#i kinda forgot to say that the stray souls are just some of the different weird things that happen to souls
10hourshift · 9 months
did puppet ever have a body?
Yes! The special thing about Puppet is that they never got to "die" properly
To make it as simple as possible (bc i have a lot of ghost n shadow lore for some reason) when someone dies their soul separates from their body, and leaves the "living realm" (still working on the name). The soul leaving is a direct reaction to the physical death, and a soul can't die on its own.
Sometimes, for a number of reasons like death being too sudden, or strong burdens on the person, the soul has trouble leaving the living realm and some parts of it stay. Sometimes is the identity, and sometimes the memories (there's more to this but I'm kinda getting off topic :v)
The thing with Puppet is that its soul separated itself from their body before the body died, so their soul remains on the living realm complete (with both memories and identity), while the body keeps living on with the help of another soul that "took over" it.
(this process was very rare in the past, but with advances in medicine and technologies made to keep humans living for longer, even when their souls are prepared to die, it became a lot more common for souls to leave their bodies and let ghost who didn't get to live properly another chance at life. Fun fact: Puppet is one of the oldest stray souls to exist!)
The consequences of doing this for the original ghost is that the soul "decomposes" and starts losing both identity and memories, but without the benefit of stopping to exist. Therefore, the stray souls carry with them a single deep feeling with them that becomes more deep with time, usually being the last feeling they had before giving up their lives.
It's important to remember though that this process is entirely conscious and that the souls actively chose to be this way, so most of the time the feeling they carry with them is serene and positive.
So the long story short is that Puppet DID have a body, but they rejected it and after some time they lost all of it self, the only thing remaining for them is a deep fondness for lonely people, that makes them "take care of" anyone who they see as lonely.
Whoah sorry this was too long lmao I got lost in my ideas :P
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wincore · 4 years
wasted nights | liu yangyang
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pairing: yangyang x reader
words: 5.5k
summary: firstly, you don’t think you should have survived this long. secondly, this might be the zombie apocalypse but your survival doesn’t feel as threatened by zombies as it does by liu yangyang. thirdly, you’ve chosen the worst time to develop a crush.
genre: zombie apocalypse!au, fluff, humour(?)
warnings: mention of injuries & blood, violence (against zombies), dumbassery, do not attempt during an actual zombie apocalypse
song rec(s): wasted nights - one ok rock 
a/n: october birthdays get halloween specials~ although this one is just full of unnecessary appearances by cats. also campfires because october campfires hit different. (i’m definitely saying this because i was born in october) also not me writing this as a joke and reaching 5.5k words </3
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It’s two hours till sundown. 
What would you be doing on a day within the ordinary? Likely getting back from after school activities, chatting with a friend or feeding the stray kittens by the school building, or maybe pretending Liu Yangyang doesn’t exist—the possibilities were endless. Now there’s only one.
“Yangyang,” you call, more worried than not.
On a day out of the ordinary, you wish you hadn’t prayed for your exam to get cancelled the day all of this broke out. You wouldn’t be scavenging like some sort of rodent and you wouldn’t be standing at the gates of an abandoned shrine, though now is undoubtedly a better time to pray. It’s not the best of situations (especially not with a certain little rascal attached to your side). 
And understatements are definitely your thing now.
“Yangyang,” you call a little louder this time, eyes shifting around the shrine area. 
Should you step in? He asked you to wait, the stone steps now looking a little glum without him skipping over them. The only signs of life you’ve seen around has been a family of raccoons looking rather smug and a single spotted dove preening itself atop a branch. The lack of visibility into the forest surrounding the shrine bothers you, like something could jump out any minute and you suck your teeth, growing annoyed. Where is that boy?
You tap your foot against the ground soundlessly. What if a zombie were to pop out? They might be slow but the sight of them is still gross enough to paralyze you. Yangyang has his baseball bat with him, which leaves you defenseless in terms of weapons. Still, it’s not like the bat would have done you any good. You are, in the truest sense of the word, average at any sort of combat and freezing at the limbs comes to you more naturally. Zombies are not fun; whatever nonsense Yangyang has been trying to explain to you for weeks is optional, as is every other suggestion that comes from his mouth. It’s quiet and quiet, creepy shrines have never been your favourite place in the city.
You hear a low growl behind you, stiffening at the sound. Best case scenario, it’s a big rat. You’d rather not think of the worst case. Eventually, you gather some courage and turn slowly only to jump back with a short scream. 
Yangyang takes the old festival mask off to reveal a giant grin on his face, urging you to knock it right off. The anger that follows is natural and he should be used to it by now. Yangyang continues smiling, as if he didn’t just pull your soul right out of your body, and when he opens his mouth to say something, you’re quick to land a swift punch to his gut. He lets out a pained cry, dropping to the ground in a squat.
“Don’t do that,” you seethe. “Why can’t you greet me normally?”
“I’m okay!” He signals a thumbs up while the other hand clutches his stomach. 
“I didn’t ask.”
He moves his hand to place it over his chest. “Ow. Oh, and to answer your question, it’s because you don’t want to do my special handshake with me.”
“Hm. Get up. You said there were supplies here. What did you find?”
He pouts, finally getting up. “I can’t believe you’re just using me for supplies.”
You cross your arms. “Just get up already.”
Yangyang springs up despite the (admittedly) strong blow to his stomach and presents to you the plastic bag he’d been holding. In any other circumstances, it would spark some disapproval on your behalf but it turns out, those things do outlive most everything. For a moment, the ridiculous image of pulling a plastic bag over a zombie’s head crosses your mind. 
Yangyang finally responds, taking out whatever items he recovered. Not everything is useful however; he’s simply taken to collecting knick-knacks. 
“I found toothbrushes! Maybe your breath will stop stinking—”
You raise your clenched fist as a threat.
“—I was kidding. Obviously. You have lovely breath.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose in an attempt to contain your exasperation. 
“Also, I found clean water so I filled up some bottles and yeah, I couldn’t find much else but oh! There was this huge cat and I mean huge like a big chonk kinda guy, you know? And I’m sure he was, like, trying to tell me something, like, he kept hissing when I went near him but…”
You wonder if Yangyang ever gets tired from speaking so fast, his words fading out of your comprehension. You shake your head, clearing your throat.
“Can we leave now?”
Yangyang raises an eyebrow, almost smirking as the gears in his head turn.
“You’re not… superstitious, are you?” he asks. “I heard there’s a lot of reported sightings of ghosts here.”
“No,” you blurt, quick to deny. Yangyang might have seen you crying after getting lost in the dark, almost fainting after encountering a zombie for the first time or even in deep sorrow after you lost your friend—but there’s still part of your dignity to protect before you can admit your fear of ghosts. There’s just something about this abandoned shrine; there are no visitors apart from the caretaker and if loneliness is responsible for anything, it’s making lonely things seem a whole lot scarier. You’d rather leave before the sun sets.
Yangyang laughs. “Who do you think would win in a fight? Zombies or ghosts?”
You roll your eyes. “That’s so stupid. Obviously ghosts.”
“No. Okay, maybe. I just think…”
There he goes again. 
You wonder if he was always this way—when you passed him by in the hallways, when he shot you a polite smile at club meetings or when you saw him being loud with his friends blocking part of the sidewalk. You’re sure he couldn’t have been entirely sane.
“Oh my god.”
Yangyang’s voice jerks you back to the present. You follow his line of sight to a cardboard box beneath a particularly dense shrub; it's a large one—quite possibly a carton of some commercial product which doesn’t matter anymore. However, it’s not the details of the box itself so much as it is the contents that grab your attention. 
You can almost see the sparkle in Yangyang’s eyes as he views the cats huddled together inside the box. They don’t seem to mind each other within their personal space—you count four of them, tightly packed and eyes closed in a late afternoon nap. How the box hasn’t ripped apart yet is quite a mystery, and what’s more troubling is how at ease they seem to be with the entire human race in disarray.
You grab Yangyang by the collar before he can make his way to them.
“Don’t harass them,” you say, massaging your temples. “Jesus, it’s like they’re glued to each other. Do they have to be in the same box?”
“It might just be the last cardboard box left on earth.” Yangyang shrugs.
The cats mind their own business, grooming their fur or closing their eyes in an odd sort of bliss. You wonder what it would be like to be so unbothered by all the chaos. It reminds you of someone.
“Come on,” you urge, thinking back to older times. “Don’t think I forgot how much you used to bother old Louis back then.”
Louis was the university cat, fed with so much love that he eventually started avoiding people like the plague. You wonder how he’s holding up for a brief moment.
“Don’t think I forgot how you were back then too.”
“What do you mean?” you snap, glaring at him.
“You were already a zombie,” he says before engaging in a cheap mimicry of you, drooping his eyelids and taking slow steps muttering, “I… must… maintain… gpa… grr.”
You almost take off your shoe to throw it at him before deciding it’s not worth your time. Ah, if only you had done that during club meetups, perhaps you’d have felt better about him joining. Everyone treated him so differently, and you hate to admit you now understand why. 
Everyone loves a good troublemaker.
And there happens to be another thing special about your sole competitor for the debate club’s president position. Apart from his strange antics (charms, he says), even this virus—this fuckall literal killer virus can’t infect him. He’s immune—an occurrence with a possibility lower than you finding him attractive. (There, you said it.)
You look at Yangyang still talking about Louis and a small smile crosses your face. You’d feed your right arm to a zombie before you admitted it but it’s nice having him around. You furrow your brows at the sudden familiar bubbling in your chest and shove it away in a flash before your conscious decides to tell you what it is. 
Your heart jumps to your throat when you make eye contact with Yangyang, turning away in a rather awkward manner. Oh, the end of the world does awful things to you.
“Are you listening?” Yangyang raises an eyebrow. “Oh my god, you weren’t listening at all.”
You roll your eyes. “I was distracted.”
“By me?” he offers in a sing-song voice, prompting a smack from you. It’s easier to pretend this way.
Yangyang massages his shoulder with a huff. “Why are you hitting me so much today? I’ve counted like eight and the day’s only just over.”
“Sorry,” you mumble before clearing your throat. “I mean, you’ve also said something annoying, like, more than eight times today.”
“I’m not annoying.”
There’s a pause.
“Okay, maybe a little bit.”
The sun starts to lay in rest by the time you reach the city. Compared to the green, red and yellow of the yet standing shrine, this place is in dull monochrome with the occasional coloured signs that flicker to life. You force yourself to think but have a hard time remembering if it was always this way. Was it any different with the rushing cars or apathetic crowds? You can’t tell. You were part of them, after all. 
“Hey, how about a bottle flip challenge but with traffic cones?” Yangyang thinks aloud, walking backwards as you pass by a particularly well-lit alley. 
You roll your eyes in response. Is it the lack of people making him that way? Your unflustered companion looks at home among neon lights, all of them seeming to point towards him as an answer to a question you haven’t quite figured out yet. 
You glance at the alley just a second longer. The electric lanterns still glow red, and although dim, there are many. The shops almost look like you could enter and be greeted with a crowd of university kids or a group of office workers drinking away in celebration of the weekend. You sigh. It’s most certainly deserted inside; there’s no doubt. At the most, the tables are still arranged neatly and the meat grills aren’t completely rusted. You wonder if it’s a Friday.
There was never much grass in the city but whatever growth there was has withered into a mustard yellow or a lamenting grey. An empty city is hardly appealing, but you can’t deny the ill-favored things you’ve done the past few months in the absence of people—a part of you questioning whether breaking into supermarkets is still against the law when no one’s around to keep it. You smile at the memory of Yangyang pushing you around in a shopping cart, though you’d gotten drunk off the (stolen) liquor prior. The neon lights hanging as a banner over sketchy shops sometimes spark alive before dying down over and over again, and to be fair, you don’t think they ever shined too bright. Ironically, they’re the liveliest thing about the city now. 
The sky’s soaked in ink at a time you assume to be around seven in the evening. You walk closer to Yangyang without realizing; it’s not often you’ve been out this late the past few months.
“Hey.” Yangyang snaps you out of your daze. “Be careful.”
The words are strange coming from him but you understand why. You look up ahead with caution and a shiver runs down your spine as you stare at the intersection, a lone, tattered figure droning aimlessly. It’s only one, you tell yourself. And they’re slow.
The memories of your previous encounters send warnings over your skin, shivers begging you to run as fast as you can. You would if it weren’t for Yangyang’s grip on your hand, tugging you forward gently and though it’s something he does every time, you wonder if he knows how you’re really feeling. His footsteps are soundless, with the same red sneakers he’s worn since the beginning of this but something tells you it’s not the shoes that give him a cat’s footfall. The purple lights flicker on and off over the shop on the opposite street, the suddenness of it making you latch onto Yangyang for a short-lived moment. You’re quick to let go, throat too dry to make any sound. 
You curve around what would be a straight path, careful not to be in the creature’s line of sight when you cross. The streets seem wider when they’re so empty, and somehow it feels more unlawful this way. Yangyang signals to you to stay closer, and you follow before bumping into his back when he stops abruptly. There’s absolutely no sound, the feeling in your gut much worse than at the shrine.
“Something’s wrong,” Yangyang whispers.
A strangled shriek erupts from your mouth when something launches itself onto the two of you, making you land on your butt. You would’ve placed your hands over your eyes, but you’ve learned how to be less of a coward these past few days. 
A shaky breath leaves you. A cat. It was a stray cat. The little asshole looks at you with almost twinkling eyes, tail swishing from side to side before deciding you’re not worth its time. Your shoulders sag, a moment of relief despite your stiff muscles.
“Uh, (name)?”
You look up only for your stomach to fill with dread. The zombie from before is staring directly at the two of you, the same vacant look in its eyes that has haunted you for the entirety of the apocalypse.
“It’s okay, he’s too slow,” Yangyang reminds you, voice barely a whisper as he helps you stand.
“We can just take the other street—it’s a little longer but it’s mostly safe and there’s no way he can—”
Yangyang is interrupted by a sickening growl from behind you and you jump back. There’s another one. And another. You count four more before holding back a swear. Yangyang grabs you by the shoulder and the two of you take a step back, onto the sidewalk. There’s a shop behind you; you read a smeared sign above the plastic door curtains indicating a dumpling place. Even if you were to hide in there, there’s no guarantee you’d be safe. 
But if you’ve learned anything in these months, it’s that anything is always better than nothing.
The night has settled in completely, you realize. You’re about to tug Yangyang to the inside as you turn around, only to freeze up in your spot. A pale woman emerges from the store, her makeup still fresh but you know that look, the look in her eyes. How cruel.
“Please,” she mumbles, taking a step towards you and you think you might just cry. It’s not long before she turns, you think with dread.
You stumble back to Yangyang when she emits a blood curdling screech, lunging at you and to either your alarm or worse, relief, Yangyang pushes you back. You watch with wide eyes as the woman sinks her teeth into his arm, nausea growing at the sight of blood. He moves fast though, his arm swinging the baseball bat to meet the woman in the head, hard enough to knock her out. In these few moments, one of the zombies is close enough to reach an arm out towards you and you swear you can hear the horrid sound of his bones cracking when you step back. The longer you remain in this state, the slower you are. You suppose you should take comfort in these words but when you look at it, you still see a man.
Hollow. They’re all hollow. 
You take a deep breath.
Just as the thought crosses your head, you see Yangyang swing his bat again, meeting the zombie on the head and much to your wide-eyed horror, the head flies off into the dumpling shop and the body reacts with just about as much confusion as you do. It wildly waves about its hands in the now vacant spot before crumpling onto the road with a quiet realization.
Yangyang makes a face, pressing his knuckle to his mouth to prevent himself from what you presume is gagging. However, when you look closely, he seems to be holding back a laugh instead and very painfully so. You know he has a habit of laughing at the most inappropriate times but this, it really takes the cake.
“Home run?” he suggests, turning to you with a sheepish half-grin. There’s no hint of malice in his voice and you think that it’s probably not that he enjoys swinging his baseball bat at zombies. 
