#i hope i gave his character justice lol
warabidakihime · 1 year
One More Day
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★ characters: dazai x reader | fluff x smut x comfort
★ plot summary: Another day, another opportunity for you and your boyfriend, who is equally broken, to conquer the world.
★ content warnings : mentions of su!cide, can be psychologically triggering, smut.
It's three o'clock in the afternoon, and a serene silence has engulfed the whole workplace of the armed detective agency. All you can hear is the sound of fingers tapping away on the keyboard, fresh breezes passing by through the half-open window across the room, and, last but not least, Kunikida and Dazai's never-ending banter.
You're at your desk, as usual, finishing a report that Kunikida had asked you to do on his behalf as his plate is already full. He and Dazai just completed handling a very complicated case, and now you're just summarizing everything for documentation purposes, as required by the client. 
They didn't exactly impose a timeframe, but knowing Kunikida, he wants to accomplish the work as quickly as possible so you can proceed on to the next one.
As you continued to type on your computer, you felt a shadow fall over you and two hands on your shoulder.
You didn't have to turn around to see who it was, so you continued on with your work without pausing.
As your lovely boyfriend proceeded to indulge you with a shoulder massage while watching you work diligently, a smile slowly dawned on your face.
“Aren't you working way too hard, Y/N-chan? If you keep up this pace, you'll become a second kunikida."
Kunikida glared at Dazai from his desk. "Shouldn't you be working? Have you finished your report?"
"Nope!" said the flamboyant investigator, to which his colleague scowled at him as a reply.
"You really should stop procrastinating, you know?" you joked, and then your boyfriend dramatically recovered his hand and placed it over his face as if he were in a theatrical play. 
"Oh, Belladonna, why must you subject me to tedious labor?"
"Because it's part of your job, dumbass; did you even start?"
"Nope," Dazai said with a huge smile, to which you deadpanned.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed Atsushi doing the same thing, which caused you to giggle.
"You're hopeless; I have my own pile to attend to, so I won't be able to assist you this time."
"Can you resist me, though?"
"Occasionally," you said, with a knowing smile on your face.
Dazai mimicked your smile, caressed your face, and squeezed your cheeks, one of the few mannerisms he picked up after you two started dating.
"Only occasionally, because oftentimes you can't resist me and my charms."
He's not wrong, but you're not going to admit it, or it would feed his already huge ego. 
The man knows he's hot, and he knows the effect he has on people, particularly you.
"Go back to work, Osamu; if I finish my report early, I'll try to help you with yours; in the meantime, be on your best behavior at your workstation," you say, not glancing away from your laptop.
That seemed to have satiated your very needy boyfriend as he practically skipped back to his desk, but instead of behaving like you asked him to, he moved on to the next unfortunate person to bother, which is Atsushi, the newcomer.
He was the weretiger that you looked for everywhere for weeks. It was Dazai who found him. According to your boyfriend, the poor boy was kicked out by the caretakers of the orphanage he was staying at. 
As someone with a similar background, you instantly felt attached to the boy and immediately took him under your care.
Dazai was initially perplexed as to why you showered so much attention on him. He is aware of your past, but it surprised him that you would be so proactive in caring for Atsushi. A little part of him is even jealous of the fact that another person has your undivided attention.
"I guess I'll let it slide," Dazai joked after seeing you hold a weeping Atsushi after the Port Mafia attacked your headquarters for the umpteenth time. He was somewhere else when it happened, so when he returned and spotted you being intimate with someone else, he was stunned to say the least.
Curiosity got the best of you when you heard Atsushi whining as your partner annoys him to no end. You then made the decision to take a glimpse at them. You couldn't help but laugh as you watched the two, since they're so entertaining to look at right now. Dazai was obviously playing the "annoying older brother," character while Atsushi was his victim of the day.
Night came, and everyone else had gone home to their respective dorms except you and Dazai. Fortunately for him, you managed to finish your report, and so here you are, instead of relaxing at home, you’re helping him with his report.
Despite being exhausted from all of your mental gymnastics today, you still have a lot of energy. 
The biggest reason could be that you get to spend some alone time with your boyfriend. Though you'd go on dates regularly and you'd interact with one another at work, you cherish every moment you get to spend with him. 
Even more so when it's just the two of you.
"Are you finished yet?"
"You can write whatever you want; Kunikida-kun won't notice."
"I mean, if you want to have your ass whooped, be my guest," you chuckled.
Dazai chuckled, and since his chin was resting nicely on your shoulder, his breath tickled you a little bit. You instinctively reached out to him and caressed his cheeks before going up to his hair, to which your golden retriever of a boyfriend leaned towards your touch.
"What do you want for dinner?" You asked him softly
"Hmm... let's just buy something from the convenience store. My treat, take it as a thank you for finishing my report."
You rolled your eyes playfully, turned to look at him momentarily, and muttered, "Gee, thanks."
"You're welcome." He replied merrily.
Time passed quickly, and before you knew it, you were through with the report. After being nearly stuck to your chair all day, you let out a whimper as you stretched from your seat. The only times you stood up were when Yosano invited everyone to Uzumaki Café for a much-needed coffee break and for your bathroom breaks. 
While you were tending to your sore joints, you heard sounds of clapping. Slightly out of your mind due to fatigue, you thought an intruder had entered the ADA headquarters, but when you whipped your head to see who it was while getting into a fighting stance, you saw your idiotic boyfriend clapping as he emerged from the restroom.
You deadpanned, "What are you doing?"
"I'm giving you applause for a job well done!"
Tired of his childish jokes, you scowled at Dazai and said, "Gee, thanks. Hurry up, I want to go home and sleep."
Dazai approached you with eager, long strides and wrapped his long arms around you, his hands resting comfortably on each side of your hips. 
His voice brimmed with mirth as he murmured, "If looks could kill."
As soon as he began stroking your sides with his mischievous hands, you felt yourself loosening up in his grip.
The bandage-wasting detective effortlessly unraveled your neatly tucked-in dress shirt. You closed your eyes unconsciously and smiled softly. "I thought an intruder had broken in."
"Yeah, so don't scare me like that; I could have roundhouse kicked you."
Dazai dipped his head and nestled in between the juncture of your neck, making you gasp slightly. Even more so after feeling his gentle lips touch your skin in a kiss: "That could have been bad, no?"
"Yeah?" you said, mimicking his voice, to which your boyfriend replied delightfully by nibbling on your neck, knowing fully well that it's one of your sensitive spots. 
And as soon as a moan erupted from your lips, a smirk dawned on Dazai's face; he was obviously satisfied with his handiwork as per usual.
At this point, the detective has you caged between your desk and him, and one of his hands has shamelessly found its way under your pencil skirt, squeezing your thighs.
"Stop being a tease." You whined at your boyfriend, whose fingers continued to ghost over your underwear, to which he replied with a dark chuckle, "I thought you wanted to go home?" 
"No," you replied in haste. You then grabbed his face and reeled him in for a searing kiss. "Overtime's not over yet."
"So, what?" 
"How was today?"
 Despite how much time has passed, you and Dazai have not gone home yet. Instead, the two of you are sitting on top of a bridge, your legs dangling over the city river.
This is one of your routines as a couple. From time to time, you would go to this particular bridge to either kill some time or wallow in each other's deepest, darkest thoughts.
It came as such a surprise to Dazai when he heard your response to him when he first invited you to his infamous "double suicides". 
He genuinely didn't expect you to ride along and actually accept his offer. And ever since then, you have caught his interest, and at first he thought it would soon pass, but as he spent more time with you, he became more enamored with you.
You were like the flame, and he was the stupid moth.
And then he learned about your story; he found himself falling deeper, and when you almost died in action, something in him snapped.
Images of Odasaku and his final moments flashed in his mind.
The thought of cradling you in his arms while you were drenched in your own blood as he failed to save you scared the living shit out of him. 
Never again. 
He thought to himself.
But despite being smooth with other women, he found himself stumbling stupidly in front of you. He didn't know how to act, because in  a way, it was his first time pursuing someone not out of any self-serving motives but rather out of a genuine desire to win your heart and become your significant other.
And because everything was pretty much new to him, he liked the challenge, and by extension, it made him feel alive. 
You basically gave him a reason to live and look forward to tomorrow.
Your boyfriend looked over the big night sky and took a heavy sigh, as if it were one of his ways of relishing the day he'd had today.
"I guess you could say the look on your face while I was fucking your mouth will stay etched in my brain for a really long time." 
You snorted, "Same goes when I rode you on Kunikida-san's chair." 
"That was your best performance yet." 
You could only roll your eyes at your boyfriend and his silliness.
“Glad I could amuse you.”
The chilly breeze continued to howl in the distance, stroking both of your hairs. 
After a moment of silence, you got to your feet on the edge of the bridge and peered down at Dazai, who was still gazing thoughtfully into the horizon. 
"Is this the day, or do you wish to live one more day with me?" 
The former Port Mafia executive didn't say anything; instead, he stood up and held your hand. 
"Well, committing double suicide could very well be a fantastic way to end this wonderful day, but the sex was too good, so I'll have to decline your offer today."
You broke off into a melodious laugh at your boyfriend's reply.
"Who knows? Maybe we can have amazing sex in hell too?" 
Dazai shook his head and pulled you off the bridge with him, and right after that, he enveloped you in another embrace. 
"Maybe next time, Y/N." 
You gladly returned the hug, and this time, it was your turn to dip your head into his neck and inhale his scent.
 "So, one more day?" you asked him
 "Yes, one more day.”
And maybe, just maybe, for all of eternity.
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 16 days
Yo there, is it ok if I request the Windbreaker characters reacting to being hugged for the first time? It could be Bofurin and include other gangs if possible-
Sorry if it is too simple lol
or, you surprise them with a sudden bout of affection, featuring: sakura haruka, hajime umemiya, suo hayato, jo togame
a/n: it wasn’t too simple dear! reading it actually gave me a wonderful idea, I hope that this lives up to your tastes love!
c/w: fem!reader, fembodied!reader, fluff, surprise hugs, flustered!boys, soft!boys, language, just pure love <3
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the second he feels yours arms wrap around him, sakura haruka’s entire system short-circuits.
he’d seen it coming; he had seen you surge forward, saw your arms open, saw your hands snake into his furin jacket and slide past his sides — yet he was unable to move, a sudden attack that he was simply unable to dodge. an attack with the softest, warmest impact against his body.
your hair tickled sakura’s chin, just as the sweet artificial aroma of cherry blossoms tickled his nose. your perfume, sakura noted dully. your body linked into his near perfectly, warm and soft, arms wrapped around him with a grip that was neither too loose or too tight. it felt… nice. way nicer than what sakura’d ever thought it would.
but yet he couldn’t move — his arms remained at his sides, as frozen as the rest of his body. of course, you took notice of it, too.
“this usually works better when you hug back, silly.” you giggled into his chest, kickstarting his heart into a whirlwind beat. sakura swallowed thickly and, with movements that were choppy and near-robotic, he circled his arms around your waist awkwardly. he didn’t know how to do this.
“just do what feels natural.” you murmured softly, as if you simply knew he needed to be guided. sakura relaxed his shoulders and allowed himself to sink into your embrace, following the lead of your soft, warm body. his arms tightened subtly around your waist, his chin came to a rest atop your head and —
so this is what it felt like; this is what it felt like to hug, wholly and naturally, with the utmost affection. no wonder people loved to do it.
sakura had never felt so at peace in his life — he thinks he could get addicted to this.
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by now, hajime umemiya should be used to your surprise grapples of affection — not necessarily feeling them himself, but seeing them.
you were the affectionate type, perhaps even overly so — you considered all friends, even those at the mere acquaintance level, as close friends. and the one thing you loved to do was hug; anywhere, anyone, any time. you were one of the few other people who spoke the language of physical touch as fluently as umemiya himself.
and umemiya had heard talk, too. everyone says your hugs are the absolute best — that they feel like being wrapped up in the cuddliest, warmest clouds.
but that still didn’t fully prepare him for when he became the center of that embrace.
it had happened so fast and so unexpectedly — one moment he’s introducing you to the multitude of plants he’d been working so hard to cultivate, and in the next he was stumbling back from the sudden impact of something small and warm against his chest. it took him an embarrassing five seconds to realize that you were hugging him.
and, oh, the rumors didn’t do it any justice.
your body, though smaller than his, seemed to anchor him to the ground when those squeezing arms threatened to float him away to heaven. the scent of your perfume tickled inside his nose in a pleasantly faint way, and your body melted into his when he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
you held the embrace for what felt like an eternity, but in all actuality, it only lasted no more than six seconds. but they were the best six seconds that umemiya had ever lived through.
and when you finally retreated from his arms and gave him that cute, bubbly smile, you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and said, almost sheepishly, “I always wondered what it would feel like to hug you.”
umemiya was struck silent for a moment, pleased by the knowledge that you had indeed thought about hugging him, wondered about how it would feel even, and with a goofy grin, he jested, “well? was it as good as you imagined?”
at that, you brightened visibly, and your cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink.
“it was even better!”
and just like that, hajime umemiya fell head over heels for you.
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suo hayato had always been praised for his innate perceptiveness — he was calculating, observant, and overall smart for his age. within moments of scrutinizing a particular situation, suo could accurately sort out the details and form a conclusive theory.
but none of that seemed to matter when it came to you — the only person that suo couldn’t figure out.
maybe he was just accustomed to most people putting up a front; those who were bubbly and kind often had something darker buried within, an objective that they used these particular traits to obtain — friendship, love, acceptance, and other things that could be much more sinister. but that didn’t seem to be the case with you.
you were just like that — naturally and wholly. it was a bit off-putting, initially; something that suo had trouble accepting at first. he was never unkind to you, but rest assured he was studying you at every moment.
it was only when you’d wrapped your arms around him for the first time that suo understood — he didn’t need to study you, because you were an open book.
it happened on an unassuming day, one that wasn’t too hot or cold; a perfect day for patrolling. and that’s what suo, sakura, and nirei were doing when you spotted them and rushed over. affectionate as always, you pulled sakura into a hug (which he became flustered and shy/angry about), then nirei (who was all too happy to return it), before finally landing on suo.
you plunged forward for a hug, one that suo expected to be just like the ones you’d given to sakura and nirei, except —
your wrists locked together at the small of his back, you pressed your body as close to his as you could, and you nuzzled your cute little nose into his collarbone. it was a true embrace, one that spelled out thousands of sentiments.
you appreciated him, you cared for him, you liked him, you thought of him, you missed him, you loved him — it was all expressed clearly through a hug that lasted only seconds, but held a lifetime of affection.
so that’s how you felt about him.
after that, suo never doubted your intentions again; and, more often than not, he sought out as many hugs as he could.
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jo togame didn’t hold strong feelings towards hugs. he viewed them in the same way that he viewed any acts of affection: with aloof detachment. he didn’t hate affection, per se, but he wasn’t overly fond of it either. nor did he see the benefit of seeking it out.
that was until the day he felt your arms wrap around him.
togame hadn’t even seen it coming; you’d rushed up behind him and wrapped your arms around him so fast that he didn’t even have time to react.
your wrists had locked together in front of his belly button, and he flushed all the way down his neck at the feeling of your soft chest pressing into the middle of his back. he could feel you rest your head against his back as well, and heard a soft little sigh fall from your lips.
togame was completely frozen in place, unsure of how to react. his heart was thundering in his chest and there were literal bats rioting inside his stomach — his body felt hot, flushed, and he could only imagine how he looked. how the situation looked.
after what felt like a century (but also too soon) you unwrapped your arms from his body and stepped away. somehow, togame found the gall to actually turn and face you — and when he did, he felt as if his heart had been pierced with a little pink arrow.
your cheeks were completely flushed, your eyes wide and glossy, and the smile on your face could only be described as sheepish. you were flustered, as if the contact with him had affected you as much as it had togame.
“uhm, you, uh — you looked like you could use a hug.” you explained softly, rocking back and forth subtly on your heels. you were the epitome of bashful, and it was just far too cute.
and that’s the only reason togame reached out and gathered you in his arms for another hug; it wasn’t because he desperately wanted to see what if felt like to have your small, soft body cradled into his.
absolutely not.
(that was totally the reason.)
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paradiseprincesss · 1 month
any cillian murphy character with praise? thank you 💗💗
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million dollar man - robert fischer x reader
hi anon! i hope i did your request justice - thank you for being my first request! i listened to million dollar man by lana del rey on repeat while writing this, hope you enjoy xoxo.
summary: robert takes you on vacation for your anniversary, and you give him a little late night fashion show in your beach home.
word count: 2k
a/n: if you haven't already noticed all my fics are based off songs LMAO im gonna start linking the songs each fic is based off of kk thats all
warnings: 18+ minors dni!! smut, swearing, kissing, fingering, oral (f receiving), p in v, sexual content ahead lol
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the west coast was breathtaking, the palm trees, warm weather, the beaches - all of it was beautiful.
robert had taken you on vacation to the west coast to celebrate your one-year anniversary together. he paid for it all, of course, and you were ever so grateful for it.
currently, the two of you were speeding down the coast at sunset in the cream coloured luxury convertible he had stored at one of the beach homes he owned down here. the wind was blowing through your hair, his hand was on your thigh, and to tie it all together - the sun was gleaming down on you as it set over the shore.
robert glanced at you while attempting to focus on driving down the coast, but he found himself getting distracted - your beauty was breathtaking, and tonight, you were the only thing he could find himself focusing on.
dating a man worth more than just millions was new to you - but you had adjusted to it just fine over the last year. robert spoiled you, this shouldn't come as a surprise, though.
constantly showering you in gifts; he would buy you designer bags, shoes, clothes, cars, and jewelry - anything you wanted, you could have. at least, that's what he always said.
he gave your thigh a little squeeze as he raced down the road, eventually pulling up the beach house- no, mansion - that he had owned down on the west coast. the home itself was breathtaking, an oceanfront property that screamed luxury. as the car came to a stop on the driveway, robert took your hand and gave it a small kiss. he got out of the car, swiftly coming to the passenger side and opening the door for you.
"come on, honey, i have something i want to show you." he said, helping you out of the car. a curious expression painted your face as he took your hand in his, leading you into the home.
as he opened the door for you - you gasped.
in the large foyer of the home, there were bouquets on bouquets of red roses everywhere - your favourite. amongst the beautiful floral arrangements, there were multiple boxes and bags all with gift wrapping or ribbons on them, from designer stores - goyard, chanel, louis vuitton - you name it.
"robert..." you say softly, looking over at him with your hand still in his, and he smiles at you proudly.
"i love you. happy anniversary." he says, wrapping his arms around you, and kissing you softly.
