#i know this is such a first world thing to complain about but like
euno11a · 2 days
i just saw your post about reader who can’t make themselves cum and ugh i love it, especially because i feel like no one ever talks about or includes it. anyways i would love to hear your thoughts on reader who has a hard time cumming, especially during sex no matter how good it feels
I fell that it’s honestly really important to talk about it to let people know that they aren’t alone. And I’m so glad you liked it :)
It is scientifically proven that men can cum easier during sex than women. It’s mostly because women have complex bodies, what works for one person might not work for the other. So when figuring out your own body, it’s important to keep in mind that your body is unique compared to others.
this wasn’t the first time that you’d been sprawled out in bed with Simon pleasing you. He kissed up and down your body, caressed every inch of you, even stopped for a little to rest his head on your chest and make sure you were nice and relaxed. You two had been on this journey together for a little while now, trying to figure out what you like and how he can make his pretty cum. He had tried many things, using his tongue, light pressure on your clit, firmer pressure, no pressure and just stimulating your g-spot, stimulating your g-spot and your clit, adding nipple play to see if that made you more sensitive; but even if it felt good, your body wouldn’t let yourself go.
at first, Simon thought it was because he wasn’t good enough. That he just lost his touch and that he wasn’t doing enough for you. But when you comforted him and explained how you’d been like this since you could remember, it made him feel better and worse. Alright, he wasn’t a complete failure and could still make you cum…but why hasn’t he? Every time you two had sex or just did foreplay, he would make sure to take all the time in the world to get you really nice and wet for him. He would use his fingers to curl inside you and touch that spot to make you mewl and arch your back off the mattress. But you still couldn’t cum. You were in the middle of him thrusting into you, feeling how his cock would twitch gently inside you, his fingers working your clit. Left side, right side, hood of it, right on it, pinching it gently, but all it would do is make you feel more pleasure that lead to nothing but a dead end.
you buried your head into his neck and let out small whimpers as he kept his movements steady. After another 15 minutes, that’s when the whimpers turned into silent sobs. Your body jerked a little as you cried, tears gliding down your cheeks and onto his bare shoulder. His head leaned down against yours and held you tightly, gently sliding your of you to hold you in his lap. You cried softly, neither of you talking, but both knowing what was wrong. “I don’t like being broken…” you said through little cries, voice soft and hoarse. But you were cut off by Simon shaking his head and cupping your face to press small kisses against the apples of your cheeks.
“Yer not broken, love. Y’just different. Just because we don’t know how t’make you cum just yet doesn’t mean my sweet girl is broken.” His words were soft against your ear as he caressed your head, another time failed.
as time passed, you began losing hope. It’s fair, thinking you just can’t do it because something inside is wrong or maybe you just weren’t cut out to be able to feel that pleasure everyone talks about. You started to notice how Simon even began refusing any type of pleasure. Handjob? No thanks, love. Maybe a blowjob cause you had a stressful day? Nope, but I do need cuddles, sweet girl. He was refusing your love. While he sat in his home office finishing some paperwork, you walked in quietly, staring at him as he stared down at the paper, pushing up his glasses. The glasses that you finally got him to buy because he kept complaining about the television being too hard to see and the news on his phone is too small. Thank god you did though, he looked bloody hot in them. Scooting your way into his office, you stood in front of his desk, catching his attention. “Somethin’ ya need, love?”
your cheeks burned as he looked at you, but you couldn’t get distracted! “Why are you refusing my love?”
it was clear the question caught him off guard by the way he paused, mouth slightly agape as he looked at you. “I’m not refusin’ your love. What makes you say that?”
“Wha-…? Yes you are! Every time I offer you a blowjob or a handjob, you say no. Am I doing something wrong? Does it not feel good? Do you…do you not like me anymore?”
he could hear your little heart shatter in that last question, standing up from his chair and walking over to you. He grabs you hands and sits on his desk, pulling you towards him. “I fucking love you. Neve think for a minute that I stopped loving you. I’m refusing to let you do any of tha’ because I don’t think it’s fair to ye. Not fair that my sweet girl has to endure not bein’ able to cum, so m’not gonna either.” He says while looking straight into your eyes, his thick and calloused fingers pushing some hair behind your ear. “Won’t cum until you can.”
while you thought he was refusing your live, he was actually doing it because he didn’t want you to feel left out? This man looked like a scary man, but he was the most thoughtful and caring teddy bear ever. “What if I never do, though?”
