#i have no gifts to bear for reaching 100…
misty-moth · 5 months
My queue is nothing short of impressive right now 😮‍💨 and the amount of fics I still need to read in my drafts… but I reached 100 followers in the last hour 🥹 and I just… I have mushy feelings because everyone is so swell, and I’m stoked that I joined you all here.
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doctorbeth · 4 months
A giant bear and a tiny monkey, from the same home!
Back in August a gentleman reached out to me about his wife's giant panda, Edward (Eddie) Bear. He wasn't just giant by breed, but he was actually a giant at about 5 feet from head to toe.
Here are some diagnosis photos:
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In addition to stuffing compression, Eddie had quite a few seam issues, and some (not visible) tears. He came to the hospital for a spa and wound repair. Here he is in his bubble bath (he gets the giant tub).:-)
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Restuffing took quite a few adjustments to get his shape right, but soon he was restuffed, fur fluffed, wounds repaired, and ready to head home:
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Now Eddie headed home and his family was very happy! They wrote:
"Thank you so much, Beth, for providing the excellent care that our boy needed and deserved.
S and I are 100% satisfied with his outcome, so much cleaner, much less slouched and his wounds are all fully healed.
I wonder how many people realize and act on their true calling in life.
I believe I do with my wood working, and I know you do with Realms of Gold."
Nice, yes? But even better... a few weeks later the gentleman's wife reached out. Now that Eddie was better, she wanted to get her husband's companion, Mr. Monkey repaired. She wrote:
"First off let me start by telling you how happy Les and I are with the care you gave Eddie Bear. He is like new again and we are so pleased! 
Sooo, it got me thinking about Mr. Monkey. Mr. Monkey is Les’ child and has definitely seen better days. I have my doubts as to whether he can be helped because of the shape he is in.  But I thought it was worth a try to inquire."
Here are his diagnosis photos, and if you've been a long time reader of my blog, you may guess my response... he's not nearly as bad as you think and we can definitely help him!
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The plan was a spa and recovering Mr. Monkey's brown. The brown area was originally knitted (which I don't repair), but we agreed recovering it in a fur or fabric would add to his stability without changing his personality. So he came to the hospital and....
Here he is in his spa:
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Much tinier than Eddie, Mr. Monkey is slightly bigger than a hand!
Of course Mr. Monkey (and Eddie) got hearts of original stuffing... here are the two hearts:
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There were several fabric options for Mr. Monkey's brown, and his people opted for a thin minky fur. Here he is all better!
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Mr. Monkey headed home and when he arrived his family wrote:
"Mr. Monkey is home safe and sound! He looks GREAT! He said he enjoyed being at the hospital, getting such great care from you! By the way he talks, I think he’s quite smitten with you! He says he’ll miss you!  
Anyway, we can’t thank you enough for your TLC and expertise! 
Don’t you love the red bow tie? It came on a Christmas gift and L snatched it and saved it for when Mr. Monkey returned home. "
And here he is looking spiffy in that new bow tie!
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Playing Favourites III
Arsenal Women x Child!Reader
Summary: The annual Arsenal Christmas video
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"Hi everyone," Leah says to the camera," I'm Leah Williamson and I just want to say, sorry, Mum. I know you told me not to let her do this before Christmas day, but I'm here with the youngest member of our squad and...What are we doing today, bean?"
You sit in the middle of a little half-circle of the Arsenal girls with a little sack in front of you. There's a Santa hat on your head and you're holding the sack like you're scared it will float away.
"Presents!" You cheer. "I'm like Santa!"
"You are like Santa," Leah says, smiling at the camera," So we've got our own Santa here at Arsenal and she's going to close her eyes, spin around and give everyone their Christmas gifts. Ready, bean?"
You close your eyes nice and tight, spin around and aimlessly wander to your left. Arms clamp around your waist and you open your eyes to see Teyah and Lessi.
You beam and reach into your sack. "For you!" You give them both their gifts.
"Top trumps!" Teyah says triumphantly as Lessi pries her Michael Jordan Funko Pop out of the package.
"I'm gonna put this in my locker."
You close your eyes again, squeezing them tight as Lessi helps you spin. You go straight this time and fall into the laps of Noelle and Cloe.
Cloe ends up with the 100 pics riddle game and Noelle gets a fondue thing. They both seem especially happy and Noelle ruffles your hair.
"I'll have to bring you round for fondue, bean."
You don't know what fondue is but you think it's food so you're happy to go.
Next up is Lina and Stina - who catches you when you stumble - and they get a little teddy bear and a tree ornament of Stina kissing the trophy.
"You gotta put it on the tree," You say to her as she laughs at the picture," Because that's what it's for." You turn to Lina. "And have to give your bear cuddles. Teddies die without cuddles."
Caitlin and Vic are next and you get a picture on Vic's new camera with the three of you and Caitlin wearing her new Arsenal beanie.
You fall onto Viv on the next round and giggle hysterically as your favourite Lia moves to tickle you. You give her her gift first which ends up being big plastic things to pick up leaves with. Frida gets a special ornament with a picture of her scoring.
Viv gets a nice jumper with her and Beth on.
"You gotta wear it to the next game!" You say.
Viv laughs. "Maybe I will."
Gio and Kim follow them and you sit in Kim's lap as Gio unwraps the blue Arsenal bag that's meant to sit on her hips. Kim laughs in embarrassment as she gets a mug that proclaims her as the best captain ever and has an arrow that points at her when she drinks from it.
Laura catches you on the next round when you misstep on Kathrine's ankle.
Laia lets you have some of the Spanish gift she gets. It's kind of like nougat but it's got nuts in it and you're not too sure that you like the texture.
Kathrine gets socks (you always end up with socks in your stocking) and Laura gets a snow globe with a picture of her only goal in it.
Laia and Kathrine both help you do your spins and the next person you fall into is your sister.
She hugs you tight around the waist as you balance on her lap while digging through the bag. Her gift is one of the longer ones and it takes you a little bit to get it out of your sack.
You sit down properly when she leans forward to open it, bursting into laughter when it's revealed to be a keyboard.
"I'll teach you, bean," She says, pressing a few of the keys," Won't that be fun?"
"I don't have to do everything you do," You say a bit condescendingly but you're smiling so Leah knows how you really feel, pinching at your cheek.
"Off you go, bean," She says," You've got more presents to give out."
She spins you around so much that you basically crash into Jen and Beth.
Jen ends up with a book of Christmas carols for the guitar while Beth gets the same jumper as Viv just in a different colour.
"That's you and Viv," You tell her.
"Yeah, bean! That's me and Vivi!"
Naomi gets her gift next, a book of very unfunny dad jokes that you only laugh at so she doesn't feel sad that she's not funny at all.
Manu, Kyra and Steph come next.
Manu gets a picture of the goalkeeper union while Kyra gets a packet of Tim Tams that she lets you eat two from.
"It's a jumper for Calvin!" You exclaim when Steph unwraps her own present.
She looks ecstatic and she swears that she'll send a picture of Calvin wearing it to Leah's phone for you to see.
The last person to get her gift is Katie. She looks confused for a moment as she unwraps it before a smile splits her face.
"It's a luxury cat advent calendar," She says.
"For Cooper!" You say.
"That is class. He's gonna love that."
She pulls you in for a hug before letting you plop yourself back on your sister's lap.
She covers your eyes for the last time as someone places the last gift on your lap.
You rip open the packaging and squeal when you reveal an Arsenal jersey. It's got your favourite number on the back and instead of Williamson like all of Leah's jerseys, it's got the words 'The Boss' on the back.
You pull it over your head with help from your sister and she nudges you up to wave and smile at the cameras.
"Do you remember what to say?" She prompts you.
"Merry Christmas, Gunners!"
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frudoo · 3 months
Random König Headcanons
Hey y'all! This is my first post on here so I hope it's alright <3
These are all pretty SFW (for now >:)), so I don't think there's really any content warnings??? Idk let me know if I'm wrong.
Likes going to Build-a-Bear. Will definitely make your bear and his bear kiss.
This man can COOK. Oh, you want takeout? Nah. He's already pulling out the ingredients for your favorite dish. Buys the two of you matching aprons.
Talks to animals like they're babies. I also feel like the man just... attracts wild animals like birds and squirrels. Undercover Disney princess??? Perhaps.
Speaking of babies... the man is so good with kids. Laughs all giddily when toddlers climb him like a tree. Wants you to have his babies so bad
Actually has a decent singing voice. Get him drunk enough and he's doing karaoke like a pro. Oh, and if you agree to sing a duet with him??? He's GONE. Goes all out.
Likes to hold pinkies when walking around in public. He likes holding hands, too, but when he's feeling a little more anxious he'll intertwine your pinkies. PDA isn't his strong suit but he HAS to be touching you at all times, and it's like a pinky promise that he'll always be there with you :,)
Draws patterns/words on your back with his fingertips when y'all are laying in bed. Mainly a bunch of pet names, "I love you"s, and hearts. And cartoon penises
This big burly BEAST of a man loves being the little spoon, no matter how impractical it is. Honestly loves any cuddling position though.
Pouts when you're not giving him enough attention. His lips get SO puffy when he's jealous. Talking to one of his friends? He's grumbling German insults to them under his breath. Eventually he'll just scoot closer to you on the couch and rest his legs on top of your lap. BAM, now he's got your attention, even if it's just you telling him that he's crushing you. Big ol' lap dog.
Likes to do your hair!! He'll take pictures of what he's done and show them to you like a hairdresser :,) It could be the worst hairstyle you've ever seen but you're wearing it PROUDLY.
On the rare occasion that you two go out to a restaurant, he REFUSES to tell the waiter if his meal is wrong. Oh, it's shrimp and he's allergic to shellfish? He's telling the waiter he loves it and will just stare at the untouched plate sadly. Also will not let you trade plates with him because what if the waiter sees??? Tries to sink under the table when you finally cave and tell the waiter that the order is wrong. Glares at you the entire time he eats his new correct meal but is secretly so thankful. <3
Is absolute trash at video games. One of the best combat soldiers on the planet, but put a controller in his hands??? He's lucky if he gets three shots in.
Bought an engagement ring two weeks after you two started dating. I mean, he literally fell in love with you immediately upon seeing you for the first time, so are you really surprised??
Is a really good gift wrapper. His hands always start cramping around the holidays because he does most of the wrapping. His love language is 100% physical touch/gift giving btw.
Adding onto the singing thing... I just think he would be a really good musician, specifically a drummer.
NOSE NUZZLES. Like the Brendan Fraser type of kiss where you just rub noses after. He just gives off those romantic vibes <3
Unconventional kisses. Eyelids, the tip of your ear, everywhere you have moles, your calves, ankles... the man is obsessed with you, and he's kissing you wherever he can reach.
ADORES taking baths with you. Candles, rose petals, bath bombs: he does it all. Washes your hair for you. Lots of forehead and temple kisses.
I am unwell. I need him so bad.
Please feel free to reblog if you'd like!! I hope y'all enjoyed my little (very self-indulgent) rambles. :)))
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kinokoshoujoart · 2 months
is it really toxic yuri if she doesn’t demand you cut off your fingers for her happiness???
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”You have given me gifts over 10,000 times. Congratulations!” haha happy wife happy life…. (my fingers are stumps)
as some of you may or may not have realized i am powerless to the siren call of the ultimate devilish blond Harvest Moon Scum Man, and given that the Japanese version of DS Cute gives you TWO saveslots and TWO hands and the ability to to be in a literal toxic lesbian best friendrriage with ultimate devilish mischievous blonde Harvest Moon Scum Woman i have no choice but to meet all of the Witch Princess’s super reasonable honey do list!!
so one of those fun little non negotiable requests from majo-sama is that you need to give her presents 10,000 times before she’ll even consider marrying you, even if you meet all the marriage requirements!
i don’t mean 10,000 items total— even if you give her a stack of 99 items, it only counts as +1 towards the “items given to witch” counter. you have to give her 10,000 items individually…
in normal gameplay (giving her 1 gift a day, accounting for the holidays when her house is closed) you’ll eventually reach 10,000 gifts!…in your 95th year!
you COULD give her 100 gifts a day every day and knock it out in less than a year, and this was my strategy at first! i quickly realized adding another tedious daily chore to a pile of tedious daily chores slowed the game loop to a crawl and splitting items out was really fucking annoying actually
on the other hand, in 5 IRL hours, you can just get it all done in one visit to her house and never worry about it ever again.
“wow, that sounds like a really great use of my limited time on god’s green earth! how can i too win my future wife’s heart through button mashing my fingers into a pulp?” you ask?
˚✧₊⁎optimized pro gamer technique for breaking your fingers yuri style!!٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶⁎⁺˳✧༚
you will need
dog (each time you show your pet, this adds +1 to the gift counter the same way a gift would)
the bottom screen should be the map screen (reduces loading time between conversations compared to having your rucksack open)
cast endurance on fingers (wait this is redundant, you saw yuri in the title…)
ideal but not required
sometimes when you enter her house, she’s facing the side and her walk cycle never starts. it’s great if you get this glitch because then you can just stand in place for the entire duration without having to look at the screen, and even like watch a movie or whatever while you do all this, instead of accidentally dropping your dog every time she walks to the other bookshelf
if you’re wondering “wait, doesn’t Witch Princess hate dogs and love cats? why are you showing her your dog?” you are absolutely correct! she yells at you to get that stupid beast away from her every time you show your dog to her! her FP goes down by 3 each time! however, since her response to the dog is shorter than her response to the cat, you end up saving like .6 seconds per conversation, saving over 1.5 hours total, so the dog is what she gets
anyway, in true Karen HM64 tradition, after being repeatedly harassed by having a dog she isn’t fond of shoved in her face ten thousand times in a row for like five hours straight, naturally this makes her want to marry you! who said good old fashioned courtly love is dead?!
* as a small note, if you care enough to keep track and give her an actual gift at the 10th, 100th, 1000th, and 10000th mark, you’ll get 4 of the limited Witch Photos early on, which each give you +1 sweet sweet farm degree points every day… honestly that’s not much, but the pain of being told “your hands are full soooo no reward for you lmaoooo sucks to be you” was too much to bear, so i kept track and used a normal present for the 10th, 100th, 1000th, and 10000th…
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fourstarsoutofnine · 11 months
Hi thereee~ Would you mind doing some headcanons of the chain with a reader that basically has no personal space rules set in place for themselves, so they're like a living teddy bear up for hugs and anything else? Who would totally take advantage of this for free cuddles?
A/n:Oh my goodness this is really cute heck yea. I’m not sure if this was meant to be platonic or romantic but it can be read as either!! Also, I’m only gonna do three for right now, just so I can have something out and it doesn’t take too long to produce, I’d hate to keep you waiting for so long :(. The other ones will be written as well though! Just in multiple parts! Thank you so much for your patience🫶
Chain w/ free cuddles reader <3 part 1.
This part includes Time, Sky, and Twilight in that order!
Also Lemme preface and say the chain would absolutely make sure you’re 100% okay with it first. They don’t wanna cross any lines, even if there aren’t technically any lines there. Just had to throw that out there. Anyway!