"i love you too." was all you managed to mumble against his lips - he spoiled you on a daily basis but this - this was something else; you'd never had a partner willingly give you this much for an anniversary before - but you also never dated a millionaire before. as you pulled away from the kiss, you look up at him with a doting expression, "how can i ever thank you for this, robbie? you're so good to me..."
he looks at you with love - and smirks, his voice dropping low.
"i still have one more thing for you upstairs, gorgeous." he whispers, hands snaking down to your ass - giving it a little squeeze.
you bite your lip and nod, as he gestures you to go up the stairs, following you. as you reach the master bedroom - you see even more roses littered all over, and a medium sized white box on the middle of the bed, adorned with a matching white bow, and little white card on the top.
you reached over to pick up the little memo, and it read:
happy anniversary, my angel. i adore you.
love, robert.
glancing down at the box - you read the label, it was from your favourite lingerie store, la perla.
carefully unwrapping the bow and opening the box, you peeked inside to see a gorgeous white italian lingerie set. you let out a shallow breath, and turned around to see him smirking slightly.
"i want to see my little angel dress the part," he says lowly, "why don't you go put that on and give me a little fashion show, hm? how's that sound, angel?"
you look up at him innocently, and bite your lip as you got lost in his icy gaze for a moment, "anything for you."
grabbing the contents in the box, you rush to the bathroom to go try it on for robert. closing the door behind you, you shed your dress and put on the lingerie - complete with a garter belt and straps. looking at yourself up and down in the mirror, you couldn't even lie - you felt so sexy.
the white set he got you was stunning, the white lace sat perfectly on your skin - and the little bow details on the set was the cherry on top. as you were about to step out from the bathroom, you slipped on the white heels that were in the box.
of course he wanted you to wear heels with it - he's just that extra. but hey, he paid god knows what for them, so...
as you opened the door, you found robert sitting on the edge of the bed, his tie visibly loosened now. as he heard the door to the bathroom open, he quickly looked over at you.
"my god," he breathed, "come here, pretty."
following his instructions you walked over to him, his gaze not once leaving your body; drinking your beauty in.
"c'mon, give me a little spin, honey." he coos, throwing pet names left and right at you. doing as you're told, you indeed give him a little spin, and he suddenly gets up, standing behind you.
"bend over the edge of the bed for me, honey." he softly tells you, and again - you do as your told, bending over the bed for him, your white lace panties leaving just about nothing to the imagination.
"god, your body is fucking lethal." he groans, pressing his hard bulge on your clothed cunt, making you moan in bliss at the feeling. "fuck, your moans are just as pretty as you are," he chokes, "my pretty girl."
"robbie..." you moan, and he quickly flips you around onto your back, pushing you onto the bed, making you slightly startled - but you giggle.
"love making you happy," he says, leaving sloppy kisses all over your neck, trailing down to your breasts, "i'd do anything for you, honey - anything. give you the world if i could, fuck."
his hands ghost over the lace and little bow adorning the bra, and the feeling makes you shiver. you were certain that you were already soaking through your panties, and you let out a whimper at the feeling.
he took his time with you - admiring you as if you were an art piece. eventually, he unclasped your bra, and he immediately took your nipple into his mouth. your hand went straight for his hair, and you started moaning breathlessly.
"fuck, robbie, baby." you say, out of breath, "please."
he didn't offer you a reply, instead, he just went straight to the other nipple, and teasingly nipped at it, all whilst snaking a hand down to your clothed cunt - fingers ghosting over your clit. the feeling made you moan and you needed him inside of you - now.
after giving a few more kisses to your breasts, he got on his stomach to lay between your legs, teasingly pulling your panties down and giving you absolutely no time to react before licking a stripe up your cunt.
"fuck." you moaned at the feeling, and you swore you felt him smile against you.
he ate you out as if he hadn't eaten for days - like a starved man. tongue licking every inch of your pussy, sucking your sensitive clit, as his name was falling from your lips like a mantra.
"god, you taste so good." he mumbled against your soaking cunt, and you felt your cheeks heat up at the praise, but he kept going, "pretty face, pretty tits, pretty pussy. you're the fantasy."
that got you moaning, begging - and you felt yourself get close.
"i-i'm, oh- i'm s-so close." you moaned, and he continued to dip his tongue into your hole all while sucking your clit - going back and forth between the two.
you felt that familiar sensation in your stomach, and you felt yourself tip over the edge - incoherently begging, whining and moaning his name over and over.
"you look so fucking pretty when you cum." he softly says, after wiping his mouth with the back of his hand - the sight making you dizzy. your slick on his now even pinker lips and chin, pupils blown out.
scrambling out of desperation, you helped him out of his white button down as he worked on undoing his belt.
"good girl, fuck-" he says as you help him out of his clothing, "you're so well behaved, aren't you pretty girl?"
you smile up at him, still dazed from the way he made you cum just a minute ago, and he pushes you back down on the bed as he stroked his now free cock.
he teased your entrance with the tip of his cock, making you whine. "be good, baby." he warns - but it was gentle, just teasing.
you pout at him but that pout is wiped right off your face as you feel him sink into you, stretching your cunt out completely. you let out an almost pornographic moan, and your hands fly to his shoulders for some sort of support - something to grab onto.
"jesus- fuck, how do you get tighter every time i fuck you?" he groans, fucking into your cunt at a fast pace, making you whimper and moan.
"right there, oh my goddddd." you say, breathlessly, the feeling of cock stretching you out causing you to see stars.
"right there?" he coos, brushing a strand of your tousled hair out of your face, "right there, pretty?"
you just nod frantically, hands gripping his biceps and shoulders - unable to reply from the levels of pleasure he was bringing you in that moment, cock pounding into your tight cunt at a brutal pace.
he felt you tighten around his cock and let out a noise that was fucking filthy - his moans were something you swore you could listen to on repeat, all day, all the time.
"good girl, good fucking girl." he praised through a moan, and you just moaned his name over and over.
"robbie- ah, feels so good!" you whimper, feeling the knot in your stomach about to pop.
"you gonna cum pretty girl? be good for, shit-" he moans, "be good for me and cum." he says in a saccharine voice, his gaze never leaving you, causing you to blush - even though he almost always kept eye contact with you while he fucked you.
his words caused you to scream his name, and you made a mess all over his cock, cumming so hard you felt tears stream down your face.
"look at you-" he groans, feeling himself close to release, cock still pounding into your cunt at a ruthless speed, "so fucking beautiful when you cry. shit, baby, gonna fill you up. stuff you with my cum.”
you found yourself crying under him, tears of love; tears from overstimulation.
"p-please," you weakly say, voice a little raspy, "cum i-in me."
"fuck, i will, good girl..." he groans, shooting his load into your cunt with a moan.
he pulls you into a rough kiss, which you moan into as you felt his warm seed being stuffed into your cunt.
he pulls away after a moment, panting and out of breath - a small smile on his face. after a few beats of silence, he puts his hand on your cheek, cupping your face gently - lovingly.
"happy anniversary, pretty girl."
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intotheseas · 2 months
Hello I just discovered you and I'm in love with your writing!
Since you said that requests are open I thought I might send you my idea :)
So basically I'm all for some angst and comfort, and I'd love if you wrote a fic about GN! or F!MC who gets hurt and goes to the Undercroft to try and tend to their wounds (they're not very good at this) and basically hide the fact that they're hurt (and I mean hurt-hurt, like a giant gush in their side or something) and after dressing the wounds and hoping for the best (cause they're really bad at healing magic) Ominis walks in and meets them there, so they act normal but he still senses that something's wrong so he tries to coax it out of them, but they stick to their "everything's fine" so he gives up and just tells them to sit on the couch with him but when they move they get a sharp pain (from the big gush in their side) and basically fall to the floor with a pained whimper. Ominis quickly springs into action to help them and is all frantic about what happened and asking them but they're too hurt and so he tries to help them but since the damage is mostly on their side they're reluctant about letting him (they're flustered because they have a crush on him and they've never even kissed anyone) but he's so comforting and you know waiting for consent and basically so nice and they eventually let him help.
It can be spicy if you want, but it doesn't have to be!
Also don't feel pressured into writing it, I know that inspiration comes and goes and that you have a life of your own.
Again thank you so much and have an amazing day/night ♡♡♡
PS sorry if I made any grammatical errors, English is not my first language 😅
Hi, hi, hello! :) Your english is excellent, no need to worry! And I am so honoured you like my writing, holy crap. Thank you! Sorry this took a few days, I had do a lot of rewriting, just wasn't super happy with it. I'm still kinda unhappy with it but didn't want to keep you waiting!
You gave me permission to make it spicy and I did lol. I hope you like this. :) As a cis-female I wrote it from a F!MC POV, I'm not sure I could do a GN POV justice. I hope that's okay. I was HEAVILY inspired by the following two songs, so feel free to listen if they're to your taste! Counting, by Heavens, and Blood on the Moon by Raquet Club. Tags: hurt/comfort, blood (not sexually though), graphic depiction of injury, unprotected piv, smut, comfort, first time, first kiss, soft ominis gaunt, protective ominis gaunt, dominis (just a lil bit), biting
Summary: Sage is gathering Horklump juice in the forest when she's injured badly by a poacher. She only has one Wiggenweld on her, just enough to let her stagger back to the Undercroft. She bandages herself up and hopes for the best. When Ominis drops by and notices she's badly hurt, he breaks down her walls and convinces her to allow him to treat her. Once he's fixed her, years of unresolved sexual tension boil over. Characters are 18.
Read here on AO3 or below the break!
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Soil, lush grass, damp moss, rotting leaves. Sage’s nose fills with the scents of the forest as she pants, grips her side in agony. Stupid, fucking stupid, she thinks. She doubles over and sinks to the ground, groaning. The dirt scrapes against her cheek as she curls into herself, pain burning through her like fire. Her hands become sticky with her own blood as it seeps through the thin material of her jumper. 
So fucking stupid. She’d come to the forest to search for Horklump juice, needed to replace her low stock of Wiggenweld. Ran into a poacher, cast diffindo without thinking. They’d reflected it at her and disapparated. Her own spell slashed through her, cut her down. Now she lays in the foetal position, her blood mixing with the dirt. Sage pats her pockets, feeling for any stray vials. There's only one. She downs the Wiggenweld in one motion, tosses it aside. It’s enough to allow her to stand, to hobble to the nearest floo point. 
She stumbles out into the castle, gritting her teeth through piercing pain. Her ragged breathing and muffled groans fill the empty corridor, echo off the walls like they're mocking her. Sage staggers to the Undercroft. She needs to be alone, assess the damage. There’s no way she’s going to Nurse Blainey, no way she’ll explain why she was in the Forbidden Forest so late in the evening. Like she needs detention right now.
The iron bars screech as they rise, revealing the musty room that’s been a hideout for almost three years. Lurching, she makes her way to the box she keeps on the table. Fishes out a roll of bandages and lifts her jumper gingerly. It’s already soaked. “Scourgify,” she mutters, removing the worst of it. The iron tang nauseates her, or maybe it’s the blood loss. Sage roots around in the crate for a bottle. Essence of dittany, she knows there’s some in here somewhere. She pulls the bottle out, curses. There’s only two drops left in the dropper, not nearly enough to deal with this gash. Fuck it. She spreads what’s left on the deep cut, hissing as it burns into her flesh like little licks of lightning. 
The wound remains, but the bleeding seems to stop, at least. If she had any talent at healing magic she’d try it, but she knows better. The last attempt resulted in even more injury. She'd ended up in the hospital wing for a week, all over a simple splinch. No, the dittany and bandages will have to do. She glances toward the door and removes her jumper, tossing it over the crate. She wraps the bandages around her middle, snug against the throbbing gash. It’s around an inch deep, she thinks. Not severe enough to hit any major organs or arteries. 
Sage waves her wand, conjures a chair and sinks into it. Mutters “scourgify” again, cleans her jumper and pulls it over her head. The chair cushions her, needed relief as she pants from her exertion and blood loss. She’ll find a Wiggenweld in a bit, she only needs to…rest. Her head lolls over the back of the chair. 
The bars rise again, and Sage snaps to attention. It's Ominis, likely seeking some solitude after classes. His tie is loosened, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Shit. 
“Sage? Thought I'd find you here.” He strolls toward the back of the room and settles into a large, dark sofa. He lounges, stretching his lithe body like a cat. “How long have you been here?” 
Act normal. Sage has never been good at showing her weaknesses, not even to someone she trusts as much as Ominis. “Not long. Maybe half an hour.” Her voice trembles, and of course he notices. 
“Sage? Are you alright?” He moves his head toward her, sniffs the air. “Do I smell blood?” 
“I’m fine, Omi. Only tired. I went to the forest to gather some potion ingredients. Maybe you’re smelling the dirt.” She’s breathing a little harder now, even speaking is tiring her. 
His eyes narrow. “Right, because dirt smells like blood. Are you quite sure you’re okay?” 
“I am. It's been a long day.” 
She knows he doesn’t believe her, doesn’t know what to do about it. Despite his lack of sight, Ominis is perceptive to almost a fault. It’s a fucking miracle he hasn’t caught on to how she feels. The massive crush she's had on him ever since he confronted her outside the Undercroft.
Something about the way he yelled at her that day marked her, forever changed her taste in men. Kind of fucked up, but she supposes it doesn't matter. Ominis is far kinder than his guarded exterior lets on. After they overcame their initial encounter and worked together to save Sebastian from ruining his life, he's been nothing but kind to her. Devout, even. Like she's something he wants to protect. Is that why her heart is racing? Sage hisses, holding her side. The throbbing is getting worse. 
“Sage? Come here.” It isn’t a request. 
Her legs move against her stubborn will, over to the sofa, sinking into the cushions on his left. He faces her, his brow furrowed. “You’re hurt.” It isn’t a question. 
“I…I got a scratch when I was in the forest,” she says through gritted teeth. Her breathing is heavier now, and she’s feeling woozy. She tries to shift and cries out, the pain sharp again. Sage doubles over, groaning. 
“Liar,” he says. He pulls out his wand, passes it over her. “Sage, don’t be an idiot. Let me help you, for Merlin’s sake. You know I’m good with healing magic. Why are you being so stubborn?” 
She pulls back. “It’s in an intimate spot, Omi.” 
“And? You’re hurt. What does it matter?” 
Sage pants. The room's spinning around her, vertigo slams over her like a wave. She collapses sideways, her head lands on Ominis’ lap. “Okay,” she groans. “I’m hurt.” 
He stiffens. He’s not sure where to put his hands, settles on her back. “Sage, if you don’t let me help you, we’ll need to go to Nurse Blainey. I assume you’re avoiding her for a reason. Please, can I tend to your wound? I can smell the blood from here.” His voice is urgent, bordering on begging. 
Her breaths are shallow, fast. She can’t tell if it’s from their proximity or from her injury. “It’s on my side. Here.” She guides his hand, rests it over her injury. “I wrapped it, applied a couple drops of dittany. That’s all I had other than an old Wiggenweld.” 
Ominis pauses. “Sage, I need to lift your jumper. Is that okay with you?” 
She nods, whimpers her affirmation. In for a penny, in for a pound. 
He raises her jumper up with one hand, holding his wand over her with his other. He takes great care to lift it to just below her bra, preserve her modesty. Ominis’ hands are gentle as they unwrap the bandage. He passes his wand over the gash, concern etched in his face. “Worse than I feared,” he murmurs, “but I can fix this.” Grabbing his bag, he fishes out a couple vials. “Sage, these are green, right? Wiggenweld?” 
She lifts her head, peers at them. “Yes.” 
“Drink them. Now.” Again, not a request.
She tilts the vials into her mouth, gulping down the potion. Sage hisses, feeling the dizziness evaporate. She breathes more evenly, her heart slows to a steady pace. 
Ominis runs his fingers through her hair. “Well done,” he murmurs, his voice kind. “I still need to close the cut. You’re lucky I know this spell.” His wand moves above her in a curious twirling motion, and thrice he says, “Vulnera Sanentur.”
A small gasp escapes Sage’s lips. Her skin knits together, and within seconds there’s nothing left of her stupidity except the faintest of scars. She sags, the absence of pain finally allowing her to relax.
Ominis traces his hands over her side, checking for any leftover blood or open wounds. Nothing. He breathes a sigh of relief, doesn’t remove his hands. “I don’t know how many times I’ve begged you to be more careful, Sage.” His voice trembles. “What would you have done if I hadn’t come to the Undercroft?” 
She shrugs. “I don’t know.” Her head’s still resting in his lap, and she really doesn’t want to move. His fingers are still brushing against the bare skin of her side. Slow, soothing strokes. “Thank you,” she whispers.
He pauses for a moment, then continues his light movements. “What else could I have done? Sage, I…I wish you’d remember that there are people who care a lot for you. I wish you wouldn’t be so reckless. What would I do if I lost you?” 
Her breathing is shallow again, for a different reason. I’m afraid he doesn’t care for me in the way I want him to, she thinks. She’s overcome with an urge to tell him how she feels, but how can she? They’ve danced around each other for nearly three years now, neither daring to show their full hand, their honest feelings. 
His fingers drift down the curve of her waist and she shivers against him. 
“Do you want me to stop?” His voice is low, trembles a little. Something in the air around them is shifting, becoming electric. Like every touch he leaves on her skin sends shivers racing over her skin.
Sage’s breath hitches in her throat. “No,” she whispers. 
His hand trails up her waist, over her ribs, ghosting beneath her jumper, against the bottom of her bra. “Is this too much?” 
Her breathing is shaky. “No. I…like it. You can go further, if you’d like.” She doesn’t know what’s happening, only knows she doesn’t want it to stop. The Undercroft is a different room than it was five minutes ago. The atmosphere shimmers with something unknown and dangerous, something intoxicating. 
“Sage…you shouldn't say things so casually. Don't give me the wrong idea.” He stutters out the last few words. 
A flash of bravery edges her forward. Fucking encourage him, you coward.“Maybe it isn’t the wrong idea,” she breathes. She sits up, leans toward him, rests a hand on his chest. “Maybe it hasn’t been for a long time.” 
Ominis’ breath stutters. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” His hand reaches out, finds her cheek. He strokes his thumb over her lips, already parted. 
Sage leans forward, crawls toward him and presses her forehead to his. "Am I, Ominis?"
His lips sear against hers, an inferno. Her first kiss, the only one she's ever wanted. She desperately wants it to devour them both, wants to lose herself in him. She shifts over, straddles his lap. Grinds down, makes her intentions clear. "Did you know," she breathes, "that I've wanted you since you yelled at me outside of the Undercroft?"
He gasps against her lips. "Would you believe me if I said I wanted you not long after?" His hands move down over her waist, cup against her bottom.
That surprises her, but she's not about to break their kiss. "No," she says as they catch their breath. "I wouldn't. I thought you hated me at first." She whines as she feels the length of him harden below her.
