#i hope you guys had as much fun reading as we had rping this!!
huffle-dork · 4 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 28: Epilogue
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix 
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal's AUs |AO3 Link
Prologue | Switch | Stitched | PNPT | Septicheroes | Fantasy Masks | Horror | Inverted
Taglist: @brokentimewatch @di-diwata  
(AN: This is the end! Thank you guys so much for all the love we've gotten for this series! We've had such a blast writing and seeing your reactions!! And- stay tuned! More multiverse adventures are already in the works!!)
For once, the three of them appear all together--in a very familiar space. The doorway looms large and empty. Everything is quiet.
As soon as they all drop, Magnificent is no longer bound by Frederick's magic. He pushes away from Bro and then disappears in a flash of static.
"No!" Bro shouts and is about to run after him but Alt stops him and pulls him back. "He's probably just as tired as we are... we'll find him later."
Bro pouts and then sighs, helping the two of them up. "Alright- you have a point."
Both of them freeze as they hear footsteps rapidly approaching the room, the faint sounds of alarm bells. "Movement! I hear movement! Move move move!"
The brothers share a terrified glance.
Alt grabs Bro and glitches them out of there- happy for once he knows exactly where to go.
The brothers soon appear back in their apartment. Alt sways- the jump they just took was huge and he didn't get a lot of his magic replenished. His eyes roll up as he starts to crash to the floor. Bro quickly catches him though. "Woah!"
There's the sound of something falling over- then the lights all flicker on. Following after that is the sound of... barking? And a furry bundle of cream fur crashes into the Brodys, toppling them to the ground.
Bro holds up an arm to protect Alt but then blinks in confusion. "...S-Sahne?"
Sahne is barking, tail wagging happily as she licks Alt's face. Alt scrunches up his face and pushes her away, blinking blearily out. "...hah??"
Footsteps rapidly approach them in the hallway before they see a new figure. It's Jackie- he's breathing heavily, holding a baseball bat in his hands and hoisting it up like he's ready to strike. But, his eyes widen as he sees who's in the hallway. "C-Chase? Alt?"
Bro feels tears come to his eyes as he sees his best friend- his actual best friend. "J-Jackie!"
Jackie scowls, his parental disappointed scowl. One that shows both anger and fear. "W-Where the hell have you two been?! We've been worried fucking sick! We all staked out here just to try to find clues and- Jays was just about to file a police report and-!" He quiets his shouting as he takes in the look of them. "...oh holy shit-"
Alt laughs at this. And soon that laughter starts to turn into light crying. Bro goes to hold him for a second, resting his head on top of his. He looks just as tired, even if he’s not as beat up as Alt is.
Jackie throws the bat and hurries to help the two up, taking them to the living room.
Once in there, they see that the apartment has been set up with sleeping bags and backpacks. Laptops are all over- two on the coffee table, one on the kitchen island. The tv is turned onto the news, one of Bro’s crime radios is playing, and scraps of paper and notebooks are strewn around. Dr. J stands up from where he was sitting by the coffee table, eyes wide as he takes in the sight of everyone. "Oh my god-" He mouths, holding up his hands to cover it. Then a blue blur is rushing at them, throwing his arms around the two brothers and attempting to lift them up.
"OH YOU ARE BACK!! YOU ARE BACK!!" Henny shouts, happy tears in his eyes, "Mein friends!! We have been so worried!!"Bro and Alt both wince but try to hide it, smiling at Henny.
Jackie pulls the taller gentleman back and gives him a sad smile. "Hey hey- give them a bit of space Hen..."
"Oh!" Henny looks at them and then gasps at the sight of them, "Mein gott! What has happened with you two??"
"It's such a long fucking story, Hen..." Bro laughs, shaking his head.
I'll make some tea." Dr. J signs as he hurries to the kitchen. Henny and Jackie help the brothers to the couch to rest.
Alt looks around frantically- and then finally hears a mrowl that's equal parts distress and delight. A flurry blob of black hits Alt in the stomach and then climbs up on his chest, meowing wildly. Alt starts to cry again as he hugs Glitches tight and curls up around her. "Glitches! Oh my sweet girl!! ohh i've missed you sooo much!!"
"Oh- I see how it is," Jackie teases.
"I'll miss you assholes later. lemme reunite with my cat." Alt deadpans before kissing Glitches all over her head, while the cat purrs and rubs her head against him.
The others all laugh.
Bro looks at the others in disbelief. “... did you guys really camp out here?”
“Not at first,” Jackie says, starting to gather up some of their stuff. “We weren’t sure if you guys just… left without telling us. But, we also knew something was up because…you would have told us. So- when we didn’t hear from you for… two days? We decided to come here to look for clues. Glitches was a fucking wreck…” He shakes his head.
“We did not find much… just that the TV in Alt’s room was all- statisch.” Henny adds. “Which is bad sign…” He pets Sahne as she comes up, bumping her head against him.
“So we thought Mag was behind it… but we couldn’t find head or tail of his furry ass either.” Jackie frowns.
Dr. J soon comes back in, carrying a tray of mugs and sets it down on the coffee table. Bro and Alt share a glance and laugh. Now it felt like home.
Dr. J smiles at them then signs, “We’re so glad you two are okay… but perhaps you can fill in the gaps for us?”
“We should call Stace… and Oliver- cuz Alt looks like… well you look like shit, man.” Jackie says.
Alt flushes and sits upright- but gets an earful from Glitches when he stops petting her. “No! Don’t call Oli! I don’t wanna worry him!”
“Dude he was here just a couple hours ago trying to help,” Jackie smirks. “He’ll want to know.”
Alt freezes, face getting redder. “...he was… trying to look for me?”
The others all share a glance and Bro even laughs and pulls in Alt for a hug/noogie. Alt hides his face in Glitches’ fur.
“Well gents!” Bro starts, “How much time you got? Cuz we have an epic tale to share~”
“Can we share in the morning?” Alt moans, curling up to lay down in a semi-fetal position with Glitches squished in his arms. “Or three- I’m so fucking tired dude…”
The others share a look and then they smile.
“Seems like we have time.” Jackie adds quietly.
“...you all should drink the tea before it gets cold.” Dr. J reminds them.
Everyone laughs. Friends, reunited at last.
It was good to be home.
Alt felt the TRVLR safe in his pocket, the knowledge of all their new friends and companions saved in his phone. Who knows what future adventures await?
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hiddenwashington · 11 months
"goood morning dc!! we feel like we can finally say that, wow. i think it's time to take a deep breath as a city, and relax as the investigators have finally caught those monsters who were attacking our city. it is a beautiful, sunny saturday morning here and we are so looking forward to a normal weekend here now that our beloved city has been returned to its rightful glory. our thoughts are still with the families affected, and we wish our government a smooth transition during this time, but all in all, we think dc really came out on top-- now here's michael with the weather--"
well, investigators, you did it!!! you ended the killings before we lost any more members of our community, and we believe that those responsible are finally free of whatever magic possessed them. the pride that we had is just beyond words, seeing how much love, dedication and teamwork went into the last two weeks. the admins, for one, could barely look away from the clue chats to see you all working together, to see all of the jokes and laughing and bonding coming from the general event chats, and we hope that you guys truly did love this as much as we did. we hope that this event has strengthened the bonds within our little family, and maybe even formed new ones. but with that being said, another event here at hiddenwashington has come to an end! time for those we have loved and lost to begin to wake up, to find footing in their new, or newly reclaimed, lives, and for the city to return to its normal pace. please, from this point on, DO NOT POST ANY NEW CONVERSATIONS regarding the event ( new starters, or replies to OPEN event starters )!! that being said, YOU MAY CONTINUE TO WRAP UP YOUR EVENT CONVERSATIONS, put a nice ending to them, find a good stopping point, or adapt them to work outside the event!! we are also willing to allow you to keep writing any closed self paras that you may not have gotten a chance to complete throughout the event, just in case they're still in your head. from here on out, the dash will be going back to it’s normal interactions, and feel free to start writing accordingly!! to make that transition easier, each mun will be allowed ONE free starter, just like the start of the event, for the next 24 hours only! after that, our rules go back into place full force! remember that is ONE STARTER PER WRITER! NOT PER CHARACTER!! along with that, please remember your prizes, starting now, our BOGO on applications will begin for 24 hours, and end on sunday 6/25 at 11am est! if you have any question about the prizes please refer to this post here!! a quick reminder as well that activity has begun again, and we will be having our first check back on WEDNESDAY JUNE 28TH! please don't be on it, friends!!! but again, we just want to thank you all for the support of this event, for all the hard work, the memes and edits sent our way, and the outpouring of love and excitement that was felt for the past two weeks. we're sad to see this one go, but we are so thrilled to know it was a success and to introduce you to our next events later this year! we cannot wait to see where hidden's deadliest event leads your characters in the coming months !!!!
please give this a like once you’ve read it entirely, thank you!! have fun and happy rping!!