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The old man isn’t really a cuddly person, but if you were you just come up to him and hug him, I don’t think he’d think anything of it. You’d definitely have to initiate it first with him for a while. Take for instance he and the captain are going over plans. You walk up to him and just hug around his torso or hug his arm and lean your head on his shoulder(or wherever you can reach), he wouldn’t even miss a beat.
“Hey uhh old man?”
They’re all just a touch too intimidated to say anything. He has a soft spot for you and would let you walk all over him if you wanted. Eventually he does get to a point where he returns your affections and place an arm around you whenever you come up—even if you don’t initiate it. He gets used to the affection you give and subtly begins to seek you out. Sitting by you at dinner time, putting his bedroll by yours, silently hoping you end up in his arms in the middle of the night. You’re comforting to him and he likes having you around.
Sky would 10000% take advantage of free affection. That man is the human version of the word “cuddle,” so the fact that you are as well makes him melt. Finally, he has someone just as snuggly as he is. I can see the two of you constantly snuggled up by the fire, his sailcloth around you both to act ad a blanket. He’d either be whittling something new(probably some cute gift for you) or playing his harp—or even just talking to one of the others. If he’s not doing something with his hands, you best believe he’s got at least one of his arms around you. I also know for a FACT he loves having someone play with his hair(it’s me I’m Jojo I say so/j). You can’t have hair THAT fluffy and not constantly want someone playing with it. Sky will absolutely seek you out at any time of day—as the chain travels around, he’ll come to walk by you and take your hand, swinging it with a dopey smile like he was proud of himself to get to walk beside you(spoiler alert:he is. He’s so happy he gets to exist at the same time as you, even momentarily.) sky adores you and wants nothing more than to hold you all the time. He will if you let him, but you’d have to say that first.
My rancher, my cowboy, my beloved. He gives the best bear hugs in all of Hyrule—every Hyrule! He’s probably the second person under sky to absolutely take advantage of the ‘free hugs from y/n’ rule. He loves getting hugs and giving them too :,). He and sky are the comfort people in the chain—and you, little charm, are the newest addition to that title. If anyone is in need of comfort and love, they go to one of three folks. Sky, twilight, and you. You are Twilight’s comfort person, most definitely. Both as wolfie and himself. The wolf walks by you, and twilight will do his best to as well. Usually he sticks around the old man, but when he can, he’s by you, even doing so much as to drag you to the front of the group so he can have both. He likes being in his mentor’s plans, hearing the creation of them, knowing exactly what direction they’re heading and being able to be one of the first into action should something occur—speaking of action, that’s another reason he likes you by him. Not only to sling an arm around you and have you hug around his torso—but so he can protect you as well. He adores you and would absolutely blame himself if something happened to you(he and the champion are alike in that way). He can always keep you safe, and hold you when he wants to, so it’s a win win situation!
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patrickerville · 1 year
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Unsaid in Station Eleven and yet always its guiding metaphysical principal: people are obsessed with asking, “What’s your job?”… because Dr. Eleven (sad job) isn’t allowed to not know what his is.
I think we feel half of ourselves. The half that feels free.
Our job’s to remember that’s only half.
Remember Dr. Eleven, too.
The execs on the show would sometimes just ask me, “Wait tho, what does he mean?”
It’s an incredible feeling to have no idea what that question even means, and still feel so certain, everyone else feels safe, too. And also, this is big business; it’s their job to ask.
I guess it’s your job sometimes to pretend you do. But it’s the future now, a little, so now I do.
It’s his job to escort you out of traumatic places and into new places, which he knows will also end in catastrophe. It’s his job to be an agent asking if you consent to keep going, nevertheless. It’s his job to know awful things, and tolerate hell, hide it from you, and then abandon you.
This is the terrible moment.
But what you don’t see is all he does in-between, the other part of his job.
It’s his job to sift through all the wreckage and pain from the disaster you escaped and find all the beautiful things you now have to take with you, despite the trauma, you just couldn’t then….
Now you need exactly those things, if you want to grow.
It’s a complete mindfuck. You have to circle back.
If you want to live the right life. And even though there has been and has to have been a long time when you can’t admit anything good even happened back there. But come on. It did, it’s just your survival back then required flight.
That’s what it means when you know you’ll see him again, and why that’s good— he’ll come bearing the gifts of your past, which you weren’t strong enough to take, or remember, because you were escaping. You took the knife. But you’re strong enough now. Remember Frank. When you see him again, you know that you’re strong enough to take your best shit, because that’s yours, and remember what you loved by reaching past what you did not. ❤️
He’s the you who didn’t get to run away and change.
He’s a story you made up when you didn’t escape.
It was his job to take you away from something you loved, to swap places, so at first he seems like the bad guy. Sure. But when he’s back, he’s not hunting you. He’s saving you.
It 100% fucking feels like he’s hunting you.
It’s your instinct that he’s a monster, and your heart says run. It’s your job to ignore your instinct, this one time. It’s totally impossible to know. You have to stay and look back at him.
These are moments.
You see him or you don’t.
If you can find the courage to know the moment, and look at him, he’ll show you the remnants of the life you lost. You’re allowed to take it all back, and allowed to remember, say fuck you to chaos, and to hold both his presence, and still hold the pain, cuz you’re strong enough, now, for both. He shows up the second you’re strong enough, when you’re safe.
But by then, he’s not.
Now he needs help.
We don’t remember what we owe.
The time spent following you, ignored, has destroyed him. His job is to reunite you with yourself, with the you you were before you fractured into two, and you’ve treated him like a fucking asshole and hated him for it.
He’s you.
Healing presents as an encounter with an unsafe-seeming stranger.
You bailed. He stayed, even though he couldn’t really show or quite imagine yet, back then, that you’d ever be unified again, or ever be anything but a fucked up damaged you. Let alone more beautiful than you were. Certainly more beautiful than you have thought you could be, in the meantime.
What happened is awful and you won’t ever recover from it or go back to who you were. You were powerless and couldn’t stop it. I’m sorry.
Look right at him when he comes.
To me this is the feeling of God. The story of this dude. Or the best I can do, as an atheist.
To me he is the one moral law.
Choose to stay, if you see him. If you see him you’re strong enough to stay.
Don’t treat your imagination like shit because it’s wiser than you.
You were always going to be destroyed.
Bow and be grateful to whatever emotions you understand the least.
That’s your future you talking to you. Your emotions are encrypted messages from the future, from yourself. You’re your best guide.
The feelings you can explain the least love you the most.
Try to listen.
Stay. Bow. Look right at it the whole thing.
You’ll still be there.
Nothing else is safe.
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G- Goofy
A/N- i was very excited to write this one! i’ve been dying to learn how to play dnd and though i don’t have a very good understanding of it i’m glad i could do a little research and try my best to incorporate something like this in a bedroom sense. cause let’s be honest, this is 100% something that Eddie would do. please bear with me, this is the first time i’ve written something kinky and also the first time i’ve written anything about dnd and i’m not the most well versed when it comes to things like that 😅 i also want to apologize for how long it’s taken me to finish this, it’s my longest fic to date! to be honest i’m quite proud of it so i hope you all enjoy it too 🥰🫶 and for those of you who aren’t aware, this is a fic for my series based on my NSFW alphabet 🖤
Genre- Fluff, Smut
Warnings- reader has female anatomy, p in v sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), body worship, use of handcuffs and blindfold, overstimulation, use of ice cubes, nipple play (i think that’s it 😅)
Tag List- @imagine-all-the-imagines @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @munsonology @esme-viridian @heydreamchild
Words- 7.2k
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You giggled as you sat on your end of Eddie’s bed as he placed a small wooden tray down onto the blankets between you two. On it was a small velvet bag, a little notebook, and a few other romantic touches like flower petals and a few pieces of chocolate.
Tonight was the night you and Eddie had been planning for a while, or at least he’d been planning it for a while. He had been hinting all week at having something special planned, even getting you little gifts to prepare for it. On Monday it was a new little bottle of perfume that you knew he picked out with himself in mind, considering the smell of rose and strawberry mixed in with your natural pheromones was a major turn on for him.
Tuesday was a new pair of black fishnet stockings, complete with a black lace garter belt to keep them held up, which was perfect considering he had destroyed your last pair.
Wednesday was some new makeup that you said you’d been dying to try out. A deep red lipstick, new eyeliner and mascara, and Eddie added one of his own personal touches by getting you a new set of makeup brushes with little bats all over them that he had to have been waiting to give you since Halloween.
Thursday night was a new pajama set, though it was more like lingerie than pajamas. A silk blood red negligee with black lace trim, with a long robe to match it. It was comfortable, it was sexy, and it was what Eddie loved to see you in. Though he would prefer to see you in nothing, this was a pretty good compromise.
Friday night was your favorite gift. A silver chain with a little ‘E’ pendant that hung so prettily around your neck, and you could tell from the way that Eddie placed it so delicately around your neck that he had been planning on giving it to you for a while, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to mark you as his for everyone to see.
Finally, Saturday night came, and Eddie had all of your little presents laid out on his bed for you to change into as soon as you got back home.
He hadn’t told you what your surprise had been, but when he walked into your bedroom with a big smile on his face, wearing only his black boxers and carrying that tray in you knew it had to be good.
You glanced over and saw that he had a few things out on his nightstand as well, things that he wouldn’t normally bring out during sex. There was his handcuffs obviously, but you also saw a small bowl filled with ice cubes, a blindfold, his bandana that he loved to use as a gag, and a lit candle that you seem to remember seeing hidden away in one of his nightstand drawers.
“What’s all this for?” You asked him with a giggle.
Eddie smiled and clapped his hands together, looking at the tray he had set up before him,
“Sweetheart, i have something very special planned for us…” He reached out for the little black bag and untied the top strings, pouring out the contents of it onto the tray and your eyes widened seeing all the different dice fall out.
“Are those new? Oh god, what do you have planned?” You said between giggles.
Eddie tossed the small bag onto his nightstand and reached his hand out to your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss.
“They are princess, and i got them just for us to use. You know i’ve been giving you all those presents this week, but i never told you what i had planned for tonight…” He picked up the little book and flipped through a few of the pages, “I know you said you wanted to try and learn some more stuff about Dungeons and Dragons, and you wanted to try out some new stuff in the bedroom, so i made us our own little kinky roleplay session to do together.”
Your heart was racing, your face bright pink from your blush and Eddie could tell you we’re excited from your smile.
“Really?! Aww, Eddie that sounds like fun! How do we do it?”
“Alright sweetheart, here’s how it’s going to work,” Eddie cleared off the board in front of him, opening the small book to the first page, “I’m going to tell you something that i want to do to you, but instead of just doing it you’re going to roll a specific die and that’ll decide what we’ll do. So, for example, i want to kiss you and i’m sure you want to kiss me too, but you’re going to roll the D20 to see who initiates it.”
Eddie handed you the D20 and you rolled it onto the board in front of you as you bit your lip, watching as it landed and Eddie leaned over with a smile,
“Looks like you rolled a 12 sweetheart,” Eddie leaned himself over the bed and placed his hand behind your neck, bringing you closely into him, “Even means i initiate, odd means you do.”
Your hands went to gently hold onto the sides of his neck as he pressed his lips to yours with a smile, gently suckling your bottom lip as he pulled away.
Though this was just the start of the night Eddie had planned for you, seeing how much thought he put into it was so sweet, and even more of a turn on for him to bring his nerdy things into the bedroom.
“Good girl, you’re catching on quick.” He moved himself back and you were sat on your legs, eager to see what would happen when you rolled the others. He picked up two more of the dies and held them out for you to take,
“These are the D10 and the D8. Normally, you’d use two D10’s but to be completely honest with you i felt like using one would just be easier for us.” You giggled and looked at them in your hand, quickly figuring out which one was which.
“So what do i use these for?”
“The D10 is going to decide what kind of foreplay we’re doing, and the D8 decides how long we’re doing it for. And you can roll as many times as you want sweetheart, i’m feeling generous tonight.”
“Oh, is that right?” You said with another giggle before rolling the D10, “Or do you just want to see how long we can keep all your nerdy stuff in the bedroom?”
“Maybe a bit of both.” He said with a smile before looking at what you rolled, checking the little black book still in his hand, “You rolled a 1, so that means we’re just making out for…” He said as he waited for you to roll the D8, watching it closely, “Damn, only two minutes.”
“That’s ok! I plan on rolling it a couple of times tonight.” You said with a smile, biting your bottom lip,
“Do you want to roll the D20 to see who initiates it?”
“Absolutely! You’re catching on pretty quick.” Eddie eagerly reached out and rolled the D20, the both of you watching it carefully to see what it landed on,
“7. You initiate sweetheart.”
You nearly jumped into Eddie’s lap from your place on the bed, straddling his waist as your hands went behind his neck to pull you in close. His hands immediately went to your body, one grabbing hold of your waist while the other held the back of your thigh, kneading the soft flesh of your ass in his hand as his lips met yours.
Your make out session was quick, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t hot and heavy. You were grinding your hips into his lap as your tongue gently pushed your way past his lips, and he tasted of sweet cherry, almost like he was hoping you would pounce on him as soon as you got the chance to taste his lips on yours.
As you pulled away, you gently bit his bottom lip and giggled as he held you in his lap for a few moments,
“Fuck, princess, you can’t be doing shit like that to me on a night like this… You’re gonna make me want to take you right here and now and say ‘fuck it’ to this whole night i had planned out for us, you wouldn’t want that would you?”
You giggled and pressed your forehead to his, gently kissing the tip of his nose,
“I don’t know… Maybe i do, and maybe i want to see what happens with the next roll…”
Eddie smiled and slid the board next to you to keep you in his lap.
You reached for the D10 once again and you both watched with anticipation waiting for it to finally land, and Eddie smiled as he saw the 6 land upright on the board.
“On your stomach baby girl,” He lifted you out of his lap and you did as he said, quickly removing the robe from your shoulders and gently placing it onto the floor next to his bed, “rolling a 6 means you get a nice relaxing massage, and i’m going to be doing it for…” He picked up the D8 and rolled it on the board, “4 minutes! I’ll make sure to go nice and slow just how you like it.”
You smiled and your body relaxed into his bed as Eddie moved himself over you, straddling the back of your legs as his hands slowly moved up and down the sides of your back before placing a soft kiss to the space between your shoulder blades.
His hands moved slowly and gently, but still firm and loving as they kneaded the soft flesh of your back, making sure to leave a few kisses here and there as he admired your body beneath him.
You closed your eyes and let out a moan as he placed a kiss onto your back before he lifted up the back of your negligee and moved onto your lower back. His fingers delicately traced over your spine and he gripped your waist as he leaned down over you, pressing his chest into your back to whisper into your ear,
“Feels good baby girl?”
You smiled to him and nodded as your head was still relaxed into the pillow. He hovers his lips over your neck before leaving a trail of kisses down to your shoulder,
“My turn to roll princess…” He reached over for the D10 and smiled as he waited for it to land, his lips curling into a smile as it landed on a 2,
“It’s a 2! And that’s a very special roll too,” He moved himself off of you and laid next to you on the bed, his back propped up against the pillows as he moved his hand down and slowly rubbed over his cock that was still covered by the black fabric of his boxers, “If we roll a 2 or a 3 that means that either i’m going to eat you out or you’re going to suck me off… The D20 decides who goes first. Why don’t you roll the D8 for me baby?”