"Never," he says. "I just d-didn't," he stutters as she grinds against his clothed cock, "didn't know how to handle the situation. But your voice reached straight into my heart. Then y-you never stepped from my side when Sebastian slid down the wrong path, and s-somewhere," he pants, "I fell in love with you." He grabs her arse and bucks up against her.
Her moans are soft, pleading. Need more friction. Need less clothes. She lifts her jumper over her head, tosses it aside. Rips her bra off, flings it at the wall. Ominis gasps as she raises to her knees and presses her chest against his face, hikes her skirt up and her underwear down.
"Do you want this, Ominis?"
He unzips his trousers in reply. Pulls them down along with his underclothes. "Yes," he sighs. "More than you know."
She sinks down, resumes grinding. Her slick pussy coats him in only a few strokes. For a few minutes they grind together leisurely, murmuring sweet nothings into each other's ears. "Tell me more about when you started to want me," he asks.
She laughs, dragging her lips along his neck. "Something about your passion. It was attractive, even if I was the object of your ire at the time." Sage grinds a little faster, caught in the moment. "And then it was your k-kindness, under that guarded exterior. And then it was just you."
He reaches down and teases her opening with the tip of his cock. They both whine, nearly dizzy with anticipation.
Sage bites his neck, hard. "And for years I touched myself thinking of you. Thinking of something like this happening."
A low growl rumbles in his chest. He lifts her, his hands secure under her arse, gripping it almost painfully. "Put it in." Once again, not a request. Not that she minds. She lines up the tip of his cock with her entrance and sinks down onto him.
They cry out together, and Ominis wastes no time. He holds her bottom elevated in his hands, thrusts up into her without relent. Sage gasps against his lips with every movement, feels like she might burst from the sensation. He's fucking her like every dirty thought, every metaphorical step they've ever danced around each other pours into this very moment. It's a culmination of three years of pent up desire, unsaid words.
He stops and she cries out.
"Move," he says. He spreads her onto her back, grabs her hips and bends over her. His fingers dig into the soft flesh as he thrusts into her. She throws her head back, garbling incoherencies as he angles himself above her, hits deeper than she thought possible. He nips at her neck between the sweet words that flow from his filthy mouth.
It’s too overwhelming, in the best way. And when he reaches down, fumbles around her clit and rubs his thumb in firm circles, she comes undone. Sage spills all her long-held secrets. Her breath is urgent against his ears, makes his cock even harder. “I love you, I have for a long time, I’ve wanted this for so long, you’re so fucking perfect, Omi. I love you.” 
He groans against her neck. "Sage, if you keep speaking so sweetly, I'm going to combust."
She grins, still panting. "So combust. I love you, Ominis."
With a final stuttering thrust he buries his cock deep within her, emptying not only himself but years of pent up want and need. Everything for her. "I love you too," he breathes. "I love you too."
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 5 months
I Can Fix That... Pt. 2 | Jonathan Crane x fem!reader
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author's note: I decided to make a pt. 2 purely for my own enjoyment, though I hope there are others out there as sadistic as myself. I finally watched the Batman trilogy and did research on DC fan pages to write this. It follows the plot of Nolan's DC adaptation so all characters mentioned (like Ra's Al Ghul) are from the comics and movies.
Summary| She gave into Crane because she needed to survive, at least that's what she's tried to tell herself, but there was something about this man that just felt so painfully... right. Now Crane has a proposition and he doesn't intend to take no for an answer because he's starting to like her -- uh oh-- too much. Where will their new agreement lead them when Gotham devolves into chaos?
Warnings| Based on an DC action movie- drugging, slut shaming, fear and terror, dubious kidnapping, restraints, drugs, physical violence, spitting, toxic relationship, mentions of a gun, chaos, and needles. I know- it's a lot.
word count: 8596k (lol oopsies?)
Wires- The Neighborhood 🎶
Where did you sleep last night- Iridium, Salazar, Liam Marks 🎵
Caesar on a TV Screen- The Last Dinner Party 🎶
The detective nodded her head, surprised that she’d so easily forgotten her plan. Dr. Crane sniffed and spun his set of keys around his finger casually. 
“Now the best thing about being the creator of my fear serum,” he started, moving to the shelf of vials he had previously sorted, “is that I have an endless supply and every opportunity to use it whenever I want.” She could hear him smile but she could no longer see him. Crane admittedly liked the girl and he’d fucked her as a minor pivot in his original plan for the night. Now, it was time for business. He pulled a dish of powder from a locked drawer and hid it away from sight as he crossed back into the girl’s view. “You may think you understand what my serum can do, but you’ll never truly know until you try it.” She furrowed her brow and shook her head, wishing that she could back away from him but she couldn’t move. He changed the subject swiftly, not giving her a moment. 
“I applaud you for your performance tonight. I was more than willing to humor you and of course, your present state did you many favors. I like my women tied down…” he joked and chuckled darkly. “But now, we need to get practical.” He removed his glasses and folded them slowly. He slipped them into his breast pocket. “You know too much, Miss —, and we both know that your current allegiance to your job would prioritize a crude sense of justice over your affection for me. We can’t have that, can we? So, I’d like to propose a solution or a treatment of sorts.” He clenched his jaw, angling his head down so that he was looking up at her through his eyelashes. “You’ve already proven to yourself tonight that the mind has complete control over the body. Desire rules judgment… and I want to rule you.” He smiled darkly. Before she could speak, powder was thrown into her face, blocking every orifice with a sickening gas. 
The anxiety was immediate. She saw strange creatures approach her from all sides, poking and prodding her with dirty nails. She saw the walls leak a disgusting fluid, like blood and fecal matter and it spilled over the floor. People sorted through the liquid for scraps, children screamed and cried around her. She’d been one of those children, raised in an orphanage because her parents couldn’t afford to keep her. Strange men swarmed the children, offering toxic treats and money for favors which the children shied away from. She screamed, pulling at her restraints as she tried to fight off the assailants. She shook her head violently side to side, and she screamed involuntarily with raw terror at what she saw. In the midst of a nightmare of Gotham’s poverty and dark underbelly, Dr. Jonathan Crane stood calmly before her. He watched her, his arms crossed against his chest. He cocked his head to the side. 
“What do you see,” he asked calmly. She turned her attention to him like he was a beacon of light in a horrible storm. 
“Jonathan, help me!” She cried. 
“Tell me what you see,” he said again and clucked his tongue to calm her. She looked around again at the people she saw, rummaging through mountains of trash. 
“Horrible… horrible poverty. The things… the things I saw as a child. People starving, children crying…” she whimpered. Rats scrambled across her body and she screamed again, shaking against the table. “Jonathan, please!” She called for him and he waded towards her, oblivious to the horror around him. He stood above her and stroked her face. He removed the restraints from her waist and her wrists and helped her sit up. The things she saw darted out of her peripheral vision, distorted now and hard to understand. She couldn’t run because she couldn’t tell where she was anymore, where her body was in relation to her perspective. Did she even still have a body?
Dr. Crane grunted as he helped her off the table and held her up beside him. She fainted in his arms and he carried her out of the secondary lab into the corridor. He punched the elevator’s call button with his free hand and dragged her inside. As the large steel doors closed, he fished for his cellphone in his pocket and called his driver, telling him to meet him outside the hospital immediately. Crane hushed her, gently patting her head though she was still unconscious. The elevator dropped them at the floor she’d entered on originally and Crane carried her to the side door, ignoring the looks the night attendants gave the strange couple. A sleek black car waited outside in the alley, the engine running and dispelling smoky exhaust into the air around them. Crane opened the car door and helped her inside, smirking at the security guard at the door. 
“Our meeting was successful, thank you officer.” He waved goodnight to the security guard who shifted awkwardly in his seat at the side door. Climbing in after her, Crane leaned over the console to speak with his driver. 
“My apartment, please.” He gave the order sternly, even with the addition of the ‘please,’ and the driver nodded, speeding off into Gotham’s dark streets. His hand rested comfortably on her thigh as he watched her. She started to come to in the backseat, though the effects of the drug had still not worn off. Her breath was fast and she leaned deliriously into Crane’s shoulder, seeking protection from what she saw outside the tinted windows. She was so afraid that she felt safer in the arms of the man that had drugged her, and it would take hours to realize that, but by the time she did, the psychological effects would have already taken root. 
The car stopped outside of a dark apartment building in one of the only nice parts of town in Gotham city. It was raining as he helped her back out of the car and into the large lobby of his apartment building. She clung to his arm as he led her into an elevator, playing a soft melody that sounded like shrill screams to her intoxicated mind. As the elevator doors opened, effects of the drug began to wane though her heartbeat was still racing. She looked up at Crane’s sharp jaw and how he clenched it as he opened the door to his apartment and pushed her gently inside. 
“I pay my people extra to turn a blind eye to everything that I do. I understand these circumstances appear even more nefarious, being that I have admittedly drugged you and brought you to my apartment. What can I say, I’m a bad feminist.” He smiled darkly and locked the door. 
“When do I stop seeing… these things?” She collapsed into a chair behind her and cradled her head in her hands. 
“The effects will be gone in an hour,” he responded coolly and switched on some of the lights in his modern apartment. The apartment was two stories with a spiral staircase and an elevator that led to the upstairs. She looked around, trying her best to ignore the hallucinations and study the actual apartment itself. 
“You’ll be disappointed to know that I don’t have a lab here, it’s against the building’s codes. I spend very little time here actually, I’m always at Arkham or dealing with detectives… like you. I’m a busy man. Like I already told you, I have plans to ‘treat’ Falcone tomorrow so I’ll need that room free. This is the next best option and I think you’ll find it more comfortable in comparison.” He smirked and flicked a switch, immediately two restraints looped tightly around her wrists, emerging from a panel in the arms of the chair that she hadn’t noticed. Second restraints looped around her ankles, reminding her as her ankles were spread apart that he had removed her underwear. She turned her knees inward, hiding her crotch and scoffing with frustration. 
“Again?” She groaned and pulled at the strong leather material holding her to the chair. 
“You sound disappointed,” Crane observed with a small smirk. “It’s only temporary. I didn’t get a chance to question you back at the lab, so we’ll do that here.” He gestured to his empty apartment and started to walk toward her slowly. His lips curled cruelly as he looked her up and down, strapped to the chair. “So tell me, what do you know?” He whispered and she stopped struggling for a moment. She still felt jumpy and nervous but having him so close relieved some of those feelings. The effects of the drug wore off more but the underlying sense of anxiety and loss of control prompted her to answer honestly.
I know that you are trying to make a powerful drug that mimics fear and so far, you’ve put it in a powder form. It works when ingested in some ways and immediately elicits a response that incapacitates the victim. You want to use it widely, to control Gotham…”
“Right, what else.” He leaned on the arms of the chair, his hands grasped around her wrists. 
“You don’t work for Falcone but you work with someone else. You’ve just been using Falcone’s drug operation to move your own prototypes of the fear serum. You want to be in charge and you know that fear can do whatever you want it to. The mind controls the body,” she recalled a sentence that he had used before he had thrown the powder in her face. “You’re also somehow connected to the missing micro-wave emmitter. I don’t know why but it may help you in some way, how?” She was breathing heavily like she was going to fall asleep. 
“Good work, detective.” 
“What are you using the micro-wave emitter for?” She asked. He chuckled and removed his hands from her wrists, backing up. He approached a small liquor cart and poured himself a drink, straight gin. She continued as he drank. 
“Who are you working with and how do you expect to control Gotham when everyone loses their minds?” She could barely contain her voice, anger and confusion rose into her throat like bile. 
“So many questions…” he swallowed and set down his glass, turning back to her slowly. “Aren’t you supposed to figure that out for yourself?” He raised his eyebrow. 
“The mirco-wave emitter would dry out any water supply that it comes into contact with. Wouldn’t it be easier to poison the water supply, you would reach more people… unless it doesn’t have the same effect when administered in water.” She looked up at him but his face was hard. “That’s why you’ve been using it in a powder, it only works in a powder form. If you dry up the water supply and release the powder into the air, there isn’t a way to combat the effects, is there?” 
Crane smiled and nodded slowly, “right again.” 
“How can you control people who have lost their minds on the serum? You can’t control chaos.” She furrowed her brow and leaned forward, questioning him. Crane cocked his head and studied her for a moment, noticing the last traces of the fear serum leaving her body. 
“Control has many forms, Y/N. The chaos that will come from my serum is planned, its existence is strategically executed.”
“But why are you doing this?” 
“I love it when you get flustered,” he chuckled darkly at her and licked his lips, his eyes rolling before returning to her face. “It’s not just me, I work for a large organization that has been responsible for all historical catastrophes throughout history. We deal in balance, balanced chaos. They hired me because I can control fear, I know how to use it and weaponize it. Gotham needs to be balanced and it cannot be balanced without it first destroying itself. Create a closed environment with the population’s problems and confront them with chaos, the balance will soon be restored.” 
“Who do you work for?” She whispered, her eyes wide. 
“Don’t you mean, who do we work for?” He crouched at her feet and placed his hands on her thighs. He smiled crazily up at her and she leaned away from him. 
“What?” She whispered. 
“I work for the League of Shadows, and now, so do you.” He dug his finger into the soft bottom of her chin and pushed her head up so that she could see the second floor more clearly. 
Standing at the rail were men clad in dark armor. One man stood out from the rest. He wore a black suit and carried a gold-tipped cane. He had long whiskers of gray hair like a mustache and steady cool eyes, deadlier than Crane’s.  
“Good work, Dr. Crane.” The man kept his focus on her and her blood went cold. “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Miss —. We’ve heard so much about you and of course, you’re the one that has caused us so much trouble!” He laughed sarcastically and descended the spiral staircase. 
“Who are you?” She growled. 
“Ra’s Al Ghul,” he smiled and the wrinkles on his face creased, pulling against his eyes. “I see you’ve already become acquainted with Dr. Crane, our very own criminal mastermind.”
“You’re too kind,” Crane smarted back, watching the girl’s face as she tried to take in all of the new information. 
“Now, I have a job proposition to offer you, Miss —. You seem to have figured most of our plan out but I don’t think you understand the complexity of our organization. You see, the League of Shadows is an ancient organization that has balanced the harmony of every major city in the world since the beginning of time. Gotham has gone bad, to the point of no return. Your ‘Batman’ as you call him can’t reverse what has been brewing for years. He never saw what you did, how the people of Gotham live in filth and poverty while the elite few enjoy the spoils. This city needs to be reborn, it needs chaos to restore the balance.”
“But wouldn’t you be killing thousands of innocent people?” She interjected and Al Ghul shrugged slightly. 
“Nobody’s innocent,” he answered quickly and then inhaled, clarifying, “Anyway, that’s not what we want to do here. If we take control of the city and hold it for ransom, we can work out a deal to replace the crooked government with some of our people. I’m offering you a role alongside my people. You’re smart, all that evidence you collected against Crane- none of the senior officers could have held a match to it. We destroyed it of course, as soon as Crane told us about your little visit.” She looked past Al Ghul to Crane who leaned against the wall calmly. Had they destroyed the copies? How could she be sure that they were telling the truth? “The box of evidence you had put aside for Sgt. Gordon was the hardest to find but we found it. What made you suspect Dr. Crane? Was it a gut instinct?” He drew on before she interrupted him. 
“You want me to help you kill people?” She furrowed her brow and nearly laughed in disbelief. 
“We want your help to save Gotham from itself and establish a new and better government.” He corrected, fixing his posture. Crane watched her closely and spoke up from the back of the room. 
“She’ll do it,” he answered and she opened her mouth to interject but his smirk silenced her. “She’ll do it because whether or not she wants to admit it, Miss —, is like us.” Crane reached into his breast pocket and removed his glasses. He cleaned the panels with a dish towel and pushed them onto his nose. She looked between Crane and Al Ghul, her heart beating quickly in her chest. 
“Will you join us, will you help us save Gotham?” Ra’s Al Ghul placed both of his hands on top of his walking stick and shifted his weight evenly between his feet. Crane folded his arms across his chest and cocked his head to the side, a knowing smile played on his wide pink lips. Her decision surprised her but the serum had already changed her chemistry, Crane had revealed her true self to herself and there was only one choice left. 
“Yes,” she whispered. 
Crane nodded, “good girl.” 
She was released from her restraints and she rubbed her wrists where the leather marked them. Ra’s Al Ghul snapped his fingers and a map was rolled out on Crane’s dining room table. The map was of the entire city of Gotham, showing the sewer and water lines. They explained the plan, showing her where the micro-wave emitter would be placed in the city and how it would be moved through each neighborhood. 
“What about the police?” She asked and gestured to the map of the city. Crane laughed and shook his head. 
“You were the only cop that suspected this, the rest will have no idea until it's already started. The person we really need to worry about is Batman,” he ran his fingers through his hair and glanced up at Al Ghul, “luckily for him, an old friend is coming by to visit.” Al Ghul nodded and smiled kindly at her. 
“Batman and I go way back. I’ll take care of him.” 
“What am I supposed to do?” She asked, her arms crossed beneath her breasts. Crane caught himself staring and cleared his throat. 
“You’ll help me with the production of the powder, ensuring that your cop friends don’t figure out too much and keeping Sgt. Gordon away from Arkham or leading him astray… anything,” Crane answered, setting his face as he spoke. She nodded. 
Though they had asked her to join their efforts, they also obviously didn’t trust her completely. They wouldn’t tell her everything, she knew. Her night had gone in a completely different direction than how she had imagined it. Everything had changed after the fear serum, it had shown her that what she feared most had already happened. The police were corrupt, run by small-time gangsters and criminals and crime continued to run rampant as the state lost more and more money, forcing social service organizations to close and more families out on the streets. This whole time she thought that the police could solve the problem but they only caused it. Crane was right, she was like him and she would do anything she could to change the city. After the meeting, Crane poured her a drink and dissolved a packet of powder into the liquor. He stirred it in front of her and Al Ghul before sliding it across the table’s surface. 
“This will put you to sleep for a few hours, twelve at most. It’s only a precaution to make sure that you have truly promised your allegiance to us. Everything that you say will be monitored from this point on.”
“Everything?” She looked at Crane who clenched his jaw, a faint tease of blush spread on his cheeks.
“Everything. Do as we say and follow our rules and you stay alive,” Crane finished and tapped the rim of the glass. “Now drink.” 
“How do I know that you aren’t just poisoning me?” She asked the men around her.
“We’re learning to trust each other, but you have to go first.” He smiled and when Al Ghul said nothing, she took the glass and drank it slowly. The last thing she saw were Crane’s eyes, set perfectly on her. 
She was conscious enough to set her glass down before falling back onto the couch. Crane approached her quickly and checked her pulse, monitoring her reaction to the drug. 
“Did it work?” Ra’s Al Ghul asked behind him and he nodded. 
“Yes, she’s out. Because of all the drugs in her system already, this one may take longer to wear off.” 