“You’re disgusting,” you reply, shaking your head.
“Maybe I should leave you here then.” 
You can’t believe he has the gall to be cheeky with blood running down his arm and four of the undead drooling at the sight of you two. 
“Do you think we can find ingredients that aren’t stale here? I miss having dumplings.”
“Okay, okay.”
The other ones are still far enough and the two of you take this chance to run off towards the street Yangyang mentioned earlier and safely out of view. You notice him panting heavier than before, and your eyes scan over his arm in worry. The bite is ugly, red with oozing blood, and you hold back the urge to ask him if he’s anaemic. 
Yangyang follows your eyes before an ‘ah’ leaves his lips. He spins his head to the right, trying to catch a glimpse of the wound in the same manner a dog chases after its own tail. He puts the bat down to try and twist his arm to see the injury but you stop him, clicking your tongue at his silly behaviour.
“You’re not twelve, Yangyang,” you scold. “Let’s get back to the hotel first.”
He shrugs, and you think some provoking words are ready to leave his mouth when he simply picks up his bat and walks off. You blink before quickening your steps to catch up with him. The blood dripping down his forearm makes you feel a little unwell but you know better than to touch infections.
It takes around fifteen minutes longer than usual to reach the hotel—Yangyang was right. It is safer here, with no zombies lurking around the corners. He must have been out late when he was scouting, you think with distaste.
You reach the now-rusting gates of your haven without trouble and the moment you reach, Yangyang falls to his knees, heaving a breath he seems to have been holding. You rush to him, eyes frantic when you reach your hand out to him, and he flinches, moving away from you.
“Don’t,” he mutters before getting up. “You turning into a real zombie would be my personal nightmare.”
It’s not enough to curb your worry but you follow him nonetheless, the stupid, wavering grin on his face making you unable to decipher what he’s really feeling. 
The familiar smell of honeysuckle washes into you as you pass by the entrance, locking the door behind you as Yangyang falls onto one of the chairs in the lobby. Kunhang happened to be passing by, a muffled swear leaving him when he sees the blood on Yangyang’s arm.
“You didn’t touch him, did you?” he asks, pulling on his gloves to further see the wound. A former med student is the best you have here, and somehow, you’ve never seen him complain about having to take care of someone as bothersome as Yangyang. 
You shake your head in reply to Kunhang and watch as he runs from shelf to shelf to procure more bandages than you’ve ever seen in your life. You’ve been seeing an awful lot lately. 
“We’re going to run out of bandages in a week if he keeps this up,” Kunhang says with a frown, moving so fast you can barely see his hands. “He’ll be okay, I guess. The virus just makes him dizzy.”
He’s probably thinking the same thing you are. Something serious happening to Yangyang is a little bit of a miracle. Maybe he’ll finally be set right in the head. 
Even so, you know Kunhang is worried despite his quick response, his frown lines deepening once he’s done wrapping up. He sighs before waltzing off to discard his gloves.
It’s not that you aren’t impressed by Kunhang; you’ve just seen him do that too many times to count. And of course, it’s mostly Yangyang on the receiving end. They might be good friends but this also happens to be the only time they're serious together. Moreover, Kunhang seems to beat Yangyang in the talking-for-twelve-hours-straight department. You have to admit though, being in charge of first aid for the few people stuck in this hotel is not an easy business. 
You take a seat opposite to Yangyang, dozing off in his chair and wonder if you should wipe the drool off his chin. Disgusting, you think to yourself, but another part of you dares to offer the word cute. 
The best thing about barricading yourself in a hotel during the apocalypse is not having to worry about beds. There’s at least five hundred rooms in this skyrise, more than enough for, what, sixteen people? The place is so big that you hardly run into the others. The only rule around here is regarding the pantry—to write down who’s taken what on the notepad stuck to one corner. Despite what movies show, people are far more helpful to each other in times of need, more so than usual even. You relax into the chair, the velvet cushion feeling comfortable against your back. 
There’s a nice communal feeling in this place. 
You frown. It’s not like you can stay here forever. 
At the very least, you can pretend each sundown and sunrise is ordinary here. You close your eyes, and slowly, thoughts of why you’re trying so hard to remember life before this drift away.
Yangyang wakes up before you do, grinning like crazy as he shrugs you awake. You stare at him through groggy eyes, untangling your limbs from yourself. The cold seeps into you and you shiver, hugging yourself.
“We found the keys to the lounge,” he rushes, albeit in a gentle voice. “Guess what?”
“There’s a campfire spot over there! The others already started but I thought I should wake you up.”
It’s just like him to be excited about something like that. You get up nevertheless, Yangyang pulling you through the stairs and onto the only elevator that seems to work around here. There’s quite a few things about this hotel left to be figured out. You’re going to have to start worrying anyway when the power from the generator runs out.
Kunhang and an older man, Mr Kang, are the only ones there once you reach. You had expected it but the lounge is gigantic and a small part of it provides the artificial campfire area. There are paintings of wild animals and trees for children, you assume, on the walls only cut off by a large vent on the ceiling. The fire burns bright over the large circle of soil and firewood, whose authenticity is debatable. You sigh at the warmth, having grown tired of the autumn weather’s mood swings.
Kunhang greets the two of you with a grin before delicately poking Mr Kang to at least acknowledge your presence. It’s funny, the lot of you.
The place is a little small, considering there’s a literal fire in the middle of the room. You almost sit on Yangyang because he shifts too suddenly at Mr Kang’s disapproval of proximity, a small yelp leaving you whereas Yangyang, for the first time, looks like he’d rather die. He mutters an apology, and two of you manage to sit a good two feet apart, sudden awkwardness rising in the air—all of it unnoticed by Mr Kang. You heard he was a banker but if Kunhang and Yangyang had a polar opposite, it would most certainly be him. You can’t even remember the man’s voice.
You think you should say something but Kunhang’s laughter breaks the silence. There’s an unspoken exchange between him and Yangyang, piquing your curiosity though you aren’t sure what you should be asking. You just assume it’s one of their stupid inside jokes.
“I left your gift on your table. You can add it to your dumb shoe collection,” Kunhang tells Yangyang, smiling before standing up to stretch. “I’m going to bed. Mr Kang, won’t you accompany me?”
Mr Kang gets up begrudgingly and you’re about to ask them to stay longer when Kunhang turns to you enthusiastically. “Good night, (name). Don’t have too much fun. Although, I suppose there’s no better time to have too much fun either.”
You watch with furrowed brows as the two disappear into the doorway and down the stairs. You spend a couple of moments in silence before clearing your throat. When it goes unnoticed, you turn to Yangyang despite the warmth on your face. 
“It’s not dumb,” he mutters to himself, a little zoned out.
You stare at him for a few moments and the familiar feeling rises in your throat, now with a little voice to accompany it. 
You cough, distracting yourself with any and all thoughts you would rather have, even of the zombies. Now isn’t the time—or is it the perfect time? You shake your head, calming yourself.
“Does it… hurt?” You ask, eyeing Yangyang’s arm.
He looks up as if broken from a daze, the campfire lights still dazzling in his eyes. You hold back a laugh. He really is a child; if he’s so easily mesmerized by fires, that is.
“Probably not any worse than the lady I whack-a-mole’d. Now that must’ve hurt.” Yangyang puffs his cheek before looking straight at you.
You stare back. It’s not the weirdest thing he’s said.
“What? I feel bad beating the crap out of zombies sometimes,” he says, scratching the back of his head. 
You hum in response. The thought of Yangyang developing a conscience is almost as bad as having to think about zombies. Though, you’ll have to admit, it does give you a strange relief. Zombies can’t really feel pain—they are, after all, numb in every possible sense—but some part of you wonders if it’s alright like this. Morals and survival aren’t meant to overlap. 
You feel the need to distract yourself with something.
“Hey,” you call, moving closer to Yangyang such that your shoulders almost touch. Before you know it, you brush the hair from his face, trying to style the mess into something more neat—a thing you’ve been wanting to do since the first time you saw him. Every time you’d see the messy mop of hair at an official event of the debate club, you’d have this strong urge and an almost putrid form of annoyance. You still don’t know how he managed to get in.
“You don’t look terrible with parted hair,” you muse. “You could’ve looked more decent at the debates.”
You look down from his hair to see Yangyang frozen, eyes wide as if a deer in the headlights.
“Are- Are you not breathing?” you ask.
Yangyang sucks in a large chunk of air, fast enough to choke on it and break into a coughing fit as he turns away from you. You reach out to pat his back but he waves his hand at you, indicating he’s fine before he can turn to you.
You look at him with no particular emotion, the night breeze having worked its way to you.
“What was that about a gift? Are you and Kunhang getting things for each other without telling me?” you say, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
There's a short pause, filled with the crackling of fire.
“It’s my birthday,” Yangyang says with a small smile as the campfire lights dance across his cheeks.
And yet, the words come out sad as if he’d been waiting for an occasion to tell you. You look at him, eyes widening ever so slightly accompanied by the loss of words and take a sharp breath.
“I’m not going to ask for a gift,” Yangyang teases. “Don’t look so worried.”
You open your mouth and close it again, unable to explain the gentle wash of sadness overcome you when you see just a boy. For all the talking he does, he never asks for much. 
“I mean, I- I liked spending the day with you. Why do you look so sad? Did I say something? Again?”
You look over his features, from his brow bone to his wide eyes to his lips and the conclusion arrives as gently as the end of the world. What’s the worst that could happen?
You quickly pull him into a hug, still careful of his injury, and a vaguely embarrassing sound escapes Yangyang, something akin to a sheep’s call. He clears his throat which turns into coughing before he can wrap his arms around you, his breathing soft against your shoulder. 
“I’m- I’m alive, you know? I don’t think I’m dying any time soon. I- I can’t even get infected! You know that.”
“That’s not why I’m- I…” You pull back, steeling your eyes so you don’t feel the warmth of embarrassment. 
Just like you prepare for debates, you think to yourself. Maybe Yangyang was right about you being a zombie—the way you follow the same drudging formula.
“I like you,” you say, your words more of a strained whisper but they’re out before you know it. You can fake confidence, you tell yourself. It’s horrible timing and spending your (potentially) last days with someone who rejected you is just another way to shoot yourself in the foot.
But part of you has been wanting to do this for so long that you almost don’t mind.
Yangyang sucks in a breath, pressing his knuckles to his mouth as he straightens.
“That was- Wow. Okay. I- Uh. Wow.”
You let the heat grow stronger in your cheeks, racking your head for an explanation or even a lie. Maybe you can say it was a mistake. 
“I- I meant…” You lose track of your words. You can’t lie.
“I’ve never been confessed to,” he blurts, and if you squint, you swear you can see him blushing.
Yangyang coughs again, followed by the same embarrassing sound. “That was- That was the first time.”
The silence between you is accompanied by the crackling of fire and the soft path-making of wind. You’re at a loss for words, something that you should be used to by now—they clearly belong to someone else.
“Oh my god, that was so stupid,” he says, pulling a horrified face as he frantically waves his hands about. “I meant to say I like you too but I- I guess I forgot to say it out loud. Ah, crap- I sound even stupider now, don’t I?”
Your lips twitch, trying to contain your smile but you’re seized with uncontrollable laughter anyway. The mortified expression on Yangyang’s face makes you burst into another fit of giggles before you can somewhat compose yourself.
“I think that’s the longest you’ve been quiet for,” you say in between recurring laughter. “Did anyone ever tell you being able to talk fast doesn’t get you ahead in debate clubs?”
Yangyang frowns.
“Oh, I just joined because I thought it’d get on your nerves,” he says, not a hint of jest in his voice.
You straighten away from him, the smile dropping from your face.
“You can’t be serious.”
He grins sheepishly, scratching the back of his head and offering no explanation. You huff in exasperation, getting up abruptly to avoid another oncoming headache. It’s a little difficult, considering you have the human version of it right beside you.
“Wait- Where are you going?” Yangyang scrambles up to his feet. “It’s my birthday, you know?”
You turn around and put your hands on your hips, a small smile on your face at the sight of him. “It’s midnight already.”
“Oh. How was I supposed to know?”
You laugh, shaking your head. Maybe the little rascal is special.
“Hey,” Yangyang calls. “You know, since this is the end of the world and all…”
You stare at him, heartbeat erratic at the lack of distance and despite the fading of teenage fantasies. Yangyang shifts nervously, glancing here and there while simultaneously trying to keep eye contact with you, an action which makes you hold back a chuckle. There’s a particular twinkle in his eyes but he can’t seem to be able to look at you straight.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks, finally.
And what a daring end to the world it is.
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bonesofapoet · 3 years
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We Are Unsung Hymns
[jason todd x you]
author’s note: me: im only writing requests this year! also me: what if i explored the more Intense and Darker Themes of being with an anti-hero, especially when they kinda disappear, then show up half dead for the 32nd time? me again: so what im actually saying is due to Recent Events i am once again, projecting onto jason peter todd
p.s. dont judge me for the out of context Shelley quotes + this is a little rusty, i havent written in a hot second. tw blood + injury, alcohol, adult language, loneliness.
word count: 1678 (WOW)
Silence, to you, meant many things.
It was the soft hours of dawn, honey golden light streaming through curtained windows. It was the hush in your soul after a day so divine it felt more like a dream than anything else. Silence was the eye of a hurricane, the calm before the storm.
Sometimes, it was sinister. Silence meant unknown things seeping into hairline cracks left unguarded when things had been going good, going smooth, going so well you forgot life could be anything else, forgot that surprises still existed.
A day of silence had melted seamlessly into two, then drew slowly into four, even five. It had grown harder to keep your mind from straying, to keep yourself focused on the world in front of you and the people beside you. It was easier during the day as most things seemed to be, but, well.
Things were always fine, until they weren’t fine at all.
An arm of the couch, a corner chair. The windowsill cleared of clutter for seamless exits and entries under the cover of night – they all became prime places for dreaming and thinking, for worrying and waiting. For wondering if you were even allowed to be this worried, this affected, because it wasn’t like you and Jason Todd were technically dating, after all.
It was like being suspended in a sort of limbo, a liminal space; floating at a fixed point in space and time where you danced around whatever it was that had grown and blossomed so beautifully between the two of you.
Also known as: a purgatory, of sorts.
So you scrolled through old messages, camera rolls, curled up in the windowsill with a blanket and city lights for company, with city life for a soundtrack. This all dispelled the tension, the sporadic bouts of cracked composure; reliving memories that reminded you of his warmth, of his smile, focused on the ones that surrounded you with comfort. He would come home because he always came home, in one way or another – a little rumpled and tired, or a canvas stained with his journey.
You crawled into bed, grazed fingertips feather-light across his pillow, then dreamed.
Of course Jason was fine. Probably.
A few days later, you had become familiar with this feeling, you realized. Adjusting, finally, to all of this from the past, the present. This was your life now, and patience was a virtue. Resilience had to become one too.
Life went on.
And then you received a message, phone vibrating while out on an errand. Twilight was fast approaching, and you tried to race against the heavenly hues as they melted into deep peony pink, bled into bruised violet, became that deep navy blue always mistaken for midnight black.
Night was unpredictable, after all, and this one was no different.
{ Tuesday, 5:36 pm. From: Roy Harper
Coming in hot }
“Oh,” you said, startled. Your feet stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, crowded and loud – then suddenly, abrasively silent – but you began to move again, when your mind remembered what, exactly, that phrase meant. “Oh.”
You were home in record time. Everything happened fast, after that.
The first aid kit was in your hands within seconds, contents already finding their way onto a table, hands acted on muscle memory as they pulled a bottle of liquor, half full, from the cabinet as your front door flew open, ricocheted off the wall.
You didn’t even flinch.
“In here!”
Heavy, shuffled footsteps followed your voice. Roy and Kory hauled Jason onto the cleared space, and you didn’t bat an eye at that either.
His gear was off already, the clothes worn underneath already stained deeper, darker, saturated in places. His white streak wasn’t so white anymore, either. The harsh overhead light hid no details, and you wished this sort of scene still made you cringe, still made your breath catch and your brow crease in worry.