“Then neither will I.” He spoke seriously. “Understand?”
the small nod you give him is enough acknowledgement for him, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “Now, I was doin’ some research, and I found that most women can’t reach an orgasm without some help. So, what do ya think ‘bout lookin’ for some toys with me, eh?”
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ereardon · 10 hours
Before I Knew [Jake Seresin x Reader] Chapter Twelve
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A Jake Seresin unexpected pregnancy fic
Overview: On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader; Bob Floyd x Sister!Reader 
Warnings: Pregnancy, cursing, eventual smut, angst
Chapter summary: Ducky and Jake tiptoe around each other; Bob attends Ducky's 20 week scan
WC: 1.3K
Masterlist here; previous chapter here
The apartment was empty when you returned. Just a note on the counter. 
Staying at Bradshaw’s for the night
– J
You sighed and put your purse down. It was what you had wanted. So why didn’t it feel good to win? 
Jake spent half of the night pacing Bradley’s house, a small bungalow near the beach. At around three in the morning, Bradley emerged in a pair of boxers and no shirt, rubbing his eyes. “Hangman?” 
Jake turned, bags starting to form under his eyes. 
“You OK man?” Bradley asked, standing in the doorway to the living room. 
Jake shook his head. “Yeah, sorry, didn’t realize I was being loud.” 
Bradley sagged against the wood frame. “It’s Y/N isn’t it?” 
He nodded. “Always.” 
“When are you gonna admit you’re into her?” 
Jake stopped dead in his tracks. “What?” 
“We all talk about it all the time,” Bradley said, crossing his arms. “You like her. She liked you enough to sleep with you. And now here you are kissing random girls in the bar and she’s running off crying.” 
“She cried?” 
“No, she peed on the sand, but same thing.” 
Jake frowned. “What? How is that the same?” 
“It just is, OK.” Bradley shook his head. 
Jake squinted. “You guys don’t actually talk about us, do you?” 
“Come on,” Bradley said. “I know you’re more self absorbed than that.” 
“She doesn’t want me,” he said quietly. “She told me to go out and see other people.” Jake paused. “She said she would, too, if it didn’t look so weird, with the baby and all.” 
Bradley rolled his eyes and turned to go. “You two are so fucking stupid, I swear.” 
Bob picked up on the second ring. “Hello?” 
“Bobby,” you said into the phone. “Will you come to my appointment with me today?” 
“I, uh, what time is it at?” 
“OK, yeah, I can do that. Pick you up at 3:30 from work?” 
“Yes, please.” 
There was a moment of silence where you both knew what the other was thinking. He wanted to know why you had asked him. You didn’t want him to tell Jake. 
“See you soon, Duck,” he said, hanging up the phone and you let out a sigh of relief. 
That afternoon, you sat in a paper gown on the medical table as Bob sat in the chair near the door, bouncing his leg in his green flight suit. “You smell like gasoline,” you complained. “It’s making me want to throw up.” 
“I didn’t have time to change,” he replied, leg still bouncing. 
“Stop jiggling, you’re making me nauseous.” 
“Will you stop complaining when the baby comes?” 
“No, it’ll just be a new set of complaints.” 
“Lucky me.” 
There was a knock and then the door opened. “Y/N? How are you?” 
“Doing OK,” you replied, shifting your weight from one hip. “This is my brother, Bob.” 
“Ma’am,” he said, standing up and holding out a hand. She took it and smiled. 
“Dr. Whitman. Nice to meet you.” She walked over to the sink and washed her hands before pulling on a pair of gloves. “So, twenty weeks. Halfway there.” 
“Thank God,” you muttered. 
The doctor laughed. “Any trouble sleeping or heartburn or indigestion.” 
“Whatever you name, I’ve got it.” 
She smiled. “Well, I can give you a prescription for some heartburn medication. If you want to just pull your shirt up, we can take a look to see how baby is doing.” 
You inched the edge of your paper dress up, the roundness of your stomach shocking every time you caught a glimpse. The jelly was cold, as always, and you found yourself holding your breath as she moved the wand around until you heard it. 
The steady beat of your baby’s heart. 
“Strong heartbeat,” the doctor said. “Baby is about seven inches.” She turned to you. “Do you want to know the gender?” 
You looked over at Bob, who had climbed out of his seat and was standing next to the table, one of his hands on your shoulder. “Bobby?” 
“I’m here.” 