You smiled and sat yourself up onto your knees as you pulled off the negligee that was already halfway off thanks to Eddie being so eager during your back rub and leaned over to kiss him quickly before rolling the D8 on the board,
“Only 5 minutes handsome, but i think i’ve been able to make you cum in less than that before.” You said with a giggle as Eddie leaned over to grab the D20, making sure he was able to get a handful of your ass and squeeze as he did.
He rolled and you both watched it with anticipation, waiting for it to land until Eddie laid back into his place with a smile, sliding his boxers down his thighs,
“4 means i get to go first baby,” He got himself comfortable in his place as his cock sprung free, and though you’d obviously seen it plenty of times before, each time Eddie was fully exposed to you in his state of desire it always made you blush, “come over here and let me hold your pretty hair back. I wanna see your face when you gag.”
With a smile you eagerly moved yourself between Eddie’s legs, his hands moving through your scalp to collect your hair and hold it back out of your face as you leaned down and gently licked the head, already dripping with precum.
You looked up to Eddie as you placed open mouthed kisses all over his length and he watched with a smile, leaning his head back as you took the tip into your mouth and gently suckled on it before swirling your tongue around it.
Eddie was always very vocal whenever there was oral involved, wether it was you or him receiving he always let you know that he was enjoying it and this time was no exception.
As you slowly leaned your head down onto his cock, a few gravely moans escaped his throat as you slid your lips further and further down his length, pulling back as you reached halfway only to sink back onto it.
He hated it when you teased him but god you always made it feel so good. As dominant as he liked to be, when your mouth was on him he was like putty in your hands, entirely under your control. He watched your head bob up and down on him, and as you looked up you could see the glazed over look of lust in his eyes.
His head leaned back and Eddie let out another moan as his fingers gripped your hair, your lips now giving their full attention to his sensitive tip and as he started gently thrusting his hips upward you could tell he was getting closer.
“Stop!” He yelled out between moans.
You took your mouth off of him and looked up to him with concern in your eyes,
“What? Is everything ok?”
“Everything’s fine baby…” He had taken a few deep breaths to compose himself before bringing you close to him for a kiss, “It’s your turn, and i want to make sure i don’t cum until i’m inside you baby girl.”
You giggled and bit your lip as you swapped places with Eddie, laying back against his pillows as he positioned himself between your legs.
His hands slowly moved up and down your thighs before taking off the fishnets and garter, kissing down your legs as he pulled them off and tossed them away before moving to your panties.
His fingers hooked into the sides and placed a kiss to your clothed core before he slid them down your thighs, laying himself down on the bed as he tossed them with your stockings.
You giggled and moved your hands to the sides of his hair, moving it back from his face,
“Now it’s my turn to hold your pretty hair back handsome.”
Eddie smiled and looked up to you, placing a few more gentle kisses over your thighs before licking a long wet stripe through your folds,
“I love it when you talk sweet to me pretty girl.”
Whenever Eddie had his head between your thighs he loved to show you how much he really loved you, and wether he had all the time in the world or only the 5 minutes you were given from the roll of the D8, he wanted you to know how much he adored you.
His eyes stayed on you the entire time, watching as your head tilted back and your back arched as his tongue made sure to reach all the right places. With every whimper and moan that escaped your lips he was only encouraged to keep going for as long as you wanted him to.
One of his hands moved yours away from his hair to interlock your fingers together.
If he couldn’t hold you while he was making you feel this good, he wanted you to know that he was there to give you all the love and affection that he could. It only meant that when the time came for him to be in full control of your body, you knew that everything he did to you was out of pure love and respect for you.
Your legs wrapped themselves around his back, your plump thighs gently squeezing the sides of his head as your toes curled, getting closer and closer to cumming with every whine that left your lips.
With one last lick to your folds, he caught his breath and carefully unwrapped your legs from around him, climbing up and laying over you with his hands on either side of your head.
He brought one hand up and guided you up to his lips for a sweet, soft kiss, giggling as you pulled away,
“I can taste myself on you…”
Eddie giggled with you and pulled you in for a few more kisses before laying himself down over you, his hard cock resting between your legs as you held each other close.
He slowly pulled away from you, glancing over to his nightstand to all the little toys he had set up for him to use on you,
“Want to try the D6 angel? I think you’re going to like what we do with it.” He said, reaching over and handing you the D6.
You moved to lay on your stomach with Eddie moving to lay himself on top of you, placing kisses over your shoulder blades as you rolled the die onto the board.
“It’s a 2! What does that mean?”
Eddie smiled and placed another kiss onto your shoulder before getting off of the bed and grabbing his little book, flipping through the pages. He chuckled and set it back down onto the tray before leaning over to the nightstand, grabbing the blindfold and moving the tray onto the empty space,
“This die decides which little trinket i get to use on you. Rolling a 2 means that you get to be blindfolded, is that alright sweetheart?”
You nodded excitedly and sat up on the bed, moving to kneel before him on the mattress.
He smiled and carefully wrapped the black silk cloth over your eyes, making sure not to make it too tight or get it tangled into your hair as he tied it into a little bow in the back,
“How’s that?”
“It’s perfect! Not too tight but not loose enough to fall off.”
“Perfect. And you can’t see a thing can you?”
You blushed and shook your head, curious and yet nervous as to what Eddie planned on doing to you with this sense cut off.
He reached out and gently traced his fingertips down your arms, taking your hands in his and placing your palms onto his torso.
You smiled as you felt the soft skin of his abs under your fingers, moving them to his waist and bringing him in closer to you. Eddie stepped forward and you could feel his hands go to your shoulders, guiding you back into your position laid down on the pillows.
“Don’t worry sweetheart,” Eddie placed a trail of kisses down your neck to the valley of your breasts, “i’m going to take good care of you.”
He moved himself back up and placed a soft kiss onto your lips before reaching over and grabbing the D6,
“Here pretty girl, one more time.” He opened your palm and placed the die in your hand, moving the board over within your reach.
You giggled and rolled the die onto the board, hearing it come to a stop as it landed upright, and you heard Eddie chuckle. The weight shifted on the bed as Eddie reached over to the nightstand, and you could hear the gentle clinking of his handcuffs.
Your body shivered as you thought about being restrained once again, and though it was something Eddie loved to do often, you never got tired of it. He was always so gentle with you no matter how aggressive he liked to get, he always made sure that your comfort came before his pleasure.
A gentle gasp escaped your lips as he dragged the cold metal over your tummy.
“You rolled a 4. That means we get to use my favorite toy.” Eddie smiled as he gently took your hands, placing a kiss onto the back of each of them as he lifted them above your head, “Don’t worry sweetheart, i promise i won’t make them too tight.”
He placed one around your right wrist and lifted it all the way up to his headboard, pulling the other cuff through the metal bars and placing the other cuff around your left wrist.
“You know what to do sweetheart.”
You nodded and tugged at the cuffs, making sure that they were comfortable and secure around your wrists.
“Not too tight?” Eddie asked.
“Not too tight.” You confirmed for him with a smile.
“Good girl.” Eddie leaned over you and placed a kiss onto your forehead before reaching over to grab the die one last time,
“i’m rolling it one last time sweetheart, then i’ll play with you.”
You heard the die roll and land on the board and the weight shifted on the bed again as Eddie leaned over to the nightstand.
“We’re going to try something new tonight angel…”
“New? What do you me-“ Your sentence was cut off with a gasp, feeling a few drops of ice cold water drip onto your torso.
“It’s alright baby,” Eddie climbed up over you and grabbed your hand, tracing little patterns into the back of it with the ice cube in his hand, the cold water dripping down onto the sheets beneath you, “i rolled a 5, and that means we get to to try these ice cubes out. And i’ve been waiting so long to use them on you pretty girl.” He trailed the ice cube up your arm and slowly down your chest, your body shuddering as he circled it around your breast.
“If it gets too much you tell me, ok?”
You nodded and gasped again as he moved the ice cube to circle your nipple, the cold making it harden instantly and as Eddie heard you gasp again he moved the ice cube and wrapped his lips around the sensitive bud, slowly circling his tongue around it to warm you back up before giving your other breast the same treatment.
Eddie made sure his lips followed the cool trail of water the ice left behind on your skin as he trailed it down your body. As the first ice cube melted over your skin, Eddie reached over and grabbed another one, placing it between his teeth as he tied his hair back. He kept it in place and trailed it over your body once more, this time letting the water flow down your skin, making you shiver and moan as it trailed down between your legs. The cold was almost too much but Eddie’s hot touch that followed soon after always made it feel so much better.
His lips touching your skin as he dragged the ice down your body helped keep you grounded and not get consumed by the pleasure but the ice cold water made every part of you more and more sensitive the longer he had it on your skin.
And all you could do was lay there and take it.
Of course you could always tell Eddie to stop and he’d listen but this sensation was entirely new and though it was different and difficult to keep your composure, you never wanted it to stop. You wanted him to keep using you like his plaything and try to hold on until he was finished with you.
The second ice cube finally melted and Eddie lifted his head away from your body, his hands spreading the little drips and trails of water all along your torso, watching as your skin shined under the dim light. There were little red marks all along your skin, and he couldn’t tell if someone of them were hickeys or from the ice but he loved every little mark he left behind on you. He needed you to always be marked up and claimed as his, wether other people could see it or not.
His fingers gently touched a few of the red spots along your torso and you whimpered and flinched at his touch from the ice making your skin sensitive. It didn’t hurt, it didn’t burn, but it intensified every little touch and kiss that Eddie left behind on your skin.
“Had enough baby?” Eddie asked just as he let the cold water drip from his fingertips right over your folds, making your legs twitch as the icy sensation ran all through your body.
You nodded and gently tugged at the cuffs around your wrists, begging Eddie to release you and let you touch him again.
He smiled and leaned over you, placing a few kisses along your body as he made his way up and put his arms on either side of your head. He kissed the space on your neck just below your ear before whispering,
“Need me to warm you up baby girl?”
You nodded and he carefully removed the blindfold from around your eyes, and as you blinked to let your eyes adjust to the light you saw the familiar look of lust in Eddie’s eyes.
He was smiling down at you, admiring the way that you were completely exposed and vulnerable just for him, and all he wanted to do was show you how loving he could be with you.
He reached over and moved the board towards you, grabbing his little black book and opening it up to one of the very last pages,
“Alright pretty girl, this is the last die we’re using tonight. Are you ready for it?”
You smiled and nodded, excited to see exactly what Eddie had planned for you, and even with your arms restrained all you wanted to do was wrap them around him and flip him onto his back, riding him into oblivion as your thank you for him making tonight so special and so fun for the both of you.
He picked up the last die from the board, the D4 and held it up for you to see,
“This is the D4. Usually it’s used for damage for smaller weapons, something that isn’t insanely important for gameplay, but it still has a purpose. And tonight this is going to be the most important die that we use.”
You tilted your body upwards to get a closer look at the page Eddie was smiling at in his little black book, but he softly pressed his hand to your chest and pushed you back onto the pillow,
“No peeking!” He giggled and moved the book back into his chest to keep you from looking, “I’m going to roll this one pretty girl, and I’ll tell you what it means afterwards.”
He smirked and as he rolled the die onto the board you felt like your heart was beating out of your chest.
The anticipation was killing you and as he rolled the die it felt like you were watching it in slow motion. You had no idea what he had planned for this last roll, but you knew that whatever it was, based on how your night together had gone so far, it had to be something good. Both of your eyes followed along with it and as you watched it land upright, the point at the top showing the number 1, you saw Eddie smile wide and you weren’t sure if you should smile too or be scared of what he had rolled.
He moved the board over to his nightstand along with the dice and his book, staying silent as he did so, a smirk on his lips as he set them down.
“Eddie?” You asked him nervously, still entirely unsure of what was to come.
He slowly moved himself between your legs, placing his hands onto your thighs and moving his palms along your soft skin,
“The D4 decides what position I get to fuck you in angel,” You looked up to him in awe as he kneeled above you, smiling down at you as you laid beneath him, completely vulnerable to whatever he wanted to do to you and yet he was being so caring and so gentle with you, “and I rolled a 1. That means I get to go nice and slow on top of you just how you like it.”
He settled himself between your legs, hands going to either side of your head as he peppered small kisses all along your neck, listening to the little moans escape your lips as he grinded himself along your folds. As he laid on top of you, he reached one arm over to his nightstand, opening the drawer and pulling out a condom, bringing it up to his mouth and tearing it open with his teeth, moving his hand down between your bodies to slide it onto himself before placing his cock over your wetness and gliding over it.
Just the feeling of him grinding between your legs was enough to make you reach the peak of pleasure, but it was agonizing to not be able to touch him. He smiled down at you as he watched your face scrunch with each thrust,
“Baby girl, I’m not even inside you yet and you look like I’m about to make you cum.”
“Eddie…” You managed to squeak out between whimpers, “please…”
He smiled and heard you still struggling with the cuffs at your wrist, seeing how desperate you were to touch him,
“Alright baby, you get to pick one, do you want me to fuck you? Or do you want me to take those cuffs off?” He reached over and grabbed the key from his nightstand, “Because you know you can’t have both right now.”
“Cuffs. Please, i just need to touch you…” You kept tugging your arms down, hoping that they’d eventually break before Eddie was able to get the key anywhere near them.
“Cuffs it is sweetie, but you have to promise me that you’ll be good when they come off. You’re only allowed to touch me from where you’re laying.” He smirked seeing the desperation in your eyes, “You know the rules always make it more fun.”
You nodded and watched above your head as he grabbed your wrists and quickly unlocked the cuffs, tossing them onto the floor with the key still stuck in them as you brought your arms down to stretch them out. Eddie gently held your wrists and kisses over the little red indents left behind from the cuffs before he moved your arms to wrap around his neck as his hands went back to either side of your head.
“Better now?” He asked you, dipping his head down to place a few kisses onto the open spot on your neck as he continued grinding his length up and down, agonizingly slow between your legs.
You nodded and as you held him close to you, your arms wrapping around his back and your fingertips slowly tracing over his spine as you raised your legs up and carefully wrapped them around his waist just to feel him closer to you.
You could feel Eddie shift himself down between your legs and his tip searched for your entrance, your slick providing the perfect lubricant for him to slide in so easily,
“Ready pretty girl?”
You nodded eagerly and Eddie leaned his head up, pressing his lips to yours as he carefully pushed his tip to your slit, wanting to keep you silent as he heard your whimpers while he stretched you out. Your fingers were grasping at his back as you felt him push further into you.
The two of you have had sex before, it wasn’t like it was rare for him to completely lose himself with you every other night in bed, but every time he dragged out your night and extended the foreplay and his teasing it always felt like your first time together all over again. The slight pressure between your legs as he pushed himself inside you all the way to the hilt, his careful attitude making sure that you weren’t in any pain whatsoever, and his warmth and praise providing you with all the comfort you needed to take whatever it was he going to give to you.
He started out slow, keeping an even pace as you were wrapped around him, placing a small kiss onto your neck and shoulder each time he heard a little whimper leave your lips.
