brow. “I do not feel like playing games, Felix. What-”
Yes! Felix pumped one fist and grinned. “No, nothing, I’m good, thanks.” That was easier than I thought it would be.
Adam’s frown deepened, suspicion mingled with annoyance now. “Then why are you here?”
“Don’t worry about it, not important anymore.” Felix started edging toward the door.
“Ugh, fine.” Adam was going to think this was silly, he knew he would, but the older vampire looked ready to haul him up by his collar and let him dangle until he explained. He wouldn’t, probably, but explaining was the path of least resistance, and Felix was fond of those. Knew I shoulda looked for Nate.
Just as he opened his mouth, however, the training room door burst open to reveal Janine, loose wisps of hair hanging in her face and determined excitement burning so bright in her grey eyes it brought out the matching stripes in her dress. She hesitated a fraction of a second after catching his eye, probably worried about a repeat.
Felix was too excited to share her concern and launched himself toward her with a loudly whooped, “YES!!!”
She was giggling as he crashed into her, as she stumbled back into the door, as their hands latched onto each others’ clothes, laughing as she kissed him, deep enough he saw fireworks. Which was fitting because this deserved celebration.
It wasn’t until a deep, long-suffering sigh rumbled out of Adam they remembered they had an audience. “Do I want to know?”
Felix and Janine broke apart, grinned at each other, and both started rattling off explanations. Felix shut up a few sentences in; Janine was doing a much better job explaining that he would have. Besides, this way he got to look at her. At the way her eyes lit up, the extra wisps of hair curling and bobbing around her face as she reeled off an enthusiastic play by play of the events leading to now. She looked like she was glowing, or maybe that was just the light through the high windows, but Felix liked the thought of her glowing better.
Adam had a very skeptical eyebrow arched by the time she finished. “Jinxes are mere superstition, Detective. They cannot cause you harm because they are not real.”
“Says the vampire,” Janine shot back immediately with a grin and arched brow of her own.
Felix barely swallowed a whoop as he slung an arm around her shoulders and turned to grin at Adam. “She makes an excellent point.”
“Supernatural races existing outside legend is a different matter entirely,” Adam insisted, then shook his head as if dismissing the matter entirely. He ran a searching look over the two of them. “This... development will bring up things to discuss, but,” one corner of his mouth tipped upward. “I am happy, for both of you.”
“Thanks, I’m happy for us, too,” Janine said brightly, shuffling herself and Felix out of the way as Adam headed for the door.
“Me, three,” Felix chipped in, kissing her on the cheek.
One small chuckle escaped Adam, and he offered them a single nod of approval before he left the room. Soon as the door closed behind him, Janine;s fingers dug into Felix’s scarf and she kissed him deeply, soundly, long enough to set lights sparking behind his eyes.
“Fireworks,” he whispered mischievously, and she grinned and kissed him again so they could see some more.
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coldshrugs · 3 years
this side of paradise, part 2: time dilation
characters: alma greene & adam du mortain (platonic)
word count: ~1k
rating: teen - super vague mention of suicidal ideation
[part 1: r.i.p. me]
The drive into the city isn’t a long one. Maybe an hour, maybe less. But Adam’s got a way of making the minutes drag on that convinces Alma they’re headed for a black hole rather than the facility. At least he doesn’t mind having music on; they managed to bond over an appreciation for electric guitar riffs a couple of years ago and since then drives aren’t so bad.
Still, Alma finds a speck of dirt on the window and uses it to occupy the time, bouncing and bobbing her head to keep it just over the tree line. It works for a few minutes.
“Stop that.”
“Nodding,” he explains, “at my window. It’s distracting.”
Alma chuckles, wondering if his request is actually due to distraction or perhaps simply annoyance at her finding a spot on his vehicle that isn’t immaculate. It’s an effort to keep the thought to herself -- gently pestering Adam hasn’t gotten old -- but she’s got other things to talk about while they’re alone.
“I’m sorry. It’s an old habit, I guess.” Alma turns the volume of the music down and swings around to Adam, sitting as far sideways as her seatbelt allows.
He quirks a brow but doesn’t shift his eyes from the road. “How old?” 
Is he teasing? The corners of his mouth curve into a smile that she’d miss had she not known him for so long.
“Never as old as you,” she laughs before deciding it’s now or never. “But speaking of your lifespan…”
“Yes?” Adam bristles, but it’s waved off quickly enough for Alma to feel sure about pressing on.
“Do you ever feel like it’s too much?” She leans her head back on the seat, watches him tense and twitch at the question. They hurtle sluggishly toward the event horizon of the truth and Alma holds her breath.
Adam looks at her and his expression is rare, full of a knowing warmth. Alma thinks it looks like pity, in a way. Or maybe that specific bittersweet pride that overcomes parents when their children move out or leave for university. Whatever it is, she doesn’t need to say it. He knows exactly why she’s asking. She finally exhales, and her chest shakes.
Adam nods. “Yeah. Sometimes it feels like too much. Sometimes I want to quit.”
She didn’t imagine he’d feel that way. Adam, her infallible leader; Adam, the man that would sacrifice anything for his team, for the Agency; Adam, whom she realizes, despite how much progress they’ve made over the years, she still doesn’t know that well.
“But you don’t quit,” she offers a smile, the tiniest bit of comfort she can before his eyes refocus on the road. “What makes it worth it?”
“My work. Having a continuous purpose is essential.” He pauses, tilting his head. “And my family -- Unit Bravo. They give me purpose too.”
Alma swells with a tingly, nostalgic joy. She feels it in her limbs, feels it inside her bones, realizes she hasn’t felt it since Rebecca showed up at the Wayhaven police station over two years ago. She’s had to remodel her idea of family, not that she’s ever known anything resembling normalcy. But if, in such a short time, Adam’s version of family might include her too, that’s all the assurance she needs. Nine hundred years and his heart is still soft enough to let her in. It’s proof that she can stay soft too. 
“Do you remember what it felt like? Turning?” She draws her knee to her chest, then promptly drops it when Adam glances at her shoe in the seat with a grimace.
“No, actually.” He squints. “I can tell you it was quite painful, but the specific sensations are lost to me. It happens very quickly, but it will feel like a lifetime for you.”
“How quickly?”
He shrugs. “Half an hour? Faster sometimes.”
“Holy shit.” Alma turns back to the dashboard.
Adam, in clinical specificity, starts listing all the ways her body might change (to which Alma can only try to hide her nausea) before cutting himself off. “Wait, is this why Agent Greene wanted this meeting?”
“Yep.” She sighs. “We’re trying to keep this under wraps for the time being, but the lab techs think my mutation won’t cause too many problems. They still want to run a couple of tests first, then we can set a date.”
Adam nods. “Sounds like the Agency.” He steals a quick glance at her. “Are you scared?”
Alma laughs. It comes out far more bitter than she intends, stuck behind the lump in her throat. “I’m terrified. But I’m ready.”
Another nod. “I think you are.”
And there’s that same bubbling gratification from before. Her eyes sting with an emotion she can’t name and Alma curses under her breath. She knows Felix and Nate will support her; she’s been close with them for years and they’ve cheered her on through moments large and small. This will be no different. But Alma’s always wavering on where she stands with Adam. He respects her, he doesn’t mind having her around, but they’ve never been particularly friendly outside of work. Now he sounds so certain she can do this and she wonders if she’s underestimated him this entire time.
She wipes at a tear, hoping to catch it before he sees. “Thank you, Adam.”
“I assume you will share this news with the others before the big change?” The teasing tone is back in his voice and Alma’s laugh, still thick and hoarse, is real this time.
“I think Felix would love the surprise.”
“He might,” Adam sighs, “but Mason will not.”
Alma pulls her hair back from her face, ties it into a bun before deciding against it. “I know. I’m getting there. I just wanted to talk to someone who has some experience with this under their belt and get through these tests.”
“I can understand that.” He smiles. “But I recommend doing it sooner rather than later.”
He’s right and she knows it.
The SUV slows into the abandoned bank’s parking lot and Alma blinks in surprise. Somewhere along the way, the painstaking tick of seconds usually felt in Adam’s presence sped up until Alma couldn’t feel them passing at all. They climb out of their seats, hurrying inside the dilapidated building. It feels silly to rush when, soon, she’ll have more time on her hands than she can imagine. 
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trainsinanime · 3 years
Here’s a Miraculous Ladybug story idea that I may write some time, but probably not, because I only really care about chapter two of what would probably need to be at least ten.
Chapter one features Lila going after Marinette full-force. Not the weak boring „she rips up her notebook so hard that Marinette has to move to Gotham“ crap. We’re doing this properly: Lila convinces the Mayor that Marinette is planning to resurrect Napoleon and bring him back to power. So the Mayor has Marinette imprisoned without trial, because apparently he can do that in the Miraculous universe, and not even her friends or family know what’s going on.
Chapter 3 and later will detail how Marinette managed to escape the prison after fourteen years, with the help of a professional hypnotist. She discovers a pirate treasure on a small uninhabited island off the coast of Italy. With the money from the treasure, she buys the island and the title of nobility that comes with it, and returns to Paris. Rich, and now officially a countess, she will reward those who were loyal to her, and destroy all her enemies. (I haven’t yet worked out what that means in detail.)
But the really interesting part for me is what happens in those fourteen years. Here are my notes. Content warning: Dark, Major Character Death, Intended as over-the-top and silly but maybe not over-the-top enough, and of course, Adrien/Lila:
With Marinette gone, a lot of joy drops from the class immediately. Everybody loves her, and they only have weird rumours about what happened to her, rumours that they can’t believe even if the source is Lila. (No, we’re not doing class salt. Yes, that means my options for enemies in the later chapters are limited. I don’t care, I love Alya and the rest of the class and I am not throwing them under the bus.)
The first time Ladybug doesn’t appear to a fight, everybody is pissed. The second time, they’re even more pissed. The third time, they’re worried.
Chat Noir does his best. He decides to capture the Akumas, so Ladybug can cleanse them when she returns. For now, he stores them in mason jars. After a bit of thought, he decided to just store them in the cellar of the mansion, in a box labelled „Adrien’s favourite toys“. Nobody ever looks there.
No Ladybug means no cleanup. (The ear rings are kept in the warden’s office in Marinette’s prison, so Ladybug is out of commission for fourteen years). Adrien again tries to help, spending way too much time cataclysming debris. A child has lost their favourite plush shark in a river of chocolate? Chat Noir manages to „find“ and „clean“ it. No, it’s totally the same shark, not a new one that he just bought, believe me. The child is happy, but clearly it’s not enough.
The first time the Eiffel Tower is destroyed, rebuilding it is a matter of national pride. If Ladybug is gone, then France will step in. Gabriel donates a lot to the effort.
The second time the Eiffel Tower is destroyed, authorities decide to leave the debris as a monument. The statue for Ladybug disappears.
With no Ladybug, Hawkmoth realises that he can’t get the ear rings. Attacks decrease, to once a month, then once every three months; apparently just to check whether Ladybug has returned. Around Adrien’s eighteenth birthday, it seems like Hawkmoth might retire for good. On a completely unrelated note, Gabriel appears to have lost all will to live.
Adrien can’t escape Lila, who continues to be employed by Gabriel, despite her not being very good at photoshoots. But he does his best to keep his distance.
Shortly after Adrien’s birthday, he is away, while Lila has a meeting with Gabriel and Nathalie. But tragedy strikes: Lila arrives and witnesses Gabriel shooting Nathalie and then himself. Why would he do such a thing? Good thing Lila is such a reliable witness. The case is so clear that the police don’t even have to check the gun for fingerprints.
Adrien is stricken with grief. He tries to call his friends, but nobody will reply. It’s almost as if someone with access to Gabriel’s computer had used the spy software on Adrien’s phone to disable it. But that’s clearly absurd. There is only one other person who is there to comfort him: Lila. Adrien doesn’t like her, but she is someone familiar. She spends the night.
The next morning, Adrien is disgusted, and the two part ways. But two months later, she reappears and tells him she is pregnant and it’s his child. She has a whole speech prepared about how he needs to take responsibility, but it’s not necessary: Adrien will not let his child grow up without a father.
The next month, the wedding is a weird affair. Lila wanted something grandiose, and she got it. But all their friends know that this is anything but true love.
Alix wonders aloud what Marinette’s role would have been if she had been here. Alya jokingly says that she’d be the bride. Adrien overhears, and he realises: Yeah, she would have been. He loves her. Always had. This moment is when the only wedding picture is taken where Adrien smiles.
Seven months later, Gabriel Agreste Junior is born. Adrien loves his son with all his heart, but he has questions. But Lila and her top-notch expensive doctors assure him that this is perfectly normal, sometimes pregnancies take a month longer or two. Adrien is not fully convinced, but he doesn’t want to cause a fuss.