You sucked in a deep breath. “Yes, I’d like to know.” 
“It’s a girl.” 
You closed your eyes. It was overwhelming. You couldn’t put into words how you felt. 
And then you felt a tear fall on your shoulder. But it wasn’t yours. When you opened your eyes, Bob was crying. 
He pressed his lips to your temple, arms wrapped around your shoulders. “A girl,” he whispered, tears and laughter caught in his throat all at once. 
You placed your hands on either side of your belly button and closed your eyes. 
When you got home, you taped the sonogram to the fridge. Jake had returned from Bradley’s, but the two of you had been frosty. A simple hello or excuse me as you passed each other in the living room. It was like living with a complete stranger. 
You didn’t want to freeze him out. But whenever you went to talk to him, the image of him with the girl in the bar came to mind and you felt bile rising in your throat. There was a part of you, somewhere buried, that wanted Jake Seresin for yourself. 
For your daughter. 
At twenty weeks, you already had trouble sleeping. After an hour of tossing and turning, you got up and eased open the door, rubbing your eyes as you headed for the kitchen in a skimpy nightgown. 
As you rounded the corner into the kitchen, Jake stood facing the fridge, completely still. He barely moved when you entered, stopping short the minute you saw him. 
“Oh.” It fell out of your mouth before you could even stop it. 
Jake turned, slowly. There were bags beneath his eyes. His normally golden skin looked sallow. His hair, always so perfectly tousled, had lost some of its luster. “When was the appointment?” he asked. 
“You didn’t want me there.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. There was pain laced in every word. 
“I didn’t think you’d want to be there.” 
Jake’s face hardened. You watched in real time. The way his green eyes went dark and the hands at his sides flexed into fists. “Don’t you understand, Y/N, that it my child you’re carrying. Mine. Of course I wanted to be there. But you wouldn’t let me. Because you’re punishing me.” 
“I’m not punishing you.” 
“Yes you are!” It came out as a roar. You stepped back, one hand over your stomach. Jake’s eyes dropped to your hand. “I’m sorry.” It was a plea. Soft and gravely and depressed. “I fucked up, OK. This is so fucked up.” 
“My next appointment is in a month,” you replied softly. “Do you want to come with?” 
Jake lifted his eyes to yours. “Yes.” 
“OK,” you replied. “Can I?” You motioned to the fridge and Jake nodded, stepping aside as you grabbed a glass and filled it with water from the door filter. 
“Goodnight,” Jake said, backing out of the kitchen as you closed the fridge door, the slice of light growing thinner and thinner until it disappeared and the two of you were bathed in darkness, just the diagonal strip of moonlight shining from the window above the sink. 
You smiled. “It’s a girl.” 
Please follow my library page @ereardonlibrary as that will largely serve as my tag list. Anyone I previous promised to tag is here:
@blue-aconite @withahappyrefrain @wkndwlff @mamachasesmayhem @djs8891 @clancycucumber230 @gigisimsonmars @xomrsalliej4787xo @myfaveficrecs @mycobrakai1972 @sio-ina-bottle @joaquinwhorres @justanothermagicalsara @je-suis-prest-rachel @shanimallina87
@rosiahills22 @buckysteveloki-me  @kmc1989 @eloquentdreamer @mjisbby @seresinslady @seresinhangmanjake @blackwidownat2814 @bbyvanessaa  @mrsjobarnes @midnightmagpiemama @ingoaliesitrust @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @iangiemae @boiolay @sometimesanalice @na-ta-sh-aa @bobfloydsbabe @kmc1989 @rosiahills22 @palepeanutponyshoe @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @mel119g @daggerspare-standingby @grxcisxhy-wp @mrsjobarnes @csmt-m @rockbottompunk-blog @joaquinwhorres @xoxabs88xox @spinning-away
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sunnified · 1 day
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synopsis. garroth thinks you're beautiful no matter what happens, he just wishes he could tell you that.
pairing. pdh!garroth x gn!reader
content. angst, hurt/no comfort, CHARACTER DEATH, a lot of past/present tense changes, one huge metaphor, it's also cute (!!!!), one use of "my love".
word count. 0.8k
a/n. i don't know what possessed me. anyway, we hit 69 followers (lol), so here's this to celebrate??? :)
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he stared down at the freshly blossomed flower in his hand.
garroth thought you looked perfect that evening, radiant under the summer sky and surrounded by a field of florescence. the checkered blanket beneath you only served as a backdrop to the real masterpiece and there was a tangible beauty in the quietness of his family’s back garden, elevating the simplest of pleasures.