“All the other drugs?” Al Ghul raised his eyebrow and Crane chuckled. 
“I couldn’t help myself and besides,” he turned to Al Ghul, “you wanted her alive.” 
“I’m not convinced that we can trust her,” Al Ghul shook his head and pointed at the map for his men to clean up. 
“Oh, I’ll make sure we can.” 
“With your mind tricks?” Al Ghul teased and Crane sighed, rolling his beautiful eyes. 
“Don’t insult me, Ra’s. I know what I’m doing.” He warned the man calmly and nodded to the men. Two men helped carry her body as Crane led them back down the elevator into the lobby which was deserted at that time in the early morning. They climbed into Crane’s waiting car and pulled away from the curb. The girl’s body was limp against the seat and Crane resisted the urge to stare at her, fascinated by her sleeping body. The men carried her up to her apartment on the third floor of a small walkup. Crane rummaged through her coat pockets for the key into her apartment and unlocked the door. 
Her apartment was small and cozy, furnished with minimal couches and chairs. Books and art decorated the walls. Crane pushed through the door and directed the men to lie her down in her bedroom, the small room off of the main living area. They men looked back at him expectantly as he stood by the doorway, watching her sleep. He rolled his eyes and shooed them away. What did they think he was going to do? He’d already fucked her. Alone in her apartment, he stood by her bed and stroked her cheek. She slept on, engulfed by unconscious darkness. He leaned over her slowly and grasped her throat gently, exhaling across her face. He said nothing but looked her up and down and smirked, pleased at the sight of her. He’d won another spoil: her. 
 She woke up in her bed, twisted in the sheets as if she had been restless all night. She was sweaty and hot, the air stuffy around her. Crane and Al Ghul were nowhere to be seen. She checked her watch and hurried out of bed, stripping off her clothes from the night before and into black trousers and a dark blue sweater. She stumbled into the living room and wound her hair up into a claw clip, moving towards the door when a voice startled her. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Dr. Crane spoke from the couch. He was in a fresh suit and looked well-rested. He was taking notes in a file on Falcone, his briefcase sat on the coffee table in front of him. She jumped, gasping from shock. 
“Jesus Christ, what are you doing here?” 
“I was waiting for you to wake up. We have work to do today. That bitch at the DA’s office wants to speak with me. I'm supposed to meet with her this afternoon. She’s questioning Falcone’s transfer.”
“I ordered the transfer after you did Falcone’s interview, maybe I could meet with her instead.” 
“No, I need you to take this file to the judge on Falcone’s case. I can handle her questions.” He stood and held out Falcone’s file. “I already gave my statement at the hearing but this file will confirm my medical opinion, hopefully that will get her off my back.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Do you think Falcone will talk if she speaks with him?” 
“Possibly,” he bent his head side to side and shrugged, “but we aren’t going to find out. Let’s go,” he snapped his briefcase closed and made for the front door. She glanced from the couch to her bedroom.
“Were you watching me all night?” She flushed angrily and followed him. He closed the door suddenly and spun her around, forcing her back against the front door. 
“I can only say this once because they aren’t listening now but as soon as we get in the car, they’ll be monitoring you. I am keeping you alive, Miss —. I will do everything in my power to keep you alive but the second you step away from me, you’re on your own. I know we have an understanding so believe me when I say that I would prefer very much if you didn’t die. Follow my directions because they’re following you.” He said in a harsh whisper, a strand of hair falling into his face. They stared at each other in silence, exchanging breath when he kissed her harshly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned softly against his lips. He bucked into her hips and she gasped softly against his jaw. And just as quickly, he pulled away, breathing heavily and led her out the door and down the stairs into the waiting car. 
“I’ll need my gun back,” she pointed out as they settled on the backseat. Crane sighed, unbuttoning his suit jacket. He opened a small compartment in the car door and retrieved her gun. As he held it out, he took her jaw in his other hand, his thumb pressing into her fleshy cheek. 
“This is where that trust would come in handy, detective.” He whispered darkly. She looked at his lips and then up to his eyes, speechless around him. He watched her struggle for words and chuckled, handing her the gun. “Be careful, Y/N, and remember Ra’s plan.” He looked at her lips and sniffed, slapping the roof of the car. “This is her stop.” 
She met with the judge who oversaw Falcone’s case and gave him the thick folder. He looked at it briefly before recognizing the information. 
“I appreciate you coming out to speak to me about Falcone’s transfer to Arkham but I cleared everything with Ms. Dawes yesterday. She’s already scheduled a second psychiatrist to meet with Falcone first thing tomorrow morning. She mentioned that she’s also requested Dr. Crane’s case file. Has she seen this?” He waved the folder and she clicked her tongue, shocked that she had scheduled a second opinion and that Crane didn’t know about it.
“I’m not sure, sir. I was the detective working with the prosecution and I was the one who oversaw Dr. Crane’s examination and request for transfer. I can attest to Falcone's mood at the time as well. He screamed nonstop as Crane was trying to conduct a test of sanity. Anyway, I wanted to make sure that you saw Dr. Crane’s diagnosis in the aftermath of his transfer. This has updated notes that Dr. Crane shared with me. It might be useful in your deliberation.” She smiled and the judge looked down his nose at the folder. 
“Good point. Thank you, detective. This is helpful.” He opened the folder on his desk and put on his rounded spectacles. 
“Well now that we’ve spoken, I’ll try to catch Dawes and save her the trouble.” She pushed back her chair and brushed off her trousers. 
“Miss —?” The judge called from his desk. 
“Yes, sir?” She looked back.
“Dr. Crane has committed many of Falcone’s men to Arkham in the past few months, is that correct?” 
“Yes,” she nodded and her heart raced. 
“That must be a pretty crazy group.” The judge laughed and went back to the folder, completely missing the pattern. She sighed in relief and left quickly. She started to walk to Arkham, moving so quickly she felt like she may have been running. Dawes had already scheduled a second opinion, meaning that she was probably at Arkham pressuring Crane for his detailed diagnosis. It would take Dawes one second to figure it out so she hoped she could get there quickly enough to do something. She had no plan which she knew was stupid but whatever was bound to happen in the next few hours would be bad and she needed to help Crane. Her phone began to ring and she put it to her ear. 
“Are you on your way to Arkham?”
“Yes, sir.” 
“Turn around and go back to your precinct. I want you to stick close to Sgt. Gordon, go where he goes. You’re his top detective so run with it. If anything happens at Arkham, he’ll be there and I want you there with him. Crane will be fine.”
She slowed to a stop, skeptical but wanting to believe what her new boss was telling her, “ok, sir.”
After a second of silence, Ra’s added, “It’s Batman’s birthday and what better way to celebrate a playboy than with chaos?” The call ended before she could respond. 
She spun around and headed straight for the precinct. She spotted Gordon at his desk, working on paperwork. She hurried over and knocked on the door, letting herself in when he waved. 
“Good, I’m glad to see you. I need to run some ideas by you for the Falcone case.” 
“I just dropped off Crane's diagnosis for the judge but he said that Dawes may be seeking a second opinion.” 
“About that -” The intercom went off with a loud screech. 
“Attention all units! Attention all units! Batman was spotted at Arkham Asylum. He is believed to be armed and dangerous. Backup is requested at this time.” The voice repeated with a robotic drone. Sgt. Gordon looked from the speaker to her and grabbed his coat from his chair. 
“We need to get to the asylum right now.” Gordon yelled and she followed him closely, checking that her gun was still secured to her hip. She clipped her badge to her front pocket and pretended to sound confused. 
“Why are we going, Sgt? Do you think this is about Falcone?”
“It might, I’d feel better if I was there to find out; and if Batman is there, someone’s in trouble.” They hurried down the stairs and climbed into a car. Gordon sped away from the precinct and ran red lights. The tires bled across the roads as they came to a screeching halt behind a row of police cars parked outside the Asylum. 
“Why is everyone waiting outside?” She yelled over the noise. An officer standing with his gun aimed at the building yelled back. 
“We’re waiting for backup!”
“They’ll be here soon, sir. We should wait!” She yelled over the noise at the Sgt. 
Gordon looked up at the building and pulled his gun from his holster. He started moving towards the building, looking back to wave her on. 
“I’m going in. You coming?” He called. 
She groaned anxiously beneath her breath before responding, “yes, sir!” They raced up the stairs into the lobby which was left completely vacant. Gordon held up his gun and she followed suit, staying close behind him. She felt the urge to kill him now and find Crane but her gut warned her that someone else was in the room, watching. They walked slowly through the main corridor, past the abandoned security checkpoint, creeping closer to the wide atrium. When they stepped beneath the enormous domed ceiling a loud noise broke through the top of the building. She looked up and covered her face with her forearm to protect her eyes from large shards of falling glass. She saw a large dark blur surround Sgt. Gordon and pull him up to the roof. 
“Sgt. Gordon!” She yelled after him. She knew immediately that the blur was that bastard Batman. A small laugh escaped her mouth as she shook her head and lowered her gun. A group of SWAT ran in seconds later. She pointed at the ceiling with her gun and called them over. 
“He came down and took Sgt. Gordon!”
“Who?” Someone yelled at her and she shook her head, pretending to be unsure. 
“I don’t know! I think it was Batman.” She yelled, adding to their panic. 
“Batman!” Someone shouted and in the moment of distraction, she slipped away into a side corridor. She bolted towards a staircase and stopped at every floor, looking for signs of activity. Her body burned with soreness as she sprinted down each corridor. She wanted to scream his name but her lungs wouldn’t allow her the extra air to do so. She rounded a corner and ran into a group of police. They all started shouting at her until she showed them her badge. 
“I’m a detective- What the hell is going on here?” She yelled. 
“We’re looking for Dr. Crane!”
“Have you seen Sgt. Gordon?” She asked, panting and trying not to panic when they mentioned Crane’s name. “He disappeared and I've been looking for him.”
“No, we haven’t. We got a call that they found drugs in the building and then Batman showed up. Crane was running the operation.” One police officer responded and jerked their head to the side where they were going to run next. “It's down this corridor!”  
“I’ll come with you,” she shouted and led the unit, her gun pointed at the ground. Two large doors were falling off their hinges further down the hallway. The room itself was smokey and gaseous. She looked down from the doorway where there were stairs leading into a cement lined room like an empty indoor pool. Tables were littered with Crane’s fear serum and men that she assumed were dead. Huge vats of liquid marked with a toxic symbol sat on their sides by an open waterline. 
“This is it,” she said to the officer beside her and started to descend the staircase. The smoke made it hard to see so she moved slowly, looking around the floor for Crane’s familiar face. The men she saw were all part of Falcone’s posse who had been hired to help the drug operation run. Something snapped beneath her food and she looked down, seeing Crane’s scarecrow mask which she recognized from his drawing. She picked it up and looked around anxiously, her fingers around the gun shook. Then she saw him. Crane was propped up against a wall and bleeding slightly from the head, a thin trail of blood oozed on the wall behind his head. He was panting and flailing around, his pupils were mere penpoints. He’d been attacked with his own fear powder. She looked around before dropping into a crouch beside him. He recognized her but continued to shake, his eyes darting around her head. 
“Jonathan,” she whispered, “it's me.” 
“Did you find him?” Someone shouted and she yelled back that she had. He raised a judgemental eyebrow, his mouth forming a cuss word. His glasses were gone. 
“Trust me, Crane.” She whispered against his ear and held his wrists together. She took her handcuffs from her belt and handcuffed him. 
She leaned against the wall and tapped her foot anxiously as they strapped him into a white straightjacket. She crossed the room and helped the officer secure the last belt, thankful for any excuse to touch him and remind him that she was still there. Looking up at her, he spat and she flinched slightly. His light eyes were ringed with red swollen skin and she wondered if he really felt betrayed by her. She wiped his spit from her cheek and returned to her place by the wall. 
“So this is the scarecrow,” Sgt. Gordon entered the room and let the door slam shut. Crane jumped from the noise and closed his eyes, taking a deep shaky breath. 
“Scarecrow… scarecrow.” Crane whispered with his eyes closed and shifted within the straightjacket. Sgt. Gordon pulled up a chair, the metal scraping against the floor, bristling Crane into opening his eyes. 
“What was the plan, Crane? How were you going to get the toxin into the air?” Gordon asked calmly and fingered the scarecrow mask. Her stomach turned watching Crane struggle to regain control over his mind. He shook and his eyes darted around the room, landing once or twice on her. She kept a straight face, giving no sign that she was terrified that something would happen to him or she would accidentally reveal something about him that they didn’t already know. When Crane didn’t respond, Gordon continued, his voice rising. 
“Who were you working for?” Gordon pressed and Crane’s eyes snapped to his, a crazy smile pulling at his lips. 
“Oh, it’s too late. You can’t stop it now.” He spoke through shivers, cutting up his words. He smiled at the end and Gordon shook his head. He stood and shoved the mask into her hands. 
“Here. Stay with Crane.” He growled and left the room, his footsteps echoing through the heavy steel door. She looked down at the mask in her hands and hid her smile. There was only one officer left in the room with them and she bit the inside of her cheek, trying to come up with a quick plan. 
“Are there any officers outside?” She asked the cop by the door who peeked his head outside the door. 
“No, ma’am.” 
“Good,” she smiled and raised her gun when the door snapped behind him. “Then this should be easy.” She cocked the gun and cornered the officer. “Face the wall,” she ordered and when he turned, she hit him over the head with the butt of her pistol, knocking him unconscious. She quickly handcuffed him and checked outside one last time before running over to Crane. He was still recovering from the toxin, his face set in a deep frown. She began to free him from his restraints, glancing at the door every few seconds. His eyes stayed on her face and he kept muttering things below his breath. When she undid the last restraint he jumped up and it fell from around his shoulders to the floor. She started to smile when he lunged at her and pushed her up against the tiled wall. Her hair clip cracked against the tile and clattered to the floor in pieces. She gasped beneath his hands, one holding her throat and the other grabbing the slack in her sweater, exposing her navel. 
“You betrayed me,” he growled, “you told Gordon... I saw you.” His eyes were wild and glazed, he looked right through her.
“What?” she gasped out though his hand was crushing her windpipe. 
“I saw you two! You fucked him. You fucked him!” He yelled, his body shook with anger like he was coming down from an adrenaline high. 
“No, I didn’t!” She struggled beneath his hands, “this is the toxin talking, Jonathan! I didn’t betray you-”
“But you fucked him,” his voice twisted into a heatbreaking whine, an image flicked before his eyes and he closed them quickly, shaking it from his head.
“No!” She coughed and she could feel herself getting light-headed. 
“You love him,” his voice was breaking beneath him and his eyes darted between hers as the toxin showed him more and more; everything of which included her.
“Jonathan!” she screamed and hit his chest hard with closed fists, “I can’t fucking breathe!” 
His eyes snapped open wider and he released his grip around her throat. Her feet landed on the ground and she coughed, sinking into a crouch against the wall. Crane stepped back and watched her silently. He was still shaking as he ran a hand anxiously through his hair. 
“Why would I save you if I loved him?” She cried in frustration, rubbing her bruised throat. “It’s the toxin, Jonathan… I didn’t do the things you think I did,” her voice softened. She looked up at him and stood slowly, grabbing onto the wall for support. Crane cradled his head in his hands and whimpered. 
“What do you see?” she asked quietly and stepped closer. He shook his head and created more distance between them. “Jonathan, tell me.” She pressed and he exhaled with a soft shutter.
“You… fuck,” he started through heavy breaths, working himself up again. “I see you and Gordon…��� He rubbed his eyes and looked back up at her. “It’s been so long since…”
“Since what?” She furrowed her brow, questioning. His eyes darted away into the corner and he shook.
“Since my father last used it…” he took a deep breath and finished his sentence with a lengthy exhale, “on me.” 
“The fear toxin?” She whispered, slowly starting to understand what he was suggesting. He nodded and flinched as if something had attacked him. Was he saying that his father used a prototype of the fear toxin on him? She grabbed onto the sleeve of his suit jacket and tugged his attention away. 
“It’s just me. There’s no one else- nothing else in here except for me,” she gestured to the nearly empty room (the officer was still unconscious in the corner). “And I’m here for you,” she whispered and closed the distance between them, her hands slipped around his small waist beneath his suit jacket. She felt his body tense beneath her embrace before slowly (very slowly) releasing its tension. He didn’t hug her back but rested his forehead on her shoulder. She stroked his hair, and found the shallow wound on the back of his head. She ducked her head as she pulled away, finding his mouth and kissing him gently. The toxin was slowly wearing off and she could tell he was only beginning to return to his normal self. 
“We need to get up to my office,” he muttered and looked at the door. “They’re releasing the patients.”
“What?” She furrowed her brow. Crane sighed and shook his head. 
“Ra’s gave orders to open all of the cells. The patients will be let loose into the city.” He licked his lips and looked down at her. “We need to get upstairs.” His expression was tense as she could tell he was trying to fight the lingering effects of the toxin. She nodded. 
“Show me where to go.” 
He pulled her through the door and they ran down the corridor to an elevator. When the doors opened, Crane used his key to override the system, preventing anyone else from calling the elevator. He pressed the button for the floor with his office, not realizing that his other hand was squeezing tightly around hers. When the doors opened again, they rushed down the hallway and into Crane’s office. He sighed when the door was locked and the blinds closed. 
“What are we going to do?” She asked him quietly and he inhaled slowly. 
“I need to inject you with the antidote so the toxin doesn’t affect you when we leave the building.” He murmured, more to himself.
“We’re going out there?” She tried to keep the fear from her voice but he detected it instantly, raising an eyebrow. 
“Are you scared?” He asked automatically. 
“Of both of us dying out there at the hands of one of your old patients, yes, yes I am.” She nearly laughed. 
“Don’t you want to be part of the fun?” The Jonathan Crane she knew was definitely coming back. 
“I’d rather not become the ‘fun’,” she quipped and he smirked. 
“As you wish.” 
She followed him into his lab and he rummaged through a collection of vials arranged on one of the counters. Finding the right one, he slipped it inside a cartridge of what looked like an epipen. 
“Pull down your pants,” he ordered and then it was her turn to raise her eyebrow. “Don’t look at me like that and do what I tell you,” he said sternly and she did as he asked, pulling down her trousers where he had access to her thigh. “This will hurt,” he warned her before immediately plunging the needle into the fat around her thigh. She hissed in pain and heaved out a breath. 
“The good news is that you don’t have to ever do this again,” he patted her leg and buttoned her pants for her. “Now me,” he changed the vial and unbuckled his pants. He raised the hem of his boxers and punctured the needle into his upper thigh. He grunted in pain and closed his eyes for a moment and whistled out a tight breath. A large explosion shook the ground below their feet. She jumped and winced as she landed on her sore leg. Without opening his eyes, Crane nodded. 
“And that would be the patients leaving the building now.” He withdrew the needle and tossed it to the side, buckling his pants. 
