#i just currently have a migraine that the meds are Not Working On
Saw this as a reblog game once but now im gonna make a poll about it:
As always, id love to see y'all's specific Brains Bath, mine for instance would be an epsom salt and cold water soak cause everytime I have a migraine I Think It Would Fix Me
Oh, and have Anchovy
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She loves you, she just looks like that
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tired-and-unjellied · 4 months
where is that "when you have something at 6 so you cannot do anything that day" tiktok screenshot 😩
I might have the long version but I didn't find properly name it, and the tags are getting messy here so I will post this:
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lavender-femme · 1 year
going to the doctor for the first time in a while tomorrow… after I work at 5am… please send good vibes. i’m feeling pretty anxious…
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thebibliosphere · 6 days
What have you tried for migraines? Anything that's been effective? I've tried several different medications and am currently considering botox injections. One trick that helps me is if I catch a migraine right before it kicks into high gear (prodrome) and I soak my feet in super hot water, pop a maxalt, and then lay down in a dark quiet COLD room, I can sometimes stop them from going full throttle. Do you have any weird routines that (sometimes) work for you?
Everything feasibly possible withing the parameters of my other health conditions that I’ve been allowed to.
And no, there are no tricks that work for me. It's why I’m so desperate for pain medication/the chance to try meds other than triptans.
I just need more help than I’m currently getting.
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randomprose · 9 months
“Tian, come on. You’ve been in your office the whole day.” Guan Shan appears by the doorway with a frown on his face. “I’m leaving for work and you’re still cooped up in here.”
“Cheng wants these documents tonight. I need to finish this.” He Tian runs his fingers through his temple, massaging the pain that’s been pulsating in his head for the past couple of hours. “Don’t worry about me, alright? Take care and drive safe. I’ll probably still be here when you get back,” he mumbles the last part.
“At least turn on the lights here. You’re gonna wreck your eyes working in the dark.”
“Don’t. It’s fine. I work better in the dark.”
“You’re having a headache because you’ve been staring in the screen the whole day in the dark. Why are you—”
“I said I’m fine!” He Tian shouts, head whirling to glare at Guan Shan poised to switch on the lights. The pain has now traveled to the back of his eyes. “Jesus, Guan Shan. I’ll finish sooner if you stop bugging me. Go to work already and leave me to finish mine peace.”
Guan Shan doesn’t say anything but He Tian does catch him working his jaw and the tick of his eyebrow. Telltale signs that he’s pissed. He hears more than sees him leave and on any other time, He Tian would follow him with apologies already falling out of his lips. But this is an important assignment and the sooner he finish it, the sooner he can make up to Guan Shan for being an asshole. He knows he’s only looking out for him and He Tian already feels like a massive cunt for throwing that on his face considering how rare he shows worry.
He Tian waits for the sound of the front door slamming but it never comes. Instead, Guan Shan comes back to He Tian’s office and enters it instead of just lingering in the doorway like earlier. 
“Get up,” Guan Shan says, tone harsh. “Get the fuck up.”
He Tian turns to look at him, half sorry but still pissed at being interrupted. He glares, dark eyes hard like granite as he growls, “Mo Guan Shan, I swear to god— 
“I said get the fuck up.” 
Tonight, Guan Shan has decided he will be the one doing the coaxing. 
Guan Shan hauls He Tian up by the arms and he only has time to suck in a sudden breath before next thing he knows he’s being dragged across the hallway and into the living room.
“Momo, I—”
“Shut up,” he snaps and something in his eyes flashes that makes He Tian do just that. He Tian watches as he sits on the corner of the couch, legs crossed, and fluffs one of the throw cushions. Guan Shan places it on his lap and pats it. “Sit.”
He Tian sighs. “Momo, I really don’t think—”
“Will you just do as I say?”
He Tian does and obediently obeys when Guan Shan motions for him to lie his head on his lap. 
Guan Shan successfully drags He Tian on their couch, comfortable now after years of use, easily giving and molding into their weight, no longer stiff and hard as when they first bought it.
The moment his head hits the pillow, He Tian lets out a long exhausted groan. A hand automatically comes up to clutch at his head but Guan Shan gently pushes it away and replaces it with his hands instead.
“Headache turning you into a bitch and killing you?”
“Slaughtering me more like,” He Tian sighs as he feels Mo Guan Shang’s fingers carding gently through his hair, massaging his scalp. “I think it’s fully morphed into a migraine now.”
“You want some meds?”
“No, no. I—Tch. The pain is still manageable. I don’t wanna be immune to them when it gets really bad.”
Guan Shan hums and in the next second, He Tian’s nose is assaulted by the smell of mint and camphor as Vicks is rubbed on his aching head. The smell of it relaxes him enough that he doesn’t mind the sticky substance getting in his hair. Not to mention the magic Guan Shan’s fingers are currently performing that’s chasing away his migraine.
“How come you always know what to do?” He Tian rasps, eyes closing amidst Guan Shan’s ministrations.
“I don’t,” Guan Shan scoffs. “This is just simple home remedy shit.”
“You know the important things,” He Tian’s voice has quiet to a mumble, the smell of camphor and the feel of Guan Shan’s fingers slowly but surely lulling him to sleep. “You know how to handle me. You know when not to back down.”
“I’ve had years of practice with your shittiness.”
“I’m sorry for yelling at you by the way. I didn’t mean to. It’s just…this assignment Cheng sent me it’s…it’s driving me insane.”
“It’s fine. I know. The migraine is already punishment enough for you.”
“You—” He Tian groans and it peters out to a moan when Guan Shan’s hand travels down, thumbs digging at the base of his skull, down his neck, and spreading out to the top of his shoulders. “You could say that again.”
“You want me to do your back too?”
“No, no. This is fine. I really don’t wanna get up right now. I’m really comfortable.” Another sigh as Guan Shan continues to work out the knots on his shoulders before going back to his temples. “But rain check on that back massage.”
They fall into silence as Guan Shan continues his ministrations, sticking to He Tian’s temples, his neck, and whatever of his shoulders he can reach with him lying down. He Tian slips in and out of consciousness and Guan Shan just lets him. He’s effectively turned He Tian into goo at this point.
“Thanks.” He Tian groggily reaches up and holds one of Guan Shan’s wrists. “You always know how to make me feel better.”
“Like I said,“ Mo Guan Shan leans down to plant a kiss on the top of He Tian’s nose, mindful of the Vicks on his forehead. “I’ve had a lot of practice.”
He Tian wakes up to the low hum of the TV and Guan Shan’s fingers still gently carding through his hair. The apartment is dark save for the TV and the city lights reflecting from outside. The annoying pulsing pain between his eyes have dispersed. His headache is completely gone.
He smiles to himself as he indulges in Guan Shan’s nimble fingers still scratching at his scalp. Fucking miracle worker.
“I see you’re awake,” Guan Shan says, voice low matching the quietness of the living room. “How’s your head?”
“Fine now.”
Guan Shan is eating chocolate chip cookies straight out of the jar. He Tian opens his mouth for one.
“What time is it?”
“A little past 11 PM.”
“Shit!” He Tian hisses as he sits up. “Cheng’s documents. I—”
“It’s fine, doofus,” Guan Shan says shoving another cookie at He Tian’s mouth “I answered Cheng-ge’s call earlier. Told him you were knocked out. He wants the papers tomorrow by noon.”
“Fuck. How did you manage that?” The initial deadline was tonight.
Guan Shan just shrugs. “Sent him a picture of your sleeping face.”
Guan Shan pulls his phone and shows He Tian the picture he took of him sleeping on his lap. His mouth is hanging open and it looks like he’s even—
“Fucking hell.” Cheng is gonna use that as ammo against him for at least months. “I’m gonna get you for that.”
“Bring it on, drooly,” Guan Shan smirks muching on another cookie.
