#i just had a lot of fun playing with the role switches here lol
inkdragonworks · 1 day
June Update
Breaking the chain of not updating to talk about what I've been working on. As the absence of Poppin & Jupa here can tell, I switched projects back in April, to an older one I worked on for about 8 months in 2022. Main reason was feeling dejected a bit after the animation didn't do as well as I was expecting; been getting the impression that Tiera is more popular than them with folks lol.
Again I won't be cancelling it, or never working on PnJ, just switching focus so I can stay productive and make something that feels fun for me, which this has.
As a refresher, here's the game I've been picking at:
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The game's current design can be broken down into:
intro sequence to introduce Tiera and the setting
initial puzzle + encounter to introduce the main mechanics
large hub in the form of Fragaria Park where you avoid the main threat, collect items, interact with side attractions, and access the 4 side areas
4 side areas, which have their own puzzles/challenges within with a primary goal at the end that progresses you towards the final escape
optional collectibles Since April I've worked on a part of the large hub, 3 of the 4 side areas, and the optional collectibles.
"Who works on optional stuff before the main game is done" well they play off of the main mechanics but mainly it's an excuse to draw something cute instead of programming.
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These are Anna Banana and The Fruit Friends (Also Strawberry), characters from a cartoon show that Tiera likes (Except Strawberry).
They don't play any significant role/impact in the game (Besides Strawberry), but they reveal part of Tiera's interests, they form a small bit of the world's background, they make for fun type of collectible that gives something to do besides the main puzzles, and, again, I just felt like drawing cute shit.
For the hub, I worked on a themed side area dedicated to a playground. This does have puzzle elements in it, but a lot of it are silly interactions, and a reference to that cartoon I did a while back. Maybe you can recognize it here.
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It's one of those "makes the setting feel more realized/fleshed out" deals.
For the side areas, what I've mainly been doing is settling on their exact design, blocking out the areas, and working on their puzzle sequence, obstacles, and any single screens that are tied to it.
Here's what I mean by "single screen":
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Something that cuts away from the main game to it's own puzzle. This one here is for the performance theater. All graphics are placeholders just to get the logic in and see if it might work.
Making these type of puzzles is fun cause it reminds me the most of Resident Evil 1 and various flash adventure games I've played.
As for obstacles, a significant one I'm playing with for the theater is darkness, making use of Tiera's sonar to detect a safe path around deep pits.
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She won't fall off right away, but it's tied to the same stamina system.
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Another side area are the sewers, everyone's favorite video game setting. That obviously involves water, but the trickiest thing about it has been dealing with really complicated patterns of depth changing.
What that means is Tiera climbing up and falling down a lot, and trying to keep track of that. Here's what that looks like without proper graphics:
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I'm very happy with how the area is turning out so far though, it's something you'd get to later and I think the puzzles do a good job of reflecting that progression.
The last side area I've poked at was the final sequence of the game. I've had a lot of different ideas of how to go about it but I think I'm happy with the set of them I have planned, something that builds up towards the climax and building off of what was set up in the rest of the game.
I wanna be careful about spoiling it, but here's one effect from it I've started work on:
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I'm trying not to overshare here, though there's a lot more I've thrown into my server that I couldn't here. One of the side areas I haven't gotten to really pinning down is the Hedge Maze. I have a basic outline, but the main obstacle involved requires more dynamic logic. It's hard to settle on what that logic should be without set level design, and it's hard to settle on level design without knowing the limitations of that logic.
It's a similar issue with the main challenge of the game, both for the player and for designing: the ghosts.
What's intimidating is the feeling that they need to be very deliberate in this type of game, to balance between adding tension without veering into frustration. I'm hoping tackling everything surrounding them will make me more confident, but odds are I'll have to start with something simple and half-broken just to break the ice. And accepting I'll have to make something that gets thrown away, which I'm not used to doing... I really prefer thinking through stuff first before making it.
Anyway, thank you for reading.
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dragon-giggles · 9 months
Muppet Headcanons
I have so many random, silly Muppet headcanons I need to get out of my system, sooo here we go, bare with me
~Kermit still keeps in touch with the Sesame Street gang ever since he left them. He usually calls Elmo, Grover, or Ernie the most to check up on them and say hi!
~Apart from fish being his favorite animal, Lew Zealand is a big animal lover in general! He has an especially soft spot for all aquatic wildlife, including animals such as turtles and seabirds.
~I don't care what y'all say, Bobo and Uncle Deadly had something with each other in The Muppets (2011).
~Miss Piggy really does have a soft heart, her temper just makes it hard to show. Actually, this better be canon.
~Robin and Rowlf's nephew (from the Jimmy Dean Show) are good friends and love having play dates.
~Big Mean Carl is really emotional, he's just really good at hiding it.
~Fozzie has accidentally set things on fire more than once. Most times have been in the kitchen, he's not exactly the best cook. But it's happened so much somehow, it pretty much seems like he's prone to it.
~Sweetums gets along well with a lot of the tinier Muppets ironically. He's surprisingly really gentle when he needs to be, and is always careful with his smaller friends. Him and Yolanda are besties!
~Walter has more than once weirded out the others by just how much he knows about each of them. (Well that's what happens when your a super fan guys)
~Gonzo has a whole wardrobe that's just dresses.
~This is pretty much canon, but it's agreed Zoot has magical abilities. The guy has probably traveled to other dimensions and not even realized it.
~Also pretty much canon, but Rowlf has a much sassier side to him than he usually let's on. Most people just haven't seen it that often... except for Jimmy Dean. Jimmy Dean saw it plenty of times lol.
~Fozzie is like the resident tickle monster lol. Usually if someone doesn't laugh at his joke, he'll just be a little twerp and tickle them to make them laugh. He'll also just do it to be silly (Kermit has been a victim to his silliness the most lol).
~Kermit knows every first and middle name of all of his siblings. (which keep in mind he canonically has like over a thousand siblings)
~Beauregard knows a lot of cool random facts actually that he'll just randomly throw out there sometimes.
~Another one about Beau, him and Beaker are good friends. (They canonically usually set up stage props together on The Muppet Show)
~Scooter has so many father figures. Kermit, Dr. Teeth, Fozzie, and Rowlf are all his dads lol... and Janice is his one mom figure.
~Pepe and Rizzo have been together at some point.
~Nigel, more well-known as the band conductor from The Muppet Show, and Kermit are actually good old friends. (He was actually meant to be the host for The Muppet Show before the role was switched to Kermit)
~Lips and Dolores (trumpet girl) are really good friends despite him taking up her role as trumpet player. She'll still sometimes pick up her old trumpet and the two will play together for fun.
~I don't know why this isn't canon but. Walter. Autism. Real.
~Skeeter likes to visit the Muppet theatre every so often to visit Scooter. In the few times she's been there, she's developed pretty good relationships with all the others as well.
~Bunsen and Beaker have pretty much been together since they were literally babies (go watch Muppet Babies for proof)
~This isn't really a headcanon but something I've noticed about Miss Piggy. She seems to have a softer spot for a few of the others, and I don't just mean Kermit.
I've noticed that she genuinely baby talks Rowlf a lot, and calls him Rowlfy. She's never actually tried to karate chop him like she has others either. There's been like once she tried to swing at him, from The Muppet Show, and ended up hitting the piano instead. Personally to me, it seemed like she didn't really try with her hit like she has all other times; it was more like she was annoyingly swatting at him because he was aggravating her (which he was btw, he was teasing her). I just think her and Rowlf are good old pals, and I just think that she knows that he's genuinely sweet and doesn't wanna be mean to someone like that.
Same with Beauregard, she's been really nice to him too. She's even given him a motivational speech before from The Muppet Show (in that same episode, he hugged her and said she was his only friend and I sobbed so mentally hard over that). I think Miss Piggy just knows who generally good folks are and in turn shows her soft side to them.
Okay I've poured out all I can, for now! Here's some silly doodles of some of the headcanons!
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littleladymab · 3 months
FebruarOC - Xochitl
OOOHHHHHH SUSHI MY BELOVED!!!!!! She is my character for our Werewolf game (which we're playing TOMORROW) it had been on hold for four solid years due to pandemic (we play (mostly) in person) and life/job stuff, but we finally got to start playing again on NYE! Nothing like sounding in the new year trying to remember a game you haven't played in four years ;;;; 
(It was fine I killed something in one hit) 
Xochitl is the 5'3" alpha of her pack and team dad (her beta, Rory, huge 6'something, is team mom). One of the first notes I made for her was that her fighting style is: (ง •̀_•́)ง !!! and a little bit of (*`ω´)/――――― ●)´Д゚) I was nervous about picking up the role of alpha originally, but I made the choice after figuring that no one else would probably do it (and I was right lol) in the end, I'm really glad! I've had a lot of fun, and she's the right amount of impulsive (it is one of her flaws) to carry them forward, and I'm the right amount of "I can't stand awkward silences at the table" to keep conversations going. Whoops. 
She's from the Fiana tribe, though she's got a Hispanic name because of her father (Who was a Shadow Lord of Spaniard descent who left his tribe when he fell in love with Jael lmao), and she gets along most with her father who is also an Ahroun (meaning they're real good at fighting). Her mom had another child in a first... not marriage? I don't think they got married, but she had another child before she married Arturo and had Xochitl, but Xochitl never knew her sibling that well as they disappeared and presumed dead when she was still very young. 
And by presumed I mean they actually did die, but they're back now! Hah hah! And working for the Autumn King, which, you know, isn't a real thing, so totally normal and okay and nothing wrong here, amiright???? 
Well, We're going to find out tomorrow, because we're totally going to finally kill the autumn king and save Zeke's mom and ????? something Xochitl's sibling. 
the nickname Sushi comes from when the pack went to a bar and we met a group of Fae for the first time -- we were all being super paranoid about the Fae and you KNOW you're not supposed to give them your real name, except that Grace (the GM) said one of them was FC as Janelle Monae and I made some sort of involuntary sound and Grace asked "was that you or Xochitl?" and I went "(makes ionno sound)". But in her all her awkward grace, Xochitl introduces herself as 'Sushi'.
And then Ashanti (Janelle Monae) just won't stop rolling 10's when interacting with Xochitl and becomes instantly SMITTEN which now means that Xochitl is dating a really powerful fae lord of the winter court! And she's promised to bring back the head of the false king for her girlfriend! I'm so normal about them. 
AND! ONCE THEY GET BACK FROM AUTUMN! There's something in the sewers that has been encroaching upon Rat territory, and well it's not like Xochitl and Remy are a thing, but also, Xochitl has two hands and I wouldn't be mad if she and Remy flirt a little hehe BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, She's been keeping in touch with Remy (who is also team tattoo) about the goings on, and at the moment the ratkin have it under control, but Xochitl is gonna help investigate and deal with it later. 