it wasn’t anything particularly special, just the pair of you enjoying a peaceful evening together whilst his family wasn’t home, but it was hard to come by free time anymore with finals season knocking on your doors. yet, it had been with you.
your gaze had been set on the singular rose between your forefinger and your thumb, examining the velvet petals with childish curiosity and garroth remembered wondering if you had ever looked at him like that. a petal fluttered and landed near his outstretched leg.
he hummed, a smile playing on his handsome features, “surely, that’s not more interesting than me, my love?” it couldn’t be helped with how he revelled in the way your eyes met his, and how you seemed shyer at the utter of his favourite endearment.
had he ever known what was going on in your mind?
you didn’t immediately answer, body acting first as you shuffled closer to him, “of course not.” your head laid on his shoulder, the rose falling to lay in your lap. a petal drifted from the bud.
you had left home in the early morning, immediately heading straight for your boyfriend’s home to spend the entire day with him — how had he gotten so lucky with you? his world seemed brighter with you in it, and over the course of the relationship you seemed to have wormed your way into every aspect of his life.
every game he played, you were there in his spare jersey, cheering him on the loudest from the stands. each walk home was accompanied by your lame jokes and brazen sense of humour. even his mother got along with you, inviting you to help her tend the flowerbeds whenever you were around.
a surge of sadness pierces his heart, and garroth blinks back the wetness gathering in his lids. he had felt you slipping through his fingers.
“can you believe it?” you asked, tucked under the weight of his arm, knees tucked tight to your chest, “high school. finished. just like that, on a random friday, we’re done.”
that’s right, it had been senior summer, when you were both naïve teenagers with the prospect of your entire future ahead of you. garroth knew your uncertainty about what to do after high school, having listened to you voice it a million times over. he never complained, smitten with the way you scrunched your nose in anger at having to grow up.
he’d chuckled, it was smooth and self-assured with the way he’d brought you impossibly closer, “isn’t that a good thing?” his lips parted, “we get to start the rest of our lives.”
“a new chapter in life.” you’d replied, breaking into a bittersweet smile. you were an angel, he was certain of it, since there could be no explanation for the way his heart momentarily stopped. “what do you think awaits us?”
garroth would of never of guessed this.
each phase of living has forms of arriving and leaving, he knows that. it doesn’t mean he has to accept it right now. his admittance had come in the form of a relaxed exhale, “i don’t know.” a chaste kiss found home on your forehead, “i really don’t.”
you’d retaliate by interlacing your fingers, not noticing another petal separating from your rose, “i hope it’s good things.” even though you’d whispered into the evening air, manifesting to the universe that you would both lead good lives, garroth agreed.
his mother had told him that leaving was a form of loving, it was a way of showing that he was strong enough to do what he needed to do without guidance, and as such your bond would forever be unbroken. every time he thought he was close to knowing, close to understanding why, the odd melancholy feeling returned. a sense of guilt.
“garroth,” his name coming from your lips was the sweetest symphony, “i love you, you know?” you’d sat up, body turning to face him fully and crossing your legs. your hand squeezed his, “forever and always.” the rose lay forgotten near your feet, crushed in by accident amongst the blades of grass.
a tear slipped down his cheek, and he wiped his face before it could slip any further. his own hands, aged and lined with memories, held the freshest rose he could find.
that summer had been his favourite, filled with memories of you and him together. not even the dread of the future could dampen his reminiscence.
yes, that summer had been his favourite and it had been your last.
he crouched down, placing the flower on the undisturbed ground, protected from the summer’s breeze by the marble tomb. it was a symbol that you had existed here, at one point.
“i love you, too.”
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kodathings · 9 hours
𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑦 𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑝
Karina x gn!reader
No warnings
Gender: I don't know?
I just felt like writing something, so...this came out
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"Hey...babe, Karina...rina..." You try to call out to her several times so that your girlfriend would wake up from her deep sleep and maybe, just maybe, let go of you so you could go to the bathroom. Karina is a heavy sleeper and lately she's been spending a lot of time away, which makes her just cling to you like a koala every night — maybe just it's her habit.
You tried in every way to remove her arms and legs from around your body but it was impossible, you felt trapped, you felt like a human pillow. You did your best to achieve this and every attempt was met with failures and was met with soft snores and confused murmurs.
