#i know i should write more obikin but i wanted to try this
2dayihaveaheadache · 1 year
prose poem prompt of day 1: Echoes of Weathered Hands
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(a hand study by the very talented JC Leyendecker)
(original, written in my native tongue: Wenn ich jetzt die Hände erhebe, die Haut rau und durchweicht von Kalk und Seifenlauge, das Nagelbett wund gebissen, verschließen von nervösen Zähnen, fasernd sich auflehnend, die Handflächen entzündet, aggressiv gerötet und dann von gelblicher Scham an den richtigen Stellen bedeckt, dann würde ich die mageren Finger verknoten, falten, beten und fliehen.)
If I now raise my hands, the skin rough and soaked with lime and soap suds, the nail beds bitten sore, closed by nervous teeth, rebelling in fibers, the palms inflamed, aggressively reddened and then veiled in yellowish shame at the fingertips, then I would knot the meager fingers, fold them, pray and flee.
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grapenehifics · 23 days
Countdown to Chapter One!
My fellow Obikins: I am very, VERY excited to share my next fic with you. Some of you may remember a fic of mine called An Uncivil War, the first chapter of which I posted on AO3 almost exactly a year ago, in May of 2023, and wrapped up that July. At the time, I mentioned to a number of people in the comments that I was already partway through the sequel (An Uncivil War is listed as part one of a three-part series, Can't Stop the Suns), and that I hoped to have Part II ready to go by end of 2023.
Well, that obviously didn't happen. I started looking at February 2024. That didn't happen either. I pushed it to April. April has come and gone. May, though! May I am going to make happen! May 27th, 2024, to be exact. Chapter one of Pick Up the Pieces, a.k.a. part 2 of Can't Stop the Suns, a.k.a. the sequel to An Uncivil War, a.k.a. the thing I have been writing on and off for more than three years now, is going up on AO3. (Excerpt and way more ramblings below the cut.)
A) I wanted to make this announcement in advance because I'm just really excited to share this fic. Parts of it I've posted on Tumblr as WIP Wednesdays, but most of it I've tried to keep under wraps until it's ready and, frankly, I really want to talk about it!
B) @palfriendpatine66 specifically asked for a heads-up before I started posting, but I figured I'd share publicly in case anyone else has the same desire to read (or re-read) part one before starting part two. May 27th is the day!
I do want to say, though - prior knowledge of An Uncivil War is NOT required to understand or enjoy this fic. If you haven't read An Uncivil War, I would really love it if you did! I'm enormously proud of it and love, love, love talking about it. But I also don't want anyone to not give Pick Up the Pieces a try, assuming they were otherwise interested, because they're worried they won't understand what's going on. If you want to jump in, make sure you read the tags and the summary, and by the time you get to chapter three you should have a pretty good grounding in what happened previously. Obviously there are some little details here and there you'll miss but for the most part you should be okay. I did try to make it as accessible as possible.
C) Thirdly - mostly as a reward for reading this far - I thought it would be fun, over the next three Wednesdays, to give a sneak peek of one of the later chapters, because I've really missed doing regular WIP Wednesdays for this fic (for the aforementioned secrecy reasons).
The main part of the fic is set during what would have been the final year of the Clone Wars, except we take a departure from canon during the season 5 episode The Wrong Jedi and diverge off-course from there. Mixed in with that, though, are flashback chapters, covering some portion of Anakin's years as Obi-Wan's Padawan, which have just been a blast to write. They go in roughly chronological order, and this one in particular is set when Anakin is 17. I'll post a little bit today, the next part a week from today, the final section the week after that, and then you'll get the rest of it when chapter ten goes up in the actual fic :)
Chapter Ten preview starts below:
“Uh…” Anakin looked down at his cards and bit his lip. “Hit me?” he asked tentatively. The three other players around the table blinked slowly back at him. He reached out and flipped the top card of the table deck over, letting the rest of the players see it. “Damnit,” he hissed through his teeth.
“Tough luck, boy,” boomed the Besalisk on Anakin’s right, the one he was most worried about getting a peek at his cards. “That makes twenty-two.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Anakin snapped, frustrated. He tossed his cards face-down in front of him. “Don’t remind me.”
Anakin was losing, and quite badly at that. He really needed to slow down and stop the bleeding or Obi-Wan was going to catch him not only gambling, but totally out of credits, too, and he would not be happy about it.
“I’m going to take a break,” Anakin said suddenly, standing up so quickly his chair squeaked. “I’ll sit out this round. Be right back.” He scooped the (very meager) pile of credits he had left to his name into his hand and pocketed them before walking away. What he really wanted to do was take a quick minute to check the chronometer strapped to his wrist without any of them seeing him do it, but needing to take a walk was as good an excuse as any.
He didn’t leave the Castle (Takodana was a little too humid for Anakin’s liking), just took a slow lap around the edges of it, checking out the other gambling tables, the billiards games, the tourists, the regulars, the spacers, the spice runners, the spice addicts, the smugglers. The people who, if he hadn’t become a Jedi, probably would have been his friends and his enemies, his rivals, his contemporaries. His lovers, maybe.
The lower levels of Takodana Castle had once been an ancient Jedi temple, a fact Obi-Wan had mentioned rather a few more times than strictly necessary on their trip over from Coruscant. It had been built on the site of an even more ancient battleground, where Jedi and Sith had fought one another centuries – maybe a millennia – ago. The Jedi had won, that time, and built the original Takodana Temple as a kind of memorial. Anakin let the tips of his fingers trail over the wet, warm stone walls as he walked, feeling to see if he could catch any whispers of the old voices. Old hurts, old betrayals, old war wounds…
He had started doing this thing, about a year or so back. He had discovered, largely by accident (not that Jedi were supposed to believe in accidents, just The Will of the Force, and all that), that he could, rather paradoxically, up the ante on his meditation skills by upping the ante on his distractions. He’d been filling in for Obi-Wan, who was supposed to have been taking a turn sitting in with a group of the youngest Younglings but had been called away at the last minute (or so he had said, at least; Anakin still wasn’t totally sure he believed him). Anakin had tried to keep to the Younglings’ schedule, which included a quarter of an hour of daily mandated meditation time. Younglings not being particularly good at meditation (they were worse at it than Anakin was, which was really saying something), they’d lasted only about half that time before starting to get fidgety. It had started small – a few coughs here and there, a couple of giggles, wiggling on their mats – and then had progressed from there to full-blown chaos. Anakin was supposed to be setting an example, though, and was determined to sit still, keep his eyes closed, and ignore everything that wasn’t an outright cry for medical attention until the allotted time was up.
What he had found, though, was that it was actually one of his better meditation sessions. The noisier the room got, the more relaxed Anakin got. He’d eventually opened his eyes to find one Youngling on his lap, another chewing on his Padawan braid, and a third hanging from the ceiling rafters, but had felt…calm and at peace and a little floaty, but also grounded, connected to the Force, the air, even the children. He’d asked Obi-Wan about it later that night over dinner. Obi-Wan had suggested they meditate over it, which made Anakin roll his eyes because he already had meditated today, that was the whole thing he wanted to talk to Obi-Wan about, and how much meditation did a person need every day, really? But after they ate he’d dutifully sat down across from Obi-Wan and closed his eyes anyway. Obi-Wan had reached out and taken Anakin’s hands in his, which almost made up for the double meditation session. (Almost.)
And then, just as Anakin was starting to settle into something resembling regulating his breathing, something hard and poky had slammed into the side of his head.
“Ow!” he’d said, reflexively, and opened his eyes. Obi-Wan’s datapad was lying on the floor beside him. Obi-Wan himself was still sitting serenely, holding Anakin’s hands.
“What the kriff did you do that for?” Anakin demanded.
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan had said, without opening his eyes, “I thought you said you liked having distractions while you meditated.”
“Not painful ones!” Anakin shot back.
“Apologies.” The holopad, from the floor, flicked on and started replaying whatever the last thing either of them had watched on it, which happened to be a nature documentary about tee-muss. “Is that better?”
Anakin grumbled about it, but he had, sort of, asked for this, and admitting defeat now would be both embarrassing and would necessitate him letting go of Obi-Wan’s hands, so he closed his eyes and tried again.
Of course, the first thing he had to do was release the pain in his head into the Force, but once he’d done that, he found that, once again, sifting through his distractions was easier when he actually had distractions to sift through. He let the migratory patterns of wild tee-muss go, and felt Obi-Wan squeeze his hands. “Good, Anakin,” he murmured softly, so quietly Anakin almost couldn’t hear him over the documentary narrator. “That’s very good.” (Anakin had replayed the moment in his head, putting that voice of Obi-Wan’s into different and much more…naked contexts, so many times since then that he could get hard just thinking about it, now.)