Now, generally, the pack is an investigation agency called City's Eyes! through a few different series of events during their investigations, everyone did get a gold lightning-scar tattoo on their body (hence the Team Tattoo) -- this marked them all as chosen by these lost totems, and so one of our big quests was to go and save all these lost totems! Xochitl switched from Clashing Boom Boom to Quetzalcoatl as a result, which is like, her learning some responsibility and really taking ownership of being a leader and not just going about it as pell-mell as she had been. 
She has been one of my favorite characters to play, and even with our 4 year gap, the one that I've played the longest (we've been playing since like 2018). It's so easy to slip back into her! And even tho she no longer has her chaos twin that was Theane, she now has another Ahroun in Tali who is also more Mature(TM) than Theane was and I think that'll help keep Xochitl on the right track! Especially because right now she's distressed because her estranged "I thought you were dead but now you're working for someone who is legitimately insane and you're going mad but occasionally you remember who I am to you and try to warn me" sibling is there and she REALLY wants this king's head to give to Ashanti. She only just met Tali but insofar feels like she can rely on her! And of course, she can always rely on Rory and Theo to help protect the others. 
Now, forgive me, I have a lot of playlists and a lot of pinboards for her, so I'll end with all of those! I've also uploaded her character sheet and her profile for free to patreon (which includes her gifts and weapons). Please know that when I roll to hit, I'm rolling a minimum of 9 dice, and then if I hit, WOAH BUDDY. What a satisfying sound!! 
Xochitl's Board 
Xochitl and Ashanti's Board 
"We went to a fancy party and all I got was second place in a tournament and also this fancy pinboard of outfit inspo"
Xochitl's character playlist 
Xochitl's "Workout" playlist 
Rowan's playlist (Xochitl's sibling) 
City's Eyes playlist 
Xochitl and Ashanti playlist (ver1)
Xochitl and Ashanti playlist (bodyguard AU edition)
I told you: normal. 
Wish us luck storming the castle and killing the false king of autumn!!! 
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akkivee · 5 months
mentally ill about stage mtr if i’m being quite honest lol:
god like…………………………. this is some of the hardest loss i’ve been struggling to process i can’t imagine anyone else playing such a flawless 2.5D sensei other than ayukawa-san 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
he and hayami-san had the time of their lives making dad jokes in front of thousands lol during their cross talk and i’ll never forget the slight awe he had when hayami-san made a pun using his name lol
it was a sun = taiyou kinda joke iirc and i feel like he did use it further down the line 😭😭😭😭
UGH ugh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh god the stage mtr scene i never stop thinking about was their rep live skit, the last one i think????? where dohifu got into hijinks trying to stop sensei from doing his job bc they were worried he’d consumed alcohol via treats hifumi brought
they wound up circling him and then lifting him off the ground in a very strange but hilarious sequence of events and jakurai laughingly told them it’d been a very long time since he’d been carried in any sort of fashion and he thanked them for bringing fun into his life EXCEPT!!!!!! ITS AN AD-LIB AND IM CERTAIN THAT WAS AYUKAWA-SAN TOUCHED BY HOW MUCH FUN HE WAS HAVING WITH THEM I HATE IT HERE
i can’t remember which day of bop2023 it was but in that mad scramble of wardrobe changes he accidentally had a button left undone on his tdd jakurai shirt and i know how that sounds that i noticed it but the way he smoothly buttoned it as he descended stairs is even more seared into my brain lmao
ayukawa-san is buff as hell lmao the ease at which he carried ramuda during king of kings was immaculate lmao and i’m not strong enough to pretend like i didn’t imagine a gym bros hitojaku au based on how swole they are lmao
he breached the 190cm mark in height and the way he reacts to others reacting to his height cracks me up lmao throwback to that one time he walked in to record bright and dark i think and one of the staff just blurted out, ‘you’re huge!!!!!’ and ayukawa-san responded, ‘i sure am!!!!! 😃’ LOL
in the interest of talking about the other actors i’m cutting myself off but i’m not joking when i say i hate here pls i always quote this but hayami-san was so right when he said the stage actors can’t just be easily replaced, they are the characters for a lot of people too 😭😭😭😭
hirofumi-san’s hifumi was peak host ngl lol
the bat and mtr actors got along insanely well after their play and the way hirono-san and ide-san bullied hirofumi-san only for it to just like, bounce off the man bc he was that self assured and a diva is so funny lmao but that’s exactly why his host hifumi was flawless lol
not that his hifumin wasn’t fun either!!!!!!! stage hifumin doesn’t get to be as silly as his canon counterpart so i can’t blame hirofumi-san for that lol
but his switch from hifumin to host is so insane like i don’t have words to describe how it rotted my brain tbh lmao
so like, i definitely mourned kodai-san’s doppo when he left the role but ik it was bc i liked how obvious he played doppo’s crush on jakurai LOL
ide takuya had me by the balls the moment i saw him tho but we’ll get back to that in a sec lol i still weep over the puppy dog eyes kodai-san always gave sensei lol
throwback to that time he asked sensei to pump his stomach (iirc) and was very disappointed when jakurai shot him down before he could finish the sentence LOL
vocally, i like his doppo a smidge 🤏 better like his screaming hits different than ide-san’s and i do find myself missing it sometimes listening to stage mtr’s older songs lol
but enough about him let’s talk about idedoppo LOL
i’m not kidding when i say i stanned from the the moment i saw him but i am uniquely weak to long haired punks you can’t put him in front of me and expect me to not accept him immediately LOL
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him messing with hirofumi-san for not being able to do finger choreography and hirofumi-san tickled by being messed with 🥺🥺🥺
(hirofumi-san very much could do the finger choreography when it mattered btw lmao)
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planetdream · 2 years
Pssssssst..... SVT dom, sub or switch?
i did this here BUT i wanna make some changes + explain it a little bit lol
ok so doms -> wonwoo, seungcheol, jihoon, chan, joshua
— yes im pushing that hard dom wonwoo agenda. loves a bratty partner because he can put them in their place. and being all rough with you is fun, pushing you around and folding you up. has the potential to be a soft dom and absolutely can be—and when he is, he’s very soft and doting, not forgetting to shower you in praises for how good you take his dick.
— (i love hard dom cheolie but) seungcheol is a pleasure dom and truly that's all i need to say but i'll say more just for the sake of talking. i think he likes pillow princesses and subs that are good to him. though he wouldn't mind if you got a little bit bratty but not too much. punishing you isn't really on his radar tbh, but if he has to do it, he will.
— i think jihoon would simply like to be in control. slightly torturous though—will spend hours with you in the studio and whenever you’re in the mood (or he need to clear his mind) he’ll have you cockwarm him and you have to stay still or else, you’ll have to get on your knees and use your mouth to cockwarm him until he’s finished working.
— chan has a lot of energy and using that excess energy to dom you is his favorite :) especially when it comes to manhandling you. loving the fact that he's able to push, pull, and press you into whatever position he wants and that you let him.
— now yeah, i originally had joshua in the switch category but i cannot get soft dom josh out my mind. literally the sweetest—loves to see you all pretty in lingerie so he can undress you and make you cum however many times he chooses. just loves taking care of you, especially afterwards when he’s cleaning you up in the bath and his hand reaches down to toy with your clit for a bit.
switches -> minghao, junhui, jeonghan, soonyoung, seungkwan, vernon, mingyu (the s in svt stands for switch)
— i think minghao is a switch with a slight dom lean bc i am biased. would preferably want to stay in charge but wouldn't mind giving up control so you can have it. lots of mutual masturbation and just slow morning sex with this one.
— junhui is a switch with a sub lean. he’s either a pillow prince or at your service 100% and that’s regardless of if he doms or subs. gets off on making you do all the work, especially when he can boss you around a little bit but also wants to be sweet, eat you out until you’re crying and just treat you how you deserve to be treated <3 (unless u wanna get fucked like a whore, then he’ll do that).
— jeonghan, a true switch. he's always ready for whatever and sex with him could start one way and end another. two extremes: he's either a mean dom or a very bratty sub. in dom mode he's always teasing, and loves orgasm control—mostly ruining and denying, though overstim is fun too. when he's subby, i think he'd been into pain play; slap him around a little bit, he'd love it. a complete menace 100%
— my gemini king soonyoung, i believe he simply likes sex and doesn’t choose to put a definite title on the role he’d play. sex is a shared experience with someone else and things should feel/be natural. a total tease regardless of what’s happening and loves to make you taste yourself on his fingers after he’s made you cum. loves getting his balls sucked on and played with.
— seungkwan also gives me switch vibes with a sub lean, but when he doms he has the potential to get mean. yeah, he loves being taken care of but that changes completely when he’s in dom mode, and where you showed him mercy, he won’t show you mercy until you beg.
— vernon is another person who’s down for whatever. follows your lead a lot of the time. if you want to dom him, he’ll let you but don’t tease him too much cause he can’t handle it (not ur fault he’s so pretty when he tears up). and if you want him to dom, i imagine he’d be more of a pleasure dom but ultimately will do whatever u want.
— i, in fact, have been influenced by the switch mingyu agenda. mingyu has a size kink, which works when he’s the dom, loving how big he is compared to you, and how he could hold your wrists with just one of his hands to keep you in still. and it also works when he’s the one that’s subbing. yes, he’s bigger than you but when you push him around and make him feel all small, it makes him cum quickly. eat his a–[train passing]
subs -> seokmin
— listen, i just really want to take care of him. and as a sub x sub agenda pusher myself, that concept w seokmin? actually perfect. not ignoring just domming him either tho... i think he'd be a sweet sub, lets you do whatever you want to him and rarely ever gets bratty. very much a pillow prince.