You don't usually complain when she's like this every time you wake up in the early hours of the morning, it was always a little struggle to get her away from you but today it was impossible. Your girl wouldn't let go of you and her didn't even want to wake up "What a thing...".
Karina has been working a lot lately so the last thing you want is to wake her from her sleep, nor would you want to be woken up if you were as sleepy as she is. She never slept as well as she did that night, you know this very well since the first time she slept at her house she always woke up scared in the middle of the night for no reason at all. So seeing her calm this night brought a feeling of relief in your chest, you should find a way to get out of bed without waking her up.
If you didn't love her so much you probably would have already thrown her on the floor like a rag doll, but of course you have your head on straight and it's normal. Her arms were wrapped around your waist, head resting on your chest and legs entangled with yours in a way that is impossible to understand. You were on an impossible mission.
She is definitely in the last stage of sleep, the worst for you, since she probably knows you're trying to get out of bed and does her best to stop it even in your sleep. There are times when you manage to get out of bed and come back, but this time it's different, she grabs you tighter with each attempt, you didn't even know she could be that strong.
Suddenly, with a miracle from the gods, Karina's grip began to slowly loosen, causing a sigh of relief to leave you . "Okay...okay" You mumble and sit on the edge of the bed hoping nothing would happen, but life can't be easy for you, we need difficult times. Your difficult moment was feeling her arms pulling you back to the bed as if you were the lightest thing in the world. Once again you were trapped only this time her body on top of you.
Normally you wouldn't do this but now it's super necessary or you'd wet the bed, you're not a child. "Karina, I need to go to the bathroom. Come on, let me go" His voice fell right into her ear like a song, his fingers running through her hair as a good way to wake her up and it worked. You were liberated even though you felt bad about the face she made when she woke up, It was as if I had seen the worst thing in the world.
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storiesbyjes2g · 2 days
3.126 Uncle Luca
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I loved how my dad loved Sophia. She was his new favorite sim, it seemed. If I ever lost him at a party, all I had to do was find Sophia because he was always somewhere nearby, admiring and watching over her. While Mama was filling me in on Alessia's situation, I saw him give Sophia a gift. He could have simply put it on the table just like everyone else, but he had to hand-deliver it so she knew he cared. If she weren't so wonderful, I think I'd have the right to be jealous, ha ha.
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Just like at her birthday party, Sophia was the first one to hit the dancefloor, and one by one, everyone joined her. Even Alessia came out from wherever she was hiding. Previously, Chi Chi had latched onto Sophia and talked her ear off all afternoon, but she found a new friend in my mother, and that made me very nervous. I overheard Mama gushing about becoming a grandmother, and Chi Chi reminisced about Luna's infancy. I just knew they would eventually start talking about me, so I grabbed Less and got out of there.
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We went upstairs, and as I stepped inside her room, the reality of her situation hit me hard. The familiar purple and blue color scheme I remembered remained, but everything else had changed. Three cribs had replaced her bed—two blue ones and a purple one. A changing table and other infant furniture crowded the walls, and baby play things lined the floor. These babies not only turned Less' world upside down with their presence, but also they displaced her, and now she slept in my room. I couldn't judge her for not appreciating the joy and privilege of becoming a parent because I had never faced the devastation of having my world upended like that. Me and Sophia's world would change with just one baby, but Less was having THREE she never wanted, and I felt for her.
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"Less... I know this is a lot, especially since you didn't want any of it. But you're not alone. Me and Sophia will be here for you."
"No, you won't." Her voice sounded so hopeless and sad. "You're gonna have your own family to worry about and forget all about me."
"What? How could you think that? Yes, I'll be busy with my family, but you're still my family. I could never forget about you. You're my sister! And these babies are my family too. I might not be able to come all the time, but I'd never leave you in a lurch."
"Luca, I... I can't handle this!"
"You can! As soon as you see the babies, you'll know exactly what to do. It's in you! And maybe you won't like them, but you'll love them. And because you love them, you'll do whatever it takes to make sure they have everything they need."
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"How do you believe that?" she asked.
"You come from a long line of amazing mothers. I'm sure you'll find your way."
"I doubt that, but I'm glad you believe in me."
I hated seeing her so down and wanted to cheer her up so badly. This moment was probably all wrong for our story, but she loved gossip even more than Mama. If I framed it right, maybe it would boost her spirits.
"You wanna know something Mama doesn't know?"
Her face was still droopy, but it lit up ever so slightly, just as I expected it would.