“Let me see your head,” she touched his arm and he leaned forward slightly, turning his head where she could see it clearly. She carded her fingers through his dark hair and parted the dark roots away from the shallow wound. “It's a small cut, you’ll live.” 
“Thanks, doctor.” He smirked. Her fingers shifted through his hair as he straightened and she tried not to look disappointed when they were no longer twirled around his black locks. 
“Are you back now?” She looked up into his eyes, looking for trances of fear. 
“I think so,” he responded and traced his index finger around the collar of her sweater. There were small bruises where his fingers had been when he forced her against the wall in his state of panic. “Was I terrible?” He whispered. 
“Not more than usual,” she laughed lightly and covered his hand with hers. “I’m ok.” She insisted and he furrowed his eyebrows and licked his lips. 
He was going to apologize, he was going to tell her how much he loved her and that was why he had reacted so strongly to the toxin, but the words died on his lips so instead he said, “We should leave before the city goes all the way under.”
“They’ll raise the bridges so no one can leave, it’s too late.” 
Crane chuckled and leaned against the lab table behind him, his fingers grasping around the edge. “And once again, you severely underestimate me. Come on.” 
“Get on,” Crane held the bridle and gestured for her to mount the large black steed. 
“You’re kidding right?” She looked around at the burning city and then back to the police horse who’d lost its rider. 
“I wish I was,” he sighed and tugged her closer by her waistband, “now giddy-up, Miss —.” He joked flatley and pushed her up onto the saddle. He hoisted himself up after her and sat in front, taking the reins in his hands. She wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed her thighs around the horse's stomach, holding on for dear life. 
“Where the hell did you learn to ride a horse?” She yelled over the panic and she felt him chuckle. 
“Oh, there are a lot of things that you don’t know about me, detective.” He smirked and kicked the horse into action. She gasped and held him tighter as they flew through the violence-strewn streets. She couldn’t imagine how ridiculous they looked to the people of Gotham but under the influence of the fear toxin, she hoped people were more afraid than amused seeing a man in a full suit riding a horse. Crane focused on the route ahead, navigating them through the broken city. 
“Where’s Ra’s?” She yelled into his ear. 
“Forget about him.” He growled and urged the horse faster. 
“Why? What happened?” 
“He tricked me. He didn't just want to impose an arguably better government, he wanted to kill everyone and to kill us too. He tipped off Batman and that’s how Batman found me. He didn't need me after the toxin had been released. He kept you away from me, didn’t he?” He called over his shoulder, leaping over a crashed car. 
“Yes, he told me to go to the precinct instead when I tried to warn you about the DA.” 
“He wanted Batman to find me and he assumed that you’d get stuck here after you followed Gordon. Two birds with one stone. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.” He growled and turned the horse onto a side-street and into an alley. 
“Where are we going?” She asked, her grip tightening around Crane as she saw people screaming in the streets. 
“To my father’s house.” 
“How?” His father’s house? After his father had probably done something horrible to him?
“Just hold on,” he warned and flicked the reins again. She closed her eyes, wanting to block out the terror in the streets. While some of it gave her pleasure to see the raw side of humanity express itself, it reminded her of what she had seen as a child- the side of people that came out when they needed to survive. 
They rode to the edge of the city and Crane slowed the horse to a stop beside a tall building that looked abandoned. He hopped off of the horse and helped her down, catching her as she forced herself to slip over the saddle. The building was far enough away from the inner-city that it looked like it hadn’t been touched yet by the chaos, though the toxins had definitely reached it. 
“We need to get to the roof,” he informed her calmly and pointed her to the elevator. 
“Another elevator…” she whispered beneath her breath, knowing it wasn’t the right time to mention how much she hated the idea of going into one when the world around them was ending. Crane pressed the button labeled “20R,” and the elevator began to soar up. The elevator had windows that opened into the city. As the elevator climbed, they could see the destruction of Gotham and right across the bridge, normalcy.
“Ra’s is moving the micro-wave emitter by the high speed rail. If his plan goes accordingly, the emitter will poison the other side of the city beneath Wayne tower.” He pointed out the tall Wayne building from their vantage point. “I hate Gotham and I hate Batman, but I think I hate Ra’s Al Ghul more.” He sneered distastefully. “We could have run Gotham…” he sighed and shrugged, “maybe another day.” 
She couldn’t help herself but laugh. Being with Crane had opened her eyes to a new side of herself, one that was dark and masochistic. She liked this side better, way better. She liked thinking that one day she could be in charge, force out all of the government officials that were too dumb or sexist to listen to her. She could lead beside Crane… 
When the elevator doors opened a gust of wind met them. The doors opened onto the roof of the huge building. A helicopter stood in the center of a large bull’s eye, its blades running in circles above their heads. Crane’s hair ruffled in the wind and he squinted his eyes against it. Her mouth fell open in shock and Crane chuckled at her reaction. 
“That’s the funny thing about, trust, detective. I don’t believe in it,” he smirked and beckoned her to the helicopter’s doors. 
“You planned this?” She yelled as he gestured her to climb onto the landing gear. 
“Of course,” he smiled, "I always have a backup plan." Her mary janes slipped across the bars as she climbed and Crane supported her back, guiding her back into the body of the machine. He pulled himself inside after her and collapsed in one of the seats. She tried to orient herself, looking around the small helicopter, landing on the pilot. The pilot nodded at Crane, he was wearing a thick mask and goggles to keep the toxin away. 
“Ready doctor?” The pilot called from the front and Crane nodded breathlessly. He looked at her and clenched his jaw, returning to the version of Crane she knew so well. 
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harmonysanreads · 2 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ One Year Commemoration Post↬Sumeru Love Hexagon
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☆ The primary inspirations behind this AU are Alhaitham's Demo and this Fan Musical that debuted on Spring HoyoFair 2023!
Alhaitham's Demo no doubt gave many writers and daydreamers heavy brainrot and I happen to be one of them lol. But it was not until the fan musical that I had a concrete enough idea. I was charmed by the amount of tavern shenanigans this concept had the potential to bring, which is something that I really wanted to write at the moment :>
☆ Originally, Scaramouche or, Wanderer wasn't even supposed to be part of the AU!
Mainly because I didn't see many inclusion of him in the Sumeru Crew (at that time) and was unsure how it'd be taken D: But then, I remembered the v3.6 trailer where he was duking it out with the others and I was like 'why not?'. From that point on, he's come a long way and has even become the Best Boy of the Hexagon! :D
☆ Scaramouche's 'innocent in front of reader and the opposite behind their back' act is a tribute to his very first in-game appearance in the v1.1 Unreconciled Stars event!
This is something I'm humbly proud of, so to say. I still occasionally go back and admire the writing from that event. I think it's absolutely criminal for such a lore-rich and well-done in terms of character introduction event to be limited but oh well. Scaramouche, in my opinion, can be an excellent actor when he needs to be and if you watch the story from this event, you'll understand. Combining this with his mental state from after the Interlude Quest creates quite a messy situation though and, I kept it that way intentionally :>
☆ In the initial draft, Alhaitham was written as a very jealous character!
The cause of it being reader's infinite care for Kaveh. But obviously, I scraped it and wrote a much more toned down version and I sometimes wonder if I should've gone with my initial thoughts. Admittedly, I was playing it safe due to some reality checks regarding his character so I don't regret it a whole lot. But if it was up to the present me, I would be down to writing jealous Alhaitham immediately lol
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Does the Reader have White Knight Syndrome?
Well, I didn't originally write them with this particular condition in mind, however, upon further reflection I can see that they definitely show some symptoms of it. And considering the situation they're in, it's very easy for them to fall into the condition itself. I'm not at all qualified to diagnose someone with a mental condition so, my answer will have to a soft no. However, if anyone wants to imagine them as such, they're of course free to do so.
Is there any character you'd want to write differently if given the chance?
I already mentioned Alhaitham to a degree but, I really really wish I had been more considerate of Cyno. We're entering debatable territory here but the Hoyo writers putting so much emphasis on Cyno's TCG addiction and jokes while handling his actual lore whimsically made me lose interest in his character at that time. Though, I hope his upcoming Story Quest will fix this and do his character justice <3
Who is your favorite among the boys?
If you've lingered around my blog for a while, I know you thought I was going to say Alhaitham but, within the confines of the AU, it's actually Kaveh! He's like the initial spark that kindled the actual fire, as such, he's the first one you read about. I felt immense empathy for him after I learned about his lore through leaks, which is reflected onto the reader as well. Had this been a different timeline, Kaveh and Reader's relationship would be pure wholesomeness.
Who among the five is the endgame?
Ohohohoho.. place your bets because it can be literally anyone :) Even someone outside the hexagon in the off-chance they end up slaughtering each other lol. Kind of out of topic but, I think the Wanderer route would be genuinely heartbreaking unless he does something about Reader's mortality. He'd have to watch the one person who truly loved him decay slowly, while he remains afloat his raft of artificiality, safe from the clutches of death temporarily. Thinking about the endings make me feel quite sad honestly, it's a reminder that even the lighthearted shenanigans of the Hexagon will end at some point.
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I could've easily done a writing event to celebrate the anniversary but I just really, really wanted to talk about these little tidbits. Many many kudos to you if you've made it this far, I hope I didn't bore you :')
Memories are fragile things, so I'd like to think of this as a memorial of sorts that I can look back to after a few years and not think of myself as a total failure lol. I wrote this AU at a rather difficult period of my life, which is why this is more lighthearted despite falling into the Yandere genre.
I don't really know how to express my gratitude without sounding overly sappy, but I'll forever remember every interaction, comment, ask etc regarding the Hexagon fondly. I even remember someone saying they're binge reading this late at night instead of studying for an exam or something which is.. wow, I hope you're doing well nowadays my fellow night owl! I appreciate every each one of you for even taking some of your time to read my silly ramblings <3
This is not at all the end of the Hexagon AU, just to clarify! I'll still answer any asks regarding the five losers (affectionate) because, despite the limitations placed by reality, in fiction, we have the power to imagine and write infinite tavern shenanigans.
Just before I posted the original concept, I thought to myself, 'If even one person smiles because of this, I'll consider it a success.' and now, looking back to the amount of people that enjoyed the Sumeru Love Hexagon (very silly name but I digress) I just feel so, so happy.
Thank you, everyone, sincerely <3
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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Okaaay I had to do one more prompt for @oneforthemunny summer writing game because this idea came to me then she gave me an idea to make it even better and this was born!
🃏 Wild card- Rockstar!Eddie comes to visit NepoBaby!Reader while she’s on vacation in Nantucket, they go out on her dads boat and things get spicyyyy and then maybe just a litttleee sweet afterwards.
Contains: spanking, choking, dom/sub dynamics, degradation, unprotected sex, they make a sex tape y’allll. Lmk if I missed any!!
A/N: I put my whole pussy into this, I did RESEARCH on Nantucket lol and ngl I was actually really nervous writing this one, I feel like while still being a reader insert Nepo baby has so much personality and is more of a character of her own I was pretty intimidated, I hope I did them Justice! Also low key got this idea because of Pam and Tommy and I feel like this is 1000% something they would do lol
You and Farrah had been in Nantucket for two weeks now, staying in the house your dad owned at the cliffside beach club. It was nice, the house was two stories and had two king sized ensuites, a nice kitchen, living room and extra guest room upstairs. There were an abundance of large windows giving amazing views, and a deck out back that led down to a private beach. You were having a lot of fun, going to the spa in the club, having evening drinks at the bar there. Town was only a mile away and you had spent some time checking out the restaurants and nice boutiques there.
It was all great, but there was something missing, something you didn’t want to admit to anyone let alone yourself. Before you left you told Eddie where you were staying and let him know he was welcome to come if he felt like it. You were kind of regretting that now because you offered a hand to him and he hadn’t even bothered to call or confirm if he was coming or not. You tried to convince yourself you didn’t really care if he came or not, but it felt like something shifted the last time you saw him, and as hard as you try your mind keeps wandering back to him.
You were sitting out on the back deck having a smoke and enjoying the nice view of the beach, just enjoying a moment of silence while Farrah was still sound asleep in her room. You didn’t have much planned for the daytime today which honestly was nice, you figured you would lounge around the house and then go check out that club downtown you and her had been talking about going to. Maybe you could flirt with some cute surfer boy or something to get your mind off Eddie. But as if on cue, you heard banging on the front door.
You were a little confused because you hadn’t been expecting anyone, and if it was someone who worked at the club they wouldn’t be knocking like the fucking cops. You got up from your chair after stubbing out your cigarette, when you were walking through the house they knocked again, louder this time. Farrah came out of her room looking groggy and half asleep “who the FUCK is knocking like that!?” You didn’t respond, just walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. To say you were surprised by who you saw standing on the porch was an understatement.
You ripped the door open “Jesus fucking Christ, did you seriously have to BANG on the door?” You rolled your eyes and scoffed. “Well, I’m happy to see you too Princess” As if you manifested him by trying to get your mind OFF him there was Eddie, Gareth standing next to him. Before you had a chance to say something snarky back Farrah came up behind you “OH MY GOD!! Gareth!? What are you doing here!?” She lunged herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a peck on his lips before dragging him inside. “How come I don’t get a greeting like that, huh? I thought we were making progress but apparently you still need an attitude adjustment.” He grabbed your jaw in his hand, smushing your lips together and giving you that stupid smug look he gets.
You couldn’t help it, you rolled your eyes at him and pushed his hand away “I just wasn’t expecting you is all, I figured you would CALL, not just show up unannounced.” He stepped closer to you, getting in your face and wrapping his hand around your neck “I wanted to fucking surprise you but if you’re going to be a fucking brat the entire time I can leave right now.” He squeezed your neck a little tighter “Now, are you going to be a good girl or not?” You felt your resolve crumble, you couldn’t resist his dominance as much as you wanted to pretend you weren’t happy he was here you would rather admit it than have him leave “I-I’ll be good, I promise” you looked at him with those big round eyes, that look on your face when you submit to him driving him crazy. “Good, that’s what I like to hear.” He surprised you by placing a quick kiss on your lips before releasing your neck and pushing past you to get inside.
He took a look around the place before saying “You gonna give me the tour of daddy’s fancy beach house princess? Show me where our bed is?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and you had to physically hold back the eye roll at how much of a dork he could be when he wasn’t being a giant fucking asshole “OUR bed? Who said you were sleeping with me? There’s another room upstairs, you can sleep there.”
“Yeeeahh okaaay whatever you say, guess since I have my own room I can go find some cute tourist or small town beach babe that wants to spend the night with a rockstar” you hated that it made you jealous to hear him say that, but he came here for YOU and you were not sharing him on this trip. “FINE, my room is down the hall on the left” you crossed your arms and looked away from him, not wanting to see his face when he knew he won. He put his hand on your cheek much more tender than you would expect from him to get you to look at him “that’s what I thought, I knew that would work.” He patted your cheek and winked at you before turning down the hall to your room.
You walked into your room to see his bags on the ground and him starfished in the large king size bed. He turned to his side when he saw you walk in, resting his hand on his palm “Sooo, how’s your trip been so far?” He smiled at you, and fuck you hated how cute he looked in your bed with that dumb smile on his face. “It’s been really nice actually. We have checked out some of the restaurants and shops in town, other than that we’ve mostly been relaxing. We were thinking about checking out the club tonight though.” You came and sat down on the bed next to him, crossing your legs. “How have you been?” It felt weird, just asking each other how you were doing but at the same time it kinda was nice. “I’m fine, I didn’t really do much the last few weeks. Worked on some music and hung with the guys mostly. I thought about coming sooner but I figured you guys might want some girl time.” Hearing that warmed your heart a little, he thought about coming to see you sooner but was considerate enough to give you time with your friend. It was kind of sweet.
“Yeah, we’ve had a good time so far… I’m glad you came though, gotta give you that Nantucket summer experience like I said I would.” You couldn’t look him in the eyes when you said it, you weren’t really sure if the heart to heart you had last time you saw him meant anything to him or if it was just a momentary crack in both your walls but you decided to be the one to test the waters first “Yeah? You’re glad I came? Did you miss me baby?” His tone was only slightly taunting when he said it so you took a chance to look up into his eyes and when you did it wasn’t what you were expecting, he was smiling at you, with the tiniest hint of a twinkle in his eyes underneath the usual smugness.
“Don’t let it go to your head Munson, maybe I just wanted some dick and none of the guys here are cute.” “You missed me because no one can fuck you like I can, which basically means you missed me with extra steps.” He pushed your hair off your shoulder, running his hand down your arm and tracing little circles on the back of your hand, sending shivers through your body at the out of character gentle gesture. “it’s okay if you missed me, you can admit it, I kinda missed you too. Plus you promised me a rich girl summer vacation and I’m going to fuck you on every surface of daddy’s beach house” that had you clenching your thighs and biting your lip. “We should definitely do that, but for now I have a better idea. Do you know how to drive a boat?”
That’s how you ended up where you are now, your dad’s boat parked off to the side of a cliff far out of view, straddling Eddie on the seat in the back, your bikini top pushed to the sides so your tits were out, grinding down on him with only the material of your swimsuits between you. “Look at my little slut grinding on my cock so desperately, it’s kinda pathetic, I’ve barely even touched you and you’re already fucked out.” You wanted to argue with him, tell him to fuck off, but he wasn’t wrong, you were desperate for him. He looked so hot with his shirt off, skin shiny and slick with sweat and sunscreen, even the stupid black skull print swim trunks he was wearing were doing it for you.
He suddenly gripped your hips hard enough to get you to stop moving and tapped the side of your thigh “Up. I have a surprise for you, before this goes any further I wanna get it.” You huffed and slid off him with a groan, crossing your arms and looking up at him with an annoyed look. “I just told you I had a surprise for you and you’re giving me a fucking attitude? Seriously? What happened to being my good girl on this trip? Stay. I’ll be right back.” He turned around and walked into the little room that was under the deck, when he came back he had a devious look on his face and was proudly holding a video camera in his hands.
“Eddie, if that’s what I think it’s for I’m NOT doing it. You don’t deserve to have unlimited spank bank material of me.” He walked over to you and bent down so his face was level with yours “Don’t act like the idea of me jerking off to our sex tape in the back of the bus on tour doesn’t turn you on.” Fuck. You didn’t even take the time to picture it but you definitely were now and he could see it in your eyes. “Fuck. Fine.” He stepped back from you and rocked back and forth on his heels “Mmm I guess you don’t want to then, nevermind.” He turned to walk away and you let out a frustrated sigh “God damn it. Okay, yes, I want to make a sex tape with you.” He walked back over to you and grabbed your throat, not really squeezing yet just sending a message “Not good enough, I guess you don’t really want to.” He shrugged.
“Okay I’m sorry! Please! Please make a sex tape with me Sir, it would be so hot, I want it.” He smiled down at you and released your neck.