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dazzlerazz · 10 months
Three Hopes DLC Wishlist
A masterpost of things I wished for in the past for a Three Hopes DLC
Subject to be edited and is admittedly half finished cuz I realize I left this in the drafts and then forgot and I did not proofread lol
A bit for myself, but a paralogue betweeen Byleth and Shez where they test their strength against each other, like training, where you switch to playing Byleth halfway through. It eventually comes out to a tie regardless of how well the character played
Alternate training grounds maps. I mentioned it in another post, but Constance as a unit is SPECIFICALLY hindered by the current training yard map, as its always sunny. There's also so many times you can train in the same small rectangular boringly-brown place before you just stop trying to use the training feature. Here is the aforementioned post
Easier S Rank Cycles of Nostalgia Paralogue. Possible other units to play as, potentially other nameless soldiers, like a gremory, a wyvern flier, and an armored unit. It is grueling to run around the entire battlefield as a single unit, I spent lots of time trying to get S rank, something I've complained about in multiple posts
Azure Gleam - Fix Edelgard's role in the story
I went into this in multiple posts, but I don't like how Edelgard was dealt with in Azure Gleam. It felt like the developers intentionally took her out of a villain role and put her into the role of "trapped heroine", a clearly right vs wrong storyline with Thales instead of moral gray between routes like it was in Houses. I know this is something a dlc would not be able to fix, but I'm putting it in here anyway cuz I can
A return to Abyss. Sitri is absent in Hopes, because of course she is. Maybe there would be a paralogue if Byleth and Jeralt survive that bring them back to the monastery to find Sitri. I don't have any ideas for this at the moment
The return of the cut Blackened Embers
Post timeskip outfits for most church members. Hopes had the option to do this, as it was a complaint in Houses, but it was never done
Playable Hanneman, Gilbert, Anna, Alois, and Cyril, who were all playable in Houses
Hanneman and Manuela both can be recruited outside of Scarlet Blaze, whereas in the game they're both route locked to SB
Caspar and Ashe support chain
Little Things
Change a unit's outfit to their post timeskip Houses outfit
The return of dlc costumes. Make costumes able to be worn by any gender, unchanged to how they look in Houses (ex. suits for the girls and maid outfits for the boys)
More interactions with characters of your choice that feel more personal. We have expeditions, and to four locations at that, it would be nice to have something else just like it. Also the ability to go to a fifth location, tho I'm not sure what. I mentioned this in another post, but possibility the ability to leave off of wyverns instead of horses (inspired by Yuri's being allergic to horses)
Outfit accessories, such as glasses, bows, or other hair accessories, similar to how it is in (base) FE Engage
Alternate Lighter Asura outfit. The original looks bulky, more like a tanky unit, where Shez's original armor looks lightweight and easy to move around it. This is just a me thing, but maybe an alternate Asura outfit. it is possible to use Shez's lighter armor while in the Asura class, but cmon, that's no fun!
Alternate hairstyles for Shez. More specifically, a longer hair alt for M!Shez and a shorter alt for F!Shez
A return of fishing. Please. I really liked the fishing minigame in Houses.
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evilpenguinrika · 2 months
i know i'm like the only person raving on about Hosie/FFXIV AU but like it has been brought to my attention by... well... me, after watching this very immersive and fun retelling of the Eden Story from Shadowbringers (uh, super heavy spoilers for the Final Fantasy 14 story and lore if whoever reads this does play the mmorpg game, so uh, tread carefully?) that Hope and Josie could potentially have a Ryne and Gaia story that you follow in Eden Story
Now. Mind you--I have only made it into Heavensward, which is the second expac in FFXIV, meaning I have a very very long way to go until I meet Ryne (I already know who she is but not who she is if that makes sense). But from that video I watched, I think it would be a very interesting take to see Hope and Josie be Ryne and Gaia.
Though I'm not sure who would be who, like I think the "obvious clear cut" choice would be Josie is Ryne and Hope is Gaia--because Ryne is the Oracle of Light while Gaia is the Oracle of Darkness. Josie has a light that she carries with her and sees the good in people and always goes to bat for the people she cares for. Hope has a trail of death and darkness following her everywhere because of who she is, what she is, and who her family is. So, yeah, the obvious choice in this AU would be Josie is Ryne and Hope is Gaia. Josie does her best to befriend Hope--who wants nothing to do with Josie or anyone else.
But I think another interesting aspect is to switch it to where Hope is Ryne and Josie is Gaia. I say this because even if Hope is always going to have this trauma and darkness following her everywhere, I personally feel like she still sees the hope in things and in people. Whereas Josie I kind of chose because it would fit really well with her stint with Dark Josie. Where Dark Josie is in it for herself, is self-preserving, trying to prove that she's better and can do everything herself without needing anyone there to hold her hand. But like will eventually warm up to people... Probably... (Though probably only if that person is Hope lol)
ALSO, it REMINDS ME A LOT of the whole Dark Josie storyline and Hope never gave up on her in bringing Josie back and then did the head dive into Josie's mind to bring Josie back--like that storyline was what made me think of writing this post bc of what happens with Ryne and Gaia.
ALSO ALSO. Ryne's a ginger, Hope's an auburn. Gaia has black hair (and gothgirl), Josie/Dark Josie is a brunette/dark hair (and gothgirl). Also Hope is short like Ryne and Josie/Dark Josie is tall like Gaia.
Okay. I may be reaching too much lol. I also had an incredibly full day of going to the drivers place to renew my licence and then doing some shopping and errands and panic when I couldn't find one of my debit cards so this entire post probably is just jargon of incoherent bs but that's okay
as I'm ending this, I realize I have no idea where I was actually going with this post other than "this idea has been cooking in my noggin I Must Speak Upon It". So, here it is. A Hosie FFXIV AU--specifically Eden Story AU--where Hope and Josie play the roles of Ryne and Gaia (the Oracle of Light and Oracle of Darkness) because I, Rika, cannot wait to get to Shadowbringers so I can do the Eden Story raid and finally meet these two cutie girlfriends and continue to connect parallels to Hosie
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raphaelly · 5 months
End of Year Zuka Tag 2023 Part 1
After two years in this fandom I'm finally doing this! Massive thanks and kisses to @beccalendsahand for all the questions ❤️
It's been a tough year, to say the least. It's gonna take me some time to fully cope with all that happened and decide how I want to see zuka in the future. Regardless, I love this community and the people in it to death, I love the siennes and all the heart they put in what they do, I want to stay for both these groups of people.
Unto the more fun part now ~
1. Sumire no Hana: Did you find a new favourite this year? (Either someone who has entered the company this year or someone who has been in the company a while but you have only just become a fan, or both!)
I have discovered a grand number of three new favourites this year! The first one was Ruri Hanaka who completely blew me away like a tornado with her portrayal of Elisa in The Red and The Black. The emotions and youthful intensity she put in her voice and acting touched me so deeply. That and her shared duet with Arisa Hitomi was so good, their voices fit and harmonised so well and that's really impressive when you're next to a singing powerhouse like Kuracchi.
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Another favourite this year was Asanoha Kotono, yet another hana musume for me to stan. I had noticed her before in Paris in the Winter Fog but it was her role as the cool and classy Countess Larisch in Mayerling's shinko, as well as her lead in Singing Lovebirds's shinko, that made me go "oh. oh she's really good". There's a maturity in her performances that I find really interesting, on top of a singing voice that I adore. Funnily enough she was the highlight of a Battlefield for Two for me, in terms of powerful singing and acting, Elsa being one of the only characters that I enjoyed in a show I found pretty meh overall.
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And finally, I got a hoshi son this year! Taiki Hayate, whose upcoming shinko lead for RRR I'm extremely excited about. I think I made a mental note to keep tabs on her when she played Jalal al-Din in Dimitri's shinko, and then Stella Voice happened and my god her voice, it's so powerful already. As Tournemain in 1789, she formed an extremely funny combo with Kishou Kazuto and then she went on to destroy us by playing Peyrol in 1789's shinko and it was over for me. I'll just say the whip suits her.
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2. Ai sore wa...: Tell us about your number one! What's been your favorite role of theirs this year?
One day I will be normal about Seino Asuka but that day sure hasn't come lol. As they say, "it takes 10 years to make an otokoyaku" and 2023 was Asuka's 10th year in the company. And if 2022 was, as she says herself, the year a switch happened in her mind about what kind of performer she wants to be and how she can get there, 2023 truly felt like the year she showed all the fruits of her years of learning. The energy, the intensity, and especially the fun she puts in her roles and her appearances were so fulfilling, starting with her lead role in Maihime.
Having read the book to prepare for the show, I expected a rather "unheroic" type of protagonist, who ultimately fails to follow the values he first had and abandons his pregnant lover. And yeah, that's what we got. But the way she portrayed him brought him a lot of nuances, an explanation of why he does what he does that doesn't try to absolve him. She's at her best when she delves into the character's psychology and that's what she did here, and I'm so so proud of her.
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missingmywing · 10 months
Oh this one is fun - it’s amazing how making one different decision can so strongly alter someone’s whole course.
@khoc-week Day 6: One Choice, New Life
Etheria is really hard because her entire character is based around the choices she makes, especially as the protag Keykid, and while she could make different choices she probably wouldn’t. Not for the major things. So what if, instead, it was a minor thing that wouldn’t normally have much effect - but in this case changes everything. Because what Gula told them was… a lot, and Skuld has to leave, and Etheria really needs time to process. So she and Skuld say goodbye there, and Skuld leaves, and rather than wandering off and running into Dark Chirithy Etheria instead stays, sitting in the house trying to wrap her head around everything she’s found out.
So when Strelitzia shows up, she’s there. And Ven is as well, controlled by Darkness, and suddenly some very rapid decisions must needs be made when the Darkness attacks them. Etheria defends Strelitzia of course, but Strel fights back too, and Darkness is strong but so are they and Etheria manages to break its hold over Ven and drag both him and Strel away into the streets. She knows there’s a very limited amount of time before the Dandelions leave - they’re already in the process of leaving, so she drags them directly to Ava (and if she gets any strange looks for being a Unicornis member with an Ursus and Leopardis member in tow in the Vulpes headquarters - well, Vulpes knows the most about the Dandelions, it shouldn’t be hard to piece together.)
Ava is extremely alarmed at the information she brings, because of how close it was, and that someone is trying to alter the future that isn’t her - she asks Etheria to go with them and watch over them. Etheria is hesitant - she’d planned to stay, this wasn’t - but Strel begs her to come along, and Ven is terrified and unsure now that even he should go if he’s going to be a puppet of darkness -
Ava tells him very firmly that he is a Dandelion, and that the fact that Etheria managed to pull him away was proof that Darkness didn’t have a hold of his heart. They’ll just need to protect both he and Strel, and who better than Etheria?
Etheria caves, keeps her memories, and she, Ven, and Strel form their own Dandelion trio even once they meet up with the others. Strel is technically the only one who’s a leader, but Etheria’s playing bodyguard to both her and Ven so the three of them are always together, so… they kind of end up accidentally having their own input into stuff (mostly because she keeps getting asked and is just like guys pls I’m not even supposed to be here, you’re supposed to be unbiased.
Brain, Ephemera, Skuld, and Strel: lol, unbiased.
Lauriam: I was until you saved my sister.)
Not that it ultimately stops everything or changes Etheria’s ultimate fate, but Strel survives and is sent forward alongside Lauriam, Elrena, and Ven.