"Me and Sophia had trouble getting pregnant."
She gasped.
"Turns out we both had low fertility. We had to do IVF."
"Oh, Luca! I feel like such a dunce for complaining around you!"
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"It's okay. You didn't know."
"Yeah, but still. Why didn't you say anything?"
"I mean, it doesn't segue well in conversation. 'Luca, I'm pregnant!' 'Oh yeah? I might not be able to have children.' Nah. Besides, by the end we were just so depressed like you are right now. We didn't want to bring anyone into that."
"I understand. I hate that for you, but I'm glad you finally got your baby. Do you want to meet mine? I know they'll be in love with you."
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I was very surprised she invited me to feel the babies and hoped she was slowly coming around. I still couldn't believe she had THREE of them in her little body. I placed my hands on her tiny belly and felt an itty bitty bump. It was small, but it was there. Suddenly, hit me that I was an uncle! I never thought I'd be able to say that.
"Hey, little guys! This is Uncle Luca. I know it's a bit crowded in there, but play nice and be good for mommy, okay? I love you all so much!"
"You're such a doofus."
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"Thank you, big brother. I don't deserve you."
"It's gonna be okay, Less. We got you."
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emberdune · 1 year
what the fuck is my package doing
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dazais-guardian-angel · 9 months
this torture we're going through with the anime must be divine karma for slandering Bones all this time...... they said "oh, you don't like how we adapt things? you say the manga does it better?? okay then, well now there is no more manga. it's Bones or bust, bitches."
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
would it be okay if u told me why u like aoki😭/gen😭😭😭😭BEEN TRYNA LIKE HIM FOR SO LONG I JUST CANTT but i love ur art so much so i still consume it otherwise lol
i liked tohru adachi in high school and tbh i think that alone is enough of an explanation for why i ended up liking aoki
#snap chats#haha see i told you last post's tags were relevant#anyway vLKVJEVLKAEJVLKJ IM CRYING ANON youre so funny. this is the funniest ask i coulda got thank you so much#i dont know why i like him either <- yes i do#fine lets get Real Talk about it#well first off all i thought he looked hot rolling out the elevator and i was playing the eng dub and i think his voice sounds hot there#and thats like. not athing that happens to me ever <- literally thought sawashiro was hot two frames into the game but anyway#i like politician characters. or characters that are in a position of power ESPECIALLY if they have to act like they dont suck balls#like i very much love the idea of the power of charisma and that type of thing not to mention the 'strategizing' as aoki puts it#that comes with politics. LIKE HE SUCKS DONT GET IT TWISTED HE SUCKS BUT //shrug emoji//#like its why i love the mine rggo stories i like seeing mine's thought process and how he uses his intelligence#smart's sexy to me idk what to tell you but moving on#its fun watching him lose his cool too ESP IN HIS FIGHT LMAO HE STOMPIN HIS FOOT LIKE A TODDLER SHUT UP#i also really love the arakawa family in general and thinking of aoki's relationship with each of them makes my brain explode#especially him and sawashiro that shit is painful to watch and i love it so much#i also thought him going from goth to republican was the funniest shit in the world like i howled at that AND i was distraught#aokis so interesting to me from the notion that he IS loved by his family but he has so much hatred for himself it eats him up#and as a result he cant be happy no matter what he does- how hes constantly seeking validation even if it's nothing meaningful#his lil. Dog-Eat-Dog world world belief to ichi also appealed to my edgy depressed high schooler brain. sorry.#his speech at the lockers also got to me. unfortunately. sorry everyone i empathized too hard it got too real it wasnt funny anymore#like as much as i complain bout the very end the ending is what solidified me liking aoki if not also cause of ichi's impact in those scene#plus... analyzing him and the environment around him is so much fun too....#idk reasons for why i like aoki also boil down to personal reasons. he still sucks tho so i cant be upset when people hate him LOL#i probably have more reasons or could elaborate more i love rambling but i mean. who really wants to read all that 💀💀#maybe for a character that WASNT the worst but. aoki is so LMAO#thank you for loving my art regardless :) im sorry i have to be attached to the worst guys ever
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annabelle--cane · 1 year
uh oh gang I miss musicals
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daffypsyduck · 5 months