♥- the admin team
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moved-mainblog · 8 months
Anon Ask
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Got this ask for Hope and Morgan so I decided to answer this over my main blog so I don't have to answer it twice. Keep in mind the order means nothing. I write everyone down in the order I followed you.
@antvnger: The very first person I found here and interacted with. The Mun is such an amazing Scott and also as mun one of the sweetest persons I ever met. I literally hear Scott's voice in my head and imagine him in this moment everytime I read something that he posted. I'm so lucky that I found him here and that I can interact with this mun. I love stalking his page and read all the answers to ask that he gives and I also love his Bloodbrothers AU with Tony and Scott being brothers.
@spideymn: Spidey Mun was the second person I interacted with here on tumblr and I had so much fun with him. I love talking to the Mun ooc but als to rp with Peter. Spider Mun is such a perfect Peter and just like with Scott I can hear Peter's voice saying the stuff that the Mun writes and imagine him. Spidey Mun is such a sweet and lovely person and I love her and her Spidey so much. She really manages to captures Peter's nerdy, awkward and wholesome character and he's the best Peter I could find here on tumblr and the best big brother I could hope for Morgan. If Morgan hadn't already adopted him Hope would have done it right away. But I know that Peter belongs into the Stark Family. But at least Hope can be like his Bug aunt or something like that.
@neonsoundbite: The both of us haven't interacted that much but we had some ooc conversations and she is also really sweet and lovely and her Oc Lucielle is so amazing. I really love her and I really need to finally read her fanfiction.
@silently-judgingyou: The best MJ that tumblr has. I'm so glad she reached out to me and asked if we want to do something with her MJ and my Morgan. Tbh for some reason it never came to my mind to send Morgan her way but I really love what we have done so far and the plan we have plotted together. I can really see how Morgan is going to see a big sister in MJ as our story progresses and I can't wait to see where our RP will take us. As Muns we haven't interacted that much but from what we wrote together she's such a lovely person and I'm still suprised from that one post how similar she is to MJ. Like the others before it's not hard for me to hear and see MJ in every answer.
@zimnyayavdova & @brooklynbred: One of the sweetest and loveliest person I've got to meet here. Her Oc Anya is just a chef's kiss and her portrayal of Steve is just as amazing. I love RPing with this two characters so much and I also love talking ooc with this Mun. So glad I had the courage to reach out to JJ. I just love her characters so much. JJ's Steve is hands down one of the best Steve's here on tumblr and for me personally even the best! She really manages to capture Steve and his personality perfectly. He's just the sweet and wholesome guy that I always pictured him to be and it's so easy for me to hear his voice and imagine him acting in the situation. It's also so much fun to plot and share ideas together. I mean we really made up the team of the young howlies just because of a picture that I put together in less than five minutes... as a joke... I can't wait to see where our story will take us and how Anya and Katya will grow together but also how Katya's relationship with Steve will progress.
@skallagrimulfhedinn: We also haven't interacted that much yet but when I saw the Mun's Oc I just knew I had to ask if we want to do something together. Till now I only wrote with the character Ash and a bit with her brother Liam but Ash is such an amazing character. She's really a sweet person and I can't wait for Freya to meet Skallagrim.
@azuresrp: The two of us mostly wrote ooc together but this is one of the sweetest persons I found here on tumblr and Ryan is also such an cool and awesome character. When I found him here on tumblr and then also wrote with the mun and we started to plot together I just knew this is going to be so awesome and so much fun. Even if we haven't done that much so far I enjoyed every second and I just love how easy it is to talk with this Mun ooc and to talk about our characters and stories etc.
@vekovoysoldat: The two of us haven't had a rp yet but I went through his page and we talked a bit ooc. And from what I saw I can tell how amazing this person is. I went through some conversations of him with JJ's Anya and Steve and gosh their so amazing. I love their interactions so much and he's such an amazing Bucky. Hopefully we'll manage to start something at one point too. And if I'm already talking about this Mun go and check out his commissions. He is making such amazing things and he's really talented. Can't wait to see how my commission turns out. For anyone interessted here's the link to his page @wintercommissions.
@stxrksarc: The two of us also only interacted ooc together. But I'm stalking his page every now and then and I love his bond with antvnger's Scott. The two are just so cute cool together and he really is doing an amazing job in portraying Tony and his character. He isn't playing Tony he IS Tony.
@sah1x1s: Another Mun who I haven't interacted that much with but we talked ooc and I love going through her blog and see what she's posting. She has so many muses and it's so hard to decided with which I want to interact.
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||Heated battles of bat and raven||
Hi there sweeties, Peahen mom is here with a drabble request. Sorry for not doing some others, I was more into doing the other au with my friend but I think I have something. Second, had trouble finding a way to start this one. So shall we dive into this one and see how this one goes hmm? :3
||Drabble summary||
Lets say Batman(Terry) and The Raven (Tsubasa) met up one night again due to having a situation in the same area. However, it was do by another accident. Right now, they both were at this warehouse to see thugs trying to steal things. But what will happen after that? Will batman arrest the Raven this time? Read to find out.
~Teasing is present in this drabble
~Nsfw is present in this drabble (If your under 18+ Please don't read this)
~Rough overstimulation is present
||Guests in this drabble||
The Raven (Tsubasa Connor) belongs to my beloved friend @within-the-resort
Terry McGinnis belongs to and is from Batman beyond series but also me due to rping him as a muse.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
'You know? This was not how I thought my evening would go this time. Well, maybe unknown to many so this is rather odd.'
Batman couldn't believe it and yet it was happening right now. A while ago, he was getting a radio signal saying about Thugs in some area stealing some property from a old warehouse near the river. He figured it would be a close one for now so that was fine. So he made his way over there in hopes to catch them before they ran off.
However, when getting there, he was not expecting to run into someone familiar. The Raven was in the same area and arrived at the same time. He heard about the items here and some was pretty rare (That or him hearing some money was here to maybe buy some things and other trinkets) so he decided to come as well to meet with the bat.
The two said nothing looking at one another but the Raven smirked, wondering why the bat was here. However, Terry said nothing trying to keep calm. Though, the talk was cut short when hearing some noises inside the warehouse.
That leads to now, seeing The Raven and Batman fighting off the thugs who was trying to get rid of them but ended up being knocked out or tied up. When Batman was taking care of the thugs, The Raven was stealing the stuff here. In a moment, the last thug was taken down only leaving both the Raven and Batman standing.
They were helping one another and he didn't question it as much. Well, he couldn't really after helping and meeting him from time to time so it was fine in some sense. Batman and Raven helped each other out, and fought everyone.
"And that's the last of them. Geez, idiots can't take a hint." Batman grumbles but looks seeing this but The Raven saw him looking around but he only smiled.
"Well, that means I can call the cops so they can pick these guys up. Though what about-" As he was about to do that, he saw Raven walk up to Batman.
"Hey, what is it? Are you-" That's when he saw the and boldly kisses him. His eyes widen from the kiss feeling the Raven holding him tight while they make out heavily in that area. The kiss was held for a moment only for him to break it panting along with the Raven.
"W..woah woah what was that all a..about?" he asked.
"I'm sorry it's just...we haven't had fun in such a long time. With you being so busy now...it's not fun waiting till you find me. I missed our playtime together." He whines grinding against his chest looking right at the other.
"Uhhhh...." Batman gets flustered by Raven, as always, but had an idea to please both of them. Wait, has it been that long since they saw one another? Geez, guess it must have been if he's like this.
"I'm sorry? I mean, with crime getting worse during this time of the year, can you blame me for that?" he asked but the Raven pouts to look at him.
"Well, your here now..maybe we can spend some time together....for a bit." he teased but Batman thinks to look at the flushed Raven. He even stopped him from calling the cops.
"You know what? Maybe I can.........You'll have to follow me though." he said moving back to show that The Raven was confused before his hand was grabbed.
"Hmm? Where are we going?"
"You'll see.." he said but he'll be sure to call the cops later. The thugs were knocked out long enough.
That leads to the next half hour right on the warehouse roof, sounds of pleasure was heard there showing the Raven bouncing on Batman's dick as he thrusts up into him. His hands gripping the plump ass of his while he was drooling.
"Ahhhhh f..fuck!! S..such a dirty b....bat! You really did m..miss me!" he moans happily feeling him slamming up into him trying to get the Raven happy. However, he was panting himself feeling he got tighter since their last encounter.
"Geez your really mmmmm gotten tighter. What did you even do?" he asked smacking his ass with a yelp slipping out.