If Yiskah had accepted Ava’s invitation to join the Dandelions, he would have been at the finale right alongside Brain, firmly at his side. He would have taken the final unused pod to return with him to the real world, and send Lauriam and Elrena on their way, and would have been there for that conversation with Luxu, likely participated in whatever deal it is that they struck. He’d have made the jump forward along with Brain - or Brain’s heart as it may be - and they’d have landed in Scala ad Caelum together to find Sigurd waiting.
From there… well who knows, we’ll find out in Missing Link, but it will either be very different thanks to the time jump or Yiskah will end up in the same role as he would have even if he’d died and reincarnated haha.
Aella and Vale:
If Aella had decided not to switch Unions and had stayed in Vulpes with Vale, both of their fates would have been very different. They would have been a lot closer, been there to support each other, and would have agreed to Ava’s offer to become Dandelions because it made more sense than staying and fighting a losing war. Vale wouldn’t fall to darkness and betray her, and she wouldn’t die dueling him in the Keyblade Graveyard.
One could argue that the fates of the Dream Eaters aren’t much better - except as a demigod of death himself Vale can take certain liberties with his and others’ hearts and souls. And as Chirithy pointed out, death and sleep share a boundary. Vale can pull them both into the Underworld in the aftermath of Daybreak Town falling, then bargain their way free. From there… well, the world is open to them. Perhaps they go join Ephemera in creating Scala, or perhaps they stay in Olympus and mark their names in the stars as heroes. This time, that’s a choice they have to make.
Ahh Solis my sweet sunshine idiot… I’m afraid to say that you are… very doomed. The best I can do to say that his fate would be altered with his choices are if he also joins the Dandelions, but unfortunately that doesn’t save him because unlike Etheria, Yiskah, and Vale he doesn’t have friends in high places. Even if he survives the keyblade war, he’s stuck as a dream eater. He can help Sora out in DDD, though, so there’s that!
Rosalia is much the same as Solis in she’s somewhat doomed no matter what she does as a Keykid, so why don’t we go earlier? If she hadn’t jumped aboard that particular pirate vessel, had instead grabbed the next one leaving port, perhaps she’d have instead landed on Captain Teague's ship, and found herself shadowing one Jack Sparrow as they worked aboard his father’s ship.
A particularly notorious pirate duo, they may go their separate ways for a time when he tries to leave the pirate life behind, but she rejoins his crew aboard the Black Pearl after Beckett brands him a pirate and burns his ship. Perhaps she dies in Barbossa’s coup, or perhaps she escapes and later - much later, once the world dies and is rebuilt over centuries - she stumbles over a boy with a brilliant smile and an endless will to help people with the strange key shaped blade of his. The adventure to defeat Barbossa, save Miss Swan, and reclaim the Pearl is a short one, but she finds him endearing nonetheless. Perhaps she’s even the one to give him the keychain, wishing him well on his long journey ahead.
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perexcri · 11 months
twice the fool PLEASE and also idk which one is vampire byler but THAT ONE please 🤲🧎‍♀️i would like to know what ur most excited about in those ones & also if you would mayhaps like to share a line/snippet~
HI LARK thank you so much for stopping by :D 💜
twice the fool (stonathan): this is my stonathan btvs au for the upcoming stonathan week!!
i'm very excited for it because i'm taking one of my favorite btvs episode plots and applying it to stonathan! if anybody can guess which buffy episode it's from i'll give you a gold star and dedicate my next cat to you~
i'm also excited to work with the older teens from st for once, and i think it's been really nice to creatively switch things up for me this way. i've loved getting to apply some of the buffy character archetypes to st characters: Robin is basically Buffy, i've made Nancy a mixture of Willow and Faith, Hopper is Giles (💀), and Steve is kind of the Xander figure
here's a snippet because i am very excited for Chrissy's role in this fic :)
Chrissy Cunningham – The Spelling Bee! – Serving all your Hawkins High magic needs – knock three times on the table in the woods behind the football field – walk-ins only! The teachers had been mercilessly scraping her fliers off the hallways’ corkboards, and Steve had grown so used to them that he hadn’t bothered to really consider them anymore. Since the hellmouth had been opened last year thanks to Will’s disappearance, all kinds of weird shit had been attracted to Hawkins, and Hawkins’ citizens had, in turn, become more attracted to some of their town’s oddities as well. Namely, a lot of the Hawkins High students had become interested in magic, Chrissy being the most interested of them all. She’d transformed from a total popular cheerleader type to the girl who sat in class and played with crystals or read people’s palms. She was still popular as hell and had the top cheerleader spot of course, but everyone had agreed she’d grown a little…odd. But Hawkins has always been weird, just grown a bit weirder, and odd is exactly what Steve needs right now.  Magic is what Steve needs right now. He knows Jonathan still feels something–he saw it in Jonathan’s eyes, in the way his fists had shook against his crossed arms. It wasn’t Jonathan’s heart that had made that decision, but his head, that infernal logic that’s been trained by years of abuse from a deadbeat father that said it was better to cut and run before you end up with a fist against your teeth.
in throes of increasing wonder: an interview with the vampire au i haven't touched in a hot second but never say never amiright lol
working on this one has been most exciting for me because it's set in New Orleans, a city i have spent a lot of time in!! i haven't really seen any byler fics where they're in the south (which like,,,i understand bc the south is The South,,,,,,but also there is some cool stuff here, and not everyone is horrible, right?). so when i have worked on it, it's been fun to incorporate my own knowledge and experiences with the city into my writing. i also will die on the hill that most US cities are largely the same and don't have much variance, but i do think New Orleans stands apart from the rest and has its own really unique vibe/culture. i know every major city will say but like,,,do they have Mardi Gras? do they have king cakes and jambalaya and beignets and a city that sits below sea level? no. they do not.
here's a snippet!
He approaches the mirror, and he examines the damage. Spots speckle all up and down his throat; when he tugs at his collar, they continue down his clavicles and shoulders. His lips are swollen and his hair is a mess, but what draws him in most is the bite. That’s all it can be–what it has to be. Teeth marks, sharp and punctuated against his skin, blood crusted around where the openings have swollen shut. He presses at them, flinches at the throbs of pain they send like shockwaves up to his head, which spins with dizzying delight. More dried blood flakes off and falls like crimson snow against his shirt, which he dutifully swipes away with a half-hearted hand. 
It’s not the strangest thing, especially in a place like New Orleans. He’s seen plenty of people in the wake of a passionate night out with all sorts of discombobulation: torn clothes, patches of hair missing, teeth fillings scraped out and matching tattoos scrawled into each other’s skin. It just means he has to wait for it to heal, to cover his neck like he’d have to anyway. Damn the October warmth; the least he could’ve done is have the foresight to do this in January or February, where he could at least put on a scarf.
thanks again Lark!! i'm wishing you all the best and sending you the best of vibes for writing fantasy au pt 2 :] 💜💜💜
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
When Isak is Also Even
This story is partially based on this post and here’s AO3 Link
Since wtfock season 3 has ended, I dived further into the lore and mythos of the Skam universe. Skam was a fandom that I always followed (when it was trending) but it was really Robbe and his season that fully brought me into it. Now, I’m in the midst of watching through Skam NL—I’m at the very beginning of episode 5—and I’m planning on watching España later on because I just love all that I’ve seen with the girl squad. 
But, Lucas always surprised me as a character—but especially as an Isak because he always seemed to have Even-like traits. From what I’ve seen, he’s primarily headcanoned to go on and study art. Because of this, I decided to play around with the idea that he has equal traits of the two. 
Because of this, I wanted to explore the idea that our “Isak” is given the storyline that Even normally represents especially given that Lucas’s own mother is bipolar as well. But, I did write Lucas as closeted as the other Isaks typically are at the beginning of their season—maybe more so?—so that is something to note. Now, of course, this is all fun and it’s just something that I wanted to explore—especially in a one shot. 
but, this is also my birthday gift for @peaceoutofthepieces (who is currently still sleeping rn) and it’s basically midnight for me SO THAT MEANS IT’S OFFICIALLY YOUR BIRTHDAY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATALIE AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY.
It’s really short (about a length of a clip of Jij Verliest) but I wish it was so much longer but I couldn’t manage it. I hope you enjoy it <3
The second that an Even sees their Isak is when their story starts changing, for the better, and life goes on to form something more precious than it was before.
But, this story is different.
Lucas van der Heijden is an Isak—technically, in someone else’s story—but he moved to Antwerp to get away from his father who tried to control his life and breathe down his neck about his medication. His mother had encouraged him to do so—to try new things—and with the Academy sending him an acceptance letter, it seemed so perfect, to go live in his cousin’s spare bedroom and get away from his father. So, because of this, Lucas van der Heijden is also an Even—technically.
One day, in the midst of it all, Lucas spots someone who instantly has his attention. Because Lucas is technically an Even—as much as he is an Isak, the person in his sight is his Isak, in every sense of the word. But, his “Isak” also happens to be another’s “Jonas.”
Lucas van der Heijden
Standing in front of the classroom, his photography teacher, Mr. Maes, a recent graduate from the Academy who returned to teach, lectured on and on about the various lighting techniques and what they tell the viewer. Mr. Maes had his brown hair meticulously styled. Today, he decided to wear a long-sleeve black shirt that clung a little too tightly to his biceps and a pair of jeans that clung tightly to his hips. Despite Lucas’s interest in the class—photography was his favorite medium and this class was his favorite of the semester—his brain kept fading in and out of the lecture. 
For whatever reason, his eyes kept returning to the curves of his muscles with a frustrating intensity. It was ridiculous that Lucas was getting distracted by something that didn’t interest him at all—outside of an artistic standpoint, of course—and he kept trying to force himself into the lecture. But, his brain also seemed to remind him of the text messages on his phones, the ones his father sent him as a botched attempt to bring him home despite his upcoming exam.
Dad: Come on Lucas. Your mother doesn’t understand.
Lucas: Really? She seemed fine when I called her. I have an art history exam next week that I have to study for. But I guess I don’t understand.
Dad: Lucas, that wasn’t what I meant.
Lucas: I know exactly what you meant.
Shoving away the thoughts of his father’s texts, Lucas’s eyes drifted back to Mr. Maes. Lucas was talking about lighter settings now, but his voice was growing increasingly muffled as the seconds stretched on. Lucas could feel his mind working, mentally sketching the scene in front of him—Mr. Maes enthusiastically talking about the various types of lighting. Normally, Lucas was always attentive during this class—as mentioned previously, it was his favorite class—but his mind continuing to wander was frustrating, to say the least. 
His dad had to message him before his class, didn’t he?
