#i have no clue what to tag this as
hillbillyoracle · 3 months
I've spoken before about the increasing tendency of online communities to coopt the language of specific material difficulties face by minority groups to give their personal complaints more "moral" weight.
The example I always use for this is "gatekeeping" - it was used for a long time in the trans and disabled communities to denote the situation we often face where a cis or able bodied medical professional got to determine whether we belonged to a group enough to access treatments we needed. This is a very serious medical issue that we face that leads people in the community to wind up using black markets and risking their lives with less than scrupulous people who seek to profit off of this medical alienation. Some people wind up in incredibly amounts of physical and mental pain or even committing suicide.
I spent a long time not understanding why in the last maybe 6 or so years so many people, mostly younger, seized on the words as if it was theirs to describe merely not being included in a group by others of the same identity were no route for filling a material need is impacted. Even more recently I've run across people who are using it to mean that information they want - for hobbies, interests - is difficult for them to find.
I hear all the time "language changes" - which is definitely true. But it's worth looking at why given language changes happen - and who benefits. This is a whole field in linguistics and it tell you a lot about the values of a given group. It hit me when I came across it most recently that whether people admit it or not, they borrow that language because they want their complaint to be taken as seriously as the material complaint they see it originate with.
And this is obviously not great right? Like you not being allowed in a discord you want or it not being easy to figure out how to knit a sweater are very obviously not on par with being denied a badly needed medical treatment to deal with your pain because you're not considered "disabled enough" by an able bodied doctor. I get this is largely happening subconsciously and we don't really have a language to talk about it making it even harder or people to catch in their own usage. I don't have an answer to that as I'm not a trained philosopher or linguist but I do have some food for thought.
For those who can be honest with themselves enough to see that they likely use words like this to lend the moral weight of marginalization to their mundane concerns, I want you to know some practical issues with this.
One, it pretty instantly flags you as being unsure of the veracity or relevance of your point, unlikely to be receptive to the other person, and more worried about appearances rather than the issue at hand. Which is a shame because you may have a really good point in there. You may absolutely be calling out an issue that needs addressed. But borrowing the language of these groups for their moral weight is simply not needed when you've made an effective argument.
Two, moralizing the mundane is a facet of carceral cultural creep. This really could be it's own post, but simply put, we've come up in a media ecosystem which tends to praise "justice" systems as being the means for processing difficult experiences - regardless of how true that is when interacting with the systems themselves. So even people who are out here saying ACAB will unironically police other people on having and performing the correct opinions in ever tightening loops (as punished people are needed to keep the rest o the group in line). You're not exempt from it and the desire to make mundane things like people not wanting you in their clubhouse and not finding the right video out to be a moral failure on someone else's part is rooted in those very non-progressive ideas.
Three, generalization means the language loses it's moral weight as it gets used meaning it is a constant process of habituation and more and more groups will wind up having their very important and specific terminology taken up for the sake of this particular selfish pyre. Once you've habituated to the language you can never go back and grasping at the language that these groups have to continually reinvent in light of this watering down is a type of violence given the material costs to groups who can no longer name the heinous act of the systems they face. If you indulge in this, it'll never stop and can never be enough.
The answer is pretty simple. Learn to state your feelings plainly. Learn to form solid arguments without resorting to mental shortcuts like coopting the marginalization to moralize your mundane experience. Learn how to set actual boundaries (which are about controlling your own behavior not others) and walk away from people and groups that don't align with your preferences and pursuits.
The answer is grow into yourself - stable, healthy, flexible.
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gongustheawsome01 · 3 months
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My friends having to listen to me ramble on for about two decades straight because they said something that reminded me of my FAVORITE! Character in the whole world
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sakura-fraust · 11 months
Thinking way too much about this Aquatic/reptile pet shop I went to yesterday that was just... so bad...
Aside from the fact that the store itself looked like it hadn't been cleaned in decades, the condition of their reptiles was abysmal
Their snakes had 0 husbandry
They all had either no hides, or a single hide that was WAY too small
Absolutely no way to thermoregulate themselves outside of sitting in their water bin
Also zero to little humidity to the point you could see several snakes had horrendously stuck shed all over them
Enclosures were disgusting period
I'm not even sure some of them were still alive tbh
It was just incredibly upsetting and I wish I could have rescued them all from such conditions 🥲
(Note it wasn't just the snakes that were in bad condition, it's just what I focused on more since I know more about snake care)
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allseekingeye · 1 year
So it turns out we accidentally administered the Woodcock–Johnson IV series of psycho-educational tests to your boyfriend. Yeah. We evaluated him for strengths and weaknesses among contemporary measurements of achievement, oral language and cognitive abilities. Sorry. He did do really good at the one where you point to the drawings though.
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I think Tumblr should have a "tag me" button. Everyone who wants to get tagged in a post just hits the button, and then the poster can just pull up a list that they can just paste into the new post. Or, they can just have a field where they click whatever post that had the tag me list and it does it for them. Plus, people could opt out of the button just like they can disable reblogs and not get bothered by people constantly asking to be tagged on something that will never have a sequel
Is this because I feel bad when I ask people to tag me because it requires effort on their part, yes.