"I did nothing bad..just nuggghhh do what I normally d..doooo ohhhhh!!!" He twitched feeling his ass smacked again when he feels that monster cock push even deeper into him. "You can't blame me for not wanting it!" he begs only for Batman to chuckle holding his hips while thrusting up.
"Even if your high on the pleasure, your hips haven't stopped..."
"S..s..so are you! Mmmm you said you didn't want to b..but now after teasing you..you're such a monster when it comes t..to this." he teased only for his head to lean back crying out again. He really was going all crazy right now but he wanted more as Batman sits up holding him close.
"Then I guess we needed this for a while didn't we? Even if you might have tried taking care of it yourself alone. I bet you were using toys and things to get off.." he teased that The Raven blushed.
"What makes you think I..d..do?" he chuckled but moans again when Batman goes faster hearing his cries of pleasure.
"I know because your horny for it and me. So, I'll be sure to give you that." he said only to quicken the thrusts hearing The Raven cry out to the night sky.
"Ahhhh!! Y..Yesssss f..fucking k..keep going. I want more of it! I want more more..I missed this! I miss this!!" he begs but Batman would while slamming harder into him. Hearing the clapping of skin to seeing this. Maybe a few more hours wouldn't hurt given this hungry bird wanted it. So he keeps giving him what he asks for even if he was a moaning mess, Batman would aim to please before the last few hours passing by.
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bluescarfvivi · 3 years
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Hey peeps!! I meant to post this yesterday but I was caught up in birthday shenanigans and celebrations. I wanted to post a little something about the blog turning 7 just yesterday. On my own birthday, of all days am I right? 
It was really an impulse decision to make a Vivi blog. I mostly wanted to make it because Vivi felt like she had a lot of qualities that reflected in myself, and she’s my favorite color of blue too. I really didn’t know what I was gonna do with her when I started since I was still....kind of new to writing on an online website and even writing with other people as well. I knew I just wanted to write her! She had a spunky personality, a go-getter attitude, the stomach of a black hole, and loved the paranormal. Fun fact, at the time I was VERY VERY much into the paranormal myself. I still remember watching Ghost Adventures every week. 
But she’s evolved A LOT since then. In all honesty, I feel like she’s become her own character, based off the character we see in the MSA videos. She’s been through hell and back, she’s grown and developed since those early years when I first wrote her, and she’s really became her own....kind of self, if you guys get me. At this point I can truthfully say she’s become EXTREMELY canon-divergent, and I know I realized that WAAAAY before I gave her the powers she has today. 
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In the end though, I didn’t think I’d plan out a whole story for Vivi. A whole other character arc that blends together with the MSA videos. Lots of times I really improv the things she’s experienced, I’m not much of a planner unless it comes down to something very serious or involves blog development. Most of her scars came from impromptu asks or threads that turned into something BIGGER, that me or my writing partner didn’t think would happen. 
She’s here now, and she’s come a long way from the bubbly blueberry back in 2014. I know it’s my own desire and drive to keep telling her story, but I have to say I really couldn’t pass some of her development hurdles without the great friends and writing partners I made through it all. MSA means SO much to me. I made some great lifelong friends because of this franchise, ones that stuck with me through thick and thin, good times and bad times, and helped make some irreplaceable memories. I love them all so so much: the ones whom I met long ago, whom I met halfway through, and the new ones I met in the present. Some may come and go, some may be silent for a while and pop up every so often, or some keep in contact with me every day. 
It doesn’t matter to me! If I see you as a friend, you are a friend to me. I appreciate you for being a person I know, a person who’s in my life and a person I have the absolute blessing of calling a friend. 
Sap aside now!! I also want to thank all of those who took interest in writing with me and writing with Vivi. Whether you’ve been here since the start, or we started RPing not too long ago, or for those who simply follow to watch and read I seriously appreciate every single one of you. So does Vivi! She’s still has a lot of development to get through, and I’m very excited to keep her story going! Especially until the end of the MSA series!! I hope both Vivi and myself can provide good entertainment, enjoyable reading, and a great time to everyone who comes by this blog!!
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tay6119 · 3 years
ALRIGHT, it is time.
Finally off work and I have my snacks and way too much energy so here’s your tales of the SMP recap even thought I’m probably the last person to watch it at this point.
I hope it’s better than the last one :,)
I’m sorry this is so so long, I couldn’t help myself...
- Just wanna start by saying Karl is a real one for putting these together and putting in so much work. Great way to include less lore affiliated people
- Sapnap’s skin went from cute to like lowkey hot
- d r e a m’s skin... at least he dressed up this time
- Gog being sad to get those pity points as usual /lh
- “we’re supposed to be having fun Dream leave me alone” “I am having fun”
- basically a manhunt, but it’s off brand
- “wHaT cOuLd iT PoSsIbLy mEaN” more great acting from Dream
- all of them saying woah at once was really cute to me idk why-
- Dream just wants to kill everyone, staying on brand for C!Dream
- treasure hunt treasure hunt treasure hunt
- Anti-Gogy propaganda
- Karl really thought they would all work together no questions asked
- These are always so chaotic but i love it sm, nice break from everything in regular lore
- “now that George is gone”
- “I always hate you Dream”
- “George and Dream stop fighting”
- Karl is trying so hard to continue the story but everyone is just-
- “from the top you’re going to make it drop” “why does that sound familiar” BBH PLEASE
- George and dream can’t leave each other alone oml
- “there’s a prize for people rping” “what if my character is a serial killer” DREAM PLEASE
- They all fell to their deaths trying to jump off the lighthouse and into the water
- “get maximum... air”
- GEORGE that’s a volleyball
- Ranboo just straight up being drowned out by everyone else :,)
- Ranboo getting into it and like lowkey doing a voice
- “dream we’re walking together” George sounds so whiny lmfao /lh
- Manifesting a gogy pirate voice even tho it won’t happen
- Dream leaving the area halfway through bad leaving shows his speedrun genes
- Chat participation :00
- “none, we get zero” DREAM PLEASE
- “Ranboo do you think they love you enough” “no” RANBOO HAD NO HESITATION
- “It says, Sapnap is a nimrod” GEORGE PLEASE
- Ranboo coming in clutch
- “Why is Dream killing everyone” “I’m not killing everyone” yeah George, he’s just killing you
- My two favs George and Ranboo boating away together <33
- I braved chat and someone said “GO MEMORY BOY GO”
- Now every time George fake cries/goes all sad boi I can’t stop thinking about Dream saying he does it to get pity and it always works lmfao
- “log off if you’re not up for it” Dream, George, and Sapnap all leave guys dteam ship is canon now 
- Bad dies in lava “don’t worry I saved the book”
- George being all giggly and not paying attention while him and Dream fight ahh I’m soft
- Dream in a boat what will he do
- Dream is muted and didn’t realize
- George yells for Dream to come back to take him with ahhhhhh
- Sapnap screaming “arggggg”
- “did he fail rp??”
- “Oh my arggg”
- “me and dream, me and dream are gonna win”
- “Dream and George forever for a hundred years” GOG I CANT TAKE IT STOP
- Chat spamming DNF omg
- “Dream woke up and chose violence”
- Dream tries to kill George and then Sapnap hits him and Dream dies instead
- Sapnap and Ranboo duo is something we needed
- “you know saying muffinhead really throws off the pirate vibe yee got going”
- Gogy gets all hype cause he find it and makes happy noises I LOVE HIM
- George is an attention whore /lh
- George becomes scottish
- “when we get back to the mainland we kill George” surprising not Dream, but BBH
- George has less of a sense of direction than I do,,, and that’s saying a lot
- Ranboo woke up and chose violence
- Dream why u so obsessed with Gog
- Sapnap and Ranboo continue to be iconic
- Dream stop speedrunning this is rp
- Audience chooses who wins lmfaooo if Ranboo doesn’t win I’ll be so upset, him or Sapnap, but RANBOO
- “it would be really funny if I won” SHUT UP DREAM
- george and dream using console to kill each other
- DREAM SOUNDS SO WHIPPED WHEN HE SAYS “George I’ll give you one more chance”
- George mimicking Dream ujhytgrfed
- Dream you don’t have the right to be calling anyone a simp
- “how many subs for a whitelist” RANBOO PLEASE
- “you cannot stab my partner with yee fist”
- “I am duck beard”
- “piggy mcpiggy foot” GEORGE PLEASE
- “everybody’s less violent now” yeah ok
- 20 subs for everyone there, i love u Karl u are blessed
- “he has the sword don’t kill him RUN”
- Ranboo is literally the best i love him T_T
- Ranboo gets banned LMFAO “reason: oof”
if you actually read that all... wow
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outridera · 3 years
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Thoughts on Inazuma.