There was a tap on his shoulder, jolting him out of his thoughts. Glancing around the room, Lucas realized that their class had been dismissed and Mr. Maes was conversing with several students who lingered. Lucas felt his cheeks flush, his thoughts returning to his head, as he tried to shove them away. 
Eager for a distraction, Lucas turned to the person who broke him from his trance. His classmate, and friend of about a month, was standing beside him with his leather jacket thrown over his shoulder. Sander Driesen was shorter than Lucas with short brown hair that was growing out. He always wore some sort of graphic t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans and Doc Martens. His Instagram was covered with pictures of him with bleach-blond hair—something that Sander insisted was returning as soon as his hair grew out again.
While they had bonded in the classroom, Lucas had met Sander two weeks before the semester starting… at their therapist’s office. Once they found out that they went to the same college—and found out they shared a class, they had become close. Sander was taking the class as an elective, but they still collaborated when given the chance. Sander knew about Lucas’s father and the spiral that ended with his diagnosis and his grief over leaving his mother. Lucas knew about Sander’s fascination for spray painting and his diagnosis at the age of sixteen and his artistic muse—his boyfriend who had hair that curled when it was too long.
A week ago, Lucas learned from his new roommate, Zoë, that Robbe, Sander’s boyfriend, had his room last autumn—but Lucas still hadn’t gotten the chance to physically meet him. Even though Sander had shown him every picture that he had of Robbe. 
Sander stepped out of his way to let Lucas out and they slipped past their professor, who didn’t seem to notice Lucas’s absent mind. But, Sander did, asking as they headed out of the college, “Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah,” Lucas said, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s just my dad being an ass, trying to get me to come home because my mom doesn’t ‘understand’ or whatever.” Sander scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I called her and told her that it was because of my Art History test next Wednesday.” 
“Yeah, those Art History tests can be brutal,” Sander admitted. 
“Thanks for the support.”
“You’re welcome.” 
As they stepped outside of the building, the sunlight shined down upon them. On most days, the sun was energizing and bright. But, today, it felt daunting and tiring to Lucas. It might’ve been his text messages with his father, but the fact he got little sleep wasn’t helping matters. His cousin was… loud and Lucas didn’t have noise-canceling headphones like Zoë had acquired. Before Sander stepped away, Lucas asked, “What are your plans for the day?”
“Robbe and I are going out to dinner with some of his friends,” Sander said. “What about you? Did you want to come?” 
“No, thank you though. I can’t today. I’m going to buy noise-canceling headphones and study some more for that brutal Art History test,” Lucas said. 
“Milan?” Sander asked, grimacing. Lucas fervently nodded his head and Sander chuckled. “Maybe, one of these days, you can get him back someday.” 
“I doubt it,” Lucas said. There was a flash of movement over Sander’s shoulder and Lucas’s eyes found it immediately. A person was running in their direction—or more specifically at them—with curly brown hair and a face that Lucas knew intimately for someone he never physically met. Before Lucas could even form a warning to Sander, Robbe was jumping onto his friend’s back. The force had nearly knocked Sander over and Lucas moved to help
Sander quickly found his balance, gripping onto Robbe’s thighs like a lifeline to keep him stable. The leather jacket that Sander held in his hand had hit the pavement and Lucas bent down to pick it up. His boyfriend’s legs were wrapped tightly around his waist and his arms bound around his shoulders. As Robbe pressed kisses against his boyfriend’s cheek, Sander exhaled, relaxing, “For fuck’s sake, baby, don’t do that.” 
“Sorry,” Robbe said, giggling with a wide grin on his face. Sander reached out his hand to Lucas, making a grabbing motion for the leather jacket, and he handed it over without hesitation. As if noticing Lucas for the first time, Robbe glanced over at Lucas. “Oh, you must be Lucas, right? I’m Robbe.”
Lucas chuckled, glancing at Sander. “Yeah, I know who you are.” 
“What do you mean?” Robbe asked. “I’ve never met—” There was a look of realization on his face and his cheeks flushed instant. Immediately, Robbe turned shy, burying his face in the crook of Sander’s neck. Lucas was barely able to hear a muffled, “That’s so embarrassing.” 
Sander chuckled. “Don’t worry, I only showed him the PG sketches.”
Robbe pulled himself from Sander’s neck to say. “And that’s supposed to make me feel better?!” 
“Woah,” Lucas said. He waved his arms as though he could somehow block out the newfound information tainting his mind. He covered his ears and took a step back away from the couple. “That’s too much information.” Still holding Robbe on his back, Sander nearly doubled over in laughter and Robbe gripped onto him tighter. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Sander. If I can even look you in the eye anymore.”
“You’ll understand one day,” Sander said, moving in the way Robbe had come. He lifted Robbe a little higher on his back as they walked away. “Goodbye, Lucas! I hope your dad stops being an ass and you study for your test!” 
“Thanks,” Lucas said. “I’ll do my best. Nice to officially meet you, Robbe!” 
“You too!”
Sander turned away, taking Robbe with him. Lucas watched the happy couple moved away from the school intertwined and holding onto each other. Robbe was still high on Sander’s back, clinging to him like a koala, and his face buried into Sander’s neck. The two of them looked so happy and proud, intertwined with one another so easily and simply. Lucas felt a sense of longing flash briefly in his chest as he watched their retreating forms.
Lucas moved in the opposite direction. His mind was already marking the path to the video store to buy a pair of the best noise-canceling headphones. As he pivoted to leave, his eyes caught sight of Sander and Robbe with someone else and—for whatever reason—Lucas halted to a stop without having gone too far away from his original destination. 
There was a tall guy was walking up to Sander and Robbe. Behind him, two guys were chatting loudly but Lucas couldn’t hear him—and he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the guy in the center. The guy in question was taller than all of his friends, but his shoulders were slumped a little. Even though he had a maroon hoodie over his head, Lucas could tell that his hair was a jet black. Lucas could see his sharp jaw and the upturn of his lips as he teased Sander and Robbe.
He was beau—
Lucas cut off his thoughts, abruptly turning around. 
Lucas’s brain was screaming at him to turn around, to make up some excuse as to why he can join, simply to find out the name of the beau—no, the man there. But, Lucas knew that he couldn’t. It wouldn’t make any sense for him to change his mind now. Forcing one foot to move in front of the other, forcing himself away from the guy that had captured his attention, Lucas swallowed deeply as he tried to keep his thoughts even. 
Lucas had never been like that before. 
It wouldn’t make sense for him to be like that now. 
But, as he turned the corner, Lucas snuck a glance back to him—just to see the guy smile dazzlingly at Robbe and Sander.
Note: There was supposed to be a second part of this from Jens’ POV a few weeks later where Jens would actually meet him, but I wasn’t able to get it on time. I hope you enjoy this section and maybe I’ll do Jens’ POV after Jij Verliest ends?
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sunnyjae · 3 years
prompt #41 & #46
dom!jay x switch!femreader
so umm i was thinking abt jealous sex :’D
+ aaaa im your new follower! i just saw your blog yesterday and i swear you write soooo good, your jeonghan fic tho 🙇‍♀️😰😮‍💨 tysm!! ���🏻
pls these jay requests have me reeling 😩👍🏻 welcome to my blog omgggg thanks for requesting, sweets!
prompts: #41 “you see that baby? that’s me deep inside you“ + #46 "face down ass up, you know the rules"
the role of the class president ♡ pjs [req]
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MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. I put my smut strictly under the smut tags on here to protect you guys so don't open anything with a warning like this one. Please.
pairing ♡ dom!jay x fem!reader, switch!reader (alternatively a bratty sub lol)
genre ♡ e2l!au, non-idol!au, smut, mild angst (is banter/arguing considered angst?)
warnings ♡ arguing, lots of kissing, impact play (reader is slapped in the face once), jealousy, mild possessiveness, cunnilingus, unprotected sex, bulge kink
word count ♡ 2.9k
summary ♡ fighting with your enemy is fun, and all the more exciting when he’s jealous
author’s note - it takes me at least three days to write and edit requests lol so i hope you guys understand <3 i’m a full-time student so I need to manage my time well. Thanks lovelies! Check out my masterlist and prompts list here
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Jay hated how attractive you were, barely letting him go about his daily business without internally crumbling when you came into class every morning. When you didn't, he found himself especially disappointed. You weren’t the most popular in your class, but everyone knew you pretty well and you were friendly to be around - making Jay’s quiddity a living hell (or so he thought). And although you and Jay had an unspoken hatred of each other, there was something more to your dynamic than just pure animosity: you were convinced of that.
Your Sociology teacher Mr Moon concludes the lesson on Critical Criminology with a clap of his hands, eyes immediately going to Jay Park. Who, in your eyes, is the most self-centred, nosy, egotistical and painfully sexy student you’d ever come across. When he passes you, a waft of cedarwood and musk hits your nose, making you internally curse and press your thighs together.
Jay doesn't do much, let alone even speaks to you and yet has this effect on you. Fuck.
“Clean the classroom after everyone leaves, will you, Jay?” Mr Moon packs his papers and takes his coffee mug in hand. You stay seated as the other students shuffle out, some of your friends waving bye to you as they leave.
Jay nods, watching the teacher follow. His chest tightens as he realises he and you are finally alone.
You open your textbook and look through some of the recently read pages, skimming for some necessary information. As you dig through your bag, you hear Jay open the cupboard at the back of the room with the set of keys Mr Moon must have left for him. Eventually finding your airpods, you notice they’re out of battery as they die as soon as they pair with your phone. Fuck. Now you have no way of distracting yourself.
Your tiny whispered curse gets Jay’s attention and he rolls his eyes for effect. “Studying isn’t that hard.” His voice isn't loud enough to echo in the classroom, but it's clear enough to get your full attention.
Your head snaps to him as he bends to wipe the desks a few feet from you with a wipe he must have procured from the janitor's closet, not looking at you. “I’m recapping some stuff?” you gawk, turning back to your book. “Don’t distract me, I’m busy.”
“Whatever, it’s not like studying is gonna help you anyways.” he adds.
You stand up immediately, swiveling in Jay’s direction again and pointing a finger at him. “I don’t like you.” you pause, suddenly unsure of what insult to throw that is suitable and effective for the situation (a relatable problem, but i digress). “Fuck off.”
He actually laughs at you, hysterically, even going as far as to bend over to rest his hands on his knees through his fit of booming laughter. “Very mature for your age,” he snorts, fingers going back to the wet wipe and swiping down the wood in long strokes.
You straighten your skirt and, slightly embarrassed, clear your throat before sitting down. Fingers playing with your red biro, you bite your lip and continue reading.