No one ever thought about what changed within you, when the life you crafted was suddenly full of superheroes and vigilantes. It’s never just learning how to stitch, how to help clean fancy bulletproof kevlar, or your rugs by extension. No, some changes ran too deep for anyone to see them, except for you, in moments like these.
Jason’s eyelids fluttered open, closed, rinse, repeat. He groaned, swore brutally when you began to clean up his wounds; you had learned a thing or two by this point, and this was nothing you had not handled before. Kory and Roy held him down while you worked, while you stitched and cleaned and bandaged.
Your routine was a well oiled machine. Everything slowed down after that.
“So this is what it takes for you to answer my messages,” you said, voice loud in the fresh silence, tone caught between a soothing murmur and a sardonic dig. “Just get yourself mortally wounded, avoid all that ‘don’t worry, I’m alive,’ small talk.”
Jason swats away his Outlaws, breathed a cuss as he pushed himself unsteadily upright. He tells them to wait in the jet, and they listened only after you shrugged your indifference.
“Mortally wounded. I thought you just saved my life,” he tried to joke, but this time it didn’t quite land. Not with his voice so rough and his blood on your floor.
“Take what you need on your way out,” you offered to his friends (yours too, now, you supposed). A balm in contrast to Jason’s demand.
You shared a look with Roy and Kory before they shut the door behind them.
“Rarely a dull moment.” Jason continued, more to himself than to you. He picked up the bottle of liquor within arms reach. The cap screwed off easy and he took a drink, then another while you hid the bloody dressing in the trash.
You swore you felt every emotion under the sun in the next seconds that passed. You were careful not to overwhelm either of you with any of them.
“Why didn’t you go to the Manor? You know Alfred does a better job than I do.” your fingers grabbed the bottle cap, played with it while your heartbeat rose and rose and rose. Jason probably heard it from across the room.
You knew the answer of course, at least the one he always told you.
He was quiet this time, though. Tired eyes left yours in favor of looking out the window, curtains still wide open to the prying eyes of nightfall. He went over to close them. “You never told me, but you were worried.”
It was a small truth; he had grown to trust you with those.
You wanted to smile, but you pulled a glass down from the cabinet, filled it with water and took it to Jason instead. Tugged the bottle gently out of his hand, replaced it with the glass.
He huffed a laugh, breath hitching when the movement pulled at stitches. Jason shifted his attention back to the city beyond, peeking behind the curtain every so often. His indifference to the last twenty minutes, the last two weeks-
You ventured out, turned the words over in your mind as you spoke them. “I don’t want to ruin your dramatic return.”
“Being temporarily ghosted gives a person time to think.”
His lips twisted into a smirk, eyes bright. “Does it?”
“Jay.” you had grown careful with your words, with their delivery, but they always said fortune favored the bold. “I know you’re not my knight in shining armor -”
Jason snorts, took a drink. You were half tempted to push him out the window.
“- and I’m the farthest thing from royalty locked in a tower,” he kept his eyes to the streets, but yours could never leave him again. They didn’t want to, now that he was here in front of you, acting as if he never left. “But it feels . . . it feels like we’re in a fairy tale, sometimes, you know? And then I don’t hear from you for weeks, or you come home with a bullet lodged in your shoulder, and I can’t help but wonder, ‘What the actual hell am I doing?”
Jason looked at you then, expression closing off, bright blues steeled. “What are you doing?”
You don’t know, and you tell him that too.
But you were still here, and you hadn’t told him to leave. He knew that, and you could see him begin to remember, see him begin to let the tension ease up just enough to be casual.
He said nothing before he stole the breath from your lungs, just like he always does.
“’Death and love are yet contending for their prey.’” he quotes, and you allow yourself that small smile then, moving close enough to touch him, for him to touch you.
You wondered how long it would take, for him to start quoting a poet. Little did he know, you spent enough of his time away reading his favorites to feel closer to your anti-hero, and, well. At long last, two could play that game.
“’Though storms may break the primrose on it’s stalk, though frosts may blight the freshness of it’s bloom, yet spring’s awakening breath will woo the earth, to feed with kindliest dews it’s favorite flower, that blooms in mossy banks and darksome glens, lighting the green wood with it’s sunny smile.’”
Jason’s grip on the glass tightened; he had to look away, because – what the fuck.
Shelley always had a way with words, but hearing them spoken in your voice, so raw and practiced with that glint in your eye -
The expression he wore now – it was the most real, the most wholeheartedly Jason, you had ever seen. He cleared his throat. “That’s not even the same poem.”
A quiet laugh fell obnoxious and graceless through your lips, and you couldn’t stop it.
“I’ll work on that one next time you leave me.”
Jason Todd pulled you into his arms then, hid his smile in your shoulder as you held him tight, and held him close.
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ethereal-bang · 4 years
Best Friend’s Brother’s Best Friend
Characters: Felix x female reader, Bang Chan, an OC
Words: 4.4k
Type: strangers to lovers, smut (kinda? suggestive), some major fluff cause I’m a softie for Lix
Request :  Hey! I would like to request smth but the fluff/smut scenario is complex (u can just ignore it if its too much for u😊) U are Bang chan's little sister's bestfriend n one time he comes back for vacation from korea w Felix n he proposes him to come sleep over, this day u r also supposed to sleep over at Chris' sister's, so u meet him n Felix for the first time. There's smth obvious between u n Felix, things go on n turns out also heated (sry i didn't know how to explain all of this🥺) Thank U☺️
Requests Are Open!
Warnings: mature content, not explicitly smut but things get pretty heated (will be pretty vanilla. dry humping, heavy kissing etc) Do Not Read if you are under the age of 18. This piece of work is intended for mature audiences only
You’ve always loved the summer. The feeling of freedom, no responsibilities and the exciting prospect of unknown adventures always brings a smile to your face.
Today is the same way. You take in the feeling of the sun warm on your back, the breeze through your hair as you ride your bike across town. The first day of summer has come, and you can’t wait to spend your days with those you hold dearest to you, like your best friend Mia.
Mia has been your friend since you were three years old. It started as two toddlers running around the playground together, your mothers keeping a watchful eye as you run through the grass and chase butterflies until your little legs give out. Many playdates were spent that way, slowly forming a bond that you knew would continue on through time and fallen leaves with the changing of each season.
Each year that past brought you new experiences. New classes, birthdays, crushes, heartbreak-- everything the two of you could've gone through together, you have. Your families even, are attached at the hip this point.
Take her older brother, Chan for instance. Only three years older than his sister, he took on the protective older brother role for you as well. Driving you to practice, helping you with homework, you name it. Although he can be a little annoying sometimes, as “big brothers” can be, you wouldn’t trade your friendship with him for the world. Which was why you were heartbroken when he was signed to JYP and off to South Korea, to pursue his dreams of making music.
You were proud of him, absolutely. He had worked so hard his entire life and you knew he was destined to do great things. The airport send off was sad, but promises of facetime calls and letters sent brought you slight comfort. 
Years went on, and your friendship with Mia, as well as Chan, never changed. Now graduated from high school, this summer was the most exciting one yet. Going off to college in the fall was daunting, but knowing that you wouldn’t have to worry about it for at least another three months meant that you could truly relax, and take in the newfound freedom that comes with being an adult.
Well, kinda.
You pulled up on your bike in front of Mia’s house; the large front porch with the cutest little swing out front reminding you of all the times you spent with her there after school. Images of hours spent running around the front yard and 25 cent lemonade stands fill your head as you make your way to the front door, not even bothering to knock because you knew Mia was home.
Setting your shoes at the door, you call out for your best friend. “Mia? It’s me, Y/N!” you say as you peak your head into the living room, finding no signs of life. “In the kitchen!” you hear her say and you immediately turn around to walk through the doors.
When you walk in, your heart soars as you spot a certain curly haired boy standing with her at the counter. “Chan!” you scream and basically knock him over. It’s been at least 4 years since you’ve last seen him, and the surprise makes your day better already. He gives you a hug and laughs his signature laugh, and you can't believe he’s actually here. “WHY didn’t you tell me you were coming home?!’ you say as you smack him on the shoulder. He pretends to be hurt and rolls his eyes. “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise, dummy” he says. It’s only then that you realize there’s someone else in the room.
You look over and immediately recognize Felix. You were obviously a fan of Stray Kids, how could you not be? This was the first time you’d met any of the other boys in person, though, and you blushed when you realized he was even more handsome than the videos made him out to be.
His blonde hair frames his face perfectly as he looks up at you, and you take in the way his freckles paint his face like the most beautiful constellation in the sky. You take in the shape of his nose, and his lips, the cupid’s bow prominent and his lips turned upwards into a shy smile. You realize that you’re staring, and the blush on your cheeks darken.
Chan clears his throat, aware of the awkward atmosphere as he laughs quietly. “Right, right. I forgot you two have never met. Y/N, this is Felix. Felix, this is Y/N, Mia’s best friend.” He says, gesturing between the two of you. Mia makes eye contact with Chan as the two of you awkwardly say your hellos, wiggling her eyebrows, and he waves her off. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” you say and stick your hand out. He stands up and does the same, shaking your hand softly. “It’s nice to meet you too! I hope we can get to know each other,” he says. You were no strange to how deep his voice is, but hearing it in person is completely different. The timbre of his voice sends a feeling up your spine that you haven’t felt in a long time. And then it strikes you. They’re here, not in Korea.
“Wait, why are the two of you here? N-not that I don't WANT you here or anything I just- you’re normally an ocean away an-” “Relax, Y/N,” Mia says, cutting off your confused rambling before you can dig yourself into a deeper hole. “Chan is home for a vacation and decided to bring ‘Lix along! Isn’t that exciting?” She says, glad to have her brother back home.
“Yep! The company decided we all needed a long break since we’ve been working so much this year, so we’ll be here for the next two months!” Chan says, and you beam. The whole summer! This opens up a brand new world of possibilities. “So,” you begin, all three of them looking at your expectantly.
“What do we do first?”
The first few weeks of summer are always the most exciting. Everything is a first. Movie nights, late night trips to the local diner, and catching fireflies in the backyard seem just that much more fun. You also got the chance to reconnect with Chan, and build a new friendship with Felix. 
Felix is an excitable soul. Always one for random adventures, the anticipation of the day’s activities always evident in his eyes that seem to sparkle at every moment. When it came to sleepovers, the two of you always seemed to be the first ones awake. This led to many early morning (if you call 8 am early) impromptu breakfasts together, sitting the Bang family kitchen and talking about anything and everything. Felix is incredibly funny, always having a reference or a joke up his sleeve no matter the conversation. 
Take yesterday, for example. The summer carnival in town is in full swing, and Mia thought it would be a great idea for the four of you to go. You get up bright and early and head over to their house, knocking on the door excitedly. Your breath catches in your throat when Felix opens the door. He had clearly woken up not too long before; His hair still a little messy, and a sleepy smile adorns his face when he realizes it’s you. You can’t help but giggle, he looks so cute in the early hours of the morning and it makes you want to reach up and push his puffy cheeks together. “Oh, h-hey y/n I didn’t know you’d be here so soon...I-I’m gonna go get dressed,” he stutters, letting you into the house and then rushing upstairs. 
Once everyone is ready to go, you all pile into Mia’s car and head over to the carnival. The car ride is filled with singing along to the radio, windows down and taking in the sights of the city as it slowly wakes up. Something about the summer brings everyone outside, you think to yourself as you pass families sitting in patio areas for a nice breakfast and people out walking their dogs through the city streets.
Pulling into the parking lot, you bounce in your seat with excitement. It’s just opened for the day, and you can see the rides begin to move and lights turning on, adding to the atmosphere. You’re sat next to Mia in the front seat, but you can see Felix through the rearview mirror. Your eyes meet for a split second and you turn away, noticing the way his eyes sparkled when they met yours. “He’s probably just excited about the fair,” you think to yourself, shrugging it off. 
Chan and Felix are the first two out of the car, followed by Mia and then yourself. The walk to the ticket booth was short, but was filled with Chan’s excited noises as he talked about everything he wanted to do while at the carnival. It was the first time he’d been in almost 5 years, and he said it was something he had missed while overseas. 
Waiting in line at the ticket booth, you take in your surroundings as you wait for the others to buy their tickets. People have now actually made their way inside, and you can hear the music coming from the various games and rides all around you, along with the screams of the people already on some of the rollercoasters.
You’re broken out of your thoughts by Felix’s deep voice, hearing him say “2 tickets, please” to the lady at the window. Confused, you tug on his sleeve and look at him. “Felix,” you start but he smiles and shakes his head, opting to wrap your hand around his own arm as he says “Don’t worry about it, I got it.”
You feel butterflies in your chest at the action, but try not to let yourself be so easily affected. Instead, he pulls you along with Chan and Mia, and you make your way into the park. 
“So...what do we ride first?” Chan asks. He looks over to you and Felix’s intertwined arms and raises his eyebrows, giving Felix a look that luckily you didn’t see because you were too busy trying to decide if you wanted to play a game first or go on one of the rollercoasters instead.
“Let’s go play one of those first!” Mia chimes in, spotting one of those games where you throw a baseball to knock down some bottles. She’s always been the competitive type, so it’s no surprise to you as she walks over to the games, teasing Felix that he doesn’t stand a chance up against her.
This declaration of war seemed to spur something on in Felix, determination in his eyes as he watches Mia knock nearly every bottle down. She looks at him as she’s handed her prize, a little pink stuffed monkey from the middle shelf that she holds dearly to her chest. “Beat that, Felix.” she laughs as he steps up to the game booth.
You stand beside Chris and Mia and watch as Felix begins throwing the baseballs. With ridiculous precision, he knocks down two bottles. Then another three. Then another two more. You’re all watching in surprise as Felix knocks the rest of the bottles down with his final baseball, eyes wide and Mia pouting, realizing she’s been beat.
The bell dings, and the carnival worker cheers as he tells Felix to pick anything from the top shelf. He grabs a plush, cartoon cat toy and immediately turns around and hands it to you. “Here, you can have it,” he says, a blush adorning his cheeks. Your expression mirrors his as you take the toy and hold it close to your chest. Mia and Chan both roll their eyes at the innocent display of affection. Neither of them can believe that the two of you are so absolutely oblivious to each other’s feelings. 
Many rollercoaster rides and carnival food later, the sky is beginning to grow dark. The day was spent playing rock paper scissors to decide who rides with who, who pays for food, and who holds the other’s things when the ride won’t allow everyone to ride together. It’s the most fun day you’ve had in a long time, and you’re thankful that you get to spend it with the people you hold dearest to you.
The sun slowly setting is making Felix look absolutely beautiful, and you have to stop yourself from constantly staring at his skin and the way the sunlight makes his freckles stand out even more than normal.
Once you return to the Bang residence, everyone goes off to do their own thing; Mia to take a shower, Chan to play some video games, and you decide to go to the backyard. Opting to sit on the bench off the back porch, you smile as you see fireflies blinking throughout the yard. Moments like these were your favorite, the calm breeze through your hair as the air is still a little sticky; once the sun sets it will cool down, so you put up with it for now.
You’re a little surprised when you see Felix come to join you outside, you thought he had been playing games with Chan upstairs. “Hey,” he says with a smile. You nod your head and he takes a seat next to you. “Penny for your thoughts?” He asks as he notices the far away look in your eyes. 
“I’m just thinking about how much fun this summer has been. How much today has been. Thank you for the stuffed animal, by the way.” You say with a blush on your cheeks. He rubs the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed and a little nervous. “Oh, yeah, no problem I mean, I know you like cats so..” “Yeah..” you say, both of you trailing off into a comfortable silence.
“You know,” you start off, “I’m really glad Chan brought you back home with him. It’s nice to finally get to know you,” you say quietly. Felix smiles and moves a little closer to you. “Yeah? I agree. I’m glad I came with him, too.” he says. He’s close enough to you on the bench that your shoulders are touching, and the proximity makes you nervous. You can feel him looking at you as your eyes wander across the back yard, watching a bunny run into the bushes. You turn to look at him, and he’s so close that time feels like it’s stood still.