I wanna make this post in order to give my thoughts on the whole thing, or least from the much of it that I’ve played. I will be having this under read more, and tagging as much spoiler tags as I can, but I will also be brief in certain parts, so tjhat it isn’t too spoilery. So that if you haven’t caught up, please be mindful when clicking read more.
Spoilers under the cut!
Inazuma remains a special place to me. It’s the first new region as a Genshin player to me. From the story, concept, characters, music, art. You name it. To experience it with you all, has truly been a treat. Just seeing the reactions too. Knowing that I was either live to witness it, from a stream, or just typing your reactions. I’m so happy to be one with the crowd haha. But anyway. I’m gonna divide this up into sections.
I had been wanting to get to Inazuma for so long, so I can see it’s story first hand, and each and every part, I felt like I wanted more and more. When we got to the mid point, I wanted to know more on Sara, I wanted to know more on Yae, I wanted to know Raiden’s side of things, and why this is all happening. It’s been ages since I’ve felt this in a game, the want to know, the want to experience it. I just loved it.
When we got there too, I really enjoyed it. I was super worried that this was going to be screwed up. Because I liked certain characters, and I didn’t want them to end up looking foolish, or ended up looking bad from their first impact, which makes me happy knowing that wasn’t the case. I felt however, so weird after finishing it. Like, can I do more in Inazuma? I wanna stay here for longer...A really good intense and thrilling deep story.
Gosh. Can I scream about these all day? Like Ayaka...Her whole event was just super cute, and I enjoyed every moment of it. I hardly use cryo, but I wanted Ayaka so bad, I’m a ice person by heart, so anything Winter themed, is like my jam. So Ayaka really vibed with me, and I’m happy that she’s in my ranks, and I’ll always treasure her.
Yoimiya is another whose event was super fun to play with. Like, I try myself to be an upbeat spirit on dash, or to people. But Yoimiya has me beat by a long while. I really do love her. Much like I adore a certain someone on my dash’s Yoimiya a ton- Really makes me smile how much she is loved and cared for.
Thoma...Thoma really is a great dude, I’m normally not drawn to male characters much. It’s not them, just there is a load I don’t connect with, to really dive into. But Thoma, he;s a really good dude. Much like Gorou is. Like gosh. When I was witnessing him, I legit said out loud that ‘that’s my guy’ I honestly can’t wait to use Gorou either, because the idea of a geo archer sounds cool to me.
Kokomi...Ah...Kokomi is lovely, she just is a treasure. She really got me in the feels, because of how her English voice sounded, in terms of it sounding sad and in pain. I really felt for her. Kokomi is a pure beauty, that deserves love and peace.
Sara. Sara I do like too. Heck I like all the characters gdidgisdg. Sara I really felt bad for when it came to the story, and what she has been through. While I won’t go into details, but those who have played it, will know how it went. I honestly hope we get a story event with her, to see how she is doing now.
Yae. Yae is an interesting one, as she as a character that I’m finding hard to put it words how I felt about her, that aren’t the same words I’ve already been using. I felt her story was very interesting, and how it all unfolded. It certainly was a wild ride for sure, and Yae is just great. I do hope she comes in wishes.
We finally come to my personal favorite. Raiden. I won’t say any more on that part, as I want this to be less spoilers as possible. But can I just love her? Like. She’s my first archon on my team, now my top dmg attacker. I love using her, and I loved her story and how it played out. I seriously would consider RPing her, if there wasn’t so many great ones out there already gsogsodgs. I want more Raiden, the more the better.
Inazuma is just...Wow. Like I swear, on one of the new islands, the music was just so great to listen to. I found myself bobbing my head back and forth listening to it. The whole landscape of Inazuma, is just so pretty. Like I recall one of the newer events, and the look of it all, was just so amazing. I can’t give too much context, but just. Inazuma’s whole structure, just looks super beautiful to me, and sounds perfect.
Overall. Inazuma is very special to me, and reminds me why I love Genshin so much. I so can’t wait to move up, so I can play Raiden’s story quest soon. Thanks for reading.
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mangaien · 3 years
Some positivity for stagcharmed !
Send me a url and I'll write some positivity for it. -    @stagcharmed
      sooooo ehm funny thing. i happen to have currently three ask asking for me to do rooney beyond this one and i am crying bc i just i probably would have sent in her url as well to someone. so i get it. dghfs i used your emily bc you are the one who manged to get it in first... and let me tell you it fucking close. so really i am impressed. <3
      rooney’s james is just wonderful. like that makes me so happy about it is just how much he feels real you know?? like i don’t look at her hc or the replies i read and go “oh he feels like a character who is like one dimensional.” which i feels so often that very easily happen with someone like james. who is like a funny guy.  like i can see the effort she puts in to him and i just i love it so much. bc james as a character deserves that. fucking lily evans deserves that shit and as we are both proud remembers of the lily stan squad the both of us agree on this i know XD 
          i love james with all my heart like. he deserves so much. it is so annoying to see people also kinda just not allowing him to be complex. like there is so many ways you can go with him like why limit such a good character and i am so fucking overjoyed to see her do that. like it is legit such a pleasure to see who her james is and i enjoy him so much now and i am sure i’ll keep enjoying him whatever she might choose to do with him 
       and i mean this only talking about james not even talking about her other muses bc i fucking hope that fucker know how i feel about her... especially her lily bc i will use one of the others asks to fucking rant about that shit but i also do kinda need to keep all the agshdjk down bc i legit could just gush until i ran out of words.
     but yes rooney is one of those people that i just have known forever. like it is kinda crazy how long we have known each other like i remember shit she has told me from like forever ago. like this loser didn’t know about there being more then one kind of snow like wtf?? 
     like even if she is a looser who didn’t know there was more then one type of snow. i am going to speak directly to her at this part bc i am a bit of a soft mood. i am so thankful for you, rooney, fo being my friend and  like there is so many moments that just makes me happy to know you but i think one of the just memorable ones for me is like, and i might just tear up thinking about it. but you allowed me to call me when i just kinda got dumped and needed someone to talk to. it is funny how bc of that honestly i don’t remember that night as being bad i remember how fucking fun i had just fucking talking to you for the first time and it was just fuck it was so easy to just talk. i remember i sat in a fucking park like a werido for so long bc i was just so into talking with you. like i can’t walk past it without smiling bc i remember us having just fun. like i do mean what i say about your writing and i have so much more to just gush about on that part but you as a person is legit just the best. like fuck all the rping shit like i need you to know that i really really appreciate you just as a person as well. 
    to sum it. she is one of those people that make me be forever grateful i got into and still keep rping on tumblr.
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oraclememehacker · 3 years
Hacker’s note: A thing I want to talk about
Sometimes it hits me. It’s 2021, years after I abandoned this site and I’m back at it. Either stockholm syndrome is real or I’m just an idiot. Anyways, I’ve been having so much fun with this and my Athena blog that I just wanted to note a few things. Yes, I really have been rping on tumblr to some extent (2019 and 2020 I was not here) since 2011. Back in the days before Xkit was a twinkle in anyone’s eye and Missing E was the thing (that tumblr staff waged a war against, I still remember the warnings of “we won’t help you if you use Missing E even if you have an issue that has nothing to do with it”)
I cut my teeth and became the rper that I am thanks to my relatively famous human Twilight Sparkle blog at the time. Over 1000 followers at it’s peak is nothing to sneeze at really. I did Ace attorney stuff before hand but the less I talk about that the better. I learned to improve my writing and I met many people, some that I still talk to, to this day. I made other blogs like a daring-do one, a celestia that ultimately got deleted, my still going Athena Cykes blog, etc etc.
As time went on and I was dealing with school and work, I started to become less and less active on tumblr and was more active on twitter. Both are hellscapes but you know, what can ya do. I was also getting more and more frustrated with tumblr making the site a mobile first site rather than a desktop one. Plus they were waging war on Xkit guy as well. I ultimately decided to abandon tumblr after the nsfw purge because I was fed up and thought that was the end.
Well, I guess that wasn’t the case. I got back on tumblr a few times to browse but not be an active participant, but then I looked at my Athena blog and had a sudden wave of nostalgia for the good ol days of my tumblr rping. Long story short I decided to give it another chance and it worked out great. Made me want to do a blog from scratch and I thought about rping as Futaba. Then this dork followed me and I decided to make this blog. And as of now I’m enjoying being a hacker gremlin so much. Futaba is my favorite of the phantom thieves and I love rping as her so much. I worry I make her too much of a memelord at times but I think big serious threads will balance out the memelord elements.
If you bothered to read all of this I just want to say thank you for supporting me, and I hope to continue this as long as tumblr exists which let’s face it, it could go away any day or become non-viable again. Until then, I’ll continue to be the memelord hacker you all seem to love.