So Anakin had started to experiment, on and off. He turned the holoprojector on in their rooms while he was meditating. He sat in the corner of the refectory and meditated during mealtimes. Once, he tried meditating during galactic history class, but his teacher had ratted him out to Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan had told him not to do that anymore. And, now, he wanted to see if he could do it while inside Takodana Castle on a bustling summer afternoon.
To be continued next Wednesday!
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tennessoui · 4 months
hiiii kit do you have obikin fic recommendations that you’ve really liked recently? I’ve already gone through your previous list and there’s only so many times I can reread your fics lol! im more of a bottomwan girly so anything in that realm that has caught your attention pls throw my way
hello!! i admit i really want to read more fic but i've also been trying to cut down on my screen time recently (which has been...so hard) so i haven't been reading as much as i've really wanted to because i know there have been so many new and beautiful fics published i want to read!!
the other night though, i read the first chapter of 'into the fire' by boguspreston & innominatta and i was just blown away! very eagerly waiting for more but also incredibly satisfied with the set up and chapter that's been provided already. i just adore fics where you read it and you instantly know that the author's real life job or passion or niche hobby is being put on display in the fic and that's the case in 'into the fire'. the level of detailed descriptions and attention to the setting of the kitchen and the descriptions of the food is just so good and amazing. more people need to write fics where they use their real world job as a setting for the characters because it adds this level of immersion to a fic that i am in love with. i feel like im watching the bear but somehow closer to understanding the stress of the kitchen than just by watching the bear. i feel like im the sous chef next to obi-wan who absolutely does not want chef skywalker to look at me next.
the author's note says that one of the writers is a pastry chef (and we're on the same discord so i knew that already!) but i would have known that just by reading the fic because of all this detail that has to be known already and not researched for the intention of the fic.
i also just adore a lot of the writing style these two have developed in past fics they write together and im a sucker for an age swap. and for a smoking hot, smoking cigarettes, mean anakin skywalker <3
if you read it (which you should!), please leave a comment and kudos as you're able to! they also note in the end note that the fic has been written in its entirety, so even if you're hesitant about wips, take a chance on this one!!
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underacalicosky · 7 months
20 Question Fic Writer Tag
Yayyy! Thanks for tagging me @grapenehifics 😁 And thanks to @ineffable-snowman for tagging me too! ❤️
How many works do you have on ao3?
I only have six Obikin fics on AO3, which isn’t a lot, but I’m hoping to write more! I’ve posted fics for a different fandom that I’m no longer active in, but that was a lifetime ago and I don’t monitor those fics anymore.
2.) What's your ao3 word count? 
AO3 says 107,086. I know that’s not a lot compared to some folks, but it’s more than I thought I’d get to when I started writing again a few months ago.
3.) What fandoms do you write for? 
Right now, only Prequels/Clone Wars Star Wars, and only Obikin because they’ve taken over my brain. And mainly modern AUs, but I have couple ideas that are in the Star Wars universe.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Cruel Summer (Intern AU) - 175
Edge of Greatness (Figure skating AU) - 132
The Next Model (Top Model AU) - 125
Heartbreak Prince (Same age HS AU) - 70
In Good Hands (Hairstylist AU) - 69
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I always respond to comments! I try to respond within a few days. But yes, I love comments. I’m grateful that someone would take the time to not only read my fics, but to also leave a note or an emoji or wall of text 😭 so I try to show my appreciation by responding. Sometimes I’ll get a comment that’s really touching and I’ll reread it when I’m having a bad day. I love when I get into little side convos or hearing about headcanons in the comments!
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’m incapable of writing anything but a happy ending for Obikin. I want so badly for them to find peace and joy together, whether that’s through lots of cuddles and sex or a platonic life-long friendship.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? 😁 I like to end my fics in a way where they’re at a good place, and afterward they run off and have more adventures and I might not know exactly what they’re up to, but I know they’re happy.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Not since I’ve written for the SW and Obikin fandom. Everyone here has been wonderful and encouraging and kind of feral in the most amazing way. I can’t tell you how much I love love love the positive vibes.
It wasn’t always like that in my previous fandom and I eventually left. Although, it wasn’t really hate. I started getting comments about how I wasn’t incorporating certain extreme kinks (which I didn’t know how to write), sort of suggesting that what I wrote wasn’t interesting. And there were plenty of writers who did write those kinks so it was a little baffling. I’m a firm believer that everyone should be able to read or write whatever they like without judgment or shame, but it got to the point where my confidence took a huge hit and I wasn’t having fun anymore.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do write smut! Soft, fluffy, vanilla smut where they look at each other with hearts in their eyes. If my smut were a cake, it would be funfetti.
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, but I like putting them modern AUs so maybe the Top Model fic is kind of a crossover?
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I didn’t realize this was a thing. How do I know if a fic has been stolen?
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
A couple years after I left my previous fandom, someone reached out and asked if they could translate one of my fics into a different language. It was really heartwarming and humbling to hear that something I wrote resonated with someone enough to make them want to translate it and share it. I said yes, but I’m not sure I ever got the link to the translated version.
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I co-wrote a big bang with another author for my previous fandom. It was a lot of fun and someone made a playlist to go with our fic. We had similar writing styles, to the point that our betas got confused over who wrote which chapters.
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Probably Obikin. Their dynamic is so intriguing to me. There’s endless possibilities. Plus, the authors in this fandom are so freaking talented and creative and that fuels my love for them.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don’t have too many WIP at the moment. I only have two that have actual words, the rest are ideas that haven’t solidified yet. But I plan to finish the ones I’ve started writing.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
I’m terrible at self-assessments. I like to think that I can create a feeling of longing or pining. I love a slow burn, especially a friends to lovers type relationship, and that’s where I like to live with the things I write. There’s that phase where they’re both too afraid to tell the other how they feel. But they stare longingly and wonder if the other’s thinking of them too. And maybe there’s miscommunication or an ill-conceived reason for why they can’t be together that leads to some mild angst before they confess their love and fuck all gentle and sweet.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing anything that has a complex plot or interwoven side plots. I’m very linear and simplistic. I’m always so impressed when I read something and the plot has been intricately planned and the little details tie together in the end. These are truly talented writers. Like, you should be publishing novels and getting paid. If I had more time and brain space, I’d love to try planning something more complex someday.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I’m not against it, but I can barely post anything without typos in English so I wouldn’t trust myself to include dialogue in another language.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
X-files, Mulder/Scully. I didn’t post it to gossamer. I just had it on my computer and was too scared to show it to anyone.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
This is tough, and it’s going to be a long and rambly answer.
Definitely the fics I’ve written for Obikin are my favorites. And if I had to pick one of them, it would probably be Edge of Greatness, only because it was the first thing I posted to AO3 in about 12 years.
I started writing fics again a few months ago as a way to do something for myself because most of my life revolves around taking care of my family. I had the idea in my head for about a month before I finally dusted off my old 2008 Macbook and wrote the whole thing in about three weeks. It was such a freeing feeling to be writing again, but I still had that criticism in my head. At that time, I wasn’t sure I wanted to share it once I finished it, but I also was trying to challenge myself.
I took baby steps. I got a new AO3 account and sat on it for a week before I began uploading the first few chapters. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time. My hands were shaking when I posted the first four chapters knowing that they would be out there in the world. I was convinced that no one would read them and I was okay with that because the goal I set for myself was to post and not care what other people thought. But the next morning I saw that I had kudos and comments and had a nice little cry. Some people, like @grapenehifics left comments in every chapter and I can’t put into words what that meant to me. So I’m not sure that it’s my best fic, but it holds special meaning to me and I’ll always love it for that reason.
I’m tagging anyone who writes fics and wants to share! I love reading these types of responses! ❤️
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tideswept · 5 months
Making Of Monday (TMA/SW + Obikin)
A look into the writing process - “how it’s made” for fics (for more on what it means see this post here)
So this first MOM is an interesting one! It's for and inspired by @sweet-cynic during our meandering conversations about horror and eldritch things and TMA and Obikin and of course they all fused and it's like, yeah, we're doing this baby!
Granted, that's not normally how the process goes for me. I'm usually a solitary kind of writer. But it's good to talk with people! Throw silly ideas at each other. Sometimes one of them sticks. Like a magnetized bowling ball.
In this case the catnip quotent is high. I don't want to divulge too much ahead of time (even though I've gushed to way too many people about it already lol) but there's a fascinating element of inherent otherness to Anakin that I love to see explored, and this is a good fic to play around with that.
