#i know a lot of people think hes annoying
simpjaes · 12 hours
enha hyung line wet dreams :ccc
hyung line + wet dreams
warning: free use, somnophilia
☆ jay:
the type to be embarrassed because during waking hours, he's a bit against letting people see him be weak. not saying he wouldn't care for you publicly or during waking hours, i think it's just more so the fact that he wouldn't let people know he needs attention or care too. so, ofc, waking up on the brink of an orgasm to seeing you already looking at him curiously, he'd feel embarrassed. ears red, blood rushing straight to his cock, which would only jump at sensitivity when he tries to shift and turn with a small "sorry, had a nightmare."
he knows better than anyone how bad of a liar he is. so, when you respond with a knowing laugh and a "oh? a nightmare huh? which horror had you moaning like that then?"
it would likely end with you being the ne to make the move for him. with his back turned to you trying to wish away the embarrassment only to feel your hand reach around to help him out. he'd immediately sigh out with a sleepy moan and probably grab at your wrist to force a perfect pace :( turning slightly to kiss against you with small and embarrassed little breathy thank yous.
★ jake:
1000% humping against you in his sleep. probably dead asleep when you wake up to the damp spot against your leg that seeps through his sweat pants. you'd have to shake him awake, or jerk him off a little so he wakes up properly to take care of the problem.
absolutely happens a lot too. like even if you guys had sex the night before, he's ready to go mid fucking sleep and despite how exhausted you are, all it takes is a little bit of heavy petting and he'll usually do the rest. he's definitely not embarrassed either, though he'll probably wake up mid-orgasm time and time again and immediately cling to you just to prolong the feeling.
also mutters out apologies like jay would, but not because he's embarrassed. mostly because he knows you're sleepy and he knows he's gonna have to keep you awake ;-; you guys probably have some sort of free use agreement after a while though, where if he wakes up at 3:30 in the morning needing to get his dick wet, all he needs to do is roll over, spoon you a little, and play with you until he can slip it right in . gotta get the quickie out of the way so you both can return to peaceful sleep sdkjhfkjsdfds AAAAAAAAAAAAA
☆ sunghoon:
similar to jay but probably not sorry about it. he'll wake from his wet dream not giving a shit about anything but getting off. whether that includes him jerking off to your pretty, sleeping form, or him waking you up by shoving his cock between your thighs and fucking forward with a tight grip pulling you back against him. bro is desperate and insane when he's sleepy, probably even a bit annoyed at his own libido for waking him up even if he needs to get up early.
at first, you're probably a little shocked waking up to such a harsh grip adjusting your near-limp body, maybe you even let out a little yep followed by his deep groaning at the pleasure he uses you for. you'd get used to it though, and absolutely not be opposed to him using you if he needs it. after all, he can be quite vanilla at times, so this would be a welcome change even if it only happens once every few months.
also the type to be in a really good mood the next morning. breakfast in bed type shit, bringing you roses when he gets back home type shit.
★ heeseung:
gets pissy because he always wakes up at the best part, but always feels better knowing you're like...right there next to him. sometimes he just fists his cock himself if he's particularly tired, spilling out on you and letting you sleep through the mess lol, other times he's probably waking you up because he's hovering over you and flipping you over so he can start rubbing the head of his cock between your legs.
wouldn't apologize and instead would go straight to dirty talking and probably praise for you just so he can get what he wants. he does always make sure you get off too though, unlike some of the others here *coughjakecough*. he'd def soothe you through the dry penetration though. not saying he'd do it politely tho. SDKJHFKSDJ probably more just say shit like "yeah, you'll let me, right?" followed by a "knew you would, baby, knew it." with a lil kiss right under your jaw lmfao. [the evil heeseung agenda continues]
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spotsandsocks · 2 days
For what it’s worth here’s my opinion on Chris leaving.
Have any of you tried to stop a 13 year old doing something or change their mind?
The secret of parenting is that they let you be in charge. They listen and they may fight and argue with you but they accept ultimately that you are in charge. You as the parent say yes or no and that is the way it is. There can be discussions there can be compromise but the choice is theirs to accept your ‘rule’
Parents rule at the consent of the child until they don’t. Once a young person works out they can say no I don’t want that how can you make them? Without violence? without threats without breaking what’s already unraveling?
Put your foot down? Lock them in? Take away everything? Punish them? Punish them some more?
You still can’t make them talk to you, look at you? You can’t make them eat? You can’t even make them move unless you get physical.
At 13 you think you’re right, you’re starting to think adults, especially your parents are anywhere from embarrassing to annoying to the worst people you know who can’t possibly understand anything.
You just got home with a lady you like quite a lot and you dad is hugging your dead mother.
You just saw your dead mother.
Your dad is a cheater
A cheater and a liar
With your dead mother
Nothing else matters the man you thought you knew, your dad, just vanished before your eyes.
I think I might like a break too. If Chris isn’t ready to talk then he’s not. And yes he has grandparents who took advantage of all that inappropriately and with glee it seems and yes Eddie’s broken and failing and he’s lost himself again, after thinking he’d made it through to the other side. Which makes it worse.
He’s always tried to parent Chris kindly, treat him like a person and at thirteen you do have opinions you have agency you have a voice. Yes you still need support you still need adults but you know your own mind. Even if you’re not making good choices, even if you’re just reacting.
Ramon and Helena should have said no to Chris. Not yet. Or yes but only for a week or two then we come back and talk. They should have helped. I’m not sure this is helping.
Eddie made sure Chris knows he’s loved he’s hoping it’s only for a while. He’s hoping for forgiveness. He’s not exactly doing well anyway.
What was he going to do - lock him in his room and wait.
Eddie is being a good parent - at least he’s trying to be
Mr and Mrs Diaz - not doing such a good job of parenting their own son.
Agree disagree it’s your choice just don’t get mad at me.
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Nico was having a good day.
He was having a really good day, actually. He’d been allowed to sleep in (an anomaly indeed), had gone for a walk with Mrs. O’Leary, and even received word from Hazel that she’d been granted permission to visit next week. All while being blissfully free of Will Solace. Son of Apollo, head medic of the infirmary and the resident pain in his ass. 
It wasn’t that he hated Will- to the contrary, when the blond wasn’t squawking about the medical dangers of shadow-traveling or pestering Nico to drink water (dehydration was apparently very bad), he could be…nice. Funny. Chill. Cute, even. His humor even resembled Percy’s, to some degree. In fact, Nico could see them being acquaintances, almost. 
But unfortunately for him, Will Solace seemed to only have two settings whenever he was within Nico’s presence: annoying and loud. 
“Shadow-traveling again?” he said accusingly as Nico emerged from the shadows of the pavilion. “Come on, di Angelo, you know that’s a health hazard-”
“Running your mouth is also a health hazard,” Nico muttered as he brushed past the blond, making his way towards the Hades table. “I don’t see you shutting up, do I?”
Will spluttered indignantly behind him, while the rest of the Apollo kids exchanged wide grins. Fuckers. It must be a family trait to be a little shit. 
The Hades table was empty, as usual, which was fine. Nico liked it that way- quiet, alone, peaceful. He didn’t need all that chatter and rowdiness that came from all the other tables. In fact, he shuddered to think of what would happen if he had to sit through that every day. 
He watched as Connor Stoll grabbed a banana peel and hurled it towards his brother, Cecil, who ducked and hollered, “Motherfucker, I’ll get you for that!” Thank the gods for being an only child, he thought. 
Still, there was a part of him that ached for Hazel’s presence. Even if it was promised to him a week from now. 
It was halfway through lunch that Nico noticed something peculiar.
Well, more peculiar than usual. The demigods at Camp Half-Blood were the weirdest you could get; he’d seen some pretty strange stuff the last few years. In fact, weird was normal when it came to these people. He’d learned long ago not to question it and to just accept that he was surrounded by idiots.
But this was something peculiar even for him. 
Will Solace. 
Nico wasn’t trying to notice him (he swore he wasn’t), it was just…natural. Really, with that blond hair and peppy demeanor, anyone would notice Will. Nico was pretty sure that a lot of people, in fact, noticed Will. Often. Very often. (Not that he was one of them, or anything. Nico wasn’t weird like that.)
He saw the tears first. 
Will’s eyes were his strongest characteristic: blue, bright, and round. Always crinkling, widening, narrowing- always doing something. The vividness of those eyes always gave off the impression he could read your mind, your feelings, your thoughts. It was unavoidable, really, to be captivated by those eyes. 
But the baby blues were now welling up, growing glossy and wet. Tears. Nico didn’t even know Will was capable of crying- it was a foreign notion, an impossible thought. It was like Annabeth being stupid or Leo being serious. Very rare, and very unlikely.
He watched, dimly aware that his mouth was open, as Will Solace- the sunshine boy of Camp Half-Blood- flung himself out of his chair, wiped his eyes furiously, and rushed out of the pavilion, crying. 
What the hell?
“What are you doing here?”
Nico stood in the strawberry fields, hands hanging awkwardly by his side. He was painfully aware of the oppressive heat (where had the good weather gone?) and the mosquitos buzzing around them. Fuck. He really should’ve just stayed at the pavilion. 
“I dunno.”