He loved getting to take his time with you.
Being able to feel how good he was making you feel, keeping your body pinned beneath him as he kept rhythmically pumping himself in and out of you. He loved how intimate it always felt to be so close to one another.
He could feel your fingertips dig deeper into his shoulders as your whimpers soon turned to moans, knowing that he was hitting that spot so perfectly, waiting for you to start begging him to go faster, to go harder.
“You always take me so well pretty girl…” Eddie chuckled as he felt your legs wrap tighter around his hips, bringing him in closer to you with each thrust, “You want me to go faster?”
The slow, soft, sweet pleasure was too much for words. All you could do was nod slowly as you placed gentle kisses all along his collarbone.
His grip tightened on the bedsheets beneath you as he picked up his pace, your arms wrapping tighter around him as you heard the sound of your hips clashing together between you.
You placed another kiss onto his shoulder as you heard his grunts and groans get louder and louder, knowing how hard he was trying to stay at a steady pace for you instead of holding you down and having his way with you. Thrusting into you as fast as he could as he gripped your hips and tossed one of your legs over his shoulder to hit your g spot at the perfect angle. But he wanted to be slow. He wanted to be sweet. He didn’t spend weeks planning out all your fun for him to treat it like it was any other time you had slept together.
He wanted to make tonight last as long as possible.
“Baby… I cant hold back much longer,” He pressed his lips harshly into your neck and you could feel that a few hickeys would need to be covered up the next morning before work, “I want you to roll again, just one last time, ok? And then i promise you that you won’t be able to walk tomorrow…”
He slowed his pace once more and you giggled as he leaned himself up off of you, giving you one last kiss before slowly pulling himself out of you as you unwrapped your arms and legs from around him.
You groaned as you turned your body to lay on your stomach, reaching out to grab the board from his nightstand and brought it onto the bed before you,
“Which one is it again Eds?”
Eddie laid over you, his chest to your back, and handed you the D4,
“This one my love, the D4,” You took it from him and giggled as he laid on top of you, his weight pushing your body into the mattress, “just roll it one more time for me pretty girl.”
He placed a few kisses along your shoulders and down your spine as you rolled the D4 onto the board, watching as it landed.
“It’s a two!” You said excitedly as Eddie’s lips worked their way back up your spine and you could feel him smile against your back as he laid back over you, reaching over your shoulder to place the board back onto his nightstand.
He moved onto his knees and placed his hands onto your thighs, spreading them wide as he moved himself between them, grabbing your waist and pulling your ass into him and earning another giggle from you,
“I’m guessing the two means you get to take me from behind?”
You adjusted your body, your ass and hips arched upwards as your chest was pressed into the bed, your arms in front of you to hold onto the edge of Eddie’s mattress.
“It does pretty girl, you’re so smart.” You giggled again as he grinded his hips into yours from behind, his length moving over your folds as he adjusted himself between your legs, “Do you want me to start slow like you like it sweetheart? Or am i allowed to use you?”
You arched your ass up a bit more for him,
“You can use me baby, i just want you to go in slow, ok?”
Eddie smirked and moved his hand down to spread your thighs wider, slowly inserting his tip back through your slit with his hands holding your hips to keep you steady,
“Anything for you baby girl.”
You gripped the sheets as he pushed further into you, tilting his head back and groaning as he was fully sheathed inside you, he gripped his hands tightly onto your hips as he slowly moved you back and forth as the gently thrusted into you,
“Ready sweetheart?”
You did your best to turn your head back at Eddie and nod, but he had already picked up the pace of his hips pushing into yours.
Your whimpers and moans became cries of pleasure as he slammed into you from behind, using you to his hearts content. From the angle he was at, it gave him the perfect view of your body moving beneath him, and though he couldn’t see your face your squeals were letting him know he was making you feel just as good as he felt.
His grunts and groans became a string of curses through gritted teeth and he could feel the wisps of his hair stick to his forehead as he started to sweat from the mixture of pleasure and exhaustion. He looked down at your body and smiled at what he saw beneath him.
Your beautiful body sprawled out on his mattress, your knuckles almost white from gripping his sheets between your fingers, your cries now being muffled as your face was pressed into his mattress. He reached a hand down and took a handful of your hair, gently pulling your face up from his mattress,
“No babygirl, you know how much i love to hear all those pretty noises you make,” You could just hear the way he was smiling behind his gravely voice, “and i want to hear you cry out how much you love it when i fuck you.”
You did as he said and couldn’t hold your screams back any longer.
His name left your lips each time you felt him hit your sweet spot, and you just knew that your throat would be sore when you woke up, no doubt the neighbors would be talking about being able to hear you but you didn’t care. You wanted the whole world to know how good Eddie made you feel.
He tightened his grip on your hair and moved his other hand from your hip, placing it onto your shoulder and pulling you upwards into him, his chest pressed up to your back once again as he kept thrusting up into you. He moved his arms to wrap around your body, one around your torso while the other was across your chest, his hand softly gripping the sides of your neck as you moved your hand up into his hair.
“You gonna cum for me pretty girl? Come on, i know you’re close, don’t hold back…”
He could feel you tightening around him and he knew you couldn’t last much longer with him being so deep inside you.
Eddie bucked his hips into you and as he hit your sweet spot one final time, you tilted your head back, your eyes squeezed shut and your hand gripping his hair as you cried out his name and felt a wave of pleasure wash over your body.
As he felt you start to relax around his cock, he thrusted up into you one final time before he reached his peak, holding you tightly to his body as he shot thick ropes of his cum into the condom.
You both collapsed onto his bed, your heads at his pillows, still holding on so tightly to one another. You were a mess of sweat and heavy breathing, doing your best to catch your breath and get grounded back to reality as the wave of pleasure flowing over your body started to fade.
Eddie placed a few kisses onto your shoulder, slowly pulling himself out from between your legs and pulling off the condom, tying off the end and tossing it into the trash before pulling his comforter over your bodies. He went back into his position from before, your back to his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around you, enjoying the warmth of your body as he nuzzled into your shoulder,
“Did you have fun with my little game sweetheart?”
You smiled and turned your head to face him, your hand gently holding his cheek,
“I loved it. Fuck, you really know how to make things fun in the bedroom,” You said with a giggle, placing a soft kiss to his lips, “next time can we try it with a little role playing?”
“Really?” He said with a big smile on his face and you could hear how excited he was.
“Of course! Maybe i can be the princess and i give you a little reward for saving me from the evil wizard who’s been keeping me locked away? You’re good at thinking up things like that.” You giggled again as you saw his eyes light up.
“You’d really want to try that out babe? You don’t think it’s too nerdy?”
“Eddie,” You looked deep into his eyes as you held his cheek, “if i thought it was too nerdy, i wouldn’t have asked you to try it! Besides, i think it’s sexy that you bring all your nerdy stuff into the bedroom.”
“Well in that case, i’m going to have to get started on that first thing tomorrow morning. For now…” He moved your leg over his waist, hooking it around him as his hand went to your thigh to keep you held close to him, “I just want to hold my angel.”
You smiled and rested your head onto his chest, listening as his heart beat slowed to a steady pace, slowly soothing you to sleep as he kissed your forehead.
“I’d love nothing more.”
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fanfiction-blep · 1 year
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SO this (5:46) moment where Zoe says that Neytiri is shy has been living in my head rent free and I will write requests after I have fulfilled this
Warnings: FLUFF, Smut, established relationship.
So imagine Neytiri being nervous to tell you she likes you, so much so that she was avoiding you almost. Causing you to think that she didn't like you.
You end up isolating yourself, when you are not in your hammock you spend your days in the forest.
Eventually she is pushed to confront her feelings when you are complaining to Jake about her weird behaviour. He waits until Neytiri is within ear shot and he plants a lazy kiss on your lips. You jumped back slapping at his head teeth bearing in anger.
"I told you that I love Neytiri and you kiss me! Skxawng" Neytiri had stormed through the forage around you, pushing you behind her and hissing at Jake. "You do not touch her" She seethed. Jake stood up hands raised in defeat, "Well if you could admit your feelings for each other sooner maybe I wouldn't have to get involved" The realisation hit you. You grabbed Neytiri's hand and pulled her away from Jake.
You take her into the forest. Ignoring her questions. Until you reach a open spot, a clearing in the woods.
You turn around and cup her face. Eyes staring deep into hers, "Neytiri" She smiles and looks away from you bashful. You lean forward and kiss at her face, her cheeks and forehead. She giggles against you as she returns the affection.
please hear me out.... She can't make eye contact with you. Like if you walk past and smile she'll hold eye contact for like two seconds. She's so in love with you.
Its not the wow your so beautiful love (she does think that) It's more the 'i have a constant crush on you' love
The first time you two have sex she is so shy, and so giggly. She cannot look you in the eye and every movement of your lips, hands or your tail causes her to shiver and melt against your skin.
"Please Ma (Y/N)" "It's okay my love, I've got you"
She's so sweet! Imagine her making you gifts, Like she makes a new necklace for you, or even new cloths. She would 100% make new weapons with you, imagine her sharpening a blade for you.
HAIR, she will braid you hair and get all excited when you ask for the first time. She smiles so widely and shifts over to you, positioning you between her legs.
She is gentle and works softly on your hair careful not to pull on the roots.
She is defiantly a sub.
She just wants to worship you and she is so in awe of you that you have to take control. Her shyness brings out a protectiveness in you that you didn't realise.
Now don't get me wrong she is still the fierce protective women we know. Its just within your relationship she is so taken back by you, she can't help it.
You run your fingers through her hair or across her shoulders, the tips of your fingers dancing across her skin, and she is putty in your hands.
If you are direct at any time she gets all flustered and can't form a sentence.
"Let's take some time alone, been craving the taste of you all day my love" her mouth opens and closes like a gold fish. Eventually she gives up on words and just nods standing up and linking her hands with hers.
"Let me hear you baby, you make such sweet noises" She squeezes her eyes shut at your words the feeling overwhelming her.
She is so baby when you take control. Nodding her head and pouting when you remove any contact from her body.
she WHINES, and hums so much. Like if you wake her up in the morning she will hum in response, if you turn her on or if she is horny she will whine.
She finds it so hard to instigate sex, she's so nervous and shy then she gets all whiney and pouts up at you, pushing her body flush against yours. you get the hint quickly. Smiling at her. "Yu want me to take care of you love?" She nods kissing your neck "Okay okay, lets go take care of you"
Please she is so cute I could write forever about shy Neytiri.
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spacebarbarianweird · 6 months
“one who moves among hearts” being a possible translation of Astarion’s name is brutal.
If we take this translation as intentionally chosen opposed to real world names where meaning is usually not thought of beyond cultural background. like being named “Michael” because it means “gift from god” (one translation) vs. the name was just in the Bible so it was used
If his parent CHOSE “Astarion” with that intent, they probably meant it as “we want you to be somebody who experiences so much love in your life”
But another interpretation of the phrase “one who moves among hearts” could be somebody who plays with people’s emotions. The heartbreaker.
Which is what Cazador forced him to be. Cazador sent him and the other spawn to catch prey, and unless the most recent patch removed it, there’s basically a Kama Sutra in the room Astarion says he brought victims to. Meaning the seduction ploy was, more likely than not, Cazador’s idea.
Also “tar/taér” being the equivalent of a diminutive and common for an elf’s childhood/first name, something they use until they reach 100 when they get to pick their own and are seen as a full adult in elven society… you think Astarion had to specifically avoid elves?
By a multi species society’s standard he’d be treated as an adult, but an elf hears that diminutive and they’re 100+? They’d probably recoil like when somebody in their 20s realizes a teenager is flirting with them.
Like, could they go with Astarion? Yes, but it would probably get the same sort of side eye as like a 24yr getting with an 18yr. It’s technically okay, but it’s so close to Not Okay that people keep an eye out.
Do you think after endgame that’s something he thinks about? He’s been “Astarion” for twice as long as he should’ve, but it’s also something from his life that Cazador couldn’t take away. He doesn’t remember what he looks like, he doesn’t remember his own eye color.
We don’t know what his relationship with his family was like before, he doesn’t mention them. Which I take to mean he was a transplant to Baldur’s Gate. Maybe he had a good relationship with them but they didn’t live at the Gate, maybe he didn’t and moved to get away. Either way, his name is one of the last and most tangible things from before Cazador that I think he’d have a hard time picking a new one, if he wants to at all.
That's a very interesting point! Thank you for sharing! I actually think Astarion isn't a baby name. Elven baby names are short: Arya, Bryn, Del, Eryn. Tav sounds like an Elven baby name as well. Meanwhile adult Elven names sound like that: Ivellios, Laucian, Quarion, Soveliss etc. Astarion is definetely an adult name in form. Why did he have it though, since he was a child according to Elven standarts?
I have two theories 1) People know the difference between baby Elven names and adult Elven names. So, Astarion just chose an adult name prematurily upon starting his career. I think a lot of Elves start using adult names early in life to look older. Plus they definetely fantasize about what names they are going to take once they hit 100 years. 2) This is a weird theory, but bear with me. There are almost no Elves in Baldur's Gate. Especially, Elven nobility. But there is plenty of Half-Elves. Almost everyone with pointy ears is a person with mixed ancestry. Also, Elves are very delicate and short. Astarion doesn't look like one. He has a human male body structure and if it wasn't for his ears, no one would think he is a pure Half-Elf.
Now let's remember the lessons on genetics, especially Mendelian inheritance. If you have the whole population of Half-Elves (mixed descendants of Elves and Humans), you can get children who inherit only one combination of ancestral features. Two Half-Elves will probably conceive a Half-Elven child but there is a chance the kid inherit Human features from both parents or ... Elven features, getting the same set of genes from Elven grandparents.
So, what if Astarion is like that? He was born in Baldur or its area to the Half-Elven family. Despite being a High Elf, he still has some Human features (ambitions and the body type). And because his folks had little to no idea what Elven society looks like, they gave him an Elven name not knowing it's an adult one. And that would explain why Astarion doesn't have a family to come back to. Half-Elfs live up to 200 years. His parents are dead, people he grew up with are dead. And he is just this "stray" High Elf who wo't be accepted by Elves because he is descendants to Humand and Half-Elves.
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exquisiteserotonin · 2 months
Precious Possessions 10: Every Rule
Pairing: Dave York X F! Reader (Original Female Character)
Rating: E is for Explicit - 18+ only 🔞MDNI🔞
Previous | Next | Masterlist
Word count: 7401
Summary: Firefly takes some time for clarity and understanding about everything and everyone, including the role she plays in Dave's life and the one he plays in hers.
Warning: This chapter is incredibly PLOT heavy...and while it absolutely 100% includes Dave, is very focused on reader and her feelings for and about him. Angst. Religious symbolism. Angst. Violence. Angst. PiV sex - wrap it up lovahs, riding, mild restraints, creampie. Angst. Once again please DNI if you are not 18 and over. Also not beta'd, so all errors are my own. Please be kind.
A/N: Thanks to all my babes who encourage me to continue writing even though it can be fucking hard and so personal especially when you put your heart and soul into each character. Also, if you are familiar with the Equalizer trilogy then you will know and understand some of this.