Jay suddenly leans over you from behind, the warmth radiating from his chest but not touching you, and that same cedar scent filling your nostrils again makes your heart flutter in well-masked excitement. He places his palm over the paragraph you were (kind of, but not really) reading and furrows his brows. “What are you looking through?”
You swallow, feeling the heat between your legs grow borderline distracting. “Marxist theories on crime.” you sniff.
“Hm. It’s pretty easy to understand - but of course you’re just not very intelligent, are you?” you feel him mock-pouting, and that comment does something to you that you can’t really explain. You’re concerned you’ll gush out onto the chair from your wetness, the skirt would be doing nothing to hide your arousal either, thighs slick and hot.
“Fuck off.” you mutter, “I won’t be intelligent if you don’t leave me alone, you dick.”
He lets out a tight breath, “Ouch. My feelings are hurt.” and the warmth is quickly replaced by the cold of the classroom again as he lifts himself up and heads for the front of the room.
Jay’s blazer does nothing to hide the definition on his arms when he picks up the mop and begins swiping at the floor like nothing ever went on just a few seconds earlier. You have to close your eyes to ground yourself before you jump him and go feral, your anger (you think) really getting the best of you.
When your friend from the year below, Sunoo enters the room with a wide smile, Jay can’t help but narrow his eyes. “Hey,” he settles himself on the desk beside you, the one Jay just wiped down, he reminds himself, tight-lipped.
“Hiya,” you turn to Sunoo, “What brings you to my study hour?”
“Thought I’d keep you company till the next bus.”
“Awe,” you coo, reaching to pinch his cheeks before he slaps your hands away.
Sunoo grimaces at you, “I’m staying for five minutes and then I’m leaving, calm your ass down.”
Jay tries to cancel out your conversation, but of course, your voice being as pretty as it is, he can’t help but perk up at the mention of his name.
“I have Mr Class President Jay with me to keep me company,” you throw him a look, making Sunoo glance his way too. “But he’s just a pretentious ass so he’s no fun.” you pout, and Jay fucking swears he’s never seen anything so cute in his life. If only he could put that pretty mouth to better use-
The tension is rife in the room and Sunoo clocks it immediately.
“Right then, have fun guys, I’m leaving.” he gives Jay a prolonged look as if to say thank me later and exits the classroom as quickly as he got in.
“Wait- Sunoo-” You stand, but your friend leaves with a quick salute and an accomplished smirk on his face.
You sit back down with a tilt of your head, unsure of what to say.
“Don’t tell me you have a crush on that guy,” Jay deadpans, finishing up the mopping job.
You scoff, snatching your bottle and taking a sip of your water. “And if I did? It doesn’t concern you.”
He stops moving and just stands there, facing the board at the front. “No?”
“So you’d date him?” he laughs unamused, biting his lip in anticipation of your answer. Sunoo’s nice, but you don’t really go for your best friends.
He rests the mop against the wall behind the teacher's desk and quickly forgets about his task.
Jay turns around, dark eyes on you already. “I asked you a question: would you date Kim Sunoo?”
Fuck it. “Yeah, if he wants to.”
Jay is silent. Only the sound of heavy breathing fills the room.
He points to the space in front of him. “Come here.”
With a twitch of your brow you question, “You want me to stand in front of you?” crossing your arms defiantly.
“I said come here.” he repeats, voice somewhat different, and the stare he’s pinned you under has you shuddering.
"Some goody-two-shoes rich boy telling me what to do? Funny, that." you smirk to hide your nerves, leaning back and crossing your legs for effect.
"If I have to repeat myself a third time, you'll be in trouble."
You shrug, considering your options. Whatever Jay has to say will have you internally choking so you guess it's just best to follow through.
Standing up from your desk, you make your way to eventually be face to face with the pompous ass of a class president. "What." Your question isn't even a question, you note, realising that you don't care for what he has to reprimand you for, only that he can absolutely fuck you into the next century.
His jaw is tight and he steps closer to you.
You laugh. "Are you jealous? I bet you can't even fuck me properly-"
He slaps your cheek with his fingers, just so he stuns you but doesn't hurt you. Humiliation burns in your stomach. "What the fuck?" you try to grit out, holding the area that was hit with your own fingers, but failing to react angrily enough because you swear you nearly cum from just that.
"Fucking brat," he adds, tone a little melancholic and his expression unreadable at this point.
He holds your chin with one hand and uses the other to pry your fingers off your face, holding your wrist down.
"Get on the desk, ass to me."
You look up at Jay, biting your lip and hesitating in front of him. He's intimidating, and you don't think you've felt so excited before.
"Face down ass up, you know the rules." Jay corners you into the table, throwing his blazer elsewhere and rolling his sleeves up to his elbows.
"The door is open." you tell him.
"It won't be because I'll close it." he rolls his eyes, stalking over to lock it before returning to his previous position, watching you expose yourself for him.
"I bet you're dripping, aren't you?" he smirks, leaning over you once again to mutter in your ear. "All for Jay. isn't that right?"
"Yeah," you sigh breathily, not feeling the need to lie anymore as you press your cheek into the clean desk.
He laughs over you, head lolling down as his shoulders shake for a few seconds. When he stops, his eyes return to you and begin to rake up the expanse of your back and legs.
You swallow harshly, not knowing how to feel about his reaction.
Pressing his hips into yours, Jay groans as his covered semi-hardness comes in contact with the material of your skirt. The way your hands reach back for god knows what, makes him physically shudder and finally realise fuck this is really happening. Using one hand, the other pressing into the desk beside your waist, he presses his palm into the back of your hand and puts it in front of your face, flat on the surface.
"Tell me again." He whispers, lips brushing the shell of your ear. You feel Jay's fingers now under your skirt and they press into the sopping material on the crotch of your panties. "Who made you wet?"
Biting your lip, you gulp. "Um-"
"No ums - we don't do that here. You speak to me properly."
You breathe in deep and answer softly, "You, Jay. You made me this wet."
"Hm. And remind me," he smirks to himself. "Did you or did you not insult me just then?"
You swallow again. "Yes Jay."
"Are you going to apologise?"
"Will you fuck me if I apologise?"
"Talk back to me again-" his grip on your hand tightens. "We're making some rules, okay, love?"
"You call me Jay and Jay only. If you insult me, or disobey our rules, don't expect to be able to sit properly for the next two weeks." you're tempted to mutter a playful ooooh scaryyyy but shut up before you do. "Don't talk back to me, and if you do - same thing." he affirms. "If you're good, my good girl, expect to be rewarded. Do you understand?"
When he moves one of his hands to your waist and the other rubs at your clothed slit, you let out a breathy "Yes, Jay." the petname doing whatever the fuck your stomach was doing in the moment.
"I'm sorry Jay."
"I'm sorry for calling you a pretentious ass and a dick." you stop yourself from laughing, luckily.
"Better." he mutters. "Can I take your panties off, sweetheart?" you nearly choke on your spit at the next petname.
"Yeah, please Jay." you whisper, feeling his lips on your jaw and just under your ear. He kisses at your skin, sensitive, and continues, using both hands to hook his index fingers into the elastic and tug them down slowly.
They eventually come off under your converses and Jay puts them in his pocket for safekeeping.
He finally flips your skirt up and has to hold back from absolutely going to town on you. "Fuck."
Your pussy is out on display for his greedy eyes, messy and wet. So ready. Ready to be eaten out so good. Ready to be fucked into just like that with no necessary prep. “Will you let me eat your pussy, baby?”
“Yes, Jay. Please touch me.”
At that, he falls to his knees behind the teacher’s desk, coming face to face with your pretty pussy and winking asshole. “God, I wish I could take your ass today too.” he lifts a finger to wiggle the tip in. “But I’m saving that for another day.” he sighs, eyes moving to your sopping cunt.
“Please Jay,” you whisper.
He pulls his fingers away, big hands going to hold your hips in his tight grip before diving in feral, eating your pussy like a straight up animal. His tongue slips over the sides of your lower lips teasingly, “Tastes so sweet hon’.”
“I eat a lot of fruit.” you respond with an airy moan, his tongue penetrating your hole.
He laughs, “I like to eat sweet things too,” suckling at your folds and teasingly pressing a kiss onto your clit. You don’t see him look up at you, completely smitten as he fucks his tongue into you, listening to your pretty as fuck moans and whines of his name. The vibrations of his chuckles leave you shaking, knees knocking against each other as your abdomen tightens with pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re so good at this.” you whine, bucking your hips into his face. His nose presses into your puckered hole and he sucks at your clit again.
With one final tug at your labia between his lips, he stands up. You groan at the loss of warmth, but gasp when he shoves you around and sits your ass on the desk, your legs around his hips. He dives in to kiss you and it feels as if his lips meeting yours, and the taste of your sweetness still on them is all you need to fall for an ass like him even more. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, he lies you onto your back and swoons internally as you spread yourself open for him. “Please baby,”
He kisses you deeply again, “You’re fucking mine,” he groans, “Not gonna date anyone but me,” Jay adds, “Not gonna spread this pretty pussy for anyone but me, not gonna ever fucking kiss anyone but me, baby.” lips pressing to yours once again, he sucks the breath from your lungs along with the words you were about to articulate.
“Please fuck me, Jay.” you bring him down to your mouth, licking in to taste him again. Your tongues tangle in a passionate battle and he almost loses his balance when he tries to unzip his slacks.
“Yeah, pretty girl, Jayjay’s gonna fuck you so good.” he mutters, tongue swiping at his lower lip. “Spread your pussy for me, baby.”
You bring one hand down and flip your skirt up, using two fingers to spread your labia and expose your winking hole to him.
“Gorgeous, sweetheart. Mine.” he smiles at you, pulling himself out of his boxers, tip already at your entrance. When he eases into you, your eyes are focused on his dark ones. You bite your lip shyly and Jay kisses you softly, hearing the sweet airy satiated sighs escape your lips. “You’re always so pretty for me,” he pulls away, lips cherry red from your tinted lip balm and you coyly smile at him, letting out a hiss and when he finally pushes in fully.
Your eyes drop to your belly and you gasp, stealing the class president’s attention. “Fuck. You see that baby? That’s me deep inside you.” he grins, eyes flicking to yours again.
“Yeah,” you nod softly.
“Fuck, you’re so cute.” he groans, pulling out and pressing back in again until you’re full. Jay leans down to cuddle into you as he fucks you slow and deep, taking in your pleasure-filled gasps.
When your hands find his hair, he looks up at you with soft eyes, completely unlike his earlier demeanor. You pout your lips in need of a kiss and he giggles, submitting to your non-verbal request. He continues fucking you as he kisses you, “This isn’t where I wanted to fuck you this softly.” he whines, holding your waist.