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fleething · 1 year
the thing i need some cishet ppl to understand is that queer ppl don’t have an agenda we’re trying to force onto them in order make our own lives more special than anyone else’s. We’re actively working towards a society that’s safer, kinder and fairer to us all.
so that maybe one day their sons will be able to go out in dresses and makeup without having to feel threatened. So that maybe their future nieces and nephews can be called the names they chose, instead of the ones they declined hearing years ago. So that maybe their favourite colleague (which they haven’t met yet) can come home to her wife and daughter at night, without having spent the evening feeling like the odd one out. So that maybe in the future, we won’t need quite so many stories about brave, wonderful gnc ppl, who became the way they are bc they refused to let their past shape them into something else.
queer ppl don’t seek to establish a whole new societal system, in which they would become the norm above all others. Everyday, we work toward creating the world we didn’t have growing up (and still don’t), so others can have it better. Even if they don’t know they need it yet.
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tea-twords · 1 year
I love hyping people up even if they don't think they deserve it. My boyfriend was telling me how he got 49th place out of 60 in a track meet and I'm like. Dude that's the whole Supreme Court of the USA. That is the whole Supreme Court and the president and the vice president of the USA. Very much deserves to be hyped up I believe thank you
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i have a very important question that has been plaguing me for several years at this point i think. so i found this gif one time and sent it to my best friend and time to time i think of it again, but i do not know what it's called. i have it saved to my phone, so I'm not in dire straits, but i have no way of conjuring it when I'm on an app or a website that's not connected to my camera roll
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anyway here's the gif so if anyone knows what i should search to find this in giphy please let me know i will be indebted to you forever
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robots-on-film · 8 days
Not to be a viscera and brutality fan but there should be more art and writing about the mercs just absolutely brutalizing each other, no plot no themes no romance or sex. Just 2 guys fighting until one of them dies.
I just think it would be very fun!
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howdoyoudothedew · 3 months
Rated: G
Pairing: pre-slash James/Peter
Word Count: ~700
A/N: AU where they meet differently and also Tink (and all fairies) is a cat
"Oh. You have a cat." James looks down nervously at the blonde tabby currently rubbing herself against Peter’s legs and purring. Peter smiles, picking her up.
"Yeah! Are you allergic?" He asks, tilting his head at the older man.
"No." James shifts, staring at Tinkerbell like she might launch herself at him. Honestly, she might. Tink's always had a bit of a temper, above any other cat Peter’s met. "They just... don't tend to like me."
"That's okay. She won't hurt you." Peter smiles sunnily, and it's against his better judgement, but James trusts the smile enough to inch closer. Peter's smile widens and he lifts the cat closer to him. "Her name's Tinkerbell."
"Hello, Miss Tin-" James cuts off, the cat reaching out with a hiss as Peter steps closer and clawing him across the cheek and nose. James backpedals in the shock of pain, hand going to the claw marks. The skin is wet under his fingers. To his annoyance, Peter laughs at his cat's actions, dropping her as the force of his humour bows him over, hands moving instead to clasp his knees in an attempt to keep his balance. Tinkerbell takes a swipe at his leg as she passes, thankfully failing to get past the material of his pants, her nose in the air as she walks further into the house with her tail swishing.
"You lied to me." James says.
"Maybe," Peter smiles up at him, grin toothy with laughter. James feels his own mouth twitch betrayingly upward.
"May I perhaps have a bandaid?" James asks, pulling out a handkerchief to dab at the blood.
"For something so small?" Peter’s smile plays at his attempt of a pout, eyelashes batting innocently.
"If you can spare one from your vast collection," James says. Peter rolls his eyes.
"They're in the bathroom, come on." Peter leads him further into the apartment and James takes a seat on the toilet when Peter directs him to. The boy pulls out what truly only can be considered a collection. It's a spiral bound folder, like one might use for displaying cds or stickers or even for scrapbooking. There are pages and pages of bandaids of all different sizes and designs within little pouches. Peter removes two bandages, one with gold coins on a red background and the other with a little tricorn hat with a skull and crossbones flag next to it. James snorts.
"Pirate ones?" James asks.
"Only the best for my favourite inspiration and cover artist," Peter says haughtily, messing with the sink and a rag, and James looks away to hide the pleased flush of his face at Peter's words. They're joking, anyway.
"I thought your brothers were your favourite inspiration," James says. He glances back at Peter just in time to see his nose scrunch up in thought.
"True," Peter says. He wrings out the cloth. "Guess you're just my favourite cover artist, then."
"I thought I was your only cover artist," James says, because apparently he can not keep his foot out of his mouth today.
"Maybe," Peter says mysteriously. James looks at him when Peter takes gentle hold of his chin to wipe at the cat scratch and for the life of him, James can't tell whether or not Peter truly has someone else making covers for his books. He hopes not. It'd make him awfully jealous.
"It's a shame," Peter says with a hum.
"What is?" James asks.
Peter turns his face this way and that, tilting it so the bathroom's fluorescents shine more fully on his skin. "I don't think it'll scar."