And Obi-Wan, good god, Obi-Wan, canon-wise and in this fic--he's handed this walking nuclear bomb and he still only sees Anakin (always only eyes for Anakin) to the point that he doesn't see other things as clearly. Things that alarm others.
Did I mention we're flirting with horror? We're flirting with horror. ;)
Horror is... hm. Honestly? I never thought I'd vibe so hard with writing horror. But there's something fascinating about it that I find exposes characters in ways that are fascinating. So I like to, if it's feasible, Put the Blorbos in Situations and then sit back and watch what happens. But it has to be the right idea. I do think Star Wars has some intrinsic elements that make it horror-friendly, but it's certainly not usually the focus and therefore, I like to tread carefully, wait until the perfect reason comes along, rather than manufacturing one. (Good on writers who can do this! alas, I am weak.)
So. Idea. Where does it go from there? It goes to "I don't know what I'm doing but the vibe is right, LET'S GO" and I zoom over to Google Drive. (I know, I know, there are better programs out there, but I'm just... so used to it.) I try to keep the main page of Drive neat, with only the things I'm actively working on being listed. Which, yeah, sometimes can mean up to 5 WIPs, but once I hit that number of active WIPs I put the pause on everything until something clears out, like a queue. Otherwise it really starts to feel... oppressive.
And writing can be difficult for a lot of reasons, but it should never feel oppressive. It should bring joy even when you're clenching your teeth and muttering darkly about characters being assholes and not doing what you want, or having to rewrite entire scenes because they don't work anymore.
Actually, I have a confession; I used to never edit. Like. Ever. It bored me. My brain would say, scene done, moving on, there's no looking back. And honestly that was fine for how I felt at the time. But I'm glad I've learned to edit, to line edit, to accept with begrudging grace that oftentimes I do have to kill my darlings.
It's for the better. Even though I was kicking and screaming about it like a baby for the longest time.
(Maturity? Don't know her.)
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to-proudly-go · 7 months
Fic tag game!
Thank you @mischievouschan4 for tagging me! 💛💛💛 It looked fun and I'm glad I got to answer these questions!
How many works do you have on ao3?
I currently have 8 works in my account!
What's your ao3 word count?
Only 5871 words! I only write ficlets so it's not a surprise (but honestly longer than my school essays...😂)
What fandoms do you write for?
Only 2 with published fics for now: One Punch Man and Star Wars! (mostly because I focus on fanart more than fanfic though I do wanna write more, the words just won't words sometimes 😅)
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Welp I only have 8 works so I guess I'll just give the top 1 if that's alright??? And it's a Saigenos fic - Sleeping Sensei with 230 kudos!
Do you respond to comments?
As much as I can! Sometimes I see the comments late so I dither on whether I should give a response or not...(but I cherish every single one! 💛)
What's the fic you write with the happiest ending?
Oh lordy (I cry as I realize I only wrote 2 happy fics including the wips)
But I think this one! - Kisses before chores (another Saigenos)
Do you get hate on fics?
So far no! Everyone's been sweet actually 🥹
Do you write smut? What kind?
Ehe (yes and it's mlm and wlw though both are unfinished 😭 I despair)
Do you write cross-overs?
I haven't tried but I wouldn't be surprised if one day I get an idea, I guess
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! Thankfully
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! Though I'd be very happy if someone did
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I haven't but that would be exciting!!
What's your all time favourite ship?
Don't ask this of me I'm begging you (though on swordpoint I might answer Obikin because that's my current fixation and I love them so much they give me life)
What's your WIP you like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh damn too many to mention actually I am scared of opening my gdocs again 😂 And most of them are original stories, not fics (may my OCs forgive me for abandoning them I still love you and think of you fondly every now and then)
What are your writing strengths?
Angst angst very descriptive and poetic angst and more angst (a friend of mine who is also a writer neary threw away my phone in pain after reading my star wars fic and meta post. I considered it a compliment, coming from them who also writes beautiful angst)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing long fics! I write mostly based on vibes and feelings that I want to express in as few words as possible, mmmaaaybe because I was a poem writer first before trying on fics (what is plot I don't know her 😂)
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm all for it! English is not my first language and I think it'd be fun to insert some jokes and cuss words from another language 😅 (although I haven't tried it yet)
First fandom you wrote for?
I think it was for Kingsman! Although it's still a wip until now in my docs and I may never publish it, idk yet!
Favourite fic you've ever written?
Probably my first ever published OPM fic In the aftermath (I hurt mysef writing this 😭)
Thank you again for the tag my dear!!!! I had fun 💛💛💛
If you've been tagged already or don't want to do the game then don't mind me, darlings! Anyone interested can also join in the fun!!!
@virahaus @isinnedforcake @tideswept @spikybanana
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hannibalzero · 10 months
Hi. What brought you to Obikin? What made you think : "Ok. I ship it."? (I ask with all the curiosity and respect).
I don’t mind sharing! It’s kinda a complicated answer. Sooooo way back in 2005 I went to see Revenge of the sith. I was 13 years old and just discovered deviant art. I know I’m old haha. So I saw the movie and thought that Obi-wan was acting more like Padme should of been, confronting Anakin trying to make him see what he’s doing is wrong. Padme did a little of it, shame they cut the knife scene. Okay we we are at the point where Obiwan yells “I loved you.” And Anakin yelled “I hate you.” Not meaning it. He never meant it, he just wanted to hurt obiwan. At 13 it hit me that, oh ohhhh they really loved eachother. More than the brother, master or anything. They where soulmates. This was wayyyyy before the force dyad was introduced. Anakin needed Obiwan and Obiwan needed Anakin.
Then I saw a tv special where George Lucas talked about who Obiwan and Vader are two sides of the same coin. They are Luke and Leia’s father.
Okay so back to 13 and being a budding yaoi fan girl. This was before it was cringe. There was this picture of a mpreg Obiwan and a protective Anakin Skywalker. The image stuck in my mind for a while. I moved on to different ships and yeah I still liked Star Wars but anime boys were life!
So moving forward I was 27 and just finished up watching the new starwars stuff. Yeah I had fun but eh? Kylux is a great ship btw. I missed the old stuff and rewatched the movies 1-6. Yeah it was cheesy but knowing it was written for children, Lucas little boys apparently. I saw them through a new light. I remembered that old mpreg obikin picture and thought I would see what the Obikin fanfiction looked like now a days. I read a few back in the day but nothing great.
I was blown away by the new fanfics and writers on ao3. I was very impressed and then inspired, maybe I could write something? There isn’t any more fics I can read! I’ve roleplayed for years I could write a bit. So I did, just to see if I could write alone. Honestly I was expecting to be ripped a new butthole for bad writing. At 18 I tried writing fanfiction for yugiyo and yikes…yikes man. But the Obikin community was loving and encouraging. I kept going. My writing improved, they loved my crazy random ideas and silly world building.
I love Obikin, the relationship between Obi-wan and Anakin. The fun cannon of Star Wars that can easily fit anything. They’re complicated relationships between Quigonjin, Dooku, Padme and yoda. The amazing fan-artist, how Ewan Megreger is handsome. ( one of my first crushes) along with Hayden Christensen. (That photo of him giving a lightsaber to his daughter?! 🥺)) being a romantic I wanted to give these characters a happy ending.
But the community, is what made this my favorite ship.
I know that was a lotta text, but you deserved a full explanation.
All my love
Hannibella .
I think this is the artist. Geez 2005…that’s a looong time ago!
Side note? I miss iPods :(
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intermundia · 1 year
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I saw earlier today that you and another Obikin writer I really enjoy left/had to take a break from twitter, and I wanted to send some love. I figured this might happen because that side of the fandom has become really aggressive and uncomfortable (and frankly, really creepily fetishistic), like, legit acting like schoolyard bullies over their kinks, and I wanted to send some love and support your way. You're an amazing writer and seem like a lovely person, and I'm really sorry you were made to feel so uncomfortable and unheard by what should've been your own community. No one deserves to be forced to see their identity constantly reduced a fetish, or worse, a joke. You're not alone, and you're very appreciated.