Around this time we also get a new Hawkmoth, who is much meaner, but doesn’t seem to have as clear a goal. Everybody’s best guess is that this Hawkmoth is just going after whoever last pissed them off. (Totally forgot this one in the original version of the post, sorry)
Two years later, Lila’s daughter Emma Marinette Agreste Junior is born. Adrien picked the second name while Lila was asleep. Since Lila is not involved with her kid’s upbringing at all, she has not yet noticed. This time, Adrien is convinced that something is up and Lila is lying to him. The reason: He has recently learned how babies are made, and he knows for a fact that he never did that with Lila.
He confronts her. Lila isn’t concerned, though. What’s he going to do? Divorce her? Then he’s never going to see the kids again. The things she could make a court believe… Adrien is horrified by that thought, especially since he knows very well that he’s the only one in the marriage who loves these children.
Meanwhile, Lila’s own career as an actress isn’t going well. She’s a great natural talent, sure; she can make anyone believe anything. But to be a great actor, you still have to turn up on set every day, and not just when you feel like it. Oh, sure, she has great excuses, but the jobs still dry up fast. And while you can make up a story that makes you look good about one make-up artist you made cry, maybe two, there is a point where it becomes a problem.
She blames Adrien for this, mostly because he will generally not back up her lies about where she was. He doesn’t really care, though. Despite her threats, what’s she gonna do, leave with the kids? Thanks to his father, Adrien had some top notch lawyers, and the pre-nup agreement is watertight.
Unrelated to all this, behold Paris’s new mayor, Chloé Burgeois. She’s been embroiled in controversy from day one. Some say she’s too young. Others say she only got the job because her father was mayor before her. Yet others point to her publicly difficult relation with her constant partner and off-again-on-again girlfriend Sabrina. But perhaps the biggest talking point is that in her office, she has a big painting of a certain heroine in red with spots, with the words, „what would Ladybug do?“ underneath. She’s never lost trust, and the press hates her for it.
One day, her old school friend Alya visits. Alya’s own relationship to Ladybug is difficult: Part of her still holds out hope, just like Chat Noir. Another part of her curses Ladybug for just leaving. Her goal now is completely unrelated to Ladybug, though. She has uncovered new things about the Napoleon Resurrection Conspiracy: The main witness (Lila) and the supposed ring-leader: Marinette. That can’t be right.
She wants Chloé to reveal the truth. Chloé herself has no idea, and very little interest in investigating. Her father told her that this was all secret, and that she should never touch this subject.
But she knows very well what Alya is asking for here. Alya got her big break as a journalist by uncovering the files on the Napoleon Resurrection Conspiracy in the first place. The revelation that it had all been swept under the rug was what caused the old Mayor to step down in the first place. If Alya is now saying that this might all be wrong, that means she’s placing her whole career on the line. That level of commitment means something.
For her own part, it took Chloé a while to admit it, but she was shocked and heartbroken by Marinette’s sudden disappearance as well. It was the first step to becoming a somewhat nicer person, and forming real bonds with her classmates. She has the access to the archives. She could uncover the truth, and maybe even find out where Marinette is now. It wouldn’t be popular, and it might be dangerous… but what would Ladybug do?
Chloé is all in, and it doesn’t take long until she meets Lila. Chloé would not consider herself a fan. She knows the difference between Adrien’s real and fake smiles. Lila refuses to clear things up, though. Instead, she tells Chloé that the french secret service does not allow her to say anything, and that Chloé better drop it if she knows what’s good for her.
Chloé ignores it. She also ignores it when she gets a threatening letter. After all, Ladybug was up against powerful people, too, and she never let that stop her. She even ignores when her own personal Yacht sinks for unexplained reasons, until her Butler and Sabrina explain to her some things about the history of the french secret service (actually I’m not sure whether this is too much in bad taste; the alternative would be that her vacation home gets set on fire).
She tells Alya that there is nothing to know, and blocks her cell phone number. The next day, workers remove the Ladybug painting. After all, what Ladybug would do is just disappear, right? Only fitting. Sabrina laughs a little too artificially at the joke. Yes, indeed. Ladybug would just stop doing her job when the people needed her. Perfect analogy.
With that, the basic outline is set. Chapter three would probably be short and tell the story of Marinette’s imprisonment. Chapter four is then where the real revenge starts.
Other points:
At various points, Luka is sadly strumming his guitar.
I’m not sure what to do about Marinette’s parents. The mean option is that they die, full of grief over their missing daughter. The very mean option is that they end up separating first. I’m not sure Marinette’s revenge spree works if they’re still around, and I definitely don’t ever see them turning away from her.
Nino and Kagami could do with an arc here.
Anyway, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this, but since I don’t know how to turn this into a full story, this is as good as it gets. If any of you guys want to borrow parts or all of it for your stories, please go ahead.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Two Live Crew Job
leverage 2.07
Sophie: I love the symbolists.
- - - - -
🥰 I love when the ot3 are together in one frame 🥰
- - - - -
the dogs playing poker painting tho
- - - - -
Eliot: Any sudden movement's gonna cause displacement of the water. It'll set it off.
Parker: Is that C-4?
Sophie: Oh!
(Nate grabs Parker’s hand before she can touch the vase)
Sophie: Parker... please don't poke at the motion-sensitive bomb.
Nate: So, uh... secret admirer?
Sophie: Well, it's no secret they want me dead.
Hardison: What do you think, man?
Eliot: I'd have to reach into the vase to disarm it. It'd go off.
eliot’s lips quivered when he said that bc he’s so nervous for her im-
- - - - -
Parker: Do you have any instant pudding?
(everyone looks at Parker in surprise. Cut to Parker pouring pudding into the vase)
Parker: The powder hardens the liquid, tricks the bomb into thinking it's not moving.
Eliot: Should give you a little wiggle room. Very little
- - - - -
(mourners are gathered around a casket with a line of black cars parked nearby. An open casket shows Sophie lying inside. Eliot is standing at a podium)
Eliot: She had a way of taking care of people, you know? She was a sister... she was best friend, all rolled into one. I'm gonna miss you, Soph-- So-O-O-O-O much, Katherine.
(Eliot leaves the podium. Hardison stands to let Parker walk by and she approaches the podium. Nate stands at the back of the crowd, Eliot joins him)
Parker: Katherine and I have known each other forever. Almost two years. Yeah, I know that probably doesn't sound like a lot to you, but it is to me. I never really had many friends. Which is why losing her is so hard. (sighs) It's so creepy. I mean, she's really dead. I was just talking to her and now she's just laying there. She was just laying there.
(Nate coughs and Hardison gets up to go to Parker)
Parker: Can you hear me?
Hardison: Parker. I'm -- I'm sorry. I'm sorry, y'all. What – What she really means is just, um, Katherine was like family. And sometimes, friends are all the family that you have. So... you -- you good? Come on. Just – let -- just keep going. You got all hysterical and emotional
- - - - -
btw there is at least one door from behind the briefing monitors which means they have at least one extra room (most likely more) from the adjacent apartment eliot knocked the wall down from
they have guest rooms or something back there for if anyone needs a place to crash
- - - - -
Sophie: We used to work together. We did the Copenhagen job in '97, the Berlin Polytech job in '98, and, Nate, remember – Remember that great run in Moscow?
Nate: "That great run"? I chased you for three months.
Sophie: Well, uh, technically, y-you chased us. Sorry.
Hardison: Are you saying that you saw other teams before us?
Parker: Really just another Nate before Nate.
Eliot: Let me ask you a question -- what bugs you more, is it the fact that he was with Sophie first or that he outsmarted you?
Nate: Moving on
eliot puts his arms over the couch and behind parker and I’ll take it + them grinning at each other seeing nate’s discomfort
- - - - -
mikel is wearing flannel in this one and you can now take bisexual mikel from my cold, dead hands
- - - - -
Sophie: Wrong place, wrong time. Starke must have seen me, and now that I’m one of the good guys, decided to get rid of me, because...why? Because... Because I know his scams. Because... I know his favorite scam.
(Stark’s team is sitting on crates looking at monitors as he goes over the job)
Starke: Cafe and a moonlit terrace.
Sophie (voice over): The Mona Lisa variant.
[Briefing Area]
Parker: Oo! (claps) That was the first one I learned!
- - - - -
(Hardison is drinking orange soda and working on a computer as Sophie watches)
Sophie: I'm not dead. I'm right here, Parker. So, this is, um, it's what you do, right? You take footage of us on cons and you -- you -- you -- download it into that?
Hardison: Yeah, I analyze it, I monitor comms, I scan for a police frequencies, I -- You had no idea I do all this, did you? Well – d-does nobody respect the van? The van is important. What -- What is that?
Sophie: It's lemon-Zest tea. I got to tell you, it's -- It's a little bit -- It's a little bit whiffy in here.
Hardison: It smells like hard work. That's what it smells like. D-- Whiffy
sophie has no idea what hardison does and does not like the van smell. hardison is ready to go off
- - - - -
Sophie: That was some nice things you said at my funeral.
Hardison: Wait. We -- We trust Nate to make sure the plan works. We trust you to make sure we’re all okay.
- - - - -
Starke: Word is on the street that you run the nastiest crew this side of the Atlantic.
Nate: Well… what?
Starke: Come on. Everybody knows. You robbed a bank and you -- you framed a judge. You rigged a jury to steal a million-Dollar settlement. I hear that you even conned the Irish mob out of a couple of million dollars just this year. Now, that's style.
Nate: That's one way of looking at it.
Sophie: Listen, Nate, if you tell him the truth about us, we're blown
- - - - -
Hardison: I know this style. This is Chaos.
(computer screen flashes signal found. Hardison grabs his keyboard and heads for the back door of the van)
[Parking Lot]
(Hardison exits his van and a little ways down the parking lot, Chaos exits his van with a laptop in his hands. They square off like an old west gun fight)
Hardison: Chaos. I heard you were in jail. Guess I was wrong.
Chaos: Hardison. I heard you sucked. Guess I was right.
(they eye each other across the lot, their fingers twitching. Abruptly they raise their keyboard and laptop and begin typing while car alarms start going off)
this wild wild west showdown tho
- - - - -
Nate: Okay, now, we know Starke. This guy goes by the name Apollo. I've chased him a couple of times -- infiltration, physical security.
Parker: People in that line of high-risk work tend to be very unstable. We could use that. Write that down.
(the rest of the team exchange glances)
🥰 she’s sitting next to eliot with popcorn between them 🥰
- - - - -
Hardison: Now, this person here's ex-Mossad, sealed records. Mikel Dayan used to work both sides as a mercenary.
Eliot: Mikel Dayan. I know that name.
Hardison: You were scared to fight a girl.
Eliot: She'd mop the floor with you, Hardison.
Hardison: I don't care.
Eliot: Seriously. She actually killed a guy once with a mop. It's a funny story, actually. (starts gesturing time parker) She broke the mop and took --
Hardison: Eliot. Eliot. (turns back to monitors) Now, this here's Colin Mason, otherwise known by his hacker handle as "Chaos." As... whatever. Hacked the pentagon, the NSA. The CIA computer guys call him the Kobayashi Maru.
Eliot: What the hell is that?
Hardison: None of y'all got that? Seriously?
Parker: Star Trek.
Hardison: Thank you
parker’s reluctant fistbumb I love them + it’s officially canon that she’s seen at least some of the movies
- - - - -
Nate: I tried to say to her I’m sorry, you know, and I don't –
Security: Because, as men, we're taught to hide our emotions. You share or you pay the price.
Nate: Yeah
- - - - -
Mikel: You wouldn't hit a girl, would you?
(Eliot walks forward, taking off his jacket and hanging it on some pipe)
Eliot (in Hebrew): Not unless she hits me first.
(they approach each other and begin to fight, blocking each other until Mikel hits Eliot in the chest, knocking him back. He touches where her blow hit.)
Eliot (in Hebrew): That counts
let me just say I LOVE that they had a woman hitter
- - - - -
Starke: What is going on, guys?
Guard: Motion sensors went off, sir.
Starke: I already checked that out. Everything's secure. And who's this?
Guard: Uh... he just got lost. No problem.
Starke: Sir, you okay?
Nate: Yeah, I’m fine.
Starke: I'm Nathan Ford. I'm with the insurance company.
(Nate gives Starke an irritated look)
- - - - -
Parker: What kind of bird did you use?
Apollo: North American Kestrel. It's small-Bodied, but its wingspan is expansive enough that it sets off the motion detectors.
Parker: I would've gone with the Scarlet Tanager. Similar wingspan, but the brighter colors are more distracting.
Apollo: Yeah. That was my second choice.
(Apollo scrambles forward in the ductwork. Parker also scrambles forward, headed another way)
- - - - -
eliot taking off his shirt too? equal rights
- - - - -
Starke: Now, why would you want to kill Sophie?
Chaos: Come on, Starke. (gathering equipment) I had set up the perfect double-cross, and then you want to go and bring in a new player at the last minute? "Oh, and by the way, guys, that new player is gonna be Sophie Devereaux." There's no way I’m gonna try to out-con Sophie Devereaux! And I hate to break it to you, Starke, but she was the one that everybody was always scared of. It was never you.