"A tragedy," James agrees seriously.
"Probably for the best, though. This way you'll only have the scar I gave you." Peter says, words nearly dark, as he puts the first bandaid on, the tricorn hat across the bridge of James' nose. James nearly touches the scar Peter gave him a year ago, stark across the expanse of his ribs. It'd been an accident, gotten while Peter was acting something out with a blade too sharp to be moving it like he'd been. But Peter held all the marks of a swordsman and James was too caught up in watching to say anything. The look on Peter's face when the doctor said it'd scar was proud.
"I guess it is for the best, then," James agrees, quieter. Peter slaps the second bandaid to his cheek. Literally. James hisses through his teeth at the sting.
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bodilyundead · 4 months
one time i was dicking around w/ a friend and for context, i have oral allergies to a bunch of shit but essentially anything sour sucks a little bit. but i know which sour foods/candies i can have and i really like sour shit so i eat it.
so i had some sour punch straws or something because they're good and i had benadryl and i didn't mind falling asleep. and i was eating them with no reaction like "yum. look at me and my punch straws"
he leans over and snatches them from me. 3/4 of the way full. throws them away. and then looks at me like "here i saved you from yourself, what are you trying to do mal, die? you can't have that! silly billy"
and i looked at him like "what. the fuc" because actually what the fuck. i bought those punch straws. those were my punch straws. i can EAT punch straws. i was prepared for the repercussions if they didn't settle. it's not like i break into hives or something literally my throat just itches and my lips hurt. i just wanted my punch straws
moral of the story: you don't know anybody better than they know themself, so maybe don't act like it
(and don't take my punch straws)
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justsomerandohere · 5 months
does anyone else just think in random characters voices sometimes? Like the voice in your head is talking in a character’s voice.
Sometimes I’ll be reading something and the voice in my head that’s reading is just some character from a show/game
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ladylolalilly · 7 months
Okay, I am literally begging you: can you PLEASE tag stuff about the current situation in Ghaza as #palestine or #israel or SOMETHING easy to filter for? I understand it’s a serious issue but I CANNOT summon the energy to be thinking about it 24/7, so I have the topic blacklisted on here, and my filters catch most of it, but I just spent like 5 minutes adjusting them because a post slipped through only to realize that since the original post doesn’t have the words Palestine or Israel in it, apparently my filters are useless.
(That’s kind of a Tumblr issue but like. PLEASE just tag your posts. I don’t have the mental capacity to be hearing about this 24/7. I hear about it enough IRL as-is.)
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stellarspecter · 7 months
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@pscentral event 20: antagonists ↳ THE LORDS IN BLACK in NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE
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headfulofempty · 1 year
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scarletspectral · 1 year
As a transmasc guy who isn't on T (i've been on a waiting list for trans healthcare since 2016 at this point i'm borderline resigned, I don't have the money for private healthcare so it is what it is) I have a lot of experience with the weirdness of the "women & nonbinary" crowd, because, it's not what it seems to be. Like, I'm a man, I'm openly a man I wear he/him badges and my gender on my driver's lisence is male and I say I am a man whenever my gender is brought up, but, as I'm not passing I frequently get told I'm allowed to come to these spaces, because at their heart they're not "women & nonbinary" they're "people we see as women" and it just gives me disgusted chills. My partner is nonbinary, my partner is seen as more masc than me by others (despite them really not being), they're never invited to these but I am and it really makes my blood boil.
I think one of my worst experiences was pre-pandemic when I was helping someone table at a very small local con, it was lgbt in nature and I was being even more open than usual on being a transman. Now I've been really into the idea of getting back into rollerskating for a few years now but have never found somewhere I wanted to go skate, so when someone came up to me and spoke to me for a while before handing me a flier for their rollerskate group I was very excited, after a few minutes I noticed the flier said "for women & nonbinary people" and I brought it up to the person, saying how if that was the case I couldn't really attend and that I would pass the flier on to some other people I know and that I hoped to find somewhere to join soon, I wasn't upset with the group at all and was polite because again it is what it is and as a man that's not my space I suppose. The person then started insisting that it was fine for me to come without really answering why except for a few vague gestures at my person, because to them it didn't matter that I was a man because to them I was a woman, which caused me to quickly end the conversation and have a sit down alone for a while.
This isn't a one off thing, and frustratingly I've seen it happen more and more to others as well as myself. It's not just invalidating to transmasc people like myself it's also invalidating to nonbinary people of all presentations. I've seen people say "these people just want women and women lite(tm)" and upsettingly it seems to be true from my own experiences despite how much I really don't want it to be.
I'm not sure what my point here is supposed to be but, it sucks. I've loved so many parts of being in a community, the lgbt meetups and the trans vigils and the protests I've been to over the past seven years or so have been heartwarming and full of so much togetherness that the sad topics some of them are covering feel almost hopeful because people are here and they care. But then this sort of thing will happen in these spaces I've come to see as safe and a little bit of that hope sours, a little bit of that community feels othering.
I'm so tired of saying it is what it is, I don't want it to be anymore.
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