No need to post this, but I just wanted to slide some <3 to you after a rough few days (weeks, months, etc) in the Obikin fandom.
thank you, this means more than i can really say. being trans is a source of a great deal of pain in my life, pain that i do in fact get therapy for, but i'm trapped living in an area where transition is impossible, fascists bring AR-15s to pride, and there's no way for me to live a life that is authentically my own. i'm trapped in a body that i hate and has caused me just so much pain and grief.
i have used that pain and turned it into art, writing almost 700k words of obikin stories that i've given away for free to other people, especially meant for the ones suffering like me, trying to offer them solidarity and escape. people have enjoyed them and i'm proud that i've made connections with people this way. it's healed something inside of me that i hadn't known was a wound that even could heal. i guess for the first time, i didn't feel lonely. the community has given me meaning back to my life, and i am grateful beyond words.
so many people have been accepting and kind, that i took it for granted.
i just.. obikin has been the first community where i felt seen and accepted for who i was. i love obikin so much, and obikin twitter was a site i wanted to join because i kept getting links for incredible art and wanted to just see it all myself. i met such cool people there, and have had a mostly wonderful time engaging with other people who are just as obsessed with obikin as i am.
however, there is a small community of people on that site who really, really love the kink of feminizing men, drawing them in an exaggeratedly feminine style with breasts, mpreg, and lactation, and calling him "mommy" over and over, things which make me very uncomfortable, but i strongly support their right to make the art they like.
SO i have spent literal months blocking and muting every single time i see it. i know very well that my triggers are not other people's problem. it's frustrating that sometimes when i have blocked people, it's been seen as rude by the blocked people, but the alternative is to see content that makes me intently uncomfortable, so what do they want me to do? i don't shame people for liking it, again it's a ME issue, so i've tried so hard in good faith to curate my feed.
but no matter what i do, almost every time i log into twitter, i still see untagged images of kinks that i find just really upsetting. so i asked for people to tag their feminization stuff as a courtesy so that i could effectively filter it out. i didn't demand it, just explained that it hurt and like, asked for some consideration. i just figured that idk once people realized they were inadvertently hurting others they would be kind enough to stop. we're all part of the same community, and it's what I know others in the space would be kind enough to do.
it didn't seem like that big of an ask to me. idk i'm like. genuinely hurt that people would do that and don't understand why they couldn't just either tag it or block me for asking if they didn't want to. either would have been fine! it was hard seeing the general sentiment being that people should just get over it and avoid asking for help. it felt like people were choosing to be mean instead of kind, and i felt shamed and rejected from participating with everyone else bc my trauma was inconvenient.
idk i just thought in a space for queer people to enjoy transgressive fiction there would be more understanding of the diverse needs and sensibilities of the community. i think tagging kinks is a low-energy way to help protect other people who are passionate about obikin, and it makes other people feel welcome and heard in a space that's for everyone to share.
i've been really hurt by this experience, and it's started to feel like.. if my feelings don't matter as a member of the obikin community, why am i offering thousands of hours of my time to them? as someone who writes from a place of pain rooted in my trans identity, it seems pretty unfair that they're entitled to feast on the fruit of my hurt if they don't care about me as a person at all.
tldr; i left twitter and don't think i'll be going back.
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palfriendpatine66 · 5 months
for the year in review ask: 1, 6, 12, 19, 20, 25 (but for 2024) :D (you don't have to answer all, whatever you feel comfortable answering)
From the writing year in review asks.
Thank you sooo much for indulging me💕 answers below the cut
1)What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out? Would you do it again?
I’ve been trying a non linear timeline for my obikin serial killer au (Criminal Minds). It’s…going. I like that it’s letting me hilight certain themes and parallels between Obi-Wan’s and Anakin’s experiences that might not come out if read linearly, but it’s tricky to figure out. There’s too many variables of how I can arrange things, when to reveal them. I might do it again if a situation specifically calls for it, but not just for funsies.
6)Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year?
I did both actually! In Star Wars I dipped my toes, very lightly, into some Quin/Obi. Would love to do more. I love them so much. I also recently wrote two smutty one shots for Fellow Travelers! I’ll probably add a few more. This show is still turning over in my mind.
12) What were you go-to writing songs?
None!! I write in silence.
19) What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
I’m not a very detailed planner so it’s very often that a chapter or story goes in a different way than I first intended.
I was surprised by how much positive feedback Can’t Buy Me Love got. It’s making me try to stick with it because I haven’t had any clear ideas and might otherwise have let this one really fall by the wayside, but I’m trying to find some words and add to it because I feel like a lot of people are waiting for it.
20) What did you use to write? (programs, paper & pen, etc.)
Mostly google docs. BUT I got a kindle scribe for Christmas and I think it’s going to be a great tool for me. It makes me just write it out without constantly going back and rewriting what I currently have. It’s way more efficient for me and then I can send it to google docs for editing
25. What’s something you want to write in 2024?
I have a million ideas at all times but I’ll name 3 y’all probably maybe don’t know about yet
A threesome, even though I have no confidence in my ability to write one. Lol I’m going to put together some kind of threesome challenge for posting around Valentine’s Day - because that’s what I want to read lol - so I figure I should write one to submit myself.
A cheating fic I think. It’s been on my mind a lot and I haven’t been willing to commit to it. Probably because I have a hard time making Obi-Wan make bad choices.
And related to that, hopefully a sith Obi-Wan fic - whether a one shot or a much more lengthy idea remains to be seen.
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maeve-on-mustafar · 1 year
Hey there! Just wanted to drop by and say that I love love love love your characterization of Anakin in all your fics--and believe me when I say that I once believed that I was a freak for not tuning into the more popular depictions/tropes of him in the fandom, and also Mace! It's all so delicately and unflinchingly done. That being said, I'd also love to see your take on obikin with sub Anakin and please know that there are more fans in this area than you think! Thank you always for sharing!
Aw, thanks, nonny. ❤️ I really appreciate you taking the time to drop by and say something. It’s very kind of you to take the time. Five years ago, I never would have thought I’d be writing Anakin-centric fic that tries to focus on him in a positive way, or at least in a way that’s more complex than he’s given credit for, but here I am. And I’m really grateful that you and others encourage me to keep writing him in multi-faceted way, because sometimes it seems like the characterizations of Anakin that become the most popular are the ones where he’s very one-note in a negative, and designed to be such by a writer who wants to prove how awful Anakin is. And when you’re a writer trying to give him more depth and layers than that, it can be discouraging to know that any of your fic will have to go up against these more pervasive takes and be judged according to the standards they set.
And thank you especially for your praise of my Mace-focused fic. I know my characterization of him misses the mark for many of his fans, and I sometimes struggle with the question of if I should keep writing fic centered on him. But I also know it’s a type of fic I really enjoy writing, and that the readers who do enjoy the way I write him are always glad to see new fics featuring him. So it means a lot to me that you’re willing to drop a line and reassure me that my fics are wanted. 💜
As for my Obikin fic with shy sub Anakin, as daunted as I feel by writing a characterization that isn’t popular and might put off a number of potential readers, I have been hearted by how many Obikin shippers respond positively whenever I post my ideas. So hopefully I’ll get around to finishing that fic one of these days, and when I do, I genuinely hope you enjoy it.
Thanks again for the encouragement, and I hope you’re having a wonderful time in your own fandom ventures, anon. 💖 💖 💖
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solarlotus · 1 year
For the prompt thingy can I get some Obikin exhibitionism with needy “I want you right now” Obi-Wan please? 👀
Btw I LOVE your writing!! The way you write these two especially is just 👌❤️🔥
Thank you, that's so kind, I hope you like this. I've gone for some Stewjon biology, so TW for that. I leaned into Slutty Obi Wan, as the pic demonstrates it's just fact! NSFW under the cut
Tumblr media
Obi Wan was tired of travelling, tired of being stuck in some distant corner of the galaxy. It had been far too long and he wanted to be home, to be warm and most of all he wanted to see Anakin.
Anakin. Just the thought made his heart beat faster. He filled the room, commanded attention both with his presence in the force and the natural charisma he eluded. Feircely intelligent and handsome, Anakin could have had his pick, but he had only ever had eyes for one man and Obi Wan thanked the force daily for that man being him.
He hurried off the ship as it lowered it's ramp on Coruscant, his greetings to others brief as he hurried through the temple, up the stairs, up the elevator until he came to the training salles where he knew Anakin would be.
Anakin grinned when he saw Obi Wan. 'That's enough for today, Snips,' Anakin told his padawan as she hugged Obi Wan in greeting, tossed a knowing look in Anakin's direction and walked off with a wink. Anakin held Obi Wan's gaze as he sensed Obi Wan's growing arousal.
'The changing room,' Obi Wan said softly, trying to project a calm he didn't feel. Anakin was wearing nothing but a tunic, now sheer with sweat and his curls were plastered over his forehead. He smelled divine, fresh sweat and musk with a hint of the leather he liked to wear. 'Anakin,' Obi Wan said in a low voice.