- - - - -
[McRory’s Bar]
(Parker and Apollo sit at a table with locks)
Parker: Go.
(they begin picking locks to see who is fastest. Across the room, Eliot and Mikel sit at a table)
Mikel: I can top that. (pulls her shirt aside to show a scar on her shoulder) Frag grenade, Somalia.
Eliot (pulls up his sleeve to show scar on his arm): Myanmar. Sniper.
Mikel: I was a sniper in Myanmar for a while.
Eliot: When?
Mikel: 2003.
(Eliot looks surprised. Mikel holds up the handcuffs and Eliot quickly pulls her hand down)
Eliot: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. We can't have that.
Hardison (walking by): Handcuffs. Y'all nasty
(eliot has a handcuff kink and was probably pegged within an inch of his life that night. I said what I said.)
- - - - -
(Sophie stands looking down at her grave. The headstone for Katherine has been replaced with one for Sophie Devereaux. Nate approaches and stands next to the grave)
Sophie: Starke was right. I'm not Sophie Devereaux anymore. I haven't been for ages. I... you killed her, you and your silly crusade.
Nate: It's just a name.
Sophie: No, they're not just names, not to me. All my aliases, every one of them, I -- I know when their parents died. I know when they had their first kiss.
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knightofameris · 4 years
jar of stars - peter parker (p. i)
Setting: After homecoming, but during the sophomore year of high school Gender: Neutral Contains: Kinda fluff, mentions of a parent passing away, cursing Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: (Y/n) has a thing for paper stars. They also have a thing for Peter Parker but then an itsy bitsy spider comes ‘round and practically plays matchmaker.
a/n: Just a random idea. Also kinda has a lot of those cliches but we love the cliches lbr. Also, I highkey suck at writing romance but I’m getting back into the hang of it. If you’re more of a platonic type person, you can expect LOTS of platonic readers in the future c:
Finally finished this series after 3 months (even though it’s only 3 parts) I just didn’t want to post anything until the series was done. c:
[repost from old account]
Let me know if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes or if I accidentally say ‘she/he’ instead of the gender neutral ‘they’.
here! || p. ii || p. iii
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❝ if the stars fell out of the sky one day they’ll only make more hoping that they’ll appear once again ❞
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Your fingers danced around each other as the strip of paper you held started to fold into the shape of a pentagon. Your ears drowned out the voice of your physics teacher as you focused on puffing the pentagon into a star. It was one of the simpler origamis and barely required work. Though your nails would occasionally hurt from puffing it, or the sides of your fingers would start to get a bit dry but nothing that lotion couldn’t fix.
You dropped the finished star into a box that practically had thousands (that’s an exaggeration but it’s a lot) of other stars; shades of blue, purple, red, green, and patterned ones. There were an array of stars held in that seemingly small box that’d you’d only have to sort by color and shade into the countless jars you had at home.
You glanced up at the board seeing new notes to be taken down and you picked up a pencil to quickly jot it down. Little did you know, a few seats behind you Peter Parker was watching you as your fingers carefully reached for another strip of paper and began to nimbly move to create another star. He was wiggling his pencil back and forth between his fingers, a habit created out of boredom, wondering why did you pick up this time of the school year to make stars.
But then you were jolted out of your focus when your teacher promptly called you by your last name. All eyes were on you.
“You want to pass the AP exam, right?” Mrs. Warren asked you, clasping her hands together.
You smiled sheepishly and nodded. “Yeah, I do.”
“Then either you figure out a way to focus while making those stars of yours-” cue Flash snickering (and Peter glaring at Flash) “-or you put them away and focus on my lecture.”
With an apology, you quickly shoved the stars and strips of paper into a box and then your backpack. Your eyes rested on the teacher in front of you for the rest of the class period.
You sat out on the stairs fire escape. It was one of the chillier nights but you had your Midtown sweatshirt on with one of your pajama bottoms. The evening sky had hues of yellow that turned into orange into pink and then purple which all began to morph into the dark night sky. Of course, the New York skyline that decorated the sky made it seem like it was out of the movies. And with how the wispy clouds were sprinkled here and there, it was a sight to behold. But even so, it won’t be soon until the night sky would appear, vacant of stars.
Peter sat perched on one of the buildings of Queens, his legs swinging about as he people-watched. It was one of the quieter nights. Not much crime was being done, thankfully, and he finished his homework so he was just out relaxing a bit. He enjoyed watching the sunset alongside the people below him, even if it was a way to push down the stress of AP exams.
It didn’t take him long when he noticed a certain somebody sitting in their fire escape. He always saw you there and always wanted to say something as Spider-Man but never had the courage.
“You should talk to them,” Karen suggested in his mask. His eyes widened.
“What?” He stammered. “No! No way, I can’t do that to my friend. My voice is pretty distinct, I’d-I’d have to cover it up if I wanted to or..” He began to ramble with all the reasons why he couldn’t talk to you.
“I can disguise your voice, Peter,” Karen cut him off. “You should know that, are you sure you don’t need to go through go through the refresh-”
“No! No I’m good. But,” Peter trailed off, looking at you from the distance. He was still able to see that you were putting stars in a jar. He never knew what they were for. “Yeah, can you disguise my voice?” And in an instant he began to swing over towards you. He was surprised that you didn’t see him but then again, you were always so focused on your stars. So when he landed above you, quietly of course, and greeted you he didn’t expect you to be calm.
“Holy shit!” Your hands fumbled around with the star you held but you dropped it, only for it to fall down into the streets. Your eyes widened at the sight in front of you, adrenaline slightly pumping through your veins in a fight-or-flight sense.
“Oh,” Peter chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, “sorry about that. I didn’t mean to scare you.” His voice was slightly altered by a sound in his mask. Probably to disguise his voice.
“It’s fine,” you breathed out, looking down at the fallen star in the streets. “I just didn’t expect the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man to come out of nowhere.” You laughed a bit before reaching into one of the boxes you had, grabbing a handful of dark purple stars. The panic you felt seconds earlier had quickly dissipated.
“Well, I saw you out here,” Peter sat down next to you and grunted a bit as he adjusted, “and I wanted to, you know, say hi.” You nodded your head.
“Yeah but, don’t you have-uh-I don’t know, hero business?” You poured the stars into a mason jar that was already filled with the colors of the evening sky.
“Eh, it’s a quiet night. Plus I’ll be notified if something goes down,” Peter replied. You nodded in response.
“And your voice?” You asked, looking into the eyes of his mask. Which only caused Peter to slightly blushed as the light from the sunset reflected in your (e/c) eyes. Thank God for his mask.
Peter tilted his head in confusion.
“I mean, it’s obviously slightly… different.”
“Oh!” Peter exclaimed. “Well, just in case I see you in the street as my civilian-self. You know, secret identity and all.”
“That’s pretty cool, smart actually.” You nodded your head with a slight smile, impressed at him. He then asked for your name and you gave it to him with a grin. The two of you guys began to talk for awhile, even after the sun set and the night sky had few scattered stars. Exchanging stories, laughs, anything you guys could think of. Of course, Peter was careful about what he told you to not give away his identity.
“You know, you remind me of my friend,” You mentioned after you finished laughing at one of his stories.
Peter quirked his eyebrow, and hoped to God that he didn’t give his identity away. “Oh? How?”
“I mean,” you held up a finger, starting to count, “you both like Star-Wars, you’re both extremely awkward at times, and have a thing for Tony Stark.” Peter’s heart began to beat faster. “I think you’d get along with them well; Ned and Peter.” You continued folding a few more stars as you talked.
“That’d be cool, you should introduce me to them,” Peter said out of slight relief. You hadn’t brought up anything that hinted you knew. But the frown that was etched on your face caused him to be slightly concerned.
“Yeah, well I wish,” You said, downstrucken. “Peter’s always off doing something for his Stark internship, I barely see him as much anymore. Just at school and our very occasional hang outs with Ned and MJ.” To see your downcasted face, it broke Peter’s heart. But then you laughed. “Though, Ned would freak out if he met you, so I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Huh, maybe not then,” Peter laughed. The two of you sat in silence for a while, just watching the cars in the distance. Well, you were focused on filling up the mason jar in front of you.
You were surprised at how well you were holding a conversation with the Spider-Man. But it seemed as if he was a teenager who was just as awkward as you. Plus, everything just seemed so natural between the two of you.  
Peter watched you grab a bottle and spray it in the jar. Whiffs of lavender invaded his senses but it soon went away as you closed the jar. That probably explained why you constantly had the scent of lavender following you around.
“So what’s up with the stars?” Peter inquired, something he wondered but never asked as Peter. He was in awe at how the jar you held had the same exact colors of the sky a few hours earlier when they first started talking, but more so because of how you’re able to make so many.
“Oh, uh,” You looked down sheepishly. “It’s kinda silly.”
“Nah!” Peter exclaimed. You looked up at him in curiosity. “I’m sure it’s not, I mean have you seen my first costume? Man, kinda cringey now that I think about it.”
You laughed out, “Mood, big mood.” Peter laughed at your response as well. He couldn’t help but adore your smile as well. And the way that your eyes crinkled in the corners? Not that he’d ever tell you.
“Well,” you began to explain, reminiscing about your childhood. “It started out when I was younger.”
Your twinkling eyes looked up into the night sky through your window. The new city you moved into was exciting. You were too young to be in school, so it didn’t upset you to move. It just made you excited for new adventures.
But the night sky here was different than your hometown. There were barely any stars, there were no constellations. Your small mouth frowned and as your mother tucked you into bed, she asked you what was wrong. You shuffled your arm out and pointed out the window.
“Where are the stars?” You asked. Your mother took a moment to think as she tried to admire the empty night sky. You expected her to respond but instead she got up from your bed and went to your desk, which was messy with arts and crafts. Your mom picked up a pair of scissors and a piece of (f/c) paper, knowing it was your favorite color. You watched her with wonder and when she came back with a single thin strip of paper, your face was furrowed with confusion. Her fingers, however, held the strip of paper in place in front of you.
“Do you want to hear a story?” Your mother asked. “About the stars?” With a nod she continued. “On the Island of Japan, there was this little girl who adored the stars in the night sky. Each night she would set off to watch the stars but then there was a night when they started to fall out of the sky. And each night they continued to fall until there were none left in the sky. So the young girl had an idea that if she created enough stars-” her fingers began to nimbly move as she created a paper star “-and put them in a jar, she could hold the fallen stars inside of it. But she couldn’t make enough so she got her friends to help her and soon enough the stars appeared in the night sky once more.” She held out her hand and in the palm of it was a paper star. You couldn’t even comprehend how she made a star but you were beaming and looked up at her.
“I don’t need my friends’ help!” You exclaimed. “I’ll make all the stars by myself! Can I try mom?” She only laughed as she rose up from the bed once more. Your mom grabbed a clear jar off your desk that was filled with pencils and put it in another. Dropping the star in the now-empty jar and setting it next to your bed on the nightstand, she kissed your forehead.
“Of course sweetie, but in the morning, that way you can see a few more stars tomorrow night.” You smiled happily, staring at the single star in the jar. If all the stars fell out of the sky one day, you’d only make more, hoping that they’ll appear once again.
You smiled fondly at the memory as you gripped the jar tighter. Peter noticed that it was not the same smile that made the corner of your eyes crinkle. Rather, the corner of your eyes began to gather with tears and you quickly swept them away as you reminisce the times you could no longer have with your mother. Peter wanted to comfort you, hold you tight to tell you he was there for you, but he wasn’t Peter. He was Spider-man.
“Yeah so,” you broke the silence, thankful Spider-Man didn’t say anything as you recollected yourself, “when I was younger I thought I could make enough stars for them to appear in the sky. Course, I was disappointed early on. But since then, I’ve just made a bunch of stars for a while. It helps me relax in times of stress, and with AP season beginning soon, this helps. Otherwise, I just make them to give to friends and family or just ‘cause.”
Peter parted his mouth about to respond but then Karen told him of a robbery happening  a few blocks down. The sounds of sirens filled the two teenager’s ears, causing both to look in the direction they were coming from.
“Ah, that’s my cue,” Peter said. You could’ve sworn that his voice was laced with disappointment, but it was probably in your imagination. After all, why would Spider-Man want to talk to you?
The masked hero started to stand up from where he was sitting. “Those stars of yours are pretty cool. And that story of yours is cute too. I hope we can still talk sometime in the future, maybe?” You were taken aback by his words.
“You still want to talk to me?” You sputtered.
“Well, yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’d be really cool to get to know you.” You knew he was smiling under the mask, or at least you hope he was (Peter was grinning). You were smiling with him as well.
“Then sure, yeah,” you breathed out in awe. You glanced at the police cars that drove past the intersection in front of you. “You should probably go.”