“You can fuck me slow when you come over tonight.” you tell him, stroking the sides of his head, “Right now I recall you called me dumb,” you laugh.
He pulls himself up, the snaps of his hips quickening in pace, making you hiss. “Ah, fuck.”
“You’re my dumb little girl,” he corrects you, smirking. “How about I fuck you here, then we go to your house and I stay over,” Jay adds, “And I take you out tomorrow,” he continues,
“And then I fuck you again,”
author’s note - I like this one lol 
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starbiology · 2 years
Would you ever consider doing a meta on lqq? Especially what you mean by his morals?
Im not the best with character analysis so please understand this is just me having fun talking about Lang Qianqiu bcz I love him and I love TGCF
i think where most of the early mismatch between the portrayal of Lang Qianqiu's personality and his actions is due to the story being told from Xie Lian’s perspective. Xie Lian is a VERY unreliable narrator which is important to keep in mind when really looking at any characters in the book. Makes it extra fun!
A lot of readers either miss, or just nearly miss the fact that Lang Qianqiu buried Xie Lian alive, stabbing his chest through with a dowel to make sure he couldn’t escape the coffin. It’s purposeful that its a very easy detail to miss. Throughout the novel Xie Lian refuses to acknowledge his past if he believes he was at fault  and deserved whatever mistreatment. 
In this case it leads to an introduction of Lang Qianqiu as this naïve and rash character who is friendly and a little dumb, the reader at this point does not know that this guy literally buried the main character alive so he seems very sincere. He continues in the Ghost City chapters to be played up as this kind of character. He even cant stand the thought of not upholding justice to the point where he blows their cover condemning the ghost city residents in a rant...
“This hellish place reeks of smoke and corruption, and it’s filled to the brim with demonic chaos. What scum is gathered here, committing what kinds of deeds? Running a place like this, none of you have a single trace of humanity!” (lol)
But then he quickly doubles back shortly after that if Hua Cheng is Xie Lian’s friend then XL can’t ever lie to HC “one should never deceive a friend”. It’s a pretty freaking hilarious switch in mood that gives you whiplash. The only reason he changed his tune on HC is bcz the other god he “just met” is supposedly friends with him. That’s really it, it’s not like anyone said “oh no HC doesnt ACTUALLY accept cruel bets”, because well he does and so LQQ just simply accepts it because he decides friendship is more important than his godly stuff. Its weird but you assume that hes just kind of silly.
So alright, he values Justice and Righteousness but over that, friendship and loyalty. Even more than his roles of a god.
He finds out that XL was his past teacher who he believes killed his family and has this huge confrontation then chases XL down and then has a bigger confrontation where hes crying and yelling all proudly at XL that he’ll never become like XL. 
Then we get into what Ill call “Post- I found out the friend I thought I had as a mortal 300 some years ago deceived me” aka “LQQ goes back on everything he just passionately cried about”
This is my fav LQQ, and takes up basically the rest of the book until the very end. 
He starts it by cleaving Qi Rong in half then boiling him alive snapping at XL that he should be allowed to make him suffer when XL yells out to him. Its shockingly gruesome, but i wouldnt say “hes not acting like himself”. I dont think thats really fair due to the fact that he challenged XL to a duel to the death despite already having buried him alive. He already has done acts of cruelty purely for the sake of revenge, its not justice. He’s very much acting like himself, just even more aggressive.
He continues throughout the book in the bg trying to find QR’s ashes to truly kill him. Theres a point where everyone is looking for Jun Wu and I truly believed when he yelled out “found him!” he meant Guzi, who we assume was just burned to death, but no he drags Qi Rong’s body out and tries to kill him lol
Its only at the point when the rest of Qi Rong’s ghost fire disappears and LQQ isn’t even sure that hes the one that actually killed him does he realize he’s fucked up. He didnt do anything to get his family back he just killed another person, one who has a son who mourns him just the same as he with his own parents (just know im sitting there like 👌oooh chefs kiss love love love this circle narrative). 
And now hes suddenly responsible for his obsessive vengeance and the harm it caused, taking in Guzi and (working on) restoring Qi Rong’s soul. It’s only at this part that I think his character changes from what he was like at the start. That whole “out for justice” early Lang Qianqiu and “out for bloody revenge” Lang Qianqiu were one in the same, its not til he puts aside his vengeance that his character changes.
Okay tldr,
I love Lang Qianqiu very much. hes a crazy ass bitch who became even more crazy ass bitch but he gets a pass on his crazy from the gods because he seems nice and a little naive when really he decides whats Just is what hes feeling at the moment and will kill u. At the very end of the book is when his character changes and its v v good.
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tinyidle · 3 years
Could you do a Twice reaction to their girlfriend or s/o calling them mommy in that suggestive way? Thanks and I love your writing!
Reaction Tuesday: You Call Them "Mommy"- Twice
sorry about this reaction being late for this one. school and laziness hit me lol. anyway enjoy this as i put thought into it will writing at 1 am. also, thank you for loving my writing!
WARNING: suggestive smut, title explains it all, physical contact, use of nicknames/pet names, mdlb (similar to ddlg or ddlb but the "b" stands for baby here), mentions of domming, slight swearing, degr*d*tion, praise k*nk, t*tty k*nk, dom!mommy!idol (except for mina and tzuyu), sub!baby!reader idolxgen reader, all fiction since i don't actually know much about the members
🌿 ୨ ✎ ‧₊ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ₊˚ ˊ˗
when you called her that, her ego went through the roof. she started to nag you a lot more and would use her title to set you straight. after all, you have to obey mommy's rules. also, she would schedule "feeding" since you loved sucking on her tits. she loved it, and would use it for both of your benefits.
"mommy said it's time to sleep. don't make me make you."
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liked the name for fun. but would be flustered if you said it suggestively. nonetheless she'll use that authority to make you be a good little baby for her. either that or no cumming, no cuddling, and no touching. at all. yeah, mommy's a bit mean.
"i said stay still as i give my baby their love mommy wants to give them."
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mommy? you wish you didn't call her that. every day she would tease you endlessly and kind of degrade you for wanting to act extra subby to almost a childish way. but funny enough, your girlfriend loved the extra spiciness it gave to the relationship. and you loved it too.
"so you feel so pathetic that you want me to guide you? ill make sure my dumb baby feels safe."
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she was very flustered when you called her that. so you would use it to tease her bed. she would break for a second before she got back in her groove, punishing you for ruining her teetering orgasm. degrades you heavily and then sends you into an endless spiral of edging for hours.
"dumb slut. mommy should punish you for making her lose her release."
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surprisingly she loved being called that. in fact, she treated it like every other pet name you guys had for each other. this shocked you especially, with her using it to her advantage. you won't listen to her when she says give her cuddles? she will pull the "mommy" card? don't want her to pleasure you when you've had a stressful day but really need a reliever? pulls out the "mommy" card. if you won't do it for your girlfriend, you'll do it for "mommy" then.
"get on your knees and beg if you want mommy to let you have what you want."
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for this woman, you use the pet name to your advantage. whenever she seems to act like she can't take control, you try using "mommy" to rile her up. in which, it never really does and only makes her even more subby than you intended.
"don't call me that! im your little baby."
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what was that? you called her mommy? then come and sit on her lap like a good baby. your girlfriend would take the name seriously when she felt that both of you were comfortable enough to actually play the mommy-baby role. if you let her go so far, she might even buy you cute clothes for you to wear just so she can ruin it later on.
"come here, baby. mommy's got a surprise."
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i don't know what to say for her, since she's a lot to handle. you probably called her this name tons of times. but when she switches it upon you, you're taken off-guard. she would be furiously eating you out, and then would praise you with the name, which only proceeded to make you come to your high faster, which results in a lot of teasing from the shorter woman.
"look at mommy, so pathetic at watching her baby have her way with them. it's cute."
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although she's tall, she still gets flustered extremely easily. so you calling her mommy in a suggestive or even accidental way made her knees go weak. you would notice this and would use it often, especially when fingering her, your fingers in her wet cunt, kissing her and calling her the name just made her eyes roll to the back of her head.
"you're doing so well for me baby. thank you so much."
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🌱 :: ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶₊˚ ɞ
how was this reaction? pretty short, but honestly there's no need to put too much in detail for this. hopefully, jeongyeon's doing well these days.
if you want me to do a specific one with a specific group, let me know!
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littlesniggy · 3 years
Hey, have been wanting to ask this for a while, even when it might take some brainstorming. The headcanon goes: How would the admirals act if their partner is begging them for letting her dominante them the next time they sleep together. Making them treat her like a queen, full on submission for just a night, 'mistress'-naming, lingeri/outfit, all the good stuff. Thank you in advanced ^^
Hey! Thank you for the request! I love writing for the admirals! I wasn't sure though if you meant with lingerie reader wearing it or the admirals so I went with reader wearing it cause I don't really see any of them being down to it (not even costumes, except maybe Kizaru). So yeah, hope you enjoy it!
Reader asking to dominate them in bed (Admirals)
Warning: nsfw
He looks at you like you’re out of your mind. He will tell you straight out “no”. I mean, what did you expect? This man is authority himself and he won’t change it in the bedroom even if you beg him.
He won’t say no to the lingerie part; after all, he enjoys a good view and it makes things even hotter but he won’t, under any circumstances, call you “mistress” or anything like that. It’s a no for him and honestly, he wouldn’t feel comfortable if he’s not in control of the situation.
He just can’t get a kick out of being dominated and even if he agreed to trying it (which is highly unlikely) you would be having a hard time getting his “little friend” up. He doesn’t like it if someone else is in charge of his pleasure and it simply does nothing for him.
The only compromise he would do is worship your body and make you feel desired. He will even “lower himself” to giving you head but only if he’s in a good mood and not too stressed (he's also quite good at it). He loves when you worship his body his cock and just to be “even” with you he would occasionally “repay” you.
I can even see him getting upset a little at the suggestion and it will either end with him leaving or you trying to calm him down by “making it up to him”. He likes having sex with you but there are a couple of no’s he is not willing to try, just because he can’t see himself liking it. He’s more of a “prude” when it comes to sex, even though he can fuck you like a god (or madman lol).
Here’s the thing: you think you’re in charge but he actually pulled the strings all along. He’s totally down for calling your “mistress” and do whatever you demand of him but he kind of orchestrates you to do certain things/ demand certain things of him.
He will lick his lips in an “innocent” way and give you the idea that he could go down on you. Or he will move his hips in a way that your hand brushes against his crotch and you will get the idea that you could tease him by giving him a hand job to “torture” him, all thinking it would come as a surprise. But in reality, he’s a little shit and just makes you do what he wants you to do.