'You're very needy,' Anakin observed, placing his hand on the small of Obi Wan's back. As soon as they were through the door Obi Wan turned Anakin against it, kissing his hard, hands clawing at his tunic. Anakin kissed him back just as passionately, pulling at his clothes, before grinning as Obi Wan dropped to his knees, freeing Anakin's cock swiftly and swallowing it down with no preamble. Anakin gasped, Obi Wan smiled around the thick girth, he was good at this and knew it.
'Stars, Obi Wan! Anyone could walk in, but you don't, ahhh, you don't care, such a slut for me.' Obi Wan looked up at him, his blue eyes watering as drool dribbled down his chin. 'Kark, I'm not going to last if you keep doing this!'
Anakin pulled Obi Wan up and kissed him, licking into his mouth. Obi Wan felt weak with it, the taste of Anakin, the smell. He was also wet, ass leaking and nipples tingling. Few knew that he was from Stewjon and even fewer knew what that meant.
What it meant was that when Anakin picked him up and laid him on the physio table, tearing his pants and underwear off, he found his ass leaking slick, his hole puffy and loose as it begged to be filled. It meant when Anakin parted his tunics he found large erect nipples, not the flat little buttons most men had, but thick nubs that could be sucked, pulled, taken into the back of his mouth and suckled on.
'We should go somewhere more private,' Anakin said, kissing at his chest, teasing those special tits. 'It's not far to our apartment.'
'Nooo,' Obi Wan whined, pulling Anakin's head back to his chest, holding the damp curls in place to keep Anakin sucking. 'Need you, need you now.'
Anakin's look was utterly ferel. He waved his hand, shutting the door and pulled Obi Wan to the edge of the table, shoving his legs apart before thrusting in with one hard stroke.
Obi Wan squealed. He knew he could be heard, he knew he should be quiet and maintain the decorum of a jedi master. But Anakin was inside him, filling him, giving him what he needed after so long. Anakin was pulling at his tits, hammering his ass and soon made him come, hot ropes of come spurting on his tummy which Anakin scooped up with his fingers and pushed into Obi Wan's mouth.
The walk back to their apartment was delicate. Anakin was flushed from head to toe, covered in sweat, his lightsaber slung at his hip he looked like he'd had a heavy training session. Obi Wan had a ripped tunic, damp pants, soaking further with each step as Anakin's copious spend leaked out of him, leaking tits and bite marks on his neck. Obi Wan knew he should have cared a lot more than he did, especially as Anakin looked entirely too pleased with himself. But Obi Wan was weak for Anakin Skywalker and he'd long ago given up his shame to the force and embraced its favourite son.
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shywhitemoose · 2 years
😅💖👀 and/or 🤭 for the fic asks. pls and thank u 💜
Hi Lexi! Thank you for the ask, and I’m sorry I’m so slow to respond (leave it to me to post the game and then forget about it until the next morning. I’m easily distracted ok 😩)
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Hmm... It’s nothing I’ve posted but it’s like 100 words of a vampire Obi-wan and desperate Anakin and it’s super cheesy lol but I won’t delete it in case I ever want to turn it into something more. But yeah, it exists. And it’s embarrassing 😂
💖 What made you start writing?
Ok someone asked this already but I’ll just duplicate my response to save you from a link 😊
First started writing back in like 2018 when I could, you know, actually keep up with Obikin fic, and I had all these scenes in my head and all these emotions post Rako Hardeen that I wanted to explore that I just wasn’t really finding in fic at the time, so I was like Well I Guess I’ll Write It Myself Even Though I Have No Idea What I’m Doing I Mean How Hard Could It Be? Like drawing, I tend to bite off more than I can chew and I don’t do warm-ups. So… here I am 25 chapters and nearly four years later and I’m still not done AND there are probably way better fics out there now that explore the same thing I originally wanted but now I don’t have time to read them because I’m too busy trying to write and draw lol. 🤦‍♀️
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Hmm.. well all my wips are already wips.. but I guess I have ideas for the Out of Place au that I haven’t started writing yet. I may have mentioned it before, but earthling Anakin will be taking space monk Obi-Wan to an amusement park/waterpark where Obi-Wan will 1) discover he LOVES cotton candy It is Magic, 2) be dragged onto a roller coaster and have a delightfully snarky conversation with Anakin on the lift hill, and 3) be dragged to the waterpark section where he will feel very exposed in nothing but swim trunks, get very flustered at seeing anakin in nothing but swim trunks, and Anakin will very sweetly buy him a long-sleeved rashguard to help him feel more covered. There will also probably be sunscreen involved.
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
Oh gosh, I don’t? Should I lol? I’m already so bad at tagging, and when you only have like a handful of works, there’s not much of a chance to develop favorites? I do enjoy reading other people’s tags, though – so many funny authors in the fandom 😄
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zeawesomebirdie · 2 years
OKAY ASK THE SECOND. Originally I sent that first one because I saw you wrote the little aurebesh sentences too and I was just like. You like the same things??? 🥺🥺 you get involved in it because you're having fun too 🥺🥺🥺🥺???? and I remembered that meme and I was like oh my god yes. So I sent that because I love you so much and we keep joking about marriage and then Pigeon called me aer's wife and I was just so !!!!! So that's what I was going to add, some context, maybe discuss the proposal etc.
NOW. @lilaclogan obviously I want to be deserving of Tomas' hand, so a duel at dawn sounds good, but we need to discuss the modalities. I'm transmitting the message through Tomas' blog since he IS the ✨prince✨ and he should get to be the arbiter of the whole thing, consent etc etc. First, which dawn are we talking about, and second, can this be a fun duel where you evaluate my Worthiness as a suitor, job interview style, instead of the injure-or-kill type? If this is to Actually Happen I do have to say I don't know how we'd do it, something like a President game online? I'd have suggested pool noodles or nerf guns but I think we're a bit too far apart for that, and I don't really own any console besides a good old 3DS (I would have loved to join in on the ACNH fun otherwise but I'm not buying a switch for that, sorry haha). If you have ideas of things we could do I'm down, it is after all essential that I show to both Tomas and you how good of a wife I would make! (Alternatively I will draw myself in a duel-worthy outfit because that could be fun)
Okay I love the little net of creation we're planning here with @aerie-dwelling, I have no idea what I would contribute to that but I love making that kind of plans with friends!! You are welcome to 2v1 Logan I suppose, but I think Tomas deserves a true 1v1 Fight For His Honour like we're in a fairytale as well haha. Btw Tomas I think the vibe should be you're a prince with many (three) suitors and you like us all so we play fight for your attention all the time and at the end of the day after all the festivities we all fall into the cuddle pit or some such. That way you get everyone AND you get people "fighting" over you because you're worth it <3 less of a duel for the winner and more of a "best partner of the week: Logan, cuddled nicely / worst partner of the week: Ram, ate the last cookie" thing, or like a test to see if we are deemed worthy of looking in your direction and kissing your hand, you see the deal. I just think exaggerated chivalry type romance is extremely fun especially without actually romance lol
Definitely tell me if you have ideas for the Sims, I'll try to make a recap of places I think would be cool, fun decor, all that stuff, and you can give your opinion. I wish the game had multiplayer but it Does Not (or like, a LAN multiplayer mod I believe, so that doesn't help) (in general I'd recommend just pirating it haha the game is Not worth the hundreds you can spend on all the expansions but the base game is even more bland without so... But anyway ignoring the S4 opinions) I would definitely take screens of the venue and doodle little us in there though!
I'm so glad you had a fun morning tbh when I came home and I saw all that I was soo happy too like!!!!! Love love love making plans with people like this it's soooo fun. Also thinking back on the proposal socks does that imply WEDDING socks for when we're married then?? Proposal socks and marriage garters :'))) ? Anyway love you good - afternoon/evening to you. If we're planning a marriage we have to do the invites (who would we invite? Doesn't matter it's for the Passion of Graphic Design not actual guests lol. I'm thinking of the Obikin wedding invites btw)
RAM MY BELOVED <333 Thank you for the context! But ofc I did the aurebesh writing, it's so cool and I'm a sucker for handwriting and btw, your writing is so nice!!!!! I'm of the opinion that handwriting says a lot about a person and that's part of why I'm such a big fan of letters and the like
I would LOVE to see your duel-worthy outfit, please!! I think that's more than enough tbh, and actually now that you mention it a pool noodle fight would be really fun so if there's ever a time we're all in the same country (someday,,,,, when the pandemic ends and the economy recovers and,,, one can dream) we should uh totally hang out and do that 👀👀👀 I know a good river we can go canoeing at in my state, and there's a lake that's only an 8 hour drive from me that's perfect for swimming in!!! (Don't @ me ik we're all too poor for the flights lmao)
Omg I need a cuddle pit with yall now, please that sounds like heaven, we can marathon Star Wars and have various parallel play activities and that would be lovely please I need this
So fun fact about me and @lilaclogan we're literally the most romantic couple we know and we're both extremely aro 😅 chivalry and romance and etc are just so much fun when one takes romantic attraction out of the equation!! Let people love people!! All forms of love are equally important and some of them are actually hella fun!!!