Will’s eyes were bloodshot and swollen- his lips were still trembling, like he might again burst into sobs any moment. Nico hoped he didn’t. He never knew what to do when people cried- hug them? Tell them it’s okay? Reassure them that he was there? Each person always seemed to expect a different thing, and Nico was never able to deliver.
“Do…do you wanna talk about it?” he asked tentatively. 
“No.” Will’s voice was harsh; it felt like a slap. Which was stupid, really, since Nico himself never liked talking to people about things. 
“I’m fine,” the blond added, wiping his eyes again. His disheveled appearance contradicted him so severely Nico almost felt like laughing. “Just…tired. That’s all.”
Tired. Lack of sleep tired or out of patience tired? Nico really wished people would elaborate sometimes. It would make social situations so much easier. 
“You don’t have to talk,” he said. “Just…come, I guess? Everyone’s looking for you.”
That part was true. Immediately after he’d run off, the entire Apollo cabin had run after him, calling his name, pleading him to come back. They were out searching for him right now, in fact, along with probably half the camp. How Nico and just Nico had been the one to find Will was beyond him. 
Will sighed and rose from where he was sitting; his shirt was muddied and his fingers were clenched around strawberries he’d picked from the fields. Up close, he looked less like a 15 year old kid and more like a war veteran. 
“I’m fine,” he said, as though Nico had asked. “Really. I am.”
Nico looked at him. “Okay,” he said. “Okay.”
He wasn’t an expert on reading expressions- he always seemed to do those wrong, even as a little kid- but he could tell that the look Will gave him wasn’t it’s usual scathing or exasperated manner. It was tired, yes, but it also held a glimmer of relief and…appreciation. 
Will Solace. Still a pain in his ass, but maybe not as bad as before. 
this is genuinely some of my best work i think.
also yay enemies to lovers solangelo :D
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sulfies · 2 days
How mad do you think the ancestors would get if they started getting frisky with Desmond and he started bleeding one of the others!
Like if Altaïr just got Desmond's shirt off but now Desmond's eyes are gold and he has Ezio's fucking grin
How do you think they would react to this? Would they be jealous or interested? Anyway hope you're having a good day!
Ur mind is so huge🫣 thats such a good idea ughhh
While their main bae is Desmond They also are into eachother so they would fuck but they just like being w Desmond mainly, and getting to be with the others is like a nice bonus. So they do all date eachother but If Desmond wasnt into and ok w it they wouldnt care about becoming more that close friends idk if that makes sense. So non of them would ever get a bad reaction to a bleed of another but they prob would stop the first time just to make sure Desmond's ok with it as well outside of a bleed. (ı need to make a relationship chart lmao)
Altaïr would be into it 100% prob would have fun with it tricking Ezio!bleed into it being a dream just to get more reactions or teasing him a lot like "what would people say, Mentoré having a wet dream about the brotherhoods greatest"
Connor!bleed would get him going too because seeing Desmond be more shy ,be impressed when Altaïr throws him around bc he isnt actually built like Connor would be fun. Basically he would enjoy Connor!bleed acting less experianced, blushing like crazy, hiding his face since Altaïr gets to pull old tricks he knows Desmond likes and see different reactions as if its the first time
I think with Altaïr!Bleed would be the only one to make him jelous and feel weird just bc he knows how annoying/smug he can be lol and both would fight a bit on who does what or if they even do anything till probobly Bleed!Altaïr would go "try everything once" lol I can see Bleed!Altaïr even maybe not letting Altaïr touch as he talks like "sucks to be you I get to be in Desmonds Skin feel everything he feels"
Altaïr!bleed gets him going also and he likes bickering with a more smug Desmond who is meaner to him and ofc roughhousing. He would def talk about it to Altaïr to annoy him "do you also react that way when I do-"
Connor!Bleed again he is very into a silent, more threathening but shy Desmond that he has to put more work into. Probobly the eye contact 👁️👁️ Connor!bleed does gets to him a lot and effects him more than he lets on. He also enjoys imagining how Connor would look if he did the same lol. He would also Enjoy Connor!bleed forgetting Desmonds actual strenght and tryng to pull his hands to hide his face only for them to not move under Ezio
Ezio!Bleed he is 1000% into it and has the most fun lmaoo not even a question. they just both look at eachother in "oh this is going to be fun~" and the whole hideout has to wear earplugs
Connor probobly would be the most hesitant and vary of em all, the bleeds would have to make the first move or convince.
Altaïr!bleed scares him in a good way lol, kinda takes the pressure away from him and he enjoys how much more outspoken Des is "do that, dont do this" and he also does enjoy the teasing he gets a bit.
Ezio!bleed would make him blush like crazy and prob he would hide his face 90% of the time bc of the dirtytalk if Ezio let him (he doesnt ofc)
Connor!bleed... I think Connor would be weirded out and would take a few times of it happening for him and the bleed to even be like "lets try if we like it" maybe outside the bleed Desmond has to go "go have fun, If you cant trust yourself who else"
Once both got over their shyness Connor would prob learn a lot about himself lmaoo and maybe is like "maybe I should be more vocal during it hmm" or just enjoy a more silent quiet relaxed fun? But tbh probobly most of the time Connor would just turn it into a cuddling and small touches session.
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lovingeddiediaz · 2 days
9-1-1 rant. I have a lot of mixed feelings about this season and a lot of them aren’t good. Love this show, I’ve been watching live since season 3 but yikes that finale was a mess imo definitely one of my least favorites for sure. Very underwhelming. The whole season in general was wacky.
I’ve been feeling this way for at least 2 seasons now. I feel like 911 has been trying to fit these LARGE stories that they don’t have time for or are failing to make time for in these episodes. I get that this season was shortened, but if they can’t properly flush out a story in time, they should figure something else out instead of simplifying it and cutting out so many parts that it loses the build up and the emotion and captivation.
So much happens off screen that I feel like should be SHOWN. like we didn’t get to see Chris upset in the moment when he saw the Shannon lookalike, the scene cut out after he said mom. All we see is just him in his bed telling Eddie to go away later. We didn’t see the confrontation with Marisol and Eddie and her leaving, just an offhand comment of her not coming back later. We didn’t see the phone call that had Buck rushing over. We didnt get to see Eddie at his house alone after Chris leaves, just him leaving with his grandparents and boom, cut scene. We didn’t get to see hen or Chim at Bobby’s bedside.
We don’t get to see the aftermath of ANYTHING. The show keeps cutting the scenes just short and it has been pissing me off so much. They’re missing out on so much depth bc they’re doing too goddamn much at once and too quick.
All action, no build up or payoff. Just one thing after another. You don’t even have time to let your emotions settle and follow the characters bc it’s over so soon. You don’t get to worry and grieve alongside the characters. Bobby almost died and then boom he’s fine again like nothing happened. Like what am I supposed to be emotional over? He almost died in the desert just a couple episodes before that and then he was fine, no mention of it again.
Idk it seems like this show has been doing a lot of telling instead of showing when it comes to what are supposed to be emotionally charged scenes, like Buck saying how he was worried he was gonna lose Bobby but we didn’t really see that. All we got was a teary eye when Buck told Eddie he was in the hospital. Didn’t get to see the team actually save bathena in the beginning, so seeing them get the medals held no weight, like cool we’re told they saved them but we didn’t see shit. We didn’t get to see any of the madney wedding buildup like picking flower arrangements and a venue and dress/tuxedo shopping or anything like that, just assume off screen obviously XD
Buck’s sexuality arc being reduced to background noise also sucks. He kissed a man and then they said ok cool good enough moving on now. Not even bothering to deepen/develop his relationship with Tommy (are they even together or are they still going on dates?? No fuckin clue lmao), instead of a meaningful conversation between them in the finale it’s turned into a sexual joke like come ON, besides the first kiss and the second kiss that Buck initiates, their scenes are meaningless imo and that’s sad bc I was so excited for this storyline in the beginning but again, there’s nothing there. No substance.
And don’t even get me started on henren’s storyline. How many times are they gonna recycle the ‘person gets in the way of henren expanding their family’ bullshit before they finally get creative and think of something new? What is that, 3 times now? It’s just annoying at this point lmao I’m over it.
Why is Tim so against happy storylines? I know he said something along the lines of people wouldn’t watch if the characters were happy, but I think that’s bullshit. If you can’t captivate an audience with positive stories then I think you have a skill issue. Big drama and angst doesn’t equal good story telling and writing. Couldn’t even give madney a nice wedding like wtf.
Idk. I hope next season is thought out better.
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apollocabinrep · 3 days
Dear Bianca,
Writing letters is a lot harder than mamma made it seem. I think if the nymphs saw how much paper I've tossed away, they'd throw me in the lake. I'm staying at camp now, so I've made it easier for them. We have our own cabin, well I do. Annabeth said you would never get to be in it, because of joining the Hunters.
Some part of me wants to be mad at you for leaving me- both dying and choosing rebirth, but we both know I'm not, not anymore at least. I just really, really miss you. I took have mia sorellona for granted. I can't blame you for wanting to leave me though, I was a really annoying kid. And I didn't realize how hard putting up with annoying kids were until I got "stolen" by the Apollo cabin.