“Oh, yeah, I should.” He started walking towards the edge of the fire escape.
“Hey Spidey?” You called out. Peter turned his head to face you.
“Be safe.”
“Thanks,” He replied with a smile. It wasn’t often that Peter was told to be safe (except from Tony, May, and Ned but that was as Peter). It made his heart burst to know that you were always so caring.
He jumped off the escape and went off swinging. You watched him disappear as he swung around a corner in the same direction as the police cars. Getting up from your spot, you grabbed the boxes of stars and the finished star jar in your arms. Then you climbed in through the window and set everything down on your desk before grabbing a specific jar off your personal set. The jar held the black Spider-Man symbol in the middle with a red circle and then specks of red in a sea of blue for the rest of the jar.
You let out a heavy sigh and then stared the spot you were sitting at moments earlier.  
Did Spider-Man really just talk to you?
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sylurial · 3 years
So about that anti-Semitic/anti-Masonic thing you find in every conspiracy...
You're probably wondering how or why it started. It's pretty simple, at least if you shave off history between the 16th century at the beginning, and around the year of 1900 at the end.
I have no idea if Tumblr has automated content checks, so I have to be real sly on how I word some things here. You should still be able to follow what I'm about to discuss.
There was a particular group of angry Germans in the 1920s to late 1940s. Their leader was a man terribly kooky in the head, and thought that wearing a toothbrush moustache was the unironic "peak" of fashion (spoiler alert: it wasn't).
They had a particularly strong (and often oxymoronic/hypocritical) hatred for Semitic ethnicity, and saw anyone who was Arabic or Jewish as "inferior". Ironically, it turns out systemically ostracizing/oppressing any specific ethnic group actually boosts their visibility and/or importance, as denoted by the lovely Streisand effect (addendum ad hoc: the Streisand effect was originally centered around information censorship, but it's core concept can be applied to almost everything).
After that group of Angry Germans were kicked out of town by what could comedically be described as "the local neighborhood Mafia", the anti-Semitic/anti-Masonic tropes and themes died down a little.
That is, until a fruitcake of a Canadian woman named Michelle Harding (also known as Michelle Smith) decided that her life needed a little spice and excitement, so her internalized solution was to fuck with a licensed psychologist to (quite literally) Biblical proportions. No, really.
This in turn would cause an event known only to your mom and her cat as "The Satanic Panic", beginning in 1980 and ending as a compartmentalized event around 1994-1996. It was annoying, baselessly relied on argumentum ex culo, and set the successful evolution rate of the human species back by a good 50% (citation needed) for the duration of it's active years, due to all the fearmongering involved. Pretty exhausting and impressive, when you consider that the current high priest of the Church of Satan himself reported an email sent to him by a teenage kid straight to the FBI (the dumbass kid thought it smart to confess his interest in committing serial murder in Satan's name, and Gilmore lol'd his way straight to fbi.gov/tips).
Anyways, after that nonsense, shit died down for a while. While there was other dumb shit going on throughout the years (no, I mean REALLY dumb shit), the admittedly silly obsession with Satanist NWO conspiracies had taken it's leave to the backburner.
That is, until a bunch of 4channel nutjobs took the leaked emails between a certain 2016 presidential candidate and a White House chief of staff just a liiiiittle bit too seriously, and decided unilaterally that it was time to make the senior public-facing officials of the United States government part of "le international cabal" for a hot minute. Hypocritical as all fuck when you consider that users of the very same site regularly embraced a meme beforehand stating the exact opposite like a bunch of fucking morons.
Sadly, while you'd think that one round of this kind of insanity is enough, two unsuspecting lurkers from the far east and the last bastion of freedom old-style prison systems both decided that through their own perseverance (and the gullibleness of hundreds of millions of people in America and worldwide alike), that they could up the ante beyond anyone's wildest imagination one final time before all of the Satanic fearmongering was to be put into a deep sleep (one can only pray it won't wake up again in the form of human ignorance).
So yeah. We're currently in an area of cleaning up bits and pieces of that event's aftermath. Many social media sites outright banned the topic's discussion (good riddance if you ask me), and while much of the initial damage has been cleared up, the longer-lasting effects are still VERY much present within not just American society, but the whole of humanity itself. It tore open a truly massive, gaping hole in the trust of the American citizenship (and many other citizenships for that matter) which will likely not be fully healed over for the next decade or two.
And at long last we have arrived at the end. With the future comes uncertainty, but ideally, the future will also bring at least some amount of hope as well.
But all in all, when you consider all of the events I've talked to you about in this blog post...
This is why we can't have nice things. Let's keep remembering to avoid drinking sweet things, okay?
I hope this blog post has been educational and entertaining at the same time. Thank you...
...and good night.
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smalltowndetective · 4 years
27 with Mason from the dialogue prompt list plz? :)
Hello! Thank you for the request! I always love getting them from you! :)
And speaking of requests, I am still taking them! I have this list with lists that I take requests from, but if you just have a headcannon or just some small idea of dialogue for any member of Unit Bravo (Or Falk maybe? Haven’t written anything for him yet), send it to me! I’d love to write something for it!
27-  “Tell me again.”
Ao3 Link
Title: Made you Mine
Pairing: Mason and Mariana “Mari”
Words: 1.5k
Summary: This is my first attempt at writing deep relationship Mason, and it was a bit tricky, but I think I really liked how it turned out! But don’t worry, we’ll be back to our normally scheduled programming of these two ignoring their feelings soon enough ;)
Tags: @lilyoffandoms @lividlyinlove @anotherbeingsworld
If you told Mariana a year and a half ago that the brooding man with the steely gray eyes who lit a cigarette in her office even with the obvious no smoking sign would become her boyfriend, without a doubt, she would have laughed in your face.
               It still feels weird to even call him that.
               A lifetime of avoiding attachments had crumbled when she had met him, whether she had realized it then or not. It was like, right then, she knew that she was never going to get rid of him, and he was never going to get rid of her.
                She did not regret that it all came down, as much as it had scared her at first.
               And as the walls that she had been building over the course of her life were pulled down, it left her with a realization.
                We already had loyalty to each other, something that I think surprised both of us.
               At least, for me he did.
               Part of her did regret taking so long to actually realize what she was feeling, but the other part was perfectly fine with how it had turned out in the end. It had all come together just like it was intended to, and she never wanted to take that away from it. Time had just made it sweeter.
               The fire was mean to last after all.
               And oh, how it is burning so bright now, with nothing that can quench it.
      ��        It was a strange feeling to feel for her, but she never had felt just unexplainably elated before. There was always something that dragged her back down, keeping her in the here and now. But she felt like she was in the clouds, and for the first time, she did not care just how long the fall to earth was.
               She did not know what the hell to expect when they made it “official”, never having had a relationship get to that level and neither did Mason, and it almost seemed silly to ask other people what to expect with that switch. For some reason, she almost believed that everything would change once that happened, and part of her was fearful that would happen, but it did not. It was the same as it always was, just something more solid about it. Like an added security, even if she did not truly understand that, it still feeling new to her.
               That was not to say it was not grounded in something before, because it was. More subtle, but it was always there. But the finality of making it true, that the two of them had finally stopped dancing around the issue and admitted it to each other.
               It was a promise even, the promise to stick by each other until the end.
               Whenever that end may be.
               But you’re not going on if there will be an end now, focus on the beginning.
               Mariana laughed at the memory of the rest of the team finding out about it, and even though she knew they had noticed that something was going on, something deeper, it was not enough to wipe the surprise of their faces, something that she still treasured, since she could remember a similar look on her face when both her and Mason had finally figured out what they were.
               I think they were all as surprised as we were.
               Felix had not been able to stop teasing Mason about it ever since it had happened, and she did not think that Nate’s knowing smile, that little, I told you so, would ever quite wipe off at his face at the two of them, which she supposed that she deserved after everything she did to avoid her own feelings in the first place. And well, Adam, seemed to care less about it, from the surface at least, but she still treasured the ways his eyes widened when he realized, which she had made sure to make fun of him for.
               He just makes it so damn easy.
               I have never met someone easier to make fun of, it’s quite an accomplishment really.
               But today, was not going to be about the team.
               Instead, it was about hanging around her room with Mason at the warehouse, avoiding work for as long as possible. The past year had been a whirlwind ever since finding out about the supernatural, which still felt like the most unbelievable thing that she had ever heard, but it was the truth, and with everything that she had seen there was no denying that.
               And as much as it still overwhelmed her at times, she was starting to get better at dealing with it. Yes, the supernatural may be out there, and apparently forever after her blood, but she had found a stronger semblance of family with the Unit then she had ever had before, and no one, supernatural or otherwise, was going to take that away. She would fight tooth and nail to keep that safe.  
               She looked over her room, it decorated just as darkly as the one back at her apartment, the only light coming from the small lamp on her nightstand, and it was crazy to her how comfortable that she felt here, as if she had lived here her entire life.
               It feels like home.
               Mariana turned over to look over at Mason, who had his arm wrapped around her shoulders, and her hand on his thigh, how they typically ended up. It was pure closeness, almost pure, even though she knew that would never be used to describe either of them, it was something that she would never want to give up, as much as that still surprised her after so long of shying away from committed relationships, and getting close to people in general.
               They may not have anything to say to each other as they spent these moments together, but she hardly cared. Let the comfortable silence come, soothing like a blanket in the middle of winter. Him being there was enough.
               Being with him feels like home.
               She moved her head to fit into the crook on his neck, savoring the added closeness, and she could feel him give a low chuckle.
               “What?”, she muttered, moving her head to meet his eyes, “You have an issue, sunshine?”
               But the sarcasm of as said her pet name for him had died off, being left with only truth, genuine truth. Because in a strange way, he did light up her life, in a way that no one else had, which still surprised her, especially considering how she would never thought so just a year ago.
               I don’t anyone else would say that he does so.
               But I don’t care.
               He does for me.
               “No”, he muttered simply, with the smallest raise of his eyebrow, and Mariana could feel a devilish grin slide across her face.
               She moved closer till she was mere inches away from his face, her eyes gleaming in challenge, “Then what is this about then?”
               Not seeming to have an answer for that, he brought them the two of them together in a kiss. And even as it was full of passion as it normally was, there was something different as well. Almost a sweetness that was quite there yet, something deeper than either of them knew what to do with, and were both still figuring that out.
               But she was more then prepared to figure out what that was, with this man at her side.
               With whatever that entails.
               “Good answer”, she almost purred as they moved apart, and Mason gave a smirk in return.
               “I would think so, sweetheart”, he replied, his eyes almost seeming to glimmer, and she smiled at it.
               “It was you the whole time, you know”, she said suddenly, not really sure why she was doing so, but it felt right. A small truth that they both knew, but needed someone to finally say. And she was more then okay then being the one to do so. She was no longer afraid anymore.
               “Tell me again”, he scarcely whispered, and at first Mariana thought it was because he did not believe her, but the almost full smile said otherwise, and while it looked slightly strange on his face, something she had never seen before, she would never do anything to get rid of it.
               “It was you the whole time”, she whispered in return, meeting his lips in another kiss.
               The two had never outwardly said that they loved each other, but it was implied in everything that they did, and the small statement was pretty much a declaration of it, even if they may not act like it was.
               We’ve got a long way to go to figure out this whole relationship thing.
               And I’m fully for figuring it out.
               Time seemed to pass quickly and slowly at the same time as they stayed there together, neither ever wanting it to end.
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seancamerons · 4 years
Manny Santos + 16
16.“I’ve been waiting all my life for you.”  Set in 2020 fluffy janny kinda deal I don’t write happy janny so this is pretty diologue heavy and a bit on the corny side but enjoyyyyy~ (maybe my writers block is ending!) this is kinda silly but yeah.
Jay was in town and love is in the air for Manny. 
Everything seems to be coming up roses in these past few weeks. She’s always happiest when he’s around, not that she isn’t happy but her heart has grown more and when they’re together it only grows exponentially. When they’re apart she gets very thoughtful, and thinks of all the things she wants to tell him and when he came over of course they went straight to the bedroom but then they usually talk for hours about what happened in between his last visit which granted is usually every other weekend. Despite them being lost distance the absence makes the heart grow fonder, “Jay you’re the best.” Manny meant that, period no buts about it, “you just are.”
Jay turned to face Manny and asked with a confused expression, “How?”
“You just I don’t know you just turn everything around for me in the best way. And I love that” she beamed running her hand beside his face softly, “It’s been stressful with what’s going on in the world and getting work and having to attend auditions in a mask and the risk of catching it because who wants to film with a mask on? So I’ll have to self quarantine if I want to act in this Paramount movie and anyway I know I’m talking too much and I feel like I’m always missing you. Our time together always runs out and I never want it to end.”
“I always miss you too. I’m honestly freaked too the plane was a nightmare because we share the air with everyone and if they didn’t have a mask and you don’t know what you mean to me Manny. I’ll gladly make the trip but I’d much rather not have you miss me anymore. I want to start a life here, with you if its alright with you?”