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noncombativednd · 3 years
The Problem with Dice Rolls
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There’s a very common issue that revolves around asking for Rolls to create DM vs Player combative problem. Now, I’m not gonna say you can’t enjoy a good 69 dice roll ( I, too, have had that joke moment in a game where someone ending up naked and every guy rolled for dick sizes) But it’s not just joke moments that this happens, and it’s a big problem often overlooked.
This is were Dice Rolls show their worst form, and it’s easiest to start thinking, Why do we even roll dice? What deserves a dice roll, and what doesn’t? We could go into that in SO much more details, but let’s focus on the combative nature of rolls.
Don’t use dice rolls to control the situation. Both as a player and a DM, don’t try to use a dice rolls to make “your way” happen. Dice rolls are only there to create tension in the possibility that something might fail. If you’re using it try to enforce your idea of fun over the rest of the group; you are just being a jerk.
I’ll explain it in more detail if you read on, but using a small chance of success to act like you’re “allowing something” while also knowing you’re actually making it near to or just plain impossible, is bad for you and your players. Same goes for trying to use that same small chance to force a DM to allow something is equally as bad. In fact, consider why you need a roll at all, and just talk it out.
I’m sure you’ve also had a moment where you, as a player, wanted to do something cool that just didn’t completely fall under any rule and you could tell the DM just asked for an unfair roll because they don’t want it to happen (Sure you can try to fly across from one boat to another by cutting that line and letting go of the rope, but only if you hit a VERY high DC!).The reverse happens too, when player tried to fight back when a DM said “I don’t think that’s really possible” by just asking for at least a roll (”Hey, come on. What about if I roll and get a Crit!?) Which as a DM in that situation, you them just sigh and hope they don’t get lucky.Stop making them roll (or requesting it) and instead communicate. Rolls can come later. Have a quick conversation about the situation. What do they really want? What do you really want? Can you find a compromise, or can one of you convince the other it’s fair? Maybe it’s because I grew up with Freeform RPing, but dice should not be used as a tool to screw over another players choices. Like seriously, what harm comes from just asking that Lizardfolk to tell you how many dick pics he finds? What fun would have come from if landing on 59 instead? Why not just have fun with the joke itself and ignore rolling?I mean, here’s an example of this same silliness, but without rolls. One of the characters in my Werewolf the Apocalypse game had a pet cat. Another was a bit of a computer nerd. So as a joke, when they were handed another character’s phone, they said, “Hey, I want to hack into their phone to add a picture of the cat’s butt for the screen unlock.” I mean, immediately the other player said “Oh that’s amazing! I love that idea.” So, why would I ask for a roll!? (Or judge their fetishes) Everyone was on board with and it just happened. Bonus points, this even triggered everyone thinking the cat was the hacker every time this cat’s picture (of it’s Butt) was popping up, and jokes were made that it was playing video games with the hacker character (and beating him).In short, this isn’t about taking silliness out of games, but to remove extra needless rolls that were only being used to circumvent the power struggle between Players and DM. Stop fighting each other with rolls, and skip to enjoying creating a story together. =)
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hollywoodfamerp · 4 years
Dear Famers,
I’m going to start off by saying this is going to be long lol. You don’t have to read this, but if you do - thank you in advance. 
I can’t believe we’re having our appreciation week already. Can you? 2020 has been... a year. And to say the least, I think appreciation week is needed more this year than ever before. We’ve all faced so much this year - no matter where in the world you’re from - but one thing we have in common is that we're overcoming it together. I’m gonna be honest and transparent, you guys kept me going this year. You gave me the strength to keep going and something to focus on - both as an admin and as a member - and it helped get my mind off of everything that was thrown to us worldwide. I don’t think any of us could have ever predicted a pandemic, human rights movement, killer wasps and just about everything else that could have possibly came out of 2020. I’m just so happy we had each other to rely on and be there for each other. Through it all, we kept pushing through and I just want to tell you all how proud I am of each of you for tackling this year and still going strong. I can’t even put into words how much you all made me grow as a person. Remarkable what one year can do. I’ve learned about life, loyalty, love... you name it, it was thrown our way in 2020. So much has changed, but I think we’re going to come out of this even stronger with a bigger sense of community than we already had.
I need to sit back and give a genuine thank you to the admins of this group. I don’t think you all understand how much work and effort the team puts in every single day. From helping with graphics, checking the main, coming up with new ideas like the thirst blog... the admin team is just... phenomenal. Shannon, Marie, Clary, Autumn, Lee and Chloe - I would have absolutely crumbled without all of you. You not only keep the main afloat, you equally keep me afloat too. You all are some of the best friends I could have ever asked for and you care so much about the roleplay that I know it’s always in good hands. Each one of you works so hard and has so much love in your hearts - it just makes me smile and it’s really such an honor to know you all and have you in my life in some way, shape, or form. I will always defend, love, and have all of your backs - now and always. Getting to know each of you personally has been such a blessing in my life and I don’t think you understand how much I value each of you as people. Because I do - so damn much. I couldn’t do any of this without you and I’m so glad I get to call you all my friends. From the bottom of my heart thank you, thank you, thank you for everything that you do. And to all the previous admins at HFRP - Alex, Grace, Lottie, Elliot, Rose, Heather, Mickey, Nicki, Jay, Marie, Kendall and Mackenzie... thank you as well. I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done and all the work you put in previously. You all not only played such a pivotal role in Fame, but you taught me so much personally and professionally and it’s something that will carry through in Fame for years to come and with me personally as well. 
To the members of Hollywood Fame... I don’t even know where to begin. I know we’ve been saying it since the day we’ve opened - but you all are Hollywood Fame. A group is only as good as the people in it and... we’ve got some damn amazing people here. You guys literally leave me in awe. I come on the dash and every day there’s a new plot, new friendships, new connects, new backstories... it blows me away. Your creativity knows no bounds and my God, I hope you all never lose that spark. Please always remember the feeling igniting in you when you write something that you’re passionate about. I can guarantee you - everyone will be looking and reading. You all are not only some of the most creative people I know, but also some of the friendliest and kindest people I’ve come across. I see the way people look out for one another here, how you all reach out in the ooc blog, I’ve seen heartwarming screen shots between muns... that means something. We’ve all been together for almost 4 years in this group - and I didn’t even count the years some of us spent in other rpgs with one another! We are a family. At the end of the day, we spend a lot of time with each other and while it may only just be virtually - connections are made, friendships are made (both IC and OOC) and lifelong plots are established. That’s notable. And I give every single member here all the credit in the world for that.
You know, RPGs come and go all the time - and I’m a realist enough to know that one day our time will come, too. But not yet. Not for a long while. We still have so much to do! You all still have so much to write, create and unfold with your FCs - even if you don’t know it yet! Don’t let the craziness of this year hinder you from exploring your creativity. Let it influence you and write it all out. Roleplaying is a form of expression, after all. We all roleplay for a reason - and whatever reason that is for you, hold on to it. Remember, rping is supposed to be fun - never lose sight of that. Since the day we opened, I always said that this group could have five members and I’d keep it going. That’s something I still stand by to this day. I promise I will never give up on you guys. I know we’ve hit snags in the past and I will never say we’re perfect - but what family is? I want to thank you all for never giving up on Fame, for giving us a chance, and for calling Fame your home for all these years. This roleplay belongs to all of you. It always has, and it always will.
Love always, Riley.
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jayshq · 4 years
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So, if you look at my followers I actually have 1,183, but that’s because this hasn’t always been Poe. I started this blog way back on Nov. 8, 2014 as Dean Winchester. It has gone through AT LEAST ten characters since then. So, a lot of these followers are dead accounts or abandoned accounts. However, when I started up Poe on here I made note that I had 1,083 followers. So, this is for the 100 of you that came here for my baby.
So, let’s get the follow forever out of the way. Let me start off by saying I’m going to forget people, I’m human. Also, I don't do very big follow forevers whenever I do them because I firmly believe in only having people who have had a very strong impact on me or Poe should be present on the list. That said, if you’re not on this list you are still very loved.
special mention of @bondforce for making this happen, thanks for being my 100th follower, lol.
@dawnsabered : so, despite us not having any threads you’re first on this list because you re-sparked my love of the sequels and made me want to hop into this fandom again. Rping with you on Steve made me just adore the fandom more and more and made me want to bring back Poe. I’m eternally grateful to you for that. I have found such an amazing and welcoming home in this community and I wouldn’t have it without you, I love you loads, thanks a bunch.
@jedirisen : okay, so we met pretty early in and thank god we did. i adore your Rey, but more than anything you’ve been such an incredible friend. You’re always down to plot and create and just talk. You put up with my constant recommendations and are just one of the sweetest humans I’ve ever met. I’m super pumped that we found each other and I hope we have many great years of friendship ahead of us.