He’s moving closer towards you, and your breath catches in your throat. Is he about to kiss you? Your mind is going haywire. His lips are less than an inch away from yours, and you close your eyes out of reflex. One slight move and he could jus-
“Hey guys! Let’s go get dinner, Chan says he’s paying.” You and Felix jump apart as Mia is suddenly at the back door. Scrambling to your feet, you can’t look Felix in the eye, embarrassed by almost getting caught with what was about to happen. “O-oh yeah, sure!” Felix says, just as startled as you are. He lets you head in the door before him, and you try to shake the butterflies when you remember the feeling of him so close.
Today, it’s Mia who wakes up before the boys do, so the two of you wander into the kitchen, making breakfast for everyone before Felix and Chan wake up. Mia passes you the pancake mix that she’s just finished making, and you sprinkle some blueberries into the batter that you’ve put on the griddle. “Who’re the blueberries for?” Your best friend asks as she cuts some more fruit to put out for everyone. “Oh they’re for Felix, he likes blueberries,” you say as you absentmindedly wait for the pancake to cook enough to flip over. 
“You know, Felix seems to have taken a liking to you,” she teases, popping a piece of watermelon into her mouth. You roll your eyes at her, a sense of false hope spreading in your chest. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say, hoping that you can convince her and possibly yourself, that there’s nothing there. 
“Come on y/n,” she starts, “the two of you literally ditched me and Chan the other night to sit outside and stare at fireflies before dinner. And don't think I didn’t see how close he was to you when I came outside! You just need to say something to him already. I’m begging you.” She watches you take the pancake off the griddle and place it on a plate, grabbing the bowl of pancake batter and starting on another one. 
“I don’t know Mia, maybe he wasn’t trying to kiss me! Maybe I just had something on my face! Felix is a nice guy he’d do that kind of thing for me,” you reason. In your mind, it was so far from believable that Felix could have any type of feelings for you. He’s and idol, surrounded by some of the prettiest and most talented girls around, there’s no way he’d settle for someone as normal as you.
“I see those gears turning in your head, y/n, don’t think too much of it otherwise you’re just gonna make yourself sad. He IS a nice guy, but I also can’t lie to you and tell you he doesn’t look at you the way Chan looks at every dog he’s ever seen,” she laughs. 
You were about to open your mouth to argue, but you’re saved by the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. Chan comes first, Felix following close behind. Both of them have clearly just woken up, probably from the smell of the pancakes that you just remembered you were making. Luckily, you noticed just in time to take them off the stove and put the remaining pancakes on everyone’s plates.
“Good morning sleepyheads. Glad you could finally join us,” Mia jokes as she places the boys’ plates in front of them “Ooooo blueberries!” Felix says as he takes a look at the pancakes on his plate, and Mia shoots you a knowing look. You kick her under the table, and remain quiet as breakfast begins.
The four of you decided that staying inside was the best course of action, the summer weather was in full effect today, and none of you wanted to face the July heat. The day was spent making lemonade, sharing youtube videos and  playing multiple rounds of uno, laughter filling the house because Chan and Felix were hellbent on making each other lose (which Felix did. A lot.) It was so normal, you had almost forgotten about the little moment you had with Felix last night. Almost.
Later in the afternoon, Chan speaks up all of a sudden. “Hey, Mia, remember we need to head over to Auntie’s house really quick, like Mom asked us to this morning.” He said. Looking confused, Mia walks into the living room to look at him. “What are you talking about? Mom didn’-” she stops her sentence when she sees that Chan is looking at her urgently, eyes flitting between you and Felix, who are currently engrossed in a movie on TV.
Catching on quick, Mia nods her head. “Oh, yeah, that’s right. Auntie’s house.” You look up when you hear her voice. “Auntie’s house? That sounds fun, let’s go!” 
“No!” Chan says quickly, and now he has Felix’s attention as well. “It’s a...family thing,” Mia says, trying to save her brother’s ass so they don’t get caught. “Right, right. It’s a family thing so you can’t come we’ll be back see you later!!” Chan say as he pulls Mia out the front door. Raising your eyebrows, you question your best friend’s weird antics as they shut the door. “Ooookay,” Felix laughs once the front door closes. “What do you think they’re problem is?” You question and turn back to Felix. He looks a little nervous, and you’re unsure why. “No idea,” he says quietly and turns back to the tv. 
He’s sitting far away from you on the couch, and the urge to move closer to him is growing stronger by the minute. You try to control yourself and focus on the movie, but it’s getting harder as you replay the moments from yesterday in your mind. You try to get comfortable where you’re seated, but for some reason no matter how you sit, you can't manage to stay still for more than 10 seconds. 
Felix looks over at you occasionally, wondering if you’re uncomfortable being alone with him. There’s no way, right? You’ve spent plenty of time alone with him in the past month and a half, if he had made you uncomfortable, you would’ve said something, right? And why did Chan and Mina just run out like that? He doesn’t remember ever hearing their mom mention anything about going to their aunt’s house this morning. Was he just not paying attention? 
You’re still moving about on the couch, and curiosity peaks in Felix.
“Are you okay?” Felix asks, looking over when you move for the fifth time in half a minute. “Y-yeah! Yeah I’m ok. Just a little cold,” you say, trying to play off the situation. He shifts a little in his seat, wondering if he’s really about to do what he’s thinking about doing. And before he knows it, he opens his mouth and is doing exactly what he was afraid to.
“I mean,” he begins hesitantly, “you can always..come sit over here with me, if you want. No pressure! But you know..if you want to,” He blushes, but extends his arm against the back of the couch, an open invitation for you to cuddle into his side. Thinking about it for a moment, you figure there’s no real harm in doing so, wanting to satisfy your need to be close to him in hopes that it'll stop the feeling in your chest.
You were wrong, it doesn’t help the feeling in your chest at all. If anything, it magnifies it ten fold. You scoot over to Felix’s side of the couch, tucking yourself into his side and getting comfortable. You relax in his hold, and Felix feels a sense of relief wash over him.
You try to get back into the movie, but just as you get comfortable again, a very intense romantic scene begins in the movie. The two characters are about to meet their inevitable downfall, sharing a dramatic declaration of their love. The desperation in their voices are evident, knowing that if this so happens to be the last moment they ever have on earth, then they’ll be okay with it knowing that neither of their feelings were unrequited. .It doesn’t help that Felix keeps looking over at you every thirty seconds. 
You feel Felix tense, and he turns to look down at you, your head now rested on his shoulder as you got comfy in his embrace. He wants to hold you like this forever. He panics a little, realizing how close your faces where when you turned to look up at him. He looks into your eyes and immediately melts, it reminds him of the other night, when he was just so close to finally kissing you. All he would have to do now, in this moment, is grab your jaw and pull you forward and then he’d be kissing you.
So that’s what he did.
It was a quick kiss, and Felix pulls away just as quickly as he pulls you in. “I uh..I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me if you never want me to do that again I won’t and we can forget that it ever happened I am so sorry,” he rambles, and you laugh at him. “Felix,” you say, turning to face him properly, “You have no idea..how long I have wanted you to do that.” You confess, cheeks turning red. He giggles. Giggles. That’s all the incentive you need to pull him back to you and capture his lips in another kiss.
You move to straddle his lap, your hands tangling in his hair and his immediately landing on your hips. You want to stay with him like this forever, you’ve decided. Running your hands through the soft tresses makes you realize that no one has ever made you feel the way that Felix does. He is home to you, and you know immediately that you don’t want anyone else. He moves to touch the skin that’s exposed right at the bottom of your tshirt, and a content sigh passes your lips. Felix uses the moment to slip his tongue in your mouth and you just let him take over, too lost in the feeling of him to fight for any type of dominance.
You roll your hips against him and a deep groan comes from his chest. You kiss him a little harder, and his labored breathing matches your own. You were now immensely glad that Mia and Chan were nowhere to be found.
His lips move to your neck, and the noise that comes from you does not go unnoticed by him. He’s guiding your hips against his now, bucking up into you and you’re getting lost in the feeling of him. Looking at you, Felix just wants to thank every god that has ever existed for letting him be with you in this way. In this moment, you are the only thing that exists to him. Even if he has to leave in a few weeks to head back to Korea and his idol life, his heart belongs here with you. And you'll wait for him each time, you know you will. This felt like destiny, and you’ll be damned if a body of water comes between you and him ever again.
Mia and Chan take their sweet time coming back to the house, deciding to go get dinner and hoping that their idiot lovestruck best friends have finally gotten themselves figured out. They walk through the door and smile as their met with the sweetest scene ever. You and Felix are asleep on the couch, completely wrapped in each other.
Needless to say, the state of Felix’s hair and the dark markings on your neck are enough for the two of them to silently fist bump as they walk to their respective bedrooms.
A/N: Oh my goodness. If you’ve made it to the end of this, thank you for reading! I really hope this lived up to your expectations Anon >.<
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onf-headcanons · 3 years
ONF in Demon AU
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A/N : Is clearing idea dumps from drafts, this would be the second version of modern AU 
Hi, does anyone remember the idea of illegitimate child of Satan from here and a random Lucifer!Hyojin moodboard here?
ALSO YOU TOTALLY CAN IMAGINE THIS IN A REVERSE WAY, ANGEL AU (where reader is a reincarnation version fragment of Archangel but this one idea dump/establishment will be done for another day)
ALSO you can totally imagine it as deity AU, example that you are Zeus reincarnation but you awaken late and you need to stop Kronos for his rampage. Or even you are Odin and you need to stop Modern version Ragnarok this time. And ONF members could be tie with other Greek/Roman gods. This one will be fun should OH MY GIRL and B1A4 are tied in too. Its just idea I am not sure if I will expand this. But discussions are welcome
(There is no harm to think it as late Victorian or any other era you like, it is just I felt it is better to write in a familiar timeline as I dont want to do something wrong)
So below are just a few establishment for the AU, I am not gonna divide this into 2 scenarios so warning this is going to be long post.
Ok even though I did mentioned illegitimate or forgotten child. This is plausible for your family comes from bloodline that related to demonXhuman ancestors.
Also it truly depends on you. Making into a throne inheritance war or
Reader come of age and their soul are reincarnated royal demon (not neccesary Satan) so there are some demons/demoness guarding you from you are still a child (kinda like those 2 characters from Good omens or Maleficent)
for the above idea, readers magical heritage only awaken once they pass a certain birthday 16, 18 or 20 or 21, up to you. So you suddenly can see mythical creatures.
It could be your bloodline awakened but you are not that qualified to ascend throne or because of your human blood you cannot hide yourself from angel/demon hunter so you have your own demon guardians
Lets say you are imagining on something big world building, again derived from the establishment for familiar au, it is definitely plausible for you to have other "candidates" and they have their demonic godparents/guardians as well
Example, should you go for inheritance war type, maybe you have a distant related sibling(s). It will be fun if you, have ONF members as your guardians while your sibling(s) have other kpop groups. Presumably to name, Dreamcatcher, ONEUS, ATEEZ, PENTAGON or ASTRO... in short its totally flexible.
To add, (and this is an idea i use to draft for fake pilot episode for a homework I worked), you could tally idols and number of idols you wanna integrate into the story to "Lesser Ley of Solomon", linking your bloodline towith King Solomon (*disclaimer, loosely based mythically). 72 demons, how many demons for 1 person is totally depend on you. Whether number of demons/demoness one have on their side equals to their power/ability (or even how many support they obtain) is up to you.
(and disclaimer I am not Christian this is just an idea dump so dont start cultural bashing. again this ia just an idea dump and I am not planning to touch sensitive issues yet.)
Ok enough world building, lets move to story wise.
You could be growing in orphanage it adds more mystery of your bloodline/heritage or similar to the familiar au, living with your family but your family later died on accident. Your parents bloodline combine making you are the perfect vessel for the reincarnation or maybe its a tradition like every 100 hundred years you will reincarnate or something. Again its flexible.
The moment you realize you are seeing things was you noticed similar aura of each person appeared on similar day. You might not get to see who is watching before you actually confronted to the air that you will contact the police
You might really go file a report but after several times the police be like dear there is no a single soul stalking you tho
then out of depressed, you accidentally get yourself into accident and your demon guardian shows up.
Or, because you started to able to see mythical creatures. Mythical creatures starts to notice your existence as well. And that somewhat gives off your location to other candidates through gossiping (should this is inheritance war type of story). Then your guardian show up to protect you when you are attacked by rival sibling’s demons.
Could be you visited some witch to get your ability to see mythical creatures covered up? Recommended by a friendly non related sibling or a friend you made/could be angel?
You thought you only got one but it surprised  you that you actually got 7 (later 6)
As this was different from summoning because they are guardians either assigned or volunteered. There is no need for you to provide them anything. And different from familiar au, there is no need to leave them in your home. To ensure your safety they must follow you 247
For now I would be thinking our boys actually guards you in a daily shift. Example, Hyojin on Monday, Changyoon on Tuesday, Seungjun on Wednesday, Jaeyoung on Thursday, Minkyun on Friday, Yuto on Saturday, Minseok on Sunday. (after Minseok departs, the other members rotate themselves to do the Sunday shift)
Since their shift are like that, you sometimes take chance to hangout with them. Eating out with Hyojin, Arcades with Yuto. mostly happens Sunday.
I am thinking it might be fun which your predecessors of the throne are very eager to get the throne, you are just trying to keep out of trouble. So in another way, demon ONFs get to experience the modern human world in a more chill way, it was not just guarding you, but also trying to experience human world. You could like summon them?/keep them by your side just like a normal sibling (Especially if you are the type that grow up alone without any siblings)'
Cues in ONF members actually understand your preference and remembers them very well. So you could not help relying on them as days pass by.
You are defo gonna get an ultimate rival and a friend that shares the same circumstances as you. Maybe the first rival sibling ends up being your friend after they know you are not intending to compete. But there are some rivals are more aggressive out there.
Could be you knew a few demon hunters but they know you meant no harm and then they just let you go
It will be more fun if existences of your kind triggers inner civil war between demon hunters/angels. Because there is also some distant “siblings” of yours wish to live their live quietly but some parties does not agree of letting your kind roaming free and feeling the bloodline must end.
Should you are the type to compete for your birthright (because you are too irritated of people keep coming to kill you non stop). They are happy to serve you till the end as you embracing your darker side. (Well I am not sure to give ONF members and reader loveline here so I will not talk about it for now)For this version, to explain Minseok’s departure , I would prefer that Minseok is back at hell to be your team’s spy, monitoring all political moves and changes.There are still bottom line morality, you are not really slaughtering your way through. But you do make sure the other party wont come to look for trouble anymore.They are going to train you to make sure you are ready. Fighting in physical and magic.That friendly sibling joins on training you too. 
You are definitely getting strict critiques from Hyojin and Seungjun during the beginning of your training.
My preferences, you get a friendly sibling(s) where their demon guardians end up being BFF with yours. (RTK and MIXNINE side effect, sorry)
Characterization should be the same as those I have established from the familiar au. Just the world building and some settings that are slightly different.
Hyojin is to keep the trait of his preference on human food
Changyoon is to keep his nagging trait 
Seungjun might help you with studies (not solidify him as a nerd but there is tendency that he will)
Jaeyoung is more to the body guard type
Minkyun defo gonna make friends with stray animals (either you house ends up becoming pet shelter, you becoming a foster mom for animals or you cannot keep any because you are allergic but mental supporting Minkyun is up to you)
Yuto definitely is the quiet but alert type same goes with Minseok
My preference stereotype for them would be the cinnamon rolls that would kill
Sometimes they might go.. “ I am a known demon back in hell but why I am doing this babysitting shit?” 
But then ends up enjoying stuffs human does lol
Changyoon enjoying TikTok lol, they got famous because of their contents. 
Defo gonna have movie night.