Okay okay so you'll have pictures of our wedding venue in sims, I can set up my island in acnh and take pictures there, then @aerie-dwelling you could totally do the minecraft venue! We can just have three weddings, extra cake 😌😌 we deserve the extra cake for all the planning we'll be doing for three weddings
Alright I didn't even consider marriage socks for once were married but I can totally do that 👀 (ps I'm gonna dm you about the proposal socks, pls look out for that!) And yes! This morning was great!! Thank you for all of this, this was the most fun I've had on tumblr in a while thanks to you and Pigeon, yall are the best <3333
We need invites a la the obikin invites! Maybe we could try to smush all our fandoms and ships together? Like, zelda-SW-HP invites? Or maybe we do three invites, since we're having three weddings ?? Ah so much to plan!! We should get a discord group chat together or something so we can plan, there's so much to do!!
(My brain is providing a sound clip of a character who's name I don't remember going "I love weddings!" and I want to say they're a character from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies but for the life of me I can't remember who said it nor am I even sure it's the Pirates movies)
As far as who to invite, well. I have no idea. We can discuss the guest list at a later point, maybe ? Pigeon, any ideas?
Okay!! I love you so much!! You're the best!!!
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beetlesacquired · 2 years
WIP Update
Hi, between work and uni, I haven't been able to write a lot lately, which sucks, but I graduate in about a month (!!) which means that starting about midway through December, I'll have way more free time and creative motivation to get fics out. In the meantime, here's a rundown of all the wips I've got going through my head that will hopefully get updates/see the light of day soon (warning for nsfw fics)
Published WIPs
I'm over a month late and only on day 10, so least to say, she's my highest priority. Currently I'm working on day 11: oviposition, and it's almost done, so that should hopefully get out this week! If you're not into that, day 12 is a cute Padme and Luke fluff, so you can look forward to that one instead.
Higher on the Streets
This is a podracer!Anakin and kind of sugar daddy senator!Obi-Wan fic that currently only has one chapter published several months ago, but rest assured, it haunts me every single day. It's not abandoned! But this was my venture into trying to write a multichap where I post chapters as I write them instead of once the fic is complete, and as it turns out, my brain doesn't like working like that. The second chapter is in progress, though it's kinda low on my priority list.
now there are four of them
Sith!Obikin x canon!obikin. This is my favorite of my posted wips, and I'm already several thousand words into a part two, I just have to have the time to really dedicate myself to writing it, because if you've read my smut fics before, you know they're obscenely long. As a sneak peak for part two, Obi-Wan uses the artifact to visit the sith and gets lowkey cucked. ALSO because I've had people ask me, part three WILL be Vader/Anakin, promise promise promise
Omegaverse Week 2021
YES this is still a wip because I'm the WORST. I've had day 7 almost done for over a year. I just need to finish it. Please give me the motivation to finish it. It's body worship, fluffy, so wholesome, I just have to finish it.
will it feel like the end?
Omega prince of the sith Anakin is betrothed to alpha king of the jedi Obi-Wan after the death of Anakin's mother and father. Not only does Anakin want nothing to do with the Jedi, but he has suspicions that King Obi-Wan is behind his parents' murders.
I really did omegaverse week dirty huh, I said over a year ago that I would turn this one shot into a fic, and I got so many comments asking me to do just that. And Yet. It'll happen. I swear it'll happen. I mainly just need to get my thoughts together for it.
Unpublished WIPs
gather ye children of men
TW: religious trauma, internalized homophobia
I, like all the other obikins, watched that angels and demons movie and felt things. Alas, I don't know enough about catholicism to write a priest kink, so I had to improvise. I give you: southern baptist preacher's son Obi-Wan is asked to be a good influence on local bad boy Anakin, who's fallen away from christ in pursuit of tattoos, piercings, alcohol, and *gasp* homosexuality.
all the skins of a life in this world
TA!Anakin who's in love with professor!Obi-Wan. In order to try to get over his feelings, he joins a BDSM discord server where he meets Mod Ben. Possibly trans!Anakin? Still thinking about that one.
if brokenness is a work of art
TW: child abuse, trauma
Master!Anakin agrees to take on padawan!Obi-Wan as his apprentice after Obi-Wan's master, Maul, is deemed unfit for duty in the aftermath of the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan has some strange habits, however. He only speaks when spoken to, doesn't keep any personal possessions, and has cast off all the friends he'd made when he was a youngling. At first, Anakin puts it down to the stresses of going into the Clone Wars too young and being reassigned to a new master, but as time goes on, Anakin starts to question what really happened to Obi-Wan when he was with Maul.
This is probably my favorite one here, but it's a newer idea, so I'm still working through the planning process to make sure that everything works out the way I want it to. More likely than not, it'll actually probably be platonic Obi-Wan & Anakin rather than shipping just because of the nature of everything.
currently unnamed fic
My newest idea, as is apparent by the lack of title, so I don't completely have a summary yet? But it's modern/magic au, definitely a darkfic, lots of whump for obikin especially but also everyone else they drag into their problems.
Those are my wips! I greatly anticipate the day that I can write about things that aren't ancient scandinavian poetry and the effectiveness of college entrance exams. If you've gotten this far, asks about wips or any of my other fics are always welcome <3
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tennessoui · 3 years
If you're up up to it, how about obikin and 42?
yes!!! Prompt 42 is Star-Crossed Lovers, but star-crossed lovers are soooooo out now. 'Crossed the stars to be lovers' is IN, baby!!
Someone has left a letter on his bunk. Obi-Wan as a rule doesn’t get letters. Actually, as a rule, Obi-Wan has never wanted to receive a letter in his entire life. They all have datapads for a reason, and it’s because they’ve evolved past the need for flimsi and ink when there are means at their disposal to deliver messages near instantly.
So no, Obi-Wan has never wanted to see a letter sitting on his bunk. He finds the whole thing rather trying, actually, the Flimsi Friends program the Jedi Order established fifty standard years ago in an attempt to connect their Jedi with others across the branches through letters. Obi-Wan had scorned the idea as an Initiate living comfortably in the Temple on Coruscant, and his opinion hadn’t really changed once he began his tenure at the AgriCorps.
Kabre notices before anyone else. “Oh, hey! Obi-Wan’s got a letter.”
“Finally,” Aldran grins, craning his neck from where he’s collapsed on his bunk. “We only signed you up months ago.”
“Really, you shouldn’t have,” Obi-Wan says. “Really.”
“Oh, come now, little Obi,” Kabre pats him on the head. Obi-Wan is twenty-five and of a perfectly average height, but Kabre is close to three heads taller than him and of an indeterminable age. “Think of it as an opportunity to strengthen your connection to the living Force.”
“Through the Flimsi Friends program,” Obi-Wan deadpans, raising an eyebrow up at his peer.
“Getting letters from Susa is the highlight of my week,” Aldran tells the ceiling dreamily.
Obi-Wan shares a commiserating eyeroll with Kabre. “That’s because you’re in love with her.”
“Who wouldn’t be? She’s so sweet and kind and pretty and she has all these stories from her adventures in the ExploraCorps--”
“Alright, who got him talking about Susa?” Lathrum asks from the door, sighing in exasperation as he makes his way over to his own bunk. “It’ll be a standard day before he’s done.”
“Hey!” Aldran gasps, offended and already close to sulking. “Whatever. Fine. Everyone’s just jealous that Susa and I are in love because y’all are never going to find something nearly as good as we have.”
“Obi-Wan finally got a letter from the program,” Kabre announces to Lathrum. “We were just saying that he should at least try to be excited.”
“Yes, perhaps you’ll meet your own Susa,” Lathrum smirks, peeling off his dirt-covered tunic. His next words come out muffled. “Force help us if that happens.”
“No need to worry,” Obi-Wan says dryly, picking up the letter and studying it. “They appear to be a youngling.”
“A youngling wrote you?” Kabre asks, barely restrained glee in his deep baritone.
Aldran guffaws from his bunk. “Well now you have to write back!”