My boyfriend, yeah I have one of those now, Will has two younger siblings, Austin and Kayla. Between me and you, Austin is my favorite. They're not 10 year olds obsessed with Mythomagic but Gods, Bi, I have no idea how you did it. They're not bad, just exhausting to be around sometimes. Actually so is Will. Bi, he is making me catch up on films, though people now just call them 'movies'. It's a weird word, but apparently I'm old for preferring to call them films.
We have another sorella, too. Her name is Hazel and she's Roman. She's helped me through a lot. At first, I saw her as a replacement for you, but truthfully, I'm really happy to have Hazel as herself. You two are really different, but I couldn't be happier for it. That's a weird thing to think about, huh. Was I really a happy kid, Bi? After everything I've been through, it feels like I'm just now getting to be happy, but I know I was happy to have you in my life.
I really wish you hadn't gotten that stupid figurine. It wasn't worth your life. I would've much preferred my sister coming back alive, but I can't change the past. I have a best friend now, I think. His name is Jason and he's kind of annoying. He left with his girlfriend Piper to go find their recently undead friend Leo. He also builds shrines for the Minor Gods, which is pretty cool. It hopefully keeps them from trying to kill us, and he is really excited about it.
Gods, Bi, nothing this good ever lasts long for me. It's terrifying and I wish you were here to give me a hug. Healing is really hard and if you knew the language I've started to use you'd be grabbing soap with a horrified face. I wish you could meet everyone. Not Leo. I'm still mad at him for pulling his dying not dying trick.
Do you think you'll remember me after your next life? I hope so. You don't have to worry about me so much. I plan to fight for this life I have. Everyone is insufferable, but they aren't bad people.
Your fratellino,
[Italian translations:
Mamma - mom
Mia sorellona - big sister
Sorella - sister
Fratellino - little brother]
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kymerawrites · 2 days
Maffia x Simon Riley
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“Do-don’t…stop” I moaned. (A few moments earlier)
Warning: FINGERING/Mastrubation
It’s been a few months since I found a new member, ghost, he wasn’t just another member we had something more, one time counting my money he stood there. Always with that mask. I was only wearing a bikini sitting in my safe with the millions of money I made that day from various deals and smuggles.
He just stood there, so stoic. And he couldn’t get his eyes of me.
She was sitting on a pile of money it may be were millions of dollars. She looks stunning, incredible. I couldn’t deny for a mafia woman. She was one of the most confident people I’ve ever seen, but I came here with a task, to take her down.
But no one knows that yet, I’m infiltrating her drugs business, she thinks I’m just another one of her new partners
She’s extremely intelligent and extremely seductive, she’s the most skilled assassin I’ve ever met. Her business is extremely profitable. Making 13 billion dollars a year.
She also believes she is untouchable as she’s in control of the police, government, justice and courts, so you can understand why she didn’t hesitate to let me join one of her main drug trades.
She’s extremely manipulative, cunning, calculating and cold hearted. She’s extremely dangerous and she has so much power I would need a the 141 and other teams to infiltrate her business.
As I stood there, looking at her I couldn’t help but admire how stunning she is, and then realised how much of a fool I was for getting distracted.
In a bikini she sat on the piles of dollars, just counting and smoking a sigaret.
Every now and then her right hand man, Leo would come and sit next to her. Just watching her count her money while she just sat there not giving a damn as usual. She was in her own world.
The last thing she would want to do is stop her counting, she was that obsessed with money. You could say she loves money more than she loves herself.
She even has a massive vault that stores millions of dollars in the basement. She has no use for it, she just loves looking at it as it makes her feel powerful and special
“Ghost come here..” I looked at Leo and nodded for him to leave
He just nodded and left. She didn’t look up at me, she continued to count. “Take a seat” she said. I sat down next to her watching her continue.
After about 20 to 30 minutes of sitting there watching her count her money, she finally finished. She finally looked up at me with a smile on her face. “Now that’s a lot of money Ghost and that’s only the tip of the ice berg” she said.
I picked up a 1000 dollar stash and threw it to him “this is maybe 0,001% of my fortune. You can have it ofcourse buy urself something.. nice” she smiled
She was very generous but she loved showing off how much fortune she has, which is understandable as she worked hard for it. She was always showing off her wealth, but she still always managed to look hot.
“What’s wrong Ghost, cat got your tongue?” She said teasing me. She knew exactly how hot she is and it worked to her advantage to get anyone to do her bidding.
She then got up and went to her table to roll a cigarette. I sat and watch her do it making sure I didn’t check her out, I couldn’t afford any distractions. I was there to get intel after all.
But the way she walked, her body somehow I already felt distracted again by her and she noticed it
She looked over at me with a slight smirk on her face. It was hard to tell what she was thinking, she is very skilled at making herself unreadable which is annoying sometimes.
She looked at me straight in the eyes which was almost hypnotising, just looking at her face, her lips etc and then she finally spoke. “Enjoying the view Ghost?” She said.
She then came to sit next to me very close, she put her hand on my knee, she looked at me with that seductive look again. “You’re always so serious Ghost, I’ve always admired that about you” she was so close I could feel and smell her breath, she was breathtaking.
I had seen her with a lot of other men but she never looked at them the same way she looked at me, I was flattered. I can’t remember the last time I was flattered. “Would you like a cigarette Ghost?” She said. She knew I was a smoker, she knew a lot about me actually. I just nodded.
She rolled one out for me and put it to my mouth, she put her lighter to it, she lit the cigarette. I took a drag, it was a nice cigarette, she knew what I liked. She then put the cigarette to her mouth taking a drag and blew it in my face, she was flirting with me.
As she blew the smoke in my face she smirked at me again and said “did you like it?” She was so seductive and so irresistible but I wasn’t there to flirt, I was there for intel which is harder than it sounds because of her.
I just nodded and she didn’t look pleased with my answer, she wanted me to respond. “Use your words Ghost” she just ordered me. She was always so demanding, she is so used to being in control, she is one of those women who demands respect and gets it.
I felt another rank here, it was always my job as a lieutenant to do what she’s doing now, but guess that changed
She then puts her hand on my mask which surprised me and said “but you’re so handsome Ghost, I can get lost in your eyes” she then took another drag of her cigarette. Her hand felt so soft on my hidden face yet it was amazing. She had an amazing way with words and making people feel special, not in a manipulative way, it was just part of her charm.
Her eyes always lit up when she looked at me, she always looked at me in a way she didn’t look at other men. “You have the most beautiful eyes Ghost, it’s a shame you hide them” she said looking deeply into my eyes through the mask. I didn’t know what to say, this is the first time I’ve ever heard her express how she feels about me.
She then continued, “but I can understand why you hide your handsome face, I think it’s sexy, it makes you look mysterious” she continued to stare at me. It was hard to look back at her, I was too distracted.
She must’ve been in the mood as she continued to flirt with me. She sat closer to me, her hand was on my knee again. This time I couldn’t resist, I put my hand on her cheek, I saw a little smirk on her perfect face.
“I never had sex in a vault with money before..” I said to ghost. I actually never did that, I always had ‘vanilla’ men that adorned me, but ghost… he hid, he was mysterious something I felt attracted to. Plus points to the tall and muscular physique of course.
Ghost seemed also in the mood, I looked like I wanted it though, I really did. This man had a charme on me like I had on him. I looked on the stack and layed down
I couldn’t resist any longer, I climbed on top of her. When I did she started to stroke the back of my head with her nails which felt so good and relaxing. I started to kiss her neck as she closed her eyes and felt that she was starting to moan.
As I was kissing her neck, she pushed me away and said “wait a minute Ghost” she then got up as she looked for something under her desk, I just sat watching her, waiting for her.
She had a smirk as she found what she was looking for, a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses. She sat back down on the money. I could tell she wanted to spend this night with me.
She handed me a shot glass, she then started to pour the whiskey into the glass. she was looking at me with those bright seductive eyes of hers. She then took a shot and then handed me my glass. I downed it and she looked impressed with my drinking skills.
She then held my hand and kissed it, she was so charming that it almost made me forget that she was a dangerous assassin, but even after knowing that information I couldn’t help but feel attracted to her.
Ice and fire couldn’t go together, and if so it was a dangerous game we were playing.
She then put her glass down and slid my mask up just above my lip and kissed me, she took the lead and I allowed it, I have never felt so passionately kissed like this by a woman. It was intoxicating, I was getting lost in the moment.
We ended up making out on top of all that money, with her on top of me. I had my hand behind her back and one on her hip. She was so dominant but I liked it, it was attractive.
I started to put my hands on the rim of her bikini as we are making out, I wanted to feel her body, she didn’t say anything, she just continue to kiss me.
As we are making out she suddenly grabbed my wrists and pulled them away from her bikini, she got up looked at me intensely and said “not so fast Ghost” she was still on top of me as she said that.
“Money takes time but this p#ssy also does, don’t make it lame”
“You’re right but I’m sure you’ll be worth it” I said. She smirked and said “of course I will be worth it” she was so full of herself but I respected her so it didn’t bother me. We both then just sat quietly listening for anyone but it was quiet so it was just the two of us.
I started to unzip his pants, this might be the best sex I’ll ever get
She started unbuttoning my shirt and kissing my chest which felt incredible. I could tell she was skilled by the way she was handling me like a pro.
I started to grab her hips and pull her closer to me, I could tell she was excited as she let out a little moan as she continued to kiss my chest.