“Wait. Aren’t you supposed to go to work? What about that VIP that’s coming tonight? Shit. I’m so sorry, babe. I completely forgot. I was too—”
“Ah, come off it. It’s fine. The restaurant is used to receiving VIPs. They can handle tonight without me.” He rubs his hands and wipes the cookie crumbs off on his sweatpants. “Besides, I don’t even like that guest.”
Guan Shan fixes the pillow on his lap and He Tian takes that as an invitation to unceremoniously slump back into it.
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jupitervega · 1 year
fleein the south part II
hi, i'm ri & i'm an autistic nonbinary trans guy-lite-ish person. 4 years ago i moved out to denver from mississippi (where i was born & raised) & immediately had a massive improvement in my quality of life. i was able to access medical & psychiatric care, my career stabilized, people were addressin me with correct terms for the most part, & i was startin to feel like life had finally begun
unfortunately when the lease ran out on our house end of summer last year my roommates decided not to renew, & then the people who were gonna be my new roommates backed out last minute. in a panic i looked for other options but with time runnin short & top surgery approachin i decided to recover at a friend's house & move back to mississippi once my surgeon cleared me to travel cross country so i could regroup somewhere i figured would be less expensive & at least somewhat familiar
that, friends, was a very costly & painful mistake! every single problem that made me wanna move away in the first place has only exacerbated!
i'm comin up on 8 months post top surgery, i have a beard, & i'm still gettin called ma'am/she/her. trump flags & signs still adorn many yards/porches here. hatred & bigotry run rampant in local politics. the other day i didn't even enter one of the convenience stores in the town where i live when i stopped by because they had posted a very thinly veiled racist sign on the door
when i arrived back here i was not even a full month outta surgery & i had a minor complication, so i went to the emergency room cause what else was i sposed to do? applied for charity as i had around $100 to my name at that point, which i THINK? got approved? also applied for mississippi medicaid the same day, which got denied almost outright as i have no children. so i've been uninsured since november & rationin the 3 month supply of my psych/migraine meds i received before leavin colorado for goin on 7 months. never mind bein able to access hrt!
job prospects here are Not Great! i've had to collect unemployment for a while as i cannot for the life of me find a full time job with a livin wage. otherwise i literally cannot make ends meet as the jobs i've held so far down here are payin average 50% or less of what i was makin in denver. even with the part time gigs i've had i have yet to crack 30hr/wk on any kind of regular basis
housin is an absolute shitshow. my lease is up 1 july (got a month extension) & i've been searchin everywhere for an affordable place of my own or at least a good roommate. the more affordable studio/1bd apartments go for around $700 & up, but most have income requirements of 2.5-3x the monthly rent which, considerin previous point abt wages, is near impossible. roommate listins are available but the majority are questionable at best & seekin a live-in bangmaid at worst
with all these considerations i spent the past few weeks feelin worse & worse lookin for somewhere close to the job i currently have. the leases are like 6mo-1y so i was picturin another year down here & how i was gonna survive, let alone thrive. my thoughts got darker & darker. i'd wake up in the mornin & be sad/disappointed i'd survived the night
this is no way to live
i snapped a few days ago. said to myself "if i'm destined to struggle wherever i go, i'd rather do it somewhere i actually Wanted to be in the first place" & started applyin for housin in denver. waitin to hear back from my first option & have secured a backup with a friend with a spare room for 6mo in case that falls through
right now i need help gettin the hell out! i've got first month's rent already put back, i can continue to collect unemployment until i land a good job in denver, & i'm already reachin out to find somewhere to work. i just don't have anywhere to go for another month or two to save the money i'll need to travel almost 1200mi (~1900km) back to colorado. i'll need at least $500 to make gas/food happen durin the time it will take me to get there, & i need it by the first of july (38 days from day of postin)
please help me escape!!!
ca: $jupitervega
vmo: jupitervega
please please please donate whatever you're able! pls boost!
thank u so much for readin, pls have an item from my emergency happy photo folder for yr enjoyment
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wifetomegatron · 7 months
this is a half-baked drabble and if i wasn't so burnout from university i would actually have the strength to write something of substance on the topic. but just imagine the lost light having a temporary replacement for the human liaison — who is on a much-needed shore leave — and its the teenage girl they (the liason) have mentored back on earth (considering that there is an academy/institution to train members diplomats working on behalf of the council of worlds ).
clever, overachieving and uptight she had just turned twenty and is currently the youngest intergalactic diplomat from earth. and the council decided to put her under the care of rodimus and co. can you even imagine the chaos?
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on the first day, the captain had backflipped into the bridge to kick start her orientation, not expecting the girl to look at him with a brow raised: unimpressed if not appalled by the lack of professionalism. his disappointment was enough to make half the ship erupt in laughter, and ever since then, it had become rodimus' mission to win her over. ( it was also the day the influx of betting began.)
megatron was somewhat impressed at her passivity towards him —her courage borders closer to disinterest, the same way she regards everything outside of her work — if not a little insulted. she doesn't seem to care if she was talking to the mech who wanted to blow up her planet only half a decade ago. as long as he signs the forms to gainher to access the ship's database, he was just another walking, talking authorisation code.
the common opinion was that minimus would be pleased by her diligent work ethic if he wasn't somewhat concerned, and that was rare, coming from him — he sees a lot of himself in her. in a way, she wore her own magnus armor: the cold, serious exterior was evidently a way for her to hide the crippling fear of never being able to measure up. (she fumbles her fingers together in worry and taps her feet against the tables when she thinks no one is looking.)
confident and very much vain, she would always get into heated debates with perceptor. brainstorm enjoys the challenge, finding it amusing how she always ends up storming out of the lab with both arms crossed. the ambitious, know-it-all would always find a way to stubbornly have the final word, even if it meant dragging the argument for weeks on end. which was the birth of the iconic three-month debate that only ended because megatron had to intervene. 
the first ones to truly see her, beneath the cracks and past her line of defenses, were the medics. ratchet knows deep down, underneath the pompous, snobby exterior, she's just afraid. she's afraid of the responsibility shoved into her arms and the burden of representing an entire planet. velocity is in charge of her monthly checkups and she strongly advises against the levels of paracetamol she's taking: knowing that the only solution against the ever-present migraines was for her to unclench her jaws and stop working. and yet the girl is always hunched over the table, typing, writing, studying — first aid doesn't have the slightest clue about coffee and its significance on the human body other than that it keeps them awake. but he knows drinking over five cups a day can't possibly be healthy. 
her prodigious intellect had unknowingly dragged in the interest of prowl — who, for his own opportunistic goals — had offered to mentor her before her arrival aboard the ship. the former autobot prosecutor had used his title during megatron's title to declare himself sufficiently reliable in teaching cybertronian law to her, claiming to be more dependable than even minimus. they had handed her away to him too quickly, without ever remembering that this was the same ruthless mech whose borderline-cruel reputation proceeded him. and so when he called her incompetent over the phone for a single, silly typo, she had burst into tears. pushing past the med bay doors to cry above ratchet's servos.
she cried and cried and cried, and suddenly everyone remembers the fact that she is a child — no more than twenty, which is barely half a lifespan and less than a minute for these titans — held together by the expensive frills of her clothes to hide that they were the only thing holding her together. without her facade, she is lonely and empty, drained to the bone even if the tears don't stop.
ever since then, rodimus had switched his goals up a little, trading it for the ingenious plan to give her the big, stress-free, holiday she'd been too afraid to even dream about. they go on leave for strange, exotic new planets where she can play poker with brainstorm and perceptor instead of arguing about who's smarter. where nautica and riptide help her learn how to surf — the brainiac had mastered it in less than an hour and rodimus being jealous was an understatement. he ignored ratchet's remark on how he was even too heavy to stay afloat on water to begin with. chromedome and rewind takes turn in blocking prowl's attempts at calling her when she's relaxing, going as far as to even 'accidentally' toss the her phone out of airlock. she wasn't very pleased by swerve is doing an excellent job at distracting her with his jokes. even cyclonus was part of the plan, going as far as to teach her how to meditate.
it was working : velocity announces that her weight was back to normal. she starts to laugh more, no longer bothered by the loudness of her joy. the colour returning to her cheeks.
movie nights with tailgate became a weekly routine, and now and then, bots would bend down to ask the tiny human if she had drank water, stretched, or even slept. flustered by the oncoming attention, she was almost overwhelmed when whirl had appeared in the hallways to chase her down with her waterbottle — yelling about how she still had to finish it before the day ended. 