“That’s what I thought. Turn around and bend over.” You did as he said, leaning over the bench seat with your ass in the air. You heard the beep of the camera as he started to record and felt chills run down your body. You shouldn’t want to be doing this with HIM, but god there’s no one else in the world you’d do this with and you hated it. You felt his hand come down on your head, gliding down your body until he reached the hem of your bikini bottoms “mmm look at you, I’m going to fucking ruin you” he said before he ripped your bottoms down to your knees and delivered harsh slaps to both your ass cheeks in the same moment. “I think you deserve a little punishment for how you greeted me earlier, what do you think?” You turned your head back to look at him “I think I was just surprised to see you and you’re being dramatic that I didn’t drop to my knees on the porch in front of you the second I saw you.”
He turned the camera off and set it next to you, grabbing your hair at the base of your neck and yanking it so your head was tilted up towards him “I thought you were going to be a good little slut for me? I don’t want you being sassy on my sex tape, get yourself in line or we are done. I’ll drive this boat back to the dock right now.” You whimpered and clenched your thighs together. “fuck! Okay, okay, I’m sorry I’ll be good. I swear I really will this time, sir.” He released your hair, pushing your upper half down so you were bent over again before he grabbed the camera. “I’m going to start recording again, this is your last warning, be good or I’m stopping everything. I’m serious.” You whimpered “Okay, okay, I’ll be good”
“That’s what I thought.” You heard him turn the camera back on before you felt his hand running down your back “Now, here’s what’s going to happen… I’m going to punish you for being a fucking brat and if you take it like the good girl I know you CAN be I’ll make you cum as many times as I see fit. How’s 15 sound?” He grabbed one of your ass cheeks and squeezed it tightly, jiggling it around “T-that sounds fine, however many you think I deserve, sir.”
“Okay, count.” His hand came down on your ass cheek hard, sending you jolting forward. “One.” Two even harder smacks came down on one cheek and you counted them both. Your sensitive exposed nipples rubbed against the seat in a painfully delicious way with each strike, adding to the pleasure. His hand came down over and over, smacking harder each time and you counted every single one. “How many is that, princess? Or are you too dumb to keep count?”
“T-twelve, it’s twelve” you were barely able to talk at this point, only able to keep count because you knew at the end of this you would get to cum. “Good fucking girl, only three more.” The next one was the hardest one yet, your ass raw and red at this point “T-thirteen” another on the same cheek just as hard had tears falling from the corners of your eyes “Fourteen!!” He brought his hand down on your abused ass a final time “FIFTEEN!!” You moaned loud and long, letting your tense body relax as you took a deep breath.
He rubbed your raw cheeks with his hand that wasn’t holding the camera and bent down to place a kiss on each one “Good girl. Turn around.” You did as you were told, carefully sitting down on your raw ass as you looked up at him. He looked fucking edible, looking down at you like you were his prey. One hand running over the very obvious bulge in his trunks, the other holding the camera you nearly forgot about. His hand not holding the camera came to hold your face, running his thumb across your bottom lip. You looked up at him through your lashes and took his digit in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it. “Fuuuck, I want your mouth on me baby.” You didn’t even respond, just reached for the tie on his swim shorts and started pulling them down.
His cock sprang free, hard and leaking. The seat was the perfect height, his cock level with your face. You pushed yourself up on your knees and flicked your tongue out, tasting his precum. You wrapped your hand around his base before taking the head in your mouth and treating it the same as you had his thumb a moment ago. When you looked up at him, he was looking down at you, pointing the camera at your face. “God damn, you look so fucking sexy sucking my cock. I’m gonna keep this video for fucking ever Jesus Christ.” He thrusted forward, causing you to gag a little. You pulled off of him to catch your breath for a moment before smirking up at him and taking all of him in your mouth at once, pulling all the way off and repeating the action. “Fuck my face, use me” he let out a growl before putting his hand on the back of your head and thrusting his cock deep into your throat.
You were gagging and drooling around him, your spit dripping down your chin and onto his balls. “Holy fucking shit, your mouth is so fucking good” he thrust a few more times before pulling you off by your hair. “Okay if you don’t stop I’m gonna cum down your throat and I really want to cum in that tight little pussy instead.” You were so desperate for him to touch you at this point you ripped your bikini the rest of the way off and laid back on the bench, spreading your legs for him. He groaned at the sight, your pussy was slick, your thighs sticky. He stood over you, pointing the camera at your naked body. Running his hand up your calf, to your thigh, until he finally reached where you wanted him most. “Look how fucking wet you are for me” he ran a finger through your folds gathering your slick before circling around your aching clit, causing you to moan in relief.
He suddenly shoved two fingers knuckle deep inside you and started fucking you with them hard and fast “OH FUCK! Oh my god, yes. That feels so fucking good.” He brought his thumb to your clit while he continued to move his fingers in and out of you. You were so sensitive from his teasing you already felt your orgasm building. “You’re gonna cum ALREADY? I can feel your little pussy tightening around my fingers.” You whimpered in response, moving your hips to meet his fingers each time they thrusted into you. “Y-yes gonna c-cum gonna cum” you babbled out before your orgasm came crashing down on you. You writhed and twitched against Eddie’s hand while he fucked you through it. He pulled his fingers from you and brought them to his mouth, rolling his eyes back and moaning at the taste.
“God, you taste so fucking good. I need more. Take this.” He pushed the camera into your hands before pulling you by your legs into a sitting position and kneeling between them. You turned the camera toward him, truly understanding how hot this was now that you were the one recording him. He looked up at you while he licked along your slit, circling your clit with this tongue before sucking it into his mouth. “Oh my godddd” you moaned and threw your head back, the hand not holding the camera shooting down the grab onto his hair. You felt his fingers circling your entrance before he pushed them inside you. He sucked your clit and pumped his fingers in and out of you pushing you close to the edge again already. You pulled on his hair harder, causing him to groan into your pussy and that was it, you came hard, rocking your hips against his face. “Oh god, oh fuck, your mouth is so good fuck” he pulled away once he was sure you were done cumming and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
He took the camera from you and turned it towards you again, running his hand down your cheek and squeezing your lips together, tipping your head from side to side. You looked up at him with glassy eyes, feeling hazy but still so desperate for him. “I guess you can be a good girl after all. Bend back over, I want to record my cock going in and out of that tight little pussy from behind.” You eagerly flipped over, arching your back so your ass was as far in the air as it could go, wiggling your hips for him. You felt him come up behind you, running his big hard cock through your folds before thrusting into you in one motion. You were so wet, so ready for him, he was hardly met with any resistance.
He started pounding into you hard and fast, a bruising grip on your hip with one hand, still recording with the other. “Fuck, you’re always so wet and tight for me. I love this fucking pussy. Tell me how much you love my cock.” You let out a pornographic moan “oh god I love it so much, I love your big cock splitting me open” your words were slurred and drool was dripping onto the bench where you were holding on for dear life. He brought his hand around to rub your clit while he kept pounding into you relentlessly. You came again, suddenly and harder than the last two. Your arms falling forward in front of you while you twitched and moaned completely at his mercy.
He pulled out of you suddenly “lay down, let me record that pretty face while I make you cum one more time” you rolled over on your back and he kneeled on the seat between your legs, pointing the camera at you. He grabbed each of your tits with his free hand “perfect fucking tits.” He ran his hand down your stomach, caressing down your thighs. “Perfect.” Was all he said before he took his cock in his hand and slammed back into you, shoving his cock deep inside you before pulling it back out slowly and starting at a brutal pace again. His hand came down on your throat and squeezed, causing your eyes to roll back. “F-fuck!” You squeaked out “I don’t know- if I can- cum again” he brought his hand down on your clit again, rubbing it in time with his thrusts. “Yes you fucking can, and you will. Cum with me.” His thrusts were starting to get erratic and you could tell he was close. He thrusted into you once, twice, three more times before he was spilling inside you, head thrown back, filling you up while he still rubbed your clit. The feeling combined with how sexy he looked while he came had you cumming right after him.
He fucked you through it, pointing the camera at your face to capture your cumming, before pulling out, his cum dripping out of you onto the seat. He stood up and pointed the camera at your pussy “Look at that, so messy… can’t let that go to waste, can we princess?” He gathered the cum on his fingers before shoving it back inside your overly sensitive pussy causing you to let out a whimper. He stopped the camera after that. “Wow. That was so fucking hot.” You let out a breathy chuckle and pushed yourself up with your shaky hands “I toldddd you that it would be! And you didn’t want to do it.” He looked down at you and couldn’t help but think you looked beautiful. The sun was shining down on your skin, glistening with sweat and your eyes glistened over in a subby post orgasm haze. He couldn’t help it, he bent down and kissed you, soft and sweet.
He reached out to you “come on, let’s go get you cleaned up.” You took his hand and let him lead you to the small bathroom that was connected to the bedroom under the boat. There wasn’t a shower but he wet a washcloth and wiped gently between your legs, across your chest, and down your arms. You let out soft sighs and hums at the feeling of him being so gentle with you after he was so rough. “You look sleepy.” He chuckled at you. “Mmm.. I am, could we nap here for a bit before we head back you think?” You felt like you were about to collapse so instead of waiting for him to answer you walked over to the bed and threw yourself on it. He came over and laid next to you, still completely naked, turning on his side to look at you. “Yeah princess, we can nap here a bit. Come here.” He held his arm out to you and let you rest your head on his chest. You hummed with content and nuzzled into his neck.
“Hey… I wanted to ask you something.” He said after a second. “Hmm? What’s up?” You said sleepily while you traced gentle little patterns into his chest with your index finger. “I know you said you and Farrah had plans to check out that club tonight but I was wondering if we could get dinner instead? We always go to clubs at home. I thought it might be nice.”
“Yeah? That sounds nice. I’ll talk to Farrah, we’ve done dinners and stuff a lot and you know how she is, you can take the girl out of LA but you can’t take the club out of the girl.” He chuckled at that “I definitely agree with you there… but I was thinking… just you and me could have dinner?”
That took you by surprise, you tilted your head and rested your chin on his chest so you could look up at him, expecting to see a smug look on his face, or some sort of sign he was joking. But he looked.. almost nervous? You hadn’t really ever seen that look on his face. “Just you and me? Like a… date?” You raised your eyebrow at him, trying not to sound too excited in case he was fucking with you. He brought his hand to cup your cheek and smiled a lopsided smile at you. “Yeah baby, like a date. If you want. If not that’s cool, we can just go to the club like you planned.” You suddenly felt the need to reassure him so you put your hand over his and smiled softly at him, it felt odd, being soft with him like this. Not bad, just new and different, maybe a little scary. “I’d actually really like that Eds. That sounds nice.” You pushed yourself up to place a quick peck on his lips that he returned happily. “Then we can go watch this tape we just made and fuck with it in the background” he smirked at you and you scoffed “You just HAD to ruin the moment, didn’t you?” He just shrugged and pulled you in for another kiss.
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yue-chan077 · 8 months
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" I'ma show you how to crash a party " ⚡
SO-- this is totally outta nowhere (I'm suprise myself too--) 👀✨ but!--
I just watched HEARTSTEEL's Paranoia today! and all I wanna say-- is it's damn good 😭✨💙 (I legit waited for the mv to drop 👁️👄👁️✨)
I'm a big fan of Baekhyun (from EXO, and the group at whole ✨) eversince his debut days! and hearing he'll voice him for this , Im down bad for it 🤸✨
Imma be honest that I don't know Ezrael much ! but I often hear about him with some friends !👀✨ and I totally found the design for this really sicko' ✨✨💙💙
and you know how I'm your man when it comes to a character with designs this good ! 👍💙(he reminds me of my fave charas too 😭)
I hope I gave him justice somehow ! 😭💙 Anyone here who plays LOL? I hope I didn't massacred your boy ! 👁️👄👁️💦
That's all I have for today ! to get this LSS outta my head 🤣✨ bahah ! I hope you liked it ! ✨
#YueArt #HEARTSTEEL #Leagueof Legendsfanart
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theraccoonslair · 1 month
Hello Coony ❤ I'm happy for your big step and I hope you'll have lots of fun with writing requests (and not only)!
For starters, could I request Higuruma and reader enjoying an aquarium date and watching a penguin feeding show? ngl penguins are my fav part of any aquarium (providing they have them in the first place lol)
Thank you for considering ❤
Hi Bas! ❤️ First of all, I'm deeply sorry it took me forever to answer your request! And thank you so much for your message and for officially being my first request on this blog! 😊 It was my first time writing Higuruma and I admit I'm a bit nervous eheh but I genuinely had fun writing this and hope I gave our favourite lawyer the justice he deserves! pun intended
Waves on distant shores
Characters: Higuruma Hiromi x gn!reader
Synopsis: Higuruma and you enjoy a well deserved date at the local aquarium, the penguin feeding show being the main attraction you look forward to.
Words: 1000⁓
Note: none
There’s almost complete silence surrounding you, the magic of the place being able to keep quiet even the most unruly children, who now looks in awe through the big plexiglass windows of the tanks, the only sounds they make excited gasps and revered whispers when the animals make themselves seen from time to time. Low lights, dark blue walls and the calm and peaceful swimming of the various marine creatures drag you into some sort of ethereal trance: the sounds around you are almost completely canceled, the vision blurred at the corners, and you feel like you’re almost in the depths of the sea along with the animals.
You proceed slowly, your eyes glued to the tanks’ windows, your heart making a leap of joy in your chest as soon as you spot a couple of dolphins playing, the slow paddling of a turtle, the hypnotic motion of a shark. Relaxed and at ease, you let yourself enjoy this little moment of peace, time carefully carved out from the frenzy lives both you and your boyfriend have. It was almost a herculean task, to be able to synchronize your agendas and find a suitable day for a long needed date, especially when you had also to look up for the aquarium’s activities schedule.
But here you finally are, with the intention to savor every minute of it.
So immersed in your wonder gazing, you don’t notice Higuruma slowly approaching you, after he lost himself in between all the tropical tanks, small and colorful fishes catching his eyes and making him lose the sight of you for a moment. His expression is softer than usual, work worries for once left behind and replaced by the joy and relaxation of spending a day off with you. Clothes matches his demeanor, black formal suit being discarded in favor of a pair of jeans and light brown sweater, and his walk towards you is relaxed, not wanting to startle you out of the fascination he knows you have for the place.
Reaching your side, he gently grabs your fingers and squeeze them lightly, his gesture entering in the realm of your senses without alarming you, but taking you back to reality step by step with every of his fingers making contact with your skin.
“Show starts in 20 minutes, shall we go?” he almost whispers, gentle voice the last step to bring you back completely to the present moment.
Nodding in response, you give a quick wave of your handin greeting to the seal that was playing with their pup just right in front of you, before following Higuruma down the underwater tunnel, heading towards the open area for the penguin feeding show.
You look up in awe, a manta ray lazily swimming over your head while you walk slowly, families almost swarming around you dragged by the enthusiasm of their children. You and Higuruma are not in a hurry, this day dedicated to just the two of you, and you both take your time admiring the view all around, the tunnel enhancing the feeling of being immersed underwater, surrounded by animals.
Higuruma's fingers brush against yours once again, this time catching them gently and bringing them to his lips, a quick and soft peck given to your knucles before they come back down and intertwine with yours.
Already seated, you look at the arena, some of the penguins already gathering around the keeper, their little curious heads trying to peek into the bucket in their hands. The animals are visibly excited, but well behaved, their little antics making you smile fondly.
When everyone around you has finally taken a seat and started to get quiet, the show begins, with the keeper starting to talk about the aquarium's colony and their habits.
"African penguins - Higuruma murmurs, leaning towards you to be heard above the microphoned voice of the keeper - also know as 'jackass penguins', for their peculiar donkey-like noise." And, as if to prove the man's words, one of the penguin starts to emit the unique call, making you both chuckle in unison.
“Wait, did you do research?”
Of course he did research: even if case files, testimonies, appeals, and useful quibbles are what mainly occupy his time, he always makes sure to reserve a bit of his day to you. Munching a sandwich over his laptop during lunch break or scrolling through his phone while having first coffee of the morning at his desk, he made sure to come prepared. Because to Higuruma, this wasn’t just him going with you to the aquarium, but sharing an experience about something you liked.
“Yes - he answers, matter-of-factly – and one of their continental colony is in South Africa: you can visit it and can see them up to a meter away.”
He shares that bit of information so casually, watching you react with pure glee at the thought of walking among the little creatures, as if he hasn’t already had a look at flight and hotels.
“African penguins are underwater predators – the keeper voice reclaims your attention back to the main attraction, where they are now carefully giving fishes to the penguins – and they feed mainly on fishes and marine invertebrates. During the week we feed them with different types, like this herrings here, so they can have a varying and balanced diet."
The penguins enthusiastically take their share of the food and you both enjoy looking at them, the show proceeding smoothly, the feeder's explanation never being boring or overly complicated on the biology side of things. Enjoying it 'till the very last minute, when all the animals are full and the keeper is coming out of the water, you let all the people get up and pass you on their way out, before you two do the same and be the last ones to leave.
You're both silent, the fascination and the excitement of the show still lingering in your chests, ready to be transformed in a fond memory and stored forever in your hearts. Higuruma turns towards you, your eyes still shining and your mouth curved in a content smile, and mirrors the smile on his own lips, you experiencing childlike wonder something so contagious that never cease to make his soul lighter and his day better.
"C'mon - he says, his fingers brushing yours once again before gently holding your hand - let's go to the gift shop."
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grandlinedreams · 8 months
omfg i did not realize ur requests were open! You're my favorite one piece writer!!!! The way you write the characters especially Law feels so canon huhu
Since Law seems to have a knack for picking up strays and taking them under his wing, may i request something platonic for Law which includes him encountering someone that reminds him of himself when he was young? Someone young and hurt and so so angry at the world, teeth bared, until someone showed them gentleness? Someone who loves like a feral dog, biting in defence when someone tries to pet it? (is it obvious i love dog references in regards to love yet?? lol).
He takes them in and they become deeply loyal to him, always following his shadow and being protective. Law gave them a home and taught them to love while Reader heals a part of Law's inner child because Law gets to help someone the way he wished to be helped as a child.
It all circles back to what Cora did for Law really. Instead of creating a cycle of abuse, its a cycle of love and care.
Thank you!!
Hiya papaya!! I'm honored to be a favorite but also I really hope that I can do this justice for you bc that's such a neat concept :(
[Heads up!: platonic relationship, some angst, more a little delve into Law as a person, Dressrosa/Law backstory spoilers]
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You remind Law of himself as a kid.
Were he anyone else, it might have been a fond sentiment, wrapped in sugared memories ㅡ but no. You remind Law of himself because he understands what you're going through perhaps more than anyone.