It will be funny if ONFs as demons themselves, got scared at the monsters/ghosts seen in horror movies. Bonus if you actually not scared of horror movies. And they are gonna question you out of disbelief like why the hell are you not scared? How can you not even flinch a single bit?
Reason : monsters and ghosts imagined by human beings do not look the same based on their knowledge.
They sometimes show themselves to other humans but rarely. Mostly just being the unseen follower behind you.
Cues in sometimes they forgot they are invisible, and picks up something from the mart and it gave people a fright. Example, Changyoon or Minkyun passes through a nice outfit and just took the hanged outfit out to place in front of himself, only to realise what he did after looking into a mirror nearby
Hmm my thoughts, Jaeyoung and Minseok would be the ones who would always their visiblity when you are out with them.
Hyojin and Changyoon would be the ones who prefer to keep their invisibility
Copying from familiar au, should you attend college or university, people might thought some members of demon!ONF are your boyfriend.
At first when they changed pattern starts to live close to you, they could  not get the concepts of moral of human being well. You will be guiding them. 
Could happen that you are so pissed off by someone at work and you could not help but ranting when you are at home. 
(Of course the demon!ONF on that day saw what happened but you did insist on them to not do anything)
They might go like : “ Should I kill them for you?”
You : “What?”
Random ONF member : “I can do it to make look like an accident you know.”
You : “OMG NO”
You : “You know maybe you can try to mend things when they are trying to frame me on purpose.”
Random ONF member : “Gotcha”
For the you are not competing scenario, they would be always keeping you safe from harm until you died. Should you get married, you let them participated as relatives/friends. Cues in they even help you take care of your child later on. It could be even fun if you child does not inherit bloodline but they can see ONF members
I will stop here will write another post should i have more ideas to add.
Welp of course for a third option scenario, would be you being a supporter the friendly sibling of yours. You just wanna stay safe so you acted like an advisor role for that candidate, helping them to gain power but not participating directly. Like I said its flexible
For this one I would like to write it as you are just trying to chill with your quiet life but demon hunter, angels and aggressive candidates keeping coming at you.
Also for this one I would link to the point of unfavorable and forgotten child part.
Less favourable child gets assigned with less powerful or less aggressive demons
So for this story ONF aren't high class fighter demons at all. But they do excel in magics.
In opposite, you could the one who knows how to fight maybe because you are quite rebellious in personality.
The moment you found out there 3 parties wanna kill you and innocent less aggressive candidates, you snapped.
Maybe some candidates heard of your friendly sibling name and they rushed over to seek help. End up bump into you instead.
You : what kind of dad is *your biological demon dad name*?"
Cues in Demon ONF keep calming you down because they are afraid that rumours of you belittling your demon father might make their king angry
But you have your attitude and no shit is given. Because you understand that your life your destiny is in your own hands.
You : I wanted a peaceful life alone but now I have to deal with Angels, hunters and a bunch of siblings that I never met , never knew about each other, who all wants me dead.
You : its not fair.
To end it once and for all, you suggested to the friendly sibling to find other candidates that do not have any intentions to compete for throne. Form allies with them so that later own they could get votes for the throne and the rest of the gang could get a decorative chill title while living a peaceful life
Also suggested to the sibling of yours make use of the allies to protect less aggressive candidates
It worked politically. As most of the candidates work on slaughtering others to cut secure birthright, your ideal and policy of strengthen inner then tackle threat gain more favour. Finally your sibling gets the throne.
And you and your other members of allies might get duke duchess or something
This version of story would have and need slot of mind games. Political games as well. (Will be interesting to write but there will waaaaaay too much characters to take note.)
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daredevile · 4 years
Summary: (adj.) constant and indefinite; continuing forever
Warnings: Some angst and fluff
A/N: Hey! This one’s for @sourpatchkidsandacokecan‘s writing challenge and I had the prompt ‘Soulmate AU’ - although I kinda strayed away from the conventional soulmate fics. Hope you like it!! [ Sorry if it’s a little depressing. ]
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Snow crunches under his muffled footsteps, morphing into little puddles of frost upon the gravel. There's a tinge of an eerie silence lingering beneath the dense fog embracing the city. Alleys he walks past awaken from the timbre of his breathing and the sizzle of flickering street lamps summon their next prey. The city glistens with mirth as blankets of white lay over the gray streets while sunshine peeks between dusky clouds - welcoming bustling passerby.
Snowflakes trickle from the skies above, he tilts his head towards the gloomy heavens; remembering the flashy headline plastered across the morning newspaper - BLIZZARDS ARRIVE AT NEW YORK. But Steve's questioning glance did nothing to stop him from leaving the tower.
Because it's silence he craves - a break from bright neon lights, a restless Times Square and the brash cacophony of mindless chattering. And now, beyond the gusts of winter winds, he listens to the distant whisper of cars rushing down barren roads; preparing for a prolonged slumber during the white season.
The world was different back then - sepia streets, rustic record players and charming souls. He remembers strolling through Coney Island hand-in-hand with a gal he’d charmed earlier that week. He remembers the arid thrill of beer stinging the back of his throat while he laughed the night away with the Commandos. He remembers chasing his sister down the narrow hallways of his home, earning a disapproving chuckle from his mother.
Now, he’s all alone.
Wandering through this foggy maze in search of some nostalgic comfort - a friend. His Ma had told him fables about finding a true soulmate, a perfect match beyond all of the universe. But, the war had stripped him of all those chances.
He squints at the street signs ahead, a heavy feeling stirs in his chest as the buildings emerge from the mist. It looks the same, he thinks. There’s a certain numbness as he relishes all the forgotten memories of euphoria that once held its place in his heart and soul. But all those memories merely sink back into the haze.
The cream-tinted paint is scraped in a few places, bits of brick-red expose themselves to the cool air around. But the walls still held the same meaning, the same bumpy touch he remembers once leaning on as tender lips barely grazed over his own during his teenage days.
It’s different now. Metal bannisters are ice under his fingertips, the creaky ol’ stairs he used to leap from - all fixed. There's an elevator too. Even the dusky fragrance of cigarettes is now replaced by overly sweetened scented candles. Is it Winter Candy? Vanilla Bean? He doesn’t know, merely scrunching his nose while passing the open window of apartment 2B.
Each step he takes echoes beneath him, there's hesitance in his heart as he inches closer to his home. But he doesn't stop.
"Can I help you?"
It's the tone of curiosity, not disgust that lies amidst the words. He snaps his head towards the voice - taken aback by the several bags you were attempting to balance. The keys to your home are lodged between your hands, threatening to slip past your fingers. There's a clear look of frustration on your face as you push the key through the hole - unaware of the cereal boxes tipping against the edge.
It all happens in a flash and within less than a second - Bucky leans forward, catching your belongings before they touch the floor. Cheeks reddening as he realises the close proximity between the two of you, blue eyes darting to the ground.
"Oh, um... sorry."
The door opens and the air in his lungs freezes as he gazes at the apartment. He staggers for a moment before stepping in, slipping into rivers of memories that wash over his mind. His childhood unfolds in front of him - watching noir films on the TV, sneaking out the fire escape at midnight, the delicious aroma of his Ma's cooking seeping from the kitchen.
The movement from one of the rooms snaps him out of his thoughts. He suddenly feels like an intruder, trespassing someone else's reality with his presence. A last look at his old life before he spins on his feet, unwilling to retreat into the chilly -
"Wait! I... uh, have something of yours." It's eagerness beneath your words that surprises him. He meets your kind eyes, lowering his attention to a tattered envelope extended in his direction.
He furrows his eyebrows, brushing his fingertips with yours when he takes the envelope into his cold hands - the jolt of warmth he feels withers quicker than it came. The touch of crinkled paper is rough, he squints at the scrawled letters across the page.
                                         Sgt. James Buchanan Barnes                                                      107th Infantry
The din of glasses smashing together was drowned by hearty laughter and chuckles. Symphonies from the piano dissolved under the pools of tan lighting and the clacking of billiard balls. Morita's off-tune singing trailed in Bucky's head as his downed the foamy beer resting in his glass.
"Oh, that was a magical night alright!" Gabe laughed, dodging a shove from Monty while the rest scoffed, "Gotta say, definitely put that French degree to use."
More groans followed his statement, he continued the descriptive encounter with his soulmate, Bucky chuckled to himself, shaking his head while leaning into the chair.
"That's enough, Jones."
"What about you, Barnes?" Gabe jeered, raising his eyebrows in amusement, "Any... intimate stories?"
Bucky's eyes snapped towards the empty mug in his hand, the smile of his face slowly dropped with a sigh. Flashes of those sweet nights he's shared with a few women ran through his mind. They never truly meant anything. His eyes fell upon Steve in the corner, nervously glancing at Agent Carter while she reported Colonel Phillip's orders. Maybe he had no soulmate.
"I bet Sergeant's had lines of ladies at his doorstep!" Morita piped in, setting off a fit of laughter across the table.
"G'night, soldiers."
Bucky forced a tight-lipped smile to the crowd, sighing in defeat before sending a nod at Steve as he left the bar. The streets were cold, a shiver trickled down his spine at the memories of the frosty Alps - his pace quickened in response.
The shoes were kicked off in an instant. He collapsed onto the springy mattress, shoving his face into the flattened pillow. The dark hands of his clock read 11:13, marking approximately five hours until he departed to England at the crack of dawn.
However, any sleep he tried to obtain slipped within his grasp. Leaning against the stone wall, he stared at his pressed uniform laying atop the wooden desk. Stealing a glimpse at the clock again, he grabbed the finest piece of paper in his house.
Dear Soulmate,
I don't know you. I don't know if I'll ever know you. My name is James Buchanan Barnes. And I never wanted to be alone. All my life I've been told that someone who's perfect for me is out there and I began to search for that person when all I really needed was a friend. Someone who understands me and shows me right from wrong. There were nights where I forgot my problems and gave it all to a stranger. The world is complicated, there's wars, famine and poverty. Everything is unpredictable, it changes in front of my eyes. Call me selfish, but I just need one constant.
I'm not perfect. But for you, I'll do anything. All I ask is for a friend in return. I'll bury my burdens and defeat these demons if I could be with you. They call me Sergeant, and for a few moments, I'm filled with unearned power and honour. But all that doesn't matter to me.
Because without you, I'm just lonely.
Yours truly, Bucky
You watch as he trails over the worn-out letter, his fingers barely gripping the rough edges as he folds it in place.
"It was under one of the floorboards."
His eyes land on yours, a smile tugging on his lips. Carefully placing the letter back into the envelope, he pushes the strands of brown hair from his face.
"Thank you. It means a lot."
The scent of chocolate teases his senses as you place the warm mug in front of him. It reminds him of his mother's wintertime treats - ones he'd only get if he behaved well. He grins at the memory of her mocking tone.
Maybe he's not alone after all.
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eldonash · 4 years
Love to an Immortal || Harsh&Orobas
Location: Harsh’s Place Featuring: Harsh and Orobas, and mentions of Carrington @notsoharsh​ Timeline: Beginning of August Triggers: None, its pretty soft Summary: Harsh invites Orobas over to enjoy some wine and blood, and they snuggle on the couch and talk about what love is for an immortal. 
Orobas has been passing his days in a cloud of confusion. It was worn with a blank face, his attitude and temper short, and most of the people he worked with kept an even wider distance. Harsh had suggested they share a couple blood bags, which was frankly so disgusting. Orobas brought instead, two bottles of blood and wine from his favorite dolls. He already had a lot of strings pulling in the right direction involving Lydia. She may have him bonded into a failed situation, but it didn’t mean he wasn’t sitting idly by as it devoured him. No, he was working on gaining access to her house, and he was setting her up for something heinous. 
“Harsh,” he poured the wine in one glass, wanting to smell it and savor the bite of tang and dryness that most food carried. He sniffed it, fingers long and cradling the liquid, his eyes have been blood red since his injury and even now, they were eerie in the comfortable environment. His complexion was grayed, like he was starving himself, but it wasn’t anything to do with that. The scars on his face would always be there from the holy water, small pockets just along his jawline, only caught when the lighting in a room struck his profile. “Before you decided to get rid of your soul, did you ever love someone?” 
Honestly, the stuff Orobas had brought over was better than what Harsh had tucked away in the fridge. He always forgot how much better it was when it was fresh. Maybe he should go for a hunt. Orobas would probably be up for it. It wasn’t like there was much point in playing the good little vampire now. No one was watching. No one cared. It didn’t matter. As days had gone by since that call, it was starting to seem like nothing did. Breaking things, getting into trouble, it wasn’t the same as it had been before the deal. It was all just hollow. 
The question caught him by surprise, but he nodded as he considered his own glass. “Yeah, I did. I think I’ve told you about her… well, a little anyway. Eleanor. She was the one who turned me. But that was a loooong time ago,” he said, pausing to take a sip. Spiked blood at least never lost its appeal. A rueful smile snuck onto his face. “Back then, I thought she and I were going to be together forever, like you and Haxian. But… even before it all went to shit, that might’ve been wishful thinking. I don’t think I really knew what I was asking for. All I knew was that I wanted to be with her as long as possible.” He paused, shooting Orobas a curious look. “Why do you ask?”
Orobas unbuttoned his deep blue suit jacket, exposing a crisp white shirt underneath, and leaned back on the couch, lounged out over sitting stiffly like he typically did. Likely wrinkling his nice clothes, but Orobas didn’t seem to care right now. He sipped the drink slowly, crimson gaze on his friend. “Hm, I hadn’t entirely put that together. I assumed we all have a bit of a relationship with our masters, not always with our consent.” Orobas absolutely hated that Eleanor died, it was a moment he dwelled on for his friend often. “But love isn’t something I’d define it as. It’s, something else-- I don’t know what.” Orobas didn’t think he loved Haxian. He wanted to please him, keep him impossibly close, and it felt more like they were one of the same person versus a partner. A lot of people said often that any definition of relationship with Orobas was also one with Haxian. 
It made more sense at Harsh’s pain, and though Orobas’ face usually lacked much emotion to it, a soft snarl curled his lips as anger coiled easily. “Mhm,” he took another drink, wanting to relax and not fall into the pit of anger again, and the numbness of wine and blood was welcomed. “I’m in a binding with a Fae at the moment. I have to find true love, or I will keep feeling as bad as I have been. Not sure on the time table, but it’s getting a little unbearable and such things will dissolve for me. Last time I felt this ache, I might have picked a fight with a brood in Berlin. Results, more enemies to say the least. I left that Elder with no one.” He glanced over, Harsh with his suave energy and easy smiles, even when he was brooding. 
“Carrington seems certain I already love someone. I just don’t know who. I’m that ignorant over it.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.” Harsh nodded, even as he scrunched up his nose at the word ‘master’. Eleanor had never been that for him. She taught him and guided him, but she was a partner, not a master. And he definitely wasn’t that for any of the vampires he had turned. Most of them had gotten what they wanted and left, or he had. Maybe some of them had wanted that. Harsh never bothered asking. He could tell them how to avoid slayers or the best places to go looking for people to eat, but beyond that, he didn’t really have much in the way of sage wisdom to offer. “Really? Huh. With how long you guys have been together, I guess I kinda figured you guys would have it all worked out by now.”
Brow furrowing, Harsh leaned forward, eyes flicking over Orobas’s face. He hadn’t missed the way he seemed subdued and the almost sickly color of his face. Fae bindings, he had heard of them, but… honestly, he didn’t know much. Someone had told him ages ago to watch what promises he made to certain people, but Harsh hadn’t given that much thought. “True love, huh? I’m guess the fae didn’t give you any instructions on how to do that. That’s… kind of a fairy tale thing though, isn’t it? I mean, how is your fae promise supposed to know it’s true love?”
That last bit did catch his curiosity. “Oh yeah? Did he say who he thought it was or just that you act like you’re in love or something?”
