#i just don’t know the music that well
carcinized · 2 years
im so nervous cus later im going to this fairly prestigious choral event sing along thing (like u have to have an invite and stuff) and i dont know the parts im singing HDJFFJA
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forlix · 28 days
i don’t know what the fuck to think or feel. heart feeling so heavy
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keyyu · 1 year
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It’s been a year and I’m still obsessed with his fruit stripe gum pride suit
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candyheartedchy · 4 months
So uh… I might end up with a live action f/o…
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shima-draws · 8 months
So. I just watched One Piece: Film Red,
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In 2014, I was a die hard Swiftie & Directioner. This album changed my life.
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surrealsunset · 3 months
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the sun always shines on TV
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nympippi · 1 year
Griffin Blake!! Is up next :D
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Griffin in this au, is well…finally being seen. He has the friends he’s desperately wanted, the family that he’s dreamed of (sorta), and he gets a second chance at life.
Griffin also really likes books, specifically books about nature, and space but he’ll also read the occasional fantasy fiction book like the Magic Treehouse or Junie B. Jones. He just loves reading and learning new things, Griffin is also very perceptive, he can go unnoticed for a while and can watch people to see their patterns or even their secrets.
Out of all the boys, Griffin is the most happy with his situation. However he still does have trauma from his kidnapping,
He has reoccurring nightmares about him still being in the basement and still being dead. He has nightmares about Finney and the other boys abandoning him, and making him go back to being the kid nobody knew.
He refuses to go anywhere alone, if its not any of the boys or Finn walking beside him, he’s not going until they are. He’s a 10 year old kid, he’s clingy and anxious about dying again and losing everyone he loves and losing the life he has now.
Finney is almost always with him, never fully leaving unless Griffin isn’t trailing close behind because he knows that fear all too well.
Griffin also is a little self conscious about his big neck scar, so he asked Robin for a bandanna to cover it up and of course Robin obliged because he also tries to cover his up so he’s not going to deny Griffin that. Gwen made them all bracelets, for her, Finn, and Griffin. Each of their corresponding colors matching them.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 10 months
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words can’t express how much i love him, his courage and fearlessness of expression in everything he creates is pure magic 🖤
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milla-art-corner · 5 months
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Getting hyped with my new apple pen, so here’s my queen Ava. I miss her everyday 🙏🏼😭
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spoofyleaf · 3 days
Having my dentist say “you need root canals… in ALL of your teeth!” in the most Cartoon Mad Scientist way he could wasn’t something I expected, but something I’m glad I heard bc bro what
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ssruis · 2 days
The problem w attempting to write anything ruikasa (esp rui pov) is you have to fully become one with the show freak theatre kid. So many times in my head I’m like both of them would probably be referencing some thematically appropriate show for either the situation or wider narrative but I know like 10 musicals and even less plays. I don’t have their wealth of knowledge of every popular play/musical and hundreds of obscure ones and honestly I don’t want to have that knowledge. + there’s also the issue that referencing anything too modern just feels weird.
Like yeah they would both know hamilton (unfortunately) but I think if I read something that involved them discussing hamilton it would take me out of the story so badly that I’d be unable to continue. It would feel like a Glee moment. “Wow this is just like when burr shot hamilton” that would make me hope they both died painfully. Referencing Sondheim shows or alw shows or any of the more classic broadway shows (anything written before the 90s that has been on the big stage)/older plays (Shakespeare plays, for instance) kind of avoids that issue but then it’s a matter of “how many scripts/shows am I willing to read for research” (the ideal answer is zero). General rule of thumb seems to be “if it’s old enough that it’s fair game to do shit with and iconic enough that two Japanese teenagers would at least know of it, then referencing it doesn’t feel weird”
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strangebrew · 13 days
i keep getting wap blogs in my recommended guys im Scared
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oysters-aint-for-me · 7 months
the paradox of the loki tv show is that every single aspect of it is (to me) objectively Bad and Poorly Executed and yet somehow overall it manages to be fun enough to watch. the actors are all proven good actors but their acting is bad in this show. the time travel science makes no sense and the efforts to force it to make sense only make it sound more ridiculous. i don’t know why i’m supposed to care about any of these characters except loki and mobius and maybe OB. the characters are on like four different sides re: the central conflict, and i don’t even understand what the central conflict IS, let alone what all the different factions are. i don’t know who the villains are. there’s a horny-threatening cartoon hologram clock who i suppose is the main villain? there are apparently microbes living on the edge of time bc the time wizard man (who it must be said is acting his ASS off—for NO reason) is decaying so what’s that about? a man from the 1800s named “victor timely” gets turned into human spaghetti and even the characters somehow seem to know how bad the CGI looked? apparently the tva’s preferred method of execution is crushing people in a shrinking metaphysical box? that is run by the technological equivalent of the tubby custard machine? and perhaps worst of all, the show gave itself the opportunity—even spent a good minute setting it up—to show tom hiddleston and owen wilson struggling to figure out how to ride a tandem bicycle together, and the show??? DIDNT TAKE IT??? im not even a lokius shipper! that is simply bad storytelling! yet somehow i’m still watching! so who’s the real idiot here 🤔😔
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mollysails · 1 month
and if i went crazy and started translating and adapting the entirety of the beetlejuice musical to spanish, with changes to the jokes that would make sense within the pop culture…
what then
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mistoffeleesisawitch · 5 months
In general I’m pretty neutral on the West-End and Broadway CATCF musical. There are things I like and dislike about both. But something about Russian Veruca on Broadway just really scratches an itch in my brain. I can only imagine her as Russian now
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