@youandmeand5bucks @pink-whiskey-woman @redhotkitchen @arcanefox207 @legendary-pink-dot @sparklefarts38 @morallyinept @secretelephanttattoo
Taglist: @nerdieforpedro @sheepdogchick3 @casa-boiardi @missladym1981 @untamedheart81 @drewharrisonwriter @guelyury
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“Lying on top of you is one thing, but getting close to you is another. I feel close to you, one with you, you’re mine whether it is acknowledged or not.”—Henry Miller 
In the morning you awoke with a start, reaching for an alarm clock that didn’t sound, for a body that wasn’t there. Morning light whispered through the paper-thin curtains, shining on the bare stone wall. Working together with the gentle breeze from outside, a slow sense of calm began to hold you. Seabirds and salt air surrounded you as you opened a window—a wooden shutter with three slats crooked, broken, and beautiful, the only barrier to a rectangle shaped hole in the stone.
Slow and easy, sometimes boring—those were your mornings since you had arrived. You stumbled through the first few days like an infant taking its first steps. No electronics, no real connection to the outside world, relying on shuffling through pages of a pocket-sized English to Italian dictionary to navigate your way through the occasional brief conversations you had with the Altamonte locals as you gathered your bearings.  
The constant overthinking presented an obstacle to overcome. By your eighth day there, the simplicity of life wouldn’t allow it. Neighbors shouted morning greetings through open and bright green shutters as you dressed. A t-shirt, white and crisp, a pair of well-loved jeans, and a black leather jacket finished with a pair of white sneakers. A uniform or sorts, you thought, as you descended the stairs from your apartment. A passerby could have been a mirror image of you just by clothing alone. Was this what people meant by “dressing like a local”?
At a nearby café, your ability to blend in was tested as you found your place in a sea of color neutrality, sitting at the lone empty table near the front door. A youthful and friendly server who looked to be no older than 17 approached you, her raven curls atop her head bounced when she stopped. Not a line tempered her smooth, dark olive skin as she flipped open her notepad with a smile. 
“Cosa desidera Lei?” 
“Un caffe per fevore,” you replied, with the young server nodding in acknowledgement at your order. 
From your purse you grabbed a journal of worn, brown leather. Its corners curled upward from opening and closing it frequentlly The pages lay ruffled and beaten with the gift of constant use. Your fingers also grasped a pen lost in the depths of your bag that met you like an old friend that had come to save you in your time of need. The ink flowed from your pen to the paper as you wrote about the salt air, the distant cawing of seagulls skimming the shore, and the mist of calm that seemed to settle over every corner of the town.
You turned your head to look through the clean windows into the cafe to observe the locals—individuals, couples, families. The images of them gleamed like reflections on a stream. In the window, you imagined Dave next to you—a mirage, a specter haunting and present no matter how hard you tried to push it away. In the back of your head, you asked yourself: Do I really want to? 
“Buongiorno!” a voice rich and deep in time and timber reached out to you. 
A newly familiar face greeted you. His hands, like his voice, showed evidence of assuredness through lines of time and wisdom that were beginning to settle on the backs of his hands. The smile lines on his face were set dark and deep into his face, indisputable evidence of living. 
“Buongiorno, Dottore!” you exclaimed, standing up to take his hands and give him a kiss on each cheek. 
“Everyday, at the same time, I see you here,” the rich melody of his voice and the kind smile he gave you managed to whisk away the chill that coursed through your blood, if only for a moment. 
“Well, the calm is a nice…change,” you mused and paused for a moment, contemplating if you really believed your own words.
Enzo settled down in the chair next to you, the smile beneath his mustache was warm and fatherly.  As he sat next to you, the young server returned carrying two small cups of coffee for both you and Enzo. You observed closely as Aminita, as Enzo lovingly called her, greeted him with greater familiarity than you had combined with an even greater respect. He spoke to her with the kindness of a doting grandfather. Bits and pieces of their melodic words met your ears, the depths of your brain manipulating them until you worked out their meaning in English. 
“So, what have you seen since you have been here?” Enzo inquired as he settled into a chair next to you. 
“Oh, it’s only been a few days, but,” you sighed with a dramatic pause, “just having the ocean right here has been more than enough.” 
Enzo smiled back at you and his eyes glimmered with excitement and wonder. It was the kind of gleam that you had only seen among young children and the old. Pressing his hands together he stood up and waved at you in a gesture for you to finish your coffee. You sipped as quickly as you could, your coffee just on the right side of warm---the cozy kind of warmth that wrapped you in an invisible hug on a cold day. 
“Andiamo,” he urged you as you swallowed the last of it. “Come on, I’ll show you the real Altomonte.” 
“Ok, ok!” you replied, conceding to him. 
Uncomfortably, you chugged the last bit of coffee with an audible hiss before you stood up. You took quick steps over the cobblestone streets as you followed Enzo. His gait was quick and determined for a 60-year-old. A smile curled at the corners of your lips as you watched him skip ahead of you with more excitement than a tour guide being paid to show you the village.  
He walked you through one of the many archways of the town, this one longer than others. The path was just wide enough to allow for the regular flow of movement brought to life by the villagers. What greeted you through the arch was more life than you had expected, not dark and dank as you had presumed. Nestled along the stone walls were market vendors selling homemade wears of rosaries, crucifixes made of wood from olive trees, and hand-embroidered scarves delicately adorned with intricate, swirling designs. You could feel your mouth drop open in awe as you caressed your fingers along a deep blue scarf with two white lilies embroidered at each corner. You were certain that the elderly woman who made this was grossly underestimating the time and talent it took her  to fashion such a unique and beautiful item. A small, rectangular piece of paper lay on top of the scarf and written in ballpoint pen was the price of a mere 50 euros. 
“Beautiful, yes?” Enzo remarked with a smile. 
His eyebrows were raised as he looked back at you. Reaching into your purse you pulled out your beige, leather pocketbook to procure a one hundred euro note. It called to you, that foreign feeling that you so rarely experienced of reaching for something that you just knew you had to have. It had only happened once before.
Your hand trembled slightly as you handed the woman the euro note, a sign of the thoughts of Dave that took hold of you. As the woman took it, the wrinkles around her smoothed from her wide-open eyes. The look of shock overcame her as she examined the note. She waved at you, her tone an odd mixture of gratitude and scolding that could come only from a strong Italian woman. 
“Ti prego di prenderlo,” you insisted in as humble a tone as you could. “E magnifica.” 
You watched in earnest as Enzo spoke to the woman, conceding to her and talking her down until she stared back at you with a satisfied glimmer in her eye while handing you the scarf. Immediately, you tied it loosely around your shoulders while following Enzo’s lead ahead of you. As you sauntered through the cobble stoned streets, Enzo pointed out the fish market. The owner, Angelo, waved at you alongside his wife and son as they proudly arranged fresh fish on piles of ice—waiting for villagers to snatch them up for their evening meal.
The sunlight greeted you on the other end of the archway, where ancient stone walls guarded each side and where Enzo stood at the foot of a steep set of stairs. He turned around to you and gestured towards the steps with excitement surging through his fingertips. 
“Have you gone up to visit the church?“
Your gaze followed Enzo’s upward to a church set into the mountains, that stood proud with its pristine ivory in color that was brighter against the lush, green foliage of the mountainside. A hint of premature frustration crept beneath your skin as you mentally took in the slope of the stairs. You were in good shape, you had to be. Yet your legs automatically ached with a phantom pain that you knew would come from traversing the steep climb to the church. 
Enzo gestured for you to come over, picking up one foot after another over narrow and steep stairs. The waves of the Mediterranean crashed over the walls guarding the village. The fresh salt air traveled with the breeze until it began to dance in your hair. 
“Climb these steps every day and you’ll be young the rest of your life,” he teased, “That is my doctor’s order for you.”
Something between a laugh and a gasp escaped you before he gestured for you to catch up. When you finally did, your eyes settled on the weathered rock as the air caressed your hair and your lungs filled with deep, cooling breath that led to a wistful sigh. 
“Come on, old man!” You took the chance to take a break from your jog to rib your dark-haired companion as he fought to catch his breath standing amidst a steep, but beautiful set of stairs.
You rocked your hips back and forth as you kept your feet bouncing from side-to-side in a stationary jog. He looked up at you, gathering his hands at his hips as sweat began to gather at the center of his charcoal-colored t-shirt, clinging to his lean, but broad-shouldered form. Not one speck of amusement found itself on his face as he glared at you. The steadiness of his stare caused you to slow your jog to merely stepping your feet beneath you. When a smile finally slid over the surface of his pouty lips, his eyes bore into you, heavy, dark, and tempting --- the look of the devil you always wanted to know. 
“I’ll be generous,” you recalled him saying, his words dripping like the sweetest nectar from the most forbidden flower, “and give you a head start.” 
“Just like you to assume I need one,” you challenged as you stood above him, placing your hands on your hips. 
He readied himself a few steps below you, a determined glint in his brown eyes that sent a chill scurrying up and down your spine. Simultaneously, it sent a warm, throbbing sensation at your center as he looked you up and down. He doubled down on his threat, setting himself in a starting stance to race up the stairs. You followed suit, turning your back away from him, trying to keep your focus ahead of you. His very presence behind you already threatened to consume you and though he was steps below you, you swore you could feel the heat of his exhales rippling on the back of your neck.
And with no warning, he spoke, “Run.” 
The memory of you leaping up the stairs traveled through your feet as you slowly made your way up the steep stairs leading to the church. It was silly really—the present was just a moving dichotomy of your memory. 
You didn’t dare look behind you. Doing so would have meant certain defeat. An feeling of nervousness mixed with intrigue filled you as you ran, ran, ran as fast as you could. The sense of him gaining on you heightened through every pore. Your feet pounded on the steps and your arms swung tightly with each quick stride. Quick breaths rattled from your lips as you focused your eyes to the top of the majestic stairs. Cockiness lined your lips into a premature victory smile, when you suddenly felt a pair of hands grab at your hips, forcing you to slow down to a rhythm that matched his body. You felt the heat of his warm fingers wrapped around your elbow as he pulled you into a dark, concealed alley. Breathing even harder than when you were running, Dave pressed you against the wall, his hips rolling against yours. 
His face was so close that you could smell the clean, yet intoxicating sweat that collected upon his skin that had been made golden with Sicilian sun. Each breath he drew was quick and in time with yours. A quick gasp escaped you as you felt his warm hand lower to skim the waist of your leggings, his thick fingers. A shiver circulated through your body as he toyed with the elastic band. 
“When are you going to learn, Firefly?” he growled into your ear, his lips brushing at your neck and earlobe. “I’m always going to catch you.”
“Bella! Bella!” 
Enzo’s voice sounded through the cloud of your memory. Without even really being cognizant of it, you had made it to the top of the ancient stairs. The breeze blew stronger at this height, whipping your hair across your face. As you brushed your waves back, your eyes beheld how the wind danced on the rich, blue water and how it made ripples that shimmered with the golden sun. 
“You see, all this makes Altamonte,” he gestured to the church, the statues, and the paintings of the woman. 
You stared at the wonder and pride in his eyes. Somehow, you knew he meant more than just this place. If he could, he would just stretch his arms from here to the ocean. From his voice that trembled with pride and from the gleam that shined in his eyes, you knew. Only an act of God could wash it away. 
“Come in child,” he said, as he gestured you over to the door of the church. 
“Oh no, I’m not religious,” you said as your shoulders shrunk from the discomfort of the words. 
You didn’t need proselytizing. 
“You think she cares?” Enzo asked, already halfway through the threshold of the church. “But you choose.”
Humoring him, you stepped inside. An unexpected shiver oscillated, tapped, and pricked over your body. Goosebumps arose beneath your sweater. The cold that lived in the walls easily could have trapped you, threatening to take away whatever life you felt beneath your skin. Instead, it invigorated you as they made union with the warm colors of the sun that painted the walls of church like they were her own, personal canvas. You peeked through the windows that let that light in. Each had a perfect view of the village. The beauty had you holding your breath as you marveled at how the stone buildings gathered together and overlooked the bluest water you’d ever seen. 
When you finally let yourself breathe again, you found a seat next to Enzo. He knelt in reverence, his eyes closed and hands clasped together. The flicker of several candles set the room aglow, his flame burning brightly among the many. 
You, on the other hand, sat with quiet patience. It was more like a museum to you. Your eyes settled over the statues and paintings that adorned the church. So much adoration for a woman filled in a church that was ostensibly governed by men. 
Maybe they had it wrong, you thought. Maybe the church was meant to be built upon the shoulders of a matriarch who chose her path of raising a leader, instead of a girl who was bestowed the gift of raising a savior. The way these thoughts meandered through your mind was nearly enough to make you laugh. Sometimes you shouldn’t be left to your own thoughts. 
Enzo settled back into pew in the empty space next to you. A deep sigh escaped him as he turned his head to you. His eyes softened in concern. A slight discomfort pressed onto your shoulders as you navigated your response to the kindness. 
“People always come and rest here, some pray, some meditate until they find an answer,” Enzo said, his voice imbued with the notes of great wisdom. “Even me.” 
You nodded in acknowledgement, waiting for him to continue. 
“And you, too, correct?” He asked. 
He didn’t even entertain you with the space or time to answer, not that you had one to give him. Not one that was truthful by any means. Instead, you nodded and waited for whatever wisdom he was ready to give you.  
“I don’t judge,” he stated with a look so deep with thought and an undercurrent of pain that you knew his words were true, “Nothing good comes from it.” 
He sighed again. The weight of whatever memory he was holding was heavy on his shoulders. The tired lines around his eyes seemed to grow in real time, a remnant of the pain that remained.            
“I’m not trying to…ehm…intrude in your personal business,” he paused to find the words, “but are you really here for rest, to find peace, as you say? Or…are you running from something?” 
And there it was: the truth. It had never left. In that moment you could have felt anger, maybe something bordering on hatred for someone cornering the truth out of you. But you didn’t, not this time. You met the doctor’s gaze with the same hesitancy of a child who was hiding something from a parent. Without words, he knew the answer but bore no judgment against you. Instead, he patted you reassuringly on the hand as you took in the warmth of the flickering flames at the altar. 
The sky was a bolder blue against the midday sun as you took your sojourn back to the main square. It seemed impossible that you’d spent as much time in the church as you had. Enzo held onto your arm lightly as you climbed down the steep stairs. A steady stream of pedestrians began to fill the cobblestone streets as you ambled through corridors from which you came. As you walked through the town, the warm and smiling faces of the locals continued to greet you even as Enzo departed from you to continue with his day. 
The remainder of your day moved in an ethereal mixture of fast and slow. From the time you made it back into town you were able to stroll along the seashore, allowing yourself to bathe in the wind as you dug your toes in the sand to buying bread from the local bakery and enjoying it with a cup of tea you watched the sky melt into shades of coral, purple, and then blue as the sun disappeared beneath the horizon. 