The two definitely didn’t have anything worked out. They existed, like twin shadows that slid into countries, cities, and homes and tormented the world. There weren’t many relationships formed in their long life. A few at most, and the rest of the world simply passed by. Perhaps that was a problem, but to Haxian and Orobas, existence was enough for them. At least until recently, when Orobas wanted more of something he didn’t know how to define. He was the one straying from the norm, the one causing ripples in their relationship. Four hundred years later, and Orobas still might not have felt every emotion. 
“I barely know love, to add the word true as a defining factor means little more to me. This Fae enjoys power, I understand them profoundly in that way, this was a guaranteed way to keep me from killing them. Something impossible, hm? Not a bad play.” 
Orobas drew his hand up into his hair, and combed it back in a sweep to brush it from his eyes. It was rare for him to ever let himself appear this disheveled, but in the back of his mind there was the second piece to that promise that he knew very well. To be vulnerable in front of them. Orobas glanced over to meet Harsh’s gaze. “Hm, Carrington is a romantic. Someone who sees the world differently even while carrying the same immortality burden. He would be the only one who would think I could feel such a thing, or already have..” Orobas chuckled. “Carrington would believe evil could somehow feel such an emotion. I wanted to cut him up for suggesting it, and he still hugged me.”
Orobas still intently looked at Harsh, “I don’t know what sort of love would fulfill the promise. I was hoping it was you to make my life easier. I do care about you more than others.” 
“It seems pretty unfair if they made an impossible promise. Is that allowed?” Harsh sipped at his drink. That didn’t seem right. But he knew next to nothing about fae. He had met a few in his time, maybe more than he knew, but as far as he was aware, he had never made a promise to one. “Even if they like power that much, swearing you to something you can’t do seems like it should backfire on them. But, I don’t think it’s impossible. It’s just… worded weird, like a fairytale. I think true love is out there for you, man. You’ve just gotta find it.”
He couldn’t remember ever seeing Orobas so messy looking before. It wasn’t a bad look on him. Then again, he wasn’t sure anything would be. Orobas had that natural sort of prettiness to him that even four hundred years had not managed to dull. Harsh had noticed before. He wasn’t blind. “Carrington’s sweet, a little soft though. But I mean, he might have a point. I wouldn’t say I’m romantic, but I figure that love looks different to different people. Yours might just look, y’know, different.”
A slow grin spread over Harsh’s face. “Oh yeah? Well, I am pretty loveable. You do give me a lot of leeway on… well, everything. I know I’m your favorite. I… don’t know if I’m a great pick for your ‘true love’ though. The whole, y’know, soul thing… but I’m working on it. Maybe after, I don’t know, we could see what happens.”
“Who knows, I don’t know enough about the Fae,” Orobas laughed gently, greatly amused at how Harsh worded it. He wasn’t one to read like Haxian did, and the word fairytale always sounded so funny to him. Humans write stories about the supernatural, creating warnings for the future generations, or their children. It almost made what he was so much worse-- their glamoured ideas to what was terrifying a little off from the true monster. 
“Carrington had said that exactly as well afterward, so that makes two of my friends believing in me. How cute.” A deep throb of pain made his eyes close, the longer he allowed this promise to feel unobtainable, the worse it was getting. “You are my favorite. Emotions will probably feel overwhelming and beautiful. I can’t wait to see you kill someone with it-- the rush, the entire moment, the feed. Mmm.” His voice tapered off, the thrum of pain wearing on him even with the blood. Maybe he should have brought one of his dolls over the bottles. Blood wasn’t enough to curb this feeling though. 
“Friendship was omitted with that one little word. True--,” Orobas set his glass down and settled more on the couch, clearly in mild distress, but keeping most of it from showing. “Hm, there is someone that might fall into that, but it’s not something I ever cared to admit. Nor she.”
“Me either,” Harsh said, with a little frown. “Maybe I should work on that. I, uh… sort of still have people thinking I’m a slayer. It would be way more convincing if I actually sounded like I know what I’m talking about.” The fact that it hadn’t actually been an issue so far was probably more just dumb luck than anything else. And given the warnings he had gotten since arriving in town and some of the strangeness he had seen and heard, it would probably be a smart move in any case. 
“Aw c’mon, that’s what friends are for, old man.” He gave Orobas a teasing grin as he shifted, lightly nudging at him with his knee. Preening, he pressed a hand to his chest. “Go on, tell me how much you like me. I could listen all night, baby.” 
Smile fading, Harsh sat up, shifting closer to Orobas. His hand was careful as it landed on his back, moving in gentle circles. “Yeah? Who’s that? If you need help tracking her down, I can do that. You seem… rough, man. And I mean that as nicely as possible. Is there anything else we can do to make this easier on you? You wanna go kill something? That always cheers you up.”
Orobas let himself plop, only five people in existence could see him this way, vulnerable and trusting, and Harsh was near the top. He shifted until his head was in his friend’s lap, tossing his legs over the edge of the couch and closed his eyes. With a gentle shift, he encouraged Harsh’s hand into his hair and simply stilled to enjoy the closeness. “I don’t want to do anything right now, just being with you is nice. You have more friends then I don’t you, slayer?” Orobas asked playfully. “I’m jealous, I want all your attention. Playing with hunters, too. How fun. Have you killed any vampires to prove your role?” 
There would be a time that Harsh might want to not do that. But Orobas understood the thrill if could bring, or the necessity.  “No, I see her often. I don’t even know if I feel that exact thing for her, but of anyone-- less Haxian, I have no idea. There isn’t much I can do though. This is what happens when you break promises on this scale apparently. To be honest, this isn’t nearly as bad as gargling holy water. I’m not sure I will ever fully heal from that ordeal.”
Harsh didn’t need much prompting, threading his fingers through Orobas’s hair without hesitation. The closeness was nice, comfortable. Having someone so ruthless, so powerful curling up with him like a kitten was surreal, but in a good way. “I am pretty popular,” he said, teasing right back. “Hey, you get plenty of my time, babe. You know you’re my number one. Not yet. I’m… kinda hoping it doesn’t come to that. If I do, I’ll make sure it’s not anyone you know. There’s this asshole I turned a while ago--Caleb, he could use a good staking if I need to prove myself. But I’m mostly just trying to lay low.”
Grimacing, he gently stroked Orobas’s hair. No wonder he looked so off. Gargling holy water sounded like a nightmare and a half, Harsh would sooner stake himself than try that. “Well, you might as well keep trying with her, see if the feelings start to click. So uh, why were you gargling holy water? I don’t think you told me about that one.”
“I can get you whomever when you need it. There are always vampires coming here that don’t need to be here,” Orobas said easily. Better Harsh uses their death to his advantage, though Orobas wasn’t very shy about dealing with younger vampires. It was an interesting problem to have, being that Harsh could sever a bond with his own blood, but Orobas didn’t judge him for it at all. It was what it was, if Harsh figured that was worth it to keep up appearances. 
Orobas tilted his chin, exposing the underside of his jawline where pocketed scars now resided in blemish. “It burned through the side of my mouth, and jaw. My gums are scarred over as well, enough that it's always aching to even eat. Hm, she requested it, so I really had no choice in the matter. That is the entire thing, my debt to her must be seen as significant if the magic is so binding. I did weirdly enjoy it though, but I have quite the relationship with pain and torture. It will be fine-- in the end, I will have my way with her.” He seemed to ponder a moment. “Do you think love comes from a place of good, Harsh? Or that it’s designed for mortals? What I feel for you and a few others, never felt like any word was enough to describe it.” 
“Oh yeah? If you’ve got some suckers who need to go, I can take them out. That might be easier. If anyone’s giving you trouble, just let me know.” Maybe it was callous, but Harsh had never felt much connection to anyone he had sired. There had been one or two before he had thrown his soul away, though he had lost track of them more than a century ago. And any that came after… they had their uses, he had taught them the ropes and then moved on. It was better that way. 
Harsh’s fingers were careful as they brushed gently over the scars. “Shit,” he muttered. “How long ago was that? You think there’s, I don’t know, some kind of magic that could fix it? I know a couple people, maybe one of them could make some kind of potion.” That was probably a pretty big if. Still, it couldn’t be that hard to fix, right? His fingers moved back to Orobas’s hair almost idly as he considered the question. “I mean, I don’t really know. I feel like it’s a pretty abstract thing. I think… good and bad don’t have much to do with it. It’s just what you feel, right? I don’t think there’s any kind of checklist to fill out on how love works. But if someone’s important to you and they make you happy, I don’t know, maybe that’s love.”
“There is no need,” Orobas grinned, “though magic is fascinating, my body is covered in such things. It’s just another mark, maybe this time, a small reminder of my slip up. I was due one, you can’t go through time like we do and not make mistakes.” Though what wasn’t said was the obsessive factor in all this, that Lydia could keep hurting him if she desired, it would eventually flip, and his turn would be something incredibly worth the pain and frustration. Orobas listened to Harsh explain further on the topic that drew him here. He could listen to him speak for hours, could maybe even humor falling asleep even if it was dreamless meditation. 
Carrington had been intense and direct with his expressions on love, and Harsh seemed to be easily satisfied with the simplest words; happiness, importance. To a mortal who had circles of friends, and family, Orobas only had a handful. Immortality for him wasn’t lonely, he was satisfied with who he had, but it did make his view on this difficult because of it. “Abstract is a good word to describe it, it almost seems impossible to define. Maybe that will be how I get around it. What it means to me, believing my version of it could fulfill the promise. She doesn’t even need to love me.” He said, but the softest furrows met his brow. 
“Tell me, if love is abstract in how you see it, then how do you see vulnerability?” 
“Yeah, I guess your scars are pretty sexy. I’m more talking about the whole… part where it still hurts to eat and stuff. Cause that seems like it would be rough.” Harsh didn’t think about it naturally. Empathy was one of the many things lost to that hollow inside. But… if he forced it, he could at least say that if he was in pain every time he ate, he would start ripping heads off to try to fix it. Then again, Harsh had never been the type to be patient about that. If there was a problem, he was going to fix it as soon as possible, no matter what it took or how many spellcasters he had to go through to get it. 
“That could work. Loopholes are always good. Unrequited love is still love.” That sounded right at least. It probably wasn’t healthy, but whatever. If this fae was going to jerk Orobas around, making him chase after some fairytale dream, why couldn’t he sneak around to get it? “Vulnerability? I don’t know. I guess… it seems a little like a weakness. But I don’t know if it’s always a bad thing. I think I used to like it, kind of. At least with some people. When I was with Eleanor, I could let her see everything, and it was kind of scary, but it also made me feel… safe. Or like she understood me. So… I guess I see it as being kind of risky, but it can be worth it sometimes.”
“I see,” Orobas could picture Harsh enjoying that time. It was a nice visual in his mind, and compared to others, he’d likely not think about it in such a way. Trust and feeling safe were too rare things in his existence. Even if right now he felt both, along with content, and calm. “I think, I don’t stop to think about any emotions-- now that I have been asking about them. For existing as I have, it wasn’t something that required it. It’s funny-- people make the assumption that I don’t have a soul, and I always had wondered why. Maybe not acknowledging the smallest of emotions has given that impression.” 
He didn’t aim to poke that sore spot for Harsh, but Orobas, even in such a good mood, could be cruel. “I wonder if Haxian can feel love, now transforming-- going beyond what we are. I have never had the desire to mutter such things to him. Through so many centuries. I should do it shouldn’t I? I might get thrown out a window though, and I live in a high building.” Orobas laughed genuninely amused by the visual, there was a lightness in him that he rarely felt. Like the pain from the promise was unraveling slowly without his awareness. “Hm, it’s probably saying too much. But I’m not opposed to learning new things. Come on, read to me. Anything, I don’t care what. Let me rest a little.”
“Yeah? I mean, I don’t think most people think about those things too much. People just kinda feel their feelings.” Harsh laughed softly as he brushed Orobas’s hair back from his forehead then smoothed it down again. Honestly, he had thought the same at first. Orobas did sort of fit the bill, he was similar to other soulless vampires Harsh had crossed paths with. But… not completely. Despite the blood dolls and the casual way he dealt with killing, Orobas could understand other people in a way Harsh had left behind two centuries ago. “I think most people just don’t really get how the whole ‘lack of soul’ thing works.”
Harsh cocked an eyebrow before shrugging as he dug his phone out of his pocket. “I’ve got a couple ebooks on here, some news stuff--oh yeah, I took a bunch of pictures of these books from the old Scribe HQ. It’s a lot of informational stuff, but some of it’s actually pretty interesting.” He flicked through his pictures for a minute before settling on a nice long passage. “This one’s actually about soul stuff. Let me see, ‘the soul is less of a spirit and more a manifestation of the self’...” 
Harsh didn’t even delay. Not a millisecond pause to give him grief over his small request. The undercurrent of exhaustion from not fulling this promise, and even pushing back against it had made him tired. “Thank you,” Orobas hummed lightly, and listened to Harsh read until it seemed like he fell asleep. 
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Guardian Angel , Gentleman Thief  Chapter 3 Fleur’s/Marie’s commentary
The chapter title come from the Billy Joel Song of the same name. 
I just think the lyrics for the most part fit Arsene’s and Futaba’s relationship from Arsene’s point of view. 
I wrote the line “How creative of you.” In response to Arsene calling Futaba ““little frog”Self deprecation on a textual and meta level. 
Ryuji trying to outrun the rain was @gelgela29‘s idea. I love it. It’s in character , cute, and hilarious. It’s the funniest joke in the chapter in my opinion.(My second is Arséne telling Futaba how he likes the way Futaba’s  name rolls off his nonexistent tounge. It just felt very fun and self aware. I wrote that line. )
She had a distressing dream a while back about receiving a review saying that our fic strayed too far from canon I was able to assure we won’t because we try to keep it feel like canon but with different choices made.( @gelgela29 was tempted to break that to give Ryuji a dog. Can’t really blame her the good boy deserves a good boy or girl. )I also brought up @ren-amamiyaa‘s review of the fic if it wasn’t close enough to canon Ren wouldn’t have said it had a vintage P5 charm. See Ren you don’t even realize how big of a help you are to us. 
When gg wants us to work on something she’ll leave this symbol.
Because Ren is on a “NG+” He has maxed out stats which is why he can be bold in his honesty but also kind ,knowledgeable and charming. (We’ll show him to be proficient later too.)Though whether we can keep that up is a question. Arsene remembers the previous run which was the freedom ending. I really do think an Arséne that became Satanael in a past run would trick and defy anyone and everyone to help the forgotten, the forsaken and the lost. Even if that person is himself. 
@nerdylibertarian928 Also helped us. She and I go quite aways back. She’s not in this fandom but she’s always willing to lend a willing ear and I trust her judgment and honesty. She helped us troubleshoot a plot development. 
The song Arséne sings to Futaba was left to the reader but to gg it’s “Beneath the Mask” to me it’s” O-o-h Child” by The Five Stairsteps. Was also going to have Futaba kinda remember it because Sojiro would also sing sometimes. (I also like that it’s a Soft Soul song.) But any song you can picture a parent singing to their frightened child to calm them is valid. 
We were going to have Ren talk to NPG and find out information about Futaba that way. 
No FNaF reference in this chapter though there was one that got cut. I had Arséne paraphrase one of  Jack o’Chica’s lines. All of her lines from UCN fit Arséne and Satanael in my opinion.
I didn’t want to change anything after it was published on ao3. I didn’t want to be like George Lucas with the Star Wars special additions of The original trilogy especially something like switching out Sebastian Shaw for Hayden Christensen for Anikin’s force ghost. In my opinion the worst retcon he was responsible for. Though we already had made some edits Arsene to Arséne and ascot to cravat. And we forgot his chains so that  will be changed. But still I want to be carful and not change too much after publishing.
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killjoy-loveit · 5 years
Breaking the Pattern
A/N: I would like to clarify that everything written in this story is complete fiction and isn’t to be taken as a true portrayal of reality. Tbh I personally think this piece is soft af, but that’s just me *shrugs*
Excerpt: Pursing your lips and flicking your eyes up, you’re ready to explain when the words catch in your throat. The guy standing in front of you is probably the most attractive person you’d ever laid eyes on.