I started to untie her bikini as I looked in her eyes as she looked straight at me, she smiled at me as I knew I got her approval.
Her bikini came off and I admired how beautiful her body looked, it was perfect. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her, she was breathtaking.
She then climbed on top of me and started kissing my neck. It was very seductive, even her breathing was attractive. As she started to bite my neck I could tell she was about to retake control.
She had a firm grip on my shoulders as she stared at me with her seductive eyes, I was hypnotized by her beauty.
I looked him in the eye and only nodded, a sign he could have his time to shine
I started grabbing her hips and started to kiss her all over her body. As I was doing it I felt her shiver which was a good sign, she liked the way I was handling her.
She laid back as she started to let out moans, I loved the noises she made. I started kissing her stomach and then her chest. At this point, I didn’t care if the moans attracted anyone to the basement.
I made my way to her thighs leaving a trail of kisses as she continued to moan but she tried to keep her voice down. Once I reached her thighs, I started to kiss and bite them which made her shiver.
My breath was hot which made her shiver more. I felt her shake a bit as I was kissing her thighs, she was so sensitive to my touch which was attractive because I knew I was making her feel good.
I started to bite harder as she started to close her eyes, she took in all the pleasure. I then continued up her body to her chest, kissing and biting her body while she continued to moan.
At this point, I could tell she was losing control. I continued up to her neck and started biting her again. She was making so many noises but she couldn’t keep quiet anymore.
I got rid of the last piece of clothing I had on
At this point, we were both fully naked. She wrapped her legs around me which made me want her even more. She was so good at making me want her.
We laid on the piles of money as we started to make out again, she was so good at it. I could tell she really wanted me as she started sucking on my tongue and biting down on my lip.
At this point, the noises we were making were getting louder. She grabbed onto me and started to scratch my back as we kept kissing passionately.
She then started to nibble on my neck which felt incredible, I started feeling all sorts of emotions, this woman was amazing.
“Please..” she said begging for my touch inside her
I heard her plead which sent a shiver down my spine and I couldn’t resist her. The way she said it made me want her even more.
I started to run my hand down to between her legs, she tensed up
I could hear the desperation in her voice which just made me even more attracted to her. I started to touch her gently and she started to moan again.
I watched her facial expressions when I was touching her, she looked so beautiful. I started to make a circular motion with my thumb, and she started to breathe faster.
I could tell she wasn’t used to being touched like this as she started closing her eyes again and letting out loud moans.
I was touching her gently as my hands were exploring her body. I could tell she was enjoying being touched by me, she held onto me as I continued.
I watched for her facial expressions and she was so immersed in the moment, her moaning and breathing sounded so seductive as I continued to touch her.
I went faster and harder
She started making louder noises as I started to move my thumb quicker, she held on to me and scratched my back with her red long nails.
I couldn’t believe how much I was affecting her with just my hands.
I made her moan louder and louder, she was enjoying every moment of it.
“D-don’t stop” I moaned
His hands on me felt incredible, no one ever touched my like this and it felt addicting.
Ghost just smirked he knew that he could make me feel pleasured.
“I…oh my god.. I think I’m going to.. come” I moaned and breathed heavily
I let out another moan and started holding on to the once straight and flat money, I was on the edge, my walls clenching to his fingers.
He let out a quiet, amused chuckle under his mask, his gloved lips curling into a smirk as he felt your inner walls clenching around his fingers.
"Someone's getting a bit too excited, it would seem." He teased quietly.
He chuckled softly against your ear. "You are so vocal." He whispers, biting your earlobe. "No need to hide your pretty sounds, love." He adds in a low, seductive tone as he continues rocking his fingers into you.
This man was driving you insane something that wasn’t be done before. Trembling and arching your back. "Please... I... I can't..." You gasped, your breaths ragged as you felt your release building.
he knew exactly how to touch you to drive you to the edge. But no matter how much you begged, He just wouldn't let you come... Not yet. It was a little payback for making it hard on getting intel on you
After a while I felt it coming, the feeling of an orgasm was intense. I moaned and breathe deeply after that.
Ghost slowly got his fingers out of my cunt it was dripping.
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silly-little-gooses · 12 hours
the inheritance games characters biggest insecurities headcanons
avery ~ ever since she was like twelve, she’s had acne. it’s sometimes painful and overall very annoying. she’s supposed to be america’s perfect girl, but her acne makes her feel less than. she becomes envious of her friends, etc because they have perfect skin and that’s the one thing she lacks.
jameson ~ he’s really a very emotional person and he’s been taught to control his emotions, mainly by his mom. he’s worried that if he gets too excited or too sad or too angry, his loved ones will leave him. when he first started dating avery, he was nervous to love her because he didn’t want to be “too much”. he’s also very insecure about his childhood trauma and doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
grayson ~ he’s always felt like he was the ugliest hawthorne. nash was the oldest and a rugged cowboy. jameson was the confident, cocky, and charismatic one. xander was the youngest, the cutest, and a complete genius. grayson was just…grayson. he’s determined to stand out and prove that he’s worth something. he always dresses up and tries to appear put-together so he can be something of what they are. he doesn’t want to be grayson hawthorne, he wants to be loved.
xander ~ similar to his brothers, xander has some mental health issues. he’s convinced himself all his life, his mom didn’t want him, his dad didn’t want him, who else would love him? he doesn’t want to be too loud or too quiet. he doesn’t want to be too smart or too stupid. he doesn’t want to be too silly or too serious. overall, his biggest insecurity is his personality. he’s very loud and energetic and he’s been told to be quiet so many times.
nash ~ his biggest insecurity is his money. while he does think it was a good idea to leave his family’s fortune, he’s constantly worried he won’t be able to provide for himself or the people he cares about. he doesn’t want people to think he’s poor just because he loves adventure and freedom.
libby ~ her biggest insecurity is her fashion sense. she loves her goth-ness. she loves the way she dresses, the makeup she wears, etc. but so many people have judged her for it and stereotyped her and it’s begun to hurt her feelings. people assume she’s mean or she’s poor or she’s a bad influence, etc. while in reality, she’s the sweetest girl the worlds ever known.
max ~ her biggest insecurity is her body. throughout her life, her body has changed a lot. she’s been chubby, she’s been thin. society’s standards are constantly changing and she isn’t sure what she’s supposed to look like or wants to look like. part of this is influenced by her parents, who have told her she’s too skinny and too fat before. but everyone (aka us) knows she looks gorgeous regardless.
a reminder I think some people need:
you are loved! you’re gorgeous, handsome, etc. no matter what you look like! you are perfect just the way you are, even though some insecure people may disagree. if you ever need anyone to talk to or if you need a place to escape, my page is open. love you all! <333
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 19 hours
Is it just me or do I feel like iv would use his jacket to mark the girl he liked. Back off cunts she’s taken sort of vibes. Maybe you could write something along those lines?
I think about this a lot myself, so I definitely understand you and genuinely agree. Also III is being a bestie in this one.
His mark
It started so innocently. The whole band was hanging behind the stage after the concert. The conversation was light with people reaching in to nibble on some food and drinks. Your stage outfit, as nice as it was to jump around on stage while the huge lights shined on your body, now that you were in the dim of the back rooms did little to keep you warm. And you so could have just excused yourself from the conversation with the girls, knowing full well that they wouldn’t mind holding the conversation off for a couple of minutes but you just didn’t want to somehow break the atmosphere.
That’s when you felt it. The weight pressing on your shoulders. The heat instantly radiated from the leather that was being so casually draped over your body. Crocking your head to the side you saw none other than IV. But you didn’t even have to look. The smell of him, so familiar and at this point engraved into your brain gave him away. “Could hear your teeth clacking together from across the room, it’s so annoying”, he grunted, clearly trying to seem more annoyed than he was. “My apologies and you shouldn’t have tasked yourself with coming to my rescue”, you sassed back, slipping your arms through the sleeves. “Sometimes my kindness surprises even me”, IV shrugged, leaning equipment boxes. “We will grab some more food”, the girls chirped, making you snap your head back at them, completely forgetting that they were there in the first place.
“Is it bad that I secretly fantasized about wearing this?”, you asked so out of the blue that you were almost convinced that you heard IV choke on his drink, “This is the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long while”. IV stayed silent for a moment before that shit-eating grin spread across his face, “See, depends on what these fantasies entail”, he muttered, clearly delighted with himself. Now it was you who gasped, pushing his chest slightly as you both giggled away.
The next time it happened was in the middle of the show. The open stage, as nice as it was for some parts of the summer, wasn’t all that friendly when the summer rains split the skies. While the first two songs in soaked clothes were kind of refreshing. Rain alsp brought a lower temperature, slowly settling the tremble into your hands. That’s when a familiar figure sauntered closer but you didn’t give it much thought. IV often found himself close to you and the girls. It was his nature, well all of theirs. That’s until IV pulled his guitar off, setting it down and shrugging out of his jacket.
With your eyes already glued on him, you watched him lifting the jacket closer to you. All you could do was shake your head, “Are you insane?”, you mouthed. It was one thing doing stuff like that around the people in the team. A whole different story when fans were involved. “Put it on or I will put it on you”, IV stated flatly. Throwing the jacket up.