#i fucking hate always being the one who has it worse than others#it alienates on so many fucking levels#you don’t have the energy to meet up with people bc you’ve had to solve already seven different life altering problems that week#as if you’re on a magic quest#oh and four of those you can’t do anything about bc world politics or finances or societal problems etc#the other three resurfaced some other things you already felt bad about four years ago and could never get rid off in your head#and then of course when people ask you how your xyz was and you either just shrug and lie and give the expected answer#or you tell them the truth how horrible this holiday was or how that thing everyone is supposed to enjoy was actually not possible for you#bc see above#of course ppl will also tell you their problems#but you won’t be able to help thinking ‘okay and…?’ bc quite honestly ppl are complaining about wild shit#where either the solution is ‘do something about it’ or it’s not actually more than a minor complaint in the first place#which leads to the dreaded gap of me thinking ‘i can’t believe you are complaining to me about that when you know i struggle w xyz’#‘and have been for 4 years. it has no future of getting fixed btw itll just always be like that why are you complaining about this bs to me’#or the other person finally remembering like. compatibility of certain issues and they just finish with#‘of course that‘s not half as bad as it is for you’#which they will start hating you for at some point definitely btw#bc they never get to complain about their little life which i understand#but like. i didn‘t choose this y’know#oh and btw they will still hold you up to their standards always#didn‘t clean your flat? didn’t fill out those documents in time? don’t have your life on track?#well that is clearly your fault#and has nothing to do w the circumstances that keeps them from rightly complaining about their own little problems to you#i’m so tired of it it’s so tiring i’m so exhausted#like girl i wish it was easier for me too y’know i’m not doing this for fun#barely holding on as is and then you have to take everyone’s little hurt feelings into account too#bc they’ll also judge you as negative nancy if you have nothing good to say when they ask you how it’s going#‘no one likes a negative attitude’ yeah i’m aware. i live this daily as i struggle to get by. thanks#.txt
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roobylavender · 6 months
if i really scratch my head i think maybe the one thing all of this could stem from is mere discussion of the fact that talia and selina's histories with bruce sort of operate in the reverse and inevitably that factors into any contention with either relationship. like it can't really be helped that bruce and talia were married very early on into the latter's history and that this is integral to analyzing talia's entire dynamic with bruce, her evolving perception of her own place in the world, and her eventual decision to break free of bruce entirely. the constraints of a marriage with bruce as desired by her father are foundational lore to the early aughts of her character in a way that selina's settled domestic life with bruce is not. if we're talking about the golden age what was foundational to selina's dynamic with bruce was his ability to recognize above everyone else her consistent capacity for mercy despite her villainous goals on the surface. in post-crisis that was translated along the lines of a class struggle specifically. the villainous goals were interpreted to represent a defiance of men and the state and their collective violence, and they also formed a means of survival. what was initially merely a recognition of selina's capacity for mercy now became a potential recognition of bruce's own hypocrisies. selina acted as a symbol for petty criminals in gotham whom bruce would otherwise have written off as immoral wholesale bc to him the law was the law. and the remarkable thing about it was that none of it required selina giving even an inch to bruce. she was who she was and that was what made her utterly compelling to him. it's not a slight against selina that neither marriage nor a close civilian relationship formed the basis of her relationship with bruce and i don't understand why anyone would take it as one. marriage and domestic life for talia was a mark of the utter tragedy of her relationship with bruce. it was a fantasy and a delusion and it could never have given her what she wanted nor lent her any kind of agency in the long term. and i think when we meander into the realm of comparing the relationships we really start to diminish why certain aspects are important to either. why are the various patriarchal restrictions on talia's agency so integral to her character arc and its exploration of freedom? why is selina's existence in a sphere of life entirely distinct of bruce so integral to her character arc and its exploration of class? the constant back and forth between shippers on either end trying to equalize in terms of what either relationship has gone through in canon like it's a checklist to romantic validity is a bit absurd and i wish we would move away from it when analyzing the relationships or the characters
#it reminds me a bit of when i said that i think selina becoming a millionaire was a stupid development#that was insulting to everything newell and grant and moench had tried to build up about her in the early 90s#and people got upset and called me a hypocrite bc talia is rich. like my guy. can i help it that talia is rich#i can't erase her foundational character traits to make some sort of even playing field..