Word Count: 1,608
Genre: Fluff (?)
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    Life had always seemed rather trivial to Joshua. Personality wasn’t as valued as productiveness, so he learned how to box his playful/bubbly nature up and set it to the side. In doing so, he felt stifled, as anyone would. Boredom came the easiest when at work, sitting behind a computer all day- fixing problem after problem as they popped up. There were times he lost himself in daydreams filled with excitement and freedom, but each time it would end and his bubble of happiness was lost.
    It’s on a day like any other, solving problems behind the scenes for the company, when he decides he’s had enough. How long is he supposed to constrain himself to fit in? To become the perfect worker? Fingers flying over the keyboard, a resignation is quickly typed without an ounce of hesitation. Jumping up he rushes to the printer, snatching the paper the second it pops out and quickly jotting down his signature.
    Once he’s out of his office he makes his way to the elevator, pressing the button to go up. Joshua’s foot taps restlessly, the elevator feels like it’s going slower than usual. Finally it arrives and he squeezes in, punching the number of the floor his boss is on. Around him people chatter about meetings needing to be set, mergers that are happening soon, and the accounting period that’s about to end. Thankfully the elevator appears to be moving faster and it isn’t long before he exits, leaving the corporate chatter behind.
    A quick knock on the door grants him a barked, “Come in.”
    Entering the office Joshua comes to stand in front of his boss’ desk. She looks up at him, a small smile appearing briefly before speaking. “Joshua, one of my star employees. How can I help you?”
    “I’m putting in my two weeks notice. Here’s my resignation letter.” He replies, handing the paper over to her.
    Her mouth drops open, confusion apparent on her face as she takes his resignation letter. “Why are you resigning? Do we not pay you enough? Did another company poach you?”
    Joshua shakes his head, “No, that’s not it. It has nothing to do with another company nor my pay here.”
    “Is there any way we can make you stay? You’re such a valued employee, it would be a shame to lose you.”
    “Sorry, this is just something I have to do for myself.” He says affirmatively, shifting from one foot to the other.
    “Well… Alright. There are some papers I need you to fill out then, just let me find them.”
    And just like that, an end was put to his corporate career. That is, after his final two weeks pass, and then he’s free. Those two weeks seem to dredge on, time moving at the speed of molasses. Then finally his last day comes and as he leaves at the end of the day, there’s a smile present that is a prime example of pure elation.
    In the past two weeks Joshua had been planning on what to do once he left his corporate job. A few ideas were scratched out almost immediately after writing them down, as the logistics just didn’t seem to work out quite right. It was the thirteenth item on the list that struck gold: moving to the small coastal town a few hours away and either find work or open his own business. What the business would be he’d yet to figure out- but he was certain something would come to him. Thus the next day, after his last of corporate work, all of his stuff was quickly packed away into a moving truck and he was off.
                              ***Time Jump & POV Switch***
    Distraught as you were with the cash register deciding now was a good time to stop functioning, the tinkling sound meant to alert you of an incoming customer completely missed you. A groan of frustration slipped past your lips as you, unsuccessfully, tried to get the cash drawer to pop open. Come on, come on, come on! Even with these desperate words on replay in your mind, the drawer refused to cooperate. At this point you were about to give up and call the guy who owned the repair shop down the street. Admitting defeat and getting help would definitely make more sense than increasing your anger at the register.
    “Stupid. Freaking. Junk!” Each word came out harsh and was accentuated by a small wack to the offending object.
    “I don’t think hitting it is going to help anything.” Someone chuckles across from you.
    Pursing your lips and flicking your eyes up, you’re ready to explain when the words catch in your throat. The guy standing in front of you is probably the most attractive person you’d ever laid eyes on. Well, not probably, he most definitely is. His dark chocolate colored hair falls gently over his forehead, only a few wisps stray in an attempt to cover his eyes. Eyes that are looking at you in amusement, joined by a teasing grin.
    “Um… It won’t open, it’s been finicky since yesterday and nothing I do seems to make it open right now. I guess I’m getting a bit too frustrated.” You comment shyly, hand rubbing at the back of your neck.
    His head tilts slightly. “Would you mind if I took a look at it? I promise I’m not trying to rob you or anything- I worked at a store during college that used this kind of register. It always liked to act up too.”
    Brows furrowing and eyes narrowing, you gave him a cursory glance. In a soft gray sweater and dark jeans, he didn’t exactly look like a robber. Then again, was a robber just going to come in wearing the cartoon stereotype of a black and white striped shirt with a black bandana and matching hat?
    At your lack of response plus your scrutinizing gaze, the guy put his hands in front of him. “I swear! I just moved here, in that little blue house two streets over by the bakery.”
    Your eyebrows shot up as your mouth dropped open. “You’re the guy who moved into the old Rowe house yesterday? I live right across from you, the house with gray siding and a bunny statue by the driveway.”
    “It’s nice to meet a neighbor already, what a small world.”
    “Well, I mean, it is a pretty small town. You kinda know everyone that lives here, even if you don’t know them personally. I’m sure you’ll find out soon.” You pause, a thought popping up. “I’m so sorry, I totally forgot to introduce myself!”
    He laughs lightly at your sudden outburst. “It’s fine, I take it the name on the tag is yours?” You nod in affirmation. “Nice to meet you, I’m Joshua.”
    “Nice to meet you Joshua!” You take a step back, waving your hand at the register welcomingly. “If you really want to try your hand at fixing this, then go right ahead. Either way you can’t mess it up anymore.”
    Joshua strode around the counter before coming to stand beside you in front of the register. His mouth twisted a bit in concentration as his hands swept over the worn metal of it. Quickly he tapped the side of it three times while holding down two buttons. Surprisingly the cash drawer popped open, and he turned around to face you with a triumphant grin.
    “How did you do that?” You asked excitedly, rushing forward to double check that it was truly open.
    “It’s what always worked to get the one open when it was being finicky where I used to work.”
    “Oh my gods, please teach me that trick!” You turn, clutching his arm and staring at him with wide eyes.
    After this encounter, the two of you began the process of forming a quick friendship. It was common for the two of you to meet up for lunch on your breaks, filling the time by sharing stories from your past. Never a dull moment existed when the two of you got together. Every interaction was filled with jokes, teasing, and playful banter. This isn’t to say that neither of you broached serious topics, just that the serious conversations tended to occur when one of you had a few too many glasses of wine.
    It was over these glasses of wine shared in the evenings at one of your respective homes, that you learned of the deeper parts of each other. You confided in him, telling him of your fears of turning into your parents and never exploring anywhere outside the small beach town. He told you why he moved in the first place, how he was afraid of losing himself in the triviality of his corporate job. Though you had a hard time believing that anything could change his vibrant personality, it was obvious to see that was something he was truly afraid of. It shone in his eyes when he spoke of it, the air filled with unspoken emotions.
    This break in the pattern, this drastic change is exactly what was needed. Not only was Joshua able to freely be himself, without having to tame his personality, he’d also made great friends in the process. He could imagine a life in that small beach town, where everyone knew each other with not an unkind soul in sight. Everyday was different, filled with new obstacles and hurdles to find a solution to, but each night ended the same. Each night ended with the two of you sitting on your porch, facing the ocean, gazing up at the stars.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Cupid’s Blind Arrow Chapter 4 (Group Fic) - Ginger Nut
Everyone was back in English class. 
Sharon came back today looking spacey and like she hadn’t brushed her hair in days. Violet sat down pulling out a compact and viewed all angles of her face, checking for any imperfections. Satisfied, she put the compact away and flipped her hair behind her shoulder as Pearl walked by, giving the girl a waft of Violets expensive and sweet perfume. Willam sauntered in with Alaska who stopped in her tracks seeing Sharon. Willam grabbed her forearm and whispered in her ear. “Let it go. She’s not even here Alaska, her minds in some trippy fairy world. She’s not here.” Alaska decided this true — Sharon’s eyes were fixed on her pen where she was engraving something on her desk, not even acknowledging Alaska’s entrance. Clenching her jaw Alaska made her way over to Trixie, who had been chatting to Katya. “New friend?” Trixie blushed as she pulled out her folder from her backpack. “Kind of.” Willam clicked her fingers for Katya to stop swinging back on her chair to allow Willam a pathway to her seat. “Sup Katya” she said, smacking her chewing gum. “The sky” Katya answered, pointing up. “Well that’s a ceiling moron.” Noticing her mistake Katya leaned back again on her chair after Willam scooched past and sat down. Miss Raja’s heels could be heard from a couple of doors away and everyone prepared for class. Pearl brought out a pen and sighed, I really can’t be bothered today. She dropped her notebook heavily onto the desk, creating a loud crash that caused a few heads to turn her way. “Be careful Pearly.” Pearl looked up to find Violets back still turned to the front, but she was talking to her in a firm voice. “Okay class-okay-quiet down-guys” Miss raja spoke while rummaging through papers on her disorganised desk. “What you looking for, teach?” Willam offered from the back corner. “A will to live” Raja replied sarcastically, to which half of the class “same.” Raja’s head popped up and she furrowed her brow. “Jeez I was kidding, what’s with all you millennials being such buzz kills?” Sharon rolled her eyes only half listening. the past couple of days for her had become a blur. She wasn’t sure half the time what actually happened and what she imagined. Curious, she inched closer to Adore and whispered with a hand stray in front of her face. “Hey uh last class,” she began, her voice coming out quieter than she anticipated at first. She tried again, “Did Alaska and I…” “Argue like you were an old married Southern couple where the husband had cheated on his wife when they already had three kids and a dog?” Adore sniggered, looking directly at Sharon. Sharons face contorted as she faced the facts; I did that, I fucking did that. Shit. Pearl noticed the face-palm Sharon did and looked at Adore. What the hell? she asked with her eyes. Adore mouthed back a paragraph to Pearl, keeping a straight face the entire time. All pearl could make out was ‘Alaska’ and ‘off her face’, giving her a vague enough idea of what was going on. She decided not to press further and replied to the register on cue.
“Okay dokay, who did the homework?” Miss raja’s eyes scanned for hands that had been raised. None of them were. Raja sat on the edge of Alaska’s desk and sighed, forcing Sharons eyes to the beautiful blonde girl. Man I really messed this up she kept thinking. “Miss you didn’t give homework” Katya offered breaking her view from the window momentarily. The class nodded subtly in agreement, “Don’t try that one, it’s all I need today my honours playing the old ‘Miss you never gave any’.” This time Trixie piped up. “No seriously miss, you did not give homework.” Starting to second guess herself, Raja moved from the table to her desk skimming past the papers to her binder. She felt herself wince as she realised that she really didn’t give the homework. Fuck. “Ok my bad, we’ll just do it this period instead,” The teacher announced, sitting back into her swivel chair. She started spinning around in circles. “You’re going to look through the play and find quotes to support the themes of love, family and conflict. Understood?” After receiving only grunts and silence in response she sighed and threw her hands up, “God you guys are so depressing, lighten up!” “Can we work in groups miss?” Adore asked, obviously not feeling up for the work. “Fine, no phones” Miss Raja complied, pulling out her own phone to check a text. “Hey B,” Bianca turned around to find Adore smiling sweetly at her. “Why don’t you and Chachki turn your chairs around and we can all work together” she motioned all down the line and Bianca scoffed. “What help could you offer me, chola?” Adore leaned forward and spoke quieter than before, “you have no idea B,” she kissed her teeth; “you have no idea.” Bianca leaned closer playing along with the act, inching closer to Adore, Violet felt her eyes widen and Sharon’s heart twisted. “BALONI!” Bianca aggressively yelled. Everyone in the group — even Sharon — laughed, attracting the attention of the other groups, and Miss Raja. “Ok, I forgot you have to, uh, sit in the love and hate groups” she declared, earning protests from all of the class. “No buts, the only butts are yours. WHICH SHOULD BE MOVING, COME ON!” After seeing the result she wanted, Miss Raja stuck a pair of earphones into her computer and started to catch up on a tv series. Violet moved to the other side of the room where her fellow love-lovers were, but tripped over one of the stray bags on the floor. “Be careful Vi,” came a sly voice from behind her. Glancing over her shoulder Violet found Pearl leant back in her chair flicking through pages of Romeo and Juliet ever so nonchalant. Adore and Sharon trailed behind Violet and crossed paths with Alaska and Katya. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Around 40 minutes had passed and the groups were working surprisingly well, both around halfway through the play and had a bank of quotes. “I might start using these insults, these people were smart” Willam commented, her finger scanning the lines. “A wretched pulling fool, a whining mammet” Willam laughed to herself, “or you could just go in for the like: “Hang! Beg! Starve! Die in the streets!” Alaska let out a laugh, killing it as soon as it started. “What’s up with you, misery guts?” Bianca questioned, looking at the slumped over soul sitting next to her. Willam kicked her under the desk and raised her eyebrows at the girl in disapproval, Alaska looked at Willam and nodded, “Nah Wills just tell them, I really don’t care anymore.” Willam looked at Alaska for a moment as if for reassurance. “Today’s the first day Alaska’s seen Sharon since the big blow out.” An awkward silence followed; no one really knew how to react, especially given that they didn’t know why the big blowout happened in the first place. “Oh…Alaska…..I’m uh…I’m sorry” moped Phi Phi, somehow understanding Alaska’s pain. Katya touched the girl’s forearm empathetically, “Are you alright lask?” Alaska sighed and silently gave a thumbs up, her sad eyes contradicting her gesture. Katya continued, “Just know that if you are comfortable in bearing your soul, I’ll open my listening holes just for you.” Everyone forgot about the gloom atmosphere for a minute and instead looked at Katya with utter confusion, “Girl what the literal fuck goes on in your head?” Willam commented, chuckling a little at the end. “Oh, you don’t say that in America?” “No bitch, now gimme a good quote” all of a sudden the lifeless and solemn atmosphere had transformed into one of cheer and despite being the group who ‘didn’t believe in love’ it didn’t seem like they needed it right now. That was all apart from one. “Pearl!” Katya nudged the subdued girl on her right who had been staring across the room. Breaking her gaze the starry eyed blonde shuffled in her seat; “What?!” She exclaimed flicking to the next page in the play, “It seems like you’re more involved in the other group than ours. Come on, we’ve been trying to analyse this stupid fucking quote for what feels like 60 years ” Taking one last glance at the opposite side Pearl saw the beauty with jet black hair and an hourglass figure before prying her eyes away to help her group. The other group were getting through the play at quite a pace, they decided to split the acts between them and then copy each others’ quotes in afterwards. “I seriously don’t get why we have to read some guys stuff from like four hundred years ago” Adore mumbled scribbling words onto paper, her writing was messy and all different sizes. She had got an ink mark all down her hand from leaning on the notebook and unsuccessfully tried to wipe it off with saliva. She glanced over at Sharon who was generally quite quiet, her eyes unable to peel away from the text. “This is actually pretty sweet” Adore looked at the girl who sat in a black denim skirt and black sweatshirt, now enamoured with Shakespeare. “Did you not read it with us in class?” Adore asked. Sharon looked up “I did, well kinda, I just guess I forgot.” A quietness fell over the group as they continued to study their acts, trixie was doing act 1, Violet and Sharon were working on act 2, adore was on act 3, ivy and jinkx took act 4 and laganja and Miss fame analysed act 5. Violet heard the laughter coming from the other table, half annoyed at the distraction but half happy because it gave her a chance to look over at Pearl. she sat slumped in the corner as always. Her hair was wavy and she wore a sweatshirt and jeans, but violet always saw her in her sparkling knight dress. So pretty she thought. “Hey, goo-goo eyes” Violet turned back round to see all of her groups eyes on her. “What?!” She exclaimed, twirling her ponytail “Don’t tell us you’re switching sides, you look more engaged in what they’re doing!” Said Laganja, “Yeah who’s side you on?” Sharon smirked “Juliet.” Violet rolled her eyes, “If I ever turn out like that bitch, shoot me”
Raja had been scrolling through emails, documents and the class register as it now had pictures from photo day attached. Oh my god she thought some of these people do not know how to take a picture. A notification popped up in her mailbox and she opened up the email: New assignments for English honours classes Raja groaned to herself at the thought. Can Miss Visage give it a rest already?!Racking through her brain she thought about all of the work the class still had to do, frustrated and exhausted she stood up and walked to the middle of the classroom. “Alright class, listen up” everyone turned their heads and listened, for once. “I’m giving you an assignment that’ll be due in 2 weeks. It’s called…wait a minute…” she ran back over to her computer, “opposite pairs assignment. Gee, how original. Wonder how they came up with that one. Anyway I’ll be putting you guys in pairs with someone that has an opposite view to yours, and you have to meet out with class and write a paired essay giving arguments on whether the play is about love or stupidity.” Everyone’s eyes darted to the other side, each person rating who they’d want to who they really didn’t want. “To do this fairly I’m matching yous up by how similar your test scores from last years exam.” This made the guessing game more challenging. “Ok, first two; Jinkx and Ivy” Ivy? Thought Willam, the girl bombed geography so hard last year, guess it just wasn’t her style “Next; Violet and Pearl” the two locked eyes and Violet raised her arched brow, Pearl smirked in return trying to hide the now growing shade of pink on her face. “Alaska and Max” Alaska internally sighed, could’ve been worse she thought as she smiled at max across the room “Bianca and Adore” Adore smirked, this is going to be fun she thought “Trixie and Katya” Trixie felt her insides swirl as she heard her name next to Katyas “Laganja and Fame, Phi Phi and Vivienne, Willam and Sharon-“ This gonna be awkward Willam thought immediately as she looked over to find Sharon’s no lip smile agreeing with Willams thoughts. Why isn’t Courtney here? Why did she have to go back? I need her right now. “Lastly Alyssa and Gia” At that the bell rang and everyone got moving, cluttering chairs and forcing papers into their already full handbags. Bianca had hole punched her papers and was slotting them into her binder as Adore walked up to her, crumpled papers in her hand. “So, study buddy, when do you want to meet up?” Bianca started walking as she talked exiting the classroom. Both she and Adore were going to the science labs, so their conversation continued. “Well If where you live is anything like the way you dress, I can’t say I want to go to your place.” Adore blinked, batting her insanely long eyelashes; “Wow you really don’t beat around the bush, do you?” Bianca chuckled, turning a corner. “I’m joking chola, no seriously you can come over to mine. My parents are hardly ever home.” “Really? How come?” “My Dad works out of state and my mom does night shifts, so i don’t really have that much company” Adore playfully threw her arm over Bianca’s shoulder, earning her a stern yet confused look, “I’ll keep you company.” Adore promised. Bianca couldn’t tell any more if the girl was joking or not. She could only smile, actually quite thankful that for the next week or so she’d have somebody to eat meals and watch tv with.