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happyk44 · 8 months
hermes is on vacation so nico gets some mortal substitute familiar with demigods and the greek pantheon as his doctor and when he calls him up for a visit, dude's like "well hermes didn't really tell me what was up with you because. you know. doctor/patient confidentiality. but he did tell me that if my gut instinct is "you're too young to have that" i should remember that you are apparently over a hundred years old, and if i don't believe that, i should remember he looks like a 25 year old twink but is old enough that he can describe my great grandfather's penis to me in detail. so! what's up with you"
and nico just pulls out this binder from his backpack, slaps it onto the desk and opens it up. the first page is a print out from a powerpoint presentation, the title reading "What Is Wrong With Nico", a subtitle of "aka the old man bones are old man boning", with a smaller subtitle several spaces below reading "current as of: right the fuck now"
the next page is four tables under the title "Ways He Is Broken". the tables depict:
his current diagnosis and the date of diagnosis
his current medications, the amount, and to what problem they correspond
things he's already been tested for that didn't pan out and why he was tested for them
previous medications he was on, the amount and why he was taking them (also includes current meds where the amount was changed)
the next page is titled "How The Fuck Is He Not Dead" and then a bullet pointed list summarizing all his traumas and other minor shit he's been through that has been attached as the cause(s) behind his issues, so like sandwiched between "nearly suffocated to death while trapped in a jar" and "had to shadowtravel across the atlantic ocean with a giant statue and two other people (prior limit was myself going from new york to illinois)" there's a point stating "fell over on the crows nest of a flying boat and dislocated my wrist". next to each bullet point there are coloured dots going to the left. some bullet points only have one, some have two - they are all colour coded to correspond to the ailment(s) in which they apply.
the next page is called "What Is He Up To These Days" and it's just a long list detailing all his diagnosed symptoms - again little circles beside each point to colour code to the corresponding ailment. the column next to it is labelled "new symptoms" and consists of three bullet points: getting dizzy when i stand up, started two months ago once a week, now every time i stand; migraines are back, made me cry in the shower last night, need new meds probably; and, got hit in the rib by a hydra's tail last month, reset my rib myself and eating ambrosia squares, but still hurts really bad, don't think it's healing right
the next page is "What Could Kill Him So Don't Use It*" and it's just a few columns labelled "pet allergies" "food allergies" "drug allergies" "magic allergies" "other allergies" and the only one that has something included is food allergies and it's just the bullet point "garlic intolerant but he's fucking italian so he doesn't care". in the footnotes at the bottom of that page is the asterix relating back to the title saying "Don't fucking give him cigarettes. he is an idiot and he will ask but they do not work and they never worked and he refuses to listen to me when i tell him this. DO NOT LET HIM HAVE CIGARETTES"
it is very clear this page was filled out by Hermes himself
his interim mortal doctor reads carefully each page, glancing once at nico when he gets to Hermes' footnote, before closing the binder. "you're how old?"
"technically 17, chronologically one hundred and something, i dunno i can't do math and i don't remember what my dad put on my cake this year"
"Right. okay." the mortal doctor presses his hands together and to his lips watching nico carefully then lowering his hands to smooth across the desk "have you ever thought about maybe just sitting on a couch and never leaving your house again"
"yeah, i tried that but i get restless, and also i like helping people if they need it and they ask. hermes tells me i should be more selfish then locks me to a chair, but he's also the one who taught me how to pick locks so i can get out pretty easily. honestly don't know why he keeps trying. even if i didn't know how to pick the lock, i'm pretty good at dislocating my joints on purpose too so i can always just get out that way."
the increasingly stressed out doctor just hums quietly. then, "okay! first i'm going to check your rib, and then we're gonna talk about you getting a 24 hour caregiver because you clearly do not understand limits and need someone who does"
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queenvidal · 8 months
The Missing Piece
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Chapter 2: Strange Feelings
Chapter Summary: Goodneighbor is facing quite some problems but Hancock needs a break. It's hard to concentrate with his mind spiraling back to the woman from the vault.
Wordcount: 2159
Chapter Index:
Ch. 1 / Ch. 2 / Ch. 3 / Ch. 4 / Ch. 5 / Ch. 6 / Ch. 7 / Ch. 8 / Ch. 9
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The last week has been a mess.
The group of green skins that have attacked Nick and Blue settled down not far away from Goodneighbor. In fact, they came far too close for Hancock’s liking. He and Fahrenheit spend the last few days working hard on finding a solution. So hard even that John didn’t have time to take one of his little chem breaks every now and then to take off the edge.
His usually blurred mind sobered up over the time and got almost completely clear and sharp and it just wouldn’t shut up. Though being sober isn't something John is unfamiliar with, the sheer chaos in his head had kept him from concentrating. 
Thoughts were racing through his head, bringing past demons back into focus. His mind zoned out constantly, brought him back to diamond city, to the things he did and didn’t do. But the worst part was the anxiety. Out of the blue he’d feel knots tightening in his chest, making it hard to breathe. He’d find himself clenching onto his sofas or desk, his chest heaving. At first he thought it might be some kind of bad tripping or a response to the never ending flood of pictures in his head. But he knows what that feels like and it doesn’t come close to whatever is going on with him now. It’s something he has no idea how to handle.
His nerve-racking arm was just the cherry on the top. Amari couldn’t find what was causing that unpleasant feeling and ended up just injecting Med-X. It did not help in the slightest, but Hancock didn’t bother to tell her. He thanked her for her help with Blue and his arm and quickly left.
“Hancock, what the fuck?” She asks, looking up from the map on the table. John’s face stays unreadable sternly, if she wouldn’t know him as well as she does, she’d find it quite intimidating. “That’s just bullshit! Are you even listening to what I’m saying? We are low on supplies as it is.” She points onto the map. “We can't go in with two teams, the two blocks are still raider territory, we'd have to -"
Needless to say that John’s mood soured quickly over the past few days and Fatenheit is getting sick of it.
“I’ve said two teams and two teams will get sent.” His voice is uncomfortably calm. The guards around the makeshift warrable share uneasy glances. Hancock has been really on edge like he is right now. To call the atmosphere in the room tense would be an understatement. 
Fahrenheit doesn’t care about what he wants. “I won’t send our men on a suicide mission just because these mutants hurt the robots little girlfriend.”
John's knuckles are turning white from the tight grip on the table. “You do as I say.”
“Nope. Know what,  I’m out.” Fahrenheit rounds the table to go for the door. She snips into the air, getting her men moving out of the room. “I am fucking tired of your irrational and stubborn orders. We'll adjourn this whole revenge trip of yours until you get your shit together. Go get your ass to The Third Rail and get wasted or something. It is absolutely impossible to work with you right now!" And with that the woman steps out of the office, leaving Hancock alone in the dim light of a few candles. 
He's furious. How dare she talk to him like that? As much as he treasures their friendship, this woman is crossing lines. At the end of the day, he's the mayor and she's just his right hand. He's in charge and that's something she needs to keep in mind. it's one thing to yell at him when they are private and talking eye to eye, no problem with that. But she has to fucking stay in line when it is business related. Especially with their men around.
Her current disobedience is maddening. And the damn migraine isn't helping either. Or his shaking hands. Or the cold sweet. For fuck sake, withdrawals already? The absolute last thing he wants to do is admitting that Fahrenheit was right. Maybe he really should take a break and drown himself in cheap whisky that  would make humans go blind. Maybe combined with jet, slowing his spinning mind that won't shut up about things he'd rather not think about.