The logic within you told you to ignore it. Let it drop. But you couldn’t. It was way too precious. Someone had spent hours making it and it was also his. But just because it was in your hands didn’t mean you had to put it on. You could just hold it for him. Well, wrong. Cause IV dared to cross his arms over his chest as he watched you, and knowing his stubborn ass he would stand there till you did what he had told you to. With an excessive eye roll, you threw the jacket over your shoulder, pushing some of the wet strands away and clinging to your face. “Happy?”, you mouthed, but IV only winked at you before returning to the front of the stage.
And more often than not this had turned into a norm. Going to the bus? His jacket is on your body. Right before the show while the jitters are insane? His jacket. Walking through the backstages while preparing? Band meetings? Rehearsals? The list could go on and on. But since it brought you the same sense of comfort you never voiced it out loud. Too afraid that if you pointed it out he would turn the other way and run for the hills.
“So, where’s your guard dog?”, III's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. Smiling you rolled your eyes, pushing a pack of goldfish towards him. “Maybe guarding someone else”, you shrugged, making III snort, “Nice try, I bet all of his security alarms are ringing off right this minute”. You frowned slightly at his words. “Oh come on, tell me that you don’t see a pattern?”, III tilted his head to the side in disbelief. “He’s just been sweet”, you muttered, “Plus, I had told him that I have frog hands and feet. I’m constantly cold”.
III just shook his head, “We all know that but do you see me running after you with a blanket?”. You huffed, letting your mouth drop, “Is this your way of telling me that secretly hate me”, you gave him the best version of puppy dog eyes. “Girl, I held your hair back while you threw up a bottle of tequila, I don’t do that for people I don’t care about”, he pointed out. You leaned in, warping your arms around his lean body, “And that is why I like you”, you muttered again his chest.
Someone cleared their throat and you instantly pulled back. Not far from you two stood IV. The fire in his eyes burning out of control. You expect III to pull back but instead, he casually slung his arm over your shoulders. “In need of a hug too?”, he teased, IV eyes burning holes in his bandmate's face. “Just wondering why you needed one”, IV said through gritted teeth. “Oh, come on, I hug you all good morning and goodnight, don’t start playing favorites”, you slapped III on his chest, pulling out of his hands.
IV equally didn’t waste any time stepping closer to you. And as if it had become your secret skin, the jacket pressed down onto your shoulders. III let out a laugh, shaking his head, “Loud and clear mate, loud and clear”, he saluted before turning back. “Why are you in a pissy mood?”, you crossed your arms over your chest, turning to face IV. His eyes are still on III. “I don’t like when people mess with what’s mine”, he muttered, snatching all air out of your lungs. “What is that supposed to mean”, you muttered, letting him pull you closer to him. “Don’t worry your head about it for now”, IV leaned in pressing a kiss to your temple.
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flyingfabio · 1 day
Why have you had Pecco tag blocked? Did he pull the same media shit with Fabio? I am new just 2 months here
hello anon and welcome! ok so this is gonna be long because i want to explain and avoid people taking it the wrong way. first i have to admit it's been a long time and i don't remember exactly what event promoted me to block pecco's tag but it was probably not long after his dui in 2022. believe it or not, it had nothing to do with what pecco could have said about fabio, because i think pecco appreciates and respects him a lot and i don't remember pecco saying anything bad about fabio (in the media at least lol). 
so. i think i already spoke about it but pecco has a habit of saying things that come out as ignorant or as things a '''spoiled brat''' would say. like him and jack miller moaning about not being 'test riders' to ducati, while as a factory rider you know you have to lead developmental work and while ducati was already delegating a lot of the work to the satellite teams anyway (pramac mostly). his reponse after his dui that was half-assed and that he deleted from his socials two days after. often not taking full responsibility for his many crashes etc.
pecco is also guilty (and it's not his fault tbf) of being ducati's number one rider and by this point i think y'all know my griefs with ducati. i don't want to go into details, but it's how they manage riders and the whole way they operate that piss me off. as an example, the way they dealt with pecco's dui really rubbed me off the wrong way. basically they tried with their life to brush it off under the rug, they sent threats to a journalist on whatsapp and eventually blacklisted him from ducati events for a year after he asked about this incident in the press conference because yaknow... why should a championship contender in one of the most famous motorsports being convicted for dui be a big deal right?? also in 2022 when fabio was fighting for his life alone on his shitty yamaha, ducati sending half-veiled orders to his satellite teams to basically not race pecco didn't go well with me obviously. and it's not like it's only assumptions, zarco admitted it on tv and the way some of the ducati management looked at enea who didn't give a shit about orders and raced pecco anyway made it obvious. can you believe people were discussing the possibility of ducati riders letting pecco pass if he was lower than 7th or something and fabio was leading in the gp of the title decider to prevent fabio from winning the championship? people nowadays might not find ducati having 8 bikes that bad because they're all fighting each other but not so long ago the fight included another manufacturer and you might wonder if this situation isn't an open door for manipulations we don't want to see ever in our sport...
AND it was a period around here (the tumblrina palace) when SOME pecco fans were mmh... extreme and unsufferable to say the least. and like i know i'm a fabio extremist and i know i can piss people off (sometimes i'm annoying myself lol), but i don't go and publish fucking tumblr polls about '''whom from my most behated motorsports men should be guillotined''' with marc and fabio (obviously) listed as choices... you could understand how i didn't want to ever see this on my dash (never felt better than after blocking that person). also generally their attitude of 'pecco never does anything wrong' when he DOES do wrong is tiring at some point...
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nottapossum · 1 day
What did you think of full moon?
Okay for realz this time.
Trigger warning...
I'm not very nice in this post.
I'm upset. Lol 😆
So if you guys are hard-core Stolas lovers and think stolas can do no wrong...
Please don't read this.
I love stolas.
But he messed up in my opinion.
Here's my nicer review
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1) glad loona is talking again...
Just sayin.
Her not talking much made me feel like we just got introduced to a brand new character.
2) This whole scene made this episode go from no expectations to really high for me. Blitzø being worried that Stolas is growing bored of him...idk I wanted to expand a little on those feelings.
It's blitzø so...yeah.
He doesn't talk about them.
I would have liked if he talked to Fizz about his fears, and maybe Fizz could have been like: "no blitzø, that's silly, stolas loves you."
Then Blitzø can be like: "Nah, they don't care about people like us."
Then Fizz can be like: "Blitzø trust me, they're not all like that. I'm sure Stolas has a good reason for acting like this...give it a chance."
But nah.
We get this.
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...pretty funny ngl.
But still- nothing else!?
Pre emotion is okay guys!
It doesn't just have to just be at the end like barbie in unhappy campers.
Which I felt could have also used more build up.
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3) Like in unhappy campers...I felt this side-plot deal was a huge waste of time. The cherubs didn't even do that much.
I'm not hating on the episode- I'm just saying this could have been 2 separate episodes and it would have been a lot better IMO if they were.
I like the idea of the cherubs and dhorks working together, I hope it'll come back soon, actually! I'm very interested in what they'll do!
But they were a bit too easy to defeat, in my opinion, and Blitzø seemed to be filling screen time with random stuff that was only kinda funny...?
Some of it, really funny. But I was just sitting and waiting for something more to happen.
Like I said- it's fine. It's a good episode, I'm sure I'll be rewatching this at least six times this week alone.
It's just not how I personally would have done it. And that's okay. I don't have a TV show. I don't know how this stuff works!
My opinion on this means literally nothing.
I'm a random person who writes fanfiction. I'm no one!
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4) I think Stolas's apology was pretty good, actually!
I think he did a good job talking about his mistakes and being open and honest...you know...at first.
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5) Blitzø was not wrong and Stolas deserved what he got from this interaction.
I'm sorry, Stolas lovers - I love stolas! He's my favorite bird prince! I want him and Blitzø to be happy! I think theyre great!
But you can't deny that Stolas was wrong to hold Blitzø to all of that. (I'll get to Blitzø in a second, hold on!) Stolas made lots of comments belittling Blitzø and his kind, made sex an obligation, and would often talk about sex when it was clear Blitzø wasn't into it.
"It's always about sex." *bird noises*
Stolas. Sweetie. Baby. Honey. My precious little idiot. You made it that way! Of course Blitzø thought that you were just being playful! You're always doing that!
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And after Blitzø realizes that Stolas is serious, he's so quick to turn to being passive-aggressive!
I got so annoyed! I hate the passive nonsense!
Bro!!! Let Blitzø think about it! Give him a second before getting so upset! You could have still worked this out! Like- christ on a stick!
Stolas thinks he's desperately in love with Blitzø...but...well. he doesn't know him that well, and he doesn't open himself up to Blitzø either.
So Blitzø can't know how he feels either!
All he knows is that he doesn't want it to end!
I'm not fully blaming Stolas though...
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Side note, how sad and hopeless Blitzø was feeling...the "I'll do better, I'll do anything, please don't do this."
Even after giving him the crystal! Homagawz!
He did not get to talk a lot in this...but to immediately dismiss everything Stolas said when he was trying to be sincere- bro! Deal with your emotions better! I know you're upset, but jeezus christ super star!
Instead of being like: "Stolas, wait let's talk-"
He's all angy like: "Nah bish, let's fight bro!"