@fxrcefound​ : you’re a babe, you know that? Like, just such a good bean! Thank you for putting up with all my bullshit and being so fucking welcoming. I showed up in the fandom and within the first week we had multiple threads. I adore you, as does my Ben. Love’s his princess wife so much, tbh. But, no honestly I’m so glad I’ve found a friend in you. A gem, truly.
@scavenger-warrior : Ahhhh! Hi, I love you. So, first of all let me just say that our beautiful time leap verse (that all of our followers are currently being deprived of bc discord is so much better lol) is one of my all time favourite verses I’ve EVER done. It makes me so immensely happy and Ben is just in love.
@choosenskywalker : I’m TRASH! I’m so excited for the verses we have started, I’m just awful at replying. But, I really am so excited and I adore your writing, you’re very talented. You’re also super sweet and have the patience of a god. Thank you for being lovely, and I swear I’ll get better because I’m so excited to see where these things go.
@aequusjedi & @killingpast​  : you guys get a joint one because i love our poly babies despite me being a lazy bitch and not writing much with them yet. Nah, can I just say how excited I was when you joined our group Cas. I’m so excited to see how this develops and watch our babies fall in love. Aside from that though, both of you have been just lovely people OOC. I’m so lucky to have such wonderful partners like yourselves.
@sithroyal : hey there! We also met in my early days here, and you’ve been such a joy to write with, no matter what character it’s on. You’re portrayal is one of pure perfection. I love writing with you and any reply always makes me so excited. On top of that you’ve been so kind and inviting and it really meant a lot since I was HELLA INTIMIDATED by you when I first got here.
@endheir : LOOK EVERYONE, IT’S J.J. ABRAMS EVIL TWIN, come to fix all the shit J.J. broke. No, seriously I am so impressed and will never not be intimidated by how amazing you and your writing is! THIS IS THE BEN SOLO WE DESERVED! But, you’re such a peach and so nice and I adore plotting with you. Thanks for being the bomb dot com.
@dyadalone : WE ARE CRACK ROYALTY, thank you very much. No, really though I love when we (and our friends) get up to our shenanigans. But, aside from that Poe is also just IN LOVE! And, I adore you OOC. Such a kind and loving person, you da best! I am so happy we found each other through this hellsite and can’t wait to see what nonsense our future brings.
@brokendyad : HELLO I LOVE YOU! You’re such a solid friend and such a talented writer. I’m so happy we get to have so much fun writing and plotting. You’re an absolute dear and I’ll never get over how lucky I am to have such amazing friends. Thanks for being great and I hope we stay close forever.
@lghtpulled : okay, so i can’t explain my infinite love for you. I can’t. All my characters over here being obsessed over your Ben. I’ve told you how much I adore your Ben, but I can’t say it enough. Also, our high school verse GIVES ME LIFE! But, nah you’re just so talented and SO KIND! I’m so glad that despite being SO FUCKING INTIMIDATED by you we managed to form this amazing friendship. I’m keeping you.
@kesdameronn : SCARF DAD! No, lol I love that Poe’s dad is around. We haven’t done much yet but we have all the time in the world for the Dameron bros to get up to shit together. Also, Zep you are such a kind and cute soul and I just love ya!
@lieutenantxbey : Mama Dameron, how could we not love? Poe loves his mama so much and lowkey wants to be just like her. I love seeing Shara on the dash. And the few times we’ve spoken you’ve been just a ray of light, so keep being awesome.
@legacybeyne : this little shit! No, I’m kidding, Poe loves his cousin. Like wants to throw him out an airlock sometimes, but loves him. I adore this character so much and I’m so happy Poe has more family around. Also, OOC you seem like a super cool person, so definitely don’t stop that.
@jedishope​ : SHANE! I don’t know if I could tell you how much I actually adore you? Like, I don’t think I could. And, I low-key don’t want to because it would deffo scare you off, lol. But, no you’re just an absolute ray of sunshine and such a beautiful person. A person only has to talk to you for a second to see how just full or love and kindness you are. You bring so much joy to my dash and I’m forever thankful for it! Not to mention your Luke is hands down the best Luke I’ve ever seen. Absolutely perfect! I was so scared to approach you at first because you were just so fucking talented and obviously still are! I love your Luke with my whole heart and so does Poe.
@muddledbloodlines : I am so excited for the verse we’ve created for our lonely babies and can’t wait to see where it goes. You have such an interesting take on this character and I love it! I’m so excited to get to know you better and really explore this. I’m honestly just in love with your writing and imagination.
 @congeriemgriseo : so it won’t tag you, which is RUDE! But, anyway: I adore Any. Such an incredibly well thought out and beautiful OC. I’m quite picky when it comes to OCs, despite having one of my own. But, I was enraptured from the moment I read her bio, and you have not disappointed! She’s such a beautiful little chaos machine and I love her.
@orderengineer : okay, so I actually usually despise OCs that are really kind. Because as much as Mary Sue characters are fine to write, I personally can’t write opposite them. However, that’s not what Syla is! She’s so much more complex than that and I adore her. Both Ben and Orion find her insanely interesting and think she’s super fucking talented. I love this character you've created. It’s also just insane to see my characters name on the dash lol. You’re also such a sweetheart OOC and it always makes my day.
@petitehux : so for anyone who doesn’t know? I LOVE Kat. Like, I am obsessed, I have 100s of photos of her saved on my phone. I am just in love. Her and Dove Cameron are my two ultimate celebrity crushes. Which was the original reason I decided to check out your blog, and I’m so fucking happy I did. Ryann is so fucking cool and I think she brings such an interesting dynamic to the whole trilogy story. I can’t wait for myself to stop being lazy and get some bomb shit going with this incredible OC.
I’M A STALKER (also we need to rp!):
@hopedyad : I love seeing you on my dash and I adore keeping up with your posts. You’re a super talented writer and I hope in the future I stop being a shy bean and we can actually do cool things lol. You seem super sweet and like you’ve got a wicked sense of humor OOC too.
@tornbetweenthestorm : So, I LOVE FN! It’s so great to see such an interesting OC. I adore the work and thought you’ve put into this character and his struggles. Anytime I stop to read one of your replies to a partner I’m just overcome by your brilliance. I’m so happy I stumbled across your blog (thank you tumblr recs) and have been lucky enough to be mutuals with you.
@iamthecrder : well hello there. So, yeah I think your Hux is super cool and right on the money. It’s so interesting to see a different version of him and I honestly think you’re so incredibly talented! Keep being awesome, my good dude.
@mangohub : Monroe. My love, what can I say? You’ve followed me from my original Alec all the way to here. Despite not being a Star Wars fan you still follow me on multiple of your blogs. I will always love you. I will also never stop being astounded by your talent and world building capabilities. In case there was any confusion, YOU ARE  MY FAVOURITE PERSON ON TUMBLR. Also, you are the most talented person I’ve ever followed. I will never stop being so happy to see you, no matter the blog, on my dash. On top of being the most talented writer I know, you also happen to be the sweetest human on the planet. You have so much love in your heart and you pour into your friends like it’s going out of style. I’m so so lucky to have you and I love you, okay?
Obviously I don't talk to you lads enough, but a special shoutout to @poewingsdameron, @lightskipped, , @flyjacket, @sprklit & @vuuelo for playing this amazing bean alongside me. 
Okay, now onto the giveaway. So, friendly reminder that I make all my own stuff, so if you want examples of my work just check out across my blogs. That being said, when it comes to graphics, icons, etc I’m not very talented with creating stuff myself, so I use other peoples free templates, borders, psds and so on. I think I’m decently talented at putting them together, though. Also, having me do it just saves you a stupid amount of time lol.
Simply enter by liking AND/OR reblogging, the winners will be chosen using a random number generator. I will contact each of you via IM (or discord if we have each other) to discuss getting to work on the prizes. The only real rule is DO NOT SPAM YOUR FOLLOWERS. I’m not gonna put a limit on how many times you can reblog, but be fucking courteous to your followers, okay? This giveaway ends on APRIL 10th at NOON GMT-6.
1st PLACE: 200 icons of the character of your choosing, a promo & a dash icon.
2nd PLACE:  100 icons of the character of your choosing & a dash icon.
3rd PLACE:  100 icons of the character of your choosing.