Well, If they are still having jet and whisky, or alcohol in general that is. Their supply line is still cut. Another problem Hancock still has to solve. Maybe the mutants will kill the raiders or the other way around. That would be the easiest way but that again, nothing in the Commonwealth is easy.
Whatever. There is still an untouched 'survival kit' of all kinds of chems in the drawer of the mayor's desk. It definitely won't save his life when his town of criminals and junkies revolt against him for letting them dry down but at least he would be far away in mindless bliss when they paint his office with his guts.
Damn, since when did his thoughts go down such dark roads? John shakes his head, he really needs a break before his thoughts drive him crazy. With a sigh he takes his pack of smokes and leaves for The Third Rail.
When he passes Ham with a nod in greeting and enters the bar, he gets hit by the smell of cheap perfume, booze, smoke and vomit. Home.
The ghouls face cracks a smile when he sees his favorite detective sitting right at the bar, downing a longdrink, that smells exactly like coolant. Hancock takes the chair next to him. "Look who's here. Mind some company, Nicky?"
The synth huffs a laugh and takes a sip from his drink before he answers. "Not at all. And who am I to reject the mayor of Goodneighbor?"
Hancock orders two whiskeys and downs them both in one needy gulp. The liquid slowly burns its way down John's throat. Damn, he really needed that. While savoring the slow burn, he puts the glasses down with a loud clink.
Nick eyes Hancock with a questioning frown. "Ehm. A bit eager, are we?" Charlie refills the glasses without a comment and hovers away to the other guests. 
John pulls out a pack of smokes from his pocket, taking one out and offers Nick one as well. The detective doesn't say no but the frown doesn't leave his face when he takes one.
"Long day in the office." John sighs as he lights up his cigarette before taking a long drag. "How are you doing, Nicky, everyone treating you alright?"
Nick simply nods before he takes another sip. "Yeah, yeah."
John notices the tiredness in the synth's voice. Something is the matter. "So." The ghoul starts. "And what is your excuse for being here? Despite the girls and drinks?" Hancock lets his gaze wander through the bar. All familiar faces are sitting on crates, listening to Magnolia, drinking, fainting. Nothing out of the ordinary. A black haired woman meets his eyes, she smiles at him from under her bangs. Hancock acknowledges her by tipping his hat down a bit before he returns his attention back to his friend who still didn't answer his question.
Nick's eyes are glued at the almost empty glass in his hand while he takes long drags of his cigarette. He looks lost in thought, like he is pouting for whatever reason. "C'mon Nicky, what's bothering you? Everything alright with your vaultie?"
The synth just shakes his head. Eventually he sighs, "No, not really." John feels his stomach drop at that. Were her injuries more severe than they thought, did she catch an infection? All kinds of scenarios are floating around in his head. Nick takes another drag, "But I guess the Doc already told you." 
Actually she didn't. John hasn’t talked to her since Nick and Blue came into town. His arm did really go on his nerves, but he didn’t want to bother Amari with it again. He figured it might be part of his ghoulification. Losing some parts other than the nose and ears is normal, usually a toe or two. To lose whole limbs is possible but it's  very, very rare. Definitely not something John would be looking forward to but in the end he knew what he got himself into when he made his decision to become one. 
Also the last days were very stressful.  He was so occupied with his arm and the super mutants, he simply forgot to ask the doc about the woman from a vault. 
Which is a total lie.
John found his mind taking him back to the night where Nick and Blue stumbled through the gates ever so often. But lying to himself is easier than facing his worries for a person he barely met. Or the strange clenching of his guts whenever he memorized Blue’s wound and the sheer amount of blood all over her suit and Nick.
John tears his mind away from the memory, "Haven't spoken to her since you two came here. What's wrong?"
The vague answer only adds to the uneasy feeling in Hancock guts. "Care to be a bit more precise?"
Nick just sighs. “A lot.”
"She… well, let's say she's been through a lot and it shows - mentally."
Now that just piques John's curiosity. "What do you mean?"
"You know I don't talk about running investigations, Hancock."
So Blue is an actual client of his. Why the hell would somebody from a vault leave one of the safetes places in the Commonwealth behind to ask a synth detective for help? John hits the synth on his shoulder lightly. "Come on now, Nick. Don't leave me hanging here like that."
Nick puts out his cigarette in an ashtray before looking up to answer. "She's in the Rexford. Talk to her if you want to know more about her story, it's not my place to tell."
Hancock just rolls with his eyes. Of course he could just do that but if he’s honest to himself, her private matters are none of his business. Sure, he could defend himself by playing the 'I'm the mayor of the town and saved your life' card but that's not his style. And technically did Amari save her life - He just stabbed Finn out of the way.
John cringes internally at that. Damn, shes a fucking vaultie after all, her people are not used to the harsh reality outside their giant metal doors. Hell, she even most likely never saw a ghoul before. What  must she be thinking of him-
"Good evening, mayor Hancock."
The soft voice behind the men makes them turn their heads towards the source of it. It’s the black haired girl from the table on the other side of the bar.
"Good evening yourself-" John knows her, he is certain of it but what's her name again? Mindy? Suzi? "Pretty." Or just go with harmless, flattering pet names. A method that proved to be very sufficient over the years. The woman gives him a bright smile in response. "What can I do for you?" John asks even though he already knows what she's up to.
She bites her lower lip playfully, all of the sudden acting shy. "Well, I wondered if you'd like to have some company later, you know?”
Yeah, just like John thought. Nick looks at him with a knowing smile on his face but doesn't say anything. The ghoul considers her invention for a moment. The main dilemma for the last few years, ever since he became mayor of Goodneighbor - Sex or drugs. 
Both at the same time can be fun, too. But the possibility of passing out during a one night stand, being that vulnerable around a person who is just interested in his caps or chems, or just has a weird ghoul fetish, that's stuff nightmares are made of. At least his. So no, both are not an option.
"You can have him." Nick says nonchalantly as he stands up from his chair. "I've finished my drink anyway and I have a client to take care of." 
Jealousy hits John like a bolt of lightning. A feeling he didn't have in a very long time. It's so sudden and without warning, it takes him off guard. He tries not to read too much into that and turns his attention back to Trudy. Or Ruby? The woman takes Nick's seat immediately even though John hasn't answered yet. With a sigh on the remaining of his lips he just gives in. No drugs tonight then. But before Nick is out of earshot, John calls after him. There is one burning question he needs an answer for. "Nick! Blue ain't her real name, is it?"
The synth waves at him as he makes his way to the exit. "It's not."
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Chapter Index:
Ch. 1 / Ch. 2 / Ch. 3 / Ch. 4 / Ch. 5 / Ch. 6 / Ch. 7 / Ch. 8 / Ch. 9
Taglist: @loverofclones / @squeakythedragon / @martinys-world / @id-rather-be-in-middle-earth
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bloodlustngore · 1 year
Blanket - Jennifer Jareau
I was planning on uploading this last night but forgot and fell asleep, oops. Also, I currently have 0 motivation to write so if anyone has any prompts I'd appreciate it :)
Also, this was already uploaded on my Wattpad!
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In which JJ gives Y/n her blanket on the jet, a luxury not many others get.
Warnings: None, just fluff.
Sorry this one is a bit short! And again sorry if this sucks, I feel like I rushed it, but oh well.
They had just left a case, everyone on the jet heading home, either reading, listening to music or talking. All Y/n wanted to do was take a nap, that and the fact she had a headache.
JJ, her girlfriend and fellow agent noticed as she came back from the kitchen area with a cup of coffee. The only thing, besides water that the blonde would drink on the jet. "Jayje my head is killing me, and all I want to do is take a nap before we're home" Y/n explained, groaning.