#and frankly the fact that she and bruce are rich /is/ precisely what drives the whole argument about duty between them#they are in no position to complain or grow tired or languish in their reams of wealth#there is a duty they owe to the world while they have power and they have to suck it up and uphold that duty#it is the absolute least they can do and they know that. hence why talia is repeatedly on bruce's ass about it#it is also not lost on me that the above complaint may largely stem from the lazarus affair#where talia was portrayed to be ridiculously haughty and more than willing to show off her wealth#even though she didn't do that in like. any other comic in her pre-assassination era#and the lazarus affair as i have said so many times was a ridiculous comic anyways bc it setup talia and selina to be#combative ship fodder to fuel disagreements between dick and bruce. it is literally the first comic where they were ever#pit against each other. despite the fact that they had co-existed in harmony for a decade prior#and denny o'neil had gone so far as to establish both of them as bruce's definitive love interests in the 70s#like idk man it's not hard to entertain a little more critical thinking and poke at why the comparisons between them are nonsensical#a lot of it. a Lot of it. is stemming from people wanting either ship to one up the other. and you shouldn't fall for it#to be deleted#anyway. not making this rebloggable bc i'm sure you're all annoyed already but this whole thing has really confused me. so i've rambled
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Well— I have good and not so good news for the evening… Good news is, I’m now back from visiting with friends for a bit~ (probably till around the end of this month, since I’d like to head back around Halloween)
Bad news tho, is that I goofed and left my laptop at their house… and depending on how things go, I may be able to pick it back up sometime tomorrow/over the weekend— but at the latest, I might not get it back till Monday… (; -∀-)
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pepprs · 1 year
not to be a pain-crazed wild animal. i KNOW i do this every time. but p*riods are so fucking crazy. like my cr*mps are so bad my body is trying to strangle itself but im awake and i need to be at work in 2 hrs and get thru an entire 9 hr workday as if im not in excruciating pain and im gonna bring my heating pad and my p*in r*lief cr*am if you catch my drift (💀) and i’ll need to use them DURING a busy day in which i will not see any other ppl who get periods in person and using them is gonna be a whole awkward thing. like omg. this is not fucking normal lol
#purrs#it is normal obviously. but it’s SO fucking frustrating like omfg the amount of time i lose every single month to being in pain like this#FOR NO REASON and like half the global population has to deal w that and it’s like it’s nothing. idk. despair and suffering and misery#delete later#menstruation tw#the thing that really gets me abt it is how my mom (ik i said i would stop complaining abt her on here but we have been fighting all month#LOL so im giving myself permission) gets so fucking pissed at me and my sister when we’re in too much pain to do chores bc she thinks we’re#being lazy / making excuses and then she compares us to o it brother like.. omg um YOU should know how painful this can be first of all and#second of all why would you even make that comparison when he doesn’t lose a third of his life to his body trying to tear itself apart! lol!#and yes i could work from home or calll out sick but consider: i am mentally illabout not being at work. which * is gonna be on my ass abt w#when they hear me say that bc i know im gonna make a whole awkward big deal abt my heating pad. UGHHHHH embarrassing lmaooooo#like why do people have REGULAR B*DILY F*NCTIONS!!!!! REGULAR!!!!!!! that REGULARLY put them in this amount of pain and we have to just deal#with that like it’s nothing and be discreet about and whatever. ew i sound like um… someone who cares too much abt stuff like this lol but I#im so mad abt it rn like oh my GOD can the pain just not be part of it can we just evolve to get rid of that or put structures in place in a#society for ppl to be more accepting / supporting / whatever of it. please please please please please#(also goes for more than just p*riods btw. like imagine if as a society we had things in place for ppl who are regularly in#chronic ​pain of any kind 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 what a world that would be 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 wow i sure hope it happens in my lifetime 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍)
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feytouched · 2 years
grits teeth. i did the math n like just the basics for that renfaire outfit (corset+chemise+skirt) cost a solid 800 bucks before shipping + import tax. it's gonna take forever to save up but i'd rather pay more & have just one outfit that's exactly what i've wanted for yrs as opposed to settling... i could however try to make the chemise and skirt if i find the appropriate fabrics? but that corset is the one my heart wants and it's half the price of that sum ;w;
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angelamontoo · 1 year
Probably a dumb idea, but what if Dimitrios was a big fan of Leydens detective stories?
Idk I've been toying with this headcanon a lot lately. Ofc it doesnt really make a difference to the story since he never finds out "Mr Smiths" true identity, but I think it'd be kind of fun if the dude that Cornelius had developed a morbid fixation on happened to also be an admirer of his work
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the-busy-ghost · 1 year
My home is at risk of infection by mid-century modern inspired furniture and I’m being so brave about it
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