“Knowing your luck, it’s probably a youngling from the Jedi Temple,” Lathrum says. “Dear Obi-Wan, Today someone chose me to be their Padawan and I’m one step closer to being a Jedi Knight. How are your plants doing?”
“Yes, alright,” Obi-Wan shakes his head, smiling slightly. He had met Lathrum when he was fourteen and still bitterly disappointed about his new position at the AgriCorps, and Lathrum has never let him forget it even after all these years.
He sits down on his mattress and pulls out the letter. It’s short at least. The handwriting is atrocious but the spelling is worse.
Dear Obi-Wan,
Hi! My name is Anakin Skywalker. I am nine years old. How are you doing today? My master says I have to write this to practice my spelling. I think not everyone can learn Basic, but he says I have to and that all Jedi masters know how. I didn’t ever know there was all this stuff I have to do to be a Jedi. I’ve been here for weeks now and I still don’t have my lightsaber!
I think the temple is really weird. It’s so big and cold. I miss my friends back home. Me and Kitster would go crazy exploring this place but no one here wants to play with me. Master Jinn says not to worry and I’m not! The temple is just really big and I’m cold all the time and I miss my mom. Master Jinn found me on Tatooine and took me here to make me a Jedi which is great, but everyone here already knows each other and I don’t think they like me much. I know the Jedi Council doesn’t. They didn’t even want to train me but Master Jinn inzi--incis--said he would.
Do you want to be friends?
Would you explore the temple with me?
Write back soon please,
“Well?” Kabre asks, when Obi-Wan finishes silently reading the letter.
Obi-Wan sighs and rubs a hand over the jagged penmanship. It’s all too obvious that this Anakin Skywalker is...painfully young, churlish and childish and achingly lonely.
Obi-Wan sighs again, harder, as he looks up at his bunkmates. “Where do we keep the blasted flimsi?”
Dear Anakin,
Thank you for your letter, it was very nice to read. My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I’m 25 years old. I hope you are settling in at the Temple better by the time this letter finds you. I have to admit I was very surprised to hear that you are nine years old and have been allowed to train to be a Jedi. That’s unheard of. I’m sure you’ll be an excellent Jedi. There must have been a reason your master chose you. The Force wills it and it will be.
It is understandable to miss your mother and your old home. When I became a member of the AgriCorps, I spent the first few months missing the Jedi temple on Coruscant a lot. It was the only home I ever had. But we make others as we go. The Temple is big and I suppose very cold compared to a desert planet--I looked up Tatooine here and there wasn’t much information, but I could never live somewhere with two suns! I’d be burned to a crisp in a matter of hours.
The upside to the Temple being big is that there are a lot of hiding spots and footholds for climbing. Try the pillars in the entrance hall. They connect to each other. My friends and I would run around on top of them for hours, although I think that was mostly because we were too scared to get down. You should ask Knight Eerin about it, or Knight Vos. They’re usually in the Mess Hall if not the Halls of Healing.
I’m sure Master Jinn has you busy with meditation and classes, but I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Dear Obi-Wan,
I was really excited to get your letter! I didn’t know it would take so long but it’s been ages! So much stuff has happened. I finally finished my remedial classes and Master says we can focus more time of katas now! I can’t wait to learn how to fight! And Master Windu smiled at me the other day when he saw me in the hall because Master told him about my grades!
I asked Knight Eerin about you and she showed me some pictures she had on her datapad of you when you lived at the Temple. You look really pretty cool! I have blond hair and blue eyes if you were wondering. My mom always said she thought I was going to be really tall. What do you look like now? What do you do at the AgriCorps? Why did you leave the Temple? Knight Eerin says you need to give her a comm call soon. She didn’t sound very happy.
I made a friend! Knight Vos’ padawan was there when I talked to him about what you told me, and she came with me to go exploring! She’s so cool. She’s been helping me with my katas too.
Apparently I won’t get my lightsaber for years! That’s so long!
Anyway I have to go and do my reading now but please write back faster this time, Obi-Wan!
Obi-Wan never reacts quite as happily and dramatically as Aldrin does when he sees a letter from Anakin on his bunk in the evenings, but over the years everyone learns not to disturb Obi-Wan on those nights.
The first letter Obi-Wan receives from Anakin after the boy turns eighteen includes his commlink frequency hastily crammed at the bottom of the page. If you want, Anakin has scribbled.
“Finally,” Obi-Wan jokes when the line connects and Anakin answers breathlessly. “No offense to you, dear one, and you have come quite a ways since you were a youngling, but your handwriting is still atrocious. I’d much rather talk to you like this than try to puzzle out what you’ve written.”
Anakin splutters and then stutters out in a voice slower and deeper than Obi-Wan had expected, “I didn’t know you had an accent, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan finds that he likes that voice saying his name in that way.
That’s the first sign of trouble.
Anakin sends a photo of his knighting ceremony. Obi-Wan wants to cry with pride. His friends tease him about it relentlessly. “You look like I did the day I married Susa,” Aldrin crows and takes a picture of Obi-Wan’s blushing, laughing face. Later, Obi-Wan reluctantly sends it to Anakin.
“I’m jealous of your friends,” Anakin confesses with an exhale of static. “They get to see you everyday.”
“Oh, Anakin,” Obi-Wan says, unable to say more. Unable to admit that he’s thought the same thing about Anakin’s master at the Temple. Unable to deny it though.
They move onto safer topics, ones that make Obi-Wan’s chest feel less tight.
“Jedi Knights are forbidden to have romantic attachments,” Kabre tells him apropos of nothing one late evening when they’re leaning against the railings of their cabin.
Obi-Wan doesn’t even try to pretend to not know what his friend is talking about. Anakin is twenty-three now. They call each other as often as possible, whenever they have enough free time. Thinking about Anakin, somewhere out in the galaxy, makes Obi-Wan feel dangerous things. Dangerous, insidious, illogical things.
“Yes,” he agrees.
“Everything you’ve ever told me about this boy makes me think he’s in love with you,” Kabre says. “And the way you tell it makes me think you’re in love with him too.”
“Kabre, I…”
“I’m not asking you to deny it to me, Obi-Wan. You don’t need to defend yourself. You know no one cares if you’ve gone and fallen in love with your flimsi friend. It happens. And Force knows there’s no way you could be more insufferable than Aldrin and Susa.”
“He’s a Jedi Knight, Kabre,” Obi-Wan looks away, off over the fields. “I know what that means.”
When Anakin is twenty-four, Obi-Wan walks into his room to see a letter on his pillow. He blinks in surprise. He hasn’t gotten a letter since they petered out in favor of comm calls with Anakin.
But he’d recognize that handwriting anywhere.
He sits down to read it.
Dear Obi-Wan,
I find myself growing weary of Knighthood. I love my Padawan, I love the missions, I love the fighting. But I love something else more. I have for almost as long as I can remember.
I’ve been looking through the old letters from you. I’ve kept them all. I know Jedi should not have material attachments, but I found that I could no more throw them away than give my lightsaber to a Sith. They make up our story.
You were the first friend I ever had at the Temple. I don’t quite think you realized that then, and you may not even realize it now. But you were. I would get a letter from you and feel warm for weeks afterwards.
Actually, everything I love about the Temple and the Jedi you gave to me. My friends now, indirectly. All the hiding spots. Moving meditation.
When I got my kyber crystal, I wanted to tell you before anyone else. When my Padawan braid was cut, I gave it to my master, but wished I had something I could give to you too.
That was the day I really admitted to myself that you already have all of me.
Obi-Wan, I’m in love with you. I love you more every time we talk. Disengaging the comms at the end of the night hurts like losing my hand all over again. I love you, I love you.
And I have been a coward about it for too many years. I was afraid that you would reject me, think me too rash and young and foolish. But I know what I want. You told me in one of your letters that you believed I lived off of a single-minded desire to achieve my goals and that I would let nothing stand in the way.
I do not plan on starting now, if you will have me that is. I dream of nothing more than to feel your hands on my face, to listen to the sound of your heart beating in your chest.
I will not disrespect the ways of the Jedi by loving you quietly, when I know you are my deepest, strongest attachment. One that I will not shake, even if I lived to be as old as Master Yoda himself.
If you find that you feel the same way, I will leave the Jedi Order tomorrow and meet you on Bandomeer. If you do not, then I understand and will never speak of this again. I am something of an expert after all these years of loving you silently from afar.
Yours sincerely, yours always, yours completely,
Obi-Wan traces the words with a shaking hand. He doesn’t know he’s crying until a tear falls onto the flimsi. Oh, Anakin. Oh, his brave, foolish Anakin.