As a deeper blue settled in the sky, the evening sounds of Altamonte whispered in a different way than the sounds of the morning. The vibrations were buzzed with an energy that was somehow  enlivening but calming at the same time. It should have called you to join everyone. Instead, you let the sounds energize through the open window of your apartment. And you waited as the locals left the restaurants, drunkenly and lovingly alive. The whispers of the night called you as they always had, as they always would. While the citizens of Altamonte were beginning to turn in for the night, you dressed yourself and immersed yourself in the comfort of the late night. 
You approached a restaurant a few blocks from your apartment. A low, heavy feeling struck you in your stomach. Something pulled at your shoulders, tight and aggressive until it pressed and pulled at the skin of your throat. The invisible intensity threatened you with an unsettling and ominous aggression. You tensed into defensive mode as you moved closer and closer to the scene. Loud clatters of silverware and the dragging of chairs against the cobblestone streets set you into a stance that you only ever needed when a job with Dave and the team called for it. 
You dashed with light steps across the cobblestone to gain a better vantage point of the situation. Despite yourself, you heard Dave’s voice in your head as though he was walking you through a training exercise. 
“Your brain is your best asset. Read, know, and breathe the situation and you have the upper hand.” 
You slinked closer as your eyes focused on the situation before you. The threat: two men. His frame was wiry. He couldn’t have been more than 5’9” you surmised. His dark, wavy hair was slicked back, and the ends curled just past his ears. What he lacked in stature he made up for with menace. His stare was wide and manic as he loitered among the tables strutting forward towards a beautiful, young waitress who’d been cleaning the tables outside. The thin man’s counterpart was noticeably taller and more physically imposing. He stood with an unwavering posture, his wide shoulders. He had a closely cropped haircut, and a brow that dipped down into a deep frown that seemed permanently affixed to his face. 
Fear darkened the face of a young woman’s face as the thin man continued to advance on her, trapping her among tables and  into a corner. The owner, her father, stood in the doorway, his feet ready to stomp forward and rescue his daughter. A few strands of her hair fell over her face as she gestured to him to stay inside the restaurant. Two heavy and threatening hands belonging to the burly crony pushed her father back impeding any heroic action he might attempt. The thumping of your heartbeat was fast and loud in the silence of the night, fast enough and loud enough for you to take a deep breath with the hopes of calming it.
“Collateral damage is always messy and always a liability. Blend in: the less remarkable you are, the less of a target you become.”
With Dave’s instruction resonating in your head, you closed in on the restaurant picking up your pace to a light jog. The thin goon continued to advance upon the young woman as her father struggled against the tall man’s hold, keeping their attention from you. It was as though panic traversed through her body the closer you came. The fear that seemed to hide behind her eyes thumped toward you, pumping you with adrenaline and readiness. He held her hostage with a lascivious scowl as he pushed a strand of hair from her face. His hands grabbed the back of her neck, each finger white with violence as he dragged her forward, her skin already red with pain beneath his vice grip. Both men, so arrogant against the struggle of their captives, paid you no attention. 
“Let them underestimate you, then you can always find a way to get the upper hand.” 
All at once a scream from the waitress, yells, and grunts from her father as he struggled, rose in the air as you lunged towards the thin man forcing his grip from the young woman. Adrenaline pumped through every one of your veins as you pulled his thumb backwards and shoved him back with concentrated strength as you simultaneously pulled the gun that he so arrogantly placed in the waistline of his pants. Losing his footing, he stumbled backwards to the ground. You stood protectively in front of the girl as his brutish sidekick attempted to lunge toward you. 
The man raised his eyebrows for a moment and lifted the corner of his lips into a disgusting smirk. He was big and monstrous. You analyzed how each movement was stifled by how grotesquely bulbous his muscles were. Your foot was already hooked to the leg of one of the metal chairs closest to you. In the second he lunged in your directions, you lifted and ejected the chair at his solar plexus. With an additional, forceful stomp of your foot to his chest that knocked him to the ground. 
In the time it had taken you to knock them to the ground, the waitress and her father had escaped inside, and the sound of a police horn approached quickly. You looked down on the two men and brushed a few wayward strands of hair from your face. Adrenaline rushed from your veins to the tips of your fingers. 
The two men stood up, attempting to smooth out the wrinkles of their expensive Italian suits. The thin man glared at you with his hand placed protectively at his chest. It burned still from the pain you inflicted upon him. 
“I think that’s your signal to leave,” you stated with a voice as steadfast as your stance. You kept your hands tightly on his firearm.
With one more snarl, the men disappeared into the night. The motor of their car rumbled off, growing quieter the further they drove into the night. It was silent and more of Dave’s words surrounded you. 
“Never call attention to yourself, but if you have no choice, you need a plan to leave fast.”
The young waitress and her family looked at you, their eyes gleaming with grateful tears. The only thing you felt you could give was a nod. Receiving gratitude, handshakes, and hugs weren’t anything you were prepared or willing to receive. You just weren’t built for it. 
You rushed away using shadows and looking over your shoulder anytime you found yourself in the light. When you arrived back at your apartment, you set your already neatly folded clothes inside your suitcase. It was another trick Dave had taught you. 
Cellphone. Passport. Wallet. Keys. 
With all of them accounted for, it was time to go. You stared at the gun that you had taken from the thin man. You tried to sift through your options of discarding the weapon, when slow, quiet knocks tapped at your door. In an instant you were pressing your back to the wall, sliding along as you made your way towards the door with the thug’s weapon in your hand. It wasn’t in your itinerary to take care of two gangsters on your vacation. 
One, two, three deep breaths.
The knocks became quicker and more urgent. You listened closely for any noises that would alert you to the kind of weapons they had. Just as you reached to open the door you heard a familiar voice through the door.  
“Child, it’s me: the dottore!” 
You wanted to let out a huge sigh of relief, but your heightened vigilance had settled over your neck and shoulders holding you in a position that disallowed it. 
“Enzo,” you finally called out after much deliberation, “are you alone?”
With immediacy, he replied, “Yes!” 
His voice was as steady and confident as a surgeon who was moments away from performing life-saving surgery. You analyzed it, homing in on its lack of fluctuations, listening for any indication that someone else might be standing next to him waiting for you. You drew one more breath and opened the door. Seeing Enzo standing on the other side alone allowed you to let go of the breath you held in your chest. He rushed past you, closing the door behind him. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked through gritted teeth. 
“I heard what happened.” 
“How did you--,” you began to ask. 
“I know everything in this town,” he stated plainly, as he looked you directly in the eyes. “Where is the weapon?” 
You felt your brow immediately furrow at his request. This was the kind of situation Dave urged you not to find yourself in. Trusting people, feeling for people, even giving a little bit of yourself to anyone would be a folly in your line of work. One that would certainly get you killed. 
“No, not happening Enzo,” you insisted as you shook your head. “I cannot get you involved.”
“I think it’s too late for that.” 
You stared back at him, feeling a pressure of disbelief and gratitude as he held his hand towards you with a dish rag that he had pulled from a kitchen drawer. You pressed your lips tightly together and a painful sting of tears began to form at the corners of your eyes. Enzo reached his hand out to you again. 
“Are you a good person or a bad person?” 
An unfamiliar feeling of confusion, guilt, and sadness came over you. One that had you re-evaluating nearly everything. 
You replied to Enzo tearfully, “I don’t know.”
He stepped forward and offered you his fatherly stare. The one you felt was so undeserved. 
“Only a good person would say that.”
It was at that moment, you wondered, maybe, if Dave had it all wrong. 
You looked back at Enzo with a look that you hoped conveyed your gratitude. There were no words that existed that held enough magnitude to describe it. You grabbed your things quickly, looking at him once more before you walked out the door. He gave your arm a reassuring squeeze and you pulled him in for a hug. You held him tight, your hands nearly squeezing to the point where neither of you could breathe, shaking as you let him go. 
“Non dimenticare mai chi sei, cocca,” he said followed by a kiss to your forehead that instantly made you feel like you were truly cared for.
And with one last look, you disappeared into the night. The cool air met you and the sound of ocean waves ascended to your ears. Each smell and sound engulfing you and holding you in what you wished was a long goodbye. The bittersweetness of your tears met the corner of your lips. Yet somehow, each event, each choice, and each movement you made reminded you that all of this was just as it was supposed to be. 
The last 24 hours blasted by you like a bullet train. Everything around you moved in a blur while your body somehow moved at a pace slower than everything around you. You moved through each moment with an exhausted automaticity: getting off the plane, getting a taxi , and finding your way home. 
With caution still at its peak, you entered your home. You checked every room and every closet two times until you felt certain that no one had followed you from Italy. You held your phone in your hand staring at the black screen, contemplating if you should even turn it back on. With a long sigh you pushed the buttons at the side of your phone, setting it quickly aside on your nightstand before running to the bathroom to avoid any notification like they were a plague. 
You stepped into your spacious shower, jumping a little as cold water met your skin before gradually raining on your body with much needed warmth. You stepped out of the shower, drying off before wrapping yourself with your towel. You shook your hair with your fingers until your wet waves rested at your shoulder. A notification appeared on your phone connected to your security system.
Filling your lungs with a deep and steady breath you walked towards your kitchen to pour yourself a drink of water. Standing in silence, leaning against your kitchen counter, stood Dave. His eyes stayed only on you with his hands crossed over his chest. He was wearing his best poker face: no anger, no fear, no hate…but for a moment you spotted it: an inkling of relief, a hint of regret, a glint of—? No you wouldn’t let yourself welcome the thought.
You brushed past him, pouring yourself some water. You looked up at him, no words leaving either of your lips. The water was cold, refreshing, and awakening on your lips. As you walked past him back to your you could practically feel him seething. Coming at you like heat waves but bouncing off you as you kept your cool. 
Staring back at him from the end of the hallway just outside your bedroom you called to him.
“Are you coming to bed or not?”
You swore you heard a sigh of exasperation escape him as he crept towards you with his hands on his hips — the way he always did when he was particularly frustrated. Satisfied by his inescapable allure towards you, you turned away from him, confident in the knowledge that he would follow you. 
“I’ve got to hand it to you,” Dave spoke as he perused your hair, your eyes, your face, your skin, “I’m impressed you were able to be off the grid for as long as you did.”
“I don’t think that matters much now,” you declare looking up at him as he moved towards you. “I’m back.”
Dave took his hands to caress your face, his grip against your skin pressed with the perfect amount of firmness. A faint shine of gratitude emanated from his eyes. He would never say it, but you could see it. You could feel it from the touch of his hands and by the warmth emanating from his body—he missed you. 
It was enough. You pulled one hand from your face bringing it down to where your towel wrapped around your body in a tight tuck. With firm guidance you made him pull the towel off your body letting it tumble to the floor. His eyes darkened and he shook his head with a smirk near disbelief as he admired your body. 
“Fuck, you’re fucking beautiful as ever.” He groaned as he grabbed at the front of his pants. 
Nearly a month without him, not one text or phone call…by your own design. Forgetting him wasn’t the answer. Understanding yourself in your entirety always led back to the same conclusion: you were his. 
Not able to wait a moment more, you grabbed him by his dark sweatshirt pulling it over his head and tossing it away. You didn’t think you’d taken a pair of pants off a man faster in your life. His breaths came heavy and fast as you pulled him towards you, admiring his naked body as he did yours. 
And then you kissed him.
After so long without him, the fire that sparked from touching him burned hotter than ever. You pulled his body to yours so tightly that your breasts pressed onto his chest, feeling each desperate breath that rose and fell over him. Somehow your arms found their way around his broad shoulders while he wrapped his around you, his hands grabbing your ass massaging up your back, until his fingers are threading themselves in your hair. 
Your kisses were an exploration of renewal, of remembrance of how each other tasted while also, somehow, feeling brand new. His tongue had never been so needy before. The gruff moans that released from his mouth were so different and more unbidden than you’d remembered. And his cock, his lovely, thick, uncut cock, was so hard against your lower belly. The tip already cried for you with precum. 
With one swift movement you spun around and shoved him to the bed. His eyes widened with devilish excitement as he spread his limbs across the expanse of your bed. His cock stood at attention for you, ready to comply with your every demand. 
You crawled towards him, like a black cat slinking in the dark. The smell of him was so musky, salty, and clean as you lowered your face and then your mouth to the tip of his manhood. Holding the warmth of him again felt like a gift as he throbbed in your hands. The taste was even better as you took in the precum onto your lips and then your tongue, each taste bud lighting you up with desire. 
He moaned, his hand hitting your pillow with a thump as your mouth and tongue continued to worship him. 
“Oh shit, fuck!” He growled as he gripped your sheets. 
Not even close to satisfied you lifted your face from your handiwork, tucking your hair behind your ear. You glided forward over his body, giving him another kiss before straddling him, only letting him feel the outer lips of your wet cunt. He reached his hips upward for you.
“Tsk, ah ah ah,” you crooned, teasing him with another grind of your hips, “not til you beg for it.” 
“Fuck, Firefly, fuck—!” 
You moved your hips again. 
Dave couldn’t stop the moans that came from his beautiful lips. So beautiful, you traced your thumb over them. 
“Is that all you have to say for yourself?”
You grew wetter with each teasing press of your hips. 
An unintelligible and wanton groan came from him. 
You tugged him by the hair, his eyes staying on yours and his brows angled downward in a combination of anger, frustration, and desire unique to him. 
“Tell me, daddy.”
“Fuck, s—so fucking sexy,” he groaned. “Fuck I’ve missed this, your fucking body, my pussy.”
It was all you needed to hear.
You lifted your hips and braced your hand on his chest before you slowly began to sink over his cock. You bit your lower lip as you felt each thick inch of him enter you until he was so deep you could go no further. Pressing your hands onto his soft belly you began to move. Just that nearly sent him over the edge. 
“Fuck, Firefly, how are you even better than I remember?“ Dave praised, as he gripped your thighs with his hands. 
You rolled your hips slowly against his, adjusting to his thick size in your tight pussy. A shuddering breath left your quivering lips. With each bounce and roll of yourself on his massive member turned your breaths into loud and melodic moans. Not wanting to lose yourself just yet, you pressed your lips tighter together the more rhythmic your pace became. His cock throbbed within you, feeling impossible deeper with each move you made. 
“Ah, my god!” You whined, unable to keep silent as Dave suddenly thrust his hips upwards to match your moves. “God, your cock is so good.”
Dave could only muster a gruff moan before interlacing his fingers between yours. You could feel his breath becoming more erratic with each move of your tight cunt over his cock. His hands began to squeeze yours tighter and tighter as your pussy squeezed him.
With a quick forward movement of your hips, his hard member popped out from inside you. 
“Ahh, fuck!” He moaned as he gritted his teeth in frustration at the loss of your wet center around him. 
You climbed off Dave and reached over to your nightstand, pulling a rope from the drawer. You straddled his waist while fashioning a strong knot around his wrists, tying him to your bed frame. He looked up at you, hazy and hungry to feel his cock sheathed in the tightest walls of your pussy. A smirk unfurled itself on his lips as you rocked yourself along his shaft, anointing him with your nectar. 
“How does it make you feel,” Dave spoke, the sound coming from the deepest part of his throat, “thinking you have some kind of control?” 