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scholar-thief · 4 years
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Reflecting on Heartless, ranting about Momori
Spoilerific, so read on if you dare!! Thoughts on Heartless, Momori’s involvement, and then just...goes everywhere lmao
First off, big BIG big thanks for including me (and Momori!) in the Heartless campaign! It was super fun, and ultra inspiring to see...what RP can be?? It's absolutely crazy the stuff that went down, and I hope Mei + all others involved in its organization are proud of what they've achieved. I entered with like, 0 understanding of what the heck was going on, and everyone was very patient w/ my dumb brain. If nothing else know that I greatly appreciate being a small part of Heartless and won't forget it like...ever!! put me down as a reference if you wanna add this to your resume. I’m serious! What a wild ride. It’s already been an inspiration for me and my own campaigns.
I also wanna apologize. For killing Momori, and the emotional cost that might have. It sucks, and I've been on the receiving end. For me, it feels like losing a REAL FRIEND when other people kill their characters, regardless of whether I know said character well or not. I think it has to do with, like...lost opportunity? It freaks me out knowing I’ve missed my window to experience another person’s creation. So please if you want to say anything, my inbox is always open. But also, please know that this isn't the end of Momori...just an end in the context of Heartless. And I'd be honored if you want to continue rping with her.
Anyway, cue full on ranting!  kldfsdafsds I just. have a lot of thoughts about Momori and wanna dump them somewhere aaa
Momori is, at heart, a villain-type character raised in 'good' (or really, goodish) circumstances. I like to imagine Azula from ATLA, but instead of being raised in the Evil Empire of Fire (tm), she's raised in a philanthropic organization. There's definitely a conversation about nature vs nurture to be had, but I (selfishly) want to play a morally grey character. So Momori does good, but her motivation for doing good comes from the wrong place. She does good to climb a social hierarchy, to win someone's affection, to experience (and wield) power. It's a contest for her.
But there IS opportunity for her to break free of the ‘bad end’ track that she's on. She needs to be in an environment that forces her to disprove several of her preconceived notions. I don't want to get too deep into this, but the 'good' organization she's in (Silver Scholars) is pretty surface level good. Not outright evil, but there are other evils...like peer pressure, lack of transparency, extreme expectations, hazing, etc. Just the right brew of trash to cause her to lean into her character flaws! And it has fostered toxic relationships that must be broken for her to dip towards the light.
I appreciate that Heartless gave me the opportunity to have an unceremonious end for Momori (She got lost in the sauce MAN what a classic bad guy ending). She was just starting to turn around thanks to the Voyage’s kindness, just starting to be like "HECK YEAH I'll do what I want, not what I think Father wants!" But this also means that she’s gonna indulge in her, errrr, bad habits? She legitimately enjoys doing work that actively harms others (intelligence and assassination). And she definitely would dive into the deep end for tech/magic, regardless of the potential human cost. Momori is not blameless. She is limitless and dangerous and these are all reasons why I find her end here fitting.
Her death is no one’s fault but her own (except I guess mine? UMMm). She dies engaging with her darker impulses (killing) and was lured close by a strange, man-eating aetheric engine. She doesn’t stop to consider how gruesome the engine is, and instead wonders about how it can be used. Hell, her ego prevents her from even considering death as an option. Still, it's unfair that she's cut off from her growth. But it's similarly unfair that Momori thinks herself above others, so much so that she feels justified in her bullying behavior. She has a lot of negative karma, and this is payback.
Memento Momori. hahaha
Momori deserves penance. But she also deserves a chance at redemption. Although she doesn’t make it in Heartless, her journey continues in the main canon. Most of her 'fates' end horribly, but...that there’s a single path where she might make it? Maybe? Just one? I find that kinda inspiring. If you're interested in being a part of that journey, please!! Reach out to me! We can rework Heartless relationships into the main canon, or heck just start over w/ something new.
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||Praise among the smoke||
Hello dears, I'm here with a request for a friend of mine. So, lets see what this drabble contains hmm?
||Drabble summary||
Lets say Tsubasa was having a night out for himself after a rough week. Seeing how others were having fun but he was sad drinking something to clear his mind. However, his night changes when someone comes over to help him out? Who could this man be? Read to find out.
~NSFW is present or spoken of in this drabble
||Guests in the drabble||
Tsubasa connor belongs to my Rp partner and amazing friend @within-the-resort
Yukichi Fukuzawa belongs and is from the anime/manga Stray dogs but also me due to rping as him as a muse.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
"What. A. Night. Ughhh, you can leave the wine bottle." A sad and alone Tsubasa Conner was alone this night, seeing he had a rough week. Though, he did expect that due to how many either were jerks or some just being assholes.
He just wanted a good week, just one and it never happens for him. Now he hates it. He sighs to drink his whole glass of wine with one gulp, setting it down again to sigh. He wasn't drink yet but he would be soon the more bottles he takes in.
As he was drinking more, he didn't know a pair of eyes on him. Seems someone caught his eye that made Tsubasa not notice yet. He seems to be alone though, many don't do much during this time. So why not bring some fun for him. The other walks over but was by him.
"Excuse me? You alright?" A person speaks to him as Tsubasa blinks to sigh. Great, another one. He didn't look at him while looking to the wine glass.
"I'm fine. But could you please leave me alone? I'm not really in the mood to be bothered by others tonight. Had a rough week." he said but the other sighed to look at him.
"Hmmm, I see. That's too bad. I was hoping that you would like to have something that might help brighten your mood?" he heard Tsu sigh but was annoyed to look at the guy.
"Again, not interested." he said now annoyed but the guy didn't budge. He keeps trying to flirt with him but Tsubasa looks away not interested. Why do guys do this? He's not interested and he won't be for that type!
"Ohhh come on babe. I just wanna.." as he tries to touch Tsu, another hand grabs his wrist to stop him. This made the other blink but Tsu looks too. Both saw a older male there but he looked annoyed while looking to the stranger.
"I believe this man said to leave him be. I suggest you move alone." he said.
"And who are you?" he asked.
"..The owner of the club. So again, leave him be or I'll kick you out." he said as warning but the other got nervous to nod, moving away quickly. Tsu blinks to see this but the man turns to look at him.
"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" he asked but Tsubasa shook his head slowly feeling his cheeks heat up. This guy was the owner of this place!? Well, he was always curious so this helps.
"I..I'm fine. Thank you." he said but the man smiled.
"It's fine. By the way, names Yukichi Fukuzawa. Your name?" he asked.
"T..Tsubasa Conner......." he said flushed to look away as Fukuzawa smiled, finding that cute.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Conner. Here, would you like to come with me? I think I can offer you VIP since you seem to had a bad night." He didn't want any one else to bother him and he did seem to have a bad day. Blinking at this, Tsu was shocked.
"W..wait really? OH, you don't have to do that! I..I'm not.." he said but Fuku takes his hand gently that Tsu blushes worse.
"Nonsense..come along..I would love to see if I can give you a more....enjoyable evening since you had a bad week. You look like you need one." he said with a smile but Tsubasa slowly nods, about to take the wine bottle. "And I have more where we are going. please follow me." he begins leader Tsubasa away but through the crowed of people.
Tsubasa couldn't believe this but he's been silent walking till they get to a nice fancy location in the club. A sign showing 'VIP members only' over it. He keeps following him and gets to one of the rooms. It was nice and felt really comfy. He couldn't believe he was getting VIP tonight.
The two kept walking before getting into a bigger room as Tsu walks in seeing the room. It looked pretty but he was not expecting this. However, he heard the door close behind him but heard Fukuzawa close the door and walks over.
"This is beautiful. I...I'm shocked you are wanting to give me VIP or have me here. I...." he was trying to speak but felt hands on his shoulders to smile.
"i did say I was hoping to give you a more enjoyable night. So...please, I'm sure their is something I can do." he squeezed Tsu's shoulders feeling him shudder but he blushed worse to shake his head.
"N..No no it's fine. This is enough for me. I..I thank you but.." as he was trying to speak, Fukuzawa suddenly pins him against the wall, hearing a yelp from the other.
"!?" His eyes were wide to look at the older male but his face burns looking right into the club owner's eyes. They looked hungry yet lustful. "I...."
"Sorry cutie but...I think I rather like you a lot more now. Well, since you first came into my club you always get the best wine we have but....even seeing a sad look on your face upsets me thinking someone made you like that. Someone so precious and cute..you look really cute.." he mutters to see Tsu shaking still flushed since a older male was having him pinned.
"Y..You.....wait, really?"
"Yes. I don't usually find others to my liking..but you...ohhh you are just the cutest little thing. Seeing how many times you come here. Though, also wishing to show that you deserve to be mine and treated more better." He smiled that he presses up against Tsubasa who tense feeling this.
His aqua blue eyes widen but he couldn't move since the owner trapped him. "B..but why me? I'm not....I'm not like others.." he said looking to the side hiding his face of low self confidence. "I know others find me ugly looking because of my healed scars and body physic I.." he continues to speak but the owner wouldn't have that.