“I thought you liked working the garage? What are you going to do sell it? What about you looking after Spinner and Emma and all?”
“Their names not Manny, besides they’re so I don’t know married and gosh darn boring. I haven’t seen much of them in the past few weeks.  Emma refuses to leave the house because she believes COVIDS in the air. She wont go outside and she makes poor Spinner take off his shirt and shoes at the door if he has to run to the store. She’s got the guy on such a short lease, Manny they’re fine.”
“I miss them as stupid as it sounds. I mean for a long time Em’s been all I ever had. We were practically sisters and boy did we ever fight like sisters. I can’t remember the last time we were all together or even just me and Em. I wish we weren’t so preoccupied or whatever or our lives didn’t have to change that much but you coming here would just mean I’d get to spend more time with my favorite guy. This is a huge deal, monumental!”
“Is it a good thing?”
“Of course. There’s something you should know?”
“Yes my little chatterbox.”
“I’m being serious.”
“Okay okay, what is it?”
“I’ve been waiting all my life for you. I know it sounds cheesy. Do you remember the game MASH? Em and I used to play all the time it stands for Mansion Apartment Shack and House and then there’s other shit like cars we’d drive and wedding colors and how many children and all that other horseshit but we’d play.”
“Yeah us guys don’t play that game.”
“Didn’t think so. Anyway we once added you to the suiters because of a dream I had a short time after you and Emma’s rendezvous in the ravine and I just laughed because we lived in a mansion, we had 0 children, we drove a Audi and I mean the suiters on the list were a doozy let’s just say. I had to kiss a lot of toads to find my prince.” she added before looking up at him, “isn’t that the funniest thing you ever heard? Mash actually played out our life.”
Jay shrugged bashfully and snickered, “So what I’m your soulmate?”
“You’re definitely the closest thing I could ever say.”
“I mean I didn’t think much of it then but I don’t know but I’ve been waiting for you.” She paused, “We didn’t talk back then, probably for good reason but I had my beliefs about you so I laughed. I thought how could he ever fall in love? I didn’t think you were the type honestly.”
“I guess looks could be deceiving.”
“I mean think about it, Craig was on that list even Justin Randall Timberlake was on that list and even Spinner Mason and it’s probably even and fair because I’m sure you had your thoughts about me.” she giggled, “it’s just funny because if present me ever met sophomore me she’d probably laugh too. Look who we are and who we’re spending and sharing closest secrets with.”
“I did see the video if that’s what you’re wondering but why? I can look and see the real thing.” Jay flirtatiously smiled back, “I didn’t know I meant this much to you. I mean I’m glad because I feel that way for you no matter what you said. I mean I had a vague idea but I like this chatty side of you.”
“Well get used to it, because you’re gonna see a lot of it now that you’ll be here to stay. If you want. No pressure.” 
“I want to.”
“So talky, tell me about that dream about me in the ravine?”
She threw the small pillow playfully at him and shook her head, “Dream on.”
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heyyyharry · 5 years
Chapter 1: Honeymoon
(from the Flatmate Trilogy: Two Hearts, One Home)
...in which Y/N and Harry go to Greece for their honeymoon and run into a couple they hate.
Warning: a bit of smut, sex jokes, overusing curse words because I’m a sailor, cheeky Harry, drunk Y/N, adorably aggressive Y/N, protective Harry, aaaaaand you might want to slap some fictional characters.
Word count: 6.7k
Wattpad book
A/N: Wait no more folks, your beloved couple are FINALLY BACK! Tell me what you think about the chapter. - Allie.
"Kalosirthate stin Ellada!"
"Danke schön!" Harry waved at the doorman who gave him a weird look as he dragged his luggage into the resort lobby. Y/N tugged at his arm, covering her mouth so she wouldn't laugh too hard and draw even more attention to them.
"You just said 'thank you very much' in German, H!"
"Wasn't what he said in German?"
"He said 'welcome to Greece' in Greek because we're in Greece! Why would a staff in a Greek resort speak German?!"
When seeing how amazed he was, Y/N could't help but chuckle as she interlocked their fingers, flashing him a cheeky grin. "I may or may not have done a bit of research."
"Aww, my wife's gonna be my little translator on this trip."
"Your wife only knows 'good morning' and 'good night' so you're not so lucky, Mr. Styles," she said, tip-toeing to peck his lips, but he was quick to lock one arm around her waist to kiss her passionately. That kiss could've turned into a full make out session if she hadn't come to her senses and pushed him away.
"Can you be horny later when we're alone?"
Her pink cheeks made Harry snort in amusement. He ran his hand up and down her back to rest dangerously close to her bum, which looked extra good in this vintage dress, he must say. "We're married. People know we fuck."
"We do, just not in the resort lobby after arriving only five minutes ago," she told him, rolling her eyes.
With his arm wrapped around her, they headed towards the front desk for the check-in procedures and finally received their keys. That moment was by far the happiest they'd ever been since their wedding night. After all, they were on their romantic honeymoon, on a beautiful island in Greece, and they were gonna be there for an entire week, just the two of them. It almost seemed like nothing could go wrong.
When Harry heard that voice he thought he was hallucinating. But as the voice got louder and more annoying, causing all the other guests as well as the staff to stare at him. He knew it was real.
"Honey?" His wife mumbled, she was also rooted to her spot. "Did you hear that or was it just me?"
"Oh God...I heard it too..." He sucked in a breath, turning around slowly as she did the same. Of all the annoying people he'd come across in his entire life up to this point, it just had to be his mortal enemy — his cousin Mason.
Despite Harry's hostile glare, the older Styles was beaming. "What a lovely coincidence! Are you two on honeymoon?"
"Are you here to ruin my life?"
The question made Mason chuckle. "You're still funny, Harold. Still funny. I'm actually on a summer vacation with my baby girl. Oh, there she is, my flower!"
"Sweet cheeks! My baby!"
"I think I'm gonna throw up..." Y/N whispered to her husband, receiving a smirk from him.
Stephanie showed up, wearing the biggest hat that covered half of her face as she strutted towards the three of them in her yellow summer dress. She'd left all of her heavy luggage to the poor resort staff, who nearly got hit in the head by her throwing her handbag at him.
"The other Styles!" She giggled, finally taking off her hat to pull the other couple into a hug. If Harry hadn't pushed her away, who knew how long she would've kept squeezing them? "We missed your wedding! I think your invitation got lost in the mail!"
"Bold of you to think we sent you one."
Y/N quickly nudged Harry as she chuckled nervously. "It's alright, Steph...We also missed your wedding so..."
"We'll come to your second ones!"
Stephanie and her husband both fell about laughing at her rude joke. The kind of looks Harry and Y/N exchanged at that moment couldn't be more obvious that they'd rather set themselves on fire than continue this dumb conversation. They were just too nice (or at least Y/N was) to say 'fuck off' and walk away.
"We're going to our room now," Y/N said, holding Harry's arm. "Nice talking to you."
"Bye Harry! Bye Y/N!"
Y/N heard Stephanie loud and clear but she didn't look back and just stride as fast as possible towards the lift.
"See you tonight at the bar, Harold!"
Harry, on the other hand, responded to his cousin with a middle finger in the air, and once again Y/N had to tug at his sleeve to tell him to be polite.
"Such a funny kid," Mason told his wife with a grin, before heading to the front desk.
The newlyweds' first day on the island wasn't so bad, minus the encounter with the other annoying couple that they hated more than Mondays. They got to spend a lot of time together soaked in the sun and the golden sand, and not thinking about the responsibilities they had back in London. As busy as they were with their own jobs, they rarely had time to have fun like they used to back when they were students. Now was the one chance for them to try everything they hadn't done before.
"I hope nearly fucking your husband on the beach while being drunk off your ass was on your bucket list." Harry laughed as he dragged his wife out of the lift, and struggled to get the room card from his pocket while she was clinging onto him like a koala.
Normally, he would stop her from drinking too much. He always knew she could barely handle alcohol, but since they were on vacation, he made it an exception and let her do whatever she wanted. As a result, she was wasted and he was exhausted from making sure she didn't cause any trouble. His wife was a fun drunk, but every time she drank too much, it was always hard work for him. He had to make sure she didn't walk straight into a lamppost, get hit by a car for dancing on the street, or take off her clothes in public because she thought they were alone.
"I hate you," she mumbled, shoving two fingers in his face as he opened the door. "Two days into our marriage...and you already don't want to have sex with me anymore!"
"Sure if you didn't count those two orgasms earlier." Harry laughed quietly. He just loved having silly conversations with her while she was not in her right mind to make any sense.
With a bit of difficulty, he shut the door after they'd got in, and somehow managed to put her down on their bed. That was when Y/N started giggling like a madwoman, watching her husband stand with both hands on his hips and a confused grin on his face.
"Hubby, come give me a kiss!" She tried to open her eyes to look at him, but they were fighting to stay shut, so she just opened her arms and gave him a silly grin. Harry took off her shoes as well as his own, then fell down onto the bed right by her side. He propped himself up on his elbow, pressing his lips to her temple.
"No! A real kiss!" Y/N pouted. She didn't wait for his reaction to grab him by the collar of his shirt and kiss him hard on the mouth. Harry was a bit shocked considering how shy Y/N was most of the time. Actually, she'd gained much more confidence after that many years they'd been together. But shyness was just her nature, and he loved that about her.
Only when she'd had a couple drinks did she get this bold. This was certainly not the first time, but Harry didn't think he could ever grow used to it. Soon he was right between her legs, one hand supporting his own weight as the other held her by the hip. Her black dress rose up to reveal the black lace underwear he'd got for her. He intended to make a cheeky comment about it, yet she was already unbuttoning his shirt.
"Baby, you're really drunk," he whispered against her lips, chuckling lowly as she groaned like a spoiled little girl who didn't get the pony she asked for.
"We're not on the beach anymore," she reasoned, eyebrows furrowed at him and opened his shirt to get her hands on his bare chest.
"Jesus Christ, baby. Greece really does make you horny, huh?"
"You make me horny."
Harry was taken aback for the second time that night, not only by her confidence but also by her flipping them over to straddle him. He tried to speak, yet she covered his mouth with her own, pressing both hands on his chest, pushing him down.
"Baby, I—"
She shushed him immediately. Holding his gaze, she moved slowly downward, wasting no time to pull down his shorts and wrapped her hands around his pulsing member. A growl escaped his throat as he shuddered at the feeling of her hot breath against him. When she gave him a slight squeeze, his hips buckled up, urging her to give him more. He was leaking and desperate for her touch, definitely not in the position to call it quit at this point.
"I've got you in the palm of my hand," she said in a sing-song voice. "Literally."
The sound of her name escaped his pink lips in a breathy tone. When he saw the way her pupils dilate even in the dim moonlight from their balcony door, he knew he was fucked.
"I've been a good girl." Fuck. "Let me suck you off, please?" Fuck. Me.
Harry exhaled harshly, too out of his mind to even think straight as he stroked her hair. "Y-Yes...yes, you are...Fuck..."
She nodded, finally giving him a few slow strokes. Harry's eyes squeezed shut in an instant as his entire face contorted. He was afraid this would end so quickly that her forgetting all about tonight might seem like a good thing. Just as he was about to ask her to go faster, a loud thump! caused Y/N to sit up straight, eyes just as wide as his. The bed in the room next door was violently banging against the wall, as the couple over there didn't make an effort to keep it down.
"Fuck yeah, baby! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!"
"What the fuck is...that?" A look of terror flashed across Harry's face when he made eye-contact with a giggly Y/N. She had no idea what was going on, but everything was hilarious to her when she was drunk. As much as he wanted to ignore that horny couple to go back to his own business, he couldn't even think with all the noises those people were making. In a second, he sat up and tucked himself back inside his shorts, pecking Y/N's lips as he told her he would go talk to them.
"No." She shook her head, hands on his shoulders. "Stay with me, Harry...I need you."
Harry's self-control unraveled when she moaned his name that way. Nodding fast, he attached their mouths once again as she cupped his cheeks and kissed him with everything she'd got. He tried to focus on her, he really did, until he heard the name of the last person he wanted to think of when he was about to have sex with his wife.
"Mason! Yes, that's right baby!"
"No, no, non no!" Harry cried out, pulling away immediately. Though Y/N wasn't sober enough to get disgusted by the other two, she still agreed to get off her husband and follow him outside. As he knocked on the room next door, she hugged him from behind and rested her head on his back. Drunk Y/N always got a bit clingy, and Harry loved it actually. If only he could pay attention to her and take care of her instead of having to deal with his fucked up cousin.
When he knocked a couple more times, it was Stephanie who came to open the door, wearing only her lingerie. Harry had to stare at the ceiling while silently thanking god that the woman wasn't naked.