The words stopped your gyrations and brought your face an inch from his. You could feel your breath circling his lips, close enough that you could see them quiver. With a strong squeeze of your right hand to his face you licked from his chin to just above his lips before kissing him. Your tongue parted his lips with a firm swipe, leading his tongue into a dance he had no choice but to follow. The way your bed frame rattled as you looked down upon him told you more than any words from him could say. 
“So you’re telling me this,” you squeezed and rubbed his cock with the tightest fist you could make around him, “is the gift I get after being gone for so long?”
You slinked your hips back down, teasing his cock with your opening. With the most sultry intent, you stoked his primal want for you, not settling onto him right away. The way he continued to fight against the taut rope around his wrists sent chills that emanated from your center.  He’d never say it, but you certainly knew everything he fought against confessing.  
Generosity began to sneak over you and you allowed him to fill you as you lowered onto him, inch by throbbing inch. And as though your life, your everything, depended on it, you took him for a ride. Consuming, savoring, and indulging in every delicious, warm, and pulsing inch. You brought him to the edge of ecstasy only to bring him back. Your bodies devolved into a beautiful mess of sweat and desire.
Until it was time. Neither of you could hold back. You clutched the headboard as your hips bounced vigorously on his cock. You looked into his eyes and he into yours until you both came with a hot, violent shaking of your body and an uncontrollable thrust from his hips up to yours. Together you filled the walls of your bedroom with a duet of rapturous groans and sobs of euphoria. 
Still holding him inside you, you graciously removed the bindings from his wrist. With urgency, he circled his hands around your waist until they gave your ass one more squeeze. The warmth of his hands traveled up your back and worked through more of your waves before they pulled you in for a kiss. Simultaneously hot and chilly aftershocks of your orgasm trembled through your body before you lifted yourself off him. 
“Goddamn,” he sighed, his voice cracking as you collapsed on top of him.
Minutes passed like hours as you breathed in time with one another. In the silence, you listened closely to each other's sounds. The unexpected feeling of his hand beginning to your hair startled you. He stopped for a moment surprised by your reaction, slowing the movement of his hand, wrapping his arm around you to caress your shoulder with an embrace. He slowed the racing of your heart with more slow breaths and a barely audible hush from his lips. You could feel the intentional slow rise and fall of his chest against your back, your eyes growing heavy until both of you fell into the arms of a deep sleep. 
Late into the night, you stirred with one arm tucked close to you and the other draped lightly over Dave’s. The hum of your ceiling fan drummed peacefully in your ears as your eyes fluttered lightly looking at his form lying next to you. You almost surrendered yourself back to sleep when a sudden thrashing motion shook you awake. 
You propped yourself up and saw Dave tossing next to you, sweat beading at his forehead. His voice started with quiet mumbles, groans, and bellows that shook with anger and fear. You reached over to him, gently caressing his forehead. 
“Dave…Dave?” You started gently. 
He continued to writhe as his brow furrowed and wrinkled his forehead. 
“S--, no, S-- Sa---,” he called out, still trapped in his nightmare. 
“Dave, it’s me!” You said more firmly wrapping his face with your hands. “I’m here. I’m here.” 
He awoke, startled as he looked at you with wild eyes. He pressed his lips to yours, wetting your mouth with a soft warm touch of his tongue, before turning your back to his chest and wrapping you in his arms. He thread his fingers between yours, kissing your shoulders. He murmured words you were almost certain he was unaware of before drifting back to sleep.  A demand? A request? A plea?
“Stay,” his voice breathed through the silence as he gripped you tighter against his warm body, “just stay.”
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kedreeva · 1 year
Giving each other piercings or stick and pokes/queer bonding eddie & robin
(my inbox is open for ST prompts!)(Previous prompts)
"You gotta stop squirming," Eddie says for the umpteenth time, pausing with his hand hovering. "Make all the noise you want, but you gotta hold still."
Robin settles with a small whine, but she doesn't move when Eddie takes the needle back to her skin. She takes his offer, making a small noise every time he pokes, and he smiles as he tries not to laugh, which would be just as upsetting to his job as her squirming.
"I thought it would be a lot quicker than this," Robin tells him after another minute, voice strained.
"Faster isn't always better," says Eddie, glancing up long enough to give her a little wink.
"Ew," she says, with too much amusement to be serious. "I don't need to hear about that from you any more than Steve."
Eddie snorts and unconsciously sticks his tongue out the corner of his mouth while he works, poking and dipping wiping at the underside of her wrist intermittently. He's nearly done, and actually- "You're doing really well. Steve was much worse about it."
"Ha! I knew it!" she crows, and Eddie has to stop as her arm jerks like she's going to fist pump. He gives her a withering look and she deflates. "Oh, shit, sorry."
"It's not my skin," Eddie says as he takes her wrist back. "But I am almost, almost done. Try counting to 100 and I should be finished."
She sit through the rest of it admirably, stock still, staring straight ahead. He can practically hear her counting. He works to fill the last of the lines as quick as he can without rushing, now that he has a still canvas, and when she finally slouches a little, he pulls away triumphantly. He releases her wrist for her to inspect it, and grabs her other hand before she can touch it.
"NO touching," he says, strictly, and her spine bolts straight at the order. He grabs the stuff to clean it one last time. "You wash your hands before you touch it, and you only touch it to clean it when you replace the bandage, at least for a bit. It'll be art later- for now, treat it like it's an open wound."
"Right," she tells him, and he's glad he wrote down the instruction because he's pretty sure she wasn't listening.
Eddie cleans up the area and then tells her to wait a minute as he pulls off his gloves and reaches for the Polaroid camera Steve had gotten him. He'd thought it was a weird gift, all things considered, but the dozens of photos of Eddie and his friends plastered all over his walls has taught him differently. Similar ones, he knows, adorn Steve's room, now, sitting in between all the weird plaid lines.
"Hold it up, still don't touch," he says, leaning in toward her with the camera facing them. She grins big and flashes a peace sign with her newly-tattooed wrist facing out, and they both make faces as he snaps the shot. He passes it to her free hand while he bandages her wrist for her.
"Thanks," Robin says quietly, when he's finished. She glances up, hand over the bandage, and Eddie thinks yeah, she's not gonna leave that alone. "It looked nice, I think. I mean, it will once it heals."
Eddie nods, and they sit together as the photo develops. She passes it over when the contents are visible, and he inspects the little anchor on her wrist. He'd done one for Steve not long ago, on his other wrist, so that they could put the matching tattoos together while side by side.
"You should get one, too," Robin suggests.
He passes the photo back to her, so she can have one of those to match Steve's, too. "I never worked at Scoops."
"Yeah, but... you're his anchor, too, y'know?" she says. Then she shrugs, and clambers to her feet. "Or get something else, I dunno. You two should have a matching one, too. Bats!"
Eddie laughs, and gestures to his belly, to where he already bears scars that match Steve's. "The bats already took care of giving us matching marks."
Robin gives him a once over so full of something Eddie can't take that he turns to start collecting his gear up just to escape it. Doesn't help. He can still feel her watching him when she speaks.
"You didn't choose those," she says quietly. "Steve and I have... we have matching scars, too. Not on our skin, but we have them. We went through something awful together. So did you. And after it was over, you got to make the same choice we did, and you chose each other. You can choose a different mark to remember that by."
"Geeze, Buckley," he says, chest tight. "Going for the throat, huh?"
"It's what friends are for!" she says brightly. "C'mon! We're gonna be late for dinner. You already took forever!"
Eddie rolls his eyes. "Oh! And whose fault is that?" he says, but he finishes cleaning up and washing his hands as quick as possible, eager to get to dinner and see Steve again... and maybe a little to ask him about Robin's idea now, too.
(and if Steve immediately suggests a flashlight when Eddie tells him, if Steve blushes over admitting he's already thought about it, if Steve tells him I'd have my anchor on one hand and my guiding light on the other, well, that's a story for another time)
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acewitch-writes · 5 months
Hello! I recently found your account, and I went on scrolling down and down...and now I hope you know how grateful I am. Thank u- Merci. About 90% of the content you share here has made me feel so much better. I realllyy hope wonderful things happen for you. I've been a fan of hp since 2001, but I'm not really a social media person so I haven't been active in the fandom. I had no idea what was happening here until recently..two months ago to be exact (other details are not important) and omg.. I ended up in a discussion with some I think, new fans. tbh I thought, "Great! I'm good at this, I read all the books more than once Let's talk :)"  and omg their very first question was "What do you think about Regulus?"
I was like, "Who?" *dying from secondhand embarrassment bc It turns out I'm not that good at this
but as the discussion continued, I became more and more baffled bc "Why was everyone talking about Barty, Evan, and Regulus? who is daddy Remu? and what do you mean people ship James Potter with R.A.B.? What?"
I swear for a moment I thought "Did the writer publish a new book? Did I miss something? " tbh, I respect everyone's opinion it's none of my business but I'm still shocked. The only thing that bothers me is everything that happened with this new Wolfsar
omg, for most fans around my age (or at least people I know), Sirius was the complete portrayal of a bad boy- a rebel, with boots, tattoos, a leather jacket, and a fucking motorcycle. so this new Sirius is like a stranger to me, and that's okay. Mein issue is kinda with this new Remus T T my beloved .
They (the fans I was talking with) told me Remus is "tall, so handsome, SO strong, and hot-headed person because,  yk he's a werewolf." I was like "hot headed? excuse me?" I tried to explain to them that Remus being a werewolf is a metaphor for illnesses like HIV, it's not some superpowery gift.  they didn't believe me, but then they literally looked me in the face and said, "Then why would Sirius like someone like him? He's poor, short, and ugly." I swear I wanted to cry right then and there.
What is this mindset that makes some people think that a person should be, Idk, hot and flawless to deserve to be loved? Yes I don't think Remus is tall and super hot and perfect and isn't it fine? and I am 100% sure he's so beautiful. not like Sirius ofc but he has this "warm, cozy, and soft" sort of beauty. and I don't think he was a coward (ok maybe he was a liitle) but I guess it's easier for us, humans, to take the worst or weakest moment of a character and amplify it until it defines them entirely. and omg I'm so sorry for my rant and my bad english. but once again thank you for your beautiful soul <3 thank you
Hi anon! I, too, am baffled by the recent obsession with Regulus in this fandom. I think Jegulus is fine as a crack ship, but it has become so mainstream that many fans have just gone ahead and canonized it to the point that you'll be vilified for not accepting it as canon. I underestimated how popular the "best friend's brother" trope was, apparently. I also think it appeals to many fans as a Marauders Era version of one of the most popular ships of all time, Drarry.
This new version of Wolfstar is my biggest complaint with today's fandom, too! I get that the Marauders have very limited canon information and therefore we have more creative freedom to flesh them out, but I really believe that it has gone way too far. Sirius and Remus in today's fandom don't bear any resemblance to the characters they're based on. Remus is just a generic alpha werewolf OC and Sirius is his generic himbo femboy love interest OC. They don't even share a physical description with their Canon counterparts, and their personalities and character traits are so far removed that I can't even fathom how we reached this point as a fandom. How can you claim to like these characters if you have to change everything the source material says about them?
You're English is great, by the way! I completely agree that Remus has a cozy-and-warm sort of beauty. He made a point to distance himself from the stigma surrounding Lycanthropy because it was the focal point of his shame and self-loathing. And I just adore Wolfstar's dynamic from this lens, with the intimidatingly beautiful, confident, headstrong Sirius Black, who could have his pick of anyone he wants, choosing this ordinary guy because he's cozy and soft and it's exactly what Sirius wants after surviving the harsh ideals and abuse of House Black.
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fangymutt · 2 months
i just turned 20 like a day ago do you have any life advice
God I'll be up front in saying this is a hell of an ask. I can't really see myself giving you the grandest sage advice about life but I can at least tell you this and if it helps it helps and if not well, you'll be fine, I have faith that you'll figure it out, we all can.
But that being said here is what my 20's taught me: Learn to cook please, its awesome, its a fun skill, you will enjoy it, and you will always have a skill that is necessary in hard times when you cant get easy make food. Second, learn to love humans, they are cute creatures dude. Humans arent evil by nature they are capable of it for sure but what they are most capable of is love and art and community. learning to love your fellow person is the only way to survive, you are gonna have to reach across the aisle, you wont see 100% with every one you meet but if everyone is just trying their best to be a good person then thats what counts. Nothing is this or that, nuance is directly linked to your compassion and empathy you have to learn to understand the whole picture learning to not make snap judgements and to bear the resistance of wanting all the info on things before you condemn people is a must. You have to let your love guide every thing you do. If you are angry at the systems it must be because you love the people it hurts not just because you hate that it exists. Love is your everything and it should be rooted in all your emotions even the angry ones. Love yourself love each other, build a community of friends, build a community with your neighbors lift each other up, push your own comforts to learn other perspectives, you gotta brush elbows and touch grass its really true.
Most of all remember this, you got a lot of life left 20 30 40 its all still young. You wont have everything figured out by 30 and not by 40 you are learning forever but you can do anything and even though great hardship may come your way nothing is permanent, life is a gift, and you have to live.
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greycaelum · 2 years
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru X Reader
(Kaleidoscope Series: Clouds and Mochi Chapters)
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[What would be the best gift to a father for Father's Day?]
[Notes & Warning: fluff, surprises, mentions of pregnancy, Word Count: 2.5k]
"A bit late but Happy Father's Day~ I never realize how much I miss writing these munchkins until I wrote this. I hope you enjoy this one!" —Grey,
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"Today we are going to make a card for Father's Day, everyone brings out your crayons and papers." The teacher cheered.
"Sensei, what's Father's Day?" One of the students asked.
"It's the day we show our love and thank our fathers."
... Don't everyone say I love you and thank you to their Papa every day? But we do that at house every day.
Four years old Saika in preschool obediently took out her crayons and bond paper, a bit confused about Father's Day.
ちちのひ おめでとう ぱぱ!
Happy Father's Day Papa! The paper says.
"Ah! That's a wonderful message Saika-chan!" The teacher approached Saika's table, praising the little girl's small note written in messy penmanship.
"Sensei, can I put stickers here?"
"Of course, should Sensei get your stickers?"
Saika shakes her head and reaches for her bag to show several dessert stickers pads.
"I have my own, Mama bought it for me and Kiku-nii."
"Okie-dokie, after you put stickers can you show it to Sensei too?"
"Yes!" Saika cheered and open rip the plastic seal of the stickers.
Papa likes lots of crepes and ice cream and cupcakes... Pancakes... Saika could already see Papa Satoru's happy smile if she litter the card with all their favorite desserts!
Somewhere in the next building, at the middle school, third-grade classroom the teacher also told the children to bring out their art materials.
Who's your superhero and how similar they are to your dad.
Was written on the board.
The class is getting rowdy in showing off their favorite heroes and movies they recently watched.
Kouki just took his pencil and paper out and then started writing.
"Kou-kun, who's your superhero?" Mayumi poked his sleeve and Kouki showed her his paper.
"My Papa," a boyish grin stretched on Kouki's lips, and continued writing.
"Neh, why does Uncle wear a blindfold? Can he see in it?" Mayumi cannot help but linger around and watch Kouki draw a cat with a blindfold on its eyes.