Nah! Calm down, Buckzo! Take a chill pill.
He did kinda bring this on himself.
Mocking Stolas for being honest?! Come on!
That's just hurtful! Even If unintentional!
I think they both deserved what they got in this episode.
Blitzø I think is receiving Karma from what he's done in every other relationship in his life.
He's always pushing everyone away, and this time, it's stolas doing it to him.
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7) But at least Blitzø was willing to hash it out instead of ghosting!!
Da fuck stolas! That was not the right move at all!
"I love you...oh you don't feel the same? You dont belive me? Bye then."
Da fuck!? Ya bird brain!
You both need to apologize now!
Apology tour better just be an hour of these two saying their sorry ohhhrrrr so help me! (I'm joking.)
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8) Did someone else like Stolas hurt Blitzø before?
The way he was saying "you rich assholes do this every time."
Every time!?!
How many times has this happened to you!?
But what did you guys think?
Agree? Disagree?
That's fine.
Let's talk nicely and not murder me, okay? Lol 😆
I've had me way too many emotions today- guysss!!!
I'm gonna go write and pretend I'm not angry and crying at the same time. Lol ✍️
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @stormy-is-hyperfixated @attagirljessy @legeufygeuber100 @thatswhat24 @hinata-chan-utaitelover
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eldaryasharbinger · 2 days
MCL New Gen Ep 4 Review
I played the episode on early access so now it's review time! Like last time, I'll give a more generic and spoiler free opinion and leave all the spoilers below the cut!
First thing I want to say is that this might be my favorite episode so far, I've gasped in surprise A LOT while playing it, due to all the information we get to know about all the other characters, like there's a lot to unpack from this episode... I can't wait to hear what others will think of it when it's avaible to everyone!
The episode costed me exactly 1716 APs, uncle Archibald included! (I also finally found him and got the right answer! I forgot to look for him in ep 2 and 3 and missed taki's costumes :( )
So far I've only seen Jason's, Amanda's and Devon's illustrations so I'm really curious about the others. Amanda's is very very pretty and the special scene was soo good,, Devon's is pretty cute as well, I liked the idea and I wonder what the interaction was like!
Jason's kind of let me down, I didn't have much expectations and I'm not saying that it's bad, I just wish it was a little bit... more? Still the special scene was so good it fit the way I see Petronilla's personality/way of thinking if that makes sense?? Also I really enjoyed the story so me being low-key disappointed by illu is probably a me-only problem because it was perfect for the context
I'd say more but idk what others might consider spoilers or not so I'm playing safe and leaving all the other details below the cut, spoilers ahead! From the future: It's super long I really had so much to say, so if you're stopping here, remember to come back after playing the episode!
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OKAY BUT THE GASP I GASPED WHEN I SAW LYNN?? Absolutely loved seeing her animated, or yk, seeing her in general! I wasn't really expecting it but I loved the surprise!
Also lmao not Thomas just telling Lynn that he loved her as a kid I WAS SHOCKED but simply because the possibility never crossed my mind... Consider my flabbers, gasted...
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Like when I said we'd be learning a LOT about the others, I MEANT IT!! I didn't know how we'd even end up in the situation to talk about love and relationship with our coworkers in the first place (which was the premise of the episode) but it basically started after Thomas randomly revealed he loved Lynn as a kid, Elenda teasing him and him revealing (kind of) that she had a childhood crush on someone as well which is, well, DEVON!! It was so much because at that point anything could've happened... I was already so surprised and impressed by what was going on... BUT THEN !!
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I love how everyone was going crazy about Roy and Brune being in a relationship when these two have been together for two weeks, never kissed, slept together or anything
And we just have to watch these two having a the realization and simply breaking up like it was nothing...
To be honest I didn't even find it strange or weird although the other characters were kind of annoying about it, and that just because they were so chill with it?? Like, not every break up has to be screams and tears idk, maybe I didn't find it strange because I've only had good breakups? (lots of heartbreaks from relationships that never even started too ofc) Like, once two people both agree that the love is gone/was never there or anything like that I think it's only normal for it to go ok? idk I found it very icky how literally no other character said anything like this, they were all shocked because of the lack of drama? Honestly, Brune is a queen for saying "go watch a soap opera if you want drama" lmao, I love her (unpopular opinion?)
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Yeah you guessed it, I gasped AGAIN when Jason arrived at the café!
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AND I GASPED AGAIN WHEN THOMAS SAID THIS??????? HELLOOOOOOO??????? LMAO IDEK WHAT TO SAY I'm on cloud nine y'all with how the story with Jason is going, I'm THRIVING, my brain is getting back into brainrot, like everything I could've wanted, like this kind of silly fanfic trope, I'm loving it
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Okay Brune, ouch, but I still love you, you can call me anything lol
AND ELENDAAA!! SAME AS THOMAS !!! Yes keep saying these things as if we're teenagers/pos it's so so funny to me it gets me giggling and kicking my feet,, Like oooo he has a crush on you hehehehe hohohoho,, yeah I think it's the worms writing rn, they got control of my brain ;w;,
Okay so next, after we all saw Jason, we stayed on theme and Thomas started talking about how he follows him on insta in secret and how he's seen him with A LOT of women but never twice with the same one... then...
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I kind of felt bad for him because seriously, they not only started talking about his private life, they were also saying bad things about him and were so judgemental, and I get not liking the guy but at the same time it felt uncalled? all he did was go to cozy bear cafe at the same time as us and he didn't even approach us,, come on y'all no one taught you how to behave?? There's this saying that basically says "don't speak about those who are not here to listen" or something like that and I believe in that, if I'm with people who start doing this I either stay shut or remind them that they're being mean, they're supposed to be adults but some of them really think in a rather "twisted" way, like Thomas for instance, he said that since Jason uploaded those pictures himself, it was public (therefore they were allowed to talk sh*t) and man... that's such a scary way to think (I'm not calling him a creep, I get why he might htink that way), I've already stated before that I'm very paranoid and knowing that some people actually think this way (with evil intentions) is the reason why I feel so scared to post anything online, I want my life to remain private,, (these are just my experience with the situation, I'm not trying to make it sound like a big deal it just made me uncomfortable because of my personal beliefs)
Imagine "poor" Jason going for a coffee and then finding your rivals gossiping about your love life etc, and honestly the fact that I like Jason so much isn't even important because I swear I would've felt compassion for him even if I hated him with all my guts... BTW I'm not complaining about the writing, the story was very intresting and I wouldnt've wanted for it to go any diffrent!! "But Kaf! How can you say you liked it if it made you uncomfortable?" you see, I'm a weirdo and got questionable taste, I love me a pityful, loser and not really evil character, this is only making me root for Jason more, as well as making me want to put him in my mouth (means nothing I say this about all things I like so much that I just feel like I have to eat them,,)
Now get ready because next up we have the answer to Candy's question "why do we hate Jason?"
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They werent even friends to begin with, Jason was just this random guy who worked there, probably done with his job he saw Devon's file and decided to Plagiarise and try to get a chance at a better job, got caught, fired and decided that he was now enemies with this other random guy as if he didn't literally steal from him because HE IS A SORE LOSER!!!!!!!! He's unsufferable on purpose, probably very very sad inside and he kind of showed that when he caught them talking sh*t because he looked very serioius, no smile or anything
today is a great day for me, because I've now decided that I'm 100% right and this is how the story goes for Petronilla's story, even if in the future we might a diffrent story, this is how it is in my mind :D!
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I love how she's like "i'm just investigating the rival! I'm totally not zooming in on each and every picture!" she's so real this is 100% 'Nilla behaviour (me too)
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This is Jason's illustration and now you can understand what I meant with "I wish it were more"
More than a picture of a picture on my phone!! It's still accurate so I can't really complain about it too much, in the end I think it's good to have different perspectives (Also how pretty is he... wow...)
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Girl you're cooked
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yeah well, in my head I've already estabilished that Jason saw that and that he'll be overthinking it so much or he'll be like "ha ha, of course she liked this picture of me on purpose to send me a sign, she wants me, but of course cause she can't resist my charm! no one can!" and then feel so confident etc (a loser)
Now let's fast forward to sharing a taxi ride with our beautiful Amanda!
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do you want to kiss already or
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I don't even know why I thought that but with how things were going... the atmosphere yk... And yeah, I gasped about this too
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;A;, (yes, that's all the commentary I have left)
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The illu is so cute and I loved the outfit, just like last time I ended up buying the illustration becase the outfit was different for Jason... Although I think that this one is pefert for Petronilla! (I unlocked it in the shop with 150 hearts at the end of the episode)
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aaand this for last! to back up one of my recent reblogs talking about how Amanda isn't that bad and had her reason to be upset (in case you had the party at your house, I didn't)
That's all and wow, it's a lot
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sixtysixproblems · 2 days
disaster ramble about my headcanons for how the batch got their names & etc*
*this is related to a fic of mine (fluorescent mistakes/mistakesverse), tho having read it is 100% unnecessary to understand the post, and I'll likely use some of these for other fics as well.
the only HCs you (sort of) "need" to know is cody, fox, and wolffe are "triplets", and i say fuck canon and Rex is 3 years (1.5 years) younger than CC batch. bits in italics/blue are less applicable outside of the fic itself, but still make sense without the context or i give the context.