He will praise you for everything you do with that small smirk on his lips, knowing full well he’s still in control. And it isn’t even his intention to “toy” with you but it’s just so easy for him to make you think you’re in charge. It all comes down to his lazy demeanor and you being too naïve to see that he’s only messing with you.
He enjoys you doing all the work or you telling him what to do, making things a lot easier for him. He loves making love to you or fuck you but if you call the shots he is more than happy to oblige.
I think he would even be down for pegging but only if his partner is convincing enough. If he feels like they have no idea what they’re doing he will tell them that this is probably not going to work. “Nee…Y/n….if you don’t do a better job I think this won’t work.” Or something like this. You shouldn’t be discouraged though; it just means that maybe you should try it again another time.
He’s a little hesitant when it comes to being dominated. Not because he doesn’t trust you but because he’s not too sure what your “end goal” is, like how far you want thing to go. He would be down to being dominated and being your “pet” or “slave” but only If it’s within reason.
He doesn’t strike me as the guy to be into power play in the first place so there must be a lot of trust between the two of you for him even to consider it. He just prefers taking it slowly and enjoy the moment as equals rather than being too aggressive or too submissive.
He’s down for worshipping you like the queen/king you are but it’s something he already does from time to time. He will try it just for you and see if he likes it. He’s generally open to new things but will tell you if he doesn’t like something. It’s nothing against you, it’s just not for him and you should be grateful that he tried it for you.
I can see him being okay with being tied to the bed (also knowing that he could free himself any moment if he wanted to) so you can have some fun with him that way. He’s a lazy man and he likes you being on top anyways so you riding him, completely in charge won’t be such a big difference to your usual intercourse.
Since he can’t move his arms and touch you he will become a little impatient from time to time, telling you to move a certain way but you just shut him up by lifting yourself up completely, denying him any form of contact until he apologizes. It will frustrate him to no end but eventually he will oblige.
Even if he won’t admit it when you’re done, he will be exhausted due to your treatment and making him more or less beg for his release. He would consider doing it again but probably won’t be this patient the next time and just free himself to handle you himself.
Like Kuzan, he’s not really into power play. He loves making love and every time he sleeps with you it’s something special to him. So, when you ask him to be submissive the next time he will question if all those times you’ve had sex with him until now have been boring for you and you were just too shy to tell him.
He’s not insecure or anything but he just doesn’t like the thought of you not enjoying it as much as he does. When you tell him you just want to try something new and it’s a fantasy you’ve had for a while now he will make some seemingly innocent remark that will have you blush. “I’m glad you still have fantasies about me even though we’ve been together for so long.”
When you tell him to lay down on the bed, sit on top of him in your lingerie, grab his hands to guide them over your body, over every curve just so you can tie them down on the bed poles he will already groan in pleasure. Knowing you’re wearing a sexy outfit and not being able to see nor to touch it is torture for him.
It’s even more torturous for him when you go down on him, suck him off at your own pace and him not being able to touch your face, your hair, anything. If you’re not careful he might cum rather quickly. Having “no” eyes to see you and on top if that no hands to touch you will make every little touch even more intense for him.
He will even call you “mistress” if you ask him to and honestly, he’s feeling it. He wouldn’t want to do it too often this way but from time to time he’s totally up for it.
If you suggest switching roles he will be hesitant for a bit, not the type to be dominating but he’s surprisingly good at it. He’s not too comfortable with it though, enjoying the submissive part more.
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spinaroos-47 · 3 years
Hunter Noceda AU: Venance
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(can't digitalize these rn so you'll get the sketches for now)
So yeah, Golden Guard version two!
When Belos does find out about Hunter in YBOS, Hunter gets the bomb dropped about them being related (idk how yet). but Hunter obviously doesn’t believe in it. Until Hunting Palismen comes around and they find this small thingy, Venance.
(thank you @bernardo-draws-and-cries​​ for the name. Its based on the name Venâncio, which means “the one who hunts”)
He is another grimwalker made by Belos, he’s 12 (yeah.) and way more stressed (Belos has gotten more iron fisted after losing Hunter). Someone save this poor child
- He’s just starting out as the Golden Guard (and he’s not a coven head. Kikimora is. And she still wants him dead too), he’s still getting the hang of it. He does act tough and serious, way more serious than canon GG/Hunter, no space for goofyness.
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- So yeah, a duo Hunting Palismen thing would be fun. Haven’t sorted out everything here but I do think Hunter would also go with Luz because of no palisman reasons. And he hasn’t met Ven yet, he only heard Lilith talking about him and Luz and Eda dealing with him on Separate Tides (he was busy drowning in guilt and trying to help with the money situation in other ways), so when he meets Ven and when he sees his face and how similar they are (and how many scars that kid already has), he’s reasonably confused/upset, like “Oh, that creepy man wasn’t lying. This doesn’t make anything on this situation better”
- After the initial surprise/confusion, Luz and Hunter jokingly call him Ghaterer until they learn his name, then they start calling him Ven. At first Ven hates this nickname but ends up reluctantly accepting it.
- Even before Eclipse Lake he’s so scared about being replaced, and knowing about Hunter’s existence in the Boiling Isles makes it worse, now he’s super sure he isn’t as valuable to Belos anymore. So he hates Hunter
- Hunter: come here youre part of the found family now
Ven: NO
Hunter: too late *picks him up*
Hunter: If Luz taught me something is that if you didn’t want to get assimilated into my found family, you should have killed me when you had the chance
Yeah that’s their dynamic when Hunter learns a bit more about him
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- Venance doesn’t have much respect as the Golden Guard yet. He’s small (like, maybe even less than 1,50m/4′11″), young, has just been starting out on this role, like, in the last few months, could easily be picked up like a kitty, so he has to fight quite a bit to be taken seriously. Which results on him being way more grumpy and short tempered
- So he doesn’t take it very well when hes made fun of by the scouts in Latissa. Not at all
- Hunter, who was joking around until then:…are you okay?
Ven: I AM! *barely holding the tears back*
Hunter: that’s it youre part of the family now
Ven: you can’t do that
Hunter: we’re two and you’re one, we have your staff and youre very light.
(he still would put up a fight, and it would take a while for it to end. And he bites hard, he has very sharp fangs)
- Scouts: Go home with your sibiling
Hunter: *oh. Oh yeah i forgot we have the same freaking face*
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- They don’t know yet about the grimwalker thing. Well, maybe Ven discovers later but at the moment where Hunting Palismen happens, neither of them know anything besides them being related, Ven got told he is his brother, and that Hunter was taken away from the coven before he was born
- Rascal seeing Hunter: hey you’re cool, i kinda want to be your palisman
Rascal seeing Ven: oh heck this kid needs help 
- I’m not sure if Hunter gets Lil Rascal. Because on one side, would be fun for him to have Lil Rascal and train doing magic like this, but also could be good for Ven to have some small support back at home, like how they are to Hunter in canon. So this hasn’t been decided yet. Hunter could either get Lil Rascal and Ven doesn’t get a palisman/gets a blue jay palisman, or Ven gets Lil Rascal and Hunter comes back also empty handed
- So I’m going with the no palisman for Hunter route for now. 
- It’s a bitter moment for both him and Luz. He tries to convince her that it’s okay, that they’ll get theirs soon, but she still kinda feels like a failure about this. And he himself thinks it’s because they don’t have a magic bile sac, so it’s not a good time for them. Eda and King lift their spirits a bit about this, though.
- Either by peeking around or just flat out being told, Ven does learn about him (and Hunter) being grimwalkers. What does he do with that? He has a crisis about it, which raises even more the stakes for him in Eclipse Lake. He still wouldn’t know his purpose for the Day of Unity, but he would know that he was created for it and could lose his position if he didn’t prove himself worthy of it.
- He would explode at Hunter one day and end up telling the truth about them being Grimwalkers (after Eclipse Lake)
- Ven: Do you want to know what you really are?! You’re a clone! You’re just someone’s clone just like me! A replacement!
Hunter, trying to not freak out but freaking out anyways: ...are you okay?
- If Belos is searching for Hunter, on the grounds of him being a more mature grimwalker than Venance, Ven could end up resorting to sabotaging the searches, he doesn’t want to be replaced.
- And he’s making Ven convinced that he will be replaced, to pit both boys against eachother. He gets Ven more under his thumb and not risking Hunter making Ven change his mind. Which doesn’t work as he intented, Ven does get scared about it but Hunter ends up pretty quickly going “dude why do you think I want to replace you?” and Ven is quickly thrown into a loop because he can’t understand why he wouldn’t want to do that
- Ven: what do you mean with “I don’t wanna be the Golden Guard”? If you’re like me you should DESIRE IT SINCE YOU WERE BORN
Hunter: lol no. I dealt with my need of approval a year ago on therapy.
Hunter: Also being a cop sucks.
- This boy is a tense child always a few bad moments away from a breakdown/meltdown. And has anger problems. A lot of anger in a very tiny body
- There’s some more interactions between Ven and the Noceda duo, and he would rather die than admit that he’s got slightly attached to them
- Eda: Luz told me that Golden Guard is a uwu smol boi that needs to be protected, hell knows what this means 
Hunter, who definetly came there too because FUCKING COOL ASS CAVE AND LAKE: i hate/love her
Ven: If i ever see that human again-
Amity AND Hunter: watch your fucking mouth
(definetly not how it would play out but very funny sdkdshdfsj)
- In terms of strength he couldn’t defeat Amity in a fight for the key, he would lean more on the blackmailing. He is a 12 year old but he’s still on a position of power on the emperor’s coven and he knows where the key is, it would put the owlfam on Belos’ line of sight again (if they even ever went away from it)
- That or he passes out, gets dragged out of there by them (he’s a lil shit but they’re not going to leave him there alone where Kikimora could kill him) and he falls asleep for 12 hours in the couch on the owl house. Which ends up giving him a day where he can be just a kid. He’s very weirded out by everything but he enjoys it a little bit at least. He would still try to get the key and would be torn apart by the guilt of thinking of doing this and the guilt of not doing this
- It wouldn’t take much to make him want to stay in the owl house. He’s starved for positive attention. It wouldn’t be easy but also it’s not as hard as for how Hunter is right now in canon
- I don’t think this could happen but I keep thinking about one day him and Hunter switching places so he can be just a kid for one day. Would be cool to see him sneaking into Hexside (or being dragged there, which is more likely to happen) and interacting with Willow and Gus
And that’s some of what we have for Ven right now! He’s a fun character to figure out :3
This took SO MUCH TIME to write
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