During the case, Y/n had been feeling ill, not to the point of actual 'I'm going to throw up' or stomach pains, but she'd had a migraine. Emily told her to take it easy, but JJ tried to make her stay behind with Penelope and help from there. Which of course, as stubborn as her girlfriend is, Y/n did not.
"Still? We need to get you to a doctors, sweetie" JJ sighed, worried.
"No JJ I promise I'll be fine, I've told you before my headaches come and go" Y/n added, trying to reassure the blonde woman, who placed her mug of coffee on the table. "But they're usually further apart, you had this migraine for two days, then it stopped, and now it's back. I'm taking you to the doctors when we get back" JJ explained, trying to get passed the woman she loves stubbornness.
"It's probably because I forgot my medication for it..." Y/n paused, realising what she had just said. Nobody asked if she bought her meds for the migraines with her, they all just assumed. The look on JJ' face, suggested she wasn't very happy.
"Y/n! You can't just forget your meds for it! Next time I'm going to remind you. That's it." JJ stated.
"I'm sorry, okay? I thought I had them." Y/n apologised.
"Hey, it's okay" The blonde leaned down a little placing a kiss on her girlfriends temple. Both women were happy they didn't have to sneak around the team anymore, of course they remained professional during cases, and also at work at home, but it just felt so freeing for them, that they don't have to hide their relationship from their friends.
"Jayje, can you stay next to me so I can atleast try and get some sleep?" Y/n asked.
"Of course, I'll be right back" And with that JJ went over to the seat she normally keeps the blanket she has on the jet. That literally nobody else can use, although Emily used it once but that was because JJ allowed her. And as her best friend other than being her boss, but that was one time.
"So Y/n can have the blanket, but nobody else?" Reid chuckled.
"Spence, she gets girlfriend privileges" JJ stated. Making Emily, Tara, Luke and Rossi chuckle. "If you want a blanket go buy one" JJ added. Walking back over to her girlfriend, "hey, get cosy with this" she added, wrapping the blanket around Y/n.
As JJ sat down Y/n kissed her cheek "thank you". Allowing Y/n to rest her head against her shoulder as she got comfortable in her seat. JJ thought because of her girlfriends headache it would be uncomfortable, but Y/n closed her eyes and slowly drifted off.
"Let's take a picture! That's so cute!" Luke exclaimed with his phone out.
"Luke I swear to god, if you don't put your phone down I will take it from you and crush it with my heel" JJ spoke, as quietly as she could careful not to wake Y/n up.
"I'd do as she says if I were you" Emily chuckled. And with that Luke put his phone away and sat back down.
JJ was just happy that Y/n could atleast get a little nap before getting home, take her mind off of that migraine.
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sevcasejay1chicago · 1 year
Ear infections- Jay Halstead
Authors note: you guessed it, home girl is sick again. I wrote this fic a while ago, but it applies to me right now so I figured with my lack of current content, I’d post it.
Again, to all those waiting for ficrecs, I am working on them. I’ve been having some major writers block while dealing with some new medical issues and mental health issues. Thank you all for your support and love. I hope you enjoy this fic! ❤️
Summary: You wake up with an ear infection and migraine. The Halstead brothers come to your aid.
Warnings: mentions of sickness, mentions of needles, mentions of medications, mentions of vomiting.
You woke up just like you always did with Jay, but the ear that was laying on his chest felt like it was on fire. You muffled a groan and pulled away from Jay, attempting not to wake him. Unfortunately, Jay was a light sleeper so he groggily reached out for you.
“Wha time is it?” Jay mumbled, placing a hand on your thigh. He was sure the alarm didn’t go off yet.
You sighed, looking over at the red numbers on the digital clock. “It’s only 5. Go back to sleep.” You murmured, leaning forward and running a hand through Jay’s hair.
Jay cracked his eyes open more when your hand came in contact with his forehead. Your normally cool hand was hot. He studied you in the dark. He could see your right hand cupping your ear and your face pinched in pain. Jay grabbed the hand you were running through his hair and kissed the back, sitting up as he held it. Before you could react, Jay’s right hand made contact with your forehead. Jay sighed in sympathy. “Baby. Your burning up.” Jay whispered.
You nodded your head slowly, tears now leaking from your eyes. “It hurts.” You whispered, leaning your head into Jay’s shoulder.
Jay kissed the top of your head. “What hurts sweetheart?” He asked, rubbing your back as you shook against him.
“My ear. Can’t hear.” You choked out, trying not to sob as your resolve finally broke. “Need Will.”
Jay was alarmed. You had an intense fear of needles and hospitals like Jay, so you never asked for a doctor or went willingly. “Okay baby girl. Let’s call him, okay?” Jay said, kissing your head again.
You nodded and let Jay move away, but when he stood, you scrambled after him. “No.” You squeaked, reaching for his arm. Jay stopped and let you latch on. “I’m comin.” You whispered, looking at Jay with big, scared eyes.
Jay nodded, “of course sweet girl.” He said, leading you into the bathroom once he got his phone off the night stand. Jay placed you on the counter as he called Will, rummaging through the cabinet.
Will: Jay, it’s like 5 am. What the hell man?
Jay: I need you. It’s Y/n. Jay could hear Will shift in bed, whispering to Nat that he’d be right back.
Will: What’s wrong?
Jay: Thinking she’s got an ear infection. I’m about to check her temp. She asked for you.
Will: put her on.
Jay put the phone on speaker and handed it to you to hold.
“Will?” You whimpered, leaning your head into Jay’s shoulder once again.
“Hey you. What’s going on?” Will asked, voice deep with sleep.
“My ear hurts so bad.” You sobbed. “I can’t hear Will.” You explained, lightly tugging on the earlobe.
Jay sat you up and swiped the thermometer across your forehead. “Hey man. It’s 101.6.” Jay sighed, kissing your forehead.
Will sighed on the other end of the phone. “Jesus Y/n. You don’t do anything half way.” Will joked, moving about to get some clothes on. “I’m gonna run to Med and get some ear drops and antibiotics. Jay, you need to work on getting her to eat something and get that fever down. I’ll be there soon.” Will instructed, immediately hanging up.
You sighed and handed Jay his phone back before leaning into his chest. Jay held you for a minute, leaving a lingering kiss on the top of your head. “Baby? What can I get you to eat?” Jay asked, leaning back to look down at you.
You shook your head. “No food.” You whimpered, keeping your eyes closed. “Migraine.”
Jay sighed, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose as he thought. “Okay sweetheart. You gotta eat something.” Jay whispered, leaning over to flip the lights off, knowing that it normally aggravates your migraines. “How about an apple sauce?” Jay bargained. “If you eat that and drink some Gatorade, you might feel a bit better before Will gets here.” He coaxed, rubbing your arms as you shivered against him.
“Kay.” You mumbled, leaning further into Jay’s hold, wrapping your legs around his waist. “M cold.” You huddled up as close as you could get to him, hating the way you shook to your core.
Jay wrapped his arms around you, attempting to provide you with some body heat and comfort. “Okay baby girl. Want my army sweatshirt?” Jay asked, snuggling his nose into your neck as he felt you nod against him. “Okay. Hold tight.” Jay said, lifting you up after you wrapped your arms around his neck. Jay walked you into the bedroom, sitting you on the bed while he went to the closet to find the requested hoodie.
“Ummm. It’s in your drawer.” You whispered, pointing toward his dresser.
Jay chuckled, going to where you led him. “Now, why is that?” Jay lightheartedly joked, pulling it out of the drawer.
“Smells like you. Traps it.” You murmured, lifting your hands so that Jay could put the sweatshirt on you.
Jay smiled as he gently slid the item of clothing on you. He always wondered how you got his smell back into that sweatshirt, and now he knows your secret. What you don’t know is that he will now be storing your favorite shirts of his in his drawers to keep the scent for you.
“Thanks.” You mumbled once the sweatshirt was placed on your form. You hummed in delight as Jay leaned down and kissed your forehead.