Cody (Kote) - got the name Kote pretty young, changed it to Cody tho around 16-17ish?
>Jango gave it to him, when he was 10ish..? Possibly even a little younger. Jango intended as more of a nickname for just him to use, but obv it didn’t stay that way. Was very proud of "earning it" for a long time. >Changed it to Cody later in a not-so-subtle rebellion against Jango/the Kaminoans, and partially in an attempt to choose something for himself/have a part of his identity outside of his skill as a commander. >Still uses Kote on very rare occasions with the batch and other old friends from kamino ONLY (only exceptions to use it more being Fox who gets to call him Kot'ika, Rex who get a free pass for anything/everything) >his name backstory is probably most plot relevant cause his arc deals a LOT with identity issues & such. Might even have a flashback to him snapping at Jango that "it's cody now" > The final nail in the hammer for changing it was probably Ponds getting reconditioned**, and him partially blaming Jango for it :(
Fox - before rex was around (so pre 13)
>Got called a “fox” due to him being a sneaky clever bastard, but it wasn’t a nickname until he made it one >chose it not long after cody,  probably? >this was a pretty big deal since it wasn't a) widely used by trainers, mostly other vode, and b) he made it clear it was his name. not a nickname, not a title, his name, as opposed to his designation number >I'm considering backstory that him & colt worked together to come up with the idea to bulshit the kaminoans with "it's actually more tactically useful in battle to have recognizable nicknames for the clones", which is true, but also to limit consequences for getting caught using names. >in addition to joint guilt in the creation of Ponds's name, he's also responsible for Thorn's name by repeatedly calling him a "prick" and "thorn in my ass" on kamino (tho that's it's own post lmao).
Wolffe - before rex was around (so pre 13)
>inspired by fox, but also spells it that way to spite fox (cody gave him the idea for it lol) >cody was annoyed that wolffe clearly chose it to match fox (bitey twins, lol) since they're supposed to be triplets. wolffe enjoys pissing him off but didn't want him to feel actually left out...so cody got to help with the god awful spelling. >confused some people into thinking it was pronounced "wolf-y". this is brought to you by my friend reading fluorescent before any other piece of star wars media and assuming that. >i love the potential meaning u can take from it of him being family/"pack" oriented and how that translates over to him being very loyal, protective, etc. Aka on the surface level he's this scary grumpy guy, but deep down is just a bit of a softie/just wants to keep his family safe. >but on a less serious note, i also love all the jokes i can make cough cough omegaverse
Rex - age 10-11ish
>encouraged to pick a name out by cody to help cope with being newly reconditioned/placed with the CCs as i imagine there’d be some identity issues after that :(  >perhaps nicknamed king or little prince or smth and that's where he got the rex idea. tho tbh i have no idea >abridged fluorescent lore is that he was a particularly talented/borderline defective CT, tho albiet from a "troublesome" batch. consequently he was reconditioned pretty heavily around 9-10ish, and Jango came up with the great (sarcasm) idea to use him sort of as a "test" of what CTs were actually capable of, and had him mixed into CC training. >this is how he met the batch, after not remembering his own/many details of his life pre-recon. they were supposed to train him once or twice, but predictably adopted him.
Bly - after rex arrived (and rex got his name) but not long after, so 13?
>litterally just chose a name they liked the sound of and thought fit them like a sane person. literally the only one to pick a normal name a normal way out of the whole batch. we stan >i like the hc being short for smth (like butterfly, etc) but i dont think it works for fluorescent :/ maybe in another fic. >possible them & rex worked together to find names that fit them bc i think that'd be sweet. i dont focus on their relationship much at all so maybe a little bonding, albiet in backstory only, is in order. >she's very likely gonna be trans (mtf) in fluorescent (tho it wasn't always the plan + she is not out yet (to herself or others) in the fic itself) so I'm considering implying Bly is traditionally a female/gender-neutral name in whatever star wars culture it's "from" (aka i make shit up) >considering a joke where someone asks her if she's picking a new one after she comes out and she's like "absolutely not, it was so hard the first time i refuse to do it again".
Ponds - last to get one, 14-15ish?
>went by “four” or 54 before he got his name. >Bly sometimes jokingly called him “squared”/ ”square”/ ”cubed”/etc when they were tweens cause of the two fours in his designation number + 64 is a perfect square in math. the vode assumed he'd pick one or one would eventually catch on permanently. >...and then he shoved three separate trainers in a pond, on three separate trips no less, during off-planet training (and since I'm guessing off-planet training was very rare, wtf buddy) >and the triplets went “you know what would be funny” and just. Picked it for him, and wouldn't stop calling him that, and eventually it caught on. And there was nothing he could do about it <3 >**yes, he was reconditioned at 16-17ish. Yay....Not much of a spoiler hopefully? this may somehow be related to why he was the last to "choose" (read: accept defeat) a name, despite being a outspoknen/protective ori'vod nightmare for the Kaminoans. >dw it's not too angsty. they didn't fuck with his memories much, and were trying to change his behavior to be "less inclined to rebelliousness/contempt for authority". And if you've read his arc in fluorescent, you know they failed spectacularly at making him less likely to break the rules. >tbh I think its fitting for (how I write) his character that his name was chosen by his siblings. i think he was and is "salty" about it, but not-so-secretely touched and/or proud about it.
this whole thing was very ramble-y and i'll be surprised if more than 2 people read it, lmao, but i couldn't stop myself. a lot of this is sort of "background" and may not be actually referenced in the fic itself...but who knows.
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neverwalka1one · 2 days
Magnus Protocol 18
In which Alice might not be getting out the corkboard and red string, but I am.
Note: Sure, Teddy can 'leave' to OIAR. Sure. Just can't get a job anywhere else. That's. So comforting.
Alice and Teddy are cute. Also, ... Alice as the office matchmaker? Huh. IDK. Was she trying to shove Sam and Teddy together because it obviously wouldn't work and thus was not worrying? Sticking a pin in that.
Hi Augustus, long time no hear!
Royal Mint Court... hey! I've been there! I mean, not _there_ there, but the Tower of London is literally across the street, and I've been there. Got some tasty roast chestnuts. ... So, across the street from where they used to put traitors, where they've executed people, where there's the ever-important ravens, etc etc. hmm.
Lena, your people skills are, as ever, astoundingly bad. I'm getting you one of those 'world's worst boss' cups. You can share with Elias.
Hi Augustus! Long time no hear!
Huh, another malnutrition case. Is this another Magnus Institute reject?
Another body that talks after death. Reciting a 'story'. Hey Medical Examiner dude, my buddy, my pal, I don't think this is fiction.
So, I'm clocking the Spider, the Lonely, the Spiral, the Corruption, the End, the Eye, maybe the Vast if I stretch a bit (I must be careful on the stairs, or they will break and I will fall)... that's more than half of the fears. Who else do we know that had multiple fears mark him?
So again: was she a reject from the Magnus Institute??
Hey Alice, I'll take the corkboard and red string, don't you worry.
... Is it just me, or does Alice's steadfast refusal to be curious sound a lot like S1!Jon viciously mocking real statements because he was convinced that if he didn't sound like he believed them, they'd leave him alone?
to be fair to Alice, if someone told me they didn't want the job they'd spent the last however long demanding to get because it wasn't 'fun', I'd also mock them. Please pick better words Gwen.
Oooh, Alice has picked up on Gwen's classism tendencies. And Gwen is not the one to protest the charge.
To be fair to Alice and Sam, if someone told me the super scary person that is making their dream job a nightmare was an annoying children's tv character, I to would mock the shit out of them. That sounds like a joke. It should be a joke.
Mr Bonzo is never a joke.
Mr Bonzo's on his way he wants to stay he wants to play
'Who keeps taking Georgie’s face' is not a question you ask of a baby, Georgie. Also, is this alt!universe Georgie?? She's got the vibe.
... Did Celia end up on the side of the road again? In her PJ's?
So just gonna throw this out: We've got dopplegangers. We've got bodies that sometimes forget to act like they're bodies or like they need air or blood or anything to work. We've got supposedly innocent people asking face-stealing questions of BABIES like that's a THING. Did this world get taken over by the Stranger? I'm JUST SAYING.
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scenesniper · 2 days
You are my hero 😭 as a nonbinary afab person, I feel like almost all fanfics are meant for cis women. If it’s alright, could I request sfw &/or nsfw headcanons for Aesop please? It’s totally okay if not, thank you for your posts regardless 💜
☆ aesop carl ; general sfw & nsfw headcanons
pairing / aesop carl x afab gn! reader
disclaimer / possession, jealous themes, dacryphilia, overstimulation, mutual & guided masturbation, clothed fingering, mentions of being sex obsessed
word count / 1,346 words
author's note / thank you anon, i'm honored to know that you seen with my works! i went a bit far while writing this and i'm honestly shocked as i thought i didn't write as much.
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☆ aesop carl is a quiet, reserved man. he keeps to himself, something that everyone knows all too well. he’s neat and tidy, nothing is ever misplaced as long as it’s aesop carl’s belongings. visitors would visit the mortuary and the sight of aesop being in charge was considered to be a blessing in that little town, a good sign as yours or your loved one’s will would be properly passed on by his respectable hands.