"Oh, Harry and Y/N! What a surprise! We were just—"
"Yes, we know. Please stop," he spoke fast, leaving Stephanie speechless. She parted her smudged red lips to say something, but then Mason showed up, unlike his wife, he was completely naked under his white bathrobe which wasn't even tied at the front.
Harry immediately covered Y/N's eyes, dashing his own back on Mason's face so he wouldn't have to look at that thing for another second. Y/N might've seen it too because she was trying so hard to contain her laughter.
"Put your dick away, for fuck's sake!"
"Sorry, I forgot," said the older man who quickly tied the strings together to cover himself up.
Stephanie gave the other couple one last glance before telling Mason she'd wait for him in bed. Harry really wished he could listen to those words without thinking about the thing he'd heard earlier in his room. How was he gonna sleep tonight if that was what he might wake up to?
"Can we talk?" he narrowed his eyes at Mason. It was clear he was losing his temper, but he was still trying to be as nice as he possibly could. Because treat people with kindness right? Yeah, people, not Mason. Fuck Mason.
"Wait for me inside, love," Harry said to his wife, who pouted yet listened to him anyway.
"Don't take too long," she told him before retreating to their room. Harry watched the door close behind her as he heaved a sigh. This conversation wouldn't have been necessary if he could've just punched the asshole. But on second thought, he shouldn't waste a good hit on someone like him.
"What the fuck was this?" Harry asked, throwing his hands in the air. "I get that you always feel the need to prove that you're better than me, but to book the same fucking resort, and the room right next to mine just to piss me off is what only a psychopath would do!"
"You self-centered prick." Mason scoffed, leaning against the door. "You really think everything I do is about you?"
Harry lifted his eyebrow. "I don't think. I know everything you do is because you cannot stand the fact that Y/N and I are happier than you and Steph."
"Oh please. The last thing I worry about is you being better than me at anything."
"The next time you say that, make sure to keep your tiny friend covered." Harry didn't even bother to stay and see his cousin's reaction to the comment. He stormed back to his room, hoping Mason would get insecure enough to keep the noise down when they—
"Y/N?" Harry asked, but there was not a single sound except for his wife's soft snoring as she was now sprawling across their bed. It'd be a lie to say he was disappointed, but seeing her adorable sleeping face really made him happy again. In silence, he lied down by her side, trying not to cause too much movement and wake her up.
"You forgot to say you love me tonight, drunkie." His eyelids fluttered from exhaustion as he watched Y/N smiling in her sleep. Even though he couldn't read her mind, he'd like to think that it was him she was dreaming about. So while stroking her hair the way she liked, he mumbled to her what he never forgot to say every night before bed. "You're my entire world, and I really love you."
Then he drifted off gradually.
The next morning, as expected, Y/N barely remembered anything.
"Beside me talking to a palm tree..." she cringed, trying to recollect the night before, but all that she could remember was asking Harry to dance with her on the beach. "Did I do anything else embarrassing?"
"You tried to tear off my clothes and begged to suck me off," said Harry as he took a sip of his orange juice, flashing her a subtle smirk when her face reddened, certainly not because of the heat out here. What was better than having breakfast by the ocean, feeling the cool breezes on a hot summer day, and poking fun at your wife for the silly things she did when she was drunk? He was having the best morning.
"I remember that..." She mumbled, stealing a glance at him while his eyes were glued on her.
"You what?"
"Not everything...only a bit."
Harry raised an eyebrow when she pouted at him. He knew she wanted him to change the subject, but he enjoyed teasing her too much to let her off that easily.
"You weren't this shy when you literally asked me to fuck you on the beach last night." He chuckled, making her blush even harder as she kicked his leg under the table.
"There are children around here! They might hear you!"
Now that she mentioned, Harry looked around and noticed a family of four sitting right beside them. The parents were too caught up in their own conversation to hear what he was saying, and the child around four was singing while playing with her action figures. Harry's laughter died down soon, yet the smile lingered on his face when the little girl saw him looking and waved at him. He waved back, feeling his heart flutter somehow.
Y/N didn't see what was going on as she was texting this whole time. She had to give her mother updates on basically everything she'd been doing (beside her getting drunk and them having sex every single chance they got), because to her mother apparently, she'd stopped growing since the age of fourteen.
"What?" Y/N flinched to meet her husband's eyes when she turned back to him. He was just smiling at her in silence with his chin resting on his knuckles. She couldn't figure out what that meant. "Is there something on my face?"
"Beauty." His unexpected answer got her laughing.
"See? This is why I don't believe in your compliments anymore." She rolled her eyes and told him to eat since they had some sightseeing to do later. Harry didn't mind his breakfast getting cold though. His eyes stayed on Y/N, watching her slightly nodding her head to the song on the vintage radio at the bar. His lips curved to form a little grin.
He didn’t tell her what was on his mind when the kid at the other table waved at him. They had agreed to wait another year or two before making the big decision. Right now, they couldn’t spend much time with their cat let alone a human baby. But Harry thought it wouldn’t hurt to just imagine a new life with not only the two of them, but also little versions of them running around the house. He really looked forward to it.
For the rest of the afternoon, somehow they managed to stay away from Mason and Stephanie and had the best time of their life exploring the island. Thus they assumed their second day here would continue to be this great. What they forgot was that, every time they drew a conclusion this early, they ended up with at least one disappointing surprise towards the end.
"Jesus Christ," Harry muttered as he turned away from the bar and gave his cousin a death glare. "Do I need to file a restraining order?"
Normally Y/N would remind him to tone down his feelings of hatred, but after last night (Harry had filled her in on everything that she didn't remember) it was hard to continue being nice. She was just trying her best not to laugh at how offended both Mason and Stephanie seemed.
"I'm here to apologize actually. I hope we can forget what happened as we were all drunk anyway," Mason said, giving out his hand for Harry to shake. But instead of doing just that, Harry glanced at the hand, back to Mason's face. With a sarcastic smile, he straight off said, "no."
"No, now leave us alone."
"Come on, Harold. You cannot blame me for what happened to your father's company."
Harry squinted his eyes as soon as he heard. "What are you talking about?"
Mason and Stephanie exchanged looks as if they were also surprised that Harry had no clue about his father's decision. Quickly, Stephanie grabbed Y/N by the arm, pulling the perplexed young woman out of her chair.
"Come swim with me, Y/N!"
"No, thanks. I...can't swim," Y/N muttered, turning to her husband for help, but he was too busy staring at his cousin in disbelief to notice her.
"Just come with me, so they can talk," Stephanie insisted. She didn't even give Y/N time to say no and just dragged her out of the restaurant anyway. It was then that Harry finally got a grip on reality. He shifted in his chair, eyebrows furrowed as he asked Mason to explain everything.
"Devlin's gonna sell Styles Corporation. I gave him that idea."
"Wait, what?" Harry's mouth fell open. Mason, on the other hand, sat down and ordered a beer as he remained impassive. Harry completely understood that Mason had nothing to do with Styles Corporation, thus it was normal for him to not feel anything. What made Harry angry, was the fact that Mason had suggested Devlin to sell the brainchild he probably loved more than his real ones.
"He's sacrificed a lot to build his own empire from scratch! You can't just convince him to sell it!" Harry slammed his hand onto the counter, receiving a few questioning glances from the other people, yet he was too upset to care.
"You think my opinion alone could get your old man to sell the company?" Mason snorted. "It's Devlin we're talking about here."
"Then why—"
"He cannot run it forever, Harold. Your sister is a travel photographer, you were his only hope until you turned on him at the last minute. What choice does he have left?"
Harry's heart fell as he heard those words. He hadn't expected that news, especially for it to come from his least favorite person on the planet. Though he was still mad at Devlin for choosing the company over his own son, and not showing up at the wedding over saying sorry, he honestly felt bad for the fate of Styles Corporation. It obviously was a stab in the guts to hand everything you'd built up from the ground up to strangers. But what could Harry do to change it? He couldn't leave his wife here, or convince her to leave her job and move to San Francisco.
With his head in his hand, Harry began to ponder, which was the last thing he should do now that he was supposed to be on a vacation. Fuck everything, he thought. Fuck Mason for telling him this, for being here, and for existing. He blamed it on Mason because it was easier this way. He didn't have to face the music, knowing it was his own fault.
Y/N and Harry weren't strangers to bad luck, but this was a whole new level.
All she had wanted was a drama free honeymoon with the love of her life and to spend everyday under the sun or getting naked and tangling up in bed. Now here she was, taking Instagram photos for Stephanie by the resort pool, while Harry was probably being tortured by Mason boasting about things that nobody cared about.
"Shit, you're right. The lighting sucks," Stephanie mumbled in annoyance as she checked the photos on her phone.
Y/N really wanted to be frank and tell the girl only idiots would expect moonlight to look flattering on photos taken by an iPhone, but she thought it would be quite mean and decided to be subtly sarcastic instead.
"Maybe you should choose a better time when there's the sun?"
"I cannot stand too long in the sun, I get burnt easily," Stephanie chuckled, too busy staring at photos of herself to see that eye-roll Y/N had just given her.
"I think I should get back to my husband."
"Wait!" Stephanie took the girl's wrist before she could turn away, pulling her back. "Look, since we're kind of like sisters now—"
Fuck me, muttered the voice inside Y/N's head as she widened her eyes and faked a grin.
"I just wanna be honest with you." Stephanie took a deep breath, lifting an eyebrow. "Why Harry?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, you're kinda smart. You really wanna spend the rest of your life with someone like him?"
Excuse me?
"Harry is the smartest man I know."
And YOU shouldn't be judging him when you're the dumbest person I know.
"If he was so smart, he wouldn't have turned down an opportunity to be the future CEO of the Styles Corporation. Unlike Mason, he's a disappointment in the family."
"No. Mason got everything from pure luck. Harry, on the other hand, has worked hard for the things that he loves. He's got a career and a bright future, and I'm very proud of him." Y/N knew she shouldn't be fuming over the words of someone as shallow as Stephanie, yet she couldn't help but get all riled up when all of those insults were for her husband.
"How's he gonna take care of you and buy you nice clothes with his salary now?" Stephanie's argument made Y/N laugh, definitely not because it was funny.
"I have my own job and I can buy my own clothes." She furrowed her brows, stabbing a finger at the blonde who was slightly surprised by the reaction she received. "You, however, live off your husband because without him you are nothing. Face it, Steph, you're going nowhere with your non-existent model career."
"Excuse me?" Stephanie gasped. It was funny how offended she got after having said all those mean things about Harry earlier.
"Yeah, you heard me." This time, Y/N wouldn't give this woman the satisfaction she wanted. "Don't you ever talk shit about my husband again. Are we clear?"
"Oh you're threatening me?" The part-time model scoffed as she flipped her hair. "What are you gonna do? You think I'm scared of a weak little girl who cannot swim?"
"Well, I hope you can."
"What do you—AHHHHH!"
"Mom! That lady just pushed the other lady into the pool!"
Harry flew right out of his chair after hearing what the little girl said to her mother. He rushed outside in a flash, worrying it might be Y/N and Stephanie for he knew his cousin's wife was crazy as fuck. So if anything happened to—
Yes, it was Y/N and Stephanie. But his wife was standing by the pool, dry and safe, while the other girl was screaming and struggling violently in the water like a drowning cat.
"You crazy bitch! You fucking psychopath! Get me out of here! Help! Anyone?!"
"Drop the act! This is a kiddie pool!" Y/N shouted at Stephanie as Harry gave his woman a smirk, looking shocked and proud at the same time. "Say those things about my husband again, and I'll push you off a cliff!"
Morally speaking, Harry should care about the fact that his wife had assaulted his cousin's wife, and all the other guests were judging them so hard right now. But all that he really cared about was how much seeing her like this turned him on. This was the first time he'd got to witness the protective side of Y/N, so fucking badass. And he was certainly not disappointed at all.
Go wifey!
"You okay, baby?"
"I'm fin—"
"Of course she's okay! She's a lunatic!" Stephanie screamed as she climbed out of the pool and Mason showed up with a towel to cover her up.
"What the fuck, mate?" He snarled at Harry, pointing at Y/N. "Your wife just threatened to push my wife off a cliff!"
"Oh please Mason, you two aren't saints." Harry rolled his eyes. He didn't know what those two expected, as if he hadn't thought of pushing one them off a cliff before.
"Come on, honey, let's go," said Y/N as she took her husband's hand and turned to walk away. It could've ended there, with no one getting hurt (besides Stephanie who was soaked from head to toes), but just as expected, Mason never wanted to miss a chance to say the last words.
"Your wife is bitch."
"What did you just say?"
"I said, your wife is a—" Mason was cut off by a fist in the face that knocked him to the ground. While everyone else who'd witnessed that punch was in utter shock, Harry had never felt better. He'd wanted to do that for his whole life.
Before Mason could pick himself up and wipe the blood off his nose, Harry and Y/N had already fled the scene. The last thing they wanted was to get into trouble for causing disruption. At first, Y/N was really scared though it wasn't the first time she'd seen Harry hit someone. But as soon as they made it to the beach, she started squealing in joy.