Will he really be so selfish as to allow Anakin to leave his Knighthood for him? His padawan, his home?
But the knowledge that Anakin loves him is a heady, addictive feeling. Obi-Wan has never truly gotten the things he wants. He loves his life now, of course. But he hadn’t wanted it.
And he loves Anakin.
He loves him terribly.
He reaches for a piece of flimsi and a pen.
Anakin will be the first to admit he’s been in a foul mood for a few standard weeks now. He’d sent that letter to Obi-Wan--Force, why had he sent that letter to Obi-Wan, obviously the man will never want to talk to him again now--and then immediately Ahsoka and him had been called in for a mission.
It had been awful and disgusting. Anakin is covered in mud from head to toe, and his padawan doesn’t look any better. And worst of all, he had had no time at all to comm Obi-Wan. No time at all to see how the man had taken his confession. It feels like he’s been holding his breath for days.
But he’s at the Temple now. He can clean himself off and call Obi-Wan incessantly until the man answers. Anakin can’t keep living like this.
“Letter for you, Master,” Ahsoka says as he enters their quarters. She’d been sent ahead while Anakin had finished docking the ship, and now she’s sitting at the table perfectly clean.
Anakin thinks his heart stops at these words and then it starts beating as fast as it ever has before. “Where?”
“I put it on your bed,” Ahsoka peers up at him with a furrowed brow. “Are you okay, Skyguy? You look a bit--”
But Anakin’s gone, already tearing into his room. There on the bedspread is a letter. Obi-Wan’s written him a letter.
Anakin has to try opening it three times before he finally gets his fingers to cooperate. It’s very short.
Dearest One, Obi-Wan has written.
I’ll meet you here tomorrow on Bandomeer. I will be waiting.
Forever yours,
Anakin smiles and feels like he could cry or sing or dance or scream from all the joy that’s welled up in his chest at this small handful of words Obi-Wan has given him. They’re everything and more.
Mindful of the mud on his person, he puts the letter gently on his bed and walks back out to the common area. Ahsoka is right where he left her.
“Okay, now you just look scary,” she says, pointing a fork at him. “Stop smiling like that.”
Anakin lets his grin die. He won’t relish this next part, but it’s for Obi-Wan. It’s so he can be with Obi-Wan. It's necessary. “Snips,” he says, sitting down opposite her. “We need to talk.”
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obiwanobi · 3 years
listen to this AU: obi-wan sleeps with a random guy in the outer rim, realises the day after that he lacked a force signature (aka he hid it), gets suspicious but doesn't meet the guy until like three years later. they sleep with each othr again, they get the other's name (surprise it's anakin), obi-wan thinks he's a pilot, anakin just thinks obi-wan is a regular jedi, not the famous one from the holonet BECAUSE HE'S THAT STUPID. fast forward, they've met several times, slept with eachother 1/2
BUT also bonded, they kinda like each other now, obi.wan looks forward to meeting the handsome arrogant pilot with suspicious jobs, anakin likes the handsome jedi even though he knows he probably shouldn't BECASUE HE HAS A SECRET, also they've avoided the whole force signature thing. one day they meet again. on dooku's ship. anakin has a lightsaber A RED ONE, and obi-wan's like YOU'RE A SITH?? and anakin is like YOU'RE THAT OBI-WAN KENOBI? 2/?
so it turns out, anakin is a sith apprentice because he and dooku/palpatine made a deal, his apprenticeship for his mother's freedom, so he's been secretly training under dooku but never really fought in the war, only doing weird solo missions so obi-wan has never heard of him but without slept and maybeee just fallen in love with a SITH and anakin is super scared of dooku/palpatine, so he's torn between trying to kill obi and getting punished harshly if he doesn't ?/?
but yeah there's this big drama about palpatine being a sith lord, obi-wan being in love with anakin, anakin wanting to help his unofficial boyfriend but also scred of what his master will do to him or his mother, and hopefully this AU has a happy ending with palpatine dying and shmi surviving but i'm not sure. and yeah i was supposed to be anonymous when writing this but forgot so now you know my guilty pleasure aka obikin and star wars
(it’s alright, I don’t have to post your username if you don’t want other people to know 😘) 
my god, this is SO GOOD. I adore the idea of them casually having sex before catching feelings and realising who they are, what a perfect trope.
The post was getting a bit long, so have some more ideas under the cut! 
In an always-a-sith!Anakin AU, I like to think that Obi-Wan doesn’t get a padawan for a while (and probably think that because he barely made it as a padawan himself, he’s not the right person to teach future Jedi,) so it gives him plenty of time to take missions that let him gallivant around the galaxy and be his flirting and daring self without restriction for ten glorious years. So a one night stand with the gorgeous pilot (probably a spice runner, but hey, Obi-Wan isn’t here to judge,) with the arrogance of someone who’s never been praised and loved enough in his life? It’s precisely what Obi-Wan does best. 
At first, Anakin probably thought that it would be fun to sleep with a Jedi, you know, for the irony, but Obi-Wan is strangely pleasant, charming and witty. Not at all cold, moralistic and straight-laced, like other darksiders described the Jedi Order, and he hides behind his charming demeanours and smooth voice a surprisingly daredevil side, which is... very hot, if you ask Anakin.
And the sex is great, so when they meet once again a few months later, it becomes an unspoken agreement that if they’re on the same planet/close to each other, they could... catch up more regularly. It works well, so well that when Anakin sends him a message to tell him that yes, he’s on Coruscant for one rotation, but don’t expect anything from me Obi-Wan, I’m sick, cold, feverish, miserable and absolutely not in the mood, Obi-Wan shows up with medicine and his favourite pastries, before spending the night checking his temperature and fussing over his eating habits. No one has ever taken care of him like that since his mom.
The same night, the news report another great victory for the Republic thanks to the famous Negotiator, and Anakin snorts, says that it’s a very dumb nickname, and what’s his name again? Ben or something? but each time the reporter says his full name Anakin sneezes and each time there is footage of Obi-Wan on screen Anakin goes to the fresher, and Obi-Wan probably thinks he’s the stupidest person in the galaxy and he loves him so much.
Obi-Wan knows he should question Anakin about why he’s always showing up not too far from shady businesses and galaxy-wide conflicts, but Anakin can be very distracting, and his job is not something Obi-Wan wants to know too much about. After all, not talking about the contraband and the flagrant illegality of it all makes it easier to turn a blind eye to it. 
And as you say, the day comes when they finally meet as Jedi and Sith in a real battle, and after a few minutes of “you’re a Sith?” “You’re the famous Jedi who leads half of the Republic’s fleet and you never told me?? I thought you were spending more time teaching at the Temple or gathering old and boring archive files!” “Excuse me, YOU’RE A SITH.” I like to imagine a long fight scene à la Mr and Mrs Smith, with a lot of dirty moves and a lot of “so that time you said you couldn’t see me because you were busy with a large delivery on a sector suspiciously close to Separatist space...?” “yeah, I was picking up one of Grievous’ platoon.” “...I can’t believe I introduced you to my padawan!”
They’re both angry and betrayed, and it ends up with both of them tired, panting, sabers right next to each other’s neck, waiting. After a few seconds, Obi-Wan shakes his head, lowers his blade and says that he won’t do it. He can’t. It pisses Anakin off, but nothing he says (yells furiously at him) can wipe out his sad smile and the tenderness in his eyes, and Anakin breaks.  
They end up fucking again. There are... way too many feelings involved here to be as casual as they pretended until now. “We shouldn’t,” Anakin says quietly, after, both of them still entangled in each other, unwilling to let go.“You shouldn’t. I’m a Sith.” “Now you tell me.” It makes him laugh for a second. 
Now, what’s the ending of this story? Does Anakin tell Obi-Wan that this is just this one time, and next time he will definitely kill him, whatever happens? Does Obi-Wan sees right through him and knows that he’s on the edge of a breakdown, that there must be a reason for Anakin to do all of this, pleading for him to “talk to me, dearest, why won’t you talk to me? Why won’t you let me help, Anakin?” even when they’re both in the middle of a battle, and it justs breaks Anakin a bit more each time?
Or does Anakin explain everything to him right away, and Obi-Wan convinces him that they will find a solution, they will save his mother and stop Sidious, but for now, he has to pretend to remain a loyal Sith? To play it safe, give them time to figure out how to rescue Shmi and stop Sidious? 
 I’m 100% invested now, you should definitely consider writing this fic because it’s an amazing AU! (with or without the ideas I threw here, I was just really into it) 
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