"That's not true. Who dares say such a thing? You are beautiful to me and still is. I rather love to leave kisses on every inch of you. Touch you and caress you.....and claim you as my own lover. Whoever says such things will be taken care of." He held Tsu's cheek to turn his head back to face him.
"Besides, you are beautiful and so sexy looking. I wanna be sure to show that and give you a wild night." He leans in close that Tsubasa was shaking again feeling aroused. His heart was beating like crazy from all this.
"Though..you are so cute. So soft..I would love to eat you up while I make love to you softly.."He squeezes his ass hearing Tsu yelp. "And roughly. Or biting every inch of you to mark that skin a proper way. I'll let everyone know you are mine.....and my precious little pet."
He sees Tsu blushing hard but he was shaking now before feeling a kiss to his forehead. "I could give you fancy cute little things to wear for me. Something that shows you off to me. Something soft that shows your cuteness.....would that be nice?" he teased that Tsu was speechless now before he was shaking to whimper.
That did sound nice and yet, he saw him trap the now flushed Tsubasa Conner there in this room. "I...M..Mr. Yukichi-"
"Please, call me Fukuzawa. Because you'll be screaming it in a few minutes." he said now tilting his head up to look at him, giving a light kiss to his lips. "Now Tsubasa.." He sees him dazed under his touch before giving a smile.
"Lets start this night in a proper way because after this: You'll be mine."
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lanyard09 · 3 years
Been a bit
so yeah. hi everyone! i’m sure you see me posting or reblogging quite a bit but never anything worthy of sticking around. Some updates are kinda in order i guess. i got moved into my first house. i'm a homeowner now! yay! it's been hectic with work. we've had a turn around of 5 people in the span of 4 months. so i've been stuck covering shifts and working overtime. money is money but sometimes you just need a reset. 
as got for rping. i'm here just not as much until the new year. energy is low and i know some people can find some solidarity in that sentiment.
as for my boys...i am the mun of some turtle blogs that have been soooo dormant and i need to revive them but again that's for the new year. i have fianlly have set, my own computer room, i can actually hang out more and have some fun without parents setting limits. back to the boys. i will revive them shortly after the new year and hope to rebuild bridges and start getting a bit more serious with them.
as for this blog, of course im open to rping and guys i miss it. really i do. i miss everyone. i miss the old fandom that i started here on. i know sometimes those who aren't around for big things tend to be forgotten but i hope there are some people who remember me! but yeah.
also if we have any threads and you wish to pick them back up with me, please let me know. i know the ned of the year gets busy but we can work something out! :)
i know there's also a few fics that have been left in the wind and i will catch them and finishing them here soon, i promise. 
Lanyard09 signing off. thanks for reading the update!
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kuroganeslayer · 3 years
How did you get into RP?
// The villians made me do it. Axel, Piccolo, Vegeta, Yami Bakura, Yami Malik, Renji, Grimmjow, hichigo, Gajeel, Cobra/Erik, Midnight/Macbeth, and Laxus.
That is hard to remember as it happened along time ago when I was watching yugioh for the first time when WB had it on tv. Then I grew attached and got the japanse ones including the manga books. I noticed a huge difference between the anime dubbed and the oringal. But sometimes I could understand why they change things, but people pointing your fingers at you which were oringally supposed to be guns was really stupid. Then changing the cards, editing the millienium Rod where Yami Maik is holding it in a wiered angle instead of seeing the dagger so stupid and even editing Zork, because he looks like he has a huge cock, but they edited It and made it worse for the dub. Shit they could of created smoke circulated around him and no one would of noticed it.
 That is where I got my inspiration on writing fan fiction, then I hopped on rp on forums on breaks during my internet class. I used to know how to do lots of html stuff, but now am really rusty with it. When I was in the yugioh fandom, they had a forum where you could look up spoilers, but I got into when you could rp with any other anime character you wanted I would rp as Yami Bakura and Yami Maik, as they were my favorite characters in the show even though they actually dueled against each other, but then took out the dueling part where me and a selected group had all of them go adventures and these two villians would cause chaos.
A few times I also rped as Piccolo, but that was hard to pull off. 
Then I got into the Kingdom Hearts fandom on a different site and rped as Axel and then things started to get hectic as me and a friend were harassed personally just because we wrote paragraphs when we rped. However the other group would god mod a lot so it just wasn’t a fun environment anymore Including the site getting hacked by a moderator who erased all the rps so I found my way to tumblr. At first I would just scroll and type things of my interest then I saw people rping and it looked like fun to me. There was another person who I quickly became friends with and she was a Axel rper and we would rp together. Then I found a Reno rper who has a butt load of other blogs as muses and we became friends. I would rp with almost all his muses. Eventually he and my Axel began shipping together. Then he disappeared and said he needed time away from the fandom and I understood that. Then he introduced me to Bleach and that is where I feel in love with Renji, Ichigo and Grimmjow. I currently have an Renji and Ichigo muse to this day, but I only go on there when I feel muse, but sometimes other people complaining about the manga doesn’t help or even the anon hate either. Also there was drama in the Bleach fandom and it started to get toxic.
So I found a different outlet, but it wasn’t until I saw Fairy Tail on Netflix so I watched it because I give anime a chance of at least 8 episodes or more. The story was hilarious and I decided I would keep watching it trying to find a favortie character that came along. Laxus was awesome and I liked him and his attitude, but also Natsu was completely funny and so was Grey. However when Gajeel came onto the screen I just fell in love with this bad ass. He was a villain and I love villains and I have always have in most cases when it comes to lots of animes. I root for them instead of the heros.  Also I have always loved dragons so Fairy Tail became a favorite and him being a dragon slayer like Natsu was pretty awesome. Damn Gajeel was such a bastard dragonslayer and he wanted to kill Natsu. Then I found out that Laxus was a dragon slayer also. I was thinking holy shit how many are there? So yes that intrigued me also. Gajeel being part of Fairy Tail still baffles me. Makarov making it happen by basically trapping him against his will. This really set off Laxus and he wanted to take over the guild because of dark guilds besides the econsidering his guild weak. Then after the Fantasia arc was over and Laxus leaving his thunder legion behind. I went to look for more episodes. I caught up and was a little upset that Gajeel wasn’t in the Oracion Seis arc and I still hate the creator for doing that because it would of been so much interesting in my opinion to see if Gajeel would turn on Fairy Tail or not. I secretly was hoping he would because I never thought he would become a redeemed villain that earily in the series. With how hes treated now as a comedy relief and joke I wish he never was part of fairy tail.
I even thought about boycotting that saga just because it didn’t seem that interesting. However that quickly changed when I noticed the villians. There were two guys that quickly grabbed my attention Cobra and Midnight. It was during the opening So I continued to watch despite the fact I had a problem of Wendy being exposed to a criminal underlord, guild a dark guild. Sorry, but that made no sense to me to expose a newbie with no fighting experience over someone like Gajeel, Juvia who has experience with fighting guilds. I wondered what the hell was the creator thinking. How come Gajeel wasn’t in this saga at all? It would of been right up his ally. So stupid and lame. Then I was thinking he was purposely excluded for some reason. I still feel for that as it wasn’t just a spy for Raven Tail thing because Gajeel already gave Makarov the information for being a double agent for the dark guild Raven Tail. Juvia also wasn’t in this saga either even though she has been with Natsu’s team when they were dealing with Jellal. I pondered this as well, both members part of Phantom Lord, supposedly a rival of Fairy Tail, however to me it never seem like the case. It was more than that especially if you read the japanese portion of the manga and anime (not the dubb) that evil Saint Wizard Jose wanted that guild terminated, everyone dead, jealously my ass. Much like dark guilds hate light guilds. Gajeel and Juvia were a threat to Fairy Tail and Makarov knew it, so he kept them out of it. Probably for the best, but I digress.
So I rooted for the other side, the Oracion Seis wanting them to beat the light guilds. Midnight was pretty interesting especially when he was sleeping on a carpet. The Cobra guy with his monstrous snake definitely had me hooked. There was something about those eyes and those fangs of his that seemed familar and it reminded me of Gajeel’s, Laxus and Natsu. Then his mind ability to hear anything and go through memories through me a loop. Shit I loved this guy kicking Natsu’s ass and it was just fascinated to watch. Then learning he was also a dragon slayer made me think of how well he and Gajeel would have been fun to team up in the series cause trouble loved to have seen especially to see how they faired against Natsu together. Unfortunately Gajeel and Cobra only teamed up in Fairy Tail Gaiden Rhodonite which I hope in the future its gets an anime adaption. It's about the only time Gajeel actually worked with someone (besides Pantherlily his bad ass black panther exceed) who could hold his own in a fight without interference from a third party. And actually respects him.
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