☆ meeting you and getting to know you, he’s unsure on what to think of you as. you’re just an inexplicable mystery to him. in fact, there’ll probably be times where he would believe what he feels for you is loathing.
☆ if you’re quiet, he’ll still think of you as annoying albeit he’s fond to those silent. if you’re loud and chatty, he’ll want to just shut up and imagine you still and dead but then felt uncomfortable with the idea of you dead, a thought he’s unfamiliar with.
☆ he will find your presence more bearable over time but would keep to himself, only truly looking at you in the distance. he wouldn’t pursue you per se, it would start off slow, aesop believing he’s involving himself in your life with the occasional nod and a greeting regarding the time of day (which only happens little often as aesop doesn’t want to admit, he yearns for an emotional connection with you).
☆ if by a miracle, he shows a bit of himself to you, take that opportunity as fast as you can as he’s fast to hide back in his shell. aesop is a listener. if you have a lot to say, he’ll listen despite not being very interested in what people tend to say, he’ll hyperfocus on you. if you’re not much of a talker, he enjoys your silent company. he’s not very fond of small talk, he prefers long and detailed conversations with depth.
☆ aesop randomly thinking about you during his day, whether it’s when he’s doing his job or he’s out late at night with little to no energy but a mere little lunch, that’s when he knows that there is something about you that his subconscious just desires. aesop is a possessive and easily jealous man but even he, himself does not acknowledge that. he feels entitled over you.
☆ getting to date aesop carl, you will have to be very patient as he prefers having it at his pace. it’ll start off with his shoulders brushing against yours, a quick glance at your direction, discreetly holding your wrist. you seriously questioned if he even liked you.
☆ aesop is a private man and is not a big fan of intimacy or public displays of affection. he hasn’t touched many people in his life, minus the dead bodies that he has to attend to. so for that very reason, he’s highly sensitive to the touch of another.
☆ once he does get a bit more comfortable (which will still take quite some more time), he’s prone to being easily flustered by you and your actions. if you got too impatient by his advances and started to lead the relationship, he gets very flustered by avoiding your gaze and covering his mouth, inadvertently unaware that he’s wearing a face covering.
☆ kissing with aesop is like a quick dream. not that it’s heavenly, but it goes by so far you can barely register anything of it and question what it even was. at first, he’ll give you quick pecks on the lips and call it a day. as you grow closer with him, those quick pecks would turn into needy kisses for you.
☆ he needs to feel you, skin to skin. your warmth and your little quiver, memorize the shape of your lips and mold his mouth with yours. he’s an absolute messy kisser (and not that very good with it). he’ll try to reciprocate your actions if you try your best to amend his awkward kissing but it’s all for naught. aesop is a fast learner and will learn but when he wants you, no, needs you, and you’re looking at him with that beautiful look that he so loves. he’s just going to go in with no thoughts attached behind it.
☆ aesop isn’t the kind to touch himself, really, he’s never paid attention to his physical needs. never having anything to really think about while touching himself, he found it completely dull and tiring. until you, his muse. he’ll pleasurably touch himself to thought of you inside the confines of his bedroom with only a singular candle, its’ light dying away deep in the night. the guilt questionable as he got off more to how disrespectful he felt.
☆ having sex with aesop, he sees sex as something so intimate that it should only be kept in the bedroom and the bedroom only. he will be viewing your body more of like an examination as he does with corpses, his gaze not timid. he’ll touch the areas he’s expecting reactions from you and drag his gloved finger on your body, just for you to squirm over his cold touch.
☆ he’s average in size, it’s skinny but he does know how to use it. he loves doing all sorts of positions with you, each night a new position. he wants to feel all sorts of intimacy with you in every way possible. he loves to pin your hands above your head, your wrists would over time begin to strain from the pressure he’s giving your wrists.
☆ if you wear lipstick, he loves it plastered all over his collar. he finds it so appealing. he absolutely loves tears in the bedroom and god does he have an orgasm fixation. cry for him, whine for him, beg for him. gasp his name and hold him tight by his shoulders or grip his thighs. he loves to wipe your tears. “shh darling.. you’re so good so far.”
☆ mutual and guided masturbation. he loves being enchanted by the sight of you, staring at him in such a vulnerable state. he can’t contain himself, he has to touch himself as well. he loves guided masturbation for both ways, especially you directing him where he can and where he can’t touch to those areas that needs the most attention. he loves to be in control of your autonomy in this way, hearing you beg him. it’s serene.
☆ he doesn’t like the being all sweaty and your heated bodies touching one another so most of the overstimulating is from him fingering you. he does it with his gloves, in a trance every time he sees your essence staining his clothed fingers by the end of it every night. he loves to admire your cum seeping out but quickly tries to clean it up with his fingers as he’s not a big fan of the mess.
☆ once aesop has felt and got sex on his mind, he’s going to be completely sex obsessed. he’s always thinking about you with little to no clothing, in a cute little lace lingerie. those are the thoughts that’s been keeping him going after a tiring day at work. all he can think about is him being inside you, his fingers on your body and inside that perfect spot that he knows will have your back arching every time.
☆ aftercare with aesop is him always cleaning up. there will always be a bath followed immediately after he finishes changing the sheets and wiping your body off, preferably bathing together as he feels after a physically charged act with one another, this simple act of familiarity makes it feel more like he’s living.
☆ after the bath, he will rest in bed with you either being up for a few more minutes thinking about the littlest of things and salvage the importance of this memory. he’ll lean in with a forehead kiss, for the first few moments in his life, he’s finally content with his life. “rest well, doll.”
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callmearcturus · 3 days
thoughts on OMITB
yeah my family mainlined the entirety of Only Murders in the Building (3 ten-episode seasons) and I have thoughts and its my blog
This show had SO MUCH AGAINST IT from the onset. I'm too old to have seen Selena Gomez's run as a teenage actor. Worse, I have never in my life found Martin Short or Steve Martin funny. I truly mean that, I have never understood the appeal and eventually just assumed they were part of the early SNL school of comedy, i.e. only every fifth joke lands.
AND THEN ON TOP OF THAT this is gonna sound ridiculous but I didn't know the premise of the show was literally and actually "three people bond over their love of True Crime Podcasts and then decide to start their own podcast about a murder in their apartment building"
I had no idea that was the pitch
I fucking hate True Crime as a genre. I am one of those people who think its a deeply dehumanizing and unethical from top to bottom. so an ENTIRE SHOW about three huge enthusiasts who then make their own?
The deck could not have been more stacked against this fucking show.
AND I DO HAVE SOME COMPLAINTS ABOUT THE SHOW. Let me get those out of the way:
god the cameos make me roll my eyes out of my head. i do not get a thrill out of people playing themselves. I find it super false and annoying. (exception: okay Sting was funny bc he hates dogs and was a legitimate suspect for the murder for like five minutes, lmao)
some of the jokes in the show have a "please clap" vibe to them, and no i will not clap. be funny or gimme more fun character drama.
is that it???
oh yeah a big one: Oliver not being bisexual is so fucking baffling and I just do not buy it.
this show cares so much about its characters and you can say that about a lot of shows but OMITB has two specific skills it deserves kudos for:
ONE: even tho Mabel, Oliver, and Charles are the focus of the show, all the secondary and tertiary characters are important and consistent and are brought back over and over. Like Howard, who in S1 is the Gay Cat Guy and in S2 gets multiple moments of focus for him asking a neighbor out and in S3 is in almost every episode and is Oliver's assistant. The fact the show cares enough to give non-focal characters whole arcs to go through really sells the idea of the Arconia as community of people.
the fucking FLEX that is "The Last Day of Bunny Folger" holy shit. for an entire season, Bunny was this constant nuisance no one liked, then she died, and over the course of one episode that doesn't try to REDEEM her, it just shows MORE of her, I was so fucking invested. And they did the same shit with Ben Gilderoy, it's amazing.
OMITB cares so much about having COMPASSION for everyone and treating all of them like people. There is no one who is purely contemptible
another thing I love is the trio and the various dynamics
all three of them together are adorable and the way they grow to deeply love each other is great. but also the way oliver and charles drive each other nuts and needle each other <3 and how mabel and charles really CARE about trusting each other and how fast they get invested <3 but MABEL AND OLIVER i love them they are hilarious and wonderful and just heighten each other's bullshit
oh my god and the way the show lets each of them have complex backstories and working thru shit. Charles' struggle with his neuroses and years of rejection, Oliver's connection with his son and how he almost throws a case bc he's in love with Meryl Streep (fair), and Mabel being mean and distant and aloof and it all having a REASON
okay fuck this is so long, some quick hits
Theo Dimas is genuinely the best character in the show, the moment he turns to the camera and signs "People in this city talk way too much" was like the moment i was IN on the show for good. thank GOD they keep bringing him back, he's the fucking best.
wow so many fucking queer people. Mabel, Howard, Jan, Jonathan, Cliff, Jerry, Sazz, Detective Williams and her wife, Alice, and i think Zoe and Uma might be but I'm not sure.
ranking of Mabel's love interests: Oscar (who is great) > Alice (who sucks) > Tobert (boringggg)
the fucking wardrooooobes
the SETS!!!!!!!!!!
selena gomez' rack in the penultimate episode of season 3 holy shit WOW those tits
okay i'm done, omitb is good
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