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shitboy96 · 7 years
dark souls I bosses ranked by difficulty by my gay ass
easiest to hardest:
Gwyn lord of cinder - the most anticlimactic final boss ever lmao i took solaire with me and killed him first attempt pretty fast
Chaos witch quelaag - super straightforward i killed her in my first attempt, just like keep moving and dodge the lava lol
bed of chaos - again this penultimate boss was super anticlimactic just because of how differently it worked compared to the others. like im all for problem solving but the disintegrating floor and massive swipes just made this feel cheap. died like 3 times i guess
Pinwheel - idk why he was even a boss like he has like 200 hp, the only difficulty is getting past all the damn wheel skeletons to get to him
asylum demon - i think i found it difficult before i knew what difficult meant lol, probably took like 3 attempts
Taurus demon - again super straightforward with the drop attack method, but he did get a few kills off on me before i managed it
Four Kings - really easy to be honest, when i remembered to equip the abysswalker ring before dropping off the staircase aslgjjdklgjrd 2 attempts
Seath the Scaleless - very simple fight, the challenge is getting to him through that FUCKING crystal cave. which i hated with a passion. 2 attempts (the clam monsters could follow you in on the first go and fucked me up)
Centipede demon - a pretty lame and easy fight, he just kinda jumped up and down a lot, i didn’t see a lot of the eponymous centipedes and just jabbed at his legs til he croaked. 2 attempts i think
moonlight butterfly - eeehh a little difficult as i played a melee character and its ranged attacks pack a punch and are pretty hard to avoid, took me a couple attempts
Gaping dragon - gotta say this was my favourite boss just based on the design like if you don’t know what it looks like google it it’s fucking GROSS or better yet watch its introductory cutscene. having said that he’s pretty easy to kill as he tends to ignore you and charge across the room. he does have a nasty habit of jumping in the air and landing on you for a lot of damage however. like 5 attempts probably but entertaining
Gravelord Nito - this guys was actually really easy, the challenge was getting to him past all his minions, surviving the drop into his room, and dealing with his respawning skeletons when you get there. but the fight itself was simple. like 3 attempts
Demon Firesage - much like his lil bro the stray demon, he was a pain in the arse but didn’t take too long. the mini taurus demon in front of him was a nuisance though. like 4 attempts.
Stray demon - the upgraded asylum demon and less fiery version of the aforementioned demon firesage, this guy was a bit of a pain because of the huge range of his magic attacks. once i learned to stay well behind him it wasn’t too bad. the unavoidable fall damage is annoying though. like 5-10 attempts
iron golem - this fight was a pain in my ass mostly because of the knockback on his attacks and the tiny platform. maybe half a dozen attempts
Ceaseless discharge - this fight was dumb imo just because his attacks were all but impossible to avoid and the mechanic of him being an automatic kill if you retreat to the entrance just made it cheap. like 8 attempts before i looked it up
Sif the great grey wolf - besides her title being a mouthful, her sword attacks were a pain in my ass. 5-10 attempts maybe but a challenge
crossbreed priscilla - an invisible boss. an invisible FUCKIGN boss. with a respawning heavy knight in front of her. half a dozen attempts
capra demon - what the FUCK was with this boss arena. like that shit was smaller than harry potter’s bedroom under the stairs
bell gargoyles - multiple bosses in one fight are HARD. these took me a good while to deal with, and i couldn’t do it without a summon. not sure how many attempts but it was a lot
Ornstein and Smough - from the enemies guarding these bosses to the fact that i have to fight two fuckers at the same time, these assholes can fuck right off. i didn’t beat them for like 5 days and probably 20+ attempts
apologies i forgot to go do the DLC before i finished the game and it put me back on NG+, i will return to do it at some point in the future
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Nanbaka 17 | ACCA 3 | ReLIFE 7 - 13 (FINAL) | D Gray Man Hallow 2 - 6
(Nanbaka 17)
I bet the fandom makes, “Something is breaking. It’s my heart,” jokes from now on. Or something similar to that. Fandom is corny like that.
I only just realised, but the green numbers that appear at the start of the OP are cell 13’s prisoner numbers. D’oh.
Couldn’t you just grab the shackles, Rock?
Chibi Hajime? Never seen that one before.
It just occurred to me that Qi may have done this.
There seems to be a patch of purple on Jyugo’s torso…for some reason.
Upa did it…?
Hey, that Bruce Lee quote came back…! There also seems to be a Bungou Stray Dogs vibe going on, not really being helped by the fact Yuto Uemura is Atsushi and Jyugo. Tsukumo is Yuri from Yuri on Ice, which is kinda funny.
I…accept your man candy! LOL.
Kiji and Uno are crazily on the same wavelength…
Oh wow, Uno just pulled out the Dazai stops.
“10 minutes later…”
CGI doors…what a pain in the butt.
The eye style on Uno makes me LOL too hard.
(ACCA 3)
Oh, so the OP’s red bird is an acca. Okay.
Potato gratin on toast. Never tried it, but I like potato gratin on cheese and cheese on potato gratin.
Bar Tattler. Perfect name for a place to spill secrets.
Wow. Formal dress isn’t that different to ACCA wear but it makes people look completely different.
There were huggggggggggggggge strawberries last time, remember?
Ooh. Things are getting interesting thanks to Mauve and the 5 General guys.
(ReLIFE ep 7)
Isn’t that Windows 7 Yoake has?
I never asked this, but what happens to failed subjects?
Hmph. They say in Japan that a guy and a girl sharing an umbrella is romantic.
ReLIFE really addresses the difference between personal involvement and work involvement.
Yoake really does remind me of Dazai sometimes.
LOL, Onoya, Yoake. Meanwhile, is that a pink computer? Don’t think I’ve ever seen a monitor that’s pink, although I have seen a pink brick phone and a pink laptop.
Arata’s senpai’s tale matches Yoake’s relationship with subject 001, now that I think of it.
I wanna know more about Amagase-san.
Love bubbles and sparkles, LOL. You are one strange character, Yoake.
You can easily tell Arata’s saying sumimasen , even if there are no subs.
Why did “I don’t have a car!” make me laugh so much?
I think there was an excess “and” in the subs somewhere when Yoake was reporting near the end of the ep.
(ep 8)
The animation on Oga’s hand was unnatural (as in, his second and third fingers were too far apart) when he waved.
“In the pink of health”? Never heard that one before.
“Appetite” is probably the wrong word for it, Amatsu-sensei.
He didn’t react by laughing at Tamarai’s, but I guess that would’ve been misinterpreted and/or impolite.
The final year of high school is all about going all out…
Is the pill in the eyecatch always blue? I saw it was orange last ep.
There appear to be English dictionaries on Inukai’s shelf.
You can see the bags under Tamarai’s eyes.
Revenge of the CGI balls, LOL.
You can see how much Asaji wants to help when he reaches out but then he takes it back. Huh.
Update: I was familiar up to about this part in the manga.
(ep 9)
Omurice. I like that word. Omurice. Omurice. Probably because “omelet rice” sounds weird…Omurice.
Do you think ReLIFE would benefit if its fandom had more memes? Because bees. The Bee Movie seems to be pretty popular as a meme subject these days.
Is this why people always want younger people to enjoy their youth? So they don’t have their dreams crushed later?
The three line eyebrows are distinctive, but they look a bit weird.
Oga, you innocent butt. Blinking ever so innocently at Kariu.
How ironic of you to say, “The last thing you need is a fall”, Oga.
Hishiron can’t be a soccer nerd. “Gooooal” doesn’t suit her.
Doesn’t Kaizaki have any better clothes than black and grey shirts?
Hishiron has her school bag.
Bullying is a Big Deal in Japan, where you’re not meant to pick on people at all. Western cultures wish for outgoing people, so for someone like me who sits more on the introvert side, life kinda sucks.
Seriously, An and Yoake, get together.
*facepalms* What a dork, Kaizaki. Hitting your head in you panic like that won’t get you anywhere.
That’s a weird way of putting that, Hishiron. “[G]et revenge with someone,” that is.
About the entire plotline: It’s easier to “regress” when it comes to writing stories but harder to “regress” when it comes to real life. It must be because of how used to living and growing up people feel.
(ep 10)
At the top of the staircase, Hishiron looked so confused (after she said that she’d watch the tournament).
“Of course I know.” – (Chorus: Of course Yoake knows.)
You’re too darned strong (regarding the door), Kaizaki.
I heard there was an English dub of ReLIFE. Hopefully they can sell the Hishiron voice well enough.
The first time, I was wondering what came after this.
(ep 11)
Why do people say stuff like “I’ll come with”? I’ve said it before, but never questioned it until now.
I actually think Onoya’ll be really grumpy when she wakes up.
I guess it’s the hairstyle, but I look at Yoake and I’m seeing Dazai…again.
I bet Arata will be sad once it ends, LOL.
Black companies – corrupt businesses filled with salesmen and women who can’t escape. That’s basically what I’ve picked up from Osomatsu-san, anyway.
Notice the pill is normally white/blue. This time it was black/blue.
There’s a very Western feeling to this. No wonder the West likes this more than Japan itself. It’s also quite the sociological study. It helps that this was one of the only two shows I watched in summer 2016 the first time around (the other being Boueibu s2) – I can see “One Wish They Never Wanted” reflected in this, and knowing me and the hard times I went through at the end of the year, it was most likely deliberate. After all, they do carry similar themes.
(ep 12)
I think there was a central institution uni applications go through in Japan. In my country, they have something similar.
I shipped Kariu and Oga so hard during these last two eps. It helps that I almost never take the shows with the ships.
Ow. That burnt so much, Arata.
Such a convenient hole in the wall.
Kamioka’s hair looks a little puffy.
You jerk, Arata. You didn’t think “the same thing”. You thought nothing of the sort!
Why is Arata a fish? Probably because Kaizaki means “ocean peak” (or something like it).
What’s up with that statue?
August 10th, 6:30 pm onwards.That’s when the fireworks festival is.
Arata’s got his own harem~! (Neener neener…and so on.)
(ep 13)
Why are only the girls in kimono?! (Update: Or is that yukata?)
You suave, suave player, Yoake.
The white figures really aren’t helping their case…
The blue and yellow sign tells you there’s a traffic obstruction due to the fireworks.
They’ve got some heavy focus on the earrings in a certain shot. It’s such good news for the ship.
Holding hands is a much bigger deal in Japan than it is in the West.
Of course Tama is such a target for mozzies. She’s so big in that region.
The fireworks look so lifelike in this anime!!! I said that for Showa Genroku too, though.
Like an ephermeal flower, a fireworks exists…or some other weird Yoda stuff like that.
Arata’s seems to be blue, while Chizuru’s seems to be green for the sake of colour coding.
Onoya’s fan says “festival” on it.
The pill background looks kinda like footsteps. It must’ve been deliberate they used such a pattern.
Off model at its worst (when the duo sat on the bench).
LOL, lookit Hishiron’s creepy face.
Nothing is better than a properly-pulled-off bookend.
Welp, that’s the end of that. Hopefully we can meet again sometime, for some other show.
(D Gray Man Hallow ep 2)
Every time I see this ep, I think of a song. It’s this one, to be precise about it. Never mind about the music video, the lyrics and title suit it too well.
Poor Tim.
Ooh, macaron cake!
I forgot who Phantom Thief G was the first time. Then I checked him up and I remembered.
Wrong “throw”, subbers.
This scene where Link is crying is…very odd. There’s a lot of logic that really should be obvious that gets bandied about here.
Really? Fanservice?
If he has Innocence, Timothy’s guilty (in a sense). How ironic.
How do people even evaluate the Akuma’s level on sight?
(ep 3)
“Soul mate” is probably overreacting a little too much.
What a weird butt Galmar is. I can understand his reasoning for what he thinks though.
(ep 4)
People can never seem to agree on how to spell Tyki’s name.
Renny? Seriously, I laugh too much. “Lenny” would’ve been a proper name, but that’s a guy’s name. Then again, this is anime we’re talking about...
Tim’s so cute with the ZZZs.
That burn, Allen. So deep.
“This is the order of the Pope.”
“Hunting Exorcists, huh?”
(ep 5)
Everyone spells Alma’s name as Alma Karma, but the book cover says Alma Carma (sic). Huh.
Sometimes I question the need for a science section in the middle of an Akuma vs Exorcist war.
What the freak, Earl? Don’t scare me like that!
Improper poses? That’s so threatening. (sarcastic)
Unnecessary fanservice, number 2…? (Specifically the “you perv” bit.)
(ep 6)
A-hey. Young!Kanda animated in such a way that it invokes humour…it looks like Yurio. Lots of things remind me of Yurio these days.
How do they know exactly how many seconds it’ll take until the Seconds regenerate?
It’s bunny!Hoshino!
Such gallows humour. That’s why the novelty wore off on this show.
I think the word they mean is youkai instead of sprite.
The jackets come off…kinda sorta.
Is it “dreamed” or “dreamt”?
Can people even hear using stethescopes? I’ve never tried it myself, but I want to know.
Sometimes you forget Allen’s there.
How’d blonde guy (Edgar) get that blood around him?
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