"That was amazing! I pushed her into the pool, and you punched him in the face! We're like the best couple ever!"
The way she was all giggly and bouncing up and down like a child made Harry laugh so hard. He took her hand and pulled her back into his arms. Hers came wrapped around his waist like an instinct.
"You're too happy for someone who just assaulted a woman," he said, stroking her cheeks to gain back a smile.
"Now I know why Layla does things like this! She'll be so proud of me when I tell her!"
"Oh no." Harry faked a frown. "Should I be worried that you're turning into Layla?"
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I only Layla for you." Her answer got him chuckling and shaking his head.
"She's gonna kill us both if she knows we're using her as a verb," he said, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose. "But thank you, for defending me."
"No one." Y/N narrowed her eyes as she emphasized those two words. "No one is allowed to make fun of my husband, beside me."
"Aaaand Layla, because you know, I'm afraid of her."
They held each other while laughing. It was nice for Harry to stop thinking about his father's company, and enjoying the presence of the woman he loved instead. They continued walking barefoot along the beach, listening to the lullaby of the waves, and breathing deeply the ocean carried air. It was romantic at first with the starry sky right above them. But all it took was one moment, when both of them stopped and just stared at each other, for their self-control to cave in at once.
The next thing they knew was them hiding in the shadow of a palm tree, she was pressed against the brick wall, with her legs wrapped around his waist, and her hands in his hair. His shorts were halfway down his ass and her panties were somewhere on the sand. She would definitely not put them back on after they were done.
"What did I do to deserve you?" Harry tried not to be rough, but he making sure every thrust was worthwhile. He dragged his lips down her jawline as she filled his ears with her angelic whimpers that he could never get tired of.
"I love you so much," he said, gripping her ass to move her hips in sync with his own.
"I love you too." She let a soft gasp escape when he hit just the right spot that caused her eyes to roll upward, and the sound of his name to pour out from her wet lips. She was too lost in the moment to care if anyone heard her. There was not a single soul around anyway, so Harry didn't bother to silence his wife, not when he loved how vocal she was just for him.
"Shit love...I..." He thrust faster, face contorted from pleasure. "Gonna come..."
"Fill me." Those breathless words and her grinding down on him to get him deeper was all it took for Harry to explode, groaning into her mouth as he felt her walls squeezing around him. Her eyes fell shut, her head tossed back, and now she couldn't stop whimpering meaningless words, the only thing that made sense was his name.
"We finally had sex on the beach, you happy?" He jokingly asked while still catching his breath, his hooded eyes stared right into hers.
"You're a dick," she said, smiling at the way his eyes sparkled in the dark like those stars right above them. That playful insult only made him chortle. He brought his mouth back on hers to kiss her tenderly.
"And also your husband, so you're stuck with this dick for the rest of your life," he spoke against her lips, causing her to dissolve into laughter. Harry temporarily forgot about the fate of his father's company, and the stress he felt thinking he was the reason for it. At this moment, there were only them and them alone, though he knew it couldn't be them forever. When this week was over they would have to return to their busy lives. So now he must hold her closer, not wanting another second to go to waste.
"Harry! Did you know that Niall almost lost Treasure when he took her to the mall with him?" Y/N said the second she showed up at their bedroom door with the cat in her arms. Harry had just finished getting dressed for work. He turned away from the mirror and flashed his wife a cheeky grin.
"Did Treasure tell you that?"
She snorted, rolling her eyes and put the cat down on their bed to come fix his collar. "Layla told me...We should let Ben and Nam watch Treasure next time we're away."
"Hmm." He nodded. It was then that she finally looked up and caught the way he was staring at her. Neither of them said a word. After many years under the same roof, they didn't have to speak to know what was on the other person's mind.
"You're worried again, aren't you?" She questioned, placing both hands on his shoulders. "I mean...if you wanna help your dad keep the company—"
"We've had this talk, love," he cut her off, seemingly displeased. "I don't want it."
When he kissed her on the cheek and attempted to go, she squeezed his arms to force his eyes back on her. She'd thought a lot about Stephanie's words, and maybe Stephanie was not entirely wrong. Of course she didn't want anything more from Harry, for he'd always been more than enough. Despite so she felt awful that he had to give up on such a great opportunity for her. If he'd never met her, maybe he would've been rich and much more successful than he was now. He would've been his own boss and driving nice cars and probably engaged to someone from a rich family. He could've had it all. The least she could do now as his wife was encourage him to do what was best for him.
"Love, just accept the job, I don't mind."
"I cannot leave you here and move to San Francisco." He chuckled, yet she seemed so serious and he knew it wasn't time to joke around.
"I'll come with you and...and find a new job there..."
Harry was paralyzed for a long moment when he heard those words. His wife, who'd loved her job more than anything, was willing to drop everything just so he could be the CEO his father expected him to be. And he knew it was all because she loved him and she blamed herself for what she thought he'd lost. The truth, however, was that he never needed anything more than her.
Harry pulled Y/N into his arms, one hand at the back of her head as he whispered into her ear, "let's not talk about this anymore, alright?"
"You're not going to work today?" He changed the subject, knowing how easy it was for her to get distracted.
"Got a day off." Y/N pressed her lips into a smile as she picked up their cat and followed her husband to the front door. Since Harry was extremely forgetful, they always had to do the 'checklist' together every morning before leaving home.
"Already in my bag."
"Car key?"
Harry flinched when he stuck his hand into his coat pocket and couldn't find the key. The frantic look on his face made his wife laugh as she handed it to him.
"You left it by the sink...again," she said, resulting in a smile of relief on his face.
"You're the best. Love you!"
"Hold on!" She called out when he was about to leave. "Forgetting something else?"
He shot her a look of confused, until she lifted her face and pointed to her lips, eyes closed. With a smile, he didn't hesitate to walk back and kiss her goodbye.
"Okay, now you can go," she said, patting his cheek. "Have a great da—"
Y/N could barely finish her sentence when all of a sudden the door opposite from theirs creaked open. The couple nearly screamed as they saw who it was.
"Are you kidding me?!" Harry's eyes expanded to the point they could just fall out. "Why are you here?"
"This is my new place," said Mason, who looked just as pissed off. In all honesty, Y/N and Harry thought this was better than having to deal with his pretentious 'kindness'.
"Okay, you knew we lived here, asshole," Harry snarled at him. "You expect us to believe this is another coincidence?"
"You actually think we remembered your address and your flat number so we could get this flat because we're so obsessed with you?"
Y/N nodded fast. "Yeah, Mason, that's exactly what we think."
Harry threw his hands in the air, face screwed up as he turned to his wife. "What kind of shitty alternate universe is this?!"
"Why are you complaining? I'm the one with crazy neighbors here."
Harry turned a deaf ear to his cousin's insult. He would love to stay and start another fight, but he didn't want this asshole to be the reason he was late for work. He said goodbye to his wife, yet before leaving, he didn't forget to give Mason the finger and walked off without a second look back.
Y/N watched him go with heart eyes a wide smile on her face, while Mason could not look anymore irritated. That was when Stephanie showed up at the door, holding a yellow cat. The woman looked as shocked as her husband to see Y/N standing there. It was Treasure who broke the hostile silence. She meowed loudly, probably excited to see her new cat neighbor. But Stephanie didn't seem so fond of the idea of their two cats being friends. Giving Y/N a look of disgust, she told her pet, "Tiger, stop looking at that dirty creature. You might get eye cancer."
"Well, then I'm already blind from looking at you."
Y/N walked in and slammed the door shut, not wanting to hear more from Stephanie. Now that they were alone and away from their evil new neighbors, she gave Treasure a stern look. "Do not associate with that family, you understand me?"
The car purred softly in response, and Y/N hoped the answer was yes.
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creaturecarnival · 4 years
Hylics Part 2
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Okay, first off, hello to our massive influx of new followers! We look forward to writing for you all, and want to give a huge thanks to the folks over at @weirdmarioenemies​ for being so gosh-darned cool :) Now I have something to actually motivate me to write more reviews, so without further ado, here’s part 2 of our Hylics creature review!
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For our first new creature, we have, well… Creature! Creature here is an optional boss that you can encounter in one of the overworlds. It seems to be made almost entirely of the most basal of all clay shapes: balls and snakes (there is no way you could possibly take that out of context so don’t even try it)! I do love the layout of this thing, even if it’s very simple. I feel like the appeal of a giant mass of writhing tentacles is relatively universal, but I also like that the only feature Lindroth elected to give it other than tentacles is a little cluster of pale eyeballs on top and to the front(?) of its body. You’d kind of expect it to have some kind of big, gaping maw full of teeth, and maybe it does! Like a lot of the other denizens of Hylics, there’s not much to them other than whatever we can discern from their sprites, and I think that’s fun! When killed, Creature drops a Chitin Jerkin, which is described as “Sensible everyday-wear for the modern machine” as well as a Parasite Crystal which just does some stat buffing stuff we don’t need to talk about, I just really like the names.
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Ooh, they’re peekin atcha! Peekin out through their wacky flesh spirals! The way the clay winds around the action figure part really gives off the impression that it’s some kind of creature wrapped around a human, like a flech mesh flesh mesh flesh mech! Especially since there are tendrils coming off the extremities that look like they would function as essentially extensions of the body within. Speaking of those extensions, I love that instead of just one projection coming off of each foot, there’s two! So instead of walking like a regular person, it walks using its four sub-legs. Also it’s got a cool funny hat that I kind of wish came down over the eyes so that it looked like the clay part was the head, but at the same time the eyes peering through the clay bits is really eerie.
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Dread Meat
Oh no, somebody left this boy out in the sun! They’ve gone all melty! Dread Meat is very similar to Ghost in its structure, however, its limbs do not have projections, and there is no trace of humanity to it beyond the hands and feet just barely emerging from what I can only imagine to be rolls of oozing meat. It feels like a zombie of some kind, although there is nothing else in the game that looks like it could be the un-undead version of this corpulent corpse. The thing I like most about its design is probably the fact that the head is a big loop with a grisled knot off to the right, presumably to hide the action figure head. It gives it some nice asymmetry.
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Sub Shrub & Tomb Shrub
Oh my god. Adorable. These little green guys with huge lumpy wedges for heads and no discernible facial features should not be anywhere near as cute as they are. Also, I guess the name implies that these guys are plants? Anyway, Sub Shrubs can be encountered separate from Tomb Shrub, but they’re relatively weak on their own. But during the Tomb Shrub fight, it summons Sub Shrubs to help it out. Teamwork makes the dream work! I just love these little fellas! They look so squishy and silly! Also when he first encountered one, Vinny said the Sub Shrub looks like an “aborted pizza” and I can’t stop thinking about it.
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I was just thinking when I was writing Dread Meat’s review how fatty tissue isn’t something you see a lot in monster design, and here we’ve got this funky fella, whose head appears to be nothing but a massive glob of fatty tissue! I know there’s not much more to it than that, but it’s a nice concept for a creature and I like it a lot.
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Monoops’s gimmick seems to be its single eye… wait.
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...Huh. I guess contrary to what the name would imply, Mono-ops has two eyes. That’s pretty neat actually! You don’t see many monsters with eyeballs as their design gimmick that have only two eyes. Usually, it’s either one or a whole bunch. It even has a move called Steady Stare that does damage as well as paralyzes its target, solidifying it as having an eyeball-centered design. I also really like the battle sprite’s color scheme.
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Deadly Statue
Occupying a very similar role to the Ambulant Skulls, which you can read about in our last review of Hylics, Deadly Statues are only found in one area of the game. Similar to Ambulant Skulls, they kill you when you touch them, making them a purely overworld enemy. They are also much faster than Ambulant Skulls, matching the speed of the player exactly. Who'da thunk a big ‘ol statue’d be faster’n a skull made half’a legs?? Not me, that’s for darn tootin’! Anyway, I quite like its design. If I were an eccentric millionaire, this is exactly the kind of shit I would want sitting in the main foyer, flanked on either side by two huge, sweeping staircases of course.
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Clawman is the second-to-last boss in the game, they are equipped with two big yellow pincers and a ridiculously enormous head. I feel like the name and inclusion of pincers really makes you want to read it as a crab when really, the claws are the only vaguely crab-like feature they possess. You could argue that those spines on top are reminiscent to those of a king crab, but they’re flexible and curl inward towards each other like claws! That’s such a cute little touch!
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Moon Soldier
Moon Soldiers barely qualify as enemies, since they literally can’t harm you, crumpling into a heap of bloody bones the moment you touch them. However, I think they’re really cool looking so we’re gonna take a look at ‘em anyway, god dammit. They guard the palace on the moon in which the final boss resides. It’s interesting how their heads are shaped much like that of our protagonist Wayne, (maybe they’re even the same species?) and the pale blueish color of the head against the cream of the clothes is really nice to look at. I kind of wonder if those are helmets they’re wearing, since the skull-like face markings almost look artificial, but there seems to be a very thin line between organic and synthetic in Hylics. 