“Time for apple sauce and meds baby.” Jay murmured, bending down to pick you up again. He waited until your face was in his neck before he started walking. It was still dark out so he was gonna need some light to see what he was searching for and you had a better chance of not being bothered if your face was hidden in his neck.
Jay walked into the kitchen and flipped on the light. You kept your face tucked against his neck as he went about getting the things you needed. He grabbed an apple sauce from the pantry and one of your bottles of Gatorade before turning on the pantry light and cracking the door. Once he had the items sat on the counter, he went to flip the main light off before placing you on the counter.
You pouted at Jay, poking your bottom lip out and giving him the saddest face you could muster. “Jaaaayyyy.” You whined, missing his contact and not wanting to put anything in your body.
Jay chuckled, having stepped a few feet away to put some coffee on for himself and possibly Will. “Y/nnnnn.” Jay mimicked back, glancing at you from the coffee pot. “Nope. Not the face. You have to eat.” Jay said, turning away from you and standing strong.
You knew the face almost always got you what you wanted, but it was a long shot when it came to your health. You sighed, looking down at the apple sauce packet in your hand. “Fiiine.” You groaned. “Open it?” You requested, holding it out toward Jay like a child.
Jay was amused, but also worried. You tended to act more childish the higher your fevers got. “Yes ma’am.” Jay chuckled, clicking the last button to start the drip before he made his way back to you. He effortlessly opened the packet and held the pouch to your lips. “All of it.” He stated, leaving no room for argument.
You rolled your eyes but compiled. You knew Jay meant well and was also following orders from Will, but you were so scared of throwing up from your migraine. You pulled back about half way through, covering your mouth with one hand and holding your stomach with the other.
Jay sighed, placing the pouch to the side and reached up to pull your hair away from your face. “Shhhhh. Just breathe through it.” Jay soothed, reaching for his phone again. “Nice and slow. I’m gonna have Will get some Zofran, okay?” Jay asked, not expecting an answer as he called Will and told him the other need.
After a few minutes of careful breathing, the nausea passed and you picked up the apple sauce packet, tears in your eyes. You closed them as Jay reached a hand up to cup your face, rubbing his thumb across your cheek and catching the tears on the left side. Will would be there in about 5 minutes, so all you had to do was wait.
“Couch?” You asked, placing the empty packet on the counter. You snuggled into Jay, kissing the side of his neck.
“Okay sweetheart.” Jay complied, picking you back up. Once he had a secure hold on you, Jay grabbed your Gatorade before walking into the living room and sitting you down on the couch. He pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and covered your legs before he sat next to you. “You gotta drink some of this and take these pills for me, okay?” Jay said, pulling the pill pack out of this pocket and cracking the Gatorade open before handing it to you.
You nodded slightly before taking the pills from him and drinking it down with a quarter of the Gatorade. “No more. Please.” You whispered, feeling nauseous again.
Jay nodded, taking the Gatorade from you. “No more. Good job baby.” Jay praised, lightly kissing your forehead.
Will knocked on the door, causing Jay to pull away from you. Jay let Will in, pointing to the living room before going into the kitchen.
“Hey sis.” Will greeted you quietly, coming and sitting next to you. “Jay said he just gave you the pills. He’s gonna get the thermometer. How yah doin?” Will asked, placing a hand on your forehead.
You closed your eyes, leaning into your brother in-law’s touch. “Hurts. Nauseous too.” You breathed out, shifting to lean back a bit more as you peered at Will through half lidded eyes.
Will nodded, taking out his scope. “That’s what Jay said. Let me look in your ears, okay? Then I’ll get you all fixed up.”
You nodded your consent and allowed Will to stand up and pull away from you. Will checked your left ear first to compare it to your right. Jay came in as Will began looking at your right ear. You whimpered on contacted, causing Will to apologize profusely and promise he was almost done. Jay came and sat next to you, setting down a bowl and swiping the thermometer across your forehead.
“102 Will.” Jay mumbled, putting the thermometer down and taking your hand in his.
Will sighed, pulling the device away from your ear. “You’ve got a pretty nasty infection Y/n. Looks like middle and outer ear.” Will said, putting the used cover to the side before placing his instrument back in his bag. “I’m gonna give you a shot of Zofran, then I’m gonna leave you and Jay with your ear drops and antibiotics. Okay?” Will said, looking between you and Jay.
You nodded, paling at the idea of a needle. Your stomach was already churning. You squeezed Jay’s hand, closing your eyes as you breathed.
Jay saw your struggle, so he reached for the bowl and placing it in your lap. Will gathered your hair, holding it out of the splash zone with one hand and grabbing the prepped needle with the other. Will and Jay made brief eye contact before Will stuck the needle in your arm at Jay’s nod.
The prick sent you over the edge, gagging into the bowl Jay held in your lap. Will was quick to inject the medicine before tossing the needle in his bag to take care of later, but be out of sight for you and Jay. Will helped balance the bowl while Jay slid closer to you, trying to provide you with some comfort.
“Sh Sh Sh. It’s over. We’ve got you. It’s alright.” Jay kept saying, trying to convince you, but also himself. “It’s okay hunny. It’s alright.” Jay soothed, rubbing your arm where Will poked you in order to stop the throbbing.
You nodded, finally getting ahold of yourself and leaning back into Jay. Will took the bowl and went toward your bathroom to take care of it. “Sorry.” You whispered, still trying to catch your breath.
“No sweetheart. It’s alright.” Jay said, kissing your temple. “You know I completely understand.”
“Well, she needs to take more fever reducers. Those just came back up.” Will said, coming back into the living room. “Let’s give the Zofran a few minutes to work. Then you need to eat something else and take more meds. Okay?” Will said, coming up to you and Jay, grabbing his bag. “I’m gonna go back home. You guys take it easy today and call if you need anything.” Will said, coming and placing a kiss on the crown of your head and ruffling Jay’s bed head before leaving.
Jay pulled you into his arms, eyeing the medicine bottles Will left for you on the table. Jay felt zoned out. A lot had happened in less than an hour and he was still exhausted, so you had to be too. “Baby?” Jay whispered, noticing your breathing beginning to even out.
“Hmmm?” You hummed in answer, feeling completely zapped.
“I’m gonna call in for us. Think you can try some more apple sauce and take those meds before we go back to bed?” Jay asked, pushing your hair away from his face.
“Kay.” You mumbled, not having enough energy to fight. The Zofran worked quickly, so you didn’t see why not.
Jay made a quick call to Voight to let him know of the situation as he grabbed another apple sauce for you and some more fever reducers. Though he had to force you awake, you took what he gave you willingly before letting him carry you back to bed.
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somaticmilk · 4 months
Uhh - kinda out of the blue and because @firhemlock reminded me that I should finish my OC and ty @halsbandfuchs for drawing them multiple times to give me a general basis
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Intro under cut ->
Character by Soma/SomaticMilk
Fox and game based off of by @/gatobob
- - - - - - >
Twigs Toochi/tooxhi a Beastkin based of the Dhole
(epic Southeast Asian animal you should Google)
They’re 24 years old, 5’5, and their favorite pastime (other then work </3) is mixology
They work for Fox- (epic backstory do not steal 😎😎/hj)
- not as an assistant but kinda like Rhino and Kangaroo - they're in charge of quality control using a grading system based off of Wagyu meat that Twigs made themselves marking them employee of the month^^
(Wagyu meat like a hella expensive Japanese meat that like you get a certificate for n stuff- just google it leave me alone </3)
Depending on the choices the MC chooses during the grading stage it can alter who MC ends up with in the VN
- Example: Twigs asks the MC to do a task but you/MC just stare off confused - Twigs would then mark you/MC as a B grade, staple a piece of paper on their arm, and ship em off to god knows where -
( I personally believe this would take place before the auction as a added important detail that will alter how other characters will be attracted to MC, like if they are noted to be stubborn more sadistic personality based characters will like MC and so on and so forth - any grade lower then a B will result in the death of MC as they will be labeled “Unruly to sell” )
Twigs is a horrible insomniac to the point they would have to take the same meds they use to sedate victims just to get a decent 8 hours, but if not, they would stay up for at least 5 days straight before their body completely gives out - then they finally get some shut eye and the cycle repeats again :>
(Fox banned them from getting any more sedatives because the insomnia got progressively worse, they’re currently taking 3 but if they’re not able to take 3 at a time they just give up and stay up the night)
If the MC manages to stay with Twigs they have to deal with a 5 day interval of them getting more progressively tired, irritated, and snappy - till day five they collapse on the floor and pass out causing MC to make a choice.. (this might change because I’m debating if Twigs should force the MC to stay up with them or not-)
Personality! -
Twigs is a horrible workaholic, a try hard, is extremely sympathetic, makes jokes at the worst time, and extremely quick on their feet!