The sullen expression and white knuckled fists, bloodied fingers and bruised skin, testifying to your wild animal ferocity in the face of a world that's been far crueler than it needs to be ㅡ he knows.
He was you, all those years ago.
And he knows exactly what will happen if he leaves you like this. He knows someone will slink out of the shadows, whisper poisoned words in your ear, sharpen your fangs and claws against the wrong people in the name of what they think is good.
He won't let that happen to someone else, not if he can help it. He feels like he owes it to Corazon, owes it to you ㅡ and owes it to himself, just a little bit.
He has absolutely no idea how this will go, but he wants to try.
"Why did you help me?"
The question stops Law in his tracks, finding you watching him, eyes dark and wary of the answer. You're undoubtedly waiting for the other shoe to drop, for him to make demands of you, set a debt to be paid back.
He knows it'll take more time before those claws truly retract, before you stop jumping at shadows and holding everything at arms length. But you're trying too, he knows that. (Bepo told him about the other day, when you'd asked Ikkaku a thousand questions about the internals of the Polar Tang, drinking in every word.)
"Because I know what it's like to lose everything." His voice is soft and low, hopes you won't lash out and demand to know what he knows of loss ㅡ because he knows plenty. It wreathes his entire existence like smoke, trailing tendrils into every aspect of who he is. "I know what it's like to be angry."
To ask why, over and over, desperate for answers from gods who choose to remain deaf and blind to those pleas. The world is hardly fair, deals cruel hands in spades and cares little for the aftermath.
"It's not fair." Your voice is a knife blade, aimed to sink into the softest parts. "What did I do to deserve this? Why am I being punished? What am I supposed to do?"
He remembers asking that, too. If he and his town were cursed, if they'd done something wrong to be taken by either disease or people afraid of them. He remembers being angry, that he'd gladly have let it swallow him whole, let himself blaze with it until it hollowed him, left him as a charred testament to who he'd once been.
But Cora ㅡ Cora, who'd owed him nothing, not when Law had sank that knife into him, hoping to kill him ㅡ had doused those flames. Put them out, raked over smoldering coals, refused to let him burn out the way he wanted to. Cora hadn't let him give up, and he's not going to let you either.
"You live," Law says. "I'm not saying that it'll stop hurting, or that the anger goes away entirely. But you take it and you find reasons to live."
"...I don't want to live for myself." Voice tiny, you curl in on yourself, shoulders trembling. "I want my family back. I just want to see them again."
He's no good at this, just as awkward as Cora had been, both men from broken homes and troubled pasts ㅡ both trying to ensure someone else didn't fall down the wrong path.
Warmth drapes over your shoulders, the tickle of feathers at your neck ㅡ and a hand on your head, trying to comfort.
"Then you live for them," he says. "Until you can find a reason to live for yourself, you live for them."
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fireemblems24 · 5 months
Azure Gleam 15 (Final)
As long as this has gone on for, I'm actually bummed to finish this one.
Those special chapters were so weird. It's kind of funny how the plot is like, just ignoring all of that and going back to regular programming. It's like in an old kid's show when they got a dog and then the next episode - no dog anymore. Like there's kinda no point to it.
Ok, so Thales talking to yeeted Edelgard. I will never not get over how funny it is that's the path the writers decided.
Yep, we're really just jumping back into the regular plot. That is so funny. The writing in this game is a clusterfuck at times.
Ok, so we're going to the monastery to save Rhea. MUCH better than saving Bernie's dad.
TWSITD causing chaos again. I feel this route targeted them more than the other two. Like they barely existed in GW.
Everyone's worried about Rhea.
Dimitri wants to wreck TWSITD and the Empire. Let's fucking go!
No side quests again! Guys, I'm sooooo close to beating this game I can taste it. Both SB and AG have very short final chapters.
Only Claude is annoying, which tracks how this game's gone so . . .
So I've gotten all the supports for: Dimitri, Dedue, Felix, Sylvain, Ingrid, and Rodrigue. Mercedes I'm only missing Jeritza. I didn't use Annette or Ashe, so they're missing a few, but I feel I did pretty good. Hopefully I can get Mercie and Jeritza this chapter.
Ugh, so I missed the opportunity to deepen my bond with Byleth :( Maybe next time.
So in another route, Ashe had no idea what he believed in anymore. In this one, he's confident about his sense of justice.
In another route, Yuri didn't tell me his history with Varley, in this one he trusted me with it.
Ingrid is a queen. She said it's the people who suffer in war, our leaders should reach diplomatic resolutions. Too bad only Dimitri believes in those :(
Aww, Byleth refused to kill Shez during their fight because he could tell she wasn't herself. I soooo wish I'd gotten their supports.
Ok, so I ran into Raphael again and agreed that I didn't like how we were fighting (which, imo, isn't true, but I wanted to see the difference). Shez thinks Edelgard is too cruel, Claude is too haphazard, and Dimitri is too cautious. She pretty much nailed it.
No Arval in the tent :(
Linhardt just said Caspar revels in bloodshed. That's fucked up.
My heart just broke and warmed at the same time. A Kingdom general asked a Duscur general how the people from Duscur pray. He wanted to learn because he lost a lot of good soldiers from Duscur in the last battle and wanted to pray for them in the way their religion would. It's details like this that make Hopes worth it.
Haha, Dedue was fairly chill considering I attacked allies and posed a possible threat to Dimitri. He brought it up, but didn't harp on it.
Man, I'm glad I got this unlocked in time.
Byleth gave Jeralt flowers. First time in Byleth's life lol.
He's trying to communicate his feelings, thankfulness to Jeralt for being his captain and father.
Aw, it's a throwback to Byleth giving out flowers at the Academy.
Lamo, Jeralt just said Byleth may have been a student or led seminars, but isn't qualified to be a teacher.
Jeralt's like, I knew you cared, kid. But I still appreciate it.
Byleth picked the flowers out himself. It's the same kind his mother liked :(((
Jeralt used to give these flowers to Sitri.
Byleth is being so sentimental and sweet. I can just imagine a voiced Byleth saying lines like that in Houses' supports and buying more into the character.
I swear, this game made me really get Byleth more and "buy into" the character. Also, I'm going to cry so hard when Jeralt dies. I still don't really care for Jeralt, but I'm going to just feel so sad for Byleth.
For anyone wondering, I purposefully saved this one and Felix A. I've had them unlocked for a while.
Dedue is worried because Dimitri keeps sleeping at his desk. He's grateful or else he'd get sore.
Of course, he had bad dreams about the past.
Ohhhh! Not the tragedy, but arriving home after. Cool to learn some tidbits about that part too.
A child cursed Dimitri after the funeral because his dad died in Duscur and was furious with Dimitri for not killing Dedue, but hanging out with him instead.
Dimitri just ignored him.
Then Dimitri talks about his duty to those who died, and asks Dedue what he would do if Dimitri begged for vengeance while he was dying. OFC, Dedue says he'd do it even if he died.
Then Dimitri asks the opposite, what would Dedue do if Dimitri begged him to live for his own happiness? Dedue said he couldn't.
"I cannot know happiness without you by my side." :(((((((
He'd seek revenge, for his own sake, not Dimitri's.
Dimitri's like, nothing I'd say would change your mind?
Dedue just flips the subject, asking if Dimitri can't just live for himself, and ofc Dimitri says no, he can't.
But imagines another life traveling around as a merc with Dedue or living as a farmer. Dedue's like, why not go?
Dimitri says obviously I can't do that.
So Dedue's like get some sleep.
It worries Dedue every time he sees Dimitri asleep like that at his desk bc he's worried Dimitri died. But Dimitri's like, not why you're here. It won't happen.
Dimitri's like, if I died, that wouldn't go well, so I'll listen.
They're married, your honor.
Starts with Dimitri apologizing and promising revenge, killing all of TWSITD no matter the cost.
Felix walks in, Dimitri almost calls him Glenn, but corrects, and apologizes again except to Felix for seeing that.
Felix is like "I've seen all there is of you to see." So, uh, what does that mean?
Dimitri explains that he suffers from a "waking dream," saying he sees the dead like they're real.
Then talks about the violent revenge the dead scream at him.
Felix asks when this all started. Dimitri says 6 years, but the voices started 4 years ago during his first battle? Not sure those numbers line up with lore and age, but I don't know how old they are this time. Anyways, started with Duscur, got worse when Rufus tried to have Dimitri killed by sending him to battle.
The man he killed that freaked Felix out was someone from Duscur, and the voices cheered when he killed the guy.
Felix is like, do you really think Glenn and Lambert would torture you like that? Telling Dimitri he's the one doing it, not them.
Dimitri's like, even if that's true, I can't forgive myself.
Felix talks about how if Dimitri loses his path, he's taking everyone down with him (so Houses, sans AM) and says "keep the whole removing their heads thing in check yeah?"
Felix says it'll be their secret.
"are you offering to let me unburden my heart to you when the time calls for it?" - Dimitri to Felix. Guys, I'm dying a little.
Dimitri credits Felix with the reason he hasn't descended into madness, and asks Felix to continue being his right-hand man.
Hahahah, OMG, Felix picked Dimitri up and is physically carrying him to bed. Dimitri is nearly laughing because he's so much taller than Felix his feet are dragging the floor.
Felix calls him a "sack of muscle" lol
Dimitri carried Felix like this when Felix twisted his ankle. And now is calling this a workout. Dimitri's still massively entertained.
They are also married.
Man, so Dedue got Dimitri to fucking sleep, and Felix got him to laugh.
Ok, this game is really Dimilix, the game. I swear a shipper on deck wrote this. It may also be why Felix was one of the few Blue Lions to survive SB. Writers' bias.
My shipping heart is so happy with both supports.
This is their final support.
They're fishing together. She's trying to reel in a big fish, but it's not working. Ashe gives her tips. And she got it!
Though, it seems like it was a bit of a struggle.
Flayn swore she'd not let go no matter what. Ashe says sometimes it's best to not let go, and suddenly understands Seteth. But still compliments her on her determination.
Flayn thinks her mother would be proud of her for catching this, which is part of the reason Flayn loves fishing.
She flirts with Ashe a bit too lol.
And now she's drooling over the fish.
Ashe says Flayn enjoys him of his sister and really had fun.
But then panics thinking of Flayn in the kitchen lol.
Constance compliments Annette's performance in battle.
Constance is a legendary alumni at the school in Faerghus.
Stories include turning bossy noble kids into horses. And she started using it everywhere.
She argued magical theory with teachers and won.
These make me love Constance, not going to lie.
Annette is nervous being around someone so famous. Constance calls Annette one of the most talented women in the Kingdom.
Constance loves a book Annette work, but it's mostly a cook book, so Annette doesn't make much of it.
Annette wrote a magical cookbook, and Constance is all about it.
Annette tries to give Mercedes credit because she's the cook.
They both want to get to know each other better.
This was really them geeking out over each other, magic, and Mercedes' cooking.
It came down to the lack fucking minute, but I got it. Thank you, Shez, for cooking the perfect dinner.
Jeritza finds and old letter from Mercedes' mother. Or, rather, she wrote Jeritza a letter after Mercie told her that they found him.
They both want to live with him after the war, but he says no.
He can't face her because of his past actions. Doesn't seem Mercie holds it against him. And says neither will her mother.
Then Jeritza talks about the Death Knight persona.
Mercie's like, naw, because you're fine right now.
Jeritza still doesn't give in though. He insists he must pay for his crimes, which he thinks he never can. He wants to get judged by the law, which, honestly, respect.
Mercie decides to support his decisions, even though it makes her sad, and that they'll be waiting for him. No matter how long. Even if they're both old ladies.
I really loved that support. Seeing Mercie support Jeritza's decision, seeing Jeritza take responsibility for his actions. All around good support.
Glad I got this one. I think Seteth/Shez A is the only other support still within reach.
Constance wants Annette's help conducting an experiment outside. Annette knows how Constance's mood changes when she goes outside. Annette's happy to help.
Obviously now Constance is being down on herself.
Annette volunteered before learning the experiment. Thankfully it's just to try and get all the cats from the area.
It fails :( I want a spell like that.
Constance is obviously moping, Annette gives her a pep talk, but it probably useless bc they're outside.
It attracted bugs, and Constance says the cockroach is a better sorceresses than her lamo. Then they attract angry birds lol.
Once back inside, Constance realizes her spell does sort of work, but they just didn't know how to get cats.
Aww, I really liked that support chain.
How can anyone not tell something is wrong with Edelgard?
It's so weird how they just ignore the special chapters.
Thales is making her fight.
Sylvain said he'll skip the class reunion if this is what they're like.
Ingrid is roaring to go after Thales.
No sign of Claude. Dimitri's trusting him, but I don't know about that. I wonder if he betrays you here too. Though Dimitri makes a good point that if Faerghus falls, Claude's ass is next.
On, cool image! Dimitri giving a speech. It's like a moment in Lord of the Rings before Aragorn and co march on Mordor.
I like this! Dimitri's talking about severing the past and moving on into tomorrow. Good to hear him talking like that.
I only got 40 points too. Guess Claude was the odd one out, getting more points for his battle than the other two.
Kyrona made an appearance.
Felt good to kill Varley for once.
Getting ready to face Thales now. Dimitri about to get his revenge against TWSITD. Feels good.
Shez is reassuring Dimitri that he's not alone. That his friends are here to help. :)
I think I just killed Kyrona for good this time.
Time to kick Thales' ass. Much better than killing Rhea. Again.
We also got to defeat Edelgard. Having a hard time feeling bad about that.
This battle is pure chaos. But in a fun way.
Oh, did I beat Thales? I'm at a cut scene. Shez stopped Edelgard; and Dimitri's marching to kick Thales' ass.
Haha, he just ignored Thales magic like it was nothing. What a fucking badass.
He's not even saying anything, just breathing, and the voice acting is still on point.
Edelgard remembered Dimitri? So he didn't kill her. And outside Rhea, Claude and the Blue Lions are waiting. And sun is about to come up.
This felt WAY more complete than the other two. I was expecting MUCH worse. Maybe if I played the other two first I'd be more surprised, but they set the bar stupid low.
We defeated the Empire, defeated TWSITD - I don't know what would even be left?
I love how hard the narration tries to make it sound like the Empire has a fart's chance in the wind anymore. It's just clean up now.
MVP time. It'll eventually turn into the Dimitri show like SB did Hubert and GW did Lorenz. I suspect it'll take longer though bc I wanted to use the other Blue Lions a lot.
Actually, I lie, it happened like the second I got Dimitri and not just Shez. I think I may just be a stan lol. He's also just so damn strong he killed so much easier and faster than anyone else.
You can tell the chapter Dimitri was missing for since Felix and Ingrid kept trading MVP. Then back to Dimitri.
Hey! Rodrigue got one!
I'm excited for Dimitri's letter. Still wish we got paired endings here though.
Dimitri feels reassured with Shez by his side. He's also the only one who asked Shez to stay in the Kingdom. It's nothing spectacular, but it was sweet.
I'm also a bit sad to see this one end. No more Fodlan unless I replay, but I guess there's still supports I didn't unlock.
Guys, I can't believe I finished. Now I'm finally "free" to play whatever games I want.
Def want to replay Engage and Houses, and some non-FE stuff too. Should I get the Engage DLC?
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quinloki · 8 months
as somebody who is really interested in tarot but is SO BAD at memorizing the card meanings (i've decided to just make my own custom oracle deck at this point), i'm curious if you had any headcanons/thematic ties between the major arcana and one piece characters??
hope this isn't too far out of left field! <3
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Forgive me, this'll be a bit off the top of my head, so I may make adjustments at some later date, but I absolutely MUST do my best to answer this RIGHT NOW. (I'm vibrating I'm so delighted by this \lol/)
0 The Fool/Luffy - The Fool isn't an idiot, as some people assume based on the name of the card, he's on a journey - as a matter of fact, it's a journey he takes *through* the major arcana. He learns about the world, and himself - about injustices and his own morals and limits. The Fool is about the journey.
1 The Magician/Shanks - The Magician is effectively the Fool's first teacher. The Magician card is as above, so below. He's all the major suits, he's magic and power. Good or Evil isn't relevant (though generally it's always positive to see this card).
2 The High Priestess/Nami - The Priestess is strong girl power - well, strong "things we often associate with feminine energy". She doesn't back down, she knows her strengths, and her weaknesses. There's a bluntness here too, and a fierceness. It's very "That look Nami gave Sanji on Whole Cake Island."
3 The Empress/Nico Robin - The Empress is more a motherly vibe and less a Strong Boss Lady vibes. She's caring, nurturing, protective, but not restrictive. There's a caring vibe that resonates with this that isn't really found in the Priestess.
4 The Emperor/Jinbei - I'm just name some moments - Making Luffy remember his nakama, giving him his blood, not joining when he wanted too - joining when he could do it right. Supporting Luffy even from a distance. Stern, strong, wise, educated, Supportive. Big Good Masculine Vibes.
5 The Hierophant/Monkey D. Garp - The hierophant is a teacher of sorts, kind of a societal vibe vs what The Magician teaches. Here to show you the path you "should" travel. Not necessarily the path you're going to want to travel - just know the road's probably going to be bumpier if you don't listen to him, but contextually, it could be more rewarding.
6 The Lovers/Roronoa Zoro - The Lovers Does NOT MEAN JUST ROMANTIC LOVE or sexy love or whatever. The Lovers is a card about dedication, devotion - being there for someone completely, and that person being there for you completely. Partners. This is a good Kid x Killer vibe card too.
7 The Chariot/Thousand Sunny - The Chariot is about motion, but controlled motion. There's generally no reins being depicted for this card (sometimes there is), but the person is still in control. The crew didn't have much direction when the Merry Go was their ship, but comparatively, they did with Sunny.
8 Strength/Usopp - Strength isn't usually talking about physical strength. It's strength of will. Why Usopp? Facing off against Luffy was an immense show of strength, and his growth after that was even more so. It's very much inline with the card.
9 The Hermit/Sanji - The Hermit doesn't *want* to be alone, but the Hermit often needs it. Not the kind of alone that means shoving everyone away, the kind of alone that sits on the bow of the ship and contemplates their sense of self. Sanji has a lot of work to do in this, but I also think he's a character who has done a LOT of it long before he met Zeff.
10 Wheel of Fortune/The whole bloody series honestly - The Wheel Turns, and things change. This card means whatever is going on now, isn't going to be going on tomorrow. The good times will end, the bad times won't last forever. Everything changes. Appreciate the good while you can, and weather the hard times knowing they won't last.
11 Justice/ - Hrm.
12 The Hanged Man/Trafalgar Law - Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all. Sometimes you need to just Stop and Think about things. Maybe Law over thinks sometimes (he certainly has the whole "sacrifice oneself for the greater good" vibe going one, which can also be a thing for this card.)