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Gibby & Statues
Gibby is the main antagonist, and therefore the antithesis to our protagonist Wayne, who is a waning crescent instead of a waxing gibbous like Gibby, and instead of having a rad mohawk has no hair at all, which is basically the antithesis of having a rad mohawk. Gibby is, like, the king of the moon or something? I dunno, the plot in this game is kind of impossible to follow. If you’ve made it to the final boss, you’ve probably given up on trying to understand anything and are just here to see whatever batshit nonsense thing happens next. If you thought Clawman’s head was ridiculously huge, get a load of this guy! It looks like he can barely support its weight! How is it simultaneously swollen and gaunt? I dunno, but it’s kind of legitimately unsettling to be honest. It looks like his skin is pulled super taut over his face, almost like a desiccated corpse. 
He also has two statues that aid him in battle. The Vital Statue to his right heals him, and the Eerie Statue to his left can afflict the protagonists with the nausea status effect. Can I just say how cool it is that there are four separate enemies in this game that have “statue” in their name, and they all look completely different? It’s really neat to see a single idea represented in so many different ways, ranging from somewhat recognizable to completely abstract. Most importantly, I think they’d all look lovely in the foyer of my imaginary mansion.
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Hylics is a hell of an experience. It definitely has its flaws, such as clunky controls and practically nonexistent plot, but it’s at least worth watching someone play. The visuals are truly stunning, and you can really tell how much love went into making it. A huge portion of what you see in-game was painstakingly crafted from clay, rendered as a sprite, and worked into the game to become characters, enemies, and even the settings you walk around in. Please follow Mason Lindroth on Twitter, Tumblr or Instagram, where he is currently posting updates on the progress of Hylics 2, which looks absolutely gorgeous judging by what he’s shown us so far, and I’m so excited to play it when it’s done. Please also consider donating to his gofundme page to support him in his development of Hylics 2.
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mountswhore · 3 years
𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 — mason mount
if you have any requests, just ask! i’m all ears. if you wanna know who i write for, check this post.
admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Mason adores everything about you. But to be particular, he adores your compassion. Even before you guys had gotten together, and were just friends of friends at a party, he’d watch you take care of some of his teammates who’d had a little too much to drink. You’d be jumping between getting to know Mason and assisting someone to the bathroom to throw up. It was hard for him to hold back a giggle as he saw you take your heels off, excuse yourself politely and run after a drunken Grealish.
body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Again, he loves everything about you. But if he had to choose, it’d be your eyes. They’re the first things he notices when he comes home from an away game, full to the brim with tears as you shout out how much you missed him. In the middle of a sleepless night, when the outside lighting makes your shiny eyes visible, he’d get lost in them. During a match, whether it be for the National team or Chelsea, the second he is on the pitch he would notice you close to the goal, in perfect view to watch him score. They’re what he looks into just before he kisses you, and he melts watching your eyes as you speak to a friend or family member, seeing them talk with your mouth.
cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Mason’s favourite pastime is cuddling, outside of his career, of course. He’ll get home from training and you’ll be cozied up on the couch, practically inviting him into your warmth. He enjoys the cuddles with you on top of him, your head in his neck and his arms tightly around your back. But he loves laying his head on your stomach, smoothing his hand over your thighs as you massage his shoulders lightly. He loves cuddling you, but he’s a sucker for being cuddled. It’s a trick to get him to doze off pretty quickly, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
He’s a busy man, but when it came down to seeing you and wanting you, he made time. He wanted only the best for you, so it was a fancy restaurant, being driven around in his nice sports car, treating you to whatever you wanted. He’d soon come to realise that both of yours ideal date is ordering a Chinese, playing a few fifa matches, and watching a comedy together.
emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Due to your compassion, you’d often spot when Mason was feeling down, angry, or just upset. So keeping it from you rendered useless. Now, if he’s ever in a shit mood, for any reason, he’ll find you and talk to you about it. You always end up making him feel better too, and giving him a different perspective on it. He couldn’t ask for a better girlfriend.
family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
If there was one thing Mason will not shut up about, it’s having children. Even his mates tell him to have a day off. You secretly find it cute, that he’s so ready to become a father and thinks of you as a suitable mother to his children. But Mason knows you’re not ready, with his career at the height it is right now and your age, you think kids aren’t on the cards right now, but you’re definitely wanting a few. Mason is absolutely okay with waiting for you, as he always mentions that there’s nobody else he’d rather do it with.
gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Mason gets a bit too excited when it comes to your birthday. He’ll go all out on gifts every year, topping the one before, and dotting them around the house in places you don’t look. Like the boot of his car, the electrical cupboard, the back garden shed, he’s thought about it strategically. And his giddy attitude is never something you question, you usually pass it as his excitement for an upcoming match or just that fact it’s your birthday soon. It would take everything in him to keep it a secret, almost spilling a few of your gifts. He’d accidentally asked you to grab his cleats from the boot of his car, immediately stopping you once the door was open. And you were none the wiser.
holding hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Whenever you’re both out with yours or his family, it is quite a large group, which usually meant a large outing. And being significantly shorter than him, he likes to hold you close. As you walk down a busy street, he won’t let you out of his sight, even if you’re talking to his mum, he’ll hold your hand tightly or have an arm around your shoulder. His family always thought it was cute, questioning why he does it. And he always responds with a joke, to hide his sloppiness. Something like, “she’s too short, can’t let her get lost.”
injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
If you came home through the front door limping, he’d be all over you. Carrying you to the kitchen, observing the injury, calling the shots on what you need to do for the evening. Which usually consists of having a bath, resting in bed, texting him if you needed him. It was adorable, despite it being just a twisted ankle from the gym or something.
But on a serious scale, if you came home bawling your eyes out after an awful encounter, that’s when Mason loses all of his silliness and smiles. He’s cradling you on the floor of the living room, talking over what just happened and how you felt. He wouldn’t leave you for the rest of the evening, always making sure you’re feeling better and giving you tight squeezes before he goes to get you anything.
jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Being an avid tiktok user, you’ve seen quite the pranks on there. And mason not yet having a tiktok, made it perfect to carry these out. You’d often spend hours on the phone with Declan, another avid tiktok user, sending prank ideas back and forth. Mason was quite the gullible person, either that or you were a brilliant actress, so your pranks were always going smoothly. And posting it to tiktok, you’d read through the flood of comments together, laughing about how deflated he looked when you swerved him from a kiss, or how in shock he looked when you told him the tower of Pisa had finally fallen over. It was a laugh you had every day.
kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
It varies. If Mason is tired from training, the kisses would be soft and almost non-existent, it would just be Mason’s face incredibly close to yours and then moving away a few seconds later. In any good moments, he’s always reaching for a kiss. The second he sees you after a win, his lips are on yours and aren’t leaving any time soon. Mason’s favourite type of kiss is the kiss you give him every night. It doesn’t lead anywhere that often. But it’s a deep kiss, it’s saying you love him without actually saying it. It always leaves Mason in a haze, going to bed with a love struck smile on his face.
love (how do they show you they love you?)
Mason shows he loves you in many ways. His love language is acts of service. So waking you up in the morning before work with a tea, bringing you into the shower and washing your hair for you. Attempting to make you breakfast, driving you to work, letting you choose dinner and he pays, driving to the local supermarket if you’re in dire need of something. He couldn’t do this everyday with his schedule, but whenever he could, he did.
memory (favorite memory together?)
By far, his favourite memory of the both of you was your first time at Wembley. You were shaking in your shoes at the amount of people in the stadium, but Mason managed to get you the closest seats to the pitch with your family. It was the game he scored two goals in, rushing straight over to your side and blowing you kisses. You soon settled in to the crowd, cheering with everyone else. He’d rush over at half time, giving you a quick kiss before leaving you again. And Mason brought you back to the changing rooms to meet the team, keeping you close to him at all times.
nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Mason’s worst fear is losing everything he has now. He’d be happy to admit he has everything he wants in life, an amazing career, a lovely list of family and friends, as well as someone he will soon have as a wife. He’s had a nightmare that he’d lost you before, the police broke the news to him and he woke up crying, holding you close for the rest of the night.
oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
It’s not so much of a thing now, but it definitely still happens. Before you were together, and Mason was still in the wooing stage, every time he spoke to you, he’d stutter. You found it adorable and took your time with him. You’d never rush him or look away bored, you’d just look into his eyes with a small smile and it’d make it worse. He’d trip on all of his words, trying to compliment you or ask you out. Even now, sometimes if you’re looking extra pretty or he’s just in a really lovey mood, he’ll slip up on his speech every now and then.
pet names (what do they like to call you?)
His go to pet names for you were baby, honey, and sweets. They just randomly caught on one day and never disappeared. But they make your stomach do flips every time you hear them.
quality time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
Being in your company was enough for him. But it’s the mundane things he loves the most. It’s a weird one, but food shopping. For you, it’s an hour of stress. Manoeuvring past other shoppers, trying to find everything on your list, do your back in as you put everything on the belt, and pack in in record time. But for Mason, he’s following you round in a haze. Like a cartoon character in love. Asking if he can get some stuff, which you always agree to, and seeing you in conversation with random shoppers. Finally getting back to the car with the shopping littered in the boot and back seat, Mason’s hand stays in yours as you rest in the passenger seat.
rhythm (what song reminds you of each other?)
You have a shared song, and Mason vows for it to be your wedding song. Easy by Ella Mai. It’s slow, it’s something you both slow danced to when you were drunk out of your minds in your own living room. The party was over and the song just randomly started playing, a frown on your face as you look up at your boyfriend. It wasn’t his usual taste, which is why it was so random. He told you, “I heard it for the first time the day after I met you. And I thought it was so good. So now it reminds me of you.
secrets (how open are they with you?)
The only thing he keeps from you are your birthday gifts, or big surprises for you. And even then, he’s so eager to just tell you. But he shares even the littlest things with you — like Declan falling over at training, about how he shooed away a bunch of girls when he went to buy dinner. You both trust each other and Mason will tell you every last detail about his day if he could.
time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Mason knew almost instantly you’d be his girlfriend, even joking to Chilly that you’d be his wife someday. And you were an oblivious person, so you were none the wiser to his plays, which is why it took a few months to get together. Mason always comments that if you actually noticed he was flirting, you’d have been together within a few weeks. But now you laugh it off after having been together for so long.
upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He drops everything to help you when you’re upset. A bad day at work, an argument with a friend or family member, or even just a day where the world is against you. He can usually tell by your quiet demeanour, giving him tired answers, and not wanting to cry around him. He’d catch you in the bedroom, flopped onto the bed and huffing. He’d join you, rubbing your back as you go off about your day. He’d listen to it for hours if it meant you were okay, but he’d just run you a bath and tell you he’d be back with dinner shortly.
vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
1000%. He’s the one to tell your family that he’s surprised he bagged you. He’s always saying you’re out of his league, posting you on his Instagram all the time. Showing you off to his friends and family, sending them pictures of the two of you dressed up nice. They all find it adorable — and they know just how much Mason loves you.
warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
It’s on sight. If another man does so much as graze your shoulder, he’ll be on it for you. On the pitch, he’s okay with some confrontation, but anything regarding you, he’s not having it. You’re his and he would beat anyone who questioned it.
Usually, if it’s just a quarrel with a friend, he’ll listen to your side of things and give you some words of encouragement. But if it’s really nasty, he’ll be stepping in and having words. He has a lot of patience, but won’t let you be stood on.
x-ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Like a book, now. But when you were first dating, you hid your emotions well. At least, you thought you did. All it took was one touch from mason, and you were crying like a baby in his arms about your horrible shift. You thought you held up a tough front, but staring up at his eyes, as he looked back at you with concern laced among his features, it told him how you really felt. Now he knows the telltale signs, and he’s there to help.
yes (how would they propose to you?)
Mason thinks about this question a lot. He wonders it in the shower, making you your morning tea, during his downtime at training. He’s even scrolled endlessly through a bunch of rings, asking the opinions of his mum and sister. The question had come up between the two of you, and you’d said how you’d felt about marriage. You wanted it, but big events for a proposal were detested by you.
If it was up to Mase, he’d take you on holiday. Buy you a gorgeous summer dress, take you to the beach and declare his undying love for you. But he’d take a small proposal in bed at 2am, too.
zen (what makes them feel calm?)
As mentioned before, Mason was a sucker for domestic things. Watching you do the shopping as he trails behind you was his idea of spending good time together. But getting home from a long day of training, and smelling whatever dinner you’d concocted for the evening. It was as if your front door was the very gates of Heaven. No matter what happened during the day, the second he smells his dinner and greets you happily, nothing is ruining his mood.
if you guys want me to turn some of these into longer requests, just ask! i’m in the mood to write for mase🥺
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