Usually on a full night's rest they’re quick witted and overly nice, although after 2-3 days of not sleeping, they progressively become snappy, horrible at social cues, and going through constant migraines. In addition, they have extremely bad attachment issues and get very clingy to people when shown even just a slight bit of affection..
Appearance wise-
They have dotted line/cut mark tattoos on their hands, legs, neck, arm, ect- much like a butcher spreadsheet- and they like to keep their hair in a bun held by a chopstick (very Asian influenced let me have my fun </3)
They have eyebags, pale skin, a very slim build but quite lean, and inspired by Ren Hana they have two dark red dots right below the corner of their eyes. (Idk if I described that right but like ykk?? They’re a beast kin.. shhhh)
Colors and such -
Maroon -> black - Their hair is a black fade to maroon -
And their outfit is a simple vest suit and patch work slacks (as seen in ref sheet)
Some bonus items -
They have tics, and they whistle ALOT
- as inspired from the Dhole which (fun fact) mostly communicate through whistling! -
(Also they use their whistle as a signal! Just in case a product gets a little.. handsy and need backup)
Their tics are subtle but mostly consist of whistling, ear twitches, and the occasional nose scrunch but nothing too much.. (tics get progressively more repetitive each day without sleep)
Twigs is also a giant ass yapper so once you get them started they will not shut up.. and if you play your cards right maybe they’ll rig up the grade for ya and take you home instead <3 (can’t lose the game when you’re playing with the referee)
And that’s pretty much it! Hope you like^^
(And if they had an in-game bio it would probably be like: “A heavy insomniac. A talkative but tired person. Always feening for sleep meds or migraine relief, they’re definitely something..”) -and then the gif would be them holding up grading sheet or smth- they live for approval)
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Hey so uh
If you want a small peek into the American healthcare system
I currently make about $18 an hour before tax. That’s much higher than the minimum wage in my state, which is $9.65.
I have ADHD, for which I am medicated. I take 20mg of Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine). I still use my parents’ health insurance, because it’s MUCH better than anything I could get. Under their insurance, my monthly prescription is $30. Less than 2 hours of work for me, or just over 3 hours for someone at minimum wage.
Without my parents’ insurance, that same ADHD medication at that same dosage would be $454. Over 25 hours of work for me, or 47 hours of work for someone at minimum wage in my state.
Federal minimum wage is $7.25. Without insurance, that person would have to work almost 63 hours for one month’s worth of Vyvanse. That’s almost two weeks of full time work (assuming 32 hours a week is full time) going just to one medication, every month, before tax.
Thankfully, I can manage okay if I don’t take my meds. I don’t get significant withdrawal symptoms, maybe because I’m taking such a low dose and I frequently forget to take my meds anyway. If I don’t take them, I struggle more to focus or take care of myself, but I won’t have a medical emergency or worsen existing health issues. This is not the case for everybody! Think of how many different health conditions require continual maintenance and medication, such as insulin injections for diabetics or blood pressure medication for those at risk of stroke. Even for just my medication, not everyone gets so lucky. Some people experience significant withdrawals when they miss a day, like my cousin, who gets migraines if she forgets her meds. Some people would have serious consequences if they forgot to take their meds; I know of people with ADHD who can’t cook unmedicated because they’d burn the house down. If you can’t maintain enough focus to cook or grocery shop, how can you eat?
Point being, medical costs are so hecking high, and I am terrified of turning 26.
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scientia-rex · 7 months
Hello, I appreciate your medical posts very much and having seen a post the other day where you said migraine was in your areas of special interest, I'd love to ask a related question. You talk about bodies and medicine and patient experience etc in a way that makes a lot of sense to me and I'd trust your take.
I have chronic migraine. I'm currently at 100% pain days, with varying severity. Very hard to pin down what is prodrome, the main event, and postdrome as it's all blurred into one. My migraine team want me to reduce painkiller usage (currently dihydrocodeine and paracetamol daily, and ibuprofen maybe every other day on top) due to rebound headache. I want to cut down because they're fucking expensive and I'm scared for my liver and kidneys. But I literally can't cope with life without them. I went off them for four months a few years ago and the pain was so severe and so debilitating I was the most suicidal I've been in my life. Without painkillers I can't get to the toilet unaided, rarely leave bed, even more rare to leave the house. It's hell. And that's not even considering the effects on everyone around me who has to pick up to care for me.
So what do I do? The way I see things, I need something to help the pain improve before I can use less painkillers, but the longer I go on trying to find something that works and not getting there, the more I think maybe I'm wrong in that. I know a bit about how codeine based painkillers can reduce your pain tolerance / pain baseline. I don't think it's an addiction issue because I've been at the same (over the counter) dosages for 4 years now. I just want to do all that I can to be better, but I also need to be alive to be better. I am stuck.
TL;DR - If you have any thoughts on the relationship between chronic migraine, painkiller use, preserving quality of life while finding a treatment, and increasing the chances of a treatment working, and where on earth the balance between all that lies, I'd really like to hear them.
Again, I absolutely appreciate if you can't answer this, don't want to etc. Giving advice online is notoriously tricky and all that. But a big thank you for your time in reading, and all your weight and exercise posts especially which make me feel so much better about my body. Wishing you all good things! 💖
I won't speak to your case directly, since I'm not your doctor, but here is my personal algorithm for escalating treatments for migraine (note that "abortives" in this case means something you take after a migraine starts to try to end it, while "prophylactic" means a daily treatment you take to reduce likelihood of developing a migraine):
-OTC combination of magnesium, feverfew, and butterbur, taken daily
-Triptans (insurance will usually demand patients fail at least 3 to cover a more expensive treatment)
-High-dose NSAIDs (as abortive treatment given risk of rebound headaches if used daily)
-Daily topiramate (insurance will always demand this is either failed or there's a clear contraindication)
-Daily calcium channel blockers
-Daily beta blockers (higher dose than used for anxiety or low-grade arrhythmias)
-Daily anti-epileptic medications (such as Lamictal)
-Monthly anti-CGRP monoclonal antibody injections (Aimovig or Ajovy; expensive so insurance will demand you've failed some or all of the previous meds)
-Abortive anti-CGRP orals (Nurtec or Ubrelvy)
-Abortive ergotamine, usually Migranal, a nasal spray (very expensive and must be repeated 15 minutes after initial dose regardless of whether symptoms are improving or not)
-Prophylactic Botox (I believe this is every 3 months, must be done in the office of a trained and licensed professional, usually but not always a Neurology provider)
-Sphenopalatine ganglion blocks (done by dripping lidocaine far back into the sinuses to reach the sphenopalatine ganglion, again in the office of a trained and licensed professional)
-Cephaly (transcranial magnetic stimulation at-home device), expensive so insurance hates covering it
Now, one of my newer tools, and my current personal favorite, is a greater occipital nerve block--easy and fast, low risk, and I've had about 90% success with my patients in aborting current headaches. Effects seem to last 3-4 weeks in most cases and since it's straight lidocaine (you don't have to include steroids, though you can) you can do it as often as needed. I generally do this in my office, but I did train one patient's spouse to do it at home given how frequent their headaches. The pharmacy lost their fucking mind about letting an outpatient have lidocaine. I don't know why.