13 Death/The Going Merry - Change is inevitable, and while the Wheel is about day to day changes, Death is about BIG changes. Changes that don't leave you the same as they found you. Changes that can break you if you don't roll with them - Changes you CANNOT outrun.
14 Temperance/Several Characters- Temperance is about balance, a lot like Justice, but with Temperance there is emotion that you don't find in Justice. My knee jerky reaction places several characters here - Robin's mom, Nami's mom, and Rosinante (my apologies for being bad with names and not wanting to break from this to look them up.) These people all had a strong connection to temperance - doing what needed done, not because of logic or justice, but because of love.
15 The Devil/Doflamingo - The Devil is about choice. Generally it's about negative choices and not positive ones, because it's about the chains that bind us to the things that pull us down. It's about crumbling and failing because we chose to do things the way we did. I liken Doffy to this, since we often don't see what it is we're doing wrong, and with the wrong people around us, well, we just keep going headlong into the wrong path. (Doffy isn't the devil in this card, Trebol could be, but Doffy is definitely the one in chains).
16 The Tower/Marine ford - I don't know that I really need to say anything else ^^;
17 The Star/Silvers Rayleigh - Thinking back to how this is story of journey for the Fool, Rayleigh is the perfect character to follow Marine Ford. He didn't heal Luffy like Law did, he didn't heal him like how Jinbei did. He just offered hope - a chance to recover from the rough and harsh lessons that came before him, and make sure Luffy could continue forward on his own.
18 The Moon/Momonosuke - Wary, anxious - the moon is about intuition, but not "oh I knew they were gonna kiss" kinds of intuition. It's about knowing something is wrong, something is looming, something is unavoidable and you don't know WHY you're nervous and afraid (or maybe you have an inkling) you just are. The moon is fear of the unknown, and it's not a card that has any answers most of the time - you just have to get through it.
19 The Sun/Sabo - It's his memories coming back, him meeting Luffy in the Coliseum, eating the fruit, holding that newspaper to his chest and smiling like a DOOF when he sees his little brother is doing well. It wasn't necessarily all rainbows, but there's clarity there - everything is illuminated, no shadows. Shit hurt for a while, but he can see the good in it all.
20 Judgement/Portgas D. Ace - This card isn't so much about wiping the slate clean, as it is realizing that all your flaws, scars, mistakes, etc. have helped make you who you are. It's about accepting your flaws and either incorporating them, or improving yourself to lessen them. Honestly the most heart breaking thing about Ace is how he was doing this, he just never got the chance to see it through.
21 The World/Joy Boy - I'll just leave this as this for now. ^_^
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meowmeowriley · 2 months
Hi MeowMeow Costume anon here sorry it’s taken a couple days for me to reply life got busy finding one’s honour is harder then I thought!
You want my autistic head canons for Zuko? Strap in for some unhinged rambling because I have ✨thoughts✨ this will be long
(CW: implied child abuse (Fuck Ozai))
Zuko likes music (Iroh mentiones he’s talented with the Tsungi horn) and his swords I also think he would have picked up dancing at some point with how he moved during dance of the dragons.
When he’s around people he trusts he emotes more with his face and masks less in general and I’d say if he felt safe enough he’d do more overt (for him) stimms like humming, minor rocking or tugging on his hair Iroh would be one of his safe people and eventually the gaang would be too
*I don’t think he’d have very obvious stimms in general being raised royal he’d be expected to act a certain way and hand flaps are not it. Also flaming 💩lord Ozai would have seen any aberrations as weakness and stamped that shit out fast
*I honestly think it could be one of the reasons the flaming 💩lord despises Zuko being inherently different would be a weakness in his eyes and reflect badly on him
I think he and May get along well because they’re both autistic and are a safe space for each other. she has trouble processing her emotions he has trouble controlling his they make good emotional counter balances
He cares so much about the people and animals around him even his enemies a strong sense of justice is a common sign of autism and speaking out of turn was the initial reason for his banishment.
He’s so socially awkward he doesn’t know how to talk with people instead of at them his entire pep talk to himself and subsequent introduction to the gaang when he tries to join them is peak “how do you do fellow kids” and his “that’s rough buddy” is as iconic as it is socially inept.
The guy totally hyper fixated on hunting the Avatar and when he could no longer find his purpose in it and realised he was wrong he did not cope
He has no tackt. none. and he takes things at face value and he hates lying his humour is also a little left leaning and he tries to relate to others and their experiences as a way of bonding.
While he’s not a prodigy fire bender like his sister he found ways around his limitations that helped accentuate his natural talents like his sword fighting (dancing would help with sword work) being incorporated into his bending (I don’t remember any other character bending with weapons).
He’d know a lot about tea from Iroh and I think he enjoyed working in the tea shop
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk!
I hope these make sense it’s kinda late now but this was fun to write thanks for reading my insane rambles :D
Also in response to the (non gendered) Prince! line you gave me so much surprise gender euphoria I cried 😭🫠🥹 sincerely thank you. I’m going with he/him pronouns atm but he/they is something I want to look into.
if you don’t mind me asking what are your pronouns?
I’ll probably send another ask in the next couple of days to annoy you with lol but in the meantime have a great day!
Sorry I took so long to get back to this, but damn I needed it today so I guess it's good I kept this in reserve. ❤
Holy shit, I can't unsee Zuko as autistic now. Like it's impossible. He's so perfectly coded to be on the spectrum. He's generally monotone, until he's not, and that's always when he's dealing with big emotions. He'd be a lip biter for sure.
Zuko doing dance as a stim 😍 the first time the Gaang sees him dancing when he thinks he's alone, they'd be so supportive, and have no idea what that would mean to him.
Fire lord Zuko infodumping about tea to some random person who tried to ask if he'd like them to make him some, as he heats the tea himself with his bending, and damn if that isn't the best tea that servant has ever had in their life.
Until next time my non gendered Prince Zuko! (Which will be in like, a few minutes, when I get to your other ask. Again sorry for the wait 😭 I'm bad at this)
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neevblanc · 6 months
„spiders and scarves” ♡
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a/n — hi hi! miguel is such a complex character and my feelings for him are similarly complex lol. i hope i did him justice!!
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
Miguel O'Hara x GN! reader
Tags— fluff, pre-relationship, christmas time cuz yay!! (ur spider name is azure bite cuz i imagined ur suit to be blue)
CW/TW— implied boss x worker...thats it
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“Oh, please!” Spiderbyte whines, clasping her hands together. Her eyes presumably widened under her mask as the stylized eyes widened comically in a version of puppy eyes you’d seen many times before. You gave her a look and shook your head.
“No, dude. It’s not my fault you didn’t finish that report. I did all of my work and won’t do yours.” You replied, leaning back into your office chair. Spiderbyte, or Margo, whined and deflated. The younger girl hid her face in her arms, crossed on the desk before her. The girl was smart as a whip, but might as well have been allergic to formal paperwork. 
“Not even as my Christmas gift?” Margo pleaded, her voice muffled. You smiled, biting back laughter.
“Nope. Already got you one.” You said, leaning forward to turn off your hologram desk and log out of the Spider Network. Margo perked up at the mention, her mask disintegrating into little pixels and exposing her face entirely.
“Really? What is it?” She asked, grinning widely. You gave her a baffled look as you hung your bag on your shoulder, putting on your scarf and gloves.
“Why would I tell you that, Margo? You’ll see on Christmas, like everyone else does with Christmas presents.” You laughed, disregarding the dismayed whine that left the girl.
“I’ll see you next week, bye.” You said, sending Margo a little wave as you left the area. Pressing your palm to the reader next to the door, the door slid open easily. 
You grimaced at the amount of light leaking from the windows in the main area. Spiders bustled around, some running and some lounging around the chairs and tables laid out. The door closes behind you, leaving you in the hall surrounded by other spider people (and a hilarious number of Peter Parkers!)
You settled your headphones in their place and started walking, thumbing at your phone screen to find the playlist you were feeling most for the bus ride home. Well- home. You’d be making a trip to your apartment in this world to get some things in order before going back to your earth. 
It’s just your luck that only two minutes into the search, your spider-sense goes wild, and you’re turning on your heel faster than you could even think of. 
You stumble backward, face contorting in surprise when you come face to face with a…horse.
31913- or Cowboy Spiderman- stared back at you, sheepishly trying to get his horse to back up from where it was whinnying two centimeters from your nose. Begrudgingly, you shove your headphones down to rest by your neck. 
“Sorry, Azure Bite. Got a little too close there,” he drawled, patting his horse’s shoulder as it finally took a few steps back and allowed you to crane your neck upward to look at him properly.
“You’re good. Is there…anything you need?” You asked, starting to feel the awkwardness settle in the interaction. Your brain had just started preparing for no conversation, and the interruption left you reeling slightly.
“Uh...have you happened to see Miguel around?” He asked, voice growing small and nervous.
“Nope. Not for a few hours; he should’ve gone home at 3. Why?” You frowned, shaking your head. Cowboy nodded, tongue clicking in dissatisfaction.
” Ah, I had a question for him. Pav and Jess said they hadn’t seen him leave. Sorry for botherin’ ya. Happy holidays!” He said, nodding his goodbye and taking off at a moderate trot. You stood still, mouth pursed.
‘Miguel isn’t the nicest boss,’ you reasoned. ‘He’s a grown man. It really is none of my business. He likes to be mysterious, and who am I to interrupt?’
You turned around, shoving your headphones back on, and quickly approached the center elevator in the middle of the floor. Other spiders send you waves and quick acknowledgments, and you do your best to answer them slightly despite being on a mission.
You rush into the elevator, closing the doors before anyone else can enter. Pressing your palm to the reader on the console and waiting for the extra buttons to show up, you hoped no one needed to get on this specific elevator.
The panel lights up, and five extra buttons quickly emerge from the metal, sliding into place seamlessly. You quickly pressed the second one and waited for the elevator to jolt to a start before tilting your head toward the ceiling.
“LYLA, you there?” You called, squinting at the bright light of LYLA’s projection despite having anticipated it. LYLA hovers near the button panel, on a special little square section just for her. She grins, crossing her legs as she files her nails.
“Yessum, Bite?” She crooned, fluttering her eyes from behind pink-tinted glasses. You waved lightly, leaning on the back wall of the elevator.
” Is Miguel in his hiding hole again?” You asked, to check. LYLA paused her filing and pursed her lips, tilting her head.
“Not sure I can tell you that! The boss said no one should bother him.” LYLA hummed. You gave her a look, vaguely amused.
“Since when have you listened to Miguel?” You laughed. LYLA grinned sharply and nodded, her holographic form standing up as soon as the elevator doors opened with a ping.
“You’re right! He’s up here, ‘been moping for hours. Have fun.” She waved cheekily, the hologram quickly shutting off as you stepped onto the floor.
The five extra floors you had clearance to were Miguel’s personal floors. Few other people had access to them (including Margo and Jess, to name some), which made them prime real estate for when Miguel needed to run from people.
“Miguel?” You called, cautious of how dark the living space seemed to be. You almost thought LYLA had lied when a gruff voice startled you out of your head.
“What are you doing here.” He answered, voice low and angry the way it usually was. Your ears quickly clock the direction it came from, leading you toward the balcony part that wasn’t visible through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The door was left open, cold air billowing into the room. The chill immediately nips at your nose and cheeks when you step out.
“Sorry. People were looking for you, apparently. I thought you left hours ago.” You shrugged, shoving your hands in your coat pockets. Miguel glared at you from where he sat, slumped into an oversized patio chair. He’s nursing a glass of whiskey, the knuckles on his hands turning a prominent pinkish tone due to the freezing air.
“Who?” He asked, bringing the glass to his lips. His cheeks and nose are flushed from the cold, too. Despite his black knit sweater, Miguel had foregone any essential layering that would have saved him from the cold.
” 31913. Didn’t tell me why, though. He seemed a little nervous.” You said, clenching and unclenching your fists in your pockets. ‘Shit, it’s so damn cold out here.’
“You didn’t ask?” He said accusingly, face sour. Your face screwed up.
” I’m off the clock. Whatever he’s got going on has to wait until I come back in next week.” You defended, disregarding the scoff Miguel let out. Your brow furrows, making a point to let your eyes rove over his form. 
” You should head inside, you know. You’ll get a killer cold out here with no layers.” You said, not unfamiliar with his unhealthy habits. Miguel ignored you and brought his cup back to his mouth, lowering his head.
You sighed heavily and stepped closer to him, ignoring how Miguel stiffened and shifted to face you like you were a threat. With one quick motion, you unloop the scarf around your neck and weave it around his, leaving it folded neatly and covering his mouth.
“I really don’t want to deal with you sick. Merry Christmas, Miguel. I’ll see you next week.” You say, leaving the stunned-still man on the balcony and making your way back to the elevator.
You hear the chair screech backward just as the elevator doors click shut, and LYLA’s back on her little perch without prompting.
“Thanks, he’s been brooding outside for hours. He’s the worst when he’s sick.” She whines, pulling at her short hair. You laugh, nodding. 
“Of course. I hate him sick too; it’s like he’s four years old when he’s got a runny nose.” You say, grimacing. LYLA beams.
“Yeah, yeah! Exactly. I’ll remind him to give that scarf back, by the way. Have a Merry Christmas!” LYLA yells, waving bye enthusiastically as you arrive on the ground floor and start your trek back to the bus station as initially planned.
You walk to the station with the wind biting at your face, and when you return to the HQ a week later, you adamantly refuse to tell anyone about the snotty nose you had the entire week prior.
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note — there's not much miguel in this, ironically. i had a ton of fun just writing the spider world so, sorry!! i think it fits, though. Miguel is a very guarded man and this little fic is sort of a view into how you manage to worm through his walls (without even trying to, really.) p.s i love lyla
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©neevblanc 2023 // do not plagiarize or repost
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Weak Hero thoughts, rants, and spoilers for chapters 263 to current.
Sorry if this gets lengthy, but I got some feelings to express.
So, I gave myself a few days to process my thoughts and emotions on the conclusion of Weak Hero. To try and make sense of the direction the author decided to take his story on. And honestly, I'm still left feeling let down and disappointed.
In my opinion, one of the greatest slights an author can do to their fanbase and to their work, especially if it's a lengthy story, is to end the story abruptly. To me that is the equivalent to a slap in the face. A big slap to all the fans who have invested their time, energy, and possibly even money to the story the author has been creating. Years of tuning in and refreshing pages, only for the ending to feel so damn rushed.
I was really holding out for a small sliver of hope, I wanted to "trust the process." Maybe there would be an introduction to an amazing plot twist, or a great revelation to understand and explain why the storyline turned into what it did. But at this point, with only the epilogue left, none of that is gonna probably happen, and I'm left wondering why?
I've even wondered if the kdrama had any influence on how Weak Hero ended. Would it have been different if the kdrama never existed? Did Seopass just get tired of his story and the characters, maybe he wanted to move on to something else already? Cuz any which way that I try to look at it, I just can't comprehend why he chose that ending. Especially for Donald. One of the most charismatic characters in the series. The final boss, who possessed both brains and unmatched brute strength. A master strategist who managed to unite a whole district. A literal unbeatable character.... who he gets done in by a wayward truck!?! Right after the biggest fight in the series!?! Like, are you for fucking real? That's how his demise happens?!!?
I'm not even a Donald fan! He was never my fave (that honor always went to Jimmy ❤️), but even I expected more for him. Donald didn't even go down swinging, kicking, barely hanging on by the skin of his teeth. His death happening in the same way he lived his life, like some sort of poetic justice. No. We got none of that. Instead, we get a self defeated Donald, who was reaching out to the universe for someone to stop him, and who purposefully? didn't avoid the truck???
AND THEN, we get thrown some pity crumbs at the end with Stephen. Which to me was just another rushed ending. We get some half assed reunion. No backstory on what Stephen had to go through. No idea what his thoughts were while recovering from his near fatal drop. Did he ever think of Gray? Did he ever try looking for him?
Was I the only one that expected more from Stephen and Gray's reunion??? I can't be the only one completely disappointed, or am I?
I am however grateful we got to see Stephen again, I really am, and that we got a conclusion for him. Since it didn't happen with some of the other plotlines.
For instance, what happened to the Mapo guys, and Changhui saying they were going to wait for an opportunity to strike back? Am I the only one that remembers this?
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And where the capital F was Wolf's backstory? He's a fan favorites and we get nothing? No idea on why he's a such a psycho or the reasoning behind his 3 second rule? Or even why he has it out for Grape so much?
And let's not forget about this guy! He never even got a name!
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There's more, but I'm not gonna go into all of that right now since I don't want to just trash this series. I fell in love with it for a reason, and now I want to talk about the parts that I enjoyed, and that made me remember why I  loved this series so much in the first place.
The fact that Jimmy wanted Donald's recognition. Even after talking crap about him every chance he got~ lol. He still valued him as a capable leader and cared about how Donald perceived him.
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And how Jimmy's signature wrist swish was influenced by Donald!!! I would have never in a million years thought that Donald was the reason and inspiration for it.
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And I absolutely loved how Jimmy and Wolf were bickering at the end. It completely reminded me of siblings arguing with each other at any and every opportunity! I know there's gotta be some underlying respect and friendship for each other there, waaay deep inside, somewhere in a dark crevice of their little crazy hearts. 😆
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And cuz I want to gloat too, I'm gonna add Jimmy whooping Gerard's butt. Take that shuttle patch!
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I was also pretty surprised by how distraught Phillip became after Donald's death. Especially considering that the last time Phillip had any real interaction with him, Donald pretty much blew him off. Phillip not being important enough for even a backwards glance. For Phillip to still remember what it was like standing next to someone like Donald, and to have all those emotions come out of him just broke my heart.
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And I am not about to forget my lovely Colton! Our very first villain. Pervy villain at that! And how much growth he's had, even as a secondary character. I went from feeling disgusted at him to wanting to give him all the hugs and support in the world.
I love you Colton you big doof! 🫶
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And with that last thought I end this. Because as much as I hate the ending, I can go on and on about the things that I did like.
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kairunatic · 7 days
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So I have another unit to review and it's Domay
So besides being a Hot Daddy, Domay is an extremely Good unit for a fighter he has a very high attack. But what makes him good is his skill where he gets an extra boost of attack and expands into 3 tiles where he can hit 3 enemies at the same time when it's activated. It has a fast recharge time which means he can activate it a lot of times this skill will be permanently activate if there's an enemy boss and he also acts as a mini support where he can cleanse status ailments and for every Status he cleanse it'll have another boost to cleanse again
To make it Short Domay is a must-have for Challenge Quest stages he's an upgraded ver of Orginal Leon and a slightly Nerf version of Lyon. And a better version of the cleanser units he can clear waves faster and He can take care of those Tanky Bosses tnx to his skill
@gh0stfood Habbit gave your character justice with this extremely Good skill lol I hope they do the same for His CG
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