"It's to suppress the powers of his eyes. Isn't it cool?" Twinkles and a smug smile adorned Kouki's lips making Mayumi 'eh' and peek over the picture. She can't help but compare Kou's dad to the cat he saw on TV.
Fluffy white fur and beautiful blue eyes. Too bad, Mayumi never really saw what eye color Kou-kun's Papa has.
"It's rare to see Kou-kun brag. So what can Uncle do?"
"Papa can make a three-layer of souffle pancake disappear in five seconds!"
"... Eh..." Mayumi nodded and awkwardly laugh. "Uhm, that's amazing." I never thought Kou-kun was this easy to be scammed.
"Wanna come over to our house tomorrow Mayumi? Mama said we're going to get some supplies in your shop tomorrow. I can ask Auntie if you can play with me and Saika."
Kouki blinked when he noticed that the girl didn't write anything on her card. Mayumi's Papa went away a long time ago. Mama and Papa wouldn't mind if I invite her.
"Maybe next time, I'm going to my grandparents with Mom."
"Oh, that's great then." Kouki nod and grab his sticker out, a Chupa Chups lollipop on his drawing cat's smiling mouth.
If Papa can turn into a cat, he would be 100 times cuter, Kouki thought and carefully fold the card into his notebook. He bet his Papa will clap a lot when he shows him his art.
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"Mama look!" The door burst open followed by your two munchkins running to wrap around your legs excitedly. You set down your glass of orange juice and lean down to kiss them welcome home.
"Teacher told me my stickers are so pretty!" Saika clumsily opened her bag.
"Ma look, I draw Papa if he turns into a hero that can be like a Cat." Kouki showed you his bond paper with a proud smile on his face that you can't bear to hurt his feelings by laughing out loud.
"T-that's Catoru then?" You wheezed, grabbing the counter to control your laughter at how accurate your son has drawn the cat and his father's blindfold. "Catoru will get tonsillitis with that lollipop."
"Mama, Mama, look Sensei told me I write very well and my stickers are so yummy!" Saika tug your apron and showed you her card that is drowning in stickers, it covered a part of her happy father's day message but was still cutely made with all the stickers.
"How about you two go hide those cards before Papa comes home, they're our surprise when Sunday comes." You shooed the two kids to their rooms and told them to get ready for dinner.
"You put Papa's favorite desserts in here huh?" You pat her head making her beam so wide. "But Papa will get diabetes with so much sweet."
"Is that bad?" Saika's eyes widened but you shake your head and shrug.
Just in time, the door opened, and Satoru came in holding the groceries you told him to buy on his way home.
"I'm home, Pretty." Satoru put down the things on the counter and slouched on the stool.
"Welcome home, is it dinner or bath first?" You lowered the heat of the stove and went around the marble top to drop a quick welcome home kiss.
"Rest," he groaned and peek over the sizzling pan.
"Hayashi rice, Saika's request. Spring rolls, that's Kouki. And I made pudding earlier, it's still in the fridge." You run down the menu for tonight's dinner. "Oh and my orange juice too."
"You're drinking too much orange juice these days. How are you feeling by the way? Should we go to the hospital tomorrow?"
He frowned a bit and stood up to get the table ready, seeing that you're about to get done with the cooking.
"I slept it all in today, when I wake up late in the morning I'm more than fine." Earlier you were totally knocked out and cannot come out of the bed with how lightheaded you were. One minuscule move made your whole world turn 360° and it rearrange both your vision and stomach.
"I told you to stop reading in the dark, if it continues we're going to the eye doctor and get you prescriptions," Satoru grumbled.
Eye doctor, you snorted and laugh.
Satoru was tackled to a piggyback and leg clinging attack by Kouki and Saika.
"Hey brats, how was the day? I got us Yakult and ice cream," Satoru had to drag his feet, where Saika is clinging like a koala, and lean forward to keep Kouki from falling off his back.
The heavy burden of being a Father is when your kids are getting heavier while your backbone is starting to get rustier.
Dinner was delicious and lively with the kids showing off what they did in school. You and Satoru listened and also told them about the things you did today. Dinner always takes a long time and by the end of it, Kouki and Saika are pulling their small step ladder against the sink to wash the dishes.
"If you drop the plate, you're not getting ice cream," Satoru joked and the two of you went to have a half-bath.
"Kiku-nii, we need to show Papa our drawing." Saika carefully held the glass.
"It's on Sunday, we need to sleep tonight and tomorrow before showing it to Papa, Cat." Kouki opened the dishwasher and put in the dishes Saika is holding to be washed.
"But that's too long. Can't we do it now?" She whined and her brother flicked her forehead.
"Not yet," Kouki pushed some buttons and closed the machine as it starts to wash their used dishes.
The two talk in a hushed voice while peeking over the corner of the wall to check if their father is near. Their father always pops out of nowhere spooking the lights out of them, so they've learned their lesson to always be on the lookout.
"Kiku-nii, I want Yakult." The transparent plastic grabbed Saika's attention with the Yakult inside.
"... It's in the fridge." Kouki ushered her but realized his mistake. "Never mind I'll get it." His sister's height barely reach the second door of the fridge where the Yakult was.
"No sleeping with me and Mama," it was time for bed and Satoru narrowly opened the bedroom door with his two kids standing outside. Only half of his face can be seen and it was definitely suspicious in the eyes of his smart munchkins.
"But Papa, you said the weekend is for a sleepover." Saika frowned.
"We're busy," his hand shoo his kids away with urgency. "I'll buy you cake tomorrow, go sleep in your rooms before I ship you off to your grandparents. G'night! Love you!"
And the door shut close.
"Maybe we shouldn't give Papa's cards anymore." Kouki blinked.
"Yeah..." Saika contemplated.
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"Satoru, where's my orange juice?!" You shrieked from the kitchen when your pitcher of orange juice was empty and in the dish drainer.
You just came home from buying some balloons and cake for Father's Day and your throat was parched and craving some cold orange juice only to see it drained without a single drop.
"I'll buy you one later—w-woah! Why are you crying?!" Satoru was strutting top naked and almost stumbled when you look at him in accusation and tears.
"Hey Hon, I'll buy you one, I'll be back." In a blink of an eye, your husband was running out of the house.
Saika and Kouki opened the cabinet they were hiding and cheered.
"That was amazing Mama! I'll blow the balloons." Kouki opened your bag.
"Papa didn't even notice you're acting." Saika cheered.
"Who said I was acting?" You cried. "Who drank my juice?" You slumped down the stool cradling your temples.
Your kids ignored you and started to blow the balloons and ran upstairs to get their cards. Like a zombie drained of the last brain cell, you assembled the balloons and the strawberry shortcake you got from the café you and Satoru often go for dates.
The door bursts open and Satoru walks in carrying a paper bag. His hair is in disarray while wandering his head around to find you.
"Happy Father's Day Papa!" Saika and Kouki chorused and ran to give him their cards. Latching on their Father's legs while fighting over each other who'll give the card first.
Satoru stood there confused then roamed his eyes around the house, only then did he notice the balloons and cake.
You walked up to him and kissed his lips sweetly and passionately. "Happy Father's Day, daddy~" you whispered the last part, away from your kids' hearing.
"Oh," was all he could muster. His confused face morphs to a playful one, accepting the card and giving you a wink, then mouthed a 'later' while wiggling his brows.
"I put all your favorite desserts, I wrote it too!" Saika pointed out her favorite ones. "Thank you for always tying my hair and always giving me a sip of your boba tea."
"Your welcome Cat, now you know that you have to be generous to hungry people. It's the virtue of generosity." Satoru looks away from you and pats his daughter's head.
"So Papa is generous because he gives me candies when I'm hungry... Okay! I'll be generous too." Saika clapped and gave her father a thumbs up
 I beg of you don't say anything more Princess, you're digging us our grave! Satoru inwardly screeched, refusing to meet your eyes. He needs to divert the topic.
"Very pretty like my Cat, thank you, Princess. You have Papa's penmanship," he kissed his daughter's temples and rubbed their noses. "I also have that penmanship when I was a baby. Oh, this is my favorite crepe! Look, this is Kiku-nii's favorite doughnuts."
"Yeah, I don't want Papa to starve, so I put lots in it. Don't starve Papa, 'kay?" The tiny hand pat Satoru's cheeks gently and innocent blue eyes stare at him with such softness that made him weak.
"Of course, Papa always eats Mama's cooking." His daughter clapped and kissed his nose and hug him tightly in glee.
"Oh, is this me Kikufuku?" Satoru laughed when Kouki showed him his card.
"Teacher said we should draw our favorite superhero and why you're similar. Papa's my superhero!" Kouki grinned and Satoru gasped, clutching his heart.
"Really? I'm your superhero? Is Papa cool?" He laughed in genuine joy to hear his son think of him so highly. Just the thought of it made him preen in delight.
"Papa's cool," Kouki agreed.
"You have good eyes," Satoru flick his finger and admired the photo again. "You like drawing Kikufuku? This is the most cat-like drawing I saw a third-grader could make." He should show this to Megumi who could only draw a stick figure of a cat when he was still eight years old.
"Isn't it cool Pa? Mama taught me how to draw a cat." Kouki looks so excited and pointed out a few things in the cat that he liked drawing. "Mama said it's Catoru."
"You know what, I'll put these in a frame. If you draw more cats, you might be the next Leonardo DaVinci. You definitely inherited my creative genes, I got A+ in art at high school," Satoru bragged making you roll your eyes. Because you know what really happened with that A+ grade.
"What did you draw Papa?"
"I Hollow Purple the curse I was fighting in my practical exam."
"... Nevermind," Kouki looks away.
"Oi! Why?!"
"But why a cat?" You asked, stopping Satoru from pouncing on Kouki.
"Because Papa is like a cat, a sneaky one that keeps stealing Mama," Saika supplied and Kouki nodded.
"..." Satoru rewinds the words. "Is that a compliment or what?" His face was twisted.
"Both," you agreed. "Where's my orange juice?"
A light bulb lit in his head and gave you the paper bag he got.
"Here, try it." Satoru pulled Kouki in his hug with Saika while you open the small thing and several brands of pregnancy kits greeted you.
"Either you ran out to get me orange juice or I dump these things in the trash can." You growled making him shrink back.
"Honey! You were like this with Kouki," he whined and kissed the forehead of his firstborn. "Just try? Right Kikufuku?"
Kouki nodded and squeeze himself into Satoru until he could sit on his Papa's lap while Satoru stroked his son's hair fondly.
"I'm not," you huffed but went to the bathroom anyway.
"Papa, what was that?" Saika asked as Satoru carried the two of them into the couch to wait.
"Thermometer?" Kouki frowned.
Satoru chuckled and just ruffled the hair of his two munchkins. What ought to be greater for father's day if he becomes a daddy of three?
Oh, it should be four. Shaking his head, Satoru ran his hand over his face and bit his lips. He can already imagine you being much more spoiled and demanding than you already are for the next nine months.
"Satoru! I'm gonna castrate you!"
Punching the air, Satoru clapped and laughed like a millionaire. He can already tell this one will be a spitfire.
He ran to the bathroom and greeted your dazed face. His hands found your hips and swing you around. His face found your shoulder, nosing your neck up and down, unable to stop his grin from ear to ear.
"Did you make a Daddy today, Honey?"
All you could do is bury your head in his neck and hug him tightly. Saika and Kouki joined in, clinging to their Papa's legs and asking to be swung around.
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All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned image(s) and song(s) used belongs to their respective owner(s)
General Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy
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depressedhouseplant · 2 months
Just Fucking Write - Day 83
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Prompt: Grief
Tags: Suicidal ideation, death
A/N: This is part of a larger work. You’ll see today’s 100 words somewhere else
Grief is a strange creature. Sometimes it’s crying until you’re sure you’re dehydrated. Sometimes it’s cursing God for taking someone you love but dictators, Nazis, and racists are alive and well. Sometimes it’s feeling like your heart was ripped from your chest when you find a pair of socks they gave you as a gag gift. Sometimes it’s an emptiness that refuses to go away. Sometimes it’s all of those at once.
Feeling everything at once is how Wooyoung found himself sitting on the ledge. The literal ledge of a parking garage. He’d done the math. If he dove, he’d land on his head, snap his neck, and that would be the end. It would all be over.
“I thought I’d find you here,” a voice said from behind him.
“Go away,” he snapped.
“No,” the other boy stepped beside him.
“You gonna watch me kill myself? That’s a little sick even for you,” Wooyoung refused to look at his friend.
“That was not my porn and you know that,” he replied.
“Fine. Can you leave now?” Wooyoung huffed. The other boy climbed on the ledge next to him.
“Do you really want the last thing you remember before you die is being alone?”
“I’ll be dead. By definition I won’t have any memories,” he finally looked over at his friend. “Do you want the last memory of me dead?”
“No, but if you’re going to do it anyway then you’ve got someone here to call the medics to scrape your dead ass off the pavement,” the brunette shrugged.
“Seriously? You’re insane,” he said.
“I’m not the one ready to jump,” the other boy gave him a pointed look.
“Just leave, Yeosang,” Wooyoung was getting choked up. He was supposed to do this alone. He was tired. He was so fucking tired. Yeosang reached out and took his hand.
“I’m not gonna let go,” he squeezed Wooyoung’s hand.
“This isn’t fucking Titanic. This is not a you jump, I jump scenario,” Wooyoung glared.
“You always were a romantic,” Yeosang looked forward. “The city is pretty tonight.”
“Why can’t you just let me go?” Wooyoung asked.
“Because, for better or worse, I love you. I don’t appreciate the fact that you’d force me to go through the pain of losing someone I love all over again, but I suppose that’s on you,” Yeosang sighed.
“You did not go there,” Wooyoung tried to wrench his hand away, but Yeosang held on tighter.
“Yes I fucking did. I lost him too in case you forgot,” his friend finally lost his patience.
“I know,” Wooyoung said quietly.
“But you’re totally fine with killing yourself and leaving me to grieve two people. Of course it hurts. It’s going to keep hurting. You don’t ever get over losing someone. You learn to live with the pain. You learn to live with part of your heart missing. You hear me, Wooyoung? You learn to live,” Yeosang flung his legs back over the wall and hauled Wooyoung off with him.
“Let go!” Wooyoung protested. Yeosang was strong for his size so getting out of a bear hug was almost impossible.
“No,” Yeosang hugged him tighter. “You’re gonna get your head out of your ass and stop being so fucking selfish.”
“How are you not ready to jump? What do you know that I don’t?” Wooyoung kept wiggling.
“Because you know what’s worse than living? Leaving everyone you love behind and they question for the rest of their lives if there was something they could’ve done. Don’t give me that leaving a note bullshit either. That makes it worse,” Yeosang told him. “Ask yourself if this is what he’d want. Then you have your answer.”
Wooyoung squeezed his eyes closed in an effort to stop the tears. He knew the answer. He knew San wouldn’t want this. If there was an afterlife, he’d rip Wooyoung a new one for choosing to die when he had no choice.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. He hugged Yeosang back.
“I know,” his best friend whispered back. “Can we go home now?”
“Yes,” Wooyoung sniffed into Yeosang’s shoulder. Yeosang didn’t reply and walked them back to his car, put Wooyoung in, and drove them back to their apartment.
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