I currently manage my pretty awful chronic migraines with a combination of monthly Aimovig, as-needed Excedrin (the combination of caffeine, Tylenol aka paracetamol, and aspirin is effective for many people but is a real risk for causing medication overuse headaches, the more official term for bounce-back), as-needed Ubrelvy (I can sleep after taking Ubrelvy but not Excedrin so it's a good option), and roughly monthly greater occipital nerve blocks (I teach my trainees to do it using myself as a subject). I wouldn't mind trying the Botox but it's a PITA to get in to see our only local Neurology provider and since my migraines are relatively well-controlled (probably 1-2 headache days a week right now) I don't think it's worth the effort.
I also really got a lot out of this lecture, so give it a try.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
I'm baaack how about Ari and taking care of the reader when she's sick and grumpy or a migraine she just wants to be comfortable and taken care of but at the same time grumpy and she wants what she wants when she wants it. And is like Ari get with the program its simple to understand I ask you get or no sex for like a week or a month or something
[It's a wee bab drabble, like an honest, true drabble which I never accomplish, yay!]
Loud and Threatening, a Bedrock and Blueprints drabble
The screen door of the porch creaks achingly loud as you thunder through it, but that noise is nothing compared to Ari's hammering at a busted board at the edge of the roof.
"I said I have a headache," you scream, shielding your eyes from the painful sun.
Nail between his teeth, he mumbles back, "but if I don't get this done--"
"Ari, stop." You cannot take it anymore. No meds have touched this, and you are beyond caring if you have to take all the tools away from him and chuck them down the creek way back in the property.
"Woman, I am trying to keep a roof over your head."
"You are currently making my head feel like it's going to explode."
He scoffs. That bastard scoffs at your pain. "Lie down with those headphones on or something. Did you take anything?"
"Of course I took--argh! Just come inside and lie down with me. At least that way you can't keep banging on things out here."
"What am I, your slave?"
"You're an old man." You cross your arms over your chest, eyes very squinty. "You should know what a nap looks like."
Reluctantly, Ari climbs down the ladder and gently places the hammer back in the toolbox. He pulls out his pack of cigarettes and starts tapping it on one palm. "Honey, I'm not tired. I'll just leave you to rest."
"Maybe I won't want to touch you for a month if you don't get in bed right now." Your threat is soft and low, but you know he heard.
His eyes narrow in on your pout. The sheer stubbornness of you. He knows you'll do it, too. You'll get yourself off whenever you want, either when he's not home or right in front of him, and you'll enjoy his suffering. He knows you'll do it. Maybe you won't last a month, but is he willing to risk it?
"That's a low blow, woman."
"That's strategy, old man."
Begrudgingly he pockets the smokes again, following you inside, openly enjoying the sway of your ass as you make your way to the bedroom. He takes off his work pants and flannel to lie down, grabbing the small vile of breath freshener he keeps on his nightstand (so you can't smell smoke on him when he comes back inside), dropping some on his tongue and the tip of his middle finger. He automatically lays to slot you into your nook under his arm and carefully rubs the bit of peppermint oil at your temple. He relaxes his neck when he's done and you both sigh.
You're content. He's resigned.
It's not that he isn't comfortable or that he doesn't enjoy time with you in his arms; it's that since he's bothered to pick up more paying hours at work, he has less time to fix up your house.
Though it's technically not his, this is the first place Ari's ever cared about living, and he's very aware that you have no landlord anymore. There's no one but him to help you. He's proud of that and a little nervous. He wants to finish as many repairs as possible as quickly as possible, and he can't do that stuck under you...except at night, ya know. At night is fine. It's encouraged, in fact.
He settles in for what he thinks is going to be a few minutes until you fall asleep and he can sneak away, but the fresh smell of mint, the plush feel of you at his side, and the tender grip of your hand at his t-shirt slowly relaxing as you slip under knock him out like a light. You both wake as dusk is starting, hungry and headache-free.
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laurelnose · 4 months
good news! I don’t have a brain tumor 🥰
so basically what happened is
mid-december: i acquire Debilitating Migraine, 10 out of 10 worst pain I’ve felt in my entire fucking life Migraine, worse than the time I spent three weeks recovering from major surgery completely sober because I am inexplicably resistant to just about every class of painkiller I’ve ever tried Migraine. (I actually only rank the surgery experience about a 6 out of 10 on the pain scale.) we get the migraine down to Bad But Manageable by locating several new Christmas light strings that turned out to be flickering at speeds the human eye could not detect but my human brain certainly could and throwing them all out. I make a doctor’s appointment.
last week: I finally see my PCP. she prescribes me a triptan, which is an abortive med that is meant to stop migraine attacks. the triptan decreases the headache but does not remove it entirely. also, the damn thing keeps getting worse again. I try it three times over the week, which is the maximum number of times you’re supposed to take a triptan in a month. almost like you’re not supposed to have more than three headaches in a month or something?? weird. well, technically I haven’t had three. it’s all the Same Damn Headache.
this same day I also pick up a topiramate prescription, which is a preventative. i am advised i can start the topiramate even if i am not pain free. maybe if i give it a day or two it will help even if i am currently having an attack??
wednesday i see my PCP for followup and tell her i am still in pain. she offers to get me squeezed in to have an intramuscular toradol (heavy-duty NSAID) shot. this kicks in within 20 minutes and doubles my migraine pain. I was at 3-ish and now I am at 6 and unhappy about it.
i do not come back down from the level the toradol kicked me up to. i survive thursday by not doing very much of anything.
uh? holy shit? yeah, sure?
friday the pain becomes unbearable. back up to an 8, which isn’t the worst it’s been but it’s also Day Forty Fucking Two and I’m so tired. I leave work early & go to urgent care where they pump me fulla benadryl and dexamethasone. absolutely none of this is fun — the dexamethasone feels like a panic attack and the benadryl makes me dizzy and light-headed + makes it very hard to think of words? what the shit do people take benadryl recreationally for? but! the pain diminishes dramatically. after the IV’s done they get me in for a CT scan and are like hey! you don’t have a brain tumor! (I was not actually worried I had a brain tumor but it’s always nice to rule it out.) but you do have a sinus infection and a bunch of fluid buildup that’s probably triggering the migraine. (really? but I haven’t been congested?) yeah, no, it’s really deep in there. do you wanna do antibiotics and sudafed about that to clear up the fluid?
saturday morning the head pain is back but it’s mild and it feels LIKE A FUCKING SINUS HEADACHE and not a migraine anymore oh my god. Guess what kinds of headaches are fucking fixable and tend not to be intractable and unpreventable. It’s also like, a manageable amount of pain? It hurts but I feel okay?? I get thru work without taking my breaks in the dark with a heat pad? I look at headlights on the dark road coming home and am not immediately debilitated? 😭 Maybe in a week and a half when the antibiotics course is done I will actually just be Fine??
I really shoulda gone to urgent care back in December. Too bad I didn’t quite realize you could go to urgent care for migraines until I’d seen my PCP for the first time and that couldn’t happen earlier bc, well, appointments are hard to come by.
I’m wondering in hindsight if the triptan WAS kicking the migraine more effectively than I thought it was and i couldn’t tell because I had a sinus headache underneath (which kept bringing the migraine back). this also explains why I was getting decent results with Vick’s VapoRub LMAO. Like some people do swear by menthol for migraines but it was probably helping the congestion too.
anyways this is why I’ve been quiet. I will be quiet for a little while longer probably bc the sinus headache is still not fun but it is getting better. in fact i had to get up and eat breakfast to take my antibiotic but it is sunday and i don’t actually want to be awake so i think i’m going back to bed
i am never letting anyone talk me into taking another NSAID ever fucking again.
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